Shadow World - Campaign Setting
Shadow World - Campaign Setting
Shadow World - Campaign Setting
intended it is what it did for me. I have tried to make an
enjoyable, detailed yet simple campaign filled with my own
Jaiman is a continent on the planet Kulthea, which is biases and likes, lacking my dislikes and petty annoyances. It is
circled by two moons, one white; Orhan, the other black; offered as is to do with what you like. I do this only for my own
Charon. Powerful ley lines cross the world of Kulthea; enjoyment since I love to design and tinker with rules as much as
concentrations of ambient magic which wizards and their ilk I do playing them. This is the culmination of what started as a
gather and shape into powerful enchantments. These ley lines 10-page player handout and then became something bloated and
increase the power of magic and so attract wizards, outsiders and unusable as it grew in size. It now re-emerges as a three
summoners like bees to honey. The lines are dotted with mages’ booklets; with fewer graphic to aid download speed and many
towers, hedge wizards’ cottages and ancient way houses that rule changes as a result of our role-playing experiences in
provided shelter when the land was experiencing a golden age. Jaiman.
This age is ended and the way houses have fallen into disrepair Enjoy and Salut! ~ DrM
and many have been forgotten. Even the greatest creation of the
first races; the Essaence Gates have fallen into disrepair and
disuse. Only the secretive Navigator Guilds hold the knowledge A52
of their use but most people go their entire lives without seeing a Lines of magical energy that can be thought of as
Navigator so they can hardly be called prolific. ambient, natural, primal magic, cross the surface of Kulthea. To
Jaiman itself is a land of mixed race and varied the non-arcane spell caster they have no effect, however to the
climates; both geographic and political. It is rich in culture and arcane spell caster the effects are incredible. Their spells can be
species some fell others righteous. Dark creatures including cast better than ever before, their opponents have trouble
minions of the Unlife, Ancient Dragonlords, followers of the resisting these enchantments and the spell resistance of creatures
New Religion and false kings watch carefully as fledgling states is greatly diminished around the area of effect of these ley lines.
emerge from war into peace, cascade from peace into civil war The ley lines come in major and minor lines and when tails of
and slay thousands in the worship of evil spirits now made gods. these lines approach each other they form a complete circle of
Fell creatures live in the ruins of once bright cities of splendour ley, a nexus, like a whirlpool of ley energy; this in turn has a
and holiness, now desolate, haunted husks. The demihumans of much greater effect than a mere ley line and is sorely sought after
the realms are proud and distinctive, in the common Rhaya by mages for their arcane increasing effect. Many a mages tower
tongue; elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings abound next to is built within the area encircled by a nexus or ley line for this
their human neighbours, (it is however, polite and wise to call benefit. However with every benefit there comes a price, the
these races by their own racial title in their own tongue; Iylari, difficulty of casting a spell, especially if disturbed is much
Runiir, Vorloi and the Mariel tribesmen.) The humans greater since the ley itself is very distracting, as mages of the
themselves are somewhat too diverse to call one race, but distinct White Tower of Arion Isle have found on repeated studies of the
groups do exist and such groups have mingled their blood with phenomenon. A concentration roll must be made to succeed
the demihumans, some with goblinoids or orcs and some even casting an arcane spell while within the area of effect of the ley.
with dragons or worse. The difficulty of such a roll increases as the power of the ley
The mightiest war being waged across Jaiman, and increases. If a concentration check is required while within the
Kulthea for that matter (besides the Blood War of the Lower effects of the ley (such as a casting on the defensive) use the
Planes), is the ancient battle between the Pantheon of the Faith modifier given to modify that concentration check to increase its
(the old, true gods) and the New Religion (once spirits now difficulty instead of making two rolls per spell, one for the
godlings promising freedom of choice). The New Religion and defensive posture and the other roll for the ley.
their followers have broken the ancient covenant of life and The Minor Ley Line: gives a benefit of +2 DC to all
freely use the power of the Unlife. Undead creatures have arcane spells cast within 1 mile of a minor ley line while also
emerged in almost every land and at present two such lands have giving a +2 to spell penetration rolls. Concentration DC9+spell
been lost to the Unlife. Even the Iylari battle against their own level. Modifier to Concentration checks –2.
dead. On the Black Wall that overlooks the dark remains of the The Major Ley Line: as minor ley line as well as
city, Gorai’ya Iylari wizards and swordsmen fight valiantly to giving the effect of the metamagic feats: extend spell and enlarge
stop the dark tide from overwhelming their fair forests and cities. spell on all arcane spells cast within its effect. If an already
The New Religion has placed itself against all powers and extended and/or enlarged spell is cast here then no extra benefit
creatures that worship life and living. They are universally hated is gained. This effect is within 2 miles of a major ley line.
by all manner of life and the followers of the Pantheon of the Concentration DC12+spell level. Modifier to Concentration
Faith have found themselves in some strange alliances with their checks –4.
mortal enemies to battle this threat. Even the followers of the evil The Nexus: as major and minor ley line in addition to
Gods of the Faith will not wield the dark power of Unlife, to do the feats: augment summoning being in effect on all summoned
so is to cut themselves from their god and be cast out. creatures and maximise spell affecting all non-summoning
Unfortunately these individuals find easy acceptance by the New arcane spells. Cooperative spells cast within the nexus have
Religion, the Black Tower of dark magics or the Church Aarnak; double their normal bonuses. Ritual and Ritual Sacrifice feats
the clergy of the Unlife each gain a +1 level effect in determining the maximum spell
This campaign is my humble attempt to make the level castable and all DCs for the Ritual Sacrifice feat are
original work of Shadow World by Terry Kevin Amthor of ICE reduced by 5. The ambient magical energy is such that all arcane
into a workable d20 system, unique and different from what is spell casters gain the virtual ability: Metamagic Mastery 1 while
was originally designed to be, and in some cases the only within its area of effect. See the Archmage description later in
similarity are the names of places and people used in the original booklet for details. The effect of a Nexus is within the area
publications. I fell in love with the idea of Shadow World; of encircled by the ley line. The area around it to a distance of 5
Kulthea, of Emer and Jaiman and especially of the brooding, miles acts as either the minor or major ley line depending on the
archaic feel it had. While this may not be what the designers
type that makes up the nexus itself. Concentration DC15+spell
level. Modifier to Concentration checks –6.
The Wayhouse: these small stone lodges are large ;\OVYVaf
enough to sleep ten or so medium sized creatures. They are built For every PC created roll d20. If 18-19 then the PC is a
along ancient roads that once followed the ley lines. They act as member of a minor Noble family or trading house raised to low
protection against unnatural creatures and dangers. They have a nobility (new or minor houses – see noble knight) and may take
permanent magic circle against evil spell for the hut itself and the class Aristocrat if desired. Always add one dice when rolling
10’ around it. The hut can create food and water each day for ten their starting funds (ie 3d4x10gp becomes 4d4x10gp), note that it
people in the huts food chest. The chest is stone and part of the is also a great way to introduce long-term family enemies. If a 20
hut and cannot be removed. The chest is activated once a fire is is rolled then the PC is high nobility or royalty (noble, great or
lit in the hearth; this is a common story amongst many races. The ancient houses - see noble knight) and starts with double funds at
wayhouses are long and far between and built at a time when creation and must start as an apprentice level multiclassed
dangers lurked along the few roads of the realms, as the nations Aristocrat or 1st level Aristocrat at creation (this is known as DM
have changed so has the flow of traffic and so these huts have bastardry). Either high or low noble may become the Noble
been lost to the undergrowth and wilderness. Often the hut itself Knight prestige class presented later in the prestige class section.
has been destroyed and all that remains are the marker rune If on the same dice a 1 is rolled then the PC has a blood taint that
stones in a circle showing the limit of the protection it still the DM will inform the player the details of. Usually blood taint
provides. These wayhouses can be very difficult to find but is not present in Noble families but a second d20 is rolled if the
radiate faint (but potent) magic. The ley lines they sit on power initial was 1 and another subsequent 1 indicates low nobility as
them and while their marker rune stones remain in place (inside well as blood taint. Blood taint is the presence of other racial
the area of effect of the protective magic) the enchantment will blood in your family that for some reason has come forth in you,
survive. it may be something as subtle as dragon blood indicating
The Essaence Portals: The Essaence portals can be sorcerous tendencies, Iylari or Runiir blood or something as
found in almost any form and shape. The most common are; bizarre as the Yuan-Ti or far realm dwelling Agothu, see p.70.
ancient rock pillars, stone doorways, natural rock hollows and This makes for great role-playing but gives the game a high
other natural and unnatural formations. These are actually magic & outsider involvement. Omit this blood taint if desired.
dormant magical gates linked to each other in a web. Once in a Some races are listed with a Dragon Taint number; this
higher age these gates were constantly open, allowing all manner is the increase on top of the 1 from the above roll that indicates
of creature to travel quickly across the span of Kulthea. Now dragon blood. Treat a roll of 1 as you would normally, but a roll
they are kept firmly locked by the wardens of the lost lore of of 2 up to and including the number given indicates dragon blood
portal mastery; The Navigator Guilds. The Guilds themselves and the PC may become a sorcerer. See Sorcerer details below.
alone hold the knowledge on how to open and close each Some races presented will be unclear unless the
individual gate. On Jaiman alone there is in excess of 30 gates description of the geography of the area corresponding to the
each with its own unique way of opening, controlling the exit race is read.
gate and closing the gate. The Navigators charge great fees to
access the portals but for those in a hurry it is a sacrifice they are
happy to make. The portals found in or near major cities are AUR
clearly marked with instructions on how to summon a Navigator The spoken and written languages for Kulthea are
but for those in the wild identifying a portal may be easier than changed as follows. There are gutter versions of some of these
actually establishing how to summon its warden. Portals, even languages and Un’ prefixes these. Ie Un’Erlin is the gutter
when inactive radiate a faint magic, as does the space between version of the true Erlin language. Two people with Un’Erlin
them that will become the ‘gate’ . See prestige classes for more can communicate with each other but when talking to someone
details on the Essaence Portals and the Navigator Guilds. who has the true tongue each person must make an INT check at
DC15 to understand the conversation content. These gutter
versions are learned where the original language was introduced
but has fallen from use or has been bastardised by the local
Following are the possible PC races for the players to dialect.
choose. If any of the races are not palatable feel free to change Elven splits into 2 groups Erlin (common elvish) and
them with DM permission. A special note; to make this Iylar (noble ancient elvish) they are two separate languages.
campaign feel different and try and get my players to think of it Dwarvish becomes Toman. Gnomish becomes Chira. Halfling
as such I demand they call the races by their true title and not by becomes Mal. Common has several different dialects, each
the common ones such as elf, dwarf, halfling etc. To do so in completely different to the rest. Rhaya would have to be the
play is an insult to the NPC in question and highly derogatory; most common tongue of Jaiman, Taal is an ancient language still
the NPCs’ respond appropriately to such behaviour. The PC used by the Myri and finally Yinka is the blood tongue of the
races are listed under their old-common title and any changes Y’ kin a guttural harsh language. The land of Emer has several
given below. dialects in use in Jaiman; the most commonly encountered is
Note that any special abilities are listed as; racial or Shay, the common tongue of Emer, Taruk the tongue of the
culture. A member of another race brought up in a culture, not of Kuluku and Rhiani the tongue of the desert horsemen.
their own gains the cultural benefits of their foster race but not Related languages are treated as Un’ versions of each
the racial ones. A member of a race always gains his or her own other. They are as follows; Erlin ~ Iylar, Orcish ~ Goblin, Chira
racial benefits. The culture benefits for the same race, in ~ Taruk, Infernal ~ Abyssal, Draconic ~ Taal and Toman ~
differing regions are given under the one description. Apply the Undercommon. Thus a Runiir scout who speaks Toman but not
generic stats for that race and the cultural ones for the region undercommon is within hearing range of two drow talking
where the PC is from. (see geography of Jaiman for this quietly in undercommon. He would make a listen check to see if
information.) Language is always a cultural trait. he could hear the conversation and then a translate check (INT
DC15) to see if he could understand it.
is adopted they gain the ability to turn undead as a cleric of equal
level to their hunter level upon becoming a hunter. They also
begin the game with no memory of what occurred in Xa’ Ar but
The word human is not derogatory, but rather non- the feats blooded and alertness are taken without choice at first
specific. Many human races exist and the PC can choose any of level in addition to move silently and hide each gaining a +1
them with the DMs approval. Humans show some of the highest racial bonus and always being considered class skills.
rates of Dragon Blood Taint of all the creatures of Jaiman. ~ Arion Isle: The White Tower of Wizardry. The Misty
Isle. This place has many names but it simply the home of the
wizards guild of Jaiman. It sits in the middle of a ley nexus and
This is the most common human subtype in Jaiman. great magics are performed here. People of the Isle must take the
They are descended from the Zori and feat; courteous magogracy at first level as one of their feats. In
Talath peoples that first inhabited Jaiman addition they receive a +1 bonus to knowledge – arcane rolls and
as separate groups. As travel and trade this is always a class skill.
grew so did the intermingling of these ~ U’Lyshak: The land of Knights and Noble Houses. A
races. Jameri display all eye and hair great nation threatened by civil war. The class and feudal system
colours and their skin is usually light but here is kept strongly in place by the noble families and the serfs
tans quickly. They are the most common are on average too poor, ill fed and fearful to rise against the
human of Jaiman and show a diversity glittering knights and their well trained house troops. The only
and adaptability to a variety of climes and high nobility are the Zori Nobles, a human subrace but some low
environs. Jameri noble houses have emerged. Members of low nobility
Race: Human from PHB gain a +1 bonus to appraise or diplomacy rolls and the one
Preferred Class: Any chosen is a class skill, commoners gain a +1 bonus in an
Languages: Rhaya individual profession or craft and that single choice is always a
Religion: The Faith, with some cults of the New Religion class skill.
Culture ~ Lu’Nak: The land of the Blue Forest. The Jameri are ~ Rhakhaan: The other land of Jaiman where the
travellers and villagers and can pick one non-class skill that fuedal system rules. The people of this realm are either of noble
becomes a class skill of; survival, nature or animal based & gain birth or commoners, these commoners make up the bulk of the
a +1 bonus to this skills’ checks. population and contribute the bulk of its produce, unfortunately
~ Wuliris: The Thousand Fiefdoms otherwise known as they have only a minority of its wealth. They are a quiet people
the swamp. A sad and sorry land full of danger, bitter cold and used to being led and those few who choose to become
plentiful mud. Pick one non-class skill that becomes a class skill adventurers do so to escape this dull and restricted life. Low and
of; sense motive, appraise, bluff, craft or profession & gain a +1 High Nobles both gain +1 bonus in diplomacy which is always a
bonus to this skills’ checks. If profession or craft is taken then class skill, commoners gain a +1 bonus in an individual
only that one particular talent is class skill based, not all crafts or profession or craft and that single choice is always a class skill.
professions and the +1 bonus only applies to that individual
profession or skill. 5NVQ
~ Melurian States: War torn land of mercenaries and The Haidic clans of Lu’ Nak the Blue Forest have a long
brigands. Pick one non-class skill that becomes a class skill of; history of interfamily wars. They are a
spot, sense motive or bluff & also gain a +1 bonus to this skills’ short tempered and proud race fond of
checks. food, drink and physical competition.
~ Nomikos Library: The centre of learning in Jaiman. They have thick red or blond hair
Peaceful and beautiful. Pick one non-class skill that becomes a sometimes darkening to a ruddy brown.
class skill of; knowledge (one), alchemy or craft & gain a +1 Their eyes are deep-set and usually green,
bonus to this skills’ checks. hazel or grey. They have an honest, direct
~ Plasidar Island: The busy trading port & rumoured nature and expect others to follow suit,
brigands isle. A land full of pirates and excitement, pick one they have no time for liars, thieves or
non-class skill that becomes a class skill of; sense motive, cheats and their legal system reflects this
appraise or bluff & also gain a +1 bonus to this skills’ checks. attitude. Their clan structure is an extended family with the
~ Saralis: Once powerful state now fragmented eldest 3-5 capable members forming a council who advise their
domains where petty warlords and fallen knights battle for lord or lady. This lordship is not inherited and is cast by vote of
parcels of unclaimed land. Mercenary armies abound and the every adult clan member and the council position is valid for life.
people of Saralis have one of the feats; Blooded or Military The lordship can be stripped by vote of the clan but is rarely
service (see below) at first level but suffer a –1 chr modifier. required. They have few sorcerers and fewer wizards, their
~ Xa’Ar: This once prosperous land is now a scarred spellcasters tend to be clerics, druids or adepts.
and ruinous place full of haunted keeps and ancient Race: Human from PHB
battlegrounds. The Unlife holds a strong grasp here and any Preferred Class: Barbarian
people that survive have a harrowing existence. There are terrible Languages: Rhaya, Un’ Toman
tales of entire villages of people in this twisted realm that are Religion: Shoan, Alile, Coulide, Buiva, Adur, Lussa & the Triad
kept alive to feed the dark requirements of the Unlife. Any Racial: +1 STR & -1 INT
survivors of this land emerge with strange facial tattoos and no Culture: Wilderness lore is a class skill & gains a +1 bonus on
memory of their previous existence. Their enchanted facial all checks.
tattoos cause -2 to Will based saves. Not even the scholars at
Nomikos have ben able to explain this to any satisfaction. These
people may always take Hunter of the Undead prestige class
without losing a level or being drained of any stats by an undead
creature and also without being able to turn undead. If the class
produce much of their food and also use them as guards and
agents in dealings with other races. They are reclusive and
These hardy people, found in small family groups are usually do not leave their halls without specific reason. They live
descended from the Haidic clans of the in the mountainous region of North Tanara and are lead by a
Blue Forest. They settled in the arctic complex magocracy. Their appearance can be startling with their
islands of the NW (Mur Fostisyr) natural pure white hair dyed colourfully in a wild array of styles.
generations ago, drawn by the relative Their jewellery and tattooing give them a otherworld appearance
peace, free of the clan wars that has torn the and the presence in the surface world of a Duranakai traveller is
Blue Forest apart. They bonded together a cause for great attention.
casting aside their relative clan allegiances Race: Human in PHB
and formed one large family. To this day Preferred Class: Wizard
this ideal of peace has succeeded. The only Languages: Rhaya, Toman, Taal
wars they fight are with the goblinoids and Religion: The majority worship Ectoraige, The Triad, Alile or
fell creatures of the island, many of who serve Oran Jatar; the Shoan
White Dragonlord. They are a hardy people, stern and cautious Dragon Taint: 3
of strangers but warm and trusting of friends. Racial: +1 INT & -1 STR & spellcasting prodigy is gained as an
Race: Human from PHB extra feat at first level.
