MERP - Lords of Middle Earth Vol 1

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Fantasy role playing is akin to a living novel where the players are This supplement is based on extensive research and attempts to
the main characters. Under the guidance of a referee, or meet the high standards associated with the Tolkien legacy. Rational
"Gamemaster,' each player guides his or her character and, in the linguistic, cultural, and geological data are employed. Interpretive
process, helps to write a new story. Each game is a new and unique material has been included with great care and fits into defined pat­
adventure. terns and schemes. ICE does not intend it to be the sole view; in­
stead, we hope to give the reader the thrust of the creative processes
behind, and nature of, each character.
This work is part of a series designed as a flexible tool for This is an authorized secondary work. It is specifically based on
Gamemasters who wish to introduce major characters from The Hob­ The Hobbit and The Lord oj the Rings, and it has been developed
bit or The Lord oj the Rings into their fantasy games. ICE's Lords so that no conflict exists with any of the other primary publications.
oj Middle-earth is a three volume compendium of the major Of course, always remember that the ultimate sources of informa­
characters found in the remarkable works of 1.R.R. Tolkien. A game tion are the works of Professor 1.R.R. Tolkien. Posthumous publica­
supplement, it is a statistical reference for use with most major fan­ tions edited by his son Christopher shed additional light on the world
tasy role playing games. of Middle-earth.

1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.0 USING LORDS OF MIDDLE-EARTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.0 GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 . 1 ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6.0 ELVES . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .48
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 An Overview of Elves . . . . . .48
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . 3 CITATIONS . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 1 Elven History . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.4 CONVERTING STATISTICS . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.12 Elven Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 .41 Converting Hits and Bonuses . . . 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 1 3 Elven Sub-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.42 Converting Statistics For Any Major FRP System 5 . . . . . . 6.2 Elven Character Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.43 Converting Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Elven Short Description Glossary . . . . . . 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.44 Converting Combat Abilities . . . . . . . . 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 .45 Converting Spells and Spell Lists . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0 THE GREAT ENEMIES . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 .46 A Note on Levels . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Morgoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.47 Skill Bonuses . . .. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Sauron . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.3 Ungoliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

4.0 VALAR 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 An Overview of the Valar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 USING HIGH LEVEL CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . 1 1 Vala History . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 Selecting High Level Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.12 Vala Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 8.2 Balancing the Use of Powerful Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.13 The Valar and Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
4.2 Vala Character Glossary . . . .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0 GENERATING HIGH LEVEL CHARACTERS . . 105 . . . . . . . . . .

9.1 Stats . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 .0 MAlAR . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Background and Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5 . 1 An Overview of the Maiar . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Equipment and Magic I tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . 1 1 Maia History . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Skill and Level Bonuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . 1 2 Maia Nature . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 29
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . 1 3 Maia Sub-groups . . . . . . . . . 30
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0 M ISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5 . 1 4 Wizards ( lstari) . . . . . . . . . . 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Character Skills Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2 Maia Character Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Selected Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Produced and distributed by I RON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc. P.O. Box 1 605, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Stock # 8002.

Copyright 1986 TOL KIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDI SI NG, Inc., Berkeley, CA. Lords oj Middle-earth , Volume
I, The Hobbit, and The Lord oj the Rings , and all characters and places within, are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES.
Second U.S. Edition 1 98 8. ISBN 0-9 15795-26-4
2 Intro duction and Overview

1.0 INTRODUCTION Race Sections

Each race section begins with a survey of the group's general history
and features and an examination of the race which delineates the
How would you like to debate Saruman the White or challenge
relationship between all the race's subgroupings (e.g., Fair Elves ver­
the strength of a Balrog? Could you outride Glorfindel or withstand sus Grey Elves). The Character Glossary follows, providing an
the presence of the Lord of the Rings? Have you ever felt the need
alphabetical compilation of the race's major individuals.
to seek the aid of a Vala? Now you can at least try. Each figure is described in terms of his or her appearance, motiva­
Lords of Middle-earth permits you to meet Endor's most promi­ tions, characteristics, and background, In addition, we provide charts
nent or powerful individuals, the famous or infamous figures who
containing a listing of each individual's game statistics - his or her
affect the history of the Middle Land. You can call forth all of the
Profession, Stats, Skills, and items - with statistics for both Middle­
major characters found in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord earth Role Playing and Rolemaster game systems.
of the Rings. A Short Description Glossary section covering less prominent
Elves, Maiar, & Valar is the first of the three volume Lords of characters follows some of the Character Glossaries. While the
Middle-earth series. Volume Two covers Men, while Volume Three material covering each character in this alphabetical listing is quite
covers the remaining races: Ents, Dwarves, Hobbits, Orcs, and Trolls.
brief, it helps illuminate the character's status, as well as his or her
Together, these three comprehensive works cover the great figures
relationship to more important individuals.
from each of Endor's varied races. None of the characters in Lords of Middle-earth is given the ex­
It is only fitting that Volume One describes the first beings to enter haustive treatment found in the character studies in ICE's Middle­
Tolkien's world, the spirits called the Valar and Maiar, as well as the earth Campaign Modules. I nstead, the emphasis is on significantly
Firstborn of the Free Peoples, the Elves. All immortal, they dominate pertinent information. A character's home and principal possessions,
the early history of Middle-earth, and their influence continues to for instance, are listed but they are not described in any great detail.
form the foundation of life in Endor. Their power remains unparallel­ These works are game supplements, general aids; they are not
ed, although their direct influence in Middle-earth wanes with each substitutes for products that focus on particular places or individuals.
passing Age. The material in Lords of Middle-earth is drawn from authorized
sources and, wherever reasonable, these entries provide citations to
pertinent sections in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Where
ICE has extrapolated information, the entry cites ICE's Middle-earth
role playing rules and supplements. More information about the
works and the use of these citations is located in the Guidelines sec­
tion described above.
High Level Character Generation
A section on generating high level ( 1 1th level or higher) characters

2.0 USING LORDS OF is located at the end of each volume of Lords of Middle-earth . Keyed
to the races covered by the given volume, this section provides a means

MIDDLE-EARTH to ( 1 ) quickly generate high level non-player characters, and (2)

develop characters past 10th level. Guidelines for the use of power
(e.g., spells and magic items) are also included.
This volume of Lords of Middle-earth is divided into three parts:
A Note on the Temporal Setting
(1) G UIDELINES - a section devoted to abbreviations, a The material is written from the point of view of a Third Age or
citation key, and notes on converting statistics and adapting Fourth Age setting. Although most of the characters described began
this work to any major fan tasy role playing game; their lives before the Third Age, many survive through or beyond
the time of the War of the Ring. In some cases, these figures will
(2) RACE SECTIONS - sections describing the general be discussed in the present tense for, after all, this supplement deals
character and principal individuals of the races covered by with immortal beings.
this work; and


tion providing a sampl ing of stats and bonuses for typical
high level characters, together with guidelines for generating
and handl ing high level characters in a fan tasy role playing
Space does not permit us to spell out every thought or include
Guidelines statistics for every major role playing game system, so we include
The Guidelines provide the means to use Lords of Middle-earth the following abbreviations, definitions, citation guidelines, and con­
in your fantasy role playing game. This section includes abbrevia­ version notes.
tions, definitions of game terminology, and conversion notes. It Section 3 . 1 covers abbreviations. Definitions of frequently
enables the reader to understand the codes and citations found in employed game terms are set out in Section 3.2, while notes on the
later passages. use of source citations appear in 3.3. Section 3.4 enables readers to
Since this work is described in terms of ICE's Middle-earth Role translate statistics into numbers usable in most other fantasy role
Playing and Rolemaster game systems, we include provisions for playing games.
translating game stats and bonuses for use with other games. (After
all, this work is intended as a supplement adaptable to most major
role playing games.)
Guidelines/Abbreviations 3


Codes: The statistics given in the tables describe the physical
The most commonly used abbreviations are listed here alphabetical­
capabilities of each character; a more detailed description of the
ly according to sub-categories.
characters can be found in the main text. Some of the codes are self­
Game Systems explanatory: Lvi (level) Hits, Sh (shield), and Mov M (Movement
FH Fantasy Hero and Maneuver bonus). The more complex codes are listed below.
MERP �iddle-earth Ro:e Playing
RM Rolemaster AT (Armor Type): The two letter code gives the being's MERP ar­
mor type (No No Armor, SL
= Soft leather, RL
= Rigid Leather,

Ch Chain, PI Plate); the number is the equivalent

Hob The Hobbit (Ballantine ed.)
= =

LotR ROLEMASTER armor type.

