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Thismar kinggui dewasdr aftedwi tht hehopet hati twoul dbeusef ul tocandi dat espr epar ing
forthei rordi nar yl evel exami nat ions.Thequest ionsar eact ual quest ionst hatwer easkedon
speci fi
edy ear sandsessi onsandexpect edresponseswi llgui decandi datesonhowt oanswer
them.Somear esi mi lart osomeseemi ngl ydif ferentquest ions.Thi swasdel i
ber atel ydonef or
thecandi dat est or eal i
set hatdi f f
er entwor di
ngofquest ionsi ssomet i
mesusedt oconf use
unsuspect ingcandi dates. Candi dat esar et heref or emadeawar et hatatt i
mesexami ner suse
er entwor dswi tht hesamemeani ng.
Quest ionsar edi videdi nt oTHREE[ 3]cat egoriessot hatcandi dat esgetusedt oquest ioni ng
techni quesandknowwhati sexpect edoft hem i neachcat egor y.Candi dat esneedt or ealiset he
commonl yusedt ermssoasnott omi sf ireint heexams.
Letusbr ieflyl ookatwor dscommonl yusedpercat egor yandanexpl anat ionwoul dbedoneas
towhati sexpect edf rom t hecandi dat es.Thecommonl yusedt ermsi ncat egor y1ar e:
List,Ident i
fy ,stat eandname.
Candi datesneednotwr iteessay sonsuchquest i
onsbutmustdi rect lyanswert hem andar e
bestadv isedt onumbert hei rresponses.Thesequest ionsr equi rest raightf orwar d
responses/ answer swi thoutel abor at i
on.Responsest ot hesequest ionsmustbeshor t
InCat egor y2, thecommonl yusedt ermsar e:
Descr ibe...
Out l
Showhow. ...
Candi datesar er equi redt oshowt hei rf ullunder standi ngofwhati sdemandedbyt hequest ion.
Theyneedt of ullyexpl ainpoi nt st ogetmaxi mum poi nts.Candi dat esar er equi redt oexpl ai nthe
12poi ntsaspermar kal locat ion.Mer ei dentifi
cat i
onwi thoutel abor at i
onmi ghtr esul tin
candi datesunnecessar i
lyl osi ngv aluabl emar ks.Wr itingi npoi ntf or m wi l
lresul tincandi dat es
gettinghal fmar ks.Candi dat esshoul dal sonot et hatatt i
mest hesequest i
onsmaybedi vided
nt oTWOPARTS.I nt hisscenar iocandi dat esar et oexpl ainsi xpoi ntsf ort hef i
rstpar tand
anot hersi xpoi ntsf orsecondpar t.
CATEGORY3. quest i
onsatt hi sl evel ar eanal y ti
cal /anal y sis.Commonl yusedt erms/ Phr asesar e:
Towhat .
Howf ar .
Ther ear eTHREEl ev elst oanswer ingt hiscat egor yquest ionsandcandi dat esar eexpect edt o
reacht othehi ghestl evel iftheyar et ogethi ghermar ks.
LEVEL1- ------
One- sidedanal y sis[ mar kr ange1- 3] .Nomat terhowmanypoi ntsacandi dat e
explains, themar kr angedoesnotchangei fall thegi v enpoi ntsar eone- si
ded.Eg3+0=3, 8+0. =3
LEVEL2- -----Balancedanal ysis[mar kr ange4- 6].lev el 2answershowst hatt hecandi datehas
under stoodt heweaknessoft hequest ionandhast huspr esent edabal ancedr esponse. Eg
1+1=4, 2+1=4, 4+3=6, 5+4=6
LEVEL3- -----Balancedanal ysispl usj udgement[ mar kr ange7- 8] .Thi si sthehi ghestl ev el.The
udgementsent encei st husamusti facandi dat eist ogethi ghestmar ks.Thi sj udgement
statementcanonl ybev alidwheni tisaddedt oabal ancedanal ysis.Theent r
ypoi ntt o8mar ks
shoul dbe4poi nt s[ balanced]pl usj udgement .Candi dat esar eencour agedt ogi v easmany
pointsaspossi bl e.Eg2+1=7and2+2=8
Quest ionswi tht heirr esponsesar egr oupedaccor dingt ot opicsandt hiswi l
lgiv ecandi dat esan
oppor tunityt oconcent rat eonapar ti
cul artopi catanygi v ent imet husgi vinghi m/ herat hor ough
pract i
cepert opi c.
[Nov 2006]
1.[a].Nameanyf i
v ecount ri
est hatf oughtagai nstt urkeyi nt hef irstBal kanwarof1912[ 5].


Serbia,Mont enegro, Bulgar i

a, Bosni a,Gr eece, Herzegov ina.
.descr ibet hef ir
stBal kanwar ,1912andSecondBal kanwar ,1913. [
FirstBal kanwar ,1912.
Itwast hewest erninspi rednat i
onal ism oft heYoungTur kwhichf orcedthej ealousanddi vi
Balkanst atesi ntouni onagai nstt hem.Tur kishat t
emptt ointroducei ntothisar eaacommon
aw, anat ional languageandacompul sorymi l
aryser viceturnedmut ualj
eal ousamongt he
minor i
tiesi ntoacommonr esent mentagai nstt heTur ks.YoungTur ksbegant oper secute
1912Mont enegr o,Bulgar i
a, SerbiaandGr eecedecl aredwaronTur key.
Disunitedi nhomeaf fai
rsandwi t
ht heI t
alianat tackbar elyover,Tur kscoulddonot hingagainst
theonsl aught eroft heBal kanLeague.
BalkanLeaguewon, overrandi fferentsect i
onsofMacedoni aandmadeot herconquest swit
ease.In1913apeaceconf er encei nLondonwashel dt oendt hewar. I
twasdeci dedt hat
Turkey’sEur opeant erri
toriesshoul dbeshar edbet weenSer bia,Mont enegro, Greeceand
.SecondBal kanwar ,
Soonaf tert heBal kanLeaguewasdi videdbydi sputes. In1913Bul gari
aattackedSer biaand
Greece.ThenRomani aandTur keyj oinedt hewaragai nstBulgaria.Bulgariawasov erwhelmed
.August1913, Treat yofBuchar estmadeaf reshdiv i
sionoft heter ri
.Macedoni awas
dedbet weenSer biaandGr eece.Gr eecet ohav eeastofCr eteaswel l

[C]Towhatext entdi dtheBal kanwar scont r i

but et otheout breakofWor l
dWarone?[ 8].
Intensi fi
cat ionofbadr el
ationsbet weenSer biaandAust r
ia.Ser bsr egardedt heannexat ionof
Bosni aandHer zegov inaasanactofhost il
ityt owar dst hemsel vesandt heirjustifi
edai m.
Aust riawasdet ermi nedt okeepal andl ockedst at e.Ser bi
aemer gedv i
ctoriousf rom t heBalkan
war sandSer bswer enowconf identandaggr essi v e.Aust ri
apr opagandaonsev enmi ll
andCr oat sinAust rianempi re.Aust riasawt hepower f ulSerbiaasadi rectt hreattot hepr esti
andsecur i
tyofherempi re.Aust ri
awasdet ermi nedaf tertheBal kanwar sandwi t
hf ullbacking
ofGer manybehi ndher ,nott of ail
.Itincreasedt ensi onbet weenGer manyRussi a.Butt herewer e
sev eral ot hercausesoft hewar ,egAr msr ace, Nav alrace, partiti
onofAf r
2.[a] .
St ateanyf iver easonswhyGer manywasdef eatedi nthef irstwor ldwar ,
1914- 1918. [
-Amer i
caent rancei ntot hewar .
-Ger manyhadl ostherbestr eser v
-Poorf oodsuppl ies.
-weaknessesofGer manal lies.
-Rev oltsathome.
edsuper ior ityofmanpower .
-Inexhaust i
bleweal thofBr itishEmpi reandUSA.
--Cont rol oft heseaswhi cht heBr it
ishNav ynev erf oronemomentl ost.
iedbl ockedsl owl ybr oughtaboutt hest arvat ionofCent r
al power sinbot hfoodandr aw
mat er i
al s.
-Failureoft heschl ieffenplan.
-Mut inyi nar myoft heCent ral Power s.
Descr i
bet hesoci al andeconomi cef f
ectsoft heFi r stWor l
dWari nEur ope.[ 12] .
Economi cef fect s:-
Wargav ecommer cialadv ant aget oi ndustrial nationsout si
deEur opeeg
shandFr enchi ndust r
ieswer econcent ratingonwarmat er i
alsandcoul dnol ongersuppl y
theircust omer swi thdayt odaygoods.
-Text i
les, Cheapt oysandmet al goodsf r
om Japanandmachi ner y,carsandchemi calsf r
USApour edi nt oAf ri
caandAsi areplacingEur opeangoods.


