Peri-Collisional Extension and The Formation of Oman-Type Ophiolites in The Banda Arc and Brooks Range
Peri-Collisional Extension and The Formation of Oman-Type Ophiolites in The Banda Arc and Brooks Range
Peri-Collisional Extension and The Formation of Oman-Type Ophiolites in The Banda Arc and Brooks Range
Abstract: Integration of data from field. geochemistry, and radiometric age invcstigations
of the active Banda arc-Australia collision zonc (Banda orogen) and· the Jurassic Brooks
Range ophiolite provide ncw constraints for the origin and emplacement of Oman-type
ophiolites. These ophiolites arc characterized by ultramafic residuals and mafic products
that arc chemically modified by "anous dcgrees of panial melting. TIle internal structure
of thc igneous complcxcs documcnt acutc extcnsional strains. A high tcmperaturc
metamorphic solc with some contincntal margin protoliths arc locally prcserved at the
structural base of the massifs. Agc relations between the ophiolites. their metamorphic
snle, and collisional mountains in which they reside indicate important temporal and
spatial associations. Somc of these relations arc inconsistent witll ophiolite gcnesis in
intra-oceanic settings.
Formation of th~ Savu and Weber basins around the active Banda orogen provide
modern analogues of peri-collision extensional processes. These extensional domains are
transitional bctween zoncs of active supra-subduction zonc magmatism (ophiolitc gcnesis)
and low-angle overthrusting (ophiolite emplacemcnt). Geochemical daw from the volc,lIlic
basemcnt of the Savu basin arc similar to 'transitional-type' ophiolite volcanic suites. Arl
Ar ages. and stratigraphic and structural data from the basin indicate volcanism and
forearc extcnsion coincide in time and space with initial collision bctween promontorics of
the NW Australian passive margin and the .Java trench. suggesting a link betwecn the two
proccsscs. Similar age and stratigraphic relations arc also documented in the !3rooks
Range and other Oman-type ophiolites.
Peri-collisional extension opens small SSZ occan basins that may be obdueted during or
shonly after thcy fonn by progressive convergencc at multi-plate boundaries. Thcse
processes provide a self-perpetuating mechanism for ophiolite genesis and emplacement
that accounts for both the similar and diversc aspccts of many uphiolitcs.
An unambiguous classification for various mafic tectonic regimes: (I) continental rifts (c.g. Red
and ultram~'1lic complexes in orogenic zones Sea), which are transitional with mid-oceanic
(loosely cited as 'ophiolites') is needed to ridges. and (2) intercarc basins, which are often
determine age allli tcctonic relations between transitional with back arc basins (e.g. Lau
ophiolites a,;d the orogenic belts in which they Basin). Each of these regimes may also ineludc
are found. 'Alpine-type' ultramafics and cven sites with a significant component of oblique
'Tethyan-type' ophiolites include a diverse spreading or transtension (c.g. Gulf of
assortment of malic and ultramalic rocks. Somc California and Andaman Sea). At convcrgent
of these complexcs are severely dismembered margins thesc two very different sites~ of
and even metamorphoscd: others are geo- ophiolite genesis arc usually juxtaposed and
chemically anomalous. Notwithstanding this difficult to unravel.
diversity, most ophiolite complexes occupy a The integration of petrological, geochemical
similar structural position in continental fold- . and radiomctric data from detailed lield studies
thrust belts including Tethyan orogenies. At of many ophiolites reveal some common fca-
face value the dive;Sity of ophiolites argues tures that are useful for first order tcctono-
against a single mechanism for ophiolite genesis, magmatic discriminations. Compilations of
but structural rclations suggest a common these data by Pearce eT al. ([984) and Ishiwatari
mechanism for emplacement. (1985) indicatc end-member compositions of
The distinctive stratigraphic and strueturill MORB-type (Ligurian) anc! arc-type (Pupuan)
nature of ophiolites (Colcman 1977) limits to tectonomagmatic origins. Intermediate com-
some extent possible origins to submarine rift positions are interpreted as transitional-type
zones. These zones generally involve two major (Oman).
From PARSON. L. M.. MURTON, B. J. & BIWIVNING, P. (cds), 1992. Ophiolites alld their .\fodel'll JOI
Oceallic Allalogues. Gcological Society Spccial Publication No. 60. pp. 301-325.
forearc basins of thc wcstern Pacific region and temporally and spatially -unrelated. their
SE .-\sia. These constraints have led to the ophiolitc thrust sheets arc very similar in com-
INo ... ,ricol u09O-ral;"")
general acccptance of the model for ophiolite position. geochemistry. ant.! structural evol- ,
gcnesis by supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ution. Common features of these and other
, ,
100 300 400km
spreading (Moores ci £11. 1~l{4: Pearce er £11. ophiolite complexes structurally overlying
lYS-l: Hawkins el £11. I~S4: Leitch 1~8-l). Fig. 1. Comparative generalized cross-sections of Timor. Taiwan. Oman. Brooks Range and Alps. Cross
shortened passive continental margins suggests
pattern. crystalline basement: fUlu.lom. volcanic arc: solid. ophiOlites: UOlS. orogenic sediment. No vertical
The SSZ modcl predicts that ophiolites are a similar origin and structural evolution. These exaggeration.
generated above a subduction zone within pre- similarities ~varrant comparative research in
cxisting MORB-type oceanic crust. Presen- order to resolve the relationship between Oman-
tations of the model usuallv assume subduction type ophiolites and collisional mountain systcms
is initiated in an intra-o'ceanic sC'ltin!!, and (Fig. I). Determining this relationship is a criti- genesis occurs in the forearc of voung arc
spreading in the upper plate can occur -during cal part of inferring possible ophiolite lineages ;ystems like the Banda and Luzo~ systems.
incipient subduction or at a later phase in the and structural evolutions. Collision of these arcs with the continental In Taiwan fragments of dismembered ophiolite
e\'()lution of an arc. What initiates the episodic margins is one of the most likelv mechanisms associated with serpentinite melange occur in
spreading process in intra-oceanic arcs is not used- to model the stacking of SSZ (forearc) the longitudinal valley suture zone. This linear
understond. Ophiolites of modern arc-continent ophiolites above continental margins (e.g. depression reprcsents the present trans-
Emplacement of these inter-arc basins onto Moores lY70: Dewey 1976; Gealey 1~80:_ pressional fault boundary between the Asian
col1linental crust is a separate problem. During
l\'loores er al. 1~84: Searle 8: Stevens 1984: Box and Philippine Sea plates. The Miocene
teclOnic emplacement the original tectono- Comparative studies between the Brooks Range I~S5: Lippard el al. 1986). These models predict ophiolite remnants. known as the East Taiwan
magmatic serting of ophiolites is usually struc- and Oman mountains with modcrn incipient that the active arc-continent collisions of Timor ophiolite. havc MORB-type pctrologic and geo-
turallv modilied bevond rccognition. This collision zones (Banda arc and Taiwan) are and Taiwan should currentlv be the site of chemical affinities, pelagic sediment cover. and
dcfor~lation complicates reconstr~lctions of tec- revealing in terms of the origin and emplace- ophiolite genesis and emplac"cment. This pre- are associated with abundant breccias (Suppe
tonic regimes responsible for ophiolite genesis. ment of ophiolites. In these active collision diction raises important questions about the I~SI). The mafic and ultramafic fragments are
In active orogenic zones the investigariye zones the Banda and Luzon intra-oceanic island tectonomagmatic evolution of the Banda orogen interpreted as pans of the South China Sea
process of ophi~lite lineage is simplified by the arcs arc colliding with passive contincntal and Taiwan. and the structural evolution ofthe oceanic crust accreted to the Luzon fore-
partial presernltiun of the tectonic setting where margins. ivlodels for the origin of SSZ ophiolites collision process. What evidence is there for arc during subduction. Unlike Oman-type
the ophiolite formcd. (e.g. Pearcc el al. I~S4) predict that ophiolite SSZ ophiolite genesis and emplacement? ophiolites. the Taiwan malic and ultramal1e
I' " - _' - • , • - • 11 ' ~ " _.'. ~ : 'j'. . i 1 '., ,~,.,.: 1 _ _ . • .' ~ • .' ~ N_
complexes are chemically similar to 1\'IORB, 1988). Shape irregularities and oblique conver-
lack internal coherence, occur as dismembered gence of the Australian continental margin add
blocks in a serpeminite melange, and reside to an inhomogeneous distribution of regional
onlv in the hinterland of the collision zone. strain. Forear; extension and trench mig;ation
,.\rc-contincnt collisional processes in around the collisional indentation of Timor
Taiwan have led to structural burial and local widen the arc-trench gap by approximately
subduction of the arc-forearc domain (Suppe 100 km adjacem to the Savu and Weber Basins
1984: Pelletier & Stephan 1986). This contrasts (Fig. 2). These basins represent parts of the
with emplaccment models for Oman-type forearc affected most by E - W extensional
ophiolitc associations, but may be represen- expansion associated with the collision at Timor.
