Ebert Parasitism in Daphnia 2005
Ebert Parasitism in Daphnia 2005
Ebert Parasitism in Daphnia 2005
and Evolution
of Parasitism in Daphnia
Dieter Ebert
Author’s address:
Dieter Ebert
Universität Basel
Zoologisches Institut
Vesalgasse 1
4051 Basel
[email protected]
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Please cite as:
Ebert D, 2005. Ecology, Epidemiology, and Evolution of Parasitism in Daphnia [Internet].
Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology
Information. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=Books
Copyright: Please contact the author for permission to reproduce any or all of the content in this book.
ISBN 1-932811-06-0
First published: 30 November 2005 (online version), 29 December 2005 (PDF version)
The cover illustration is part of a drawing from the monograph "Die günen Armpolypen, die
geschwänzten und ungeschwänzten zackigen Wasserflöhe und eine besondere Art kleiner Wasser-
aale" by Jacob Christian Schaffer, published in Regensburg, Germany in 1755. The picture shows
the external and internal anatomy of Daphnia magna. Note that on the dorsal side the female carries
numerous peritrich (Ciliata) epibionts. In the upper left corner a parthenogenetic egg is drawn.
Ecology, Epidemiology, and Evolution
of Parasitism in Daphnia
Dieter Ebert
Universität Basel
Zoologisches Institut
Vesalgasse 1
4051 Basel
Acknowledgments xi
8 Epidemiology 59
8.1 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
8.1.1 Modes of Transmission in Daphnia: Parasite Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
8.1.2 Survival of Transmission Stages Outside the Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
8.1.3 Uptake of Transmission Stages from Pond Sediments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
8.1.4 Factors Influencing Parasite Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8.2 Epidemiology of Daphnia Microparasites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
8.2.1 The Fishless Pond Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
8.2.2 Suggestion for a Lake Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
8.3 Conclusions and Open Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Glossary 85
References 98
In 1990, I was working on my PhD on the life- that I already had experience with them and that
history evolution of Daphnia at the Zoological Insti- they seemed, indeed, like a good system: easy to
tute of the University of Basel when Bill Hamilton maintain, reproducing clonally, short generation
came for a visit there. Being deeply interested in time, and small size, to name just a few. Nonethe-
the evolution of parasites, he did not wait long be- less, before I settled on Daphnia, I did an intensive
fore asking me about parasites in Daphnia. To my literature search (back in the early nineties, this
embarrassment, I had to answer that I had never was still a time-consuming enterprise) and came
seen a parasite in Daphnia and that I believed they up with three host systems I wanted to check out:
may not be very important. Of course Bill was not the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), Tri-
convinced by my obviously rather superficial and bolium, and Daphnia. The two earlier systems are
uninformed statement, and after some discussion genetically more tractable than Daphnia, because
I agreed that I would collect some field samples genetic crosses of Daphnia clones are still not very
the next day and screen them with him for para- easy. In the end, one factor swayed my decision
sites. Except for a few individual Daphnia carrying to work with Daphnia: How could one control air-
some algae epibionts, we did not find anything. borne pathogens during experiments in which con-
Bill was convinced, however, that there was more trols and infected replicates are standing side by
to discover, and a month later he sent me a copy side? With waterborne pathogens, I reasoned, this
of Green’s 1974 paper on "Parasites and Epibionts would be much less of a problem. It turned out to
of Cladocera." Green lists numerous symbionts liv- be correct.
ing on and in Daphnia and other Cladocerans—too My initial field surveys around Oxford were not
many to be ignored. very successful: plenty of Daphnia, but no para-
At the same time, Paul Schmid-Hempel’s group sites. After several months, I decided to contact
was working at the Zoological Institute in Basel, Jim Green, who was still working in London but
establishing bumblebees as a new model system was about to retire. He invited me to bring him
to study host–parasite interactions. On the ba- the samples in which I wanted to find parasites. It
sis of many interactions with Paul and his stu- took him 10 minutes to find the first parasites, and
dents, mainly Jacqui Shykoff and Christine Müller, over the next two hours a few more species turned
I started to develop an interest in host–parasite up as well. What I did not know was that it is es-
evolution and eventually decided that this may be sential to use phase-contrast microscopy, because
a good topic for a postdoc. Interestingly, other PhD microsporidian parasites, in particular, are barely
students in our group pursued the same direction. visible without it. Despite his enthusiasm, Jim was
Being an experimentalist at heart, I decided that rather pessimistic about the possibilities of cultur-
I would like to start working with a rather sim- ing Daphnia parasites and conducting controlled
ple host–parasite system that would allow me to experiments. However, back in Oxford I checked
do sophisticated experiments. I asked Bill Hamil- all of my cultures and realized that I had already
ton to host me in Oxford. Bill was enthusiastic, cultured one species for several months together
but we were undecided about what system would with the D. magna clone it lived in. Within 2 weeks
be good. Bill suggested Daphnia, but I was not so I worked out a method for controlled culturing of
sure, because I still had not seen parasites in Daph- Glugoides intestinalis (formerly Pleistophora intesti-
nia. The advantage with Daphnia, however, was nalis) and 3 months later submitted the first paper
xii Acknowledgments
on it. Since then, my lab has developed culturing duced several figures to illustrate important as-
methods for more than 10 species of parasites. pects of life cycles and transmission. Dita Vizoso
This work with the Daphnia parasites has ab- and Frida Ben-Ami are thanked for contributing
sorbed my attention since then, and together with photographs. I thank my son Gleb for help with
my research group, I have spent many exciting producing some of the figures. Suzanne Zweizig
hours in the laboratory and in the field finding out improved the style and readability of the language
more about Daphnia parasites, and about parasites throughout the book. Rita Gunasekera helped me
in general. The Daphnia–microparasite system has with the formatting of the various files. Jo McEn-
proved to be a powerful model for many questions tyre and Laura Dean were of great help in all as-
in basic epidemiology, ecology, and evolution. The pects of publishing this book. Thanks to their work,
upcoming genome data will extend this into the the book can be made available to a wide audience
“Narrow Roads of Gene Land“ (the title of Bill via the Internet. Finally, I want to thank my friends
Hamilton’s second book with many parts on the and family for their support and the encourage-
evolution of host–parasite interactions, 2001) and ment to write this book.
will hopefully open up a pluralistic approach to November 2005 Dieter Ebert
understanding host–parasite coevolution.
This book would not have been possible without
the collaboration of the marvelous people working
with me in Oxford, Silwood, Basel, and Fribourg,
and also collaborators from around the world
who shared my enthusiasm for host–parasite in-
teractions. I want to thank the people in and
around my group (in roughly chronological or-
der): Valentino Lee, Katrina Mangin, Heide Stir-
nadel, Sven Krackow, Judy Wearing-Wilde (Ox-
ford), Dermot McKee (Silwood Park), Christine
Zschokke-Rohringer, Hans-Jochaim Carius, Tom
Little, Daniel Fels, Marc Capaul, Myriam Riek,
Patrick Mucklow, Pia Salathé, Katja Pulkkinen
(Basel), Christoph Haag, Dominik Refardt, Dita
Vizoso, Olga Sakwinska (Basel and Fribourg), Lu-
sia Sygnarski, Sandra Lass, Marc Zbinden, Knut
Helge Jensen, Raffael Aye, Florian Altermatt, Holly
Ganz (Fribourg and Basel), and Thomas Zum-
brunn (Basel). Special thanks to Jürgen Hottinger,
who became over the years not only a close friend
but also the irreplaceable center of the group. Nu-
merous collaborators, many of whom are theoreti-
cians, helped open my eyes when I was blinded
by the beauty of Daphnia symbionts: Sebastian
Bonhoeffer, Marc Lipsitch, Martin Nowak, Wolf-
gang Weisser, Richard Lenski, Bill Hamilton, Paul
Rainey, Mitja Scholz, Martin Embley, Janne Bengts-
son, Liz Canning, Steve Stearns, Ilmari Pajunen,
Roland Regoes, Ronny Larsson, Kerstin Bittner,
Ellen Decaestecker, and Paul Schmid-Hempel. Flo-
rian Altermatt, Holly Ganz, Sandra Lass, Dominik
Refardt, Marc Zbinden and Thomas Zumbrunn
read most of the book in earlier drafts and helped
me to polish style and content. Dita Vizoso pro-
Chapter 1
This chapter provides a short introduction to the topic of the book. I define parasites as any
small organism closely associated with, and harmful to, a larger organism. I point out which
features of parasites make them attractive ecological factors and why the study of parasites
may add to our understanding of Daphnia biology. I also provide a general outline of the book’s
research has addressed a number of evolutionary from epibionts. Whereas the former are usually
questions, resulting in a well-rounded picture of endoparasites, i.e., located within the body of the
the evolutionary ecology of the genus. host, the latter are located on the body surface and
For a long time, research focused on predators may therefore be labeled as ectoparasites. In the
as the main enemies of Daphnia in their natu- main part of this book, I concentrate on endopara-
ral habitat. Predatory fish, phantom midge larvae, sites and exclude epibionts. However, this is not to
and water boatmen were among the key culprits say that epibionts are not parasites or are not im-
and received a lot of attention, in particular after portant. In fact, I believe that most epibionts fulfill
predator-induced defenses were described. This the definition of parasites used here, because they
interest in predators existed in sharp contrast to the are often closely associated with their hosts and
lack of attention paid to another class of Daphnia’s cause harm to their hosts. This harm may not be di-
natural enemies, parasites and epibionts. Despite rectly visible, but there are certainly increased costs
numerous taxonomic studies on the epibionts and for swimming, which may have consequences for
parasites of Daphnia, there was less than a hand- other fitness components, such as fecundity, sur-
ful of ecological studies on them up until about 15 vival, competition, and mate finding (Threlkeld et
years ago. The growing awareness that parasites al. 1993). It has also been suggested that epibion-
are ubiquitous and may play an important role in tic filter feeders compete with their hosts for food
most natural ecosystems has changed this, as the (Kankaala and Eloranta 1987). On the other hand,
increasing number of publications about Daphnia it has been suggested that under certain condi-
parasites and epibionts confirms (Figure 1.1). tions, high loads of algal epibionts may provide
additional food for the host and thus result in a
net benefit (Barea-Arco et al. 2001). However, this
1.3 Defining Parasites form of a food supplementation is certainly not the
typical effect of epibionts.
Although parasites have traditionally been defined I do not include epibionts in this book, because I
by a combination of conceptual and taxonomic fea- feel that there is less need to discuss the epidemiol-
tures, I use an entirely conceptual definition here. ogy of this functional group than for endoparasites.
I consider a parasite to be any small organism (in- However, I will refer to them whenever it might
cluding viruses) that lives in close association with further our understanding of Daphnia–parasite in-
a host organism and for which it seems reasonable teractions.
to assume that the host carries some cost. These
costs may be clearly visible, in the form of reduced
fecundity or survival, but may in some cases be 1.4 Host–Parasite Interactions
subtle. For example, reduced sexual attractiveness
(leading to reduced mating success) or reduced Parasites may be directly or indirectly involved
competitive ability may not be very visible. I de- in the ecology and evolution of a broad range of
vote an entire chapter to discussing the fitness costs phenomena: host population dynamics and extinc-
caused by parasites. This conceptual definition of tions, maintenance of genetic diversity, sexual se-
a parasite includes members of various taxa, such lection, evolution of genetic systems, and evolution
as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, but also of sexual recombination, to name just a few. Cer-
includes functional categories (not taxonomically tainly, parasites possess features that make them
defined), such as pathogens and helminths. In con- very attractive as explanatory factors in the evolu-
trast to typical predators, parasites do not always tion and ecology of their hosts. These features in-
kill their hosts, and if they do, it may take a consid- clude their high abundance in nearly every ecosys-
erable amount of time, during which the parasite tem, their typically narrow host range (compared
may be transmitted to other hosts, and the host with typical predators), their adverse effects on
remains in the community competing with other their hosts (e.g., reduced fecundity and survival),
organisms for space, food, and mating partners. and density dependence during horizontal trans-
In the literature on Cladocera and more specifi- mission (Anderson 1979, 1993; Anderson and May
cally on Daphnia, parasites are often distinguished 1978; May and Anderson 1979; Price 1980).
1.5 Outline of This Book 3
Figure 1.1 The hard life of Daphnia. Drawing by Daniela Brunner, Basel.
On the other hand, hosts are the environment lowed by Chapter 3, which introduces the reader
for the parasites and thus define their niche. to certain parasite species that are frequently men-
Most parasites are not viable outside of their tioned in the book. This chapter is short, however,
hosts for extended periods (not considering resting because the parasites will be dealt with in detail in
stages) and therefore—from the parasite’s point of the second book.
view—parasite and host form an inseparable bio- The next chapters describe the interactions be-
tween parasites and their Daphnia hosts. Much of
logical unit. Thus, parasite ecology is closely linked
to the ecology of its hosts, and the parasite’s nat-the conceptual parts are derived from general prin-
ural history is best seen in the light of its host’sciples of epidemiology but with special reference
biology. In this book, I focus largely on members to the biology of zooplankton and especially Daph-
of the genus Daphnia as hosts. Whenever possible, nia. Chapter 4 summarizes what we know from
I include information on other Cladocerans. parasitological field studies of Cladocerans. Chap-
ters 5 and 6 deal with the sometimes severe fit-
ness consequences of parasitism. In Chapter 5, I
1.5 Outline of This Book review what we know about the negative effect of
parasites on the fitness of individual hosts, and in
Following this introduction, Chapter 2 gives a gen- Chapter 6, I review the little we know about how
eral summary of Daphnia biology, highlighting at hosts fight parasites. Chapter 7 is on host ranges
the same time those aspects that may be relevant and discusses what we know about the specificity
for the study of parasitism. This summary is fol- of Daphnia parasites.
4 Ecology, Epidemiology, and Evolution of Parasitism in Daphnia
This chapter provides an overview of the biology of waterfleas of the genus Daphnia. It de-
scribes basic aspects of individual physiology and nutrition, including some remarks about
immunity. It summarizes the typical life cycle and development of Daphnia. The modes of re-
production and the induction of resting egg production in cyclic and obligate parthenogenetic
forms are discussed. Finally, population biological aspects, such as behavioral ecology, habitat
preferences, population genetics, and population dynamics, are introduced.
Figure 2.1 The functional anatomy of Daphnia. This drawing shows an adult female with parthenogenetic
embryos in her brood chamber. For better illustration, the carapace is shown as transparent. The animal measures
about 2 mm from the top of its head to the base of its tail spine. Modified after Matthes (first published on page 154
in Kükenthal and Matthes 1944) (with permission from Kästner: Lehrbuch der speziellen Zoologie, Band 1, Teil 4,
c Elsevier GmbH, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg). Compare this figure with Figure 2.2.
2.2 Physiology, Metabolism, and Immunity 7
Figure 2.2 Ventral view of Daphnia Adult females. On the left, a photograph of Daphnia longispina from a rock
pool population in southern Finland. On the right, a drawing. (The drawing is reproduced with permission from
c Elsevier GmbH, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,
Kästner: Lehrbuch der speziellen Zoologie, Band 1, Teil 4, 1993
iments of shallow ponds. Adults range from less though the feeding apparatus is so efficient that
than 1 mm to 5 mm in size, with the smaller species even bacteria can be collected, the food is usu-
typically found in ponds or lakes with fish preda- ally made up of planktonic algae. Green algae are
tion. The ecology of the genus Daphnia may be bet- among the best food, and most laboratory experi-
ter known than the ecology of any other group of ments are done with either Scenedesmus or Chlamy-
organisms. domonas, both of which are easy to culture in mon-
oclonal chemostats. Daphnia usually consume par-
ticles from around 1 µm up to 50 µm, although
2.2 Physiology, Metabolism, particles of up to 70 µm in diameter may be found
and Immunity in the gut content of large individuals.
The dynamics of food uptake follow a functional
Daphnia feed on small, suspended particles in the response type 1. Below a certain food concentra-
water. They are suspension feeders (filter feed- tion (the incipient limiting level), the food uptake
ers). The food is gathered with the help of a filter- from the water (feeding rate) is proportional to the
ing apparatus, consisting of the phylopods, which food concentration, and the filtering rate (amount
are flattened leaf-like legs that produce a water of water filtered per unit time) is maximal. Above
current. As the current flows anterior to poste- this level, the feeding rate is constant because the
rior, the Daphnia collect particles that are trans- filtering rate decreases with increasing food con-
ferred into the food groove by special setae. Al- centration in the water. For parasites that enter the
8 Introduction to Daphnia Biology
Figure 2.3 Daphnia magna. Adult female with a clutch Figure 2.4 Daphnia cucullata. Adult female with one
of freshly laid parthenogenetic eggs in its brood cham- embryo in her brood chamber. This female comes from
ber. The female is from a laboratory culture of a clone a laboratory culture of a clone originally isolated from
originating in a pond near Oxford, UK. Klostersee in southern Bavaria, Germany.
host with the food particles, infection rates depend pelled from the hindgut by peristaltic movement
on the food concentration in the water. Highest in- but also requires the pressure of more recently ac-
fection rates are expected when filtering rates are quired food particles. The color of Daphnia adapts
maximal. to the food that is predominant in their diet. Daph-
The gut is more or less tubular with three parts: nia feeding on green algae will be transparent with
the esophagus, the midgut, and the hindgut. There a tint of green or yellow, whereas those feeding
are two small digestive ceca (diverticula) that are on bacteria will be white or salmon-pink. Well-fed
easily seen in the head section of the midgut (Fig- animals are more strongly colored than starved an-
ures 2.1 and 2.6). The midgut is lined with an ep- imals.
ithelium and bears microvilli. Peristaltic contrac- Daphnia have an open blood circulation. The
tions of the gut wall pass food through the gut, heart is located dorsally and anterior from the
but a peritrophic membrane contains the food and brood chamber. At 20o C, it beats about 200 times
prevents it from entering the ceca. Epithelial cells per minute, slowing down at lower tempera-
do not phagocytose particles but absorb molecules. tures. Blood cells are easily visible through the
The pH is 6 to 6.8 in the anterior part of the midgut transparent body as they flow rapidly through
and 6.6 to 7.2 in the posterior part. Food is ex- the body cavity. To support oxygen transport,
2.2 Physiology, Metabolism, and Immunity 9
Figure 2.9 Life cycle of a cyclic parthenogenetic Daphnia. This diagram depicts the sexual and the asexual
(parthenogenetic) life cycle of a Daphnia. During the parthenogenetic cycle, females produce diploid eggs that
develop directly into daughters. The same female may produce diploid asexual eggs that develop into sons. Male
production is under environmental control. Furthermore, the same female may produce haploid eggs that require
fertilization by males. These eggs are then enclosed in a protective shell (ephippia) and need to undergo a diapause
before female offspring will hatch from them. Drawing by Dita B. Vizoso, Fribourg University.