The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin ed.)
LotRI The Fellowship of the Ring (Ballantine ed.)
DB (Defensive Bonus): The given defensive bonuses include stat
LotRII ___ The 1Wo Towers (Ballantine ed.)
bonuses, shield bounus, bonuses for equipment (e.g., armor bonuses),
LotRIII ___ The Return of the King (Ballantine ed.)
and bonuses from continuous spells that are always applicable. A
Sil _____ The Silmarillion (Ballantine ed.)
" + " after the DB indicates that other bonuses may apply in certain
UT _ _ �__ Unfinished Tales (Houghton Mifflin ed.)
circumstances (e.g., usually spells such as Defection, Bladeturn, and
Authorized Publishers Displacement.
GA&U �llen & Unwin, Ltd. (George Allen & Unwin,
Ltd. , London, England) Sh (Shield): A "N" indicates that a shield is not normally used, while
Bal Ballantine Books (a division of Random House,
a "Y" indicates that a shield is normally used and is already includ­
New York, NY) ed in the character's DB. Shield references also include quality bonuses
HM Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston)
in addition to the normal + 25 for a shield (e.g., "Y5" indicates "Yes,
UP Unwin Paperbacks (London, England)
a + 5 shield").

Gr (Greaves): ''1>:.' and ''I..: ' are used to indicate arm and leg greaves
respectively; "N" indicates no greaves.

OB's (Offensive Bonuses): Two offensive bonuses are given for each
character: the Melee OB for the character's most often used melee
weapon and the Missile OB for the character's most often used missile
weapon. Melee and missile offensive bonuses include the bonus for
Character Stats
the combatant's best weapon in that category.
Ag ........ Agility (RM and MERP) Me ........ Memory (RM)
Co ........ Constitution (RM and Pr .........Presence (RM and MERP)
Weapon abbreviations following OB's:
MERP) Qu ........ Quickness (RM)
ba-battle axe ml-mounted lance
Em ........ Empathy (RM) Re ........Reasoning (RM)
Ig ......... Intelligence (MERP) Sd ......... Self Discipline (RM) ky-kynac th-two-handed sword
It (In) ...... Intuition (RM and MERP) St ......... Strength (RM and MERP) sb-short bow fa-falchion
bo-bola pa-pole arm
AT ........ Armor Type Lvi ........ Level (experience or spell level)
Ib-Iong bow ts-throwing star
bp ......... bronze piece(s) M A ....... Martial Arts sc-scimitar ha-hand axe
cp .........copper piece(s) Mod ....... Modifier or Modification bs-broadsword qs-quarter staff
Crit ....... Critical strike mp ........ mithril piece(s)
Icb-light crossbow wh-war hammer
D .........Die or Dice NPC ...... Non-player Character
DB ........ Defensive Bonus OB ........ Offensive Bonus
sl-sling hb-halberd
DlOO ...... Percentile Dice (01-100 PC ........ Player Character cb-composite bow ro-rock (Large Crush)
results) PP ........ Power Points Ik-Iong kynac wm-war mattock
FRP ....... Fantasy Role Playing R or Rad ... Radius sp-spear hcb-heavy crossbow
GM ....... Gamemaster Rnd or Rd .. Round (10 second period)
cI-club rp-rapier
gp ......... gold piece(s) RR ........ Resistance Roll
ip ......... iron piece(s) Stat ....... Statistic or Characteristic rna-mace wp-whip
jp ......... jade piece(s) tp ......... tin piece(s) ss-short sword ja-javelin
A ......... Adilnaic Kh ........ Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
"Msw" stands for Martial Arts sweeps and throws, "Mst" stands
Be ......... Bethteur (Silvan Elvish) LotR ...... The Lord of the Rings
BS ........ Black Speech Or ........ Orkish
for Martial Arts strikes, and "MA" stands for both types of Martial
Cir ........ Cirth or Certar Q ......... Quenya Arts. The letter before the "M" in one of these types of attacks in­
Dn ........ Daenael (Old Dunael) R ......... Rohirric dicates the attack's "Rank" (i.e., "s" Rank 1; "M" Rank 2;
= =

Du ........ Dunlending Rh ........ Rhovanion

' 'I..: ' Rank 3; and "H" Rank 4). "ik" stands for ikasha: a throw­
= =

E ......... Edain S .......... Sindarin

ing weapon (use short sword attack table) with no penalty to 100'
EI ......... Eldarin S.A ........ Second Age
Es ......... Easterling Si ......... Silvan Elvish and short bow penalties after that.
l.A. ....... First Age T.A........ Third Age
F.A........ Fourth Age Teng ...... Tengwar "WE" stands for any weapon, including both types of Martial Arts
H ......... Hobbitish (Westron variant) V ......... Variag (Rank 4). This code is usually reserved for special characters such
Har ....... Haradrim W ......... Westron (Common Speech)
as Maiar and Valar.
Hob ....... The Hobbit Wo ........ Wose (Druedain)

An "* , , indicates that the weapon has some special effect (e.g., a
Kd ........ Kuduk (ancient Hobbitish)

damage multiplier, an additional critical, an unusual range, etc.).

4 Guidelines/Definitions

Maier: (sing. "Maie") The female Maiar.

The majority of unique terms are described later in the text. Those Menel: (Heaven) Literally the Region of Stars, it includes all of the
defined below, however, are frequently used or very important terms. heavens and lies above Arda.

Ainur: (Holy Spirits) The divine servants of Eru, born out of Eru's Nurnenor: (Westernesse) The great island continent located in the
thought. Although they are formless spirits, they have male and middle of the Great Sea until its destruction (Downfall) in Second
female genders and are capable of assuming corporeal form. Most Age 3319. From the early Second Age until its Downfall, Numenor
of the Ainur reside with Eru in the Timeless Halls outside Ea, but was occupied by the High Men (Edain) who called themselves
a few - the Valar and Maiar - reside in Ea. The Ainur are also Numenoreans. These Men were the ancestors of the Dunedain race.
called the Holy Ones, the Singers, or the Spirits. Numenor literally means West Land and was the westernmost home
of mortal Men.
Arnan: (Blessed Realm) The continent west of Middle-earth, across
the Belegaer (Great Sea). It contains Valinor (the home of most Valar Undying Lands: Sometimes considered synonymous with Aman, it
and Maiar and many Elves), mainland Eldamar, and the Halls of includes Aman and Tol Eressea. Its inhabitants - Elves, Maiar, and
Awaiting (the place of the dead). Valar - are immortal; thus the origin of the label. The land itself
does not necessarily confer immortality.
Arda: (The Place) The entire world created by Eru, through his ser­
vants the Valar, including Endor (Middle-earth) and Aman but not Valar: (Q. sing. "Vala;" S. "Belain;" S. sing. " Balan") The greater
Menel (Heaven). In the First Age and most of the Second Age it of the Ainur who entered Ea as guardians and executors of Eru's
is circular and flat, but in the Third Age it is remade as a sphere. vision. There were originally fifteen Valar; however Melkor (Morgoth)
fell from grace, leaving seven male and seven female Valar. The eight
Belegaer: (Great Sea) The ocean which separates Aman (to the west) called the Aratar are mightiest. (See 4.0.) Morgoth's name was never
from Middle-earth (to the east). Also called the Mighty Sea or again spoken by the Exalted and he was counted as the greatest of
Sundering Sea. the Great Enemies. (See 7.0.) The Valar are also known as the Mighty,
the Exalted, the Great Ones, the Lords of Arda, the Guardians, the
Beleriand: (Great Country) The northwesternmost part of the con­ Lords of Valinor, the Lords of the West, and (by the ignorant) the
tinent, it is the area of Middle-earth west of the Blue Mountains. Gods.
Most of this land sinks into the ocean and is destroyed in the
cataclysmic battle that ends the First Age. The surviving portions Valier: (sing. "Valie") The seven female Valar.
of Beleriand are called Lindon. Also called the Great Land or Coun­
try of Balar. Valinor: (Land of the Valar) The region in eastern Aman which is
the home of the Valar, most of the Maiar, and the Vanyar Elves. It
Eii: (Existence) Ea is all that is, the whole of Eru's Creation and in­ lies west of Eldamar and its capital is Valimar.
cludes Arda and Heaven (Menel). Born out of the Great Music
(Ainu lindale) that defined the divine order of existence, it remains Walls of Night: The utterly black mountain bounds which encircled
bound by the patterns (Essence) of the Song. Outside of Ea are the Arda prior to its reformation in Second Age 3319. These walls marked
Timeless Halls of Eru (The One) and the Ainur (Holy Spirits) and the edge of the world and the only exit was at the Doors of Night
the Timeless Void (Nothingness). in the farthest West. The Gates of Morning in the farthest East serv­
ed as the only entry.
Eldarnar: (Elvenhome) The portion of the Undying Lands which in­
cludes two parts -( 1) the mainland lowlands east of the mountains
of western Aman (the PeI6ri), and (2) the island of Tol Eressea off 3.3 CITATIONS
Aman's east coast.
Since this is a game supplement, the descriptions in the character
Elves: (Q. "Quendi") The immortal Children of Eru and the noblest
glossaries have been confined to material pertinent to fantasy role
of the Free Peoples. Also called the Firstborn, they awoke before playing. In order to provide the reader with access to more informa­
Men or Dwarves and were the first race to speak. Elves settled in tion, we provide citations to selected sections of the works; however,
both Middle-earth and Aman. generally only one significant section is indicated.
All citations are italicized. Bold italic print citations denote the
Encircling Sea: (Ekkaia) The great ocean that encircles Arda. It lies a reference to one of Tolkien's works or, when specified, to one or
south, east, and north of Middle-earth. Also called the Outer Sea. more ICE products. ICE's publications contain extrapolated material
In the First Age and late Second Age it was surrounded by the Walls and do not contain text attributable to J.R.R. Tolkien.
of Night; but, in the late Second Age, when Arda was remade as
a sphere, it circumscribed and covered most of the world. EXAMPLE: A citation states "Read LotRII 422. See ICE's
MERP 111." This means you can find more information in
Endor: (Middle Land; Middle-earth). Endor is the Sindarin Elvish The Lord of the Rings Part II, The 1Wo Towers. The material
label for the Middle Continent of Arda. Also called Ennor or End6re. is at page 422 in the Ballantine (US. paperback) version.
More data is in ICE's Middle -earth Role Playing at page 111.
Maiar: (Q. sing. "Maia") The lesser Ainur who entered Ea as ser­
vants of the Valar. (See Section 5.0.) They are also known as the Peo­
ple of the Valar, the Servants of Valinor, and the Servants of the Guar­
dians. The ignorant (notably among Men) call them "Lesser Gods:'
Guidelines/Converting Statistics 5


