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4.2 PANCHKARMA 05-10




1|UG Syllabus 4th year

Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each
Practical/Viva voce – 100 Marks

Paper I 100 Marks

Part - A 50 Marks

1 Derivation of the terms ‘Kaya’, ‘Chikitsa’ and their definitions and synonyms. Definition
of ‘Kayachikitsa, Definition of ‘Bheshaja’. Types and detailed description of Bheshaja and
Chikitsa, Knowledge about Chikitsa Chatushpada, Rogi Roga Pariksha Siddhantha,
Astasthana Pariksha.
2 Importance of Kriya Kaala according to stages of Dosha and their management.
3 Chikitsa sutra and Management of vriddhi (increased) and kshaya (decreased) of
Dosha, Dhatu and Mala, Ojo Vyapat (Kshaya, Visramsa and Vyapat) and its
management. Chikitsasutra and Management of Sama-Nirama states,
Roga-Anutpattikara Chikitsa, Roga Prashamana Chikitsa (Doshapratyanika,
Vyadhipratyanika, Ubhayapratynika), Doshopakrama, Chikitsa sutra and Management of
Sthanantara Dosha (Ashayapakarsha, Anuloma/Pratiloma gati of Dosha, Vimarga
gamana of Dosha), Knowledge of Lina Dosha & its management, Diagnosis, Chikitsa
Sutra and Management of Avarana and of Dhatu Pradoshaja diseases, Importance of
Dosha, Dushya , Bala, Kaala, Agni, Prakriti, Vaya, Sattva Satmya, Desha, Ahara and
stage of diseases in treating them. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of ‘Samanyaja and
Nanatmaja’ diseases.
4 Detailed description of Dvividhopakrama (Santarpana and Apatarpana) and
Shadavidhopakrama (Rookshana, Snehana, Swedana, Sthambhana, Langhana and
Brimhana). Detailed description of Shodhana, Shamana and Nidana Parivarjana.
Knowledge of Aushadha matra, Sevan kaala and Anupana, Definition and Knowledge
of Pathya-Apathya with examples of diseases of various systems.
5 Derivation of the term ‘Manas’, its sthana (place), Guna (qualities) and Karma
(functions). Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta of Manasa Roga.
6 Principles & Management of Nutritional deficiency disorders.
7 Management of Vardhakyajanita vikara, Indriyapradoshoja vikara, Alzhiemer’s Disease,
Sleep disorders, General debility.

2|UG Syllabus 4th year

8 General introduction and principles of Management of diseases produced by Genetic,
Environmental and Iatrogenic factors. Disorders due to drug and Food allergy and their
management and other allergic conditions.

Part B 50 Marks
1. Detailed description of Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Jwara and its types.
Etiopathogenesis & relevant Ayurvedic and Modern management of following types of
Fevers-Typhoid, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Influenza, Mumps, Meningitis, Encephalitis,
Tetanus, Yellow fever, Plague, Dengue Fever, Chikun Guniya, Leptospirosis,Viral Fever,
Anthrax, Masurika (Small pox), Laghu Masurika (Chicken pox), Romantika (Measles).
1. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Rasavaha Srotas such as – Pandu,
Amavata, Madatyaya, Hridroga, Hridshoola, Hypotension, Hypertension, Anaemia,
Rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Raktavaha Srotas such as -
Raktapitta, Kamala, Kumbhakamala, Halimaka, Daha, Mada, Murcha, Sanyasa,
Vatarakta, Plihadosha, Yakrut dosha, Haemolytic disorders, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of Liver,
Leukaemia, Kushta, Shvitra, Visarpa, Sheetapitta, Udarda, Kotha and Kshudra Roga.
3. Knowledge of National Health Programmes and the relevant Ayurvedic Management
of the following diseases enlisted by World Health Organisation- Malaria, Filaria, Kala
Azar, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, AIDS.
4. Introduction of general principles of maintenance of health and management of
diseases of following systems of Medicine- Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
5. Diseases of different Endocrine Glands- such as Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas
and Adrenal glands and their management.
6. General introduction, types and Management of diseases caused by Vyadhi Kshamatwa
Hinata (Immuno deficiency disorders), Auto Immune Disorders.
7. Description and Management of following Emergency Conditions- Acute Haemorrhage,
Hypertensive Emergencies, Acute abdominal pain (Renal colic, Biliary colic, Gastritis,
Pancreatitis, Peritonitis and Appendicitis), Acute Abdomen, Anuria/ Oliguria, Congestive
Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarction/Angina, Shock, Syncope, Convulsions, Hyperpyrexia,
Hyperglycaemia, Hypoglycaemia, Status Asthmaticus, Acute Respiratory distress
Syndrome, Drowning and Electric shock.

PAPER II 100 Marks

Part A 50 Marks

1. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Pranavaha Srotas such as - Kasa,
Shwasa, Hikka, Rajayakshma, Urakshata, Parshwashoola, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis,
Emphysema and COPDs.
2. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Udakavaha Srotas such
as- Shotha, Jalodara, Trishna, Water & Electrolyte Imbalance.
3. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Annavaha Srotas such as –
Agnimandya, Aruchi, Ajirna, Anaha, Atopa, Adhmana, Alasaka, Vilambika, Visuchika,
Chardi, Grahani, Amlapitta, Gulma, Shoola, Bhasmaka, Acid peptic disorders.
4. Principles of treatment and management of Vata Vyadhi such as - Pakshavadha,
Ekangavata, Sarvangavata, Ardita, Avbahuka, Kati Graha, Manyastambha, Gridhrasi,
Vishwachi, Khalli, Khanja, Pangu, Padaharsha, Padadaha, Vatakantaka,
Kroshtukashirsha, Udavarta, Kampavata, Dhatugata and Ashayagata Avarana Vata,
other Vata Rogas, Parkinsonism.
5. Nidana and Chikitsa of Urusthambha, Gullian Barrie syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy,
Myasthenia Gravis, Motor Neuron Diseases and Neuralgia.

