Astm e 127
Astm e 127
Astm e 127
This specification has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 127 – 06
3.2.8 metal distance—the distance in a reference block from materials and curved surfaces without special compensation.
its entry surface to the hole bottom. Also see (3) for cautions regarding use of standard blocks for
3.2.9 reference block—an aluminum block, containing as an test standardization.
artificial discontinuity a flat-bottom drilled hole of known size.
3.2.10 ultrasonic response—the height of the indication, 6. Description of Various Recommended Sets
observed on a display screen of a test instrument, that repre- 6.1 In ultrasonic testing of aluminum alloy products, a
sents the amount of ultrasonic energy initially reflected from standard reference usually is necessary to establish a specified
the hole bottom in a reference block. Units usually used in test sensitivity. A standard ultrasonic reference also is required
measuring height of indication are inches, trace-to-peak, or frequently to determine the effect of variations in metal
percent of upper linearity limit. distance upon the ultrasonic response from detected disconti-
nuities. Test sensitivity standardizations and corrections for
4. Summary of Practice metal distance are most reliable when made under the same
4.1 Aluminum alloy stock is ultrasonically evaluated to conditions employed for the actual tests. For these purposes,
ensure freedom from significant discontinuities and is then aluminum alloy reference blocks containing various combina-
precisely fabricated into cylindrical blocks of prescribed tions of hole size and metal distance are necessary.
lengths. A single, flat-bottom hole of specific diameter is drilled 6.2 The following combinations or sets of blocks are rec-
to a constant depth into the end of each block at its center, and ommended:
the blocks are grouped into sets according to hole size and 6.2.1 Basic Set——The basic set consisting of ten reference
block length, or metal distance. blocks is listed in Table 1. Area-amplitude relations are
4.2 Each block is checked ultrasonically using a calibrated obtained by intercomparison of blocks containing the 3-in.
ultrasonic test system at a prescribed test frequency. Distance- [76.2-mm] metal distance and 3⁄64-in., 5⁄64-in., and 8⁄64- in. (see
amplitude and area-amplitude characteristics are established Note 3) diameter holes, respectively. Distance-amplitude rela-
for sets of fabricated blocks using specific reflectors to provide tions are obtained by intercomparison of the blocks of various
a standard response. Curves are plotted to establish the lengths which contain 5⁄64-in. diameter holes.
interrelationship between the various blocks in the sets.
NOTE 3—Direct conversion from inches to millimetres (1 in. = 25.4
4.3 To permit the use of instrumentation similar to that mm] gives hole size dimensions for which there are no standard metric
originally used in developing this practice, or types more drills; however, Table 2 gives the nearest standard metric drill size.
recently manufactured, two alternative test system calibration
6.2.2 Area-Amplitude Set—The area-amplitude set consist-
procedures are described. The first method (ball-to-block)
ing of eight ultrasonic standard reference blocks is listed in
which utilizes steel balls as reference standards, is covered in
Table 3. Area-amplitude relationships are obtained by inter-
11.8.2. The second method (block-to-block), which requires as
comparison of any three or more blocks with different flat
reference standards, blocks which have been calibrated by the
bottom-hole sizes at the same metal distance from front surface
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is
to hole bottom.
described in Annex A1.4
6.2.3 Distance-Amplitude Set—A distance-amplitude set
5. Significance and Use may include any convenient number of the reference blocks
shown in Table 4 and does not necessarily include all blocks
5.1 Reference blocks fabricated to this practice will exhibit
listed. A recommended distance-amplitude set contains at least
specific area-amplitude and distance-amplitude relationships
12 blocks, and each set contains only one of the three hole sizes
only with an immersion test at 5 MHz using the search unit,
shown in Table 4. Blocks comprising the 19 block distance-
test instrument, and test parameters described in this practice.
amplitude sets, which are customarily supplied commercially,
Comparison tests at other frequencies or with uncalibrated test
are indicated in Table 4. Increments of metal distance in each
systems will not necessarily give the same relationships shown
of the three groups of blocks in the recommended set should be
in this practice.
NOTE 2—The 1964 and prior issues of this practice required a test
TABLE 1 Dimensions and Identification of Reference Blocks in
frequency of 15 MHz. Blocks conforming to earlier issues of this practice the Basic Set (see Fig. 1)
may not produce ultrasonic responses that conform to this issue. See
Section 13 regarding provision for recertification or correction curves and Hole Metal Overall
Block Diameter Distance Length
tables. Identi- (A) (B) (C)
5.2 Although the primary ultrasonic evaluation of blocks is Number ⁄
1 64 ths
in. mm in. mm
performed at a specified frequency, the blocks may be used to in.
standardize ultrasonic tests at any frequency and with any 3-0300 3 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.2
pulse-echo ultrasonic test system. Establishment of distance- 5-0012 5 0.125 3.2 0.875 22.2
5-0025 5 0.250 6.4 1.000 25.4
amplitude and area-amplitude characteristics is necessary for 5-0050 5 0.500 12.7 1.250 31.8
each application. This use may be inappropriate for other 5-0075 5 0.750 19.0 1.500 38.1
5-0150 5 1.500 38.1 2.250 57.2
5-0300 5 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.2
5-0600 5 6.000 152.4 6.750 171.4
Measurement services to determine the ultrasonic response of reference blocks 8-0300 8 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.2
intended to meet the requirements of this practice are available from several 8-0600 8 6.000 152.4 6.750 171.4
commercial testing laboratories.
