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Isilon Commands

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Sample command line operations

(the # sign indicates the command prompt of Isilon OneFS)

CLI tips:
Tab-completion: Use the Tab key to complete commands or directory paths.
e.g. type “isi_fo” then press Tab and the system completes “isi_for_array”
e.g. type “cd /var/cra” then press Tab and the system completes “cd /var/crash”
If there are multiple options available. The Isilon CLI will display the various options.
e.g. type “isi_f” and the system offers
isi_fixjournal isi_flush
isi_flexprofile_config isi_for_array
Arrow Keys: use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through previously run commands

Isilon Specific Commands

There are two sets of Isilon commands. The “isi” command is the general tool for
administering an Isilon Cluster and offers a number of operations. Additionally there is
an assortment of commands that start with “isi_”. Use isi_ with the Tab key to view the
available commands.

isi alerts - List current and historical alerts

#isi alerts –w == will show the “wide” view
Quiet a specific alert
#isi alerts quiet <alert ID>

isi config - Enter the Isilon Configuration Daemon mode

View command options
o e.g.
[cash] >>> help
Available commands:
add config close
date deliprange encoding
exit help interface
iprange ipset join
joinmode list migrate
mtu name netmask
quit reboot rediscover
remove status timezone
profiles version wizard

>>> help <cmd>' for command-specific help.
o e.g.
[cash] >>> help reboot
reboot [<node lnn> | all]

Reboots the node from which the command is executed,

when executed with no argument.
Reboots a specified node, when appended with a node's
Reboots all cluster nodes, when appended with the 'all'
>>> status advanced
o View current cluster configuration including Node ID/LNN difference.
>>> wizard
o Starts the wizard which steps through the node configuration process.
o Easy way to make changes to the initial configuration.

isi devices - Review drive status and control SmartFail

Set SmartFail operation for node
#isi devices –a smartfail –d <node #>
Set SmartFail operation for drive
#isi devices –a smartfail –d <node #>:<drive #> (bay#, lnum#, or twed#)

isi networks – Used to modify the FlexNet profiles for external-1 and external-2

isi services - Gather status on various cluster services

Change the status of the services
#isi services <service name> enable

isi stat - View general cluster status

#isi stat –n <node number> = View the health of a node
#isi stat –q = excludes restriper status

isi restripe - monitor current and prior restripe operations (only OneFS 4.X and newer)
Make a change to a current restriper operation
#isi restripe pause autobalance

isi update – upgrade the cluster to the version of OneFS provided in upgrade file
Follow the prompts, when it asks for the image file, it expects a .tar file not .tgz

isi_dmilog – check status of memory and PCI alerts

multi-bit errors are always replaced
single-bit errors are replaced on second occurrence
Fatal PCI bus errors require a replacement of the Riser Card
Clear alerts with –c (isi_dmilog –c)

isi_drivenum – for checking drive status and serial numbers in version 3.5.2 and prior

isi_hw_status - Collect current hardware status
Detailed NVRAM Battery information
# isi_hw_status -bg
Display node serial number (includes EX)
# isi_hw_status –i

isi_don_tool - used to configure EX Chasis connections (Disk Only Node).

Reset; detatch prior EX connection, format EX nodes.
#isi_don_tool –r

isi_reset – Will reset a node back to factory default.

Forces a reformat of all drives after removing the configuration.
#isi_reset -f
This will destroy all data on the node.

isi_reimage – replace existing version of OneFS with anew build specified.

This will destroy all data and return to factory default on new build.
Reimage via a build file copied local to the cluster. (Must be a .tar file not .gz)
#isi_reimage –b <install file e.g. OneFS_4.7.5.11_install.tar>

isi batterystatus - determine the current state of the batteries in X-series Nodes (only X-series).

isi servicelight – turn on or off blue indicator light on the back of X-series Nodes (only X-series).
#isi servicelight on
#isi servicelight off

isi readonly - configure read-only mode of nodes (OneFS v4.7.2 and newer)
Disallow read-only mode forcing the node into read/write status. Needed if quorum is not
reached due to multiple nodes in read-only state.
#isi readonly disallow

sysctl efs.gmp.group – verify the current group status of the cluster. Determine if a FlexProtect is
required to repair a cluster in a degraded state.
If any nodes or drives report as “down”, “dead”, or “gone” a FlexProtect should be
started using the “isi restripe” command
Good result:
efs.gmp.group: <1,1865>: { 1:0-23, 2,4-5:0-10,12-24, 6:0-
17,19-24, 7:0-10,12-24, 9-11:0-23, 12-13, diskless: 12-13 }
Bad result:
efs.gmp.group: <1,1227>: { 1:0-23, 2,4-5:0-10,12-24, 6:0-
17,19-23, 7:0-10,12-24, down: 8, dead: 3, soft_failed: 8 }
isi_for_array - Run commands on multiple nodes
e.g. #isi_for_array uptime
Options: -s = displays results in sequential order
-q = queries for password
-n = run on specific nodes (#, #-#)
-x = exclude specific nodes (#, #-#)

isi_gather_info – Collect the system logs from every node in the cluster
Did not exist in 3.5.2 – patch available in Isilon Insight.
With OneFS v4.0 use –t with path and file name “isi_gather_info –t /ifs”
With OneFS v4.5 use –I to redirect logs to /ifs/.ifsvar
Use --varlog_all to collect all compressed logs in addition to current files.

isi_hw_status – Collect current hardware status

isi_hw_status –bg = Only NVRAM battery information

isi_ovt_check – Runs the Onsite Verification Test – necessary at any install

normally logs to /ifs/.ifsvar/ovt
Options: --local = runs test on a single node – logs to /var/crash
--force-start = ignore any errors in pre-test checks

Commonly Used UNIX Commands

cd - change directories
#cd .. = to back-up into your previous directory

cat - display contents of text files.