tative of processes occurring in other ancient First motion studies of earthquakes in these
collisional orogens. 111ese differences are most basins indicate active deformation is character-
likely a function of variations in the pre- ized by extension and strike-slip motion
collisional history of passive continental margins (McCaffery 1988; Eva et al. 1988), The com-
(Harris & Audley-Charles 1987). For example, position and age of the rocks in these basins,
the Asian margin was a convergent plate and the age of various extensional phases
boundary before it rifted to form the South forming the basins are critical in terms of the
China Sea. The rifting preceded collision origin ~f ophiolites.
in Taiwan by only 20-30 MOl compared to The Savu and Weber forearc basins are the
130-150 Ma in the Brooks Range, 140-150 Ma most likely sites of SSZ ophiolite genesis and Australian Plate
in Oman, and 150-160 Ma in th~ Banda orogen. emplacement in the Banda orogen. These basins
"lost continental margins overlain by O~an form the upper plate transition between an
type ophiolites were long-lived and attached to extensional zone of SSZ magmatism (ophiolite Java Trench
relatively old segments of oceanic crust at the genesis) and a compressional zone of crustal
lime of contraction and ophiolite emplacement. accretion (ophiolite emplacement). Although
These relationships suggest that pre-collisional no well data are available from these basins, Fig. 2. Reference map of the Banda orogen of eastern Indonesia. Shaded area. zone of active supra-
subduction zone magmatism. OV. Ocussi volcanics. Arrows correspond to plate motion directions. Thick lines
Ihermal and stratigraphic variations control, to geophysical, geochemical and, stratigraphic are major fault zones: teeth arc on upper plate of low-angle faults.
some extent, ophiolite genesis and emplace- studies indicate that their origin is most likely
ment. These controls are most likely a function related to spatial variations in the distribution
of rheological differences responsible for the of collisional strain between the irregular NW
way collisional strain is partitioned. Australian continental margin and -the Java is responsible for a minimum of 2 km of sub- emplacement of Oman-type ophiolites by
trench. sidence of the Weber Basin. The crustal thick- Moores ec al. (1984).
ness (excluding sediment) near the axis of
Banda orogen extension is estimated from gravity anomalies
Weber Basin Savu Basin
The major islands of Timor and Seram are and seismic refractions at around IO km in the
similar in scale to Taiwan, but represent prom- The Weber Basin forms a crescent shaped south and 7 km in the north of the Weber Deep, The Savu Basin is a bowl-shaped trough that
ontories of the Australian continental margin trough between the Timor and Seram collision Two ~f the most likely origins proposed for the narrows to the west into the Java forearc, and
that collided earliest with the Banda arc (Fig. zones (Fig. 2). In the widest part of the basin, Weber Basin are: flexural downwarping as an to the east into the Timor collision zone. The
21. Magmatic activity has ceased adjacent to the Weber Deep, water depths are over 7000 m. elastic response to increased curvature of the basin has a flat floor around 3000 m deep under-
these regions of initial collision. Along orogenic A thin sedimentary inftll (1500 m average) over- Banda arc (Bowin et al. 1980), and sinking of an lain by >2000 m of sedimentary inftll in the
strike from Timor and Seram the position of lies igneous basement with seismic refraction uncompensated forearc with the subducting depocentre. The basement of the basin is ex-
active magmatism progressively changcs in time profil~s typical of oceanic crust (Bowin et al. plate (McCaffrey 1988). These processes are posed locally in NW Timor where fragments are
and space (Abbott & Chamalaun 1981). Many 1980). Extinct volcanic ridges locally form most likely a function of plate boundary modifi- incorporated into the Banda orogenic wedge.
active segments of the Banda arc are very young bathymetric highs along the flanks of the basin. cation and rearrangement as the Australian These fragments are mostly basaltic-andesite
and positioned further from the collisional front One of these ridges along the trend of the continental crust ;nters and destabilizes a pillow lavas and sheet flows known as the Ocussi
(trench) than previous magmatic zones. The gravity high is emergent cxposing gabbro on an former trench-trench-trench triple junction. volcanics (discussed below).
previously active segments of the arc now island at the western extremity of the Weber Some of these mechanisms are discussed in Seismic-reflection data and stratigraphic cor-
occupy a forearc basin position that is locally a Basin. The gabbro is interpreted by Bowin ec at. greater detail below. relations suggest extension of the Savu Basin
site of amagmatic extension (Bowin et at. 1980). (1980) as a magma accumulate beneath a former The progressive curvature of the Banda initiated during the Late Miocene (KUlig ec al.
These sites of active forearc basin extension in volcano now part of an extinct volcanic ridge. orogen subjects the Weber Basin region to 1987). Recent seismic events in the Savu Basin
the Banda arc correspond to embayments or The ridge is structurally modified by amagmatic increasingly oblique convergence with Australia have strike-slip and normal fault focal mechan-
recesses in the Australian margin. In these forearc extension and forms part of the eastern (Figure 3). The present convergence angle is isms consistent with south and SW directed
regions the trench bends arou-nd indenting flank of the Weber basin. nearly margin parallel, which may accentuate expansion (Eva et al. 1988, McCaffrey 1988).
continental promontories and may migrate con- Subsurface layers in the Weber Deep tilt forearc extension processes. Similar syn- This direction is similar to independent struc-
tinentward (away from the arc) into the slightly east (trenchward) suggesting the site of orogenic extensional basins are known in the tural constraints from SLR observations of
embayments (Fig. 3). Active seismicity in the most subsidence has moved trenchward with oblique convergence zones of the Philippines, volcanic islands north of the Savu Basin
forearc indicates a regional strain pattern of time. This forearc extension is directed ortho- Andaman Sea, and SW California. These (Varekamp ec Ill. 1989). Fault and fracture
N-S shortening and E-W extension (McCaffrey gonal to the trench (McCaffery 1988), and processes are related to the generation and patterns on these islands indicate E- W com-
pression with west directed translation of the Ocussi volcanics. the Ocussi thrust sheet. ap-
arc mvav from the collisional indentor. It is pears to dips northward into the Banda forearc
importa~t to note that the orientation of the and is interpreted here as forearc basement (see
Australian margin presently colliding with the Timor section in Fig. I). Similarities in age and
G.Api forearc is SSW-NNE (Fig. 3). composition between dredge samples from the
Shallow seismicity «40 km) in the closing forearc basin (collected by the crew of the RRS
eastern part of the 'basin is characterized by ; Charles Darwin) and the Ocussi volcanics lend
wide horizontal dispersion over a broad region support to structuml correlations between the
unlike the well delined Benioff zone typical of two units.