E 127 – 06
TABLE 2 Diameter of Flat-Bottom Holes in Inch-Pound Units and TABLE 4 Dimensions and Identification of Reference Blocks in
the Nearest Metric Drill Hole Diameter Distance-Amplitude Sets (see Fig. 1 and refer to 6.2.3)
NOTE 1—Ratio of the area of the nearest metric drill size to the area of Block Identifica- Metal Distance (B) Overall Length (C)
tion Number, 3-,
the inch-pound drill size is 1.016 throughout. 5-, and 8-A in. mm in. mm
Hole Diameter in Inch- Nearest Metric Drill
−0006B 0.0625 1.6 0.812 20.6
Pound Units, in. Size, mm
−0012B 0.125 3.2 0.875 22.2
1/64 0.40 −0025B 0.250 6.4 1.000 25.4
2/64 0.80 −0038B 0.375 9.5 1.125 28.6
3/64 1.20 −0050B 0.500 12.7 1.250 31.8
4/64 1.60 −0062B 0.625 15.9 1.375 34.9
5/64 2.00 −0075B 0.750 19.1 1.500 38.1
6/64 2.40 −0088B 0.875 22.2 1.625 41.3
7/64 2.80 −0100B 1.000 25.4 1.750 44.5
8/64 3.20 −0125B 1.250 31.8 2.000 50.8
−0150 1.500 38.1 2.250 57.2
−0175B 1.750 44.5 2.500 63.5
−0200 2.000 50.8 2.750 69.9
TABLE 3 Dimensions and Identification of Reference Blocks in −0225B 2.250 57.2 3.000 76.2
the Area-Amplitude Set (see Fig. 1) −0250 2.500 63.5 3.250 82.6
Hole Metal Overall −0275B 2.750 69.9 3.500 88.9
Block Diameter Distance Length −0300 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
Identi- (A) (B) (C) −0325B 3.250 82.6 4.000 101.6
fication −0350 3.500 88.9 4.250 108.0
Number ⁄
1 64 ths
in. mm in. mm −0375B 3.750 95.3 4.500 114.3
in. −0400 4.000 101.6 4.750 120.7
−0425B 4.250 108.0 5.000 127.0
1-0300 1 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0450 4.500 114.3 5.250 133.4
2-0300 2 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0475B 4.750 120.7 5.500 139.7
3-0300 3 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0500 5.000 127.0 5.750 146.1
4-0300 4 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0525B 5.250 133.4 6.000 152.4
5-0300 5 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0550 5.500 139.7 6.250 158.8
6-0300 6 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0575B 5.750 146.1 6.500 165.1
7-0300 7 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0600 6.000 152.4 6.750 171.5
8-0300 8 3.000 76.2 3.750 95.3
−0625 6.250 158.8 7.000 177.8
−0650 6.500 165.1 7.250 184.2
Hole diameters (A) 3⁄64 , 5⁄64 , and 8⁄64 in.
identical. Distance-amplitude relationships are obtained by Blocks customarily included in commercial 19 block distance-amplitude sets.
intercomparison of all blocks containing the same size hole.
6.3 If the blocks are to be used for immersion testing, they vertically into water at room temperature, aging in air at room temperature
should be suitably anodized or otherwise protected to enhance for 4 days 61 h, followed by air aging at 250 6 10°F [120 6 5°C] for 24
resistance to corrosion. Blocks with coated surfaces may be 6 1 h. To minimize distortion during vertical quenching, it is recom-
used with search units requiring external ground provided mended that stock be re-heat treated in lengths of approximately 20 in.
suitable arrangements are made for adequate electrical contact. [508 mm].
Uncoated blocks shall be designated as Type 1; coated blocks 7.2 The stock shall not be less than 2.00 in. [50.8 mm] nor
shall be designated as Type 2. The ultrasonic characteristics of more than 2.25 in. [57.2 mm] in diameter and up to 7.25 in.
both types shall be checked by the immersion method as [184 mm] in length for the blocks covered by this practice.
prescribed in Section 11. However, care must be exercised to
dry the Type 1 blocks subsequent to immersion in water. The 8. Quality of Material
protective coating used on the Type 2 blocks shall not change 8.1 The quality of material to be used for reference blocks
their ultrasonic characteristics. should be checked by the procedure outlined in 8.2 to 8.9
6.4 A number of important variables that affect the response inclusive. Only material passing the requirements given in 8.9
from reference blocks can be controlled during fabrication by should be used for blocks.
accurate machining practices. The roughness of the entry 8.2 Evaluation Procedure—The general evaluation proce-
surface; the alignment of entry surface, hole bottom, and back dure consists of directing a beam of pulsed longitudinal waves
surface; and the surface condition of the hole bottom are the into the stock in a diametrical direction and noting the
more important physical variables that must be controlled ultrasonic noise level. An ultrasonic test by the immersion
during the fabrication of reference blocks. The quality of method using clean water that is free of air bubbles as a
material used for blocks also is a factor. couplant is employed for this evaluation.
8.3 Test Instrument—Any of several commercially available
7. Material pulse-echo type ultrasonic testing instruments that provide a
7.1 The recommended material for reference blocks is 10-MHz test frequency may be used for evaluation of stock
7075-T6 aluminum alloy rolled or extruded rod (see 13.2). quality. The instrument should be capable of providing the
NOTE 4—To normalize ultrasonic transmission characteristics, the bar
required sensitivity level with negligible internal electrical
stock may be re-heat treated prior to manufacturing the blocks. If this noise and should provide linear amplification of received
option is elected, a recommended practice is soaking at 870 6 10°F [465 pulses in an amplitude range of at least 50 % of maximum
6 5°C] for a period of 1 h 6 5 min, quenching immediately by immersing amplitude of indication on its display screen.
E 127 – 06
8.4 Test Frequency—The test frequency to be used for The surface finish of the entry surface shall be 30 µin. [0.76
evaluation of the quality of the reference block material shall µm] rms, or smoother, and the back surface 63 µin. [1.6 µm]
be 10 MHz. rms, or smoother.
