Delegation of Power Technica Circulars

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S&R (Roads)
Transport Bhawan, 01, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001

Dated: 11" July, 2022


1. The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/ UTs

2. The Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of all States/ UTs Public Works Department dealing
with National Highways, other centrally sponsored schemes.
3. The Engineers-in-Chief and Chief Engineers of Public Works Department of States/ UTs
dealing with National Highways, other centrally sponsored schemes.
4, All CE-ROs, ROs and ELOs of the Ministry

Subject: - Delegation of Powers for invitation, evaluation and acceptance of bids for
selection of Project Management Consultancy (PMC).


Vide letter no. RW/NH-24024/02/2019-S&R(P&B) dated 06.01.2021 Ministry had issued

guidelines & Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for Project Management Consultancy (PMC).
Initially, above mentioned guidelines were envisaged to be applicable for one year period.
However, it has been decided to extend the validity of these guidelines till the time any further
direction is issued from the Ministry in this regard.

2. Bids for PMC shall be invited as per Ministry’s extant guidelines and tender based
estimate shall be submitted for approval of the competent authority in the Ministry. The
delegation of powers for invitation, evaluation and acceptance of bids for the selection of PMC
for different category of projects shall be as under:

Sr. Category ofinvitation of bids |Composition of the committee for evaluation Acceptance of bids
No. Project of bids
iF Highway — Projects|Concerned i. SE-RO/SE posted in RO - Chairman CE-RO#/Zonal CE
not involving|Regional Office dealing with state.
Standalone Tunnel" ii. Superintending Engineer (concerned NH
or Standalone circle) of State PWD/equivalent - Member
iii. Representative of Finance Wing(MoRTH) —
may be present at the RO, or via video-
conference, for the committee meeting - Member

iv. Concerned PD, PIU MoRTH/ Executive

Engineer (concerned NH circle) of the State
PWD/equivalent - Member

v. AEE/EE posted in concerned Regional Office

| Member Secretary
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"| Projects —_involving/Concerned i. SE-RO/SE posted in RO - Chairman CE-RO$/Zonal CE
Standalone Bridge* [Regional Office dealing with state.
ii. Superintending Engineer (concerned NH
circle) of State PWD/equivalent - Member

iii. Representative of Finance Wing(MoRTH) —

may be present at the RO, or via video-
conference, for the committee meeting - Member

iv. Concerned PD, PIU MoRTH/ Executive

Engineer (concerned NH circle) of the State
PWD/equivalent - Member

V. AEE/EE posted in concerned Regional Office

+ Member Secretary
B. Projects —_involvingiConcerned i. SE-RO/SE posted in RO - Chairman CE-RO&/Zonal CE
Standalone Tunnel* [Regional Office dealing with state.
ii. Superintending Engineer (concerned NH
circle) of State PWD/equivalent - Member

iii. Representative of Finance Wing (MoRTH) -

may be present at the RO, or via video-
conference, for the committee meeting -

iv. Concerned PD, PIU MoRTH/ Executive

Engineer (concerned NH circle) of the State
PWD/equivalent - Member

lv. AEE/EE posted in concerned Regional Office

+ Member Secretary

* When cost of Bridge and its approaches combined together is more than 75% of civil
construction cost of any project, the project shall be considered as Standalone Bridge project.

* When cost of tunnel portion is more than 75% of civil construction cost of any project, the
project shall be considered as Standalone Tunnel project.

z Accepting authority for SE-RO will be CE-Project zone

3% The DG(RD)&SS shall be competent authority to approve any deviation from standard RFP
while inviting bids or deviation in RFP necessitated as a result of pre-bid meeting.

4. This has been issued with approval of the competent authority.

(Jagat Narayan)
Superintending Engineer - S&R (Roads)
For Director General (Road Development) & SS

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Copy to:

The Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress

All CEs in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

Ministry of Defence, D (BR-|), B wing, 4" Floor, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001.
Technical circular file of S&R (R) Section
NIC-for uploading on Ministry’s website under “What’s new”

Copy for kind information to:

Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT&H)

PPS to DG (RD) & SS

PS to ADG-|

PS to JS (T)/ JS (H)/ JS (LA&C)

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