Preferred Class: Any class Cultural: Their wizards have access to the following feats from
Languages: Rhaya, Un’ Toman Book of Eldritch Might I & II; all Lace Spell feats, etch object
Religion: Shoan, Adur, Alile, Faurm & Faurug rune and item image. They can also train to become Graven Ones
Racial: +1 STR & -1 INT. (from Eldritch Book I). They have access to all of the mark and
Culture: Wilderness lore is a class skill & gains a +1 bonus on greater mark arcane spells from the same book. The feat; tattoo
all checks. focus (from below) may be taken without being a specialist
wizard and it may be taken multiple times, in the same spell
school or a different one. If taken multiple times the total bonus
This is a gentle, simple peace faring race from the is equal to their CON bonus, after which they run out of skin to
southeast plains of Tanara. They are tattoo.
taller than most humans with pale eyes
and blond or reddish hair, their skin is FxXV[
usually tanned from exposure to the sun Little is known about this savage race save for that
as their farming and agriculture based information accumulated, based on their actions over
lifestyle predisposes this. They are a generations. They live to the south of the
strong and hardy race, more inclined to Myri and Duranakai in Tanara. They are
study nature and practical skills rather than history or blood thirsty, warlike, expansionist,
philosophy. A very pragmatic people they are renowned for their theocratically led race that is very difficult
single mindedness, not from stubbornness but rather from a to deal with due to their religious and racial
direct and simple way of thinking. They follow a task through to supremacist ideals. Their lands are quite
its completion with a zeal that is unique, however they find fertile and their architecture, like their
complex theoretical concepts too abstract to be useful and demeanour is dark and foreboding. Due to
therefore unwarranted of learning. They are a noble and proud the asocial manner in which the Y’ kin clerical leaders treat their
race seemingly free of many of the negative emotions and it is neighbours the few Y’ kin that work and flourish in other realms
extremely rare to find evil Myri. Some bold souls of this race are always suspected as being spies or agents of the church or
make fine warriors and excellent monks. they are actually what they seem; peace minded citizens who fled
Race: Human from PHB, base height modifier is 2d12 instead of the horror of their own realm. The Y’ kin church includes
2d10. sacrifice as a regular part of its ceremonies and many say that the
Preferred Class: Any gods they worship are one step away from being demons
Languages: Rhaya, Taal themselves. Whatever the truth is one fact remains known it is
Religion: The Faith, with many followers of the Andam Way. not a safe place for travellers as many people disappear after
Racial: +1 CON, +1 STR & -2 INT. The Myri are very mentally being supposably recruited into being an unwilling participant in
focused and receive a natural +1 to WIL checks and a +1 bonus one of their ceremonies. There are some incredible monuments
to concentration checks, which is always considered a class skill. of bygone ages, including a string of lighthouses that illuminate
the rocky coastline, agents from Nomikos are attempting to
negotiate access to study these phenomena, and who can guess
A unique race of Jaiman thought to be of purer dragon what other wonders lie inland in this dark realm.
blood than any other race. They share the Race: Human in PHB
plains of Tanara with their Myri neighbours Preferred Class: Cleric
but spend most of their lives beneath the Languages: Yinka, Un’ Rhaya
earthy or within their stone lodges which Religion: The New Religion, in particular Asharat and Sinn.
lay half submerged in the foothills of the They hold the symbol of the snake and all reptile most sacred
area. They are magically gifted having some and most households will have at least one snake or reptilian pet
styles of magic not found anywhere else of or work beast.
Jaiman. They live partially underground in Cultural: Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill as is sense
immense lodges and have extensive motive. (This is due to the religious training every young Y’ kin
dealings with the Runiir and other underground species. They receives and the paranoia that surrounds their every life makes
have a close relationship with the Myri whom they have taken them very wary hence the sense motive).
upon themselves to protect and teach. They employ the Myri to
The Zori of U’ Lyshak are always of high noble birth The Laan claim to be the racial predecessors of all the
and part of the great game of houses. humans of Kulthea. They claim to be the
Their bloodline can be traced back many first humans, rightful inheritors of the lands
generations and the oldest families have and their peoples. They also claim to the
the greatest prestige and honour. Many of strongest, smartest, most attractive and
the knights of this realm are of Zori birth obviously the clear choice to lead any
and they can be easily distinguised from group of people especially humans. They
their baseborn Jameri serfs and freemen can be found in isolated numbers, usually
by their pale blue eyes and attractive individually with other races. The nature of
features. While being in size comparable to that of normal the Laan people means you either love
humans they are seldom short or overweight but usually of them or hate them, they make leaders of greatness and people
average height and of slight, slim build, tightly muscled rather swell to their banners, likewise people swell together to do battle
than bulky. They eyes almost always pale blue and their voices them. They are singly arrogant even more so than the Iylari Loar
of a purer pitch compared to the baseborn Jameri. who are renowned for their condescending arrogance. While the
Race: Human in PHB Loar may be forgiven for being merely being misunderstood, no
Preferred Class: Any such reason can be given for the Laan. They indeed are tall,
Languages: Rhaya, Un’ Iylar strong and intelligent, but in their strengths lays their weakness,
Religion: Usually the faith, but of all the human races their most other races, due to their inherent arrogance, despise them.
emphasis on religion is probably the weakest. The Jameri tend to They, on the other hand cannot fathom why others will not
be more observant of their faith than the Zori, who tend to follow their lead, nor take their advice when it is clearly the best
change them based of political and social benefits course of action, always. They hail from NW Emer, are tall,
Racial: -1 CON due to the inbreeding, but the player can choose blond and sharp featured with eyes of bright blue or grey. They
the stat for a +1 increase (not CON). The player’ s history should have very little facial hair and reproduce very slowly. They live
include the development of that statistic. longer lives than the other human races and their numbers are
Culture: They gain a +1 roll to diplomacy, which is always a dwindling as their blood mixes with the base humans of the
class skill, and are always of high noble birth. See the section realm.
regarding high nobility regarding those details. Race: Human in PHB but use 2d10+4 for base height.
Preferred Class: Any (Laan may have 2 preferred classes)
Languages: Shay, Taal
Religion: The Triad, Alile, Shoan, Baistigh & Uimfe.
The land of Emer is the great continent to the south; it DragonTaint: 2
shares with Jaiman sea and air trade in the form of the ley ships, Racial: +1 STR, +1 INT, +1 CON, -2 CHA, -1 WIS. They gain
suspended from the balloons that drift along the ley lines of this the feat leadership automatically at sixth level as an additional
world. Although not able to carry a large amount of cargo they feat and always gain a +3 racial bonus for determining leadership
are quick, safe and ensured of a timely arrival. The land of Emer score.
has some unique races that are found on Jaiman as visitors,
traders, immigrants or slaves. ?UVN[V
The Rhiani people occupy the lands of Uj in SW Emer.
They live in the vast semiarid pains of that great expanse. Their
The Kuluku are a rare human species that originate horses fetch huge prices in other lands and
from the Khum-kaan Forest in southern Emer. They are tall and their talent with horsemanship and training is
broadly built with chocolate brown skin, are completely hairless near unrivalled. They are a fierce, proud
and have emerald green eyes. A broad nose, strong people with dark hair, small frame and
prominent eyes and lips and the small sparse facial hair. They have a long a proud
sharply sloping forehead dominate their face. history and have very strong family bonds.
They are a quick witted and smiling race that Interfamily feuds between rival tribes can last
frequently gather attention to themselves for several generations without quarter to be
because of their incredible height and deep suddenly settled by one act of kindness by one party. In these
voices. battles few Rhiani die except in accidents as each party tries to
Race: Human in PHB but use 2d10+6 for capture as many of the enemy as possible. They may be taken,
their base height forced into menial labour for a few weeks or months and then
Preferred Class: Ranger returned on a whim. They may even marry into the new tribe and
Languages: Taruk, Shay gain a somewhat strange position of being a member of two
Religion: Adur, the Triad, Lussa and Nusas tribes who are at war. They are an emotional people, full of
Dragon Taint: 3 expression once known, but outwardly grim and stoic.
Racial: +1 CON & -1 DEX Race: Human as in PHB but starting height bonus 2d8 not 2d10
Cultural: Start with the feat; forester as an additional feat at first Preferred Class: Scout
level. Languages: Rhiani, Un’ Shay
Religion: Nusas, Lussa, Uimfe and Baistigh.
Cultural: They must take the feats Mounted Combat & Horse
Nomad (see below) at first level as their starting feats. In
addition they always consider wilderness lore and ride as class
skills. They gain the feat Campaigner (see below) as a bonus feat
at creation.
DragonTaint: 2
Racial: +2 DEX & -2 CON
These are the elves of Jaiman but it is an insult to call Male 5’ 2”+2d10 120lb+(x1d4)
them that. They will not flinch at being called an elf but will not Female 4’ 9”+2d10 85lb+(x1d4)
forget the ignorant insult easily. They are a proud, long-lived Cultural: They are an artistic race and receive a +1 bonus to
people of great composure and presence. The main change from crafting skills when producing items and also gain +1 bonus to
the PHB is the height of the elven people; they are taller than perform. Craft and perform are always class skills.
most humans rather than shorter. (ie Middle Earth elves). They
come in the following sub races for PC selection.
The Erlini live a more simplistic life than their Iylari
brethren. They thrive in the forests in small
The Loari are the noble caste of the elvish peoples. hamlets or thorps living at one with the
They are seemingly condescending and aloof, not deliberately so environment around them. They were the
but due to their isolation and long lives elves originally sent into the forests to keep
they tend to contemplate and discuss things the goblinoid creatures from attacking the
differently than other races. Their habit of Iylari lands. For generations they have
discussing people as if they were not there completed this task and still preform it to
in the presence of those not used to it can this day. They are the elves most
be incredibly insulting. They are a strong, commonly encountered on Jaiman and
tall race, proud and noble. An agreement many of them have integrated themselves into human society.
made with a Loar will never be broken and They have sandy or brown hair with brown eyes and they are
they expect the same from others. They slightly shorter than their nobler Iylari brothers, but much
have a deep sense of control about them, their white, grey, blond heavier and stronger.
or black hair combined with violet eyes makes their appearance Race: Wood elf from DMG (use PHB elf but stat changes from
startling and intimidating. They are a graceful, contemplative below)
race, slow to act but decisive once a course of action has been Preferred Class: Ranger
found. Their inbreeding over generations to perpetuate the violet Languages: Erlin, Rhaya
eyes (which is a sign of Loari nobility) has lead them to have a Religion: Correlon, Cam, Adur & the Triad
weaker constitution than many other races including other Iylari. Racial: +2 STR, +2 DEX, -1 CON, -1 INT & -2 CHA
Race: Grey elf from DMG (use elf from PHB but with the stat Male 4’ 11”+2d10 120lb+(x1d4)
changes from below) Female 4’ 6”+2d10 85lb+(x1d4)
Preferred Class: Wizard Cultural: The Erlini receives awareness as a bonus feat at first
Languages: Iylar, Erlin, Rhaya level and spot, search and listen are always class feats.
Religion: Correlon, Alile, Adur, Shoan, Mannam & the Triad
Dragon Taint: 2 1fYN_
Racial: +1 DEX, +1 STR +2 INT, -2 CHR & -2 CON. These are perhaps the most feared of the inhabitants of
Male 5’ 2”+2d10 120lb+(x1d4) Lu’ Nak; the blue forest. The Dylari are vastly different to their
Female 4’ 9”+2d10 85lb+(x1d4) cultured and noble brethren. They live
Cultural: Intimidate and sense motive are always class skills for freedom and the forest itself; their
due to their training in politics and noble interaction between the fierce protection of the forest and its life
Loari noble families. makes even the Haidic clans respect
their boundaries. The Dylari have a very
strong druidic philosophy as well as a
The Loari children that lack the violet eyes of noble xenophobic tendency. They usually only
blood and the vast bulk of the trade with those they know well and still
Iylari on Urulan are Linaeri, those distrust them to the point of insult. They
elves that undertake the mundane respect no laws of other lands or cultures
tasks for their noble families. Most and when others travel in their realm
Lineari are born into a family they would take heed to remember this. Their intense sense of
whom which they serve for their personal worth and freedom makes them absolutely disgusted by
entire lives. Their hair is red, slavery, serfdom and to lesser a extent even employment. They
brown, black or blond, their eyes are a tall grim people given to solemn contemplation and
grey, hazel or green. They have infrequent smiles. Their inner joy however is expressed when
greater range of emotional states than their Loari nobles and are around those they trust most and they are a truly free spirited
much easier to befriend. Most Iylari encountered on the Jaiman race. Their frequent practice of full body tattooing and gruff
mainland are of Linaeri blood. Rarely, a Loari noble will tire of nature gives them a reputation of fierceness that is renown in the
the political games of their homeland and travel to the mainland realms. They are not a primitive or barbaric people merely
in search of adventure but this is the exception to the Loari way. disinterested in the finery and trappings of their Iylari brethren.
The Linaeri are a musical and joyous race and much of the They split from that way long ago and have no intention of ever
artwork produced by the Iylari and sold on the mainland as returning. Some sages theorise that the reason for their extremes
Urulan treasures is crafted by this subrace. of tattooing and barbaric appearance is to distance them as far as
Race: High elf from PHB possible from other Iylari and to deliberately cause them offence;
PreferredClass: Bard such wise scholars also keep these opinions from being traced
Languages: Iylar, Erlin, Rhaya back to themselves however in light of Dylari temperaments.
Religion: Correlon, Alile, Adur, Shoan, Mannam & the Triad
Race: wild elf from DMG (use elf from PHB but with the stat & contact with outsiders and prefer to trade indirectly with others
other changes from below) through the members of Clan Khelgarnam. A relatively cheerful
Preferred Class: Ranger people when compared to the average Runiir but still not to be
Languages: Erlin taken lightly. They are excellent traders, merchants and
Religion: Corellon, Lussa & Adur bargainers.
Racial: +2 DEX & -2 INT Race: dwarf from PHB
They gain no bonus to finding secret doors and instead gain a +2 Preferred Class: Expert
bonus to all nature and animal related rolls. Languages: Toman, Rhaya
Male: 5’ +2d10 120lb+(x1d4) Religion: Moradin, Cam & Oigne and Uide.
Female: 4’ 8” +2d10 85lb+(x1d4) Cultural: Appraise & sense motive are always class skills.
Cultural: Proficient with 2 of the following weapons;
shortsword, handaxe or scimitar. Proficient with shortbow and 0YN[
composite shortbow. Dylari like all Iylari esteem the arts of These deep dwelling Runiir are distrustful of surface
swordplay and archery, however their reclusion into the deepest creatures, including other Runiir.
forests has altered their cultural weapon selection. The longbow Their homes exist deep within the
is too unwieldy to use in thick vegetation as is the longsword and expanse of the grey mountains
rapier. The handaxe and shortsword are both short weapons, where they mine industriously and
easier to use in such situations while the curved nature of the produce metal goods, gems and
scimitar allows it to travel through vegetation with less jewellery of great beauty. Most of
impediment than a straight blade. the goods sold by Clan Khelgarnam
are in fact purchased from this clan.
Dour, gruff and unsmiling these
Runiir would rather deal fairly with
These are the dwarves of Jaiman but woe to any who their cousins than strangers.
call them that. They are a stubborn, quick tempered, gruff race Race: deep dwarf from DMG (use dwarf from PHB with the
that dwells in underground complexes or in semi-buried stone following stats and other changes)
lodges. They are an honest, straightforward race that prefers Preferred Class: fighter
action to contemplation. Most are deeply religious and have a Languages: Toman, Goblin
very loyal demeanour. They have a fascination with gems, stone Religion: Moradin
craft and metals of all types and shape them with great skill. Racial: +2 CON & -4 CHA. Additional +1 to resist poison and
They are the dwarves from the PHB with very few changes. WIL saves vs. magic. Darkvision 90’ . Sensitive to daylight, -1
circumstance penalty when in bright light.
Cultural: They gain a bonus when using the item creation feat:
This clan hails from the icy islands of Mur Fostisyr in Inscribe Rune, as if they had the abilities Rune Craft +1 & Rune
the NW of Jaiman. They do not have any Power +1 as a Runemage. Their innate knowledge of RuneLore
deep mines in these areas but rather live in is unrivalled by any other Runiir clan. If they gain those abilities
stone houses and lodges half submerged by taking the RuneMage class the bonuses stack.
into the rocky faces of the mountains and
hills. Their mines tend to be open face 0YN[
rather than subterranean tunnels. They This clan lives in an extensive network of tunnels in the
also tend not to be as perfectionist as their Saral March Mountains and their clan name
mainland cousins in their making of in Toman translates as Guardians. They are
weapons and the like. They would just as fairly self-sustained, only trading with the
likely use a human forged axe or pick as people of Bur’ Vom to the east and some
they would a Runiic one. The bitter islands have given them a trusted Saralians from the south. They have
survival instinct far greater than their racial pride. They are the secluded farmlands in the mountains with
most pragmatic and socially flexible of all the Runiir. herds of sheep and goats with many planted
Race: Dwarf from PHB grain, vegetable and fruit crops. They also
Preferred Class: Fighter mine metals and gems while making use of
Languages: Toman, Rhaya the local dark wood to fashion all manner
Religion: Moradin of weapons and armor. These are usually for their own use but
Cultural: Appraise & wilderness lore are always class skills. some are traded for items they lack or cannot grow or make.
They also guard the paths to Xa’ Ar and regularly battle with the
hordes from that dark realm. This fact is mostly unknown by
This is the clan known by non- most people of Jaiman who know very little about this clan of
Runiir as the Fief of the Free Dwarves. Runiir. They receive backing from Arion isle and Gryphon
Their clanholme extends into shallow College and forces from these two organizations bolster the
mines in the mountains to the north in Runiir of this secretive clan in their direct confrontation with the
Wuliris. They are excellent traders and forces of the Unlife.
have integrated themselves with the Race: Dwarf from PHB
many races around the area. They are Preferred Class: Ranger
the only Runiir that refer to themselves Languages: Toman, Rhaya
as dwarves, but whether this is a true Religion: Moradin & The Triad of Life.
sentiment or just a ploy to make potential buyers more Cultural: Gain a +1 bonus in Knowledge (Unlife) and it is
comfortable is unknown. They deal extensively with the deep always considered a class skill. Their chosen enemy if the
Clan Tarkh’ Moor of the southern reaches who have very little Ranger class is taken is usually the Unlife.
ability to speak with animals at will as a 1st level druid to talk
with any type of animal. Their +2 bonus with Listen is retained
These are the halflings of Jaiman but it is an insult to and they also gain an additional +4 racial bonus to Hide in
call them that. They are a fiery, quick-blooded race of superb forested environs (adding to the normal +4 hide bonus) and Hide
horsemen (or at least ponies). They scour the lands to the north, and Wilderness Lore are always considered class skills.
tiring all they meet with their endless enthusiasm and lust for
life. To travel with them is a great honour and a sign of immense
trust. They have strong family bonds and are an honest simple AUR
people. The fact that their urban cousins make some of the finest These are the half-race peoples of Jaiman. The half-orcs
rogues in the lands implies that their rural cousins are somewhat exist as per the PHB as do the half elves. Most mixed race elves
different. are of average human height (not shorter per
PHB) and can be found in two different
circumstances. The first are the true half-
These are the wild tribesmen of elves, those born of an Iylari parent and a
the Mariel Wastes. They live on the human one. They either integrate into their
northern border of Zor and travel across mothers or fathers family environment and
from the west to east. Trading with the take the description from the PHB with the
other families in Tharzor and sometimes Cultural benefits from the race descriptions
in Onfelop to the east, although this is a above for their cultural identity and the height from the Erlini.
long and difficult journey. The people of The other circumstance are the below subraces, they are the races
Minon to the south are used to seeing the swaggering small of humans that have developed in close relationship with the
tribesmen in their land and frequently trade with them. Those Iylari and due to many cross-racial children being born over the
Mariel that have flocked to the cities in great numbers for generations eventually the Iylari blood trait became the normal.
generations use the urban description below. They are the half-elven clans of Jaiman; all children born to them
Race: Halfling from PHB show the distinct mark of the Iylari people. Even those children
Preferred Class: Scout(tribe) & Rogue(urban) born to a single human parent will still carry the elven blood.
Languages: Mal, Rhaya
Religion: Cam, the Triad, Baistigh, and Nusas. 8faNN_V
Cultural: (Tribe) gain the feat Horse Nomad at first level as an These villages of human and elven descent inhabit the
extra feat. (Urban) gain silver palm feat or nimble fingers; dense evergreen forests of Mur Fostisyr; the
players choice as a bonus feat at first level. frozen isles off the northwest coast of Jaiman.