3|UG Syllabus 4th year

Part B 50 Marks

1. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Mamsavaha Srotas and Medovaha Srotas such
as- Gandamala, Galaganda, Mamsashosha, Arbuda, Apachi, Prameha, Sthaulya,
Karshya, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidaemia.
2. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of ‘Asthi and Majjavaha Srotas such as
Asthimajja Vidradhi, Asthisoushirya, Asthi kshaya, Sandhigata Vata, Osteo Arthritis,
Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia.
3. Chikitsa sutra and management of Shukravaha srotas such as Klaibya, shukralpata,
shukradosha, kshina shukra, dhwajabhanga.
4. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of diseases of Mutravaha Srotas such as -Mutrakricha,
Mutraghata, Ashmari, Cystitis, Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, BPH, Renal Failure.
5. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of diseases of Purishavaha Srotas such as – Atisara,
Pravahika, Arsha, Purishaj Krimi, IBS and Ulcerative Colitis.
6. Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Sexually Transmited Diseases such as – Phiranga,
Puyameha, Upadamsha, lymphogranuloma inguinale, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea.
7. Introduction, Definition and Management of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada,
Matsarya, Shoka, Bhaya, Vishada, Dainya, Harsha and Pragyaparadha.
8. Manas and Manovahasrotas, Nidana and Chikitsa of the following disorders - Unmada-
Apasmara-Atattvabhinivesha, Chittodvega, Vishada, Anxiety disorders, Depression,
Somatoform and Mood disorders, Stress induced disorders, Psychosexual Disorders.
Importance of Daivavyapashraya, Sattwavajaya, Adravyabhuta Chikitsa. Medhya
Rasayana in the management of Manasa Roga. Bhuta Vidya diagnosis and management
of graha disorders.
9. Derivation, definition and synonyms of Rasayana, importance of Rasayana
and its benefits. Indications of Rasayana therapy. Classification of Rasayana.
Kutipraveshika and Vatatapika Rasayana. Indications of Vatatapika Rasayana.
Knowledge of Kayakalpa, Achara Rasayana. Procedures of Kutipraveshika, Poorvakarma
and specific schedules to be followed after Kutipravesha, benefits of Kutipraveshika
Rasayana, duration of process, Rasayana yoga and directions for their use.
Determination of dose of Rasayana according to age. Rules and regulation after
Rasayana therapy, Importance of Immunomodulators and antioxidants in Rasayana
10. Vajikarana- Derivation, definition, synonyms, necessity, benefits, importance of
fertility, Symptoms of Shûkra (Semen), Vajikaran Dravya and Aushadhi. Properties,
doses, methods of administration, ingredients and methods of formation of Rasayana &
Vajikarana formulation. Classification and importance of Vajikarana Dravya

Distribution of practical Marks 100

1) Daily case record/ 20 cases - 20 marks
2) Patient examination
a) 1Long case - 20 marks
b) 1 short case - 10 marks
3) Viva –voice
a) Paper I - 25 marks
b) Paper II - 25 marks

Reference books:
1. Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga Samgraha and Ashtanga Hridaya with their
commentries. Madhav Nidana with Madhukosha Commentary.
2. Ayurvediya Vyadhi Vigyana - Yadavji Trikamji
3. Roga Pariksha Vidhi - Priyavrat Sharma

4|UG Syllabus 4th year

4. Panchakarma Vigyan -Haridasa Sridhar Kasture
5. Cikitsadarsha -Pandit Rajesvardutta Shastri
6. Kayachikitsa I-IV -Ramaraksha Pathaka
7. Ayurved Nidan Chikitsa Siddhanta -Prof. R.H.Singh.
8. Kayachikitsa Vol. I-IV. -Prof. Ajay Kumar
9. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
10. API Text Book of Medicine.
11. Harrison’s Text Bok of Medicine.
12. Cecil Text Book of Medicine.
13. Panchkarma Illustrated by Dr. G.Srinivasacharya.
14. Other relevant publications on subjects concerned

5|UG Syllabus 4th year


Theory One Paper – 100 Marks

Practical Viva-voce – 50 Marks
Hours of teaching Theory – 100
Clinical training: 3 months
I. Introduction

1. Introduction to Panchakarma, Panchakarma and Shodhana, its importance

for promotion of health, prevention and treatment of diseases.
2. Trividha Karma- Purva, Pradhana and Pashchat Karma in relation to
Shodhana and their importance.
3. Indications of Shodhana, Shodhana according to Ritu
4. General Principles of doshagati from Koshta to Shaka and vice versa
5. General precautions (Pariharya Vishaya) for Panchakarma
6. Specifications of Panchakarma theatre and necessary equipments
7. Importance of Koshta and Agni Parikshan

II. Snehana
1. Etymology and Definition of Sneha and Snehana
2. Snehayoni- Sthavara and Jangama: Properties of Sneha dravyas, Snehopag Dravyas
3. General knowledge of Ghrita, Taila, Vasa and Majja with their specific utility and
actions ,Yamaka, Trivrit and Maha Sneha
4. Metabolism of fat
5. Achcha and Pravicharana of Sneha
6. Snehapaka and its importance in Panchakarma
7. Types of Snehana: i) Bahya and ii) Abhyantara Snehana

i) Bāhya Snehana :
Methods, indications and contraindications of the following types of Bahyasnehana;
Mardana, Unmardana, Pādāghāta, Samvāhana, Karna Purana & Akshi Tarpan, Lepa,
Murdhni Taila: Siro-Abhyanga, Shiro Seka/dhārā, Siro Pichu and Siro-Basti

ii) Ābhyantara Snehana

Three Types of Ābhyantara Snehana: Shodhanārtha, Shamanārtha and Brimhanārtha
Snehana, Indications and contraindications for Snehana

Shodhanārtha Snehana
a. Importance and method of Deepan Pāchan and Rookshana in Shodhanārtha
Snehana. Properties of Rookshana Dravya. Samyak Rookshana Lakshana
b. Consideration of Agni and Koshtha in Snehana
c. Indication of Different Matra, Various dose schedules for Shodhanārtha Snehana;
Hraseeyasi, Hrasva, Madhyama and Uttama Mātrā, Ārohana Mātrā
d. Methods of Shodhanārtha Snehana,
e. Anupāna of Sneha

6|UG Syllabus 4th year

f. Jeerna and Jeeryaman Lakshana
g. Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Snehana, Sneha Vyāpat & their management
according to Ayurveda & Modern Medicine
h. Diet and regimen during Snehana
Sadyo Sneha: Method of administration, dose fixation and utility
Shamanārtha Snehana, Method of administration, dose fixation and utility
Bronhanarth Senhana: Method of administration, dose fixation and utility
Avapeedak Sneha: Method of administration, dose fixation and utility
8. Snehana Kārmukata (mode of action)
9. Special Procedures:
Takradhara, Udvartanam, Putpāka, Aschotana, Anjana, Gandusha, Kavala,
Dhoompāna, Udvartana, Utsādana, Udgharshana,Talapothichil

III. Svedana
1. Etymology and Definition of Sveda and Svedana
2. Classifications of Sveda/Svedana
3. General Sweda dravya, Properties of Sweda dravyas, Swedaopag dravyas ,
4. Indications and contraindications of Svedana
5. Ten Types of Niragni Svedana
6. Knowledge of 13 types of Sagni Svedana and Chaturvidh Svedan
7. Detailed Knowledge with their Utility of the following Svedana procedures:
Sankara/Pinda Sveda-Ruksha and Snigdha Sveda
Patrapinda Sveda, Jambir Pinda Sveda,Vāluka Sveda,Churna Pinda Sveda,Kukkutand
Pinda Sveda, Shashtika Shalipinda Sveda, Nadi Sveda, Bashpa Sveda Ksheer
dhooma ,Ksheer Seka, Kwath Seka, Avagaha Sveda,Dhanymla Dhara
Parisheka Sveda, Pizichil, Upanaha Sveda, Annalepa
8. Local Basti such as Kati Basti, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti and Urobasti
9. General precautions during Sagni Svedana and Methods to protect vital during
10. Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Svedana
11. Complications of Svedana and their Management according to Ayurveda & Modern
12. Diet and management during and after Svedana
13. Parihār Vishaya
14. Svedana Kārmukata (Mode of action)
15. General Knowledge about current Sudation techniques like Sauna bath, Steam bath

