Automatic Train Protection ATP and Signaling With
Automatic Train Protection ATP and Signaling With
Automatic Train Protection ATP and Signaling With
Abstract- Automatic Train Protection (ATP) and signaling with Therefore a consistent system is required in order to operate
accident avoidance system for Indian Railways is proposed in this level crossings automatically. The aim of this paper is to
paper which aims to develop p a prototype of a safety system for introduce a economical automatic signaling arrangement for
unmanned level crossing areas and to avoid train accidents due unmanned level crossings that give traffic signal to avoid
to collisions and obstacles. The system consists of two Arduino
accidents and the system also have the provision to stop the
Uno boards, two IR Sensors, two traffic lights on both sides of the
track, servomotor controlled gate and an ultrasonic sensor to stop train if any obstacle or chances of collision is detected.
the train in case of any obstacle in front of running train
AND ACCOUNTS 2014-15 [1] the main cause of accidents were
carelessness on unmanned level crossings and the number of II. EXISTING SYSTEM
injured and killed were maximum due to this reason mentioned
in [1]. The proposed system has automatic traffic light signaling Over the years many researchers have tried to produce a
on both sides of the track which indicates the traffic to stop while system that can automatically handle level crossings. Vinit
the train is moving and the gates on both sides of the track will P. Kharkar in [2] presented a system which uses infrared
automatically close to stop the transport and open after train sensors to senses the movement of train and to control the
crosses the other end. The proposed system will also provide functions Raspberry Pi module is used .The closing and
safety for train collisions. This logic was applied in Embedded C opening of gate is controlled by servo motors.
and programmed to the Arduino Uno.
Xiaomin Zhu and Junyang Li gave a WLAN based
Keywords : Arduino, Unmanned level crossing, IR Sensor,
Microcontroller, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servomotor CBTC(Communication Based Train Control system)for
train protection. This paper gives the studies of general
I. INTRODUCTION structure and modeling of ATP system and establish a model
of brake curve for ATP system which helps in optimal
design of ATP system[4].
Railway is the cheapest and easiest mode of transport for Many mechanical systems have been developed to
a common person but as the population increases it also overcome these problems .Authors in [5] gave a
becomes the most inconvenient and unsafe source. Due to microcontroller based system for unmanned level crossings
the huge burden on railway industry results many problems that control the level crossing gate by instructing the micro-
which includes technical errors and human mistakes at level controller. Whenever train approaches at the sensor, warning
crossings. The area of crossings is a high accidental place is activated for the general population at entryway and the
due to the cross-section of railway track and road intersect gate will be shut. Once the train arrived, this system will
each other .Most of the studies came in to existence to lifts the gate. DC adapted engines are utilized for the
analyze the parameters responsible for mishaps in railways. mechanical operation of gate. They used an installed
In which one of the current studies deals the data of last 16 microcontroller worked on 8051 family for control. The
years that is year 2000-2016 revealed that the major accident microcontroller will follow the instructions to shut or lift the
type was train derailment followed by level crossing gate. This logic was implemented in Embedded C and
accidents. The accident type occurred in Indian Railways uploaded to the Raspberry PI.
over the years followed the trend Derailment >Accidents at Authors in [6] proposed a WSN network model for the
level crossings> Collisions > railway functions which have control centers connected to
Fire in trains > Miscellaneous accidents [3]. It has been the wire lined connection and different wireless sensor
proven in many studies that level crossing accidents and nodes through the rail track. In [7] authors gave a RF tag
collisions are the biggest factors of accidents in railways. system for unmanned level crossings .The proposed system
can also prevent the problem of collisions of trains on
common track by using IR transmitter and receiver system
Revised Manuscript Received on April 30, 2020.
* Correspondence Author at each station. Much research is being done around the
Sakshi Singh*, Department of Electronics & Communication world to address the issue of level crossing. An article in
Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, UP, India. E- this context, proposed in [8], illustrates the use of Ultra wide
mail: [email protected] band technology to Level crossing security and proposes a
Jitesh Kumar, Department of Electronics Engineering,
TeerthankerMahaveer University, Moradabad, UP, India. E-mail: solution related to the combination of UWB connection and
[email protected] optical fibers that continuously integrates all signal
processing processes signal to one remote central unit [8].