They sustain themselves on farming and
trading. They have the delicate features and
little facial hair that belies their Iylari heritage.
These are the gnomes (forest) of Kulthea. They are They have little affinity with the forest and
small framed and reclusive creatures and hail from Emer to the show scarce lore or tradition of their Iylari
south of Jaiman; more specifically the isle of the Jade Forest ancestors. They now battle alongside their neighbours, the
south of Khum-kaan in Raelian Bay. They have travelled to Udahir and Sykar in order to merely survive in these islands
Jaiman in small numbers and several large groups exist. They against the forces of Oran Jatar; the White Dragonlord. They
live in Lu’ Nak the Blue Forest in the north or in Remiriath Forest excel in farming, sailing, fishing, trading and craft skills. They
in the southwest. There are no standard PHB gnomes on Jaiman rarelt produce wizards because of their isolation but the adepts,
or Emer, they may exist elsewhere on Kulthea if desired. druids and clerics flourish among this hardy, industrious race.
Race: Half elf from PHB
Preferred Class: Any
They are lithe with brown skin, Languages: Un’ Erlin, Rhaya
green eyes and brown and grey hair; Religion: Cam, Adur, Faurm & Faurug
bearded, but always bald on top. Their Dragon Taint: 2
eyes have a long searching look and just Racial:
their gaze saddens many people. They are Male: 5’ +2d10 120lb+(x1d4)
an ancient people that live simply Female: 4’ 8” +2d10 85lb+(x1d4)
amongst the forest and are at one with its Cultural: Craft & Profession are always class skills
life. They live in dwellings that are indistinguishable from the
forest and their nature makes them easy friends of the Kuluku, @bYV[V
Dylari and Erlini. They frequently practice runemagic and tattoo These are the travelling gypsy tinkers of the rolling
their skin with markings and swirls that serves as both magical plains of Tanara. They occupy the fertile land
protection and camouflage as they frequently wear very little. that is the southern border of the Bay of
Race: Forest gnome from the DMG (use the gnome from PHB Urulan. This wandering nomadic lifestyle is
with the following changes) due in part because of the Y’ kin attacks on
Preferred Class: Druid these people that has been a source of terror
Languages: Chira, Un’ Shay for the Sulini for generations. The travelling
Religion: Adur and the Faith. lifestyle was a way of preventing regular
Racial: -2 STR & +2 CON. They gain no bonus vs illusion and attacks on known towns and villages, by
instead gain the ability to pass without trace at will. In addition living off the land and constantly moving it tended to make ones
the +1 bonus TH against goblinoids, kobolds and orcs also life longer and happier, free of Y’ kin attacks. The Sulini in
applies against reptilian humanoids. They gain no illusion spells generations past had planted an amazing array of fruit, grains and
per day, and gain no bonus with alchemy. They instead gain the vegetables across the plains to provide sustenance for the
following generations of Sulini to live off. They are a jovial race, size worth 1gp, the pai is a flat shell worth 1sp and the sar is a
quick to show friendship, but slow to actually befriend. Their young flat shell worth 1cp. This currency is engraved and
love of bright garish colours and ostentatious jewellery combined marked for identification. The shells are very hard to find and
with their incredibly elaborate and equally bright caravans makes have been used for currency for many generations. Forgery in
them a unique sight to behold roving the grasslands of this this realm is almost unheard of since all the communities share
beautiful realm. They have a reputation for being tricksters, the burden of survival in this wilderness and punish all crimes
seducers and vagabonds that makes them either loved or with great severity. When trading with outsiders they use trade
despised. The sounds of a Sulini tinker caravan at night with the bars or metals & gems bought from the Udahir.
singing, bonfires, music and laughter is welcome to many lost Politics: Tribal and clan structures.
and weary traveller. A word of caution; never break a deal with a Special: Some of the purest metals in the realm comes from the
Sulini tinker – they have their own unique legal system which Udahir shallow mines, and the gemstones worked by the Kytaari
only they seem to understand and deal harshly with many crimes and Udahir are renowned for their clarity and value. Few wizards
that other more ‘civilised’ peoples think very little of. or clerics exist in these bitter islands. Most villages have a healer
Race: Half elf from PHB or adept to tend to their health. A few clerics have travelled and
Preferred Class: Rogue settled here to study RuneLore from the Udahir and the lands
Languages: Rhaya, Un’ Erlin have little for the wizards or academics to be interested in. Those
Religion: Triad, Coulide, Lussa, & Cam. who have the gift of wizardry tend to become adepts and those of
Racial: sorcerer blood tend to leave these lands to find their fame.
Male: 5’ +2d10 120lb+(x1d4)
Female: 4’ 8” +2d10 85lb+(x1d4)
Cultural: Perform & Bluff are always class skills. 9bx;NX
A deceptive term for the lands of the north, the great
forest once stretched from Claedesbrim Bay to the shores of east
Wuliris. It is now a landlocked forest, still great in size, but
suffering from its many abuses over the centuries. The cities to
the west act as intermediaries in trade with Mur Fostisyr, Saralis,
the Blue Forest and Wuliris. This is a grey land full of danger
and war; the hordes of Sulthon Ni’ Shaang (the red Dragonlord)
threaten all life in this realm. Fortunately the black valley
(Ja’ miil Targ) in the NE limits easy access to the west and south
and his evil hordes and dragon knights are forced to follow the
coast to the north and east. These are indirect routes, full of
hardship which may explain why the Dragonlord at least for the
moment has halted his advances and is instead fortifying his
supply lines. However conflict in the great forest is still common
between the Haidic and Dylari tribes and the Dragonlords forces.
The great volcano Ri’ shariv Ja’ miil casts ash and smoke across
much of this area and anything left exposed for any length of
time accumulates a fine grey ash. This combined with the harsh
winters and frequent rains turns much of this area into a
depressing wooded quagmire.
Climate: Temperate with the three islands of Claedesbrim bay
being cold. A collection of mountainous and plains surround the
vast forested area that gives this land its name.
This is the group of arctic islands to the NW of Jaiman. They are Torandrim ~ mixed small town of mainly Udahir traders and
surrounded by steep pebbly beaches and low frigid cliffs. The craftsmen, they buy many base materials from their brothers on
ocean is quite calm with the occasional ice flow from the north Mur Fostisyr and specialise in forging and smelting these into
drifting near the northern shores of this bleak realm. They have purified trade bars for transport and into fine weapons, armor and
no major cities in these islands but the many villages trade with tools.
each other and through the eastern trading ports of Torandrim Keltharkest ~ mixed small town of mainly Jameri & Kytaari
and Keltharkest. There are three distinct cultures on these peoples. They trade and produce many fine items of art and
islands, the mixed blood Kytaari villagers, the Syrkar who are jewellery. They are also expert sailors and fisher folk. This is an
descended from Haidic blood and finally the Udahir, Runiir ancient Iylari land where many old ruins and artefacts are still
clansmen who make their homes in the low mountains of these found.
inhospitable lands. The white Dragonlord Oran Jatar makes the Quelbourne ~ a large mixed town of mainly the Jameri peoples.
isle of Aalk Gaath (the large northern isle) his home. So far no They trade with the other islands in the bay and act as a meeting
sign of expansion or war has been seen from this dragon lord place for the traders of the great forest and the Saralis warlords.
although frequent confrontation with all manner of goblinoids It is protected by its high cliffs and the mountainous range to the
and giants may in fact be that the war has already begun. north. It borders the great forest to the east. It is said to be built
Climate: Cold with many hills and some mountains. on a site of ancient evil, and it is a dark place full of ancient
Demographics: A few Udahir small towns but mainly villages, stones and old roads. Frequently new building sites uncover old
hamlets or thorps for the Syrkar and Kytaari. basements and tunnels that are quickly and quietly shored up.
Economics: The peoples of Mur Fostisyr use ivory discs and flat The locals do not like discussing these facts with outsiders and
hard shells as currency when trading amongst themselves. The apart from the colourful and exciting trade markets this is a
gaf is an ivory plate worth 1pp, the shor is rounded & half the shadowy, dangerous place full of secret ways and hidden lore.
Bur’ Vom ~ a small isolated town of the Jameri peoples, this is Climate: The southern portion of Wuliris is considered
the moated keep of the Black House Tarley. Once a peaceful temperate with the central region being cold. The interface is
riverside town surrounding an ancient keep, the Tarleys fled marshland most of the year and makes travel difficult. There are
from Kreaern to the south after losing a bitter coup against the no constructed or maintained roads in the region since no central
two noble houses; Tyrell and Garlan. The once rulers of Kreaern body exists to oversee this. It is a land of plains and marsh, the
have avowed vengeance and bide their time training troops and mountains visible to the west that border the Zor wasteland and
buying equipment from the north. A military style town where the blue forest to the west provides some protection from the
the Tarleys rooster symbol adorns the many guards and check elements and forces of the red dragon, but it is a bitter, sad place
points of this land. where people scrape whatever living they can in the face of
Duris ~ a small mixed city of mainly Jameri people on the river social, political and environmental adversity. Not many people
that feeds the great lake Ainkald. It is ruled by a council made up choose to live here, rather most live their lives planning to
of the heads of the varied guilds, trading families and the militia. instead leave and start life afresh far from Wuliris.
It is known as the Free Republic of Duris. This was once a Demographics:
thriving place of trade and commerce but since the increasing Baalth ~ This is the northernmost town of this region, it is an
encounters in the blue forest with fell creatures the people within isolated Jameri hamlet that is said to have dealings with the red
the forest have begun to trade significantly less. This has dragon forces. This may be true since it sits in the gap between
impacted on the income of Duris and great change has been seen the blue forest and the sea, directly in the path of any army
in the last few years. The Duris people have been cutting more moving that way. It never had much of a militia since it was
trees from the blue forest than ever before for the dual reason of distant enough to be relatively safe from the bickering of the
increased trade down lake in raw timber and timber products and southern fiefs. It is slightly warmer here being so close to the
also to provide themselves with a clear killing field in case of temperate region to the north. The people of Baalth have traded
engagement with enemy forces. They are especially harvesting extensively with the people of the blue forest in the past but this
the great black oaks with which they are creating all manner of too has seemed to diminish. The Baalth people are thought of
resilient weapons and constructions. This has angered all the more than a little strange by the other folk of this region since
people of the blue forest and they at present are trying to they are the most isolated and taciturn in their dealings with their
peacefully dissuade the rulers of Duris to cease their extensive southern cousins. Old man Pery, who is said to have at least 20
logging program, this however is seeming more futile and wives and even more children, rules this place with great family
current attacks on logging teams has seen a vast increase in Duris power.
guards in the area. Karethspek ~ A once thriving trading centre for exchange
Pyraak ~ the ruling temple of the red Dragonlord. Little is between the people of the forest and those of eastern Wuliris. It
known about this place, save it is the source of the red dragon is a mixed village with a strong militia made up of foresters,
knights and goblinoid forces that are invading the blue forest. many of mixed Iylari and orcish blood. They have seen
Economics: The people of this realm use freely the currency of increasing activity in the confrontation between the forest folk
the great southern realms, but in the past have also minted their and those of the red dragon forces. By not directly taking sides
own coins in Duris. These Duris coins are quite common but not they have managed to save themselves from being over-run by
nearly so as the other great currencies. They are the gold dale the dragon troops but have also disillusioned the Dylari and
worth 1gp, the silver gentle worth 1sp and the copper common Haidic clans, both of which have reduced trade with Karethspek.
worth 1 cp. The people of this village have been thought responsible for
Politics: there is no one unified rulership of this region. It is several attacks on red dragon troops in the area, but the ruling
mainly town or regional elected representatives, and in the case elected council of 5 has denied this vehemently, strongly stating
of Bur’ Vom a feudal system emplaced by the Tarley House. their neutrality in this current conflict. Karethspek derives the
Special: Few wizards call this part of the realm their own; those majority of its income from its silver mines to the south, which
spell casters encountered are more likely to be druids, clerics and are run by the Mining Co-operative.
adepts. Even sorcerers seem to be few in number in this realm. Alaros ~ A mixed village that thrives on fishing and ocean trade.
Those wizards that do exist are rarely powerful but may be They have a long-standing agreement to supply inland Onfelop
willing to pass their skills onto others they encounter, or more with ocean produce and have extensive river barge experience as
likely, advise them of where to go to get structured training. well as open ocean travel. A quiet, honest place that is at odds
Many charlatans and tricksters pose as mages to gain wealth with the towns around them. They take pride in their honesty and
through fear or entertainment and for these reasons wizards and trade lifestyle. They are ruled by an elected mayor and have little
their ilk are frowned upon and distrusted in this realm more than in the way of militia.
anywhere else on Jaiman. The huge black oaks of this forest are First Bay ~ Named because of it being the first visible bay in the
used to make weapons of amazing strength. area that seems safe to beach on. It is perfectly suited as a trade
port and that is what it has become. It trades extensively with the
eastern islanders and the towns further south. They have a strong
militia, both land and ocean based that are rumoured to double as
This is the land of a thousand fiefdoms, named because pirates and brigands when directed to do so. A place where
of its fragmented and isolated towns that act on their own in all anything can be bought, it is the shining gem of Wuliris with
things. Each has its own militia, leaders, laws and taxes. It is a paved streets, buildings of over one story made of stone and even
dangerous place for visitors as thievery and crime abounds, some several guilds. It is a large mixed town.
fiefdoms are thought to be run entirely under the gloved fist of Bellramp ~ A mixed hamlet mentioned only because of the
criminal elements. It is a cold rocky land where the ground tends ancient towers that pepper the area, most of which have
to alternate between frozen soil, hard to toil and with lacklustre enormous bells mounted within them. Some towers have
crops, to a muddy stinking quagmire after the frequent rains in collapsed, but many remain upright, and in strong winds the bells
the region. It is a land where fortunes are to be made and lost by begin to chime in a disturbing chorus. Their exact purpose
the knife rather than the sword and where traders are said to be whether they are a remnant of some warning system, or a
able to provide anything at the right price. communication network is unknown. It still remains that they
have withstood the test of time, and deny access by even the Urulan and the fiefs to the north and west, it is a place where all
most ardent mages who frequently come to this lonely place to things are measured by their respective worth and treated as
study this great mystery. The town itself is almost entirely geared such. There are few secrets or mysteries in Rivertown, the lies
towards catering for these visitors; having such luxuries as warm are unmasked and proudly displayed without care of judgement
baths, laundry services, brothels (higher class than elsewhere) or shame and the only deciding factors are price and availability.
and of course experts willing to sell information and artefacts to Vandone ~ An ancient mixed small town found on the lower
these visitors, for a price of course. There was at last count 17 reaches of the grey mountains. It is thought to have been part of
towers, some collapsed, some sinking, some upright. Some the Zor Empire in ages past since the stonework and masonry are
scholars believe the towers to be part of some protective of a similar design to that found in the Zor wastes itself. This
enchantment, with so many of the towers failing one hopes that town is partly built within the ancient ruins and spills out into
this is not the case, lest some great evil be released. open farmland. It is a colourful shantytown built on the sombre
Onfelop ~ The inland keep of Baron Onfelop is surrounded by an grey skeleton of an ancient city. The temperate weather and
isolated small village. It is rumoured he is the son of a fishing rolling plains enable the Vandonese people to farm successfully
family from Rivertown who made his fortune somewhere in this and reap the rewards of the rich river flats nearby. The
desolate, frozen wasteland. Whatever his source of gold it has marshlands to the north sometimes interfere with land travel so
enabled him to build this keep, defences and village out of his this town has extensive barge and ferry companies that use the
own pockets. It has paved streets, a stone defensive wall, moat river to transport goods to the seaport of Rivertown. The ruins of
(mostly frozen) and stone buildings. It is built using an ancient the city gains intense interest from Nomikos scholars and it is
style even though newly constructed, as directed by the Baron rare not to find at least a dozen or so of these flamboyant and
himself. Some think him mad, same dangerously eccentric, inquisitive academics with escorts in the town at any one time.
whatever his motivation it has given hundreds of people The industry of the area copes well with these eccentrics and
somewhere to live and feel safe in this wilderness. Cousins of the caters for their needs with visitor facilities being well developed.
Baron represent the people of Onfelop in most towns and any This region now produces some of the finest white wines in the
dealings with him are done through these said representatives. land and Vandonese Whites are now in great demand in the
They are courteous and well educated, few others of this town southern noble kingdoms.
are seen by the regions populace because of its isolation. Even Fief of the free dwarves ~ This is the stronghold of the Runiir of
the traders of Alaron who supply them with much of their food Wuliris, an imposing mountain complex in a very secure
are very discreet when asked specific questions about their location. It overlooks a small mixed town where people come
employers. It seems there is some secret in this place but no one from far and wide to trade with the Runiir clan Khelgarnam. A
seems to know what. very strong willed and well-armed Runiir militia keeps crime in
Shaabray ~ A mixed village of fisher folk and traders that deal the town to a minimum. The metal goods and jewellery produced
with the islanders and the south fiefdoms. Ruled by an elected here are renowned through all of Jaiman. Extensive guild
mayor they have a strong militia and a well maintained town. training houses for many crafts exist here as well as the largest
The land here is cold and hard to farm, but the bounty of the sea temples of Shoan and Moradin in Jaiman. Raw metals and
aids them in their survival. unfinished gems are traded here for foodstuffs and other
Elven Quay ~ This mixed small town is an extensive trading port necessities. The Runiir of this fief are well accustomed to
and farming district. The warmer temperate zone and rich nearby working with other races and are not as xenophobic as some of
islands enable this town to farm, log, fish and even mine the area their brothers from elsewhere. This town is run by the Runiir
to produce income. This however is the source of the areas major family heads; not many people now much about this system of
problem; in that while they are so busy making money off the rulership but if anything can be said it is that this town is one of
land they have disregarded the town itself. It is a shantytown of the safest in all of Jaiman.
poorly aged wood and simple clay bricks. There seems to be no Kartok ~ An isolated island village renown for its wildlife and
sense to the layout of the town, apart from the vast warehouses beaches. The locals are a simple folk that derive sustenance from
and piers that occupy the majority of the landscape. It is named the vast array of sea and land produce that surrounds them. It is
from the ancient sea fort that occupies the island just south east thought to be a haven for pirates and the like and is ruled by an
of the town. It was once an Iylari outpost for Urulan but was long elected council. The village has a variety of shops where wares
ago abandoned. Locals speak of strange lights and noises drifting are available for trade and sale, most of which are simple local
from the island at night and shun it and its waters completely. produce, but if the right people are known then it said that all
Rivertown ~ This integrated large town is the unofficial capital of manner of items and goods can be purchased from Kartok
the area. It has generous numbers of all differing races and varied traders.
religions. It is a true free town where all manner of behaviour, Avilor ~ This once deserted island is now occupied by an
custom and dialect are accepted. There is a privately run militia, isolated thorp, hardly worth mentioning save that the locals have
answerable to the harbourmaster, or more specifically, the recently been very aggressive in deterring any visitors to this
thieves’ guild. There are innumerable thugs for hire, (better that island. The locals have been seen making large excavations on
than letting them get bored and deciding that the ex-employer the island and unearthing all manner of unusual items, or so the
may instead make a good victim), and also many pleasures of tales would tell. It is a picturesque place, now gaining the
varied tastes always at a price you can afford. Rivertown has attention of outsiders who are keenly interested to see what these
almost 2 blocks dedicated to brothels, drug dens and alehouses. locals have found on what was considered to be a worthless
The famed Red Temple finds a prominent place within this island.
quagmire of humanities vices, taking almost an entire block by Economics: The people of this region use the metal coins of any
itself. The mysterious red priests, who serve in the temple of the other realms; being relatively new region and having no
complex claim to ‘cater for every desire.’ People from all parts central ruling body they have no coinage of their own.
of Jamain and for that fact Kulthea travel to Rivertown just to Politics: Varied, but mainly elected committees, representatives
visit the Red Temple. This is a decedent place where the of varied guilds and some clan systems.
openness and honesty of the patrons is more disturbing rather
than refreshing. The town is a vibrant trade centre for the Bay of
Special: A dangerous place full of rogues and deceptive traders, has been in place for generations. It is a vast farmland district
most people in this realm have honed their skills of sense motive, with many fine beers and red wines produced here.
bluff and appraise above all others for obvious reasons. Ulir ~ This is a peaceful village that overlooks the southern
aspect of the Bay of Urulan. It is a corridor of land between two
broad rivers that has been used by Myri for generations as
farmland and grazing pastures. The Duranakai presence here is
not as obvious as it is to the north but still representatives and
teachers of that strange race are here to lead the Myri and serve
as a central teaching and governing body.