8.5 Search Unit—An immersion type search unit containing 9.4 Hole Alignment—The hole must be perpendicular to the
an 0.38-in. [9.5-mm] diameter piezoelectric transducer at- end of the block within a tolerance of 30 min. The hole should
tached to an appropriate search tube shall be used. be located within 0.010 in. [0.25 mm] of the longitudinal axis
8.6 Immersion Equipment—The required pieces of auxiliary of the block.
equipment are as follows: 9.5 Hole Bottom—Make the hole bottom flat by final
8.6.1 A tank of sufficient capacity to facilitate testing of drilling with a flat-end drill or cutter. The end of the drill or
stock. cutter used for this purpose should be flat within 0.001 in. [0.03
8.6.2 A search unit holding and manipulating device. mm] per 0.125 in. [3.2 mm] of diameter and should be
perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. The final depth of the
8.6.3 A suitable traversing bridge to provide angulation and finished flat-bottom hole is 0.75 in. [19.0 mm]. Make the
lateral positioning of the search unit. finished hole bottom as smooth as possible.
8.7 Adjustment of Sensitivity—Determine test sensitivity by 9.6 Counterbore for Plug—Machine a flat counterbore,
directing the ultrasonic beam to an 0.1875-in. [4.8-mm] diam- 0.250 in. [6.35 mm] in diameter by 0.063 in. [1.62 mm] deep,
eter steel ball, of ball bearing quality, attached to a suitable into the end of the block at its center as shown in Fig. 1.
holding device which is immersed in the water. The water
9.7 Cleaning and Drying Hole—Upon completion of the
distance to the ball (crystal surface to ball surface) should be
counterboring and drilling operations, clean the hole bottom
equal to the measured Y0+ of the transducer. Manipulate the
with a suitable cleaning fluid and dry with a fine stream of
search tube to obtain a maximum indication from the ball.
dried, filtered, compressed air blown through a capillary tube
Then set the amplitude of this indication by suitable adjustment
inserted in the hole.
of the sensitivity (or gain) control of the instrument at 50 % of
the upper vertical linearity limit of the display. 9.8 Deburring—Remove all burrs resulting from the ma-
chining procedure. Round the outside edges of entry and back
8.8 Details of Evaluation Procedure—Position the search surfaces to a radius of not more than 0.032 in. [0.81 mm].
unit to obtain a maximum number of back reflections through
9.9 Block Identification—Identify each reference block by a
the diameter of the stock using a water distance of equal to the
stenciled block identification number, designating hole size,
Y0+ of the transducer minus the radius of the material. Then
and metal distance, as given in Table 1, Table 3, and Table 4.
scan the test piece longitudinally and observe the maximum
In the case of additional and equivalent blocks, as defined in
height of the ultrasonic noise level. Make another similar
13.1, which are fabricated to a precise metric system dimension
longitudinal scan subsequent to rotating the test piece 90°.
or to mixed English/metric dimensions, the metric dimension
Check alignment of the search unit periodically during the
shall be indicated by the marking “mm” immediately following
scans. Proper alignment of the ultrasonic beam with respect to
the dimension number. For example, a block with a 5⁄64-in.
the test piece exists only when a maximum number of back
diameter flat-bottom-hole target and a 3 mm metal path would
reflections is maintained.
be identified as “5-3 mm” and a block with a 1 mm diameter
8.9 Basis of Acceptance—The material is acceptable if the flat-bottom-hole target and a 1 in. metal path would be
maximum magnitude of indications in the ultrasonic noise identified as “1 mm-0100”. The size and location of the
level does not exceed 20 % of the maximum magnitude of stenciled numbers are indicated in Fig. 1. Take special care to
indication obtained from the 0.1875-in. [4.8-mm] diameter protect the block, particularly the entry surface, from handling
steel reference ball. At least five back reflections should be marks and scratches during the stenciling operation. Stamp or
observed at all times during the scanning procedure. Accept- stencil on the block additional information designating the
able block material shall not contain discontinuities in excess manufacturer and compliance with this practice (see 11.9).
of the ultrasonic noise level. However, this information should be located at a point at least
90° about the periphery from the aforementioned block iden-
9. Procedure for Fabricating Blocks tification number. Letter size and spacing of this additional
9.1 Machine reference blocks to a uniform finish within the information should not be greater than letter size and spacing
dimensional tolerances given in 9.2 to 9.10, inclusive, and as used for the identification number.
specified in Fig. 1. Dimensions of each block are given in Table 9.9.1 Ink identification may be written on the block sound
1, Table 3, and Table 4. entry surface provided that it has been established that the
9.2 Final Diameter of Block—Finish the block to a true markings do not affect the block’s measured echo-amplitude
diameter of 2 6 0.020 in. [50.8 6 0.51 mm] and a surface response. Etching, scratching, or physical defacing of the
finish of 63 µin. [1.6 µm] rms, or smoother. block’s sound entry surface is not permitted.
9.10 Plugging Procedure—Check the completed unplugged
NOTE 5—The close tolerance on the diameter is to assure a good fit in reference block for ultrasonic response prior to plugging. Plug
the holders that are sometimes used for retaining blocks.
a reference block that exhibits satisfactory ultrasonic response
9.3 End Facing—The machined ends shall be flat within by seating an aluminum plug of the same alloy (7075-T6) that
0.0002 in. [0.005 mm] and perpendicular to the longitudinal has an interference fit of 0.0005 in. [0.013 mm] in the
axis. The two ends shall be parallel within 0.001 in. [0.03 mm]. counterbore. Coat both the counterbore and the faying surface
E 127 – 06
1 in. = 25.4 mm
FIG. 1 Ultrasonic Standard Reference Block
of the plug with a permanent water-impervious rubber-base face. Note deviation in surface roughness during the scan.
adhesive before the plug is driven into place. The exposed Finished blocks shall have a surface roughness no greater than
surface of the seated plug can be slightly below, but should not 30 µin. [0.76 µm].
extend above, the surface.
