Central Council of Indian Medicine: CCIM MD Ayurved - Swasthavrita Syllabus

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1. Role of Swasthavritta in socio cultural, developmental and environmental aspects of
2. Study of indicators of health—mortality indicators, morbidity indicators, disability rates
and nutritional status indicators.
3. Dinacharya – Detailed accounts by Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata and Bhavamishra.
4. Practical application of Dinacharya in today’s era and probable physiological effect of
these procedures.
5. Ratricharya – Bhavamishra and other classics.
6. Study of Day and night pattern in various countries and its relevances to the status of
7. Ritucharya – Classical description by Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata, Bhela Samhita and
8. Preventive & Promotive aspects of Ritucharya and its need and importance in present
Era, Importance of Ritusandhi and Yamadamshtra.
9. Ritu Shodhana technique with reference to various Ritus, its method and mode of action
in disease prevention.
10. Relevance of Vegadharana and Udirana in disease manifestation and Management.
11. Ahara – Classical food items described in Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata, Yogaratnakara
and Sharngadhara.
12. Aharavargas and their comparison with todays’ food items.
13. Dietetics intervention in malnutrition, under nutrition and over nutrition as per Ayurveda
and modern science.
14. Rules of Dietetics according to Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata.
15. Pros and Cons of vegetarian and non vegetarian foods.
16. Viruddhahara – Classical and modern day examples and its impact on health.
17. Knowledge about Assessment of nutritional status of individual and community.
18. Pathya Apathya in various diseases as per Ayurvedic classics viz. Jwara, Pandu,
Raktapitta, Gulma, Prameha, Hridroga, Shosha, Unmada, Apasmara, Kamala, Udara,
Shwasa, Kasa, Hikka, Agnimandya, Ajirna, Atisara, Grahani, Amlapitta, Pravahika,
Arsha , Kushtha, Mutrakrichchrra, Ashmari, Vidradhi, Shotha, Visarpa, Vatavyadhi,
Vatarakta, Shiro-Karna-Nasa- Mukha- Netra Roga.
19. Ayurvediya Ahara, Aushadha Kalpana in relation with nutraceuticals and nutragenomics
(Prakruti Anurup Ahara).
20. Food adulteration, methods for detecting, controlling food adulteration and its legislative
21. Role of Nidra, Brahmacharya, Abrahmacharya in maintenance of health and causation of
diseases and their management.
22. Sadvritta – Description of Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata. Clinical importance of
Achar Rasayana, Nitya Rasayana and Sadvritta in prevention of dieses & promotion of
23. Rasayana -- its utility in health and disease condition.
24. Scope of Vajikarana in health. – Pathya Apathya Kalpana and Vihara for Vajikarana.
25. Role of Ayurveda in mental health.

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26. Vyadhikshamatva – Ayurvedic, Modern concepts and its practical implementation.
27. Concept of genomics in relation with status of health.



1. Ayurvedic aspect of social health.

2. Vyadhi Sankarya as a causative factor of a Vyadhi. Web of causation of diseases,
multifactorial causation.
3. Natural history of diseases. ICD- International Classification of Diseases.
4. Ecology and community health. Impact of bio-geo-chemical cycle (impact of changing
global nitrogen cycle on human health)
5. Environment and community health (Bhumi, Jala, Vayu their Shuddhikarana and
Prakasha, Shabda, Vikirana)
6. Disinfection practices for the community – Ayurvedic and Modern .
7. Immunization programmes. Possible contribution of Ayurveda. E.g. Suvarnaprashana,
Karnapalibhedana etc.
8. Housing Standards. Description of Aaturalaya(hospital), Sutikagara, Kumaragara,
Panchakarmagara and Mahanasa (Kitchen)
9. Disposal of Wastes- refuse, sewage. Methods of excreta disposal in sewered and
unsewered areas. Disposal of dead body.
10. Management of biomedical waste. Biomedical waste act- 1998, 2016.
11. Occupational Health. Role of Ayurveda in Occupational health, in ESI and other
Government sectors.
12. Medical Entomology– Arthropods of medical importance and their control measures.
13. Medical parasitology and control in relation to communicable diseases.
14. School Health Services and possible contribution of Ayurveda.
15. Demography and Family Planning. Recent developments in family planning measures
and contribution of Ayurveda.
16. Family Welfare Programme and the role of Ayurveda in it.
17. Old age problems in community. Role of Swasthavritta in Geriatric care.
18. Role of Ayurveda in palliative, rehabilitative and convalasence care.
19. Life Style disorders and Non Communicable diseases in community and the role of
Ayurveda in them.
20. Medical Sociology.- adolescent health, social and behavioral problems, its policy for
prevention and control, public relation, doctor patient relationship and hospital