IV. Vamana Karma

1. Etymology, definition and importance of Vamana Karma

2. Utility of Vamana Karma in health and disease
3. Indications and Contraindications for Vamana
4. Knowledge of Koshta and Agni
5. General knowledge of Vamana and Vamanopaga drugs; properties, actions,
preparations, preservation with special reference to Madanphala, Kutaj, Nimba,
Yashti, Vacha
6. Purva Karma of Vamana:Deepan-Pāchana, Abhyantara Snehana and diet

7|UG Syllabus 4th year

7. Management of one gap day-Abhyanga & Svedana, diet, special Kapha increasing
8. Preparation of the patient on Morning of Vamana day
9. Vamaka Yoga, Anupana, fixation of dose and method of administration
10. Administration of Vamanopaga Dravya such as milk, sugarcane juice, Yashtimadhu
11. Lakshana indicating Doshagati during the process
12. Management during Vamana Karma & observations
13. Symptoms of Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Vamana Karma
14. Post Vamana management
15. Types of Shuddhi-Hina, Madhya and Pravara
16. Peyadi Samsarjana Krama and Tarpanadi Kram with their specific indications
17. Complication of Vamana and their management with Ayurveda and modern drugs
18. Pariharya Vishaya
19. Vamana Karmukata (Mode of action).

V. Virechana Karma

1. Etymology, definition and importance of Virechana Karma

2. Utility of Virechana Karma in health and disease
3. Indications and Contraindications for Virechana
4. Knowledge of Koshta and Agni
5. Classification of Virechana Drugs, General properties of Virchana dravya
6. General knowledge of single and compound Virechan drugs; properties, actions,
preparations, preservation with special reference to Trivrutta, Aragvadha, Eranda,
Katuki, Jaipal
7. Purva Karma of Virechana: Deepan- Pachana, Abhyantara Snehana and diet
8. Management of 3 gap days-Abhyanga, Svedana & diet
9. Management on Morning of Virechana day
10. Preparation of Virechana Kalpa, Anupana, dose and method of its administration
11. Method of Virechana Karma and management during Virechana Karma &
12. Symptoms of Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Virechana Karma
13. Post Virechana management
14. Types of Shuddhi-Hina, Madhya and Pravara and accordingly Samsarjana Krama
15. Complications of Virechana and their management with Ayurveda and modern drugs
16. Pariharya Vishaya
17. Virechana Kārmukatā (Mode of action)

VI. Basti Karma

1. Etymology, definition and importance of Basti as Ardha-Chikitsa

2. Utility of Basti Karma in health and disease
3. Basti Yantra- Putaka & Netra, Detailed study of traditional Basti Yantra and their
Knowledge of alternative Basti Yantra-enema can, enema syringe, modified
plastic/rubber bag for Putaka, modified plastic netra.
4. Classifications of Basti

8|UG Syllabus 4th year

5. Karma, Kāla and Yoga Basti schedules along with their utility.
6. Niruha Basti: Its etymology, synonyms, definition, classifications, sub-
classifications & indications and contraindications.
a. Dose fixation of Niruha Basti according to age
b. Contents and Method of preparation of Niruha Basti dravya
c. Diet
d. Administration of Niruha Basti
e. Pratyāgamana Kāla, Post Niruha Basti management
f. Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Niruha.
g. Complication of Niruha Basti and its management according to Ayurved and
Modern Medicines
h. Pariharya Vishaya and kala
7. Anuvasana Basti: Its etymology, synonyms, definition, classifications, sub-
classifications & indications and contraindications.
a. Dose fixation of Anuvasan Basti according to age
b. Contents and Method of preparation of Anuvasan Basti dravya
c. Diet
d. Administration of Anuvasan Basti
e. Pratyāgamana Kāla, Post Anuvasan Basti management
f. Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Anuvasana.
g. Complication of Anuvasan and its management according to Ayurved and
Modern Medicines
h. Pariharya Vishaya and kala
8. Basti Kārmukatā (Mode of action).
9. Knowledge of following types of Basti:
Madhutailika Basti, Erandmuladi Basti, Yāpana Basti, Pichchha Basti, Kshira Basti,
Kshara Basti, Vaitarana Basti, Panchaprasutik Basti, Lekhan Basti,Krumighna
Basti,Tiktashir Basti,Ardhamātrika Basti
10. Uttara Basti,: its definition, indications and contraindications, Detailed study of
traditional Basti Yantra and their Doshas Knowledge of alternative Basti Yantra
a. Preparation of patient,
b. Preparation of Trolley for Uttarbasti,
c. drug preparation and Fixation of dose,
d. method of administration in male and females,
e. observations,
f. complications and their management
VII. Nasya

1. Etymology, definition, Significance of Nasya Karma.

2. Classifications and sub-classifications
3. Knowledge of general Dravya used for Nasya Karma, Shirovirechan Gana,
Shirovirechanopag dravyas
4. Indications and contraindications of Nasya
5. Time of administration of Nasya
6. Dose fixation of different types of Nasya
7. Diet and regimen before and after Nasya Karma
8. Administration of Marsha, Pratimarsha, Avapeedaka, Dhoomapana and Dhuma Nasya
9. Symptoms of Samyak-yoga of Nasya,

9|UG Syllabus 4th year

10. Complication of Nasya and their management
11. Parihār Vishaya
12. Nasya Karmukata (mode of action)

VIII. Raktamokshana

1. Definition, importance and Types of Raktamokshana

2. General Principles and rules of Raktamokshana
3. Classification of Raktamokshan
4. General Indication and Contra indication of Raktamokshan
5. Jalaukavacharana: Knowledge of different types of Jalauka (Leech) , Indications
and contraindications of Jalaukavacharana, various types of Jalauka. Method of
Application, Samyak Lakshan, Complication of Jalaukavcharana and their
management with Ayurveda and Modern medicines.
6. Pracchāna: Indications and contraindications of Pracchana. Method of Application,
Samyak Lakshan, Complication of Pracchana and their management with Ayurveda
and Modern medicines
7. Sirāvedha: Indications and contraindications of Siravedha. Method of Application,
Samyak Lakshan, Complication of Siravedha and their management with Ayurveda
and Modern medicines
8. Knowledge of emergency management of complications such as water & electrolyte
imbalance, shock, bleeding per rectal, hemetemsis, epistaxis


1. Definition, Utility and Importance of Physiotherapy.

2. Basic Knowledge of Static exercise, Infrared, Short wave diathermy, Electromagnetic
therapy, Wax bath therapy, Ultrasonic therapy.