-Count riesl i
keI ndianowbegant obui ldi ndust riesoft hei rowni nst eadofi mpor ti
ngEur opean
goods.–Amer i
cabecamet hegr eat estcr edi tornat ion.
-Eur opebecamer elat i
velypoorascount rieshadt opaywardebt s,repar ations.
-Inflat i
on, unempl oyment ,closur eofi ndust ri
es, dest ructionoft hei nf rast ructure,land.
-War timet echni cal adv anceswer et urnedt ogoodci vili
anusee. gt opr oduceweapons, unifor
vehi cl esandmachi neryofal lkindsi nv astamount sunt ilthenbyhand, wer enowdonemuch
mor equi cklyandcheapl ybymachi ner y.
Soci al ef fects.
-Radi os, Aeropl anesandmot or car swer edev elopedr api dlyt omeett hedemandsofci vili
ans, ai
transpor t, broadcast inget c.
-Spr eadi ngofcommuni cat ionsbr oughtnat ionsmuchcl osert oget herf orgoodorf orbad.
-Er osionofcl assandsexbar rier s,menofal lclasseshadshar edt hesamehar dshipsint he
trenchesandhadbeenf orcedi nt ocont act .
-fundament al changeofat ti
t udese. gawor kerwasasgoodashi smast er.
-Ef fect sofor dinar ywomenwor kingonf ar ms, indust ryandcommer ce, ar medf or
ces, medi cal
ser v i
cesandi nt r
anspor tensur edt hatsoci etynowr egar dedt hem i nqui tet hesamel ightagai n.
-Deat h, st arvat i
on, diseases, violence, highcr imer ate, unempl oyment ,homel essness, injuri
-Thewarcausedani mmensel eapf orwar di nwomen’ semanci pat i
[C] Didt hemi nor i
tygr oupsi nEur opebenef itfrom t heef fect soft heFi rstWor ldWar ?Expl ai
youranswer .[8].
-Jewsf oundt hem scat ter edal l ov erasar esul toft hei rt reatmentdur i
ngt hewari nEur ope.
-InGer many , Jewswer eaccusedofhav i
ngst abbedt heGer mansi nt hebackandr eceived
ter ri
bl et reat ment .
-Ger mansi tsel fwasdi v i
dedi nt o2byt hePol i
shCor ridorwhi chsepar at edPr ussiaf r
Ger many .
-Czechwasgi venanewst at eoft hei rownCzechosl ov akia.
-Pol andwhi chhadbeenswal lowedbyGer manyandRussi awasr ecr eat ed.
-Womenr ecei vedpol it
ical ri
ght sbyegt her ightt ov ote.
-Womenhadacqui redski llswhi cht heycont inuedt ouseaf tertheendoft hewar .
3.[ a]Nameanyf iveEur opeancount r
iest hathadI nt erest sinnor thAf ri
cabet ween1900and
1914[ 5] .
-Br it
ai n, France, Ger many ,Italy ,Tur key .
[b]Descr ibet hef irstMor occancr isisof1905andt hesecondMor occancr isisof1911[ 12].
-Pr obl emsst ar tedwhenBr itainr ecogni sedFr enchambi tionsi nMor occoaspar tofEnt ent e
Cor dialeagr eementof1904.
-AssoonasKai sergai nedi nf ormedoft hesecr etcl auseonMor occowhi ch, hebr oughtst r
dipl omat icpr essur et obearonFr ance.
-Kai serv i
sitedt angieri n1905andassur edt heSul t
ant hatGer manywoul dsuppor tthe
ndependenceofMor occoanddi dnoti nt endt or ecogni seanyot heragr eement .
-Kai serdemandedcal l
ingofaEur opeanconf er enceonMor occoconf erenceatAl geria1906.
SecondMor occancr i
-InMay1911, claimi ngt hatAl ger i
awasendanger edbydi sor derinMor occo; Frencht roops
occupi edFezwhi chwasunderat tackf rom nomadt ri
-Ger manyst eppedi nandi nJul y1911aGer mangunboat ,thePant her ,wassentt oAgadi ront he
gr oundt hatt hei nterestofGer manynat i
onal swer ei ndanger .
-Forat imef eel ingswer esohi ght hatwarbet weenFr anceandGer manyseemedpossi ble.
-Ger manact ionexci tedBr itishopi nionasAgadi rwascl oset oGi braltar .
-Br it
ishf leetwaspr epar edf oract ion.
-Anagr eementwasr eachedwher ebyFr ancewasr ecogni sedashav ingt hepr otectorateov er
Mor occobuti nr eturnt heGer manCamer oonwasenl ar gedbyt wosubst antialsli
cesf rom


Fr enchMi ddl eCongo.

[C]Towhatext entdi dt heMor occancr i
si sIncr easet ensi oni nEur ope?[ 8].
-Ger manywast r y
ingt ot estt hev alueoft henewAngl o-Fr enchEnt ente, toseehowf arBri
woul dsuppor tFr ance.
-AtAl geci rasi tbecamecl eart hatt heBr iti
shbacki ngf orFr ancewasr eal.
-Italy ,
Spai nandRussi aal souphel dFr enchi nterest s.
-Feel ingsr anhi ghi nEur ope.
-Al geci rasConf erencewast hesceneoft hef ir
stdi r
ectconf lictbet weenFr anceandGer many
andt heKai sercameof fsecondbest .
-Dur ingt heConf erencesessi on, Fr ance, BritainandRussi aconst ant l
yout votedGer manyand
ther esul twasadeci sivedef eatf ort heKai ser .
-Howev er ,ther ewer eot herf act orst hatal soi ncreasedt ensi oni nEur opee. gar msr ace,naval
race, etc.
4.[a] .Listanyf iv epr obl emsf acedbysol diersdur i
ngt renchwar farei nt hef i
rstwor l
dwar .[5]
-Hunger ,
-di sease, -
poi sonousgas, -
wetcondi t
ions, -mosqui t
obi tes, airat tacks,-
[B] .]
.Descr ibet hewaratseat heFi rstWor l
dWar .[ 12
-Initiat edbyGer manyandwasaf eat ur eofwaronwest ernf ront .
-UseofU- boat sandt or pedoes’ .
-Thr eat st oal lies’ foodsuppl iesandmi l
itaryequi pment .
-Achal l
enget oBr i
tishnav yandt heBr it
ishr est oredt oconv oysy stem t opr otectall
-Abl et omai ntai nv ital suppl i
est ot heal lies.
-Bl ockadeofGer manpor ts.
-Al li
edf leet sdest roy edU- boat sandt hisr esultedi nmanydeat hs.
--Int roduct i
onoft her adarsy stem.
-Unr est rictedusesubmar i
newar far ebyGer manyonmer chantshi psl edUSAent r
onsi deofal li
-Si nki ngofLusi tania.
-Amer i
canent rancet il
tedt hewari nf avourofal l
-Al li
edt hr eatatseawasr emov edandGer manyshi ftedi tsat t ent iont oconcent rat
eonl and.
[C] .Towhatext entdi dt hewaratseal eadt ot hef inal defeatofGer many ?[ 8].
-Bl ockageofGer manypor tsledst arv ationandf oodr iotsappear edi nGer many .
-Ger manydeni edsuppl yofr awmat erialsf orheri ndust r
-Lar geGer manyf leetandU- boat swer edest royed.
-Ent ryofUSAboost edal liedef f
or t.
-Howev er ,itshoul dbenot edt hatGer manywassuppor tedbyweakal lies.
-Fight ingonal l front spr ov edt oomuchf orGer many .
-Fr esht roopsandequi pmentf rom USAt il
tedt hewari nfav ouroft heal l
-Useofaer ial bombar dment .
-Wi l
son’ s14poi ntsper suadedGer manyt oacceptanar mi st i
5.[A] .Namef iveEur opeancount riest hathadi nter esti nt heBal kans.[ 5].
-Br itain.-Russi a,-Ger many ,-Aust ria-Hungar y,-
Tur key .
[B] .Ev ent sf rom 1907l eadi ngt ot heannexat i
onofBosni aandHer zegov i
na. [
-1908asect ionoft heTur kishpeopl e,theYoungTur kmov ementat temptt oputanendt othe
cor rupt ionandi nefficiencyoft heEmpi re.
twasanout rightr ebel lionagai nstt her uleoft hecor ruptandcr uel Abdul Hammi d.
-YoungTur kmov ementdemandedaConst i
tutional gov er nmentonWest ernlinesandabsol ute
equal it
ybet weenChr istiansandMohammedans
-Abdul Hammi dwasf orcedt ogr antapar li
ament ar ysy st em, compl etef reedom ofpol it
or gani sat i
onanddi scussi on, andt her etur nofmanyexi ledpol it
ici ans.


-YoungTur kmov ementhadappar ent l

ysucceededwi thsur prisingease.
-tost rengt henherownpoweral ongt heAdr iat i
c, Austri
anowendedt he“ protect orate”ofBosni a
andHer zegov inaandi ncor por atedt het wopr ovincescompl etel yint heAust r
ianEmpi r
[c]Howser i
ouswer et heConsequencesoft heannexat ionofBosni aandHer zegov ina?[ 8]
-tensi onbet weenSer biaandAust r
iat remendousl yincreasedasconsequences.
-annex ationhadt hemostser iousr esul tsi nwor seni ngthepol iticalat mospher eofEur ope.
-Tur kst hemsel v eswer ef artooweaki nter nallyt omov eagai nstAust ria,andt heKai sernow
camewi thadecl arat i
ont hatifAust ri
aandt heAust riawer eat tackedGer manywoul dsuppor t
her .
-Thi sdet er redRussi aatt hetimebutshepr omi sedshewoul dnotbackdowni nf uture.
6.[ a]Fi vemet hodsoff i
ght ingt hatwer eusedi nt heFi r
stWor l
dWar .[5]
-airst rikes, sea, trenchwar fare.
-useofpoi sonousgast anks
-U- boat s[submar ines]
[b]Descr i
beU. S.A“ sent rancei ntot heFi rstWor l
dWari n1917[ 12]
Amer icaj oi nedt hewarbecause;
-Ger manyt or pedoedt heLusi taniawhi chr esul t
edi nt hel ossof1200Amer icanl i
v es.
-Ger manyal sosankt heSussexwhi chal socar riedAmer icanpassenger s.
-Ger manypr opagandai nU. S.Aal soper suadedMexi cot oat tackt heUSi nret urnf orseizur eof
Amer icant er ri
tor y.On6Apr i
l1917U. S.Adecl aredwarGer many .
-FirstAmer icant roopsl andedFr ancei nJune1917
-thei rar rival gr eat l
yencour agedt heal liesandhadadepr essingef fectont hewarwear y
Ger mans.
-Amer icant roopsbegant oar riveont hewest ernf r
onti nsuf ficientnumberandi nf l
uencedt he
fight ingi nf av ouroft heal li
[c]Towhatext entdi dAmer icanent rancei nt ot heFi rstWor l
dWar ,cont ri
but et othedef eat
cent ral power s?[ 8]
-pour i
ngi noff resht roopsandequi pment
-suppl iest oal liese. gf ood, creditandmer chantshi ps
-1/ 4ofmi l
lionmenl andi ngi nFr ancepermont h.
-mor et anksav ailabl e.
Ot herf act or s.
-Fai l
ur eofSchl ieffenpl an.
-Al l
iedseapower ,useofconv oystopr ot ectal l
iedpower s.
-Cont inuousst rainofheav ylossesonGer mant roops.
7.[ a].Name:
[1].Twomember soft heent ent ecor diale[ 1904]and
[2].Thr eemember soft het ri
pl eentent eof1907. [
1.-Br itain.–Fr ance.
2.Br itain.-Fr ance. -
Russi a.
[B] .
Descr i
[1]Theent ent ecor dial e[ 1904]
[2]TheAngl o-Russi anagr eement[ 1907] .
[1].Backgr oundi nf ormat ion:
-Br i
tai nabandonedi sol ation; Francewant edanal lysoast or ev engel ossofAl sace- Lorraine.
Theagr eementwasbet weenBr i
tainandFr ance.
-Notami l
itar yAl liance.
-Theagr eementwasl argel ycent r
edonset tlingofcol onial differencesi eBr i
tainr ecognitionof
Fr enchi nt er est sinMor occowhi leFr anceal sor ecogni seBr i
tishi nterestsi nEgy pt .