11. Procedure for Checking Ultrasonic Characteristics of
10. Procedure for Checking Physical Characteristics of Blocks
11.1 Reasons for Ultrasonic Check—A fabricated block
10.1 Entry Surface—Check each finished reference block to exhibiting satisfactory external physical characteristics must be
ensure flatness and parallelism of entry surface and back subjected to additional ultrasonic tests by the immersion
surface. A dial gage reading to 0.0001 in. [0.003 mm] and a method in order to check the characteristics of the hole and
surface plate may be used for this check. A finished reference hole bottom. The ultrasonic tests consist of checking the
block exhibiting misalignment greater than 0.001 in. [0.03 response from the block as well as checking for possible
mm] or lack of flatness greater than 0.0002 in. [0.005 mm] over angular error. The block response is a function of smoothness
the entire entry surface area is not acceptable. and flatness of the hole bottom. Angular error will result from
10.2 Entry Surface Roughness—Roughness of the entry misalignment of the hole bottom with respect to the entry
surface may be checked using any one of several commercially surface. Because poor response from a fabricated block may be
available roughness measuring instruments. The recommended alleviated by additional cleaning of the hole bottom, make the
procedure involves moving the roughness detector (scanning initial ultrasonic check prior to sealing the hole with a
device) of the instrument diametrically across the entry sur- permanent aluminum plug.
E 127 – 06
11.2 Test Frequency—Use a test frequency of 5 MHz to 11.4.2 Apparatus—The same apparatus, including the test
check reference blocks. instrument, tank and manipulator, and search unit prescribed
11.3 Apparatus: for checking reference blocks (see 11.3) shall be used to check
11.3.1 Test Instrument—Any of several commercially avail- the linearity of the test system if Method A of Practice E 317 is
able pulse-echo type ultrasonic testing instruments that employ used to check linearity.
a tuned pulse to provide a test frequency of 5 MHz and that 11.4.3 Procedure for Checking Linearity—Determine the
facilitate tests by the immersion method may be used for vertical linearity characteristics of the test system in accor-
checking reference blocks. The instrument used should provide dance with either Method A or Method B of Practice E 317. For
stable, linear amplification of received pulses at the required checking the response of reference blocks, use only that
sensitivity levels and should be free of interface signal inter- portion of the vertical instrument deflection that lies within
ference. An appropriate line voltage regulating transformer 65 % of a constant response ratio. This will define the upper
shall be used to ensure maximum regulation, if not provided and lower linearity limit.
internal to the instrument. The instrument calibration shall be 11.5 Qualification of Search Unit:
checked in accordance with the procedure outlined in 11.4. 11.5.1 Reasons for Qualification—In order to ensure maxi-
11.3.2 Tank—Any container is satisfactory that will facili- mum accuracy during the check of block response, check the
tate the accurate positioning of the reference blocks being characteristics of the search unit and use only search units
checked, the fundamental standard reference balls, and the exhibiting acceptable characteristics for this work. The char-
search unit. acteristics of the search unit include the following:
11.3.3 Manipulator and Bridge—If a manipulator is used, it Frequency,
should adequately support a search tube and should provide A distance-amplitude curve from a 0.500-in.
fine adjustment of angle within 1° in two vertical planes that [12.7-mm] diameter steel ball in water, and
are normal to each other. The bridge should be of sufficient Beam profiles obtained from a 0.500-in. [12.7-mm]
strength to support the manipulator rigidly and should allow diameter ball in water.
smooth accurate positioning of the search unit. Special fixtures
may be used provided they meet the requirements prescribed Any piezoelectric material that enables the search
for a manipulator and bridge. unit to meet the requirements of this practice may be used.
11.3.4 Couplant—Clean water, free of air bubbles, should 11.5.2 Apparatus—The apparatus used for checking the
be used as a couplant. Inhibitors or wetting agents, or both, ultrasonic characteristics of the search unit is the same as that
may be used if it is established that their use does not alter the prescribed in 11.3 for checking reference blocks. The manipu-
ultrasonic characteristics of the couplant. However, it is im- lator should allow a range in water path from 0 to at least 6 in.
portant that the same water, at the same temperature, be used [152.4 mm]. The steel balls required shall be of ball-bearing
for comparing the response from different reference blocks. quality, free of corrosion and surface marks.
11.3.5 Search Unit—An immersion search unit having the 11.5.3 Verify the center frequency of the search unit and
performance characteristics described in 11.5 shall be used. It system to be 5.0 6 0.5 MHz.
shall comprise a flat, round, piezoelectric transducer element of 11.5.4 Procedure for Obtaining Distance-Amplitude
any suitable material and beam characteristics resonant at 5.0 Characteristics—Obtain an initial response from a 0.500-in.
MHz, with an effective diameter as required to produce a last [12.7-mm] diameter steel ball that is located at a water distance
near field maximum (Y0+) in the range of 3.2 to 3.6. equal to the measured Y0+ of the search unit. Position the
search unit for a maximum indication from the ball under these
NOTE 6—During the development of this practice, search units with conditions. Take care to obtain a true maximum indication
quartz elements having the following dimensions were used:
because the position of the search unit is critical. Subsequent to
(1) element diameter—0.5 in. [12.7 mm]
obtaining the maximum response, adjust the instrument gain
(2) back electrode diameter—0.375 in. [9.53 mm] control to bring this response to 100 % of the upper linearity
limit of the instrument. Then vary the water distance in
(3) front electrode—entire face and edge to provide 360° ground increments no greater than 0.25 in. [6.4 mm] through a range
connection from 0.25 in. [6.4 mm] to the Y0+ point, and from this point in
These and later similar units conforming to this practice, are often referred increments no greater than 0.5 in. [12.8 mm] to 6 in. [152.4
to as having a “3⁄8-in. effective diameter.”
mm]. Because only the axial distance-amplitude response is
11.4 Qualification of Test System: required, take care to maintain the location of the ball on the
11.4.1 Reasons for Qualification—Because differences usu- central axis of the beam for each increment of water distance.
ally exist in the amplification characteristics of receivers or Plot the incremental response from the ball as a function of
echo-amplifiers in various test instruments, changes in the water distance. A typical response curve for an acceptable
amplitude of ultrasonic indications might not be displayed search unit is shown in Fig. 2. Only a search unit with a
linearly over the entire readable range on the screen of a test measured Y0+ point at 3.2 to 3.6 in. [81 to 91 mm] and a
instrument. In order to establish correctly the required charac- distance-amplitude curve similar to that shown in Fig. 2 will
teristics of the test system used to check reference blocks, it is display sets of amplitude response curves equivalent to those
necessary to determine the actual linear range of the test required by 11.8.1 and 11.8.2.