12 Introduction to Daphnia Biology
Figure 2.18 Rock pools with Daphnia populations on four islands in the Tvärminne archipelago in southern
Finland. These pools are part of a metapopulation of D. magna, D. pulex, and D. longispina. In the background, the
Baltic Sea is visible.
beating of the large antennae, which they use to levels. Inverse diel vertical migration has been de-
direct themselves through the water. The rapid scribed as a strategy to escape other predators that
downbeat produces a quick upward movement, migrate themselves.
whereas the relatively high density of the animals Part of the behavioral repertoire of Daphnia that
creates a sinking. Motionless Daphnia sink rapidly is key to diel vertical migration is phototaxis.
to the ground. Clones of D. magna vary strongly in their pho-
A second well-known behavior of Daphnia is diel totactic behavior. Phototactic-positive genotypes
vertical migration, in which they migrate toward spend much time in the upper water level, whereas
upper levels of the water body during nighttime phototactic-negative genotypes spend most of
and then back downward during the early morn- their time close to the bottom sediments. Photo-
ing and daytime. This behavior probably devel- tactic behavior is also influenced by the presence
oped as a predator avoidance strategy. During day- of fish. If Daphnia sense that fish are present in the
light, the Daphnia hide from fish that hunt visually water, they behave more phototactically negative
by moving to darker depths, whereas during night- than they would otherwise.
time, they take advantage of the richer food (plank- Daphnia are also known to migrate toward or
tonic algae) in the well-illuminated upper water away from the banks of ponds or lakes. Again, the
2.6 Evolutionary Genetics 17
magna (e.g., microarrays, expressed sequence tags which curtails the exponential growth phase early.
(ESTs)). In longer-lasting small pools, populations may go
through several population cycles within one sea-
son. Factors that increase population growth rate
2.7 Population Dynamics (e.g., eutrophication) or that amplify the response
to high population density (e.g., sexual reproduc-
Daphnia populations vary strongly in density tion) increase the likelihood of more cycles occur-
throughout the growing season. They typically go ring.
through pronounced cycles, with densities varying Daphnia parasites are most commonly observed
by more than seven orders of magnitude within a after the first peak in population density. However,
single season. A number of studies have refuted it is not clear whether parasites influence the popu-
the belief that cycles are largely influenced by abi- lation dynamics of Daphnia in natural populations.
otic conditions; now it is commonly believed that Parasites are an attractive ecological force for Daph-
abiotic conditions play a role only in limiting the nia population regulation because transmission is
growing season, not as a factor shaping the popula- often density dependent, and they are found in
tion dynamics during the growing season. In many nearly every Daphnia population investigated thus
populations, density peaks are observed two or far. Experimental epidemiology with various zoo-
even three times per year, and it is not uncommon plankton parasites has shown that parasites not
for populations to disappear entirely during un- only suppress host density but also may bring host
favorable seasons. Although it is difficult to make populations to extinction (Ebert et al. 2000a). Thus,
generalizations about Daphnia population dynam- it seems likely that the dynamics of natural Daphnia
ics, a few points are apparent. populations are influenced by parasites as well.
In most habitats, Daphnia have low density or
completely disappear during part of the year, usu-
ally the cold or the dry season. Recruitment in
the following growing season is from resting eggs
and/or from surviving females. There is rapid pop-
ulation increase in the early season (exponential
growth), with doubling times of a few days (down
to 3 days at temperatures of 20o C and above).
Growth is eventually slowed down by density-
dependent competition, usually because of food
shortage; however, predators may contribute as
well. During this part of the season, parasites seem
to play little role in affecting population numbers.
The peak in Daphnia density usually follows a peak
in algae density and may be followed by the clear-
water phase in which the Daphnia effectively re-
move most of the phytoplankton from the water.
The resulting food shortage leads to a rapid de-
cline in Daphnia density. In large eutrophic lakes
in temperate regions, phytoplankton and Daphnia
may go through two density cycles (a spring and
a summer peak), whereas in nutrient-poor lakes,
only one peak may occur in mid-season. In small
water bodies such as rock pools and vernal pools,
the dynamics may look very different, depending
on the expected length of the growing season. In
pools with a very short growing season (e.g., Arctic
and desert pools), Daphnia populations may pro-
duce resting eggs after only one or two generations,
Chapter 3
In this chapter, I give a brief introduction to some endoparasite species of Daphnia. Three
bacteria, one fungus, four microsporidia, and one parasite of unknown taxonomic classification
are described with accompanying photographs. I focus on those parasites that are mentioned
frequently in this book.
Pasteuria ramosa (Bacteria) D. magna, D. pulex, D. longispina, other Blood, Horizontal, from
Cladocera extracellular dead host
White Fat Cell Disease (Bacteria) D. magna, D. pulex, D. longispina Fat body, Horizontal, from
intracellular dead host
Spirobacillus cienkowskii (Bacteria) Many Daphnia species Blood, Horizontal, from
extracellular dead host
Aphanomyces daphniae (Fungi) D. hyalina, D. pulex Body cavity, Horizontal, from
extracellular dead host
Metschnikowia bicuspidata (Fungi) D. magna, D. pulex, D. longispina Body cavity, Horizontal, from
extracellular dead host
Flabelliforma magnivora D. magna Fat body, ovaries, Vertical
(Microsporidia) intracellular
Octosporea bayeri (Microsporidia) D. magna Fat body, ovaries, Vertical and
intracellular horizontal, from dead
Gurleya vavrai (Microsporidia) D. pulex, D. longispina Carapace, ?
Glugoides intestinalis (formerly D. magna, D. pulex Gut wall, Horizontal, from
Pleistophora i.) (Microsporidia) intracellular living host
Ordospora colligata (Microsporidia) D. magna Gut wall, Horizontal, from
intracellular living host
Larssonia obtusa (= L. daphniae) D. magna, D. pulex, D. longispina Fat body, ?
(Microsporidia) intracellular
Pansporella perplexa (Amoeba) D. magna, D. pulex, D. longispina, D. Gut wall, Horizontal, from
hyalina, D. obtusa extracellular living host
Caullerya mesnili (unknown) D. pulex, D. longispina, D. magna, D. Gut wall, Horizontal, from
galeata, D. obtusa, Daphnia hybrids intracellular living host
Echinuria uncinata (Nematoda) D. pulex, D. magna, D. obtusa, other Body cavity, Horizontal, to second
Cladocera extracellular host
Cysticercus mirabilis (Cestoda) D. magna Body cavity, Horizontal, to second
extracellular host (?)
Figure 3.4 D. magna with WFCD. The same animal is shown under three different light conditions, with light
coming from the top (left), from the bottom (right), and from the top and bottom (center). Note that the infected fat
cells become less visible with light shining through the animal.
3.3 Fungi
Several species of fungi have been observed para-
sitizing Daphnia and other Cladocera. Taxonom-
ically, they are poorly understood. They vary
strongly in their appearance and their effects on
their hosts. Fungal infections are generally harm-
ful to their hosts, drastically reducing host repro-
ductive success and survival.
Some species may not be obligate parasites,
opening the possibility to culture them on an arti-
ficial medium (Couch 1935; Prowse 1954; Whisler
Figure 3.6 D. magna with an infection of M. bicus-
1960). Indeed, it has been reported that the en-
pidata. This female was infected with a suspension of
doparasites Aphanomyces daphniae, Metschnikowia spores. The host is in the terminal stage of infection. The
bicuspidata, and the epibiontic Amoebidium para- needle-like ascospores of M. bicuspidata fill the entire
siticum can be cultured in vitro, which opens up body cavity of the host.
tremendous possibilities for experiments. To my
knowledge, no other parasite group can currently
be cultured outside Daphnia. longispina as well as from a number of other crus-
Host specificity seems to be rather low in fungi taceans. It appears, however, that under this name
infecting crustaceans. From my experience, the a complex of similar species has been described.
parasitic fungi of Daphnia are the most difficult to M. bicuspidata is an endoparasitic Ascomycete
work with and to identify. On the other hand, par- (Endomycetales). It produces needle-like as-
asitic fungi seem to be the most devastating dis- cospores, which penetrate the gut walls of its hosts
eases of Daphnia, often killing the hosts quickly or and germinate in the hemolymph (Green 1974).
destroying the broods. Needle-like spores are usually up to 45 µm long,
although they can be up to 90 µm long (Green 1974;
3.3.1 Metschnikowia bicuspidata Codreanu and Codreanu-Balcescu 1981), and are
visible through the transparent body of the hosts
(Metschnikov) Kamenski
(Figure 3.6). The fungus grows inside the host un-
This yeast is better known by the names Monospora til the entire cavity is filled with the needle-like
bicuspidata and Metschnikowiella bicuspidata. It has spores (Figure 3.7). Spores are found in every part
been recorded from D. magna, D. pulex, and D. of the body cavity, even in the antennae. Hosts in
3.4 Microsporidia 25
Figure 3.12 Life cycle of O. bayeri. Horizontal transmission occurs when infected hosts die and spores are released
from the cadaver to the environment. Environmental spores can survive outside the host for several weeks to
months (e.g., the entire winter) and can survive the temporary disappearance of their hosts. Infected females can
transmit the parasite to their parthenogenetic sons and daughters through vertical (transovarial) transmission.
Vertical transmission also occurs in the sexual cycle through the resting eggs. Finally, ephippia may serve as a
vehicle for parasite dormancy and dispersal, with a new cycle of vertical and/or horizontal transmission starting
after hatching. Red thick arrows, transmission of parasite; black broken arrows, growth of hosts; thin black arrow,
interaction between two hosts (Vizoso et al. 2005). Drawing by Dita B. Vizoso.
3.4 Microsporidia 29
In this chapter, I summarize what we know about parasite abundance in natural populations. I
review longitudinal and comparative studies on the presence of parasites in Daphnia and other
Cladocera populations to derive general patterns. Although no strong patterns have emerged
thus far, some trends are apparent. In the same habitat, larger host species seem to have more
parasites than smaller species. One study also reported more parasite species in older and
larger host populations. More parasite species and a higher prevalence of parasites were found
in ponds than in lakes. In fishless ponds, parasites seem to be more prevalent in summer and
fall, whereas this trend is not found in lakes. A number of studies showed that parasites have
strong effects on host fecundity.
4.1 Daphnia Microparasites in discussed separately within these two groups and
are presented in chronological order. Only studies
Natural Populations based on a large number of samples are included.
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 give an overview of all studies
A first step in understanding the role of naturally discussed here.
occurring parasites on the biology of their hosts is
to assess their distribution in natural populations.
Parasite abundance is usually expressed as preva- 4.2 Overview of
lence (determined in most field studies as the pro-
portion of adult hosts or adult females that are in- Epidemiological Field
fected). A number of investigations on prevalence Studies
patterns of Daphnia parasites have been conducted.
I will summarize these briefly below, followed by a 4.2.1 Longitudinal Studies
general discussion. Readers who are less interested
in the details of these studies may jump directly to Table 4.1 gives on overview over all longitudinal
the next section, "Generalizations about Parasitism field studies on Cladoceran parasites.
in Natural Populations". Green (1974) conducted a 4-year longitudinal
Field studies on parasitism in Daphnia and re- study of Long Water at Hampton Court, UK that in-
lated Cladocera can be grouped into two cate- cluded several species of Cladocerans but no Daph-
gories: longitudinal studies, which conduct time nia. It is not known whether this pond contained
series-based research on samples taken in regu- planktivorous fish. Green observed that some par-
lar intervals from the same body of water; and asite species (also known to infect Daphnia) had
comparative studies, which use one or a few sam- a seasonal abundance pattern. For instance, Pas-
ples from many bodies of water. Here studies are teuria ramosa and Spirobacillus cienkowskii were typ-
32 Parasitism in Natural Populations
All Cladocera Entire parasite and epibiont 67 rock pool populations (Green 1957)
Various Daphnia Entire parasite community 43 populations (ponds and lakes) (Brunner 1996)
D. pulex, D. Entire community, mainly 50 D. pulex and 25 D. longispina rock pool (Bengtsson & Ebert
longispina Larssonia sp. populations 1998)
D. magna Entire parasite and epibiont 137 rock pool populations (Ebert et al. 2001)
ically found only between April and December. ditional populations were found to be parasitized
The abundance patterns of other parasite species by microsporidians.
were not tied to seasons, however, leading Green Vidtmann (1993) studied parasitism by the
to conclude that the distribution of certain para- microsporidium Larssonia daphniae (later called
sites is influenced by the severity of winter and Larssonia obtusa (Vidtmann and Sokolova 1994))
spring temperatures. He did not discuss the role of in a D. pulex population in a shallow, fishless,
host density as an explanatory factor. He did ob- eutrophic pond at the Kaunas Zoological Gar-
serve, however, that several parasite species have den in Lithuania. He observed that although mi-
negative effects on host survival and fecundity. crosporidians were present only during times of
Brambilla (1983) studied the microsporidium high host density, they were nonetheless often ab-
Thelohania sp. in a D. pulex population over a 3-year sent during periods of high host density as well.
period in a small, apparently fishless vernal pool in Prevalence among adult females peaked in sum-
Michigan, USA. He noted that parasite prevalence mer at a maximum of 52%, but the average preva-
varied strongly, from 20% to peaks of nearly 100% lence (all age classes) within seasons and across
of adult females. Parasites were present in May years was much lower: 0.63% in spring, 3.2% in
and June in all 3 years and were first seen when- summer, and 2.4% in fall. Prevalence was generally
ever the host density rose above 2-3 animals/liter. lower in juveniles and in males. Over 3 years, the
One year, however, the parasites disappeared in microsporidians were seen only from late May to
early October. Because this period closely overlaps
mid-summer despite high host densities, suggest-
with the presence of the host, this apparent sea-
ing that high density alone cannot explain para-
sonality may be related to the seasonal occurrence
site spread. Infection of females with ephippia was
of the host. Nevertheless, Vidtmann (1993) spec-
never observed. Parasitized animals were usually
ulated that the delayed onset of L. daphniae epi-
larger than uninfected hosts but had lower fecun-
demics in May was a consequence of low spring
dity and survival.