-Fory ear st heBr iti

shhadv iewedRussi aasamaj ort hreatt oheri nter est si nt heFarEastand
Indi abutr ecent lyt hesi tuat ionhadchanged.
-Theagr eementt her efor eset tl
edt heBr it
ishandRussi andi fferencest hatexi stedear li
eron.- It
wasnotami li
taryal l
ianceandnotnecessar i
lyanant i-Ger manmov ebutt heGer manssawi tas
aconf irmat ionoft heirf ear st hatBr it
ain, FranceandRussi awer eplanni ngt oenci rcl
et hem.
[2].Thesi gningoft he1904Ent ent eCor dialet ransf ormedi tintoaTr ipleEnt ent eofBr itainand
Russi ai n1907.
-Thi swasdescr ibedasanant i-
Ger manycl ubofBr itain, FranceandRussi a.
-Byt heendof1907, Eur opewasdi v i
dedi nt otwobl ocksnamel ytheTr ipleAl lianceofGer many ,
ItalyandAust ri
a-Hungar yononehand, theTr i
pl eEnt ent eofBr i
tain,Fr anceandRussi aont he
ot her .
-set tleddi sputesov erAf ghani stanandt heI ndi anFr ont ier.Russi agav ewayandBr it
aingai ned
cont rol oft hepol i
cyofAf ghani st an.Br i
tainandRussi aexer cisedequal tradi ngr ightsint he
count ry.
-InPer sia[ I
ran]aset tlementwasr eached. Russi agai nedcont rolofNor ther nPer siawhi leBr i
cont rol l
edSout hEastandt hePer sianGul fwher ei mpor tantBr i
shoi l inter est shadal ready
est abl ishedt hemsel ves.
[C] .
Towhatext entdi dt heent entecor di aleandt heAngl o-Russi anagr eementi ncreaset ension
nEur opedur ingt hi sper iod?[ 8].
-Thef actt hatEur opewasdi v i
dedi ntot wohost ilecamps, eachwi thf ormi dabl eanddev astating
power , madewarmor el ikely .
-Ther ewasnot hingbi ndi ngaboutt heseal l
iancesast heyhadbeenmanycr isissince1904, none
ofhadl edt oamaj orwar .
-TheTr i
pleEnt ent ewasst r
engt henedwi t
ht hehar deni ngoft heFr anco- Ger manyhost i
ydur ing
thesecondMor occanCr i
Ot herf act ors:
-The1912and1913Bal kanwar sandt heBosni ancr isisal soi ncreasedt ensi on.
-Theassassi nationoft heAust ri
anhei rtot het hr onei ncr easedt ensionandhost il
ityinEur ope.
-Ot hercausesoft hewarwer emi litari
sm, ar msr ace, nav alrace.
8.[a].Nameany :
[1].Twomember soft hecent ral power sand
[2].Thr eemember soft heal l
iedpower s.[ 5].
1.-Ger many ,-Bulgar ia,-Aust ria-Hungar y,
-Tur key .
2.-Br itain,-France, -Italy,-Bel gium, -Russi a,-USA, -Por tugal ,-Srbia,-Nether lands, -
Sweden, -Romani a,-
Japan, etc.
[B].Descr i
1.t hebat tleofVer dun, 1916and
2.Thebat tl
eofVer dun, 1916.
-Supr emeef fortbyGer manyt obr eakt hr ought heFr enchl inesonanar rowf ront.
-Ver dunwasani mpor tantFr enchFor tress.
-Frencht r
oopsunderPer taindef endedst ubbor nlyandt heGer manshadt oabandont heat t
-TheFr enchl ostheav ily315000asGer manyi nt ended, butsodi dtheGer manswi thov er280
000dead, andnot hingt oshowf ori t.
-“Theyshal lnotpass”becamet heFr enchr allyingcr y.
2.Thebat tl
eofsome, 1916.
-TheSommewasBr i
tish’ smostcost l
ybat tl
-Alliesl aunchedahugeof fensi veagai nstt heGer mansi nt heoft heSomme.
-Anewweapon, thet ankwasf i
rstusedbyt heBr iti
-Theai m wast or eliev et hepr essur eonVer dunandt opr ev entGer manssendi ngr einforcement s


tot heEast ernFr ont .

-Heav ycasual tiesonbot hsi des: -Br i
tain450000, Fr ance34000, Ger many530000.
-Aer ial bat tlesbet weent heGer mansandt heBr i
tishpi lotstookpl ace.
-Ger manar mi eswer epr essedr ightbackt ot heHi ndenbur gline.
-Heav yr ai ndur ingaut umnst oppedof fensi ve.
-Thev isi onofcor psesspr awl edacr ossbar bedwi r ebecamet hepopul arimageofwest ernFr ont
-Seriesofbat tlesbet weent het wosi des.
[C]Howf ardi dt heBat tleofVer duncont ri
but et ot hedef eatofGer many[ 8]
-Ger manyl ostheav il
-Ger manyadv ancet ocapt ureVer dunwascheckedbyPet ainwhodef endedt heFor tr
Stubbor nly“ Theyshal lnotpass” .
-Pour i
ngi nofr ei nforcementbyal l
-Ger manonsl aughtwashel d.
-Hugeof fensi veagai nstGer mansatSommebyt heal l
-Russi aof fensi v eunderGener alBr ussilovi nGal iciaagai nstGer manal lyAust ri
-TheU. S.Aent rancei ntot hewarandt heSubmar inewar faretoocont ri
butet ot hedef eatof
Ger many .
-WeaknessesofGer manal l
-Failur eoft heSchl ieffenpl annav alblockadeet c.
[Speci men]
a]Li stanyf ivepr oduct st hatwer ear esultoft echnol ogydev elopmentdur i
ngt hef irstWor ld
War[ 5] .
-Wi relessr adi o, -gramophone
-Stov e, -Iron, -Ref r
iger ator
-Telephone, -aer opl ane, -poi sonousgas.
[b]Descr ibet hepol it
ical andeconomi cr esul t
soft heFi r
stWor l
dWari nEur ope.
1.Economi cr esul t
-Wargav egr eatcommer cial adv ant agest oi ndust rial
izednat i
onsout sideEur opee. gJapanand
U.S. A.
-Amer icaemer gedasaneconomi cgi anthav ingloanedmoneyandsol dgoodst oEur opedur i
thewar , Eur opeanEconomydomi natedbyU. S.A.
-Text il
ei ndust ryandmet al goodsf rom Japanwer epour edi ntoAf ricaandAsi ather ebyt aking
Eur opeanmar ket s.
-Car sandchemi cal swer eexpor tedbyAmer icat oEur opeandbey ond.
-Amer icamademoneygi vingl oanst oEur opet or ebui lddest r
oy edi ndust ri
nf l
at ionandUnempl oy mentbecauseofdemobi lization.
-Europebecamer elativel ypoorasshehadt opaywardebt sandr ebui l
dhereconomyandot her
nf rast ruct ur e.
2.Pol iti
cal resul ts
-Format ionoft heLeagueofNat ions.
-Signi ngofpeacet reat i
esbyt hedef eat edpower s.
-Ther iseofext r emi stpar tiesorr ightwi ngandl eftistpar ti
esasar esultofdi sil
lusi onmentwi th
thewar .
-Riseoff asci stspar t
iesi nGer manyandI t
aly .
-Dev elopmentofnewi deol ogi esegcommuni sm inRussi a.
-Creat ionofnewst at esasar esul tofnewboundar iescreatedatpeacet reati
essi gnedaf t
ert he
endoft heFi rstWor l
dWar .
-Changeort i
lti nt hebal anceofpowerasol di mper ialpower swer edef eat edint hewar .
-Riseofbr igandageasdemobi li
sedsol diersf ai l
edt oadjustt oci vi
[C].Towhatext entdi dt hiswarbr ingnewpol i
tical ideasi nEurope?[ 8].
-Thewardest roy edcl assbar riersandpeopl eofal l cl
assesshar edt hesamehar dshi psi nthe