1. Modern Concept of Epidemiology

2. Critical evaluation of Janapadoddhwamsa.
3. Clinical epidemiology of different communicable diseases, re- emerging and newer
diseases and the role of Ayurveda in them.
4. Investigations for communicable diseases
5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and their control
6. Ayurvedic view of Samkramaka Rogas.
7. Investigation and control of an Epidemic and probable role of Ayurveda in it.
8. Host Defenses.

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9. Notifiable diseases and procedure for notification and other formalities.
10. Ayurvedic concept of health maintenance for travelers.
11. Nosocomial infection, iatrogenic diseases, opportunistic infection, isolation ward and its
Ayurvedic perspective.
12. AYUSH- aims, objectives, structure, function and health policies.
13. National Health Programmes and possible contribution of Ayurveda in them.
14. Health administration in India.
15. National Health Mission, National AYUSH Mission, administration, functions and
programmes. Swachha Bharat Abhiyana.
16. National and International Health Agencies and their activities.
17. Disaster management
18. Statistics related with Infectious diseases at International, National and State levels.
19. Vital Statistics.



1. History and evolution of Yoga

2. Nirukti and definitions of yoga
3. Rajayoga – (Ashtanga yoga) philosophy of Patanjali according to Yogasutras.
4. Hathayoga - according to Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita.
5. Karmayoga – Philosophy according to Bhagavad Gita
6. Mantrayoga, Layayoga, Jnanayoga and Bhaktiyoga.
7. Concept of Sthula, Sukshma and Karana Shariras
8. Concept of Panchakoshas
9. Concept of Shat Chakras, Nadis and Kundalini. Signs of Nadishuddhi.
10. Physiological effect of Yoga on Body and mind – ancient and modern concepts.
11. Suryanamaskara and its effect on health.
12. Shat Kriyas and its physiological their therapeutic effects.
13. Therapeutic effect of Yogic practice in the following diseases - Diabetes, Hypertension,
Cardiovascular disorders, Obesity, Asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Eczema, Psoriasis,
Stress Disorders, Eye disorders, Headache, Juvenile Delinquency, Mental Retardation,
Depression, Neurosis, Sexual Dysfunction, Gynecological, Uterine Disorders, Cancer,
14. Utility of Yoga in Rehabilitation and the usage of props..
15. Yoga in Ayurveda –Concept of Moksha, Tools for Moksha, Naishthiki chikitsa,
TattvaSmriti, Satyabudhhi, YoginamBalamAishwaram, Mukta Atmalaxana (Charaka
Samhita Sharirasthana chapter 1 & 5)
16. History of Nisargopachara.
17. Basic Principles of Indian School of Nature Cure – Panchabhuta Upasana and its
therapeutic effects and utility.
18. Basic Principles of Western School of Nature Cure.
19. Different types of Mud therapy, Hydro therapy, Helio therapy and Chromo therapy
Massage and excise therapy, fasting and relaxation therapy and their therapeutic effects
and utility.

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1. Health promotive and protective practices of Dinacharya procedures viz.

Dantadhavana, Anjana, Nasya, Kavala, Gandusha, Dhumapana, Abhyanga, Udvartana
2) Practical Demonstration of Yoga
a)Sukshma and Sthula Vyayama
c) Aasanas :
Sitting Position
1. Padmasana
2. Swastikasana
3. Siddhasana
4. Bhadrasana
5. Gomukhasana
6. Vajrasana
7. Suptavajrasana
8. Simhasana
9. Paschimottanasana
10. Ardhamasytendrasana
11. Ushtrasana
Supine position:
1. Shavasana
2. Uttananpadasana
3. Sarvangasana
4. Halasana
5. Karnapidanasana
6. Naukasana
7. Matsyasana
8. Setubandhasana
9. Prone position:
10. Makarasana
11. Niralmbasana
12. Shalabhasana
13. Bhujangasana
14. Dhanurasana
15. Mayurasana
Standing position:
1. Tadasana
2. Utkatasana
3. Vrikshasana
4. Ardhakaticharasana
5. Trikonasana
6. natarajasana
d) Mudra
1) Viparita karani
2) Yoga Mudra
3) Shanmukhi Mudra
4) Brahma Mudra
5) Ashwini mudra
e) Bandha
1) Jalandhara, Uddiyana, Mula Bandha
f) Shuddhikriya – Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Jala Dhauti, Trataka, Shankhaprakshalana,
Kapalbhati- Vyutkrama and Shitkrama Kapalbhati, Nauli.

