Modern Chemistry Interactive Reader - ch6 - ch10

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Chemical Bonding

Key Concepts LA.PS.5  Write and name formulas

for ionic and covalent compounds.
Section 1 Introduction to Chemical Bonding LA.PS.9  Draw accurate valence
electron configurations and Lewis
What is a chemical bond and why does it form? dot structures for selected
molecules, ionic and covalent
Section 2 Covalent Bonding and Molecular Compounds compounds, and chemical
equations. (PS-H-B1)
What is a molecular formula? LA.PS.13  Identify the number of
What are the characteristics of a covalent bond? bonds an atom can form given the
number of valence electrons.
How does a Lewis structure represent a molecule? (PS-H-B3)
LA.PS.16  Predict the stable ion(s)
Section 3  Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds an element is likely to form when it
reacts with other specified
What is a crystal lattice? elements. (PS-H-C2)
How are ionic and molecular compounds different? LA.PS.23  Model chemical bond
formation by using Lewis dot
diagrams for ionic, polar, and
Section 4 Metallic Bonding nonpolar compounds. (PS-H-C5)
How does metallic bonding affect the properties of metals? LA.PS.24  Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the
physical and chemical properties of
Section 5 Molecular Geometry covalent compounds. (PS-H-C5)
What is VSEPR theory and how is it used? LA.PS.27  Investigate and model
hybridization in carbon compounds.
What other forces affect the shapes of atoms in molecules? (PS-H-C6)
LA.PS.46  Identify and compare
intermolecular forces and their
effects on physical and chemical
properties. (PS-H-E1)

Review Previous Concepts

1. What are valance electrons?

2. What quantity does the electronegativity of an atom represent?

SECTION 6.1 LA.PS.24 Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and

Introduction to chemical properties of covalent compounds.


Chemical Bonding
Nature favors arrangements in which potential energy is VOCABULARY
minimized. For example, a boulder is less likely to balance
chemical bond
at the top of a hill than it is to roll to the bottom of a valley. ionic bonding
The boulder at the top of the hill is not stable. Atoms are covalent bonding
nonpolar-covalent bond
usually not stable when isolated. They usually combine to polar
form more stable arrangements of matter. polar-covalent bond

Types of Chemical Bonding

A chemical bond is a mutual electrical attraction between
the nuclei and valence electrons of different atoms that
binds the atoms together. When atoms form a chemical
bond, their valence electrons are redistributed to make the
1. Why do atoms form
atoms more stable. The way the electrons are redistributed chemical bonds?
determines the type of bond.
Chemical bonding that results from the electrical
attraction between positive ions and negative ions is called
ionic bonding. In a purely ionic bond, the metal atom gives
up its electron or electrons to the nonmetal atom. In
covalent bonding, a bond forms from the sharing of electron
pairs between two atoms. In a purely covalent bond, the
shared electrons are “owned” equally by the bonded atoms.
Cation A
Many atoms -
Electrons transferred
from atoms A to + +
- - -
atoms B
+ + +
+ - +
Atoms A Atoms B - -

COVALENT BONDING In ionic bonding, many atoms

transfer electrons. The atoms are then
+ held together by the attraction of
Electron pair shared
Atom C Atom D opposite charges. In covalent bonding,
between atom C and
Atom C Atom D atoms share electrons and form
atom D
Two atoms independent molecules.

CHEmiCAl Bonding 165

Ionic or Covalent? 3.3 100%
Bonding between atoms of different elements is usually not
purely ionic or purely covalent. It usually falls somewhere

Difference in electronegativities

Percentage ionic character

between the two extremes. The difference between the Ionic

electronegativities of the two atoms determines the type of

bond they form.
1.7 50%
The first diagram at the right summarizes how the
­difference in electronegativity affects the percentage
of the bond that is ionic in nature. If the difference in
­electronegativity of two atoms is 1.7 or greater, the bond
is at least 50% ionic in nature, and the bond is considered 0.3 5%
an ionic bond. 0 0%

The second diagram at the right shows that there are two The electronegativity difference
between two atoms determines the
types of covalent bonds. Bonding between two atoms of the
type of bond that forms.
same element is completely covalent, because the two atoms
have the same electronegativity. For example, hydrogen is
usually found in pairs of atoms that are bonded together
Hydrogen nuclei
covalently. The hydrogen-hydrogen bond is an example of a
nonpolar-covalent bond. Any bond formed between atoms
that have an electronegativity difference of 0.3 or less is
considered nonpolar-covalent.
(a) Nonpolar-covalent bond
A nonpolar bond has an even distribution of charge.
A bond that is polar has an uneven distribution of charge. Hydrogen nucleus
The electrons are more strongly attracted to the more nucleus

electronegative atom in a polar bond. A covalent bond in

which the atoms have an uneven attraction for the electrons
δ+ δ-
is called a polar-covalent bond. Bonds between atoms with a
difference in electronegativities from 0.3 to 1.7 are considered (b) Polar-covalent bond
polar-covalent bonds.
The difference in electron density
The hydrogen-chlorine bond in the second diagram at the in (a) a nonpolar hydrogen-hydrogen
bond and (b) a polar hydrogen-
right is an example of a polar-covalent bond. Because chlorine bond.
hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2.1 and chlorine has an
electronegativity of 3.0, the difference is 0.9. The electrons in
this bond tend to be closer to the chlorine atom than the
hydrogen atom. As a result, the chlorine end of the bond has a
2.  A bond between two atoms in
partial negative charge, indicated by the symbol δ−. The
which the shared electron or
­hydrogen end of the bond has a partial positive charge, electrons are equally likely to be
­indicated by the symbol δ+. found near each atom is called a

Use the electronegativity differences on page 156 in Chapter 5 and the first
diagram on page 166 to classify bonding between sulfur, S, and the
following elements: hydrogen, H; cesium, Cs; and chlorine, Cl. In each pair,
which atom will be more negative?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

 iven: electronegativity values for S, H, Cs, and Cl
Unknown: bond types for S with H, Cs, and Cl

2 PLAN Determine the information necessary to answer the questions.

Look up the electronegativity values for each element. Find
the difference between the electronegativities. Use the
diagram on page 166 to determine the type of bond.

3 COMPUTE Determine the types of bonds from the given information.

The electronegativities are 2.5 for S, 2.1 for H, 0.7 for Cs,
and 3.0 for Cl. In each pair, the atom with the greater
electronegativity will be the more negative atom.

Electronegativity More-negative
Bonded atoms difference Bond type atom
S and H 2.5 − 2.1 = 0.4 polar-covalent S
S and Cs 2.5 − 0.7 = 1.8 ionic S
S and Cl 3.0 − 2.5 = 0.5 polar-covalent Cl

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answers make sense.

Cs is a metal, so it is likely to form ionic compounds with a
nonmetal. H and Cl are more likely to form covalent bonds.

PRACTICE Complete the following table.

Electronegativity More-negative
Bonded atoms Bond type
difference atom
A. Cl and Ca

B. Cl and O

C. Cl and Br

C he m i ca l B o n d i n g 167
1. What is the main distinction between ionic and covalent bonding?

2. How is electronegativity used in determining the ionic or covalent character
of the bonding between two elements?

3. What type of bonding would be expected between the following pairs

of atoms?

a. Li and F 

b. Cu and S 

c. I and Br 

4. List the three pairs of atoms from Question 3 in order of increasing ionic
character of the bonding between them.

Critical Thinking
5. INTERPRETING CONCEPTS  Compare the following two pairs of atoms:
Cu and Cl; I and Cl.

a. Which pair would have a bond with a greater ionic character?

b. In which pair would Cl have the greater negative charge?

6. INFERRING RELATIONSHIPS  The isolated K atom is larger than the isolated

Br atom.

a. What type of bond is expected between K and Br?

b. Which ion in the compound KBr is larger?

SECTION 6.2 LA.PS.5  Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Covalent Bonding and LA.PS.9  Draw accurate valence electron

configurations and Lewis dot structures for
selected molecules, ionic and covalent
compounds, and chemical equations.

Molecular Compounds (PS-H-B1)

LA.PS.13  Identify the number of bonds an
atom can form given the number of valence
electrons. (PS-H-B3)
LA.PS.23  Model chemical bond formation by
using Lewis dot diagrams for ionic, polar, and
Most of the chemicals inside living things and produced by nonpolar compounds. (PS-H-C5)

living things are molecules. A molecule is a neutral group of

atoms that are held together by covalent bonds. A molecule
formed by polar-covalent bonds is still considered neutral
because the sum of the partial charges on either end of the
bond is zero.
A molecular compound is any chemical compound Vocabulary
whose simplest units are molecules. In other words, a single
molecule of any molecular compound is an individual unit molecular compound
that is capable of existing on its own. A molecule may chemical formula
molecular formula
contain two or more atoms of the same element, as in bond energy
oxygen. Or, a molecule may consist of two or more atoms electron-dot notation
Lewis structure
of different elements, as in water and sugar.
structural formula
single bond
The composition of a compound is given by its chemical multiple bond
formula. A chemical formula indicates the relative number resonance
of each type of atom necessary to form a single unit of a
compound. For compounds that form molecules, the
molecular formula shows the types and number of atoms
necessary to form a single molecule.
The molecular formula for water, ​H2​ ​O, shows that two READING CHECK
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom are necessary to form 1.  The formula for sucrose,
a molecule of water. A molecule of oxygen, ​O​2​, contains two ​C12
​ ​​H​22​​O​11​, shows that a
atoms of oxygen and is an example of a diatomic molecule.
sucrose molecule contains
A diatomic molecule contains only two atoms.
carbon atoms,

hydrogen atoms, and

(a) Water molecule,
oxygen atoms.

(b) Oxygen molecule,


(c) Sucrose molecule,


Three examples of molecular compounds are shown: (a) water, (b) oxygen,
and (c) sucrose.

Chemical Bonding 169

Formation of a Covalent Bond
In Section 1, you learned that nature favors chemical bonding
because atoms have lower potential energy when they are
bonded than they have alone. Examining the formation of a
hydrogen-hydrogen bond can illustrate the point.
The potential energy of two hydrogen atoms changes as the
Both nuclei repel
strengths of the attractive and repulsive forces between the each other, as do both
atoms change. The electrons in each hydrogen atom repel electron clouds.
each other, as do the protons. This repulsion corresponds to
an increase in potential energy, similar to two boulders being –
pushed up opposite sides of a valley. On the other hand, the + +
proton in one atom is attracted to the electron in the other –
atom, and vice versa. This corresponds to a decrease in
potential energy, similar to two boulders falling down the sides The nucleus of one atom
of a valley toward each other. attracts the electron cloud of
the other atom, and vice versa.
The graph below shows the total potential energy of the two
hydrogen atoms versus the distance between the atoms.
Consider four stages shown on the graph.
(a) Thetwo atoms do not influence each other. At this point,
the potential energy is defined as zero.
(b) As the atoms approach each other, the electron-proton
attractions are stronger than the electron-electron
and proton-proton repulsions. The net potential
energy decreases.
(c) When the atoms are 75 pm apart, the strengths of the READING CHECK
attractions and repulsions are balanced. This is the point at 2.  Two atoms form a stable
which potential energy is at a minimum and a stable chemical bond when their potential
hydrogen molecule forms.
energies are
(d) If
the atoms got any closer together, the repulsive forces than their potential energies as
would be stronger than the attractive forces, and would
separate particles.
force them apart again.
Potential energy (kJ/mol)

0 +
(d) (a)

75 pm
The graph shows the changes in
-436 (c)
potential energy of two atoms of
75 hydrogen versus the distance between
Distance between hydrogen nuclei (pm) the two atoms.

170 C HA P T E R 6
Characteristics of the Covalent Bond
A stable covalent bond forms when the attractive forces
between two atoms balance the repulsive forces between
two atoms. In a hydrogen-hydrogen bond, the electrons of
each hydrogen atom are shared between the two nuclei. The
molecule’s electrons can be pictured as occupying overlapping
orbitals, moving freely in either orbital.

Electron clouds Region of orbital

The orbitals of two hydrogen atoms
overlap when the atoms bond. Both
electrons feel the attraction from both
nuclei. As a result, the electron density
between the nuclei increases.


Hydrogen atoms Hydrogen molecule

The bonded atoms can vibrate, but they remain bonded

as long as their potential energy remains close to the
minimum value. Bond length is the average distance between READING CHECK
two bonded atoms. The bond length for a hydrogen-hydrogen 3.  Define the following terms in
your own words.
bond is 75 pm.
Energy in a closed system is always conserved. Therefore,
when two atoms form a bond and their potential energy
decreases by a certain amount, an equal amount of
energy must be released by the atoms. The graph on
page 170 shows that the hydrogen atoms must release energy:
436 kJ/mol of energy when forming a bond. In other words,
436 kJ of energy are released when a mole of hydrogen
molecules forms.
The same amount of energy that is released when a bond 4.  Consider a system consisting of
forms is required to force the atoms apart. Bond energy is the one diatomic molecule. When the
energy required to break a chemical bond and form neutral chemical bond is broken, is energy
put into the system or is energy
isolated atoms. The bond energy for a hydrogen-hydrogen
taken out of the system?
bond is 436 kJ/mol. In other words, it takes 436 kJ of energy to
break the bonds in a mole of hydrogen molecules.

Chemical Bonding 171

Bond Lengths and Bond Energies for Selected Covalent Bonds
Average bond Average bond Average bond Average bond
Bond length (pm) energy (kJ/mol) Bond length (pm) energy (kJ/mol)
H‒H 75 436 C‒C 154 346
F‒F 142 159 C‒N 147 305
Cl‒Cl 199 243 C‒O 143 358
Br‒Br 229 193 C‒H 109 418
I‒I 266 151 C‒Cl 177 327
H‒F 92 569 C‒Br 194 285
H‒Cl 127 432 N‒N 145 163
H‒Br 141 366 N‒H 101 386
H‒I 161 299 O‒H 96 459

The table above shows the average bond lengths and

bond energies for some common covalent bonds. The actual
bond length and bond energy for a particular bond can vary
depending on the influence of the other atoms in a molecule.

The Octet Rule

As the diagram at the right shows, the overlapping orbital in a Bonding electron pair in
hydrogen molecule contains two electrons. This is the same overlapping orbitals
electron configuration as in a helium atom, which is a stable
noble gas. Each hydrogen atom in the molecule is said to have
↑ ↑
a noble-gas configuration, since its outermost electron shell H
(the n = 1 shell) is completely filled by the shared electrons.
Usually, the outermost electron shell of an atom in a noble- ↓ ↓
gas configuration contains 8 electrons, with 2 in the outermost 1s 1s
s sublevel and 6 in the outermost p sublevel. Atoms tend to Hydrogen Hydrogen
form bonds such that they obtain noble-gas configurations. atoms molecule
Thus, the octet rule states that chemical compounds form so By sharing electrons in overlapping
that each atom, by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons, has an orbitals, each hydrogen atom in a
hydrogen molecule experiences
octet of electrons in its highest-occupied energy level. the stable effect of a stable 1​s2​ ​

Critical Thinking
5. Compare  What feature do atoms in a noble gas and atoms
in a molecule have in common?

172 C HA P T E R 6
↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ↑ ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ↑ Bonding
(a) FF FF electron
1s1s 2s2s 1s1s 2s2s electron
2p2p 2p2p pair inin
↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ ↓ ↓ ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ ↓ ↓
FF FF orbitals
1s1s 2s2s 1s1s 2s2s
2p2p 2p2p
Fluorine atoms
Fluorine atoms Fluorine molecule
Fluorine molecule
Bondingelectron pair
electron pair
overlapping orbitals
overlapping orbitals
↑↑ ↑↑
(b) HH HH
1s1s 1s1s
↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↓
ClCl ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↓ ClCl ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↓
1s1s 2s2s 3s3s 1s1s 2s2s 3s3s
2p2p 3p3p 2p2p 3p3p
Hydrogen and
Hydrogen chlorine
and atoms
chlorine atoms Hydrogen chloride
Hydrogen molecule
chloride molecule

One example of a stable molecule that follows the octet (a) Both atoms in a fluorine
rule is the fluorine molecule shown above. A fluorine atom has molecule experience neon’s stable
seven electrons in its outermost energy level, including six 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​configuration. (b) Both
atoms in an HCl molecule experience
paired electrons and one unpaired electron in a 2p orbital. stable configurations.
When two fluorine atoms bond, they share the unpaired
electrons. The result is that each atom essentially has an octet
of electrons at the n = 2 level.
Another example is an HCl molecule. The chlorine atom
achieves an octet by sharing an electron with a hydrogen atom.
The chlorine essentially gets an eighth electron to give it an
octet at the n = 3 level. The hydrogen atom receives a second
electron to achieve helium’s stable noble-gas configuration.

Exceptions to the Octet Rule

Most main-group elements tend to form covalent bonds Critical Thinking
according to the octet rule. Hydrogen is one exception, as its 6.  Apply  A chlorine atom has the
atoms only form bonds with two electrons. Boron is another electron configuration [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p​5​.
Explain how atoms in a molecule of
exception. Boron has three valence electrons, [He]2​s2​ ​2​p1​ ​. It chlorine (​Cl​2​) follow the octet rule.
forms bonds by sharing all three of its electrons to form three
electron pairs, such as in the molecule B​F​3​.
Other atoms have more than eight electrons in their
outermost energy level when they combine with highly
electronegative elements such as fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine.
In these cases of expanded valence, bonding involves electrons
in the d orbitals as well as the s and p orbitals. P​F5​ ​and S​F6​ ​are
two examples of compounds with expanded valence.

Chemical Bonding 173

Electron-Dot Notation
Usually, covalent bonds involve only the electrons in the
outermost energy level of an atom. Electron-dot notation is
useful for keeping track of these valence electrons. Electron-
dot notation is an electron-configuration notation in which
only the valence electrons are shown, as dots placed around a
chemical symbol. The inner-shell electrons are not shown.
Electron-dot notation reflects the number of valence
electrons in the outermost energy level. For example, a fluorine
atom has an electron configuration of [He]2​s2​ ​2​p5​ ​. Each atom
has seven valence electrons, six paired electrons that fill three
orbitals and one unpaired electron in one orbital. Therefore,
the electron-dot notation for fluorine looks like this.

The table below shows the electron-dot notation used in this

book for the eight possible numbers of valence electrons
in an atom.

Number of Electron-dot Example Examples of electron-dot notation

valence electrons notation for atoms of elements with 1 to 8
valence electrons.
1 X Na
2 X Mg
3 X B
4 X C

5 X N

6 X O

7 X F

8 X Ne


Write the electron-dot notation for the following elements.

A. hydrogen    C.  silicon
B. nitrogen    D.  selenium

174 C HA P T E R 6
Lewis Structures
Electron-dot notation can also be used to represent molecules.
A Lewis structure, named after American chemist G.N. Lewis,
is any formula in which
• atomic symbols represent nuclei and inner-shell electrons
• dot-pairs or dashes between two atomic symbols represent
electron pairs in covalent bonds
• dots adjacent to only one atomic symbol represent
unshared electrons
For example, a hydrogen molecule, H​ 2​ ​, is represented by
combining the notations of two individual hydrogen atoms.
The pair of dots between the hydrogen symbols represents the
shared electron pair in a hydrogen-hydrogen bond.


For a molecule of fluorine, F

​ 2​ ​, the Lewis structure also
includes the three unshared pairs of electrons in each fluorine
atom. These pairs that are not shared in bonds are also called
lone pairs.


Another way to write the Lewis structures of hydrogen

molecules and fluorine molecules is to represent the shared
pair of electrons by a long dash, as shown below.

Yet another way to write Lewis structures is only to use
7.  How is electron-dot notation
dashes to show the shared electrons. A structural formula
related to Lewis structures?
indicates the kind, number, arrangement, and bonds, but not
the unshared electrons of the atoms in a molecule. For
example, F–F and H–Cl are structural formulas.
The sample problem on the next page shows the basic steps
that can be used to draw the structural formula of many
molecules. The single dash between two atomic symbols
represents a single bond. A single bond is a covalent bond in
which one pair of electrons is shared between two atoms.

Chemical Bonding 175

​ H​3​I.
Draw the Lewis structure of iodomethane, C


STEP 1 Determine the type and number of atoms in the molecule.

Iodomethane has one C atom, three H atoms, and one I atom.

STEP 2 Write the electron-dot notation for each type of atom.

C, I, and H atoms have 4, 7, and
1 valence electron, respectively.

STEP 3 Determine the number of electrons available for bonding.

4 electrons in each C atom → 1 × 4​ e​–​= 4​e–​ ​
1 electron in each H atom → 3 × 1​ e​–​= 3​e–​ ​
7 electrons in each I atom → 1 × 7​ e​–​=​7​e–​

STEP 4 Arrange the atoms to form a skeleton structure for the molecule.
If carbon is present, make it the central atom. Otherwise, the most
electronegative element besides hydrogen is central. Then connect
the atoms with electron-pair bonds.


STEP 5 Add unshared pairs of electrons to each nonmetal atom (besides

hydrogen) so that each is surrounded by an octet.

H C I or H-C-I

STEP 6 Count the electrons in the structure to be sure it shows the same
number of available valence electrons as calculated in Step 3.
The four covalent bonds add up to eight electrons, and the six
unpaired electrons make a total of 14 electrons. This matches the
number of available valence electrons.

176 C HA P T E R 6

E. Draw the Lewis structure of ammonia, ​NH​3​.

One molecule has N atom(s) and H atom(s).

Each N atom has valence electrons.

Each H atom has valence electrons.

There are valence electrons available for bonding.

Use the space at the right to arrange the
N and H atoms, using dots to represent
electron pairs and lone pairs. Make sure
the final result contains the same number
of dots as there are valence electrons
available for bonding.

F. Draw the Lewis structure of phosphorus trifluoride, P

​ F​3​.
One molecule has P atom(s) and F atom(s).

Each P atom has valence electrons.

Each F atom has valence electrons.

There are valence electrons available for bonding.

Use the space at the right to arrange the
P and F atoms, using dots to represent
electron pairs and lone pairs. Make sure
the final result contains the same number
of dots as there are valence electrons
available for bonding.

G. Draw the Lewis structure for hydrogen sulfide, H

​ 2​ ​S.

H. Draw the Lewis structure for silane, Si​H4​ ​.

Chemical Bonding 177

Multiple Covalent Bonds
Atoms of some elements, especially carbon, nitrogen, and
oxygen, can share more than one electron pair. A double
↑↓ ↑↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
covalent bond, or simply a double bond, is a covalent bond N
1s 2s
in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms. 2p
A double bond is either shown by two side-by-side pairs ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑
of dots or by two parallel dashes. For example, in ethane, N
1s 2s
​C2​ ​H4​ ​, two electron pairs are shared at the same time by two
carbon atoms. Nitrogen molecule

In a molecule of nitrogen, N
​ 2​ ​,
or each nitrogen atom is surrounded
C C C=C by an octet that includes one
H H H H unshared pair and six shared
A triple covalent bond, or triple bond, is a covalent bond in
which three pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms.
A triple bond is either shown by three side-by-side pairs of
dots or by three parallel dashes. For example, nitrogen
normally exists as a diatomic molecule. The nitrogen atom has
three unpaired electrons in its 2p orbitals. These unpaired
electrons form an octet when two nitrogen atoms bond.

N N or N≡N

Carbon can also form compounds with triple bonds. For

example, ethyne, ​C​2​​H​2​, contains a carbon-carbon triple bond.

H C C H or H-C≡C-H

Double bonds and triple bonds are also referred to as

multiple covalent bonds, or multiple bonds. In general,
double bonds are shorter and have greater bond energies

TIP If you are making a Lewis
structure of a molecule,
than single bonds. Triple bonds are even stronger and shorter. and it does not seem that there
The table on the top of page 179 compares single, double, are enough electrons available to
form complete octets, this often
and triple bonds. indicates that a double or triple
bond is present.
It is important to remember that multiple bonds are
possible when writing Lewis structures for molecules that
contain carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen. A hydrogen atom, on the
other hand, can only form single bonds.

Critical Thinking
8. Infer  Why can an oxygen atom not form a triple bond?

178 C HA P T E R 6
Bond Lengths and Bond Energies for Single and Multiple Covalent Bonds
Average bond Average bond Average bond Average bond
Bond length (pm) energy (kJ/mol) Bond length (pm) energy (kJ/mol)
C‒C 154 346 C‒O 143 358
C=C 134 612 C=O 120 732
C≡C 120 835 C≡O 113 1072
C‒N 147 305 N‒N 145 163
C=N 132 615 N=N 125 418
C≡N 116 887 N≡N 110 945

Resonance Structures
Some molecules cannot be represented by a single Lewis
​ 3​ ​, can be represented by the
structure. For example, ozone, O
two structures below. Each structure indicates that an ozone
molecule includes one single bond and one double bond.

O=O-O or O-O=O

At one time, scientists hypothesized that ozone constantly

switched between each structure. However, experiments have
shown that the two oxygen-oxygen bonds are identical, not READING CHECK
distinct as shown in the diagrams. Therefore, scientists now say 9.  Why can ozone not be represent-
that ozone has a single structure that is the average of the two ed by the structure O=O–O alone?
structures above. The structures are referred to as resonance
structures, or resonance hybrids.
In general, resonance refers to bonding in molecules or
ions that cannot be represented by a single Lewis structure.
To indicate resonance, a double arrow is placed between a
molecule’s resonance structures.

O=O-O  O-O=O

Covalent-Network Bonding
All of the covalent molecules discussed so far have been
molecular. However, there are other covalently bonded
compounds that do not contain individual molecules, but are
three-dimensional networks of bonded atoms. These
covalently bonded networks will be discussed in Chapter 10.

Chemical Bonding 179

Draw the Lewis structure for methanol, C​H2​ ​O.


STEP 1 Determine the type and number of atoms in the molecule.

Methanol has one C atom, two H atoms, and one O atom.

STEP 2 Write the electron-dot notation for each type of atom.

C, I, and H atoms have 4, 6, and    
1 valence electron respectively.

STEP 3 Determine the number of electrons available for bonding.

1 × 4​e–​ ​+ 2 × 1​e–​ ​+ 1 × 6​e–​ ​= 12​e–​ ​

STEP 4 Arrange the atoms to form a skeleton structure for the molecule .
Then connect the atoms with electron-pair bonds.


STEP 5 Add unshared pairs of electrons to each nonmetal atom

(besides hydrogen) so that each is surrounded by an octet.


STEP 6 Count the electrons in the structure to make sure the structure
shows the sum of the available valence electrons calculated. If
it does not, subtract the extra electrons and change lone pairs
to shared pairs until each atom is surrounded by an octet.
Delete a lone pair from the O atom to get H
12 electrons. Move the C lone pair so that
H C O or H-C=O
it is shared with the O atom.

PRACTICE Draw the Lewis structure for each molecule.

I. carbon dioxide, C​O2​ ​ J.  hydrogen cyanide, HCN

180 C HA P T E R 6
1. Define the following.

a.  bond length

b.  bond energy

2. State the octet rule.

3. How many pairs of electrons are shared in the following types of

covalent bonds?

a.  a single bond

b.  a double bond

c.  a triple bond

4. Draw the Lewis structures for the following molecules.

a.  C​H3​ ​Br c.  SiC​l4​  

b.  ​C2​ ​HCl d.  ​OF​2​   

Critical Thinking
5. APPLYING MODELS  Compare the molecules H
​ 2​ ​NN​H2​ ​and HNNH. Which
molecule has the stronger N–N bond?

Chemical Bonding 181

SECTION 6.3 LA.PS.5 Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Ionic Bonding and LA.PS.16 Predict the stable ion(s) an

element is likely to form when it reacts with
other specified elements. (PS-H-C2)
LA.PS.23 Model chemical bond formation by

Ionic Compounds using Lewis dot diagrams for ionic, polar, and
nonpolar compounds. (PS-H-C5)
LA.PS.46 Identify and compare intermolecu-
lar forces and their effects on physical and
chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)

In Section 2, you learned about compounds that form

covalent bonds. Most of the rocks and minerals on Earth VOCABULARY
are held together by another type of bond called an ionic
ionic compound lattice energy
bond. Compounds that are held together in this way are formula unit polyatomic ion
called ionic compounds.
An ionic compound is composed of positive and
negative ions that are combined so that the amount of
positive and negative charge is equal. One example of an
ionic compound is table salt, which is also called sodium
chloride. A sodium ion, Na+, has a charge of 1+. A chloride
ion, Cl–, has a charge of 1–. Equal numbers of Na+ and
Cl– ions attract each other to form a compound with a net
charge of zero.
Most ionic compounds exist as crystalline solids, such as
the cubes of sodium chloride shown at the right. A crystal of
any ionic compound is a three-dimensional network of
positive and negative ions that are all attracted to each
other. Therefore, unlike a molecular compound, an ionic Sodium chloride, NaCl, is a
crystalline solid.
compound is not composed of independent units of a small
number of atoms.
A formula unit is the simplest collection of atoms from
TIP The name of an anion
formed from a single
which an ionic compound’s formula can be established.
ion ends with -ide. For example,
It is the smallest number of atoms necessary to form a a chloride ion forms from
compound with zero charge. For sodium chloride, a formula chlorine and an oxide ion forms
unit is one sodium cation and one chloride anion. Therefore, from oxygen.
the chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.
Another example of an ionic compound is calcium
fluoride. A calcium ion, Ca2+, has a charge of 2+. A fluoride
1. What is the difference between
ion, F –, has a charge of 1–. Two fluoride anions are required
a formula unit for an ionic
to balance the charge of one calcium cation. Therefore, the compound and a molecular formula
chemical formula for calcium chloride is CaF2. for a molecule?

182 ChaPTeR 6
Formation of Ionic Compounds
Electron-dot notation can be used to demonstrate
the process of ionic bond formation. For example,
consider a sodium atom and a chlorine atom. The
sodium atom has one valence electron and the
chlorine atom has seven valence electrons.
Alkali metals, such as sodium, readily lose their (a) (b)
one valence electron to form a cation. Halogens,
Two models of NaCl are shown:
such as chlorine, readily gain a valence electron (a) one that shows the actual
to form an anion. The two oppositely charged arrangement and (b) one that has
particles attract each other to form one formula expanded to clarify the structure.
unit of sodium chloride. The cations and anions
all have noble-gas configurations.
Na + Cl Na+ + Cl

Sodium atom Chlorine atom Sodium cation Chloride anion

Critical Thinking
1. Identify  The equation below represents the formation of
the formula unit Ca​F​2​. Label the equation with the name of
each particle.
+ FF---F
+ -
-- -
+ --
+ -
-- -

Characteristics of Ionic Bonding

Recall that nature favors arrangements with a minimum of
potential energy. In an ionic crystal, ions minimize potential
energy by forming an orderly arrangement called a crystal
lattice. The distances between ions and the shape of the
arrangement represent a balance between many forces. The
forces include cation-anion and electron-proton attractive
forces. They also include cation-cation, anion-anion, electron-
electron, and proton-proton repulsive forces. A crystal’s
­orderly structure balances all of these forces.

Chemical Bonding 183

Each anion or cation is surrounded by
six particles to which it is attracted.