Yan and Larsson (1988) followed the dynamics Schwartz and Cameron (1993) studied an unde-
of two undescribed and very similar microsporid- scribed trematode parasite of D. obtusa from seven
ian parasites of Holopedium gibberum in a 32-ha seasonal, fishless ponds in southeastern Texas,
Canadian shield lake (maximum depth, 16 m) from USA over 4 years. They recorded strong within-
April to October 1985. The lake has several plank- season, between-year, and between-pond dynam-
tivorous fish species. Parasites appeared only in ics in the presence of the parasite. Despite record-
July and reached a prevalence of 4%, which they ing maximum prevalences up to 79%, they more
maintained for the rest of the summer. The para- typically found prevalences to be around a few
sites appeared when host density was high but did percents. Large animals were more often infected
not decline when host density decreased. The au- than small females. Host fecundity was only re-
thors argued that elevated summer temperatures duced in infections with three or more parasites
were not the cause of the seasonal occurrence of per host.
the parasites. They further rejected the idea that Stirnadel (1994) and Stirnadel and Ebert (1997)
changes in host resistance influenced the abun- studied parasites of D. magna, D. pulex, and D.
dance pattern of the parasites. They suggest, in- longispina in three fishless ponds near Oxford,
stead, that the interplay between host and par- UK over a period of 1 year (about 10-12 Daph-
asite population dynamics may have caused the nia generations, 65 samples in total). She assessed
seasonal changes in prevalence and that predation host density and fecundity together with parasite
by planktivorous fish may have further influenced prevalence, richness, diversity, and host specificity.
these changes, because infected hosts may be, they Overall parasite prevalence (all species combined)
speculate, the preferred target of visually hunting was high throughout the year, averaging 84.7% in
fish. Infected hosts had a lower fecundity than adult D. magna, 53.6% in D. pulex, and 38.6% in
healthy hosts and may have had lower survival. D. longispina. Overall, 31% of D. magna, 17% of
In closing, the authors noted that in a survey of 15 D. pulex, and 11% of D. longispna were infected
other H. gibberum populations in shield lakes, 3 ad- with more than one parasite species. In all three
34 Parasitism in Natural Populations
host species, the fecundity of parasitized females cover the entire year. Daphnia density was observed
was significantly lower than of uninfected females to be negatively related with overall endopara-
(>20% reduction in D. magna, >25% reduction in site prevalence, whereas epibiont prevalence corre-
D. pulex, and >7% reduction in D. longispina). Only lated positively with Daphnia density. Interestingly,
2 of the 11 common micro-endoparasites found in parasite species that severely reduced host fecun-
these three ponds (17 species in total) showed no dity did not persist as long in the population and
specificity within the three Daphnia host species; had, on average, lower prevalences than benign
the other nine common parasites infected either species.
only one or two of the three sympatric host species Wolinska et al. (2004) studied the parasites of
or differed in their host specificity across the three the D. galeata x hyalina species complex in Lake
ponds, indicating that the parasites may be special- Greifensee in Switzerland. This lake harbors sev-
ized for the pond’s current or former predominant eral planktivorous fish species. The prevalence of
host community. A few parasite species showed a C. mesnili was as high as 22%, and severe effects
seasonal pattern (parallel in all three ponds). For on host fecundity were observed. Most interest-
example, the microsporidium Thelohania acuta and ingly, D. galeata x hyalina hybrids were frequently
the protozoan Caullerya mesnili were never found infected, whereas D. galeata was rarely infected.
in winter, whereas other parasites showed no such (The other parental species, D. hyalina, was very
pattern (Stirnadel 1994). rare.) The authors speculated that differential par-
Bittner (2001; Bittner et al. 2002) investigated the asitism of parental and hybrid taxa may contribute
parasites of D. galeata and D. hyalina in Lake Con- to their coexistence. There was no correlation be-
stance in southern Germany. The lake has a surface tween host density and parasite prevalence. The
area of 538 km2 and a maximum depth of 252 m authors also reported the occurrence of a bacterial
and contains several planktivorous fish species. In parasite in the haemocoel, which reached a peak
a 3-year study with regular sampling, eight en- prevalence of 7%.
doparasites (plus one brood parasite) were found Duffy et al. (2005) studied the dynamics of
with an average prevalence of 5.6% in D. galeata Spirobacillus cienkowskii infecting D. dentifera in five
and 15.6% in D. hyalina. Five of these eight para- lakes during a 5-month period. They recorded a
sites reached peak prevalences of more than 20% marked prevalence peak (up to 12%) in some of
(up to 50%) in at least one host species. Most of the these lakes in fall, which coincided with a drastic
prevalence peaks were found in fall and winter. drop in the predation rate by bluegill sunfish. An
The most common parasite was C. mesnili, which epidemiological model, fitted to the particulars of
was observed to have a strong negative effect on this system, indicated that the drop in predation
host fecundity. There was no apparent correlation rate was enough to account for the occurrence of
between host density and parasite prevalence. the S. cienkowskii epidemics. Changes in predation
Decaestecker (2002; Decaestecker et al. 2005) pressure cannot, however, explain the strong de-
studied parasitism in D. magna over a period of cline of the epidemics in late fall. The authors spec-
2 years (April to December each year) in two shal- ulated that the reduced temperature may cause the
low, eutrophic ponds in Belgium that contain sev- termination of the epidemic, but these speculations
eral planktivorous fish species. Eight endoparasite are not well-supported. Host density as a causative
species and six epibiont species were recorded, factor for the termination of the epidemic was not
with microsporidia being the most common group discussed.
(four species). The overall prevalence of endopar- Mitchell et al. (2004) followed P. ramosa infections
asites was high (95.5% in 1999 and 69.9% in the fol- in a D. magna population for a period of 4 months
lowing year). Severe reductions in fecundity were in a small farm pond near the Scottish border in
observed in females infected with Pasteuria ramosa, UK. Because their paper concerns the coevolution
White Fat Cell Disease, Flabelliforma magnivora, and of this system, little information is given on the epi-
Ordospora colligata, but hardly any fecundity re- demiology of the system. Pasteuria prevalence in-
duction was found for infections with epibionts. creased drastically in mid-August, reached a peak
There were no clear seasonal trends in the tem- of nearly 30% in late August, and had disappeared
poral dynamics, but the sampling period did not by late September.
4.3 Generalizations about Parasitism in Natural Populations 35
4.2.2 Comparative Analyses sidered). The infections in the pools were primar-
ily attributable to a single, virulent microsporid-
Table 4.2 gives on overview over all comparative
ium species (possibly Larssonia obtusa (Vidtmann
field studies on Cladoceran parasites.
and Sokolova 1994)), which reduced clutch size by
Green (1957) studied parasites and epibionts
of Cladocera in 67 rock pool populations in the
Ebert et al. (2001) studied D. magna in the same
Skerry islands of southern Finland. These pools
rock pool metapopulation in southern Finland as
were small (3-4 m in length and up to 0.4 m
did Green (1957) (see above and Figure 2.18). Be-
deep) and fishless. Parasite richness declined from
cause the ecology of this metapopulation is well
D. magna to D. pulex to D. longispina, suggesting
known, it was possible to address several aspects
that larger Daphnia species harbor more parasites.
Green found that some parasite species lowered of parasite distribution across populations in rela-
host fecundity more than others, and in one case, tion to various pool characteristics. Eight endopar-
he observed that ephippial females were overpar- asites and eight epibiont species were found in 137
asitized. The author suggested that certain species rock pool populations. The number of endopara-
of epibionts compete with each other for space on site species per population increased with the age
the host and thus exclude each other at the popu- of the Daphnia population. Typically, newer pop-
lation level. ulations founded in the year the survey was con-
Brunner (1996) (D. Bruner and D. Ebert, unpub- ducted had no or few parasite species, whereas
lished observations) investigated single samples older populations had increasingly more. Further-
from 43 Daphnia populations in southern England, more, large rock pools with presumably larger
mainly west of London. Water bodies ranged from and more permanent Daphnia populations were
small ponds in parks to large natural ponds and more likely to harbor parasites than smaller pools.
medium-sized drinking-water reservoirs. Most of The most prevalent parasite in the Finnish rock
these ponds were fishless. Ninety-one percent of pools was the microsporidium Octosporea bayeri,
these populations harbored at least one endopara- which often occurred in a prevalence of 100%.
sitic infection (mainly microsporidians). The av- This parasite exclusively infects D. magna and was
erage prevalence was rather high. In the more found in nearly 50% of all populations, with much
common Daphnia species, parasites had an av- higher percentages in older populations. Surpris-
erage prevalence of 43% (n = 17) in D. magna, ingly, Green (1957) found this parasite in only 8.3%
69.7% (n = 17) in D. pulex, and 43% (n = 9) in D. of D. magna populations.
longispina (all parasite species combined). Among
the D. magna populations, average prevalence was
58.4% (standard error of the mean (SE), 8.4) in 4.3 Generalizations about
permanent ponds, and only 23% (SE, 6.4) in inter- Parasitism in Natural
mittent ponds. This difference was, however, most
likely attributable to the smaller size of the inter- Populations
mittent ponds. As seen in other studies (Stirnadel
and Ebert 1997; Decaestecker 2002), the most com- 4.3.1 What Can We Learn from
mon parasites of D. magna were microsporidian Prevalence Estimates?
gut parasites.
Bengtsson and Ebert (1998) conducted a similar Prevalence estimates are a common and conve-
survey with only one sample per pond in a rock nient measure of parasite abundance. They allow
pool metapopulation along the Swedish east coast the investigator to follow changes in parasite abun-
near Uppsala. In these pools, 24 of 50 (48%) D. pulex dance over time and provide a reasonable picture
populations and 9 of 25 (36%) D. longispina popu- of the degree to which the host population is in-
lations investigated harbored at least one parasite fested. Prevalence estimates have some limitations
species. Across all ponds, the average micropara- that have to be taken into account when doing par-
site prevalence was 15.5% for D. pulex and 9.1% for asitological research. First, they are usually under-
D. longispina (about 30% and 25% when only pop- estimates, because parasites are only detectable af-
ulations with at least one parasite species are con- ter signs of infection have developed. Infections
36 Parasitism in Natural Populations
by the microsporidium O. bayeri are only visible 4.3.2 Host Body Size and Parasitism
8-12 days after the infection occurs (Vizoso and
Ebert 2004). Infections of C. mesnili take 6 days un- Studies that investigated more than one Daphnia
til the parasite is visible (Bittner 2001). Although species in a given habitat found that within popu-
it is possible to obtain a more accurate measure lations, the larger species were more strongly para-
by keeping the sampled animals for a few days sitized than smaller species (Green 1957; Stirnadel
in the laboratory before dissection, this may lead and Ebert 1997). Because transmission for many
to losses because of mortality before the animals parasite species occurs after the host ingests spores
are investigated. Using this method, I found that with its food (see Chapter 8, Epidemiology, subsec-
prevalence estimated in fresh samples might be un- tion on Transmission), this relationship may be ex-
derestimated by as much as 30% (personal observa- plained by the considerably larger volume of water
tion). Because most parasites need about 1 week to that the larger Daphnia filters. However, alterna-
show the first symptoms, juvenile Daphnia usually tive explanations, such as differential susceptibil-
appear to be uninfected, even if they contracted ity, may contribute to this pattern as well.
the disease within the first day of life. Therefore,
most investigators studying Daphnia parasites con- 4.3.3 Effect of Parasites on Individual
centrate on adult animals.
A second problem regarding prevalence is that
it correlates with the expected life span of an infec- Several studies looked for the effects of parasites
tion and therefore, when compared across parasite on host fecundity and survival. Because Daphnia
species, can only provide a rough guideline. The in- carry their offspring in their brood chamber for
vestigator will hardly ever see a parasite that kills several days before releasing them, clutch size is
its host shortly after it produces the first signs of in- the most convenient and most often studied trait
fection. In contrast, parasites that allow their hosts in relation to infection status. Several studies re-
to stay alive for long periods are observed more of- ported reduced fecundity of infected hosts (Green
ten, thus showing higher prevalence. Mathemati- 1974; Brambilla 1983; Yan and Larsson 1988; Vidt-
cal modeling has shown that, everything else being mann 1993; Stirnadel and Ebert 1997; Decaestecker
equal, the more quickly the parasite kills its host et al. 2005). The degree to which fecundity is re-
the lower is its prevalence (Anderson 1979). duced varies strongly among parasites, with cer-
When comparing reports on parasite prevalence tain species showing no effect. Interestingly, the
in natural populations, one may want to distin- number of eggs in a clutch seems to be affected
guish between studies that were initiated because less often than the presence of a clutch in the brood
the investigator had observed high parasite abun- chamber (Bittner 2001; Decaestecker et al. 2005;
dance beforehand and those in which populations Ebert et al. 2004; Stirnadel and Ebert 1997). Thus,
were screened at random or for other reasons than in many cases it seems that parasites suppress host
to study parasitism per se. I know or suspect that fecundity totally rather than reducing fecundity to
the investigations by Green (1974) (but not those a variable degree. Furthermore, the effect of par-
in Green 1957, 1964), Stirnadel and Ebert (1997), asites on host fecundity seems to vary with envi-
Brambilla (1983), Yan and Larsson (1988), Vidt- ronmental conditions. For example, Yan and Lars-
mann (1993), and Mitchell et al. (2004) were ini- son (1988) found no significant fecundity effect in a
tiated because rates of parasitism were known to large sample of 401 females, whereas in the follow-
be high. In contrast, this was not the case in the ing year, a smaller sample revealed a strong effect
following studies: Brunner (1996), Bengtsson and of parasites on host fecundity. Bengtsson and Ebert
Ebert (1998), Ebert et al. (2001), and Bittner (2001). (1998) found that the degree of fecundity reduction
Accordingly, the average prevalence estimates in varied across populations.
the later studies are mostly lower than in the earlier At least two studies have reported associations
listed reports. This does, however, show that para- (positive and negative) between the production
sites can be common even in populations that were of resting eggs and parasitism. Brambilla (1983)
not specifically chosen because of known high par- found that ephippial females were never infected,
asite abundance. whereas Green (1957) found that ephippial females
4.3 Generalizations about Parasitism in Natural Populations 37
were relatively more often infected than partheno- 1983; Yan and Larsson 1988). This trend has also
genetic females. The association between gender been observed for parasites of planktonic rotifers
and parasitism certainly needs further investiga- (Miracle 1977; Ruttner-Kolisko 1977). Several stud-
tion. ies suggested that host density and water temper-
The effect of parasites on host survival has been ature are to some degree confounded, because the
tested in field studies by bringing plankton sam- density of most plankton organisms is high dur-
ples to the laboratory, dividing the individuals intoing the warmer periods. Therefore, it is not clear to
infected and uninfected groups, and then moni- what degree elevated temperatures play a role in
toring their survival under controlled conditions. summer epidemics (Green 1974; Brambilla 1983).
For a number of reasons, I consider this approach At least for one microsporidium, it has been sug-
to be unsatisfactory. First, infected and apparently gested that low temperature can hinder transmis-
uninfected hosts may differ in size, age, and expe- sion (Ebert 1995). There are, however, several re-
rience. Because parasites often influence growth, it ports of parasite occurrence at low (winter) water
temperatures, indicating that temperature alone
is not possible to correct for these differences easily.
Second, the assessment of infection status is often cannot explain the occurrence of epidemics (Stir-
difficult, with strong variation across investigatorsnadel 1994; Bittner 2001; Decaestecker et al. 2005).
and among diseases. For example, certain infec- A possible explanation could be that parasites do
tions may only be recognizable shortly before the not grow at low temperatures but may be able to
death of the host, whereas others can be detected a persist for some time. The relationship between the
few days after infection. Thus, comparing infected spread of parasites in relation to host density and
and uninfected animals from field samples does water temperature certainly needs further investi-
not allow one to judge the effect of parasitism on gation.
host survival in a meaningful way. The community-level perspective of De-
caestecker et al. (2005) revealed remarkable pat-
terns. Daphnia density was observed to be neg-
4.3.4 Infection Dynamics
atively related with overall endoparasite preva-
All of the longitudinal studies found that preva- lence, whereas epibiont abundance correlated pos-
lence varied dynamically over time, with certain itively with Daphnia density. Furthermore, parasite
parasite species being seen only over short time in- species that severely reduced host fecundity per-
tervals. In some cases, the dynamics appear cyclic, sisted for shorter amounts of time in the popula-
with seasonal reoccurrence of parasites (mostly in tion and had, on average, lower prevalences than
summer), but for the majority of parasite species, benign species. The data did not allow a fine res-
it is unclear what determines abundance patterns. olution of these patterns, but the following inter-
Extreme cases of parasite dynamics have been ob- pretation may explain these findings. Higher host
served in some of the longer studies, where cer- density allows parasites to spread and thus in-
tain parasites disappeared for extended periods of creases prevalence. Thus, harmless parasites (such
time and then reemerged without any noticeable as epibionts) are more abundant when host den-
reason (Green 1974; Bittner 2001). It is totally un- sity is high. Here it is the host that governs para-
clear whether environmental or evolutionary fac- site dynamics. However, harmful parasites may at
tors play a role in these extreme dynamics. the same time reduce the host population growth
A few of the longitudinal studies analyzed the rate so much that their net effect on the host pop-
dynamics with respect to host density. Thus far, ulation is a reduction in density. This reduction in
no study has shown a clear density effect, al- host density destabilizes the parasite population,
though density-dependent transmission has been which leads to short parasite persistence times.
shown in the laboratory (Ebert 1995; Bittner et Thus, for harmful parasites, the epidemiological
al. 2002). Some studies observed that parasites feedback between host and parasite governs the
first appeared when host density was high, but parasite dynamics.
in contrast to what would be expected if dynamics The strong dynamics of many parasite species
were driven by density dependence, parasites did also indicate that studies that use only one or few
not decline when host density declined (Brambilla samples per population to estimate the richness of
38 Parasitism in Natural Populations
the local parasite community are likely to vastly reported for hosts carrying large loads of epibionts
underestimate parasite richness. (Willey et al. 1990; Allen et al. 1993; Chiavelli et al.