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license (
A system to control railway gate using mechanical and advance for unmanned level crossings. The developed
electrical components has also been published .They uses system provides an audio and visual warning to the traveler
infrared detectors which detects the arrival of train and that warns about an approach of train.
drives the signal to controller. A timer receives the signal In [15] author developed an infrared arrangement for
and displays the remaining time for shutting and opening the ATP. This ATP is the intermittent train protection system
gate according to the situation. which is divided into two parts one is onboard and the other
A motor is used to move an L- shaped cylinder which is is trackside equipment. The equipment also has the receiver
connected from beginning to end to the pinion- rack of infrared which detects and process the train speed, alarm
arrangement. The motion of rack opens or closes the gate and brake. The trackside equipment consists of infrared
without human interference [9]. transmitter that works the transducer.
One another work is proposed by authors in [10] in A. Limitations of Existing System
which railway track occupancy status is detected using 1. These systems do not have the provision to stop the
XBEE module and HC-SR04 (ultrasonic sensor). The train in case of collision or any obstacle.
sensed output of the system gives the Time Difference of 2. Existing system does not have the automatic
Arrival which is used to identify the existence of target. The control on both sides traffic.
detect status is given to the receiver which is placed at level
crossing and it activates the alert mechanism [10]. III. PROPOSEDSYSTEM
Although the system is designed with low cost
components. But the system proposed in this paper is more The proposed system is a microcontroller ATmega328P
cost effective and having more features than any other based system with very low cost. This microcontroller is the
proposed systems. Table I shows the year wise train brain of the system and it is incorporated in a board which is
accidents occur due to different reasons. equipped with some I/O pins which can easily interface with
other circuits. The proposed system has two Arduino boards,
TABLE I-OCCURRENCE OF TRAIN ACCIDENTS IN INDIAN one ultrasonic sensor, and one relay, two servo motors on
RAILWAY FROM YEAR (2000-2016) [11]
both side of the track to close or open the gates of track.
Year Collis Derai Accide Fire Mis Total
ions lment nts at in cella System also has an automatic traffic light signaling system
by s level trains neo on both sides in order to control the traffic .If any obstacle
trains crossin us
g or train comes in front of running train the system will stop
2000-01 20 350 84 17 2 473 the train itself using relay to avoid collision. The
2001-02 30 280 88 9 8 415 methodology flow chart of the developed system is given in
2002-03 16 218 96 14 7 351 figure1.
2003-04 9 202 95 14 5 325
2004-05 13 138 70 10 3 234
2005-06 9 131 75 15 4 234
2006-07 8 96 79 4 8 195
2007-08 8 100 77 5 4 194
2008-09 13 85 69 3 7 177
2009-10 9 80 70 2 4 165
2010-11 5 80 53 2 1 141
2011-12 9 55 61 4 2 131
2012-13 6 49 58 8 0 121
2013-14 4 53 59 7 3 117
2014-15 5 63 56 6 5 135
2015-16 3 65 35 0 4 107
Total 167 2045 1125 120 67 3515
Mean 10 128 70 8 4 220
SD (±) 6.9 89.3 16.4 5.2 2.4 112.9
Authors in [12] investigated an innovative localization
algorithm that centralizes tachometers and inertial
measurement units. In present days, the assessment is done
by an odometry algorithm that formulates on the sensors of
wheel angular speed. The motive of the system was to rise
the accuracy of the odometric assessment, in serious
conditions, for which sensor fusion techniques is used which
is based on Kalman filter theory[12].
Author in [13] designed an alert system that provide alert
to the train operator regarding the traffic at level crossing.
The model has a vehicle locator that detect whether there is
an obstacle stuck at the level crossing. Fig. 1.Flow chart of the proposed system
Authors in [14] designed a system which uses an
upgraded communication between Internet of Things and
Embedded Systems. The system gives a real-time caution in
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