(a) (b)


Within the crystal lattice of sodium chloride, the six

particles closest to each chloride anion are the six sodium
cations to which the anion is attracted. At the same time,
each sodium cation is positioned next to six chloride anions.
Because ions that have the same charge are shielded from
each other, the repulsive forces are relatively weak. The result
is a stable, low-potential-energy structure.
Calcium ion, Ca 2+

Different ionic compounds have different ionic

structures. Each structure represents the closest possible
packing in which positive and negative charges of the
particles are balanced. In a calcium fluoride, Ca​F2​ ​, crystal,
each calcium cation is surrounded by eight fluoride anions.
Each fluoride anion is surrounded by four calcium cations.
Just as in the formation of covalent bonds, energy is
Fluoride ion, F -
released when ionic bonds form. To compare ionic bond
strengths, scientists obtain gaseous forms of the ions that
make up an ionic compound. They then measure the energy
released when the ions come together to form a crystalline Lattice Energies of Some
solid. Lattice energy is the energy released when one mole of Common Ionic Compounds
an ionic crystalline compound is formed from gaseous ions. Lattice energy
The table shows the lattice energies of some common ionic Compound (KJ/mol)
compounds. The lattice energies are negative because energy NaCl -787.5
is released when the compounds form.
NaBr -751.4

READING CHECK Ca​F2​ ​ -2634.7

3. Energy is when an ionic LiCl -861.3

compound forms because the potential energy of the LiF -1032

MgO -3760
particles .
KCl -715

184 C HA P T E R 6
A Comparison of Ionic and
Molecular Compounds
– +
The ionic bonds between ions in ionic compounds are strong
attractions between particles of positive and negative charge. + – +
The covalent bonds that hold the atoms together in a
– + –
molecule are also strong. However, intermolecular forces, the
attraction between different molecules in a compound, are – +
much weaker than the attraction between formula units in
ionic compounds. Because of this difference, ionic compounds Attraction

and molecular compounds have different properties.
Melting Point  The attraction between ions in an ionic solid is (a)
strong. However, because the attraction between molecules in
a solid is relatively weak, solid molecular compounds melt at + Strong repulsion

lower temperatures than ionic compounds.

– + +
Boiling Point  Boiling points for molecular compounds are
also at lower temperatures than for ionic compounds. Many + – –

molecular compounds are gases at room temperature.

– + +
Hardness  Because of their strong ionic attractions, ionic
– –
compounds are hard when in solid form. Repulsive forces
between ions of the same charge help to hold the shape of
the lattice.
Deformation  Ionic compounds are brittle, which means they dislocates crystal plane
tend to shatter instead of bend. This is because it is easier
to break off a smaller lattice of ions, such as the crystal plane (a) The attraction between ions in a
crystal causes layers of ions to resist
in the diagram, than it is to change the shape of a lattice. In
motion. (b) Striking the crystal with
contrast, solid molecular compounds can often be deformed enough force can shift a layer so that
without breaking, similar to the way a stick of butter can like-charged ions get too close to one
be deformed. another, causing the crystal to shatter.

Electrical Conductivity  Molecular compounds do not

normally conduct electricity because the attraction between
molecules is weak. When solid, ionic compounds also do not READING CHECK
conduct electricity because the electrons in the crystal lattice 4.  The attractive force between
are difficult to dislodge. However, when an ionic compound formula units in an ionic compound
dissolves in water, the ions separate from each other and are
is than the
surrounded by water molecules. These ions are then free to
move around and conduct electric charge. So, dissolved ionic attractive force between molecules

compounds are good conductors. in a molecular compound.

Chemical Bonding 185

Polyatomic Ions
Some atoms bond covalently with each other to form a group +
of atoms that has both molecular and ionic characteristics. A H N H
charged group of covalently bonded atoms is known as a H
polyatomic ion. A polyatomic ion with a positive charge
ammonium ion
results when the group of atoms loses electrons. A polyatomic
ion with a negative charge results when the group of atoms O
gains electrons. N O
For example, an ammonium ion contains one nitrogen
atom and four hydrogen atoms that are covalently bonded. nitrate ion

The formula for an ammonium ion is NH​+   ​.  The electron in

4 2-
each hydrogen atom forms a shared pair with one of the
electrons in the nitrogen atom’s outermost energy level. O
However, a nitrogen atom has five valence electrons. The
sulfate ion
addition of four electrons from four hydrogen atoms would
violate the octet rule. Therefore, the group of atoms loses an O
electron so that the nitrogen atom has a stable octet of O P O
electrons in its outermost energy level. The loss of an electron O
gives the ammonium ion a charge of 1+. phosphate ion

A few examples of polyatomic ions are shown at the right. The Lewis structures of four common
The charge on each is determined by the number of valence polyatomic ions are shown.

electrons that were lost and gained in order for all of the
atoms in the ion to satisfy the octet rule.
Polyatomic ions can combine with other ions to form
ionic compounds. For example, an ammonium ion, NH​+  ​   ,

can combine with a chloride anion, C​l​ ​, to form the ionic
compound ammonium chloride, N​H4​ ​Cl. Two sodium cations,
N​a+​ ​, can combine with a sulfate ion to form sodium sulfate,
N​a​2​S​O4​ ​. Two polyatomic ions can also combine to form ionic
compounds, such as ammonium nitrate N​H​4​N​O3​ ​.


A. What is the Lewis structure of a carbonate ion, C​O3​ ​?

What is the charge on a carbonate ion?

186 C HA P T E R 6
1. Distinguish between ionic and molecular compounds in terms of the basic
units that each is composed of.

2. Give two examples of an ionic compound.

3. Use electron-dot notation to demonstrate the formation of ionic compounds

involving the following:

a. Li and Cl

b. Ca and I

4. Compound B has lower melting and boiling points than compound A.

At the same temperature, compound B vaporizes faster than compound A.
One of these compounds is ionic and the other is molecular.

a. Which compound would you expect to be molecular?

b. Which compound would you expect to be ionic?

c. Explain the reasoning behind your answers to (a) and (b).

Critical Thinking
5. ANALYZING DATA  The melting points for the compounds L​i​2​S, R​b​2​S, and ​K​2​S
are 900°C, 530°C, and 840°C, respectively. List the three compounds in order
of increasing lattice energy.

Chemical Bonding 187

SECTION 6.4 LA.PS.46 Identify and compare intermolecu-
lar forces and their effects on physical and

Metallic Bonding chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)

The previous sections discussed chemical bonds in ionic VOCABULARY

compounds and covalent compounds. Metals are held
metallic bonding ductility
together by a different type of bond, resulting in some of malleability
the unique properties of metals.
Solid ionic compounds cannot conduct electricity. The
electrons in an ionic crystal lattice are tightly bound to the
atoms that make up the lattice. If the ionic compound melts,
destroying the crystal structure, or if it is dissolved in water,
then the ions can conduct electricity. The valence electrons
Critical Thinking
in a molecular covalent bond are also locked inside bonds,
1. Evaluate Which is most likely
making molecular compounds poor conductors. the better conductor of electricity:
a block of solid sodium or a sodium
One property shared by all metals is their ability to chloride crystal? Explain.
conduct electricity. A metal contains valence electrons that
are mobile and able to move throughout the metal. They
are much better conductors than molten ionic compounds.

The Metallic-Bond Model

The outermost energy level of most metal atoms contains
very few electrons. The s-block metals contain only one or
two valence electrons. The highest p sublevel, which can
hold up to six electrons, is empty. The d-block metals
contain an empty p sublevel in their outermost energy level,
and often empty d orbitals in the next lowest energy level.
Within a metal, the empty orbitals in the outer energy
levels overlap. This overlapping of orbitals allows the outer
electrons of metal atoms to move freely throughout the
entire metal. The electrons do not belong to any specific
atom, so they are called delocalized electrons.
Delocalized electrons in a metal form a sea of electrons
around the metal’s atoms. The atoms are packed together
Solid sodium is arranged in a
in a crystal lattice, similar to an ionic crystal lattice. The
crystal lattice such that each
attraction between the metal atoms and the surrounding atom is surrounded by eight
sea of electrons is called metallic bonding. other sodium atoms.

188 ChaPTeR 6
Metallic Properties
The sea of electrons in a metal allows electric current to flow
freely. This makes metals good electrical conductors. Metallic
bonding also causes metals to have other characteristic
Thermal Conductivity  The sea of electrons can transfer heat
as well as carry electric current. Therefore, metals are good
thermal conductors as well as electrical conductors.
Luster  Metals are strong reflectors and absorbers of
light. Metals contain many orbitals separated by
extremely small energy differences, so they are able to
absorb many frequencies of light. This excites the
electrons, which rise to higher energy levels, then
immediately fall back to lower energy levels and
release light at similar frequencies. This re-radiated, or
reflected, light gives metals their luster.
These stainless steel pans have a high
Malleability  Metals can be formed into many desired luster. Stainless steel is a mixture of
shapes. Malleability is the ability of a substance to be the metals iron and chromium.
hammered into thin sheets. Metal is malleable because
the layers in a metallic lattice can slide past each other
without breaking bonds.
Ductility  A property of metals related to malleability is
ductility. Ductility is the ability of a substance to be pulled
or drawn through a small opening to produce a wire.

Metallic Bond Strength

The strength of metallic bonds varies with the
nuclear charge of the metal atoms and the
number of electrons in a metal’s sea of electrons. Enthalpies of Vaporization
of Some Metals (kJ/mol)
Both of these properties affect how much energy
is required to vaporize a metal. A metal is Period Element
vaporized when all of the metallic bonds are Second Li Be
broken and the atoms form a gas. The energy 147 297
required to vaporize a metal is called the metal’s Third Na Mg Al
enthalpy of vaporization. Some enthalpies of 97 128 294
vaporization are given in the table at the right. Fourth K Ca Sc
77 155 333
2. Which property makes it possible to use a 76 137 365
metal to make long, thin wires? Sixth Cs Ba La
64 140 402

Chemical Bonding 189

1. a. What is metallic bonding?

b. How can the strength of metallic bonding be measured?

2. Describe the electron-sea model of metallic bonding.

3. What is the relationship between metallic bond strength and enthalpy

of vaporization?

4. Explain why most metals are malleable and ductile but ionic crystals
are not.

Critical Thinking
5. ORGANIZING IDEAS  Explain why metals are good electrical conductors.

190 C HA P T E R 6
SECTION 6.5 LA.PS.9  Draw accurate valence electron
configurations and Lewis dot structures for

Molecular Geometry selected molecules, ionic and covalent

compounds, and chemical equations.
LA.PS.24  Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and
chemical properties of covalent compounds.
LA.PS.27  Investigate and model hybridiza-
tion in carbon compounds. (PS-H-C6)
LA.PS.46  Identify and compare intermolecu-
So far in this chapter you have learned about properties lar forces and their effects on physical and
chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)
related to chemical bonding. The shape of a molecule also
helps determine the properties of a molecular compound.
A covalent bond is either polar or nonpolar depending Vocabulary
on the distribution of charge along the bond. The polarity of
VSEPR theory
each bond contributes to the distribution of charge in a hybridization
molecule. This molecular polarity influences the forces that hybrid orbitals
act between molecules in liquids and solids. hydrogen bonding
London dispersion forces
Scientists have done many experiments to understand
how the properties of a molecule are related to its shape.
Scientists have developed two theories to explain these
properties: VSEPR theory and hybridization models.

VSEPR theory
The abbreviation VSEPR stands for “Valence-Shell,
Electron-Pair Repulsion.” VSEPR theory states that the
repulsion between sets of valence electrons surrounding an
atom pushes these sets as far apart as possible.
Linear Molecules  If a molecule contains two atoms, its (a) Hydrogen, H2

shape must be linear. However, molecules that have more

than two atoms can also be linear. Consider the molecule
Be​F2​ ​. The Be atom has two valence electrons, each of which
is shared with the only unpaired electron in an F atom.
Beryllium does not follow the octet rule in this compound. (b) Hydrogen chloride, HCl

All diatomic molecules are linear.

F Be F

According to VSEPR theory, the shared pairs will be as

far apart as possible. The beryllium fluoride molecule has
two shared pairs. For maximum distance between these
shared pairs, the pairs are located on opposite sides of the READING CHECK

beryllium atom. All three atoms lie along a straight line, and 1.  A molecule with two atoms will
the molecule is linear, as shown in diagram (a) on page 192. have a shape.

Chemical Bonding 191

Trigonal-Planar Molecules  Some molecules contain three 180°
atoms bonded to a central atom, with no unshared pairs of
electrons. Boron trifluoride is an example of such a molecule.
The Lewis structure of boron trifluoride is given below.
(a) Beryllium fluoride, BeF2

F B F 120°

VSEPR theory states that the three covalent bonds should AB3
be located as far apart as possible. The bonds must all be (b) Boron trifluoride, BF3

located in the same plane, because any three points lie in the
same plane. The arrangement that spreads the bonds out as 109.5°
far as possible is the shape of an equilateral triangle, or a
trigonal-planar shape. In this arrangement the bonds are each
separated by the greatest angle possible, 120°.
Tetrahedral Molecules  Another possible shape occurs when (c) Methane, CH4

a central atom is singly bonded to four other atoms. In a

Three general molecular shapes:
methane molecule, carbon is bonded to four hydrogen atoms. (a) A​B2​ ​(linear), (b) A​B3​ ​(trigonal-
planar), and (c) A​B​4​(tetrahedral).

In three-dimensions, the bonds point to the four corners of

a tetrahedron. This allows each bond to be 109.5° distant from

TIP A tetrahedron is a three-
dimensional figure whose
each of the other three covalent bonds. (If the bonds pointed four sides are all triangles.
at the four corners of a square, they would only be 90° apart.) .


2. What does VSEPR theory state about the orientation of

the covalent bonds of a molecule?

VSEPR Theory and Unshared Electron Pairs

The first three molecular shapes discussed above involved
molecules without any unshared electron pairs surrounding
the central atom. VSEPR theory can also be applied to
molecules whose central atoms have unshared pairs of
electrons, or lone pairs.

192 C HA P T E R 6
Trigonal-Pyramidal Molecules  Molecules of more than two
atoms that only contain single bonds have central atoms
surrounded by four pairs of electrons. In tetrahedral
molecules, all four of these electron pairs are shared in
covalent bonds. In other molecules, such as ammonia, N​H3​ ​, H

one pair of electrons is a lone pair. H

(a) Ammonia, NH3

H In a trigonal-pyramidal molecule, the
four atoms occupy the four corners of
VSEPR theory states that the four pairs of electrons, a triangular pyramid. The sets of
whether they are in bonds or not, should be separated as electrons surrounding the central
atom point to the four corners of a
far as possible. The geometry that allows for the maximum tetrahedron.
separation is a tetrahedron. However, the shape of the mol-
ecule, as defined by the position of the atoms only, is not
tetrahedral. As shown at the right, the shape of the molecule
resembles a triangular pyramid.
Angular Molecules  Water is similar to ammonia in that it has
four pairs of electrons that surround a central atom. However,
in water two of oxygen’s electron pairs are shared with
hydrogen atoms. The other two electron pairs are lone pairs.
(b) Water, H2O
Just as in tetrahedral molecules and trigonal-pyramidal
In an angular, or bent, molecule, the
molecules, the four pairs of electrons are oriented toward the three atoms do not form a straight
four corners of a tetrahedron. However, there are only three line. The sets of electrons surrounding
atoms that make up the shape of the molecule as shown at the the central atom point to the four
corners of a tetrahedron.
right. The molecule has an angular, or bent, shape. This shape
is different from that of beryllium fluoride on page 192, where
the three atoms form a molecule with a linear shape.
In trigonal-pyramidal and angular molecules, the lone pairs
repel the other sets of electrons more strongly. Therefore, the
angle between the bonds is slightly less than the 109.5° angle
between bonds in a tetrahedral molecule.


3. What defines the shape of a molecule: the shape of the

electron pairs around the central atom or the shape of
the atoms?

Chemical Bonding 193

Other Molecular Shapes  VSEPR theory also applies to other
types of molecules and polyatomic ions. Double and triple
bonds on a central atom can be treated like any other set of
electrons. For example, in the table below, nitrosyl fluoride,
ONF, has a bent shape that separates a lone pair, a single
bond, and a double bond as far as possible. The table below
summarizes the possible molecular shapes. Each shape is READING CHECK
given a name and a type defined by the letters A, B, and E.
4.  Use what you have learned in
A represents the central atom, B represents atoms bonded this section to complete the third
to the central atom, and E represents lone pairs. and fourth columns on the table.

VSEPR Theory and Molecular Geometry

Molecular Atoms bonded Lone pairs Type of Formula Lewis
shape to central atom of electrons molecule example ­structure

Linear A​B2​ ​ Be​F2​ ​ F−Be−F

Trigonal-planar A​B3​ ​ B​F3​ ​ B

Bent or N
A​B2​ ​E ONF
Angular O F

Tetrahedral A​B4​ ​ C​H4​ ​ H-C-H

Trigonal- N
A​B3​ ​E N​H3​ ​
pyramidal H H H

Bent or O
A​B2​ ​​E​2​ ​H​2​O
Angular H H

90° Cl
Trigonal- Cl
A​B5​ ​ P​Cl​5​ Cl-P
bipyramidal 120° Cl

90° F
Octahedral 90° A​B6​ ​ S​F​6​ S

194 C HA P T E R 6
Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of (a) a molecule of
carbon dioxide, C​O2​ ​, and (b) a chlorate ion, CIO​-


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: the molecular formula of each substance
Unknown: the shape of each substance

2 PLAN Work out how the unknown information can be determined.

First, draw the Lewis structure for each substance. Then, use
the electron pairs of the central atom to determine its shape.

3 COMPUTE Determine the shape of each substance.

The Lewis structures of carbon dioxide and chlorate are:

Carbon dioxide is an A​B2​ ​molecule because the carbon atom

has two sets of electron pairs. This means its shape is linear.
Chlorate is an A​B3​ ​E molecule because the chlorine atom is
surrounded by three single bonds and a lone pair. Its shape is

4 EVALUATE Check the answers to see if they make sense.

Because C​O2​ ​has three atoms, it must be linear or bent.
Chlorate ions resemble the ammonia molecule from page 193.

PRACTICE Determine the shape of these molecules.

A. sulfur difluoride


B. phosphorus trichloride



Chemical Bonding 195

VSEPR theory is useful for explaining the shape of molecules. CONNECT
However, it does not explain how the orbitals of a particular
Computational chemistry is the
atom are affected by the formation of chemical bonds. study of molecules, their properties,
Hybridization is a model that explains the mixing of two or and the interaction between
more atomic orbitals of similar energies on the same atom to molecules using mathematical
equations. Computational chemists
produce new hybrid atomic orbitals of equal energies. require expertise in mathemetics,
For example, consider a molecule of methane, C​H4​ ​. The computers, and chemistry.
Computational chemists help in
orbital notation shows that a carbon atom has four valence the discovery of new medicines
electrons, two in the 2s orbital and two in separate 2p orbitals. and new catalysts.

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑
1s 2s

This orbital configuration shows that even though carbon

atoms have four valence electrons, there are only two
unpaired electrons available for forming covalent bonds.
In addition, recall that the 2s and 2p orbitals have different
shapes. Therefore, some reorganization must occur inside a
carbon atom when it forms four bonds.
To achieve four equivalent single bonds, carbon’s one
2s orbital and three 2p orbitals hybridize to form four
identical orbitals called s​p3​ ​orbitals. The numeral “3” above READING CHECK
the p shows that three p orbitals are involved in the 5.  When hybridization of the outer
hybridization. The absence of a number over the s shows that orbitals of an atom occurs, the
one s orbital is involved.
resulting hybrid orbitals have
The diagram below shows how the energy level of the
energy that is
orbitals changes during hybridization. The new s​p3​ ​orbitals all
have the same energy, which is in between the energy of the the energy of the levels that were

old 2s orbital and 2p orbitals. combined.

↑ ↑
2p Hybridization ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

↑↓ sp3
↑↓ ↑↓
1s 1s The s​p3​ ​hybridization of carbon’s
outer orbitals combines one s orbital
Carbon’s orbitals Carbon’s orbitals after
and three p orbitals.
before hybridization sp3 hybridization

196 C HA P T E R 6
Hybrid Orbitals Orbitals of equal energy produced by the
combination of two or more orbitals on the same atom are
called hybrid orbitals. The number of hybrid orbitals that form
is always equal to the number of orbitals that have combined.
The diagram at the right shows how hybridization occurs
within three elements: carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. In each H
case, the 2s and 2p orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals
of equal energy. In carbon, all four orbitals are involved in H
bonds. In nitrogen, only three sets of electrons are involved
(a) Methane, CH4
in bonds because nitrogen only requires three additional
electrons to form an octet. The other two electrons form a
lone pair in a hybrid orbital. Oxygen forms two bonds to
acquire two additional electrons to form an octet, and two
sets of electrons form lone pairs. N

The table below shows other types of hybridization H

possible for the outer electrons. Beryllium fluoride, as
shown on page 192, has two sp hybrid orbitals formed from H
one 2s orbital and one 2p orbital. Boron trifluoride, also
(b) Ammonia, NH3
shown on page 192, has three s​p2​ ​hybrid orbitals formed from
one 2s orbital and two 2p orbitals.

Geometry of Hybrid Orbitals

Atomic Type of Number of O
orbitals hybridization hybrid orbitals Geometry
s, p sp 2 180°

(c) Water, H2O
s, p, p s​p​2​ 3
Bonds formed by the overlap of the
1s orbitals of hydrogen and the s​p3​ ​
orbitals of (a) carbon, (b) nitrogen,
120° and (c) oxygen. Only the hybrid
Trigonal-planar orbitals of the central atom are shown.

s, p, p, p s​p​3​ 4 READING CHECK

6.  Explain hybridization.


Chemical Bonding 197

Intermolecular Forces
The forces of attraction between the different Boiling Points and Bonding Types
molecules of a substance are known as
intermolecular forces. These forces vary in strength Bonding type Substance bp (1 atm,°C)
but are usually weaker than the forces that join Nonpolar-covalent ​ ​2​
H −253
atoms into molecules, ions into ionic compounds, (molecular) ​O2​ ​ −183
C​l​2​ −34
and metal atoms in solid metals.
B​r2​ ​ 59
One measure of intermolecular forces is the C​H4​ ​ −164
boiling point of a liquid. For the liquid to become CC​l​4​ 77
​C6​ ​​H​6​ 80
a gas, the molecules of the liquid must absorb
enough energy to overcome the influence of other Polar-covalent P​H3​ ​ −88
liquid molecules. Temperature is a measure of the (molecular) N​H​3​ −33
​H2​ ​S −61
energy of particles. Therefore, if a higher
​H2​ ​O 100
temperature is required to boil one molecular HF 20
compound than another, then the first substance HCl −85
must have stronger intermolecular forces holding ICl 97
its molecules together. Ionic NaCl 1413
Mg​F2​ ​ 2239
Molecular Polarity and
Metallic Cu 2567
Dipole-Dipole Forces Fe 2750
Polar molecules act as tiny dipoles because of their W 5660
uneven charge distribution. A dipole is created by
equal but opposite charges that are separated by a
short distance. The direction of a dipole is from the
dipole’s positive end toward its negative end.
Dipoles are represented by arrows that point
toward the negative end. For example, an HCl
molecule, in which chlorine is the more
electronegative atom, is shown as follows.
Critical Thinking
7.  Why are the boiling points
of ionic and metallic substances
higher than the boiling points of
The negative region in one polar molecule attracts the molecular substances?
positive region in another molecule. The forces of attraction
between polar molecules are known as dipole-dipole forces.
An example of dipole-dipole forces in molecules of ICl is
shown at the top of page 199.
All molecules involving two atoms are polar if the covalent
bond between the two atoms is polar. However, the molecular
polarity of larger molecules is determined by the shape of the
molecule as well as the polarity of the bonds.

198 C HA P T E R 6
δ+ δ– δ+ δ– Key: In each molecule of iodine chloride,
ICl, the highly electronegative
I chlorine atom has a partial negative
charge and the iodine atom has
a partial positive charge. The
neighboring positive and negative
ends of ICl molecules attract each
δ– δ+ δ– δ+ forces

In some molecules, such as water and ammonia, δ– δ–

the dipoles point toward one end of the molecule,
causing one end of the molecule to be negative. These δ+
molecules are highly polar. In other molecules, such as Water, H2O Ammonia, NH3
carbon tetrachloride and carbon dioxide, the inside of
the molecule has a different charge than the outside
of the molecule. However, because every end of
the molecule has the same charge, there is no net
attraction between the ends of different molecules. Carbon tetrachloride, CCl4 Carbon dioxide, CO2
These molecules contain polar bonds, but their (no molecular dipole) (no molecular dipole)

molecular polarity is zero. Water and ammonia are

polar molecules. Carbon
A polar molecule can also induce a dipole in a nonpolar tetrachloride and carbon dioxide
molecule by temporarily attracting its electrons. This short- are nonpolar molecules.
range force is weaker than the dipole-dipole force. One
example of an induced dipole is the interaction of oxygen gas
and water. Water induces a dipole in oxygen, which attracts
the oxygen molecules to the water molecules and allows
oxygen gas to dissolve in water.


8. Dipole-dipole forces are one example of what type of force

that acts on molecules?

δ+ δ+

δ- δ+

δ- δ-

δ+ δ+ Dipole-induced interaction
between a water molecule and an
Water, H2O Oxygen, O2 oxygen molecule.

Chemical Bonding 199

Hydrogen Bonding
One especially strong type of dipole-dipole force is known as
hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding occurs when a
hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom is
attracted to an unshared pair of electrons on the highly
electronegative atom of another molecule.
Hydrogen bonding occurs because the covalent bonds H–F,
H–O, and H–N are highly polar. This gives the hydrogen atom
a partial positive charge that is almost half the charge of a
proton. Also, because a hydrogen atom has a small atomic
radius, it can get close to unshared pairs of electrons on other
The effect of hydrogen bonding can be seen in the table of
boiling points on page 198. For example, phosphine, P​H3​ ​has a
much lower boiling point than the similar molecule, ammonia,
N​H3​ ​, because of hydrogen bonding. Another example is water,​
H​2​O, which has a much higher boiling point than the similar ​
H​2​S molecule.

London-Dispersion Forces The dotted lines indicate the

Electrons are always in motion, moving around an atom or in attraction between the negative
shared regions between atoms. Therefore, at any moment, the oxygen ends of the water molecules
and the positive hydrogen ends.
electron distribution in a molecule may be uneven. This
temporary dipole can induce a dipole in another molecule,
causing a brief attraction between the two molecules.
The intermolecular attractions resulting from the motion of READING CHECK
electrons and temporary dipoles are called London dispersion 9.  What is the only force that acts
forces. This is the only type of intermolecular force between between the particles of helium gas?
nonpolar molecules and noble gas atoms. The strength of
these forces increases as atomic mass increases, as reflected in
the increasing boiling points of H​ 2​ ​, ​O​2​, C​l2​ ​, and B​r2​ ​shown on
page 198.

– – –
+2 – +2 – +2 +2
– – Weak –
Momentary dipole Dipole induced in
in one helium atom neighboring atom

When an instantaneous, temporary dipole develops in a helium atom, it induces a

dipole in a neighboring atom.

200 C HA P T E R 6
1. What two theories can be used to predict molecular geometry?

2. Draw the Lewis structures and predict the molecular geometry of the
following molecules:

a. S​O​2​ b. BC​l​3​

3. What factors affect the geometry of a molecule?

4. Explain what is meant by s​p3​ ​hybridization.

5. What type of intermolecular force contributes to the high boiling point of

water? Explain.

Critical Thinking
6. INFERRING RELATIONSHIPS   What experimental property directly correlates
with the strength of the intermolecular forces? Briefly explain your answer.

Chemical Bonding 201

Math Tutor  Drawing Lewis Structures

Drawing Lewis structures can help you understand how valence electrons participate in
bonding. Dots are placed around the symbol of an element to represent the element’s
valence electrons. For example, carbon has four valence ele ns, and its Lewis structure is
usually written as C . An atom of fluorine has seven valence electrons. Fluorine’s Lewis
dot structure can be written as F . When Lewis structures for covalently bonded atoms
are written, the dots may be placed as needed to show the electrons shared in each
bond. Most atoms bond in a way that gives them a stable octet of s and p electrons in
the highest-occupied energy level. So, whenever possible, dots should be arranged in a
way that represents a stable octet around each atom.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• Hydrogen is an exception to the octet rule because hydrogen has only one electron
and becomes stable with two electrons.
• Some elements, such as boron, can form covalent bonds without achieving an octet
because they have three or fewer electrons to share.


Draw the Lewis structure for a molecule of sulfur dichloride, SC​l2​ ​.

First, write the electron-dot notation for each of the three atoms.
Cl Cl S
Next, determine the total number of valence electrons in the atoms.
S    ⟶    1 × 6​e–​ ​=  6​e–​ ​
2Cl   ⟶    2 × 7​e​–​ = 14​e–​ ​
Total ​e–​ ​    ⟶     20​e–​ ​
You can predict the arrangement of atoms by figuring out how
many covalent bonds each atom must form in order to achieve a
stable octet. Each chlorine atom, which has 7 valence electrons, must
form a single covalent bond. Sulfur, which has 6 val ence electrons,
must form two covalent bonds. The only possible structure is Cl–S–Cl.
Finally, place two dots to represent each single covalent bond and
dots for unshared electrons to give each atom a stable octet. Check
the number of dots to make sure they match the sum calculated
above. The arrangement shown below contains 20 electrons.

Cl S Cl

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 13 and 18


1. Identify and define the three major types of chemical bonding.

2. Describe the general location of the electrons in a covalent bond.

3. In writing Lewis structures, how is the need for multiple bonds

generally determined?

4. In general, how do ionic and molecular compounds compare in terms of

melting points, boiling points, and ease of vaporization?

5. List three general physical properties of ionic compounds.

6. How do the properties of metals differ from those of both ionic and
molecular compounds?

7. How is VSEPR theory used to classify molecules?

8. What are intermolecular forces?


9. Complete the table with respect to bonds formed between the pairs of atoms.

Bonded atoms Electronegativity difference Bond type More-negative atom

H and I
S and O
K and Br
Si and Cl
K and Cl
Se and S
C and H

10. List the bonding pairs from Question 9 in order of increasing

covalent character.

11. The lattice energy of sodium chloride, NaCl, is –787.5 kJ/mol. The lattice
energy of potassium chloride, KCl, is –715 kJ/mol. In which compound is the
bonding between ions stronger? Why?

12. Use electron-dot notation to illustrate the number of valence electrons

present in one atom of each of the following elements.

a.  chlorine, Cl c.  carbon, C

b.  calcium, Ca    d.  phosphorus, P

13. Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules.

a.  C​F4​ ​     c.  CCl​H3​ ​ 

b.  ​H2​ ​Se    d.  ​N​2​   

14 According to the VSEPR theory, what molecular geometries are associated
with the following types of molecules?

a.  A​B3​ ​E   b.  A​B2​ ​​E​2​   c.  A​B2​ ​E

15. For each of the following polar molecules, in which direction is the dipole
oriented? (Which end would the dipole arrow point toward?)

a.  H–F   b.  H–Cl   c.  H–I

16. Determine whether each of the following bonds would be polar or nonpolar.

a.  H–H   c.  H–F   e.  H–Cl

b.  H–O   d.  Br–Br   f.  H–N

17. On the basis of individual bond polarity and orientation, determine whether
each of the following molecules would be polar or nonpolar.

a.  ​H​2​O   c.  C​F4​ ​   e.  C​O2​ ​

b.  ​I2​ ​   d.  N​H3​ ​

18. Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules or ions, and then
use VSEPR theory to determine the geometry of each.

a.  SC​l2​ ​       e.  SiC​l3​ ​Br   

b.  P​I3​ ​         f.  ONCl       

c.  C​l2​ ​O         g.  NO​ 

3 ​  

d.  N​H2​ ​Cl   

    h.  SO​2-
4  ​        



Chemical Formulas and

Chemical Compounds

Key Concepts LA.PS.5  Write and name formulas

for ionic and covalent compounds.
Section 1 Chemical Names and Formulas LA.PS.40  Compute percent
composition, empirical formulas,
What is the significance of a chemical formula? and molecular formulas of selected
How is the name of an ionic compound related to its formula? compounds in chemical reactions.
How is the name of a molecule related to its formula?

