Mstar Cmds

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- alias for 'help'

BrickTerminator- BrickTerminator
CmdPerformanceTest- gettime - Get the system
executing time

LzmaDec - do Lzma for compress image

ac - set a new config to the bootargs

audio_preinit- audio_preinit - Init audio driver

base - print or set address offset

bdinfo - print Board Info structure
bin2nand- bin2nand usbport withsparedata?1:0 binname
partition_name - read binary files and restore it to

bininfo - bininfo -print parameter information of each

partition and environment

bintoolini- bintoolini [usb port]: Generate ini file

for nand bin tool

boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'

bootargs_set- Set info exchange and set to boot args.
bootcheck- bootcheck - Do boot check

bootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'

bootlogo- bootlogo - Display Logo_Music

bootm - boot application image from memory

bootmusic- bootmusic - play music

bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP

bstar - bstar - update softwave system
automatically via backup

checkfile- check file exist in u disk,and set the

chpart - change active partition
cleanallenv- cleanall environment variables to
persistent storage
cmp - memory compare
cnstar - do net update from the specified file that is
in oad partition

config2env- Set config to environment.

config_raw_io- Config the target device for raw I/O
coninfo - print console devices and information
costar - do oad update from the specified file that is
in oad partition

cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
custar - do usb update from the specified file that is
in usb.

dbg - set debug message level. Default level is

dbtable_init- dbtable_init - let data is ready
(logo, music, panel, ursa).

dc - delete the specific cofig that is in the


delay - delay time, time unit is ms

destroy_logo- destroy_logo - Stop logo display

dhcp - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP

dont_overwrite- This serial apis are for protecting the
specific partitions are overwrited. ex: customer
This cmd is used to register which partition should not
be overwrite

dont_overwrite_free- This serial apis are for

protecting the specific partitions are overwrited. ex:
This cmd is used to free all registered partitions.

dont_overwrite_init- This serial apis are for

protecting the specific partitions are overwrited. ex:
This cmd is used to init this function

draw_jpg- blt_jpg - Blt JPG

draw_pixel- draw_pixel - draw a pixel with color

draw_progress- draw_string - draw string with color

draw_rect- draw_rect - draw rect with color

draw_string- draw_string - draw string with color

du - du - Disable UART

dynpart - dynamically calculate partition table based

on <mtd-def>/'dynparts' and BBT (it is better to set
the last partition size to SIZE_REMAINING)
ebist - PHY loopback test
echo - echo args to console
editenv - edit environment variable
edump - EMAC Register settings dump
eloopback- Long loopback test
env - environment handling commands
epd - emac power down
estart - EMAC start
ewavetest- EMAC wave test
exit - exit script
false - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatfilesize- fatfilesize - load binary file from a dos

fatinfo - print information about filesystem

fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls - list files in a directory (default /)
fatpartload- fatpartload - load binary file from a dos

fatwrite- fatwrite - write binary file to a dos


filelist- Dump the file list.

filelisttest- This command is only for file list test

filepartload- load part of a file to RAM

force_overwrite- This serial apis are for force write
and re-create partitions.
This cmd is used to register which partition should
force overwrite

force_overwrite_init- This serial apis are for force

write and re-create partitions.
This cmd is used to register which partition should
force overwrite

get_mboot_config- get mboot config from binary coverted

from mboot_config.ini
get_mmap- get memory info from supernova's mmap
gettime - gettime - Get the system executing time

go - start application at address 'addr'

gpio - GPIO Command:
hdmi - hdmi -

help - print command description/usage

if_boot_to_pm- if boot to PM

iminfo - print header information for application

imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
initDbgLevel- Initial varaible 'dbgLevel'
init_raw_io- init raw_io module
ir_delay- ir_delay - delay 300ms for IR detect.
itest - return true/false on integer compare
kernelProtect- kernelProtect - Protect kernel

kernelProtectBist- kernelProtectBist - Protect kernel


led - See led commands

loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit
loadenv - loadenv - load env for nand

loads - load S-Record file over serial line

loadspi - load data from SPI
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem
loop - infinite loop on address range
m2e - Restore the address and len to env from
supernova's mmap