Ur Tombs ~ Strange ruins that are of ancient Duranakai
architecture. These foreboding stone lodges are set into a bleak
valley that is concealed from view until the last moment of
entering it. There is a constant Duranakai and Myri guard here
with an elaborate warning system in place. Little is known of the
tombs and the Duranakai discourage visitors to this secretive
place. They are thought to the tombs of a race that predates any
known on Jaiman.
Shenin ~ This is the unofficial capital of the Sulini tinker society.
This gathering constitutes a mixed village in size but very few
permanent structures actually exist. Even the local non-
wandering Sulini tend to still live in the garish caravans and tents
that is their races hallmark. The few stone structures are
haphazardly built with seemingly no organization or planning. A
basic road system, smithy, mill, bakery, several inns and
This vast south-eastern land is made up of three distinct breweries make up the permanent structures. It is a light-hearted
regions each inhabited by unique cultural groups. It is vibrant, place full of shifting colours, dancing, aromas and laughter.
green land with rolling hills and plains dominated by the vast Bucoli ~ A fortified series of watchtowers occupies this region
range of mountains that is the backbone of the grey mountains. atop the mountain range and along the steep beaches. The Sulini
This is a land that has seen great conflicts in the past, but at that have been found guilty of some crimes are made to serve as
present it is mostly peaceful except for the occasional incursion guards along these towers. They do this as a willing part of their
from the Y’ kin Empire found in the south. punishment so as to regain the shame they have given their
Climate: Temperate with mountainous regions bordering the families. They still wear their own clothing and are perhaps the
west and isolates the Y’ kin to the south from the rest of Tanara. most striking and motley organised militia in Jaiman. This is the
The remaining land is mostly hills and plains. Some forested defensive network that is in place to combat and warn of any
areas exist but these are sparse. Y’ kin incursion. This is the home of the SeaGuard Knighthood
Demographics: of Tanara.
Sortyn ~ This is the most isolated of the Duranakai lodges. It can Chakor ~ The vast ship building yards of the Y’ kin Empire are
be seen from miles away with its vast cut out mountain scape and found here along with their military training halls and main
plumes of smoke making its presence obvious. It is an isolated church. It is a huge, open temple; more like an amphitheatre, it is
small city run fairly and justly by the mages of this realm. It is a the centre of worship and sacrifice in their religion. A dark and
colourful and vibrant city where a visitor could easily forget the foreboding place full of tall spires and decaying backstreets, it is
strangeness of the host race. A well-developed network of roads an isolated large city. The few other races here are either
spreads from the city and connects through the mountains to diplomats or slaves. Not many details of this place is known
Runiir trading posts and Duranakai watchtowers. The Duranakai since any visitor is carefully guided and accompanied at all times
are an ancient race that has maintained much of the building and by an acolyte of the church.
architecture of bygone ages, even their new roads and walls have Achren ~ The dark scar on the rocky beach of the south coast is
a look of antiquity about them. A vast roadway connects Sortyn the main training temple for the priests of the Y’ kin. It is also a
to Yagorth and is known as the Great Road. It contains marvels major training centre for special troops and local church leaders.
of engineering such as sweeping bridges and enormous tunnels It is an isolated small city with the only non-Y’ kin present being
as it runs straight and true. trusted slaves. This place is full of secrets and dark lore; it is the
Yagorth ~ This large, isolated town contains the ruling council of most tightly guarded town that the Y’ kin control. The
the Duranakai as well as their halls of academia and magic. It is a surrounding area, including the roads and land to the east of the
place of enormous learning and knowledge. They have strong grey mountains are dotted with small villages and hamlets, each
ties with Nomikos Library and trade links with the Myri, Sulini with a delegation of Y’ kin priests and a detachment of the feared
and people of Calthor to the west. Their tunnel systems and temple guards
roadways are some of the most advanced and well maintained in The Temple of Gentle Fire ~ This temple of monks train in the
Jaiman. They can travel quickly and safely from Yagorth to a dunes near Bucoli, they receive students from around Jaiman and
surprising number of towns and cities without ever being seen. are famous for their slow almost hypnotic style of unarmed
Galen ~ This is the largest Myri settlement in Jaiman; it is an combat. They are friendly and welcoming of visitors.
isolated village with few other races save the Myri themselves Economics: The Sulini & Myri tend to use the currencies of
and the Duranakai teachers and guardians. Most of the plains are other realms. The Duranakai use their own coins for trade with
dotted with Thorps and Hamlets and these send their children to these races. The Y’ kin have their own coins, which are rejected,
Galen to be taught by the Duranakai scholars. The Myri seem in this area and in most other regions. The Y’ kin have been
content to be lead by the Duranakai and it is a coexistence that known to use the coins of others or mint featureless trade coins
and bars of base metals due to the intense rejection of their own
tender in trades or payment of outsiders. Their coins are lozenges
of metal (roughly the size of the end joint of your little finger) represented here but most are emissaries or scholars acting as
flat with a whole in one end so they can be strung and worn as tutors to the noble houses. It is the one city of Jaiman where one
jewellery. The more coins a person wears the greater the does not feel oppressed by the sheer mass of life; it is an open
declaration of wealth they are making. Their coins are the silver place full of parks, open-air displays and markets. It has an
ko worth 1cp, the silver pok worth 1sp, the gold tari worth 1gp extensive wharf, but little trade passes through here, the noble
and the blood gold yane worth 10gp. houses carefully control their own fleets and Erlini traders who
Politics: The Sulini are a wandering tinker race with no central buy on behalf of each house to supply them with rarities from
rulership, in their two cities a committee made up of a member abroad and the few necessities that cannot be locally produced.
of every family within the town makes decisions on behalf of the Suth’ ryan ~ Known as the Black Gate this enormous structure is
population. The process is long but democratic. The Y’ kin are a made from stark black blocks of granite and is rumoured to have
strict theocracy. The Myri are a group of villagers with no central been made by the Runiir and Iylari peoples many generations
ruling body, each village is ruled by an elected body of ago. Its function is to prevent incursions from Gorai’ ya that is the
representatives. The Duranakai are a magocracy with advisors ancient city that has fallen to the Unlife. The Black Gate is a wall
from different castes giving advice and guidance. that extends across this strip of land and is dotted with only 3
Special: The Myri peoples produce some of the finest cheeses in massive gates; each is heavily defended and manned by its own
Jaiman. They have vast flocks of cattle and sheep and live guard of Erlini warriors and wizards from Qui’ el. Erlini guards
quietly and efficiently as farmers. The Y’ kin worship dark gods walk the walls between the gates and relieve their brothers from
and are known to practice sacrifice. They frequently raid their the watchtowers that are set every mile along its bleak length. A
neighbours for such victims. The Duranakai have unique styles paladin captain and a detachment of 20 Erlini warriors man each
of magic wither unto unique in Jaiman, even Arion cannot of these towers; they are supported by wizards and clerics as
unravel their secrets, and while they remain so secretive this required. Areas that have an increasing frequency of attack gain
appears unlikely to change. more reinforcement and the actual number of guards per tower
changes because of the attacks. It is considered a great honour to
be accepted into the Southwatch Guard and its members wear the
symbol of a white circle with an unbroken black horizontal line
This is the ancient home of the Iylari. It is a vast island with great pride.
split by a low mountain range and having a warmer southern Gorai’ ya ~ The ruins of this once beautiful city have been
portion with dense jungle-like rainforests. It is a beautiful land defiled and expanded by the forces of the Unlife. The many
that few outsiders ever see. The Iylari are very reclusive and the Iylari undead minions of this region work tirelessly in
ruling Loar nobles enforce this by extensive use of wardens and manufacturing defences and machines of war from the dying
enchantments to detect and deter unwanted visitors. Due to this forests that surrounds them and throw them at the Black Wall to
policy being in place for as long as most mortals can remember the north. This is a dark realm that only the brave rangers,
very few people continue to try and enter the realm of Urulan wizards and scouts of the Southwatch Guard venture into to
without express invite of the Iylari people. gather information and wage war on the Unlife in their own
Climate: Central spine of the island is mountainous while the lands. The Iylari peoples are ashamed of allowing their fair city
surrounding island is mostly forest. The southern half is warm to fall into corruption and all the Iylari people speak it of with
and the northern half temperate. great bitterness and sadness.
Demographics: Many small thorps and hamlets exist in the Economics: The coins of Urulan are beautiful and unique. They
forest and mountains of Urulan. These are mainly family villas are in the form of small discs, slightly smaller than most realms
and lodges; some are noble Loar retreats, studios or private coins, they are made of a grey ceramic like material in the centre
gardens. All Iylari buildings are like a natural extension of the of which is a clear resin like plate with the emblem and worth of
environment, working with the forest and rocks making them the coin in many languages. The method of creating these coins
part of the construction rather than moving or destroying them. is a mystery and has not been discovered even by the scholars of
This gives their larger cities a truly unique appearance in Nomikos. They radiate a faint magic if detected. The Iylari use a
function and structure. coinless debt and honour based economy when dealing with each
Urlon ~ Northern most of the Iylari lands this isolated large town other, so these coins are mainly used in their dealings with other
is home to many Iylari xenophobes and those Loari and Linaeri races and many of them reach the lands to the west. They are
who seek privacy for contemplation or research. It is a quiet commonly accepted and given near full value in exchange due to
secluded town built with many towers and bridges that enhance their unique nature. They are the jael worth 1sp, the laer worth
the height provided by the towns steep cliffs and give an 2gp and the ye’ os worth 40gp. Each can have the resin removed
impressive view across the wild oceans and the lands to the and each half used a coinage of half its full value. The resin plate
north. There are few Erlini here and those that are act as can be easily reattached and this must be part of the enchantment
merchants with Rivertown and Elven Quay. The port itself is the coins bear. Each coin is of a unique size and the resin centres
strongly defended and the Northwatch guards are well known for fit only that particular coin.
their training and strength at arms. Politics: Royalty with noble hierarchy based on family ties and
Qui’ el ~ This is the home of magic for this land. It is an isolated relationship to the ruling family. The older the family the more
small town occupied by an enormous tower and sprawling power it wields in the council chambers.
buildings adjoining it. It is almost entirely devoted to the training Special: The Iylari pottery, china, paintings and sculptures are
of Iylari wizardry and the magical arts. Many of the wizards here some of the finest in Jaiman and are very sought after by
are also members of Arion Tower and they two groups share collectors and those wishing to show their wealth. The unique
information and assets. wood/resin compound Shaalk is made only on Urulan, it can be
Arojil ~ This mixed large city is the home of the Loar noble used to make armors and paper of amazing strength. The fine and
Houses, their vast estates make this city one of the largest in all delicate Iylari wines of the region are expensive and well sought;
the realms, both in population and land mass, since most of the they are the Arojil Whites and the deep bloody reds of Qui’ el.
buildings have sprawling estates with guest houses and farmland
attached to them. There are a fair number of other races
reaches and from that dense envelope the sparse and empty
mountains rise to occasionally billow smoke and spew ash.
The thin strip of coast that is the southern border of Plasidar ~ This is a thriving land of merchants, pirates and
Jaiman is a dangerous and wild place. With a long history of thieves. It is ruled from Gul and its fleets control much of the
wars and internal strife it is a shadow of its former glory. Once trade in this bay. A strong Iylari population occupies this land
its knights and noble houses rivalled those of Rhakhaan and and are mostly Erlini with a few Linaeri. These folk are most un-
U’ Lyshak but now after centuries of destructive civil and Loari in their behaviour and have integrated fully with the
political wars the Houses have entirely fallen and been replaced regions inhabitants such that many half bloods exist from unions
by ragtag armies of ex-mercenaries and brigands. Some small of these Iylari and local Jameri.
kingdoms exist where violence is not the status quo but these are Gul ~ This is the capital city of Plasidar and is lead by a
rare and transient as the winds of change and war blow ever merchant council that has an impressive fleet. A dangerous and
strong in Meluria. yet exciting integrated small city it is full of a dizzying array of
Climate: Hot. Wind struck but beautiful beaches make up the different cultures and a diverse collection of lifestyles. The trade
southern side of Meluria. The north is the peaceful bay of Elysea in the region flows through this city and many merchants start or
where perfect white sand borders bright blue water and sea life finish their journeys here.
abounds. Littered through this paradise are the hulking skeletal Sidar ~ A dark and strange place, this small village is dwarfed by
wrecks of Melurian war barges and battle fleets; destroyed the thin black tower at its centre. A dense twisted wood that is
during the great wars and left where they drifted onto the sand completely fenced off and protected by magical defences so that
banks. Some locals still live off the findings in these wrecks but none may enter surrounds the tower. Merely gazing upon it
this is a dangerous lifestyle since the number of mercenaries and brings headaches and pangs of irrational fear. Some have even
brigands in this area is such that any sudden change in wealth said that spirits from within the twisted dark bows of the sickly
seldom goes unnoticed nor without bloodshed. A high but trees have threatened them and even appeared before them when
narrow range of mountains occupies this strip of land and is venturing too close. Pale-faced Erlini who refuse to leave occupy
crossed by many roads and dotted with forts, palisades and the village, they avoid conversation and never elaborate on why
defended townships. they choose to remain here. They trade extensively with Gul for
Demographics: Many isolated camps and thorps exist, most food and materials, as all perishables seem to rot quicker in the
harbouring bandits, pirates or smugglers. The safest places in area surrounding the tower. The Erlini are very cautious and
Meluria are the established towns but these have heavy taxes and protective of the tower and its surrounds and always ensure
restrictive laws and are designed to benefit the oldest family lines visitors are accompanied at all times.
that live there and keep all newcomers at a social distance and Ormian Island ~ The island home of the Nomikos Library is
economic disadvantage. dotted with tiny thorps that serve to produce the food and
Farrn ~ This strongly fortified integrated small town is defended requirements of the scholars of this vast complex. It is also home
by a ragtag army calling themselves the Blue Knights of the to many manors and towers that belong to wizards and their ilk
Coast; they wear deep blue cloaks and whatever mix of armor who frequent the library and find it easier to have their own lands
they can gather. Their intent seems genuine which is to make the rather than stay in one of the many (but expensive) hotels that are
roadways and thorps of the region safe from brigands and available.
goblinoid raids. They do however ask for donations from those Nomikos ~ The library is enormous and open to all. Strict
they protect, and some locals have recently claimed hearing of defences including wizards, clerics of Ectoraige and the feared
attacks against those villages who refused to pay. It may be that Changramai ward this elaborate city-library. The library’ s
this is a form of extortion but in the region it is always hard to surrounds are large enough to encompass an entire large town. It
find the truth. is a sprawling building of white marble and open vistas. All
Tuloria ~ A small integrated town that sits off the great road of manner of intelligent and gentle creatures may be found here.
northern Meluria. A strong militia that charge for the use of the The library scribes have strong links to Arion, Qui’ el and
roadway mans it and occupies the simple wall and gate that Gryphon College. A council of scribes known as the Loremasters
crosses the roadway. Since the lands through the mountains to leads the library and they have the undisputed rulership of this
the south are heavily populated by giants and goblinoids the few island. The rules and regulations of the library are as follows.
merchants of the region see no reason not to pay the fee. They
• No evil may enter the halls.
also hire guards and guides for those not familiar with the
• Respect the library and its staff
regions dangers. The town has a proportion of its residents living
in the wrecks that litter the sandy shores and the town is a • Use the knowledge for evil not
dangerous and unpredictable place full of violence and hidden • Donation of 1gp per day is required
wealth. • If threatened, all guests will defend the library and its
Fulcrumia ~ The most civilised and established of the states of servants as they will defend you
Meluria is highlighted by the large town of Fulcrumia. It sits in a • Obey the Changramai, scribes and Loremasters in any
natural valley that is protected well by rock formations and matter while on the island
narrow roads. Its militia is well trained and only rarely dabble in The Temple of High Winds ~ This simple series of halls is
thievery and banditry. The House Hallwen nobles who claim to located on the shores of the coast south of Fulcrumia. A clay
be a surviving noble bloodline rule this region. Their claim of brick road that the monks maintain joins it to the city of
nobility is doubtful, yet the results of their careful rulership can Fulcrumia. The monks can be seen running along its paths as part
be seen in the relative stability of this region. of their endurance training while practicing their art alone or in
Aranmor ~ A dark and bleak island that the locals shun. groups on the sandy beaches and rocky hills of the area. The
Rumoured to be inhabited by demons and worse, a calm island monastery is always open to those in need and protects the many
that appears ominous in its apparent peacefulness. There is no locals who in turn supply their food and necessities.
life on Aranmor that can be seen from sea apart from the Economics: The ancient coinage of Meluria is a flat coin much
unnaturally dense jungle that covers every part of its lower the same as that of Rhakhaan and U’ Lyshak but it has fallen
from grace and is used mainly in internal exchanges. Its value is
greatly impaired due to the lack of security and structure inside repaired houses that are used as safe homes by various Marial
Meluria. The naming is very simple with plates (1cp), silvers tribes.
(1sp), steels (1gp) and suns (1pp) being the most common used. Climate: Cold in the north with plains and some mountains to
The plates and silvers are almost pure metals and can be the north, east and west. The southern part is temperate and the
exchanged for a fair rate, but the suns and steels are alloys with west edge along the lake is slightly warmer.
minimal gold and silver content and their worth, along with the Demographics: Almost entirely wandering bands of Mariel
state of the land of Meluria has fallen greatly. tribesmen of thorp or hamlet size.
Politics: The lands of Meluria are a state of anarchy, rival quasi- Tharzor ~ This ancient city is on the shores of the great lake
noble lordlings battle with brigands, pirates, scavengers, villagers Ainkald. It is a ruinous, decaying city; the highlight of which is a
and mercenaries. There is no peace in the land of Meluria and permanent festival of the Mariel. At any one time at least a dozen
travel through this realm is dangerous at best. Ormian Island families will be here swapping food, stories, supplies and
with the vast city-library of Nomikos is ruled by a council of organising marriages. To the Mariel this is a holy place and all
sages – elected by their peers for their experience, wisdom, marriages and ceremonies must be conducted here. It is said to
understanding and most of all, passion for knowledge. Also on have an everlasting spring of water that gives vitality and vigour
this island is the Changramai monastery where the guardians of to even the sickest of drinkers. This has never been verified and
the library are trained. Entry into this elite order is gained by the Mariel jest at any claim that this fictitious font exists.
defeating a 1st year (1st level) changramai student in combat. Economics: The Mariel people use any coins they can get their
Duke Arivar Vonbryne otherwise known as Duke Halfblood hands on. They swap gems, jewellery, baubles and almost
rules the isle of Plasidar. He is a half-Iylari merchant-noble anything else that looks good. Two Mariel trading will establish
whose family established themselves as the premiere merchant the relative worth of the items and coins being used and then
house in the region. They are considered a royal family by the trade. The coins of other realms are rarely used for their correct
people of Plasidar and its use carries great weight in this area. worth but rather the value that the two Mariel barterers agree on.