Section 2 Oxidation Numbers

How are the oxidation numbers determined?

Section 3 Using Chemical Formulas

How is the molar mass of a compound calculated?
In what ways can the amount of a compound be stated?
How is percentage composition of a compound calculated?

Section 4  Determining Chemical Formulas

What is the empirical formula of a compound?
How is the empirical formula related to a molecular formula?

Review Previous Concepts

1. Why are most atoms more likely to be found in nature as part of
compounds than as individual atoms?

2. How can you determine the number of covalent bonds an atom

can form in a molecule?

TK Text TK
Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Chemical Names
and Formulas
There are millions of chemical compounds that scientists VOCABULARY
have found in nature or made in the laboratory. Some
monatomic ion oxyanion
compounds, such as table salt and water, have common binary compound salt
names. These compounds also have chemical names that nomenclature
give information about their composition.

Significance of a Chemical Formula

A compound’s chemical name is often directly related to its READING CHECK
chemical formula. The chemical formula for a molecular 1. What information about
compound gives the number of each type of atom that goes a compound is given in a
chemical formula?
into a single molecule. The chemical formula for octane is
given below as an example.

This molecule has This molecule has
8 carbon atoms. 18 hydrogen atoms.

In an ionic compound, a lattice of positive and negative

ions is bonded together. The chemical formula for an ionic
compound gives the simplest ratio of positive and negative
ions that has no charge. The formula for aluminum sulfate is
given below. Note that the polyatomic ion sulfate, SO2–
4 , is
enclosed in parentheses. This means that the number 3
outside the parentheses applies to the whole polyatomic
ion. So, a unit of aluminum sulfate includes 2 aluminum
atoms, 3 sulfur atoms, and 12 oxygen atoms.

This compound TIP If the symbol for an

element in a chemical
includes 3 units of formula has no subscript number
the sulfate ion. beside it, then the symbol
This compound has
represents one atom of the element.
2 aluminum atoms. For example, the chemical formula
This polyatomic ion
has 4 oxygen atoms for table salt, NaCl, represents one
Na atom and one Cl atom.


Monatomic Ions
In the ionic compound on the previous page, two aluminum LOOKING CLOSER
cations bond with three polyatomic ions of sulfate. The 2.  List several other words that are
aluminum cation, ​Al​3+​, is known as a monatomic ion. Any ion formed using the prefix mon- or
that is formed from a single atom is a monatomic ion. In table mono-. What do these words have
in common?
salt, two monatomic ions, N ​ a​+​and ​Cl​–​, bond to form the
formula unit NaCl.
The metals in Group 1 and Group 2 of the periodic table
only need to lose one or two electrons to form a stable octet
in their outermost energy levels. These elements readily form
positive monatomic cations. Group 1 elements form 1+ ions,
such as N​a+
​ ​. Group 2 elements form 2+ ions.
The nonmetals in Group 15, Group 16, and Group 17 can
form stable octets by gaining electrons. These elements readily
form monatomic anions. Group 17 elements form 1– ions,
​ l​–​. Group 16 elements form 2– ions, and Group 15
such as C
elements form 3– ions.
Not all main-group elements readily form ions. Carbon and
silicon usually form covalent bonds in which they share
! Remember
Usually, the charge of a cation
electrons with other atoms, rather than gain or lose electrons formed from a main-group atom is
completely. The two metals in Group 14, tin and lead, tend to the same as the group number. The
charge of a main-group anion is
lose their two outermost p electrons but keep their two
usually 18 minus the group number.
outermost s electrons. Tin and lead normally form 2+ ions, but
they can also form 4+ ions in some compounds.
Elements in the d block usually form 2+ or 3+ ions.
However, some form 1+ and 4+ ions as well. Many d-block
elements can form multiple ions. For example, iron can form a
2+ ion and a 3+ ion. Vanadium can form 2+ ions, 3+ ions, and
4+ ions.
The table on the next page identifies some common
monatomic ions. Some metals’ cations have Roman numerals
added to their names. The Roman numerals identify the
charge of the ion, and will be explained later in the chapter.


3. A monatomic cation is formed when an atom

electrons. A monatomic anion is formed when an atom

Naming Monatomic Ions
The name of a monatomic ion is based on the name of the READING CHECK
atom from which it formed. 4.  Tell whether the ion is a cation
or an anion.
• Monatomic cations are simply identified by the name of the
a.  iron(II) ion
element. For example, K is a potassium atom and K ​ +
​ ​is a
potassium ion.
• Monatomic anions are identified by dropping the end of
b.  phosphide ion
the element’s name and adding the suffix -ide. For example,
​ l​–​is a chloride ion.
Cl is a chlorine atom and C

Some Common Monatomic Ions

Main-group elements
1+ 2+ 3+
lithium ​Li​+​ beryllium ​Be​2+​ aluminum ​Al​3+​
sodium ​Na​+​ magnesium ​Mg​2+​
potassium ​K​+​ calcium ​Ca​2+​
rubidium ​Rb​+​ strontium ​Sr​2+​
cesium ​Cs​+​ barium ​Ba​2+​
1– 2– 3–
fluoride ​F​ –​ oxide O2–​ nitride ​N​3–​
chloride ​Cl​–​ sulfide ​S​2–​ phosphide ​P​3–​
bromide Br​–
iodide I​ ​–​
d-Block elements and others with multiple ions
1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
copper(I) ​Cu​+​ vanadium(II) ​V​2+​ vanadium(III) ​V3+
​ ​ vanadium(IV) ​V​4+​
silver ​Ag​+​ chromium(II) ​Cr​2+​ chromium(III) ​Cr​3+​ tin(IV) ​Sn​4+​
iron(II) ​Fe​2+​ iron(III) ​Fe​3+​ lead(IV) ​Pb​4+​
cobalt(II) ​Co​2+​ cobalt(III) ​Co​3+​
copper(II) ​Cu​2+​
zinc ​Zn​2+​
cadmium ​Cd​2+​
tin(II) ​Sn​2+​
lead(II) ​Pb​2+​


Binary Ionic Compounds
Monatomic ions combine to form binary ionic compounds. LOOKING CLOSER
A binary compound is any compound that is composed of 5.  Define the terms binary and
exactly two elements. In a binary ionic compound, the total compound separately in your
positive charge must balance the total negative charge. own words.
Therefore, the formula unit for a binary ionic compound can binary:
be established using the charges of the cation and the anion.
For example, the Group 2 metal magnesium forms
2+ magnesium cations, or M​ g​2+​. The Group 17 nonmetal
bromine forms bromide anions, or B​r–​ ​. It takes two bromide compound:
anions to balance the charge of a single magnesium cation.
Therefore, the formula unit for the ionic compound
magnesium bromide is ​MgBr​2​.
Note that the number 2 in the formula ​MgBr​2​refers to the
number of bromide anions, not the charge of the bromide
anion. The charges of the ions that make up an ionic
compound are usually not referred to in the chemical formula
for the compound.
One way to determine the chemical formula for an ionic
compound is to “cross over” the charges. For example, here is
! Remember
A formula unit for an ionic
how the method of crossing over can be used to determine the compound is the smallest ratio of
chemical formula for aluminum oxide. positive cations and negative anions
that sum to zero charge. That is why
1. Write the symbol for the cation followed by the symbol for division by the greatest common
factor is necessary.
the anion.
​Al​3+​ ​O​2–​
2. Cross over the charges by taking the charge, without the
positive or negative sign, from one atomic symbol and
writing it below the other symbol.
   ​    O​  
3  ​  

3. If necessary, divide each bottom number by the greatest

common factor of the two numbers to reduce the ratio to
lowest terms. Then delete the charges.
To check the answer, make sure the net charge on the
formula unit is zero. The total positive charge on the two
aluminum cations is 6+. The total negative charge on the two
oxygen anions is 6–. The net charge on the formula unit is 0.

Naming Binary Ionic Compounds
Nomenclature is the process of choosing names to identify
things. Scientists have developed a nomenclature for naming
chemical compounds. The process of naming a binary ionic
compound involves combining the name of the positive cation
and the name of the negative anion. For example, the name of
the compound formed from aluminum cations, ​Al​3+​, and
oxide anions, O​ 2–
​ ​, is aluminum oxide.

​Al​2​O3​ ​

Name of cation: Name of anion:

aluminum oxide

Name of compound: aluminum oxide

Note that the nomenclature for binary ionic compounds

does not include the number of atoms of each type. Because
each ion has a specific charge associated with it, the ratio of
the elements can be determined simply from the charges
associated with each ion, as shown on page 210.


A. Write formulas for the binary ionic compounds formed

between the following elements:
a. potassium and iodine
b. magnesium and chlorine
c. sodium and sulfur
d. aluminum and sulfur
e. aluminum and nitrogen
B.  ame the binary ionic compounds indicated by the
following formulas:
a. AgCl

b. ZnO

c. ​CaBr​2​

d. ​SrF​2​

e. BaO


The Stock System of Nomenclature (a) (b)
Some elements form two or more cations with
different charges. To distinguish these ions, scientists
use the Stock system of nomenclature. A Roman
numeral after the name of the cation indicates the
amount of positive charge on the cation. Roman
numerals are only associated with cations because
there are no elements that form more than one
monatomic anion. For example, there are two
common ions formed from iron atoms.
Different cations of the same metal
iron(II): ​Fe​2+​   iron(III): ​Fe​3+​ form different compounds even when
they combine with the same anion.
Most elements in the d block have ions that are Note the difference between
(a) lead(IV) oxide, ​PbO​2​, and
named with Roman numerals. A few elements, such
(b) lead(II) oxide, PbO.
as silver and zinc, usually only form one ion. If a metal
commonly forms only one monatomic ion, then there
is no Roman numeral. So, for example, a silver ion is
understood to have a charge of 1+.
The name of a binary ionic compound using the Stock
system is also a combination of the name of the cation and the
name of the anion. The metal cation name includes its charge
when the element commonly forms two or more ions.

CuC​l3​ ​

Name of cation:
Name of anion:

Name of compound: copper(II) chloride


C. Write the formula and give the name for the compounds
formed between the following ions:
a. ​Pb​ ​and ​Cl​–​
b. ​Hg​ ​and ​S2–
​ ​
c. ​Fe​ ​and ​O2–
​ ​
D. Give the names of the following compounds.
a.  CuO c.  Co​F3​ ​

b.  Sn​I4​ ​ d.  FeS

Some Polyatomic Ions
1+ 2+
ammonium NH​+ 4  ​  dimercury*  
2  ​  

1– 2– 3–
C​H3​ ​​COO​ ​ carbonate    ​  
CO​2– arsenate    ​  
3 4
bromate BrO 3​   chromate    ​  
4 phosphate    ​  
chlorate ClO3​   dichromate ​Cr​2​O2–
7​     ​
chlorite ClO 2​   hydrogen phosphate    ​  
cyanide ​CN ​ oxalate ​C​2​O2–
4​   ​  
dihydrogen phosphate ​H​2​PO 4​   peroxide  
2   ​ 
hydrogen carbonate HCO 3​   sulfate     ​ 
SO​2– 4
hydrogen sulfate HSO 4​   sulfite     ​ 

hydroxide O​H​ ​
hypochlorite ​ClO​

nitrate NO​ 3​  
nitrite 4NO 2​  
perchlorate ClO 4​  
permanganate MnO 4​  
*The mercury(I) cation exists as two H ​ g​+​ions joined together by a

covalent bond and is written as Hg​2    ​.

Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions

The table at the top of the page gives the names of some LOOKING CLOSER
common polyatomic ions. Most of these ions are negatively 6.  How do the roots that form the
charged. Most are also oxyanions, which are polyatomic term oxyanion give a clue to the
anions that contain oxygen. definition of the term?

Elements That Form Two Oxyanions  Note that some

elements can combine with oxygen to form more than one
polyatomic ion. For example, nitrogen can combine with
oxygen to form NO​– 2 ​ and NO– 3​  ​.  The names of these ions are
distinguished by the suffixes -ate and -ite. The ion that has the
smaller number of oxygen atoms ends in -ite. The ion that has
the greater number of oxygen atoms ends in -ate.
For example, the two nitrogen-oxygen ions are
nitrite:  NO​ – 
nitrite:  NO​– 


Elements That Form More Than Two Oxyanions  Some
The four oxyanions
elements can combine with oxygen to form more than two of chlorine
polyatomic ions. An ion that has fewer oxygen atoms than the Hypochlorite: ClO-
-ite ion is given the prefix hypo-. An ion that has more oxygen Chlorite: ClO-
atoms than the -ate ion is given the prefix per-. The four Chlorate: ClO-3
oxyanions that are formed by chlorine are shown on the right. Perchlorate: ClO-

Compounds containing polyatomic ions are named in

the same way as binary ionic compounds. The name of the
cation is given first, followed by the name of the anion. For
example, silver cations and nitrogen oxyanions can form two
compounds. Note that parentheses, such as those used on the
formula for aluminum sulfate on page 207, are not necessary
when a formula uses only one unit of a polyatomic ion.
silver nitrite: ​AgNO​2​   silver nitrate: ​AgNO​3​


E. Write formulas for the following ionic compounds:

a. lithium nitrate   d.  calcium nitrite
b. copper(II) sulfate   e.  potassium perchlorate
c. sodium carbonate
F. Give the names for the following compounds:
a. ​Ca(OH)​​2​​
b. ​KClO​3
c. ​NH​​4​OH
d. ​​Fe​​2​​(​CrO​4​)3​​ ​
e. KClO

Naming Binary Molecular Compounds

The names of ionic compounds do not include information
on the ratio of atoms of each type included in the compound.
The charges on each ion determine this ratio. However,
molecules are not formed from charged particles. Therefore,
the names of molecular compounds must refer to the number
of atoms of each type that make up a compound.

Prefix System  One system of naming binary molecular Numerical Prefixes
compounds is based on prefixes. The names of the elements
are assigned prefixes based on the number of atoms that are in Number Prefix
the molecule. The prefixes used are given in the table at the 1 mono-
right. The rules for this naming system are as follows. 2 di-
1. The element with the smallest group number is usually 3 tri-
given first. If both elements are in the same group, the 4 tetra-
element with the greatest period number is given first. This
5 penta-
element is given a prefix if the compound contains two or
more atoms of this type. 6 hexa-

2. The second element is named by combining (a) a prefix 7 hepta-

from the table above, (b) the root of the element’s name, 8 octa-
and (c) the suffix -ide. 9 nona-
3. The o or a at the end of a prefix is usually dropped when 10 deca-
the element’s name following the prefix starts with a vowel.
For example, you would write monoxide and pentoxide
instead of mono-oxide and penta-oxide.

​P4​ ​​O​10​
Prefix for four plus Prefix for ten plus root
name of first element: of oxygen plus -ide:
tetraphosphorus decoxide

TIP By convention, the order of
the elements is usually
given as C, P, N, H, S, I, Br, Cl, O,
Name of compound: tetraphosphorus decoxide and F.


G. Name the following binary molecular compounds:

a. ​SO​3​
b. ​ICl​3​
c. ​​PBr​5​

H. Give the formulas for the following compounds:

a. carbon tetraiodide
b. phosphorus trichloride
c. dinitrogen trioxide


Covalent-Network Compounds
As you read in Chapter 6, some covalent compounds do not
TIP Many of the compounds
in this section have
consist of individual molecules. Instead, each atom is joined to
ended with -ide. With a few
all of its neighbors in a three-dimensional network. All of the exceptions, the ending -ide is a
bonds in this network are covalent bonds. clue that a compound only
contains two elements.
These compounds, like ionic compounds, lack molecules
with a set composition. Instead, a formula unit consists
of the smallest whole-number ratio of the atoms in the
compound. Here are some examples of the chemical formulas
and chemical names of covalent-network compounds.
silicon carbide:  SiC   silicon dioxide: ​SiO​2​
trisilicon tetranitride: ​Si​3​​N​4​

Acids and Salts

Another type of covalent compound is an acid. An acid is a
specific type of molecular compound that has special
properties when dissolved in water. Usually, the term acid
refers to a solution of the compound in water rather to the
compound itself. For example, hydrochloric acid refers to
compound hydrogen chloride, HCl, dissolved in water.
Most acids can be classified as one of two types. Binary
acids consist of two elements, usually hydrogen and one of the
halogens. Oxyacids contain hydrogen, oxygen, and a third
element (usually a nonmetal). The table below lists some
common binary acids and oxyacids.

Critical Thinking
7. Compare  What do binary ionic compounds, binary
molecular compounds, and binary acids have in common?

Common Binary Acids and Oxyacids

HF hydrofluoric acid HNO​  2​    nitrous acid HClO hypochlorous acid
HCl hydrochloric acid HN​O​3​ nitric acid HClO​  2​    chlorous acid
HBr hydrobromic acid ​H​2​S​O3​ ​ sulfurous acid HClO​  3​    chloric acid
HI hydriodic acid H​  2​S
   ​O4​ ​ sulfuric acid HClO​  4​    perchloric acid
H​– 3 ​P
  O​– 4​   phosphoric acid CH​  3​C    OOH acetic acid H​  2​C
   O​  3​    carbonic acid

Bottles of nitric acid, hydrochloric
acid, and sulfuric acid for the labora-
tory. Acids should be handled with
care because drops of acid can burn
the skin or burn holes in clothing.

Many polyatomic ions are produced by the loss of

hydrogen atoms from an oxyacid. Two examples of an oxyacid
and its oxyanion are given below.
sulfuric acid: ​H2​ ​S​O​4​       ⟶   sulfate: SO​2–
phosphoric acid: ​H​3​P​O4​ ​   ⟶   phosphate: PO​ 
4  ​ 

A salt is an ionic compound formed from a cation and the

anion from an acid. Table salt, NaCl, contains a sodium cation,

N​a​+​, and the chloride anion, C​l​ ​, from hydrochloric acid, HCl.
Calcium sulfate, CaS​O4​ ​, is an example of a salt formed from
the sulfate ion of sulfuric acid.
Some salts contain anions in which one of more hydrogen
atoms from the acid are retained. Such ions have names that
start with the word hydrogen or the prefix bi-. For example,

3  ​ is the anion that forms from carbonic acid, H
​ 2​ ​C​O3​ ​. It is
referred to as a hydrogen carbonate ion, or a bicarbonate ion.


8. What happens to an acid that causes the formation of a

polyatomic ion?


1. What is a salt? Give two examples of salts.

2. What is the significance of a chemical formula?

3. Write formulas for the compounds formed between the following pairs.

a.  aluminum and bromine e.  S​n2+

​ ​and ​I–​ ​

b.  sodium and oxygen f.  F​e​3+​and ​S2​ –​

c.  magnesium and iodine ​ ​and NO 3​ ​  
g.  C​u2+

d.  P​b2+
​ ​and ​O2–
​ ​   ​  and SO​2–
h.  NH​+    ​  
4 4

4. Name the following compounds by using the Stock system.

a.  NaI d.  ​K​2​S

b.  MgS e.  CuBr

c.  CaO f.  FeC​l2​ ​

5. Write formulas for the following compounds.

a.  sodium hydroxide e.  carbon diselenide

b.  lead(II) nitrate f.  acetic acid

c.  iron(II) sulfate g.  chloric acid

d.  diphosphorus trioxide h.  sulfurous acid

Critical Thinking
6. RELATING IDEAS  Draw the Lewis structure, give the name, and predict the
molecular geometry of SC​l2​ ​.

  Name: Shape:

SECTION 7.2 LA.PS.5 Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Oxidation Numbers

The charges on the ions in an ionic compound reflect the VOCABULARY

electron distribution of the compound. Scientists also need
oxidation number oxidation state
to describe how the electrons are distributed between the
covalently bonded atoms of a molecule. Oxidation numbers
serve this purpose.
Oxidation numbers, or oxidation states, indicate the
general distribution of electrons among the bonded atoms
in a molecular compound or a polyatomic ion. Each atom is
assigned its own oxidation number. Oxidation numbers do
not have physical meanings, but they are useful for naming
compounds, writing formulas, and balancing equations.

Assigning Oxidation Numbers

Oxidation numbers assigned to the atoms in a polyatomic
ion or molecule represent the charge of the unit as a whole.
Here are three rules for assigning oxidation numbers:
1. The shared electrons in a covalent bond are usually
assigned to the atom that is more electronegative.
2. For a molecule, the sum of the oxidation numbers of all
of its atoms is zero.
3. For a polyatomic ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers
of all of its atoms is equal to the charge on the ion.
Consider hydrogen fluoride, HF. The shared electrons are
assigned to fluorine since it is more electronegative. Then,
fluorine has an extra electron and its oxidation state is –1.
Because the sum of the oxidation states in any molecule is READING CHECK
equal to zero, hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1. 1. What is the sum of the oxidation
states on the atoms in the following
In water, H2O, oxygen is the more electronegative atom. three substances?
It is assigned the electrons from water’s two covalent bonds.
a. H2SO4
This gives oxygen two extra electrons and an oxidation state
of –2. The sum of the oxidation states will be zero if each b. SO42–

hydrogen atom is assigned the oxidation state +1. c. He

CHEmiCAl FoRmulAs And CHEmiCAl ComPounds 219

Pure Elements  The oxidation number for pure elements is
always zero. For example, the atoms in sodium, Na, oxygen,
​O​2​, phosphorus, P
​ 4​ ​, and sulfur, ​S8​ ​, all have oxidation states
of zero.
Fluorine  The oxidation number for fluorine is always –1.
Fluorine, the most electronegative element, will always have a
greater attraction for its shared electrons than will other
elements in the same compounds.
Oxygen  The oxidation number for oxygen is usually –2. One
exception is O​F2​ ​, in which oxygen has the oxidation state +2
because fluorine is so electronegative. Another exception is in READING CHECK
peroxide compounds such as ​H2​ ​​O​2​, where oxygen has an 2.  Explain why the sum of the
oxidation state of –1. oxidation states on the atoms in a
molecule of ​H2​ ​​O​2​is zero.
Hydrogen  The oxidation number for hydrogen is +1 in
compounds containing more electronegative atoms. In
compounds containing metals, hydrogen has an oxidation
state of –1.
Ionic Compounds  Oxidation numbers can also be applied to
atoms in ionic compounds. Monatomic ions have oxidation
numbers equal to their charge. So, N​a​+​, C​a2+
​ ​, and C​l–​ ​have
oxidation numbers of +1, +2, and –1, respectively.

Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in U​F6​ ​.


STEP 1 Write the known oxidation numbers above the elements.

Fluorine always has an oxidation number of –1. U​F6​ ​

STEP 2 Write the total of the oxidation states below these elements.
The six F atoms have a total oxidation state of –1 × 6 = –6. U​F6​ ​

STEP 3 Find the oxidation state of the unknown element.

+6 –1
In order to sum to zero, the uranium atom must have   U​F6​ ​
an oxidation state of +6. +6 –6

Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions:
a. ​H​2​S​O4​ ​,  
b.  ClO​ 
3 ​.  


STEP 1 Write the known oxidation numbers above the elements.

   +1  -2     -2
b.  ClO​ 3​  
Oxygen is in both of these substances, but neither a. ​H​2​S​O4​ ​
contains fluorine or is a peroxide. So, the oxidation
state of oxygen is –2. Hydrogen has an oxidation
state of +1 with nonmetals.

STEP 2 Write the total of the oxidation states below these elements.
  +1  -2     -2
b.  ClO​ 3​  
Multiplying the oxidation number by the a. ​H​2​S​O4​ ​
number of atoms yields the total oxidation   +2  -8     -6
state for each element.

STEP 3 Find the oxidation state of the unknown element.

  +1 +6  -2    +5  -2
b.  ClO​ 3​  
a. +2 + –8 + oxidation state of sulfur = 0, a. ​H​2​S​O4​ ​
so oxidation state of sulfur = 0 – 2 + 8 = +6.   +2 +6 -8    +5 -6
b. –6 + oxidation state of chlorine = –1,
so oxidation state of chlorine = –1 + 6 = +5.

PRACTICE Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in these compounds.

A. C​F4​ ​

What is the oxidation state of one fluorine atom?

What is the total oxidation state of the fluorine atoms?
What is the oxidation state of the chlorine atom?

B. HCl E.  HN​O3​ ​ H.  HCl​O3​ ​

C. PC​l3​ ​ F.        KH  I. ​N​2​​O​5​

D. S​O2​ ​ G.  ​ P4​ ​​C​10​ J.  Ge​Cl​2​

C he m i ca l F o r m u l a s a n d C he m i ca l C o m p o u n d s 221
Common Oxidation Numbers of Some Nonmetals That Have Variable Oxidation States*
Group 14 carbon −4, +2, +4
Group 15 nitrogen −3, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5
phosphorus −3, +3, +5
Group 16 sulfur −2, +4, +6
Group 17 chlorine −1, +1, +3, +5, +7
bromine −1, +1, +3, +5, +7
iodine −1, +1, +3, +5, +7
*In addition to the values shown, atoms of each element in its
pure state are assigned an oxidation number of zero.

Using Oxidation Numbers for

Formulas and Names
Many nonmetals can have more than one oxidation number.
Some of these nonmetals and their multiple oxidation states
are shown in the table above. These numbers can sometimes
be used the same way as ionic charges to determine formulas.
3.  How does the prefix system
For example, suppose you want to know the formula of a of naming binary molecular
compounds differ from the Stock
compound formed from sulfur and oxygen. Since oxygen
system of naming compounds?
usually has the oxidation number –2, and sulfur can have the
oxidation number of +4 or +6, you would expect that sulfur
and oxygen would form the compounds S​O2​ ​and S​O3​ ​.
In Section 1 you learned how to use Roman numerals to
name ionic compounds through the Stock system. This system
is actually based on oxidation numbers. In the Stock system,
the prefixes are dropped and the oxidation state of the less
electronegative element is given by the Roman numeral.
Names of compounds
Formula Prefix system Stock system
S​O2​ ​ sulfur dioxide sulfur(IV) oxide
S​O​3​ sulfur trioxide sulfur(VI) oxide
PC​l​3​ phosphorus trichloride phosphorus(III) chloride
PC​l​5​ phosphorus pentachloride phosphorus(V) chloride
​N​2​O dinitrogen monoxide nitrogen(I) oxide
NO nitrogen monoxide nitrogen(II) oxide

1. a. What are oxidation numbers?

b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers serve?

2. Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions.

a. HF d. P​I3​ ​ g. ​H​2​C​O3​ ​

h. NO​2 ​  
b. C​I4​ ​ e. C​S​2​

c. ​H​2​O  f. N​a​2​​O​2​   i. SO​ 

4   ​ 

3. Name each of the following binary molecular compounds according to the

Stock system.

a. C​I4​ ​

b. S​O3​ ​

c. A​s2​ ​​S​3​

d. NC​l3​ ​

Critical Thinking
4. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS  Determine the oxidation numbers for iron oxide,
F​e​3​​O​4​. (Recall that oxidation numbers must be integers.)

C he m i ca l F o r m u l a s a n d C he m i ca l C o m p o u n d s 223
SECTION 7.3 LA.PS.5 Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Using Chemical LA.PS.40 Compute percent composition,

empirical formulas, and molecular formulas
of selected compounds in chemical reactions.

Many quantities that describe the compound can be VOCABULARY
calculated using the information in a chemical formula.
formula mass
Three of these quantities are the formula mass, molar mass, percentage composition
and percentage composition (by mass) of a compound.

Formula Masses
The formula mass of any molecule, formula unit, or ion, is Critical Thinking
the sum of the average atomic masses of the atoms 1. Infer Why is the formula
represented in its formula. If the particle is a molecule, then mass of an ionic compound not
the formula mass is also called the molecular mass. referred to as the molecular mass
of the compound?
Hydrogen atoms have an average atomic mass of
1.01 amu and oxygen atoms have an average atomic mass
of 16.00 amu. These values can be used to calculate the
formula mass, or molecular mass, of a molecule of water.
The chemical formula for water is H2O. Therefore, the
molecular mass of water is twice the average atomic mass of
hydrogen plus the average atomic mass of water. Another
way to consider the calculation is to use the average atomic
mass as a conversion factor.
1.01 amu = 2.02 amu
2 H atoms = 2 H atoms × ________
H atom TIP When atomic masses are
used in calculations in this
16.00 amu = 16.00 amu book, they are rounded to two
1 O atom = 1 O atom × _________ decimal places.
O atom
average mass of H2O molecule = 18.02 amu

Molar Masses
In Chapter 3 you learned that the molar mass of a
substance is equal to the mass in grams of one mole of the
substance, or the mass in grams of 6.022 × 1023 particles of
the substance. This means that a compound’s molar mass is
the mass in grams of one mole of the compound.

224 ChapTer 7
Calculating Molar Mass  Calculating the molar mass of a
compound is similar to calculating its formula mass. First,
recall that the molar mass of an element in grams per mole is
equal to the average atomic mass of its atoms in amu. Second,
each particle, or unit, of a compound contains the number of
atoms given in the compound’s chemical formula. As a result,
the molar mass of a compound is the sum of the molar mass
contribution of each element to the compound.
1.01 g H
2 mol H = 2 mol H × ​ _______ ​  = 2.02 g H

TIP The following two
statements are equivalent:
mol H
1. The mass of one mole of water
16.00 g H
1 mol O = 1 mol O × ​ ________
= 16.00 g O
  is 18.02 g.
mol O
2. The molar mass of water is
​ 2​ ​O = 18.02 g
mass of 1 mol H 18.02 g/mol.

The same values are used in the calculation of molar mass

as in the calculation of formula mass. So, the molar mass of a
compound in grams is equal to the formula mass of a unit of
the compound.


A. Find the formula mass of Ca(N​O3​ ​​)​2​.

​          amu =
Ca atoms × ________________
Ca atom

​          amu
N atoms × ________________
   = amu
N atom

​          amu
O atoms × ________________
   = amu
O atom

average mass of Ca(N​O3​ ​​)​2​molecule =

B. How many moles of atoms are there in each compound?

a. A​l​2​​S​3​   b.  NaN​O3​ ​   c.  Ba(OH​)2​ ​

C. Find the molar mass of A​l2​ ​​S​3​

      g Al
mol Al × _________
= g Al
  mol Al  
      g S
mol S × ________
= gS
  mol S  

mass of 1 mol A​l2​ ​​S​3​=

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 225

Molar Mass as a Conversion Factor
The molar mass of a compound is an important characteristic
to a chemist. A chemist normally measures the amount of a
substance involved in a reaction by measuring the mass of the
substance in grams with a scale. However, the proportions of
substances that are consumed or produced in a chemical
reaction are normally given in moles. Molar mass is an
important conversion factor for analyzing the results of
chemical reactions performed in the laboratory. Critical Thinking
2.  Apply  Write two conversion
On page 225, you used molar mass as a conversion factor to factors using the information that
express the amount of a substance given in moles as an the molar mass of chlorine is 35.45
amount in grams. That is one of the two ways that molar mass g/mol. Then circle the conversion
factor that would be necessary to
can be used as a conversion factor. find the number of moles of
chlorine in 100 g of NaC

• To convert from mass to moles, use the following equation.

amount in moles × molar mass (g/mol) = mass in grams

• To convert from moles to mass, use the following equation.