war .
-Thi smadepeopl et ochangeol dideasandquest iont hest at usquo.
-Fundament alchangesofat t
itudes, anor di nar yper sonwasasgoodaki ngort heruler.
-Womenwhohadbeenconf i
nedt ot heki tchenf oundt hemsel vesj oi ningi ndust riesandt he
armyandatt heendoft hewardemandedsoci al andpol i
tical right s.
-Speedyf or msofcommuni cationbr oughtnat ionsandpeopl ecl osershar ingandspr eadi ng
pol i
t i
cal ideas.
-Peopl ef rom di fferentpar tsofEur opef oughtt oget herandshar edpol iti
cal ideaswhi chspr ead
allov erEur ope.
-Thef al loft heTsari nRussi aandot herMonar chl ef tagapt hatwasqui cklyf il
pol i
t i
cal ideas’
-Thespr eadofcommuni cat ioni nEur opei nf luencedt hedev elopmentofnewi deas.
10. [a]Gi veanyf i
v er easonsf ort heabandonmentoft hepol icyofspl endi di solationbyBr it
after1900[ 5].
-All themaj orpower shadal i
gnedt hemsel vese. g.Fr anco- Russi anEnt ent e, TripleEnt ente.
-Theheedt ocont r
ol Russi anexpansi oni nt heEast .
-Ger manyl ookedf orcol oniesnextt oBr itishones.
-Ger mangunboatdi plomacy .
-THEKai ser ’spr oclai medwel t
pol itikt hr eat enedBr itishsupr emacy ’
-Asar esul tofr ivalryinAf r
icaandSout h- EastAsi ar elat i
onswi thFr ancewer enogood.
-Britai n’snav al super i
or itywasbei ngchal lengedbyt heU. S.AandJapan.
[b]Descr i
bet hef ormat ionandt ermsoft heTr ipleEnt ent e, 1907. [
8] .
-TheTr ipleEnt ent ef ollowedt heEnt ent eCor di al of1904.
-Thesuppor tgi venbyRussi at oFr anceandBr itainatAl geci rasshowedcl ear l
yt hattheset hree
power swer ebyt hist imebei ngdr awnt oget heragai nstt heKai ser ’
spol i
cy .
-TheFr enchgov ernmentwasper suadi ngCzarNi chol as2t ocomet oadef init
eunder standing
withBr itainov erdi sput edi ssues.
-TheCzarwasasmuchopposedt ot heBer li
n-Bagdadpr ojectofGer manyaswasBr itain.
-Theseconsi der ationsl edt odi scussi onsi n1907bet weenr epresent ativesoft heBr it
Russi angov ernment s.
-TheAngl o- Russi anagr eementset tledcer t aincausesofdi sput esbet weent het wocount ri
-Set tledt heol ddi sput eov erAf ghani stanandt heI ndi anf r
ont i
er. Russi ansgav ewayandBr i
gai nedcont rol oft hef or eignpol icyofAf ghani stan.Br i
tainandRussi aexer cised
Equal tradi ngr i
ght si nt hecount ry.
nPer si a[ I
r an]aset tlementwasr eached. Russi agai nedcont r
ol ofNor ther nPer si
awhi leBr i
cont rolledSout hEastandt hePer sianGul fwher eBr i
tainoi l interest shadal readyest ablished
themsel v es.
-By1907Russi aandFr ance, Fr anceandBr itai n, BritainandRussi awer eal l li
nkedbycer tai
mpor tantof ficial under standi ngandt heTr ipleEnt ent eofBr i
tain, Fr ancehadcomet ost ay .
[C].Towhatext entdi dt hef or mat ionoft het ripleent ent eincr easet ensi oni nEur ope?[ 8].
-From 1907t hemaj orst atesofEur opewer edr awnupt woCamps–dual allianceofGer many
andAust ri
a- Hungar yandt heTr ipleEnt ent e.
-Thet wocampsi ncr easedt hei rstr engt hy earbyy ear .
-Thear mi esr eachf orwaront heCont i
nentwer et hebi ggest/ largestev erf or medi nEur opein
twasnol ongerpossi blet ol ocal isewar .
-Howev er, ther ewer eot herf act orst hatwer eal soi ncr easingt ensi oni nEur opeegCol oni al
rivalry, quar relsi nt heBal kans, Armsr ace, Nav al race, Fearandi nsecur ityt hathadbeenar oused
bynat ional ism , secr ett r eat i
esandhost i
leal liancesandTact lesspubl icst at ement sbyt he
Kai ser .


11[ a]St ateanyf iveai msoft heSchl ief fenPl an.[ 5]
-Tocapt ureFr ancewi thinav er yshor tspaceoft i
mebef or ereturningt oRussi a–Af ter39day s
onl y .
-ToMar cht hroughBel gium wi t hin12day s.
-Toav oidf ight ingont wof ront s.
-Tocapt ureBr ussel swi thin19day s.
–Tooccupychannel por tsinor dert opr ev entt helandofBr i
tishreinf orcement s.
b] Descr i
bet het renchwar far e, 1915- 1917.
-Af terGer manadv ancewascheckedatt heBat tleoft heMar ne,theGer mansnowbegant odi g
def ensi veposi t
ionsal ongt hewhol ewest er nfront.
-Wari nt hewestnowbecamest aticandev entual l
ythel i
v esoft renchesanddugout sextended
from Bel gium Fr ont ierr i
ghtdownt oSwi tzer land.
-Fart henext4y ear swaront hewest ernf rontoneofat tackandcount erattack.
-Agai nofaf ewhundr edy ardsr esult edi nheav ycasual tiesf orthesi deattempt i
ngt omov e
for war dt hati tbecameamat teroff ur iousdebat ebet weenwarl eader sandst rategieswhet her
thewarcoul dbedeci dedont hewest er nf ront.
-Di seasesaf fectedsol diersi nt het renches.
-Useofpoi sonousgas
-Useofai rpower /pl anest obr eakt hedeadl ock
-Useoft anksi nt hewar
-Useofbar bedwi r e
-Lossofmor aleassol di
er sspentt oomucht imei nt hetrenches.
C] .Howf ardi dnav al powercont r
ibut et ot hedef eatoft heCent ral Power s?
-Al l
iedseapowerwasdeci siv e.
-Itenf orcedt hedeadl ybl ockadewhi chcauseddesper atef oodshor t
-Keptal li
esf ullysuppl ied.
-Ger mansubmar i
necampai gnf ai
ledi nt hef orceofconv oyspr otect edbyBr i
tish, Americaand
Japanesedest r
oy er s.
-Thesubmar inecampai gni tsel fwasami stakebecausei tbr oughtt heUSAi ntot hewar .
-Howev er,ther ewer eot herf act orswhi chcont r
ibutedt ot hedef eatoft heCent r
al Power s.
-Ger manywasbadl yl eddownbyheral liesandwasconst ant l
yhav i
ngt ohelpoutAust r
Bul gar i
-Mut i
nyi nt henav y.
-Fai lureoft heSchl ieff enpl an.
-Vastr esour cesoft heUSA.
Jun2004]and[ Nov2011]
12.Namef iveEur opeancount r iesthathadi nterestinNor thAf ri
caf rom 1900t o1914[ 5]
-Br itain
-Fr ance
-Ger many
-Tur key
b] Descr i
bet hef irstMor occancr i
sisof1905andt hesecondMor occancr i
-Mor occocoul dnotcont rol et hni cgr oupsont hebor derwi thFrenchAl ger i
-Br itainr aisednoobj ection, butGer manywasnothappyaboutFr enchambi tiont here
-Ger manKai sert oTangi erv oi cingsuppor tf orMor occoagai nstFr anceanddemandedan
nt er nat ional conf erencet or econsi derNor thAf r
icanaf fairs.
-Fr ancesental istofdemandst oMor occo.Mor occor efusedt oacceptt hedemands
-TheBankofMor occowasputunderi nt er nat i
onal control.Thesemeasur esdi sappoi nt
edt he
Ger mansatt heAl gi ersConf er ence[ Spai n] .


scr i
ngt ot
orGer many.

SecondMor occanCr i
si s[ 1911]
-Tribesr ebell
edagai nstt heSul tani nMor occo.
-Fr ancesentt roopsqui ckl yt osubduet hem.
-Ger manydenouncedt heFr enchmov easi llegal accor dingtotheALGECI RASConf erence.
-Ger manysentagunboatThePant hert oAgadi r[ apar tofMor occo] .
-Ger manycl aimedshewaspr ot ect i
ngheri nt erest sbutact uall
ywi shedt ot akepar tofMor occo
ascompensat ionf orFr enchgai ns.
-Britain, terri
fiedbyt hepossi bilityofaGer mannav al baseatAgadi r[Atlantic]socl oset ot he
Gibr altar ,immedi atel ysi dedwi thFr ancei nt hecr isis.
-Thisf or cedGer manyt owi thdr awembar rassed, asi twascl earl
yaFr enchv ictory.
-Thiscr isiswi denedt hegapbet weent heTr ipleAl lianceandTr i
pleEnt ent e.
-Thef ol l
owi ngy earBr i
tai ni ntr oducedconscr ipti
oni nr eadinessf oranyev ent uali
-Asar esul tBr itainandFr ancemadeasecr etnav al agr eementt osuppor teachot heri ncaseof
war .
c]Howf ardidt hef irstandsecondMor occancr isiscont ri
butetot heout breakoft heFi rstWor l
War ?
-Thef i
r stMor occancr isisi ncr easedt ensi onbet weenGer manyononehandl eadingt ot he
format ionoft heTr ipleEnt ent ei n1907.
-The2ndMor occancr isisagai npl ottedGer manyononehandandt heBr iti
shandFr enchont he
otherhandi ncr easi ngwor ldt ensi on.
Howev er ,ther ewer eot herf act or swhi chl edt otheout breakoft heware. g.quar r
el between
Aust ri
aandSer bia.
-Economi crival ryamongdi ffer entcapi t
al i
stcount ri
esoft hewor ld.
-Nav alr acebet weenBr itainandGer many .
-Col oni al ri
valryi nAf ricaandt heFarEast .
-Mobi l
isat ionpl anse. g.Ger many ’
sSchl ief f
enpl an.
-Riseofnat i
onal i
sm i nCent ral andEast er nEur opee. g.Aust ri
aHungar ythreat enedbyt hisforce.
-TheAr msr ace.
13.[a]LI STAnyf i
v edef eat edpower satt hePar isPeaceConf erence.[ 5]
-Bul gar ia,Ger many ,Aust ria, Tur key .
-Hungar y .
[b]Descr ibet her esul tsoft heFi rstWor ldWar[ 12]
-Dest r
uct i
onofpr oper tyandi nf rastruct ur e.
-About10mi llionpeopl eki lledi nt hewar .
-Count riesbur denedwi t
hwardebt s.
-Millionofwi dowsandor phans.
-Oldempi resofGer many ,Aust ri
a, Hungar y, Russi aandTur keywer eweakenedordi sintegrated.
-Newpol iti
cal andsoci al for ceswer ear isinge. g.spr eadofcommuni cation.
-Apeaceagr eementVer sai l
lesPeaceTr eat yof1919si gned.
-Ger manydi sar medandst rippedasmi l
itarypower .
-Ger manymadet opayf ort hewar[ repar ations] .
-Ger manyl ostl andandpopul at i
-Ani nter nati
onal organi sat ionwasf ormedt heLeagueofNat i
-Riseofext r
emewi thdef eat edpower s.
-Newcount r
iescr eatedi nEur ope[ East ern].