W hen using this module with your FRP campaign, be careful to
MERP and Rolemaster provide bonuses and PP/level's for
note all the non-player character statistics before beginning play.
stats up to 102. Due to the special powerful nature of the
characters presented in LOME (i.e., Valar, Maiar, and the
Eldar), stats are often included that exceed 102. The chart
W hen converting percentile values to a 1-20 system a simple below provides the bonus and PP/level values that were us-
rule is: for every +5 on a DIOO scale you get a +I on a D20. ed to calculate the capabilities and bonuses for the characters
The concussion hit numbers found in this module represent in LOME.
general pain and system shock. They cover bruises and small
cuts rather than wounds. Critical strike damage is used to PP/level
describe serious wounds and fatal blows. The hit figures shown Stat Bonus Normal Maia/Vala
here are less important than those used in game systems where 100 25 3 3
death occurs as a result of exceeding one's available hits. 101 30 3 3
Should you use a game system that employs no specific critical 102 35 4 4
strike results, such as TSR Inc.'s Dungeons and Dragons@, 103 40 4 5
simply double the number of hits your characters take or halve 104 45 5 6
the hit values found in this module. 105 50 5 7


108 65 7 10
All the statistics and numerical information used in this module 109 70 7 11
are expressed on a closed or open-ended scale with a 1-100 base. 110 75 8 12
They are designed for use with percentile dice (DI00). Use the chart
below to derive appropriate bonuses or to convert the 1- 100 num­ 111 80 8 13
bers to figures suitable for non-percentile systems. 112 85 9 14
113 90 9 15
114 95 10 16
1 -100 Bonus on Bonus on 3-18 2-12 115 100 10 17
Stat. D I00* D20 Stat. Stat.
116 105 11 18
102+ +35 +7 20+ 17 +
117 110 11 19
101 +30 +6 19 15-16
118 115 12 20
100 +25 +5 18 13-14
119 120 12 21
98-99 +20 +4 17 12
120 125 13 22
95-97 + 15 +3 16
90-94 +10 +2 15 11 120+ +5/stat pt. +. 5/stat pt. +lIstat pt.
85-89 +5 +1 14 10
75-84 +5 +1 13 9
60-74 0 0 12 8 describe part of a character, you may wish to use the value pro­
40-59 0 0 10- 1 1 7 vided for more than one "corresponding" characteristic (e.g. you
25-39 0 0 9 6 might use the value assigned to constitution for both endurance
15-24 -5 -1 8 5 and durability). The following is a chart listing some examples of
10-14 -5 -1 7 4 equivalent stat terms:
5-9 - 10 -2 6 3
STRENGTH: power, might, force, stamina, endurance, condition­
3-4 - 15 -3 5
ing, physique, etc. Note that the vast majority of sys­
2 -20 4 4 2
tems include strength as an attribute.

1 -25 -4 4 2
AGILITY : dexterity, deftness, manual skill, adroitness, maneuver­
ability, stealth, dodging ability, litheness, etc.
3 .43 CONVERTING STATS QUICKNESS: dexterity, speed, reaction ability, readiness, etc.
Ten stats are used to describe each character detailed in the module. CONSTITUTION: health, stamina, endurance, physical resistance,
Should you use a character development system with different physique, damage resistance, etc.
characteristics and/or an alternative number of stats, simply follow SELF DISCIP LINE: will, alignment, faith, mental strength or
these steps: power, concentration, self control, determi­
1) Assign the appropriate stat from your FRP system to the value nation, zeal, etc.
given beside the analogous characteristic listed in the module. If EMP ATHY : emotional capacity, judgement, alignment, wisdom,
your rules use fewer stats, you may wish to average the values for mana, magical prowess, bardic voice, etc.
those combinations of factors which contribute to a character­
REASONING: intelligence, learning ability, study ability, analysis
istic found in your system (e.g. dexterity= an average of quick­
rating, mental quickness, logic, deductive capacity,
ness + agility). Should your guidelines utilize more stats to
wit, judgement, I. Q., etc.
6 Guidelines/Converting Statistics

MEMORY: intelligence, wisdom, information capacity, mental ca­ 3 .45 CONVERTING SPELLS AND SPELL LISTS
pacity, recall, retention, recognition, etc.
Spell references provided here are in the form of "lists," groupings
INTUITION: wisdom, luck, talent, reactive ability (mental), gues­ of related spells. Each list has a common theme and normally will
sing, ability, psychic ability, insight, clairvoyance, have a different but related spell at each level. For instance,
inspiration, perception, pre-sentiment, etc. knowledge of "Fire Law" to tenth level would result in the acquisi­
PRESENCE: appearance, level-headedness, panic resistance, mor­ tion of 10 similar fire-based spells, one of each level from one to ten.
ale, psychic ability, self control, vanity, perceived Whether the spell user could effectively cast these spells would be up
power, mental discipline, bardic voice, charisma, etc. to the GM, the system, and the caster's level or degree of skill. FRP
2) Convert the statistical value of the assigned characteristics to systems using rules which provide for the learning and development
numbers appropriate for your game. If your FRP system uses of spells through "colleges" or along specialized lines employ con­
percentage values, no change should be necessary. If not, use the cepts similar to those used in this module. Many systems, however,
conversion table. dictate that player characters or NPCs undertake to learn but one
spell at a time, often with no requirement that its subject matter/ef­
3 .44 CONVERTING COMBAT ABILITIES fect relate to a particular background or pattern. Converting the
NPC spell lists to individual spell counterparts will be more difficult,
All combat values are based on MERP or A rms Law/Claw Law. The
but can be achieved with relative ease using the following guidelines:
following guidelines will also aid conversion.
1) Look at the NPC's spell lists and note the various names for the
1) Strength and quickness bonuses have been determined according
groupings. Each name will indicate what type ofspell specializa­
to Table 1.32 above. Note the stats you are using and compute
tion the NPC has followed (e.g. the "Fire Law" list indicates a
these bonuses using the rules under your system;
preference for fire-oriented spells);
2) Combat adds based on level included here are: +3/level for
2) Note the NPC's level and determine the number ofspells or spell
fighters and rogues, +2/level for thieves and warrior monks,
groupings he/she would have under your game system. A lso con­
and + 1 /level for bards, monks and rangers. Simply take the
sider the level ofpower of accessible spells the NPC would have
level of the NPC, note his character class (or equivalent under
(e.g. a 5th level magician under your rules might have a max­
your system), and compute any offensive bonus (due to level) ap­
imum of 8 spells - two 3rd level spells, three 2nd level spells, and
propriatefor your game. Note that the bonuses other than those
three 1st level spells).
mentioned under armor type are "offensive" adds.
3) Select spells from your system appropriate for a spell user of the
3) Ifyour system is based on Skill Levels (or other skill increments),
NPC's level and profession, keeping in mind that the preferences
use the offensive bonus as given. You may have to convert the
indicated in the module should be followed where possible.
add to a non-percentile value. A lternatively, you may wish to
note Section 1 . 3 7.
4) Armor Types given are based on the following breakdown:
Armor type Covering Description When using certain "level-systems," a GM may find that the levels
1 Skin (or light/normal clothing) provided make characters too powerful for his world system. If this
2 Robes is the case, multiply the levels given by .75 or .6 depending upon
3 L ight Hide (as part of body, not armor) your situation. This would reduce a 20th level character to a 1 5t h
4 Heavy Hide (as part of body, not armor) level o r 1 2th level character respectively. Remember to reduce ap­
5 Leather Jerkin (pliable leather) propriate bonuses accordingly.
6 Leather Coat
7 Reinforced Leather Coat
8 Reinforced Full-Length Leather Coat General skill bonuses can be obtained by taking the level of the
9 Leather Breastplate character and calculating the appropriate bonus under the system
10 Leather Breastplate and Greaves being used. An NPC's add, as noted above, will be based on a com­
11 Half-Hide Plate (as part of body, not armor) pilation of level, his weapon and/or other items, the relevant stats,
12 Full-Hide Plate (as part of body, not armor) and skill levels. The normal bonus derived from skill development
13 Chain Shirt has been computed as follows: (a) where the skill level is zero the
14 Chain Shirt and Greaves bonus is - 25, a reflection of basic unfamiliarity; (b) a bonus of + 5
15 Full Chain is awarded for skill level one (a + 30 jump); (c) for each skill level
16 Chain Hauberk between one and ten an additional + 5 bonus is applied (e.g. skill
17 Metal Breastplate level seven yields + 35); (d) for skill levels eleven through twenty the
18 Metal Breastplate and Greaves additional bonus is + 2 (e.g. skill level nineteen yields + 68); (e) for
19 Half Plate skill levels twenty-one through thirty an additional bonus of + 1 per
20 Full Plate level is awarded (e.g. skill level twenty eight yields + 78); and (f) a
Simply look at the armor description and substitute the ap­ bonus of + V2 is given for each skill level above thirtieth level.
propriate armor type/class from your FRP system;
5) Defensive bonuses are based on the NPC's quickness bonus as
computed on Table 1 . 32. Where the defensive bonus is in paren­
theses, the value also includes the added capability ofa shield (an
extra 20for non-magic normal shields, plus any valuefor magical
Va/ar/Overview & History 7