1993; Threlkeld et al. 1993). Consistent with this,
Willey and Threlkeld (1993) reported a reduction
4.3.5 Are There Fewer Parasites in
in the prevalence of clearly visible epibionts after
Lakes with Fish? stocking with fish. A prediction of this hypothesis
There seems to be a difference in the degree of par- is that parasites found in lakes with visually hunt-
asitism in water bodies with and without planktiv- ing fish should not make their hosts too visible or,
orous fish. The lower parasite richness and preva- if so, only in the terminal phase of infection. Con-
lence estimates in lakes with fish predation are un- sistent with this, the main parasites of D. galeata
derscored by the fact that there are fewer literature and D. hyalina in Lake Constance are hardly visible
reports of Daphnia parasites from lakes with fish. with the naked eye (Bittner et al. 1998, 2002; Bittner
Several factors may work together to explain this 2001). However, this hypothesis needs further care-
fact. ful examination. A twist to this hypothesis is that
First, the likelihood of infection increases with in turbid waters with low visibility, infected hosts
body size (Vidtmann 1993; Stirnadel and Ebert may not have a reduced life expectancy relative to
1997), which is probably a result of both higher uninfected hosts (Decaestecker et al. 2005).
filtration rates (and thus higher uptake rates of par- Third, fish predators are typically more common
asite spores) and an accumulation effect with age. in larger ponds and lakes. A number of factors that
In ponds with high adult mortality, as is typical for go hand-in-hand with the size of lakes may limit
populations with planktivorous fish, the average the spread of parasites. Summer temperatures in
life expectancy of a Daphnia is low, and thus, para- larger water bodies may not rise as high as in
sites may have a lower chance of completing their smaller lakes in the same region, thus influenc-
development. This reduces not only parasite sur- ing parasite development or shortening the season
vival but also parasite transmission, because older during which parasites can occur (Ebert 1995). Fur-
infected hosts are those that release most (or even thermore, the sediment of larger, and in particular
all) of the transmission stages. A prediction of this deeper, lakes may be a sink for parasite transmis-
hypothesis is that parasites found in lakes with
sion stages. Parasite spores are known to rest in
high predation pressure should complete their de-
sediment, where they can be picked up by Daphnia
velopment quickly (short prepatent phase) and
(Ebert 1995; Decaestecker et al. 2002). In deep lakes,
thus kill their host early. The most virulent Daphnia
Daphnia are less likely to come in contact with lake
parasites have been indeed described from habitats
sediment, thus reducing transmission rates. A pre-
with planktivorous fish (Bittner 2001; Wolinska et
diction of this hypothesis is that parasites that rely
al. 2004; Duffy et al. 2005). Another prediction is
exclusively on transmission from dead hosts are
that parasitism rates in lakes should be higher at
less likely to be found in deep lakes (see Chapter 8,
times when fish predation is low. Indeed, para-
Epidemiology, section on Transmission), as for ex-
sitism in Lake Constance is mainly found in fall and
winter (Bittner 2001) when predation is strongly re- ample P. ramosa. In deep lakes, transmission from
duced, whereas in fishless ponds and lakes, preva- living hosts (e.g., gut parasites) may be much more
lence peaks in summer (Brambilla 1983; Vidtmann important for the persistence of parasites.
1993; Stirnadel 1994). Duffy et al. (2005) linked the Fourth, because Daphnia populations in lakes
seasonal occurrence of Spirobacillus epidemics in may not reach the density levels of pond popula-
several North American lakes to a drop in preda- tions, parasite transmission may be reduced. Two
tion rate by bluegill sunfish. factors may account for this situation: a) lakes are
Second, some diseases make their hosts more often less nutrient rich (eutrophic) than ponds, so
conspicuous through a reduction in transparency, that lower rates of primary production may limit
thus increasing the likelihood of predation by visu- the maximum density of zooplankton populations;
ally hunting predators (Lee 1994; Yan and Larsson and b) predation by planktivorous fish may influ-
1988) (P.T.J. Johnson, personal communication). ence Daphnia density, and thus parasite transmis-
Similarly, increased susceptibility to predation was sion, negatively.
4.4 Conclusions and Open Questions 39
Parasites use their hosts to foster their own needs, thus interfering with the hosts’ survival and
reproduction needs and creating a conflict of interest. In this chapter, I describe what is known
about the damage that parasites inflict on Daphnia. It has been shown that many parasite
infections reduce host fecundity and survival. Parasites may also influence other host fitness
components, such as predator escape, body size, and sex allocation. Some parasites show
specialized modes of action, such as castration or the induction of enhanced body growth.
The degree to which parasites damage their hosts varies greatly among parasite and host
species, parasite and host genotypes, and also depends on the interaction between the two.
Environmental factors, such as temperature and feeding conditions, also play a role in the
expression of disease symptoms.
fected and the (apparently) uninfected females drastically reduce life span also considerably re-
may have differed in life history traits (e.g., age duce fecundity (fecundity of the living host rela-
or size) or may have already been in different con- tive to uninfected hosts of the same age), whereas
ditions when they became infected. By the time parasites benign in their effect on survival were
infected animals were collected, the ages of their also benign in their effect on fecundity. In a first
infections were also different. Although I do not approximation, the reduction of both fecundity
believe that these confounding factors are highly and survival may be seen as a general sign of
critical when demonstrating some negative effect host morbidity. In contrast to this pattern, Pas-
of parasites on host fecundity, they certainly in- teuria ramosa shows a different course of infection.
terfere with testing the effects of the parasites on This bacterium first castrates its host (around 10
survival (see Chapter 3). Furthermore, with field- days after infection) but then allows it to live for
caught animals, one cannot quantitatively deter- many more days (over 40 days after infection). It
mine the strength of the effects. Thus, such experi- has been speculated that this specific pathology is
ments are not suitable for comparing the effects of adaptive for P. ramosa (Ebert et al. 2004). Castrating
parasites across space, time, or species. the host allows Pasteuria to monopolize resources
A number of studies have attempted to test and that the host would otherwise invest into repro-
quantify the effect of parasitism using proper ex- duction. Early castration results in more parasite
perimental procedures with random allocation of transmission stages.
females to different treatment groups and con-
trolled infections. To my knowledge, every exper- 5.2.1 Environmental Effects
iment of this sort revealed some negative effect of
the parasite on their Daphnia hosts. Unfortunately, Although the harm caused by parasites may de-
not all Daphnia parasites can be easily used for ex- pend on the environmental conditions, few stud-
perimentation. ies have tested for environmental effects. Thus,
no clear generalizations have emerged thus far.
However, environment-dependent or condition-
5.2 Effects on Host Fecundity dependent virulence is certainly rather the rule
than the exception. Survival and fecundity of Daph-
and Survival nia depend strongly on the abiotic and biotic envi-
ronment (e.g., food quality and quantity, tempera-
The two fitness components that are typically con- ture, host density, presence and density of competi-
sidered with regard to parasitism are host fecun- tors, kairomones, and toxins), and some of these
dity and survival. For both variables, drastic effects factors also influence the parasites. Thus, it is likely
have been observed, and the degree of harm done that these factors also influence the interactions be-
to the host varies greatly. The costs of parasitism tween host and parasite.
differ not only across parasite species but also
among isolates of the same parasite and across en-
Food Effects
vironmental conditions (Ebert 1994b; Ebert 1998a,
2000a; Bittner et al. 2002). Figure 5.1 shows to what The dependence of host fitness on the feeding
degree parasites differ in the damage they inflict conditions has been well documented for various
on their host. Currently, the most harmful parasite Daphnia species. Lower food quantity or quality
tested is the White Fat Cell Disease, a bacterial in- generally reduces fecundity but expands life span.
fection in D. magna that severely reduces both host The interaction between parasitic infections and
fecundity and survival (Ebert et al. 2000a). On the the feeding conditions for the host has not yet been
other end of the spectrum are the microsporidian generally determined. Bittner et al. (2002) tested fe-
gut parasites, such as Glugoides intestinalis and Or- cundity and survival of Caullerya mesnili-infected
dospora intestinalis. These common parasites reduce D. galeata in low and high food conditions. Al-
host fitness by only 15% to 20%. though there was no significant difference in the
Across the entire range of observed effects, most survival of infected hosts, there was a strong effect
tested parasites reduced both host fecundity and on fecundity such that C. mesnili harms well-fed D.
survival to a similar degree. Thus, parasites that galeata more than poorly fed D. galeata. Infected D.
5.2 Effects on Host Fecundity and Survival 43
Figure 5.1 The effect of four parasite species on relative fecundity and survival of Daphnia magna. Relative
fecundity is calculated as the total number of offspring of an infected female (until her death) relative to the total
number of offspring of an uninfected female, assuming that the healthy female would have died the same day as
the infected female. Thus, these relative fecundity measures are not confounded with different life expectancies of
infected and uninfected females. WFCD, White Fat Cell Disease; P. ram., P. ramosa; M.bic., Metschnikowia bicuspidata;
G. int., Glugoides intestinalis. Redrawn and adapted from Ebert et al. (2000a).
galeata produced more eggs under low food condi- fected with Spirobacillus cienkowskii survive longer
tions than under high food conditions. In contrast at lower temperatures. Because usually everything
to the food study in D. galeata, a study on D. magna with invertebrates takes longer at lower tempera-
infected with P. ramosa found that well-fed infected ture, this observation may simply be the result of
hosts produced more eggs than poorly fed infected the hosts’ and parasites’ lower metabolic rates. A
hosts (Ebert et al. 2004). Interestingly, the well-fedmore complex relationship between temperature
infected hosts also produced more P. ramosa trans- and disease expression was reported by Mitchell
mission stages, indicating that good feeding con- et al. (2005). They found that the negative effect
ditions benefit both the host and the parasite. Both of P. ramosa on D. magna fecundity was more be-
antagonists are possibly resource limited. nign when the temperature was lower. At a lower
temperature, the parasite gained later control over
Temperature Effects host fecundity. The authors emphasize that this ef-
fect weakens parasite-mediated selection during
Healthy Daphnia mature earlier and at a smaller part of the season. Furthermore, this parasite effect
size and have a shorter life span when growing un- interacted both with host genotype and tempera-
der conditions of higher temperature. Surprisingly ture such that clonal ranks in host fitness differed
little is known about the influence of temperature under different temperature conditions. This effect
for the expression of disease in Daphnia. Duffy et cannot be explained by the temperature depen-
al. (2005) reported anecdotally that D. dentifera in- dence of metabolic rates. Altered rank orders of
44 The Effects of Daphnia Parasites on Host Fitness
host genotypes may have profound consequences magna genotypes (Carius et al. 2001) (Figure 5.2).
for the evolution of host resistance. However, it The same is true if fecundity reduction is consid-
is necessary to see these interactions in relation to ered among infected females only (Carius et al.
the main effects and the seasonal dynamics of the 2001). What maintains these high rates of within-
disease to judge how evolution will be influenced. population variation is not fully understood, but
it has been suggested that antagonistic arms races
Chemical Cues from Predators play a key role in maintaining genetic variation for
virulence and resistance (Hamilton 1980; Ebert and
Daphnia have been a workhorse for the study Hamilton 1996; Carius et al. 2001).
of phenotypic plasticity. In particular, their reac-
tion to chemical cues released by predators (i.e.,
kairomones) has received a lot of attention. Lass Genetic Variation across Populations and Local
and Bittner (2002) tested for interactions between Adaptation
the effects of two antagonists on D. galeata, the pro- Genetic variation for parasite virulence is most pro-
tozoan gut parasiteC. mesnili and kairomones from nounced across populations. This variation often
planktivorous fish. They found no evidence for in- follows a certain pattern, which is frequently dis-
teractions between fish and parasite with regard to cussed in the context of local adaptation (Kawecki
host fecundity and survival. and Ebert 2004). For four D. magna parasites, it has
been shown that local parasite isolates cause more
Dose Effects harm to their hosts than parasite isolates from other
populations (Ebert 1994b; Ebert 1998a) (D. Refardt
Another environmental effect that influences the
and D. Ebert, manuscript in preparation). These
harm caused by parasites is the dose of transmis-
findings are consistent with the idea that para-
sion stages to which a host is exposed. Typically,
sites evolve local adaptation to the hosts they have
higher doses go hand-in-hand with a higher like-
encountered recently (Figures 5.3 and 5.4). Often
lihood of infection and with more severe damage
(but not always) parasites that perform better in
to the host (Ebert 1995; Ebert et al. 2000b; Regoes
their local host than other foreign (or novel) para-
et al. 2003; Ebert et al. 2004). Very high doses may
sites also perform better in their local hosts than in
even harm the host so much that the parasite is not
other hosts (Figures 5.3 and 5.5). Locally adapted
able to complete its development before the host
parasites show not only higher levels of damage
dies (Ebert et al. 2000b).
to their local hosts but also have higher levels of
transmission-stage production (Ebert 1994b).
5.2.2 Genetic Effects The finding of parasite local adaptation seems
rather general in Daphnia systems but is not al-
Genetic Variation among Hosts and Parasites
ways found in other host–parasite systems. Some
Parasite virulence varies across parasite isolates authors reported that hosts, rather than parasites,
(strains, genotypes) and host clones. To my knowl- can be locally adapted (Morand et al. 1996; Kaltz
edge, every attempt to test for genetic variation and Shykoff 1998; Kaltz et al. 1999). It has been
within parasite-induced host damage in the Daph- suggested that the key variable for the evolution
nia system has shown significant effects. Host of host or parasite local adaptation is the relative
clones originating from within or between pop- speed of evolution of the two antagonists (Gandon
ulations differ in the degree with which they ex- et al. 1996, 1997; Gandon 2002). Higher rates of mu-
press disease symptoms, and parasite isolates vary tation, recombination, and dispersal may facilitate
greatly in the extent to which they cause damage local adaptation. Given these theoretical consider-
to the same host clones (Ebert 1994a; Ebert 1998a; ations and the finding that Daphnia parasites seem
Little and Ebert 2000; Bittner 2001; Decaestecker et to be locally adapted, one may speculate that para-
al. 2003). Furthermore, there are strong host clone sites of Daphnia usually have a higher evolutionary
x parasite isolate interactions: Within populations, potential than their hosts.
the infectivity of P. ramosa depends strongly on A different approach to host–parasite interac-
the interaction between the Pasteuria and the D. tions across populations is the question of how
5.2 Effects on Host Fecundity and Survival 45
Figure 5.2 Interactions between nine D. magna clones and nine P. ramosa isolates. Each cell gives the percentage
of infected hosts for a given combination of host clone and parasite isolate. The table gives the average across two
dose levels. All host and parasite genotypes were collected on the same day from the same pond. Modified after
Carius et al. (2001) and Schmid-Hempel and Ebert (2003).
46 The Effects of Daphnia Parasites on Host Fitness
Figure 5.3 Local adaptation of G. intestinalis in D. Figure 5.4 Local adaptation of P. ramosa in D. magna.
magna. Strains of the microsporidium G. intestinalis from Three different strains of the bacterium show the highest
three different D. magna populations show the highest within-host growth rates when infecting hosts from their
rates of spore production when infecting hosts from the own native population (blue column) (mean and standard
their own native population (blue columns). The same error). Other Pasteuria isolates (Novel) tested in the same
strains in combination with hosts from four other popu- host clones (gray column) have lower growth rates. For
lations (gray columns) produce much fewer transmission more information, see Ebert (1998a).
stages. Note the log10 scale for spore counts. Populations
Host 1, Host 2, and Host 3 are from southern England,
population Host 4 from southern Germany. For more in- new parasites than expected (Ebert 1994b). These
formation, see Ebert (1994b). instances are likely to be exceptions, but they may
have profound consequences, because they may be
the beginning of a devastating epidemic. Further
much a dispersing host suffers when it encounters information about the evolution of virulence can
a locally adapted parasite in a novel population. be found in a number of reviews (Bull 1994; Ebert
Note that this question is different from the ques- 1998a, 1999; Ebert and Bull 2003).
tion about parasite local adaptation. Kawecki and
Ebert (2004) explain these differences in full detail.
If parasites are locally adapted and thus cause more 5.3 Parasite Effects on Other
harm to their local hosts, a host that migrates into Host Traits
such a population should, one expects, suffer less
on average from the local parasites than the local Besides fecundity and survival, parasites may
hosts. This observation has been reported in sev- influence other aspects of host fitness, few of
eral experiments (Ebert 1994b; Ebert et al. 1998; Al- which have been studied. G. intestinalis (formerly
termatt 2004). It is important to note that although Pleistophora intestinalis) reduces adult growth in its
this pattern is found when averaging across several host D. magna (Ebert 1994b). The strength of this ef-
host–parasite combinations, occasionally a host in fect was shown to depend both on host clone and
a novel combination is much more affected by the parasite isolate, with local parasite isolates having
5.3 Parasite Effects on Other Host Traits 47
Figure 5.5 O. bayeri spore production in clones of its native D. magna population and in clones from three
other D. magna populations. Two strains of O. bayeri originating from two islands of a rock pool metapopulation of
D. magna in southern Finland were tested in combination with their own and three central European populations
of D. magna. Means (across clones) and standard errors are given (between 4 and 11 clones were used per host
population). For more information on “Material and Methods”, see Mucklow et al. (2004).
48 The Effects of Daphnia Parasites on Host Fitness
the strongest effect. Lass and Bittner (2002) showed Lee (1994) and Fels et al. (2004) showed that var-
that C. mesnili reduced the adult growth of its host ious parasite species influence the depth selection
D. galeata. In contrast, P. ramosa causes its host D. behavior of D. magna. Infected hosts stay deeper in
magna to grow to an unusually large size (Ebert the water than uninfected controls. It is not clear,
et al. 1996, 2004). This form of parasite-induced however, whether this is adaptive for the host, the
host gigantism may be adaptive for the parasite, parasite, both, or none.
as larger hosts result in more parasite spores being An extreme example of altered predator expo-
produced (Ebert et al. 2004). sure would be a case in which the parasite ma-
Parasites may also influence aspects of their nipulates its host’s behavior to facilitate it own
hosts’ sexual life cycle. For example, they may re- transmission to the next host. To my knowledge,
duce the hosts’ likelihood of finding mates or may none of the described unicellular parasites of Daph-
increase or decrease the frequency with which a nia has a known second host, although this option
female produces ephippia and male offspring. Fur- has been speculated (Mangin et al. 1995). However,
thermore, vertically transmitted parasites may in- the macroparasites (helminth) parasites of Daphnia,
fluence the survival of their host during resting which have not yet been extensively studied, have
(Lass and Ebert 2005). second hosts and may well manipulate their hosts
to their own advantage (Stammer 1934; Green 1974;
Schwartz and Cameron 1993).
