sl ifechangesduet ot heneckl ace.Comment . Ans-Loi sel andhi swi febel ongedt oal owermi ddlecl assf ami lyandwer el i vingf rom handt omout h.Mat il da, Loisel ' swi fe, oncemi splacedaneckl aceshehadbor rowed from af riend.Oncet heyl ostt heneckl ace, theent irecour seoft hei rli fechangedasa mount ainofmi sf or t unesbef ellt hem andr obbedt hem ofev er ythinggood.Theyhad tobor r owmoneyf r om gener ousf ri ends, andl oanshar ksatahi ghr ateofi nter estt o repl acet hel ostneckl ace, andi tbr oughtt hem ont hev er geofbankr upt cy.Theyhad tol iveal ifeofabj ectpov erty.Theyhadt ochanget hei rlodgi ngandl i veast enant s. Mat il dahadt owor kathomeandat tendt oal lthedomest icchor esast heyhadt o sendawayt hemai d.Thepoorhusbandwasov erwor kedduet ot heneedt or epayt he l oan. Thi scont inuedf ort eny ear s, andbyt het i met heymanagedt of r eet hemsel ves ofal lthedebtt hathadt akenaheav yt ol lont heirlives.Mat ildanowl ookedol der thanshewas, asshehadl ostal l herchar m andgl amour ,andherhusband' s condi ti onhadgonef rom badt owor se. 2: Whatwast hecauseofMat ilda'sr ui n?Howcoul dshehav eav oidedi t? Ans: -Mat ildai sanov erlyambi tiouswomanwhohasal way sl ongedf orl uxur ies. Inst eadofseei ngwhatshehas, sheonl ywhi nesandcompl ains.Herl ongi ngf ora l uxur iousl ifecausesmostofherpr obl ems.Herl ustf ormat er i al possessi onsanda bitofcar el essnessonherpar tt ur nedoutt obet hecauseofherr uin.Herl ackof mor al stami nacausesheremot ional difficul ti es.Fi nanci al difficultiesev ent uallyl ed toherl osi ngherwayofl ifeand, ultimat ely, herowni dent i ty . Hadshenotbeenso greedyandeagerf orspl endourandhadshebeenal ittl ecar eful whi let akingt he neckl acef rom herf ri end, shemi ghthav el ear nedabouti tsr eal wor thandcoul dhav e sav edher sel ff rom t hi shor riblel ifeofdr udger yandr uin. 3: Whatwoul dhav ehappenedt oMat i ldai fshehadconf essedt oherf ri endt hat shehadl ostherneckl ace? Ans: -Acl earcutconf essi ononMat ilda'spar twoul dhav edef i ni telysav edherf rom allt hehar dshi psandr uin.Hadshet ol dherf ri endcl ear lyandpl ainlyaboutt hel ost neckl aceshewoul dhav ecomet oknowabouti t sr eal pr i cewhi chshecoul dhav e easi lymanagedt opayandwoul dhav esav edher sel ffrom t hewant ondest r uct ion. 4: I fy ouar ecaughti nasi tuat ionl iket his,howwi lly oudeal withi t? Ans.I fIwer ei nMat il da' sst eadandhadbeencaughti nasi tuat i onl i ket his,Iwoul d hav edeal twi thi tqui tedi ff er entlyf rom whatMat i ldadi d.Iwoul dhav ehonest ly conf essedt heneckl acel ossandt oldmyf riendpl ainlyal l thathadhappened.Thus thingscoul dhav ebeensor tedoutt ooursat i sf actionandal l t het roubl esandr uin coul dhav ebeenav oided. 5.Dr awachar act ersket chofMat i lda. Ans: -Mat ildai sat ypical woman, shei sv eryambi ti ousandext remel ypossessi ve. Herpecul iarf oibl ei sherobsessi on( l ust )f ormat er i al possessi onsandi nsecur ities wi thoutl uxur ies.Sheal way si magi nedher sel finahi ghsoci al posi tionwi th wonder ful j ewel s.Howev er,shehasnot hingandmar ri esal owpai dcl er kwhot ries hisbestt omakeherhappy .Thedi fferencebet weenMat il da' sdr eamsandr eal i ty causeheremot i onal di stressandemot i onal pr oblems. Herf inanci al difficul t ies, and ev ent ual l y ,herf aul tscausehert ochange.Si nceshehasnor i chesandcan' tenj oy herl i fe, shesoci allydi stancesher sel ffrom t her eal wor l dandt hiscauseshert o resentherl ifeev enmor e.Thi sisaf or m ofgr eedt wi stedi ntoi nt ensej ealousy .Iti s sai dt hatmoneyi st her ootofal lev i l.Thi si smor et hant ruei nMat ilda'scase.Shei s socent redonher sel fthatshei gnor esorj ustdoesn' treal izehowshehur tsot her s. Shecoul dloveandcar eforherhusbandmor e,butsheonlyseeswhathecan' t provide.Sheisambi t iousbutdoesn'twanttowor ktoachieveherdr eams.She expectstohav eitbecauseshesimpl ydeser vesit.Sheisnotcont entwithwhatev er l ifehasgi venher.Sheloseseveryt hingtoreplacethatneckl ace.Shet r ansf ormed herselfandshehasnoonet obl amebutherownpoorbehav iourandpoor j udgement .Buttheothersideofhercharact erisquiteposit ive,asintheendshe showsr esili encetofacethehardships. Whenshef i ndsherselfindebt,sheis optimisti candnotdi sheart ened.