4.0 VALAR The Spring of Arda

Eru stayed the discord among the Ainur and ended the Great
Music. Admonishing his servants, he shamed Morgoth. The Black
The Valar were the highest among the Ainur who came to Ea in
Enemy submitted to the will of the One, but a painful hatred lay
the beginning. There were fourteen Valar - excluding the High Ainu
rooted deep within his remorse. Eru forgave Morgoth's transgression
Morgoth, whose fall from grace forever removed his name from the
and took the Valar out of their fair home in the Timeless Halls and
rolls of the Exalted.
showed them Ea. Set amidst the Void, this World was theirs to enter,
As Ainur, the Valar are immortal spirits without need of corporeal
to mold in its final glory.
conveyance. Their spirits only took form so they could interact with
When the Valar and Maiar left Eru's Timeless Halls and passed
the Children of Eru. The Valar's role, which was the creation and
into Ea, the World was but a rough shape, like an unworked jewel
wardship of Arda and the Heavens, dictated their need for shape
waiting to be crafted into a finished masterwork. The arriving Ainur,
and their occasional adoption of physical bodies. Guardians of a
seeking perfection and symmetry, set about sculpting Arda and ar­
material world require material ties.
ranging the Heavens.
Morgoth worked in ways contrary to the scheme of the other Valar.
The Black Enemy sought a World of his own thought and he challeng­
4.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE VALAR ed his brethren. As they built, Morgoth destroyed or perverted their
The Valar a!e few, but they are the most powerful beings in Ea. work. War raged across the young lands.
They work through their people, their lesser brethren, the Maiar, Eventually, however, the Valar united against their renegade brother.
whose number is unknown. Pledging their loyalties to the Vala royalty, Morgoth retreated, and with the coming of Tulkas - the last Vala
these less exalted Ainur serve as the Valar's servants. (See 5.0 for more to enter Ea - the Black Enemy fled from Arda, escaping over the
about the Maiar.) Walls of Night that bound the World. The hearty Tulkas earned
The Maiar serve as a link between the Free Peoples and the Valar; Morgoth's undying enmity but, for a time, Ea remained at peace.
and, in turn, the Valar are Eru's representatives, the trustees of the The Two Lamps that Lit the World
World patterned by his thought. The chain bringing Eru's concep­ The World took shape during this, the Spring of Arda. Mountains
tions to fruition, then, looks something like this: and valleys emerged according to the scheme, and the land took on
ERU (The One) a placid balance. Two Great Lamps (Illuin and Ormal), erected on

THE VALAR (The Greater of the Ainur in Eii) mountain pillars in the North and South, gave light to Arda, and

THE MAlAR (The Lesser of the Ainur in Eii) all within the circular Bounds of the World achieved the glory Eru
sought. Where their glow was brightest, the Valar constructed their
FREE PEOPLES (Elves, Men, Dwarves, Hobbits, etc.)
home. They called it the island of Almaren, which rested in a vast
Although the One designed a great plan for Ea, he desired little lake in the middle of the continent that formed the center of Arda.
interference in the affairs of his Children. Just as the brilliant diver­
There the Exalted Ones relaxed in splendor, enjoying the marvels that
sity and individual passions of his Ainu servants endowed Creation
they had created within the guidelines of Eru's plan.
with a richness and fullness of life, the myriad cultures and races
of the Free Peoples have given Arda a character sparkling with in­ The Fall of the Two Lamps and the Twilight that Followed
finite variety. The combination of Eru's delegation, the Valar's Arda's brief Spring was short-lived, however, for Morgoth came
restraint, and the Maiar's discipline afford each tier in the hierarchy out of exile. The rebellious Ainu slipped back out of the Void quiet­
of existent life freedom. However outwardly chaotic, as long as the ly, hoping to surprise and so vanquish the other Valar. Entering Ea
Balance of Things remains intact, the evolution of Eru's thought pro­ in the far North of Arda, he set about building an unbreakable for­
ceeds as planned. This Balance is fundamental to the Valar's mis­ tress. He delved a deep refuge called Utumno (Q. "The Valley of the
sion in Ea. Evil Hollow") with the help of his lieutenant, Aule's chief Maia ser­
vant Sauron - who he seduced before coming to Arda. Raising a
4. 1 1 VALA HISTORY great barrier to those who would assail his lair, he created the Iron
Eru's thought gave birth to the Ainur, the offspring of his mind. Mountains, a semicircle of peaks that reached across Arda's sole
Then he called these servants together and spoke to them, instilling continent.
them with music and calling upon them to sing. This they did; but, Signs of Morgoth's return began to plague the land. Healthy forests
for a while, they could not sing as one. As countless ages passed, withered and wretched quagmires appeared; foul beasts preyed upon
however, the music became refined and the voices joined in glorious fair fauna and a chilling cold gripped the North. The Valar awoke
harmony. This was the Great Music that gave birth to Ea. Each Valar from their repose and searched Arda for the Black Enemy's place
had his part in this Song, each his own purposeful melody, and of hiding. Before his discovery, however, Morgoth struck a blow that
together they forged Menel (the Heavens) and Arda (the Earth). At ended the Spring of Arda. Leaving Utumno to his servants, he struck
the heart of this wondrous marvel called Existence was the Flame down the mountain pillars that supported the lamps Illuin and Or­
Imperishable, that which gave life. mal, casting their fire upon the land and ripping the continent
asunder. The World fell into darkness as the seas swelled and Almaren
The Origin of Evil
was destroyed. Fair Arda changed, the shape of its landscape forever
Unfortunately, innocence and unity were sundered during this Crea­ marred.
tion. One of the greatest Ainur sought a larger part in the scheme Tulkas gave chase to the rogue Vala, but Morgoth returned safely
and sang according to his own desire. This Ainu, Melkor, would later
to his hold amidst the cataclysm. Reinforcing its defenses, he awaited
become known as Morgoth - the Black Enemy. His desire to
the Valar's attempted retribution. This revenge would not come soon,
manipulate the Flame of Life and create his own vision was the begin­ though, for the Valar turned instead to the work of restoring the land
ning of Evil, for Morgoth was Evil incarnate. He was the sole renegade and building a new home.
among the exalted Ainur called the Valar, those High Spirits who
entered Ea in order to complete its conception.
8 ValarIHistory

