Code of Practice Concrete Structures For

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IS 3370-2 (2009): Code of Practice Concrete structures for

the storage of liquids, Part 2: Reinforced concrete
structures [CED 2: Cement and Concrete]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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15 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

セ セ セァッャ Nセ セ セ セゥ|Aイ _ セ セ
1fl1T 2 mcゥTセ、 QJs6le セ アHゥセ

Indian Standard

( First Revision)

ICS 23.020.01; 91.080.40

© BIS 2009


NEW DELHI 110002

June 200'J PriaGroup6

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2

This Indian Standard (Part 2) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. after the draft
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
This standard was first published in 1965. The present revision has been taken up with a view to keeping abreast
with the rapid development in the field of construction technology and concrete design and also to bring further
modifications in the light of experience gained while applying the earlier version of this standard and theamendment
issued .
The design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for the storage
of liquids are influenced by the prevailing construction practices, the physical properties of the materials and the
climatic condition. To lay down uniform requirements of structures for the storage of liquids giving due
consideration to the above mentioned factors, this standard has been published in four parts, the other parts in the
series are:
(part 1) : 2009 General requirements
(Part 3): 1967 Prestressed concrete structures
(Part 4): 1967 Design tables
While the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this standard, for design of structures
of special forms or in unusual circumstances, special literature may be referred to or in such cases special systems
of design and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy
and safety by analysis or test or by both .
In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or
prestressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the
direction of a qualified and experienced supervisor.
All requirements of IS 456 : 2000 'Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)' and
IS 1343 : 1980 'Code of practice for prestressed concrete (first revision)', in so far as they apply, shall be deemed
to form part of this standard except where otherwise laid down in this standard. For a good design and construction
of structure, use of dense concrete, adequate concrete cover, good detailing practices, control of cracking, good
quality assurance measures in line with IS 456 and good construction practices particularly in relation to
construction joints should be ensured.
This revision incorporates a number of important modifications and changes, the most important of them being:
a) Scope has been clarified further by mentioning exclusion of dams, pipes, pipelines, lined structures and
damp-proofing of basements;
b) A new sub-clause on loads has been added under the clause on design;
c} Regarding method of design, it has been specified that one of the two alternative methods of design, that
is, limit state design and working stress design may be used; and
d} Provision for crack width calculations due to temperature and moisture and crack width in mature
concrete have been incorporated as Annex A and Annex B, respectively.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex C.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the results of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)' . The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 3310 (Part 2) : 2009

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1.1 This standard (Part 2) lays down the requirements Design and construction of reinforced concrete liquid
applicablespecificallyto reinforcedconcrete structures retainingstructures shallcomply withthe requirements
for the storage of liquids, mainly water. These of IS 3370 (Part I) and IS 456 unless otherwise laid
requirements are in additionto the generalrequirements down in this standard.
laid down in IS 3370 (Pan 1).
1.2 This standard does not cover the requirements for
reinforced and prestressed concrete structures for 4.1 General
storage of hot liquids and liquids oflow viscosity and Provisionsshall be made for conditions of stresses that
high penetrating power like petrol. diesel oil. etc. This mayoccur in accordance with principlesof mechanics.
standard also does not cover dams, pipes. pipelines. recognized methods of design and sound engineering
lined structures and damp-proofing of basements. practice.In particular. adequate consideration shall be
Special problems of shrinkage arising in the storage given to the effects of monolithic construction in the
of non-aqueous liquid and the measures necessary assessment of axial force. bending moment and shear.
where chemical attack is possible are also not dealt
with. The recommendations. however. may generally 4.2 Loads
be applicable to the storage at normal temperatures of Allstructures required toretainliquids shouldbedesigned
aqueous liquids and solutions which have no for both the full and empty conditions. and the
detrimental action on COncrete and steel or where assumptions regarding thearrangements of loading should
sufficient precautions are taken to ensure protection be such as to cause the most critical effects. For load
of concrete and steel from damage due to ,action of combinations, waterload shall be treatedas 'dead 10a'1'.
such liquids as in the case of sewage.
Liquid loads should allow for the actual density of the
2 REFERENCES contained liquid and possible transient conditions. for
example. suspended or deposited silt or grit where
The following standards contain provisions, which appropriate. For ultimate limit state conditions and
through reference in this text. constitute provisions of working stress design, liquid levels should be taken to
this standard. At the time of publication. the editions the maximumlevelthe liquidcan rise assumingthat the
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to liquid outletsare blocked. For serviceability. limit state
revision and parties to agreements based on this conditions, the liquidlevelshould be takento theworking
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility top liquid level or the overflow level as appropriate to
of applying the most recent editions of the standards workingconditions. Allowanceshould be made for the
indicated below: effects of any adverse soil pressures on the walls.
/SNo. TItle accordingto the compactionand/orsurchargeof thesoil
and the condition of the structure during construction
456: 2000 Code of practice for plain and and in service. No relief should be given for beneficial
reinforced concrete (fourth revision) soil pressure effects on the walls of containment
1786 : 2008 Specification for high strength bars structures in the full condition. Loading effects due to
and wires for concrete reinforcement temperature occurs when thermal expansion of a roof
(fourth revision) forces the walls of an empty structure into the
3370 Concrete structures for the storageof surrounding backfill causing passivesoil pressure. This
liquids - Code of practice: effectcanbereducedby providinga slidingjoint between
(Part 1) : 2009 General requirements (first revision) the top of the wall and under side of the roof which may
(Part 4) :·1967 Design tables be either a temporary free sliding joint that is not cast
IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

