Algae General Charcterstics
Algae General Charcterstics
Algae General Charcterstics
Algae are simplest eukaryotic organisms, may be
unicellular or multicellular.
Plant Body: Thalloid , not differentiated into root,
stem and leaves.
Nutrition: Mostly algae are Photoautotrophic; some
forms are Chemo-autotrophic also.
Universal in occurrence.
Flagella: may be single, in pairs, many in no.,
isokont or heterokont.
Alternation of Generations in reproduction.
Found in a variety of habitats.
Fresh water, marine, on rocks, soil, on plants and
within animals.
Aquatic forms are most common.
On the basis of habitat, algae are classified into
three groups:
1. Aquatic forms
2. Terrestrial forms
3. Algae of unusual habitats
occur in ponds, lakes, rivers etc.
(eg. Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas)
occur in saline conditions (sea &
oceans) (eg. Sargassum, Porphyra)
found in soil, rocks, tree trunks, moist walls etc.
Eg. Fritschiella, Trentifolia
a. Halophytic algae: found in
highly saline water
(eg. Dunaliella salina)