Hapas: Hitex Traffic Safety LTD HAPAS Certificate

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Hitex Traffic Safety Ltd TESTING

Ellesmere Port
Cheshire CH65 4EL HAPAS Certificate
Tel: 0151 355 4100 Fax: 0151 355 4171
e-mail: [email protected] 16/H256
website: www.hitexinternational.com Product Sheet 1


This HAPAS Certificate Product Sheet (1) is issued by the British Board of Agré ment (BBA), supported by Highways England (HE) (acting on behalf
of the Overseeing Organisations of the Department for Transport; Transport Scotland; the Welsh Assembly Government and the Department
for Regional Development, Northern Ireland), the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT), the
Local Government Technical Advisers Group and industry bodies. HAPAS Certificates are normally each subject to a review every three years.
(1) Hereinafter referred to as ‘Certificate’.

This Certificate relates to Pumagrip Type 1, a high-

friction surfacing system for use on bituminous and
concrete highways.
factors relating to compliance with HAPAS
factors relating to compliance with Regulations
where applicable
independently verified technical specification
assessment criteria and technical investigations
design considerations
installation guidance
regular surveillance of production
formal three-yearly review.
Performance — the system complies with the requirements for a Type 1 system in accordance
with the Guidelines Document for the Assessment and Certification of High-Friction Surfacing for
Highways (see Technical Investigations section, Table 4).
Durability — the system, when used in an appropriate location as defined in the Guidelines
Document for the Assessment and Certification of High-Friction Surfacing for Highways, should have
a service life of between 5 and 10 years (see section 7).

The BBA has awarded this Certificate to the company named above for the system described herein. This
system has been assessed by the BBA as being fit for its intended use provided it is installed, used and
maintained as set out in this Certificate.
On behalf of the British Board of Agré ment

Date of First issue: 6 December 2016 Simon Wroe Claire Curtis-Thomas

Head of Approvals — Engineering Chief Executive
The BBA is a UKAS accredited certification body — Number 113. The schedule of the current scope of accreditation for product certification is
available in pdf format via the UKAS link on the BBA website at www.bbacerts.co.uk

Readers are advised to check the validity and latest issue number of this Agré ment Certificate by either referring to the BBA website or contacting the BBA direct.

British Board of Agré ment tel: 01923 665300

Bucknalls Lane fax: 01923 665301
Watford [email protected]
Herts WD25 9BA ©2016 www.bbacerts.co.uk
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In the opinion of the BBA, Pumagrip Type 1, when assessed in accordance with the BBA HAPAS Guidelines Document
for the Assessment and Certification of High-Friction Surfacing for Highways and used in accordance with the
provisions of this Certificate, will meet or contribute to meeting the requirements of the Manual of Contract Documents
for Highways Works (MCHW)(1), Specification for Highways Works (SHW), Volume 1, Series 900, Clause 924.
(1) The MCHW is operated by the Overseeing Organisations: Highways England (HE), Transport Scotland, the Welsh Assembly Government and
the Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland).

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016
Information in this Certificate may assist the client, designer (including Principal Designer) and contractor (including
Principal Contractor) to address their obligations under these Regulations.
See sections: 3 Delivery and site handling (3.1 and 3.2) and 9 Precautions during installation of this Certificate.

Technical Specification
1 Description
1.1 Pumagrip Type 1 comprises a polyurethane modified methyl methacrylate (MMA) resin, a BPO hardener powder
and a graded nominal 1 to 3 mm calcined bauxite aggregate.
1.2 The system is used in conjunction with a concrete primer for use on concrete surfaces prior to the application of
the system.

2 Manufacture
2.1 The Pumagrip Type 1 binder component is manufactured by a batch-blending process.
2.2 As part of the assessment and ongoing surveillance of product quality, the BBA has:
agreed with the manufacturer the quality control procedures and product testing to be undertaken
assessed and agreed the quality control operated over batches of incoming materials
monitored the production process and verified that it is in accordance with the documented process
evaluated the process for management of nonconformities
checked that equipment has been properly tested and calibrated
undertaken to carry out the above measures on a regular basis through a surveillance process, to verify that the
specifications and quality control operated by the manufacturer are being maintained.
2.3 The management system of Hitex Traffic Safety Ltd has been assessed and registered as meeting the requirements
of BS EN ISO 9001 : 2008 by BSI (Certificate FM 631027).

3 Delivery and site handling

3.1 The Pumagrip Type 1 binder component is delivered to site in pre-weighed 20 kg packs, with BPO hardener
powder supplied in pack sizes as described in Table 3. The BPO pack size varies depending on surface temperature
at the time of installation.
3.2 The Certificate holder has taken the responsibility of classifying and labelling the system components under the
CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Users
must refer to the relevant Safety Data Sheet(s). Flashpoints and hazard classifications are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Flashpoint and hazard classification

Component Flashpoint (°C) Classification
MMA resin 12 Highly flammable, Irritant
BPO hardener powder N/A Oxidising, Irritant

3.3 When stored in accordance with the Certificate holder’s instructions, the unopened components have a shelf-life
of at least six months.

