Appendix - Unemployment Rate
Appendix - Unemployment Rate
Appendix - Unemployment Rate
4.800000191 6 6.599999905 5.599999905 3.400000095 2.299999952 4.5 2.799999952
9.170000076 5 4.300000191
1.919999957 1.289999962
6 5.880000114
1.669999957 1.549999952 1.480000019 2.289999962 1.75999999 1.460000038
2.089999914 2.150000095 2 1.669999957 1.700000048 1.899999976 1.899999976
7.099999905 7.599999905 6.789999962 6.989999771 5.800000191 6.409999847 6.670000076 8.729999542
4.840000153 4.570000172 4.400000095 4.230000019 4 4.920000076 5.199999809 5.820000172
5.28000021 5.360000134 4.769999981 3.210000038 3.829999924 4.800000191 4.46999979
14.19999981 14.89999962
5.599999905 5.099999905 3.599999905 4.400000095 5.699999809 6.699999809
2.799999952 2 2.299999952 4.5 4.730000019 4.170000076 3.539999962 5.300000191
2.039999962 2.019999981
3.420000076 4.940000057 7.809999943 8.100000381 7.800000191
2.150000095 2.269999981
9.899999619 8.699999809 9.600000381 9.25
3.170000076 3.809999943 5.199999809 4.510000229 4.360000134 4.070000172 3.799999952 3.980000019
3.200000048 2.630000114 2.960000038
8.5 8.100000381
3.400000095 3.799999952 5.840000153 6.920000076
6.159999847 7.920000076 11.85000038 10.47999954
1.799999952 1.99000001 1.700000048 2.039999962 2.900000095 2.319999933
4.179999828 4.119999886 4.010000229 3.819999933 3.819999933 4.300000191 4.159999847 3.970000029
8.06000042 8.779999733 8.409999847 9.710000038 10.07999992 12.34000015
6.5 7.119999886 6.96999979 6.769999981 6.980000019 9.199999809 10.5 11.78999996
4 3.5 4.75 5.360000134 5.5 4.889999866 7.03000021 6.070000172
4.980000019 5.809999943 5.889999866 7 8.050000191 11.48999977 12.85999966 13.15999985
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
6.400000095 6.099999905 7 7.300000191 9.5 9.100000381 26.5 22.29999924
4.510000229 5.369999886 3.930000067 3.950000048
15.69337166 15.7239136 16.56151236 17.19621953
5.909999847 7.21999979
3.700000048 3.400000095 2.799999952 2.299999952 1.799999952 3 2.089999914 2.700000048
0.699999988 2.269999981 2.599999905 4.320000172
6.610000134 6.820000172 6.320000172 5.710000038 4.889999866 5.320000172 6.320000172 7.679999828
11.32999992 9.529999733
6.03000021 6.090000153 6.489999771 8.149999619 8.340000153 9.100000381 9.029999733 10.72000027
11.51000023 11.02000046 9.010000229 7.409999847 6.96999979 8.550000191 9.779999733 10.35000038
3.49000001 4.699999809
2.400000095 1.940000057
6.28000021 2.809999943 2.829999924 3.50999999 3.839999914 5.53000021
13.09000015 11.89999962
5.766382466 6.501057038 7.31202769 7.828647809
2.819999933 1.730000019 1.360000014 1.070000052 1.320000052 1.799999952 1.960000038 1.960000038
12.11999989 11.39999962 4.78000021 4.579999924 3.059999943
1.700000048 8.5 9.93999958 12.10000038
3.809999943 3.089999914 2.519999981 2.569999933 2.450000048 2.410000086 2.50999999 2.880000114
1.909999967 0.800000012
6.334328403 6.463545148
6.43474934 6.557204726
0.150000006 0.519999981 0.75999999 1.360000014
15.89999962 14.65999985 14.22000027 13.81999969
2.994136799 2.867104011 3.54174894 3.745019345
1.75999999 3.150000095 3.24000001 3.369999886
4.699999809 5.800000191 6 8.659999847
9.899999619 9.369999886 8.699999809 7.670000076 7.28000021 5.559999943 6.289999962
1.789999962 2.029999971 3.019999981 4.829999924 5.260000229 5.409999847 5.909999847 5.96999979
5.179999828 5.880000114
0.800000012 0.300000012
2.762821361 2.591938431 2.546352349 2.792740526
6.510885889 6.96464996
4.159999847 1.299999952
0.939999998 0.920000017
13 15 18.89999962 19.70000076
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
6.449999809 7.449999809 6.920000076 6.900000095
1.799999952 2.25
11.76000023 18.79999924 17.11000061 14.81999969 12.64999962 14.05000019 15 17.31999969
6.599999905 6.699999809 9.300000191 10.80000019 9.399999619 11.19999981
9.720000267 8.470000267 8.510000229 8.359999657 7.679999828 6.869999886 6.28000021 6.739999771
3.539999962 4.349999905 5.28000021 5.150000095 5.519999981 4.699999809 4.690000057 4.010000229
0.649999976 0.800000012 0.899999976 1.029999971 1.129999995 16.25 11.77999973 10.90999985
