WMTS 014 2016 Jointing Materials

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Jointing materials

WaterMark Technical Specification


Jointing materials
WaterMark Technical Specification

Document formerly known as:-

ATS 5200.014 – 2004 Technical Specification for Plumbing and Drainage Products
Jointing materials

Publication History:-

First published as ATS 5200.014—2004.

Revised and redesignated as WMTS-014:2016.

WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016


On 25 February 2013 management and administration of the WaterMark Certification Scheme
transferred to the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). From this date all new technical
specifications will be named WaterMark Technical Specifications (WMTS). Within two years all
existing ATS will be renamed WMTS. During this initial period both terms may be used and
accepted. All new and recertified Certificates of Conformity will reference WMTS. Certificates of
Conformity that currently reference ATS will be re-issued referencing the equivalent WMTS
during this initial period. The WaterMark Schedule of Specifications lists all current WMTS and,
where appropriate, the former ATS name.
This Technical Specification supersedes Standards Australia ATS 5200.014 – 2004.
The rebranding of this Technical Specification has included additional information about the
transition as well as changes to specific details including replacing references to Standards
Australia and the National Plumbing Regulators Forum (NPRF) with the ABCB, changing the
term Australian Technical Specification (ATS) to WaterMark Technical Specification (WMTS),
replacing references to technical committees WS-014 and WS-031 with the WaterMark
Technical Advisory Committee (WMTAC).
While the ABCB, the participating Governments and other groups or individuals who have
endorsed or been involved in the development of the WMTS, have made every effort to ensure
the information contained in this document is accurate and up to date, such information does in
no way constitute the provision of professional advice.
The ABCB gives no warranty or guarantee and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from
or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained in
this document.
Users should seek appropriate independent professional advice prior to relying on, or entering
into any commitment based on material in this document in relation to plumbing or related
activities. Its interpretation in no way overrides the approvals processes in any jurisdiction.
The ABCB welcomes suggestions for improvement in the WMTS, and encourage readers to
notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact the ABCB via phone
on 1300 134 631, email at [email protected] or write to the WaterMark Administering
Body, ABCB, GPO Box 9839, Canberra ACT 2601.
Copyright within the following document is owned by the Australian Government and States and
Territories of Australia and its Licensors.
Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced without
prior permission. Requests and enquires concerning reproduction and rights should be directed
General Manager
Australian Building Codes Board
GPO Box 9839
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone 1300 134 631 – Fax 02 6213 7287

Page 2 Australian Building Codes Board

WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

WaterMark Technical Specification WMTS-014:2016 Technical Specification for plumbing and
drainage products, Jointing materials was originally prepared by the Joint Standards
Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee WS-031, Technical Procedures for Plumbing and
Drainage Products Certification as ATS 5200.014-2004.

The objective of this Technical Specification is to enable product certification in accordance with
the requirements of the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA).

The word ‘VOID’ set against a clause indicates that the clause is not used in this Technical
Specification. The inclusion of this word allows a common use clause numbering system for the
plumbing and drainage WaterMark Technical Specifications.

The term ‘normative’ has been used in this Technical Specification to define the application of
the appendices to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part of a Technical

The test protocol and information in this Technical Specification was arranged by committee
members to meet the authorization requirements given in the PCA.

The WaterMark Schedule of Specifications and List of Exempt Products are dynamic lists and
change on a regular basis. Based on this function, these lists have been removed from the
WaterMark Certification Scheme document known as Technical Specification for Plumbing and
Drainage Products and are now located on the ABCB website (www.abcb.gov.au). These lists
will be version controlled with appropriate historic references.

Australian Building Codes Board Page 3

WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

Australian Technical Specification ATS 5200.014-2004, on which this technical specification is
based, was prepared by Standards Australia Committee WS-031, Technical Procedures for
Plumbing and Drainage Products Authorisation. It was approved on behalf of the Council of
Standards Australia on 23 April 2004.

The following organisations were represented on Committee WS-031 in the preparation of

Australian Technical Specification ATS 5200.014-2004:
• Australian Industry Group
• Certification Bodies (Australia)
• Copper Development Centre—Australia
• Fire Contractors Federation
• Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers New Zealand
• New Zealand Water & Waste Association
• Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia
• Plumbing Industry Commission
• South Australian Water Corporation
• Water Services Association of Australia

Page 4 Australian Building Codes Board

WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

Scope ............................................................................................................................... 6

Application....................................................................................................................... 6

Referenced documents ................................................................................................... 6

Definitions........................................................................................................................ 7

Materials .......................................................................................................................... 7

Marking ............................................................................................................................ 7

Void .................................................................................................................................. 7

Void .................................................................................................................................. 7

Performance requirements and test methods ............................................................... 8

Void .................................................................................................................................. 8

Product documentation .................................................................................................. 8

Appendix A Means for demonstrating compliance with this technical specification...... 9

Australian Building Codes Board Page 5

WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

This Technical Specification sets out minimum requirements for jointing materials utilized in the
installation of water supply plumbing systems.

