Be Kind To Your Mind: Stress Coping Strategies For Grade 10 Students

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Be Kind to your mind:

Stress Coping
Strategies for Grade 10
 Students have different problems to deal with in school, with their families, with their
friends, and in many other ways. 

 This project aims to help the grade 10 students and their parents to address the common
stress problems that they are encountering at schools. 
 Stress -related webinars for teachers, students and parents will be implemented both
offline and face-to-face to help them understand the importance of mental health.

  Gaps Addressed
1. Being alone and lonely. 
2. Workload went up. 
3. Changes in how teachers are helped.
4. Lower socioeconomic background of the family. 

This research-based program intends to: 

1. To help students, parents, and teachers understand what the Grade 10 students are going
through with their stress.

2. To identify healthy ways of managing stress that fit student's current lifestyle. 

Target Group
Grade 10 Students with risk factors to develop stress and/or those who are currently
experiencing stress related problems.
Measure of Success
 Pre and Post Survey for grade 10 students.

 Monitor progress and counseling .

1. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory
 Children from unfortunate backgrounds are more
likely to experience problematic family structures. 

2. Cannon Bard: The Emergency Theory

 -Understand the role of cognition and physiology in coping with stress. 

 -Recognize emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies. 

 -Understand the relationships and interactions between health, stress, and coping.

Possible Barriers
and Mitigation
1. School calendar/schedule 

a. Project Proposal

b. Flexibility

2. Parent's Involvement 

a. Collaboration with Parents

b. Volunteerism

3. Teachers Participation 

a. Recognition

b. Decision Making

1. Develop a stress management seminar modules for
Grade 10 students and parents 
2. Provide Teachers Training about stress management
3. Maximizing Psychoeducational data from the Guidance
Office or Homeroom teacher.
4. Managing Barriers.
5. Monitoring progress 
6. Receiving/providing feedback

Action Plan 
Time and Description Point Person
July - August  Module Development  Program
September- Training for teachers Grade 10 Teachers
October and Possible
November- Conduct a Pre-Survey Grade 10 student,
December  regarding Stress related Teachers, Parents,
problems to Grade 10 and Volunteer
January- Seminar/ Workshop for Parents, Guidance
February parents. Counselor, and
March- April Seminar/ Workshop for Grade 10 students,
students. Teachers, Guidance
Counselor, and
May- June Post Survey, feedback Grade 10 student,
and/ or counselling Teachers, Parents,
and Volunteer
Review Related
  Stress Coping Mechanism and Its Impact to their age
among Senior High School students at Parañaque
National High School-Baclaran
Dr. Rey S. Guevarra1 , Romel A. Cimanes2 1Master
Teacher 2, Paraňaque National High School-Baclaran,
 by:

You are invited to participate in our student stress survey. We know that higher education experience
can be truly genuinely stressful sometimes, and we want to find out ways to support our students to
cope with that more efficiently. The purpose of this questionnaire is to capture feedback about the
stress you've experienced this academic year and how you've handled that. The completion will take
approximately 20 minutes.

Please, take some moments to reflect on each question addressed and try to be as sincere as possible.
Your answers will remain confidential and they will be only used in finding ways to improve the
academic experience of our students in the future.

You can start with the survey by clicking on the Continue button below. Thank you for your cooperation!

*The name of your institution: ___________________________________________

*The name of your program of study: ___________________________________________
*Your gender is: o Female
o Male
o Other / I prefer not to respond
*How stressed do you feel on a daily basis o 1
during the academic year? Rate 1-10 (one is the o 2
lowest. 10 is the highest) o 3
o 4
o 5
o 6
o 7
o 8
o 9
o 10
*What are the usual causes of stress in your o Studies issues
life? (Select all that apply) o Financial issues
o Family issues
o Friends’ issues
o Issues with the significant other (partner)
o Work (job-related) issues
o Health Related
o Issues Sports / Athletics activities issues
o My involvement in clubs and organizations
o Other
*How do you usually experience stress (in the
situations selected from the list above)? Please,
describe in few words the physical sensations
and the feelings you encounter when you call
yourself as feeling stressed.

*What are the usual BEHAVIORAL effects of o Change in activity levels

stress you've noticed at yourself? (Select all o Decreased efficiency and effectiveness
that apply o Difficulty communicating
o Increased sense of humor/gallows
humorIrritability, outbursts of anger,
frequent arguments
o Inability to rest, relax or let down
o Change in eating habits
o Change in sleep patterns
o Change in activity performance
o Periods of crying
o Increased use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs,
sugar or caffeine
o Hyper-vigilance about safety or the
surrounding environment
o Avoidance of activities or places that trigger
o Accident prone
o Other
*What are the usual PSYCHOLOGICAL or o Feeling heroic, euphoric or invulnerable
EMOTIONAL effects of stress you've noticed at o Denial
yourself? (Select all that apply) o Anxiety or fear
o Worry about safety of self or others
o Irritability or anger
o Restlessness
o Sadness, moodiness, grief or depression
o Vivid or distressing dreams
o Guilt or “survivor guilt”
o Feeling overwhelmed, helpless or hopeless
o Feeling isolated, lost, lonely or abandoned
o Apathy
o Over-identification with survivors
o Feeling misunderstood or unappreciated
o None of the Above
o Other
*What are the usual PHYSICAL effects of stress o blood pressure
you've noticed at yourself? (Select all that o Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea
apply) o Increased or decreased appetite which may
be accompanied by weight loss or gain
o Sweating or chills
o Tremors or muscle twitching
o Muffled hearingTunnel vision
o Feeling uncoordinated
o HeadachesSore or aching muscles
o Light sensitive vision
o Lower back pain
o Feeling a "lump in the throat"
Easily startled
o Fatigue that does not improve with sleep
o Menstrual cycle changes
o Change In sexual desire or response
o Decreased resistance to colds, flu, infections
o Flare up of allergies, asthma, or arthritis
o None of the Above
o Hair loss
o Other
*What are the usual COGNITIVE effects of o Memory problems/forgetfulness
stress you've noticed at yourself? (Select all o Disorientation
that apply) o Confusion
o Slowness in thinking, analyzing, or
o Difficulty calculating, setting priorities or
making decisions
o Difficulty Concentrating
o Limited attention span
o Loss of objectivity
o Inability to stop thinking about the disaster
or an incident
o None of the Above
o Other
*What are the usual SOCIAL effects of stress o Withdrawing or isolating from people
you've noticed at yourself? (Select all that o Difficulty listening
apply) o Difficulty sharing ideas
o Difficulty engaging in mutual problem solving
o Blaming
o Criticizing
o Intolerance of group process
o Difficulty in giving or accepting support or
o Impatient with or disrespectful to others
o None of the Above
o Other
*What are your personal methods to relieve o Eating
stress? (Select all that apply) o Sleeping
o Drinking
o Drugs
o Sports / Exercise
o Talking with someone
o Shopping
o Computer Games
o Social Media
o None of the Above
o Other
*How able do you feel to handle stress when o 1
you are experiencing it? Rate 1-10 (one is the o 2
lowest. 10 is the highest) o 3
o 4
o 5
o 6
o 7
o 8
o 9
o 10
*What are the most pressing stress factors in o Study workload
your current academic context (related to this o Grades
program of study)? Select all that apply. o Financial pressure (e.g. tuition, living costs)
o Work (and Study) - Life balance
o Relationship with (some) faculty members
o Relationship with other students
o Campus social life
o Other
*What is something that our university could o
do to help lower your stress?

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