Special: The land of Aranmor is considered haunted and no A strong word of warning to visitors is to be wary of any trade
known map or details of the land is known to exist. Plasidar is a with a tribesman. Their idea of a fair deal and strict ownership of
bustling trade city and does excellent business from the traders goods and property is questionable at best.
from Emer to the south as it acts as a depot for goods to be stored Politics: Tribal structures where the strongest and wisest lead.
before their passage to the Jamian mainland. It is a sheltered bay Any tribal member may challenge the tribal chief for leadership
and its generous harbour has aided its reputation as the second but the challenge must first be accepted by the Circle of Wisdom
greatest harbour in Jaiman, after Lethys. (the advisors for the chief). This Circle is the true leadership of
the tribe and the chief essentially the figurehead. The circle will
lay down the rules of the challenge (every time is different) and
the confrontation must take place at the holy city of Tharzor.
Special: Some brave individuals who have returned from the
centre of the glassy plain have talked of an ancient city, alien in
its beauty and full of flameless and heatless lights. They
invariably die of a wasting disease or become insane. The
scholars of Nomikos and the wizards of Arion may know more
but they are not forthcoming with such information.
This once fertile land nurtured the great Wyvern
Dynasty into glory several generations ago. Since then it has
disintegrated into fragmented domains where petty warlords and
fallen knights battle for parcels of unclaimed land. These armies
are made up from the incredible array of mercenaries that operate
in the area as well as the many standing armies of some small
fiefdoms. The soldiers of this land are equipped with a strange
mix of armours and weapons. Some soldiers wielding ancient
great swords embossed with forgotten family crests clad in noble
plate armours ride alongside grizzled veterans in Y’ kin banded
This is a harsh and desolate wasteland desert that sits mail and wielding rust-smeared falchions. Local lore says that
between the blue forest to the north and the lush lands of you can dig anywhere in Saralis and find bones and weapons
Rhakhaan to the south. At the wastes’ centre is a glassy plain close to the surface.
completely devoid of life that is at least a 100miles across. Those Climate: The northern reach of Saralis is considered temperate
who enter it die of a strange wasting sickness. In the mountains while the southern portion is hot and dry.
to the north live the Mariel tribesman, wild and free spirited Demographics: A huge array of fortified castles, villages and
people of small stature but endless energy and exuberance. To warbands in temporary housing occupy this realm. Each warlord
live with the Mariel tribes is a breathtaking and exhausting is very territorial and will defend their land with great
experience. They are friendly, forthright and honest (but the fact enthusiasm. The horses and soldiers of this realm are well
that some of the finest thieves in Jaiman are of Mariel blood begs experienced and they make up the bulk of the mercenaries in the
this friendly nature to be questioned). They live on the open other lands of Jaiman. Most of these bands and crumbling keeps
plains in tents that are carried by their ponies and erected every have the population of hamlets or villages but some larger towns
night. They seldom stay in one place for more than a month and exist.
use several old cities of the ancient Zor empire that have semi- Shiran ~ A large city that is well defended by the guards and
motley knights of the Minor House Vance. The many spies and
knights that occupy its population, walls, policing body and brisk. Damos III is offering good prices for the materials he
surrounding plains, ensure its rulership over the city. It is a desires and none have complained of the agreements and
suspicious place where strangers are treated with respect but also treatments they have received.
suspicion, it is difficult to deal with the locals without the ruling The Temple of Falling Stone ~ This very hard and direct form of
body finding out, such is the breadth of their spy network. Many unarmed combat has its home in the mountains of north Saralis.
underground organizations are trying to overthrow the feudal The Saral March mountain range hides their academy complex
state that the family maintains but the enormous wealth they from view and their training techniques are somewhat of a
possess ensures the status quo. The Runiir of Clan Grelk’ Rathan mystery. The roads leading to their home are well signed and
to the north have many trading interests here and although it is strangers are advised to take a differing route. As can be
known they do not approve of the current political state of Shiran expected the roads are well guarded by both the Runiir of Clan
they also are in need of the materials and produce that Shiran Grelk’ Rathan and monks of the academy since they share
provides them. common land, training and materials. These monks man the
Kreaen ~ This mixed small city sits on the shores of Lake Karish tunnels and paths that lead to Xa’ Ar aside the Runiir and they
and is home to many merchants and brigands. It is a stopover of share many of the dour and gruff peoples mannerisms, lifestyle
safety for the many and varied peoples of this war ravaged land. and sense of humour. Most monks learn Un’ Toman as part of
The leaders of this town have never taken sides or taken part in their training due to the exposure of the Runiir people.
the battles that have sometimes raged outside its walls. Its Economics: The coins of Saralis are still in use in this realm and
position as the main port for the lands to the east across the lake are embossed with a wyvern on both sides. The penny is a brass
and from the northern lakeside settlements has given it the ability coin worth 1cp, the dragon is a silver alloy worth 15cp, the ducat
to control the flow of food and equipment into the region. Any is a gold alloy worth 20 dragons or 3 gp, and the star is a purer
group or person who takes up arms against Kreaen directly or form of gold worth 5 crowns or 15gp. They are a smallish coin
indirectly soon finds themselves without a stable supply of life’ s and quite light. The alloys used in the creation of such coins is
necessities. The two noble houses of the town; Tyrell and Garlan now unknown and makes their value quite stable even with the
have a unified militia that is well armed and trained. These current turmoil of this realm.
guards patrol the town itself and surrounding roads. They are Politics: Vying warlords, dictators, mercenaries and feudal states
fair, honest and just and are one of the few surviving groups of led by self-appointed nobles.
honour in this region and if their actions are an indication of the Special: A dangerous land devoid of the peace and prosperity
intent of their leaders, then the area may well have a bastion of seen by some of their neighbours. Most people of this realm have
honour in this war torn region for years to come. experienced war and loss as a normal part of living and a gloom
Saral ~ This realm has been taken over by Damos Huroth Alizon of fear hangs over most villages that are encountered in this sorry
III; a self styled noble, perhaps a bastard son of house Tarley if war ravaged land. The initial reaction of people of this realm to
the rumours be true. Whatever his linage, his skills of leadership strangers is invariably wary. The sparse woods on the edge of the
and tactics are second to none in the region. He has crushed Saral March mountain range are the source of the famed dark
every enemy in the southern part of the realm and installed a new wood with which weapons and other wood products of great
and fragile peace; this would a cause for celebration if Damos III durability are made.
were not such a pompous, self-important warmonger. The only
reason he has stopped his assault on the north is because the
financial backing he was receiving from the Norek merchant
princes has been exhausted and he is not able to loan any more This land was once a thriving civilisation that outshone
gold. He is therefore currently consolidating his presence in the even the mighty Wyvern Dynasty of Saralis. In a very different
south and taxing the local population heavily to repay the manner it has fallen and become a dark place full of hatred and
massive sum he already owes the merchant houses of Norek. His evil. At the height of the empire the then King Breven Hallsek III
guards and ‘knights’ (bandits) travel the realm and procure any appointed a new advisor after his trusted but old uncle had died.
gold they can without incurring too much attention from the This advisor is blamed for corrupting the king and surrounding
locals. Damos’ instructions are clear and that is to reap the him with dark and perverse pleasures. The king’ s decline into
produce of the land, not to rape the land. He is a proud Saralin depravity was long and carefully planned over a 40-year period,
and actually does think of the peoples well being, only if they but by the end, the king was practicing rape, torture and sacrifice
agree to serve him and follow his orders. in his own name. The kingdom fell into a vast civil war, the
Turak ~ This is the ancient capital of Saralis, a huge sprawling survivors of which were nearly destroyed by an army of the
castle on the shores of the eastern lake its moat is long dry and its Unlife; lead, or so the tales would tell, by the advisor himself.
walls and gates lay broken. It is inhabited only by the ghosts of The land is now a scarred and ruinous place full of haunted keeps
the dead and is avoided by all in the area because of the many and ancient battlegrounds. The Unlife holds a strong grasp here
claimed hauntings and horrors that inhabit the dread ruins. and any people that survive here must have a harrowing
Ank’ Vor ~ The new capital of Saralis, this once small town has existance. There are terrible tales of entire villages of people in
now swollen to the size of a small city and is still growing. The this twisted realm that are kept alive to feed the dark
Saralins are fleeing to this city for the relative security it offers. requirements of the advisor and his fell army.
Work is readily available and all manner of tradesmen and Climate: Temperate with the two northern isles being cold. It is
craftsmen are in dire need. Damos III rules with an iron fist here made up of mostly plains, hills and mountains.
and thus the law is well obeyed. All churches of the Faith have Demographics: All manner of goblinoid races although these
been removed and replaced by great cathedrals of the New are sometimes in fear of the Advisor as much as the surviving
Religion of which Damos III is an avid follower. The Iron Band humans and demihumans are. The people that live here are a
of Kloor keeps the peace here and many of Damos’ troops and tired and beaten people. Ruled by those appointed by the Advisor
militia are also knights and sworn warriors of the New Religion. who is also known as the White Mage, or the Magician. The
The city is mostly temporary housing at present but is quickly scholars of Gryphon College believe him to be Lorgalis the
taking shape as an impressive and well-designed city. The docks White – an Iylari Loar cast out from Urulan for his dark
are well dredged and heavily fortified and trade is currently exploration of the Unlife.
Aereks ~ Was a vast trading city; now bastion of Unlife and mages and wizards who would otherwise not be welcome in their
forward mounting area for their attacks to the east. own lands. One of the jobs the Tower does is search in all
Nemhs ~Ancient capital city of the land, sacked and ruined, no various cultures for potential wizards and recruit them for the
information has been gathered about its state in years. Thought to Tower. Many cultures in parts of Jaiman have festivals for this
be the home of the White Mage. event and in others people have been known to just disappear
Wi’ Shokhaan ~ The great lighthouse marks this treacherous point overnight. Either way the major priority of the guild is to offer
of land, its light still shines and illuminates the hordes of Unlife guidance to potential wizards and teach them the precepts of the
that swell in its ruined city. The ancient temples of the Faith and Tower as well as the art of wizardry. The sworn oath a member
the Great Hall of Magic once stood here and innumerable of the Tower is;
magical treasures may still lie lost amid its fallen stone and “To harm not an innocent, to share my knowledge, to
crumbling walls. crave not power but wield my gifts with humility and wisdom for
Economics: No coins of Xa’ Ar are in the better of the Tower, the land and its people.”
common circulation. The state of the
internal economy is unknown at present.
Their coins are collectors’ items for AUR
individuals in Nomikos and Arion Isle.
Politics: Under the leadership of The
White Mage.
Special: A dark place not to be visited
lightly. At present the forces seem to be
probing the defences of the Runiir to the east while not exploring
water travel. Their fear or lack of initiative in moving forces over
water has been a source of great speculation for many
Gryphon College ~ this is the home of the Magicians Guild of between the two is very obvious. The changes installed by
Toran and it also houses many clerics and templars of the Faith Emperor Jerrin VII have been undermined in this area as the
who come from outer districts to worship at the enormous local Houses oppose his Imperial will openly. The restructuring
cathedral here. The College wars openly with the Unlife and the of the political system here is proceeding very slowly and the
Religion and bases itself on a steep mountain surrounded by vast Houses make no secret of their disdain for dismantling their
farmlands. The locals aid and supply the Collegians for their power base, which they see as an attack on their noble heritage.
protection and the sight of formations of gryphons and riders The noble Houses have their homes and keeps across the plains
over the land tends to discourage any wrongdoing. How this of Lathornia. None of them are near Baytown itself, which is
place will fare with Frelik’ s advancing army is of great interest probably why Baytown has had the freedom to develop into what
to many on Jaiman. it is today.
Kaytha ~ This large mixed city sits on the banks of the Lake of Baytown ~ This is otherwise known as Freetown, where any may
Mists and is a busy trading centre. Its fish products are walk the streets safe in the knowledge that you will not be judged
distributed inland and its cuisine is well known throughout by your birth, no special benefits exist to only those of higher
Rhakhaan. Minor house Greatjoy’ s castle sits just south of birth and the quality of goods and services you receive will be
Kaytha, across the river. It is heavily defended and its knights are equal to all. This small mixed city is home to many escaped serfs
well armed and disciplined. The castle itself overlooks the town and bonded labourers not happy with the lot given to them under
and the Greatjoys are well thought of in the region. Their knights the hand of the Lathornian Noble Houses. Nobles and their
are noble and true. It is a bright town full of music and song, its servants often receive worse treatment here than the commoner
inns and food stalls have friendly competition to create the finest and it is not a place to show noble etiquette or education.
foods and dishes in Kaytha, and they proudly compete in the Thievery is rife in Baytown and it the base for numerous bands
yearly food and brewing festival that draws many visitors from of brigands who make their living on the land or bay, feeding off
distant lands. richer targets than they. Baytown is also well placed as a port to
Calthos ~ Is a small mixed city that sits in a river fork and is transport goods and passengers for the northern states of this
overshadowed by the Grey Mountains. Its location is due to the realm; as such it is the home for several well provisioned
rich minerals to be found in the mountains to the east of the city. merchant houses. Most of these houses are actually owned in
Its entire economy is based on mining, smeltering and producing part by the noble houses of the land but this is a very well kept
fine metal goods. Their arms and armour are the finest in secret.
Rhakhaan and many master smiths travel to learn, compare and Haalkataine ~ The Imperial Capital and home to the Emperor is
sell their craft and wares here. It is a great honour for a knight to a thriving mixed large city. Its stark, grey stonewalls and
bear a weapon of Calthosian Steel. It is an ancient city full of buildings, as well as the grim weather, give it a foreboding and
tradition and pride and the Houses Rosehall and Serret have grim presence. It is protected from the east by the spine of the
enormous interests in the local metal industry and are fearful of Grey Mountains and to the west by its mighty walls and complex
the impact that the coming civil war will have upon their defensive trenches. It is a city that has grown from a childhood
economy. Trading houses have enormous warehouses here in of war and its design is always function ahead of aesthetic. The
which they store materials prior to transporting them across Imperial palace is the largest single construction in the city and
Rhakhaan. As can be imagined these are heavily defended and occupies an entire central block; it is adjoining the Cathedral of
finding work as caravan guards is a common trade for the Hope ~ the major temple of the Faith and also the barracks of the
youngsters of the area to pursue. These applicants are then Imperial Phoenix Guard. The major Houses have keeps and
trained and equipped by the merchant house, which also sees to castles atop the mountain range and are connected by winding
their accommodation and protection. This is to instil a feeling of roads and gate towers. A constant state of political war exists
family and loyalty in the guards and they are fiercely protective between these Houses and the Imperial Capital is the most
of their respective trading houses. The Calthos Merchant Guards dangerous place for those of noble birth who fall from grace.
are a mercenary company that only hires out as caravan guards Assassins and rumourmongers find good employ in this dark,
and operates across Rhakhaan, they are well known for their foreboding and politically volatile city.
loyalty and honesty. Tubern ~ Great House Fowler has held this land for many
Prevan ~ The mighty state of Prevan separated from Haalkataine generations. Their ancestral keep sits in the centre of a sprawling
almost eight generations ago. At the time House Avanir was mixed large town that takes up a great deal of space for its
rewarded this prized land for saving the then child Emperor from population due to the many plantations and vineyards that have
an assassination attempt. Since then relations between the two been slowly absorbed by the city proper over time. Its
regions has been strong and the Imperial Troops and Phoenix knighthood is small and less formal than those of most other
Guard use the borderland of this area as training grounds and regions. This neighbour of Haalkataine takes little joy in the
drill yards. The Houses Avanir and Chayle both have extensive political games of the capital. Many major Houses have interests
family involvement in both of these military groups and make it in the crops of this region and also keep manor houses for
a matter of pride to ensure close political and military holidays and trips abroad. Its countryside is unblemished by war
involvement between the two regions remains strong. Prevan city and it sees somewhat better weather than the capital. The main
is a small mixed city that has a mixture of farming, mining and purpose of this area is to supply delicacies for the capital since
production facilities. Its areas of interest are very broad and what the weather of Haalkaaine is unsuitable for many of the fine
they cannot produce themselves can easily be obtained from their foods and pipeweeds they crave so much. It is suspected that
neighbours. The city is relatively new and is carefully planned many of the illicit drugs in wide use in Haalkataine originate
with the noble Houses manors and keeps occupying the upper from the lesser-known parts of Tubern.
tiers of the city since it is partially built on the mountain base. Noros ~ Known for generations as the war front of Rhakhaan,
The defence of the city is very sound and well manned by here young aspiring squires, knights on penance and troops who
detachments of local and Imperial troops. have erred in their duty are sent to man the watch towers that
Lathornia ~ House Yronwood has kept this land under its control ensure safety from the Y’ kin incursions. The watchtowers are
for many generations. It is an old fashioned state where the well fortified and supplied from the interior states. With so many
commoners are vastly poorer than the nobles and the disparity disgraced nobles making their temporary homes here and most
bringing with them several wagons of ‘necessities’ upon their civil unrest has gone unheeded, but how far they can push
semi banishment from ‘civilisation’ the lifestyle they live is far without a response is cause of much debate in Lethian taverns.
from frugal. The men who man these towers and ride between Economics: The Rhakhaan coinage is the most common used in
them are a motley group with nobles sitting beside common the Jaiman and is commonly seen in lands as far as Emer in the
soldier, they are all equal in theory, but depending on the south. The current coins are tin adrac (1cp), copper piece (5cp),
strength and character of the officer in charge some nobles have the silver hope (2sp) the gold talon (1gp), the gold sovereign
reasserted their authority and claimed semi-control of squads of (5gp) and the platinum lore (5pp). They are all stamped with the
soldiers as their own. The small town of Noros is little more than phoenix of Rhakhaan on one side and a relief of the Emperor on
a fortified provision store that has grown over time as the the other.
garrisons needs increased, now almost every delicacy and Politics: Once the power base of Rhakhaan was strictly feudal
frivolity can be sought and found here due to the vast moneys with the many noble Houses and the powerful Imperial Troops
that the noble outcasts manning the border have at their disposal. keeping the peace. Now the people on the most are well cared for
It is a rough place where the sword is barred as much as sharp and many socialist ideals are in place, with state funding for
words and those unfamiliar with the ways of soldiering will be at villages to develop better crop systems and with state education
ends with a town that has been completely shaped by that for peasants becoming commonplace. It is perhaps the best place
profession. The Great Twin Houses of Theon–Harlow are in to be if one is of low birth but this may be changed if Frelik of
charge of this area and their knights are functional and Minon rises to power since he is reinstituting the feudal state
pragmatic, not leant towards flowery words and etiquette but with vengeance in the lands he has already taken.
rather the baser side of knighthood ~ combat, resiliency and Special: The wines and brandies of the southern districts are
obedience. particularly sought after due to their deep and smoky
Sanaria ~ This is an ancient land that has been held by the characteristics, while the northerners prefer their dark and malty
Redwyne House for generations. They are one of the oldest beers, strong ales and grain sprits.
families in all of Rhakhaan and have a proud history of marrying
many differing noble families of Rhakhaan. The House itself is
more academic than militant and few combative knights are
produced from this land. This is in part due to the powerful
influence that Nomikos has had on the region since the Sanarians
supply the island library with an array of basic foodstuffs and
inland delicacies; so trade is one of the main incomes for the
region. This House also supplies many scholars and scribes to
the northern provinces since they are not as ill thought of as the
Lethians. Many of the court mages used in Rhakhaan are from
the Academy of Magic in Sanaria City; a small integrated city
that boasts a myriad of inns and pleasure establishments. Many
Rhakhaan nobles travel to Sanaria to delight in the decadent halls
of Sanaria since their southern cousins have a different moral
code than the uptight northerners. Street vulgarities referring to
someone being as ‘common as a Sanarian’ are frequently heard
in the north. However many of these young northerner nobles
bent on sowing their seeds often find themselves travelling back
north with a young Redwyne bride in tow after being cleverly
manipulated by the vast network of House employees that exist
in this interesting, to say the least, state.