5.4 Parasites May Influence
Predation on Their Hosts 5.5 Conclusions and Open
The potential effect that parasites have on Questions
host–predator interactions is also important. Para-
sites may lower the ability of their hosts to escape There is little doubt that parasites of Daphnia and
predators; infected hosts may swim and react more other Cladocerans are generally harmful. Occa-
slowly than healthy hosts, for example. The some- sional reports of "nonsignificant" effects of para-
times dramatic visual effect that parasites have on sites have to be considered in the light of low sta-
Daphnia may even directly increase the hosts’ at- tistical power or large environmental noise. Thus
tractiveness to visually hunting predators (Yan and far, every species tested under controlled condi-
Larsson 1988; Lee 1994; Duffy et al. 2005). tions proved harmful. What I find more interest-
Lass and Bittner (2002) tested for more indirect ing than the fact that the parasite harms its host
effects of parasites on host–predator interactions. are questions regarding the covariables of the de-
They tested whether hosts are less able to show gree of harm. There are a number of interesting
adaptive phenotypic changes against predators questions about this:
when exposed to C. mesnili. Their experiments re-
vealed no significant interactions between parasite 1. Why are some parasites more harmful than
and kairomon-induced life history changes. They others? What role does the parasite’s taxo-
concluded that this is because the host’s adaptive nomic position play for its virulence? What
response against fish predators changes life his- role does the mode of transmission play? What
tory traits expressed early during the host’s life, role does the specific tissue infected play?
whereas the parasite affects its host during later 2. Are there further hidden costs of parasitism
stages. in Daphnia? For example, do parasites influ-
On the other hand, one can imagine that para- ence mate choice during sexual reproduction?
sites alter their host’s behavior so that hosts more Do parasites influence the survival of resting
effectively protect themselves from predators, e.g., eggs?
by altering vertical migration. This may still be
disadvantageous for the host because the para- 3. Does inter- and intra-specific competition of
site’s interest is in host survival, while the host parasites influence virulence?
has to trade-off protection from predators against
other fitness components, such as reproduction.
Chapter 6
As parasites harm their hosts, the host may counteradapt, reducing the fitness costs of para-
sitism. Here I summarize the little we know about the ways Daphnia adapts to lower the costs
of parasitism. One known example is that D. magna matures earlier in the presence of infec-
tions. I further discuss what is known about induced defense and the evolution of resistance
in Daphnia. The chapter closes with a discussion of the limits of host resistance. Thus far, no
evidence for a cost of defense has been found in Daphnia.
Figure 6.2 Clonal competition among 21 clones of D. magna in the absence (Control) or presence of two
microsporidian parasites (G. intestinalis and O. colligata). Only 6 of the 21 clones are shown in color. Clones that
did not contribute significantly to the overall dynamics are shown in grey. The small numbers are clone identifiers.
Redrawn from Capaul and Ebert (2003).
ramosa strain that its mother had experienced rela- the fixation of resistant genotypes and therefore
tive to cases when mother and offspring were chal- could slow down or even prevent the evolution
lenged with different strains. If this finding holds of resistance. This may explain why genetic poly-
in general for Daphnia and other invertebrates, it morphism is maintained for resistance in the wild.
would open a huge field of research for both the Obviously, if the defense is more costly than the
molecular mechanisms of acquired resistance and damage caused by the antagonists, it will proba-
its evolutionary and ecological consequences. bly not evolve. Even small costs of defense may
slow down or hinder the evolution of defense be-
cause the costs may be paid permanently, whereas
6.5 Limits to the Evolution of the enemies are encountered with only an uncer-
tain likelihood. It may never pay off to invest in
Host Counter Adaptations resistance against a rare parasite.
costs. They tested whether resistant host clones dence suggests that there is no trade-off for resis-
have a reduced competitive ability or pay costs tance against different isolates of parasite species.
in the form of altered life history characteristics
(e.g., delayed maturation, lower fecundity) in the
absence of the parasites. They concluded that a cost 6.6 Conclusions and Open
of resistance is unlikely to explain the maintenance Questions
of genetic variation in the D. magna –P. ramosa sys-
tem. The few examples given in this chapter show that
Daphnia have evolved various ways of reducing
6.5.2 Trade-offs between Defense the costs of parasitism. Some of these are likely to
be phylogenetically old (evolution of immune re-
sponse; PO system), whereas others seem to evolve
Decaestecker et al. (2002) looked for a different very rapidly. The latter may play an important role
form of cost of defense by studying habitat selec- in the host–parasite arms race (Ebert and Hamil-
tion behavior, which is an important component ton 1996; Ebert 1998a; Schmid-Hempel and Ebert
of the Daphnia’s predator-avoidance strategy. The 2003). Many fascinating questions about host adap-
evolution of this behavior is often explained as a tations remain unexplored, however:
trade-off between avoiding antagonists and acquir-
ing resources. Negatively phototactic clones suf- 1. What is the underlying genetic system for the
fer less from visually hunting predators because interactions between hosts and parasites?
they reside deeper in the water column during
2. How many genes are involved in host resis-
the daytime. However, this behavior increases the
risk of infections because they are exposed to pond
sediments containing parasite transmission stages. 3. Are there costs for resistance? What do these
Positively phototactic clones, which are at a higher costs look like?
risk of predation, are less exposed to parasite
spores in the sediment and consequently suffer less 4. Why is there no super-resistant host geno-
from parasitic infection. The authors showed that type?
the increased risk of infection also holds when the
animals change their phototactic behavior upon
exposure to chemical cues from fish. This study
highlights a substantial cost of predator-induced
changes in habitat selection behavior. Such trade-
offs may explain genetic polymorphism for habitat
selection behavior in natural Daphnia populations.
Speculating along the same lines, one may pos-
tulate that hosts have to trade off alleles for re-
sistance against each other. If resistance requires
certain alleles at a locus, the possession of one al-
lele precludes the possession of another allele. De-
caestecker et al. (2003) tested 19 D. magna clones
for resistance against five parasite species to dis-
cover whether resistance against different species
is traded off against each other. They were unable
to find evidence for such trade-offs, although they
found strong evidence for host–clone times par-
asite–species interactions. The same observation
was reported by Carius et al. (2001) when they
tested various combinations of D. magna clones
with isolates of P. ramosa. Thus, the current evi-
Chapter 7
In this chapter, I summarize what we know about parasite host ranges and host specificity. I
outline the ecological, epidemiological, and taxonomic considerations relevant for assessing
host ranges and discuss the problems with describing host ranges in field studies, where the
investigation of host ranges is hampered by low statistical power, and laboratory studies,
where the absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence for absence. I argue that Daphnia
parasites are generally more specific than thought previously.
important when considering the spread of para- (Green 1974; Stirnadel and Ebert 1997). Thus, a con-
sites and the coexistence of host species. servative approach would classify P. ramosa as be-
ing rather unspecific with regard to the host species
it is able to infect. P. ramosa is, however, highly spe-
7.2 Understanding Host Ranges cific in its interactions with particular host geno-
of Daphnia Parasites types, in seeming contrast to its apparently wide
host range. The reason for this discrepancy is cur-
In his review of "Parasites and Epibionts of Clado- rently not clear. One possibility is that the P. ramosa
cera", Green (1974) stated that, "It seems unlikely species is composed from many lines, each with
that many of the parasites and epibionts of Clado- a narrow host range, but all together having a
cera will prove to be highly specific in their host very wide range. However, the alternative, that
preference" (page 490). Although I tend to agree single P. ramosa genotypes are able to infect only
with this statement regarding epibionts (for exam- certain host clones within a species as well as cer-
ple, Gilbert and Schröder 2003), I think that we tain clones from other species (narrow within host
lack the necessary data to conclude that parasites species range but wide range across host species),
are usually unspecific. Some species (e.g., the mi- cannot be excluded, although it seems to go against
crosporidium Octosporea bayeri) are known to be the intuition of many evolutionary parasitologists.
highly host species specific. It is clear that we need These two hypotheses can be easily distinguished
more studies to reach a general conclusion on this experimentally.
point. From an ecological perspective, host specificity
We currently know little about the host ranges may not only be defined by the ability of the para-
and host specificity of Daphnia parasites. When in- site to infect a host but also by its effect on the host.
vestigating potential hosts, one must consider a For example, Caullerya mesnili is able to infect D.
number of questions whose answers are not as galeata and D. hyalina. However, in D. haylina it is
clear-cut as the relative ease of studying host speci- rather benign, whereas it is highly virulent in D.
ficity in Daphnia might suggest. However, this com- galeata (Bittner 2001). Thus, virulence is specific to
plexity allows us to dig deeper into aspects of host D. galeata.
range evolution, which is certainly a very fascinat- Finally, it should be noted that literature reports
ing topic in evolutionary parasitology. Before I dis- of the same parasite species in different Daph-
cuss how to estimate host specificity, I will briefly nia species or the same parasite species in differ-
outline some problems that are important from an ent localities are often not very trustworthy un-
evolutionary perspective. less they are combined with detailed taxonomic
Results from field and laboratory studies sug- and/or molecular investigations. Because parasites
gest that infections are often highly dependent on are usually not very rich in morphological char-
the host clones, on the population from which the acters, it is easy to pool different species into one
hosts and parasites were collected, and on the eco- taxon. It seems likely to me that many currently de-
logical settings in which the data were gathered. scribed parasite species will turn out to be a group
Thus, statements about host specificity must take of species.
into account variation within and between species
and even within populations. For example, Pas-
teuria ramosa shows very strong host clone–parasite
7.3 How to Describe and Test
isolate interaction. Within populations, different Host Ranges
clones of D. magna vary widely in their susceptibil-
ity to different isolates of P. ramosa and vice versa A practical way to judge a parasite’s ability to in-
(Carius et al. 2001) (Figure 5.2). Furthermore, P. fect different host species based on field data is to
ramosa can be locally adapted to its host population compare the prevalence of infections when both
(Ebert et al. 1998) such that it grows best in hosts hosts are present in the same lake or pond. This
from the population from which it was isolated. method, however, is rather conservative. Bittner
On the other hand, P. ramosa is able to infect sev- (2001) used it to assess the host specificity of seven
eral Daphnia species and even other Cladocerans parasite species, all of which appeared to be some-
7.4 Conclusions 57
what host specific. Using the appropriate statis- sect larvae. For the other parasites, no clear state-
tical test, she found firm support for specificity ment could be made.
for only one parasite species. Some of the other
parasite species that had appeared to be host spe-
cific occurred only rarely or were found only when 7.4 Conclusions
the other host species was absent, which made a
proper comparison impossible. Stirnadel and Ebert The available evidence suggests that Daphnia par-
(1997) used the same method to classify the speci- asites differ strongly in the degree to which they
ficity of parasites from three populations, each of are associated with different host species or host
which had D. magna, D. pulex, and D. longispina clones. Host ranges indicate only the number of
occurring in sympatry. Gurleya vavrai was the only host species a certain parasite species is able to in-
parasite unambiguously classified as specific (in- fect and can include anything from one to many
fecting D. pulex and D. longispina but not D. magna), host species, as well as hosts of different genera or
whereas Metschnikowia bicuspidata, P. ramosa, and families. Considering specificity from a quantita-
an unknown fungal parasite were clearly able to tive perspective, which takes into account quanti-
infect all three Daphnia species. Some parasites ap- tative differences in the susceptibility of hosts, ev-
peared specific in one pond but unspecific in an- ery parasite probably shows some degree of speci-
other pond. Whether these findings are explained ficity. Because the current statistical methods are
by local genetic differences or misidentification of conservative and some parasites are rare, I believe
parasites (presence of cryptic species) is not clear. that more detailed investigation will reveal more
Again, low statistical power for the less common examples of specific parasites. Laboratory exper-
parasites prevented us from reaching firm conclu- iments can best elucidate the host range of para-
sions for a number of parasite species. sites with well-defined transmission mechanisms.
Parasites that do not transmit horizontally under
A slightly different approach was used by
controlled conditions must be studied by field ob-
Bengtsson and Ebert (1998) and by Ebert et al.
(2001) in a Daphnia metapopulation context. In
these studies, specificity was judged on replica-
tion across numerous rock pool populations. If
two Daphnia species occur together in a number
of rock pools and one of them is significantly more
often infected by a certain parasite species, one
may conclude that the parasite is specific to this
host. Bengtsson and Ebert (1998) found that none
of the parasite species they observed were spe-
cific to one of the two host species. However, the
microsporidium Larssonia sp. showed consistently
higher prevalence in D. pulex than in D. longispina
whenever both host species were sympatric in a
rock pool. Furthermore, Larssonia sp. seemed to
have a stronger fitness-reducing effect on D. pulex
than on D. longispina. Ebert et al. (2001) found
that White Fat Cell Disease and two microsporidi-
ans, Ordospora colligata and Octosporea bayeri, were
specific to D. magna (not infecting D. longispina
and D. pulex). Spirobacillus cienkowskii and Larsso-
nia sp. (possibly the same species as in Bengtsson
and Ebert 1998) infected all three Daphnia species.
The numerous epibiont species found in rock-pool
Daphnia infected all available host species and were
even seen to colonize hosts from other taxa, e.g., in-
Chapter 8
Epidemiology of infectious diseases attempts to describe the patterns and processes by which
diseases are distributed in the host population. Here I present what is known about the
transmission of Daphnia parasites, about the factors that influence transmission, and how they
work together in shaping parasite dynamics. I further discuss two general models of parasite
epidemiology, one for Daphnia populations in fishless ponds, another for Daphnia populations
in lakes with planktivorous fish.
Figure 8.1 The four typical modes of transmission for Daphnia parasites. The arrows indicate the direction of
parasite transmission. The blue box in C represents a second host, which is likely to be a duck for the two helminth
parasites listed but may be an invertebrate for the other parasite species. Drawing by Dita B. Vizoso.
8.1 Transmission 61
Ordospora colligata, and the protozoan Caullerya filter-feeding hosts. Some Daphnia species tend to
mesnili. With these gut parasites, infected hosts browse over substrates and thus come into contact
carry comparatively few transmission stages at any with very high local concentrations of transmis-
one time (compared with the parasites falling into sion stages in the sediments, which may then be
the next group), although they may produce many ingested.
transmission stages during the lifetime of an infec- Although we do not currently know how P.
tion. ramosa enters the host, the closely related parasite
To the best of our knowledge, all of the parasites P. penetrans enters its nematode host through the
in this category enter their hosts with the food. cuticula (Preston et al. 2003), which may be the
Food uptake by Daphnia is through filter feeding, same route used by P. ramosa. In this case, it would
and the rate at which Daphnia filter their food there- be the only known parasite of Cladocera that does
fore plays an important role in the spread of a dis- not enter the host with the food.
ease (Fels 2005). Despite the apparent advantage of killing the
Brood parasites have been observed to occur in host early to achieve transmission, parasite vir-
numerous Daphnia populations. These are typically ulence with transmission from dead hosts varies
transmitted from one living host to the next. The greatly and ranges from rapid killers (e.g., White
most devastating ones are certain fungi, which kill Fat Cell Disease) to parasites that have only a mod-
the entire brood while it is developing in the brood est impact on host survival (e.g., P. ramosa, O. bay-
chamber. Brood parasitic copepods may also be eri). The reasons for this large variation may be
listed here. In contrast to the other parasites in this found in the specific biology of the parasites (Ebert
group, they actively search for their host and enter and Herre 1996; Ebert and Weisser 1997), but our
the brood pouch from behind. knowledge about the evolution of virulence is still
rather rudimentary.