Total Duration of 3 Months posting
OPD (for 1-Month): observation of OPD patients, selection of the patients, observation of
OPD base Panchakarma procedures
IPD (Panchkarma) and Panchakarma Unit – Observation of different procedures of
Panchakarma, Assistance to the procedure under guidance of Panchakarma specialist
Under clinical posting, each student has to study and write 15-long Cases and 10 short
cases in prescribed format
Long case Paper- minimum 1 Vaman , 1 Virechan, 1Niruha & Anuvasan Basti, 1Nasya, 1
Short case paper –Minimum one each of Pinda sweda, Shirodhara,Abhyanga, Netra Tarpan,
Bahya Basti, Nadi Sweda etc.

Distribution of Marks
1. Practical Record of 25 procedures 05 Marks
2. Long Procedure 10 Marks

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3. Long Procedure Viva 05 Marks
4. Short Procedure 08 Marks
5. Viva on Short Procedure 02 Marks
6. General Viva-voce 20 Marks

Total 50 Marks

Reference Books

1. Charak Samhita with Commentary of Ayurveda Dipika by Chakrapanidatta &

Jalpakalpataru by Gangadhara
2. Sushrut Samhita with the Sushruta Nibhandha Samgraha Commentary of Dalhana &
Nyayachandrika Panjika of Gayadasa on Nidana Sthana
3. Ashtanga Hridaya with Sarvanga Sundara & Ayurveda Rasayana Commentaries
4. Ashtanga Sangraha with Shashilekha Commentaries
5. Ayurvediya Panchakarma Chikitsa Dr Mukundilal Dwivedi
6. Panchakarma Vigyan Dr Haridas Shreedhar Kasture
7. Illustrated Panchakarma Dr.G Srinivasa Acharya
8. Clinical Panchkarma (English) Dr. P.Yadaiah
9. Prayogika Panchkarma (Hindi) Dr. P. Yadaiah
10. Vivida Vyadhiyome Panchkarma (Hindi) Dr. P. Yadaiah
11. The Panchkarma Treatment of Ayurveda with Kerala Specialtie Dr. T.L. Devaraj
12. Panchkarma Therapy Dr. R.H. Singh
13. Ayurveda-Principles and Panchakarma Practice Dr Mandip R. G. & Prof. Gurdip Singh
14. Principles and Practice of Basti Dr. Vasudevan & Dr. L. Mahadevan
15. Panchakarma Sangraha Dr. Manoj Shamkuwar
16. Essential of Panchakarma Therapy Dr.Pulak Kanti Kaur
17. Principles and Practice of Panchakarma Vaidya Vasant Patil
18. Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine
19. Guyton’s Physiology

11 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each
Practical - Viva voce – 100 Marks

PAPER –I 100 Marks

Part – A 50 Marks

Definition of Shalya, Shalya Tantra and its importance. Introduction to Shalya

Tantra: Historical background and progress made.
 Target - Fluency in textual reading and comprehension.
 Preferable targets - Know recent developments and controversies.

Description of Yantra, Shastra, Anushastra: Definition, number, types, uses,

Dosha, Guna, Karma. Relevant modern instruments.
 Target - Basic understanding of the concepts of Yantra and Shastra. Acquaintance
with commonly used surgical instruments. Knowledge of textual descriptions.
 Preferable targets - Knowledge about currently used surgical instruments, their
specifications, procurement sources etc.

Nirjantukarana / Sterilization: Methods, types and its role in surgical practice.

 Target - Basic surgical discipline of maintaining asepsis.
 Preferable targets- Knowledge of recently developed chemicals, instruments for

Sangyaharan / Anaesthesia: Definition and Types.

i. Local anaesthesia – Drugs, Techniques, Indications, Contraindications,
Complications and their Management.
ii. Regional and General anaesthesia- Drugs, Techniques, Indications,
Contraindications, Complications and their Management.
 Target-Basic knowledge of the drugs and instruments of anaesthesia. To observe the
process of induction, monitoring and recovery.
 Preferable targets- Assisting and handling anaesthesia.

Trividha Karma – Purva Karma, Pradhana Karma and Paschat Karma.

 Target- Capability to identify conditions which can affect the outcome of surgery in
pre, intra and post- operative period.
 Preferable targets- Experience of handling incidents.

Ashtavidha Shastra Karma - Surgical procedures.

 Targets- Appreciation and comprehension of concepts and indications of different
 Preferable targets –Hands on experience of surgical procedures.

12 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Yogya - Experimental Surgery.
 Target –Appreciation and comprehension of concepts of Yogya. Idea of patient’s
safety in experimental training.
 Preferable targets- Hands on training on mannequins.

Marma: Nirukti, types, description and importance.

 Target –Clinical application of concepts of marma.
 Preferable targets- Study of relevance of marma in the light of current anatomical
and surgical knowledge.

Kshara and Kshara Karma:

i. Nirukti, Pradhanyata, Guna, Dosha, Karma, Prakara, Yogya, Ayogya,
Procedure, Upadrava and Chikitsa.
ii. Kshara nirmana vidhi, knowledge of Kshara Varti, Taila and Pichu.
iii. Kshara Sutra – Preparation, Indications, Contraindications and Method of
application, Complications and their Management.
 Target – Capability to identify and practice the use of kshara, kshara sutra in
common clinical conditions.
 Preferable targets – Broader knowledge of current trends and ongoing researches in
kshara application.

Agnikarma: Mahatva, Upakarana, Vidhi, Akruti bheda, Yogya, Ayogya and

Upadrava Chikitsa.
Contemporary techniques and tools of Agnikarma.
 Target - Capability to appreciate the clinical indications and comprehend Agnikarma
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of use of cautery in surgical practice.

Raktamokshana: Mahatva, Prakara - Siravyadha, Pracchanna, Shringa, Alabu,

Jaloukavacharana – Yogya, Ayogya, Procedure, Upadrava and Chikitsa.
 Target- Capability to appreciate and comprehend clinical indications of
Jaloukavacharana and other Raktamokshana procedures.
 Preferable targets - Uses of bloodletting in current therapy.

Bandha Vidhi – Prayojana, Dravya, Indications, Contraindications, Prakara,

Upadrava, Pichu, Plota, Kavalika and Vikeshika.
 Target- Hands on experience of techniques of bandaging.
 Preferable targets - New generation of bandaging and splintage tools.

Pranasta Shalya and Nirharana Upaya.

 Target – Importance of concepts of Sushruta in the management of Shalya and
concerns of patient safety. Identification and management of foreign bodies.
 Preferable targets - Current concepts and diagnostic tools of dealing with foreign

13 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid Base Balance and Nutrition:
i. Introduction of physiology of fluids and electrolytes.
ii. Dehydration and over hydration.
iii. Specific electrolyte loss, Acidosis, Alkalosis, Symptomatology and Management.
iv. Electrolyte changes in specific diseases like pyloric stenosis, intestinal obstruction
and anuria.
v. Various replacement fluids in surgery, mode of administration and complications.
vi. Nutrition.
 Target – Capability to identify and manage fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Ability to
administer parenteral fluid.
 Preferable targets - Advanced techniques of fluid and electrolyte assessment and

Rakta Mahatwa, Raktasrava / Haemorrhage: Prakara and Lakshana.

i. Raktastambhana – Haemostasis.
ii. Blood Transfusion –Blood groups, Compatibility, Indications, Contraindications and
Complications with Management.
iii. Component therapy.
 Target-Knowledge of achieving haemostasis in haemorrhage.
 Preferable targets - Detailed knowledge of blood bank techniques.

Antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and emergency drugs in surgical

 Target – Working knowledge of commonly used drugs.
 Preferable targets - Advanced pharmacological study of the above drugs.
Diagnostic techniques – X-ray, Imaging techniques, Ultrasonography, CAT Scan, MRI,
Biopsy / Cytological study.
 Target- Knowledge of proper indications for optimum investigational tools and their
 Preferable targets - Capability to work independently in the field of diagnostic

Part - B
50 Marks
Shat Kriyakala in surgical practice.
 Target- Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Applied aspects of Kriyakalas in the light of current concepts of

Nirukti, Nidana, Samprapti, Prakara, Lakshana, Sadhya-asadhyata, Upadrava and

Chikitsa of the following disorders.
i. Vranashotha - Inflammation
ii. Vidhradi - Abscess
iii. Pidika - Boils
iv. Nadi Vrana - Sinus / Fistulae
v. Vrana Granthi - Keloid / Hypertrophic scar

14 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
vi. Marmagata - Shock
vii. Kotha – Gangrene and Principles of Amputation.
viii. Granthi - Cyst
ix. Arbuda - Tumour
 Target-Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Vrana – Nirukti and Prakara

i. Nija Vrana – Nidana, Samprapti, Vrana Vasthu, Prakara, Lakshana, Vrana Pariksha –
Sthana,Vrana Akruti, Srava, Gandha, Vedana. Vrana Avastha- Dustavrana, Shuddha
Vrana, Ruhyamana Vrana, Samyak Roodha Vrana, Vrana Sadhya-asadhyatha and
Vrana Upadrava.
ii. Vrana Chikitsa – Pathya-apathya and Shashti Upakrama,Vranitagara and Rakshakarma.
iii. Agantuja Vrana :
a. Sadyo Vrana - Traumatic wounds – Nidana, Prakara, Lakshana, Upadrava and
b. Management of bites and stings.
iv. Dagdha Vrana – Burns and scalds.
v. Ulcer - Types and their management.
vi. Wound healing stages and their management.
vii. Pramehapidaka - Diabetic carbuncle and wounds.
 Target - Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Twak Vikara - Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana and Chikitsa of Chippa – Paronychia,

Kadara – Corn and Kshudra rogas.
 Target - Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Manya Vikara – Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana and Chikitsa of Galaganda – Goitre,

Gandamala, Apachi –Lymphadenitis, Pashanagardhabha – diseases of parotid gland.
 Target-Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Sira Vikara - Venous disorders – Superficial and Deep venous thrombosis,

Haemangioma, Varicose veins - Diagnosis and their Management.
 Target - Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Dhamani Vikara - Arterial disorders – Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana and Chikitsa of

Aneurysm, Buerger’s disease, Atherosclerosis, Raynaud’s disease.
 Target - Clinical application of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Snayu Vikara - Diseases of tendons and ligaments – Tennis elbow, Ganglion and their
 Target - Clinical application of the concepts.

15 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Care of AIDS - HIV and hepatitis infected patients.

 Target - Knowledge of safety precautions.

PAPER - II 100 Marks

Part - A 50 Marks

Bhagna – Skeletal injuries: Prakara including pathological fracture, Samanya

Lakshana, Upadrava and Chikitsa.
Description of fracture of following bones with Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications
and Management – scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia and pelvis
Sandimoksha - Dislocation: Dislocation of following joints with Clinical features, Diagnosis,
Complications and Management of shoulder, elbow and hip.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of bone: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Osteomyelitis, Cysts, Tumours and
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Cranio-cerebral injuries: Mechanism, Pathology, Classification, Investigations,

Complications and primary management.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Spine: Mechanism, Pathology, Classification, Investigations, Complications

and primary management of Tuberculosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Disc prolapse.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of breast: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Sthana Vidradhi - Breast abscess and Sthana Arbuda -
Breast tumours.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
Diseases of chest: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,
Complications and Management of Chest injury, Pleural effusion, Pleurisy and Tumours.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of esophagus: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Oesophagitis, Varices, Ulcer and

16 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Gulma Roga - Nidana, Prakara, Lakshana, Upadrava and Chikitsa.

Shoola vyadhi - Nidana, Prakara, Lakshana, Upadrava and Chikitsa.

 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of acute abdomen.

Udara Roga: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications

and Management of Jalodara - Ascites, Chidrodara – Perforation, Peritonitis and
Badhagudodara-Intestinal obstruction.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of stomach and duodenum: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Pyloric Stenosis, Peptic Ulcer and Tumours.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of small intestine: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Tuberculosis, Obstruction and Perforation.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of large intestine - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Tuberculosis, Obstruction, Perforation,
Tumours, Appendicitis, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concept.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Rectum and Anal Canal – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital disorders, Arshas - Haemorrhoids,
Parikartika - Fissure-in-ano, Bhagandara - Fistula-in-ano, Guda Vidradi - Anorectal
abscesses, Gudabhramsa - Rectal prolapse, Sanniruddaguda - Anal stricture, Incontinence,
Rectal Polyp and Tumours.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Abdominal injuries and their management.

 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

17 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Part – B
50 Marks

Diseases of Liver: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Yakrit Vidhradi - Abscess, Neoplasia, Portal hypertension
and Yakritdalyodar –Hepatomegaly.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Gallbladder: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Obstructive jaundice and
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Pancreas: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Pancreatitis, Cysts of Pancreas and Tumours.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Spleen – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Pleehodara – Splenomegaly and Splenic rupture.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Kidney and Ureters - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Polycystic kidney,
Injuries, Perinephric abscess, Calculus and Neoplasms.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Urinary bladder – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Injuries, Ashmari -
Vesical Calculus, Cystitis and Neoplasms.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Mutraghata and Mutrakrichra - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management. Retention of urine.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Prostate - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Prostatitis, Prostatic abscess, Benign Enlargement of
Prostate and Carcinoma of Prostate.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

18 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Diseases of Urethra – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,
Complications and Management of Urethritis, Stricture and Rupture.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Penis: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Niruddhaprakasha -Phimosis,
Parivartika -Paraphimosis, Avapatika - Prepuceal ulcer, Arbuda- Tumours and Lingarsha -
Penile Warts.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Diseases of Scrotum and Testis: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features,

Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Epididymo-orchitis, Epididymal cyst, Scrotal
filariasis, Shukrashmari - Seminal calculus, Torsion of testis, Ectopic testis, Undescended
testis and Tumours.

Vriddhi Roga: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications

and Management of Mutravriddhi – Hydrocele.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.