9.649999619 9.340000153 9.479999542 8.960000038 9.319999695 8.649999619 6.590000153 6.179999828
2.579999924 2.440000057
2.50999999 3.269999981
12.80000019 11.10000038 12.5 13.69999981 12.19999981 14.10000038 16.21999931 19.92000008
2.480000019 2.059999943 2.049999952 2.609999895 6.960000038 6.340000153 4.059999943 3.700000048
0.699999988 0.699999988 0.699999988 0.699999988 0.699999988 0.800000012 0.800000012
8.061745854 8.365075607 8.158073836 8.807046086 9.470182876 8.717595726
3.837766562 4.968122665
30 35.59999847 38.79999924 36 34.5 32.40000153 32.20000076 30.52000046
4.099999905 3.700000048 4.400000095 5 5.099999905 5.300000191 6.320000172 7.110000134
9.590000153 9.140000343
7.159999847 7.159999847 6.420000076 5.510000229 4.389999866 3.619999886 2.730000019 2.119999886
5.349999905 6.309999943 5.039999962 4.690000057 3.74000001 3.25 3.460000038 3.74000001
4.5 1.850000024
14.39999962 15.72999954
12.69999981 8.390000343 10.88000011 10.56000042 10.63000011 13.60000038
13.64999962 13.10999966 11.34000015 11.89000034 12.18999958 15.94999981 19.05999947 19.37999916
8.239999771 7.150000095 6.909999847 6.650000095 7.389999866 7.320000172 6.920000076 5.679999828
9.579999924 8.899999619 9.550000191 10.35999966 8.93999958 7.610000134 5.46999979 4.730000019
21.64999962 22.5
7.5 7.199999809 7.599999905 11.63000011
2.53613375 3.235413343
23.63999939 3.779999971
15.80000019 15 14.39999962 14.10000038 13.80000019 15.97000027 13.06000042 13.67000008
4.400000095 3.059999943
19.79999924 19.86000061
15.63000011 14.18999958 13.72000027 11.86999989 10.25 10.52000046 11.31999969
5.039999962 4.809999943 4.590000153 4.75 5.349999905 5.260000229 5.619999886 7.539999962
12.59000015 11.51000023 12.61999989 13.81000042 13.56999969 13.27999973 17.87000084 20.70999908
9.81000042 5.5
11.68000031 10.27999973 8.170000076 8.420000076 10.93999958 8.140000343
6.179999828 7.769999981 9.859999657 8.039999962 7.449999809 5.429999828 8.300000191
7.789999962 8.039999962 7.880000114 7.519999981 6.110000134 5.300000191 4.809999943 4.329999924
20.20000076 19.62999916 19.64999962 19.42000008 17.44000053 16.51000023 16.60000038 13.93999958
5.380000114 2.170000076 6.809999943 4.21999979
7.150000095 7.539999962 8.100000381 6.599999905 6.940000057 7.21999979 7.920000076
14.38000011 13.61999989 13.96000004 14.22000027 13.18000031 11.47999954 9.670000076 8.130000114
7.239999771 8.170000076 8.840000153 10.10000038 9.670000076 8.960000038 8 6.559999943
8.609999657 7.800000191 7.980000019 8.050000191 7.949999809 7.429999828 6.989999771 6.71999979
2.390221595 2.69341365
12.30000019 11.47000027
18.39999962 15.68999958 15.86999989
4.760000229 4.159999847 4.050000191
22.61000061 24.93000031
12.17000008 11.28999996
9.630000114 11.48999977 17.40999985
13.43000031 19.06999969
3.506119429 4.387816621
5.928516242 5.929283291 6.16875617
3.473916219 4.257824041
7.196746745 7.351572062 7.639137699
7.005155991 6.771398162 7.336436089
3.529999971 3.809999943 6.110000134
9.859999657 7.849999905 7.940000057
8.170314497 7.534768726 7.825306891
4 3.74000001
12.67000008 11.56999969 18.5
14.02000046 13.52000046
5.111563237 4.811062587 6.636599986
2.819999933 2.930000067 5.829999924
5.650000095 5.699999809 10.97999954
4.389999866 3.589999914 4.25
19.07999992 15.31999969
7.937756489 8.128567019 10.50301346
4.320000172 4.670000076 5.199999809
5.148019814 5.405683723
5.280056376 5.9498415
4.679181787 5.579653613
6.150000095 6.260000229 8.489999771
5.590000153 5.590000153 6.769999981
7.409999847 6.309999943 8.100000381
1.830000043 1.75 2.569999933
3.829999924 3.380000114 3.819999933
3.799999952 3.690000057 4.420000076
9.199999809 8.300000191
3.569999933 2.859999895
3.099999905 4.099999905
4.010000229 4.170000076 5.019999981
12.72999954 10.39000034 9.010000229
3.506119429 4.387816621
6.914768799 6.990145052 7.23753233
5.155821435 5.204997495 4.828148175
15.46000004 15.13000011
10.89000034 13.67000008 13.10999966
30.37999916 26 26.17000008
For more
information, please
FCS situations. Fragile and conflict affected situations