system. 11.5.5 Procedure for Obtaining Beam Patterns:
E 127 – 06 Obtain the beam characteristics from a 0.500-in. sions of the beam will be determined at the 50 % (6 dB down)
[12.70-mm] diameter steel ball immersed in water at a distance amplitude point. The beam diameter of an acceptable search
equal to the last maximum amplitude point as determined in unit must have a minimum ratio of 0.75:1 when the minimum
11.5.4. This is the point labeled Y0+ in Fig. 2. This plot is beam size obtained from the four scans is divided by the
obtained by observing the height of indication from the ball maximum beam size obtained from the four scans.
while the ball passes under the search unit along its diameter. Make a second series of beam profiles at a water
One distinct lobe or maximum should be observed. An accept- distance equal to the measured Y1− point (approximately one
able search unit will give a beam profile with no significant half of the water path used for the beam dimensional profile).
side lobes, as shown in Fig. 3. Check the beam profile This plot is obtained by observing the height of indication from
symmetry by making four scans, each scan displaced 45° in a the ball while the ball passes under the search unit along its
plane parallel to the search unit face. This beam profile will diameter. Two distinct lobes or maximums should be observed,
determine the beam diameter of the search unit. The dimen- as shown in Fig. 4. Check this series of profiles by making four
E 127 – 06
scans at the same sensitivity, each scan displaced 45° in a plane the search unit from the crystal face to the block entry surface.
parallel to the search unit face. An acceptable search unit will An exception to this procedure is to continue the use of a
have an amplitude variation no greater than 15 % between previous practice in cases where experience with a given
maximum points for all four scans. These profiles determine search unit and a given set or sets of blocks has yielded
the beam pressure symmetry of the search unit. satisfactory results by using a water path of 3.5 6 0.1 in. [88.9
11.6 Preparation of Blocks for Ultrasonic Check—Check 6 2.5 mm] even though different from the measured Y0+ of a
the hole bottom and entry surface of the block for cleanliness. search unit meeting the other requirements of 11.5. Accurately
An additional cleaning of the hole bottom with a suitable adjust this water distance by using a gage between the block
cleaning fluid followed by drying with dried, compressed air and the search unit. Adjust the angle of the search unit with
may be necessary. Use a temporary seal to protect the hole, respect to the block to obtain either a maximized number of
which is not permanently plugged during the initial ultrasonic back reflections from the block or a maximized indication from
check. Any good water-impervious adhesive tape affixed to the its entry surface. After a normal ultrasonic beam is obtained,
back surface over the hole can be used as a temporary seal. position the search unit laterally and re-angulate slightly as
11.7 Procedure for Checking Angular Error: required to obtain a maximized amplitude of indication from
11.7.1 Direct the search unit toward the reference block that the hole bottom. Test each block in an area-amplitude set or
is immersed in the water at a 3.5-in. [88.9-mm] distance from distance-amplitude set in this manner, and plot curves similar
the face of the search unit. Accurately adjust this distance to Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for each set. Alternative methods for
(within 61⁄32 in. or 1 mm) by using a gage between the block obtaining the required amplitude response data (such as the use
and the crystal. Adjust the angle of the search unit with respect of calibrated gain controls) may be used, provided the reading
to the block to obtain either a maximum number of back accuracies specified in 11.4.3 and are maintained. The
reflections from the block or a maximum indication from its detailed procedures described later require the calibration of
entry surface. test system sensitivity. This may be done either with the
11.7.2 After a normal ultrasonic beam is obtained, position ball-to-block method of 11.8.2 or the block-to-block method of
the search unit laterally to obtain a maximum response (in the Annex A1 or the interface-to-block method of Annex A2. The
linear range) from the hole bottom. When maximum response method used and the data obtained, as well as the prescribed
has been obtained in this manner, angulate the search unit curves, should be included in the test report. An exception to
through a small angle in two mutually perpendicular planes and this procedure is to continue the use of a previous practice in
note any increase in the height of indication from the hole cases where experience with a given search unit and a given set
bottom. A reference block is acceptable if any increase in or sets of blocks has yielded satisfactory results by using a
response from the hole bottom obtained by angulating the water path of 3.5 6 0.1 in. [88.9 6 2.5 mm] even though this
search unit is less than 10 % of the initial magnitude of water path length is different from the measured Y0+ of a
indication obtained with a perpendicular beam. search unit meeting the other requirements of 11.5.
11.8 Procedure for Checking Ultrasonic Response—Direct 11.8.1 Area-Amplitude Set—Establish test sensitivity for the
the search unit toward the reference block that is immersed in area-amplitude curve shown in Fig. 5 by adjusting the instru-
the water at a distance equal to the measured Y0+ distance of ment gain control so that the maximized indication from the
E 127 – 06
FIG. 5 Area-Amplitude Response Curve Showing Interrelationship Between Ultrasonic Standard Reference Blocks Containing
Holes of Various Sizes at Constant Metal Distances
FIG. 6 Distance-Amplitude Response Curves (A and B) Showing the Interrelationship Between Ultrasonic Standard Reference
Blocks of Various Lengths and Containing Flat-Bottom Holes
E 127 – 06
TABLE 5 Comparison Data for Checking Ultrasonic Response of [7.9-mm] diameter ball. Then repeat the procedures of
Standard Reference Blocks (see Fig. 6) and for all blocks in the set.
Block Iden- Block Allowable Block Allowable For reference blocks having a flat-bottom hole 8⁄64
tification Response VariationA ResponseA VariationA
in. in diameter, establish the test sensitivity by using an 11⁄16-in.
Number Curve A min max Curve B min max
[17.5-mm] diameter ball. Then repeat the procedures of
−0050 80 57 100 and for all blocks in the set.
−0062 71 50 89
−0075 64 45 80 Indications from blocks meeting the requirements
−0087 58 41 73 of this practice shall not deviate more than +2, −3 dB from the
−0100 52 37 65 indicated response described by the curves in Fig. 6 for the
−0125 44 31 55 ... 80B ...
−0150 37 26 47 95B 67B ... percent block response given in Table 5. In addition to the test
−0175 31 22 39 80 57 100 information shown in Fig. 6, each data sheet should include the
−0200 26B 18B 33B 68 48 85
−0225 22B 16B 28B 59 42 74
type of instrument employed.
−0250 19B 13B 24B 52 37 65 11.8.3 Basic Set—The amplitude of response for each block
−0275 17B 12B 21B 46 33 58 in the basic set (see Table 1) shall comply with the previously
−0300 15B 11B 19B 42 30 53
−0325 39 28 49
described requirements in 11.8.1 and 11.8.2 as follows: Blocks
−0350 36 25 45 3-0300, 5-0300, and 8-0300 shall show the response given in
−0375 33 23 42 Fig. 5 and Blocks 5-0050 through 5-0600 shall show the
−0400 30 21 38
−0425 28 20 35
response given in Fig. 6.
−0450 26.5 19 33 11.9 Reference blocks exhibiting dimensional characteris-
−0475 25 18 31 tics of Sections 9 and 10 and response characteristics of 8.9,
−0500 24 17 30
−0525 23 16 29 11.7, and 11.8 may be permanently sealed with the aluminum
−0550 22 15.5 28 plug as previously described. Only such blocks may be
−0575 21.5 15 27 permanently stenciled to reference Practice E 127. A final
−0600 21 15 26
−0625 20.5 14.5 26 check of ultrasonic characteristics is recommended after the
−0650 20 14 25 blocks are plugged.
Percent upper linearity limit.
Reference value only; not for block evaluation. 12. Report
12.1 Report the following information: For reference blocks having a flat-bottom hole of 12.2 Equipment Used:
3⁄64 in. in diameter, establish the sensitivity by using a 1⁄8-in.
12.2.1 Instrument: manufacturer, type, modules (where ap-
[3.2-mm] diameter ball using a water path of 3.5 6 0.1 in.
plicable) and serial numbers.
[88.9 6 2.5 mm]. Carefully manipulate the search unit over the
12.2.2 Search unit: manufacturer, type, part number, and
ball to obtain the maximum amplitude of response. The gain
serial number.
during this adjustment should be such that the response is
always less than the upper linearity limit. When the maximum Certify that both the search unit and test system
response has been obtained, increase the gain to give an meet the requirements of 11.4 and 11.5.
amplitude equal to 80 % of the upper linearity limit. Maintain- 12.3 Area/Amplitude Block Sets:
ing this sensitivity, obtain the maximum response from each 12.3.1 Numerical response values obtained by procedure
block in the set, and plot the amplitude versus metal distance as 11.8.1.
shown in Curve A of Fig. 6. Table 5 gives the percent block 12.3.2 Provide data plot in accordance with Fig. 5.
response for each block from 0050 to 0250. 12.3.3 For 3-0300, 5-0300 and 8-0300 blocks, report nu- Since the amplitude of response for metal distances merical values obtained by the procedures in 11.8.2 or Annex
over 2.5 in. [63.5 mm] becomes small, better accuracy can be A1.
obtained by increasing the instrument sensitivity for the larger 12.4 Distance/Amplitude Block Sets:
metal distances (see Curve B of Fig. 6). Manipulate the search 12.4.1 Numerical values obtained by procedure 11.8.2 or
unit over the 0175 block to obtain a response of 31 % of the Annex A1.
upper linearity limit (Note 9). Using the sensitivity control, 12.4.2 Provide data plot in accordance with Fig. 6.
raise this 31 % response to the original 80 % upper linearity 12.5 Basic Sets:
limit. (This is an increase in sensitivity of approximately 8.2 12.5.1 For 3-0300, 5-0300 and 8-0300, follow 12.3.
dB.) Maintain this sensitivity level and obtain the maximized 12.5.2 For all other blocks follow 12.4 for applicable metal
response from each block in the set (see Table 4) and plot distances.
amplitude versus metal distance as shown in Curve B of Fig. 6. 12.6 Blocks Not in Sets—Unless otherwise specified by the
Table 5 gives the percent block response for each block from requesting party, for blocks with 3⁄64 , 5⁄64 or 8⁄64 in. diameter FB
0175 to 0650. holes, report numerical values obtained by the procedures in
NOTE 9—If the response of this block is less than 31 %, use of any other 11.8.2 or Annex A1.
block that can be manipulated to give a response of 31 % is satisfactory.
NOTE 10—Response limits are given by Table 5 for blocks with metal For reference blocks having a flat-bottom hole 5⁄64 distances of 0.5 in. [12.7 mm] to 6.5 in. [165 mm] and having 3⁄64 , 5⁄64 or
in. in diameter, establish the test sensitivity by using a 5⁄16-in. 8⁄64 in. diameter FB holes. Blocks having other hole sizes or metal
E 127 – 06
distances may be evaluated by the procedures in 11.8.2 or Annex A1, but equivalent to the requirements of this recommended practice,
reporting format and response limits must be established by the using they may be considered ASTM-type reference blocks.
parties. 13.5 Excessive wear and use may require the occasional
13. Additional and Equivalent Blocks introduction of a newly-fabricated block into an existing set.
These replacement blocks must meet all of the requirements of
13.1 Additional blocks can be used, where advantageous, to
this standard and be acoustically similar to the block(s) being
supplement the recommended sets. If additional blocks are
replaced. For the purposes of being acoustically similar, these
fabricated, their ultrasonic response should conform to the
blocks must meet the Table 5 measurement criteria and have an
area-amplitude and distance-amplitude interrelationships de-
appropriate relative echo-amplitude response with respect to
fined by the curves in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
the other blocks in the existing block set.
