The State of Spring 2020
The State of Spring 2020
The State of Spring 2020
The open source Spring Framework and Spring Boot are now the de- Spring Boot are so popular that many developers talk about “Spring Boot
facto standard for enterprise Java. Since its inception in 2004, Spring’s Apps” and “Spring Boot modules” as a shorthand for the capabilities across
developer-centric model has grown and evolved to bring new technologies the Spring ecosystem.2
and innovations to Java developers, saving them from having to learn
new languages and frameworks. Spring’s focus on speed, simplicity and Spring Cloud builds on the developer-centric approach, bringing distributed
productivity has made it the world’s most popular Java framework.1 application patterns to their fingertips with microservices patterns, streaming
data orchestration, and a self-service API gateway.
The introduction of Spring Boot in 2014 further served to boost adoption of
Spring, with innovations including simple code annotations, a convention- With this study, we wanted to understand the current state and trajectory of
over-configuration approach for sensible defaults, simplified dependency Spring among developers and enterprises, the factors driving its success,
management, and deployment flexibility. The productivity gains offered by and challenges to be addressed.
Trusted and Growing Bridging to the Cloud Ride Every Wave It’s About Community
Enterprise adoption is broad Spring developers are deploying Spring supports the latest Developers love Spring’s
and still growing containers to Kubernetes and programming models open source roots and
every cloud and technologies massive ecosystem
2. In this study, we also use the term “Spring Boot” as a catch-all for the Spring Framework plus Spring Boot.
The State of Spring 2020
Role Region
Our study surveyed active Spring Boot developers, architects and managers Development Manager 19%
across organizations of different sizes and industries. VMware commissioned North America 32%
Dimensional Research to conduct the study to understand the experiences Hands-on development 59%
and attitudes of the individuals responsible for adoption and use of Spring in
each organization. APAC 14%
The research effort included a total of 1,024 individuals, all of whom have LATAM 5%
a role that involves daily use of Spring. A wide range of roles, industries,
regions, and job levels are represented. Years of experience with
Spring Boot Company Size (Employees)
The vast majority (77%) of those surveyed had over 3 years of experience
working with Spring Boot. One third identified themselves as a “Spring Less than 1 Year 5% <100 13%
Specialist” for their organization—responsible for keeping their team up to
date on the latest developments in the Spring ecosystem. 1-2 Years 18% 100-500 20%
This research covers a wide range of Spring stakeholders including 2-5 years 46% 500-1,000 10%
technology companies (30%) and financial services companies (20%). All
major sectors are represented, including retail (8%), services (6%), and 1,000-5,000 21%
healthcare (5%).
More than 5 Years 31%
5,000-10,000 9%
>10,000 28%
The State of Spring 2020
The State of Spring 2020
Spring usage continues to grow, driven by new APIs all the way
project starts Traditionally, Spring was known for web development, but usage patterns
have shifted with the industry, driven by modern software architectural
Spring Boot has been a development standard at enterprises for many
patterns such as cloud native and microservices. By far the largest use case
years, and with that comes a vast installed base of existing apps, many
for Spring is now development of internal and external APIs, cited by 76% of
mission-critical. However, maturity doesn’t show any signs of holding back
respondents. Other popular uses include dev/test experimentation, mobile
the growth and enthusiasm for the platform. 75% of respondents expect
backend development, and data pipelines. Customer-facing websites, once
to increase their use of Spring over the next 2 years, with a further 18%
a staple of Spring, ranked fifth at 39%.
continuing to use Spring at the same level. While you might reasonably
expect this growth to come from maintaining and enhancing existing Spring
Boot applications, the majority of this growth will come from new projects
(82%), followed by enhancements to existing apps (56%), and migration of
legacy apps (53%).