1    ​= amount in moles
mass in grams × _________________
molar mass (g/mol)

Avogadro’s number, 6.022 × 1​0​23​, can also be used to find

the number of molecules, or formula units, in a compound.
So, both molar mass and Avogadro’s number are important
conversion factors that chemists use to quantify a substance.

× = × 6.022 × 1023 =
molar mass of compound Amount of
Number of
Mass of compound
molecules or
compound (moles) 1
= molar mass of compound × = × formula units
(grams) 6.022 × 1023 of compound


1 Amount of
× = × 6.022 × 1023 =
molar mass of element element Number
Mass of element in compound of atoms
in compound (moles) 1 of element
(grams) = molar mass of element × = ×
6.022 × 1023 in compound


The diagram shows the relationships between the mass in grams, amount in moles,
and number of units for a compound or for one element of the compound. Notice
the similarity between this diagram and the one on page 81.

226 C HAP T ER 7
What is the mass in grams of 2.50 mol of oxygen gas?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: 2.50 mol O
​ 2​ ​
Unknown: mass of ​O2​ ​in grams

2 PLAN Write the equation that can be used to find the unknown.
To convert from moles to mass, use this equation.
amount in moles × molar mass (g/mol) = mass in grams

3 COMPUTE Substitute known values to find the value of the unknown.

The molar mass of an atom of oxygen is 16.00 g/mol. There are two
moles of oxygen atoms in one mole of oxygen gas. Therefore,
16.00 g O
​ 2​ ​= 2 mol O × _________
molar mass of O ​   ​ 
= 32.00 g O

mol O
Now, this value can be used to convert moles of O
​ 2​ ​into grams.
32.00 g​O​2​
2.50 mol ​O2​ ​= 2.50 mol ​O2​ ​× __________
​   ​ 
= 80.0 g ​O​2​

mol ​O2​ ​

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.

The answer is correctly expressed to three significant figures.
The answer is reasonable because 2.5 moles of oxygen gas contain
5 moles of oxygen atoms and 5 × 16 = 80.


D. How many moles are in 4.5 kg of Ca(OH​)2​ ​?

What is the mass of Ca in one mole of Ca(OH​)2​ ​?
What is the mass of O in one mole of Ca(OH​)2​ ​?
What is the mass of H in one mole of Ca(OH​)2​ ​?
What is the molar mass of Ca(OH​)2​ ​?

1 mol Ca(OH​)​2​
      g _________________
25.0 g Ca(OH​)2​ ​× ____________
​   ​
    × ​    
1 kg               g Ca(OH​)2​ ​

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 227

​ ​​H​18​​O​2​, is the active ingredient in many
Ibuprofen, ​C13
nonprescription pain relievers. Its molar mass is 206.31 g/mol.
a. If a bottle of tablets contains 33 g of ibuprofen, how many
moles of ibuprofen are in the bottle?
b.  How many molecules of ibuprofen are in the bottle?
c.  What is the total mass in grams of carbon in the bottle?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: 33 g of C ​ ​​H​18​​O​2​, molar mass = 206.31 g/mol
​ 13
Unknown: a.  moles C
​ 13
​ ​​H​18​​O​2​    c.  total mass of C
       b.  molecules C
​ 13
​ ​​H​18​​O​2​

2 PLAN Write the conversion factors used to find the unknowns.

​ ​13​​H​18​​O​2​
1 mol C 13 mol   
C  12.01 g C
a. ​ ________________
   ​        c. ​ _____________
    ​, ​ ________
206.31 g ​C13
​ ​​H​18​​O​2​ mol ​C13
​ ​​H​18​​O​2​ mol C
6.022 × 1​0​ ​molecules
b. ​ ____________________

3 COMPUTE Substitute known values to find the value of the unknown.

1 mol ​C​13​​H​18​​O​2​
a.  ​ ​​H​18​​O​2​× ________________
33 g ​C13 ​    
    ​= 0.16 mol C ​ ​​H​18​​O​2​
​ 13
206.31 g ​C13​ ​​H​18​​O​2​
b.  ​ 6.022 × 1​0​ ​molecules
0.16 mol × ____________________   
 ​ 22
   = 9.6 × 1​0​ ​molecules
12.01 g C
c.  0.16 mol ​​C​13​H18 ​  13 mol   C 
​ ​​O​2​× _____________  ​× _________
​   ​ 
= 25 g C

mol ​C13
​ ​​H​18​​O​2​ mol C

To summarize, the bottle contains 0.16 mol of ibuprofen,

or 9.6 × 1​0​22​molecules of ibuprofen. Out of 33 g of
ibuprofen, 25 g are carbon atoms.

4 COMPUTE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.

Each answer is given to two significant figures and the units
canceled correctly. The answer to part (c) is less than the total
mass of the bottle. Also, judging from the chemical formula,
most of ibuprofen is carbon (since hydrogen atoms have little
mass), so 25 g out of 33 g is reasonable.

228 C HAP T ER 7

E. How many molecules are in 25.0 g of H

​ 2​ ​S​O4​ ​?
What is the mass of H in one mole of H
​ ​2​S​O4​ ​?
What is the mass of S in one mole of H
​ 2​ ​S​O4​ ​?
What is the mass of O in one mole of H
​ 2​ ​S​O4​ ​?
What is the molar mass of H
​ 2​ ​S​O4​ ​?
25.0 g ​H2​ ​S​O4​ ​
​ ​2​S​O4​ ​
1 mol H 23
= 25.0 g ​H​2​S​O4​ ​× __________________
​     ​ 6.022 × ​10​ ​molecules
   ​× _____________________
      g ​H2​ ​S​O4​ ​ mol

F. How many molecules are in 125 g of sugar, C

​ 12
​ ​​H​22​​O​11​?
What is the molar mass of ​C12
​ ​​H​22​​O​11​?

Convert 125 g of ​C12

​ ​​H​22​​O​11​to molecules of C
​ 12
​ ​​H​22​​O​11​.

G. What is the mass in grams of 6.25 mol of copper(II) nitrate?

What is the chemical formula for copper(II) nitrate?
What is the molar mass of copper (II) nitrate?

Convert 6.25 mol of copper(II) nitrate to grams of copper(II) nitrate.

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 229

Percentage Composition
Another quantity that scientists often want to know is what LOOKING CLOSER
proportion of a compound’s mass is taken up by each element.
3.  Define each of the following two
Percentage composition is the percentage by mass of each terms separately in your own words.
element in the compound.
For example, suppose a chemist is using the compound
potassium chlorate, KCl​O3​ ​, to fill a container with oxygen
gas. It would be helpful to know what percentage of the
compound’s mass is made up of oxygen atoms. The
percentage composition of the compound is the ratio of
each element’s contribution to the compound’s mass and
the total mass of the compound. This ratio is expressed as a
percentage, using the following formula.

mass of element in sample

​       ​× 100% = % element in compound
mass of sample
The percentage composition of a compound is the same
regardless of the size of the sample. This is because a
compound has a fixed composition. Therefore, the compound’s
chemical formula can be used to determine the percentage of
each element in one unit of the compound. The following
formula is used to determine the percentage composition of a
compound using the chemical formula.

mass of element in ​

1 mol × 100% = % element in compound
​ ______________________
molar mass

​ u​2​S.
Find the percentage composition of copper(I) sulfide, C


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: chemical formula, C
​ u​2​S
Unknown: percentage composition of C
​ u​2​S

2 PLAN Determine the procedure used to find the unknown.

First, determine the molar mass of the compound. Then,
find the ratio of each element’s contribution to the
molar mass.

230 C HAP T ER 7
3 COMPUTE Perform the calculations to find the unknown.
63.55 g Cu
2 mol Cu = 2 mol Cu × __________
​   ​ 
 = 127.1 g Cu
mol Cu
32.07 g S
1 mol S = 1 mol S × ​ ________  ​ 
 = 32.07 g S

mol S

mass of 1 mol ​Cu​2​S = 159.2 g

127.1 g Cu
contribution of Cu = ___________
​        ​× 100% = 79.85% Cu
159.2 g ​Cu​2​S
32.07 g S
contribution of S = ____________
​        ​× 100% = 20.15% Cu
159.2 g ​Cu​2​S
4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.
A good way to check percentage composition problems is
to make sure that the percentages add up to 100%.


H. Find the percentage composition of Pb​Cl​2​.

What is the molar mass of Pb​Cl​2​?

      g Pb
contribution of Pb =​ _______________     ​× 100% =
        g Pb​Cl​2​
      g Cl
contribution of Cl =​ _______________
      ​× 100% =
             g Pb​Cl​2​
I. Find the percentage composition of Ba​(N ​ O​3​)2​ ​.
What is the molar mass of Ba​(​NO​3​)​2​?

         g Ba
contribution of Ba = ___________________
​        ​× 100% =
           g Ba​(N​O3​ ​)2​ ​
         g N
contribution of N = ___________________
​       ​× 100% =
           g Ba​(N​O3​ ​)2​ ​
         g O
contribution of O = ___________________
​       ​× 100% =
           g Ba​(N​O3​ ​)2​ ​
Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 231
As some salts crystallize from a water solution, they bind
water molecules in their crystal structure. Sodium carbonate
forms such a hydrate, in which 10 water molecules are
present for every formula unit of sodium carbonate. Find the
mass percentage of water in N​a2​ ​C​O3​ ​•10​H2​ ​O with a molar
mass of 286.19 g/mol.


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: chemical formula and molar mass of N​a2​ ​C​O3​ ​•10​H2​ ​O
Unknown: mass percentage of ​H2​ ​O

2 PLAN Write the conversion factors to be used to find the unknowns.

First, find the mass of water per mole of sodium carbonate.
Then, compute the ratio of this mass to the molar mass of
the hydrate.

3 COMPUTE Substitute known values to find the value of the unknown.

Earlier in this section, the molar mass of water was calculated
from the average atomic masses of hydrogen and oxygen. The
molar mass of water is 18.02 g/mol.

18.02 g ​H2​ ​O
​ 2​ ​O × ___________
​ 2​ ​O = 2 mol H
10 mol H ​     = 180.2 g ​H2​ ​O
mol ​H2​ ​O

Now, the formula for percentage composition can be used.

180.2 g ​H​2​O
​ 2​ ​O = _______________________
contribution of H ​    
     ​× 100%
286.19 g N​a​2​C​O3​ ​• 10​H2​ ​O

          = 62.97% ​H2​ ​O

4 COMPUTE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.

The units in each calculation cancel as desired, and the final
answer is expressed in the same number of significant figures as
the molar mass of water. Because 180 divided by 300 is about
0.6, the final answer should be around 60%.

232 C HAP T ER 7

J. Find the mass percentage of water in ZnS​O4​ ​•7​H2​ ​O.

What is the molar mass of ZnS​O​4 ​•7​H2​ ​O?

What proportion of the molar mass of ZnS​O4​ ​•7​H2​ ​O consists

of water?
g ​H​2​O
​ ​2​O = ________________________
contribution of H ​    
     ​× 100%
         g Zn​SO​4​• 7​H2​ ​O

K. Magnesium hydroxide is 54.87% oxygen by mass. How many

grams of oxygen are in 175 g of the compound? How many
moles of oxygen is this?
What is the chemical formula of magnesium hydroxide?
What is the molar mass of magnesium hydroxide?

What portion, in grams, of the molar mass is oxygen?

54.87% × g magnesium hydroxide = gO
How many moles of oxygen are in 1 mol magnesium hydroxide?

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 233

1. Define formula mass. In what unit is formula mass expressed?

2. Determine both the formula mass and molar mass of ammonium
carbonate, (N​H4​ ​​)​2​C​O3​ ​.

3. Calculate the percentage composition of (N​H4​ ​​)​2​C​O3​ ​.

Critical Thinking
4. RELATING IDEAS  A sample of hydrated copper(II) sulfate (CuS​O4​ ​•n​H2​ ​O) is
heated to 150°C and produces 103.74 g of CuS​O​4​and 58.55 g of ​H2​ ​O. How
many moles of H​ ​2​O molecules are present in one mole of hydrated
copper(II) sulfate?

How many moles of CuS​O4​ ​are in 103.74 g of CuS​O4​ ​?

How many moles of ​H2​ ​O are in every mole of CuS​O4​ ​•n​H2​ ​O?

Use the answer to these two questions to determine the number of moles
of water in the sample.

234 C HAP T ER 7
SECTION 7.4 LA.PS.5 Write and name formulas for ionic
and covalent compounds. (PS-H-A2)

Determining Chemical LA.PS.40 Compute percent composition,

empirical formulas, and molecular formulas of
selected compounds in chemical reactions.

When scientists discover or produce a new compound, they VOCABULARY
analyze it to learn its composition. Often what they measure
empirical formula
is the percentage composition of the substance. Using the
molar masses of the elements in the compound, they can
convert the percentages into mole ratios. These molar ratios
give the empirical formula for a compound.
An empirical formula consists of the symbols for the TIP For ionic compounds, the
elements combined in a compound, with subscripts showing empirical formula is almost
always the same as the formula
the smallest whole-number mole ratio of the different unit. However, the empirical
elements. An empirical formula is often the same as the formula would not reflect the
compound’s chemical formula. However, some molecular presence of a polyatomic ion. For
example, the empirical formula of
compounds, such as diborane, B2H6, consist of molecules Ba(NO3)2 is BaN2O6.
that do not have the lowest whole-number ratio of atoms
possible. The empirical formula for diborane is BH3.

Calculation of Empirical Formulas

Empirical formulas are calculated from the percentage
composition of a sample. The following steps will convert a
percentage composition into an empirical formula.
1. Assume that you have 100 g of the sample. The mass of
each element in this sample is numerically equivalent to
the percentage composition for that element.
2. Convert each mass into a number of moles by using each
element’s molar mass as a conversion factor. Express the
result as a molar ratio of the elements in the sample. Critical Thinking
3. Divide the ratio from Step 2 by the number of moles of 1. Apply An analysis of a sample
the element with the least amount of moles. If the result of a compound determines that
the compound contains 1 mol
is a ratio of numbers very close to whole numbers, then
of phosphorus atoms for every
this ratio gives the empirical formula of the sample. 2.497 mol of oxygen atoms.
What is the empirical formula of
4. If Step 3 does not yield a ratio of whole numbers, the compound?
multiply the ratio by the smallest number that will give
a whole-number ratio.

CHEmiCAl FoRmulAs And CHEmiCAl ComPounds 235

Quantitative analysis shows that a compound contains
32.38% sodium, 22.65% sulfur, and 44.99% oxygen. Find the
empirical formula of the compound.


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: Sample is 32.38% Na, 22.65% S, 44.99% O by mass.
Unknown: empirical formula

2 PLAN Describe the steps that will be used to find the unknown.
The procedure on page 235 will convert a percentage
composition into an empirical formula.

3 COMPUTE Calculate the unknown using the given information.

A 100.0 g sample of the compound contains 32.38 g Na,
22.65 g S, and 44.99 g O.

​  1 mol Na 
32.38 g Na = 32.38 g Na × __________  ​ 
= 1.408 mol Na
22.99 g Na
1 mol S 
22.65 g S = 22.65 g S × ​ ________ ​ 
= 0.7063 mol S
32.07 g S

​ 1 mol O  
44.99 g O = 44.99 g O × _________  ​ 
= 2.812 mol O
16.00 g O

Then, divide the mole ratio of the three elements by 0.7063,

which is the least of the three amounts above.
1.408 mol   Na  
​ ____________
 ​  :  ​ 0.7063 mol
 ​  : ​  2.812 mol
0.7063 0.7063 0.7063
= 1.993 mol Na : 1.000 mol S : 3.981 mol O

This ratio is close to the ratio of whole numbers 2:1:4.

Therefore, the empirical formula of the compound is N​a2​ ​S​O4​ ​.

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.

The result is an ionic compound formed from N​a+ ​ ​cations
and S​O​2 4​​   ​anions, which is a plausible combination.


A. Acompound is found to contain 63.52% iron and 36.48% sulfur.

Find its empirical formula.
What mass of Fe is present in a 100 g sample of this compound?

What mass of S is present in a 100 g sample of this compound?

Convert each mass above into moles.

g Fe = ​    1 mol Fe  

g Fe × ________________   ​
        g Fe

gS= ​    1 mol S  

g S × _______________   ​ 
        g S
Write the results above as a ratio and divide by the smallest amount.

mol Fe: mol S, divided by

= mol Fe: mol S

What is the empirical formula of the compound?

B. Find
the empirical formula of a compound containing
26.56% potassium, 35.41% chromium, and the remainder oxygen.
What mass of K is present in a 100 g sample of this compound?

What mass of Cr is present in a 100 g sample of this compound?

What mass of O is present in a 100 g sample of this compound?

Convert each mass above into moles.
gK= ​    1 mol K  
g K × ________________
        g K

g Cr = ​    1 mol Cr  

g Cr × ________________   ​
        g Cr

gO= ​    1 mol O  

g O × ________________   ​
        g O
Write the results above as a ratio and divide by the smallest amount.

mol K: mol Cr: mol O,

divided by

= mol K: mol Cr: mol O

What is the empirical formula of the compound?

C he m i ca l F o r m u l a s a n d C he m i ca l C o m p o u n d s 237
Calculation of Molecular Formulas
The empirical formula may or may not be equivalent to the
molecular formula of a compound. Some compounds that
have different molecular formulas have the same empirical
formula. For example, examine the formulas for the two
compounds, ethene and cyclopropane.
Ethene: molecular formula: C​ 2​ ​​H​4​
​ H​2​
empirical formula: C
Cyclopropane: molecular formula: C​ 3​ ​​H​6​
​ H​2​
empirical formula: C
The empirical formula is always the smallest whole-number
mole ratio of the elements in a compound. A molecular
formula does not have to be the smallest ratio, but it must be a
whole-number multiple of the smallest ratio. In other words,
x(empirical formula) = molecular formula
where x is some whole number greater than or equal to 1. The
numbers of atoms of each element in the empirical formula
are each multiplied by x to obtain the molecular formula.
In order to determine the value of x, a chemist must have
an additional piece of information. The chemist must be able
! Remember
The formula mass of a compound
to calculate the formula mass of the compound. The in amu is equal to its molar mass
relationship between the empirical formula mass and the in g/mol.
molecular formula mass is given by
x(empirical formula mass) = molecular formula mass
where x is the same whole number greater than or equal to 1
as defined in the first equation.
For example, from percentage composition measurements,
a chemist might determine that the empirical formula of a
compound is B​H3​ ​, with an empirical formula mass of 13.84 READING CHECK
amu. If separate measurements determine that the formula 2.  Calculate  The empirical formula
mass of the compound is 27.67 amu, then the value of x is for ethene, ​C2​ ​​H​4​, and cyclopropane, ​
C​3​​H​6​, is C​H2​ ​. Use the relationship
​ molecular formula
x = _____________________
   ​ 27.67 amu 
mass ​= _________  ​ 
= 2.000 given above to calculate the value
empirical formula mass 13.84 amu of x for each compound.

​ 2​ ​​H​6​,
Therefore, the chemical formula of the compound is B ethene:
and the compound is diborane. cyclopropane:

The empirical formula of a compound of phosphorus and
​​ 2​O5​ ​. Experimentation shows that the molar mass
oxygen is P​
of this compound is 283.89 g/mol. What is the compound’s
molecular formula?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: empirical formula
Unknown: molecular formula

2 PLAN Give the equations that will be used to find the unknown.
First, the value of x can be determined by this relationship.

​ molecular formula mass ​

x = _____________________
empirical formula mass
Then, x can be used to calculate the molecular formula.
x(empirical formula) = molecular formula

3 COMPUTE Calculate the unknown using the given information.

The molar mass of the compound is 283.89 g/mol, so the
molecular formula mass is 283.89 amu.
​ 30.97 amu
​ 2​ ​​O​5​= 2 P atoms × _________
Mass of P in P  ​ 
 = 61.94 amu

P atom

​ 16.00 amu
​ 2​ ​​O​5​= 5 O atoms × _________
Mass of O in P  ​  
= 80.00 amu

O atom
empirical formula mass = 141.94 amu

​ molecular formula
x = _____________________
   ​ 283.89 amu ​ 
mass ​= __________ = 2.001
empirical formula mass 141.94 amu
Therefore, the molecular formula is 2(​P2​ ​​O​5​) = P
​ 4​ ​​O​10​.

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it is reasonable.

The empirical formula mass is about equal to
2 × 30 + 5 × 16 = 140, which is half of the given
molar mass.

C he m i ca l F o r m u l a s a n d C he m i ca l C o m p o u n d s 239

C. Determine the molecular formula of the compound with an

empirical formula of CH and a formula mass of 78.110 amu.
The empirical formula mass of CH is
amu + amu = amu

​ molecular formula mass ​= ________________

x = _____________________
   ​          amu ​=
empirical formula mass        amu

The molecular formula is × (CH) =  .

D. A sample of a compound with a formula mass of 34.00 amu

is found to consist of 0.44 g H and 6.92 g O. Find its
molecular formula.

gH= ​  1 mol   
g H × ___________  ​=

gO= ​  1 mol   
g O × ___________  ​=

Write the results above as a ratio and divide by the smallest amount.

mol H: mol O, divided by

= mol H: mol O

What is the empirical formula of the sample?

The empirical formula mass of the sample is

amu + amu = amu

​ molecular formula mass ​= ________________

x = _____________________
   ​          amu ​=
empirical formula mass        amu

The molecular formula is × =  .

1. What is the relationship between the empirical formula and the molecular
formula of a compound?

2. A compound contains 36.48% Na, 25.41% S, and 38.11% O. Find its
empirical formula.

3. If 4.04 g of N combine with 11.46 g O to produce a compound

with a formula mass of 108.0 amu, what is the molecular formula
of the compound?

Critical Thinking
4. RELATING IDEAS  A compound containing sodium, chlorine, and oxygen is
25.42% sodium by mass. A 3.25 g sample gives 4.33 × ​10​22​atoms of oxygen.
What is its empirical formula?

C he m i ca l F o r m u l a s a n d C he m i ca l C o m p o u n d s 241
Math Tutor  Calculating Percentage

Chemists can analyze an unknown substance by determining its percentage composition

by mass. Percentage composition is determined by finding the mass of each element in a
sample as a percentage of the whole sample. The results of this analysis can then be
compared with the percentage composition of known compounds to determine the
probable identity of the unknown substance. Once you know a compound’s formula, you
can determine its exact percentage compositon by mass.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• To determine the percentage composition for a compound using its chemical formula,
first determine the contribution of each element to the molar mass of the compound.
• Use this information to determine the molar mass of the compound.
• Then calculate the ratio of the mass contribution of each element to the total molar
mass and express the ratio as a percentage.


Determine the percentage composition of potassium

chlorate, KCl​O​3​.
First, calculate the molar mass of KCl​O3​ ​.
Mass of 1 mol K = 39.10 g K
Mass of 1 mol Cl = 35.45 g Cl
Mass of 3 mol O = 3(16.00 g O) = 48.00 g O
The molar mass of KCl​O3​ ​is 39.10 g + 35.45 g + 48.00 g = 122.55 g.
The percentage composition of KCl​O3​ ​is determined by using the
following formula to calculate the percentage of each element.

​ mass of element in ​

mol × 100% = % element in compound
molar mass
39.10 g K
Percent K by mass in KCl​O3​ ​= _______________
​       ​   × 100% = 31.91%
122.55 g KCl​O3​ ​
35.45 g Cl
Percent Cl by mass in KCl​O​3​= _______________
​       ​× 100% = 28.93%
122.55 g KCl​O3​ ​
48.00 g O
Percent O by mass in KCl​O​3​= _______________
​       ​× 100% = 39.17%
122.55 g KCl​O3​ ​

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 17 and 18


1. What are monatomic ions? Give three examples.

2. Using only the periodic table, write the symbol of the ion most typically
formed by each of the following elements.

a.  K   b.  S   c.  Ca

3. Write the formula for and indicate the charge on each of the following ions.

a.  sodium ion   c.  chloride ion   e.  iron(II) ion

b.  aluminum ion   d.  nitride ion   f.  iron(III) ion

4. Write formulas for the binary ionic compounds formed between the
following elements.

a.  sodium and iodine c.  barium and fluorine

b.  calcium and sulfur d.  lithium and oxygen

5. Give the name of each of the following binary ionic compounds.

a.  KCl c.  L​i2​ ​O

b.  CaB​r2​ ​ d.  MgC​l2​ ​

6. Write formulas for each of the following binary molecular compounds.

a.  carbon tetrabromide c.  tetraphosphorus decoxide

b.  silicon dioxide d.  diarsenic trisulfide

7. Name each of the following acids.

a.  HF c.  HN​O3​ ​

b.  HBr d.  ​H3​ ​P​O4​ ​

8. Name each of the following ions according to the Stock system.

a.  F​e​2+​   c.  P​b2+

​ ​   e.  S​n2+
​ ​

b.  F​e​3+​   d.  P​b4+

​ ​   f.  S​n​4+​

9. What three types of information are used to find an empirical formula from
percentage composition?


10. Write formulas for each of the following compounds.

a.  sodium fluoride d.  iron(II) oxide

b.  calcium oxide e.  aluminum bromide

c.  potassium sulfide f.  lithium nitride

11. Name each of the following ionic compounds by using the Stock system.

a.  NaCl d.  FeP​O4​ ​

b.  KF e.  H​g2​ ​S​O4​ ​

c.  CaS f.  H​g3​ ​​(P​O4​ ​)2​ ​

12. Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following.

a.  HI c.  ​H3​ ​P​O4​ ​ e.  NO​ 

− ​
3    g.  C​r2​ ​O 
7​   ​  

b.  PB​r3​ ​ d.  A​s2​ ​​O​5​   ​

f.  ClO​-  
h.  CO​2-
4    3  ​  

13. Determine the formula mass of each of the following compounds or ions.

a.  glucose, C
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​

b.  ammonium ion, NH​ 

4 ​  

14. Determine the number of moles of each ion in one mole of the following
compounds. For each polyatomic ion, also determine the number of moles
of each atom present in one mole of the ion.

a.  C​a3​ ​(P​O4​ ​​)​2​

b.  A​l2​ ​(Cr​​O​4​)3​ ​

15. Determine the molar mass of A​l2​ ​(Cr​O4​ ​​)​3​.

16. Determine the number of moles in 4.50 g of H
​ 2​ ​O.

17. Determine the percentage composition of Mg(OH​)2​ ​.

18. Determine the percentage by mass of water in CuS​O4​ ​•5​H2​ ​O.

19. Determine the empirical formula of a compound containing 52.11% carbon,

13.14% hydrogen, and 34.75% oxygen.

20. What is the molecular formula of the molecule that has an empirical
formula of C​H2​ ​O and a molar mass of 120.12 g/mol?

21. A compound with a formula mass of 42.08 amu is 85.64% carbon and
14.36% hydrogen by mass. Find its molecular formula.



Chemical Equations
and Reactions

Key Concepts LA.PS.7  Write a balanced symbolic

equation from a word equation.
Section 1 Describing Chemical Reactions LA.PS.34  Describe chemical
changes by developing word
What signs tell you a chemical reaction has occurred? equations, balanced formula
What is a chemical equation, and what can it tell you? equations, and net ionic equations.
How do you write and balance a chemical equation? LA.PS.35  Predict products (with
phase notations) of simple
Section 2 Types of Chemical Reactions reactions, including acid/base,
oxidation/reduction, and formation
What types of chemical reactions are there? of precipitates. (PS-H-D3)
How can you predict the products of simple reactions? LA.PS.38  Relate the law of
conservation of matter to the
rearrangement of atoms in a
Section 3  Activity Series of the Elements balanced chemical equation.
What is an activity series, and why is it significant? (PS-H-D5)
LA.PS.45  Give examples of
How do you know if a particular reaction will occur? common chemical reactions,
­including those found in biological
systems. (PS-H-D7)

Review Previous Concepts

1. Explain how the charge of each ion in an ionic compound

may be used to determine the simplest chemical formula for
the compound.

2. Explain why oxidation numbers are useful in naming compounds

and writing formulas.

SECTION 8.1 LA.PS.7 Writedefi
TK Standard a balanced
nition TK symbolic equation
from a word equation. (PS-H-A2)

Describing Chemical
LA.PS.34 Describe chemical changes by
developing word equations, balanced formula
equations, and net ionic equations. (PS-H-D3)
LA.PS.38 Relate the law of conservation of

Reactions matter to the rearrangement of atoms in a

balanced chemical equation. (PS-H-D5)

When iron rusts, oxygen combines with iron to make iron

oxide. Iron and oxygen undergo a process called a chemical
chemical equation word equation
reaction. A chemical reaction is when one or more substances precipitate formula equation
interact and produce one or more new substances. The original coefficient reversible reaction
substances in a chemical reaction are called reactants. The new
substances that are formed are called the products. In a
chemical reaction, the total mass of the original reactants
always equals the mass of the products. This is known as the
law of conservation of mass.
Chemical reactions are described by chemical equations.
A chemical equation is a way of showing the results of a
chemical reaction using symbols and formulas. A chemical
equation also shows the relative amounts of the reactants and
products. For example, the chemical equation below shows
that ammonium dichromate breaks down into nitrogen gas,
chromium(III) oxide, and water.

1 part nitrogen 4 parts water

(NH4)2Cr2O7(s) ⟶ N2(g) + Cr2O3(s) + 4H2O(g)

1 part ammonium 1 part

dichromate chromium(III) oxide


1. In the chemical equation above, name the reactant(s)

and product(s).

C H E m i C A l E q u AT i o n s A n d R E A C T i o n s 247
Indications of a Chemical Reaction
The only way to really know that a chemical reaction has
occurred is to analyze all the substances before and after the
reaction. If the chemical identities of the reactants are
different from those of the products, then you know a
chemical reaction took place. There are, however, other
changes that are easier to observe that often indicate a
chemical reaction is taking place. Here are some of the
common signs of a chemical reaction:
Energy Release  When ammonium dichromate decomposes, it
releases energy very quickly. This energy can be observed in
the form of heat and light. Many chemical reactions release
energy in the form of heat or light or both. However, the
release of energy can also occur during a physical change, so
This ammonium dichromate reaction
other factors must also be considered to determine if a releases energy very quickly.
reaction did take place.
Gas Formation  When vinegar is mixed with baking soda,
bubbles of carbon dioxide gas form. The formation of a gas
when two substances are mixed is a good indicator that the
original substances are reacting.
Precipitate  A precipitate is a solid that forms during a
chemical reaction in a solution and separates from the
solution. If a precipitate forms in a container after two
substances are mixed, a chemical reaction has likely occurred.
Color Change  Often new substances have different colors
from those of the original substances. If the color of a
When solutions of ammonium sulfide
substance changes, a chemical reaction has likely occurred. and cadmium nitrate are combined,
the precipitate cadmium sulfide forms.
Observing these signs only means that a chemical change
possibly occurred. Many of these signs also occur during a
physical change. For example, boiling water creates a gas, but
the gas has the same identity as the liquid.


2. You mix two clear liquids and a colored solid forms at the
bottom of the beaker. Do you think this is a chemical
change? How can you know for certain?