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g) Pranayama
Nadishudhhi- AnulomVilomPranayama,
h) Kumbhaka Bhedas
1) Suryabhedana
2) Ujjayi,
3) Bhastrika,
4) Bhramari
5) Sheetali
6) Sitkari
i) Dhyana
3) Practical Demonstration of Naturopathy procedures
a. Mruttika Snana (Mud Bath)
b. Mruttika Patti (Mud Pack)
c. Pada and Hasta Snana (Foot and Arm bath)
d. Bashpasnana (Steam bath)
e. Avagahana (Immersion bath)
f. Prishthasnana (Spinal bath)
g. Katisnana(Hip bath)
h. Alternate hot and cold bath
i. Water packs
j. Deferent massage techniques
k. Sun Bath techniques
l. Relaxation techniques – QRT (Quic Relaxation Technique), IRT (Instant Relaxation
Technique), DRT (Deep Relaxation Technique).
4) Long case sheets for Pathya, Apathya, Yoga and Nisargopachara advice to
a) Non communicable diseases 10
(Proforma attached as Annexure ‘A’/ ‘E’)
b) Communicable diseases 10
(Proforma attached as Annexure ‘B’)
c) Garbhini Paricharya 10
(Proforma attached as Annexure ‘C’
d) Mal Nutrition treatment cases 10
(Proforma attached as Annexure ‘D’)
5) Departmental Practicals
1) Danta dhavana
2) Anjana
3) Nasya
4) Gandusha
5) Kavala
6) Dhoompana – DhumavartiNirmana
6) Educational Visits-
The brief report of each visit (Minimum 10 compulsory) should be written by student
in a journal (Duly signed by Guide and HOD)
1) Water Purification Centre
2) Milk Dairy
3) Industry
4) Leprosy Centre
5) T.B. Centre
6) Yoga Centre
7) Naturopathy Centre
8) Primary Health Center
9) Disposal of Waste Unit
10) Sewage Disposal Unit
11) Psychiatric Hospital
12) Isolation Hospital
13) A.R.T. Centre

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14) Food and Drug Administration Centre
15) District /Civil Hospital
7) Field Work
a) Community Health Survey (Minimum 10 forms) –
(Proforma attached as Annexure ‘F’)
b) School Health Check-up (Minimum 10 forms)
8.Departmental duties : Regular Attendance as-
1. Duty in OPD and IPD
2. Museum Development
3. Yoga training for Self, Swastha and patients.
4. Departmental Seminars
5. Research Journal /Article Reviews( Minimum 2)
6. Submit minimum 2 papers in any publications.
7. Micro Teaching (Training to take Lectures and Practicals of UG). Minimum 10.
8. Health Awareness talk for public.
9. Daily diary- Log book

Annexure ‘A’

(Non - Communicable Disease case)
A] General Information :
1. Name of the Patient: ____________________________________________________
2. Age : ___________yrs. 3. Sex : Male/Female 4.Religion : _________
5. Date of Admission : _____________________________________________________
6.Address : ______________________________________________________________
7. Occupation : _____________________ 8. Education : __________________________
9. Per Capita income : _____________________Rupees.
10. Socio economic class (Modified______________)
B] Present illness:
Chief complaints (chronological order) : ________________________________________
C] History of past illness :
1. Similar complaints in past : ________________________________________________
2. Any other significant history : ______________________________________________
D] History of illness in Family :
1. Type : __________________ 2. Composition : ________________________
3. Similar illness in family : Yes /No If yes, give details : _____________________
E] Life Style and personal history :
1. Occupation : Manual Work /Table Work/ Field Work/ Administration /Any other (Specify)
2. Muscular exertion (occupational / domestic etc.) Minimum / Moderate /Heavy
3. Exercise: Nil / Walking / Running / Jogging/ Cycling / Swimming / Weight Lifting/
Anyother specify ___________________________________________________________
4. Mental Stress &Strain : Occupational/ domestic/ any other specify ________________
5. Hobby , Recreation : ____________________________________________________
6. Diet :
a. Veg / Non Veg / Mixed
b. Total calorie intake __________________calorie /day
adequate / inadequate/ excess
c. Fat :
adequate / inadequate/ excess
Vegetable / Animal fats
Predominantly saturated / unsaturated
d. Spice & Hot foods (Specify)