The Founding of Aman The Two Trees

The desecration of Arda affected all of its territories, but Endor In the northeast part of Aman, at the middle of Valinor's center,
in the middle reaches suffered most. Illuin and Ormal stood on the Yavanna blessed a green mound. From the mound sprang the roots
highest peaks ever erected in Arda, and their fiery fall swept across of Two Trees watered by the tears of Nienna. They rose, stirred by
the regions that separated them. The Middle Land, Middle-earth, Yavanna's song; and light came out of their blossom, bathing the
suffered dearly, for the Lamps were anchored on its flanks. Its roots World once again in warm illumination. Their glowing dew-mists col­
torn, its fields washed in flame and flood, Endor was a sullied place. lected in wells below their roots, there to remain as a repository of
In the aftermath, the Valar looked elsewhere for a home. They turn­ life-giving light. This marked the beginning of the Count of Time.
ed to the Outer Lands, those regions separated from the Walls of The older of the Two Trees - Telperion - shone silver, like the
Night by the Encircling Sea. Of these, the fairest and westernmost color of the underside of its deep green leaves. Laurelin, its counter­
was Aman, the Blessed Land. It was a remote place lying at the edge part, had spring-green leaves with gilded edges and gave off a golden
of the the World and far from Utumno, which lay in the northern­ radiance. Together they lit Arda, just as the Lamps had before them.
most marches of Middle-earth. Taking leave of the war against the Once again, the life of the World waxed, and Eru's vision continued
Great Evil, the Valar left Endor and entered Aman, making it their to unfold.
Orome's Embassy and the Claim of Morgoth
A wall of high mountains marched along the eastern side of the
Blessed Land. Grander than any left in Endor, they sheltered most W ith the awakening of the Elves, Morgoth stirred with new hate.
of Aman from the rest of the World. Only a narrow but fertile shelf The Black Enemy, seeking domination of the Firstborn, sent his
lay between them and the Great Sea that parted Aman and Endor. shadowy servants southward to Cuivienen. There - at the starlit in­
Behind these mountains, the Pel6ri, the Valar established Valinor, let on the Inland Sea of Helcar, where the light of the Two Trees
their new home. There, all was hallowed and full of enduring life was but a faint glow - Morgoth's minions sowed fear, suspicion,
amidst the Exalted Spirits; thus, the name "Undying Lands:' Never­ and discord.
more would the Valar have want of their own abode. The Valar were as yet unaware of the coming of the Elves, but
Fate interceded, and the Huntsman Orome came upon the Firstborn
The Making of the Dwarves and the Awakening of the Firstborn
soon after the Black Enemy made his first overtures. His arrival was
Eru alone created the Flame Imperishable. In his thought, souls
a wonderful, awkward moment that instilled a splendid song in
formed and life was born. Out of his Flame, spirits kindled. No life
Orome's heart. Unfortunately, many of the Elves looked upon the
could be conceived without his leave, as Morgoth discovered. W hile
Vala rider as a predatory spectre, a creature of darkness who fed upon
life naturally fascinated the Valar, who were entrusted with cultivating
the weak.
the World, it first arose in Eru's mind and could not come to pass
In fact, many of the Elves had been lost, but not at Orome's hands.
outside his plan.
Captured or seduced by Morgoth's fiendish ploys, they became the
Nonetheless, the Vala Aule sought to create a living race, and he
root of a new race - the Orcs. W hile the Black Enemy could not
labored away from Aman, in secret, molding the Seven Fathers of
create life anew, he could pervert that which had already been given
Dwarves in a hall deep beneath the surface of Endor. In those days
a spirit. The newborn race of Quendi were threatened with bondage
Aule endured torment, fpr the Smith understood that his concep­
or extinction.
tion was outside the sche�e of the One; but he persevered and made
The Battle of the Powers
his offspring strong, lik,e the earth from which they came.
Eru knew all, though and, at the instant the Smith completed his Orome returned to the West and spoke of his discovery, and of
work, the One spoke tb his misguided servant. He asked of Aule's the dangers that threatened the Firstborn. The other Valar realized
motives and admonished the Vala for crafting things outside his the gravity of this peril and resolved to combat their rebellious brother.
authority. Aule explained that he did not seek mastery over his crea­ Assembling the Host of Valinor, they marched on Endor, hoping to
tion, but rather sought something new and full of life. This thought assail Utumno and end the Evil.
touched EJu. Morgoth's armies met the Army of the West in northwestern
Weeping, the grief-stricken Smith raised his hammer in order to Middle-earth and were utterly vanquished in a fray which remade
right his trangression, but Eru intervened. Forgiving his servant, the much of the surrounding territory. Sauron's dark fortress in Ang­
One accepted the Dwarves as a gift. Yet, since the Seven Fathers rested band was overrun. The Valar's host, led by Tulkas, swept the rem­
outside Eru's scheme, Aule's children were placed in slumber, until nants of the forces of Darkness eastward. P lacing a guard on Cui­
their appointed time of awakening. Laying the stout Naugrim in vienen, the Exalted turned and marched on Morgoth's stronghold.
wombs deep within remote parts of Endor, Aule returned to Valinor. They assailed Utumno and a protracted seige ensued. In the end,
The Smith was comforted by Eru's forgiveness, and by the knowledge however, the might of the Valar proved unstoppable. They broke
that none of the other Valar knew his work. Only his spouse Yavan­ Utumno and, invading its endless halls, confronted their fallen cohort.
na received his counsel, and to her alone he revealed his work and Tulkas wrestled Morgoth and chained him with Angainor, Aule's
his joy. masterwork. The Battle of the Powers ended in victory for the Valar.
The Elves, not the Dwarves, were destined by Eru to be the Shackled and blindfolded by his arch-rival Tulkas, the Black Enemy
Firstborn; and, indeed, this was so. They awoke at Cuivienen in was led to Valinor. There, Manwe judged him, condemned him, and
eastern Middle-earth not long after Aulae's return to Aman. First had him imprisoned in the inescapable Halls of Mandos.
to speak and immortal of body, the Elves stood as the first of the The Great Journey of the Elves
Children of Eru. A long peace followed, during which the Elves prospered. Yet lit­
The Sleep of Yavanna tle time passed before the Valar - desirous of safety for the Elves
The World that greeted the Elves was a land in slumber. Robbed and fellowship for themselves - extended an invitation to the
of the light of the Two Lamps, it slept as if in perpetual night. Yavanna Firstborn to settle among the Exalted Spirits in the Undying Lands.
- mistress of the earth and guardian of the Olvar - awaited the The Elves reacted with apprehension for, excepting the Huntsman,
return of the Light. Few things stirred beneath the stars, save the the Quendi had only seen the Valar at war and therefore full of wrath.
multitudes of the Evil North.
Va/ar/History 9