into a fixed or pinned connection. or a permanently that in mature concrete shall be calculated as given in
slidingjoint of IbSC:SSed limiting friction. m Nッカ・セ of Annex B.
a roofmayoccur also wherethereis substantial vanauon Crackwidthsforreinforced concretemembersin
in the temperature of the containedliquid. Wherea roof direct tension and flexural tensionmay he deemed to be
is rigidly connected 10 a wall thismay leadto additional
satisfactory if steel S!reSS under service conditionsdoes
loading in lhe wall that should be considered in the not exceed 115 N/mm2 for plain bars and 130 N/mm2
design. Earth coveringon reservoirroof maybe taken as for high strength deformed bars.
dead load . but due account should be taken of
construction loads from plant and heaped earth which 4.5 Working Stress Design
may exceeo the intended design load.
4.5.1 Basis of Design
Thejunctions between variousmembers(betweenwall
The design of members shall be based on adequate
and floor) intended to be constructed as rigid should
resistance to cracking and adequate strength .
bedesignedaccordingly and effect of continuityshould
Calculation of stresses shall be based on the following
be accounted in design and detailing of each member.
4.3 Methods of Design a) At any cross-section plane section remains
One of lhe two alternative melhods of design given plane after bending.
in 4.4 and 4.5 for design of water retaining structures b) Both steel andconcreteare perfectly elastic and
shan be followed: the modularratio has the valuegiven in IS456.
c) In calculationof stresses. for both flexural and
Additionalprovisionsfordesign of floors.walls and
direct tension (or combination of both)
roofs are given in 5. 6 and 7 respectively. Structural
relating to resistance to cracking. the whole
dements that are not exposed to the liquids or to
section of concrete including the cover
moist conditions shall be designed in accordance
together with the reinforcement can be taken
with IS 456.
into account provided the tensile stress in
..... Umit State Desip concrete is limited to Table I .
d) In strength calculations the concrete has no
"'''.1 Limit State Req",irtmtllts tensile strength.
AllrelevantlimitStaleS shall be considered in thedesign ...5.2 Permissible Stresseson Concrete
to ensurean adequate degree of safetyand serviceability.

"1.1 Limit stlUe ofcollaps« Resistance to cracking
For calculations relating to the resistance to cracking.
The recommendations given in IS 456 shan be the permissible concrete stresses shall conform to the
values specified in Table I . Altbough cracks may
...... 1.1 Limitstales ofserviceability develop in practice. compliance with assumption given
in 4.5.1(c) ensures that these cracks are not excessive.
a) Deflection - The limits of deflection shaI1
be as per IS 456.
Table 1 Permissible Coacrete Stresses in
b) Croding - The maximumcalculalcd surface Calculations Relating to ResistaDce
width of cracks for direct tension and flex.ure to Cracking
or restrained temperatureaod moisture effects (Chuues 4.5.I(c). and 6.3(b)]
shall not exceed 0.2 mm with specified cover.
51 Pcnaiulble COllUde Strata, Partial safety factor» No. NI J

The recommendationsgiven in IS 456 for partial safety _-----A---_

faet0r5for ウ・イカセゥャエケ shall be followed.
".4.1 Basis 01 Design
Design and detailing of reinforced concrete shall be as i) M2S 1.3 U
ii) MJ() 1.5 2.0
specified in Section S of IS 456 except thal 37.1.1 of iii) M3S 1.6 2.2
IS 456 shall DOl apply. jy) M40 1.1 2.4
y) M4S 2.0 2.6
TNocイ。、セィウ yj) MSO 2.1 2.1
NOTE - The YIIues of sbar JlrcsI in セ
Crack widths due to the temperature and moisture sUll be .1iY= in IS 4$6.
effects sha1J be calculated as given in Annex A and

IS 337. (Pari 2) : 1009 sエセョァィ calculation steel shill be equal to the product of modular ratio of
In strength calculations. the permissible concrete
steel and concrete, and the corresponding perm issible
tensile stress in concrete.
stresses shall be in accoo:Iance wilb Table 2 and Table 3. Strrngth calculations
'lable 2 Permissible Stres.Ws ia Coocftte
All values are in N/mm 2• For strenglb calculations. the: perm issible stresses in
steel shall conform to the values specified in Table 4.
51 Gradtof PftWillibk Straa Ie r--....,
No. CMCI"de C_pcuIioII Strali. Iolld
A (A ftf1IIe) lor T.bIe .. Pel misaible StreIRs ia Sled
r '\ I'IahI Ban I. Reinfonaneat for Streaeth
8cDding DiIUl TrtUIoe
a. a.. r.. Sl tセ ofSfna I. SCftI I'n1aIIIi1IIr srr-, セ N
(4) (S) Na. RdIIf_t A.
(I) (2) (3) r
i) M25 I .S 6.0 0.9 MilclSlDdBm Dd:Jrnxld BIn
ii) M30 10.0 1.0 1.0
iii) MJS II .S 9.0 1.1 (I) (2) (3) (4)
iv) M40 13.0 10.0 1.2 i) TCIIIilc __ .. ..-bas liS 130
v) M4S 14.S 11.0 I.3
lIIIlb 0iftlCI IaIIian.
vi) MSO 16.0 120 14
B、i Qセ
NOlES ii) CompIasiYe III'CSS ill 12$ l.a
I The values of permissible she. stress in oona'ClC we liven in 001_ subjec:lecl to
T-,*3. dim;lload
1 The bond suess given ill col S shall be inaeascd by 2S
pacaJl for t.n ill compression.
3 In c:asc of deformed bm confunnina to IS 1716. lhc bond 4.5.4 siQセエ Dw to Moisnlre or Tt"'IWtUttllY ClttJrtges
stresIc:S gival IIbo¥e may be inaaIsed by 60 pcrca1l
No separate cak:ulation is requin:d for due to
moisture or temperature change in the concrete
'lable 3 Pel ....ble Shear Stress ID Co9Crfle provided that:
(Claust 4.5 .2.2. and Tablt 2)
a) The reinforcement provided セ nOl less than
No. I" .1-
Prnnlulbk SIImrStna I. CotIn'de
N1• •'
Gndc OrCOlICnlir