NOTE: This specification does not specifically address the product performance attributes.

Materials typically covered by this Technical Specification are the following:

a) Lubricants.

b) Joint sealants.

c) Thread sealants.

d) Solders.

e) Brazing alloys.

The jointing materials covered by this Technical Specification are those intended to be used
directly in contact with water for the jointing, lubrication or sealing of plumbing products or

Appendix A sets out the means by which compliance with this Specification can be
demonstrated by a manufacturer for the purpose of product certification.

The following documents are referred to in this Specification:

1834 Material for soldering
1834.1 Part 1: Solder alloys

1167 Welding and brazing—Filler metals
3500 Plumbing and Drainage
3500.0 Part 0: Glossary of terms
3500.1 Part 1: Water services
4020 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water

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WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

For the purpose of this Technical Specification, the definitions given in AS/NZS 3500.0 apply.

5.1 Solder

Solders shall comply with the chemical composition requirements of AS 1834.1 (see Clause 3)
and be a material designated by AS/NZS 3500.1.

5.2 Brazing alloys

Brazing alloys shall comply with the chemical composition requirements of AS 1167 (see
Clause 3) and be an alloy designated by AS/NZS 3500.1.

The primary packaging of each material shall be permanently and legibly marked with the
a) Manufacturer’s name, brand or trademark.

b) Use by date, if applicable.

c) Alloy/material designation and common name, where applicable.

d) WaterMark.

e) Licence number.

f) The number of this Specification, i.e., WMTS-014.


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WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016


9.1 Products in contact with drinking water

Products in contact with drinking water shall comply with AS/NZS 4020. Products shall be
tested as follows:
a) Solder/brazing materials—in their final form with compatible jointing material utilizing a
scaling factor of 0.1 and at a maximum holding temperature of 80ºC.

b) Lubricants/sealants—utilizing the immersion procedure of AS/NZS 4020.

11.1 Product data

Product data that identifies critical product characteristics, such as compatible materials, and
application limitations, e.g., temperature and moisture, shall be available.

11.2 Installation instructions

Installation instructions shall be available, which shall include full details of the method of
application/use of the material, including pre- and post-application procedures.

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WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016




This Appendix sets out the means by which compliance with this Technical Specification shall
demonstrated by a manufacturer under the WaterMark Certification Scheme.


The long-term performance of plumbing systems is critical to the durability of building

infrastructure, protection of public health and safety, and protection of the environment.


The purpose of product certification is to provide independent assurance of the claim by the
manufacturer that products comply with this Technical Specification.

The certification scheme serves to indicate that the products consistently conform to the
requirements of this Technical Specification.

The frequency of the sampling and testing plan, as detailed in Paragraph A5 shall be used by
the WaterMark Conformity Assessment Body.


A.4.1 Type test batch

Schedule of units of the same type, identical dimensional characteristics, all the same nominal
diameter and wall thickness, from the same compound. The batch is defined by the

A.4.2 Type testing (TT)

Testing performed to demonstrate that the material, component, joint or assembly is capable of
conforming to the requirements given in the Technical Specification.

A.4.3 Sample

One or more units of product drawn from a batch, selected at random without regard to quality.

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WaterMark Technical Specification: WMTS-014:2016

NOTE The number of units of product in the sample is the sample size.

A.4.4 Sampling plan

A specific plan that indicates the number of units of components or assemblies to be inspected.


A.5.1 Type testing

Type testing shall be in accordance with Table A1.

A.5.2 Batch release testing

Certification of this product does not require formal batch release tests.

NOTE: The manufacturer would be expected to carry out the normal quality assurance on the

Characteristic Clause Requirement Test method

Review materials parts

Materials 5 Materials lists and compliance

Marking 6 Marking Visual examination

Products in contact with

Performance 9.1 AS/NZS 4020
drinking water

Product Product data/installation

11 Documentation review
documentation instructions

Page 10 Australian Building Codes Board

Australian Building Codes Board
Building Australia’s Future

Australian Building Codes Board

GPO Box 9839
Canberra ACT 2601

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