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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering

Volume 5 Issue 1

Railway Signalling and Interlocking with Enhance Safety System

using PLC and SCADA
Gaurav Kothari1*, Prof. M.P.S Chawla2*
ME Student, 2 Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Shri G.S Institute of Technology &Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

The paper illustrates a design of railway signalling and interlocking with enhanced safety
system using PLC and SCADA. The Indian railway is considered as the largest railway
network in Asia, but there are few drawbacks which can be rectified by using railway
signalling and interlocking system. In Indian railways, signalling and interlocking process is
not completely au tomated, but being still managed by railway employees. During train
crossing, there are ample works which are required by human interference, which causes
problems in railway interlocking system like delay, collision, chain pulling, and passenger
security etc. Hence, these problems can be solved by applying PLC and SCADA. The main
task of interlocking is to provide a route request at suitable managing points and signals,
which will not cause any collision. The proposed work are dependent on PLC, which are
capable of performing signalling and interlocking process automatically which can even be
changed, corrected and observed by using SCADA system, resulting in reduction of human

Keywords: Interlocking, Signalling, Shunting, PLC, SCADA, RS-232.

INTRODUCTION The second type of control room is larger

In Indian railway signalling system, the than the first type of control room in which
interlocking signal system helps to control many stations can be seen simultaneously
collision condition through management of and controlled. Generally, the third type of
tracks at junctions or crossings. Signalling control room is in the Railway Department
appliances and tracks management are which is larger than the other type of
collectively referred to as an interlocking control rooms, where inspection of the
system. The interlocking paths are main functioning system of interlocking,
connected one point to another point with emergency arrangement and new facility is
point machines and signal which allow maintained[14,16,21,25].
trains during green signals[1,2].
At present in India, there are only two This section is dedicated to the works done
types of railway interlocking systems in this area in the post and what is the
being used. First is route relay interlocking current scenario.
(RRI) and second is computer based
interlocking (CBI). The interlocking The main purpose of the paper [1] was to
process is controlled through control automate the railway interlocking method.
rooms, which are of three types. The first The entire work here is dependent on PLC.
type of control room includes cabin and All the point machines, signals and railway
station interlocking, in which station gate are controlled by the output of PLC.
master and cabin man give signals to the SCADA has been used here to observe and
trains on the specified routes carefully. control the complete work together.

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

The paper [2] describes about the railway crossings. The signalling equipments and
station control. When there is one or more tracks are referred to as an interlocking
than one train is waiting on the station, the plant. An interlocking is designed, so that
situation at that time has been considered it is improbable to display a signal to
here. Crack detection and automatic proceed unless the route to be used is
railway gate system have been used with proven to be safe[23,24].
railway interlocking.
In general, still only two types of
The main purpose of the paper [3] was interlocking in Indian Railways such as
towards passenger safety. When the train Route relay interlocking (RRI) or
goes inside a cave, then there should be Computer based interlocking (CBI) are
automatic light generation at that time. If being used.
any person is inside the cave or the train
was stopped in the cave for some reason, Route Relay Interlocking (Rri)
automatic light has been used for the Inside the Indian Railways, Panel
safety of the passengers in that situation. Interlocking (PI) is normally used for
small stations. Within this arrangement,
The railway system is being automated in the points and signals are determined by
the paper [4]. It has the status of railway the switches on the panel. Route relay
interlocking, signalling, traffic gate control interlocking (RRI) system is generally
and light signal, track crack, anti-collision, applied to large and busy stations. There
changing track. are complex networks of trains, according
to which all the processes are being
EXISTING SYSTEMS handled very carefully. The control room
In railway signalling, an interlocking handles the arrival and departure of trains
system consists of signal equipment that and station master has set the point
prevents opposing movements through machine and signals which give a proper
system of tracks such as junctions or track to the train [5, 19].

Figure 1: Railway interlocking panel Diagram of RRI system [6].

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

Computer Based Interlocking (Cbi) or where the virtual relays (Software

Solid State Interlocking Variables) are evaluated using the
An Interlocking System consist of Interlocking equations, which is in
Electronics system replacing traditional digitized form either as algorithms or state
Mechanical Levers and Electro mechanical charts in the processor memory[7,15].
relays is called as Solid state Interlocking Solid state interlocking are required to
(SSI) or Computer based interlocking replace the existing route relay
system. Rules and control methods used in interlocking and Panel Interlocking
the route relay interlocking system are also Systems. Since, the traditional systems are
used in computer based interlocking very expensive and difficult to maintain as
systems. The relays used to form the logic the huge number of relays and mechanical
circuits in route relay interlocking is levers are used. Solid state interlocking are
replaced by software variables. The field a better solution to the older systems, since
inputs are collected by digital input cards it is easy to maintain as well the costing
and outputs are given using digital output only is 1/4th cost of route relay
cards. This method is done by a processor interlocking or panel interlocking[18,20]

Figure 2: Railway interlocking panel Diagram of CBI system[8].