Another approach was chosen. Orome returned to Cuivienen and Called Ungoliant, this spidery, demonic incarnation of Nothingness
proposed, in person, to the Quendi that they journey to Valinor. T his was opposed to all that lived. She hungered for the light of life, the
embassy succeeded and the Vala Hunter returned home with three manifestations of the Flame Imperishable. Fearing Ungoliant's nature,
Elven emissaries: Ingwe, Finwe, and Elwe. and in need of a powerful ally, Morgoth cultivated her thirsts and
Once in Valinor, the three Elves encountered the full glory of the promised her what she sought most - the Light of the Two Trees
Powers. Awe and desire filled their souls and they acceded to the and the Wells of Varda.
Valar's offer. Returning home on the back of Orome's steed Nahar, The Long Night
they spoke of the resplendent magnificence of Aman and persuad­ Heinous events sprang from this wicked union. In an act suggestive
ed many of their people to undertake the migration westward. T hose of the earlier destruction of the Two Lamps, Morgoth and Ungoliant
that followed them came to be known as the Eldar. T heir numbers slipped into Valinor and assailed the Two Trees. Poisoning the roots
included the whole of Ingwe's folk (the Vanyar), as well as most of of Telperion and Laurelin and draining the Wells of Varda, Ungoliant
Finwe's and E1we's followers (the Noldor and Teleri, respectively). cast the World into Darkness once again. T hus began the Long Night,
T hus began the Great Journey across Endor and into Aman. T his a time of confusion, fear, and utter sorrow.
was the first split among the Quendi, for those left behind, the Avari Using the apprehensive moments following Arda's plunge into the
(Q. "Unwilling"), remained in the East of Middle-earth and developed Dark, Morgoth stole into the Noldo Treasury of Formenos and seiz­
along their own lines. Later sunderings occurred as the Eldar marched ed the Silmarils. Finwe, the King of the Noldor and sire of Hanor,
toward the Light of the Two Trees. T he Nandor, Sindar, and Lai­ attempted to repel this trespassing, but the Black Enemy slew him
quendi groups of the Teleri never left Endor's shores. Like the Avari, and took the gems. His hands burned by the fire of the three jewels,
they became known as Moriquendi (Dark Elves), those that never Morgoth bore his booty northward. Orome and Tulkas gave chase,
gazed upon the Light. T he Calaquendi, or Light Elves, counted all but Ungoliant dissuaded all pursuit by spinning shadowy webs of
the Eldar who eventually reached the Undying Lands. impenetrable Unlight.
T he Calaquendi groups settled in the eastern regions of the Blessed
Morgoth's Return to Middle-earth
Realm. Vanyar and Noldor groups took their place in Valinor. T he
Upon arriving in Lammoth in northwestern Middle-earth,
Teleri built their homes further east, on the Island of Tol Eressea,
Ungoliant confronted her companion and demanded the riches stolen
and in the coastal region of Eldamar, between the Pel6ri mountains
from Formenos. Devouring all the jewels, save the priceless Silmarils,
and the Great Sea.
the Spirit of the Void grew. She loomed like a monstrous spider­
Across the dividing ocean, in northwest Endor, the Sindar occupied
shaped cloud of black nothingness and demanded Feanor's creations.
the realm called Beleriand. Laiquendi later joined them, as did the
T he rogue Vala refused, and the erstwhile allies battled. W ith the
Noldor who returned from Aman to do battle with their ageless foe.
aid of his Balrogs' flaming whips, however, Morgoth prevailed.
Morgoth's Repentance and the Creation of the Silmarils Ungoliant fled into Endor's wilderness. (For more on Ungoliant, see
Morgoth stayed in the HaIls of Mandos for three ages. All the while, 7.3.)
he petitioned for forgiveness, knowing that Manwe did not fully Rescued by the Balrogs and forever free of Ungoliant, Morgoth
understand Evil. T he King of the Valar empathized with all races journeyed to Angband and rejoined the remainder of his surviving
and knew well of feelings, but the motivations of the Black Enemy servants. T here, his lieutenant Sauron had gathered the remnants of
were alien to his spirit. Morgoth persistently played upon Manwe's the host that served the Black Enemy before his fall in the Battle
sympathies. of the Powers. Morgoth took a new throne and began to rebuild his
In the end, Manwe pardoned Morgoth after the Black Enemy's frigid domain. Strengthening his numbers, he augmented Angband's
repentance, and so began the saga that shaped the last days of the delvings and constructed a stronghold that rivaled his old, now­
First Age. Morgoth reentered Valinor and began to plot his revenge. shattered, subterranean fortress at Utumno. T he waste of his minions'
Soon after Morgoth's return, the Noldo Hanor, eldest son of toils piled skyward with each passing year. Using this slag, the Black
Finwe, created the Silmarils (Q. "Silmarilli"). T hey were undoubtedly Enemy erected T hangorodrim (S. "Mountains of Tyranny"), the triad
the greatest work ever created by a Child of Eru. Embodying the of peaks beneath which lay his dark capital.
unending light drawn from the Two Trees, these three gems burned
The Iron Crown of Morgoth
with the glow of their own spirit. T heir beauty was without parallel
Morgoth claimed dominion over the World, calling himself King.
in the realm of material things.
To symbolize his sovereignty, he placed the three Silmarils in a crown
Morgoth's desire for these precious jewels led to his second
- the Iron Crown - the most potent item of power ever created.
rebellion. Encountering the incredible Silmarils, the Fallen Vala pro­
W ith it, he channeled his energies to forge an army of countless
ved unable to stay his want. He sowed the seeds of discord among
denizens: Orcs and Trolls, Wolves and Wargs, Spectres and
the Noldor, hoping to sunder the Elves from their loyalty to the Valar
Werebeasts, and Dragons and Balrogs. T he Host of the Black Enemy
and Maiar. W ith this ploy, he planned to wrest these powerful prizes
was formidable, and his conquest of Endor seemed assured.
from the Eldar.
The Revolt of the Noldor and the Kin-slaying
The Flight of Morgoth and the Coming of Ungoliant
As the Great Evil rose in Middle-earth, the Noldor of Aman
Morgoth's attempt to seduce the proud Noldor failed. T he precious
planned to avenge their King's murder. Fired by the theft of the
Silmarils remained firmly in the hands of Hanor and the House of
Silmarils and the destruction of the Two Trees, the three sons of Finwe
Finwe. T he Noldor, alerted to their danger, called for aid from the
gathered their people and prepared to march back into Endor. Most
Valar, and the Black Epemy was once again forced ,to flee from his
agreed to leave Valinor, despite the wishes of the Valar, so the Noldor
brethren. Escaping southward fiom Valinor, he wentJnto the shadowy
swore the Oatl] qf Hanor and rose in revolt.
reaches of Avathar. T here, iIi the wilds of southeasternmost Aman,
Leaving thr6ugh the eastward pass called Calacirya, the Noldor
Morgoth met the haunting Spirit of the Void - the essence of the
entered Eldamar on the eastern coast of Aman. T here, they en­
countered the sea-faring Teleri and requested use of their ships in
order to ferry into Endor. Olwe's Teleri refused, knowing that the
Valar had been betrayed. W hat followed was one of the saddest
10 Valar/History

moments in Middle-earth's history. Spurred by their burning hatred Feanor's Betrayal and the Arrival of the Noldor in Endor
for Morgoth, the Noldor of Feanor fell upon their Teleri brothers Their brother gone, Feanor and Fingolfin resumed their migra­
in an awful bloodletting. The lightly armed Teleri fought valiantly, tion. An exceedingly difficult crossing of Araman spawned quarrels
but they proved no match for the proud Noldor. Reinforced by the and recriminations until, finally, bitterness reigned between Finwe's
van of his brother Fingolfin's army, Feanor prevailed and seized the eldest sons. Fingolfin accused Feanor of bringing disaster upon their
Teleri ships. Kindred, blaming his older half-brother for all the ills that befell the
The Kin-slaying of Alqualonde doomed the Noldor. Angered and Noldor. In turn, Feanor scoffed at the chidings.
bitter over what they perceived as betrayal, Feanor's host immediately As the Noldor approached the Helcaraxe, they argued about the
set sail from Alqualonde, leaving the bulk of their kin to fend for means to traverse the icy crossing into Middle-earth. The white ships
themselves. Temporarily abandoned, the people of Fingolfin and that Feanor commanded were too few to transport their people and
Finarfin (the youngest of Finwe's sons) went northward along Aman's a ferry seemed impractical. Any journey on foot suggested insanity.
rugged shores. They resolved to cross the treacherous ice of the Then one night, when the wind out of the northwest seemed strong
Helcaraxe, which strangled the narrow straits between northeast and fair, Feanor put the issue to rest. Gathering his folk, he slipped
Aman and northwestern Endor. At the same time, Feanor's folk sailed onto the ships and sailed away, once again leaving Fingolfin and the
northward, skirting the coast as their brethren journeyed along the sons of Finarfin behind.
sea's flank. Loyalty among the Noldor raged deep. This time, however, Feanor had no intention of rejoining his half­
With the flight of the Noldor, the Teleri King Olwe called upon brother. Instead, he sailed to northwest Middle-earth, landing amidst
the Maia Osse to exact punishment upon the Kin-slayers. The Valar a chorus of echoes. His first act was to order the burning of the white
intervened, however, for affairs purely between the Children of Eru ships seized from the Teleri. No fleet would return to assist Fingolfin's
were not the province of their guardianship. Whatever crimes the crossing.
Noldor committed against the Teleri out of haste and pride, the Ex­ The Creation of the Sun and the Moon
alted Ones could not act in vengeance. Instead, Judgment and Fate While the Noldor struggled on their journey to Middle-earth, the
would answer the need for j ustice. Valar sought to end the Long Night and restore Light to the World.
Nonetheless, Uinen - one of the Vala Ulmo's two high Maiar - Morgoth threatened the safety of the World and, without Light, the
wept for the slain Teleri. Storms rose, buffeting the Noldo fleet as Children of Eru had little hope.
it made its way to the North. Many of the stolen ships sank in the Upon word of Feanor's landing in Endor, Manwe summoned the
high waves, and the small armada's course changed in the passing Valier Yavanna and Nienna. He commanded them to use all their
winds. Feanor's haste was all for nought. The tragedy served as a power over the Olvar in order to restore life in the Two Trees. But
testament to the troubled fate that would haunt the Kindred of Finwe their enchantments, although strong, proved to be futile. Ungoliant
from that time onward. had imbedded an irresistible poison.
The Prophecy of the North Nonetheless, Nienna's song coaxed a last vestige of their spirit from
Meanwhile, the rest of the Noldor followed Fingolfin and Finar­ the dying boughs. In passing, Telperion bore a last Silver Flower,
fin along the narrow trail between the Pelori and the Great Sea. In and Laurelin produced a single Golden Fruit. Each gift embodied
time, they came to the northern borders of the Blessed Realm, where the essence of their Light. The Valar rejoiced in their radiance as
Valinor met the high, cold reaches of Araman. Waste lay before them, Yavanna presented them to Manwe. Consecrated by the King, their
and beyond it grinding sea-ice. Light was fixed by placing them in two vessels forged by AuIe. And
As the Noldor crossed the boundary into the wild, a dark figure so, the Moon (lsi!) and the Sun (Anar) were born out of the last of­
appeared upon a great rock that guarded the windswept shore. His ferings of Telperion and Laurelin.
identity was unclear, but to this day it is written that it was Mandos. Manwe gave the two new lamps to his spouse Varda, the Guar­
The figure spoke in a firm, terrible tone. His solemn words caused dian of the Heavens, in hope that she could place them in the sky
the Noldor to rise and listen, and this they did. Waylaid for this over Arda. Varda then chose two Maiar to accomplish this task. To
somber moment, they heard the Prophecy of the North. The Doom­ guide the Moon, the Queen of the Valar accepted Tilion the Hunter,
sayer told of the Valar's curse and proclaimed their exile. His simple a servant of Orome. Varda then selected Vana's high Maia Arien,
words spoke of the sorrow and pain that would follow the Noldor the Queen of the Fire-spirits, as guardian and guide for the Sun.
in the quest for war. He uttered the dark prediction that the House The Death of Feanor
of Feanor would be forever torn by their Oath, with lust and greed While the lamps were being prepared, calamity once again struck
keeping them from their treasures and barring them from any real the Noldor. In the last, starlit days of the Long Night, the Host of
peace. Feanor wrestled with the death of their Lord. Mandos' prediction
Finarfin's Return to Valinor to the Valar proved true; the firebrand soul of the most gifted Noldo
Feanor renewed his Oath in the face of the Prophecy, and most to ever live returned to the Halls of the Dead before completing the
his followers concurred; but Finarfin, his brother, decided to for­ Oath.
sake the j ourney to Endor. Speaking to his sons, Finarfin proclaim­ Morgoth's watchful armies struck the Noldor's unprepared camp
ed that he would return to Valinor and meet his punishment. Sadly, after spotting the fires of the burning ships on the coast. For ten
bitterly, he realized that his own House was sundered. The sons of days the Battle-under-Stars raged. Although victorious, Feanor's pride
Finarfin broke from their father out of love and loyalty for the sons trapped him once again. The Noldo King gave chase into Angband,
of Fingolfin, and abided by their Oath. Finarfin returned to the Land where he was surrounded. Mortally wounded by Gothmog, Lord of
of the Valar, where he was pardoned and given lordship over the loyal the Balrogs, Feanor died. His bittersweet life colored much of the
Noldor of Aman. history of the First Age, and left an enduring and painful legacy.
Valar/History 11



