JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2025: PDF Download: Satyendra Singh
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2025: PDF Download: Satyendra Singh
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2025: PDF Download: Satyendra Singh
Satyendra Singh
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2025: The NTA will soon release the new
JEE Mains 2025 Chemistry Syllabus on the of f icial website In the previous year JEE Main Syllabus, several topics
f rom class 11 and 12 have been removed. The deleted topics f rom JEE
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
Main 2025 Chemistry Syllabus are Surf ace Chemistry, States of Matter,
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals, s-block
elements, Hydrogen, Environmental Chemistry, Alcohol Phenol and Ether,
and Polymers.
The detailed JEE Chemistry syllabus is provided here with topics and units
that are covered in JEE Main. The Chemistry JEE Mains syllabus is
divided into three sections, Section A consists of Physics Chemistry,
Section B comprises Inorganic Chemistry and Section C contains Organic
Chemistry. Candidates can check below complete JEE Mains Chemistry
syllabus of all three sections.
Candidates should study f or the exam only as per the prescribed JEE
Main Syllabus 2025 f or Chemistry as the questions are asked within it.
Candidates are also provided here JEE Mains Chemistry weightage to help
students know topics which have more weightage over others. However,
students need to complete the entire JEE Chemistry syllabus in order to
score good marks. Check below JEE Mains Chemistry syllabus.
Also Check: JEE Advanced 2023 Question Paper with Solutions:
Download Paper 1 and 2 Here
JEE Main Application Form 2025 JEE Main 2025 Exam Date
JEE Main Question Papers JEE Main Mock Test Paper
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
1 Some Basic Matter and its nature, Dalton's atomic
Concepts in theory: Concept of atom, molecule,
Chemistry element and compound: Physical
quantities and their measurements in
Chemistry, precision and accuracy,
signif icant f igures. S.I.Units,
dimensional analysis: Laws of chemical
combination; Atomic and molecular
masses, mole concept, molar mass,
percentage composition, empirical and
molecular f ormulae: Chemical equations
and stoichiometry.
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
3 Atomic Structure Thomson and Rutherf ord atomic
models and their limitations; Nature of
electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric
ef f ect; Spectrum of the hydrogen atom.
Bohr model of a hydrogen atom - its
postulates, derivation of the relations
f or the energy of the electron and radii
of the dif f erent orbits, limitations of
Bohr's model; Dual nature of matter, de
Broglie's relationship. Heisenberg
uncertainty principle. Elementary ideas
of quantum mechanics, quantum
mechanics, the quantum mechanical
model of the atom, its important
f eatures. Concept of atomic orbitals as
one-electron wave f unctions: Variation
of Y and Y2 with r f or 1s and 2s
orbitals; various quantum numbers
(principal, angular momentum and
magnetic quantum numbers) and their
signif icance; shapes of s, p and d -
orbitals, electron spin and spin quantum
number: Rules f or f illing electrons in
orbitals – Auf bau principle. Pauli's
exclusion principle and Hund's rule,
electronic conf iguration of elements,
extra stability of half -f illed and
completely f illed orbitals.
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
4 Chemical Bonding Kossel - Lewis approach to chemical
and Molecular bond f ormation, the concept of ionic
Structure and covalent bonds.
Ionic Bonding: Formation of ionic
bonds, f actors af f ecting the f ormation
of ionic bonds; calculation of lattice
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5 Chemical Fundamentals of thermodynamics:
Thermodynamics System and surroundings, extensive
and intensive properties, state
f unctions, types of processes.
The f irst law of thermodynamics
: Concept of work, heat internal energy
and enthalpy, heat capacity, molar heat
capacity; Hess’s law of constant heat
summation; Enthalpies of bond
dissociation, combustion, f ormation,
atomization, sublimation, phase
transition, hydration, ionization and
The second law of
thermodynamics: Spontaneity of
processes; DS of the universe and DG
of the system as criteria f or
spontaneity. DG° (Standard Gibbs
energy change) and equilibrium
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6 Solutions Dif f erent methods f or expressing the
concentration of solution - molality,
molarity, mole f raction, percentage (by
volume and mass both), the vapour
pressure of solutions and Raoult's Law
- Ideal and non-ideal solutions, vapour
pressure - composition, plots f or ideal
and non-ideal solutions; Colligative
properties of dilute solutions - a relative
lowering of vapour pressure,
depression of f reezing point, the
elevation of boiling point and osmotic
pressure; Determination of molecular
mass using colligative properties;
Abnormal value of molar mass, van’t
Hof f f actor and its signif icance.
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7 Equilibrium Meaning of equilibrium, the concept of
dynamic equilibrium.
Equilibria involving physical
processes: Solid-liquid, liquid - gas and
solid-gas equilibria, Henry's law.
General characteristics of equilibrium
involving physical processes.
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
8 Redox Reactions and Electronic concepts of oxidation and
Electrochemistry reduction, redox reactions, oxidation
number, rules f or assigning oxidation
number, balancing of redox reactions.
Electrolytic and metallic conduction,
conductance in electrolytic solutions,
molar conductivities and their variation
with concentration: Kohlrausch’s law
and its applications. Electrochemical
cells - Electrolytic and Galvanic cells,
dif f erent types of electrodes, electrode
potentials including standard electrode
potential, half - cell and cell reactions,
emf of a Galvanic cell and its
measurement: Nernst equation and its
applications; Relationship between cell
potential and Gibbs' energy change: Dry
cell and lead accumulator; Fuel cells.