FIN Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Finland
FJI East Asia & Pacific Upper middle income Fiji
FRA Europe & Central Asi High income The following irrevoc France
FRO Europe & Central Asi High income Faroe Islands
FSM East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeFiscal year ends on SeMicronesia, Fed. Sts.
GAB Sub-Saharan Africa Upper middle income Gabon
GBR Europe & Central Asi High income United Kingdom
GEO Europe & Central Asi Upper middle incomeIncludes self-governe Georgia
GHA Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema Ghana
GIB Europe & Central Asi High income The DEC conversion isGibraltar
GIN Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Guinea
GMB Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Gambia, The
GNB Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Sub-Saharan Africa Upper middle income Equatorial Guinea
GRC Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Greece
GRD Latin America & Cari Upper middle income Grenada
GRL Europe & Central Asi High income Greenland
GTM Latin America & Cari Upper middle incomeThe World Bank systema Guatemala
GUM East Asia & Pacific High income Guam
GUY Latin America & Cari Upper middle income Guyana
HIC High income group agHigh income
HKG East Asia & Pacific High income On 1 July 1997 China Hong Kong SAR, China
HND Latin America & Cari Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema
The Heavily
Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC)
refer to countries
that participated in
the HIPC Initiative,
launched in 1996 by
the IMF and World
Bank to reduce
external debt
burdens of the most
heavily indebted
poor countries at
that time to
sustainable levels.
To date, the
majority of the
countries completed
the program,
receiving 76 billion
in debt-service relief
over time. For more
details, visit
Data are aggregates
HPC for HIPC. Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC
HRV Europe & Central Asi High income Croatia
HTI Latin America & Cari Lower middle incomeThe reporting period fHaiti
HUN Europe & Central Asi High income Hungary
IBD IBRD only group aggr IBRD only
IBT IDA and IBRD total gr IDA & IBRD total
IDA IDA total group aggre IDA total
IDB IDA blend group aggr IDA blend
IDN East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeFiscal year end: Marc Indonesia
IDX IDA only group aggregIDA only
IMN Europe & Central Asi High income Classification for ye Isle of Man
IND South Asia Lower middle incomeThe reporting period fIndia
IRL Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Ireland
dual exchange rate
activity exists and
must be accounted
for appropriately in
underlying statistics.
An alternative
conversion factor” -
PA.NUS.ATLS) is thus
calculated as a
weighted average of
the different
exchange rates in
use in the country.
Doing so better
reflects economic
reality and leads to
more accurate
comparisons and
classifications by
income level. For
this country, this
applies to 1987-
1990; 1993-2002,
and 2018-2020.
conversion factors
are used in the Atlas
methodology and
elsewhere in World
Indicators as single-
year conversion
IRN Middle East & North ALower middle income factors. Iran, Islamic Rep.
IRQ Middle East & North AUpper middle income Iraq
ISL Europe & Central Asi High income Iceland
ISR Middle East & North AHigh income Israel
ITA Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Italy
JAM Latin America & Cari Upper middle income Jamaica
JOR Middle East & North AUpper middle income Jordan
JPN East Asia & Pacific High income Fiscal year end: MarchJapan
KAZ Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income Kazakhstan
KEN Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeFiscal year end: June Kenya
KGZ Europe & Central Asi Lower middle income Kyrgyz Republic
KHM East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema Cambodia
KIR East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Kiribati
KNA Latin America & Cari High income St. Kitts and Nevis
KOR East Asia & Pacific High income Korea, Rep.