-Epidemi cse. g.i nf l

-Riseofdi ct at or s.
[c]Howf ardi dt hedi ffer entcount riesofEur opebenef i
tfrom t heFi rstWor l
dWar ?
-Woment ookov ermen’ sci vi
lianj obs.
-Womeni nEur opedemandedr ightt ov ot east heywer enowdoi ngmen’ swork.
-Manygov ernmentcensor ednewsaboutt hewardeny ingcitizenv ital i
-Somegov er nment stookl andandpr oper tybel ongi ngt oindiv i
dual sf ormi l
tarypur posee.g.
Br i
tai n.
-curf ewsi mposedandi nBr i
tai ndr i
nki nghour ssev erelyrest r
-Al otofempl oy mentasi ndust ri
essuppl iedgoodst ot hewaref fort
-Manypeopl edi edi nt hewar .
-Out br eakofdi seases.
-Weaponsofmassdest ruct ione. g.poi sonousgas.
14. [
a]Nameanyf iv eBal kanSt atesbef oret heFi r
stWor ldWar .[12]
-Bosni a
-Ser bia
-Mont enegr o
-Albani a
-Bulgar ia
[b]Descr i
bet heFi rstandSecondBal kanwar s[ 1912- 1913].[12]
-Taki ngadv ant ageofI tal y-Tur kishwar[ 1911- 12]Ser bia,GreeceMont enegroandBul gari
at t
ackedTur key ,Capt uringmostofherr emai ningter ri
toryinEur ope.
-Thedef eatofTur keyf or cedBal kanst at est ocomet ogethert odi vi
det hespoil
themsel v es.Ser biawant edt heCoast al landsofAl bani a,Gr eeceandBul gar
iashar edMacedoni a.
-Notsat isf iedbyt hisset tlementt hegr eatpower smeti nLondon[ LondonTr eaty]andt ri
set tl
et heBal kanaf fairs.
-InMay1913t heyagr eedt hatnear lyal lTur key ’sEur opeant er ri
toryshoul dbeshar edbet ween
Ser bia, Mont enegr o, Gr eeceandBul garia.
-Ani ndependenceAl ger iawascr eat ed, Ser biagotMacedoni a.
-Thr aceandpar toft heAegeanWestwentt oBul garia.
-GreecegotSal onika, Sout hMacedoni aandCr ete.
ThesecondBal kanwar ,1913.
-Ar esul tsofBul gar i
a’sdi ssat isfactionwi t
ht hepeaceset tl
ementi nLondon.
-June1913Bul gar iaat tackedSer bi
aandGr eece.
-Romani aandTur keyj oi nedt hewaragai nstBul garia.
-Bulgar iawasov er whel medandbyt het reat yofBuchar est[August1913]shef or f
hergai nsf rom t hef irstwar .
[c]Towhatext entdi dt heBal kanwar sl eadt otheout breakoft heFi rstWor ldWar ?[8]
-Nat ional ism becausemor eint enseasSer bi aemer gedst rongerf r
om t hesewar s.
-Aust riawi thGer mansuppor twasdet er minedt osuppr essorev endest roySerbia.
-Meanwhi leSer biaandMont enegr ol ookedf orRussi ansuppor t
-TheSar ajev oi nci dentwast hecl i
maxofBal kannat ionalism andhat edofpower sleadingtothe
out br eakoft heFi r stWor ldWar .
-Howev er, ot herf act orsal socont ri
but edt ot heout breakoft heware. g.Germanywel t
-Imper ialism.
-Col oni alism.
ancesy st em.
-Interestofgr eatpower s.


15. [a]Li stanyf iveweaponsusedi nt heFi r

stWor ldWar .[5]
-Rif l
es, Machi neguns, Ar til
er yshel l.
-Submar ines/Uboat s,Dr eadnought s/War shi ps.
-Bombs, Tanks, Torpedoes, Poi sonousgas.
[b]Descr ibet hewaratseadur ingt heFi rstWor l
dWar .[12]
-Initiallyabat t l
ebet weenBr itainandGer manywassi gnal l
edbyt hesi nkingofasmal l
erBr i
squadr onof ft hecoastofChi lei n1914byt heGer manPaci fi
cf leet .
-TheBr itishRoy alNav al fleetr espondedbyhav i
ngabl ockadear oundGer manywhi chcont i
unt iltheendoft hewar .
-Mostsi gni fi
cantnav al bat tlewast hebat tleofJut l
and, 1916wher etheRoy al Navyr ecor deda
consi der abl el osst ot heGer mans.
-Al thoughGer mansur faceshi psmadet hemostef fect i
v eandal mostbr oughtBr it
ai nt odefeat
-Ger manycr ippl edt heBr iti
shsuppl yl i
nesi n1917bysi nkingamaj orit
yofhermer chantshi ps,
Br itainr emai nedwi thonl y6weekssuppl yoff ood.
-Theunr est ricteduseoft heU- boat ,1915l edt ot hesi nki ngoft heLusi taniai nwhi ch1198l i
wer el ost , amongt hem Amer i
-Thi ssi gnal ledt heent ryoft heU. S. Ai ntot hewar .
-In1916t her ewast hesi nkingoft heU. S.Ashi pt heSussex.
-Ger mancr ewsbecamedemor al i
zed, somemut i
ni edandt heal liest ookf inal control oftheseas,
thuscont ri
but i
ngt oal ar geext entt oGer mandef eat .
[c]Howi mpor tantwast hecont ribut ionoft heU. S.Anav yint hiswar ?[ 8]
-Cont ribut ionoft heUni tedSt at esnav yi ncr easedt hescopeoft hewar .
-Ger manst roopsgotdemor ali
zedduet ot heent ryoft heAmer icans.
-Ther ewer ef reshmar inesf rom t heU. S.A.
-U. S.Anav ybr oughtast eadysuppl yofwarmat erialsf rom t heal lies.
Howev er ,ther ewer eot heri mpor tantf act orsl i
kel oansofabout10000mi ll
iondol l
ar sgivent o
theal liesbyAmer i
-Themor al oft heBr it
ishandFr enchar mi esimpr ov edwi ththeknowl edgeofAmer i
cansuppor t
-Ger manyhadweakpar tner s.
-Ger manyl ostski lfulcommander sandt hi scont ri
but edt oGer mandef eat.
-Italychangedsi dest osuppor tt heal lies.
16. [A] .Nameanyf i
v eEur opeancount riest hatat t
endedt heAl geci rasConf erencei n1906. [
-Ger many .-Britain,-
Spai n,-Fr ance, -Ital y,
-Aust ri
a- Hungar y .
-Russi a.
[B] .
Descr ibet heconf li
ctbet weenAust ria-Hungar yandSer bi
ai n1908and1914. [
-Ser bi aspear headedSl avnat ional ism amongt heSout her nSl avsi nAust ria-Hungar y .
-Aust ria-Hungar ywaseagert opr eser vehert errit
or ialint egri
tyandt her efor esawSer biaasa
thr eat .
-Aust ria-Hungar yanger edSer bi abyannexi ngBosni aandHer zegov i
nawhi chshehadbeen
admi nist eringsi nce1878.
-Aust ria-Hungar yhel dSer biar esponsi bl ef ort hedeat hofAr chDukeFer dinandandhi swife
Sophi a.
-Aust ria-Hungar ybr oughtpr essur eonSer biaandsentonUl timat um t ober epliedtoi n48hour s.
-WhenSer biaf ai l
edt ocompl ywi thal l thedemands, Aust r
ia-Hungar ydecl aredwaron28Jul y
[C] .
Towhatext entwasAust ri
a- Hungar yt obl amef ort heout breakoft hef irstwor l
dwar ?
-Aust ria–Hungar ypur suedar eckl essBal kanpol i
cy .
-Herannexat ionofBosni aandHer zegov i
naanger edSer biaandRussi a.
-Shewaseagert odest roySer bi aonceandf oral l.
-Shehadt riedt ogai nI taliansuppor tin1913t oat tackSer bia.


-Shesentani mpossi bleul timat um t oSer bia.

-Shedecl aredwaronSer bia.
-Tensi onbet weenSer biaandAust r i
a-Hungar ywaspr ev entedbyGer manywhopr omisedto
backAust ri
a-Hungar yifRussi ai nter vened.
-In1912, att heLondonConf erence, Aust ria-Hungar yf rust r
atedSer bianambi tionsbyi nsi
ont hef ormat i
onofanewst ateofAl bani awhi chbl ockedSer bianaccesst ot hesea.
-Serbiaspear headedant i-Aust ri
anpr opagandaamongt heSer bsandCr oat si nAust ri
-In1913t heAust ri
ansat t
empt edt ogai nI taliansuppor tf oranat tackonSer bia, butwere
unsuccessf ul.
-On28June1914, t
heAust rianhei r,Ar chdukeFer dinandwasassassi nat edbyaBosni an
student .
-Serbiai sal sot obl amef orsponsor ingant i-
Aust rianpr opagandaandt erroristact ivi
Bosni a.
-Russi aal sot obl amef orbacki ngSer bi a.
-Germanygav eAust riaabl ankcheque.
17. [
A] .I
dent ifyanyf ivemaj orbat tlesf oughtdur i
ngt hef i
rstwor ldwar .
-Mar ne,-Ver dun, -Somme, -
Ypr es,-Ar ras, Capor etto, Tannenber g, -Massur i
anl akes, Jutl
[B]Descr i
bet heev ent sleadi ngt othedef eatofGer manyi ntheFi rstWor l
dWar ,1914-1918[12]
-Thef ail
ur eoft heSchl ieffenpl an
-Germanyadv ancet owar dsPar ishal tedandGer manf or cesf or cedt odi gt r
-Germanyat tackedont heEast er nFr onti mmedi atelybyRussi af orcinghert osendt r
therebyweakeni ngheradv ancei ntoBel gi um andFr ance
-Thef ail
ur eoft heU- boatcampai gnt odest royBr i
-Theent ryoft heUSAi n1917atat imewhenGer manywasexper i
encingashor tageofsupplies
-Thedef eatofGer manyal liesi n1918, Bul gar ia,Tur keyandAust r
ia-Hungar y
-Thedef eatoft heLudendor ffof fensi vei nMar ch1918
-Outbr eakofar ev olutioni nGer many , 1918
-Mut inybynav al f
orcesi n1918
-Theabdi cationoft heKai ser
-Germanywasf ightingonmanyf ront s
[c]Howi mpor t
antwast her ol eoft heUni tedSt atesofAmer i
ca[ USA]i nt hef inal defeatof
Ger manyi nthi swar ?
-theUSAbr oughtl oans, foodsuppl ies, weaponsandf reshsol di erst otheal liesatat i
theywer eont hev ergeofdef eat
-Herv astr esour ceshel pedboostt heAl liesatat i
mewhenGer manr esour ceswer ealmost
exhaust ed
-TheUSnav yhel pedt oef f ectt henav al bl ockadeonGer many
-Theent ryoft heUSAboost edt hemor aleoft heAl l
-Howev erGer manywasdef eatedbecauseofot herf act orssuchas:
Thef ailur eoft heSchl ieffen Pl an
WeaknessofGer manal lies
Rev olutioni nGer many
Fi ghtingonmanyf ront s
Al li
edbl ockadeonGer many
USent r
ycausedt hewi thdr awal ofTur key ,Bul gar i
aandAust ri
a- Hungar yf r
om t hewar
18.[ a]Ident i
fyanyf iv eAl li
edpower st hatt ookpar tint hef ir
stwor l
dwar .[5]
ai n,Fr ance, Russi a, USA, I
taly, Japan, Ser bia, Belgi um, Spai n,Gr eece, Por tugal,SouthAfri
[b]Descr ibet heBosni ancr i
si sof1908[ 12]