Characteristics of Chemical Equations
A good chemical equation will tell you everything you need to
know about a specific reaction. Here are the requirements for
a good chemical equation:
1. The equation must represent known facts. It accurately
shows all the reactants and products. These can be
identified by experiments and chemical analysis, or by
using reliable sources for information.
2. The equation must contain the correct formulas for the
reactants and products. Remember what you have already
learned about writing symbols and formulas. Know the
oxidation states of the elements, as this will help you write
correct formulas. Remember that some elements, such as
oxygen and hydrogen, are usually diatomic molecules.
Some of these elements are shown in the table below. If an
element is not usually found in molecular form, just use the
atomic symbol.
3. The law of conservation of mass must be satisfied. Atoms READING CHECK
are not created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. 3.  Why should the numbers and
Check to make sure you have the same numbers and types of atoms be the same on both
types of atoms on both sides of your chemical equation. sides of your chemical equation?

In order to balance equations, add coefficients before each

substance in an equation. A coefficient is a small whole
number that goes in front of a formula in a chemical
equation. It indicates the relative number of moles of a
substance. For example, 3H​2​O represents three moles of
water molecules in a chemical equation.

Elements That Normally Exist as Diatomic Molecules Critical Thinking

4.  Apply  Write a chemical
Physical state at formula that indicates two moles
Element Symbol Molecular formula room temperature of chlorine molecules.
Hydrogen H ​H​2​ gas
Nitrogen N ​N​2​ gas
Oxygen O ​O​2​ gas
Fluorine F ​F​2​ gas
Chlorine Cl C​l​2​ gas
Bromine Br B​r​2​ liquid
Iodine I ​I2​ ​ solid

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 249
Word and Formula Equations
1. The first step in writing a chemical equation is to identify

TIP Word equations are
descriptions of a reaction.
the facts about a reaction that are known. It is often useful They do not tell you anything about
the quantities of the substances.
to represent these facts using a word equation. A word
equation is an equation in which the reactants and products
are written down in words.
For example, when methane burns in air, it combines with
oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. To turn
this information into a word equation, first identify the
reactants and the products.
REACTANTS: methane, oxygen
PRODUCTS: carbon dioxide, water
List the reactants on the left side of the equation and the
products on the right side of the equation. Then draw an
arrow pointing from the reactants to the products.

reactant product

methane  +  oxygen   →   carbon dioxide  +  water

reactant yields product

The result is a word equation. This equation reads

“methane and oxygen react to yield carbon dioxide
and water.”


Write a word equation for each chemical reaction.

A. Solid calcium reacts with solid sulfur to produce solid
calcium sulfide.

B. Hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine gas to produce

hydrogen fluoride gas.

! Remember
2. The next step in writing a chemical equation is to replace the
words with the appropriate chemical formulas. A formula
equation is an equation that uses chemical formulas and In a chemical formula, the
state of the substance is shown
symbols to represent the reactants and products. in parentheses.
Consider the word equation from page 250. Methane is a (g) is a gas
molecule that has one carbon atom and four hydrogen
(l) is a liquid
atoms. Its chemical formula is C​H4​ ​. Oxygen exists as a
diatomic molecule, so its chemical formula is O ​ 2​ ​. Carbon (s) is a solid
dioxide is C​O2​ ​and water is ​H2​ ​O. Therefore, the unbalanced (aq) is an aqueous solution,
formula equation is shown below: or a solution in water

C​H​4​(g)  +   ​O2​ ​(g)     →      C​O2​ ​(g)   + ​H​2​O(g)

     +           →            +   

The formula equation also includes information about the

state of each substance in the reaction. For example, all four
of the chemical formulas above indicate that the substances
are in gaseous form during the reaction. A substance can be
designated as a solid, as a liquid, as a gas, or as part of an
aqueous solution.
The formula equation states the substances that are
involved in the reaction. However, it still does not give any
information about the relative quantities of the reactants
and the products.


Write a formula equation for each of the following c­ hemical

reactions. Refer to the word equations you wrote on page 250.
C. Solid calcium reacts with solid sulfur to produce solid
calcium sulfide.

D. Hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine gas to produce

hydrogen fluoride gas.

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 251
3. Look again at the formula equation for the reaction
between methane and oxygen, shown below. In order to
satisfy the conservation of mass, there should be an equal
number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation.
C​H​4​(g)  + ​O​2​(g)  ⟶  C​O2​ ​(g)  + ​H​2​O(g)


E. Fill in the chart, showing the number of atoms on each

side of the equation. The number of a given atom in each
formula is equal to the product of the coefficient in front
of the formula and the subscript on the atom.

Number of atoms of Reactants Products

Notice that the number of carbon atoms is the same on

both sides. However, the numbers of hydrogen and oxygen
atoms do not balance. We need to add coefficients to some
of the ­formulas to make the equation balance. If we had
two moles of oxygen on the reactant side, and two moles of
water on the product side, the equation would be as follows.

C​H​4​(g)  +    2O​2​(g)   →      C​O2​ ​(g)    +  2​H2​ ​O(g)

    +           →            +   

Critical Thinking
5.  Evaluate  Show that there are
the same number of each type
This balanced equation is a chemical equation. It contains of atom on both sides of the
an ­accurate description of the reaction and tells you about balanced equation.

the relative quantities of the reactants and the products.

One mole of methane gas will react with two moles of
molecular oxygen to form one mole of carbon dioxide gas
and two moles of water vapor.

Additional Symbols Used in Chemical Equations
The table below shows some other symbols used in chemical
equations. Some symbols may already be familiar to you.

Symbols Used in Chemical Equations

Symbol Explanation
“Yields”; indicates result of reaction A reversible reaction
is a chemical reaction in
Used in place of a single arrow to
which the products re-form
indicate a reversible reaction
the original reactants. Not
A reactant or product in the solid state; all r­ eactions are ­reversible.
also used to indicate a precipitate
Alternative to (s), but used only to
indicate a precipitate
A reactant or product in the
liquid state
A reactant or product in an aqueous
solution (dissolved in water)
A reactant or product in the
gaseous state
Some reactants must be
Alternative to (g), but used only to heated for the reaction to
indicate a gaseous product take place.

∆   or   heat Reactants are heated

For some reactions, it is
Pressure at which reaction is important to show the
2 atm
carried out, in this case 2 atm temperature or ­pressure
Pressure at which reaction is at which the reaction
pressure carried out exceeds normal took place.
atmospheric pressure
Temperature at which reaction Some reactions can happen
0°C faster or at a lower
is carried out, in this case 0°C
temperature if a catalyst
Formula of catalyst, in this case is present. A catalyst is
Mn​O2​ ​ ­manganese dioxide, used to a substance that has a
alter the rate of the reaction temporary role in a
chemical ­reaction, but is
recovered­unchanged when
Critical Thinking the reaction is complete.
6. Analyze Write the following chemical equation as a
descriptive sentence. Include all the information available
in the equation.
2HgO(s)  ∆     2Hg(l)  + ​O​ ​(g) 2

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 253
Write word and formula equations for the chemical reaction
that occurs when solid sodium oxide is added to water at room
temperature and forms sodium hydroxide dissolved in water.
Include symbols for physical states in the formula equation.
Then balance the formula equation to give a balanced
chemical equation.


STEP 1 Write the word equation from the given information.

sodium oxide + water → sodium hydroxide

STEP 2 Replace each compound's name with its chemical formula.

Sodium has an oxidation state of +1. Oxygen usually has
an oxidation state of -2. Therefore, two sodium atoms will
combine with one oxygen atom according to the chemical
formula Na​2​O. The hydroxide ion has an oxidation state
equal to its charge of -1. Therefore, one sodium atom will
combine with one hydroxide ion according to the chemical
formula NaOH.
Na​2​O + ​H2​ ​O → NaOH (not balanced)

STEP 3 Indicate the state each compound is in.

​Na​2​O(s) + H
​ 2​ ​O(l) → NaOH(aq) (not balanced)

STEP 4 Balance the equation by adding coefficients.

There are two of each type of atom on the left side of the
equation. To balance the equation, add a coefficient of two
to the product.
Solution:  ​Na​2​O(s) + H
​ 2​ ​O(l) → 2NaOH(aq)

Critical Thinking
7. Analyze Why would it be incorrect to balance the equation
by changing NaOH to N​ a​2​O​H2​ ​instead of 2NaOH?


F.  rite word and balanced chemical equations for the

following reaction. Include symbols for the physical states
of the substances when indicated.
Solid aluminum metal reacts with aqueous zinc chloride to
­produce solid zinc metal and aqueous aluminum chloride.
Word equation:

Formula equation:

Formula equation with states:

Balanced chemical equation:

TIP Sometimes
the compounds can
help you balance the

Translate the following chemical equations into sentences.

G. C​S2​ ​(l) + 3​O2​ ​(g) → C​O2​ ​(g) + 2S​O2​ ​​(g)

H. NaCl​​(aq) + AgN​O3​ ​(aq) → NaN​O3​ ​(aq) + AgCl​​​(s)

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 255
Significance of a Chemical Equation
When a chemical equation is balanced, it gives you a lot of
information about the chemical reaction. ! Remember
The arrow in a balanced chemical
1. The coefficients in a chemical equation tell you the relative, equation is like an equals sign in a
mathematical equation. The
not absolute, amounts of the reactants and products. The coefficients tell you the relative
smallest units of matter that can undergo a chemical amount of each substance.
­reaction are atoms, molecules, and ions. The law of
­conservation of mass determines how many of these small
units are needed for a chemical reaction to take place.

H2 + Cl2 2 HCl

+ +
1 molecule H2 1 molecule Cl2 2 molecules HCl
1 mol H2 1 mol Cl2 2 mol HCl
2.02 g H2 70.90 g Cl2 2 × 36.46 g = 72.92 g HCl

 or example, one molecule of hydrogen will react with one

molecule of chlorine to form two molecules of hydrogen
chloride. Similarly, one mole of hydrogen molecules will
react with one mole of chlorine molecules to produce two
moles of hydrogen chloride.
2. The relative masses of the reactants and products of a
Critical Thinking
­chemical reaction can be determined from the reaction’s
8.  Apply  Use the molar masses to
coefficients. When you have the relative amounts of the show that mass was conserved in
reactants and products, you can use these amounts to the reaction.
calculate the relative masses involved.
2.02 g ​H2​ ​
1 mol ​H2​ ​· _________
​   ​ 
= 2.02 g ​H2​ ​
1 mol ​H2​ ​
70.90 g C​l2​ ​
1 mol ​Cl​2​· __________
​   ​ 
= 70.90 g ​Cl​2​
1 mol C​l2​ ​

36.46 g HCl
2 mol HCl · ___________
​   ​ 
= 72.92 g HCl​
1 mol HCl
3. The reverse reaction for a chemical equation has the same
relative amounts of substances as the forward reaction.
Because a chemical equation is like an algebraic equation,
the equality can be read in either direction. Two moles of
hydrogen chloride will break down into one mole of
molecular hydrogen gas and one mole of chlorine gas.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Sometimes it is easy to balance a chemical equation just by
looking at it. Other times, you may need to use trial and error
until you find the solution. There is a step-by-step process to
help you balance equations.
Consider the reaction that occurs when electric current is
passed through water, as shown in the photograph at the right.
An electric current is passed through water that has been
made slightly conductive. The water molecules break down to
yield hydrogen in the right tube and oxygen in the left tube.
1. Identify the names of the reactants and the products, and
write a word equation. When an electric current is passed
through impure water, oxygen gas
water → hydrogen + oxygen bubbles into the left tube and
hydrogen gas bubbles into the
2. Write a formula equation by substituting correct formulas right tube.
for the names of the reactants and the products.
​H​2​O(l) → ​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g) (not balanced)
3. Balance the formula equation according to the law of

TIP Remember to check
for diatomic molecules
conservation of mass. In this equation, hydrogen appears to when writing chemical formulas
for elements.
be balanced but oxygen is not. Determine the coefficient for
the reactant that will bring the oxygen atoms into balance.
Then determine if the hydrogen atoms can be balanced by
adding a coefficient to the hydrogen gas product.
2​H​2​O(l) → ​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g) (partially balanced)

Balance the oxygen atoms

first. You need 2 more on
the left.

TIP Make sure that equal
numbers of atoms of each
2​H2​ ​O(l) → 2​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g) (balanced) element appear on both sides of
the arrow in a balanced equation.

Next, balance the hydro-

gen atoms. You now need
a total of 4 H on the right.

4. Count atoms to be sure that the equation is balanced.

2​H​2​O(l) → 2​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g)
4H + 2O = 4H + 2O ✓

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 257
Problem-Solving TIPS
• Balance the different types of atoms one at a time.
• First balance the atoms of elements that are combined and
that appear only once on each side of the equation.
• Balance polyatomic ions that appear on both sides of the
equation as single units.
• Balance H atoms and O atoms after atoms of all other
elements have been balanced.

The reaction of zinc with aqueous hydrochloric acid produces a
solution of zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Write a balanced chemical
equation for the reaction.


1 ANALYZE Write the word equation from the given information.

zinc + hydrochloric acid → zinc chloride + hydrogen

2 PLAN Write the formula equation that needs to be balanced.

Zn(s) + HCl(aq) → ZnC​l2​ ​(aq) + H
​ 2​ ​(g) (not balanced)

3 COMPUTE Adjust the coefficients to balance the equation.

Zinc is balanced. Next, look at chlorine. To balance
Zinc reacts with
chlorine, add a coefficient of 2 to HCl. Check hydrogen. hydrochloric acid.
Hydrogen is now also balanced. No more adjustments
are needed.
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnC​l2​ ​(aq) + H
​ 2​ ​(g)

4 EVALUATE Count atoms to check the balance.

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnC​l2​ ​(aq) + H
​ 2​ ​(g)

Number of atoms of Reactants Products
zinc 1 1
chlorine 2 2
hydrogen 2 2

I. Balance the following equation:
A​l4​ ​​C​3​(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l) → C​H4​ ​(g) + Al(OH​)3​ ​(s)
Start by balancing the aluminum atoms on each side.
How many are on the left? on the right?
 ow add the coefficient to Al(OH​)3​ ​that balances the
aluminum atoms:
A​l4​ ​​C​3​(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l) → C​H4​ ​(g) + Al(OH​)3​ ​(s)

Next, balance the carbon atoms.

How many are on the left? on the right?
A​l4​ ​​C​3​(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l) → C​H4​ ​(g) + Al(OH​)3​ ​(s)

Now look at the oxygen atoms. The compound Al(OH​)3​ ​

has three oxygen atoms. Multiply this by the coefficient
to determine the total number of oxygen atoms on the
reactant side.Then balance these atoms by putting a
​ 2​ ​O.
coefficient by H
A​l4​ ​​C​3​(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l) → C​H4​ ​(g) + Al(OH​)3​ ​(s)

Finally, look at the hydrogen atoms.

How many are on the left? on the right?

Write the balanced equation and check that it is balanced.

Number of atoms of Reactants Products

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 259
1. Describe the differences between word equations, formula equations, and
chemical equations.

2. List three signs that indicate a chemical reaction has probably taken place.

3. Translate the following chemical equation into a sentence:

2K(s) + 2​H2​ ​O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H

​ 2​ ​(g)

4. Write the word, formula, and chemical equations for the reaction between
hydrogen sulfide gas and oxygen gas that produces sulfur dioxide gas and
water vapor.

Critical Thinking
5. INTEGRATING CONCEPTS  The reaction of vanadium(II) oxide with iron(III)
oxide results in the formation of vanadium(V) oxide and iron(II) oxide.
Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

Word Equation:

Formula Equation:

Balanced Chemical Equation:

TK Standard
a balanced
nition TK symbolic equation
from a word equation. (PS-H-A2)

Types of Chemical LA.PS.35 Predict products (with phase

notations) of simple reactions, including acid/
base, oxidation/reduction, and formation of
precipitates. (PS-H-D3)

Reactions LA.PS.38 Relate the law of conservation of

matter to the rearrangement of atoms in a
balanced chemical equation. (PS-H-D5)
LA.PS.45 Give examples of common
chemical reactions, including those found in
biological systems. (PS-H-D7)
Chemical reactions occur in living systems, in industrial
processes, and in chemical laboratories. Chemists often
need to be able to predict what products will form during
a chemical reaction. One strategy they use is to classify VOCABULARY
chemical reactions by their similarities. These classifications synthesis reaction
can be used to predict what products will result when decomposition reaction
certain substances react. single-displacement reaction
double-displacement reaction
There are many different classification schemes for combustion reaction
chemical reactions. One common way to classify reactions is
to group them into five basic types:
• synthesis reactions
• decomposition reactions
• single-displacement reactions
• double-displacement reactions
• combustion reactions

Synthesis Reactions READING CHECK

1. What is a synthesis reaction?
In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances combine to
form a new compound. Synthesis reactions are also called
composition reactions. A synthesis reaction is represented
by the following general equation:

element or

A + X ⟶ AX TIP In a specific synthesis

reaction, A, X, and AX
will generally have subscripts
and coefficients in the balanced
element or

A and X can be elements or compounds. AX is a compound.

C H E m i C A l E q u AT i o n s A n d R E A C T i o n s 261
Reactions of Elements with Oxygen and Sulfur
There are many examples of synthesis reactions that can occur
in nature. For example, the Group 16 elements oxygen and
sulfur readily combine with other elements to form
compounds. A compound that is a combination of oxygen and
another element is an oxide. A compound that is a
combination of sulfur and another element is a sulfide.
Metal Oxides  One simple synthesis reaction is the reaction
between a metal and oxygen. This reaction produces an oxide
of the metal. Most metals react with oxygen to form oxides.
For example, magnesium reacts with oxygen to form
­magnesium oxide. The general formula for these oxides is MO,
where M is the metal. When this strip of m
­ agnesium is
placed in an open flame, it will
react with oxygen in the air.


2Mg(s) + ​O​2​(g)   ⟶   2MgO(s)

The Group 2 elements react with oxygen in a similar way to

form oxides. However, the general formula for oxides formed
​ 2​ ​O. Lithium, for example, reacts with
from Group 1 metals is M
oxygen to form lithium oxide, ​Li​2​O.
Some metals can react with oxygen in different ways to
form different types of oxides. For example, consider iron.
There are two reactions that can each form an oxide.
The reaction between magnesium
Reaction 1    2Fe(s) + O
​ 2​ ​(g) ⟶ 2FeO(s) and oxygen produces magnesium
oxide, MgO, a fine white powder.
Reaction 2   4Fe(s) + 3​ O​2​(g) ⟶ 2​Fe​2​​O​3​(s)

The product of Reaction 1 is iron(II) oxide. The product of

Reaction 2 is iron(III) oxide. The ­conditions under which the
reaction takes place determines which oxide forms.

Critical Thinking
2. Analyze  Does the chemical equation for Reaction 2 follow
the general equation for a synthesis reaction? Explain.

! Remember
Metal Sulfides  Group 1 and Group 2 elements also react with
sulfur to form sulfides. For example, the Group 1 element
rubidium reacts with sulfur to form rubidium sulfide. The When writing sulfide synthesis
reactions, remember that solid
​ 2​ ​S, where
general formula for a sulfide of a Group 1 metal is M sulfur occurs as ​S8​ ​.
M is the Group 1 metal.

M S ​M2​ ​S

16Rb(s)  + ​S​8​(s) ⟶ ​8Rb​2​S(s)

Group 2 metals form sulfides with a different general

chemical formula. The Group 2 element barium reacts with
sulfur to form barium sulfide. The general formula for a sulfide
of a Group 2 metal is MS.

8Ba(s) + ​S8​ ​(s) ⟶ 8BaS(s)



3. What is the general chemical equation for a Group 2

synthesis reaction that forms a sulfide?

T I P Remember that mono-

Nonmetal Oxides  Nonmetals can also undergo a synthesis means one and di- means
two. Knowing these prefixes can
reaction to form oxides. Sulfur, for example, reacts with help you write the chemical
oxygen to form sulfur dioxide. formulas.

​S​8​(s) + 8​ O​2​(g) ⟶ ​8SO​2​(g)

When carbon is burned in air, carbon dioxide is produced. CONNECT

​ 2​ ​(g) ⟶ ​CO​2​(g)
C(s) + O One very familiar nonmetal oxide
is dihydrogen monoxide, or ​H2​ ​O,
If the supply of oxygen is limited, carbon monoxide is formed. better known as water.

​ ​2​(g) ⟶ 2CO(g)
2C(s) + O

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 263
Reactions of Metals with Halogens
Most metals react with the Group 17 elements, the halogens,
to form either ionic or covalent compounds. For example,
Group 1 metals react with halogens to form ionic c­ ompounds
with the formula MX, where M is the metal and X is the
halogen. For example, sodium reacts with chlorine to form
sodium chloride.


2Na(s)  + ​Cl​2​(g)  ⟶  2NaCl(s)

Group 2 metals react with the halogens to form ionic

­compounds with the formula ​MX​2​. Magnesium reacts with
fluorine to form magnesium fluoride.

M X M​X2​ ​

Mg(s)  + ​F​2​(g)  ⟶  Mg​F2​ ​(s)

The halogens undergo synthesis reactions with many

different metals. Fluorine in particular is so reactive that it CONNECT
combines with almost all metals. For example, fluorine reacts Sodium fluoride, NaF, is added to
with s­ odium to produce sodium fluoride. Similarly, it reacts municipal water supplies in trace
amounts to provide fluoride ions,
with cobalt to form cobalt(III) fluoride and with uranium to
which help to prevent tooth decay
form uranium(VI) fluoride. in the people who drink the water.

​ 2​ ​(g) ⟶ 2NaF(s)
2Na(s) + F Natural uranium is converted to
uranium(VI) fluoride, U​F6​​ ​, as the
2Co(s) + 3​ F​2​(g) ⟶ 2Co​F3​ ​(s) first step in processing uranium for
use in nuclear power plants.
U(s) + ​3F​2​(g) ⟶ U
​ F​6​(g)


Complete the following chemical equations that show

synthesis reactions involving metals and halogens.
A. 2K(s) + I2​​(g) ⟶ (s)
B. Sr(s) + B
​ r​2​​(l) ⟶ (s)
C. 2V(s) + 3​Cl​2​​(g) ⟶ (s)

Synthesis Reactions with Oxides
Active metals are highly reactive metals. Oxides of active
metals react with water to produce metal hydroxides. For
example, calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium
hydroxide, an ingredient in some stomach antacids.
CaO(s)   +    ​H​2​O(l)   ⟶   Ca​(OH)​2​(s)

Calcium oxide, The addition of water to Calcium

CaO, also known lime to produce Ca(OH​)2​ ​, hydroxide, a
as lime or which is also known as base, can be used
quicklime, is slaked lime, is a crucial to neutralize
manufactured in step in the setting of hydrochloric acid
large quantities. cement. in your stomach.

Many oxides of nonmetals in the upper right portion of

the periodic table react with water to produce oxyacids. These antacid tablets contain two
Remember that an oxyacid is an acid that contains oxygen. metal hydroxides in equal amounts:
aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH​)3​ ​, and
For example, sulfur dioxide, S​O​2​, reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH​)2​ ​.
sulfurous acid.
​SO​2​(g) + ​H2​ ​O(l) → H
​ 2​ ​​SO​3​(aq)
In air polluted with sulfuric acid, sulfurous acid further
reacts with ­oxygen. Sulfuric acid forms as a result. Sulfuric
acid is one of the main ingredients in acid rain, and its acidity
is responsible for damage to structures and the environment.
2​H2​ ​​SO​3​(aq) + ​O2​ ​(g) → 2​H2​ ​​SO​4​(aq)
Certain metal oxides and nonmetal oxides react with each
other in synthesis reactions to form salts. For example, calcium
sulfite, CaS​O​3​, is formed by the reaction of calcium oxide and
sulfur dioxide.


D. Writethe balanced chemical equation for the synthesis

reaction showing how calcium oxide and sulfur dioxide
form calcium sulfite.

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 265
Decomposition Reactions
In a decomposition reaction, a single compound undergoes a
reaction that produces two or more simpler substances. Most
decomposition reactions take place only when energy in the
form of electricity or heat is added. D­ ecomposition reactions
are the opposite of synthesis r­ eactions and are represented by
the general e­ quation given below. Substances A and X can be
elements or compounds.

AX    ⟶    A    +    X LOOKING CLOSER

4.  Fill in the boxes to indicate
whether the chemical formulas
can be an element, a compound,
or both.

Decomposition of Binary Compounds

The simplest kind of decomposition reaction is the
­decomposition of a binary compound into its elements.
Recall that passing an electric current through water will
break the water molecules down into hydrogen and oxygen, as
shown on page 257. The decomposition of a substance by an
electric current is called electrolysis.
2​H2​ ​O(l)    2​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g)

Oxides of the less-active metals, which are located in the CONNECT

lower center of the periodic table, decompose into their
Joseph Priestley discovered
­elements when heated. For example, mercury(II) oxide oxygen in 1774, when he heated
­decomposes into mercury and oxygen when heated. mercury(II) oxide to produce
mercury and oxygen.

2HgO(s)   2Hg(l) + ​O​2​(g)


5.  What is a decomposition reaction?

Decomposition of Metal Carbonates
When a metal carbonate is heated, it breaks down to produce
a metal oxide and carbon dioxide gas. For example, calcium ! Remember
The “delta” symbol represents a
carbonate decomposes to produce calcium oxide and carbon reaction in which heat must be
dioxide, as shown below. added in order for the reaction to
occur. The decomposition of

Ca​CO​3​(s)     CaO(s) + ​CO​2​(g) potassium chlorate below also
requires the presence of a catalyst.
Decomposition of Metal Hydroxides
All metal hydroxides except those containing Group 1 metals
decompose when heated to yield metal oxides and water. For
example, calcium hydroxide decomposes to produce calcium
oxide and water through the following reaction.

Ca​(OH)​2​(s) CaO(s) + H
​ 2​ ​O(g)

Decomposition of Metal Chlorates

When a metal chlorate is heated, it decomposes to produce a
metal chloride and oxygen. For example, potassium chlorate,
KCl​O​3​, decomposes to produce potassium chloride and
­oxygen when the catalyst Mn​O2​ ​(s) is present, as shown below.

2KCl​O3​ ​(s) Mn​O2​ ​(s)
2KCl(s) + 3​O2​ ​(g)

Decomposition of Acids
Certain acids decompose into nonmetal oxides and water.
Carbonic acid, for example, is unstable and decomposes
­readily at room temperature to produce carbon dioxide and
water through the following reaction.

​H2​ ​​CO​3​(aq) ⟶ C
​ O​2​(g) + ​H2​ ​O(l)

When heated, sulfuric acid decomposes into sulfur trioxide and

water. Sulfurous acid, ​H2​ ​​SO​3​, decomposes in a similar way.

​H​2​​SO​4​(aq)   ∆ ​SO​3​(g) + ​H2​ ​O(l)

Critical Thinking
6. Compare and Contrast  Compare the equation for the
decomposition of sulfuric acid to the general formula for a
decomposition reaction.

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 267
Single-Displacement Reactions
A single-displacement reaction is a reaction in which one
element replaces a similar element in a compound. Single-
displacement reactions are also called replacement reactions.
Many single displacement reactions take place in aqueous
solution. Single-displacement reactions can be represented by
the following general equations.

A  +  BX   ⟶   AX + B  or  Y  +  BX   ⟶   BY + X

Element B is replaced by Element X is r­ eplaced by

element A in the compound. element Y in the compound.

A, B, X, and Y are elements. AX, BX, and BY are

compounds. The amount of energy involved in a single-
displacement reaction is usually smaller than the amount of
energy involved in synthesis or decomposition reactions.

Displacement of a Metal in a Compound by

Another Metal
If one metal is more reactive than another metal, the more
reactive metal will often replace the less active metal in an
aqueous solution. For example, when solid aluminum is placed
in a solution of lead(II) ­nitrate, Pb(​NO​3​)2(aq), the aluminum
replaces the lead. The lead precipitates out of solution, and the
aluminum replaces the lead in the solution. Solid lead and
aqueous aluminum nitrate are formed as a result.
​ O​3​)2​ ​(aq) ⟶ 3Pb(s) + 2Al​(N
2Al(s) + 3Pb​(N ​ O​3​)3​ ​(aq)


7.  escribe in your own words what happens when solid

aluminum is put in a solution of lead(II) nitrate.

Displacement of Hydrogen in Water by a Metal
The most-active metals, such as those in Group 1, react
­vigorously with water to produce metal hydroxides and 8.  As you study the equations on
these two pages, draw arrows like
­hydrogen. For example, sodium reacts with water to form
those on the previous page to show
sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. the single displacements that occur.
2Na(s) + 2​H2​ ​O(l) ⟶ 2NaOH(aq) + H
​ 2​ ​(g)

Less-active metals react with steam to form a metal oxide

and hydrogen gas. Iron is one such metal.
3Fe(s) + 4​H​2​O(g) ⟶ F​e3​ ​​O​4​(s) + 4​H2​ ​(g)

Displacement of Hydrogen in an Acid by a Metal

The more-active metals react with certain acidic solutions,
such as hydrochloric acid and dilute sulfuric acid, replacing
the hydrogen in the acid. The reaction products are a metal
­compound (a salt) and hydrogen gas. For example, solid
­magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen
gas and aqueous magnesium chloride.
​ 2​ ​(g) + MgC​l2​ ​(aq)
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) ⟶ H

Displacement of Halogens
In another type of single-displacement reaction, one halogen
replaces another halogen in a compound. Each halogen is less In this single displacement reaction,
the hydrogen in hydrochloric acid,
active than the one above it in the periodic table. Therefore, HCl, is replaced by magnesium, Mg.
each element in Group 17 can replace any element below it,
but not any element above it. For example, chlorine can
­replace bromine in potassium bromide to produce potassium
chloride, as shown below.
9.  Explain why the following
C​l​2​(g) + 2KBr(aq) ⟶ 2KCl(aq) + B​r2​ ​(l) chemical equation is true.

B​r2​ ​(l) + KCl(aq) ⟶ no reaction

However, chlorine cannot replace fluorine in a­ n aqueous

solution of potassium fluoride. When a reaction does not
typically occur, it is shown as follows.
Cl​2​(l) + KF(aq) ⟶ no reaction

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 269
Single Replacement by Fluorine The element at the top of
Group 17 is fluorine. This element is the most active halogen
element. It can replace any other Group 17 element in a
single-replacement reaction. For example, the combination of
fluorine and sodium chloride produces sodium fluoride and
solid chlorine.
​F2​ ​(g) + 2NaCl(aq) ⟶ 2NaF(aq) + C​l2​ ​(g)

Double-Displacement Reactions
In double-displacement reactions, the ions of two compounds
exchange places in an aqueous solution to form two new
compounds. A double-displacement reaction is represented by
the following general equation.
AX  +  BY   ⟶   AY  +  BX

A, X, B, and Y in the reactants represent ions. AY and BX

represent ionic or molecular compounds. One of the
­compounds formed is usually a precipitate, an insoluble gas
that bubbles out of the solution, or a molecular compound,
usually water. The other compound is often soluble and When solutions of ammonium sulfide
­remains dissolved in solution. and cadmium nitrate are combined,
the precipitate cadmium sulfide forms.


10. List
three forms that the products of a double-displace-
ment reaction usually take.

11. Whatis the difference between a single-replacement

reaction and a double-replacement reaction?

Formation of a Precipitate
When the cations of one reactant combine with the anions of
another reactant to form an insoluble or slightly soluble 12.  As you study the equations on
compound, a precipitate forms. For example, when a solution this page, draw arrows like those
on page 270 to show the double
of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead(II) nitrate, displacements that occur.
the yellow precipitate lead(II) iodide forms.
2KI(aq) + Pb(N​O3​ ​​)​2​(aq) ⟶ Pb​I2​ ​(s) + 2KN​O3​ ​(aq)

The precipitate forms because there are very strong

attractive forces between the P​b2+
​ ​cations and the I​ −​ ​anions.
The p­ otassium and nitrate remains in solution as aqueous ions.