The Coming of Fingolfin The Making of Night and Day

Ironically, the Noldor under Fingolfin could see the fires of the The great light also bothered the Valar Lorien and Este, for it
Teleri ships and the smoke of battle; however, they could not aid their obscurred the starlight and created an ever-present day. No night re­
betrayer. The torturous ice that formed their road stole many lives mained for rest and sleep, so they prayed for a new order in the sky.
and made their relief efforts impossible. They crept across the These calls were answered, perhaps by Fate, when the wandering
Helcaraxe in one of the most dramatic sojourns ever undertaken. Tilion left his course in hopes of touching the glory of the Sun. Com­
Fingolfin's will proved stronger than his half-brother imagined. ing too close to the fiery orb, the Moon was burned and dimmed
Aided by his son Fingon and Finarfin's children - Galadriel, Finrod, and Tilion turned away.
Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor - he led his host across the frozen From then onward, the Moon produced a dimmer light and fol­
sea. They braved the multitudinous dangers of the grinding ice and, lowed a new course. A time of half-light was conceived and the peo­
despite losing many of their number, they entered Endor at the mo­ ple of the Vala Vlmo responded by pulling the Sun down upon the
ment the Moon first rose. cool waters of the Encircling Sea as the Moon rose. The Sun rested
The Rise of the Sun and the Moon as the Moon dominated the sky, and ascended as the Moon slipped
Just as Telperion had been the first of the Two Trees to sprout, into its eastern descent. A cycle of night and day began.
the Moon was the first of the heavenly lamps to rise into the Heavens. The Attack upon the Sky
Guided by Tilion, it began its march from the West as Fingolfin's Morgoth sought to destroy the new lamps, just as he had brought
folk completed their trials upon the Helcaraxe. New life sprang forth down Illuin and Ormal and the Two Trees. But the power of the Black
across the world as the silver lamp made its sky-crossing. Enemy, tied to Arda more and more, weakened with the ages and
Morgoth's host was stunned by the Moon's splendor, but the plans with each new crafting outside the thought of Eru. Morgoth's abili­
to crush the Elves of Beleriand nevertheless progressed. The arrival ty to sweep away the Maiar in the sky was then limited and, when
of the stalwart and vengeful Noldor threatened his dream and he he attacked Tilion and the Moon, he was driven back to Arda. Since
hoped to slay the forces of Feanor and Fingolfin before they settled; Arien was even stronger, the renegade Vala realized that his plight
but this was not to be. Only seven days passed after the ascension was fixed. The Sun and the Moon kept their paths and the Black
of the Moon when the Sun first rose in the East. Blinded by the Enemy looked to other means for darkening the earth.
glorious golden light, Morgoth retreated below ground. He then col­
lected his minions beneath the great black clouds that spewed out
of Thangorodrim to shroud Angband from the newborn sunlight.
12 Valar/History

The Defense o f Aman The Coming of Men

Morgoth's attack on the Moon told the Valar two things about During the wars against the Black Enemy, a few centuries after
their foe. First, they realized that Aman itself needed strengthening, the death of Feanor, Finrod encountered the Edain (sing. ''Adan'').
for the Black Enemy was both desperate and ready for battle. Second­ It was the first meeting of Elves and Men in the West. Struck by
ly, the Powers saw that their fallen brother's strength was rooted to their innocence, ignorance, and love of life, he befriended and in­
Arda and waned as he went skyward. The Valar raised the already­ structed them. This was a prelude to a long and wonderful alliance
high peaks of the Pel6ri mountains into a wall that touched the clear between Adan and Elf. Eventually, three Mannish lines settled among
reaches above the clouds. Closing all the passes of the range, save the Elves and bonded themselves with the Firstborn. Their strength
one for the loyal Elves of Eldamar and Tol Eresseii, they fortified was needed in the coming years.
Aman with a virtually unbreakable boundary. An unsleeping watch The Quest of the Silmaril
was posted upon the heights and, thereafter, Valinor was a guarded One Man, Beren son of Barahir, exemplified the spirit of the
land. Secondborn. A noble rogue who fought Morgoth's brigands along
The Birth of Men the northern frontier, Beren fell in love with the wildly beautiful
With the dawn of the age of the Sun and the Moon, the Valar Luthien, the daughter of King Elwe and the Maia Melian. Elwe did
retreated for a time from their involvement in Endor's affairs. Their not approve of this love, so he gave Beren a quest to fulfill. To ob­
new creations served to brighten the hearts of the Quendi but, more tain leave necessary to marry Luthien, Beren had to acquire a Silmaril.
importantly, they lit the World for the Valar's new wards - Men Beren sought aid in this formidable venture, for the Silmarils rested
- the Secondborn of the Free Peoples. in the Iron Crown of Morgoth and their recovery was hardly im­
The race of Men awoke in Hild6rien in eastern Middle-earth at aginable. Joining with the Noldo Finrod, who owed Beren's father
the moment the Sun came into the sky. They were mortal and less a favor and sought the Silmarils himself, Beren and a small party
fair than the Elves, but Eru cherished their spirits as he did those went north toward Angband. Their journey ended quickly, however,
of no other people. Entrusting their souls to the guardian Valar, the when the Maia Sauron ambushed their band and imprisoned them.
One made it clear that it would be Men who would inherit the man­ With the aid of Huan - the Hound of Valinor - Luthien rescued
tle of lordship over Endor. Their well-being was critical to the scheme, her beloved, but Finrod perished at the hands of his captor. The lovers
and the timing of their birth and the rise of the Sun was no and Huan slipped northward and stole into Thangorodrim. There,
coincidence. Llithien's enchanting song put Morgoth to sleep, enabling Beren to
secure a Silmaril before they were forced to flee.
The Third and Fourth Battles Between Morgoth and the Elves Unfortunately, their escape was barred by Carcharoth, the Black
While Men awoke and began to multiply and spread westward, Enemy's foul War-wolf. Encountering the thieves at the outer gate,
the Elves of Beleriand faced the Great Evil of Angband. A vast, empty he bit off Beren's hand and swallowed the stolen jewel. This act briefly
plain separated the cold, ever-dark North from the Elven Kingdoms. saved Beren's life, for the beast was consumed from within by the
Residing in territories of varying allegiance, the Quendi arrayed fire of the Silmaril and went wild. Left alone, Luthien, Beren, and
themselves in three TelerilSinda and nine Noldo domains. Huan escaped on the wings of eagles.
Of these Kingdoms, many were at odds. The Sindar of Doriath Strangely, Fate dictated that Beren would die at the hands of Car­
would not fight alongside the avenging Noldor, preferring to remain charoth, and in the process retrieve the lost jewel, for the hero and
behind the protective Girdle of the Maia Melian. Noldor lords quar­ the demon-wolf came together further south. Carcharoth mortally
reled over past transgressions, in keeping with the Prophecy of the wounded Beren and slew Huan, but was itself slain by the great
North. It was an anxious time. hound. The Silmaril was reclaimed at a drear price. Luthien grieved
Three campaigns - the Third through Fifth Battles of the First as the dying Beren fulfilled his quest and gave the cursed jewel to
Age - followed the settlement of the Noldor. Twice Morgoth's ar­ her father. Her heart broken, she died soon thereafter. She and her
mies struck southward out of Angband, each time behind a wall of love were given a second life in return for her immortality, and Beren's
flame. Defeated in the Third Battle, the Black Enemy withstood a Silmaril passed through her line to her granddaughter Elwing.
four hundred year seige.
The Fifth Battle
The Evil Host broke the Elven stranglehold in the Fourth Battle.
Less than two decades after the Fourth Battle, the Elves took to
Led by rivers of fire, they exploded out of Thangorodrim and laid
the offensive under the Union of Maedhros (eldest son of Feanor).
waste to the lands between Angband and Beleriand. The Elves
The collected armies included Noldor and Men, as well as a small
retreated southward, and scores of their holds were overrun. Sorely
host of Sindar from Falas. Marching in two groups, the Union hoped
wounded, the Noldor desperately regrouped as Fingolfin heard word
to join on the northern plain and assault Thangorodrim in a bold
of the disaster.
The Death of Fingolfin Treachery undid their plans, however, as Morgoth's spies delayed
The angry High Noldo rode into Angband and up to the gates Maedhros' eastern column. Meanwhile, the vanguard of the western
of the dark capital. There, he challenged Morgoth to single combat. army marched into a trap which claimed Fingon's entire cohort.
The fallen Vala came forth and battled Fingolfin in the greatest duel Turgon withdrew behind a screen provided by the Edain, not know­
in history. Wounded in the leg and shamed by his foe's success, ing that Maedhros' forces had been encircled not far to the east. In
Morgoth slew the Noldo King using the enchanted mace Grond. the end, the Evil Host swept over all of the northern territories ex­
In the months that followed, the armies of Darkness skirmished cept Turgon's hidden Noldo city at Gondolin. Turgon's folks bolstered
with the remaining Elves, but the worst danger had passed. Fingolfin's their defenses and lay in hiding, taking comfort in the blessing that
prideful sacrifice temporarily subdued the wrath of Morgoth and Ulmo had bestowed upon the city long before. Surrounded, they knew
enabled his kinsmen to restore their strength . their doom was at hand.
Valar/History 13