~ SavuBasi
most of the Java trench (McCaffrey 19RR). This The Ocussi lavas and dredge samples from
pattern is consistent with strong 'coupling be- off the north coast of East Timor are c1ino-
Java Trench I . '.'" tween the upper and lower plates in the collision pyroxene-phyric basalts and basaltic' andesites
zone. South-dipping back-arc thrusts adjacent with a groundmass of varying abundances of
I Scan
to this region also manifest the effects of in-
creased co-upling. Both the diffuse seismic zone
and back-arc thrusts die out to the west.
plagioclase and glass. Most of the volcanics
show very little evidence of alteration. Chemical
analyses of these samples indicate they are part
o Whether this change is abrupt (McCaffrey of the low-K tholeiite series (Table I). Silica
198R) or transitional (Eva ef til. 19R8) is equivo- contents and Mg/Mg + Fe(total) ratios reveal
cal. In the western Savu Basin earthquake foci the rocks are fairlv evolved. Trace element
between 50-250 km and other seismic obser- abundances show' aflinities with island-arc
vations suggest normal faulting and down step- tholeiites: Cr-TiO c abundances are similar to
2 Ma ping in the subducting slab consistent with strong island-arc basalts. and TiI100-Zr- Y x 3 abun-
slab pull (Spence 1986; 19R7; McCaffrey et al. dances are transitional between calc-akaline
1985). During the Late Miocene onset of Savu basalt and low-K tholeiite (Fig. 4). "Sr/""Sr
Basin extension the seismic pattern may have ratios of 0.7049 for the Ocussi lavas (Abbot &
I Scan
been more like that found presently in the Chamalaun 1981) are typical of volcanic rocks
I Plateau
western narrows of the basin near Sumba. The
Benioff zone here is very steep and continuous
found above subduction zones. Relative to
MORB, the Ocussi volcanics are enriched in
o ., with an overlying wedge of shallow extensional large ion lithophile elements and depleted in
. .. '
seismic events (Eva et-al. 1988) . high field strength elements (Fig. 5) and Nb,
which is characteristic of volcanic arc basalts
(Pearce 1982). Chondrite-normalized rare earth
Oeussi \'o/callies
element trends are flat at values slightlv higher
4Ma Contractional deformation in the Timor region than 10 except for sample 52 which is light REE
uplifts and exposes part of the eastern Savu depleted (Fig. 6). Flat REE trends contrast
basin crust. The crustal fragment is a thick with 'normal' (N-type) MORB. which are
(1-2 km) pile of interbedded-volcanic agglom- generally depleted in LREE as in sample 52.
erates, pillow lavas. tuffs and sheet flows, known Varekamp etll/. (19R9) analysed trace element
as the Ocussi volcanics. Most of the lavas are and isotopic trends across a segment of the
steeply dipping and appear folded in places. Banda arc adjacent to the Ocussi volcanics. The
Marls containing late Miocene (early N 18) four active volcanoes studied form a NNW-
microfauna with some tuffaceous interlayers SSE trending zone that intersects the Ocussi
depositionally overlie the volcanics (Carter volcanics at -120 km from the Timor Trough.
et al. '1976). The structural unit comprising the trends across the arc at a trough distance-of
5 Ma
Java Trench
Fig. 3. Progressive collision between the NW Australian continental margin (dark shadcd band) and Java
trench (solid Iinc). Convergence direction is 020 at 75 km/Ma. Northward motion bctween Australia und the
Banda arc is accommodated by underthrusting, shortening of the lower plate. extrusion by strike-slip motion.
and backarc thrusting. 50% shortening is assumed and shown by reduction of contincntal margin width. Grey
outlines of Banda arc islands arc inferred positions. Active volcanism in the Banda arc is illustrated by light
shadcd band. As the collision evolves the volcanic arc is modified bv bending. fragmcntation. and northward
shifts in magmatic positions. Initial collision occurs at 5-6 Ma of what is no; thc -East Timor segment of the
Australian margin. East and west of the initial collision zone are continental margin embayments now overlain
by upper-plate peri-collisional basins. Arrows in forearc basin arc interpretive sites and directions of SSZ
spreading and extrusion. Backarc thrusts develop at around 4 Ma due to increased coupling of continental
lower plate and forearc. Heavy line A-B corresponds with geochemical transect through the Banda arc by
Varekamp et al. (1989).
Table 1. Chemical analyses of the GCLlssi volcanics T"'/1.80 SSZ spreading. Modem intra-arc basins fonned
OCU5S1 VOLe by these processes, such as the Mariana Trough
Sample 43a 43c .J6a 46b 52a 52b ed30b* TIMOR (Natland & Tamev 1982; Hawkins & Melchoir
1985), East Seoti~ Sea (Saunders & Tamey
\Vcight % oxide 1979), and Bransfield Strait (Keller & Fisk. this
SiO, 53.45 52.91 51.7 52.59 51.28 51.61 49.57 volume) are characterized by c1inopyroxene-
TiD; 0.95 0.81 0.83 0.72 0.64 0.64 0.83 phyric basalts with similar trace and rare earth
AI,O, 15.07 15.62 15.67 15.31 15.41 15.39 15.3 element abundances to the Ocussi volcanics.
FcO 4.7 4.56 3.72 4.27 6.08 5.3 4.65 The age of Ocussi volcanism is critical in
Fo,O, 4.89 3.67 3.12
4.33 3.51 2 2.73
order to ~nderstand its relationship to the evol-
:VI nO 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 ~ ... - - .... "
:VlgO 4.48 5.24 5.12 6.34 6.22 5.98 6.11 c: \ ution of the Banda intra-oceanic arc and arc-
CaD 8.21 9.29 10.34 10.14 10.62 10.37 10.57 o
.' ,
•• 0:
. ,, continent collision. Attempts to determine the
Na,O 1.81 1.78 1.71 1.85 lA6 1.44 2.09
radiometric age of the Ocussi volcanics are
, ,
Kil 0.88 11.28 0.39 D.27 0.24 0.33 0.34 ..
'. ~ frustrated by the poor resolution typical of deep
P,O; 11.1 0.1 0.11 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.09 sea pillow lava age analyses (Fisher 1971). K-Ar
H,O 4.54 3.73 5.61 3.66 4.85 5.05 6.64 whole-rock analyses of 17 samples by Abbott &
Tuwl 99.21 98.77 98.99 98.89 99.00 99.03 99.44 Chamalaun (1981) yielded ages that duster be-
tween 2-5 Ma with some ages as young as
33 34
5 4
34 34
7 5
34 Fig. 4. Trace clement discriminate diagram (after =
0.1 0.4 Ma and three older ages of 58.6 =
Ti 5695 4856 4956 4316 3837 3837 4956 Pearce & Cann 1973) of Ocuss! mlcanics. Field A, 0.5 Ma, 94.6 = 8.1 Ma, and 109 =-10 Ma. All of
V within plnte basalts: B. low K tholeiites: C, ocean • the samples are from pillow basalt except for a
169 fioor basalts. D. calc-alkaline basalts. Island arc series dolerite dvke that has an age of 6.1 = 0.5 Ma.
Co 46 33 35 37 39 34 48 outlined by dashed line. The dyk~ age is interpr;ted by Abbott &
Ni 35 45 57 65 59 62 56 Chamalaun (1981) as the minimum age of the
eu 45 66 43 160 65 67 40
Zn i3 70 66 50 64 64 60
Rb 19 13 30 35 13 16 12
Sr 130 107 126 99 105 107 167
y 31 24 23 o 18 21 24
Zr 74 56 64 49 32 32 55
Nb 8 8 7 7 8 6 7 OCUSSI VOLCANICS
Ba 97 80 70 68 48 52 75
l.a 6.13 4.8 5.57 5.11 2.13 2.13 7.63
Ce 13.06 10.25 11.83 12.26 4.62 4.79 14.61 KEY
Pr 2.37 1.3 1.51 2.34 0.00 0.00 1.99
Nd 8.65 7.12 7.8 7.82 4.16 4.16 10.21 o ....... 3 8
5m 2.56 2.15 2.29 l.S8 1.47 1.43 2.78 t:. 4-3c:
Eu 0.96 0.81 0.88 D.79 0.63 0.62 l.03 + !+Sa
Od 4.04 3.37 3.5 2.77 2.55 2.48 3.69 x Y-.Sb
Dv 4.74 3.9 3.92 3.56 3.06 3.03 4.04 o 52",
Ho l.O} 0.85 0.82 1.84 0.65· 0.64 0.28
'V S2b
o cd30'o
Er 3.29 2.68 2.65 2.2 2.!3 2.06 2.6
Yb 3.15 2.6 2.58 2.14 2.07 2.03 2.45
180-230 km, and to a baekare volcano at served (Table 1). These data argue for a genetic
300 km from the trough (Fig. 3). Variations in relation between the Ocussi volcanics and the
chemistry along the zone show a consistent known subduction related products to the north.