Horizontal Transmission from the Dead Hosts
and Sediments Horizontal Transmission with a Two-Host Life
Parasites that infect tissues other than the host gut
or body surface may have more problems leaving A number of parasites cycle through two or more
their hosts. These parasites often produce many host species to complete their life cycle (Figure
transmission stages that are only set free after the 8.1C). Among the Cladocera, however, there are
host’s parasite-induced death (Figure 8.1B). By the only a few known examples of parasites with
time of the host’s death, these obligate killers (Ebert multi-host life cycles. This is surprising, because
and Weisser 1997) may produce up to 100 million life cycles with two hosts are well known among
transmission stages, which are all released at once. parasite systems where at least one host lives in
Killing the host to achieve transmission is com- freshwater, including a number of human para-
mon among insect parasites (many viruses and sites, such as the medina worm (Dracunculus) and
bacteria) but seems uncommon among parasites of Schistosoma. The only known examples of Daphnia
vertebrates (Alien, the deadly extraterrestrial from parasites with a two (or more) host life cycles are
the movie with the same name, which killed the the nematode Echinuria uncinata, the cestode Cys-
human crew of a spaceship, is the only exception ticercus mirabilis (Green 1974), and an undescribed
known to me). Examples of Daphnia parasites with trematode parasite of D. obtusa (Schwartz and
this mode of transmission include the blood par- Cameron 1993). It is possible, however, that some
asitic bacteria Pasteuria ramosa and White Fat Cell of the microsporidian parasites of Daphnia that ap-
bacterium, the yeast Metschnikowia bicuspidata, and pear untransmissable in the laboratory, such as Fla-
the microsporidium Octosporea bayeri. belliforma magnivora, have a second host (Mangin et
Once set free from the dead host, the spores of al. 1995) (Mangin et al. called this species Tuzetia
parasites that kill obligately must reach another sp.).
host to achieve transmission. If the pile of trans- Although the uptake of the parasites by the sec-
mission stages left by a decaying host is stirred up, ond host species is likely to happen via delib-
spores may be suspended in the water and infect erate or accidental ingestion of infected Daphnia,
62 Epidemiology
the uptake of the parasite by Daphnia is currently and Innes (2005), who tested D. pulex from the
unknown for all helminth parasites. It is possible Great Lakes region of North America. Although
that Daphnia pick up, with their food, transmission the absence of evidence should not be taken as ev-
stages that are released from the second host. idence for absence, I consider it highly unlikely
that further investigations would reveal Wolbachia
in Daphnia. Given our current knowledge of the
Vertical Transmission
mechanisms Wolbachia uses to maintaine itself in
Vertical transmission describes the movement of a host populations (male killing, feminization, in-
parasite from the mother (seldom the father) to the duced parthenogenesis, and cytoplasmic incom-
offspring (Figure 8.1D). This transmission may oc- patibility), it seems unlikely that populations of
cur directly, i.e., while the mother and the offspring cyclic parthenogens such as Daphnia could support
have a physical connection (e.g., transovarial or Wolbachia.
transuterine), or indirectly, i.e., when mother and
offspring remain close to each other after the birth. 8.1.2 Survival of Transmission Stages
Mechanistically, the latter is a form of horizontal
transmission because other susceptible hosts close Outside the Host
to the mother could become infected as well. An important factor for parasites with waterborne
Thus far, transmission from mother to offspring transmission is the lifetime of transmission stages
has been observed only in two parasites of Daphnia, outside of the host. The longer they can survive
both microsporidians infecting D. magna (Flabelli- outside the host, the higher their likelihood of
forma magnivora and O. bayeri). O. bayeri is also hor- transmission. The longest surviving Daphnia par-
izontally transmitted after the death of the host (Vi- asites known thus far are the heavily protected
zoso and Ebert 2004). For both parasites, it seems endospores of the bacterium P. ramosa. In sedi-
likely that transmission is transovarial. ment cores of shallow ponds, spores more than
As mentioned above, it is important to note that, 20 years of age have been found to be infectious
mechanistically, horizontally transmitted parasites (Decaestecker et al. 2004). Resting stages of Daph-
may appear to be vertically transmitted. If horizon- nia epibionts were even found to be viable after
tally transmitted parasites can infect host offspring more than 60 years in the sediments (Decaestecker
in the brood chamber or shortly after birth, they are et al. 2004). Bacteria and microsporidian parasites
functionally vertically transmitted. It is not clear can also be stored in freezers (-20o C) for several
how commonly this form of transmission occurs years without apparent loss of infectivity. Spores
in Daphnia. The vertical transmission of parasites of the microsporidians G. intestinalis and O. bayeri
that are horizontally transmitted mechanistically survive for at least 6-12 months in dry conditions
is, however, common in other host–parasite sys- at room temperature (H.J. Carius, unpublished ob-
tems (Ebert and Herre 1996). servations; D. Ebert, unpublished observations). O.
A vertically transmitted parasite that has at- bayeri survives summer droughts in rock-pool pop-
tracted a lot of attention for its high prevalence ulations in southern Finland (S. Lass and D. Ebert,
across arthropod taxa, including several crus- manuscript in preparation).
taceans, is the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia. It seems plausible that parasites in aquatic sys-
Wolbachia is transovarially transmitted and may be tems face fewer problems surviving outside their
the most common parasite of arthropods world- hosts than their terrestrial counterparts, because
wide. S. West and D. Ebert (unpublished observa- the most common causes of transmission-stage
tions) tested three clones from D. magna and three mortality for air- and soilborne parasites do not
clones of D. pulex (each from a different population exist for waterborne transmission stages. Desicca-
in southern UK) for the presence of either Wolbachia tion, for example, is irrelevant in the aquatic en-
clade A or B (methods as in West et al. 1998). Al- vironment. Furthermore, water not only provides
though positive and negative controls confirmed protection from UV radiation to a large degree,
that the PCR protocols worked properly, none of but its high heat capacity also buffers the effects
the Daphnia samples tested positive. The absence of rapid temperature changes and prevents over-
of Wolbachia was also reported by Fitzsimmons heating. Because it is costly to produce protective
8.1 Transmission 63
infection rates near the sediments can be trig- Vidtmann (1993) observed that the microsporid-
gered by changing the daphniids’ phototactic be- ium Larssonia daphniae was present only when
havior, exposing them to chemical cues from fish Daphnia density was high and yet was often absent
(kairomone) and thus inducing a general behav- during periods of high host density. Similar results
ioral shift toward lower positions in the water. were reported by Yan and Larsson (1988). Ruttner-
This trade-off highlights a cost of predator-induced Kolisko (1977) described a significant relationship
changes in the D. magna’s habitat selection behavior between the density of a rotifer and prevalence,
and may help to explain genetic polymorphism for and even attributed a strong population decline in
habitat selection behavior and disease resistance Conochilus unicornis to a microsporidian epidemic:
in natural Daphnia populations (Decaestecker et al. "... Plistophora finally terminates its host species".
2002). Stirnadel (1994) was not able to detect density-
dependent interactions between any of three Daph-
nia species and their numerous microparasites.
8.1.4 Factors Influencing Parasite
The same was observed by Decaestecker (2002)
Transmission in a very similar study on D. magna. Despite this
After a parasite appears in a host population, it can paucity of published evidence to prove that den-
only survive if each infection causes on average sity dependence plays a critical role for Daph-
at least one secondary infection, that is, the basic nia epidemiology, many studies note that there is
reproductive rate of the parasite, R0 , must be larger a minimum host density for parasite persistence,
than 1 (Anderson and May 1986). There has been although the behavior at high densities has yet to
much discussion about what factors influence a be determined. For the time being, experimental
parasite’s transmission in a plankton population; I approaches are more helpful than observations for
will summarize these below. investigating the role of density-dependent trans-
Parasite Transmission Is Density Dependent
Experimental Evidence for Density-dependent
Density-dependent transmission, which is a cen- Transmission The microspordian gut parasiteG.
tral assumption of much epidemiological theory intestinalis in D. magna has proved to be an ideal
for horizontally transmitted parasites, has often system to test for the density dependence of trans-
been discussed with regard to plankton parasites mission. The life cycle of G. intestinalis is direct, and
(Canter and Lund 1951, 1953; Miracle 1977; Bram- transmission to new hosts occurs only 3 days af-
billa 1983; Ebert 1995; Bittner et al. 2002). Convinc-
ter infection (Ebert 1994a, 1995). The waterborne
ing data for density-dependent transmission and spores of this parasite are transmitted with the
host population regulation under natural condi- feces. Laboratory experiments showed that the
tions were presented by Canter and Lund (1953), transmission of G. intestinalis is strongly density
who observed strong fluctuations of the diatom dependent and that the infection intensity (para-
Fragilariacrotonensis in an English lake. Wheneversite load per host) increased more rapidly when
the density of these planktonic algae reached morehosts were more crowded (Figure 8.3). Very sim-
than about 100 cells/ml, a fungal parasite (Rhi- ilar experiments were conducted with the proto-
zophidium fragilariae) spread rapidly, and host den-
zoan parasite C. mesnili, which infects D. galeata
sity dropped by two orders of magnitude. (Bittner et al. 2002). The higher the density, the
more likely it was that C. mesnili was transmit-
Density-dependent Transmission in Natural Pop- ted (Figure 8.3). These experiments were carried
ulations For Daphnia, no such example exists, out by placing one infected and one uninfected
although published data do not contradict den- host together in vials containing different volumes
sity dependence. Brambilla (1983) observed that of medium. In smaller volumes, the likelihood of
a microsporidian was generally present whenever transmission was higher. Interestingly, however,
the D. pulex density rose above 10 animals/liter, the decline in transmission rate with increasing
although the parasite suddenly disappeared one volume was much smaller than expected, assum-
year in mid-summer despite high host densities. ing a dilution effect. A possible explanation for this
8.1 Transmission 65
clearly that this is not always the case, and this resistance may, for example, be deflated by host
aspect of epidemiology needs further study. stress. Thus, to understand the factors that influ-
ence the spread and dynamics of diseases in natu-
Resistance May Limit the Spread of Diseases ral populations, it is necessary to conduct experi-
ments that disentangle the complex interactions of
It has been long known that host genotypes dif- host–parasite interactions. Experimental epidemi-
fer in their susceptibility to parasites, as has been ology is a particularly promising approach for ad-
shown for several combinations of Daphnia popu- dressing these questions (see Chapter 7 on Exper-
lations and parasite species (Ebert et al. 1998; Little imental Epidemiology and Evolution of Daphnia
and Ebert 1999; Little and Ebert 2000; Carius et al. Parasites).
2001; Decaestecker et al. 2003). Furthermore, there
is good evidence for strong host–clone x parasite
(isolate and species) interactions, both within and 8.2 Epidemiology of Daphnia
across populations (Ebert 1994b; Ebert et al. 1998;
Carius et al. 2001; Decaestecker et al. 2003) (Fig- Microparasites
ures 5.2 and 8.5). These studies also reported lo-
cal parasite adaptation, noting that local parasites The results discussed thus far indicate that the
were more aggressive (more infective, more viru- invasion, spread, and persistence of parasites in
lent, higher growth rate) than novel, introduced Daphnia populations cannot be attributed to a sin-
parasites (Ebert 1994b; Ebert et al. 1998). gle factor. Rather, the relevant factors may vary
The strongest evidence that infections within a over time and act together or against each other.
population depend on host genotype was found This interplay shapes parasite dynamics. Although
by Little and Ebert (2000), who showed that in 3 we do not currently have conclusive explanations
of 4 tested populations, female D. magna infected for the seasonal dynamics of Daphnia parasites,
with P. ramosa under natural conditions were ge- what we do know can serve as a starting point
netically more susceptible to this parasite. To test for a better understanding of plankton epidemics.
this observation, they took field samples to the
laboratory, divided them into infected and unin- 8.2.1 The Fishless Pond Model
fected females, cured them with an antibiotic, and
then cloned and reinfected the hosts with P. ramosa Most of what we know about Daphnia parasites
from the same population. The clonal offspring of comes from small, predominantly fishless water
the formerly infected females needed lower spore bodies. The epidemiology of most microparasites
doses to become reinfected than the offspring of of pond-dwelling Daphnia in the temperate zone
the formerly uninfected females (Figure 8.6), thus follows a similar pattern (Green 1974; Brambilla
indicating that genetic factors are clearly of crucial 1983; Vidtmann 1993; Decaestecker 2002). Preva-
importance for the spread of diseases in natural lence is usually low in winter and early spring.
Daphnia populations. After host densities peak in spring, parasite preva-
lence increases; it fluctuates throughout the sum-
mer and decreases in autumn, with parasites often
Summary of Transmission Limiting Factors
disappearing completely in winter. Green (1974)
The four factors discussed above may represent suggested that some microparasite epidemics (e.g.,
only a few of the many that influence the spread the bacterium Spirobacillus cienkowskii) start when
of diseases in Daphnia populations; however, I be- a benthic feeding host acquires a parasite from the
lieve that they represent the most important ones. mud. Once the cycle starts, other Cladocerans that
Other factors may be specific to certain diseases or are partially benthic and partially free-water for-
may play minor roles. Although none of the factors agers become infected and transmit the parasite to
discussed is likely to play a key role throughout the those Cladocerans that live in the free water. The
growing season, one or a few of them may become parasites disappear from the pond when the hosts
more influential at certain phases in epidemics. go into diapause at the end of the season.
Furthermore, factors may interact to counterbal- Earlier I proposed a single species version of
ance or re-enforce each other. Genetic variation for this model (in 1995; Ebert et al. 1997). Following
68 Epidemiology
Figure 8.5 Variation in resistance among 19 D. magna clones in response to five parasite species. Micro 1 and 2
are two undescribed microsporidian parasites of D. magna. All host clones and parasite isolates originated from the
same population. Redrawn and modified after Decaestecker et al. (2003).
diapause, Daphnia hatch from their ephippia and spore banks allow the parasites to survive long
recolonize a pond. Under good feeding conditions, periods of low host density.
the population increases rapidly during spring un- Although this epidemiological model was devel-
til food shortages lead to a switch from filter feed- oped for pond dwelling zooplankton, its findings
ing in the free water to browsing on the bottom sed- about density-independent infection could also be
iments. Browsing supplements the food because it relevant to a number of soil-borne diseases. Flem-
stirs up food particles (Horton et al. 1979; Freyer ing and colleagues (1986) investigated the density-
1991), which are then ingested by filter feeding. dependent transmission of a virus in different
However, browsing also stirs up parasite transmis- populations of the soil-dwelling pasture pest Wis-
sion stages, which may infect the daphniid. Once cana sp. (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Evidence for
the first hosts are infected, the disease may spread density-dependent transmission was found only
further. The epidemic ends either when environ- in young pastures but not in old pastures, per-
mental conditions deteriorate (e.g., low tempera- haps because in older pastures transmission oc-
ture) or when the host population becomes sparse curred mainly from a spore pool that had accumu-
or disappears altogether. lated over several generations. In laboratory popu-
A key feature of this model is the uptake of lations of a virus–insect system, Sait and colleagues
spores from the pond sediments, which has very (Sait et al. 1994) failed to detect density depen-
important consequences for the epidemiology of dence and attributed this result to the rapid accu-
the system, as was shown in a mathematical ver- mulation and long persistence of virus transmis-
sion of this model (Ebert et al. 1997). First, uptake sion stages within the cages. Contamination of the
of spores from the sediments is independent from soil has been repeatedly cited as the source of var-
host density. The basic reproductive rate R0 be- ious infections (Kellen and Hoffmann 1987; Young
comes redundant as a means of predicting para- 1990; Woods et al. 1991; Dai et al. 1996). Thus, it
site persistence when there is a large, nondeplet- appears that durable transmission stages and their
ing spore bank in the sediment. Instead, the feed- accumulation in pond sediments or soil might be a
ing behavior of Daphnia and the properties of the widespread phenomenon in natural host–parasite
resource determine parasite invasions. This may systems and may obscure any pattern of density-
explain why longitudinal studies of Daphnia pond dependent host-to-host transmission.
populations have failed to find a relationship be- The Daphnia–parasite model for fishless ponds
tween parasitism and host density. Second, the offers only the most basic pattern of parasite dy-
8.2 Epidemiology of Daphnia Microparasites 69
Figure 8.6 Difference in susceptibility of either infected or healthy D. magna collected from a natural population.
All females were cured and reinfected under standardized conditions with different doses (spores of P. ramosa per
host). In three of four populations, the descendants of previously infected females were more susceptible to infection
under standardized laboratory conditions. Modified after Little & Ebert (2000).
70 Epidemiology
namics, leaving many details unexplained. It can- size of plankton populations, which may enable
not, for example, explain the dynamics of preva- parasites to survive long periods of negative popu-
lence in lakes where there are likely to be no spore lation growth (R0 < 1). With a huge host population
banks and may also fail to predict epidemics in size, for example, a parasite population might de-
ponds with permanent (without diapause) Daphnia cline considerably for several generations, reach-
populations. It is further unable to explain why cer- ing very low prevalence. But low prevalence in
tain parasite species show short-lasting epidemics large lakes is hardly an indication of extinction.
of a few weeks. Clearly, our understanding of par- For example, in a lake the size of Lake Constance
asite dynamics in natural Daphnia populations is (volume, 50 x 109 m3 ), if the host density falls to
still very limited. 0.1 Daphnia per m3 and 1 in 100,000 hosts is in-
fected, there would be still about 50,000 infected
hosts, certainly enough to maintain the parasite
8.2.2 Suggestion for a Lake Model population, although at levels far too low to be de-
As discussed above, lakes with fish predation seem tected with conventional sampling methods. This
to have lower rates of parasitism than fishless argument needs careful evaluation, taking abso-
ponds (see Chapter 4 on Daphnia Microparasites lute host and parasite population sizes into account
in Natural Populations). The following model may as well as year-round growth conditions.
be a starting point for understanding zooplankton An alternative hypothesis is that parasites go ex-
epidemics in lakes with fish. My ideas are partially tinct locally but occasionally recolonize the lake.
based on the work of Kerstin Bittner at Lake Con- However, if only one or a few immigrant parasites
stance (Bittner et al. 1998, 2002; Bittner 2001). are introduced into a large host population, their
Fish predation can be a severe mortality factor spread to detectable levels takes considerable time
for Daphnia and will certainly influence the abun- unless R0 is high (» 1). Nevertheless, this mecha-
dance of parasites. If fish predation is high, para- nism may still explain some of the observed cases
sites may not be able to spread in Daphnia pop- of parasite disappearance and reappearance.
ulations, because the average life expectancy of As mentioned above, parasites in large lakes
a Daphnia (and thus of an infection) is too short with fish predation may evolve certain strategies to
(see Chapter 4, Are There Fewer Parasites in Lakes reduce their mortality. The most obvious of these
with Fish?). K. Pulkkinen and D. Ebert (manuscript are fast development (even if it has costs in terms of
in preparation) have shown high parasite extinc- high virulence) and low visibility to visually hunt-
tion rates in artificially predated, experimental D. ing fish. A comparative study between lakes with
galeata populations. Thus, during periods of high and without fish predation would allow these two
predation, parasites are expected to be absent or predictions to be tested.
found in low prevalence. Because predation pres- In summary, parasites may be able to survive in
sure often varies over time, parasites may spread large lakes with fish predation by exploiting hosts
during periods when adult host mortality is rela- at times of low predation pressure and outlasting
tively low. This theory coincides with findings that unfavorable times in a state of extended negative
the prevalence of Daphnia parasites in lake popu- population growth.
lations is high in fall when fish predation is low,
whereas parasites are absent or only found in low
prevalence during summer time, when predation
8.3 Conclusions and Open
is high (Bittner et al. 2002; Duffy et al. 2005). Questions
In fishless ponds, parasites survive the absence
of their hosts in the sediments. Because lakes with At present, we have no satisfactory model for
fish are less likely to have ecologically important the epidemiology of Daphnia parasites, nor of any
spore banks in the sediments (Daphnia are much other zooplankton parasite. The two models pre-
less likely to come into contact with the sediment sented above are general frameworks that treat all
in lakes), a different hypothesis is needed to explain parasite species of a community alike and thus lack
how these parasites can survive unfavorable con- many important features. A more profitable ap-
ditions. A possible explanation might be the large proach may be to focus on certain parasite species
8.3 Conclusions and Open Questions 71
Although much research has examined the effect of parasites on individual hosts, relatively
little work has been done to address the impact of parasites on the host population, in particular
on host population dynamics. Here I describe what is known about the impact of Daphnia
parasites on host population density and persistence. A number of parasites have been shown
to reduce host density and to reduce population persistence in experimental populations.