#cat /etc/passwd (displays contents of password file)

cp - copy files
#cp <existing file> <new file>
Options: -v = verbose (print to screen what is being copied)
You can use a dot ( . ) to keep the same name in target directory.
e.g. # cp -v /ifs/data/test.file /ifs/.
/ifs/data/test.file -> /ifs/./test.file

grep - To search for a string within a log: grep (will search for exact case)
#grep <string> <file>
e.g. “grep flexprotect /var/log/messages”
Useful options: -i: ignore case when matching string
-v: exclude matches from results. e.g. grep –v Nov /var/log/messages display
every line from messages except for those with Nov in the line.

gzip/gunzip – compress and uncompress files
Options: -v = verbose (print to screen what is being copied)
e.g. # gzip -v test.file
test.file: 0.0% -- replaced with test.file.gz
or: # gunzip -v test.file.gz
test.file.gz: 0.0% -- replaced with test.file

df - displays usage of default system mounts

Use to confirm journal saves and investigate when /, /var, or /var/crash partitions are full
Options: -h = human readable

ifconfig – display network interface parameters

kill - Terminate a processes using the PID number shown in ps output.

Use option “-9” for KILL
e.g. #kill -9 90676”
killall - terminate all process of the same name.
e.g. #killall isi_spy_d

ls - List contents of a directory.

Options: -l : displays detailed “long” view
-lrt : displays long view and sorts it by time – newest at bottom
e.g. #ls -lrt

less - to read log files:

e.g. #less /var/log/messages
Then use the following to move through the file
Up/down arrows: move line by line
Space bar: move down page-by-page
“u”: move up page-by-page
“G”: move to end of file; “g” move to top; “#g” move to line #
“/”: search for string (e.g. /FAILED); “?” search backwards
“q”: quit

man - view help pages for UNIX commands when a command is specified
Reviews usage and complete list of options
e.g. #man isi detailed information on the isi commands

mv – move files
#mv <original location> <new location>
Options: -v = verbose (print to screen what is being copied)
You can use a dot ( . ) to keep the same name in target directory.
e.g. # mv -v /ifs/test.file /ifs/data/.
/ifs/test.file -> /ifs/data/./test.file

ping – check response of target over the network
use ctrl-c to stop

ps - To check the status of running processes

Almost always run with these options: “awx” e.g. “ps awx”
Often used in conjunction with pipe and grep to search for specific processes
e.g #ps awx | grep restripe
This command would show all of the processes that are currently running for the
restriper (isi_restripe_d).

pwd - View path of current working directory


ssh – secure remote login similar to telnet

Used to connect to other nodes in the cluster
e.g. #ssh

shutdown - Power down or reboot a node

#shutdown –p now = Power down the node
#shutdown –r now = Reboot the node
If the file system is not fully mounted, you must specify full path:
# /sbin/shutdown –p now

tar - Compile and/or compress a collection of files

#tar <directory>
Used most often for collecting and forwarding ovt logs
Typical uses:
tar czvf (create/zip/verbose/file)
tar xzvf (extract/unzip/verbose/file)
file indicates that the complication file name is specified
With the z option add a .tgz extension to the file name
e.g. #tar czvf /ifs/kodak.ovt.tgz /ifs/.ifsvar/ovt/*

top – Displays running review of system resource usage.

How much CPU individual processes are using.
#top –b = presents a momentary "batch" of information

uname - display current OneFS software version

#uname –v = show build version

wbinfo - verify status of Active Directory integration

Options: -p = pings the winbind service to confirm it responds
-t = tests the AD integration
e.g. #wbinfo -t

wc - word, line, character, and byte count
#wc –l (lower-case “el”)
Provides total count of lines printed to screen. Often used with grep too see how
many processes are running.
e.g. #ps awwx | grep smbd | wc -l

Special UNIX Characters

Combine commands together to limit results of query.
Use | (pipe) in between commands
The vertical line
e.g. #ps auwx | grep spy | grep –v grep
Lists active processes; only show lines with spy; ignore lines with grep

Direct command results to a file instead of the screen

> creates a new file
>> adds to an existing file
e.g. Support may as for a copy of “isi status”
#isi status > kodak.status.txt
Add the dmilog to the first file.
#isi_dmilog >> kodak.status.txt

Forwarding information to Isilon

Once information files have been gathered (logs, etc.) upload the files to Isilon’s ftp site:
Username: anonymous & Password: a
Must change directory to “incoming” before uploading files
Smaller files can simply be emailed or output from commands can be pasted directly into
an email.

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