Antra Vriddhi – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,

Complications and Management of Hernia - Inguinal, Femoral, Epigastric, Umbilical,
Incisional and rare forms of Hernia.
 Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
 Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.


Content of Practicals:
1. Identification, uses, demonstration of surgical instruments and methods of
2. Training of case taking, bed side clinicals and case presentation.
3. Demonstration and Practical training in Anaesthesia.
4. Training to develop skills in following Parasurgical and other procedures
i. Kshara Karma
ii. Agnikarma
iii. Kshara Sutra
iv. Raktamokshana
v. Application of bandages and splints
vi. Catheterization
vii. Wound management procedures like Parisheka and Patradana
viii. Ryle’s tube aspiration
ix. Injections -Intramuscular / Intravenous / Subcutaneous / Intradermal
x. Incision and drainage of abscess
xi. Suturing of open wounds
5. Observation of following procedures

19 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
i. Circumcision
ii. Hydrocele
iii. Hernial repair
iv. Vasectomy
v. Haemorrhoidectomy
vi. Fistulectomy
vii. Fissurectomy
viii. Appendecectomy
ix. Cholecystectomy
6. Training of Surgical Emergencies and Management.

Clinical Training (Indoor and Outdoor) 09 Months

 Shalya (Samanya) 03 Months (atleast one month
in OT)
 Shalya (Kshara and Anushastra Karma) 03 Months (atleast one
month in OT)
 Asthi and Sandhi Chikitsa (Orthopaedics and 02 Months
 Anaesthesia 15 days
 Radiology 15 days

Distribution of Marks

1) Daily records - 10 Marks

2) Instruments - 20 Marks
3) Short case - 10 Marks
4) Long case - 20 Marks
5) Viva – voce - 40 Marks
Total - 100 Marks

Reference Books

1. Sushruta Samhita
2. Ashtanga Sangraha
3. Ashtanga Hridaya
4. Charaka Samhita
5. The Surgical instruments of the Hindus -
Girindranath Mukhopadhyaya
6. Shalya Tantra Samuchchaya -
Pandit Ramadesh Sharma
7. Shalya Vigyan (Part 1-2) -
Dr. Surendra Kumar Sharma
8. Shalya Samanvaya (Part 1-2) -
Vd. Anantaram Sharma
9. Shalya Pradeepika -
Dr. Mukund Swaroop Verma
10. Soushruti -
Dr. Ram Nath Dwivedi
11. Clinical Shalya Vigyan -
Dr. Akhilanand Sharma
12. Bhagna Chikitsa -
Dr. Prabhakar Janardhan
13. Kshara sutra management in anorectal ailments - Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. K.R.Sharma
and Dr. Kulwant Singh.
14. Anorectal diseases in Ayurveda - Dr. Sijoria and Dr. Praveen
Kumar Chowdary.
15. Adhunika Shalya Chikitsa Siddanta - Dr. Katil Narshingham Udupa
16. Agnikarma Technology Innovation - Dr. P.D. Gupta
17. Shalya Tantra Ke Siddhant - Dr. K.K.Takral
18. Recent advances in the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha

20 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
19. Arsha Evum Bhagander Mein sutra Avacharan - Vd. Kanak Prasad Vyas
20. Kshara Sutra - Dr. S.N.Pathak
21. Surgical ethics of Ayurveda - Dr. D.N. Pande
22. Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery - Norman.S. Williams, Charles.V.
Mann and R.C.G. Russell
23. Clinical methods in surgery - S. Das
24. Textbook of Operative Surgery - S. Das
25. Shalya Vigyan (Sachitra) - Anantram Sharma
26. Anushastra Karma - Dr. D.N. Pande
27. Concept of Vrana is Ayurveda - Dr. Lakshman Singh
28. Significance for Poorva Karma in Surgical Patient - Dr. Lakshman Singh
29. Sangyaharan Prakash - Dr. D.N. Pande
30. A concise Text Book of Surgery - S. Das
31. A manual on Clinical Surgery - S. Das
32. A System of Surgical Diagnosis - T.N. Patel
33. A Practical Guide to Operative Surgery - S. Das
34. Drugs and Equipment for Anaesthesia - Arun kumar
35. Manual of Surgical Instruments - M.M. Kapur
36. Ward Procedures - Patel Mansukh. B
37. Recent trends in the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha
38. Primary Anaesthesia - Maurice King
39. Synopsis of Anaesthesia - Lee
40. Clinical Anatomy/ Surgical Anatomy - John E.Skandalakis
41. Surgical Instruments of the Hindus - Girindharnath Mukopadyay
42. Outline of Orthopedics - John Crawford Adams and David
Hamblen. L
43. Outline of Fracture - John Crawford Adams
44. Recent trends in the management of Bhagandara / Fistula-in-ano - Dr. P. Hemantha
45. Principles and Practice of Agnikarma - Dr. Anand Kumar and
Dr. Kanchan Shekokar
46. Manipal Manual of Surgery - Dr. Rajgopal Shenoy

21 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r

Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each

Practical/Viva voce – 100 Marks


Paper I 100

I. Introduction
a) Shalakyatantra nirukti, Parichayam, Ithihasam
b) Netra rachana shariram (Mandala, Patala, Sandhi, Drushti Vichara) and Netra Kriya
Sharira alongwith modern anatomy of Eye.
c) Eye examination and knowledge of basic instruments/equipments required for
examination of Eye.
d) Netrarognanam – Samanya Hetu (Nija and agantuja), Purvarupa, Samprapti, Rupa
and Chikitsa.
e) Classification of Netraroga and its importance.

II. Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa - Kriya Kalpa

a) Netra and Chakshu swasthya hitkara Dinacharya,Ritucharya,Aahara evam Vihara.
b) Kriya-kalpa-Seka, Aschyotana, Pindi, Vidalaka, Tarpana, Putapaka, Anjana and
importance of Panchkarma in Netra Chikitsa.
c) Basic fundamentals of Netra Shastra Chikitsa e.g. Purva – Pradhana - Paschat karma,
Ama-Pachyaman-Pakva Vrana shotha, Vranitopasana, Pranashtashalya, &
Vranbandhana. Methods and concepts of sterlization, asepsis and antisepsis as per
ancient and modern point of view.
d) Basic applied knowledge of Ashtavidha shastrakarma, agni, kshara, raktamokshana in
Nerta rogas.
e) Essential diagnostic and therapeutic modern pharmacological agents required in Netra

III. Sandhigata Roga(Diseases of junctional areas of eye)

a) Number of sandhigata rogas, detailed etiology, pathology, clinical features and
management of Pooyalasa and Srava Rogas.
b) Brief Study of krimi granthi, Parvani and Alaji Rogas.
c) Study of Acute and Chronic Dacryocystitis, Epiphora, Blepharitis including their
aetiology, pathology, signs & symptoms, differential diagnosis and medical & surgical