Consistent with epidemiological models, the strength of these effects was highest for parasites
that also have the strongest effect on reducing host fecundity. Thus far, little is known about the
community ecological effects of parasites. The available data suggest, however, that parasites
have the potential to influence competition among host species.
Parasite species varied widely in their effects on dard epidemiological models envision (Anderson
host fecundity, host survival, host density reduc- 1979, 1982; Ebert et al. 2000). However, although
tion, and the frequency with which they drove host these experiments have helped us understand the
populations to extinction (Figure 9.1). The fewer mechanisms of host–parasite epidemiology, they
offspring an infected host produced, the lower the have not answered the question of whether para-
density of its population. This effect on host den- sites regulate natural Daphnia populations, a ques-
sity was relatively stronger for vertically transmit- tion that may require experimental epidemiology
ted parasite strains than for the horizontally trans- under more natural conditions (e.g., mesocosm
mitted parasites. There was no clear relationship populations).
between the reduction in host density and the ef-
fect of parasites on the survival of individual hosts.
As predicted by stochastic simulations of an epi- 9.3 Do Parasites Influence Host
demiological model, if a parasite had strong effects
on individual host survival and fecundity, the risk Community Structure?
of host population extinction was also increased.
The same was true for parasite extinctions. Thus far, we have discussed the impact of para-
Bittner et al. (2002) showed that the gut parasite sites on single host species. As a further step, one
Caullerya mesnili is not only able to reduce den- might ask whether parasites can influence entire
sity in experimental D. galeata cultures severely host communities. Two characteristics of parasites
but also that it is able to drive the host popula- place them in a prime role to affect community
tion to extinction. This result is consistent with the ecology. First, they are often specific in the effect
study by Ebert et al. (2000a), which showed that on their hosts, and second, they may exert strong
C. mesnili is highly virulent, reducing host fecun- harm on their hosts, influencing the host’s com-
dity strongly and shortening the host’s life span petitive ability. A few data suggest that parasites
substantially. This parasite was also able to alter of Daphnia may indeed play a role in the structure
the outcome of competition among two compet- of their host’s community.
ing Daphnia species. In the absence of the parasite, Wolinska et al. (2004) studied parasitism in a
D. hyalina was inferior to D. galeata, whereas in its pre-alpine lake (Greifensee) in Switzerland. In this
presence, D. hyalina was the superior competitor lake, D. galeata x hyalina hybrids co-occur with the
(Bittner 2001). parental taxa. Interestingly, during the study pe-
In a 27-week time series study of Glugoides in- riod, hybrids were the most abundant taxon. The
testinalis-infected D. magna cultures, Pulkkinen and Daphnia community in this lake is parasitized by
Ebert (2004) found no significant reduction in host C.mesnili, which is known to be rather virulent
density, nor did they record a single case of host (Bittner et al. 2002). Prevalence reached peaks of
or parasite extinction. Again, these results are con- 22%, and C. mesnili dramatically reduced Daph-
sistent with the predictions and results of Ebert et nia fecundity. A comparison among the differ-
al. (2000), because G. intestinalis is comparatively ent taxa revealed that hybrids were frequently in-
avirulent, reducing host fecundity by only about fected, whereas parental D. galeata (the other parent
20% and barely influencing host survival. species, D. hyalina, was rare during the study pe-
In summary, parasites in experimental Daphnia riod) were almost never infected. The authors spec-
populations have been shown to reduce host den- ulate that the resistance of D. galeata might coun-
sity and population survival. In particular, as the terbalance the greater fitness of hybrids. This could
theory predicts (Anderson 1982; Ebert et al. 2000), stabilize the coexistence of the parental species
parasites with strong effects on host fecundity are with the hybrids in Lake Greifensee. It is not clear
powerful agents for host population regulation. whether the high susceptibility of the hybrids is a
Thus far, all experiments have been conducted un- general phenomenon or specific to this population.
der laboratory conditions, i.e., with constant food In any case, the finding adds an important aspect
supply, constant temperature, absence of preda- to the puzzling question of hybrid maintenance in
tors, etc., so that the populations closely reflected natural Daphnia populations and hints at a role of
an idealized host–parasite system, as many stan- parasites in shaping Daphnia communities.
76 Population Dynamics and Community Ecology
Figure 9.1 Host density in relation to parasitism. The five graphs show D. magna density changes in population
experiments with five horizontally transmitted parasites (five replicates per treatment). The thick dark blue line
shows the mean of the host densities of the five control populations. The light blue stippled line shows replicates
in which the parasite became extinct. Note that they follow the control lines. The red lines show the replicates of
the parasitized populations. Note that the avirulent gut microsporidians G. intestinalis and O. colligata show little
effect on host density. In none of these replicates did the host become extinct. The other three parasites reduce host
density by variable degrees and bring the host population to extinction (indicated by black arrowheads) in some
cases. Redrawn and modified after Ebert et al. (2000).
9.4 Factors Structuring Parasite Communities 77
Bittner (2001) took an experimental approach to pletely (Duffy et al. 2005), but would also influence
study the role of C. mesnili in a two-species com- the parasite community by disfavoring parasite
munity of D. galeata and D. hyalina in Lake Con- species that make their hosts more susceptible to
stance. To test whether this parasite, which fre- predation, for example, by making their hosts more
quently parasitizes both species, influences their visible. Although we are starting to understand the
relative competitive ability, Bittner set up a number dynamics between fish and certain parasites, we
of population-level experiments in which clones do not know anything about the community-level
of both Daphnia species competed in the presence consequences of this relationship.
and absence of the parasite. Clones were tracked Another factor that affects parasite communities
with the help of multi-locus enzyme electrophore- is interspecific competition. Because hosts are lim-
sis, and the experiments resulted in a very clear ited resources, within-host competition may be in-
pattern. In the presence of C. mesnili, D. hyalina tense and may influence the success of a species
was the superior competitor, whereas it was in- on the community level, particularly among par-
ferior in its absence. This finding was consistent asites with ecologically similar niches (Kuris and
across several clones of both species. Of interest, Lafferty 1994; Lafferty et al. 1994; Poulin 1998). The
D. hyalina is not completely resistant to the para- best evidence for interspecific competition comes
site but seems to suffer much less under the costs from epibionts rather than endoparasites. Compe-
of parasitism. Bittner’s results (2001) show clearly tition was favored as an explanation for the pres-
that parasites do have the potential to alter com- ence/absence patterns of epibionts in two rock-
petition in a plankton community. However, al- pool metacommunity studies in southern Finland
though the experiments convincingly demonstrate (Green 1957; Ebert et al. 2001). The peritrich Vorti-
the mechanism, they do not provide us with a way cella octava was found to be negatively associated
to judge the importance of this mechanism in nat- across rock pools with the peritrich Epistylis helenae
ural communities. and the green algae Colacium vesiculosum. All three
In summary, because of their differential effects species primarily colonize the head and dorsal re-
on different host taxa, parasites have the potential gions of the Daphnia carapace. However, V. octava
to influence competition in Daphnia communities, was found together with E. helenae and C. vesicu-
much in the same way as they influence clonal losum much less often than chance would suggest,
competition within a species (Capaul and Ebert whereas Epistylis and C. vesiculosum occurred inde-
2003; Haag and Ebert 2004) (Figure 6.2). We know pendently of each other. This may occur because of
little about the strength of this mechanism under the different space requirements of these epibionts
natural conditions and about the role of predation on the host’s body surface. Colacium has a short
in this phenomenon. A combined approach with stalk, whereas V. octava and E. helenae have long
experimental and observational work in the field stalks and may form a canopy over Colacium. More-
may help to clarify the role of parasites in shaping over, E. helenae has a noncontractile stalk, whereas
Daphnia communities. V. octava has a contractile stalk that, when it con-
tracts, forms a spiral larger than the diameter of
the stalk. This contraction may cause a mechani-
9.4 Factors Structuring Parasite cal disturbance to both Colacium and Epistylis and
Communities lead to stronger competition (Green 1957). Thus, V.
octava may suffer from strong interspecific compe-
In several places in this book, I have discussed tition because it interferes mechanically with both
that parasiteabundance may be negatively influ- E. helenae and C. vesiculosum, whereas the two latter
enced by other natural enemies of Daphnia, in par- species do not compete as strongly with each other
ticular by planktivorous fish. See the sections "Are because they are somewhat separated in space.
There Less Parasites in Lakes with Fish?" in Chap- Earlier, Green (1955) had shown experimentally
ter 4 and "Suggestion for a Lake Model" in Chap- that peritrichs (species not given) compete with C.
ter 8 for more details. Predation by visually hunt- vesiculosum and that light is an important factor in
ing fish would not only suppress certain parasites determining the outcome of competition between
species during particular time periods, or com- algal epibionts (favored under strong light) and
78 Population Dynamics and Community Ecology
This chapter describes how to use the Daphnia parasite system for experiments. I first discuss the
advantages of the system for research and education. Then I describe a number of experiments,
some of which are very simple and are suitable for courses in experimental parasitology and
ecology. The experiment section has two parts. The first discusses experiments in which the
individual host is the unit of replication. Such experiments can be used to ask questions such
as: How does a parasite affect its host? How is a parasite transmitted? The next part expands
to discuss experiments that use entire populations as the unit of replication. Here I suggest
experiments that pose questions such as: Does a parasite influence host density? Can a parasite
drive its host population to extinction? How quickly can hosts evolve resistance?
directly transmitted among hosts (Anderson populations (Capaul and Ebert 2003). In mon-
and May 1991). oclonal Daphnia populations, genetic diversity
can only arise by mutations, and mutation
• Many parasites allow for the freezing of trans- rates are too low to play a significant role in ex-
mission stages, which means that the same ge- perimental Daphnia populations that are kept
netic material can be stored for long time peri- for a limited period (less than a few years).
ods. Daphnia can be kept clonally for very long
times (years!) and thus can be kept essentially • Daphnia parasites usually produce persistent
without genetic changes for long periods. (chronic) infections. Unless the host clears the
infection within the first 1 or 2 days after
For experiments with replicated populations exposure, it will not recover from the infec-
(rather than individuals), the following points are tion. Therefore, only two classes of hosts need
also relevant: to be considered in epidemiological mod-
els—infected and uninfected hosts. This sim-
• The population growth of Daphnia in labora- plification is very helpful for understanding
tory populations with a constant food supply the epidemiology.
and no parasites is reasonably well described
by a logistic growth model. In the absence of • Polymorphic allozyme markers are available
parasites, Daphnia populations reach an equi- for nearly all Daphnia species, allowing one to
librium population level that represents carry- identify multi-locus genotypes very cheaply
ing capacity. Daphnia populations have over- and quickly (Hebert and Beaton 1993). With
lapping generations. Generation times in pop- an established routine, it is possible to type
ulation experiments are about 10 to 15 days (at more than 1000 individuals on a working day,
20◦ C). enabling one to follow clone frequencies in
replicated populations and monitor microevo-
• Clonal reproduction of hosts avoids compli- lutionary changes.
cations attributable to mate choice and mate
finding. It also excludes complications at-
tributable to the effects of inbreeding or out- 10.2 Using Proper Controls:
• Daphnia’s planktonic way of life approximates
well-mixed conditions without strong spa- Because experimental studies must compare the
tial structure. Transmission of most Daphnia treatment group with the control group, the con-
parasites is through waterborne transmission trol group must be handled the same way as the
stages. These follow the common epidemi- treatment group in every respect, except for the ex-
ological assumption of mass action nicely, perimental factor (parasites, for most purposes in
which states that the likelihood of transmis- the context of this book).
sion is strictly a function of the population Here I want to mention a few points about the
densities (or sizes) of infected and uninfected use and preparation of placebos. A placebo refers
hosts. to a control treatment that resembles the other
treatment in all aspects except the one that is be-
• Epidemiological models usually assume ho- ing tested. There are two crucial points to consider
mogeneously mixed populations without ge- when using placebos.
netic structure. Monoclonal Daphnia popula- First, the placebo has to resemble the treat-
tions fulfill these criteria perfectly. This is ad- ment in all factors except the actual treatment
vantageous for an experimental system be- factor. Thus, when preparing a spore suspension
cause the absence of genetic host diversity with macerated tissue from infected Daphnia, the
allows one to exclude the confounding ef- placebo must be prepared with tissue from unin-
fect of host evolution, which may otherwise fected Daphnia. Using water as a placebo is not
rapidly change the genetic structure of the enough, because it differs in more than the absence
10.3 Experiments with Individuals 81
of transmission stages from the treatment suspen- 10.2.2 Using Additional Treatments as
sion. It may also lack nutritional material for the a Quality Control
Daphnia that the treatment suspension may con-
tain. In certain experiments, it is not clear whether the
Second, the placebo may have some effect on the treatment applied will show any effect. A negative
controls. This effect, often called a placebo effect, result is difficult to present in a convincing way,
describes a difference between the placebo treat- because the nonsignificance of the treatments may
ment and a totally untreated control. If the effect of have been caused by other reasons than the ab-
sence of an effect—the absence of evidence is not
the actual treatment and the effect of the placebo
evidence for absence. For example, statistical noise
treatment do not influence each other, this is not
may disguise a treatment effect in a poorly exe-
a problem, but if the effect of the placebo inter-
cuted experiment. To ascertain the quality of the
acts with the effect of the actual treatment, the re-
experiment, I recommend using an additional fac-
sults may be difficult to interpret. For example,
tor that is known to produce a visible effect, even
suppose you test for the immune response of a
if this effect is not the focus of your research ques-
host after it is exposed to parasitespores. If both
tion. For example, one may use two food levels,
the placebo and spore suspensions contain com-
along with the other treatment. Then if a food ef-
pounds that influence the immune response of the
fect is apparent, you may convince the observer
host (e.g., certain bacteria), one obtains estimates
that other treatment effects could also be found,
of host response, which have to be seen within
provided they are there. If you fail to find a food
the light of this suspension. A water control may
effect, your experiment may have been poorly per-
not have the same effect. The response to the ex-
posure to spores may have been different if the
spores had been in a water suspension without
any other compounds. I recommend, therefore, us- 10.3 Experiments with
ing two controls in individual-level experiments: a
placebo control and a control without anything. Individuals
You may not be able to avoid a placebo effect, but
it is important to know about it. A number of Daphnia parasites can easily be bred
under laboratory conditions and are therefore suit-
able for experimental work. These experiments can
10.2.1 Uninfected Controls in Parasite be conducted in courses on the evolution and ecol-
Studies ogy of host–parasite interactions but also for re-
search purposes. What follows are some sugges-
Controls have more functions than just being the tions for simple experiments that will work even if
sample against which the treatment is tested. When one has little experience with Daphnia parasites.
testing for the effect of certain treatments on a par-
asite’s performance, infected hosts should be kept 10.3.1 Effects of Exposure Dose on
under different treatment conditions (e.g., parasite
growth under different environmental conditions;
Parasite and Host Success
transmission rates under different densities). Be- The transmission stages of horizontally transmit-
cause all treatment groups are infected, an unin- ted parasites may be administered to the host in
fected control does not seem necessary. There are different concentrations. Typically, higher doses
reasons why uninfected controls (actually placebo- are more likely to produce infections (Ebert et al.
exposed controls) should be included. First, the 2000b; Regoes et al. 2003). To quantify the infection
uninfected controls allow you to verify that all ma- success of parasite isolates, a standardized mea-
terial was uninfected before the start of the experi- sure is used: the ID50 (or infective dose 50%),
ment. Second, some experiments fail for unknown which is the dose at which 50% of the exposed
reasons, e.g., there may be high unexplained mor- hosts become infected. The ID50 may vary strongly
tality. The controls allow you to judge whether the among parasite isolates and host clones (Ebert
parasites played a role in these results. 1998b). It is usually estimated with a statistical
82 Experiments with Daphnia and Parasites
procedure based on infection data (binary data) parasites on the survival and fecundity of individ-
in response to several different dose treatments. ual females. For the simplest type of experiment,
The success of a parasite also depends on its a split brood design is useful. In this design, fe-
within-host growth, which in turn depends on males must be kept under very good conditions so
within-host competition. The more transmission that they produce large clutches of offspring. Fe-
stages that enter a host, the more competition will males around 15-25 days old produce the largest
occur, thus lowering the success of each individual clutches. Shortly after their release from the brood
parasite. In extreme cases (very strong competition chamber, offspring should be isolated in individual
resulting from very high doses), the parasite may jars; half of them should be exposed to the para-
completely fail to conclude its development (Ebert site, the other half to a placebo. Animals need to
et al. 2000b). High doses of the parasite may also be fed daily, and medium must be changed every
harm the host more strongly. It has been observed 3-4 days. The individuals of both treatment groups
that, with increasing spore dose, host mortality and should be checked daily for survival and offspring
morbidity increases (Ebert et al. 2000b). production. Detailed descriptions of similar exper-
Dose experiments can easily be done with ev- iments have been published (Ebert 1995; Ebert and
ery parasite that is transmitted from a dead host. Mangin 1997; Bittner et al. 2002).
