FS1 L.E 2

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The Classroom for Learning

Learning Experience 2 now brings you face-to-face with the

actual world of learning for the basic education of children. As you
have experienced as a young learner, the classroom serves as your
home in the school. Here is where the learners are exposed to strategies that can
effectively nurture the developmental stage they are in. L.E 2 then focuses on the
classroom structure and displays used by teachers. Observe how a teacher structures a
classroom in order to promote active learning for the developmental level of his/her

Prepares FS 1 Students for PPST:

Your Intended Learning Outcome:
Domain: Learning Environment
Recommend an appropriate
Strand: Management of classroom structure and classroom structure and
activities. display for promoting
Support for learner participation
Promotion of purposive Tasks
Your Experiential learning Your Reflection Trigger

1.1 Exposure
Observing features of two classrooms of
different grade levels.
 How should a classroom be
1.2 Participation structured to enhance learning?
Recognising differences in the structure
and display of classroom of two different

1.3 Identification
Identifying the purpose of the resources Classroom be structured to enhance
found in the classroom. learning is when activities are creative
and innovative, where exercises that
1.4 Internalization involve active participation of the
Matching the classroom resources with students and are stimulating and
the learner characteristics. challenging that makes the student
1.5 Dissemination
Designing an ideal classroom structure
that can promote active learning for a
green developmental stage.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Observing features of two classrooms of different grade levels.

Arrange with your coopearating school to allow you to observe two

classrooms of two different levels (e.g BEEd-Kinder or Grade One and Grade V or VI for
BSEd – Grade 10). Using the Classroom Resources Checklist below, note down the
features/displays found in each classroom. Separate your observation notes for the two
classrooms. Check the YES column if present or available in the classroom.
Classroom Resources Checklist

Classroom 1 Classroom 2

Grade: 11 Chrysantemum Room: __ Grade: 12 Room: __

No. Of children: 17 Boys: 13 Girls: 4 No. Of children: ____ Boys: __ Girls:


Furniture How Furniture How

many? many?

 Learner’s desks Yes  20  Learner’s desks Yes  25

 Teacher’s table Yes  1  Teacher’s table Yes  1
 Book cabinets Yes _ 0  Book cabinets Yes _ 0
 Book shelves Yes _ 0  Book shelves Yes _ 0
 Learner’s lockers Yes _ 0  Learner’s lockers Yes _ 0
 Teacher’s locker Yes _ 0  Teacher’s locker Yes _ 0
 Others  Others

Locatio Locatio
Right, Right,
Front, Front,
Back) Back)
 Visuals for new Yes _  Visuals for new or Yes _
or current lesson current lesson
 Learner’s Yes _  Learner’s Yes _
artworks artworks
 Honor Roll Yes _  Honor Roll Yes _
 Group Yes _  Group Yes _
tasks/Responsibil tasks/Responsibili
ities ties
 Attendance Yes  Front  Attendance Yes  Front
 Experiments Yes _  Experimenys Yes _
Yes _ Yes _
 Projects  Projects
Yes _ Yes _
 Rules &  Rules &
Standards Standards

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

 Others  Others
Locatio Locatio
n (Left, n (Left,
Front, AIDS Front,
Back) Back)
 Musical Yes _  Musical Yes _
Instruments Instruments
 Maps/Globes Yes  Back  Maps/Globes Yes _
 Math Kits Yes _  Math Kits Yes _
 Art Kits Yes _  Art Kits Yes _
 Charts Yes  Right  Charts Yes _
 Flannel Board Yes _  Flannel Board Yes _
Yes  Back Yes _
 Computers  Computers
Yes _ Yes _
Yes _ Yes _
 Story  Story Bools/Trade
Books/Trade Books Yes _
Books Yes _  Reference Books Yes _
 Reference Books Yes_  Audio Tapes Yes  Front
 Audio Tapes Yes _  Blackboards Yes _
 Blackboards Yes  Front  Bulletin Boards Yes _
 Bulletin Boards Yes _  Others
 Others

Recognising differences in the structure and display of
classrooms used by two different levels.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Study well your notes for the two classrooms and answer the questions that

1. What resources are available in both classrooms? Write those common

resources on the matrix.
Common Resources

 FURNITURE Chairs, table,

 DISPLAY Attendance

 TEACHING AIDS Smart television, Whiteboard

2. What resources are exclusively found only in one classroom?

RESOURCES Classroom 1 (Lower Classroom 2 (Upper

Grade) Grade)



 TEACHING AIDS Globes and Maps, N/A

Computers, Chart

3. How will you differentiate the resources found in the two classrooms in terms of type,
size, arrangement, color, number, or location?

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Classroom 1 (Lower Classroom 2 (Upper
Grade) Grade)

 FURNITURE Number Number

 DISPLAY Location Number

 TEACHING AIDS Type and Arrangement Type and Arrangement

4. What could have significantly made the type of resources in the two classrooms

 They significantly different because they differ in a year level. That is why
the arrangement, the displays and the teaching/learning aids are also
 The teacher or classroom adviser can follow the schools’ guidelines came
from the head office.
 Students don’t need too much decorations inside the classroom since it is
not the focus of their learnings.


Identifying the purpose of the resources found in the classroom.

You have identified the resources found in the two classrooms particularly the
classroom displays. Based on what you have learned before in your professional

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

education course. Give a possible reason for putting on the various displays in a
classroom for a beginning grade and for an upper grade. Do the two classrooms share
the same purpose or reason for the displays? You may consult the teacher in the room
to specify the purpose.