IV. Vartmagata Roga(Diseases of Lids)

a) Number of vartmagata rogas, and detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical
features and management of Anjananamika, Utsangini, Lagana, Vatahata vartma,
Pakshma kopa, Sikta vartma, Pothaki, Klinna vartma, Krichhronmeelana and Kukunaka
diseases of Vartma.
b) Brief Knowledge of Vartmarbuda, Utklishta vartma, Nimesh, Pakshmashata, Vartmarsha
c) Knowledge of Hordeolum, Ptosis, Trachoma, Trichiasis, Entropion, Ectropion including
their Etiology, signs and symptoms differential diagnosis and medical & surgical

V. Shuklagata Roga(Diseases of sclera and conjunctiva)

a) Number of Shuklagata rogas, detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features

22 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
and management of Arma, Arjuna and Shuktika
b) Brief Knowledge of Sira pidika, Sira jala, Pishtaka, Balasgrathita.
c) Study of Pterygium, Scleritis, Episcleritis, Sub-Conjunctival Hemorrhage including their
Etiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis and medical & surgical

VI. Krishnagata Roga (Diseases of cornea and uvea)

a) Number of krishnagata rogas, detailed knowledge of Etiology, Pathology, Clinical
features, differential diagnosis, complications and Management of Savrana /kshata
Shukla (Shukra), Avrana shukra (Shukla)
b) Brief knowledge of Sira shukla, Akshipakatyaya and Ajakajata.
c) Knowledge of Corneal ulcer, Corneal Opacity, Uveitis,Acute Iridocyclitis,
Staphyloma,their aetiology, pathology, symptoms, differential diagnosis, complications
and management.

VII. Sarvagata Roga (Diseases effecting all parts of eye)

a) Number of Sarvagata rogas, detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features,
complications, differential diagnosis and Management of Abhishyanda, Adhimantha,
Hatadhimantha and Shushkakshipaka.
b) Brief Knowledge of Amloshit, Vata paryaya, Anyato vata, Sashopha &
Ashophakshipaka- Pilla roga, Sirotpata and Siraharsha.
c) Knowledge of Conjunctivitis, Glaucoma, Dry Eye Syndrome including their etiology,
pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, complications and their

VIII. Drishtigata Roga (vision disorders)

a) Number of Drishtigata rogas detailed knowledge of - etiology, pathology, clinical
features, differential diagnosis and management of Timira, Kacha and Linga nasha.
b) Brief Knowledge of Abhighataja lingnasha, sanimittaja & Annimittaja Lingnasha
Doshandhya/Kaphavidagdha drishti, Naktandhya, Ushna vidagdha drishti, Pittavidagdha
drishti, Dhumadarshi, Hriswajadya, Gambhirika, Nakulandhya, Nayanabhighata.
c) Knowledge of Refractive errors, Cataract including their etiology, pathology, clinical
features, differential diagnosis, complications and their management.
d) Study of Eale’s disease, Hypertensive & Diabetic Retinopathies, Age related Macular
degeneration, Strabismus, Retinitis pigmentosa, Night blindness, Amblyopia, Central
serous retinopathy, Optic Neuritis and Optic atrophy

IX. Miscellaneous Diseases

a) Xerophthalmia and other malnutritional eye disorders.
b) Knowledge of ocular trauma and their management.
c) Introduction to Eye bank, Eye donation, Corneal Transplantation
d) Preventive Ophthalmology and Community Ophthalmology

23 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r

PAPER II 100 Marks

I Samanya Chikitsa
a) Study of therapeutic procedures like Sveda, Kavala, Gandusa, Dhuma, Murdhni Taila,
Nasya, Pratisarana, Karna Purana,karna prakshalana, nasa prakshalana Mukha Lepa.
b) Ashtavidha shastrakarma and anushastrakarma used in the treatment of Shira,
Karna,Nasa evam Mukha Rogas.

II Shiro Roga
a) Importance and Superiority of Shira.
b) Number, general etiology, pathology and cardinal features of shiro rogas and kapalgata
rogas along with their common line of management/treatment.
c) Detailed study of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja shirashoola, Suryavarta, Ardhavabhedaka,
Khalitya, Palitya.
d) Brief Knowledge of Raktaja shiraha shoola, Krimija shiraha shoola , Kshayaja shiraha
shoola & Sannipataja shiraha shoola, Ananta vata, Indralupta, Darunaka.
e) Detailed study of Headache, Migraine its differential diagnosis and treatment.

III Karna Roga

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Karna (Ear) & Shravanendriya as per
Ayurvedic and modern view, Examination of Ear along with instruments/equipments
required in Ear examination.
b) Detailed study of etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and management of
diseases of Karna – karna shool, karna nada& shweda, Badhirya, karnastrava, karna
pratinaha, pootikarna, karnagoothaka, karnavidradhi.
c) Brief Knowledge of karna kandu, karnapaka, karnarsha, karnarbuda,krimikaran &karnapali
rogas , Karna sandhana(Auroplasty), fundamentals, method and Vaikritpaham
d) Detailed study of Otalgia, ASOM, CSOM, Deafness, wax including their etiology, pathology,
clinical features, differential diagnosis, complications and medical & surgical
e) Brief Knowledge of Otomycosis, Otosclerosis, Tinnitus, Vertigo , Foreign body in ear and
Noise pollution.

IV Nasa Roga

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Nasa (Nose and paranasal sinuses)&
Ghranendriya as per Ayurvedic and modern view, Examination of Nose. along with
instruments/equipments required in Nose examination.
b) Detailed study of Pratishyaya, Dushta pratishyaya, Nasanaha, Kshavathu, Nasagata
raktapitta & Nasarsha.
c) Brief Knowledge of Putinasa, Bhranshathu, Peenasa, Apeenasa, Nasarbuda, Nasashotha,
Dipta, Nasa Sandhana.
d) Detailed study of Rhinitis & Sinusitis Epistaxis, Nasal Polyp, DNS, Foreign body including
their Etiology, pathology, clinical features differential diagnosis and medical & surgical
e) Brief Knowledge of Nasal trauma, Tumours of nose and Para nasal sinuses.

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V Mukha Roga (Diseases of Oral Cavity)
a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Mukha Rogaadhisthana– oshtha,
dantamoola, danta, jivha, talu, gal, sarvasara (Oral cavity ) as per Ayurvedic and
modern view along with their Basic examination including instruments/equipments
required for the examination

b) Mukha and Danta Swasthya as per ancient and modern concepts including
prevention of malignancy of oral cavity.
c) Number and general aetiology, pathology, cardinal features of Mukha rogas
along with their common line of management/treatment.

Oshtha Roga (Diseases of Lips)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Oshtha prakopa, khandoshtha
b) Brief Knowledge of Gandalaji, Jalarbuda, Kshataja Oshthaprakopa
c) Knowledge of cleft lip.

Dant Mula Gata Roga (Diseases of Periodontia)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Shitada, Dantaveshta, Upakush, Danta Nadi, Danta
Vidradhi, Adhimansa
b) Brief Knowledge of dantapupputaka, Saushira, Mahasaushira, Danta
Vaidarbha , Paridara, Vardhana.
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of Gingivitis, Apical abscess, Periodontitis (Pyorrhoea).