Lethys ~ This was once the major trading port for the region of
Rhakhaan, now it is the only metropolis sized city in Jaiman. It is
a fully integrated place with all manner of races being
represented. The Lethians, although being superior in numbers
and economic status to Haalkataine, are lead by some very loyal
families who have no desire to challenge Imperial power. While
their troop numbers are less than the Imperial guard they could
easily amass a mercenary army at short notice, but with
leadership and direction being provided by the two older Houses
Veorth and Sunderly any challenge is unlikely. The other minor
Houses that have risen from merchant backgrounds are quite
ready to openly defy the Imperial law and frequently teeter on
the verge of doing so publicly. At present they restrict
themselves to the funding and support of an underground
movement whose aim is to separate from Rhakhaan completely
and so evade the heavy taxes and tariffs that Haalkataine imposes
on all trade that occurs in their protectorate. Already it is
increasingly uncommon to see plate clad House knights or
Imperial guard in Lethys streets but rather guards and minor
nobles clad in merchant colours or wearing the red scarf of the
separatist movement. At present with Haalkataine and the older
Houses paying more interest to the civil war in the north, this
The Old Ones in turn created their minions to serve them
and oversee Life in its many forms. These were the Faithful.
Named for their purpose, which was to monitor and serve the
facets of Life that Hanor and Hara had created, to remain faithful
The one consistent feature of the many religions of
to their charges. The Faithful were all shapes and forms, demons
Kulthea is their history. Most theologians agree that there are
to angels, fire to ice. They were given portfolios of interest to
great similarities between the individual church’ s histories as
which they held the obligation of ministering troubles,
well as those of the New Religion & the Pantheon of the Faith.
imbalances and excess. They were the Gods of the Faith.
(This is based on Michael Scott’ s ~ Tales of the Bard trilogy.
The Gods of the Faith walked the planets and planes, shaped
Without a doubt, my favourite novels.)
Life and observed change. In their first ultimate creation they
shaped a race based on themselves, equally beautiful and
powerful, angelic and demonic, their servitors and playthings,
The First Race; the Culai. While their creators gave praise to the
In the beginning there was the One, the void and the
Culai, the many failures that their forming of Life had resulted in
Soul Wind. The One slept while floating through the Void and
were cast aside. These grotesques were banished into the far
while he slept, he dreamt. Its dreams were troubled. The One was
depths of reality; into the Far Realm, were they remain to this
without presence and beyond comprehension; its dreams were
day. The machinations of their twisted minds are made of the
vast and fathomless. Without gender or race the One’ s dreams
insanity of godhood itself. They are the tentacled horrors of star
were curious and novel, filled with concepts and images alien
drunk dreams and only mad scholars and esoterics seek their
and strange. It dreamt of Form, Shape and Substance while
secrets; they are named the Agothu.
dreaming dreams an eternity in length and immeasurable in
The Culai spread across the worlds and planes, multiplying
and learning. The Old Ones retreated to join Hanor and Hara and
The Soul Wind grasped these dreams and scattered them
the Faithful were left to manage Life themselves. Pleased with
into the void, thus Form, Shape and Substance became real.
the Culai the Faithful dispersed to shape their own home planes.
Still the One slept. The Soul Wind grasped Essence and
Thus the demiplanes of Ab Absolom, the Silent Wood and the
Identity. Then the greater passions Love and Hate and the myriad
Garden of Life Eternal were made. They dabbled with the ample
of lesser passions and let them bind with the Form, Shape and
Life that abounded and created the mortal races, animals,
Substance. Into this seething cauldron of creation a single tear
elementals, aberrations, celestials and demons. Of these creations
fell from the One and lent it Life.
the mortal races were seen to be the most adaptable and versatile
The Soul Wind blew through the darkest recesses of the
and underwent natural evolution of their own resulting in such
Ones dreams and nightmares and drew from them long forgotten
races as the Iylari, Runiir, goblinoids and man. The Culai were
ideas and concepts. Into Life was given good and evil, law and
summoned and charged with serving these races as the voice of
chaos, knowledge and innocence.
the Faithful, guiding and teaching the lesser races in order for
The One awoke and was pleased with what it saw. The Void
them to flourish.
was still vast and empty so the galaxies were created. The suns,
The Culai, who were slow to breed were few in number
planets and moons became home to all the Soul Wind had taken
compared to the vast hordes of the mortals whose welfare they
from the One. Life took in its myriad of forms, some painfully
were charged with, had to separate and each take a race or area
grotesque, some utterly beautiful. Some flourished some died.
as their own. The new races’ demands taxed the Culai who had
The One soon tired of creation and the attention it required, its
little patience for creatures as dim witted and young as the
vast slumber lured it, so fragments of itself it took and breathed
mortals and soon became resentful of their task, desiring their
Life upon them. Thus the Great Old Ones; Hanor and Hara were
freedom once again. Even so, with the Culai to guide them, the
born. The One entrusted the care of Life and the entire
mortal races grew to include the mightiest civilisations ever seen.
multiverse to Hanor and Hara who were infinitely powerful since
Art, music, religion all flourished and the mortals were
they were made from shards of the One. Then the One left to
overjoyed. Peace reigned between Kobolds and Vorloi, Orcs and
sleep and to this day still slumbers.
Runiir, Iylari and Lugroki and even the Demons and Devils held
Hanor and Hara guided Life for eons; they created beings of
an uneasy peace, but still the Culai were hateful of their position
their own, guided evolution, shaped worlds and entire planes. In
and task. The Faithful had left the affairs of the lesser creatures
their effort to broaden Life, they shaped the Inner planes; the
to the Culai and were oblivious to their rumblings of discontent.
Material, Positive, Negative, Faerie, Elemental and Para-
The Culai banded together and introduced a terrible creation of
elemental planes. Around them they formed the Outer planes; the
their own to the mortals, War.
Astral, Shadow, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Limbo, Mechanus,
The First Wars were terrible; the golden age was destroyed
Outlands and the all-invasive Ethereal plane which stretches out
as the Culai pitted each race against the other. The mortals
to the edge of sanity and reality to become the Far Realms. The
unaware of the alliances the Culai had made, served their God
variety of Life was infinite but soon they grew bored and the
Rulers as best they could by forging new weapons and taking
petty requirements of each individual plane was taxing, let alone
them up upon their once beloved neighbours. The mortal races
considering the requirements of individual beings. Thus they
were severely diminished and into this terrible time the Culai
worked with the stuff of Life and fragments that the Soul Wind
revealed themselves in all their glory and power. Taking up
had collected on its travels and shaped the Old Ones. They were
weapons forged from Life they slew millions across the planes
great beings, almost as powerful as their creators, but their
until the Faithful were forced into awareness by the rents created
essence was very different. Since the Soul Wind had collected
in Life by the deaths and banded together with the mortal heroes,
fragments on its journey, each of the Old Ones had a specific
to battle the Culai.
interest or facet inherent to them. There was the difference
The Final War between the Culai and their creators, the
between them and Hanor and Hara who were made of the One
Faithful, was fought at Ab Absolom, part of the Outlands
and alien in their Form, Shape and Substance. The Old Ones
designed to act as a testing ground for new beings defining their
were representative of the fact that Life had already grown and
powers. It proved perfect for a godly war-plane. The Culai were
was definable and unique.
culled, and their few survivors fled to the darkest recesses of the
universe. The mortal heroes were slain all save one man, Buiva
who was lifted up and made the God of War, Warden of Ab A52
Absolom. These are the still remembered gods that either gave
Such was the disruption of Life, caused by these wars, that themselves to the making of the Pact of Worship or were killed
the Old Ones were awoken from their deep slumber. Once aware in the Final Culai War. Their near-forgotten symbols can be
they turned their attention to the Faithful. The Culai would never found on ancient monuments and tombs. Occasionally a cult will
had been able to wreak such evil if the Faithful had been true to arise, worshipping one of these ancient powers claiming to have
their making, thus the Old Ones wove a terrible curse and bound contacted the power, but these never seem to flourish. They are
the Faithful with it, driven by their sorrow upon seeing the the lost gods of broken temples and civilisations whose legacy is
legions of souls making their journey to the Silent Wood. found deep in the deserts of embossed of old coins and stones
“Faith lends Substance” they spoke, and thus without brought up from deep digging pits and in fishing nets. Some say
worship the Faithful would wither and die; this became known as their bodies; the size of continents hang lifeless in the Astral
the Pact of Worship. The gods were forced to actively encourage plane, waiting for enough worship to awaken them so they can
worship and patronage from their mortal charges, lest they be no ‘live’ once again. Until that day their body-tombs act as land and
more. The Old Ones gave their essence in the shaping of the Pact home for many Astral dwelling creatures. The gods are shown
and were torn asunder by the Soul Wind to the cries of the with their portfolio and their demise.
Faithful, who wept in sorrow and shame. To their horror they
realised that they were responsible for the destruction of the Maker & User Early gods of creation [Pact ~ Old Ones]
brethren and they wept tears of godly guilt and sadness. These Lady Dannu The prime female deity [Pact ~ Old One]
tears fell upon the bodies of the dead Old Ones and a terrible Bor The man god [Pact ~ Old One]
thing happened. Where godly Life and godly death met there Osidian Lord of time [Pact ~ Old One]
became the Unlife, the twisted mockery of Life itself animating Kloca Lord of stone and rock [Pact ~ Old One]
the bodies of the shattered Old Ones. The Faithful drew back too Q’sleedor Father of Mountains [Pact ~ Old One]
shocked to strike down the abomination when they had the Feitigh The windlord [Pact ~ Old One]
chance, and while they watched transfixed the Unlife drew itself Ochrann The god of compassion [Pact ~ Old One]
away and hid from their gaze. Scmall The spirit of the clouds [Culai Wars]
The Faithful were stunned by two acts of equal Dore Worker of metal, the great smith [Culai Wars]
enormity. They hunted for the Unlife but to no avail, it had Fifhe Beast Mistress, Dannu’ s daughter [Culai Wars]
insinuated itself into many peoples and cultures on the mortal Snaittle The cold god [Culai Wars]
planes and could not be rooted out. It was an insidious illness of Fiarle The little god of icy spaces [Culai Wars]
twisted divinity that the Faithful swore a binding oath together Huide The little god of summer rain [Culai Wars]
that they would forever hunt and destroy the fell power that Luid The fire sprite [Culai Wars]
represented their greatest failure. One Faithful could not take the
oath such was his shame. He instead turned on his siblings with
growing resentment, blaming the Old Ones for his binding to his
mortal charges. Trialos, greater god of Iylari Nobility left the
Faithful with scorn and hatred to form his own belief, known as
the New Religion. Trialos immediately summoned evil and The gods are presented with a brief description of their
spiteful mortal beings with feelings and sentiments like his own portfolio, relationship with other gods, the reason for their
and bestowed upon them divine power through the shaping of worship, their domain spells, alignment, favoured weapon,
both Life and Unlife. They became the Trialdone, servants of clergy type and home plane. The domains are selected from as
Trialos; Lord of the New Religion. They made their home in the normal. The Clergy entry gives an indication of the type of
lower abyssal and infernal planes. Sharing the power of Unlife structure the member of the church have; Militant - strict military
with any who would learn. Demons, devils and the like quickly style hierarchy, with a lifestyle similar to being in a militia
succumbed to the power of the Unlife and still bear its taint to group, Central - a central church controlling all other temples,
this day. with a hierarchy, Local - each temple acts independently and
The Pantheon of the Faith has grown little since that terrible Cult - no temples, only groves or shrines, no group structure, or
time; they have nurtured and guided the mortal races with a light hierarchy, all members equal. Also given is the type of followers
but deft touch. They still bear the sorrow of that aching moment that clergy has including any prestige classes available through
of realisation of how much they had hurt Life and released the that church and the home plane of that god. Any special abilities
dark horror of the Unlife. It is a constant memory of the that the followers gain are listed under special, these abilities
unravelling of the Old Ones, at their failure that gives them apply to any class listed in the Clergy section. The planes and
tireless devotion to the mortal races. their arrangement will be described later in the section:
The New Religion has warred, killed, terrified and sacrificed Topography of the Planes.
their mortal charges in order to increase their individual power.
They practice and teach the terrible secrets of the Unlife to those
willing to learn in order gain their worship and increase their
own powerbase. Some of these beings in turn generate their own
worship and ascend to quasi-godhood. These creatures are
doubly cautious since both the Trialdone and the gods and
servants of the Pantheon would gladly see them destroyed; one
for the power their followers would grant them and the other for
their crimes against Life.
portrayed as a lean, well-muscled man in a tattered cloak of
tartan worn over chainmail with a battered shield and wielding a
bastard sword. He is the tireless warrior and his followers are
sworn enemies of the New Religion. His followers tend to keep a
few links of chainmail wrapped in tartan for good luck.
Alignment: NG
Home Plane: Ab Absolom (the Outlands)
She is the goddess of nature. Adur Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
represents nature in all its forms. She is the Domains: luck, protection, planning, war
protector of animal s, plants and forest kin. Clergy: Militant [cleric templar, warpriest, Hospitaler]
Those who live within her domain usually
worship her, as do those who rely on her
environment for survival. The Vorloi, druids and rangers tend to 0NZ(
pay her homage.
Alignment: N
Cam is the god of bridges, luck, trade and
Home Plane: Beastlands
travel. He is the patron of all those who suffer
Favored Weapon: Staff
wanderlust. Merchants, nomads, travelers and
Domains: animal, woodland, plant, travel
engineers pray to him especially. His followers tend
Clergy: Cult [druid, divine oracle, contemplative, hunter of
not to spend much time in one place and feel the
the undead]
near uncontrollable desire to travel. He is also the
patron of the Mariel Tribesmen.
Alignment: CG
Home Plane: Outlands ~ wanderer
Favored Weapon: Staff
Alile sits upon a stone throne located Domains: luck, protection, trade, travel
in a simple lodge on the outskirts of the Silent Clergy: Local [cleric, contemplative, holy liberator, hunter of the
Wood, Mannam’ s realm of the dead. This is undead]
where the souls of the departed come for
judgment prior to re-entering the realm of
mortals. He is the patron of judges and rulers. He is unbiased and 0xYaR
unswayable in all things. It he is judges the lives of once mortals,
now petitioners when they arrive before him.
The triad represents life and aging. Sa’ lte is
Alignment: LN
youth, and is depicted as the unblemished vitality of
Home Plane: Arcadia
the young, clad in garish colors and having a ready
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
smile, he is the yellow god of life. Qua’ lte is the
Domains: fate, knowledge, law, time
second aspect of the triad and represents adulthood.
Clergy: Central [cleric, templar, church inquisitor, consecrated
He is strong, muscular and confident, clad in
harrier, divine oracle, contemplative, hospitaler, hunter of the
serviceable clothing and a short red beard. He is the
undead, weaponmaster]
red god of life. The last is C’ lte, the blue god of life,
representing age and wisdom. Deep-set eyes and a
flowing grey beard mark him as wizened and thoughtful. He is
stooped but still strong. They are known as the Undying since
they are trapped forever in their respective ages. They represent
This is the lord of thunder and storms. the process of life and aging in all its aspects. Followers of the
Worshipped by those who wish to placate his fury Triad are some of the strongest enemies of the Unlife, since it is
and avoid his wrath or by those who revel in the a mockery of what they are.
awesome display of nature’ s power. There are those Alignment: LG
few who delight in his majesty and try to bend it to Home Plane: The Garden of Life Eternal
their own will; of which most are insane. He is Favored Weapon: Longsword
chaos personified and represents the raw power and Domains: family, good, renewal, time
fury of nature and the gods. Clergy: Central [cleric, paladin, silken brother, church inquisitor,
Alignment: CN consecrated harrier, contemplative, divine oracle, hospitaler,
Home Plane: Ysgard hunter of the undead, sacred exorcist]
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: water, chaos, destruction, storms
Clergy: Cult [cleric, hunter of the undead] 0\_RYY\[
The major god of Iylari people,
Corellon Larethian is also known as the Creator
of the Iylari, the Protector, Protector and
The human warrior Buiva survived Preserver of Life, and Ruler of All Iylari.
the Final War of the Culai and was raised to Corellon Larethian is the creator and protector
godhood. He is the patron of all warriors, of all the varied Iylari races. He governs those
especially oath bound mercenaries. He is things held in highest esteem among them, such as magic, music,
arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. Iylari, half-bloods, woodland secrets are his alone, and many races make their home within his
hunters and some bards worship him. Great enmity exists realm or ply their craft upon it, so his worship is varied and
between the followers of Gruumsh and Corellon, as is the hatred large.
between the gods themselves. It is Corellon who claimed his eye Alignment: CN
in a great battle after the Culai wars. Home Plane: Aman & Naman; the White & Black rivers
Alignment: CG Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Home Plane: Arborea Domains: chaos, ocean, water, travel
Favored Weapon: Longsword Clergy: Local [cleric, divine oracle]
Domains: craft, magic, woodland, war
Clergy: Local [cleric, Bladedancer, warpriest, contemplative,
divine oracle, holy liberator, hunter of the undead, templar] 3Nb_bT(
Brother of Faurm, he is the patron of the bitter winds of
night. He is the biting wind of cold that
strikes at night, batters window shades,
She is the mistress of dreams, prophecy, passion and shakes walls, and forms trees into a
desire. Coulide is the patron of lovers, whores, seers, diviners terrifying dance of shadows. He is the
and forecasters of prophecy. She keeper of the great winds of
has a mixed following and her Pandemonium and lets them run at night
temples reflect this. Quite often to placate their eager urges. His worship
there will be multiple altars, one is limited to those who seek to avoid his
each for the different groups that wrath out of necessity or fear. Any who
worship her. In her guise of are exposed to the bitter, biting winds of
patron of whores and lovers she the ocean, desert, mountains or icy
is a scantly clad woman; alluring steppes call his name at night to protect
and proud, as patron of seers she themselves and their possessions from the chaos and fury of his
is deeply cowled and of piercing charges.
eyes. Of all the gods of the Pantheon she has the widest of Alignment: CN
supporters. Many people who suffer nightmares carry a charm of Home Plane: Pandemonium
Coulide to ward them off. She is also the goddess of dreams, and Favored Weapon: Short Spear
protector from nightmares. Domains: air, chaos, retribution, suffering
Alignment: NG Clergy: Cult [cleric, contemplative]
Home Plane: Elysium
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: fate, knowledge, charm, illusion 4_bbZ`U(
Clergy: Local [cleric, contemplative, divine oracle]
Gruumsh is the patron god of evil
humanoids and goblinoids. He is a brutal god
who demands strength and tyranny from his
followers. His titles are One-Eye and He-Who-
Ectoraige is the god of learning and knowledge. He is Never-Sleeps. He calls on his followers to be strong, to cull the
the patron of mages, academics and weak from their numbers, and to take all the territory that
teachers across the realm. His wors hip Gruumsh thinks is rightfully theirs (which is almost everything).
is limited only by those cultures that He harbors a special hatred for Corellon Larethian, Moradin, and
respect knowledge and those who their followers. In ages past, Corellon Larethian put out
wield it. His depiction of a heavily Gruumsh’ s left eye in a great battle.
cloaked seer holding a quill or an open Alignment: CE
book, are the most common. Home Plane: Acheron
Alignment: LN Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Home Plane: The Library of Lore (The Domains: suffering, evil, strength, war
Outlands) Clergy: Local [cleric, templar, divine oracle, warpriest]
Favored Weapon: Staff
Domains: knowledge, magic, rune, spell
Clergy: Central [cleric, contemplative, divine oracle, hunter of 9NQf
the undead]
Goddess of Orhan, the white moon. Daughter of Lady
Dannu, Lussa is patron to all those
who derive strength and power from
the moon and those with unattainable
Faurm is the sea god, patron of love. Those creatures that delight in
ocean merchants, sailors and fisher folk. It the darkness lit only by the pale
is he who protects those who travel the moonlight and those in tormented love.
open seas and oceans. He is slumbering Lussa was cursed by the Old Ones in
chaos and power, he is vast and mighty his the making of the Pact never to touch
her love; Nusas the sun god. Her mortal charges suffered terribly Planes or Tome and Blood. It has the same CR modifier as the
under the Culai, but such was her love for Nusas, she remained fiendish or celestial templates so the same base creatures from
oblivious to their suffering. So still they circle each other, only the summon tables may be used.
infrequently do they approach, but never touch as they both long
Alignment: N :V`UXNY(
Home Plane: Lower layer of the Beastlands (Bound there).