Formation of a Gas
In some double-displacement reactions, one of the products is
an insoluble gas that bubbles out of the mixture. For example,
iron(II) sulfide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen
sulfide gas and iron(II) chloride.
​ ​2​S(g) + ​FeCl​2​(aq)
FeS(s) + 2HCl(aq) ⟶ H

Formation of Water
In some double-displacement reactions, a very stable
molecular compound, such as water, is one of the products.
For example, hydrochloric acid reacts with an aqueous
solution of sodium hydroxide, producing aqueous sodium
chloride and water.
​ ​2​O(l)
HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) ⟶ NaCl(aq) + H

Critical Thinking
13. Analyze  Write
the reaction between hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide using the general form for the double-
­displacement reaction. How does this equation compare to
the one above?

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 271
Combustion Reactions
In a combustion reaction, a substance combines with oxygen, READING CHECK
releasing a large amount of energy in the form of light and 14.  What is released during a
heat. The products of the combustion depend on the combustion reaction?
composition of the substance that is combusted. The most
common products of a combustion reaction are carbon
dioxide and water.
For example, the combustion of hydrogen gas produces
water vapor. No other products form because all of the
elements in the reactants are accounted for in the elements
in water vapor.
​2H​2​(g) + O
​ 2​ ​(g) ⟶ ​2H​2​O(g)
Other combustion reactions involve substances that
contain carbon as well as hydrogen. These combustion
reactions release heat and result in the formation of carbon
dioxide and water vapor. For example, natural gas, propane,
gasoline, and wood all consist of carbon and hydrogen
atoms, and sometimes ocygen atoms. The equation for the
combustion of propane, ​C3​ ​​H​8​, is shown below.
​C​3​​H​8​(g) + 5​ O​2​(g) ⟶ ​3CO​2​(g) + ​4H​2​O(g)

A candle supplies heat to a balloon The heat triggers an explosive

filled with hydrogen gas. combustion reaction.

Critical Thinking
15. Analyze  What products would you predict from the
combustion of methane? Explain your reasoning.
​ CH​4​+ ​O2​ ​→

1. Describe the following types of chemical reactions.



single displacement:

double displacement:


2. Classify each of the following reactions as a synthesis, decomposition,
single-displacement, double-displacement, or combustion reaction:

a. ​N​2​(g) + 3​H​2​(g) ⟶ 2N​H​3​(g)

b. 2Li(s) + 2​H2​ ​O(l) ⟶ 2LiOH(aq) + ​H2​ ​(g)

c. 2NaN​O3​ ​(s) ⟶ 2NaN​O​2​(s) + ​O​2​(g)

3. For each of the following reactions, identify the missing reactant(s) or

products(s) and then balance the resulting equation. Note that each empty
slot may require one or more substances.

a. decomposition:

Mg(Cl​O3​ ​​)​2​⟶

b. double displacement:

HN​O​3​+ Ca(OH​)​2​⟶

c. combustion:

​C5​ ​​H​12​+ ​ O​2​⟶

Critical Thinking
4. INFERRING RELATIONSHIPS   In an experiment, an iron sample is oxidized to
form iron(III) oxide. The oxygen necessary for this oxidation reaction is
generated from the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate. Write
these two chemical reactions in the correct sequence.

C he m i ca l E q u at i o n s a n d R eact i o n s 273
TK Standard
TK (with phase
notations) of simple reactions, including acid/

Activity Series of the base, oxidation/reduction, and formation of

precipitates. (PS-H-D3)
LA.PS.45 Give examples of common
chemical reactions, including those found in

Elements biological systems. (PS-H-D7)

The ability of an element to react is referred to as the VOCABULARY

element’s activity. The more readily an element reacts with
activity series
other substances, the greater its activity is. For metals, greater
activity means it is easier to lose electrons to form positive
ions. For nonmetals, greater activity means it is easier to gain
electrons to form negative ions.
An activity series is a list of elements organized according
to the ease with which they undergo certain chemical
reactions. Some chemical equations that can be written may
not actually take place. Activity series are used to help predict
whether certain chemical reactions will occur.
The order in which the elements are listed is usually Critical Thinking
determined by single-displacement reactions. The most-active 1. Apply In the diagram, copper
element is listed at the top of the series. This element can replaces the silver in a silver nitrate
solution. Given that this reaction
replace any of the elements below it in a single-displacement
occurs, is copper above or below
reaction. An element farther down can replace any element silver on the activity series?
that is below it but not any above it.
The table on page 275 shows an activity series for the
elements. The information in the table can be used as a
general guide for predicting reaction outcomes.

Cu Ag+ H2O NO 3 Ag Cu2+ H2O NO 3

+ +

Silver nitrate Copper nitrate

Copper metal Silver metal
solution solution

274 ChaPteR 8
Activity Series of the Elements
Activity of metals Activity of
halogen nonmetals
Li ​F​2​
The halogens are listed in the
Rb C​l2​ ​
same order as they are in the
K React with cold H
​ 2​ ​O and acids, B​r2​ ​ periodic table.
Ba replacing hydrogen. React with ​I​2​
Sr oxygen, forming oxides.

Ca These elements are all alkali

metals and alkaline-earth
Na metals.
Mn React with steam (but not cold
water) and acids, replacing
hydrogen. React with oxygen,
Cr forming oxides.
Do not react with water. React
Ni with acids, replacing hydrogen.
Sn React with oxygen, forming
React with oxygen, forming
Hg These elements are transition
Ag metals with d sublevels that are
Fairly unreactive, forming oxides filled or nearly filled.
only indirectly.

The activity series can be used to determine if a metal will READING CHECK
react with acids or with water. Some metals (potassium, K, for 2.  Name three elements that are
example) react vigorously with water and acids, replacing less reactive than mercury.
hydrogen to form new compounds. Other metals, such as zinc,
Zn, replace hydrogen in acids but react with water only when
it is hot enough to become steam. Nickel, Ni, will replace
hydrogen in acids but will not react with steam. And gold, Au,
will not react with acids or water, either as a liquid or as steam.

C h e m i c a l E q u at i o n s a n d R e a c t i o n s 275
Using the Activity Series  In the activity series for metals,
aluminum replaces zinc, because aluminum is listed higher on
the activity series then zinc. Therefore, we would predict that
the following reaction between aluminum metal and a
solution of zinc chloride does occur.
2Al(s) + 3ZnC​l2​ ​(aq) ⟶ 3Zn(s) + 2AlC​l3​ ​(aq)
Cobalt, however, is listed below sodium on the activity
series. Therefore, cobalt cannot replace sodium in a single-
replacement reaction. Therefore, we would write the following.
Co(s) + 2NaCl(aq) ⟶ no reaction

Using the activity series shown in the table on page 275,
explain whether each of the possible reactions listed below
will occur. For those reactions that will occur, predict what
the products will be.

a. Zn(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l) ?
This is a reaction between a metal and water at 50°C. Zinc
does not react with water when it is in liquid form.
Therefore, no reaction will occur.
Answer: Zn(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l)   no reaction

b. Cd(s) + Pb(N​O3​ ​​)​2​(aq) → ?

Cadmium, Cd, is above lead, Pb, in the activity series,
therefore a reaction will occur to produce lead metal and
cadmium nitrate, Cd(N​O3​ ​​)​2​.
Answer: Cd(s) + Pb(N​O​3​​)​2​(aq) → Pb(s) + Cd(N​O3​ ​​)​2​(aq)


Using the activity series, predict whether each of the possible

reactions listed below will occur. For the r­ eactions that will
occur, write the products and balance the equation.
A.  Cr(s) + ​H​2​O(l) →
B.  Cd(s) + HBr(aq) →
C.  Mg(s) + H
​ 2​ ​O(g) →

276 C HA P TE R 8
1. What is the activity series, and how is the activity series useful in predicting
chemical behavior?

2. Based on the activity series, predict whether each of the following possible
reactions will occur. For the reactions that will occur, write the products and
balance the equation.

a. Ni(s) + ​H​2​O(l) →

b. B​r2​ ​(l) + KI(aq) →

c. Au(s) + HCl(aq) →

d. Cd(s) + HCl(aq) →

e. Mg(s) + Co(N​O3​ ​)2​ ​(aq) →

Critical Thinking
3. PREDICTING OUTCOMES  A mixture contains cobalt metal, copper metal, and
tin metal. This mixture is mixed with nickel nitrate. Which metals, if any, will
react and why? Write the chemical equation for any reaction.

C h e m i c a l E q u at i o n s a n d R e a c t i o n s 277
Math Tutor  Balancing Chemical Equations

A chemical equation represents exactly what happens in a specific chemical reaction.

A balanced chemical equation shows that all of the atoms present in reactants are still
present in products.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• First, identify reactants and products. (Write a word equation first.)
• Using correct formulas and symbols, write an unbalanced equation for the reaction.
• Balance atoms one element at a time by inserting coefficients.
• Identify elements that appear in only one reactant and one product, and balance the
atoms of those elements first.
• If a polyatomic ion appears on both sides of the equation, treat it as a single unit.
• Double-check to be sure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on
both sides of the equation.


An aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate, ​(N ​ H​4​)2​ ​​SO​4​(aq),

is combined with an aqueous solution of silver nitrate, ​AgNO​3​(aq).
A precipitate of solid silver sulfate, ​Ag​2​​SO​4​(s), forms, leaving
­ammonium nitrate, N ​ H​4​​NO​3​(aq), in solution. Balance the equation
for this reaction.
First write an equation with the correct chemical formulas for all
reactants and products.
​ H​4​)2​ ​​SO​4​(aq) + ​AgNO​3​(aq) → ​​NH​4​NO​3​(aq) + ​Ag​2​​SO​4​(s)
Look at the number of silver atoms on each side—one on the left
and two on the right. The equation is not balanced.
In many reactions, polyatomic ions, such as sulfate, nitrate, and
­ammonium, do not change. ​NO​3​is present on both sides, as are S​ O​4​
and ​NH​4​. Balance the equation by treating the groups as if they were
single atoms.
To balance the ​NH​4​groups, place a 2 in front of N
​ H​4​​NO​3​. This gives
you two ammonium groups on the left and two on the right.
Because you have two nitrate groups on the right, place a 2 in front
of ​AgNO​3​to give two nitrate groups on the left. Finally, check silver
atoms and sulfate groups, and you find that they balance.
​(​NH​4​)2​ ​​SO​4​(aq) + ​2AgNO​3​(aq) → ​​2NH​4​NO​3​(aq) + ​Ag​2​​SO​4​(s)

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 11, 13–18


1. List the three requirements for a correctly written chemical equation.

2. Give one example of a word equation, one example of a formula equation,

and one example of a chemical equation.

3. Write formulas for each of the following compounds.

a. potassium hydroxide

b. calcium nitrate

4. How many atoms of each type are represented in each of the following
chemical formulas?

a. ​3N​2​

b. ​4HNO​3​

c. ​2Ca(OH)​2​

5. How are most decomposition reactions initiated?

6. A substance is decomposed by an electric current. What is the name of this

type of reaction?

7. In what environment do single-displacement reactions commonly occur?

8. What is the basis for the ordering of the elements in the activity series?

C H E M I C A L E Q U AT I O N S A N D R E A C T I O N S 279
9. Write the chemical equation for the following word equations. Include
symbols for physical states in the equation.

a. solid zinc sulfide + oxygen gas → solid zinc oxide + sulfur dioxide gas

b. aqueous hydrochloric acid + aqueous barium hydroxide → aqueous barium chloride + water

10. Translate each of the following chemical equations into a sentence.

a. 2ZnS(s) + ​3O​2​(g) → 2ZnO(s) + ​2SO​2​(g)

b. ​CaH​2​(s) + ​2H​2​O(l) → Ca​(OH)​2​(aq) + ​2H​2​(g)

11. Balance each of the following equations.

a. ​H2​ ​+ ​Cl​2​→ HCl

b. Al + F
​ e​2​​O​3​→ ​Al​2​​O​3​+ Fe

12. Complete each of the following word equations for synthesis reactions.

a. sodium + oxygen →

b. magnesium + fluorine →

13. Complete and balance the equations for the decomposition reactions.

a.  HgO  ∆

b. ​H​2​O(l)  

14. Complete and balance the equations for the single-displacement reactions.

a. Zn + Pb​(​NO​3​)2​ ​→

b. Al + ​NiSO​4​→

15. Complete and balance the equations for the double-displacement reactions.

a. ​AgNO​3​(aq) + NaCl(aq) →

b. ​Mg(​NO​3​)2​ ​(aq) + KOH(aq) →

16. Complete and balance the equations for the combustion reactions.

a. ​CH​4​+ ​O2​ ​→

b. ​C​3​​H​6​+ ​O​2​→

c. ​C5​ ​​H​12​+ ​O2​ ​→

17. Circle the element within each pair of elements that is more likely to
replace the other in a compound. Base your answer on the activity series of
metals and halogens.

a.  K  and  Na c.  Au  and  Ag

b.  Al  and  Ni d.  Cl  and  I

18. Use the activity series to predict whether the following synthesis reaction
will occur. Write the chemical equations for the reaction if it is predicted
to occur.

 Ca(s) + ​O​2​(g) →

C H E M I C A L E Q U AT I O N S A N D R E A C T I O N S 281


Key Concepts LA.PS.7  Write a balanced symbolic

equation from a word equation.
Section 1 Introduction to Stoichiometry LA.PS.41  Apply knowledge of
stoichiometry to solve mass/mass,
What is stoichiometry? mass/volume, volume/volume, and
What is the significance of mole ratios in s­ toichiometry? mole/mole problems. (PS-H-D5)
LA.PS.45  Give examples of
How do you write mole ratios for substances in an equation? common chemical reactions, includ-
ing those found in biological
Section 2 Ideal Stoichiometric Calculations systems. (PS-H-D7)

How do you find the molar amount of a reactant or product?

How do you find the mass amount of a reactant or product?

Section 3  Limiting Reactants and Percentage Yield

How can you determine which reactant is a limiting reactant?
How do limiting reactants affect stoichiometric calculations?
What is the difference between theoretical and actual yields?
What is percentage yield and how do you calculate it?

Review Previous Concepts

1. Describe how a balanced chemical equation gives you information
about the relative amounts of reactants and products.

2. What is the general equation for a synthesis reaction? What is the

general equation for a decomposition reaction?

SECTION 9.1 LA.PS.7 Write a balanced symbolic equation
from a word equation. (PS-H-A2)

Introduction to LA.PS.41 Apply knowledge of stoichiometry

to solve mass/mass, mass/volume, volume/
volume, and mole/mole problems. (PS-H-D5)
LA.PS.45 Give examples of common

Stoichiometry chemical reactions, including those found in

biological systems. (PS-H-D7)

Earlier you learned about composition stoichiometry, which VOCABULARY

describes the mass relationships of elements in a compound.
composition stoichiometry
Reaction stoichiometry describes the mass relationships reaction stoichiometry
between the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. mole ratio
Reaction stoichiometry is based on the law of conservation of
mass. Mass is conserved in balanced chemical equations, so
reaction stoichiometry problems always start with balanced
chemical equations.


1. Write the definition of reaction stoichiometry in your

own words.

Reaction Stoichiometry Problems

Reaction stoichiometry problems can be approached by looking
at what information is given and what is unknown. There are
four basic types of problems. Each type of problem requires
taking the amount or mass of one substance and converting it
to the amount or mass of another substance. These conversions
are done using two quantitites that will be discussed later in this
section: the mole ratio and the molar mass.
1. Both the given and unknown quantities are amounts in
moles. In this type of problem, you are given the amount
of a substance in moles and asked to calculate the amount
in moles of another substance in a reaction. The general
plan to solve this type of problem is shown below. Only one
conversion is necessary to solve this type of problem.

amount of amount of
convert given into unknown
substance (mol) substance (mol)

SToiCHiomETRy 283
2. The given quantity is an amount in moles and the unknown
T I P If you are asked to find a
quantity is a mass in grams. In this type of problem, you mass, look at the units.
are given the amount in moles of one substance and Most of the time the masses will be
asked to calculate the mass of another substance in the in grams, but sometimes they will
be in larger units, such as kilograms.
chemical reaction.
The general plan to solve this type of problem is shown
below. Two conversions are necessary to solve this type
of problem.

amount of amount of mass of

convert given into unknown into unknown
substance (mol) substance (mol) substance (g)

3. The given quantity is a mass in grams and the unknown

quantity is an amount in moles. In this type of problem,
you are given the mass of one substance and asked to
calculate the amount in moles of another substance in the
chemical reaction.
The general plan to solve this type of problem is shown
below. Two conversions are also necessary to solve this type
of problem.

mass of amount of amount of

convert unknown into given into unknown
substance (g) substance (mol) substance (mol)

4. Both the given and unknown quantities are masses in

grams. In this type of problem, you are given the mass of
one substance and asked to calculate the mass of another
substance in the chemical reaction.
The general plan to solve this type of problem is shown
below. Three conversions are necessary to solve this type
of problem.

mass of amount of amount of mass of

convert given into given into unknown into unknown
substance (g) substance (mol) substance (mol) substance (g)

Mole Ratio
A mole ratio is a conversion factor that compares the amounts Mole Ratios
of any two substances involved in a chemical reaction. The
mole ratio of the substances is determined by the coefficients _ _ _ _​ 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ mol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A​ l_ _ _ 2​_ _ _ _​​O​
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _  ​ or _​ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mol
_ _ _ _ _ _3_ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Al
_ _  
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ​_
4 mol Al 2 mol A​l2​ ​​O​3
in the balanced chemical equation.
Consider, for example, the chemical equation for the _ _​ 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A​ l_ _ _2​_ _ _ _​​O​
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ ​ ​
_ _ _ _ _3_ _ _   3 mol O ​_ _ _ _ _ _ _2​_ _ _ _​_ _ _ _ _ _ _
or _​ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       ​
­electrolysis of melted aluminum oxide to produce aluminum 3 mol O
​ 2​ ​ 2 mol A​l2​ ​​O​3​
and oxygen. The equation states that 3 mol of aluminum oxide
yield 4 mol of aluminum and 3 mol of oxygen gas. _​ _4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ mol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Al
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ ​  or _​ 3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O
​_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2​_ _ _​
3 mol O
​ 2​ ​ 4 mol Al
2​Al​2​​O​3​(l) ⟶ 4Al(s) + 3​O2​ ​(g)
If you are given the amount in moles for one substance,
multiply by the appropriate mole ratio to find the moles of the
other ­substance. The appropriate mole ratio is one that causes
the units to cancel correctly. For example, to find the amount
of aluminum that can be produced from 13.0 mol of aluminum
oxide, the mole ratio needed is that of Al to A​l2​ ​​O​3​.
​  4 mol Al
13.0 mol A​l​2​​O​3​× __       ​= 26.0 mol Al
2 mol A​l2​ ​​O​3​


A. How many moles of O

​ 2​ ​would 13.0 mol of A​l2​ ​​O​3​produce?

Molar Mass
Remember from Chapter 3 and Chapter 7 that the molar
T I P To find the molar mass of a
mass of a substance is the mass, in grams, of one mole of that compound, add together
substance. The molar mass can be determined using the the molar masses of each atom in
periodic table. It is the same value as the atomic mass of the the ­compound. Remember to
multiply by any subscripts.
substance, but given in grams. For the decomposition of
aluminum oxide shown above, the molar mass of Al is The molar mass of A​l2​​O​3​is two
times the molar mass of Al plus
26.98 g/mol, the molar mass of O​2​is 32.00 g/mol, and the three times the molar mass of O.
molar mass of A​l2​ ​​O​3​is 101.96 g/mol.
Suppose you needed to find the mass of aluminum in grams
that is equivalent to 26.0 mol of aluminum. You would convert
moles to grams using the molar mass as shown below. In
Section 2, several examples of how to use mole ratios and
molar masses in stoichiometric calculations will be presented.
26.98 g Al
26.0 mol Al = 26.0 mol Al × ​ __ ​  = 701 g Al
1 mol Al

S t o i ch i o m etr y 285
1. What is stoichiometry?

2. What is a mole ratio, and how is it used in stoichiometry?

3. For each equation, write all possible mole ratios.

a.  2HgO(s) → 2Hg(l) + ​O2​ ​(g)

b.  4N​H3​ ​(g) + 6NO(g) → 5​N2​ ​(g) + 6​H2​ ​O(l)

Critical Thinking
4. RELATING IDEAS  What step must be performed before any stoichiometry
problem is solved? Explain.

SECTION 9.2 LA.PS.41 Apply knowledge of stoichiometry
to solve mass/mass, mass/volume, volume/

Ideal Stoichiometric volume, and mole/mole problems. (PS-H-D5)

LA.PS.45 Give examples of common
chemical reactions, including those found in
biological systems. (PS-H-D7)

Balanced chemical equations are important for stoichiometric
calculations. This is because the mole ratio can be directly
found from balanced chemical equations. With a chemical
equation, you can predict the relative amounts of the reactants
and products that are needed for or produced in the reaction.
The chemical equation predicts what will happen for a
1. What happens in reactions that
reaction that takes place under ideal conditions. Under ideal take place under ideal conditions?
conditions, all the reactants are completely converted into
the products. Many real reactions proceed in a such a way
that not all reactants are converted to products. However,
stoichiometric calculations will tell you the maximum amount
of the products that can form for a given amount of reactants.

Conversions of Quantities in Moles

You are given the quantity in moles of one of the substances
in a reaction. You must find the quantity in moles of another
substance in the reaction. The general plan is shown below.

amount of amount of
convert given into unknown
substance (mol) substance (mol)

This plan requires only one conversion factor—the mole TIP Use the coefficients in the
ratio of the unknown substance to the given substance. To chemical equation to figure
out the appropriate mole ratio
solve this problem, multiply the known amount by the conversion factors.
conversion factor to get the unknown amount.
Mole ratio
(Balanced equation)
Amount of Amount of
given mol unknown unknown
× =
substance mol given substance
(mol) (mol)

SToiCHiomETRy 287
In a spacecraft, the carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts can be
removed by its reaction with lithium hydroxide, LiOH, according to
the following chemical equation.
C​O2​ ​(g) + 2LiOH(s) → L​i2​ ​C​O3​ ​(s) + ​H2​ ​O(l)
How many moles of lithium hydroxide are required to react with
20 mol C​O2​ ​, the average amount exhaled by a person each day?

1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: amount of C​O2​ ​= 20 mol
Unknown: amount of LiOH in moles

2 PLAN Write an equation that can be used to find the unknown.

The mole ratio is obtained from the balanced chemical
equation. Because you are given moles of C​O2​ ​, select a
mole ratio that will cancel mol C​O2​ ​and give you
mol LiOH in your final answer. The correct ratio has the
following units.
​ mol LiOH ​ 
mol C​O2​ ​
This ratio cancels mol C​O2​ ​and gives the units mol LiOH in
the answer.
​ mol LiOH ​ 
mol C​O2​ ×​__________ = mol LiOH
mol C​O2​ ​

mole ratio

3 COMPUTE Substitute the values in the equation and compute the answer.
​ 2 mol LiOH
20 mol C​O2​ = 20 mol C​O2​ ​× ___________    ​  = 40 mol LiOH
1 mol C​O2​ ​

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to determine if it makes sense.

The answer is written correctly with one significant figure
to match the number of significant figures in the given value
of 20 mol C​O2​ ​. The units correctly cancel to leave mol LiOH,
which is the unknown.The equation shows that twice the
amount of LiOH reacts with C​O2​ ​. Therefore, the answer
should be 2 × 20 = 40.


A. The
decomposition of potassium chlorate, KCl​O3​ ​, is used as
a source of oxygen in the laboratory. How many moles of ­
potassium chlorate are needed to produce 15 mol of oxygen gas?
Write the balanced equation for the decomposition reaction.
Refer to Section 8.2 if you need more information about
decomposition reactions.

What is the given quantity?

What is the unknown quantity?

Use the chemical equation to find the appropriate mole ratio

and write the conversion equation.

Substitute numbers into the equation and calculate your answer.

B. Ammonia, NH​3, is
widely used as a fertilizer and in many
household cleaners. How many moles of ammonia are produced
when 6 mol of hydrogen gas react with an excess of nitrogen gas?
Write the balanced equation for the synthesis reaction.

Use the chemical equation to find the appropriate mole ratio

and write the conversion equation. Then substitute numbers into
the equation and calculate your answer.

S t o i ch i o m etr y 289
Conversions of Amounts in Moles to Mass
You are asked to calculate the mass (usually in grams) of a
substance that will react with or be produced from a given
amount in moles of a second substance. The plan for these
mole-to-gram conversions is given below.

amount of amount of mass of

convert given into unknown into unknown
substance (mol) substance (mol) substance (g)

Two conversion factors are needed. The mole ratio of the

unknown substance to the given substance is needed, as is the
molar mass of the unknown substance.

Mole ratio Molar mass factor

(Balanced equation) (Periodic table)
Amount of Mass of
mol given
given × × Molar mass of unknown (in g) = unknown
substance mol unknown 1 mol unknown substance
(mol) (g)

In photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to produce
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​, and oxygen from the reaction of carbon
glucose, C
dioxide and water. What mass, in grams, of glucose is
­produced when 3.00 mol of water react with carbon dioxide?


1 Analyze Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: amount of H
​ 2​ ​O = 3.00 mol
Unknown: mass of ​C6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​produced in grams

2 Plan Write an equation that can be used to find the unknown.

Two conversion factors are needed—the mass ratio of
glucose to water and the molar mass of glucose.

mol C
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​ g C​6​​H​12​​O​6​
mol ​H2​ ​O ×  ____________
​      ​   ×  ___
​        ​  =  g ​C6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​
mol H​ 2​ ​O mol C​6​​H​12​​O​6

molar mass
mole ratio

3 Compute Substitute the values in the equation and compute the answer.
First, write the balanced equation for the reaction.
6C​O2​ ​(g) + 6​H2​ ​O(l) → ​C6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​(s) + 6​O2​ ​(g)
Then, compute the molar mass of C
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​.
g/mol C​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​
= 6(12.01 g/mol C) + 12(1.01 g/mol H) + 6 (16.00 g/mol O)
= 180.18 g/mol
Finally, use both conversion factors to find the answer.
180.19 g ​C6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​ ____
1 mol C
3.00 mol ​H2​ ​O × ______________
    ​ × ​    
   ​ ​6​​H​12​​O​6​
 ​ = 90.1 g C
6 mol ​H2​ ​O 1 mol ​C6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​

4 Evaluate Check the answer to determine if it makes sense.

The answer is correctly rounded to three significant figures,
to match those in 3.00 mol H ​ 2​ ​O. The units cancel correctly,
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​as the units for the answer. The answer
leaving g C
is reasonable because it is about three-sixths, or one-half, of 180.


C. When magnesium burns in air, it combines with oxygen

to form magnesium oxide according to the following
equation. What mass in grams of magnesium oxide is
produced from 2.00 mol of magnesium?
2Mg(s) + ​O2​ ​(g) → 2MgO(s)

What is the given quantity?

What is the unknown quantity?

Write the two conversion factors needed to solve the problem.

Calculate the molar mass of the unknown using the given
quantity and the two conversion factors.

S t o i ch i o m etr y 291
Conversions of Mass to Amounts in Moles
You are asked to calculate the amount in moles of one
substance that will react with or be produced from a given
mass of another substance. In this type of problem, you are
starting with a mass (probably in grams) of some substance.
The plan for this conversion is given below.

mass of amount of amount of

convert given into given into unknown
substance (g) substance (mol) substance (mol)

This procedure is similar to the previous procedure. You

Critical Thinking
need two additional pieces of data—the molar mass of the
2.  Compare and Contrast  How
given substance and the mole ratio of the two substances. You
does this procedure compare to the
can use the units of the molar mass conversion factor to guide previous procedure?
you in your calculations. Because the known quantity is a
mass, the conversion factor will need to be 1 mol divided by
the molar mass. This will cancel grams and leave moles.

Molar mass factor Mole ratio

(Periodic table) (Balanced equation)
Mass of Amount of
1 mol given mol unknown
given × × = unknown
Molar mass of mol given
substance substance
given (g)
(g) (mol)


D. The following reaction produced 10.0 g of O

​ 2​ ​.
6C​O2​ ​(g) + 6​H2​ ​O(l) → C
​ 6​ ​​H​12​​O​6​(aq) + 6​O2​ ​(g)
What two conversion factors would you need in order
to determine the number of moles of H​2​O used to run
the reaction?

The first step in the industrial manufacture of nitric acid is
the catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
N​H​3​(g) + O
​ 2​ ​(g) → NO(g) + H
​ 2​ ​O(g) (unbalanced)
The reaction is run using 824 g N​H3​ ​and excess oxygen. How
many moles of NO are formed?


1 Analyze Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: mass of N​H3​ ​= 824 g
Unknown: amount of NO produced in moles

2 Plan Write an equation that can be used to find the unknown.

Two conversion factors are needed—the molar mass factor
for N​H3​ ​and the mole ratio of NO to N​H3​ ​.

mol NH​3​ mol NO 

g N​H​3​    ×   ​ __ ​      ×   ​ __
 =   mol NO
g N​H3​ ​ mol NH​​3​

molar mass factor mole ratio

3 Compute Substitute the values in the equation and compute the answer.
First, balance the equation for the reaction.
 14.01 g/mol N + 3(1.01 g/mol H) = 17.04 g/mol N​H3​ ​
molar mass =
Then use the periodic table to compute the molar mass of N​H3​ and
use the chemical equation to find the mole ratio. Then substitute
the numbers into the conversion equation to find the answer.
4N​H3​ ​(g) + 5​O2​ ​(g) → 4NO(g) + 6​H2​ ​O(g)
Finally, compute the molar mass of N​H3​ and apply the conversion
factors to find the answer.

1 mol NH​​3​ __
824 g N​H3​ ​× ___
​    × ​ 4 mol NO 
 ​   ​ 
= 4 8.4 mol NO
17.04 g N​H​3​ 4 mol NH​3​

4 Evaluate Check the answer to determine if it makes sense.

The answer is correctly given to three significant figures. The units
cancel mol NO and mol H ​ 2​ ​O, respectively, to leave the unknown.

S t o i ch i o m etr y 293
Mass-Mass Calculations
Mass-mass calculations are usually more useful than the other T I P Mass-mass problems can
calculations. You cannot measure moles directly, but you can be viewed as the combina-
measure the masses of the products and reactants involved. tion of the other types of problems.
The plan for solving mass-mass problems is given below.

mass of amount of amount of mass of

convert given into given into unknown into unknown
substance (g) substance (mol) substance (mol) substance (g)

To solve mass-mass problems, you need three conversion

factors. They are the molar mass of the given substance, the
mole ratio, and the molar mass of the unknown substance.