trend of decreasing abundance of K, Rb, Ba, The chemical signiture of the Geussi volcanics
Sr. and ~7Sr/8nSr tr~nchward toward the Ocussi is interpreted here-as a product of partial melting
volcanics (see fig. 7. Varekamp et al. 1989). of a MORB-like mantle source, which was
This trend corresponds to a northward depleted in high field strength elements by
(forearc-backarc) variation in composition earlier melting episodes. Enrichment in large
from low-K tholeiite-tholeiite-calc-alkaline- ion lithophile elements, depletion in Nb, and o . :L 0 '--_L-_L-_-'-_-'-_-'-_-'--_-'-_-l._--'-_-'_-'_--l'--_L-_.l-----'
11igh-K calc-alkaline-alkaline volcanism. The similarities with predicted trends of active
'y~tematie variation In active volcanism with volcanism in the region suggest the partial
Sr K Rb Ss No Ce P Zr Sm Ti.. Y Yb Sc: Cr
arc- trench distance predicts a composition for melting was subduction-related and possibly Fig. 5. MORB-normalized trace clement abundance of Oeussi volcanics. Light-ion lithophile clement
the Ocussi volcanics very similar to that ob- associated with the formation of new crust by enrichment trend. Sample cd30b was dredged off NE coast of Timor.
n 6
OCUSSI VOLCANICS and starved passive margin conditions to oro- rocks are compositionally and chemically similar
gcnic sedimentation along the NW Australian to dredge samplcs from distal reaches of the
TIMOR KEY ;nargin (,-\udlcy-Charles -1%6). jv1ctamorphic western Australian and other continental
rocks in the hinterland of the collision zone margins (Bonatti & Michael I'JI\'J).
0 +3a
(north coast of Timor) also \'ield cooling ages as
old as 5-7 Ma consistcn[ with the ~n;et of
!Vil' rccent neld investigations of these bodies
and others discovered along the central north
W x 4-60 collisional uplift (Bcrry & ivlcDougall I 'J1\6). coast of Timor. indicate that intrusi\'e relations
i- 0 52a Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the are locally preserved hetween Iherzolitic masses
,.., 52b
0 c:c3121b
western Banda orogen indicatc that Ocussi
volcanism was positioned morc trenchward
and pelitic rocks of Australian affinity. Ncar the
intrusions the pelitic rocks are metamorphosed
0 than the present arc volcanism. However. to garnet grade. The metamorphic grade de-
0 collision appears to shift the site of arc volcanism creases to lower greenschist facies within a few
I northward with time. The Banda arc islands kilometres south-of the intrusive masses. Both
.u immediatclv north of ccntral Timor have no the intrusive bodies and the coul1lrv rock are
:1.0 record of v'olcanic activity after 3 lvIa (Abbott ovcrprinted by collisional deformati:lI1. Art AI'
'i & Chamalaun 1981). North of these islands age lbta from metamorphic amphiholes near
0 n.7 1vla'volcanic rocks are found (Schwartz el lIl. some intrusive masses (Berry & \lcDougali
Il: 1986). and furthcr north is thc active volcanic I'JI\IJ) indicate that the prograde phase of
island of Gunung Api (Fig. 3). To the wcst metamorphism is most likely associated with
of this region. wherc the collision is not as Jurassic rifting of the Australian continemal
advanced. -active volcanism occurs both on and margin and re-trograde phases yield collisional
off axis. but not as far north. ages.
Temporal and spatial relations between modi- - These observations and correlations with
fications of the Banda arc and collision suggest chemically similar dredge samples suggest that
that the Ocussi volcanics may be relate-ll to the malic and ultramafic masses associated with
La Ca. P:- Nd Sm Eu Gd 0>-, He Er- Yb Lw
orogenic impingement of NW Australia with the Maubisse allochthon have a continental rift
the Java Trench (Fig. 3). The arc-eontinem origin and lack the unique stratigraphy and
Fig. 6. Chonur;te-normalized REE abundance of Ocuss; volcanics. Sample ed3lJb was drcdged off NE coast of collision of the Banda orogen structurally internal coherency of most ·ophiolites·. The
modified the Savu forearc basin by Sand SW Ocussi volcanics immediately structurally over-
directed extrusion (extension and strike-slip lie the Maubisse allochthonn~alic and ult~amafic
motion). As the collision progressively moves rocks. This struclUral relation indicures that the
Ocussi \'olcanics. The bulk of the K-Ar ages are Age spectra for plagioclase separates are to the west and continemward, the volcanic most ~Iistal parts of the Australian continental
younger than unconformably overlying Late extremely U-shaped with ages at the lowest and pile. and some of the crustal and mantle margin immediately underlie what appears as a
Miocene sediments, suggesting that the K-Ar highest temperature steps often more than sequence it overlies. are in the process of modern SSZ ophiolite.
system experienced open system behaviour 200 Ma. The age minimums do not yield plateau emplaccment and incorporation into the con- Other major occurrences of mafic and ultra-
since the deposition of the sediments. Micro- ages. U-shaped age spectra are usually a func- tinental fold-thrust bclt of West Timor. If thc mafic rocks found in Timor, Seram, Sumha,
fauna in these sediments provide a minimum tion of excess argon (Lanphere & Dalrymple Ocussi lavas are a represemative sample of the and other islands are dismembered fragments
age of early NI8 (around 6-7 Ma) for most of 1'J76). The whole rock AriAI' analysis yielded greater Savu forearc basin basement, it provides of serpentinized harzburgite, gabhro, a~d arc-
the lavas (Carter et lIl. 1976). Locally, dolerite an age spectrum consistent with exponel1lial AI' a good modern analogue of a SSZ ophiolite in related volcanics structurally intercalated with
intrusions into the overlving sediments have loss. The integrated age (same as conventional the initial stages of emplacement. According to continental metamorphic ro~ks (Brown & Earle
been reported by Leme &. Coelho (1962), but K-Ar age) is similar to-the whole-rock K-Ar age this tectonic scenario Oman-type ophiolites may I'J83; Sopaheluwakan et al. 1989). This complex
no such relationships were found during this results of Abbott & Chamalaun (1981). be generated in zones of extension around and is part of the Banda Terrane of Audley-Charles
in\'e~i[igation . The Al'l AI' age spectra indicate that excess within collisional orogens. Kinematic models & Harris (1990). The terrane reprcsents frag-
The wide range of ages from pillow lavas are argon and argon loss is responsible for the wide for these extensional -domains are considered ments of early arc-continent collisional
interprcted to result from migration of various K-Ar age range of the Ocussi lavas, as initially below. It is proposed here that ophiolites with episodes, around 30-35 Ma, between northern-
amounts of AI' during cooling of deep sea lavas suggested by Abbott & Chamalaun (1981). The similar characteristics and tectonic relations to most Australia and the Banda arc (Harris 1989).
as discussed by Fisher (1971). Post-eruptive loss most reliable age data for the Ocussi volcanics the Savu and Weber basins may be referred to These fragments are not unlike some tectono-
of AI' is also common and may be related to is the Late Miocene (6-7 Ma) sediment cover as 'peri-collisional' ophiolites. stratigraphic terranes found in the westernmost
devitrification of glass in the volcanic rocks. and 6 Ma dolerite dyke. Assuming sedimen- Cordillera of North Amcrica.
This interpretatio; was confirmed by four Al'l tation was contiguous with volcanism, the
AI' age determinations conducted as part of this maximum age of Ocussi magmatic pulse is Late Other mafic and ullramafic masses
study. Plagioclase separates from the Ocussi Miocene (6 Ma). This time marks a transitional Other mafic and ultramalic rocks incorporated Transitional-type ophiolites of ancient
lavas and thc Wetar Strait dredge sample were phase in the evolution of the Banda arc as it into the Banda orogenic wedge are of two
analysed in order to provide age data indepen- impinged upon the most distal reaches of the collisions
types. The most com'ffion are Ih-erzolite (Berry
dent of the contribution of glass. A whole-rock Timor promontory of NW Australia (Fig. 3); a 198 I; Harris 1989) and Ca-rich tholeiites to Most reconstructions of ancient. ophiolite-
age analysis was also conducted to compare transition from subduction to collision, The alkaline basalt (Berry & Jenner 1982) associated bearing collision zones suggest that tectonic
with the K-Ar data of Abbor & Chamalaun onset of collision is well documented throughout with the Aileu-Maubisse allochthon of empla;ement or ophiolit;s results from
(19SI). the Banda orogen by the change from condensed Audley-Charles (1968) on Timor island. These cOlllinelll-trench collisional processes (e.g.