Ibal specified in 8.

,...,. -,.
b) The recommendations of the standard with
regard to the provis ion of movement joinu
M2S M30 M3S M408IId
Abovc and for a suitable 51iding layer benealb the
(I) (2) (3) (4) IS) (6) tank. given in IS 3370 (Part I) arc complied
i) sO.IS 019 0.20 0.20 020 with.
ii) 0.2S 023 02.\ 023 0.23 c) The tank. is to be lI)CCj only for the stora&e of
iii) O.SO OJI OJI 0.31 032
Iv) 0.7S 0.36 OJ7 0.37 OJI water or aqueous liquids It or near ambient
v) 1.00 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42 temperature and the concrete never dnes out,
vi) US 0.44 0.4S 04S 046 and
vii) I.SO 0.46 041 0.49 0.49
viii) 1.75 0.49 O.SO 0.S2 0..52 d) Adequate precautions are taken to avoid
ix) 2.00 O.SI 0.S3 0.54 0.55
x) 2.25 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.S7
cracking of the concrete during the
xi) 2.SO 0.5S 0.57 0.51 0.60 coeseuetion period and until the lanle is put
xii) 2.75 0.S6 O.s. 0 .60 0.62 into usc.
xiii) 3.00 IIIll Oj7
0.60 0.62 0.63
Ibofc ".5.4.1 Shrinlease stresses may, however. be rcquin:d
NOTE - A. is dill wca of \oa&i1IadNi laISioa .ciDbCCIIiUII to be calculated in special cases. when a shrinkage
wtIidI COIlliIM:s • asc ClIIC dm::ti'IC dllpdl bc)'Oftd die セ
being CIOIIIidc:ftd at:qlI • セ 1IltlcR the full Il'aI of coefficienl of 300 )( I()-6may be assumed.
llcIIsioa rcinfoRancnI may be IlSCd provided the dcUifina
lXllIIilnnIlIO lU.111ld l6.1.3 at IS 456. ... 5.... 2 Where reservoirs are protected with an
incemal impermeable lining. consideration should
4.S.3 hrmissible Stresses in Stee! be liven to the possibility of concrete eventually.
dry in, OUI. Unless it is establi5bc:d on the basis of Resistance 10 crac1illg
tests or experience Ibat the linin, has adequate crack
The tensile stress in the steel will necessarily be limited bridaing properties. allowance for the increased
by the requirement that the permissible !ensile Slres5 effect of dryinl shrinka,e should be made in !he
in thecoeerete is nOlexceeded; 50 !he tensile suess in design.

IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

5 FLOORS concrete tanks, the following points should be taken

care of:
5.1 Provisions of Movement Jomts
a) In plane walls. the liquid pressure is resisted
Movementjoints shall be provided in accordancewith by both vert ical and horizontal bending
IS 3310 (Part I). moments. An estimate of the bend ing
moments in the vertical and horizontal planes
5.2 Floon ofTaoks RestiDg 00 Ground should be made . The horizontal tension
The floors of tanks resting on ground shall be in caused by the direct pull due to water pressure
accordance with IS 3310 (Part I). on end wallsshould be added to that resulting
from horizontal bending moment.
5.3 F100n of Taoks Resting on Supports b) On liquid retaining faces, the tensile stresses
If the tank is supported on walls or other similar due to the combination of direct horizontal
supports. the floor slab shall be designed for bending tension and bending action shall satisfy the
momentsdue to water load and self weight. The worst following condition:
conditions of loading may not be thosegiven in 22.4.1
of IS 456, since water level extends over all spans in
normal construction except in the case of multi-cell
tanks, these will have to be determinedby the designer where
in each particular case.
CTe( =calculated direct tensile stress in
5.3.1 When the floor is rigidly connected to the walls concrete.
(as is generally the case) the bending moments at the
Oet = permissible direct tensile stress in
junction between the walls and floor shall be taken
concrete (see Table I).
into accounl in the design of floor together with any
direct forces transferred to the floor from the walls or OeM' =calculated tensile stress due to
from the floor to the wall due to the suspension of the bending in concrete. and
floor from the wall. acbc = permissible tensile stress due to
bending in concrete (see Table I).
c) At the vertical edges where the walls of a
6.1 ProrisiOD of Joints reservoir are rigidly joined, horizontal
reinforcement and haunch bars should be
6.1.1 Sliding Joints al 1M Base O/IM Wall provided to resist the horizontal bending
Where it is desired to allow the walls to expand or moments. even if the walls arc designed to
contract separately from the floor, or to prevent withstand the whole load as vertical beams
moments at the base of the wallowing to fixity 10 the or cantilever without lateral supports.
floor. sliding joints may be employed.
In the case of rectangular or polygonal tanks, the side Constructions affecting the spacing of vertical walls act as two way slabs. whereby the wall is
movement joints are discussed in IS 3310 (Part I) . continued or restrainedin the horizontaldirection. fixed
While the majorityof thesejoints may be of the partial or hinged at the bottom and hinged or free at the top.
or complete contraction type, sufficient joints of the The walls thus act as thin plates subject to triangular
expansion type should be provided to satisfy the loading and with boundary conditions varyingbetween
requirements of is 3310 (Part I). full restraint and free edge. The analysis of moment
and forces may be made on the basis of any recognized
6.2 Pressure On Walls
method. However. moment coefficients, for boundary
6.2.1 In liquidretainingstructures withfixed or floating conditions of wall panels for some common cases arc
covers,the gas pressuredevelopedabove liquidsurface given in IS 3370 (Part 4) for general guidance.
shall be added to the liquid pressure.
6.4 Walls of Cylindrical Tanks
6.U When thewall ofliquid retainingstructureis built
in ground or has earth embanked against it. the effect While designing walls of cylindrical tanks, the
of earth pressure shall be taken into account as following points should be borne in mind:
discussed in IS 3370 (Part I). a) Walls of cylindrical tanks are either cast
monolith ically with the base or are set in
6.3 W" ofTaoks Rectanplar or PoI)'IOoaI in Plao
grooves and keyways (movement joints). In
Whiledesigning the walls of rectangular or polygonal either case deformation of the wall under the

IS 3310 (Pan 2) : 2009

influence of liquid pressure is restricted at the the rest of the tank or by use of the covering of
base . waterproof membrane or by providing slopes to ensure
b) Unle ss the extent of fixity at the base is adequate drainage .
established by anal) sis with due consideration
8 oetailセH[
to the dimensions of the base slab. the type of
joint between the wall and slab and the type: 8.1 Minimum Reinforcement
of soil supporting the base slab. it is advisable
to assume wall to be fully fixed at the base. 8.1.1 The minimum reinforcement in walls. floors and
roofs in each of two directions at right angles. within
Coefficient for ring tension and vertical moments for each surface zone shall not be less than 0.:\5 percent
different conditions of the walls for some common of the surface zone, cross section as shown in Fig . I
cases are given in IS 3370 (Part 4) for general and Fig. 2 for high strength deformed bars and not
guidance. less than 0 .64 percent for mild steel reinforcement bars .
The minimum reinforcement can be further reduced
7 ROOFS to 0.24 percent for deformed bars and 0 .40 percent for
plain round bars for tanh having any dimension nOl
7.1 Provision of Movement Joints
more than 15 m. In wall slabs less than 200 mrn in
To avo id the possibility of sympathetic cracking. it is thickness. the calculated amount of reinforcement may
important to ensure that movement joints in the roof all be placed in one face . For ground slabs less than
correspond with those in walls if roof and walls are :lOO rnm thick (su Fig . 2) the calculated reinforcement
monolithic. If, however. provision is made by means should be placed in one face as near as possible [0 the
of a sliding joint for movement between the roof and upper surface consistent with the nominal cover. Bar
the wall, correspondence of joints is not important , spacing should generally not exceed :\00 OlIO or the
thickness of [he section. whichever IS less .
7.2 Water-Tightness
8.2 Size of Ban, Distance BetwHn Ban. Laps and
In case of tanks intended for the storage of water for Bends - Size of bars . distance between bars. lap!> and
drinking purposes, the roof must be made water-tight. bends in bars. and fixing or han shall be in accordance
This may be achieved by limiting the stresses as for with IS 456 .

NOTE - For D < 500 mm, ead'l rW'dolament lace controls en deptI'l0100I'lCt8tlI.
For D ,. 500 mm assume each reinforcement face controls 2SO mm depth 01concrete,
ignoring any central core beyoncllhis sUl1ace dep1h.

IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

iセoo ---l

イM セMI
300mc;., TO _ _I

'L 1



1.-/"77 r r 7 7 7'/77" r/77" r/"".'7 7"//7


(Foreword, and Clause 4.4.3)
WIDTHS IN RELATION TO TEMPERATURE fa' N/mm21.15 1.3 1.45 1.6 I.7 1.8
AND MOISTURE EFFECTS IN THIN SECTION fy = characteristic strength of the reinforcement.
A-I.I The design procedures given in A-I.2 to A-I.3 For ground slabs under 200 mm thick the minimum
are appropriate to long continuous wall or floor slabs reinforcement may be assessed on the basis of
of thin cross section. A-2 considers thick sections. thickness of 100 mm and placed wholly in the top
surface with cover not exceeding 50 mm. The top
A-I.2 Minimum Reinforcement
surface zone for ground slab from 200 to 500 mm
To be effective in distributing cracking. the amount of thick may be assessed on half the thickness of the
reinforcement provided needs to be at least as great as slab. For ground slabs over 500 mm thick, consider
that given by the formula; them as 'thick' sections with the bottom surface zone
only 100 mm thick.
Pcril- f, .. .(1) A-I.3 Cracks can be controlled by choosing the
spacing of movement joint and the amount of
reinforcement. The three main options are summarized
Peri, = critical steel ratio, that is, the minimum ratio, in Table 2 of IS 3370 (Part I) .
of steel area to the gross area of the whole
concrete section , required to distribute the A-l .4 Crack Spacing
cracking; When sufficient reinforcement is provided to distribute
h, = direct tensile strength of the immature cracking the likely maximum spacing of crack SMu
concrete, which is taken as given below: shall be given by the formula:

IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

.. . (2)
cc = coefficient of thermal expansion of mature
where con crete, and
TI = fall in temperature between the hydration
fc. = ratio of the ten sile strength of the concrete
peak and ambient.
J;, (fc,) 10 the average bond strength betwe en
concrete and stee l, Th e valu e of T1 depends on the temperature of
" = size of eac h rein forc ing bar, and concret ing , cem ent conte nt, thickness of the member
p = stee l ratio based on the gross concrete a nd material fo r shutters. As guideline, it is
section. recommended to use T, = 30 DC for concreting in
summer and 20 DC for concreting during winter, when
stee l shutters are used . For other conditions, the value
For immature concrete, the value of ;: may be taken
of T1 may be appropriately increa sed.
as unity for plain round bars and 213 for deformed bars. In addition to the temperature fall TI , there can be a
The above formula may be expressed for design further fall in temperature, T2 due to seasonal variations .
purposes as: The consequent thermal contractions occur in the mature
concret e for which the fac tors controlling cracking
behaviour are substantially modified. The ratio of the
. ..(3)

tensile strength of concrete to bond strength, セ L is

nb = number of bars in width of section, appreciably lower for mature concrete. In add ition , the
restraint along the base of the member tends to be much
b = width of section ; more uniform and less susceptible to stress raisers , since
D = overall dep th of member, and a considerable shear resistance can be developed along
SMu= obtained from WMu ' the entire length of the construction joint.
The width of a fully developed crack due to drying Although prec ise data are not available for these effects
shrinkage and 'heat of hydration' contraction in lightly- a reasonable estimate may be assumed that the
reinforced restrained walls and slabs may be obtained combined effect of these factors is to reduce the
from: estimated contraction by half. Hence the value of w....
when taking an additional seasonal temperature fan
WMu =s"'u e ' " (4)
into account is given by :

e = fEa + Ere - (100 x 1(t6)] W"'u. = sセ クセHイN

+7;) ... (6)
wMu = estimated maximum crack width, When movement joints are provided at not more than
sMu = estimated likely maximum crack spacing, 15 m centres, the subsequent temperature fall, T2, need
e.. = estimated shrinkage strain, and not be considered.
tic = estimated total thermal contraction after A-I THICK SEcrIONS
peak temperature due to heat of hydration.
For 'thick' sections, major causes of cracking are the
For immature concrete the effective coefficient of differences which develop between the surface zones
thermal contraction may be taken as one half of the and the core of the section. The thickness of concrete
value for mature concrete (due to the high creep strain wh ich can be considered to be within the ' surface zone '
in immature concrete). . is somewhat arbitrary. However, site observations have
For walls exposed to normal climatic conditions the indicated that the zone thicknesses for D > 500 mm in
shrinkage strain less the associated creep strain is Fig . I and Fig . 2 are appropriate for thick sections,
generally less than the ultimate concrete tensile strain and the procedure for calculating thermal crack control
of about 100 x t(f6 unless high shrinkage aggregates reinforcement in thick sections is same as that for thin
are used. Hence the value of WMu for cooling to sections.
ambient from the peak hydration temperature may be The maximum temperature rise due to heat of hydration
assumed to be: to be considered should be the average value for the entire
width of section . The temperature rise to be considered
wMas = ウセ クセxtN 2 I . .. (5) for the core should be at least I we higher than the value
which would be assumed for the entire section.

IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

(Foreword, and Clause 4.4.3)