Molar mass factor Mole ratio Molar mass factor

(Periodic table) (Balanced equation) (Periodic table)
Mass of 1 mol given mol unknown Molar mass Mass of
given × × × = unknown
Molar mass of mol given of unknown (g)
substance substance
(g) given (g) 1 mol unknown (g)

How many grams of Sn​F2​ ​are produced from the reaction of
30.00 g HF with Sn? The reaction is given by this equation.
Sn(s) + 2HF(g) → Sn​F2​ ​(s) + ​H2​ ​(g)


1 Analyze Given: amount of HF = 30.00 g

Unknown: mass of Sn​F2​ ​produced in grams

2 Plan Three conversion factors are needed.

mol Sn​F​ ​ g Sn​F​2​

​ mol HF
g HF × __  ​ 
 × ​ __2 ​  × __
​    = g Sn​F2​ ​
g HF mol HF mol Sn​F2​ ​

3 Compute The molar masses are 20.01 g/mol HF and 1​ 56.71 g/mol Sn​F2​ .

1 mol Sn​F2​ ​ 156.71 g Sn​F2​ ​

​  mol HF 
30.00 g HF × __ × __
 ​  ​   ​ × ___
​      ​  = 117.5 g Sn​F2​ ​
20.01 g HF 2 mol HF mol Sn​F2​ ​


E. Whatmass of aluminum is produced by the decomposition

of 5.0 kg A​l​2​​O​3​? How many moles of oxygen are produced?
What is the given quantity?
What is the unknown quantity?

Write the balanced decomposition reaction.

What conversion factors are needed to find the mass of ­

aluminum produced? The moles of oxygen produced?
mass Al

mol O

Find the molar mass ratios needed for both problems.

Substitute numbers into the conversion factors and calculate

your answers.
mass Al

mol O

Evaluate your answers.

S t o i ch i o m etr y 295
1. Balance the following equation. Then, given the moles of reactant or
­ roduct below, determine the corresponding amount in moles of each
of the other reactants and products.

N​H3​ ​+ ​O2​ ​→ ​N2​ ​+ ​H2​ ​O

a. 4 mol N​H​3 ​

b. 4.5 mol ​O​2​

2. One reaction that produces hydrogen gas can be represented by the

­following unbalanced chemical equation:

Mg(s) + HCl(aq) → MgC​l2​ ​(aq) + ​H2​ ​(g)

What mass of HCl is consumed by the reaction of 2.50 mol of magnesium?

Critical Thinking
3. RELATING IDEAS  Carbon and oxygen react to form carbon monoxide as in
​ 2​ ​→ 2CO. What masses of carbon and oxygen are
the equation 2C + O
needed to make 56.0 g CO?

Which law does this illustrate?

SECTION 9.3 LA.PS.41 Apply knowledge of stoichiometry
to solve mass/mass, mass/volume, volume/

Limiting Reactants and volume, and mole/mole problems. (PS-H-D5)

LA.PS.45 Give examples of common
chemical reactions, including those found in
biological systems. (PS-H-D7)

Percentage Yield
In the laboratory, a reaction is rarely carried out with VOCABULARY
exactly the required amount of each of the reactants.
limiting reactant actual yield
Usually, one or more of the reactants is present in excess: excess reactant percentage yield
there is more than the exact amount required to react. theoretical yield

Once one of the reactants is used up, the reaction stops.

No more product can be formed. The substance that is
completely used up first in a reaction is called the limiting
reactant. The limiting reactant is the reactant that limits the
amount of the other reactant that can combine and the
amount of product that can form in a chemical reaction.
A limiting reactant may also be referred to as a limiting
reagent. The substance that is not used up completely in a
reaction is called the excess reactant.
Consider the reaction between carbon and oxygen to
form carbon dioxide. According to the equation, one mole
of carbon reacts with one mole of oxygen to form one mole
of carbon dioxide.
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)
Suppose you could mix 5 mol C with 10 mol O2. The
following diagram summarizes what would take place.

5 carbon 10 oxygen 5 carbon 5 oxygen 1. If 15 mol C is mixed with
atoms molecules dioxide molecules 10 mol O2 to form CO2, which
molecules in EXCESS
reactant is the limiting reactant?

There is more oxygen than is needed to react with the

carbon. Carbon is the limiting reactant in this situation, and
Which reactant would be the
it limits the amount of CO2 that is formed. Oxygen is the excess reactant?
excess reactant, and 5 mol O2 will be left over at the end of
the reaction.

SToiCHiomETRy 297
Silicon dioxide (quartz) is usually quite unreactive but reacts readily
with hydrogen fluoride according to the following equation.
Si​O2​ ​(s) + 4HF(g) → Si​F4​ ​(g) + 2​H2​ ​O(l)
If 6.0 mol HF is added to 4.5 mol Si​O​2​, which is the limiting reactant?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: a mount of HF = 6.0 mol, amount of Si​O2​ ​= 4.5 mol
Unknown: limiting reactant

2 PLAN Determine how the unknown value can be calculated.

First, calculate the amount of a product that can be formed
with each of the given reactant amounts.
mol Si​F4​ ​
mol HF × ________
​   ​ mol = mol Si​F4​ ​produced
mol HF
mol Si​F4​ ​
mol Si​O​2​× _________
​    = mol Si​F4​ ​produced
mol Si​O2​ ​

One amount will be less than the other. The lesser amount
represents the maximum amount of that product that can
possibly be formed. The limiting reactant is the reactant
that gives this lesser amount of product.

3 COMPUTE Substitute the given values to determine the limiting reactant.

1 mol Si​F4​ ​
6.0 mol HF × __________
​   ​ = 1.5 mol Si​F4​ ​produced
4 mol HF
1 mol Si​F4​ ​
4.5 mol Si​O​2​× __________
​    = 4.5 mol Si​F4​ ​produced
1 mol Si​O2​ ​

Under ideal conditions, the 6.0 mol HF present can make

1.5 mol Si​F4​ ​, and the 4.5 mol Si​O2​ ​present can make
4.5 mol Si​F​4​. Because 6.0 mol HF can make only 1.5 mol
Si​F4​ ​, HF is the limiting reactant.

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it makes sense.

The reaction requires four times the number of moles of
HF as it does moles of Si​O2​ ​. Because the amount of HF
available is less than four times the amount of Si​O2​ ​
available, HF is the limiting reactant.


A. Some rocket engines use a mixture of hydrazine, N ​ 2​ ​​H​4​, and

hydrogen peroxide, ​H​2​​O​2​, as the propellant. The reaction is
given by the following equation.
​N​2​​H​4​(l) + 2​H2​ ​​O​2​(l) → ​N2​ ​(g) + 4​H2​ ​O(g)

a. Whichis the limiting reactant in this reaction when

0.750 mol N​ 2​ ​​H​4​is mixed with 0.500 mol H
​ 2​ ​​O​2​?
b. How much of the excess reactant, in moles, remains unchanged?

a. What is given?
What is unknown?

What quantity of N
​ 2​ ​is produced by 0.750 mol N
​ 2​ ​​H​4​?

What quantity of N
​ 2​ ​is produced by 0.500 mol H
​ 2​ ​​O​2​?

Which reactant is the limiting reactant?

b. Using
the amount of the limiting reactant calculated above, find
the amount of the excess reactant that is used in the reaction.

Subtract the amount of the excess reactant used in the r­ eaction

from the total amount of excess reactant. How much of the excess
reactant, in moles, remains unchanged?

Evaluate your answers.

S t o i ch i o m etr y 299
Iron oxide, F​e​3​​O​4​, can be made in the laboratory by the reaction
between red-hot iron and steam according to the following equation.
3Fe(s) + 4​H​2​O(g) → F​e3​ ​​O​4​(s) + 4​H2​ ​(g)
a. When 36.0 g ​H​2​O is mixed with 67.0 g Fe, which reactant is the
limiting reactant?
b. What mass in grams of black iron oxide is produced?
c. What mass in grams of excess reactant remains when the
­reaction is completed?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: mass of H
​ 2​ ​O = 36.0 g, mass of Fe = 67.0 g
Unknown:  a .  limiting reactant
b.  mass of F​e3​ ​​O​4 produced
c.  mass of excess reactant left over

2 PLAN Determine how the unknown values can be calculated.

a. The reactant yielding the smaller number of moles of
product is the limiting reactant.
molar mass factor mole ratio

mol Fe mol F​e​3​​O​4​

g Fe  ×  ​ _______   ×  ​ __________
 ​    ​     =   mol F​e​3​​O​4​
g Fe mol Fe
molar mass factor mole ratio

mol H​ 2​ ​O mol F​e​3​​O​4​

g ​H2​ ​O  × ​   _________   ×  ​ __________
 ​    ​   =   mol F​e​3​​O​4​
g ​H​2​O mol ​H2​ ​O

b. To find the maximum mass of F​e3​ ​​O​4​that can be ­produced,

use the amount of F​e3​ ​​O​4​in moles from the limiting reactant.
molar mass factor

g F​e ​3​​O​4​
mol F​e3​ ​​O​4​from limiting reactant × __________
​     ​ 
= g F​e3​ ​​O​4​
mol F​e3​ ​​O​4​

c. Use the moles of product found using the limiting reactant to
determine the amount of the excess reactant that is consumed.
Then subtract the amount consumed from the original amount.
mol excess reactant g excess reactant
   ​× ​ _________________
mol product × ​ _________________
mol product mol excess reactant
= grams of excess reactant consumed
original mass − mass consumed = mass of reactant remaining

3 COMPUTE Substitute the given values to determine the unknown values.

a. The molar masses are 18.02 g/mol H​2​O, 55.85 g/mol Fe, and
231.55 g/mol F​e​3​​O​4.
1 mol Fe  1 mol F​e2​ ​​O​4​
67.0 g Fe × ​ __ × ___
 ​  ​      ​  = 0.400 mol F​e​3​​O​4​
55.85 g Fe 3 mol Fe

1 mol ​H​2​O 1 mol F​e3​ ​​O​4​

36.0 g ​H2​ ​O ___
​       ​× ___
​     ​  ​ e​3​​O​4​
= 0.499 mol F
18.02 g ​H2​ ​O 4 mol ​H2​ ​O
Fe is the limiting reactant because the given amount of
Fe can make only 0.400 mol ​Fe​3​​O​4​, which is less than the
0.499 mol F ​ e​3​​O​4​that the given amount of H
​ 2​ ​O would produce.
231.55 g F​e​3​​O​4​
b. 0.400 mol F​e3​ ​​O​4​× ___
    ​= 92.6 g F​e3​ ​​O​4​
1 mol F​e​3​​O​4​

​ ​2​O
4 mol H 18.02 g ​H2​ ​O
c. 0.400 mol F​e3​ ​​O​4​× ___
​       ​× ___
​     ​ 
1 mol F​e​3​​O​4​ 1 mol ​H2​ ​O
= 28.8 g ​H2​ ​O consumed
36.0 g ​H2​ ​O − 28.8 g ​H2​ ​O consumed = 7.2 g H
​ 2​ ​O remaining

4 EVALUATE Check the answer to see if it makes sense.

The mass of original reactants is 67.0 g + 36.0 g = 103.0 g. The
mass of F​e3​ ​​O​4​+ unreacted water is 92.6 g + 7.2 g = 99.8 g. The
difference of 3.2 g is the mass of hydrogen that is produced with
the F​e​3​​O​4​. Therefore, the answers make sense in the context of
the conservation of mass.

Critical Thinking
2. Evaluate  How could you check the statement in Step 4 that
the 3.2 g difference is the mass of hydrogen that is ­produced?

S t o i ch i o m etr y 301
Percentage Yield
The product amounts that you calculate in ideal stoichiometry
problems give you the theoretical yields for a reaction. The
theoretical yield is the maximum amount of the product that
can be produced from a given amount of reactant. In most
chemical reactions, the amount of product obtained is less
than the theoretical yield.
There are many reasons that the actual yield is usually less
than the theoretical yield. Reactants may contain impurities or
may form byproducts in competing side reactions. Also, many
reactions do not go to completion. As a result, less product is
produced than ideal stoichiometric calculations predict. The
actual yield of a product is the measured amount of that
product obtained from a reaction.
Chemists are usually interested in the efficiency of a
reaction. The efficiency is expressed by comparing the actual
and ­theoretical yields. The percentage yield is the ratio of the
actual yield to the theoretical yield, multiplied by 100.
actual yield
percentage yield = ___
​       ​× 100
theoretical yield

theoretical yield actual yield

10 oxygen 5 carbon
molecules atoms

Consider the synthesis of carbon

dioxide from carbon and oxygen as
discussed on page 297. In theory, 10
oxygen molecules and 5 carbon atoms
can combine to form 5 carbon dioxide
molecules. In practice, a reaction with an
5 carbon dioxide 4 carbon dioxide 80% percentage yield will only produce
molecules molecules 4 carbon dioxide molecules.


4. Give two reasons that the actual yield of a reaction might

be less than the theoretical yield of a reaction.

One industrial method of preparing chlorobenzene, C ​ 6​ ​​H​5​Cl, is to
react benzene, ​C​6​​H​6​, with chlorine, as represented by the following
​​C​6​H​6​(l) + ​Cl​2​(g) → C
​ 6​ ​​H​5​Cl(l) + HCl(g)
When 36.8 g ​C​6​​H​6​react with an excess of ​Cl​2​, the actual yield of
​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl is 38.8 g. What is the percentage yield of C
​ 6​ ​​H​5​Cl?


1 ANALYZE Determine the information that is given and unknown.

Given: m ​ 6​ ​​H​6​= 36.8 g, mass of ​Cl​2​= excess
 ass of C
actual yield of C ​ 6​ ​​H​5​Cl = 38.8 g
Unknown: percentage yield of C
​ ​6​​H​5​Cl

2 PLAN Determine how the unknown value can be calculated.

First do a mass-mass calculation to find the theoretical yield of
​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl. Then the percentage yield can be found.

molar mass factor molar mass factor

mol C mol C
​ 6​ ​​H​6​ ___ ​ 6​ ​​H​5​Cl ___ g ​C​6​​H​5​Cl
g ​C​6​​H​6​× __
​   ​ × ​ 
× ​    ​ 
= g C​
​​ 6​H5​ ​Cl
g ​C6​ ​​H​6​ mol ​C6​ ​​H​6​ mol ​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl

mole ratio

actual yield
​​ 6​H5​ ​Cl = ___
percentage yield C​ ​       ​× 100
theoretical yield

3 COMPUTE Substitute the given values to determine the unknown values.

The molar masses are 78.12 g/mol C​6​H6​ and 112.56 g/mol C​6​H5​ ​Cl.
mol C
​ ​6​​H​6​ 1 mol ​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl ___112.56 g ​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl
36.8 g ​C​6​​H​6​× ___
​        ​​ × ___
    ​× ​        ​
78.12 g ​C6​ ​​H​6​ 1 mol ​C6​ ​​H​6​ mol ​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl

= 53.0 g ​C6​ ​​H​5​Cl (theoretical yield)

38.8 g
percentage yield = ​ __ ​ × 100 = 73.2%
53.0 g

S t o i ch i o m etr y 303

B. Methanolcan be produced through the reaction of

CO and ​H2​ ​in the presence of a catalyst.
CO(g) + ​2H​2​(g) → ​CH​3​OH(l)
If 75.0 g of CO react to produce 68.4 g C
​ H​3​OH, what
​ H​3​OH?
is the percentage yield of C
What is known?
What is unknown?

Write the mass-mass calculation needed to find the

​ H​3​OH.
theoretical yield of C

Use the periodic table to find the molar mass of CO

and the molar mass of C​ H​3​OH.

Compute the theoretical yield.

Use the actual yield and the theoretical yield to compute

the percentage yield.

Evaluate your answer.

1. Describe the difference between actual yield and theoretical yield.

2. Carbon disulfide burns in oxygen to yield carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
according to the following chemical equation.

​ CS​2​(l) + ​3O​2​(g) → ​CO​2​(g) + ​2SO​2​(g)

If 1.00 mol ​CS​2​is combined with 1.00 mol O

​ 2​ ​, identify the limiting reactant.

3. Quicklime, CaO, can be prepared by roasting limestone, C

​ aCO​3​, according
to the following reaction.

​CaCO​3​(s) → CaO(s) + CO​2​(g)

When 2.00 × ​10​ ​g ​CaCO​3​are heated, the actual yield of CaO is
1.05 × ​10​ ​g. What is the percentage yield?

Critical Thinking
4. ANALYZING DATA  A chemical engineer calculated that 15.0 mol ​H2​ ​were
needed to react with excess ​N2​ ​to prepare 10.0 mol ​NH​3​. But the actual yield
is 60.0%. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Is the amount
of ​H​2​needed to make 10.0 mol N ​ H​3​more, the same, or less than 15 mol?
How many moles of H ​ ​2​are needed?

S t o i ch i o m etr y 305
Math Tutor  Using Mole Ratios

The coefficients in a balanced equation represent the relative amounts in moles of

reactants and products. You can use the coefficients of two of the substances in the
equation to set up a mole ratio. A mole ratio is a conversion factor that relates the
amounts in moles of any two substances involved in a chemical reaction.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• When solving stoichiometric problems, always start with a balanced
chemical ­equation.
• Identify the amount known from the problem (in moles or mass).
• If you are given the mass of a substance, use the molar mass factor as a conversion
factor to find the amount in moles. If you are given the amount in moles of a
­substance, use the molar mass factor as a conversion factor to find the mass.


If 3.61 g of aluminum react completely with excess CuC​l​2​, what mass

of copper metal is produced? Use the balanced equation below.
2Al(s) + 3CuC​l2​ ​(aq) → 2AlC​l3​ ​(aq) + 3Cu(s)
First, convert the amount of aluminum from a mass in grams to a
number of moles by using the molar mass of aluminum.

1 mol Al 
3.61 g Al = 3.61 g Al × ​ __  ​ 
= 0.134 mol Al
26.98 g Al

Next, apply the mole ratio of aluminum to copper to find the moles
of copper ­produced.

​ 3 mol Cu ​ 

mol Al × __ = mol Cu
2 mol Al

3 mol Cu ​ 
0.134 mol Al = 0.134 mol Al × ​ __ = 0.201 mol Cu
2 mol Al

Then, convert moles of copper to mass of copper in grams by using

the molar mass of copper.

63.55 g Cu
0.201 mol Cu = 0.201 mol Cu × ​ __ ​  = 12.8 g Cu
1 mol Cu

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 8 and 9


1. Explain the concept of mole ratio as used in reaction stoichiometry

problems. What is the source of mole ratios used in these problems?

2. For each of the following balanced chemical equations, write all possible
mole ratios.
a. 2Ca + ​O​2​→ 2CaO

b. Mg + 2HF → Mg​F​2​+ ​H​2​

3. What is the role of molar mass in reaction stoichiometry?

4. What is the difference between the limiting reactant and the excess reactant
in a chemical reaction?

5. How does the value of the theoretical yield generally compare with the
value of the actual yield?

6. Why are actual yields usually less than calculated theoretical yields?

S t o i ch i o m etr y 307
7. Given the following chemical equation, determine to two decimal places the
molar masses of all substances involved.

N​a​2​C​O3​ ​(aq) + Ca(OH​)2​ ​(aq) → 2NaOH(aq) + CaC​O3​ ​(s)

8. Hydrogen and oxygen react under a specific set of conditions to produce

water according to the following equation.

2​H2​ ​(g) + ​O2​ ​(g) → 2​H2​ ​O(g)

a. How many moles of hydrogen would be required to produce 5.0 mol

of water?

b. How many moles of oxygen would be required?

9. In a blast furnace, iron(lll) oxide is used to produce iron by the following

(unbalanced) reaction. First, balance the equation.

F​e​2​​O​3​(s) + CO(g) → Fe(s) + C​O2​ ​(g)

If 4.00 kg F​e​2​​O​3​are available to react, how many moles of CO are needed?

10. Calculate the indicated quantity associated with the two given values.

a. theoretical yield = 20.0 g, actual yield = 15.0 g, percentage yield =

b. theoretical yield = 1.0 g, percentage yield = 90.0%, actual yield =

11. Methanol, C​H3​ ​OH, is an important industrial compound that is produced
from the following (unbalanced) reaction. First, balance the equation.

CO(g) + ​ H​2​(g) → C​H3​ ​OH(g)

Determine the mass of each reactant that would be needed to produce

100.0 kg of methanol.

12. In the reaction below, 2.0 mol HCl react with 2.5 mol NaOH. What is the
limiting reactant?

HCl + ​NaOH → NaCl + H

​ 2​ ​O

13. In the reaction below, 2.5 mol Zn react with 6.0 mol HCl. What is the
limiting reactant?

Zn + ​HCl → ZnC​l2​ ​+ ​H2​ ​

14. Sulfuric acid reacts with aluminum hydroxide by double replacement. If

30.0 g of sulfuric acid react with 25.0 g of aluminum hydroxide, identify the
limiting reactant. Then determine the mass of excess reactant remaining.

Limiting reactant:

S t o i ch i o m etr y 309

States of Matter

Key Concepts LA.PS.24  Describe the influence of

intermolecular forces on the
physical and chemical properties of
Section 1 The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter covalent compounds. (PS-H-C5)
LA.PS.43  Graph and compute the
What is the kinetic-molecular theory of matter? energy changes that occur when a
What is the difference between a real gas and an ideal gas? substance, such as water, goes
from a solid to a liquid state, and
What are some characteristic properties of gases? then to a gaseous state. (PS-H-D6)
LA.PS.46  Identify and compare
Section 2 Liquids intermolecular forces and their
effects on physical and chemical
How does the kinetic-molecular theory apply to liquids? properties. (PS-H-E1)

Section 3  Solids
How does the kinetic-molecular theory apply to solids?
What are crystalline solids and amorphous solids?

Section 4 Changes of State

How do changes of state establish an equilibrium?
How does vapor pressure affect phase diagrams?
Through what processes do substances change state?

Section 5 Water
How does the structure of water affect its properties?
How does energy change when water changes state?

Review Previous Concepts

1. What is the difference between a physical and chemical change?

2. What forces act between molecules in a molecular compound and

formula units in an ionic compound?

310 CHAPTER 10
SECTION 10.1 LA.PS.24  Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and

The Kinetic-Molecular chemical properties of covalent compounds.

LA.PS.46  Identify and compare intermolecu-
lar forces and their effects on physical and

Theory of Matter chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)

In the late nineteenth century, scientists developed a theory Vocabulary

to account for the particles that make up matter. This theory
kinetic-molecular theory
explains the differences between the three states of matter: ideal gas
solid, liquid, and gas. elastic collision
The kinetic-molecular theory is based on the idea that effusion
real gas
particles of matter are always in motion. The properties of
solids, liquids, and gases are a result of the energy of their
particles and forces acting between the particles.

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases

The kinetic-molecular theory can help you understand the
behavior of gas molecules and the properties of gases. The
theory provides a model of what is called an ideal gas. An
ideal gas is a theoretical gas that perfectly fits these five
assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory.
1. Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are
far apart relative to their size. Most of the volume
occupied by a gas is empty space.
2. Collisions between particles or a particle and a container
are elastic. In an elastic collision no kinetic energy is lost,
but energy may be transferred between particles. A gas
exerts pressure on its container through the collisions of
its particles with the container.
3. Gas particles are always in motion, so they always have Gas particles travel in straight lines
until they collide with each other or
kinetic energy. They can move freely in all directions. a container wall.
4. There are no forces of attraction between particles. They
behave like billiard balls. When they collide they immedi-
ately bounce apart, instead of sticking together. READING CHECK
5. The temperature of a gas depends on the average kinetic 1.  What is always true about the
kinetic energy of a single particle
energy of its particles. If the temperature of a gas
in a gas?
increases, the average speed of its particles increases. If it
decreases, the average speed of its particles decreases.

S tat e s o f M at t e r 311
Kinetic Energy and Temperature  The kinetic energy of any READING CHECK
moving object is given by the following equation. 2.  If the temperature of a gas

KE = __​ 1 ​  m​v2​ ​ increases, then its particles move

The quantity m is the mass of the particle and v is the speed of  .
the particle. In a specific gas, the mass of each particle is the
same, so the kinetic energy of the gas, and thus its
temperature, depends only on the speed of the particles.
In a mixture of gases, the particles of each gas have the
same temperature and the average kinetic energy. Consider
such a mixture of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The hydrogen
particles are moving much faster on average than the oxygen
particles because they have less mass.

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
and the Nature of Gases
The kinetic-molecular theory states that particles in an ideal
gas are always moving. This section will describe how the
theory explains the physical properties of an ideal gas. (b)

Expansion (a) Gas particles expand to fill the

cylinder when the piston is raised.
Gases do not have a definite shape or volume. The particles
(b) Lowering the piston exerts
move randomly until they fill any container. A gas that enters pressure on the gas, compressing it
a container twice as large expands to fill the new container. into a smaller volume.

Particles in a gas feel no attractive forces, so they slide past
each other. In other words, gases flow in the same way that
liquids flow. Both gases and liquids are referred to as fluids.

Low Density
Gases have a very low density compared to liquids and solids.
Gas particles typically occupy a volume 1000 times greater
than an equal number of particles in a liquid or solid.

A compression is a reduction in volume. Because particles in a
gas are so far apart, the volume of a gas can be dramatically
decreased. Gases are often kept compressed in high-pressure
Gas cylinders used in scuba diving
steel cylinders for industrial purposes. These cylinders can hold compressed air so that the diver
hold over 100 times more gas than unpressurized cylinders. can carry more air at one time.

312 C H A P TER 1 0
Diffusion and Effusion
Diffusion is the mixing of the particles of two
substances caused by their random motions. Because N2
gas particles are so spread out, two gases that are
released into a container can easily occupy the same
space. The gases will mix together just through the
natural motion of their particles; they do not require
additional stirring.
Gas particles passing through a tiny opening is (a) (b)
called effusion. The rate of effusion depends on the
velocities of the particles. A low-mass gas such as
hydrogen effuses through an opening more rapidly
than other gasesH2 in a mixture, because its particles
travel at higher speeds at a givenclosed
temperature. open

Deviations of Real Gases

from Ideal Behavior
(a) (b)

The kinetic-molecular theory only applies to ideal Gases diffuse readily into one another.
gases. However, ideal gases do not actually exist. Kinetic- When the stopcock is open, both gases
act as if they are occupying an
molecular theory is still useful because, as long as the pressure
identical, larger container and spread
is not too high or the temperature too low, many gases behave out to fill the entire volume together.
like ideal gases.
A real gas is a gas that does not behave completely
according to the assumptions of kinetic-molecular theory.
Real gas particles feel some attractive forces from other
particles. These effects are minor, unless the temperature is
low or the pressure is high. Then the particles are either too
close together or do not have enough energy to escape the
influence of attractive forces. READING CHECK
3.  What is the difference between
Noble gases such as helium and neon behave more like an ideal gas and a real gas?
ideal gases because their particles have little attraction for
each other. These gases consist of monatomic particles, which
are neutrally charged and stable.
For the same reason, nonpolar gases such as hydrogen
and nitrogen also behave like ideal gases. Gases with polar
molecules, such as water vapor and ammonia, deviate the most
from ideal gas behavior because of attractive forces between
the molecules.

S tat e s o f M at t e r 313
1. What is an ideal gas?

2. Describe the conditions under which a real gas is most likely to
behave ideally.

3. Which of the following gases would you expect to deviate significantly from
ideal behavior: He, ​O​2​, ​H​2​, ​H​2​O, N
​ ​2​, HCl, or N​H3​ ​?

4. How does kinetic-molecular theory explain the pressure exerted by gases?

5. What happens to gas particles when a gas is compressed?

6. What happens to gas particles when a gas is heated?

Critical Thinking
7. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS  Molecules of hydrogen escape from Earth, but
molecules of oxygen and nitrogen are held to the surface and remain in the
atmosphere. Explain.

314 C H A P TER 1 0
SECTION 10.2 LA.PS.24  Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and

Liquids chemical properties of covalent compounds.

LA.PS.46  Identify and compare intermolecu-
lar forces and their effects on physical and
chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)

The liquid state is the least common state of matter in the Vocabulary
universe. This is because a substance exists as a liquid in a
fluid vaporization
relatively narrow range of temperatures. What happens as a surface tension evaporation
liquid changes to a solid or a gas, as well as the properties of capillary action freezing
liquids themselves, can be explained by the kinetic-
molecular theory of matter. READING CHECK
1.  Name three ways that a liquid is
different from a gas.
Properties of Liquids and the
Kinetic-Molecular Theory
A liquid has a definite volume but takes the shape of its
container. This is in contrast to a gas, which has neither a
definite shape nor a definite volume. As in a gas, the
particles in a liquid are constantly moving. However, they
are packed much closer together than gas particles.
Intermolecular forces such as dipole-dipole forces, London Solid cork

dispersion forces, and hydrogen bonding have more impact

on liquid particles. Liquid alcohol

Liquid particles are not bound to fixed positions, as

Solid paraffin
particles within a solid are. Liquid particles can move freely

Increasing density
within the liquid. This is similar to the behavior of gases,
Liquid oil
except that intermolecular forces prevent liquid particles
from separating from the rest of the liquid.
Liquid water
A fluid is a substance that can flow and take the shape of
its container. Both gases and liquids are considered fluids. Solid rubber
However, a gas expands to take the shape of its container.
A liquid has a definite volume, and is compelled by the force Liquid glycerin
of gravity to flow downhill to fill the bottom of its container.

Relatively High Density

Most substances are hundreds of times denser than gases Solids and liquids of different densities
are shown. The densest materials are at
at normal atmospheric pressures. Solids and liquids have
the bottom, and the least dense are at
similar densities, although most substances are slightly less the top. Dyes added to the liquid layers
dense as liquids than as solids. make them more visible.

S tat e s o f M at t e r 315
Relative Incompressibility
When the pressure on a gas increases by a factor of 1000, its READING CHECK
volume decreases by a factor of 1000. On the other hand, 2.  Use the words definite
liquid particles, already packed close together, do not and indefinite to complete
compress nearly as much. When the pressure on liquid water the statement.

at room temperature increases by a factor of 1000, its volume Even though a liquid has a(n)
only decreases 4%. But liquids do resemble gases in that they shape, it is relatively
exert pressure on a container equally in all directions.
incompressible because it has a(n)
Ability to Diffuse volume.
Liquids diffuse and mix with other liquids the same way that
gases diffuse and mix with other gases. However, diffusion
occurs more slowly in liquids, because the more closely packed
particles and intermolecular forces slow the process down.
Diffusion occurs more quickly if the temperature rises.

Water Dye
molecule molecule

In this series of photos, the green liquid dye diffuses into the beaker of water.
Eventually, the two liquids form a homogeneous mixture.
Attractions on a Attractions on a
typical molecule surface molecule
Surface Tension in a liquid

Surface tension is a force that tends to pull adjacent parts of a

liquid’s surface together. Because surface tension is a result of
the attractive forces in a liquid, the higher the attractive forces
the higher the surface tension. Water has a high surface
tension because of the strength of hydrogen bonds between
adjacent particles. Liquid droplets with high surface tension
tend to take on a spherical shape. For a given volume, a sphere
has the smallest surface area. The particles around the outside Molecules on the surface of a
surface of the spherical drop are all pulled toward the center, liquid are pulled inward because
the net intermolecular force
helping the drop to maintain its shape. is downward.

316 C H A P TER 1 0
In paper chromatography, water rises up a piece of paper
through capillary action. (a) Because each component of
the ink in the line is attracted to the water molecules and
cellulose molecules in different strengths, (b) the ink
separates as it is drawn up with the water.

Evaporated Br2(g)
molecule diffusing into air
(a) (b)
N2(g) molecule O2(g) molecule

Capillary action is the attraction of the surface of a liquid to

the surface of a solid. It is closely related to surface tension,
except that it relates to intermolecular forces between a
liquid substance and a solid substance. The meniscus on a
graduated cylinder is a result of capillary action, caused by
the attraction of the liquid to the sides of the cylinder. Plants
make use of capillary action to transport water from roots
up through leaves.