Favored Weapon: Sickle
Domains: renewal, charm, moon, suffering She is the Goddess of Healing
Clergy: Cult [cleric, contemplative, divine oracle, hunter of the & Compassion also known as the
undead] crying lady. Mishkal personally bears
the suffering of those in need her
attentions. She patrons healers,
volunteers and good spirited people
everywhere. Hospices in her name can
be found in most cities, and usually
Mannam is lord of the dead. He is a tall figure in a long healers carry her symbol. She battles
cloak and as he walks the sound of creaking wood and rustling constantly with those who would harm
leaves accompany him. The winged servants of Mannam; the the innocent and her paladins are some
Bainte assist him in his tasks. He rules of the most feared in the lands.
Manach the dead city where the dead Alignment: LG
arrive from their mortal demise. Here Home Plane: Celestia
they are free to live (if it can be called Favored Weapon: Staff
that) until they accept their mortal fate Domains: good, healing, retribution, protection
and choose of their own free will to Clergy: Central [cleric, paladin, church inquisitor, consecrated
confront Alile in his grove amidst the harrier, contemplative, hospitaler, hunter of the undead, sacred
Silent Wood for judgment and rebirth. exorcist, knight of the chalice]
Mannam is the keeper of the dead, not
death itself and he is charged with
protecting those who have ended their :\_NQV[(
time on the material until their rebirth. k
Alignment: N
Moradin is the god of
Home Plane: Manach in The Silent
Runiir and he is also known as the
Soul Forger and the Creator.
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Moradin first taught the Runiir
Domains: fate, death, renewal, time
about metal and gems and gave
Clergy: Local [cleric, contemplative,
them their skills in smithing,
divine oracle, hunter of the undead]
metalworking, engineering, and
Alignment: LG
Home Plane: Celestia
Favored Weapon: Runiir Waraxe.
Maurug is the destroyer, Lord of Chaos and the Insane. Domains: cavern, craft, metal, war
Worshipped most by those attempting to Clergy: Militant [cleric, paladin, warpriest, church inquisitor,
divert his attention, Maurug has gained consecrated harrier, hunter of the undead, divine oracle,
popularity with the races of goblins, hospitaler, knight of the chalice, sacred exorcist, templar]
lugroki and orcs. More people fear
Maurug than worship him, but their fear
and belief lends him substance. Most ;b`N`(
cultures have members who have been k
touched by the insanity of Maurug so his
Nusas was the lover of Lady Lussa, but unlike her was
power and reach cannot be
quick to see the pain his mortals were suffering under the Culai.
underestimated. Clerics and followers of
He battled in the Final War with great
Maurug have knowledge of the Agothu;
prowess and zeal and gained the respect of
the creatures between the stars, the many
his peers. To take part in the battle he
tentacled dancers of star drunk insanity and share this knowledge
spurned Lady Lussa and left her in misery,
with those brave enough to seek it.
too late did Lady Lussa realize the reasons
Alignment: CN
why, and thus they were cursed never to
Home Plane: Pandemonium
touch again. Those who take joy in the sun,
Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
light and happiness worship Nusas. He has a
Domains: chaos, destruction, insanity, trickery
vast worship in many cultures.
Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle, alienist (arcane)]
Alignment: NG
Special: The followers of Maurug can summon creatures with
Home Plane: Top layer of the Beastlands
the pseudonatural template instead of the fiendish or celestial.
(Bound there)
The pseudonatural template can be found in the Manual of the
Favored Weapon: Morning Star
Domains: good, fate, strength, sun balancing power of the good that most of the Pantheon represents
Clergy: Local [cleric, contemplative, divine oracle, hunter of the and his existence is tolerated by the Faith for this reason.
undead, sacred exorcist, templar, warpriest] Alignment: NE
Home Plane: The Silent Wood
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: illusion, evil, death, trickery
Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle, contemplative]
Most established cities bear at least a symbol if not a
shrine or temple of these gods near their entrance. They represent
the peace and prosperity of cities. Oigne is the patron of
craftsman, produce and creation. Uide is the patron of law, The gods of the New Religion are divided into two
merchants, trade and politics. It is said there is a third god of this groups. Firstly, the Trialdone; those once-mortals who were
group not mentioned in the text of the twins, Reann; patron of selected by Trialos to represent his new Church and were granted
thievery and deception. This divinity through the power of Life and Unlife. The second are
has never been proven, but it is those who have joined the Religion since then. The Trialdone
common knowledge that have greater followings since they have existed for longer, while
thieves often carry a symbol of the others are new and relatively weak compared to their older
Oigne & Uide on themselves, brethren. However the new gods in order to stabilize their
and are often represented by following have a more direct involvement with their followers
priests of the Twins at their and grant them greater attention. The Trialdones’ divinity is
trials. dependant on Trialos, if he were to be destroyed the Trialdone
Alignment: N would become nothing more than that were before; quasigods or
Home Plane: Bytopia ~ Duthion (see Topography of the Planes) mortals. It is for this reason they battle on his behalf and all of
Favored Weapon: Shortsword the followers of the Trialdone are subservient to those of the
Domains: craft, family, protection, trade Lord of the New Religion; Trialos.
Reann: luck, trickery, planning
Clergy: Local [cleric, divine oracle]
Those evil and vile creatures that seek to harness
nature’ s fury and power to their own ends
Shoan is the smith of the gods and patron of metal worship Aiada. He is given patronage in
working in all its forms. Many races order to be granted control over the fury
worship him but the bulk of his of the ocean, sea winds, desert storms,
followers come from the human cities. snowfall avalanches and the like. His
Craftsmen who work with metal of all symbol is seen all too often by cargo laden vessels pursued by
types call for his aid and blessing, and pirates and murderers. He is a bloodthirsty god who revels in
it is common practice to purchase slaughter and delights in pillage. He is not a nature god but rather
blessed water from the church of Shoan grants power over nature for evil ends.
and add it to cooling barrels for luck. Alignment: CE
He was Moradin’ s apprentice and took Home Plane: Carceri
the skills he had learned and shared them with the human races. Favored Weapon: Javelin
His followers and Moradins’ share many ceremonial similarities Domains: air, storms, water, unlife
and there exists a strong bond between the two churches. Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle, contemplative]
Alignment: LG
Home Plane: Bytopia ~ Shurrock (see Topography of the
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: craft, fire, metal, strength Ghede is lord of the beasts and lust. Brother and
Clergy: Cult [cleric, paladin, consecrated harrier] incestuous lover of Lady Asherat,
both of whom were cast into the
void by followers of the Faith due
to their tainted love. Trialos sought
them out and made them Trialdone.
Uimfe; the brother of Gruumsh, is Ghede represents bestial behavior
the patron of evil demihumans and heavy-handed control over
everywhere. His means are not the lesser creatures. He is the known as
obvious display of strength or power but the slavelord and yet is slave to his
rather the subtle machinations of fear, own desires. He is the patron of
deception and the shadows. Some civilised purveyors of flesh, misery and
creatures worship him for power, but good aligned churches desire.
quickly disperse these cults. He is the patron of murder and Alignment: NE
trickery, stealth and deception, darkness and corruption. He is the Home Plane: Carceri
Favored Weapon: Great Club
Domains: animal, suffering, trickery, unlife escaped with his life and then returned to join Trialos. Lacking
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] any great power of his own he later pillaged the tomb of Bor the
Special: The followers of Ghede, when using summoning spells Man God, and stole from there the two greatest weapons forged
to call creatures to fight for them can apply the Beast of Xvim by Shoan; Sant the living blade and the spear Cle Bor with its
template from the Monsters of Faerun. This template adds +1CR, fiery diamond head. He is the patron of warriors who revel in the
so a creature with one HD less than the summon spell level primal instincts of battle, those who rejoice in others deaths by
before the template is added can be summoned. their hands and those who practice ignoble combat techniques.
Alignment: LE
Home Plane: Gehenna
Favored Weapon: Falchion
Domains: charm, trickery, war, unlife
Clergy: Militant [cleric, iron brother, templar, consecrated
Those who seek to harness the power of dreams and harrier, warpriest]
nightmares for their own ends
worship Hercosis. They seek and
torment their victims in their dreams, 9NQf
trying to blur the distinction between
waking and sleeping horrors. Initially
Hercosis was a minor assistant of Lady Asharat; sister and lover
Coulide, but he succumbed to his of Ghede, is the taker of souls,
desires of power and tyranny and goddess of dark magic and ritual
turned on the Faith and joined sacrifice. She is the patron of those
Trialos. who would torture and sacrifice others
Alignment: NE in the hope of gaining fell powers, she
Home Plane: Hades infrequently answers these calls to
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain maintain the hope that she will aid
Domains: insanity, trickery, illusion, unlife those who call her. A dark and bitter
Clergy: Cult [cleric] goddess feared by even her own kind.
Followers of Lady Asharat gain Ritual
& Ritual Sacrifice as bonus feats upon
joining the church.
Alignment: NE
Home Plane: Hades
Kishar was a servant of Baistigh in the Final War, but at Favored Weapon: Dagger
its end he chose to abandon his lord Domains: magic, rune, suffering,
and follow Trialos. He claimed the unlife
storms destructive fury as his Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle, contemplative]
domain and some say that the
clashes of lightning and thunder that
rage above Kulthea is the warring of 9RORYYVb`(
Baistigh and Kishar.
Alignment: CE k
Home Plane: Carceri The New Religions god of
Favored Weapon: Dire Flail death. Contrary to Mannam; who
Domains: chaos, destruction, storm, cares for the dead, Lebellius revels
unlife in the death process, the longer or
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar, divine oracle] more unexpected the better. He is
represented as a fat jovial man in
bright red robes with a thatch of
white hair and twinkling eyes. His
alternate form is a skeleton wreathed
in flames wielding a greatsword. He
Kloor is the war god of was once a high servant of Mannam
the New Religion. Kloor’ s priests and attempted, with dark magics and
seek out disillusioned young the slaughter of hundreds to extend
warriors and seduce them with his own life. He was finally captured
promises of glory and fame; they by the Bainte; winged servants of
are tricked into thrice swearing Mannam and executed. Trialos captured his soul on its trek to the
loyalty to Kloor and are a bound to Silent Wood and gave him divinity.
their oath with an iron band that Alignment: LE
surrounds their wrists. These bands Home Plane: Gehenna
force loyalty and obedience under Favored Weapon: Greatsword
sufferance of exquisite pain. All Domains: death, fate, suffering, unlife
members of Kloors church wear Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle, contemplative]
these bands.
Kloor was a captain in
Buiva’ s army that faced the Culai in the Final War, he fled and
Lutann is the chaos god of the New Religion. If Kloor’ s Sinn is the lover of Trialos and has claimed creatures of
warriors make up the army of the the lower planes as her area of worship. Those wanting to
New Religion then the Chaos summon or commune with lower plane denizens often give her
Templars of Lutann make up its praise. Her followers are mages
elite knights. They are clad, like and clerics who use the fell
their master, in heavy plate armors powers of the lower planes for
that are inscribed with spidery their own benefit. All followers of
runes. Lutann represents shear Sinn gain Ritual and Ritual
chaos, destruction and anarchy. His Sacrifice as bonus feats upon
followers’ use spiked armors with joining the church.
fearsome, ornate demon-helms. Every level a templar, cleric or Alignment: NE
warpriest of Lutann gains they must roll on the chaos mutation Home Plane: Hades
table of p169 in the Monster Manual. Within the church those Favored Weapon: Punch Dagger
with greater deformities are seen as blessed by Lutann and are Domains: charm, evil, magic,
afforded great praise & respect. unlife
Alignment: CE Clergy: Cult [cleric, acolyte of the
Home Plane: Carceri skin (arcane)]
Favored Weapon: Falchion
Domains: chaos, rune, destruction, unlife
Clergy: Militant [cleric, templar, warpriest] AV[V`(
Tinis represents all those who worship fire and its
destructive force. He also represents those who promote racial
hatred. His followers purge
Quatatal is the sun god of the New Religion; those who impurities of those around them
seek to harness the ravaging heat and with flame. This cult is banned in
exposure of the sun worship him. He is most civilized realms, but
not prayed to out of joy like Nusas, but flourishes nonetheless in areas
rather because of the suns destructive where xenophobia and racial
effects such as harsh drought, desert hatred are tolerated.
winds, unrelenting exposure and Alignment: CE
delirium. His following is growing in Home Plane: Gehenna
desert areas as groups attempt to wield Favored Weapon: Hand Axe
his fiery power against their enemies. Domains: fire, destruction,
Alignment: NE trickery, unlife
Home Plane: Gehenna Clergy: Cult [cleric, contemplative, divine oracle]
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Domains: fire, illusion, sun, unlife
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] AVe`(
Tixs is the seductress
and tormentor. Minor cat
godling; newest god of the
New Religion. Those who use
Sheesharak is the god of their body and beauty to take
vengeance. This is the god of advantage of others follow
revenge and collector of debts. He is Tixs. Her worship is very
the unrelenting upholder of contracts small but very zealous. She is
and bargains and those who seek to also the patron of brigands and
gain the best out of an unfair their sort, not mere thieves, but
proposition or dealing pray to him. those who go out of their way
He also represents the survival of the to cause death and suffering
fittest mentality and therefore the when not necessary. She is the
culling of the weak. laughing goddess of pain
Alignment: LE without pity.
Home Plane: Gehenna Alignment: NE
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe Home Plane: Hades
Domains: law, destruction, retribution, unlife Favored Weapon: Bladed Gauntlet
Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine oracle] Domains: animal, charm, trickery, unlife
Clergy: Cult [cleric]
Alignment: NG
Home Plane: Unknown perhaps the Positive Plane
Favored Weapon: -
Domains: good, healing, knowledge, protection
Trialos was once God of Iylari Nobility and Clergy: Local [cleric, monk, sacred fist]
Leadership and a staunch power of the Faith. Trialos Special: The monks of the Andam way are normal monks from
refused to bend his knee in sorrow following the PHB modified by the rules following in the Monk
the Pact and accept guilt. He left and granted section. They must however take Knowledge Religion as a
a shard of his own divinity of lesser creatures class skill instead of Arcane due to their religious training
whose hearts were as black as his own; and are of NG alignment.
creating the Trialdone, and has warred on the
Faith ever since. He is the God of Pride and
bends his knee to no power or authority. His AUR
following is the greatest of the Religion since
all who worship one of the Trialdone also k
worship him. Some choose to follow the dark path of Unlife
He is the patron of nobility, leaders and worship this foul, negative, primal energy. It is the
and power. Those who crave power not unbridled evil and darkness that dwells in the
rightly theirs worship him and many a land shadows and lurks at the edge of our nightmares.
has had the New Religion made its official These individuals who worship the anti-life shun
faith due to the followers of Trialos assisting everyone who don’ t share their thirst for power and
the new leaders ascension to power. It is he love of darkness and death. The priest Aarnak can hide
who brought the knowledge of the Unlife to amidst their friends and neighbors for decades, never
the demons, devils and other lower plane creatures; creatures he revealing their fell secret, while all the time partaking in
knew would have little moral trouble in using the fell power for dark ceremonies involving undead creatures and blood sacrifice.
their own ends. Even other evil creatures tend to hunt them down for slaying or
Alignment: LE at least cast them out. They are Kulthea’ s renegades and most
Home Plane: Gehenna despised threat to all life, good and evil, and are therefore
Favored Weapon: Rapier understandably cautious, suspicious and when cornered; brutal.
Domains: evil, nobility, planning, unlife Alignment: any non-good
Clergy: Central [cleric, templar, shadow warrior, Seeker of Home Plane: Unknown perhaps the Negative Plane
Trialos, consecrated harrier, contemplative, divine oracle, Favored Weapon: Dagger
warpriest] Domains: evil, death, knowledge, unlife
Clergy: Cult [cleric, master of shrouds, divine oracle,
These creatures have survived for centuries in Kulthea.
The Andam brothers worship all the Pantheon of the They are the ancient dragons, oldest of their kind that may be the
Faith as a single belief, known as The Way, they revel in source of mortals’ ability to become sorcerers. They have great
religious discussion and philosophy with priests of other gods on personal power and an affinity with evil mortal races that flock
this topic. The living proof of their belief is their ability to cast to their winged banners. Their minions’ armor is fashioned into
divine spells. Their ideals suggest that all gods of the Faith are shapes and spikes to resemble the flow of a dragons form. Their
merely facets of the single entity and it to this being and actions and temperament is that of evil expansionism. They
philosophy of balance and peace that they give worship. They respect no life or group save their own and frequently have their
wear simple orange and grey robes of coarse cloth and take a Lugroki hoards attack settlements for seemingly no gain.
vow of poverty. They help the poor, sick and needy in any way There are five Dragonlords, each respecting the other’ s
possible. They can be seen in the poor sections of cities tending region and power base. If they were ever to join forces they
the wounds and sores of the lame and helping in soup kitchens would be a great threat to all of Kulthea. They, even though evil,
that they run. oppose the forces of the Unlife and all who wield it as strongly
The Andam are known as some of the gentlest and as the Faith does. This puts them at odds with the Religion,
wisest people in all the realms, surprisingly they have trained which is probably just as well.
some of the finest unarmed combatants in Kulthea, who are The priests of the Dragonlords are clerics in every
indistinguishable from their clerical brethren. These monks act as respect. This detail by itself is unsettling since they are then, by
guards for their clerical brothers while preaching and hunting definition, gods. They may be exploiting the weakness in the
down their sworn enemies; the New Religion and agents of the Pact, that if enough beings worship you and you believe yourself
Unlife. Many of the followers of the Andam way come from a god, you become a god. Philosophical musings aside these
other clergies of the Faith; these clerics and templars have been creatures and their minions are yet another powerful force to be
swayed by the gentle teachings of the Andam and have left to reckoned with in Kulthea.
join them. Strangely no Faith church will try to prevent this and All of the Dragonlords are residents of the material
usually celebrate the departure as a joyous occasion. The Andam plane.
have a long and proud tradition and very few organizations are
thought of so well throughout all of Jaiman and Emer as they are.
across a book of forbidden lore, or a semi-erased glyph of
tentacled horrors amidst the stars, you may just begin to hear
their song of madness and join their frolicking at the edge of
insanity and rapture. These are the creatures found in the Far
Realm from the Manual of the Planes. See the section on the
Topography of the Planes for more detail. Those who worship
the Agothu use the following.