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Assessment and Technical Investigations
The following is a summary of the assessment and technical investigations carried out on Pumagrip Type 1.

Design Considerations
4 General
4.1 Pumagrip Type 1 is satisfactory for use as a high-friction surfacing system on highways with surface texture depths
of between >0.5 and <2.0 mm, measured in accordance with BS 598-105 : 2000. Negative-textured bituminous
surfacing with a texture depth greater than 2.0 mm can be pre-treated with Pumagrip resin prior to final application of
the system.
4.2 The system is classified as Type 1, in accordance with the requirements defined in Table 1 of the Guidelines
Document and detailed in section 7 of this Certificate.
4.3 The system is suitable for use on bituminous and concrete surfaces.
4.4 The in-service colour retention of the system has not been assessed and is outside the scope of this Certificate.

5 Practicability of installation
The system must be installed by a BBA Approved Installer(1). Operatives must be trained and approved by the
Certificate holder.
(1) See also the Assessment and Surveillance Scheme for Installers of High-Friction Surfacing for Highways.

6 Maintenance
The system is not subject to any routine maintenance requirements, but any damage must be repaired (see section 13).
7 Durability
7.1 The results of the performance tests and the performance of the system in use indicate that Pumagrip Type 1, when
used in an appropriate location as defined in the Guidelines Document, should have a service life of between 5 and
10 years (see Table 2).

Table 2 Area (1) of application by type classification

Site cateogory(2) Site definition Maximum traffic levels —
Type 1 (cv/l/d)(3)
Q Approaches to and across major junctions and 3500
approaches to roundabouts
G1 Gradient from 5% to 10%, longer than 50 m 3500
S1 Bend radius <500 m – dual carriageway 3500
R Roundabout 3500
G2 Gradient >10%, longer than 50 m 2500
S2 Bend radius <500 m – single carriageway 2500
K Approaches to pedestrian crossing and other high-risk 2500
(1) Suitable areas for use of systems classified in accordance with Table 1 of the Guidelines Document to give an
expected service life of 5 to 10 years.
(2) Site category as defined in HD 28/04.
(3) Number of commercial vehicles per lane per day.

7.2 If the system is used in other locations or at different traffic levels, the expected life will be increased or decreased
in relation to the severity of the site.

8 General
8.1 The ambient and road surface temperatures should be recorded. Installation should not be carried out if the road
surface temperature is outside the range of 0 to 40°C.
8.2 Installation of Pumagrip Type 1 is carried out only by BBA Approved Installers(1) with trained operatives under
competent supervision.
(1) See also the Assessment and Surveillance Scheme for Installers of High-Friction Surfacing for Highways.

8.3 The Certificate holder is responsible for training and monitoring the BBA Approved Installers to ensure the system is
installed in accordance with the BBA agreed Method Statement and this Certificate.

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9 Precautions during installation
Health and Safety Data Sheets and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) risk
assessments for the works should be deposited with the purchaser and be maintained on site by the approved installer.

10 Preparation
10.1 All imperfections in the road surface not acceptable to the installer should be reinstated with a material approved
by the purchaser in consultation with the installer.
10.2 The road surface must be clean, dry and free from ice, frost, loose aggregate, oil, grease, road salt and other
loose matter likely to impair adhesion of the system to the road surfacing.
10.3 Surface contamination may be removed using any suitable method agreed between the installer and purchaser,
including grit blasting, high-pressure water jetting, scabbling and hot compressed air. Oil contamination is removed by
washing with a suitable detergent followed by flushing with clean water and drying.
10.4 Existing road markings, iron works and studs must be masked.

11 Application
Material from pre-weighed packs
11.1 The pre-weighed 20 kg base resin is mixed for 30 seconds, until homogeneous, using a high-torque drill fitted
with a helical mixing blade. The BPO is added in quantities appropriate to the ambient temperature (see Table 3).
BPO hardener powder is added and mixing is continued for at least 30 seconds, until homogeneous.

Table 3 BPO quantities

Substrate temperature Resin pack BPO powder catalyst

(ºC) (kg) (g)
0–5 20 500
5 – 15 20 400
15 – 25 20 200
25 – 40 20 100

Application of the binder and calcined bauxite aggregate

11.2 The mixed binder is applied by a serrated squeegee onto the prepared surface at a minimum coverage rate,
which will vary according to the texture depth and porosity of the surface, but will typically be 2.8 kg·m–2 for a high
texture substrate and 2.3 kg·m–2 for a low texure substrate.
11.3 After the binder is applied, calcined bauxite aggregate is broadcast in excess over the binder.
11.4 Once the binder is fully cured, the excess aggregate is removed by vacuum sweeper or other suitable means.
11.5 The aggregate must not be rolled.

12 After-care
The installer should conduct a visual check on the installation for uniform surface texture, surface blemishes and any
discernible faults. Any remedial work should be conducted as necessary.