Classroom Display Classroom 1 (Lower Classroom 2 (Upper

Grade) Grade)
1.materials for new lesson Helps the students to be Helps students to be
prepared for studying the prepared for studying the
new lesson. new lesson.
2. model art works Giving opportunity for the Giving opportunity for the
learners to showcase their learners to showcase their
skills and creativeness. skills and creativeness
3. Honor Roll Way of enhancing learners’ Way of enhancing learners’
motivation to study hard. motivation to study hard.
4. Group Tasks/ . It can serve as they It can serve as they
Assignment/ reminders which can also reminders which can also
Responsibilities enhance their enhance their
communicative skills communicative skills
5. Students projects/ Students can find different Students can find different
experiments ideas they can use to a new ideas they can use to a new
concept. concept.
6. Exemplary learners’ Students can enhance their Students can enhance their
written output writing skills. writing skills.
7. supplementary books Can help motivate the Can help motivate the
and other materials learners. learners.
8. Rules and standards for Help improve the students’ Help improve the students’
class to follow learnings. learnings.

 Do the two classrooms always share the same purposes or reasons for having those
displays? What could be the reason why they vary?

Yes, both classrooms are sharing the same purposes and reasons for having those
displays. Even though they are from the different year level but they have the objectives
or goals. And that goal is focusing on the learners’ development where those displays
can help them improve.

Matching the classroom resources with the learner characteristics.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

For BEEd

 Given the physical, social, intellectual characteristics you have learned of lower
grade learners, how do you describe or characterize the resources that must be
found in their classroom.

Basic Resources of Suggested Characteristics/Description/Contents


1. Learner’s desks
2. Bulletin boards
4. Learning kits
5. Learning stations
6. Play materials
7. Musical devices
8. Others

 Given the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive/intellectual characteristics of

upper grade learners, what activities will interest them to carry out inside or outside
their classroom? What classroom resources should be available to carry these out?

Interesting Activities for Upper Grade Learners Useful Resources





For BSEd

 Given the physical, social, intellectual characteristics you have learned of lower
grade learners, how do you describe or characterize the resources that must be
found in their classroom.

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Basic Resources Suggested Characteristics/Description/Contents
of Classrooms
1. Learner’s desks The learners’ desks must be in a good condition and arranged
properly according to the instruction of the adviser.
2. Bulletin boards The bulletin board should be updated and posted all the time.

3.Books The books should be properly organized into the bookshelves.

4. Learning kits The learning kits should be properly organized to assist

learners’ performance.
5. Learning stations The learning stations must have a clear instructional purpose,
engaging, and support the use of assessment to enhance
6. Play materials The play materials should be safe to use because it is essential
to their physical, social, emotional and mental development.
7. Musical devices The musical devices must be placed where it can easily find
and safe to use. It helps them improved their music skills and
can boost their self-esteem
8. Others

 Given the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive/intellectual characteristics of

upper grade learners, what activities will interest them to carry out inside or outside
their classroom? What classroom resources should be available to carry these out?

Interesting Activities for Upper Useful Resources

Grade Learners
1. Pictionary  Whiteboard/piece of paper
 Pen/pencil and lists of words.
2. Studying Contest  Whiteboard/marker
 Projector
3. Debate  Chairs
 Table
4. Creative Writing  Paper
 Pen
5. Quiz Bee  Paper
 Pen

Designing an Ideal classroom structure that can promote active learning
for a given developmental stage

Based on the observations you have made of classrooms in your school,

reflect on what can be an ideal classroom that can promote active learning for a given

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

 Write a narrative of your idea of a classroom for a grade level of your choice. Given
the characteristics of your learners, describe what the classroom should have and
what activities you can make them do inside this classroom.

Growth Portfolio Entry NO.2-A

My Idea of a Classroom for Grade 11

My idea of a classroom for Grade 11 is like every teachers’ dream. The classroom
serves as our home in the school, that’s why it should be a positive classroom
climate where feels safe, respectful, welcoming, and supportive of student learning.
And in order to meet these expectations, I should give students the chance to
communicate their ideas, form connections with others, and collaborate. This will
support the development and maintaining of a climate of emotional safety in my
classroom. Another thing is the good layout of classroom facilities where needed
generally to enhance students’ learnings and developments. My classroom should
have clear rules and regulations, classroom library, flexible seating arrangement,
word wall, technology area, bulletin boards, first aid kits, and supplies storage,
learning area, etc. When it comes to activities, it must be useful and ensuring that
students continue through the unit, which is equally vital. This should give students
the opportunity to interact with and grow their abilities, information, and
comprehensions in various approaches. Active learning techniques encourage
students to participate in their education by analysing, debating, researching, and
producing. In class, students put their knowledge into reality, work through difficult
decisions, solving problems, offer answers, and articulate concepts in their own
terms through writing and discussion. Although some students are not attentive or
engaged in class, I will make sure that they understand the value of their
participation. I would like them to realize there will be lovely spaces for students that
they will enjoy being in at school.

 Sketch the interior of your dream classroom that will show the pieces of
furniture, various display, and teaching aids. Consider a floor plan that will
allow for collaborative work and other group activities.

No. 2-B

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Growth Portfolio Entry

My Ideal Classroom for Grade 11


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

An environment that is conducive to learning for students is one where they feel safe,

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning


For Use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Appropriateness of Application

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 2: The Classroom for Learning

Score Description

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