13.2 Practice E 127-type blocks that were fabricated and
checked prior to the issuance of Practice E 127-75 should be
14. Technical Precaution
requalified in accordance with the procedures described in the
latest edition of this practice. 14.1 When Practice E 127-type reference blocks are used
13.3 Numerous blocks are now in use that do not meet all for transfer or penetration comparisons caution is recom-
the requirements prescribed in this recommended practice (for mended. Backwall reflection amplitude measurements may be
instance, other aluminum alloys). They may be considered influenced by sidewall reinforcement or edge-to-center differ-
equivalent to the ASTM Aluminum Alloy Ultrasonic Standard ences in metallurgical structure. Practice E 127-type blocks
Reference Blocks if they meet the ultrasonic response require- were designed primarily for flat-bottomed hole amplitude
ments given in 11.8. response comparisons and caution must be exercised when
13.4 Blocks that do not meet the ultrasonic response re- using these blocks for other purposes.
quirements given in 11.8 are not considered equivalent to the
ASTM Aluminum Alloy Ultrasonic Standard Reference 15. Keywords
Blocks. If they meet all other requirements, and if a correction 15.1 aluminum reference blocks; area-amplitude calibration
curve or table is furnished with these blocks so that their blocks; distance-amplitude calibration blocks; nondestructive
amplitude of response can be corrected to give a response testing; standard reference blocks; ultrasonic reference blocks
(Mandatory Information)
E 127 – 06
within 4.8 to 5.2 MHz, and the receiver bandwidth within 20 to A1.7 Acceptance Criteria
40 % (@ −3 dB). Both should be checked with the methods A1.7.1 The response of acceptable blocks must fall within
cited in Note A1.2, and any required adjustments made in the tolerances given in Table 5. To meet the report require-
accordance with the instrument manufacturer’s recommenda- ments of 12.1, the response values must be plotted in accor-
tions. dance with Fig. 6, and meet the +2 dB and −3 dB limits
A1.5 Calibration Blocks specified.
A1.7.2 Blocks meeting these response criteria, and all other
A1.5.1 Blocks to be used as calibration standards must be requirements of this practice other than the ball-to-block
fabricated and evaluated in accordance with, and meet all the evaluation, may be certified as conforming to this practice.
requirements of this practice, including Section 11.
A1.5.2 Calibration data referenced to the nominal values of A1.8 Report
Table 5 and indicating any deviations in percent FS must be A1.8.1 In addition to the information required by 12.1 and
obtained from NIST. For those blocks having response values 12.2, the report shall show the serial numbers of the calibration
on both Curve A and Curve B, two calibration points must be blocks used, the corresponding reference response values
obtained from NIST. provided by NIST, and the numerical results on the blocks
A1.5.3 A certified block having the same hole size and being tested.
metal distance as the specific block to be evaluated must be
used. A1.9 Precision and Bias
A1.6 Procedure A1.9.1 An interlaboratory study was made to determine the
reproducibility of this method and the relationship of the
A1.6.1 Using the procedure described in 11.7, check the
results to the NIST calibration readings.5
new blocks for angular error to determine that 11.7.2 is
A1.9.2 Reproducibility of the average of three or more
readings at a single facility using the same instrumentation can
A1.6.2 Using the procedure described in 11.8, optimize the
be expected to be within 2 % FS.
search unit alignment with the calibration block and scan
A1.9.3 The maximum deviation of averaged data from any
laterally to peak on the hole. Adjust the instrument sensitivity
facility should not deviate from the NIST calibration response
to obtain a hole signal equal, in percent of full scale (FS), to
by more than 5 % FS.
that given in the NIST calibration data. This will usually
A1.9.4 Since there is no recognized primary standard
require the use of a fine gain control, and should be set within
against which the response of the ultrasonic reference blocks
the readability of the display, that is, 2 % FS or better.
can be compared, no statement can be made regarding the bias
A1.6.3 Without changing sensitivity, repeat the measure-
of these measurements.
ment on the block being evaluated, and record the value
obtained (in percent FS). For blocks which require response
values for both Curve A and Curve B, repeat A1.6.2 and A1.6.3 5
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request research
using the second NIST calibration value. report RR: E07-1000.
A2.1 Introduction stable, linear and accurate than the older instruments originally
A2.1.1 This annex defines a procedure for performing used for block checking.
distance-amplitude checks without using round balls as the
sensitivity reference. This alternate method requires that the A2.3 Equipment Requirements
vertical linearity and gain control(s) of the instrument be A2.3.1 The external step attenuator used in this procedure
calibrated with an external step attenuator. Linearity checking must meet the specification requirements for the attenuator
by this means is described in Method B in Practice E 317. Gain used for the vertical linearity check per Method B of Practice
control checking is performed by using the same system E 317. In addition its accuracy must be established at least
configuration as shown for vertical linearity checking and by within one year of each use by means traceable to NIST.
following the procedure described below. A2.3.2 Instrument Linearity—For this procedure instrument
linearity must be checked in accordance with Method B of
A2.2 Application Practice E 317, using either the one or two search unit
A2.2.1 The objective of this procedure is to provide a procedures and be within the accuracy specified therein.
method for obtaining accurate distance-amplitude checking of A2.3.3 Gain Control Accuracy—The procedure described
reference block sets while using measuring equipment with in Guide E 1324 in the section labeled “dB Controls” may be
NIST-traceable accuracy. As is the case with Annex Annex A1 used for checking instrument gain control accuracy if, by this
procedures, this method allows the use of newer, readily means, the accuracy can be determined to be within 65 % of
available ultrasonic pulse-echo instruments that are more the upper vertical linearity limit. An alternate and preferable
E 127 – 06
method is performed by using the same system configuration as reference block with a metal path of 0.500 inches [12.7 mm] or
was used for the vertical linearity check. If the linearity is one with a metal path as near to this value as exists in the set
within the prescribed 65 % limits the steps below are to be to be checked. Set the instrument damping control (if provided)
followed to check gain control accuracy. to its minimum value. Adjust the instrument gain so that the
A2.3.3.1 Set the external attenuator to produce 20 dB normalized front surface indication from the block is at 80% of
attenuation. the upper linearity limit (or as near to this value as can be
A2.3.3.2 Set a 5 MHz search unit normal to the surface of a obtained with the minimum gain control steps available).