Dewev & Bird 1971; Coleman 1977; Moores in the western Brooks Range. The BRO forms
1982; .Searle & Stevens 1984; Lippard et al. five different klippen-like massifs of con-
1986). If intra-oceanic arcs, such as the Banda sanguineous composition, internal organization,
OJ and Luzon arcs, are the most likely setting for structure and age (Fig. 7). The klippen are
0 the generation of transitional-type ophiolites preserved in synformal depressions of the fold-
'" u'" u
-c <Il
C ~
(e.g. Hawkins et al. 1984; Leitch 1984; Pearce thrust zone over a present length of 350 km,
et al. 1984), then the processes of ophiolite
genesis and emplacement should be separated
width of 50 km. and thickness of 2-3 km.
Glacial erosion and the sparse vegetation
.Q Q. / <Il 0 to varying degrees in time and space. However, provide comprehensive three dimensional expo-
t.. Cl E
c e:: E ro l- protolith. thermometric and age dara from sub- sure of many critical parts of the BRO.
u ~ 0 Cl 0..
·c m ophiolite metamorphic soles indicate that most The structural base of the BRO is well
<Il iii .c
~ ro 01 transitional-type ophiolites formed very near exposed in several locations. Subophiolite
u u Q. E
0 E ~ l'J the continental margins that they now structur- metamorphic rocks are preserved along its
2 <Il
U; .<..J
> ~ ~
u U
ally 0verlie. These relationships are similar to
those discussed above for the peri-collisional
Savu and Weber Basins.
sole at some locations. The metamorphic sole
is transitional in places with a mafic volcanic
sequence of interlayered cherts. lUffs. and minor
a:; f0;- Ol .0 Cl <! ~.~
In this section. new data from the Brooks clastic sediment correlative with the Angayu-
U '"
U ><: <{
e:: 0
CiS 0: Cl::
Cl.. Range ophiolite is presented and compared cham terrane (Jones el al. 1981; Ellersieck et al.
with existing data from Oman-type ophiolites.
1982). Angayucham basalts and diabase have
The discussion aims to address the question of E- and N-type lvl0RB chemical affinities
.... the degree of geologic similarity between (Moore 1987; Wirth er al. 1987; Barker er al.
perhaps two examples of the same process at 1988; Pallister el al. 1989). The structurally
CIl various stages of development. complex nature of the terrane. which is locally
Lu ~ transitional to melange. make unambiguous
z 0 age dcterminations o-f the terrane difficult.
<! 0 Brooks Range ophiolite
0:' 0: Devonian -Triassic fossils are found inter-
0: CO The Brooks Range ophiolite belt comprises the calated with lavas (Nelson & Nelson 1982;
LU' western 200-3()() km of the Brooks Range fold- Mayfield er al. 1983; Murchey & Harris. 1985);
thrust mountain system of Arctic -Alaska Pallister et al. 1989). A tillust assemblage of
(Fig. 7). The stratigraphic record of the western Devonian to Jurassic sedimentary succes'Sions
0.' Brooks Range represents a long interval (about structurally underlie the Angayu~ham terrane
0 150 Ma) of passive continental margin develop- and BRO nappes (Martin 1970; Tailleur 1970).
CIl ment. Low energy, condensed sedimentation The assemblage is usually arranged with more
and some distal volcanism (Mississippian to distal units above more proximal ones and docu-
::r: Triassic), was interrupted by Middle Jurassic ments over 4(XJ km of shortcning (Mull 1982;
1-' orogenesis. The orogenic phase initiated by the Maylield et al. 1983). The structural stack
c:: generation and emplacement of ophiolite provides an impressive display of the geological
z nappes. relations between ophiolitcs and contractional
Unlike most of the North American mountain systems (Fig. 1).
Cordillera, the western Brooks Range preserves The BRO klippen consist of the following
the Oman-type style of Mesozoic orogenesis igneous sequence in ascending order (Harris.
that influenced most of western North America 1991); (1) depleted tectonized peridotites,
during the Jurassic Sevier orogeny (Moores (2) dunitc and wehrlite cumulates, (3) clino-
1970; Burchliel & Davis, 1975; Saleeby 1982,; pyroxene dominanllayered gabbro, (4) massive
Ingersoll & Schweickert, 1986). Subsequent gabbro and high level intrusives. (5) out of
orogenic pulses overprint these relationships sequence wehrlite intrusives, (6) rare sheeted
throughout most of the Cordillera. The effects dykes, (7) island arc-type basalts and (8) sedi-
of the'Se later orogens on the western Brooks ments. The various units are usuallv transitional
Range are minor. From the structural relations except for local intrusive and fa~lt relations.
preserved in the Brooks Range it is clear that The igneous sequence is geochemically similar
emplacement of extensive ophiolite sequences to transitional-type ophiolitcs such as Cyprus
initiateu passive margin contraction. and Oman (Harris 1988).
The Brooks Range ophiolite (BRa) consists
of internally coherent allochthonous mafic
Sub-ophiolire me/llmorphism
and ultramafic rocks indicative of Oman-
o type ophiolite associations. It occupies the Oman-type ophiolites are usually underlain by
uppermost structural position of an alloch- a thin, discontinuous complex of polyphase
thonous stack of continental margin sequences metamorphic rocks that increase in grade
upward toward the has~ of ophiolite nappes. the Oman 'exotics'. the many carbonatc blocks mctric data from orhcr minerals in the meta- of Ar contrihute tn the wide ran~e of KI Ar
These complexes (rcferred to hereafter as incorporated into the emplacement assemblagc morphic soles of thc Oman and Brooks Range ages. Loss of ·'''Ar from hornblende in the meta-
metamorphic soles) usually consist. in descend- arc corrclative with pre-rift dcposits of the ophiolites document minimum temperatures of ~orphic sole is also detcctcd from ,-\r/Ar age
ing order. of sheared and serpentinized peri- Brookian passivc continental margin. The 550-651fC were obtained during prograde analyses, Duc to partial Ar loss. the meta-
dotite and metagabbro. tholeiitic andlor allochthonous lavas and sedimcnts are gcncrally dynamothermal mctamorphism. Two-mica morphic hornblendcs yield KI Ar agcs a
alkalic amphibolite ~1l1d greenschist. metach~n. intcrprcted as accrctcd scamounts (Pallistcr granitoids and other types of felsic igncous minimum of IlJ ivIa voun~er than their Arl Ar
and marble (Williams & Sm\,th 1973: Searle & 1985: Pallistcr er al. 1989: Barkcr el al. 1988). segregations occur locallv along thc basc of the platcau age. Interprc'wtions based on thc KI Ar
i\blp<ls 19NII: Spr<ly 1%-1). 'The m~tamorphic Howevcr. thc position of thc seamounts relative Biooks Range and other Tethyan-type ophio- (.l!!C data alone would signilicantlv exa~!.!eratc
,ole is usuallv structurallv underl<lin b\' distal to thc ancient contincntal margin is unknown. lites. These segregations most likely represent tl~e time gap betwecn ~phiolite' gene~is and
facics continental margin'dcposits. High tem- Stratigraphic data indicate th,~t in places the low temperat~re- anatectic mclts in the emplacement.
pcrature mincral assemblages typical of sub- lavas are in depositional contact with carbonates metamorphic sole. Arl Ar age data from the Brooks Range.