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e. Regularity in taking meals
f. Type of diet : balanced / Non balanced (Give reason)
7. Sleep and rest : adequate / inadequate
8. Habits & addictions
Smoking : Yes / No /Past Smoker
If yes : Type /duration /quantity/ frequency. _______________________
Alcohol : Yes / No /Past Alcoholic
If yes : Type /duration /quantity/ frequency. ______________________
Any Other : Specify, give details. _______________________________________
F] General Examinations : ___________________________________________
G] Systemic Examination : ___________________________________________
RS/CVS/CNS/PA : _______________________________________________
H] Diagnosis :
i. Provisional : _______________________________________________
ii. Differential : _______________________________________________
I] Investigations :
Investigation done : _______________________________________________
Any further investigations required : __________________________________________
J] Final Diagnosis : ___________________________________________
K] Management : ___________________________________________
Drug therapy (give details) : _______________________________________________
Diet modification : _______________________________________________
Health Education / Life Style modification : _____________________________________
Follow up : _______________________________________________
L] Prevention & Control Measures
Primary Prevention : _______________________________________________
Secondary Prevention : ________________________________________________
Tertiary Prevention : _______________________________________________

Sign.of Student Sign. of Guide

Date :-

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Annexure ‘B’

(Communicable Disease case)
A] General Information :
1. Name of the Patient : ________________________________________________
2. Age : ____________________________yrs. 3. Sex : Male / Female
4. Date of Examination : _______________________________________________
5.Address : : _______________________________________________
6. Locality : Urban – Slum / Non-Slum /Rural/Other (Specify) _______________________
7 Duration of Stay in the Locality ; ________________________________(years/months)
8. Hospital Registration No. : _________________ 9. Date of Admission : ____________
10. Religion / Caste : ________________ 11. Education : _________________________
12. Occupation : ___________________ 13. Type of Family : _____________________
14. Total No. of Family Members : ______ 15. Total Family income: _________________
16. Per Capita income per month : ________________________________________Rs.
17. Socio-economic Status (As per _________classification) : ______________________
B] Chief Complaints (In Chronological order)
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
C] H/O Present illness : _________________________________________
D] H/O Past illness : __________________________________________
i. Similar complaints in past : __________________________________________
ii. Any other significant history : __________________________________________
E] History of illness in the family : __________________________________________
F] Personal History
a. Dietary : __________________________________________
b. Immunization : __________________________________________
c. Habits : __________________________________________
G] Environmental history (Pertinent to the route of transmission)
i] Water Supply ii] Excreta Disposal iii] Drainage iv] Cattle
v] Pet animals, Poultry vi] Housing condition vii] Over Crowding
viii] insect nuisance ix] Courtyard of house etc.
H] Epidemiological information (Backward tracing of index case.)
i. Any similar case in the family / neighborhood / School / Place of recreation / any other
Specify. ________________________________________________________________
ii. History of attending to similar case – if yes, when ? _____________________________
iii. History of visiting any unaccustomed place if yes, When ? _______________________
iv. Total contacts ____________________v. High risk contacts. ____________________
I] Provisional Diagnosis ( with justification in brief) __________________________
J] Differential Diagnosis : _____________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
K] Investigation Done :
a. If yes, reports & your comments. ___________________________________________
b. Other investigations required (with reason) if any. _______________________________
L] Final Diagnosis : _______________________________________________________
M] Management of Patients :

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1 Chemotherapy / Other drugs (Specify with name, dose schedule, route of administration,
duration of treatments and precautions if any) ___________________________________
2. Diet modification ________________________________________________________
3. Personal Hygiene _______________________________________________________
4. Health Education _______________________________________________________
5. Any other (Specify) ______________________________________________________
6. Follow up : _____________________________________________________________
N] Preventive & Control Measures at
a. Family Level
i. Chemoprophylaxis _________________________________________________
ii. Immunization (Active / Passive) _______________________________________
iii. Personal Hygiene (specify) __________________________________________
iv. Chemical disinfections of (Specify) ___________________________________
concentration, quantity, technique, contact period, way of disposal of disinfected material
v. Follow up ________________________________________________________
vi. Care of Contacts _________________________________________________
b. Community Level
i. General Intervention measures _______________________________________
ii. Specific measures against the illness __________________________________
iii. Any other (Specify) ________________________________________________
c. National Level __________________________________________________________
National Health Programme for control / Eradication of the disease or related health