flat block of metal in a thickness range of 0.50 to 1.00 inches Adjust the instrument power control (if provided) to a value
[12.7 to 25.4 mm]. that will produce this indication amplitude with minimum
A2.3.3.3 Adjust the instrument gain control(s) to produce an instrument gain. Depending upon the size of the flat bottom
indication of 80 % of the upper linearity limit from the first holes in the blocks to be checked increase the instrument gain
back reflection signal from the block. by the amount shown in Table A2.1.
A2.3.3.4 Increase the external attenuator setting and the A2.4.2 Distance Amplitude Checking—Using the gain and
instrument gain control setting in 2 dB steps until the external water path as determined in A2.4.1 carefully angulate the
attenuation is at 40 dB. At each step read and record the search unit to obtain the peak indication from the flat bottom
amplitude of the instrument display (or record output) indica- hole in each block in the set and record these values. Blocks are
tion. acceptable if they meet the other requirements of this practice
A2.3.3.5 Further increase the external attenuation and in- and if all indications fall within the limits specified in 11.8.2.
strument gain in 4 dB steps until a total of 80 dB attenuation NOTE A2.1—With higher damping and lower power output than pre-
and gain increase is obtained. (A lower maximum figure may scribed in A2.4.1 it may be possible, especially with ceramic transducers,
be used if required by the instrument gain limitation.) At each to resolve peak indications from blocks with metal travel path lengths of
step read and record the amplitude of the instrument display (or less than 0.500 inches [12.7 mm]. If these are included in a report, either
record output) indication. the same damping and power output must be used for all blocks or a
separate curve be provided showing overlap of the response amplitudes of
A2.3.3.6 If the instrument indication is within 65 % of the
the shorter metal path blocks with at least that from the 0.500 inch [12.7
original 80 % reading (76 % - 84 %) the gain control accuracy mm] block examined under the same conditions.
is suitable for distance-amplitude block checking by this
procedure. TABLE A2.1 Gain Increase for Distance-Amplitude Block
A2.4 Procedure Flat Bottom Hole Size Gain Increase (dB)
(Nonmandatory Information)
E 127 – 06
power and voltage ratings suitable for the applied pulser mission” mode, with any pulse-damping controls set for
output. minimum (that is, maximum pulse-length). Adjust the network
controls to obtain the test frequency and resolution required.
X1.4 Instrument Settings—Operate in the “Through Trans-
(1) Anon. (ASTM E07.06), “ASTM Research Report on E 127 Annex,” (9) Chwirut, D. J., and Boswell, G. D.,“ The Evaluation of Search Units
ASTM Research Report RR:E07-1000. Used for Ultrasonic Reference Block Calibrations,” National Bureau
(2) Anon., “Ultrasonic Measurement Services,” NIST Calibration Services of Standards Report NBSIR 78-1454, 1978.
Users Guide 1989. Ed., J. Simmons, NIST Special Publication 250, (10) Chwirut, D. J., Sushinsky, G. F., and Eitzen, D. G., “Procedures for
1989, pp 40–45. the Calibration of ASTM E 127—Type Ultrasonic Reference
(3) Beck, K.H., “Limitations to the use of Reference Blocks for Periodic Blocks,” National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 924, Note
and Preinspection Calibration of Ultrasonic Inspection Instruments 1976.
and Systems,” Materials Evaluation, Vol. 57, No.3, March 1999. (11) Cline, C. W., and Morgan, J. B., “Standardization in ultrasonic
(4) Blessing, G. V., “An Assessment of Ultrasonic Reference Block testing,” Nondestructive Testing, Vol 23, July–August, p 23.
Calibration Methodology,” National Bureau of Standards Report (12) Eitzen, D. G., et al., “Improved Ultrasonic Standard Reference
NBSIR 83-2710, 1983. Blocks,” National Bureau of Standards Report NBSIR 75-685, 1975.
(5) Blessing, G. V., and Eitzen, D. G.,“ Variables affecting ultrasonic (13) Panian, F. C., and Van Valkenburg, H. E., “Development of ASTM
reference block calibration.” 1982 Paper Summaries, ASNT National Standard Reference Blocks for Ultrasonic Inspection,” Proceedings,
Spring Conference, March 22–25, 1982, Boston, MA, pp 287–291. American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol 59, 1959, pp
(6) Blessing, G. V., and Eitzen, D. G., “Ultrasonic artifact calibration 1237–1260.
methodology. Offıce of Nondestructive Evaluation Technical Activities, (14) Posakony, G. J., “Performance differences in quartz ultrasonic search
1985. Edited by G. Birnbaum. National Bureau of Standards Report units,” Ultrasonic Materials Characterization, H. Berger and M.
NBSIR 85-3187, 185. Linzer, eds., Proceedings of the First International Symposium on
(7) Burley, C. E., “Calibration blocks for ultrasonic testing,” Nondestruc- Ultrasonic Materials Characterization, NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, June
tive Testing—A Review, Edited by Harold Berger, ASTM, STP 624, 7–9, 1978, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 596,
1977, pp 146–158. 1980, pp 595–603.
(8) Chwirut, D. J., “Recent Improvements to the ASTM-type Ultrasonic (15) Sushinsky, G. F., Eitzen, D. G., and Chwirut, D. J., “Improved
Reference Block System,” National Bureau of Standards Report, Ultrasonic Standard Reference Blocks,” National Bureau of Stan-
NBSIR 79-1742, 1979. dards Report NBSIR 76-984, 1976.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website