()phiolit~ metamorphic soles requirc immediatc of the continental margin (Dumoulin & Harris The temperaturcs necessary 10 generate these Oman and -othcr Tcthyan-type ophiolites. in-
cmplacement of thc ophiolitcs aftcr they form 1987). These stratigraphic data indicatc some of melts and amphibolite grade conditions are ncar cluding some cordilleran-typc ophiolitcs such as
(usually <10 Ivlal. It is suggcstcd herc that the seamounts may rcpresent detached blocks the maximum static temperature of contact the Joscphine massif (Alexander & Harper. this
thcse relationships establish a link bctwcen the of the distal contincntal margin. A continental metamorphism given by (O's)T (Jaeger 1961; volume). indicate that subophiolitc meta-
processes of ophiolite generation am] the margin origin for thc lava sequencc is not in- Spray 198-1). This cstimate represents the morphic cooling is nearly synchronous with
kinematics of cmplaccment. The protolith. compatible with the geochemistry of alloch- maximum temperature attainable by linear flow ophiolite gencsis. In the case of the Brooks
structures and radiometric age of metamorphic thonous lava sequences bclow the Brooks Range from a hot upper slab of peridotite (IOOO°C) to Range opbiolite. the metamorphic solc includes
solts constrain to some extem the tcctonic ophiolite. a cool lower one (0-200°e). T is the tempera- contincntal margin sequences. which constrain
st:trinu, struf;tural c\'olurion. nnd minimum age Thick igneous sequences. similar in chem- turc difference betwecn the slabs. According to the site of the ophiolite genesis to very near the
{)f initial ophiolitc emplacemcnt. If this agc -is istry. petrology. thickness. associatcd sediment, this relation the Brooks Range, Oman. ;nd Brookian continental margin. It is suggested
ncarly the same as ophiolite cooling agcs. then and age relations to allochthonous mafic crust other Tethyan-type ophiolite; did not cool here that other Oman-type-ophiolites m-a-y also
t~c[{)nic constraints provided by data from meta- below-many Oman-type ophiolites, are common significantly before coming into contact with have formcd verv near the continental margins
morphic soles may also apply to ophiolite along contincntal margins (Mutter el al. 1988). underlying rocks incorporated into the meta- that thev now str~cturally overlie_ This infere-nce
g~ncsis. Some wcll documented examples are the mophic sole.. Stratigraphic ties and transitional is SUPP;Jrted by the ,';'rl Ar age relationship
- The metamorphic sole at the base of the continent-occan transition zones of the contacts between material incorporated into between the formation and cmplaccment of
Oman and Brooks Range ophiolitcs are made Norwegian- Rockall. and conjugate East metamorphic soles and the continental margins most Oman-type ophiolites and the age of con-
up of a complex of amphibolitc facics schists. Greenland banks: outer Scott. Wallaby and of the Brooks Range and other ophiolites tinental margin collision (see Lippard er al.
which usually overlie greenschist facies meta- Naturaliste plateaus of Western Australia; and implics that these ophiolites were formed very 1986).
sedimcnts and metabasites (Searle & Malpas the SE Weddell Sea of Antarctica. These near the continental margins they now structur- The cooling history of the BRO metamorphic
1980; Ghent & Stout 1981; Harris 1989). Both 'volcanic margins' (Mutter er al. 1988) are ally overlic. sole illustrates the close genetic links between
complexes have many geochemical and pctro- characterized by a thick wedge (up to J() km) of Oman-type ophiolites a~d collisional defor-
logical affinitics to undcnhrust sedimentary and seaward dippling tholciitic lava Aows with mation (Fig. 8). Ar/Ar age data from meta-
igncous scqucnces. Underlying both ophiolites dominantly E- and N-type lVIORB chemistry Age re/aliolls morphic minerals with differing Ar retentivities
and most othcr Tethyan-type complexes are an (Eldholm ef al. 1986). The lavas erupted in The relationship of ages between ophiolites and providc independel1l time-temperature cOl1lrol
allochthonous assemblage of dominantly within- continent-occan transition zoncs during and their metamorphic soles is difficult to rcsolve points. These controls are combined with age
plate and IvlORB type lavas (E- and N-type after continental break-up as those refer;ed to without radiometric dating techniques that data from various metamorphic rocks in the
i\,IORB) and shallow-water carbonatcs. Shale. earlier in Timor (Aileu-Maubisso) uplifted by provide a measurc of radiogenic daughter reten- core of the Brookian orogen. In this wav
pelagic sediments. and in some cases greywacke erosion. These volcanic rocks are very different tivity over time. One of the most useful of these temperature-time paths ar~ constructed fo'r
are also found. The assemblage is often chaotic in age relation and chemistry to Oman-type methodS is the ~"Ar/"") Ar (Ad Ar) dating the ophiolite that show its temporal and gross
with blocks in a clay matrix -and is commonly ophiolites. method. spatial relationship ro metamorphic cooling and
described as a melange. The metamorphic sole of the Brooks Range Geochronological studies of the Brooks uplift of the Brooks Range. These paths inter-
Thesc melange deposits are known in Oman ophiolite preserves in places a transitional re- Range ophiolite. using conventional ~"K/~"Ar sect with temperature ranges for the thennal
as the Hawasina melangc (Graham 1980) with lationship between continental margin volcanic (KI Ar) dating methods. yielded hornblende maturation of deformed sediments that structur-
the Oman exotics (shallow water carbonates) and scdimentary sequences and greenschist crystallization ages ranging from 147 ::!: 15 to ally underlie the BRO around the time of
and I-Iaybi volcanics (Searle el ai, 1980). facies metavolcanics and mewsecliments. 202::!: 6 Ma (Harris 1987b). However. ArlAr maximum fold-thrust deformation (Fig. 8).
Robertson elal. (1988) demonstrated that some Trace and rare carth element abundances in analyses (using some of the same samples) Age spectra from Arl Ar analyses are avail-
of the Oman 'cxotics' can be correlated with amphibolite schists of the metamorphic sole are yielded hornblende plateau ages that cluster able for hornblende. biotite and K-feldspar from
pre-rift sequenccs of the Arabian continental the same as those in the volcanic rocks (Harris between 163-179 ::!: 5 Ma. Similar results are the metamorphic sole of the BRO (Wirth er al.
margin that werc detached and isolated during 1987a). Interlayered with the amphibolites are obtained from KI Ar and Arl Ar age analysis of 1986; Harris 1989). Relating the age spectra to
breal,up of Gondwana. - garnet-mica schists with pelitic protoliths. hornblende from the same samples of amphibo- effcctive closure temperatures of these minerals
Similar stratigraphic and structural relations Staurolite is reported by Boak er al. (1987) in a lite schist in the metamorphic sole. The KI Ar defines temperature-time coordinates of an
exist in the Brooks Range where the Okpikruak schist with rounded plagioclase and lithic analysis vielded ages of 153- 157 ::: 5 Ma (Boak empirical cooling curve for sub-ophiolite meta-
melange (Crane 1987) consists mostly of blocks porphyroclasts. The porphyroclasts appear as er ai. 1987; Harris 1989), compared to Ad Ar morphism (Fig. 8). Argon closure temperatures
and thrust panels of E- and N-type MORB relict detrial grains. The composition of relict plateau ages of 164-169 ::!: 3 Ma (Harris 198~). are a function of mineral composition and struc-
I<lvas and shallow-water carbonates of the grains indicates that thc schist has a feldpathic. The significant aspect of this age dating ture. grain size and shape, and cooling rate. An
Angayucham terrane. and broken formations lithic graywacke protolith. experiment is revealed by Arl Ar age spectra intermediate cooling rate (lOoC/Ma) is assumed
of slope and rise facies sediments. Like some of Garnet-biotite geothermometry and thermo- that show both extraneous Ar and diffusive loss for the BRO beca~se of the difference in age
.0 "'--' 1""" - '~M' ,".--' ."
~ .~, .,
• _, • '.~ _ .,
, I _ •
" ..
