Automated Railway Signalling and Interlocking System Design Using PLC and Scada
Automated Railway Signalling and Interlocking System Design Using PLC and Scada
Automated Railway Signalling and Interlocking System Design Using PLC and Scada
Abstract - The paper is the design of Automated Keywords — Breakdown, Downtime, Availability,
Railway signalling and interlocking system using process capability, optimal inspection frequency,
PLC and SCADA. As there are few drawbacks in the Critical Machine.
Indian Railways can be rectified by using an I. INTRODUCTION
automated railway signalling and interlocking Railway signalling has become more important
system by using a PLC. The use of a PLC can be over the years, with the increase in railway traffic
varied up to the requirements. The PLC is mainly and the use of high-speed trains. Railway
used in industrial purpose, but nowadays it is being signalling is a system used to direct railway traffic
used for the accurate control of multiple operations. and keep trains clear of each other at all times.
In the same manner the PLC can be used as a base Trains move on fixed rails, making them uniquely
system or a main controller for the successive susceptible to collision. Since the most important
operation of multiple trains as well. It is possible of aspect of a railway signalling system is safety and
controlling multiple trains at a time. In this project the decision-making "interlocking system".
it’s not only just controlling the multiple operation In railway signalling, an interlocking is an
of trains but also made the availability of crack arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents
detection and vehicle movement with automatic conflicting movements through an arrangement of
railway gates. The PLC would be good enough to tracks such as junctions or crossings. The signalling
control every operations which occurs during the appliances and tracks are sometimes collectively
process. referred to as an interlocking plant. An interlocking
The entire process is designed in SCADA. Every is designed so that it is impossible to display a signal
trains will be having a wireless technology to to proceed unless the route to be used is proven
communicate with each other and also these trains safe .To satisfy the safety standards set for railway-
will send and receive signals from the base system signalling systems, the interlocking software design
which is installed in between them. So based on the must be taken into account, using formal methods. In
priority the trains can proceed their way. Also the this project, an automata-based railway signalling
PLC will be having the connection with the traffic and interlocking system is introduced with a railway
lights which indicates a train to move or stop. There gate control and crack detection using a fail-safe
are three conditions explained in the project. In programmable logic controller (PLC) on a scale
these which two contains the crack detection and railway model with simulated design in SCADA.
also the vehicle movement process. The first Interlocking systems control all wayside elements in
condition is just the passage of two trains with 4 a railway yard. These systems are responsible for
platforms and also the base system is connected to safe train operations and must prevent collisions and
the stepper motor to control the railway gates. By derailments from happening. It is absolutely
using the RFID sensors crack detection made easily essential that interlocking systems operate flawlessly,
possible in the second condition. III condition is and as a result a lot of effort is put in their
having six trains with 6 platforms The Automatic verification.
movement of every train can be controlled by using
two or more PLC. The design of the last condition is
complex compared to the other two. The PLC used
here is Schneider. And the PLC is equipped with the
SCADA software for the design of entire process
II. NEED FOR THIS SYSTEM using a PLC[2].Usage of Ladder logic programming
A. Safety for the development of the system[2].Wireless
Even though the accidents are less in Indian communication system for the railway signal
Railways there should be a protection system needs automation[3].The generation of safety conditions
to be installed to prevent by any chance of occurring. from signalling and interlocking principles using a
When there is a signal communication, the data sent SCADA model of a railway yard[3].The SCADA
and received will be accurate. So the priority based can be multi-tasking and are based upon a real-time
train can take the right actions according to the PLC database (RTDB)[4].
instructions. At the same time the other trains which
is being passed through the same track will wait for IV. BASIC PRINCIPLE
the first train to get moved. So there is no chance of
getting collided each other.
B. Delaying of trains
Delaying of trains is a major issue currently we
face. Presently it is rare to see that trains being
reached at the right time. In order to eliminate this
problem the signalling and interlocking design can
be implemented. When there is an interlocking
system the priority less trains can wait till the
movement of other trains. Usually the fastest trains
will have the high priority than the slowest. So the
delaying issue can be solved by using an automated
signalling and interlocking system.