Danta Roga (Dental Diseases)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of Daalan, Krimidanta, Dantaharsha, Danta sharkara,
b) Brief Knowledge of karala, Bhanjanak , Kapalika, Shyava Danta, Danta
c) Danta chaal, Adhidanta, Danta Utpatana including Jalandhar bandha
method and Danta Purna.
d) Knowledge of Dental Caries, Dental Tartar & Tooth extraction.

Jihwa Gata Roga (Diseases of Tongue)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - jivha kantaka (vataja, pittaja and kaphaja)
b) Brief Knowledge of Upajihva, Adhijihva, Alasa.
c) Knowledge of Glossitis,Tongue Tie, Ranula, Benign and Malignant Tumors of

Talu Roga (Diseases of Palate)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Gala shundika, Talushosha, Talupaka
b) Brief Knowledge of Talupupputa, Adhrusha, Kacchapa, Talvarbuda,
c) Knowledge of Cleft palate, palatitis, uvulitis and tumours of the palate.

Kantha and Gala gata Roga (Diseases of Pharynx & Larynx)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Tundikeri, Kantha shaluka, Gilayu, Galaganda,

25 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Swrabhedha , Galavidradhi.
b) Brief Knowledge of Rohini, Galashotha, Kantharbuda, Kanthavidradhi,
Galarbuda Galaugham, Vrindam, Ekavrindam, Valaya, balasa , Shataghni,
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
d) Brief Knowledge of foreign body in the throat, Carcinoma of Larynx &
Pharynx, Dysphagia Diphtheria & diseases of salivary glands.

Sarvasara Mukha Roga (Generalised mucosal affections of the oral cavity)

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of Sarvasar mukhapaka
b) Brief Knowledge of urdhvaguda, putivaktrata, mukharbuda
c) Detailed Knowlege of Stomatitis.

VI Miscellaneous Diseases
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness.

Content of Practical

Identification, Uses, Demonstration of surgical/non-surgical equipment/ instruments,

materials used in shalakya chikitsa. Method of sterilization. Training of case taking, bedside
clinics and case presentation.

Training in para- surgical procedures-

1) Kshara karma
2) Agnikarma
3) Raktamokshana
4) Training of ward procedures. Application of bandages, wound management
5) Training of minor procedures (ashtavidha)
6) Observation of surgical procedures in Shalakya

Clinical Training 04 Months (OPD, IPD OT and

kriya kalpa)
Distribution of marks
1) Long Case 30 Marks
2) Short Case 20 Marks
3) Identification of instruments 10Marks
4) Viva – voce 30 Marks
5) Daily Record (Case record) 10 Marks
Total 100 Marks

Reference Books:-
1. Shalakya Tantra Dr. Rama Nath Dwivedi
2. Shalakya Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary

26 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
3. Abhinava Netra Chikitsa Acharya Vishva Nath Dwivedi
4. Netra Chikitsa Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary
5. Netra Roga Chikitsa Dr. Munje
6. Netra Roga Vigyan Dr. Hans Raj
7. Parson’s Diseases of Eye
8. Diseases of ENT Log and Turner
9. Shalakya Tantra Shiv Nath Khanna
10. A text book of ophthalmology in Ayurveda Dr. P.K.Shantha kumara
11. Shalakya Kriya Kalpa Vigyan Prof. K. S. Dhiman
Useful portions of Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhata

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4.5 Research methodology and Medical statistics

Total Marks 50 (Part A-30 and Part B- 20)

PART – A –Research Methodology

1. Brief historical background of research in Ayurved and contemporary medical science

Evidences of researches in ayurvedic classics
2. Etymology, definitions and synonyms (Anveshana, Gaveshana, Prayeshana,
Anusandhan and Shodha) of the word Research
3. Research in Ayurved - Scope, need, importance, utility
4. Types of Research (familiarization of the terms)
a) Pure and Applied
b) Qualitative , Quantitative and Mixed
Observational and interventional.
5. Research process (Importance of each steps in brief)
a. Selection of the topic
b. Review of the literature
c. Formulation of Hypothesis
d. Aims and Objectives
e. Materials and methods
f. Observations and results
g. Methods of communication of Research
6. Research tools – Role of the pramanas as research tools
7. The concept and importance of ethics in research
8. Concept of Evidenvce Based Medicine and Scientific Writing
9. Importance of IT in data mining and important research data portalsconcerned with
Ayurved and contemporary medical science (DHARA , PubMed, Ayush Research
Portal, Bioinformatics Center, Research Management Informatic System etc.)

Part – B Medical-Statistics

1. Definition, scope and importance of the Medical statistics

2. Common statistical terms and notations
a. Population
b. Sample
c. Data
d. Variable
e. Normal distribution
3. Collection and Presentation of data
a. Tabular
b. Graphical
c. Diagrammatical
4. Measures of location
a. Average
b. Percentile
Measures of Central Tendency
a. Arithmetic mean
b. Median

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c. Mode
5. Variability and its measurement
a. Range
b. Standard deviation
c. Standard error
6. Introduction to probability and test of significance
7. Parametric and non parametric tests
8. Introduction to commonly used statistical soft-wares.

Reference books for Research methodology :

1. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’
2. Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley
Eastern Limited.
3. Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology-A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners,
(2nd.ed), Singapore, Pearson Education
4. Students guide to research methodology – Undergraduates. Alexandria Medical Students
5. Health research methodology. A guide for training in research methods. 2nd edition.
Manila, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2001.

Reference Books for statistics :

1. Health research methodology. A guide for training in research methods. 2nd edition.
Manila, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2001.

2. Statistical methods in medical research. P.Armitage (Ed) Oxoford Blackwell

3. Statistical methods . Snedecor GW and Cochran, WG
4. Altman, D. G. (1991). Practical statistics for medical research. London:
ChapmanPrinciples of Medical Statistics by A. Bradford Hill
5. Interpretation and Uses of Medical Statistics by Leslie E Daly, Geoffrey J Bourke, James
MC Gilvray.
6. Research in Ayurveda-M S Baghel
7. research methodlogy in ayurveda-V.J.Thakar,Gujarat Ayurved University
8. Ayurveda anusandhan paddhati-P.V.Sharma
9.Research methodology methods and statistical techniques- Santosh Gupta.
Greenhouse SW.
10.The growth and future of biostatistics: (A view from the 1980s).
Statistics in Medicine 2003; 22:3323–3335.
11.Knapp GR & Miller MC. Clinical epidemiology and Biostatistics, NMS series
Antonisamy B, Christopher S & Samuel PP. Biostatistics : Principles and practice
12.Sundara Rao PSS & Richard J. An introduction to Biostatistics, PHI
13.Senn S (1997). Statistical Issues in Drug Development. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
14.Methods in Bio-statistics for Medical Students- BK Mahajan
15.Vaidyakeeya Sankhiki Shastra- Dr.S.S.Savrikar

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