FLEXURE ... (8)
&z = 3E.A,(d-.1')
Provided that the strain in the tension reinforcement is
For a limiting design surface crack width of 0.1 mm :
limited to 0.8 fiE, and the stress in the 」ッョイ・エセ is
limited to 0.45 lcD- the design surface crack Width Ub, (D - .1')( 0'- x)
should not exceed the appropriate value given in &.1= .. . (9)
and may be calculated from equation (7) :
30,,£ ..
. .. (7) &1 strain at the level considered.
2(0" -C.... )
1+ - - - --
D-.1' &.1 = strain due to the stiffening effect of concrete
between cracks.
b, = width of section at the centroid of the tension
w = design surface crack width. steel,
Dc> = distance from the point considered to the D = overall depth of the member.
surface of the nearest longitudinal bar,
&., = aw:rage strain at the level where the cracking .r = depth of the neutral axis,
is being considered. To be calculated in E. = modulus of elasticity of reinforcement,
accordance with 8-1. A, = areaof tension reinforcement,
C.... = minimum cover to the tension steel, d = effective depth, and
D = overall depth of the members, and d = distance from the compression face to the
.l' =depth of neutral axis. point at which the crack width is being
The average strain at the level where cracking is being B-4 ASSESSMENT OF CRACK WIDTHS IN
considered. is assessed by calculating the apparent DIRECT TENSION
strain using characteristic loads and normal clastic Provided that the strain in the reinforcement is limited
lheory . Where flexure is predominanl hut some tension to 0.8 fiE,. the design crack width should not exceed
exists at the section. the depth of the neutral axis should the appropriate value given in 8 of IS 3370 (Part I)
be adjusted. The calculated apparent strain, &, is then and may be calculated from equation (10) :
adjusacd to take into acccunt the stiffening effect of
the concrete between cracks Cz. The value of the w=3a.,tl.. ... (10)
stiffening effect may be assessed from B·3, and where C. is assessed in accordance with U.S.
£,. = £, - 6i
The average strain is assessed by calculating the
&., = IVCfale strain It the level where cracking is
apparent strain using characteristic loads and normal
being considered,
elastic theory. The calculated apparent strain is then
&, = strain at the level considered, and adjusted to take into account the stiffening effect of
6i = strain due to stiffening effect of concrete the concrete between cracks. The value of the stiffening
between cracks. effect may be assessed from 8-'.


The stiffening effect of the concrete may be assessed The stiffening effect of the concrete may be assessed
by deducting from the apparent strain a value obtained by deducting from the apparent strain a value obtained
from equations (8) or (9) . from equation (II) or ( 12) .
For a limiting design surface crack width of 0.2 mm: For a limiting design surface crack width of 0.2 mm:

IS 3370(Part Z) : ZOO9

2b,D b, = width of the: section at the centroid of the

. . . (11) tension steel,
t1 = 3£,A.
IJ = overall depth of the member.
For a limiting design surface crack width of 0.1 mm: E, = modulus of elasticJly of reinforcement, and
A, = area of tension reinforcement.
.. . (12)
t1 = £,A. The stiffening effect (acton should not be interpolated
or extrapolated and apply only for the: crack widths
セ = strain due to stiffening effect,
stated .

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CEO 2

0rraN1D1ioft rセュオ。エゥャI

Delhi Tourism and Transportation セャッーd。 CArponrion Stuta Jmf. KuaAH HcセI
Ltd. New Ddhi
ACC Ltd. Mumbai SItRI NAYIla< e - A
S_ P. SalNlvASAH ILセuiaH

Atomic Energy Relul.tory Board. Mumbai DR Pa_a C. B,ulJ

SHII L R. 8.-. (AW""",)
Building Material. and Tc:c:hnoloi)' Promotion Couecil, SHI1 J. K. ...... ..."
New Delhi SHII C . N . JM'" ILセ エiaH

Cement Corporation of India Limited. New Delhi SKII R. R セaAcャe

SHIu M. K. Ao.\awAi ャaOLセI

Cement Manuf....'1W"c:n· A-..:iaIiuo. Noida SH.. E. N. Mu-11f"

Da S. P. OItoallA/"""",)
Central Board of Irriplioa and Powcc. New DcIbi MDlIIEIl SEaa...."
セ (Ovu.) (AI""",,,)

Central Building Research Institute: (CSIR). Roork« 0.. B. K. RAIl

Da S. K. AGAaWAl. (A/,,",,*)
Central Public: Work. Dcpu1mcnt. New Delhi Oau EMx_ (DI:sx»<)
sセ I!M»F.a (s&S) (A"'rna,,)
Central Road RCIC&Idl lnslil1llC (CSIR). New Delhi Da RAM KUMAa
S_ SAr_ KUMAa (AI"mD")
Central Soil and MaIcriaI. Rcseardl Station. New Delhi SHIll MULUI RATNAM
S_ N. O'A"O.WEIr.MlAN lA/_)
Central W.ler Commission. New Dc:lhi o.arnoa (OCOO) CN&W)
o..rvn Ownu. (eMOO) (NW&S) (AI,motU,)
Conmat TcclmoloJie. Pvt lid. Kolk.t. 0. A. K. CHArJUJEI'

Constntc:tion Industry Development Council. New Delhi SMa! P R S...... v

SHII RA., JAIN (AlI,mall')
Dc:lhi Dc:velopmcm Authority. New Delhi SHa, A. P. s.-
SHaJ B. 8 . Aln (AI,,",,,,,)
Dircetoru: Genc:nI of Supplica &; Disposals. New Dc:lbi SHIu P. K. lNッセ
Stw A. K. M !tuH"..... (Allrma,,)
En&inccn India UmilCd. New Delhi SHlU AavlHD KUMAa
S_ A. K. MISHRA (AIII'ma,,)
Ay Ash Unit, Dcpu1mc:nl of Science &; TcdlnoloaY. Da Vi...... Ku.....
Ministry of Scic:nce &; Tc:chnoIoJy. New Delhi SMa' Ml'lttSH MA1lfI... (II//una,,)