PROPOSED SYSTEM preference to first- superfast

The main purpose of the proposed system train>passenger train>goods train.
is to automate the train scheduling by 2) It can be a control platform
using PLC. To analyze and observe the management by self.
real time location of the trains, SCADA 3) It can manage the outer signals and
system is being used. This makes crossing work easily.
interlocking process not only accurate and 4) Many trains are also used for the
fast, but also there will be no need to shunting work which can be done by
create a control room at all stations. PLC easily.
According to this project, four tasks
automatically can be performed, such as: Working principle
1) Train can be moved from the first stop Generally even today, station master and
to last stop by PLC and it can control cabin man handle the interlocking and
all interlocking automatically with

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

signalling work of the train. But even after station master has to only give input once,
having complete arrangement done by which will go to the PLC, after which the
railway, there is lot of shortcomings in the PLC gives its output according to the timer
trains, due to which the railways and the circuit, and in this way complete task can
passengers have to face many problems. be done without too much human
According to the proposed system, the interference.

Figure 3: Block diagram of the system

METHODOLOGY Ujjain from Indore, where 4 trains operate

The methodology adopted is discussed in a systematic automatic interlocking
below. system. They will run according to PLC
and SCADA and it’s railway map and
Here, is the railway track of Maxi via properties are given below.

Figure 4: Railway map Indore to Ujjain [9]

Properties distance from one station to the next

1) According to the project, the equal station and at the same time, the goods
distance between all the stations is train and superfast train will be at one
considered. Mainly three trains will and a half times distance.
run here with speed difference but 3) It means that the ratio will be -
train's length will be equal. passenger 2: 3 goods train / superfast
2) As long as the passenger train is at a train.

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Volume 5 Issue 1

Train arrival and departure schedule indore to Ujjain, at the same time, the
In the runtime window, it can be Goods train depart from maksi to indore
visualized that four trains are considered via dewas. After that, when the passenger
which will run as follows: train arrives to mangalya gaon, the goods
The passenger train will depart from train reaches dewas at the same time.

Figure 5: Runtime window Indore to Ujjain.

When the passenger train crosses the barlai station, then a superfast train is a departure from
indore to maksi via ujjain.

Figure 6: Runtime window Indore to Ujjain.

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

When the superfast train arrives at Ujjain's outer, then the 4th train will depart to Nagda side.

Figure 7: Runtime window Indore to Ujjain.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC and 6 outputs channel. PLC is connected

CONTROLLER to CPU by RS-232 communication
Allen Bradley Micrologix 1000 PLC has cable. The desired programs are
been used in this project. This developed with the help of RS Logix
instrument capable to run program and 500 software and the program
controls the input and output of the downloaded in PLC through cable
model. It has 220V AC and 24V DC which provides facility to observe trains
power supply terminal with 10 inputs in running condition visually[10].

Figure 8: Allen Bradley Micrologix 1000 PLC[17] Figure 9: Block diagram of A.B. PLC[10]

A railway map from Indore to Ujjain with four indicators have been installed, which
PLC is designed, in which five stations will indicate train's direction according to
have been shown. At the second station, the point machine of that station.

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

Figure 10: This map’s indicators are denoted to a point machine of mangliya gaon station.

Figure 11: Barlai station point machine using by PLC. Figure 12: Point machine on the railway track [11]

SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA main programs InTouch Application

ACQUISITION SYSTEM (SCADA) Manager, Window Maker and Window
SCADA InTouch is visualization software Viewer[12,13].
and has powerful graphical HMI for
automation, process control and supervisory Window Maker is the development software,
monitoring. It is easy to use, object oriented where object-oriented graphics is used to
programming graphics and flexible create animation on display. This display
architectures can be developed. User can window can connected to industrial I/P and
quickly create application, increasing O/P system and other application. Window
productivity and efficiency in this software. It Viewer is the runtime and it is used to display
gives the graphical representation of real time the graphic windows created in Window
industrial process. “Intouch” contains three Maker[12, 22].