Sign.of Student Sign. of Guide

Date :-

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Annexure ‘C’

(Ante-natal case)
A] General Information :
1) Date of Examination : ____________________________________________________
2) Name : _______________________________________________________________
3) Age : _________________ yrs.
4) ANC Registered : Yes/No If yes, place/date/month of registration _________________
5) Education of pt __________________ Occupation of pt _______________________
6) Education of Husband ____________ Occupation of Husband __________________
7) No of family members _____________ Total family income ______________Rs/month
8) Socio-economic class ____________ (as per Modified_____________classification)
9) Address : _____________________________________________________________
B] Complaints – if any: __________________________________
C] Menstrual History :Menarche, cycles-day/month, regularity, flow etc.
L. M. P _______________________ E.D.D. _________________________
D] Obstetric History :
Age (wks)
Type of
Baby alive/stillborn/ abortion
Live birthinterval
Use of contraceptives(specify)
E] Family History :
F] Past History : Hypertension/ Diabetes/ S.T.D./T.B./Leprosy etc.
G] Personal History : Bowel/Bladder/Sleep/Appetite/Habits/Addictions etc.
Immunization status : Tetanus toxoid / Any other ( specify)
a) For current pregnancy
b) For previous pregnancy
Nutritional status (based on Calorie Intake, other nutrients, anthropometry etc.)
H] General Examination :
· Height _______________Cms./ Wt. _____________kgs, / TPR / B.P_________mm of Hg
· Pallor/Icterus/ Cyanosis/Oedema/ Lyphadenopathy. any other ( specify)
· Cleanliness of : Skin /Nails/Hair/Clothes/Eyes/Ears/Nose/Oral Cavity / breasts & Nipples
I] P/A Examination:
· Ht. of uterus/presentation and lie of foetus /Head-floating or engaged/foetal
movements/FHS/ Any other (specify) __________________________________________
J] Systemic Examination:
RS/CVS/CNS ______________________________________________________
K] Investigations: - Urine: Albumin/sugar/microscopic/culture.
- Hb % Blood grouping & cross matching/VDRL/HIV/Blood Sugar
- Any other ( specify) ___________________________________

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L] Clinical impression :
· Whether high risk ? If yes, mention the risk factors._______________________________
M] Advice to the Patient and Management :
· Immunization/Diet/Supplementary nutrition/personal hygiene/preparation for motherhood/
drugs given (if any) / Warning signals/fallow up visits
· Whether the patient/ family members are availing services from Anganwadi / Other
Community Health Centre /Private Health Agency? If yes – Give details.
· Give details of referral in high risk cases. ______________________________________
N] Follow up :
Findings & Remarks (including advice) ________________________________________
During subsequent visits (mention the date of visits) _______________________________
O) Comments :
Sign.of Student Sign. of Guide

Date :-

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Annexure ‘D’