Transmission stages are collected from dead hosts,
and suspensions are produced with different con-
centrations of spores. Spore concentrations may 10.4 Experimental
be varied over several orders of magnitude to ob- Epidemiology and
serve clear-cut effects. Parasites that are transmit-
ted from living hosts may also be used in dose Evolution of Daphnia
experiments. For these experiments, one exposes Parasites
the recipient host to different-sized groups of in-
fected hosts (Ebert 1995). I suggest using at least 10 An alternative to experiments on individuals is to
replicates per dose level to facilitate the statistical investigate the effect of parasites on their host pop-
analysis. ulations. Such experiments allow the investigator
to ask questions that cannot be answered on the
10.3.2 Testing for Mode of individual level, such as: Do infected populations
Transmission have lower population densities than parasite-free
populations? Can parasites drive their host popu-
It is often a challenge to determine the mode of lations to extinction? Do infected populations have
transmission for unknown parasite species. For a more pronounced population size fluctuations? Do
course in ecological and evolutionary parasitology, hosts/parasites show an evolutionary response to
it can be a rewarding exercise to run a series of their antagonist?
experiments with selected parasites to determine The beauty of experiments on the population
their mode of transmission. The experiments to test level is that the results relate more closely to
for mode of transmission can be extrapolated from the processes in natural systems because they in-
the chapter on transmission. Keep in mind that clude interactions that arise from the fluctuating
some parasites can transmit using more than one numbers of community members, e.g., effects of
mode. density-dependent population growth, density de-
pendence of transmission processes, and effects of
10.3.3 Estimating the Harm Done to genetic and demographic (age and size) popula-
tion structure.
the Host
Daphnia and its microparasites compose one of
Conventionally, one thinks of a parasite as detri- the few systems where both host and parasites
mental to the host. However, because it is often have generation times short enough to allow ex-
difficult to test for the effect of the parasite on its perimental ecological and evolutionary studies to
host, there is some belief that many parasites are be carried out in real time. The wide range of par-
not harmful. Here I suggest testing for the effect of asites available allows for the testing and compar-
10.4 Experimental Epidemiology and Evolution of Daphnia Parasites 83
ison of epidemiological, evolutionary, and genetic parasite spore load and prevalence in the starved
models of infectious diseases. populations. These results indicate that food stress
The basic outline of such experiments is rather for hosts impairs parasite spread in this system
simple. One can start populations from stock cul- and that host mortality can be an important factor
tures with a mixed age and size distribution. Pop- in regulating parasite abundance at the population
ulations should be large enough to minimize ran- level.
dom effects, such as genetic drift, chance extinc-
tions, or large unexplained variation among repli-
cates. Once treatment groups are formed and treat- 10.4.2 Parasitism and Host
ments applied, populations can be followed in reg- Competitive Ability
ular intervals over long periods of time. It is im-
Parasites may influence the competitive ability of
portant to think ahead about the way in which the
their host. This effect can be pronounced when par-
populations are sampled, because sampling itself
asites show some degree of specific virulence for
may introduce some effect.
otherwise superior competitors. A simple experi-
The use of experimental epidemiology and evo-
ment to investigate this effect is to set up popu-
lution as research tools is still not very widespread.
lations with two Daphnia species and follow their
Here I introduce a few studies that use these meth-
populations in the presence and absence of a para-
ods in the hope of stimulating more experimental
approaches of this type. site. Bittner (2001) conducted such an experiment
with competition between D. galeata and D. hyalina
and the parasite Caullerya mesnili. In the presence of
10.4.1 Host Starvation and Parasite C. mesnili, D. hyalina was the superior competitor,
Load in Experimental whereas it was inferior in the absence of C. mesnili.
Populations Because parasites may alter the competitive abil-
ity of certain clones, similar experiments may be
Outbreaks of epidemics in vertebrate populations done with competition among clones of one Daph-
have often been linked to host stress. No similar nia species. Capaul and Ebert (2003) allowed 21
predictions have been made about the response of clones of D. magna to compete in the presence or ab-
invertebrates to stressful conditions. A population- sence of different parasite species in 10-liter aquaria
level experiment was designed to test for the ef- with a population size of about 1000 animals. The
fect of food stress on the epidemiology of the gut outcome of clonal competition was not only very
parasite Glugoides intestinalis (Pulkkinen and Ebert rapid (strong changes were evident after only 2
2004). Infected and uninfected D. magna popula- months) but also differed among all treatments. A
tions, which had been kept for many generations similar design was chosen by Haag (2004), who
under a constant high food supply, were exposed to allowed clones of D. magna to compete under out-
a severe reduction in the amount of available food. door conditions in mesocosms (rain tons). He also
Infected and uninfected control populations con- found strong changes in clonal composition that
tinued to receive the full amount of food. Changes
were dependent on time and parasite treatment.
in parasite and host population size as well as
host body length were recorded to determine how
the food shortage influenced host and parasite 10.4.3 The Experimental Evolution of
population dynamics. In both infected and unin- Virulence
fected populations, food shortage led to an ap-
proximately equal reduction in host density and Population-level experiments may also be used to
changes in host body length distribution. Large study the evolution of parasites. To test for the ef-
hosts suffered from higher mortality than smaller fect of host demography on the evolution of par-
hosts, which significantly reduced the mean body asite virulence, a laboratory experiment was set
length in the starved populations. Because this up in which parasites were allowed to evolve. If
change was stronger in the infected populations the life expectancy of a parasite is short, it is ex-
and because large hosts usually carry the most par- pected to evolve at a higher rate of host exploita-
asites, this change led to a reduction of average tion and, therefore, higher virulence, because its
84 Experiments with Daphnia and Parasites
This glossary was prepared with the help of Apomixis Form of asexual reproduction. Off-
the following sources: Allaby (1994), Decaestecker spring is formed without meiosis and fertil-
(2002), Dobson and Grenfell (1995), Freeman and ization. Daughters are genetically identical to
Herron (2001), Isaacs et al. (1991), King and Stans- their mothers.
field (1997), and Margolis et al. (1982).
Arms race Occurs when an adaptation in one
species reduces the fitness of individuals in
Abdominal processes Processes on the abdomen
another species, thereby selecting in favor
of Daphnia that close the brood chamber.
of counter-adaptations in the other species.
These counter-adaptations, in turn, select in
Abundance How commonly a taxon or group of
favor of new adaptations in the first species.
taxons occurs. Usually used without units.
Arms races are a form of antagonistic coevo-
More precise terms are distribution, preva-
lution. See also Coevolution.
lence, and density.
Branchiopoda See Phyllopoda.
Adaptation 1. Process by which populations un-
dergo modification so as to function better Brood chamber Space between the thorax and the
than their immediate ancestors in a given en- dorsal carapace of Cladocera in which the
vironment. 2. Any developmental, behavioral, oviduct ends and the eggs develop. It is in
anatomical, or physiological characteristic of direct contact with the exterior medium.
an organism that improves its chances for sur- Carapace Hard shell of crustaceans.
vival and propagation in its environment. See
also Local adaptation. Cecum (caecum; plural, ceca; intestinal or hepatic
or digestive caecum) One of the pair of small
Additive genetic variance Part of the phenotypic appendages of the Daphnia midgut. They are
variance of quantitative traits, such as body sealed from the gut by a membrane and may
size or age at maturity. The additive ge- participate in the production of digestive flu-
netic variance is proportional to the expected ids.
change attributable to selection and is used to
calculate the heritability. Cladocera Order of the Entomostraca. They have
a bivalve shell covering the body but not the
Allele One of a series of possible alternative DNA head, four to six pairs of legs, and two pairs
sequences at a given locus. of antennae used for swimming. They mostly
inhabit fresh water. See also Entomostraca.
Allozyme Gene product of one of several alleles Clone Group of organisms that have arisen from
that have the same function but differ in their a single female by asexual reproduction and
amino acid sequence and therefore in their are therefore genetically identical. A clone is
physio-chemical properties so that they mi- often called an iso-female line.
grate different distances in an electrophoretic
assay. They are used as genetic markers to Coevolution Changes in the genotypes of two or
identify a genotype. more species that are a direct consequence of
86 Glossary
the species’ interaction with one another. Co- Dose effect A change in response to exposure to
evolution can occur among mutualists and some agent attributable to a change in that
host–parasite pairs, as well as among en- agent’s concentration. For example, the in-
tire groups of interacting organisms (e.g., crease in virulence or infection risk for hosts
pollinator–plant systems). during exposure to increasing parasite spore
Crustacea Aquatic arthropods characterized by
the presence of biramous appendages and two Electrophoresis Method to study the movement
sets of antennae. Examples include crabs, lob- of charged molecules in solution in an elec-
sters, copepods, barnacles, shrimps, and wa- trical field. The solution is generally held in
terfleas. a porous support medium such as cellulose
acetate or a gel made of starch, agar, or poly-
Cyclical parthenogenesis Mode of reproduction acrylamide. Electrophoresis is generally used
in which phases of parthenogenetic (asex- to separate molecules from a mixture based
ual) and sexual reproduction alternate. Sev- upon differences in net electrical charge and
eral asexual generations may follow a sexual also by size or geometry of the molecules, de-
generation. Found in Cladocera, Rotifera, and pendent upon the characteristics of the gel ma-
aphids. trix.
Cyclomorphosis Seasonal change in phenotype of Endemic Permanent presence of a parasite pop-
many plankton species. For example, some ulation in a host population. Compare Epi-
Daphnia species produce spines to protect demic.
themselves against predators during the sum-
mer season. Endoparasite Symbionts located within the body
of the host. They may be intra- or extracellular.
Deme Population that is sufficiently isolated so
that it can be considered an evolving unit. Ephippium (plural ephippia) 1. Membranous ex-
Deme is more typically used by evolutionary ternal walls surrounding the resting eggs
biologists. (usually sexual eggs) of Cladocera. 2. Resting
stage of Cladocera consisting of one or two
Density dependence Indicates that the intensity resting eggs, surrounded by a membranous
of a process depends on the density of a popu- external wall.
lation. When fecundity or individual survival
in a population are negatively dependent on Epibiont Organism that lives attached to the
density (e.g., parasite-induced host mortality), body surface of another organism. Sometimes
the process could potentially regulate pop- regarded as ecto-parasites. In zooplankton,
ulation density. Transmission of horizontally epibionts are often ciliates, algae, bacteria, and
transmitted parasites is usually host density fungi.
Epidemic Sudden, rapid spread or increase in the
Depth selection behavior Behavior by which the prevalence or intensity of an infection. Com-
zooplankton maintains a particular vertical pare Endemic.
distribution in relation to the stratification of
the water (light, temperature, food, predation Epidemiology Study of infectious diseases and
pressure). See also DVM. disease-causing agents on the population level
in a parasitological context. It seeks to char-
Diapause Resting period during unfavorable con- acterize the disease’s patterns of distribution
ditions, e.g., during winter freezing or during and prevalence and the factors responsible for
draughts. these patterns. In a more applied context, it
also strives to identify and test prevention and
Diel vertical migration (DVM) Special case of treatment measures.
depth selection behavior in which the pre-
ferred depth changes in a diel (daily) pattern. Evolution Changes in allele frequencies over time.
and short generation times. The key epidemi- population (sex ratio, age and size structure,
ological variable, by contrast with macropara- etc.).
sites, is whether the individual host is infected.
Population Group of interbreeding individuals
Microsatellite locus Place in the genome where a and their offspring. In asexual species, this def-
short string of nucleotides, usually two to five inition cannot be applied; in this case, a pop-
bases long, is repeated in tandem. The number ulation is a group of phenotypically matching
of repeats at any given locus is usually highly individuals living in the same area.
variable (many alleles) in a population and can
be used for DNA fingerprinting. Population growth rate (Malthusian growth rate,
r) Measure of population growth. The instan-
Morbidity State of ill-health produced by a dis- taneous rate of increase of a population or
ease. Includes aspects of reduced fecundity, genotype. It is used as a measure of fitness.
lethargy, and other signs of disease.
Predator-induced defense Defense reaction of
Multiple infections Infection in which an individ- prey triggered by the presence or action of a
ual is infected by parasites of more than one predator so as to reduce the expected damage
species or more than one genotype of the same of the predator.
Predator An animal that kills its victim, the prey
Parasite richness See Richness. item, and then feeds on it to subsist until the
next kill.
Parasite 1. Disease-causing organism. 2. Organ-
ism exhibiting an obligatory, detrimental de- Prepatent phase In helminth infections, time pe-
pendence on another organism (its host). Con- riod from infection until a female starts to pro-
ceptually, parasite and pathogen are the same. duce eggs. It is equivalent to the latent period
Endoparasites live in the host’s interior (They in microparasitic infections.
may be intra- or extracellular). Ectoparasites
live on the surface of the host. Prevalence Proportion of host individuals in-
fected with a particular parasite. Often ex-
Parthenogenesis Development of an organism pressed as a percentage. A measure of how
from an unfertilized egg. See also cyclic widespread an infection or disease in a host
parthenogenesis. population is. Sometimes used to indicate the
proportion of infected hosts in a sample with
Pathogen Disease-causing microorganism, such any parasite species. In many studies, preva-
as viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. In the con- lence is measured only in a certain fraction
text of this book, equivalent to parasite. of hosts. In zooplankton studies, often only
Phenotypic plasticity Phenotypic variation ex- adult hosts or adult females are considered.
pressed by a single genotype in different envi- Prevalence is usually underestimated in field
ronments. samples because new infections may escape
detection by the investigator.
Phototactic behavior Behavior that is expressed
in the presence of light stimuli. Primipare Female producing offspring or eggs for
the first time.
Phyllopoda Order of Entomostraca including a
large number of species, most of which live proPO system (prophenol-oxidase system) The
in fresh water. They have flattened or leaf-like proPO activating system plays several func-
legs, often very numerous, which they use for tions in invertebrate immunity and is consid-
swimming. Also called Branchiopoda. ered one of the most important defense mech-
anisms. The oxireductase phenoloxidase (PO)
Population dynamics Changes in the popula- is part of a complex system of proteinases,
tion size through time. Also used to describe pattern recognition proteins, and proteinase
change in the demographic structure of the inhibitors that constitute the proPO activating
system. It is thought to be part of the inver- Specificity Describes the observation that only a
tebrate’s immune response against parasites subset of hosts is susceptible to infection. A
because the conversion of proPO to active en- high specificity refers to the observation that
zyme can be initiated by molecules from in- only a few host lines can be infected by a given
vading microorganisms. PO is the final en- parasite.
zyme in the melanization cascade, which is
a common response to parasite entry in many Spore In a parasitological context, transmission
invertebrates. During a successful immune re- stage.
action, melanin encapsulates the invader and Spore bank Spores resting in soil or sediments.
kills it.
Spore load Number of spores or sporophorous
Red Queen hypothesis Hypothesis that states vesicles of a parasite (e.g., microsporidium,
that the adaptive importance of genetic recom- bacterial) in a host individual. It is a measure
bination is to create genetic variation among of parasite infection intensity and may be used
the offspring, which is important in confronta- to calculate parasite multiplication rate within
tion with coevolving parasites. the host.
Resistance Reduction in host susceptibility to in- Susceptible Accessible to or liable to infection by
fection. a particular parasite.
Resting egg See Ephippium. Symbiont Organism living together with another
organism. This includes mutualists, parasites,
Richness Number of parasite species per host and commensals.
individual or the mean number of parasite
species within members of the host popula- Trade-off Unescapable compromise between one
tion. trait and another. In evolutionary biology, it
is important because a negative genetic cor-
Selection Process by which certain phenotypes relation between two traits, both of which af-
are favored over other phenotypes. Selection fect fitness, limits their response to selection
leads to adaptation. Clonal selection is found (a fitness-increasing change in one trait is cou-
when clones differ in their lifetime reproduc- pled with a fitness-decreasing change in the
tive success and is usually seen in the form of associated trait).
genotype frequency changes.
Transmission The process by which a parasite
Sex allocation Allocation of resources into male passes from a source of infection to a new host.
and female functions. For Daphnia, which re- Horizontal transmission is transmission by di-
produce asexually for most of the life cycle rect contact between infected and susceptible
and thus produce mostly daughters, sex allo- individuals or between disease vectors and
cation refers to the extent to which males and susceptible individuals. Vertical transmission
resting eggs are produced. occurs when a parent conveys an infection to
its unborn offspring, as in HIV in humans.
Shell gland Organ found in Daphnia that may
have a role in excretion and/or osmoregula- Transmission stage Life stage of a parasite that is
tion. able to cause a new infection.
Sit-and-wait Strategy of parasites and predators Vertical migration See Diel vertical migration.
to come in contact with their host or prey. It Vertical transmission Parasite transmission from
relies on the antagonist being active, while the parent to offspring.
parasite or the predator is waiting motionless.
Many parasite transmission stages can endure Virulence Morbidity and mortality of a host that
long time periods before they are activated by is caused by parasites and pathogens. More
an encounter with the host. specifically, it is the fitness component of the
90 Glossary
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