macaddr - setup EMAC MAC addr

mbup - mboot upgrade

md - memory display
memtest - Get the performance of memory
miuProtect- miuProtect - Protect miu

mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)

mscompress7- Compress or decompress lzma files
msg - print string - msg [string]

mstar - update kernal & root file system

automatically by script file
mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
mtest - simple RAM read/write test
mversion- show changelist - mversion

mw - memory write (fill)

nand - NAND sub-system
nandbin - nandbin usbport withsparedata?1:0 oobsize
dumpC/T?1:0 bin_name partition_name - read out the
contents of nand and store it to usb disk

nandbin2- nandbin2 - read out ubi partition and

environment parameter at once and store it to usb disk

nandbinall- nandbinall usbport withsparedata?1:0

oobsize dumpC/T?1:0- read out the whole contents of
nand and store it to usb disk

nandclk - nandclk - tune nand clock

nandinfo- nandinfo - show nand info

nboot - nboot - boot from NAND device

ncisbl - write cis, bootloader and uboot or only CIS

for ROM boot
ncishash- write cis and hash[0-2] for Secure ROM boot
nm - memory modify (constant address)
nsbootblk- Show how many block count sboot is

nstar - nstar - update softwave system

automatically via net

nuttxProtect- nuttx Protect - Protect nuttx

osd_create- osd_create - create osd layer

osd_destroy- osd_destroy - destroy osd layer

osd_flush- osd_flush - flush canvas to screen

ostar - ostar - update softwave system

automatically via oad

ota_zip_check- do OTA zip package check.

otp_enter- Enter OTP!

otp_exit- Exit OTP!

otp_lock- OTP LOCK!

panel_init- panel_init - init panel by panel.ini

panel_post_init- backligth on - backlight on

panel_pre_init- panel_pre_init - init panel by


ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host

pm51 - pm51 command: pm51 [option]

pmProtect- runtime pm Protect - Protect runtime PM

pop_raw_io_config- pop raw_io last config

printenv- print environment variables
push_raw_io_config- push raw_io current config
raw_io_status- get raw_io status
raw_read- Read the raw datas that store in the target
Yo have to execute 'config_raw_io' before using this

raw_write- Write the raw datas that store in the target

deviceYo have to execute 'config_raw_io' before using
this cmd

recovery_wipe_partition- do recovery wipe data or


refreshcis- Rewrite cis for first factory boot

rescue_printenv- print environment variables from

rescue env
rescue_saveenv- save environment variables to the
rescue env part of persistent storage
rescue_setenv- set environment variables to rescue env
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
riu - riu - riu command

rsv - rsv - Set reserved block as bad or good

run - run commands in an environment variable

runtime_pm- if boot to PM

sar - sar Command:

saveenv - save environment variables to persistent
setenv - set environment variables
setprogramok- Set nand program status OK

showtb - Show register command table. - showtb


showvar - print local hushshell variables

sleep - delay execution for some time
source - run script from memory
spi2usb - Read data from spi to usb
sync_mmap- Sync the some id's address and len to env
and bootargs from supernova's mmap

test - minimal test like /bin/sh

testmode- set testmode into bootargs.
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
true - do nothing, successfully
ubi - ubi commands
ubi2nand- ubi2nand - read ubi partition file and
restore it to nand

ubibin - ubibin - read out ubi partition and store it

to usb disk

ubifsfilesize- get file size in UBIFS volume

ubifsload- load file from an UBIFS filesystem
ubifsls - list files in a directory
ubifsmount- mount UBIFS volume
ubifspartload- load part of a file from an UBIFS
ubifsumount- unmount UBIFS volume
udstar - Execute the script file that is stored in usb

updatemiureg- Call driver to update miu setting

usb - USB sub-system
usb2spi - write data from usb to spi
usb_bin_check- do usb bin document check.

usbboot - boot from USB device

ustar - ustar - update kernal & root file system
automatically by script file

version - print monitor, compiler and linker version

wdt_enable- wdt_enable n - set Watchdog timer to n secs

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