KWT Middle East & North AHigh income Kuwait
LAC Latin America & Caribbean (excluding
LAO East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema Lao PDR
LBN Middle East & North AUpper middle incomeThe World Bank system Lebanon
LBR Sub-Saharan Africa Low income National accounts datLiberia
LBY Middle East & North AUpper middle income Libya
LCA Latin America & Cari Upper middle income St. Lucia
LCN Latin America & Caribbean
LDC Least developed countries: UN classific
LIC Low income group aggLow income
LIE Europe & Central Asi High income Liechtenstein
LKA South Asia Lower middle income Sri Lanka
LMC Lower middle income Lower middle income
LMY Low & middle income
LSO Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeFiscal year end: MarchLesotho
LTE Late-demographic dividend
LTU Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Lithuania
LUX Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Luxembourg
LVA Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Latvia
MAC East Asia & Pacific High income On 20 December 1999Macao
C SAR, China
MAF Latin America & Cari High income St. Martin (French part)
MAR Middle East & North ALower middle income Morocco
MCO Europe & Central Asi High income Monaco
MDA Europe & Central Asi Upper middle incomeExcluding Transnistri Moldova
MDG Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Madagascar
MDV South Asia Upper middle income Maldives
MEA Middle East and NorthMiddle East & North Africa
MEX Latin America & Cari Upper middle income Mexico
MHL East Asia & Pacific Upper middle incomeFiscal year ends on S Marshall Islands
MIC Middle income group Middle income
MKD Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income North Macedonia
MLI Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Mali
MLT Middle East & North AHigh income A simple multiplier i Malta
country, multiple or
dual exchange rate
activity exists and
must be accounted
for appropriately in
underlying statistics.
An alternative
conversion factor” -
PA.NUS.ATLS) is thus
calculated as a
weighted average of
the different
exchange rates in
use in the country.
Doing so better
reflects economic
reality and leads to
more accurate
comparisons and
classifications by
income level. For
this country, this
applies to the period
conversion factors
are used in the Atlas
methodology and
elsewhere in World
Indicators as single-
year conversion
MMR East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income factors. Myanmar
MNA Middle East & North Africa (excluding
MNE Europe & Central Asi Upper middle incomeMontenegro declaredMontenegro
MNG East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema Mongolia
MNP East Asia & Pacific High income Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Mozambique
MRT Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income National account data were
adjusted to reflect the new bank
MUS Sub-Saharan Africa Upper middle income Mauritius
MWI Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Malawi
MYS East Asia & Pacific Upper middle income Malaysia
NAC North America regionaNorth America
NAM Sub-Saharan Africa Upper middle incomeFiscal year end: MarchNamibia
NCL East Asia & Pacific High income New Caledonia
NER Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Niger
NGA Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeThe World Bank system Nigeria
NIC Latin America & Cari Lower middle incomeThe World Bank systema Nicaragua
NLD Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Netherlands
NOR Europe & Central Asi High income Norway
NPL South Asia Lower middle incomeThe reporting period fNepal
NRU East Asia & Pacific High income The reporting period fNauru
NZL East Asia & Pacific High income Fiscal year end: MarchNew Zealand
OED OECD members
OMN Middle East & North AHigh income Oman
OSS Other small states
PAK South Asia Lower middle incomeThe reporting period fPakistan
PAN Latin America & Cari Upper middle income Panama
PER Latin America & Cari Upper middle incomeThe World Bank systema Peru
PHL East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Philippines
PLW East Asia & Pacific High income Fiscal year ends on S Palau
PNG East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Papua New Guinea
POL Europe & Central Asi High income Poland
PRE Pre-dividend countriePre-demographic dividend
PRI Latin America & Cari High income Fiscal year end: June Puerto Rico
PRK East Asia & Pacific Low income Korea, Dem. People's Rep.