IS 3370 (Part Z) : 2009

rセ イセNヲュ エ。ャゥGᄋセ Hャ I

Gammon India Limlled . mオセ ゥ SHal S. A . RUlUI

SHIll V. N. HEGGAllE Iセイ。NL セiaH

GnIim jセ LimilEd. Mumbai SHill A. K. JAIN

SHRI M. C. AGIlA:ro'Al Iセャ。NL セエャaH

SHill C. M . DoIlDt
SHill B. K. JAG£T\A Haャエオョ。セ I

HOUIillJ IIId Urllan Development CorponIIion Umired. CHAoIllMAN AND MANAGING DtIt£CTOR

Sew Dd!!i SHRI V. ARIIL KUMAR Iセャ。ュ エャaH

Indian Bveau of Mines, NAfllUI SIlIU S. S. OM

SHIU MEI:'Rl1l H...sAN (Alttmau)
SHaI L N. Am;
SHa1 D. SIllNIVASAH エャ。ョイセャaH I

IDdi.Ia Jnstjl1llC of TcchaolocY. Roortce "-oF V. K . GunA

Iadiaa RC*Is CongJas. New Delhi SIDEI'AIIY GENew.
DIaJ;croK (Allernate)

Jllltil1llC fe. ResearclI. Developmenl It Trainm, of OIl N. RAGIlAVf.NllaAo

COIISlI'IICIioa TI1Idc.. セ
1JIIti11llC fe. Solid WMac RClCal'Ch &; EcoiOlicaJ Balance. OIl N. BI:ANUMATlllDAS
VisakhapImam S_ N. K.u.JrMs (AIIU71l/1t)

M8dr.- e-ta Lad, 0IcMai SHaI V. JALiANAT1WI


MiJiwy セ Scnica. EapDecr-ia-Cbiers BI'lIDCh, Slw J. B. SitAaNA

AzfII'J .......1EiS, New Ddhi Sua YOOI!SK Saow. (AlrenttJU)
MIlIislry of R_ T...-port A HipwaY$. Nao Delhi S..u A. N. DltooAPt.Aa
S- S. K. PulU lAl1enttJU)
NMMIaaI e-'iI for <:-1 ..t BlIiIdlllJ MaIuiaIs, SHRI R. C. W...-
BaIIaIII-fl Da M. M. Au Haャエ・ュ。イセI
N_ _ lac Houc. Kol.bla SHRI B. R. MWIAo
S _ n S. A. KAusml (Alrel'1ll/lt)
Slllu U. S. P. Vf.&MAo

OCt. IIIlIia UaUred. New Delhi OIl S. C. AHLuwAuA

hblic WOIb DLpal-' Gowcnunca« of セ MlIIIIbM セ ャ vit|N

[」ゥiセ WuRs 0epw1me... GcnemlllCat of Tarail N8du.. Oteanai SUP£IIIImMlDlO ENoiNmt (DEsKiN)
ExIlC\1TM セ Iセャ。ュエ QaH

セ Oaip ol sc-a.rdI Orpnizalioa (Minillry of Railways). SHRI R. M. SHAo.....

lAd:_ SMa! V. K. YAllAYA (Alk/lltlll!)
Sanpai laduslrlea Limilrd. Sanp Nap. Ranp Reddy Disrricl SHRI D. B. N. RAO
OIl H. K. PIITlWIt (Allt/lltlll!)

OaF fMcDe!a Hnaセ DAM)

セ I!lGNEEa (Alul'7llZk)
SHIt, A. C!tEu.APrluI
jMs I⦅AャiwセN

sイNウ Nセ
rMs NセセI

s.. P. D. ICaLo\I
S- S. J. Sawt (AlunlQll!)
S- 8IIuta s.o. (AIIl!/lIaIe)
s.r SuuKro e-n.un
S- 8&swMT DHAa IセォャaH

IS 3370 (Part 2) : . ,

OrgUltilJll lO" rセーBウョBイjBキHiI

VolunW)' Organ iution in (nteresl of CQlUUmer, Slcll HUONfT Kl '.....

New Delhi

BIS Directorate General SMa A. K. SAlHl . Scielltill "F' &t Head H。セ Eng)
{iャセオャ Diftdot Gmt:nI HejBGセッN_ャ

mセ L セBG_i。イゥB
Scicntill ' E' &. Direclor Hc ェセ Enul. BIS
SHR I S . AIllIN K l ......
Scjenris; ' B ' (C iv En"I. BIS