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

Figure 13: Window maker.

Figure 14: window viewer or runtime window.

SIMULATION RESULTS in RS logix 500 software. This software

Ladder logic is the main programming of provides various logic systems which
PLC. According to this programming, a helps to design the circuit. In this project,
circuit diagram can be made which interlocking system of one station
programs the PLC. PLC's program is made designed with point machines and timers.

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

Figure 15: Ladder logic program of PLC

With the help of SCADA Intouch software desired positions. Trains can be controlled
a railway tracks, stations, trains and through the sliders and these sliders are
signals can be designed according to the controlled by PLC program.

Figure 16: Runtime window and Hardware

Developed a significant railway passenger train and goods train [between

interlocking system, the interlocking Mangliya gaon and Barlai]
system of trains into 5 conditions has been 1) Initially, a passenger train arrives from
splitted. Indore to Ujjain via Dewas and a goods train
Condition I:- To avoid the collision of arrives from Maksi to Indore via Dewas.

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Volume 5 Issue 1

Figure 17: Runtime window with PLC indicator

After some time, both trains stand in departs from Mangliya gaon, then at the
face to face direction on single line same time, goods train departs from
same track. When the passenger train Dewas station.

Figure 18: Runtime window

If the both trains departs at the same time, according to 2:3 ratio rule, the collision is possible.

Figure 19: Collision stage.

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Volume 5 Issue 1

To avoid an accident, automated interlocking program on a PLC that applies to Barlai station
is created.

Figure 20: Control a collision situation

Condition II:- To avoid the collision of to Ujjain and at the same time, a superfast
superfast train and goods train train also departs from Indore to Maksi via
[between Lakshmibai nagar and Ujjain. Goods train is also departs at a
Mangliya gaon] same time from Barlai.
1) Passenger train now departs from Barlai

Figure 21: Runtime window with PLC indicator

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Volume 5 Issue 1

If there is a single track, according to 2:3 ratio rule, then both the trains will collide after
Lakshmibai nagar or even before Mangliya gaon.

Figure 22: Collision stage.

To avoid an accident, automated interlocking program on a PLC that applies to Mangliya

gaon station is created.

Figure 23: Control a collision situation.

When superfast train departs to Mangliya Condition III:- To avoid the collision of
gaon station, then goods train is free for superfast train and passenger train
arrival to the next station. Hence, [between Vikram nagar and Ujjain]
according to the program, when we Now superfast train and passenger train
both are continuously moving in the same
provide a proper signal to goods train then
direction, with passenger train being ahead
they will be go to next stop. from the superfast train.

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Volume 5 Issue 1

Figure 24: Runtime window

According to the 2:3 ratio rule, both at the same time, by the same track,
trains (superfast and passenger) are from the same direction, which is not
arriving at Ujjain the same time. Here, possible, and possibility of collision
the two trains arrive at the same station, condition is there.

Figure 25: Collision stage.

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Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering
Volume 5 Issue 1

From security view point, the passenger train in Vikram Nagar is stopped and the Goods train
get the signal which is going to the next station.

Figure 26: Runtime window with PLC indicator

Condition IV:- This situation shows a train is standing on platform number 2 and
different arrangement such as outer, superfast train is arriving on the same
crossing and station management platform.
[between Vikram nagar and Ujjain]. 2) According to the arrangement until this
1) There is a train standing at Ujjain's train does not departs from Ujjain, till then
station from beginning since quite long back side trains (superfast) has to stand on
time. According to the arrangement, this the outer path only.

Figure 27: Control a collision situation using with outer signal situation.

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Volume 5 Issue 1

When the train is departed from Ujjain, then superfast train has been given an arrival signal
and it can arrive to platform number 2 at Ujjain.

Figure 28: Station Management.

In this image shown in fig. 29, where passenger train departed from Vikram
the superfast train is standing on nagar station and goods train arrives to
platform number 2 and at a same time Indore.

Figure 29: Signalling process and hardware design

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Volume 5 Issue 1

Condition V:- Shunting Process. direction has to be changed, as it has to

Now superfast train is standing on go to the Maksi station direction.
platform number 2 at Ujjain, whose

Figure 30: Runtime window with PLC indicator

It is a opposite direction of train and in this direction of the train, for which the train is
situation, shunting process is to be standing on platform for some extra time.
performed. In this process, the train engine After that superfast train departs from
has to be connected in the opposite Ujjain to Maksi.

Figure 31: Window viewer

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Volume 5 Issue 1

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