ØIn1908t hey oungTur kr ev oltagai nsttheTur kishSul tan

ØAust ri
a-Hungar yt ookadv ant ageoft hepol i
tical inst abilityandannexedBosni aand
Herzegov ina, thet wopr ovincesshehadbeenadmi nisteringsi nce1878
ØThi swast ohumbl eSer biawhi chwasencour agi ngsl avnat i
onal ism
ØItwasal someantt ost rengt henAust ri
anposi ti
onsont heAdr iaticsea
ØBr i
tai nandRussi aexpr essedt hei rdisapprov al oft heannexat i
ØSer biawasanger edf orshehadal way swant edt ouni tewi tht het wopr ovi
ØSer biamobi l
isedherar myagai nstAust ri
a-Hungar y
ØRussi amobi li
sedi nsuppor tofSer bia
ØGer manydecl aredt hatshewoul dassi stAust r i
a-Hungar yifshewasat t
ØRussi acoul dnotgett hesuppor tofheral l
ies-Fr anceandBr i
t ainandt husshedemobili
ØRussi ahadal sonotf ullyr ecov eredf rom thedef eatofRusso- Japanesewarof1904- 1905.
ØThecr i
sisi ncr easedt het ensi onbet weenAust ri
a-Hungar yandSer bia
ØIthumi liatedRussi aaswel l
c]Howf ardi dt heBosni ancr i
siscont ri
butetot heout br eakoft heFi rstWorldWar?[8]
ØSer bia’ shopesofuni ti
ngwi thBosni a-Herzegov inawer edashed
ØHerenmi tywi thAust riaincr eased
ØRussi awashumi li
at edandwasnotpr eparedt oacceptanot herhumi li
ØOnt heot herhandt her ewer eot hercauses: col oni al ri
v alry
, nav al compet i
[a]Nameanyf i
veCent ral power sdur i
ngtheFi r
stwor ldWar .[5] .
Germany ,Aust r
ia, Turkey ,
Bul gar ia, Hungar y
Descr ibet hePol itical andSoci alResul tsoft heFi rstWor l
dWar .[12].
itical Resul t
ØDef eatoft heCent ralpower s
ØCol lapseof4empi res, Russi a, Ger many ,TurkeyAust r
ia-Hungar y
ØCr eat i
onofnewst atese, gPol and, Czechoslov akia, Yugosl av ia
ØRiseofext remi stpar ti
esegNazi si nGer many ,Fasci sm i nItal y, Communi sm i
ØDev elopmentofnewi deol ogi esegCommuni sm i nRussi a
ØCr eat i
onoft heLeagueNat ions.
ØRiseofbandi tryespeci allybydemobi li
sedsol diers.Est ablishmentofdemocr ati
government si nGer manyandAust ria,thefallofmonar chi sm
ØAbdi cationoft heKai seri nGer many .

Economi cresults
ØWargav egr eatcommer ci
al advantaget otheindust r
sednat i
onsout sideEuropee,
ØCount ri
esl i
keIndi anowbegant obui ldfactori
esoft heirowni nsteadofdependi ngon
Europeandebt s.
ØAmer icagotal argeshareofwor l
dt radeandbecamegr eatestcreditornation
ØEur opebecamer el
velypoorandpeopl eofEuropewer eheav i
lytaxedt opaydebtsoft
ØInflation-unempl oyment /greatdepr ession
ØDamagedenv i
ronment /
landdest royedcr ops,l
ivestock, destructi
onofi ndustri
ØRepar ati
ØIncr easedpr oduct i
ØAv ailabil
ityofcommer cialfl
ØAv ailabil
.Didt hepeopl eofEur opebenef iteconomi call
yf r
om t hiswar ?Expl ai
ny ouranswer.[
ØEur opel ostitsleadinindust ri
aldev elopment,it
speopl ebecamepoor er
ØThepeopl ewer eheav i
lytaxedt omakeupf orwardebt s


ØPeopl ebenef itedf r

om t echnol ogi caldev elopment sthatoccur redinpr oductionofgoods
duringt hewar .
ØGr eat erbenef itonl ycamewhent heircount ri
eshadi ntroducedt ar
iffsagainstAmer icangoods.
ØUnempl oy mentwaswi despr eadi mmedi atelyaf t
erthewar .
ØBankr upt cy/unempl oy ment.
20.[a].Ident if
yanyf iveEur opeancount ri
esi nv olv edintheSy st
em ofAl li
ØGer many ,
Russi a
ØAust ri
a- Hungar y
ØTur key ,Bul gar i
ØFr ance, Br i
ØItal y
b].Descr ibet heBosni anCr i
sisof1908.[ 12]
Point sar esi mi lart oquest i
on18[ b]ofNov ember2009.
c].Howf ardi dt heBosni ancr i
siscont ri
but et ot heout breakofWor l
dwarone?[ 8]
ØIncr easedt ensi onbet weenSer biaandAust ria-Hungar y
ØIncr easedt ensi onbet weenRussi aandAust ria–Hungar y
ØWor senedr elat ionsbet weenRussi aandGer many
ØLedt of or mat ionoft heBl ackHand.
Other sf act ors:
Thesy st em ofAl liances
Thest ruggl eformi li
tary supr emacy
Thest ruggl eov ercol onies theKai ser’
sut terances
TheSchl ieffenpl an
Nat ional i
21[a].Ident ifyanyf ivenewweaponsuseddur ingt heFirstWor l
dWar .[5]
ØMachi neguns
ØPoi sonousgasaer oplanes[Zeppel i
ØTor pedoes
ØHowi tzer s\ Heav yar ti
ØDept char ge
ØGr enades\ bombs
ØSubmar ines\ U- boat s
ØHy dr ophones
b].Descr ibet heGer manSubmar ineWar fare.[12]
ØAi medt ocutof fBr iti
shsuppl ylinesbysi nkinghermer chantships
ØGer manywant edt ocont roltheseas
ØGer manybegant osinkt heBr i
t i
shmer chantshi ps
Ø1915May ,sunkt heBr iti
shLusi tani awhi chwascar r
yingAmer i
ØUSApr otest edagai nstGer manbar bari
ØGer manyt empor aril
yst oppedt heU- boatat tacks
Ø1916Ger manyr elaunchedt heU- boatcampai gn
ØMar ch1916sunkanot herBr i
tishshi p[Sussex ]wi t
hsomeAmer i
ØTheunr est r
ictedsubmar inewar farecreat edf oodshor tagesinBr i
Ø430shi pshadbeenl ostbyApr il1917.
ØTor educet hel ossesi ntheseat heBr i
tishAdmi ralt
yint r
oducedaconv oysy stem
ØWar shi pswer eassi stedbynewl ydev elopedDept hChar geandHy drophones
c].Towhatext entdi dthissubmar i
newar farecont r
ibutet othedefeatofGer many ?[8]