Concrete Subcomm ittee . CEO 2 : 2

Delhi Tourism &. Transportation Developmcnl Curporation

LId. New Delhi
ACC Ltd. Mumbai S... ANIL BANClMlll
S- P. bセay (Alk_)
AlOmic Energy Rcgularory Board, Mumbai OIl Pa.-. C. Buu
S- L. It 8-.Jl (A1u_)
Buildin! MaIeriaIs and TedInoloc Promotion Council. S- J. K. I'LuAo
New Delhi S- pAlCAJ 0\wrA HaセI
Cenlrll Building Research Institute (CSIR). Roortce OIl B. K. RAD
OIl S. K. Aa.uIw.L (AIu_)
Cenlrll Public WOIb Deputmcnl. New Delhi sセeN MHッMN I
ExIlCVl1VZI セ I セ M N ・
CcnuaJ Rl*! Resean:h Inllitute «('SIR). Ne-A' Delhi セamセャio
S- S _ K _ (A,.. . .)
Cenlrll Soil &. Materials Resean:h Sl.IlIon . New Delhi SJe. MI-.uD RATMAM
S. . N. ClwolIlAJQQI.IMI (AI"_I
Ccnlnl Waler Commission . New Delh i D1aIIl"TlJl (C&-.MDDI
0Durt DlIInoI (eaMDD) lAW-I
Engincen India Limited. New Delhi S_ Ar.vvoo KlIMA.
A)' Ash Uttil, Dep.tmmt of Science Md TcchnoloJY. DI V/MAl. KUMA.
Minislry of Science &. lCdInoIOC. New Delhi S- MUUSIl MA11tlJlI ャ イ セ
Gammoa India Limitlod. Mumbai S_ S. A. kBlDl
OIl N. K. NAYAI (All",,,,,,)
Grasim Industries LId. Mtunbai SIeI A. K. JAIN
S- M. C. AoaA.". (Alumalrl
Gujarlll Ambaja Cement Limited, Ahmedabed s.. C. M. DoaDI
s.. B. K. JAamA (AI,._)
.... M . S SIlETrt
S- L. N. An-. (Allr_)

Indian InstitulI: of TedlnolO!)'. Kanpur

Indian Instit1Ite of TecbnoloV. Roortee OIl AsNOIl K\IIlIIAIl JAIN

Lanen IIld Toubro Limitrd., Chcanai OIl B. StvUAlo4A S_

s.. ICJM;suy J. D. e-r Hai セ⦅I
Militar)' Engineer セ Eogineer·in-Cbier. Branch. Bll c R. K. セa
Army Hcadqunm. New Delhi Cot. V. K. BADGI..... (,,"'_)

IS 3370 (Part 2) : 2009

OrganillJli()fI Representativeis}

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. New Delhi SHRI T. B. BANERlf£

SHRl KAMI£SH KUM AR (A/lemale)

National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited. SHRI L. P. SINGH

New Delhi SHRI DARSHAN SINGH (A/lema/e)

National Council for Cement & Building Materials. SHRJ R. C. WAS ON

Ballabgarh SHRI H. K. JULKA (A//emale)

National Institute of Technology. Warangal DR C. B. KAMESwARA RAO

OR D . RAMA SESHU (A/temalt)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai SHRl U. S. P. VERMA

Pidilite lnduslries Limited, Mumbai SHRI P. L. PATRY

SIlIlI K. PADMAKAR (Alltmate)

Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers' Association. Bangalore SHRI VUAYKUMAR R. KULKARNI

Research, Design &: Standards Organization (Ministry of Railways), JOIKT DnlEcroR STANI>AIlDS (B&:S)/CB-I
Lucknow Joorr DtIlECTOll STANa"RDS (B&S)/CB-!1 (Alternate)
Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR). Cbennai SHRI T. S. KRISHNAMOORTHY
Tandon Consultants Private Limited, New Delhi SHRI MAHESH T ANOON

TCE Consulting Engineers Limited. Mumbai SHRI J. P. H"RAN

SHRI S . M. PAlEK"R (Altemate)

Torsteel Research Foundation in India, New Delhi DR P. C. CHOWDHURY

DR C. S. vlセhwant (Altemate)
In personal capacity (35. Pari. AvenI/e. Annamma, DR C . RAlKUMAR
Naid:er sエセ・ N KJutiamuthllr, cッゥュ「。エセI
In personal capacity (36. Old 5Mh Nagar, Wardha Raad. SHRI Lurr KUWAR JAIN

Panel for Revision errs 3370 (Parts 1 and 2). CED 2 : 2JPI

National Council for Cement and Building Material. OR ANn. KUMAR (CoMerur 「・ヲッセ 18 October 20(6)
In persoaaI capacity (36. Old 5Mh Nagar, Wardha Rood. SHRI LALIT KUMAR JAIN (CODetlU since /8 October 20(6)
Central Road Researm Institule (CSlR). New Delhi DIRf.CTOtl
SHRI SATANDfJl KlJMAIl <Alternate)
Delhi Tourism and TransportAtion Development Corpontion SIlIlI JOSE KURIAIl
Ltd, New Delhi
Gammon India Ltd, Mumbai SHRI S . A. REDOI

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi OR S. N. SII'lIlA

lndia:1 Institute of Technology, Roorkee DR AsHOK K. JAIN

Military Engineer Services. Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch. SHRI J. B. SHARMA

Anny Headquarters, New Delhi SHRI YOGESH K. SINOHAl (A/ternate)
Nalioaal Council for Cement and Building Material. SIlIlI H. K . JUlKA
BaIIabgarh SIlIlI R. C. WASON (A.lurnate)
Scbool of Planning aDd Architecture. New Delhi OR V. TIURUVEN<JAD.\M

Stnx:tDJa1 Engineering Resarch Centre (CSIR). Olcnnai sNtャrhs Nセ

TCE Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai SHIll S. M. Pf\WWl
SHRJ S. KmHNA (A/temate)
In personal capacity (K-U2. Kavi NalIar, GhcWabat!) OR A. K. MmAL

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statu lory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Aer, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of good s
and attending to connected mailers in the country .


BIS has the copyright of all its publications . No part of these publicati ons may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS . This does not preclude the free lise. in the course of
implementing the standard. of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes. type or grade designati ons.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications). BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision . Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions' ,

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 2 (7330).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No . Date of Issue Text Affected


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