A] General Information :
i..Date of Examination : ____________________________________________________
ii.. Name of the informer & his/her relationship with the child (case)
1. Name of the child : ______________________________________________________
2. Date of birth : ________________3.Age : _______________4.Sex : Male/Female
5. Caste /Religion : _____________________________________________________
6. Address : _____________________________________________________
7. Whether the child is attending Balwadi/Nursery etc. :____________________________
8. Father __________________________Mother________________________________
I. Name : _______________________________________________
II. Age : _______________________________________________
III. Education : _______________________________________________
IV. Occupation : _______________________________________________
V. Income : _______________________________________________
9. I Total number of family members and family composition ____________________
II. Total family income _________________________________Rupees per month
III. Per Capita Income _________________________________Rupees per month
IV. Socio economic Status _________________ as per ___________classification
B] C omplaints (if any) : _________________________________________
C] History of Present illness : __________________________________________
D] History of Past illness (if any) : __________________________________________
E] Family history : _________________________________________
F] Birth history of the case : _________________________________________
i. Place of delivery : Home/ Hospital /Other (Specify) _____________________________
ii. Delivery conducted by : Untrained or trained Dai / Nurse / Doctor etc. ______________
iii. Type of delivery : FTND/ Pre mature/SFD/Assisted delivery etc. __________________
iv. Congenital anomaly : if any give details. _____________________________________
G] Anthropometry
i. Weight : _____________________Kgs. ii. Height _________________________Cms.
iii. Chest Circumference _________ Cms. Iv. Head Circumference ______________Cms
iv. Mid arm Circumference _______Cms.
H] Immunization History
i. B.C.G./ OPV/ DPT/Measles/Any other give details ______________________________
ii. Immunization card available : Yes / No.
I] Dietary History
i. Breast feeding : Yes/ No
a. If yes : Only breast feed or weaning started
b. If weaned : Age at weaning, type of weaning foods etc.
c. If not breast feed : At what age breast feeding stopped? (give reason if any)
ii. a. Total calorie intake __________________________Calorie /day
b. Total Protein intake __________________________gram/day
iii. Calorie / Protein deficient if any : Yes/No.
If yes mention percent of deficient _______________________________________
iv. Any other nutritional deficiency (Specify) _____________________________________
J] General Examination :
1) Built, nourishment & general appearance
2) TPR 3) Pallor 4) Icterus 5) Cyanosis 6) Lymphadenopathy
7) Oedema 8) Dehydration 9) Eyes 10) Ears
11) Face, Nose, Lips & Tongue 12) Teeth gums oral cavity 13) Skin, nails hair
14) Rachitic changes. 15) Any other (specify)
K] Systemic Examination :RS/CVS/PA/CNS/Gonads
L] Milestones of growth & development

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Physical / Psychological/ Motor / intellectual / behavioral/ Social
Milestones : Normal/ Augmented / Delayed
M] Provisional diagnosis / Differential Diagnosis :
N] Investigations :
O] Diagnosis : _________________________________________________________
P] Management, Advise and Comments : _____________________________________

Sign.of Student Sign.

of Guide
Date :-

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Annexure ‘E’

PathyaApathya, RutuShodhan, Yoga &Nisargopachar Advice to Patients of Attached Hospital.
A) General Information :-
1) Sr. No. : ____________________________________________
2) Name of the Patient : ____________________________________________
3) Address : ____________________________________________
4) OPD No. : ___________________IPD NO. __________________
5) Diagnosis : ____________________________________________
6) Date of Advice : ____________________________________________
B) A dvice given
a) Pathya - Apathya
i. Ahar : _________________________________________________
ii. Vihar : _________________________________________________
b) RutuShodhanUpakrama :
c) Yogopachar: _________________________________________________
d) Nisargopachar: _________________________________________________
C) D ate of follow up : _________________________________________________
D) Remarks: _________________________________________________
Sign.of Student Sign. of
Date :-

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Name and address of the family head-

Telephone no.

Family profile

Family Structure

Age(in completed Male Female Total

<1 yr(infants)
>65 yrs

Family Composition

Family type: Nuclear/Joint/Three generation Total members:

Sr.no Name Age in Sex Marital Education Occupation Income Medico

years status social

Immunization status (if relevant)

Per capita monthly income=Total family income/no. of members

Socioeconomic Class

Medico Social Status

Infant Leprosy Disability

Children under 5yrs HIV/STD Mental retardation
Pregnancy Cancer Psychiatric problem
Lactation Diabetes Alcohol addition
Old age BP/Cardiac problem Social evils

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Living Conditions (Housing)

Sr.No. Housing standards Score :1 for

0 for poor criteria
1. Construction :Locality, Safety ,Protection
2 Space :Spatial sufficiency to prevent overcrowding
3. Light and Ventilation
4. Water :Adequacy ,accessibility and safe storage of water
5. Sanitation: Washing, bathing, toilet facilities, sanitary
disposal of kitchen waste ,garbage and excreta
6. Kitchen :Facilities for hygienic cooking and storage of food,
smoke outlet
7. Environment Disturbances: Noise, air pollution ,weather
Inclemency toxic fumes, dust ,odour ,moisture, open drain
Vector like fly ,mosquito ,rodent and other nuisance
8. Animals: Pet, cattle, poultry keeping
9. Cleanliness of persons and premises
10. Connectivity :Road ,transportation ,communication, schools,
hospital cultural ,social, recreational ,fire, police ,etc
Assessment of living condition: Score: 6-10 Satisfactory, 0-5 Poor

Vital Events in the Family in last 1 year




Death with cause:

Social status of the Family



Living condition:

Social relationship:

Socioeconomic status:

Health Status of the Family - Good/Average/Poor

Which pathy family members prefer for treatment- Allopathy/Ayurvedic/Homeopathy

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Epidemiological History for Communicable Diseases

1 .Name of disease:

2 .Any similar case in the family: Yes/No

3. Any similar case in neighborhood: Yes/No

4. Any contact with similar case: Yes/No

Family (Hereditary) History For Non-communicable Diseases

Non-communicable disease: Present/Absent

If yes, specify:


Format of Practical / Oral Examination

Sr. No. Heading of Practicals Marks

1 Daily work book-Log book 10
2 Case Record Sheets 20
3 One Long Case ( Pathya-Apathya advice) 20
4 One Short Case (Yoga and naturopathy advice ) 10
5 Yoga Demonstration 20
6 Microteaching/Topic presentation 10
7 Thesis Presentation 50
8 Viva Voce 60
Total 200

Reference Books

1) Relevant portions of Charak, Sushruta, Vagbhata (AshtangHrudaya), Ashtang

Samgraha, Sarangadhara, Bhavaprakasha, Madhavanidan&Yogaratnakara, Bhela
Samhita with the respective commentaries
2) SwasthavrittaSamuchaya –VaidyaPtRajesvarDuttaShastri
3) SwasthyaVignyana -Dr.B.G.Ghanekarshastri
4) SwasthvrittaVigyan - Dr.Ramharsha Singh.
5) Swasthvrittam - Dr.BramhanandTripathi
6) AyurvediyaSwasthvrittam - Vd.Jalukar
7) SwasthaVigyan - Dr.MukundswaroopVerma
8) Swasthavritta - Dr.Shivkumar Gaud
9) Swasthavritta- Part-I & II- Vd. Mhaiskar, Vd.Vatve
10) Ayurvediya Hitopdesh - Vd.RanjitRai Desai
11) Preventive and Social Medicine - J.K.Park
12) Preventive and Social Medicine – Mahajan
13) Preventive and Social Medicine – B.N.Ghosh
14) Community Medicine - Baride and Kulkarni

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15) Preventive and Social Medicine – Gupta
16) Patanjal Yoga Sutra – Maharshi Patanjali, Karambelkar
17) HathaPradipika – SwatmaramYogendra
18) GherandSamhita- Gherand Muni
19) Shiva samhita – Kaivalyadhama
20) Yoga and Ayurveda - Dr.Rajkumar Jain
21) YogikYogPadhati - BharatiyaprakrutikChikitsaPadhat
22) YogikChikitsa - ShriKedarnath Gupta
23) SachitraYogasanDarshika - Dr.IndramohanJha
24) Yoga and Yogikchikitsa - Ramharsha Singh
25) The Foundation of Contempary Yoga - R.H.Singh
26) Yogadeepika - Shri. B.K.S. Iyengar
27) YogasidhantaevumSadhna - H.S.Datar
28) PrakritikaChikitsa -Kedarnath Gupta
29) PrakrutikChikitsaVigyan - Verma
30) PrakrutikChikitsaVidhi - Sharan Prasad
31) Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama- Shri. B.K.S. Iyengar
32) Light on Patanjala yogasutra - Shri. B.K.S. Iyengar
33) Janasankhyashikshasidhanta evamUpadeysa - S.C.Seel
34) Health and Familywelfare - T.L.Devraj
35) Bio-Statistics - B.K. Mahajan
36) Swasthavritta - Vd.Sakad
37) Reddy’s Comprehensive Guide to Swasthavritta –Dr.P.Sudhakar Reddy
38) Swasthavritta – Vd Yeshwant Patil and Vd. Vhawal
39) Swasthavritta – Vd. Patrikar Vijay
40) Swasthavrittavidnyan - Dr.MangalaGowri
41)Positive Health - Dr.L.P.Gupta
42)Biogenic Secretes of Food In Ayurveda - Dr.L.P.Gupta
43)Text book of Swasthavritta - Dr.Ranade, Dr.Bobade, Dr.Deshpande
44) Food and nutrition – Swaminathan
45) Yoga and Nisargopachar- Vd. Prama Joshi
46) Yogic sukshmavyayam –Swami Dheerendra Brahmachari
47)Integrated approach of Yoga therapy for Positive Health-Dr R Nagarathna and Dr
48) Yogavasistha

Reviewed by
1. Dr. Kamalesh Sharma (Chair person)
2. Dr. Arpan Bhatt
3. Dr. Medha Kulkarni

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