Evaporation and Boiling

Br2(l) mol-
A liquid can change state to a solid or gas if the conditions ecule
change. Vaporization occurs when a liquid becomes a gas. Two
processes through which vaporization occurs are evaporation
and boiling. Boiling, the change of a liquid into large bubbles
of gas, will be discussed further in Section 4.
Evaporation is the process by which particles escape from
the surface of a nonboiling liquid to become a gas.
Evaporation occurs because particles in a liquid do not all
have the same kinetic energy. Though temperature describes
Liquid bromine, B​r​2​, evaporates near
the average kinetic energy of the particles, some are moving room temperature. The resulting
more rapidly and some are moving more slowly. A particle brownish-red gas diffuses into the air.
with enough kinetic energy can overcome the intermolecular
forces at the surface of a liquid and escape to become a gas.
Formation of Solids
3.  Of the three states of water (ice,
Freezing is the physical change of a liquid into a solid by the liquid water, and water vapor), in
removal of heat. When the average kinetic energy of the which state are the intermolecular
particles decreases enough, attractive forces can pull the
forces the strongest?
particles into the more orderly arrangement of a solid. Now
the particles can no longer move freely, as they did in the In which state are they the
liquid. This process is also called solidification. weakest?

S tat e s o f M at t e r 317
1. Compare vaporization and evaporation.

2. List the properties of liquids.

3. How does kinetic-molecular theory explain these properties of liquids?

a. relatively high density

b. ability to diffuse

c. ability to evaporate

4. Explain why liquids in a test tube form a meniscus.

Critical Thinking
5. INTERPRETING CONCEPTS  The evaporation of liquid water from the surface of
Earth is an important step in the water cycle. How do water molecules
obtain enough kinetic energy to escape into the gas state?

318 C H A P TER 1 0
TK  Text TKDescribe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and

Solids chemical properties of covalent compounds.

LA.PS.46 Identify and compare intermolecu-
lar forces and their effects on physical and
chemical properties. (PS-H-E1)

A gas has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. A Vocabulary

liquid has a definite volume, but not a definite shape. A solid,
the third state, has a definite volume and a definite shape. crystalline solid
amorphous solid
Properties of Solids and the melting point
crystal structure
Kinetic-Molecular Theory unit cell
supercooled liquid

The particles in a solid are more closely packed than the

particles of a liquid or a gas. Therefore, intermolecular
forces have much more influence over the motion of the
particles. These forces tend to hold the particles of a solid in
relatively fixed positions.
The particles in a solid still have kinetic energy, according
to kinetic-molecular theory. However, the motion of the Critical Thinking
particles is mostly restricted to vibrating about their fixed 1.  Infer  If the particles in a
crystalline solid substance gain
positions. Particles in a solid have less average kinetic enough energy to escape their
energy than the same particles in the liquid state. fixed positions and move about
the substance, what happens to the
The two types of solids are crystalline solids and substance as a whole?
amorphous solids. A crystal is a substance in which the
particles are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern.
Crystalline solids consist of crystals. On the other hand, the
particles of amorphous solids are arranged randomly. Glass
and plastic are two examples of amorphous solids.

Arrangement of
particles in a liquid Arangement of
Arrangement of particles in a gas
particles in a solid

Sodium is shown as (a) a solid block,

(b) a liquid in a test tube, and (c) as a
gas in a sodium-vapor lamp.
(a) (b) (c)
S tat e s o f M at t e r 319
Definite Shape and Volume
Unlike a liquid or a gas, a solid can maintain
a definite shape without a container.
A crystalline solid maintains a geometric
shape that reflects its internal structure, even
when it is broken into pieces. An amorphous
solid maintains a shape, but this shape can
vary. Some amorphous solids, such as glass
and plastic, can be molded into whatever
shape is desired.
The volume of a solid changes only
slightly with increases in pressure or
temperature. This is because there is very
little space in which the particles can be The plastic polyethylene can be
compressed. molded into different shapes for
different purposes.

Definite Melting Point

Melting is the physical change of a solid to a liquid by the
addition of energy as heat. Melting is the reverse of the
process of freezing. The temperature at which a solid becomes
a liquid is its melting point. At this temperature, the particles
have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive forces.
They break out of their fixed positions and flow.
Crystalline solids have definite melting points. Amorphous
solids, like glass and plastics, have no definite melting point.
They have the ability to flow over a range of temperatures.

High Density and Incompressibility

In general, substances have their highest density in the solid
state. The high density is a result of the particles being packed
more closely together than in other states.
Solids are generally less compressible than liquids. Even
solids that seem to be compressible, such as wood and cork,
are not compressible. They contain pores filled with air. When READING CHECK
pressure on cork increases, the air is forced out of the pores,
2.  Name three properties of a solid
but the material of the cork itself is not compressed. that are not properties of a liquid.

Low Rate of Diffusion

Scientists have found that a zinc plate and a copper plate
clamped together will experience the diffusion of a few atoms.
However, the rate of diffusion is millions of times slower than
in liquids.

320 C H A P TER 1 0
Crystalline Solids
Crystalline solids exist either as single crystals or as groups of Sodium ion, Chloride ion,
crystals stuck together. The total three-dimensional Na+

arrangement of particles in a crystal is called a crystal

structure. This arrangement can be represented by a
coordinate system called a lattice. The smallest portion of a
crystal lattice that shows the three-dimensional pattern of the
entire lattice is called a unit cell. Each lattice contains many
unit cells packed together.
A crystal and its unit cells can have any one of seven types
of symmetry. This allows scientists to classify crystals by their
shape. The seven types of crystal are summarized below. A unit cell of a sodium chloride
crystal is outlined in black.
The Seven Types of Crystalline Solids

A cubic unit cell is the shape of a cube

A hexagonal unit cell is a hexagonal prism.

Sodium chloride crystals have a

cubic shape.
A tetragonal unit cell is a rectangular prism
with a square base.

A trigonal unit cell is either a hexagonal

prism or a slanted cube with faces that are
rhombuses or squares.

Critical Thinking
An orthorhombic unit cell is a rectangular
prism without any square bases. 3.  Infer  Why are amorphous solids
not classified by their shape the way
crystalline solids are?
A monoclinic unit cell is a slanted
rectangular prism with faces that are
rectangles or parallelograms.

A triclinic unit cell has three sides of different

lengths and no right angles on its faces.

S tat e s o f M at t e r 321
Binding Forces in Crystals
A crystal structure can also be described by the type of
particles of which it is made and the type of binding that holds
the particles together. There are four types of solids in this
method of classification.
Ionic Crystals  Ionic crystals consist of positive and negative
ions arranged in a regular pattern. The ions can be monatomic
or polyatomic.
The strong binding forces between the ions make these
solids hard and brittle with high melting points. They are good
insulators, because the rigid structure conducts heat poorly.
Covalent Network Crystals  In covalent network crystals, each
atom is covalently bonded to its nearest neighboring atoms.
The bonding extends throughout a network that includes a
very large number of atoms. Examples of these solids include
diamond, ​Cx​ ​, quartz, (Si​O2​ ​​)​x​, silicon carbide, (SiC​)x​ ​, and many
oxides of transition metals. These solids are essentially giant
molecules. The x in each chemical formula indicates that the
unit within the parentheses extends indefinitely.
Covalent network solids are very hard and brittle. They
have high melting points and usually are nonconductors or Quartz, (Si​O2​ ​​)​x​, is shown here with its
semiconductors of electricity. three-dimensional atomic structure.

Metallic Crystals  Metallic crystals consist of metal cations

surrounded by a sea of unbound electrons. The electrons
originate with the metal atoms, but belong to the crystal
as a whole.
The freedom of these electrons gives metallic solids a high
electric conductivity. The electrons are free to flow throughout
the metal and transfer charge from place to place.
Covalent Molecular Crystals  Molecules that are held
together by intermolecular forces make up a covalent READING CHECK
molecular crystal. Nonpolar molecules are held together only 4.  What is the main difference
by weak London dispersion forces. Polar molecules can be between a covalent network crystal
and a covalent molecular crystal?
held together by dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, or
hydrogen bonding.
Overall, these forces are weaker than in other crystals, so
covalent molecular solids have low melting points. They are
also good insulators, soft, and vaporize easily.

322 C H A P TER 1 0
Melting and Boiling Points of Representative Crystalline Solids
Type of substance Formula Melting point (°C) Boiling point at 1 atm (°C)
Ionic NaCl 801 1413
Mg​F2​ ​ 1266 2239
Covalent network (Si​O​2​​)​x​ 1610 2230
​C​x​(diamond) 3500 3930
Metallic Hg –39 357
Cu 1083 2567
Fe 1535 2750
W 3410 5660
Covalent molecular ​H​2​ –259 –253
​O​2​ –218 –183
C​H​4​ -182 –164
CC​l​4​ -23 77
​C​6​​H​6​ 6 80
Covalent molecular N​H​3​ –78 –33
​H​2​O 0 100

Amorphous Solids
The word amorphous comes from the Greek word for
“without shape.” The particles of amorphous solids are
arranged in a random pattern, and therefore have no regular
or lattice structure. Amorphous solids such as glass and plastic
can flow at a large range of temperatures. This property is one
reason that amorphous solids are sometimes classified as
supercooled liquids. Supercooled liquids are substances that
retain some properties of a liquid even at temperatures at
Glass is strong enough to be shaped and
which they appear to be solid. then etched with acid to make artwork.

Glass is made by cooling certain molten materials in a way

that prevents crystallization. Glass is suitable for many uses,
including as windows, light bulbs, and optical fibers. Plastics
can be molded at high temperatures and pressures and then
cooled to form strong structures. Other amorphous solids that
5.  A substance that looks solid but
have semiconducting properties are used in electronic devices
also has some liquid properties is a
such as solar cells, laser printers, and flat-panel televisions and
computer monitors. .

S tat e s o f M at t e r 323
1. What is the difference between an amorphous solid and a crystalline solid?

2. Account for each of the following properties of solids.

a. definite volume

b. relatively high density

c. extremely low rate of diffusion

3. Compare and contrast the four types of crystals.

4. Why do crystalline solids shatter into regularly shaped fragments when they
are broken?

Critical Thinking
5. RELATING IDEAS  Explain why ionic crystals melt at much higher
temperatures than typical covalent molecular crystals.

324 C H A P TER 1 0
SECTION 10.4 TK Text TKGraph and compute the energy
changes that occur when a substance, such as

Changes of State water, goes from a solid to a liquid state, and

then to a gaseous state. (PS-H-D6)

Matter can exist in any one of three main states—gas, liquid, VOCABULARY
or solid. There are six possible ways to change between
these three states, as shown in the table below. condensation
equilibrium vapor pressure
Possible Changes of State volatile liquid
Change of state Process Example
boiling point
solid → liquid melting ice → water molar enthalpy of vaporization
freezing point
solid → gas sublimation dry ice → CO2 gas molar enthalpy of fusion
liquid → solid freezing water → ice deposition
phase diagram
liquid → gas vaporization liquid Br2 → Br2 vapor triple point
critical temperature
gas → liquid condensation water vapor → water critical pressure
critical point
gas → solid deposition water vapor → ice

Changes of State and Equilibrium

A phase is any part of a system that has uniform
composition and properties. Consider a liquid in a sealed
container, such as a bottle of perfume. The perfume is
present in two phases: a liquid phase and a gas phase.
Some molecules at the surface of the liquid gain enough
kinetic energy to escape the attraction of neighboring
particles. These molecules are said to evaporate. The
molecules leave the liquid phase and enter the gas phase.
If the perfume bottle is opened, the molecules in the gas
phase escape and mix with air. Some of these molecules
enter your nose, and you detect the perfume’s smell. A perfume bottle contains molecules
in the liquid phase and the gas phase.
Inside the perfume bottle, some gas molecules strike
the surface of the liquid and lose kinetic energy. These
molecules can no longer overcome the attractive forces
1. What process is the reverse
of the liquid and reenter the liquid phase. Condensation is
of condensation?
the process by which a gas changes into a liquid. A gas in
contact with its liquid or solid phase is often called a vapor.

S TAT E S o f M AT T E R 325
Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium The rate of evaporation in the
perfume bottle depends on temperature. On the other
hand, the rate of condensation depends on the number of
molecules in the vapor phase. Condensation occurs very
slowly when there are few molecules of vapor striking the
surface of a liquid.
When perfume is poured into a bottle and capped, at first
all the molecules are in the liquid phase. The perfume then
starts to evaporate. As more molecules enter the gas phase,
the rate of condensation starts to rise. At some point in time,
the rate of evaporation will equal the rate of condensation.
Equilibrium is a condition in which two opposing changes (a) (b)

occur at equal rates in a closed system. At equilibrium, the

amount of perfume in the liquid phase and the amount in the
gas phase are constant.

Equilibrium Vapor Pressure of a Liquid

The collisions of the molecules in a vapor on the surface of a
liquid exert pressure on the liquid. The equilibrium vapor
pressure of a liquid is the pressure exerted by its
corresponding vapor at equilibrium. The equilibrium vapor
pressure increases with temperature because the rate of
evaporation increases with temperature. More vapor must be
present for condensation to balance evaporation.(a) (b) (c)

The equilibrium vapor pressure of a liquid is determined

by the strength of the attractive forces in the liquid. If the
attractive forces are strong, the rate of evaporation is low,
and less vapor is required for condensation to balance
evaporation. These liquids are called nonvolatile liquids.
Volatile liquids evaporate readily. These liquids, such as ether,
have weak forces of attraction between molecules and a high
equilibrium vapor pressure.

Critical Thinking
2. Infer  Which type of liquid is more likely to be volatile,
(a) (b) (c)
a liquid with polar molecules or a liquid with nonpolar
molecules? Explain. Equilibrium is reached between a
liquid and a vapor in a closed system.
(a) Some molecules of liquid begin to
evaporate. (b) Evaporation continues
at a constant rate, but a little conden-
sation occurs. (c) Evaporation and
condensation occur at the same rate.

326 CHAPTER 10
Vapor Pressures of Diethyl Ether, Ethanol, The vapor pressure of any liquid
and Water at Various Temperatures increases as its temperature increases.
A liquid boils when its vapor pressure
760 torr = 101.3 kPa equals the pressure of the atmosphere.
= 1 atm

Pressure (torr)

Diethyl ether Ethanol Water

Normal Normal Normal
b.p. 34.6oC b.p. 78.5oC b.p. 100.oC

0 A pressure cooker works on the
–20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
principle that the boiling point can
Temperature (oC) change if the pressure on the
liquid changes. A pressure cooker
increases the pressure, allowing
Boiling the equilibrium vapor pressure to
rise to higher values and the
Boiling is the conversion of a liquid into a vapor within the temperature of the liquid to
continue to increase. Food
liquid as well as at its surface. The boiling point of a liquid is submerged in water inside the
the temperature at which the equilibrium vapor pressure of pressure cooker can then be
the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure. cooked at a higher temperature.

Below the boiling point, only particles at the surface of a A vacuum evaporator works on
the opposite principle. By
liquid enter the gas phase. Evaporation and condensation decreasing the pressure, the
are in equilibrium. As the temperature of the liquid rises, evaporator causes boiling to occur
the equilibrium vapor pressure also rises. When equilibrium at a lower temperature. This allows
water to be removed from sugar or
vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure, evaporation and
milk solutions without burning the
condensation can no longer maintain equilibrium. More sugar or milk.
energy added to the liquid makes the liquid molecules move
fast enough to enter the gas phase. The liquid is now boiling.
Energy and Boiling 3.  Why does the temperature of a
At the boiling point, the temperature of the liquid does not liquid that is at its boiling point
remain constant when more energy
rise. Instead, the energy is used to overcome the attractive is added to the liquid?
forces of the other molecules in the liquid. The energy
required to turn a liquid into a gas is stored in the resulting
vapor as potential energy.
Energy must be added continuously to keep a liquid
boiling. A pot of water stops boiling almost immediately
upon being removed from the stove. Without the input of
energy, molecules in the interior of the liquid cannot enter
the gas phase.

S tates o f M atter 327

Energy Distribution of Molecules in a Liquid The two lines show two liquids at two
at Different Temperatures different temperatures. A larger
portion of the molecules in the
Lower temperature warmer liquid have enough kinetic
Higher temperature energy to enter the gas phase.
Number of molecules

Minimum kinetic energy

required for escape of
molecules from surface
of liquid

Kinetic energy

Molar Enthalpy of Vaporization

A molecule needs a certain amount of kinetic energy to be
able to escape from the surface of a liquid and become a Water has a high molar enthalpy
vapor. A higher percentage of particles in a warmer liquid of vaporization, which makes it
an effective cooling agent. When
have this required energy than particles in the same liquid if it
sweat evaporates from your skin,
were at a lower temperature, as shown in the graph above. it must absorb energy to change
from a liquid to a gas. The removal
The amount of energy as heat that is needed to vaporize of energy in the form of heat
one mole of liquid at its boiling point at constant pressure is from your skin makes your skin
called the molar enthalpy of vaporization, ∆​Hv​ ​. This quantity feel cooler.
is a measure of the attractive forces between the particles in a
liquid. The stronger the attractive forces, the more energy is
required to vaporize the liquid.

Freezing and Melting

Freezing The boiling point of a substance can vary greatly
depending on the atmospheric pressure. In contrast, a Critical Thinking
crystalline solid has a fairly constant melting point and 4.  Explain  How does the
freezing point. The freezing point is the temperature at which equation at the left show that
the solid and liquid are in equilibrium at a pressure of 1 atm. energy is released during the
Freezing involves a loss of energy, as shown in this equation. process of freezing.

liquid → solid + energy

At the freezing point, the particles in the liquid and the
solid have the same average kinetic energy. Therefore, the
energy that is released during freezing must have been energy
stored in the liquid. Because a liquid is much less ordered than
its solid form at the same temperature, this stored energy
represents a less orderly arrangement of particles.
328 CHAPTER 10
Melting  The reverse process of freezing is melting. As a solid
melts, it continuously absorbs energy as heat, as shown in Critical Thinking
this equation. 5.  Illustrate  Write an equation
that represents the equilibrium
solid + energy → liquid condition in a closed system
between a substance in the liquid
For a crystalline solid, the melting point is the same as the phase and the same substance in
freezing point. At that temperature, without any additional the gas phase.

input of energy, the processes of melting and freezing occur at

the same rates.
solid + energy liquid
If heat is added to a system that is in equilibrium, the
balance will shift so that more liquid forms than solid. The
temperature will continue to remain the same. Only after all
of the solid is turned into liquid will the temperature rise.

Molar Enthalpy of Fusion CONNECT

The amount of energy required to melt one mole of solid at Frost is an example of deposition.
the solid’s melting point is its molar enthalpy of fusion. Just Water changes from water vapor to
like the molar enthalpy of vaporization, this quantity is a solid ice on a surface below its
freezing point (0°C). On the other
measure of the attractive forces between particles. As a solid hand, snow can disappear from the
particle absorbs energy at the melting point, its kinetic energy ground even when the temperature
stays the same. But, the potential energy increases until the is below freezing because of the
slow sublimation of solid water into
attractive forces are overcome and the particles have a less water vapor.
ordered arrangement.

Sublimation and Deposition

If the pressure and temperature are
low enough, a liquid cannot exist. In Gas Co
these conditions, a gas achieves a state io
n nd
o sit en
of equilibrium with a soild, as D
n Ev tio
ap n
represented by this equation. at or
b lim io
Su n
solid + energy gas
The change of state from a solid
directly to a gas is known as sublimation.
Solid Freezing Liquid
The reverse process of a gas changing
directly into a solid is known as The diagram shows a summary of the possible changes of state that
deposition. Dry ice (solid carbon can occur for a substance. The processes on the outside of the
dioxide) and iodine sublime at triangle release energy. The processes on the inside of the triangle
absorb energy.
ordinary temperatures.

S tates o f M atter 329

Phase Diagram for H2O The phase diagram for water
shows the relationship between the
D Critical point phases of water and its temperature
217.75 C
and pressure. The pressure and
pressure temperature scales on this graph
are logarithmic.
Pressure (atm)

Triple Vapor
B point
0.00 0.01 100.00 373.99
Temperature ( C)

Phase Diagrams
A phase diagram is a graph of pressure versus temperature
that shows the conditions under which a substance’s phases
exist. The graph above is the phase diagram for water. The slope of line AC in the diagram
above shows that the temperature
Note that the graph includes three curves. Curve AB of sublimation decreases with
indicates the temperature and pressure conditions in which ice decreasing pressure. This fact is
used in freeze-dried foods. The food
and water vapor exist in equilibrium. Curve AC indicates the
is frozen, then the pressure is
temperature and pressure conditions in which liquid water decreased. The ice in the food
and water vapor exist in equilibrium. One point on the curve sublimes rather than melts, leaving
is the normal boiling point of water, 100°C at 1 atm. Curve the food free of water.
AD indicates the temperature and pressure conditions in
which ice and liquid water exist in equilibrium. One point on
this curve is the normal freezing point of water, 0°C at 1 atm.
The curves intersect at the triple point. The triple point of a
substance is the temperature and pressure conditions at which
the substance can exist in equilibrium as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Above the critical temperature (​tc​ ​), a substance cannot READING CHECK
exist as a liquid under any conditions. The critical temperature
6.  What forms can water take at
of water is 373.99°C. No matter how much pressure is applied, the conditions described by its
water above this temperature will not enter the liquid state. triple point?
The critical pressure (​Pc​ ​), is the lowest pressure at which the
substance can exist as a liquid at its critical temperature. The
critical pressure for water is 217.75 atm. The point on the phase
diagram indicated by the critical temperature and the critical
pressure is called the critical point.
330 CHAPTER 10
1. What is equilibrium?

2. What happens when a liquid-vapor system at equilibrium experiences an
increase in temperature?

3. What is the equilibrium vapor pressure of a liquid and how is it measured?

Critical Thinking
4. INTERPRETING GRAPHICS  Refer to the phase diagram of water on page 330 to
answer these questions.

a. Describe all the changes a sample of solid water would undergo when
heated from –10°C to its critical temperature at a pressure of 1.00 atm.

b. Describe all the changes a sample of water vapor would undergo when
cooled from 110°C to 5°C at 1.00 atm pressure.

c.  At what pressures will water be a vapor at 0°C?

d. Within what range of pressures will water be a liquid at temperatures

above its normal boiling point?

S tates o f M atter 331

SECTION 10.5 LA.PS.24 Describe the influence of
intermolecular forces on the physical and

Water chemical properties of covalent compounds.

LA.PS.43 Graph and compute the energy
changes that occur when a substance, such as
water, goes from a solid to a liquid state, and
then to a gaseous state. (PS-H-D6)

Water commonly exists in all three physical states on Earth,

where it is by far the most abundant liquid. It covers nearly
three-quarters of Earth’s surface. Water is an essential
component of life; from 70% to 90% of the mass of living
things is water. Chemical reactions that are necessary for
life take place in water, and often involve water as a
reactant or a product. The structure of a water molecule
gives water the unique properties that make it such an
important molecule. Hydrogen

Structure of Water
As discussed in Chapter 6, water molecules consist of two
atoms of hydrogen linked to one atom of oxygen by polar-
covalent bonds. A molecule of water is bent, with its two
bonds forming an angle of about 105°.


Different molecules of water are linked by hydrogen Liquid water

bonding. The number of linked molecules decreases with
increasing temperature because hydrogen bonds have In a group of liquid water molecules,
hydrogen and oxygen are bonded
difficulty forming between molecules with greater kinetic within each molecule, and different
energies. Usually, four to eight molecules of water are molecules are held together by
linked in a group, as shown at the right. hydrogen bonds.

This ability of water molecules to form groups prevents

molecules from escaping to become gas particles. Water
would be a gas at room temperature without this ability.
The diagram on the next page shows water molecules in 1. Order the three forms of water
the solid state. These molecules form an orderly, hexagonal from least dense to densest.
arrangement in ice crystals. The large empty spaces between
molecules in this pattern explain why solid water has the
unusual property of being less dense than its liquid form.

332 CHaPter 10
Density of Water  The diagrams of water molecules to the
right and on page 332 represent water in the liquid state and
the solid state at 0°C. Liquid water has fewer and more
disorderly hydrogen bonds than ice. When energy is added to
ice, and the crystal structure breaks down, the water molecules
can actually crowd closer together in the liquid state. This is
why water is more dense than ice.
As liquid water is warmed from 0°C, its particles pack
closer together until the temperature of 3.98°C is reached.
At temperatures above 3.98°C, the kinetic energy of the water Hydrogen
molecules moving around in the liquid keeps the molecules
from being packed so closely close together.
This unusual property of water helps protect organisms
that live in water. Most liquids freeze from the bottom up.
Water freezes from the top down, because the surface water is
cooler than the deeper water. In addition, the ice stays on the Ice

surface of a lake or pond because it is less dense than water Ice contains the same types of bonding
and acts as an insulator. This effect makes it difficult for a as liquid water. However, the structure
large body of water to freeze solid. of the hydrogen bonding is more rigid
than in liquid water.

Physical Properties of Water

At room temperature, liquid water is transparent, odorless,
tasteless, and nearly colorless. Any observed odor or taste is a
result of dissolved substances in the water. The density of
water is 0.999 84 g/​cm​3​, while the density of ice is 0.917 g/​cm​3​.
As noted in Chapter 6, water has a relatively high
boiling point. A large amount of kinetic energy is necessary
forthe water molecules to completely overcome the READING CHECK
hydrogen bonding. 2.  Why is a relatively large amount
of energy required to turn liquid
At atmospheric pressure, ice’s molar enthalpy of fusion is water into water vapor?
6.009 kJ/mol. That value is relatively large compared to other
solids. Water also has a relatively high molar enthalpy of
vaporization, 40.79 kJ/mol. These high values both result from
the strong attractive forces in hydrogen bonds. The high molar
enthalpy of vaporization makes steam (vaporized water) ideal
for household heating systems. Steam can store a great deal of
energy as heat. When the steam condenses in a radiator, it
releases this energy.

S tat e s o f M at t e r 333
How much energy is absorbed when 47.0 g of ice melt at a
temperature of 0°C and a pressure of 1 atm?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: mass of H
​ 2​ ​O(s) = 47.0 g
molar enthalpy of fusion = 6.009 kJ/mol
Unknown: energy absorbed when ice melts

2 PLAN Determine how to find the value of the unknown.

First, convert the mass of water to moles. Then use the molar
enthalpy of fusion as a conversion factor.

3 COMPUTE Find the value of the unknown using the given information.
1 mol ​H​2​O
​ 2​ ​O = 47.0 g ​H2​ ​O × ___________
47.0 g H ​       ​
18.02 g ​H2​ ​O

= 2.61 mol ​H​2​O

6.009 kJ H ​ 2​ ​O
 2.61 mol ​H​2​O × ____________
Energy absorbed = ​    
1 mol ​H2​ ​O

= 15.7 kJ

4 EVALUATE Check to see if the answers make sense.

A mass of 47 g of water is about 3 mol and 3 × 6 = 18. The
answer has the right units and is close to the estimate.


A. What mass of steam is required to release 4.97 × 1​ 0​5​kJ

of energy on condensation?
1 mol ​H​2​O
 4.97 × 1​ 0​5​kJ × _______________
Moles of steam required = ​       ​
     kJ ​H2​ ​O

18.02 g ​H2​ ​O
Mass of steam required =
 mol ​H2​ ​O × ___________
​     ​ 
1 mol ​H2​ ​O

334 C H A P TER 1 0
1. Why is the water molecule polar?

2. How is the structure of water responsible for its unique characteristics?

3. Describe the arrangement of molecules in liquid water and ice.

4. Why does ice float? Why is this phenomenon important?

5. Why is ice less dense than liquid water?

6. Is more energy required to melt one gram of ice at 0°C or to boil one gram
of water at 100°C? How do you know?

Critical Thinking
7. RELATING IDEAS  Why is exposure to steam dangerous?

S tat e s o f M at t e r 335
Math Tutor  Calculating Using Enthalpies
of Fusion
When one mole of a liquid freezes to a solid, a certain amount of energy is released. The
attractive forces between particles pull the disorderly particles of the liquid into a more
orderly crystalline solid. When the solid melts to a liquid, the solid must absorb the same
amount of energy in order to separate the particles of the crystal and overcome the
attractive forces opposing separation. The energy used to melt or freeze one mole of a
substance at its melting point is called its molar enthalpy of fusion, ∆​Hf​ ​.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• The enthalpy of fusion of a substance can be given as either joules per gram or
kilojoules per mole.
• Molar enthalpy of fusion (kilojoules per mole) is the value that is most commonly
used in calculations.
• The enthalpy of fusion is the energy absorbed or given off as heat when a substance
melts or freezes at its melting point.
• No net change in temperature occurs as the change in state occurs.


Determine the quantity of energy that will be needed to melt

2.50 × 1​05​ ​kg of iron at its melting point, 1536°C. The Δ​H​f​
of iron is 13.807 kJ/mol.
The number of moles of a substance that is equal to a given mass of a
substance can be determined from the following equation.
moles of a substance = mass of substance/molar mass of substance
The energy as heat absorbed by a substance as it is going through a
phase change from a solid to a liquid is
energy absorbed = ∆​H​f​× moles of a substance
The first equation can be substituted into the second equation to give
the energy absorbed in terms of the given information. The given
information can then be used to solve the problem.

​  mass of    
energy absorbed = ∆​H​f​× ______________________
molar mass of substance

2.50 × 1​08​ ​g Fe
​ 13.807 kJ
energy absorbed =_________ ​ × ______________
1 mol 55.847 g Fe/mol

= 6.18 × 1​0​7​kJ

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 16 –18

336 CHAPTER 10

1. What idea is the kinetic-molecular theory based on?

2. State the five basic assumptions of kinetic-molecular theory.






3. How do gases compare with liquids and solids in terms of the distance
between their molecules?

4. What is the relationship among the temperature, speed, and kinetic energy
of gas molecules?

5. What factors affect the rate of diffusion of one gas through another?

6. What is surface tension?

7. List at least three properties of solids and explain each in terms of the
kinetic-molecular theory of solids.

S TAT E S O F M AT T E R 337
8. List and describe the four types of crystals in terms of the nature of the
component particles and the type of bonding between them.

9. Using the graph on page 327, estimate the equilibrium vapor pressure of
each of the following at the specified temperature.

a.  water at 80°C   b.  ethanol at 60°C

10. Explain how the attractive forces between the particles of a liquid are
related to the equilibrium vapor pressure of that liquid.

11. Explain the relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the actual
boiling point of water.

12. Explain the relationship between the molar enthalpy of fusion of a solid and
the strength of attraction between that solid’s particles.

13. List at least eight physical properties of water.

338 CHAPTER 10
14. Express the molar enthalpy of vaporization for water (40.79 kJ/mol) and the
molar enthalpy of fusion for water (6.009 kJ/mol) in joules per gram.

15. Calculate the molar enthalpy of vaporization of a substance given that

0.433 mol of the substance absorbs 36.5 kJ of energy when it is vaporized.

16. Given that a substance has a molar mass of 259.0 g/mol and a 71.8 g sample
of the substance absorbs 4.307 kJ when it melts, calculate the molar
enthalpy of fusion.

17. Calculate the number of moles in a liquid sample of a substance that has a
molar enthalpy of fusion of 3.811 kJ/mol, given that the sample releases
83.2 kJ when it freezes.

18. What volume and mass of steam at 100°C and 1.00 atm would release the
same amount of energy during condensation as 100 c​m3​ ​of liquid water
would release during freezing?

S TAT E S O F M AT T E R 339

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