13 Repair
Should the system be damaged or become debonded from the substrate it is repaired by cutting the damaged area
back to firmly-bonded material, cleaning the prepared area, masking the perimeter and reinstating to the original

Technical Investigations
14 Tests
Samples of Pumagrip Type 1 were prepared by the Certificate holder for testing. The tests carried out by, or on behalf
of, the BBA are summarised in Tables 4 and 5. The results of the tests complied with the requirements for a Type 1

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Table 4 Laboratory performance tests and requirements
Test Parameter measured Type 1 requirement Method in TRL Report 176(1)
Scuffing at 45°C
initial Texture depth (mm) ≥1.4 Appendix G
after 500 wheel-passes Texture depth (mm) ≥1.2 Appendix G
Erosion index ≤3
after heat ageing(2) and Texture depth (mm) ≥1.2 Appendix G
500 wheel-passes Erosion index ≤5
initial Texture depth (mm) ≥1.4 Appendix H
SRV ≥65
after 100 000 Texture depth (mm) ≥1.1 Appendix H
wheel-passes Erosion index ≤3
SRV ≥70
Tensile adhesion Stress at –10±2°C (N·mm–2) ≥1.0 Appendix J
Stress at 20±2°C (N·mm–2) ≥0.5 Appendix J
(1) Including any agreed amendments details in Appendix D of the Guidelines Document.
(2) Heat aged for 112 days at 70±3°C.

Table 5 Additional tests

Test Parameter measured Result Method in TRL Report 176(1)
Resistance to freeze/thaw Texture depth/erosion index Satisfactory Appendix L
Resistance to diesel Texture depth/erosion index Satisfactory Appendix M
Thermal movement Thermal expansion coefficient Satisfactory Appendix N
Concrete substrate test Texture depth/erosion index Satisfactory Appendix P
Tensile adhesion at 20±2°C
High texture test Erosion index Satisfactory Appendix F(2)
(1) Including any agreed amendments details in Appendix D of the Guidelines Document.
(2) High texture depth asphalt slabs as described in the Guidelines Document, Clause (ii). Mean texture depth measured 2.4 mm, lowest 1.9 mm,
highest 3.1 mm.

15 Investigations
15.1 An installation trial was carried out to assess the practicability of the installation and quality control/assurance
15.2 A user/specifier survey relating to existing sites at least two years old was carried out to assess the system’s
performance and durability.
15.3 The manufacturing process was evaluated, including the methods adopted for quality control, and details were
obtained of the quality and composition of the materials used.

BS EN 13036-1 : 2010 Road and airfield surface characteristics — Test methods — Measurement of pavement
surface macrotexture depth using a volumetric patch technique
BS EN ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality management systems — Requirements
Guidelines Document for the Assessment and Certification of High-Friction Surfacing for Highways
Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works, Series 900 Road
pavements — bituminous bound materials

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Conditions of Certification
16 Conditions
16.1 This Certificate:
relates only to the product/system that is named and described on the front page
is issued only to the company, firm, organisation or person named on the front page — no other company, firm,
organisation or person may hold or claim that this Certificate has been issued to them
is valid only within the UK
has to be read, considered and used as a whole document — it may be misleading and will be incomplete to be
is copyright of the BBA
is subject to English Law.
16.2 Publications, documents, specifications, legislation, regulations, standards and the like referenced in this Certificate
are those that were current and/or deemed relevant by the BBA at the date of issue or reissue of this Certificate.
16.3 This Certificate will remain valid for an unlimited period provided that the product/system and its manufacture
and/or fabrication, including all related and relevant parts and processes thereof:
are maintained at or above the levels which have been assessed and found to be satisfactory by the BBA
continue to be checked as and when deemed appropriate by the BBA under arrangements that it will determine
are reviewed by the BBA as and when it considers appropriate.
16.4 The BBA has used due skill, care and diligence in preparing this Certificate, but no warranty is provided.
16.5 In issuing this Certificate, the BBA is not responsible and is excluded from any liability to any company, firm,
organisation or person, for any matters arising directly or indirectly from:
the presence or absence of any patent, intellectual property or similar rights subsisting in the product/system or any
other product/system
the right of the Certificate holder to manufacture, supply, install, maintain or market the product/system
actual installations of the product/system, including their nature, design, methods, performance, workmanship and
any works and constructions in which the product/system is installed, including their nature, design, methods,
performance, workmanship and maintenance
any loss or damage, including personal injury, howsoever caused by the product/system, including its manufacture,
supply, installation, use, maintenance and removal
any claims by the manufacturer relating to CE marking.
16.6 Any information relating to the manufacture, supply, installation, use, maintenance and removal of this product/
system which is contained or referred to in this Certificate is the minimum required to be met when the product/system
is manufactured, supplied, installed, used, maintained and removed. It does not purport in any way to restate the
requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, or of any other statutory, common law or other duty
which may exist at the date of issue or reissue of this Certificate; nor is conformity with such information to be taken as
satisfying the requirements of the 1974 Act or of any statutory, common law or other duty of care.

British Board of Agré ment tel: 01923 665300

Bucknalls Lane fax: 01923 665301
Watford [email protected]
Herts WD25 9BA ©2016 www.bbacerts.co.uk
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