PRT Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Portugal
PRY Latin America & Cari Upper middle incomeThe World Bank systema Paraguay
PSE Middle East & North ALower middle incomeNational accounts datWest Bank and Gaza
PSS Pacific island small s Pacific island small states
PST Post-dividend countri Post-demographic dividend
PYF East Asia & Pacific High income French Polynesia
QAT Middle East & North AHigh income Qatar
ROU Europe & Central Asi Upper middle incomeThe World Bank systema Romania
RUS Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income Russian Federation
RWA Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Rwanda
SAS South Asia
SAU Middle East & North AHigh income Saudi Arabia
SDN Sub-Saharan Africa Low income The World Bank systema Sudan
SEN Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income Senegal
SGP East Asia & Pacific High income Fiscal year end: MarchSingapore
SLB East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Solomon Islands
SLE Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Sierra Leone
SLV Latin America & Cari Lower middle income El Salvador
SMR Europe & Central Asi High income San Marino
SOM Sub-Saharan Africa Low income The World Bank systema Somalia
SRB Europe & Central Asi Upper middle incomeMontenegro declaredSerbiai
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high inc
SSD Sub-Saharan Africa Low income The reporting period fSouth Sudan
SSF Sub-Saharan Africa regSub-Saharan Africa
SST Small states (membersSmall states
STP Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income National account data were
São Tomé
and Principe
to reflect the new bank
SUR Latin America & Cari Upper middle incomeThe World Bank system Suriname
SVK Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Slovak Republic
SVN Europe & Central Asi High income A simple multiplier i Slovenia
SWE Europe & Central Asi High income Fiscal year end: June Sweden
SWZ Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeFiscal year end: Marc Eswatini
SXM Latin America & Cari High income Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SYC Sub-Saharan Africa High income Seychelles
SYR Middle East & North ALow income The World Bank systema Syrian Arab Republic
TCA Latin America & Cari High income Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Chad
TEA East Asia & Pacific (I East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD)
TEC Europe & Central AsiaEurope & Central Asia (IDA & IBRD)
TGO Sub-Saharan Africa Low income Togo
THA East Asia & Pacific Upper middle incomeFiscal year end: Sept Thailand
TJK Europe & Central Asi Lower middle income Tajikistan
TKM Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income Turkmenistan
TLA Latin America & the CLatin America & Caribbean (IDA & IBRD
TLS East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Timor-Leste
TMN Middle East & North AMiddle East & North Africa (IDA & IBRD
TON East Asia & Pacific Upper middle incomeThe reporting period fTonga
TSA South Asia (IDA & IBR South Asia (IDA & IBRD)
TSS Sub-Saharan Africa (I Sub-Saharan Africa (IDA & IBRD)
TTO Latin America & Cari High income Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Middle East & North ALower middle income Tunisia
TUR Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income Turkey
TUV East Asia & Pacific Upper middle income Tuvalu
TZA Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income Tanzania
country, multiple or
dual exchange rate
activity exists and
must be accounted
for appropriately in
underlying statistics.
An alternative
conversion factor” -
PA.NUS.ATLS) is thus
calculated as a
weighted average of
the different
exchange rates in
use in the country.
Doing so better
reflects economic
reality and leads to
more accurate
comparisons and
classifications by
income level. For
this country, this
applies to 1960-
1964 and 1975-
1983. Alternative
conversion factors
are used in the Atlas
methodology and
elsewhere in World
Indicators as single-
year conversion
UGA Sub-Saharan Africa Low income factors. Uganda
UKR Europe & Central Asi Lower middle income Ukraine
UMC Upper middle income Upper middle income
URY Latin America & Cari High income Uruguay
USA North America High income United States
UZB Europe & Central Asi Lower middle income Uzbekistan
VCT Latin America & Cari Upper middle income St. Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Latin America & Caribbean Venezuela, RB
VGB Latin America & Cari High income British Virgin Islands
VIR Latin America & Cari High income Virgin Islands (U.S.)
VNM East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Vietnam
VUT East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income Vanuatu
WLD World aggregate. World
WSM East Asia & Pacific Lower middle incomeThe reporting period fSamoa
XKX Europe & Central Asi Upper middle income Kosovo
YEM Middle East & North ALow income The World Bank system Yemen, Rep.
ZAF Sub-Saharan Africa Upper middle incomeFiscal year end: MarchSouth Africa
ZMB Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle incomeNational accounts datZambia
country, multiple or
dual exchange rate
activity exists and
must be accounted
for appropriately in
underlying statistics.
An alternative
conversion factor” -
PA.NUS.ATLS) is thus
calculated as a
weighted average of
the different
exchange rates in
use in the country.
Doing so better
reflects economic
reality and leads to
more accurate
comparisons and
classifications by
income level. For
this country, this
applies to the period
conversion factors
are used in the Atlas
methodology and
elsewhere in World
Indicators as single-
year conversion
ZWE Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income factors. Zimbabwe
tern and Southern
ab Emirates
nd Barbuda
d Herzegovina
rican Republic
ddle income
ddle income
ographic dividend
(French part)
Mariana Islands
graphic dividend
m. People's Rep.
and Principe