• :& LJl1U"
between sub-ophiolite metamorphism, base- blende, they may indicate that locally palaeo-
ment uplift, and deposition of detritus from temperatures were near hornblende closure
.~ structurally underlying lithotectonic units (e.g. after most sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks had
high pressure metamorphic rocks; Till el al. cooled to 200-3()()°C. The nOll-uniform tem-
198H). At these cooling rates, argon closure for peratures may result from shear localization
hornblende occurs at 530°C = _iOoC (Harrison associated with onc or more episodes of
& McDougall 1980). This temperature range emplacement-related faulting or from the lower
overlaps with temperature estimates of peak Ar closure temperature of tlw actinolitic horn-
metamorphism for the B RO metamorphic blende dated.
sole (Boak el al. 1987; Harris 19H8a. b 19H9) The Ilattcned time-temperature path for Iinal
suggesting that hornblende Arl Ar ages most cooling from K-feldspar of the BRO ophiolite
likely document the time of peak metamor- metamorphic sole intersects with palaeo-
~ phism. Argon closure temperatures are much temperatures obtained from conodom alter-
lower for biotite (280°C", 4ilOC) and K-feldspar
(150°C = 30°C) (Harrison & McDougall 19821.
ation indexes (Harris el al. [lJS7) in sediments
underlying the BRO (Fig. 8). At this time the
Wirth el al. (1986) obtained Arl Ar age data BRO formed part of the Brookian fold-thrust
for hornblende (164-169 ivla) ancl biotite system. The timing of BRO genesis and
~ (165 I\·la) from schists, ancl K-feldspar (146 Ma) e'mplacement relativ~ to other ma~)r events of
'"c from partial melts, of the BRO metamorphic the Brookian orogeny is instructive (Fig. lJ) and
sale. The K-feldspar yields a complex rclease similar to those from other ophiolite-bearing
spectrum compatible with continuous Ar loss mountain systems (e.g. Lippard el al. 191'16;
until 110 Ma. Time-temperarure plots of the Jamieson & Beaumont 1988). The formation
data show an exponential decline in temperature and emplacement of the BRO is the first event
,., from peak metamorphism (Fig. 8). Tbe con- to interrupt the protracted passive history of the
cavity of the cooling curve indicates that thermal Ellesmerian continental margin. The emplace-
:<u cont~asts were suflfcicnt between the BRO and ment related uplift and cooling of the BRO is
I underthrusted rocks for conductive cooling. Arl followed hy the first stratigraphic evidence of
I Ar analyses of hornblende from other p,~rts of orogenic (Brookian) sedimentation. Melange
the metamorphic sale (Harris 1989) are con- deposits associated with these sediments host
~l sistent with these results. ArlAr age data from exotic blocks derived in part from arc-type la\·as.
'" secondary amphiboles in the metamorphic sale Before the end of the Jurassic. shelf facies and
"'" 0
(Wirth er al. (986) and from faults within
the B RO (Harris 1989) do not fit the simple
platform sediments were incorporated into the
ophiolite-bearing orogenic wedge, The. defor-
~ exponential cooling pattern of prograde meta- ·mation involved southward continental under-
morphic hornblende. Although these younger thrusting as evidence by an extensive Late
ages are within error limits of prograde horn- Jurassic to Early Cretaceous high pressure
I. Formation or BRO
2. Sub-ophi 01 i te metamorphi c
3. Melenqe Deposi ts
(Cr;ne. 1987)
muamorphic complex exposed in the core of compression of an actively spreading ridge, naturallaboratorv for investigatin~ these mcch- of pressure fringes and shadows around rigid
the Brooks Range (Armstrong el al. 19S6). leading to overthrusting of one hot ridge seg- anisms. Active co~verl!ence b~tween the Pacific. grains.
These ~eolo~ic relations mimic those found in ment over the other. The product of such an Australian. and SE ~Asian plates drives the
Oman ~lI1d l;ther Tethyan ophiolites (Lippard event mal' be consistel1l with the internal struc- Banda orol!en (Fi~. 2). The relative motions of
el al. 1986). ture and hot emplacemel1l of Oman-type these plate; arc well constrained throughout the
A~~ and thermal history constraints for sub-
Trench relreal
ophiolites. but is inconsistent with the com- Tertiary by ocean-Iloor palaeomagnetic dara.
ophi7,Iite metamorphism ~nd collisional defor- positional differences between ophiolites and Durin~ most of this tiille the SE Asian plate has Another fundamental ml.:chanism for driving
mation provide critical spatial and temporal their metamorphic soles. remained relatively fixed in the global reference SSZ spreading is trcnch retreat. This mechanism
links betwcen the processes of ophiolite genesis, The high temperature metllmorphic sole of framc. experiencing only minor rotation (Irving is used to explain the kinematics of extension
emplacement and continental mar~in contrac- Oman-type ophiolites document the com- 1977; Morgan 19S3). Relative to the SE Asian bchind several subduction zoncs (Elsasser 1971:
tion ..-\mphibolitc grade metamorpl;ic rocks and position of some of the lirst rocks the hot plate. the Australian plate moves NNE at Moberlv 1972; ivlolnar 8: Atwater I"ns: Chase
partial melts at the basc of the BRO require a ophiolite came into COI1lact with, either by 77 km/Ma. and the Pacinc plate moves WNW 1975: Dewey lLJ80: "'Ialinverno 8: Ryan 19K6).
dynamothennal mctamorphic condition at the underthrusting (Williams & Smythe 1973), or at IOO-131J km/Ma (Minster & Jordan 1978). The trench retreat model assumes that the
maximum temperaturc rangc of ophiolites. intrusion (McTaggen 1971; Hall 1984). Init- Collision initiated during the mid-Tertiary structural evolution of a subduction svstem is
These amphibolites are compositionally and iation of subduction at an active mid-oceanic between arc terranes of the SE Asian/Paeinc controllcd bv the character and ~eol1letrv of the
chemicallv indistin~uishable from underlvino spreading ridge would imply that the lirst rocks plate systems and the passivc margin of northern down-going' plate. In the Ban-da orogen the
low to ,-,dry low grade lavas and scdimcnt's of the upper plate of hot oceanic lithosphere came most Australia. An arcuate zone of convergence charactcr of the lower plate changes profoundly
the .-\ngayucham terranc. This tcrrane is cor- into COI1lact with would be the upper crustal and sinistral shear developed as the irr;gular with time and along prescnt orogenic strike
relati\'c in pan with thc contincnt-occan section of oceanic lithosphere on the other side passive margin became progressively more in- (Harris 199 I). It is proposed here that tran-
transition of the Ellesmerian continental margin of the ridge..-\ccording to this scenario, the volved in the collision. In the collision zone. sitional-type ophiolites may represent SSZ ex-
that the BRO now structurally overlies. Similar protoliths of the subophiolite metamorphic superposition of WNW and NNE plate motion tensional domains that form around and within
correlations exist throughout Tethys including material should be similar in age and chemistry fragments northern Australia into several con- collision zones involving irregularly shaped con-
the Aileu-Maubisse Formation that structurally to the ophiolite itself. This relationship has y';t tinental microplates that move WNW with the tinental margins. The extension may produce
underlic the Ocussi volcanics. to be documellled from subophiolite meta- Pacific plate (Hamilton 1979: Silver el al. 1985). small ocean basins thar form behind trenches
Stratigraphic and structural data indicare that morphic rocks. Little. if any, genetic relation- The Irian Jaya, Buru and Sula microplates (Fig. advancing into embavmcnts of an irregular con~
thc transition from passivc margin to orogenic ship exists in age and chemistry between, 2) are some of the most conspicuous examples tinental n;argin. These extensional do~nains are
sedimentation in these collision zones (initiation Oman-type ophiolites and the much oldcr (McCaffrey 1988; De Smet 1989). Palaeomag- peri- and int'i-a-collisional.