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9 Chemical Kinetics Rate of a chemical reaction, f actors
af f ecting the rate of reactions:
concentration, temperature, pressure
and catalyst; elementary and complex
reactions, order and molecularity of
reactions, rate law, rate constant and
its units, dif f erential and integral f orms
of zero and f irst-order reactions, their
characteristics and half -lives, the ef f ect
of temperature on the rate of reactions,
Arrhenius theory, activation energy and
its calculation, collision theory of
bimolecular gaseous reactions (no
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elements across the periods and down
the groups; unique behaviour of the
f irst element in each group.
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oxoacids of sulphur.
Lanthanoids - Electronic
conf iguration,oxidation states and
lanthanoid contraction.
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7 Coordination Introduction to co-ordination
Compounds compounds. Werner's theory; ligands,
co-ordination number, denticity.
chelation; IUPAC nomenclature of
mononuclear co-- ordination
compounds, isomerism; Bonding-
Valence bond approach and basic
ideas of Crystal f ield theory, colour and
magnetic properties; Importance of co-
- ordination compounds (in qualitative
analysis, extraction of metals and in
biological systems).
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1 Purif ication and Purif ication-Crystallization,
Characterization of sublimation, distillation, dif f erential
Organic Compounds extraction and chromatography-
principles and their applications.
Qualitative analysis-Detection of
nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and
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2 Some Basic Principles Tetravalency of carbon: Shapes of
of Organic Chemistry simple molecules - hybridization (s and
p): Classif ication of organic
compounds based on f unctional
groups: and those containing
halogens, oxygen, nitrogen and
sulphur; Homologous series:
Isomerism - structural and
stereoisomerism. Nomenclature
(Trivial and IUPAC) Covalent bond
f ission - Homolytic and heterolytic:
f ree radicals, carbocations and
carbanions; stability of carbocations
and f ree radicals, electrophiles and
nucleophiles. Electronic displacement
in a covalent bond - Inductive ef f ect,
electromeric ef f ect, resonance and
hyperconjugation. Common types of
organic reactionsSubstitution,
addition, elimination and
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3 Hydrocarbons Classif ication, isomerism, IUPAC
nomenclature, general methods of
preparation, properties and reactions.
Alkane s: Conf ormations: Sawhorse
and Newman projections (of ethane):
Mechanism of halogenation of
Aromatic hydrocarbons:
Nomenclature, benzene - structure and
aromaticity: Mechanism of
electrophilic substitution:
halogenation, nitration.
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
4 Organic Compounds General methods of preparation,
containing Halogens properties and reactions; Nature of C-
X bond; Mechanisms of substitution
reactions. Uses; Environmental
ef f ects of chlorof orm, iodof orm
f reons and DDT.
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o n 26 -Jun-20 24.
5 Organic Compounds General methods of preparation,
containing Oxygen properties, reactions and uses.
Alcohols: Identif ication of primary,
secondary and tertiary alcohols:
mechanism of dehydration. Phenols:
Acidic nature, electrophilic substitution
reactions: halogenation. nitration and
sulphonation. Reimer - Tiemann
reaction. Ethers: Structure. Aldehyde
and Ketones: Nature of carbonyl
group; Nucleophilic addition to >C=O
group, relative reactivities of
aldehydes and ketones; Important
reactions such as - Nucleophilic
addition reactions (addition of HCN.
NH3, and its derivatives), Grignard
reagent; oxidation: reduction (Wolf
Kishner and Clemmensen); the acidity
of a-hydrogen. aldol condensation,
Cannizzaro reaction. Halof orm
reaction, Chemical tests to distinguish
between aldehydes and Ketones.
Carboxylic Acids Acidic strength and
f actors af f ecting it,
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6 Organic Compounds General methods of preparation.
containing Nitrogen Properties, reactions and uses.
Amines: Nomenclature, classif ication
structure, basic character and
identif ication of primary, secondary
and tertiary amines and their basic
character. Diazonium Salts:
Importance in synthetic organic
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8 Biomolecules General introduction and classif ication
of polymers, general methods of
polymerization, - Addition and
condensation, copolymerization.
Natural and synthetic, rubber and
vulcanization, some important
polymers with emphasis on their
monomers and uses – polythene,
nylon, polyester and bakelite.
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9 Chemistry in Everyday Chemicals in Medicines - Analgesics,
Lif e tranquillizers, antiseptics,
disinf ectants, antimicrobials, anti-
f ertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids.
Anti-histamines - their meaning and
common examples. Chemicals in f ood
- Preservatives, artif icial sweetening
agents - common examples. Cleansing
Agents - Soaps and detergents,
cleansing action
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Chemical principles involved in the
qualitative salt analysts: Cations –
Pb2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Ni2+ ,
Ca2+, Ba2+, Mg2+ , NH4 + Anions-
CO3 2−, S 2- ,SO4 2−, NO3- , NO2- ,
Cl- , Br- , I- ( Insoluble salts excluded).
Chemical principles involved in the
f ollowing experiments: 1. Enthalpy of
solution of CuSO4 2. Enthalpy of
neutralization of strong acid and
strong base. 3. Preparation of lyophilic
and lyophobic sols. 4. Kinetic study of
the reaction of iodide ion with hydrog
Electrochemistry 1 3.3%
Stereochemistry 1 3.3%
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Hydrocarbon 1 3.3%
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Preparation. The books provided here are recommended by subject
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