ØFai ledt odest r

oyBr itain
ØBr oughtUSAi nt ot hewar
Otherf actor s:
Weaknessesofheral li
Fai lureoft heGer manyWarpl an
Rev olut i
onsi nGer many
Al l
iedbl ocked.
22[a] .Ident ifyanyf iveBal kanSt atesbet ween1900and1914[ 5]
-Ser bi a,Gr eece, Mont enegr o
-Bul gar i
a, Romani a,Bosni a-Her zegov i
-Albani a, Macedoni a
[b].Descr ibet heSar ajev oI ncidentof1914[ 12]
-On28June1914, Aust riancr ownPr inceFr anzFer dinandandhi swi fewer edr i
vingt hrought he
street sofSar ajev ocapi tal ofBosni awhent heywer eassassi nat edbyal ocal Serb.
-Mur der erhadcomest rai ghtf rom ameet ingofanant i
-AustrianSoci etyint heSer biancapi t
Belgr ade
-Thegunwhi chGav riloPr incipusedwassuppl i
edbyt heSer bianBl ackHand
-Aust rianchancel l
orwel comedanexcusef orwaragai nstSerbia
-Clai medt hatt heSer biagov ernmenthadpl annedt heassassi nat ion
-Ther ewasnoev idencet oshowi nvolvementofSer biangov ernment
-Lat erAust riansentanul ti
mat um t oSer biawhosedemandswer esof ramedt hatr efusal bound
tobet heanswer
-Ser bi aof fer edt ot akepar tinani nternat i
onal confer encet oset tl
eout standingdi f
fer enceswi t
Aust ri
ant husf ailingt omeetdemandsoft heul t
imat um. 28july,1914Aust ri
adecl aredwaron
Ser bia
-Russi amobi li
sedi nsuppor tofSer bi aandGer manyal somobi l
isedi nsuppor tofAust ri
signal ledt hebegi nni ngoft heFi rstWor ldWar .
Howf ardi dt heSar ajev oI ncidentcont r
ibut etotheout breakoft heFi rstWor ldWar ?
-Sar aj evoi ncr easedt ensi onbet weenAust ria-
Hungar yandSer bia
-Becamet hemat chst i
ckt hatl i
tt hebonef ire
-Inci dentshowedext entofGer mansuppor tforAust riaandRussi ansuppor tf orSer bia.Anev ent
whi chbr oughtcl ashbet weent heTr ipleAl liancemember sandTr i
pleEnt entemember s
-Sar aj evoi nci denthei ght enedSl avnat i
onal ism andt hedesi r
ef orsel fdet ermi nation
-Howev er,t hiswasnott heonl yincidentwhi chcont ributedt otheFi rstWor ldWar .
-Ot hercauseswer et heFi rstandsecondMor occancr ises,all
ances, Germanwel tpoliti
andar msr aceet c
23[a] .Listanyf iveAl li
edPower swhi chf oughti nt heFi rstWor l
dWar .[5]
-Br i
t ain,France, Italy
-Russi a, USA, Ser bia
-Japan, Gr eece, Chi na,
-Sout hAf rica, Canada
[b]Tr acet hedev elopmentofGer many ’
sSchl i
effenPl anupt otheOut breakoft heFi rstWor ld
War .[12]
-AGer manwarpl andev i
sedbyGener al VonSchl i
effeni n1905
-Itassumedt hatwarwoul dbeont wof ront sagainstRussi aandFr anceandt hatRussi awoul d
besl owt omobi li
sei tst roops
-Wasbasedonuseofr ailway st omov et r
-Aimedatswi ftknockoutbl owonFr ancei nt hewestt hroughneut ral Belgium, Hollandand


Luxembour g
-Alsoai medatcapt uringPar isandenci r cl
ementofFr enchar mi esaswel l asat t
acki ngAl sace-
-Want edt odef eatFr ancei nSi xweeksl eadingt ot ransferofGer mant r
oopseastoft ofi
Russi at husav oidingwaront wof ront s
-Whenwarbr okeouti n1914Ger manymov edqui cklytoimpl ementi t.Troopsmov edswi ftl
throughBel gium
-Metr esi stancef rom t heBr i
tishExpedi tionar yFor ce[ BEF]andf rom t heBel gians
-SomeGer manf orceswi thdrawnt of ighttheRussi awhohadmobi l
sedf armor equi cklyt han
anticipat ed
-Frenchar mysentt odeal withGer mani nv asioni nst eadofi nv adingAl sace- Lorr
-Ger manymadechangest othepl an, sentar myt hr oughashor terr outeeastofPar isinsteadof
.Howsuccessf ul wast heSchl ieffenPl aninachi ev i
ngi t
sai ms?[ 8]
-Mot i
vat edGer mandecl arati
onofwaronRussi aandFr ance
-Ger mansabl etoent erBel gi
um al thought heyl atermetBel gium andBr it
ishr esistance
-Althoughal teredal i
ttlethepl anal l
owedt heGer manst oav oidf i
ght i
ngont wof rontsfora
shor twhi le
-Howev er ,
thepl anf ailedt oant i
cipatet hatBr i
tainmi ghtent ert hewaront odef endBel gi
-Thequi ckmobi lisati
onofFr anceandRussi afor cedt heGer manst oal t
ert hemov ementof
-Resi stancebyt heBel giansandt heBEFf orcedt heGer manst of ightwi thmanypower satt he
samet ime
-Par iscoul dnotbeenci rcledasor i
ginal l
yint ended
24[ a].I
dent i
fyanyf iveAl l
iedpower sdur ingt heFi rstWor ldWar[ 5]
-Britain, France, Italy,Russi a,Japan
-Gr eece, Ser bia,Belgium, Portugal ,Sout hAf r
ica, USA, Australia,
-Romani a, Canada.

Out li
net hepol i
calandEconomi cr esul t
stWor ldWar .
-ResponsessameasNov2006Quest i
Nov2006Quest i
Speci menpaper9b
Towhatext entdidwomenbenef itfrom theresult
soft heFirstWor l
dWar .[
-Warsi tuationcreatedjobsforseveral womenwhowoul dother wisehav espentmuchofthei
timei nthehome
-Woment ookupt asksusuallythepr eserveofmene, ginindust ry,t
hemi l
wr ongt henot ionthattheywer eofaweakerandi nf
oror i
-Fr anchiseopenedupt owomeni nsomecount ri
ese,gUSA, Britain,France
-Womenf reerthanbeforee,ginUSAcoul dnowdr i
vecars,smoke, discusssexopenlyand
mov efreelywi thoutaccompani mentbymen
-Howev er, somewomenwer eleftwidowsandt ookupr olesofbr eadwi nners
-Notal lwomenwer egivenafranchise
-Ther eturnofmenf rom thewarmeantt hatsomewomenl ostt heirjobs
25. [
a]Nameanyf iveBalkanStatesthatt ookpartintheSecondBal kanWar ,
ØSer bia
ØBul garia
ØGr eece


ØRomani a
ØMont enegr o
Out linet hepar tpl ay edbyGer mani ntheout br eakoft heFi rstWor l
dWar ,1914.[12]
ØSy st em ofal l
iance-at temptt oi sol ateFr ancel edt ot hedi visionofthewor l
di nt
otwohost il
camps.Madei tindi cat ioni timpossi bletol ocalisewar
ØTheGer manwarpl an- ani ndicat iont hatshewasant i
cipatingwar .
ØNav al /Ar msr ace- compet iti
oni nt hemanuf actur eofammuni ti
ØKai ser ’
sut terances- cl earpr ov ocat ionofBr i
ØCol oni al rivalry–cont ribut edi nt heMor occancr i
ØSar aj ev oassassi nat i
on- gav eabl ankchequet oAust r
ia-Hungar y
ØDecl ar ationofwaronRussi aandFr ance
ØBr eaki ngofBel gi anneut rality
ØGer man’ ssuppor tofAust ri
a- Hungar yi
nt heBosni ancr isiscausedbi tter
nessonRussi a.
Out linet hepar tpl ay edbyGer mani ntheout br eakoft heFi rstWor l
dWar ,1914.[12]
ØTheSchl i
ef fenpl ant hatGer manyshoul dpasst hroughBel gium.Belgium wasaneut r
withherneut ral ityguar ant eedbyamongot hers, Brit
ØKai ser ’
sut terances-pr ov ocat ive
ØGer man’ si nv ol vementi nt hef ollowi ng:
-System ofal l
-Arms/ Nav al race
-Colonial ri
v alry
OtherCount ries
ØBr itain- def endedt heBel gianneut ralit
yandwasi nvolvedi nt heArms/ Navalrace
ØAust ria- Hungar y -at tackedSer bia
ØRussi ansuppor tf orSer bi aandsl avnat ionalism
ØMember soft het wohost ilecampscont ri
but edt othedi v i
sionoft hewor l
dintotwohost i
ØBel gi anr esist ance
26[a].Listanyf i
v ebat t
lesf oughtdur i
ngt heFi rstWor l
dWar ,1914-1918.[5]
ØBat t l
eofGal l
ipol i,Hel goland, Fal kland, Cambr ai
Descr ibet her easonsf ordef eatofGer manyi nt heFi rstWor ldWar.[
ØFai lur eoft heSchl iefflenpl an
ØWeaknessofGer many ’sal l
ØGer manr ev ol tsbyt hesoci alists
ØPoorf oodsuppl y
ØAmer icanent rancei ntot hewar
ØAl li
ednumer i
cal super i
or ity
ØBr iti
shcont rol oft heseas
ØAl li
edbl ockadesl owl ybr oughtt hest arvati
onofCent ral power sinbothfoodandr aw
mat erials
ØI nexhaust ibleweal thoft heBr i
tishempi r
ØCompet enceofAl li
edl eader s-Liy odGeor ge
ØI nexper iencedGer manysol di ers
ØBel gi anr esist ance
ØMut inybyGer mannav al forcesi n1918
ØSpani shi nf luenza
ØFi ght ingonmanyf ront s
ØFai lur eofNov emberof f
ensi v e[Ludendor ff]
ØI nfl
uenceofpoi sonousgasi ntroducedbyGer many



.Towhatext entdi dtheent ryoft heU. S. Aintot hewarcont ributetot hedef eatofGer many
andherAl li
es?[ 8]
ØAmer i
cabr oughtf r
esht roops, weaponsandmoney
ØEconomi cboost
ØAmer i
Otherf act ors
ØWeaknessofGer manal li
ØAl li
edbl ockade
ØFai lur eoft heGer manwarpl anet c
27[a].Listt hreemember soft heTr ipleEnt ente1907]andt womember soft heDual Entente
TripleEnt ent e-Br itain
-Russi a
Dual Ent ent e- Br i
(b)Descr ibet he1911‘ Pant her’ Cri
ØMor occant ribesr ebel ledagai nstt heSul taninMor occo
ØCl aimi ngt hatt her ewasdi sor derinMor occo, Frencht roopsoccupi edFezwhi chwasunder
attackf rom nomadst ribes
ØGer manydenouncedt heFr enchmov easi l
legal accor dingtoAl gecir
asConf erence
ØI nJul y1911aGer manygunboat ,thepant herwassentt oAgadi r[apor ti
nMor occo] ,onthe
groundst hatt hei nt erest sofGer manywer eindanger .
ØGer manycl aimedt hatshewaspr otect ingheri nt erest sinMor occoanddemandedal lof
FrenchCongoascompensat i
ØForat imef eel i
ngswer esohi ght hatwarbet weenFr anceandGer manyseemedpossi bl
ØGer manyact ionexci tedBr i
shopi nionasAgadi rwascl oset oGi braltar
ØBr i
taini mmedi at elysi dedwi thFr ance[ Thr eatenedmi litaryact ion]
ØThi sf or cedGer manyt owi t
hdr awembar rassed, asi twascl ear l
yaFr enchv ictory.[A
diplomat icdef eatf orGer manyanddi plomat i
cv ictoryf orFr ance]
ØGer manywasgi v eFr enchCongoasar esultoft hiscr isis
Towhatext entdi dt he‘ panther ’Cr i
siscont ri
but etot heout br eakoft heFi r
stWor l
dWar ?
ØThecr isiswi denedt hegapbet weent heTr i
pleAl l
ianceandt heTr i
pleEnt ente, andt he
owi ngy earBr itainint roducedconscr i
pt i
oni nr eadi nessf oranyev entuali
ØThepant hercr isispi ttedGer manyont heonehandandFr anceont heot her,increasi ngworld
Howev er, ther ewer eot herf actorswhi chl edt otheout breakoft hewar ,egquar rel between
Aust ri
aandSer bi
ØEconomi cr ivalryamongstcapi tali
stcount r
ØNav al racebet weenGer manyandBr itain
ØGer many ’sSchl ief f
enpl anet c.
28[ a].St at eanyf ivecount r
iest hatf oughtagai nstGer manyandheral li
esdur ingt heFi rstWorld
War[ 5]
ØBr i
tain, France, Bel gium
ØRussi a, Ser bia, Italy
ØU. S.A, Canada, Japan
ØAust r alia,Sout hAf ri
ca, NewZeal and