75% 82%
of respondents expect of respondents say Spring
Spring Boot usage to grow Boot is growing because
over the next 2 years of new project starts
The State of Spring 2020
When asked about challenges with Spring Boot, 39% struggle to understand
what all the components do and how to apply them, while a smaller group are
looking for greater runtime efficiencies for their Spring-based applications,
mentioning startup time (34%) and memory usage (25%) as focus areas. “I once hated anything to be opinionated,
Recent releases of Spring Boot have included enhancements to improve
efficiencies on Hotspot and improve compatibility with native executable felt I lost control over controlling and
compilation tools such as GraalVM. As native-executables/static-images,
Spring Boot applications offer near instant startup and vastly reduced runtime
micromanaging my software, until
memory footprint. 15% said they didn’t face any challenges with Spring Boot. Spring Boot came in this space. I love
how Spring is opinionated and yet is
flexible and controllable as needed.”
The State of Spring 2020
The State of Spring 2020
Spring Boot app containerization is more Kubernetes will lead deployments in the next
advanced in hybrid and public cloud deployments 12 months
Almost all respondents (95%) will containerize their Spring Boot apps, with Once Spring Boot applications are containerized, developers and their
65% already doing so and a further 30% planning to. Respondents with public partners on the DevOps team switch focus to the most efficient and flexible
cloud deployments are much more likely to already be containerizing. Spring place to deploy and run the containers. For this, there is only one game in
Boot capabilities (supported by Paketo build packs) have recently been town: Kubernetes. Of the 95% of Spring users that are containerizing their
extended to allow containerization of native-image compiled applications on apps, 44% have already deployed on Kubernetes, and a further 31% plan to
a minimal underlying base image. do so within the next 12 months.
The State of Spring 2020
Ride every wave Security, Web and Data are at the top of
the charts
One of the keys to Spring Boot’s enduring appeal and reputation The modules in the Spring Boot portfolio offer a huge library of capabilities.
You probably have your own favorites, but here are the chart toppers:
for innovation is that it helps developers stay up to date with
modern technologies without being forced to learn new
languages or frameworks. Over the life of the platform, new
modules have been added–and old ones deprecated–to keep
79% 79% 76%
pace with the latest development techniques and technologies.
The State of Spring 2020
Spring Boot makes microservices easy. Reactive Spring Cloud Services piques interest;
and serverless are next. API Gateway and Data Flow too
When it comes to developing and deploying cloud native applications, Spring Spring Cloud leverages Spring Boot, implementing services and patterns to
Boot took the hard grind out of microservices, enhanced by Spring Cloud help deploy distributed cloud native applications at scale. Originally inspired by
which can greatly simplify distributed computing. The majority of Spring Boot technology developed at Netflix to power its ground-breaking microservices,
developers are now using microservices. Spring Cloud offers a set of services such as Service Discovery, Config
Management, Circuit Breaker, API gateway, and batch and streaming data
Spring Boot now includes support for reactive architectures through Project processing. A majority of survey respondents (85%) are already using, or
Reactor and for serverless functions through Spring Cloud Function, helping considering use of these capabilities.
developers take advantage of the latest programming models.
69% of respondents indicated their interest in Spring Cloud Data Flow, an
Development Styles Used orchestration engine for stream and batch processing with a rich graphical
design environment. Spring Cloud Gateway, a recent addition to the Spring
Cloud portfolio providing developer-centric API gateway capabilities,
demonstrates rapid adoption (34%) and high levels of interest (77%) in
83% 33% 32% the survey.
The State of Spring 2020
The State of Spring 2020
Summary and
If your organization is already using Spring Boot, or considering adopting Spring usage continues to grow, while the open source community is thriving.
it, what lessons should you take away from this survey? The landscape The majority are excited at the opportunity to get involved and contribute to
for developer platforms is constantly evolving, with new languages, Spring Boot, albeit they need some help getting started.
frameworks, patterns, and methodologies clamoring for the attention of
developers, architects and managers alike. Yet, in this busy environment, Enterprises should confidently adopt Spring Boot as their platform for app
Spring Boot continues to thrive, with 76% of developers expecting Spring workloads. Over 90% of survey respondents agreed that Spring Boot is the
Boot usage to grow and 82% forecasting that growth will be led by new future of enterprise Java, with 93% praising its innovation and productivity
project starts. compared with other options.