C. Crack detection
Crack detection is one of the most important
factor needs to be implemented in railways. There
are many ways to detect the crack on the track. So Figure 1: Basic principle
the detection is only possible by using successive Track plans, such as presented in Fig. describe
sensors. These sensors will be connected to the PLC how these components are topologically configured.
for the exchange of information. The operation of the various components in a
The RFID sensor is commonly used sensor now a railway yard is defined using control tables. These
days. 1 sensor indicates one receiver and also one contain information about when a route can be set,
sender. The sending and receiving antennas will positions of the points, and the aspect a signal should
communicate in every seconds so if they find out display. Control tables are responsible for enforcing
anything in the track it will be notified and the the signalling principles. Route C from the control
information will be sent to the plc. This is how the table is graphically depicted as a large arrow in Fig.
detection is possible. Route C starts at signal s2 and ends at s4, and spans
track segments ts4a, ts3a, ts2a, ts2b and ts1b. As a
D. Automatic railway gates safety precaution, track segment ts0b is also required
Automating railway gate would be an important to be unoccupied before a train is allowed to enter
aspect in Railway safety. Still in India almost in the route. Track segments ts3a, ts2a and ts2b are also
every areas the Gates are being opened and closed points; ts3a must be locked in the normal position
by humans. The process cannot be accurate when and ts2a, ts2b must be locked in the reverse position.
human operates it. It is better to use vibration Points in this scenario are always moved together in
sensors to detect if the train is coming or not. There pairs so that point ts3b must also be locked in the
will be a connection with the PLC so the data can be normal position before a train is allowed to enter the
exchanged then the stepper motor on the Gates will route.
get activated on time .So the process can eliminate a V. EXISTING SYSTEM
worker. Indian Railways is an Indian state-owned
enterprise, owned and operated by the Government
III. LITERATURE SURVEY of India through the Ministry of Railways. It is the
The track circuits can be controlled by a world's Fourth largest railway networks comprising
Programme Logic Controller (PLC)and the design 115,000 km of track over a route of 65,436 km and
with monitoring can be done in Supervisory control 7,172 stations.
and data acquisition (SCADA) software[1].External
devices such as switches or sensors can be given as
the input of the PLC[1].The verification of signal
exchange and interlocking method can be automated
A. 1st condition
D. Overhead Communication
Sending a payload of data (reliably) over a
communications network requires sending more than
just the desired payload data, itself. It also involves
sending various control and signalling data (TCP)
required to achieve the reliable transmission of the
desired data in question. The control signalling is
E. Underground communication
Communication is mainly comprised of transmission
of data from the sender to receiver which may be in
groups or from a train to another train, in which
transmission deals with the amount and speed of the Figure 4: Railway gate control
data through the transmitting medium.
The block diagram indicates how does the PLC train will be stopped at segment ts4b with the red
manages the complete operation. As we see in the traffic lights.RFID sensors gets activated & checks
figure the vibration sensors can measure up to 130 for the errors. When T1 crosses ts6bc.T2 starts
meteres.So the movement of trains can be easily moving from ts6ab to P6 with traffic lights ON.T1
recognised. The PLC receives the signals from will be arrived at P3 with an announcement.RFID
vibration sensors and Control the railway gates and sensors gets activated & checks for the errors.T2
the traffic light. The power supply is required for the will be arrived at P6 with an announcement. When
working of PLC. The railway gate is being t2 crosses ts3bc, T3 starts moving from ts4b with
controlled by a stepper motor installed in it. These traffic lights ON. RFID sensors detects the crack.
Motors will be programmed and controlled by the Sensory details will be sent to PLC and the
PLC. Opening and closing of railway gate is made controller asks T3 to change the route.T3 changes
possible by the controller. the route and arrives at platform P4 with an
B. 2st condition C. 3rd condition