Alignment: any
Home Plane: The Far Realm
beyond the Deep Ethereal
Favored Weapon: -
Domains: fate, knowledge, time,
Clergy: Cult [cleric, divine
oracle, alienist (arcane)]
Special: The followers of the
Agothu can summon creatures
with the pseudonatural template
instead of the fiendish or
celestial. The pseudonatural
template can be found in the
Manual of the Planes or Tome
and Blood. It has the same CR
modifier as the fiendish or
celestial templates so the same
The green dragon resides on the isle Molaac Ruan. base creatures from the summon
Domain: plant, scalykind, evil, renewal tables may be used. The Chaos
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] Beast and Gibbering Mouther
from the Monster Manual are creatures long ago touched by the
Agothu and are easily summoned by Summon Monster spells.
The gibbering mouther can be summoned with the IV version
The red dragon resides in Ja miil Targ - the Black and the Chaos beast becomes summonable with the V instead of
Valley below Ri’ shariv Ja’ miil – the fiery red mountain in NE the VI version per PHB for the follower of the Agothu.
Jaiman above Wuliris. All followers of the Agothu must twist their minds to
Domain: fire, scalykind, evil, nobility understand the god inspired insanity that created the Agothu, not
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] many minds can withstand this. Every time a follower of the far
star dancers makes a WIL check (successful or not) they must
make another WIL check once they are ‘safe’ . Safety means not
immediately threatened by danger. This check is against
The black dragon resides on the Lost Isles in the far DC10+their level. If failed they are affected by a Confusion spell
west of Thuul. She is the Empress of Lu’ horgu. cast at their current level. If they stop worshipping the Agothu
Domain: death, scalykind, evil, suffering they still suffer this insanity.
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar]
This is an ancient symbol known as the
Elder Sign; thought to be that of the
Agothu, it can be found in books, on
The blue dragon lives in Vog Mur in NE Emer. ancient stone carvings and engraved on strange
Domain: magic, scalykind, evil, magic green stones dragged from the depths of the
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] oceans. It is unknown the relationship
between this symbol and the Agothu, whether it
represents them or repels them. Scholars investigating the rune
have succumbed to madness on many occasions so a definitive
The white dragon makes Aalk Gaath (the larger sub-
answer is yet to be found.
island) in Mur Fostisyr his home.
Domain: water, scalykind, evil, storms
Clergy: Cult [cleric, templar] AUR
Some beings worship the elemental planes themselves.
The planes or the powers that dwell there have the ability to
grant godlike powers to their followers. In this manner they are
These are the twisted failures of the Faith that preceded
truly gods in form and function. It is suspected that there exists
the Culai. They were flung into the edge of reality by the Old
elemental rulers on these planes and by the worship of the single
Ones and soon forgotten. There were insanity and madness
element they are in fact giving this being power. Any cleric that
amidst the stars they whispered, cried, screamed and begged but
worships a primal elemental energy gains the following.
the Old Ones, in their great shame, ignored them. Still they cry,
Alignment: any
even to this day and if you are unfortunate enough to come
Home Plane: The relevant Elemental Plane outlands which has connections to all of the outer planes. The
Favored Weapon: - upper planes are all coterminous, joined by the White River;
Domains: element of worship, magic, healing, protection Aman (Oceanus), while the lower planes are also coterminous
Clergy: Cult [cleric, elemental savant (tome & blood)] joined by the Black River; Naman (Styx). The inner planes are
Special: The follower of the elemental powers over a period of connected to the astral and shadow planes. The astral has a
time becomes more and more like the element they worship. mildly good aligned trait and has connections (astral pools) to the
Every level they gain they must make a WIL DC10+new level to upper, inner and neutral planes. The shadow plane has a mildly
avoid becoming tainted (or blessed) with the element they hold evil aligned trait and has connections (astral pools – now shadow
so revered. If failed they immediately become Plane Touched ~ pools) to the lower, inner and neutral planes. No colour pool
Gensai from the Monsters of Faerun, of the element they exists from the astral to shadow and vice versa so it is not
worship. This cannot be chosen of free will and must be rolled possible to travel directly from the shadow to astral plane. The
each level. It is not a conscious decision but rather the side Black River travels through the shadow plane as does the White
effects of being exposed to the awesome primal energy of the River through the astral. The Rivers may be entered where the
elemental planes. coterminous borders between the planes touch the transitives and
then the river can take you to the planes they flow through.
Below is the Topography of the outer planes.
The planes of existence of the Jaiman campaign are /fa\]VN
somewhat different to that of the standard ‘wheel’ in the Manual Change the description found in the Manual of the
of the Planes. There are still the broad groups of the inner and Planes to reflect this; the lower level of this plane (Dothion) is
outer planes as detailed below. home to the twin gods of the cities; Oigne & Uide. Most of the
level is a thriving metropolis named Twintown, complete with
extensive gardens, markets and galleries. It acts as a meeting
=YN[R place where all manner of creatures come and go from the
This plane exists everywhere; it is coexistent with every Outland gate town of Tradegate. It is a generally safe place. With
plane detailed below. Each plane has its own ethereal, which a mildly good alignment that deters most wanton evildoers. The
then borders the Deep Ethereal. This deep ethereal is upper level of Bytopia (Shurrock) is home to Shoan the
coterminous with each individual planes’ ethereal. Thus any Godsmith. Most of this layer is made up of smithies, mines,
plane can be reached by entering the ethereal, travelling to the forges, smelters etc. Here craftsmen of all races and alignment
deep ethereal then the second planes own ethereal and finally the come and trade secrets and hope to be taught by the great smith
second plane itself. The deep ethereal is an option that exists in god. Moradin is a frequent guest here as he and his once
the Manual of the Planes and is used for the Jaiman Campaign. If apprentice forge items of great beauty and power.
the deep ethereal is thought to be near infinite. Scholars suggest
that if you travel the deep ethereal, but in a direction in which no
other plane lies, you will eventually enter the Far Realm; home AUR
of the Agothu. This has been achieved a few times and the exact This is the home plane of the Triad of life. It is a
nature of the border between the two realms is unknown. wondrous place, full of life in all its forms. Petitioners that have
been judged worthy by Alile are sent here as reward to reside in
pleasure eternal and bask in the radiance of the Triad. All manner
=YN[R` of celestial and axiomatic creatures fill this realm. It looks much
The inner planes are made up of the material plane, the like any of the upper planes; rich lush vegetation, faint music and
elemental planes of fire, water, air and earth, the paraelemental singing, gentle warm sun, mild breeze. It is the perfection of
border planes of ice, ooze, magma and smoke, the positive and goodness and life. The plane is a series of islands amid the river
negative planes and the faerie plane. All the planes are co- Anam, the garden islands are connected by a series of bridges.
existent with the material plane but not with each other. The On one such island is the Timeless Tree, on which grows the
arrangement of the elemental planes is as below; they are fruit of immortality which any mortal can consume and be
coterminous (can travel from plane to plane ‘walking’ over their granted divine immortality and the ability to see the balance of
borders) with each other but not with the material, faerie or life and death within anything. The Outland portal town of the
positive and negative planes which are all coexistent but Garden is Respite and its sits between Ecstasy and Tradegate.
separate. • Normal gravity.
• Timeless ~ retroactive upon leaving the realm.
Smoke Air Ice • Finite in size; limited to the islands and bridges.
• Divinely morphic: the Triad may alter the Garden at
Material will.
Fire Faerie Water • No elemental traits.
+/-ve • Mildly Lawful aligned.
• Strongly Good aligned.
Magma Earth Ooze • Enhanced magic: all healing spells are maximized.
they are told by the Bainte; the winged servabts of death, to of Manach. The temple itself is a shared demiplane connecting
travel the path until they reach Manach; City of the Dead. They both Alile’ s and Mannam’ s realms. Petitioners may only enter
are warned not to leave the path under pain of the souls eternal and exit from the one side though they may not cross through.
torment. This is the first test of faith. All manner of foul and • Normal gravity.
desperate creatures inhabit the Wood and they tempt the newly • Timeless.
dead with promises of all manner of riches and pleasure in an • Infinite; the petrified forest is borderless while the city
attempt to lure them off the path. Once this happens they become Manach itself is finite.
fodder and currency for creatures of the lower planes. Once in • Divinely morphic: Mannam can by will alter the
sight of Manach they are met by another Bainte and together structure of the city Manach. He can also make the path
they use the bridges of wood (body), stone (heart) and crystal through the Wood change in size, direction, length and
(senses) to cross Manam the Black. These bridges keep the slope. The Silent wood will change to accommodate
monstrosities of the Silent Wood from sacking the city and this but this is the extent of his power over the forest
consuming the souls of the newly dead. To cross the bridges a itself.
Bainte or an immortal of the Faith must accompany the newly • No elemental traits.
dead. Once inside Manach the Bainte presents them the • Manach is mildly neutral aligned while the Silent wood
following choices, they may remain in the city or they can and the Mire are mildly evil aligned.
choose to leave and confront Alile to have their mortal life
• Normal magic.
judged. Depending on how Alile judges them they may find
themselves in the Garden of Life Eternal, reborn back on the
material to learn another lesson or condemned to be taken by the
creatures of the Silent Wood. Not surprisingly some petitioners
Ab Absolom is the chequered war place of the gods. It
choose to remain in the city, as do those who do not (or refuse
is situated in the Outlands and was once a beautiful place, full of
to) recognize the fact of their own death.
hills, rivers and all manner of life and land. It was meant to act as
The Outland portal town of the Silent Wood is the Mire,
a mini-material where the gods could test their newest creations
it sits halfway between Plague-Mort and Curst. Here a township
and see how they would respond in a controlled environment,
of sorts has grown made of those who have mastered the living
free of the affect of the already spreading material planes mortal
city of the dead and found a way to escape. In the Mire living
races. The landscape of Ab Absolom was near utterly destroyed
and dead can mingle for those able to freely traverse the planes.
in the Culai Wars and much blood, divine and mortal was spilt
An evil place beyond compare, made from those who fear Alile’ s
on the ground there. There are some scholars that say that the
judgment have escaped and will not cross back into Manach. The
strange effect that the Outlands has magic is because of the
petitioners of the Silent Wood can enter the Mire but can go no
divine wars once fought there. The plane itself is home to Buiva
further than its boundaries. The creation of the Mire also allowed
who rarely leaves this realm, he is the warden of the bodies of
the Silent Wood to creep into the Outlands and its deathly reach
the dead here, divine, Culai and mortal and vast treasure is to be
still threatens the dead of the Mire. A constant battle with the
had for those brave enough to risk his wrath. Ab Absolom is
creatures of the Wood occurs around the Mire and within it death
located under Sigil. It is actually a demiplane contained within
occurs daily. Not a true death for the petitioners, but a temporary
the Spire itself, so far no way, short of climbing manually down
inconvenient one, full of the pains and tortures of reality, but a
the inside of the spire (once a way inside is found) has been
mere reminder of their true status. No-one can truly die in the
established. The dead magic effect of the Spire also affects the
Mire, except the living foolish enough to travel there.
plains of Ab Absolom making the God of War even more potent
Alile sits in judgment in the main room of his Basilica
against mortal or divine creatures. Buiva is the one god who has
while his stalwart knights defend its walls and plan forays to
been known to have entered Sigil safely and returned.
capture any who have escaped judgment. The dead of Manach
can call for judgment at any time by stepping into the sole temple
Ysgard Arborea Beastlands Bytopia Elysium of Life Celestia Arcadia
Anam The White River
Granted Power and Spells: As Player’ s Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
Handbook except for the following
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. changes;
3 Speak with the Dead 4\\Q
6 Circle of death Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
8 Horrid wilting
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
Granted Power: You gain the Runiir
ability of stonecunning. If you already 6YYb`V\[
possess stonecunning, your racial bonus
Granted Power: You cast all illusion
for stonecunning increases from +2 bonus Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. spells at +1 caster level.
to +4 on checks to notice unusual
1 Silent image
stonework. 2 Minor image
Cavern Domain Spells 2cVY
3 Displacement
1 Detect secret passages Granted Power and Spells: As Player’ s 4 Phantasmal killer
2 Darkness Handbook except for the following: 5 Persistent image
3 Meld into stone 2 Death knell 6 Mislead
4 Leomund’ s secure shelter 6 Forbiddance 7 Project image
5 Passwall
8 Screen
6 Find the path 9 Weird
7 Maw of stone 3NZVYf
8 Earthquake Granted Power: Unity ward: As a free
9 Imprisonment action, you may protect a number of
creatures equal to your Charisma modifier Granted Power: Due to your intimate
with a +4 dodge bonus to AC. This knowledge of the diseases of the mind
supernatural ability lasts 1 round per strengthening your mental defenses you
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. level. An affected creature loses this gain a +2 bonus to all WIL saves.
protection if it moves more than 10 feet 1 Cause fear
from you. You may affect yourself with 2 Tashas hideous laughter
this ability. 3 Confusion
Granted Power: You can boost your 1 Bless 4 Phantasmal Killer
Charisma by 4 points once per day as a 2 Shield other 5 Feeblemind
free action. The increase lasts 1 minute. 3 Helping hand 6 Nightmare
Charm Domain Spells 4 Imbue with spell ability 7 Insanity
1 Charm person 5 Hallow 8 Chain of Chaos (DotF)
2 Calm emotions 6 Heroes’ feast 9 Weird
3 Suggestion 7 Succor
4 Emotion 8 Protection from spells
5 Charm monster 9 Prismatic sphere 8[\dYRQTR
6 Geas/quest Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
7 Insanity
8 Demand 3NaR
9 Dominate monster Granted Power: You gain the Uncanny
Dodge ability of a 3rd level rogue. If you Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
have another class that grants the uncanny
dodge ability, treat your level in that class
Granted Power: You cast Creation spells as three higher for determining your 9bPX
at +1 caster level and gain Skill Focus (a uncanny dodge ability. Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
+2 bonus) in the Craft skill of your 1 True strike
choice. 2 Augury
Craft Domain Spells 3 Bestow curse :NTVP
1 Animate rope 4 Status Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
2 Wood shape 5 Mark of justice
3 Stone shape 6 Geas/quest
4 Minor creation 7 Vision
5 Wall of stone 8 Mind blank
6 Fantastic machine 9 Foresight
7 Major creation
8 Forcecage
9 Greater fantastic machine
2 Sound burst 7 Spell turning
3 Water breathing 8 Discern location
Granted Power: Free Martial (or Exotic) 4 Freedom of movement 9 Storm of vengeance
Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus 5 Wall of ice
with your choice of hammer. 6 Otiluke’ s freezing sphere
1 Magic weapon 7 Waterspout ?b[R
2 Heat metal 8 Maelstrom Granted Power: Free Scribe Scroll feat.
3 Keen edge 9 Elemental swarm (cast as a water spell 1 Erase
4 Rusting grasp only) 2 Secret page
5 Wall of iron 3 Glyph of warding
6 Blade barrier 4 Explosive runes
7 Transmute metal to wood =YN[[V[T
5 Lesser planar binding
8 Iron body Granted Power: Free Extend Spell feat. 6 Greater glyph of warding
9 Repel metal or stone 1 Deathwatch 7 Drawmij’ s instant summons
2 Augury 8 Symbol
3 Clairaudience/clairvoyance 9 Teleportation circle
4 Status
Granted Power: Turn or destroy 5 Detect scrying
lycanthropes as a good cleric turns or 6 Heroes’ feast @PNYfXV[Q
destroys undead. You can use this ability 7 Greater scrying Granted Power: Rebuke or command
a total number of times per day equal to 3 8 Discern location animals (reptiles and snakes) as an evil
+ your Charisma modifier. 9 Time stop cleric rebukes or commands undead. Use
Moon Domain Spells this ability a total number of times per day
1 Faerie fire equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
2 Moonbeam =YN[a
1 Magic fang
3 Moon blade Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. 2 Animal trance*
4 Emotion 3 Greater magic fang
5 Moon path 4 Poison
6 Permanent image =_\aRPaV\[
5 Animal growth*
7 Insanity Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. 6 Eyebite
8 Animal shapes 7 Creeping Doom (composed of tiny
9 Moonfire snakes)
8 Animal shapes*
Granted Power: If you fall below 0 hit 9 Shapechange
points, you regain a number of hit points *Affects ophidian or reptilian creatures
Granted Power: You have the spell-like equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier. only.
ability to inspire allies, giving them a +2 This supernatural ability functions once
morale bonus to saving throws, attack per day. If an attack brings you to -10 hit
rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and points or below, you die before this @]RYY
weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able granted power takes effect. Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus to
to hear you speak for 1 round. Using this 1 Charm person Concentration and Spellcraft checks.
ability is a standard action. It lasts a 2 Lesser restoration Spell Domain Spells
number of rounds equal to your Charisma 3 Remove disease 1 Mage armor
modifier, and may be used once per day. 4 Reincarnate 2 Silence
1 Divine favor 5 Atonement 3 Dispel magic
2 Enthrall 6 Heroes’ feast 4 Rary’ s mnemonic enhancer
3 Magic vestment 7 Greater restoration 5 Break enchantment
4 Discern lies 8 Polymorph any object 6 Greater dispelling
5 Greater command 9 Freedom 7 Limited wish
6 Geas/quest 8 Antimagic field
7 Repulsion 9 Mordenkainen’ s disjunction
8 Demand ?Ra_VObaV\[
9 Storm of vengeance Granted Power: If you have been
harmed by someone in combat, you may @a\_Z`
make a strike of vengeance with a melee Granted Power: You gain electrical
or missile weapon against that person on resistance 5.
Granted Power: You have the your next action. If this attack hits, you 1 Entropic shield
supernatural ability to breathe water as if deal maximum damage. You may use this 2 Gust of wind
under the effect of a water breathing supernatural ability once per day. 3 Call lightning
spell, for up to ten rounds per level. This 1 Shield of faith 4 Sleet storm
effect occurs automatically as soon as it 2 Endurance 5 Ice storm
applies, lasts until it runs out or is no 3 Speak with dead 6 Summon monster VI (air spell only)
longer needed, and can operate multiple 4 Fire shield 7 Control weather
times per day (up to the total daily limit of 5 Mark of justice 8 Whirlwind
rounds). 6 Banishment 9 Storm of vengeance
1 Endure elements
6 Contingency may the followers of such a being rebuke,
7 Mass haste bolster and command undead, all others
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. 8 Foresight turn (or mesmerise) or destroy (or sever).
9 Time stop See cleric section for details.
1 Invisibility to undead
2 Desecrate
Granted Power: You may use a pain A_NQR
3 Animate dead
touch once per day. Make a melee touch Granted Power: You may detect 4 Circle of Doom
attack against a living creature, which thoughts once per day as a spell-like 5 Unhallow
sustains a -2 enhancement penalty to ability, affecting one target and lasting a 6 Create undead
Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute. This number of minutes equal to your 7 Unholy word
spell-like ability does not affect creatures Charisma modifier. Activating this power 8 Create greater undead
immune to critical hits. is a free action. 9 Energy Drain
1 Bane 1 Message
2 Endurance 2 Converted
3 Bestow curse 3 Veil of grace and splendour DN_
4 Enervation 4 Sending Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
5 Feeblemind 5 Fabricate
6 Harm 6 True seeing
7 Eyebite (sicken effect only) 7 Mordenkainen’ s magnificent mansion DNaR_
8 Symbol (pain effect only) 8 Mind blank Granted Power and Spells: As PHB.
9 Horrid wilting 9 Discern location
Granted Power: Free Point Blank Shot
Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. feat.
1 True strike
2 Cat’ s grace
3 Snare
Granted Power: Free Improved Initiative Granted Power and Spells: As PHB. 4 Tree stride
feat. 5 Commune with nature
1 True strike 6 Find the path
2 Gentle repose B[YVSR
7 Liveoak
3 Haste Granted Power: You gain the feat; Extra 8 Sunburst
4 Freedom of movement Turning as an additional feat at no cost. 9 Antipathy
5 Permanency Only if this domain is listed for a deity