Characters of Algae: 1. Occurrence
Characters of Algae: 1. Occurrence
Characters of Algae: 1. Occurrence
1. Occurrence:
Some of them occur in association with fungi (e.g. lichen) & animals
(e.g. on the fur of sloth bear).
2. Thallus organization:
The algal plant body is a thallus i.e. not differentiated into root, stem &
leaves. They vary in form & size. The size ranges from the microscopic
unicellular forms, like Chlamydomonas, to multi-cellular forms like
Volvox colony, Spirogyra filament. A few brown algae form massive
plant bodies (40-60 mt) called kelps or seaweeds. In filamentous &
sheet like forms, thallus has 3 parts: holdfast (root-like), stipe (stem-
like) and lamina or blade (leaf-like).
3. Mucilage:
4. Mechanical Tissue:
Algal lack mechanical tissue as buoyancy holds them erect & their flexibility resist the
tides without being torn.
5. Vascular Tissue:
As they live in aquatic medium, no vascular tissues required for water conduction. In
some large brown algae (Kelps) trumpet hyphae (food conducting tubes) similar to
sieve, tubes of phloem found that carry food from lamina to the hold fast.
6. Algal plastids:
In algae, plastids are without grana & called as rhodoplasts in red algae, phaeoplasts in
brown algae & chloroplasts in green algae.
7. Algal pigments:
8. Food reserves:
Food reserves vary from group to group, e.g., starch (green algae), laminarin (brown
algae), Floridean starch (red algae), Cyanophycin (BGA), paramylon (in Euglenoids) etc.
9. Vegetative reproduction:
It occurs through fragmentation, fission (e.g. diatoms, desmids), tubers (e.g. Chara),
hormogonia (e.g. Nostoc) etc.
It is the most advanced form of reproduction which involves the fusion of two specialized
haploid cells called gametes to form a diploid zygote or zygospore (2n). Meiosis takes place
during germination of zygote and the developing new plant is a haploid gametophyte.
The haploid gametes are produced in a sac-like structure called gametangia. The flagellated
gametes, as produced by most algae, are called planogametes & their fusion is called planogamy.
Some algae (Spirogyra, diatoms etc.) produced non-flagellate gametes called aplanogametes &
their fusion process in called aplanogamy or conjugation.
In algae, sexual reproductions occur during or end of the growing season. When the same algal
thallus produces two types of fusing gametes then it is called monoecious or homothallic. But in
dioecious or heterothallic species fusing gametes produced by separate thalli.
(a) Isogamy:
(b) Anisogamy:
(c) Oogamy: