Review Article/meta Analysis: Nagalakshmi CS, Shaheen B Shaikh, Santhosh NU
Review Article/meta Analysis: Nagalakshmi CS, Shaheen B Shaikh, Santhosh NU
Review Article/meta Analysis: Nagalakshmi CS, Shaheen B Shaikh, Santhosh NU
01 January’22
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 21 No. 01 January’22
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 21 No. 01 January’22
individuals to infections, there are several specific during prolonged periods of hospitalization.
factors liable for increased risk and severity of SARS
CoV2 infection in patients with diabetes such as: (i) Measures in Diabetic Patients infected with
Increased expression of ACE-2 (ii) Raised Furin, the COVID-19:1,4
host cell protease (iii) Diminished functioning of • Majority of patients have mild disease and can
T-Cells, and (iv) Increased levels of Interleukin-6. be managed at home
Special considerations on the use of Anti-diabetes • If the patient develops fever, cough, running
drugs: nose or dyspnoea, notify the appropriate health
authority and seek immediate medical help
Although optimising glycaemic control to reduce
the risk of severe COVID-19 disease is important, • Isolate the patient for 14 days or till the symptoms
specific considerations around treatment modality resolve (whichever is longer)
should be made. Lactic acidosis associated • Hydration should be well maintained
with metformin usage, or euglycemic/moderate
hyperglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis associated • Symptomatic treatment with acetaminophen,
steam inhalation etc. will be helpful
with SGLT-2 inhibitors are rare instances; however,
it is recommended that these drugs Should be • Patients with type 1 diabetes should measure
discontinued in patients with severe symptoms of blood glucose and urinary ketones frequently
COVID-19 in an attempt to reduce the risk of acute
• Avoid Anti-hyperglycaemic agents which can
metabolic decompensation.20 cause volume depletion or hypoglycaemia
Management of hyperglycaemia and associated • Adjust the dose of oral anti-diabetic agents
Metabolic conditions: • Severely diseased and hospitalised patients need
People with diabetes should intensify their metabolic frequent blood glucose monitoring.
control by adopting suitable lifestyle modification • Oral Anti-diabetic agents like metformin and
protocols in addition to pharmacologic therapy. Most SGLT-2 inhibitors need to be stopped to reduce
patients with type 2 diabetes have other components the risk of acute metabolic decompensation.20
of Metabolic Syndrome i.e., hypertension (using
drugs not acting through ACE-2), dyslipidaemia, • Insulin is the preferred agent for control of
hyperglycaemia in sick patients
etc. Hence, continued treatment using an appropriate
antihypertensive and lipid-lowering agent is highly
Unproven therapies and future directions:
recommended. Treatment with ACE inhibitors orAT2
blockers is discouraged since they could increase the • In the absence of specific antiviral drug, anecdotal
expression of ACE2 and facilitate viral entry into use of drugs like lopinavir, ritonavir, interferon-
cells.21, 22 1b, Remdesivir (RNA polymerase inhibitor) and
chloroquine has been reported
Challenges associated with achieving optimal • Regular supplementation with Zinc and Vitamin
metabolic control in COVID-19 affected diabetic C is quite essential
• A definitive vaccine can be a major tool to
In spite of knowing the importance of maintaining contain this viral epidemic 23
optimal blood glucose levels in current situation of
COVID-19 pandemic, certain hindrances have to Preventive Measures
be overcome to achieve it practically. It is therefore
important to raise awareness regarding the significance Following measures are suggested for prevention of
of glycaemic control among the front-line workers. this disease in patients with diabetes:1,5
The optimal treatment of these patients should
consist of a multidisciplinary approach by doctors A. Specific Measures in Patients with Diabetes
from emergency medicine, infectious diseases, • More frequent monitoring of blood glucose
pulmonary medicine, endocrinology, nutritionists levels (to lessen chances of superadded
and exercise rehabilitation specialists, especially bacterial pneumonia as well) using Glucometer
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 21 No. 01 January’22
preferably(to lessen the exposure) Due to the challenges associated with restriction on
• Regular intake of antidiabetic medication – movement, an increasing number of diabetic patients
Telemedicine can be very helpful are cancelling their routine visits to diabetes clinics.
This development along with the increased stress
• Stabilise the co-existing cardiac/renal disease
associated with social isolation and lack of physical
• Balanced and adequate nutrition with good intake activity provides a fertile ground for worsening of
of proteins and fibre, together with limited intake glycaemic status and blood pressure control, further
of saturated fats is very much recommended
predisposing these vulnerable patients to COVID-19
• Home based Exercise (cycling, treadmill, infections.
stationary jogging and resistance exercise with
small weights) has been shown to improve As suggested by American Diabetes Association
immunity (ADA) and American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists (AACE), it is much essential that
• Care of feet should be emphasized
we alert the health care community and the public
• Patients need to be educated about the need to regarding the increased risks of this progressing
visit the hospital immediately in emergency pandemic in diabetic patients. Also, adherence to
situations like vomiting, drowsiness, shortness CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
of breath, chest pain, weakness of limbs, altered
guidance regarding social isolation is very important
sensorium etc.
in persons with diabetes. Finally, the current situation
emphasizes the need for more clinical investigation
B. General Preventive Measures:
as the pandemic unfolds to fully characterize the
• Thorough handwashing with soap and water problem and define best practices for optimum
• Practise proper respiratory hygiene withcovering outcomes.
of mouth and nose
• Contact with an affected person needs to be Source(s) of fund: None
minimised – Usage of face mask is highly Conflict of interest: None
Ethical Clearance: Not applicable
• Non-essential travel to affected areas to be
avoided Authors’ Contribution:
• Data gathering and idea owner of this study: Dr
Nagalakshmi CS
Diabetes is associated with increased incidence
• Study design: Dr Nagalakshmi CS
and severity ofCOVID-19. There is experimental
evidence on the effect of diabetes on viral entry into • Data gathering: Dr Nagalakshmi CS, Dr Shaheen
cell and inflammatory response to the infection. B Shaikh, Dr Santhosh NU
It is therefore important to control blood glucose
• Writing and submitting manuscript: Dr
in patients infected with COVID-19. As a result,
Nagalakshmi CS
increased vigilance and testing in diabetes and
general medicine clinics for COVID-19 and a lower • Editing and approval of final draft: Dr
threshold for hospitalization of these patients is Nagalakshmi CS, Dr Shaheen B Shaikh, Dr
imperative. Santhosh NU
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 21 No. 01 January’22