Central Office: Republic of The Philippines
Central Office: Republic of The Philippines
Central Office: Republic of The Philippines
2 2 APR 2022
DEPARTMENT ORDER ) SUBJECT: Control of Nonconforming Outputs
and Corrective Action Procedures
61 ~
Series of 2022..11
4 \ ~2 IlO').'1.-
In connection with the implementation of the Department's Quality Management System
CQMS) and its provisions, the DPWH shall evaluate the need for action to eliminate the
identified nonconformity and its causes so it does not recur or occur elsewhere. This shall be
done by reviewing and analyzing the nonconformity, determining the causes of the
nonconformity and determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur.
Further, the DPWH shall implement any action needed and review the effectiveness of any
corrective action taken. With this, the Control of Nonconforming Outputs and Corrective
Action procedures and pertinent forms are hereby established.
This Order, which supports the QMS requirement on Nonconformity and Corrective Action,
shall take effect immediately and shall supersede the Mandatory Procedures DPWH-QMSP-
04 and DPWH-QMSP-OS as stated in Department Order No. 43, series of 2019.
Acting Secretary
End: Control of Nonconforming Outputs and Corrective'Action procedures and pertinent forms
Department of Public Works and Highways Issue Date:
Quality Management System Doc. Code: DPWH-QMSP-18
1.0 Purpose
To define a system for identifying nonconforming outputs and applying the necessary
control to prevent its unintended use or delivery and establish standard procedure in
identifying nonconformities, determining the cause/s of nonconformities, and providing
action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur.
- Production stoppage
- Safety incident
- Quality degradation
- Customer dissatisfaction
• 3.2
Control of Nonconforming Outputs and
Corrective Action Procedures
Corrective Action
Revision No.:
Page No.
Page 4 of 7
4.0 References
5.0 Attachments
6.0 Approval
Control of Nonconforming Outputs and
Corrective Action Procedures
Revision No.:
Page No.
Page 7 of 7
Reviewed by:
Department of Public Works and Highways Issue Date: •
, .
Quality Management System
DPWH-QMSP-18-0 1-
Doc. Code:
Corrective Action Report (CAR) Form Page No. Page 1 of 2
Date by which
Proposed By -
correction will be
(Client Rep):
Name and Signature implemented:
Client Analysis of the Root Cause
(What do you think caused the problem in the first place, and why?)
Analyzed by:
Name and Signature
Department of Public Works and Highways Issue Date: • c
DPWH-QMSP-18-0 1-
Doc. Code:
Corrective Action Report (CAR) Form Page No. Page 2 of 2
Date by which
Proposed By -
(Client Rep): corrective action will
be implemented:
Nameand Signature
Approved By -
(Process Owner Date approved for
Rep): implementation:
Name and Signature
I hereby declare that the issued CAR, defined, corrected and validated by this form, CLOSED