of collision) occurred around the time of ophio- E- and N-type :-'IORB rocks that comprise most netic data suggest that the combined motion of If a subducting continental margin is long-
lite genesis and emplaceme.nt. This implies that sub-ophiolite metamorphic soles and structur- these plates 'h:1ve rotated the northern Banda lived, as is usually the case with Oman-type
the formation of Oman-type ophiolites are ally underlying allochthons (e.g. Haybi, orogen more than 74° counter-clockwise (Haile ophiolites, the attached oceanic slab that is
linked in time and space to the arrival of the Angayucham and Maubisse lavas). 1979). subducted usually forms a very stecp Benioff
trcnch (deformation front) at the continental Apart from intra-oceanic thrusting models, Illleractions between major and micro plates zone as in the Banda arc (uncoupled subduction
margin. These constraint~ sugoest that the collision of intra-oceanic arcs with continental at the Pacilk- Australia -SE Asia plate triple system). The ne~ative bouvancy of this slab has
proc-csscs of ophiolite genesis and"emplacement margins are most commonly used to account for junction produce instabilities along plate tile potential of pulling the'continental margin a
arc not only kinematically linked but thar the Oman-type ophiolite emplacement. Although boundaries that change in time and space. significant depth below the orogenic arc before
mechanisms of formation will normally lead to the formation and evolution of intra-oceanic Simplified demonstrations of these instabilities it resists further underthrusting. This process
cmplacement. arcs may invoh'e SSZ spreading (Hawkins et al. are possible by multi-plate Euler pole analysis may account for the emplacement of large
1984: Leitch 1984; Pearce el al. 19S4), special (Cox & Hart 1986). For example, the Weber nappes of forearc basement in central Timor
Kinematic models circumstances are re4uired to account for basin is presently situated in a sinistral shear and parts of Scram where initial collision oc-
Oman-type ophiolite associations if the pro- couple between the SE Asia, Australia and curred between the Banda arc and continental
Peri-collision temporal and spatial relations, ccsses responsible for generating SSZ ophiolites Irian Jaya plates (McCaffrey 1988). Extension promontories. It can also explain the develop-
and the discontinuous occurrence of ophiolites arc not kinematically linked to the processes of in the basin may accommodate E-W stretching ment of· deep foreland basins that require an
in many fold-thrust mountain systems, are dif- emplacement (collision). Ideally, the whole his- of the Banda Sea region as it is pinched between additional load to that of the oro~enic wedge in
ficult to reconcile with models postulating that tory of these ophiolites. from their genesis as a the converging Australia and Pacific plates order to account for the degree oj' crustal down-
the fonnation and emplacement of ophiolites small occan basin to their incorporation into a (McCaffrey 1989). This plate connguration is warping observed in some t~ctive (Timor trough)
ate intra-oceanic processes. MORB-type folcl-thrust mountain system should be explic- inherently unstable due to eventual closure of and ancient (Brooks Range) orogens. The lack
oceanic crust is rarely represel1led as ophiolites able in terms of one or a combination of self- the Banda Sea. Parts of the southern Weber of nappes. and the relatively shallow foreland
(Coleman 1984) probably because subduction perpetuating mechanisms. basin are already incorporated into the hinter- basin in Taiwan where the continental margin is
rarcly initiates within this high-strength crustal land of the Banda orogen fold-thrust zone young, is explicable in terms of this mechanism.
environment. A possible exception to this rule (Bowin el al. 19S0), whIle other parts of the It is suggested here that after initial under-
is at active spreading ridges where high thermal
Multi-plate illleractions
basin are actively spreading near the axis of thrusting of continental promontories, the fore-
gradients may significantly reduce the strength SSZ magmatism. The dynamics of these un- arc upper, and continental lower plates become
of oceanic lithosphere. Boudier & Coleman To reconcile the SSZ spreading model for the stable plate boundaries provide an important increasingly coupled and kinematically linked
(1981) and more recently Boudier & Nicolas origin of ophiolites with Oman-type ophiolite mechanism of crustal scale noncoaxial strain, in that segment of the collision zone. This coup-
(198S) suggest that intra-oceanic spreading associations, mechanisms are needed to drive common to most collisional orogens where ling is well documented in both the Banda arc
systems are a favourable site for the generation SSZ spreading around or within zones of col- Oman-type ophiolites are found. This defor- and Taiwan by the indentation of the defor-
and emplacement of ophiolites. This model lision involving passive continental margins. The mation mechanism is observable at all scales of mation front, late collisional development of
predicts that changes in plate motion may cause Banda orogen of eastern Indonesia provides a rock deformation including the development strike-slip faults, and the initiation of subduction
'l'.cg.nll:'mllrmfUl.'C!lDlU22i2 m::z:&EJ"Ji[_.&£LtiSiEL.
polarity reversal (Silver er al. 1983; Suppe 1984; ophiolite bearing mountain belts occur through- Indonesia: C. Wescott. J. Foley and T. Light in
Breen el al. 1989; Harris 1991). If the under- Conclusion
out the irregular and oblique collision zone Alaska: N. Harbur\" in Oman: T. Greensmith and C.
thrust continental margin is irregular or its col~ between the African and Eurasian plates (Alps, Comparisons between the Brooks Range and Xenophomas in Cyprus: and Hao-Tsu Chu in Taiwan.
Ibion with the trench "Oblique, tile lower plate Appennines, Calabria, Carpathians, Hellenides Oman ophiolites and modern arc-continent This papcr profited from thorough edits by M. Searle
should continue to subduct (roll back) in uncol- and Aegean arc). and the Palaeozoic collisions collisions (Timor and Taiwan) indicate that the and anonymous reviewers; and help with geo-
lidcd regions. while advancement of the upper of Laurentia. Africa and Avalonia (Caledonides chemistry by P. Ballantyne and J. Walsh.
gener<ltion <lnd emplacement of muny Oman-
plate is restricted by increased coupling at the and Appalachians). type ophiolites are kinematically linked and
initial points of collision. As the trench retreats intimately associated with collisional contrac- References
toward the descending lower plate and the arc- tion of long-lived conrinental murgins. Any
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retreat. provide modern examples of peri-collisional genesis and emplacement must account for the Gcological Research and Development Centre,
The arc- trench gap of the Java trench pro- SSZ basin development by both simple and following: (1) incipient arc-type geochemical Special Publication. 2.253-268.
vides an important reference for the precol- pure shear mechanisms. The basins are pinned and petrological features: (2) ocean crust exten- ALEXANOER. R. J. & HARPER. G. D. 19\12. The
lisional arc-trench distance of the Banda arc. at their edges by coupled arc-continent col- sional structure: (3) thinness when compared to Josephine ophiolitc: an ancicnt analogue for
On both sides of the Timor collisional inden- lisions that lack Oman-type ophiolites. The tec- ocean crust and arcs; (4) composition and age slow- to imcrmcdiarc sprcading oceanic ridges.
tation the trench has migrated !OO-ISO km tonic evolution of the Andaman Sea pUll-apart of metamorphic soles: (5) immediate emplace- This volume.
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similar to that of the Weber Basin, although the Peri-collisional extension in parts of the and K-Ar study of the mctamorphic rocks of the
(Fi!!s 2 & 3). Thc Savu and Weber Basins have Andaman Sea has a clearly defined spreading Banda orogen provide a modern analogue of Seward Peninsula and southern Brooks Range,
op';-ncd behind where the trench migrates. zone. Both regions represenr margin-parallel processes that lead to the opening of temporary Alaska. [no EV,\NS. B. W. & BROWN, E. H. (eds)
Obliquc convergence adds a simple shear com- collisions between continents of the Indo- SSZ hasins that may be obducted during or Blueschisls alld Eclogiles. Geological Society of
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According to the trench retreat model, sites justing to collision-induced inst,;bilities. These into the fold-thrust belt of West Timor, mimics ation of Sedimcntologists. 8. 92 -to2.
of ophiolite formation most likely coincide instabilities may be enhanced by complex pass- Oman-type ophiolite associations. - - & I-1,\RRIS. R. A. 100. Allochthonous terranes
with regions where the Banda orogenic front ive margin structure and oblique convergence. The kinematic development of peri-collisional of thc Southwest Pacific and Indonesia: Philo-
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to fill embayments in the Australian margin thcse busins is atypical of many ophiolites over- ophiolite associations may involve: trench re- LOlldoll. 331. 571-587.
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ation of the continental margin lower plate then, the sediment cover of the Savu basin is very require considerable peri-collisional forearc ex- P. J. 19&~' Ocean plateau-scamount origin of
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sedimentary deposits. The Wcber Basin on the tension. The peri-collisional kinematic model rclated cumulate gabbros: Implications for the
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tCSt of thc tectonic models of Timor. JOllfl1al of
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