Descr ibet heGer manpl anofat tackonFr ancedur i
ngWor ldWar1.
ØAi medatcapt uringFr ancewi thinav er yshor tt imebef oretur ningtoRussi aaf ter39day sonl
ØThepl anofat t ackwascal ledSchl ieffenpl an
ØI twasr ev i
sedi n1905- 6
ØTheGer mant roopswer et omar cht hr oughBel gium wi thin12day s.
ØToav oidf i
ght ingont wof ront s
ØThepl anai medt ocapt ur eBr usselswi thin19day s
ØGer mansol di er swer etooccupychannel por tsi nor dertopr eventthel andingofBr iti
reinfor cement s
ØAi medt opr ev entt hei nv asi onofAl sace-Lor raine
ØThepl anwast oconcent rat eanov er whel mi ngpr oporti
onoft heirforcesi nthewest ,knock
outFr anceandt hent urneastt odeal withRussi a
ØThepl anwasbasedonGer manysuper iorityi nnumber s,organi sati
on, tr
ainingandequi pment
car ri
edal lbef or ei t.
.Towhatext entwast heGer manpl ansuccessf ul?[8]
ØAmont haf t ert heout breakofwar ,theGer manswer elesst han50mi l
esf rom Par i
ØTheFr enchgov ernmentf ledt oBor deauxf orsaf ety
ØHowev er,thesi tuationwassav edbyski ll
, luckandGer manmi stakes[Gener alJoffr
ØBel gium of fer edunexpect edst i
ffresi stancegi v i
ngRussi aoppor tunit
yt omobi lise
ØGer manyf ai ledt ocapt ur eBr usselswi thint heper iodst i
pulatedont hepl an.
29[ a].Sameasquest ion3[ a] ,
[b]&[C]- June2006
ØSameasquest ion12[ a],
[b]&[c] -June2004.
30[ a].Nameanyf ivev ictoriouspower si nt heFi rstWor ldWar .[5]
ØUSA, Britai
ØFr ance, I
ØJapan, Serbi a,
ØGr eece, Bel gium
ØSout hAf r i
ca, Romani a
ØCanada, etc
[b]Out l
inet heSoci alandPol iti
cal resultsoft heFi rstWor l
dWar .[12]
Pol it
ical resul ts
ØSameasquest ion9[ b] -
speci menpaper
ØSameasquest ion24[ b]-Nov2011
Soci al resul t
ØSameasquest ion2[ b] -
ØSameasquest ion19[ b]-Nov2009.
.Towhatext entdi dt heUni t
edSt atesofAmer i
ca[ USA]benef iteconomi callyfrom thi
sWar ?
ØWargav egr eatcommer cial adv antaget ot heUSA
ØSheexpor tedcar sandchemi calst oEur ope
ØUSAl oanedmoneyt ot hef ight i
ngcount ries
ØUSAov ertookEur opet obecomeaneconomi cgi ant
ØHowev er,thewaral sobr oughtsomeeconomi cdi sadvantages:
ØOv erproduct ionl aterl edt ot heGr eatDepr essi on
ØAf tert hewarsomeEur opeancount ri
esi ntroducedt ari
ffsonAmer i
ØSomecount riesf ai
ledt opaybackt heAmer icanl oans

rom Tur


ØAl bani a, Gr eece

ØMacedoni a, Bul gar ia
ØThr ace, Mont enegr o
ØSal oni ka,Romani a
ØCr et e, Ser bia
[b]Out linet hei nter est sofAust ri
a-Hungar yandSer biaintheBal kansf rom 1900t o1914.[12]
Aust ri
a- Hungar yi nter ests
ØSi ncel osingi nf luencei nGer many, Aust
riahadbeeni nterestedi nextendingherinfl
theBal kanst owar dsSal onika
ØShewant edt ocont rolther egionsofBosni aandHer zegov i
na.Thesewant edtocontrolt
mov ementofCar got hrought heDanubeandt heBl ackseaf ort r
ØShewasanxi oust hatt hecollapseoft heTur kishcont rolovert heBalkanswoul dleadt o
clasheswi thRussi aov erthecont rol ofBosniaandHer zegov i
ØSuppr essBal kannat i
onalism /suppr esspan- Slav i
ØCr ush/ CheckSer bia
ØSt opRussi ani nfluence–cont roloft heAegeansea
Serbia’sI nterest s
ØShewant edt oassi stherf ell
owSl avstatestoachi eveindependence
ØPr omot edpan- Sl av ism asawayuni ti
ngwi t
hot herscatteredSer bswhower eunderthe
control ofAust r i
ØWant edt opr ev entannexBosni aandHer zegov i
na.Thesepr ovinceswer el ar
speaki ngandt oget herwi thterrit
oriesi nMacedoni aandDobr ujat heywoul dunitetoformt he
stateofYugosl av ia
ØShewant edt opr ev entt hethreatofnewi mper ial
ism from anygr eatpower .
ØFr iendshi p/ Pr otect ionf rom Russi a
ØWant edt obeadomi nantBal kanst ate

.Towhatext entdidcl ashesbet weenSer biaandAust ri
a-Hungaryov ertheBalkansleadtothe
outbreakoft heFi r
stWor ldWar ?[ 8]
ØSer biawasi nfuriat
edbyt helossoft heoppor tunit
ytohav etheannexedpr ovi
ncesofBosni a
andHer zegov i
na.Mobi lisedherf or cesagainstAust ri
ØSer biaencour agedpan- slavagi tati
oninBosni aandHer zegovinabyassi sti
nginther unni
secretor ganisationagai nstAust ri
anr uleli
ket heBlackHand.
ØBal kanLeagueofSer bia, Greece, Mont enegroandBul gari
awasdi rectedagainstAust r
Hungar y.TheLeaguef ormedanar medcampofi t
ØSar ajevoi ncidentacul mi nat i
onofSer biaandAust r
o-Hungarianclashes/ cl
imaxwhi chledto
Howev er ,therewer eotherr easonswhi chcausedt heWar ,
ØTheyi ncludet heSchl i
ef fenpl an, Germany ’
swel tpol
k,thearmsr aceandnav albuil
thegreatpower sandcol onialrivalry.
Listanyf i
vecount riest hatf oughtagai nstGer manyandheral li
esdur i
War .[
ØFr ance, Brit
ØSer bia,Russi a
ØUSA, Bel gi
ØJapan, Ital
ØRumani a,Portugal
ØChi na, SouthAf r
ØGr eece


[b].Descr ibet heGer manU- Boatcampai gndur i

ngt heFi r
stWor ldWar .[
ØAchar acter i
st icofwaratsea
ØIni tiatedbyAdmi ralScheerofGer manyi n1915, mai nobj ectivebei ngtost arveBrit
destr oyingherMer chantf l
eetorU- boat s
ØInt hecampai gnGer mansubmar inesr aidedBr i
tishmer chantshipsandcausedgr eathavoc
ØCampai gnt empor aril
edaf t
erUSAobj ectedt o‘ unrest ri
cted’U- boutwar far
Germanshadsunkwi thoutwar ni ngaBr iti
shl iner,theLusi taniawhi chhadahundr edAmer ican
izensonboar d.
ØMaj orr easonf orabandoni ngcampai gnwast her ealisationbyGer manyt hattheylacked
sufficientU- boat st oriskAmer icani ntervent i
ØAsuccessf ul bl ockadeonGer mansuppl ylinesf or cedt heGer manHi ghCommandt oaccept
Admi ralScheer ’
sdemandf orar enewal ofunr estri
ct edU- boatwar fare
ØReal i
singt hatt heyhadsuf ficientU- boat s[300]t owi nt hewarbef or etheUSAi nt
Germansr esumedt heunrestrict edsubmar i
newar f areinFebr uary,1917.
ØCampai gnpr ov edv erysuccessf ul i
allywi thsev eralBr it
ishMer chantshi psbeingdestroyed
byApr iloft hesamey ear
ØCount ermet hodsadopt edbyBr i
taini euseofr adarandt heconv oysy stem.
ØAmer icanent ry, Japanesenav alassi stanceandanexpansi onofshi p-buil
dinghelpedBr i
tosur v i
v e.
ØSi nki ngofSussex
ØAmer icanwar ningaf t
erthesi nkingofLusi tania
ØFoodshor tagesi nBr i
n[rat i
oni ngoff ood]
Howf ardi dseapowerl eadt oAl li
edVi ctory?
ØBr itishcont r ol oft heseapar ticularl
yasuccessf ul blockadeonGer mansuppl yli
Germansuccessont hesea
ØExceptf ort heU- boutcampai gnmostofGer many ’sbat tlefleetremai nedi nacti
mpot enti nhar bour .
ØThei ndust rial st rengthandmanpoweroft heUSAwasov erwhel mi ngforGer many .
ØAi rpowerandot heri mportantnewweaponsegt anksdest royedGer manst rengthandwi l
ØGer manywor ndownbynav al blockadeandmenwhof el li
nbat tl
ØGer many ’
sweakal l
iesabur dent oGer many


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