The Fall of Gondolin The Great Battle

Gondolin nestled in a circular mountain valley which was unknown With Earendil's departure, the Host of VaIinor assembled once
to all but its residents. It was fated to perish, however, and Morgoth again against Morgoth. Manwe's Herald E6nwe was chosen to lead
finally found word of its approximate location. Still later, the treason a Maia army that has never since seen an equal. Thunder and light­
of Maeglin betrayed its exitways. The Valar's Prophecy again proved ning accompanied their dramatic march into northwestern Middle­
true as Noldo turned upon Noldo out of desire and spite. Maeglin's earth. Nothing stayed their onslaught, as they obliterated Morgoth's
revelations led to the city's demise. Morgoth's armies annihilated most mighty hordes in the Great Battle. Countless thousands of Orcs,
of its surprised citizenry. Trolls, and Men fell before the Vala wrath.
Some escaped, however, including the Man Tuor and his son Earen­ At the height of this fray, which shook the very roots of Endor,
dil. Their flight took them southward, to the Havens of Sirion in Earendil came down in his ship amidst a cloud of birds. Great Eagles
the lands of the Sin dar. There, they settled in an uneasy peace, forlorn battled Dragons as the Maia dueled the fiery Balrogs below. An­
of hope in the face of the Black Enemy's impending victory. calagon the Black, the mightiest of Morgoth's Drakes, rose above
Ulmo's Appeal Thangorodrim and the War of Wrath reached its climax. Assailing
Of all the Valar, Ulmo was closest to the events that transpired Thorondor, the King of the Eagles, the black Dragon hoped to turn
during these years, and the Lord of the Oceans was acutely aware the tide of battle, but Earendil slew the winged beast. Ancalagon
that the Eldar of Endor faced extermination. Pity stirred his other­ fell and broke the spine of Thangorodrim's high peaks.
wise restrained spirit. Traveling to Valinor, he appealed to Manwe Earthquakes followed, and much of the land was destroyed in the
to forgive the Noldor and intercede against Morgoth. cataclysm. Most of Beleriand sank in the high waves that recalled
Manwwe refused this heartfelt request, citing the Prophecy and the floods following the fall of the Two Lamps. The World was
the words of the wise. He told Ulmo that only one of the Elves or remade as the First Age slipped into history.
Men could ask and obtain forgiveness, for it was their pardon that Morgoth's Capture
was sought. No other pleading could stir the Powers to intervene. Morgoth surrendered to E6nwe and his Iron Crown was beaten
Thus, Manwe let Fate ride its course. into a shackle. Bound by his prize, the Black Enemy was cast into
The Voyage of Earendil the Void. His surviving minions fled, although some, like Sauron,
Tuor grew old in the H avens and sought the sea, as if he was an were captured. E6nwe received their submission and gave the Maiar
Elf. In time, he set sail with his Noldo wife Idril, bearing westward over for judgment in Valinor. Sauron escaped, unable to stay his pride
for Aman despite his mortality. His fate is not known, although and abase himself in hope of a pardon, but the cause of peace had
legends say that he joined the Noldor of the Blessed Realm. If so, nevertheless prevailed. The Valar had ended the long rebellion of their
his spirit is the only Secondborn soul to become one with the feared brother, and the World entered a new era.
Deathless. The Valar's Guardianship at the Dawn of the Second Age
Tuor's son Earendil became lord in his absence, but it was not long With the struggle against Morgoth complete, the Valar reflected
before he too took to the Ocean in hope of finding his parents. His upon their guardianship and looked forward to the Second Age. The
search proved hard and barren of success by the time his dreams called Doom of the Noldor was complete, for the three Silmarils taken from
him home. Seeing the H avens of Sirion and his love Elwing en­ Morgoth's crown had returned to Ea. The one worn by Earendil lit
dangered, he set a hasty course homeward. But he arrived too late. the night sky, while a second returned to the bowels of Endor when
As Earendil voyaged across the Great Sea, two sons of Feanor at­ the Noldo Maedhros cast himself into a fiery chasm. Maglor,
tacked the Havens of Sirion and laid waste to the Sinda Kingdom Maedhros' brother threw the third j ewel into the Great Sea. Thus,
of Falas. Seeking the Silmaril worn by Elwing, their Noldo pride drove the Light of his father's works found their way into the essence of
them to slaughter their fellow Eldar, just as their father had fallen Ea's earth, sea, and air.
upon the Teleri. Their assault destroyed the Sinda cities. The attack­ The Noldor's price was paid and Morgoth was gone, so the Valar
ing Noldor captured Earendil's sons - Elrond and Elros - and drove created a new order in the Wqrld. They drew bounds across the
Elwing to cast herself into the Ocean. Sundering Sea, and placed a ban against mortals coming to Aman's
Ulmo rescued Elwing and reunited her with Earendil, but the sor­ shores. Swearing never again to intervene directly in the affairs of
row over the loss of their sons was deep. Although Maglor took good Endor, the Valar proclaimed Middle-earth as the land of Eru's
care of them, Earendil could not find his heirs. And so, with Elw­ Children.
ing's Silmaril upon his brow, he turned back to his ship and made The Powers conceived of the Middle Land as the stage where the
his way toward Valinor. Elves would act out their final days as the teachers of Men, and where
Men would inherit the mantle of dominion that they would carry
Earendil's Errand
until the final days. Eru had given Men the "gift of death;' and the
The Mannish voyager reached Aman and entered Valinor on behalf
One considered the Secondborn to be special. Their destiny was tied
of Endor's Children. Obtaining leave to see the Valar, he sought their
to him alone. The Valar, then, resolved to remain apart from their
pardon and aid in the struggle against Morgoth. The Powers swayed,
his errand was fulfilled.
Mandos questioned the mariner's status, for he had entered Aman The Creation of Numenor
as a mortal. But Ulmo stated that Fate gave Earendil the right to Still, the Lords of Aman called upon Ulmo to reward the Men
enter the Undying Lands, and thus the voyager's line was given the who loyally labored in opposition to the Black Enemy. In turn, Ulmo
right to choose the destiny of their spirits - whether they be mortal gave the Edain the Land of the Gift - a great island continent to
or not. In this, Elwing and Earendil both chose immortality, as did serve as their new home. Ulmo's Maia Osse raised the isle in the midst
their son Elrond. Then, the Valar prepared a great ship for the great of the Great Sea between Endor and Aman and it became the western­
seaman, and Earendil sailed through the Doors of Night and into most anchorage of mortal Men; thus the name Numenor (S. "An­
the sky, where the Silmaril shone like a star. dor;" W. "Westernesse"). Led by Elros (son of Earendil and Elwing,
and brother of Elrond), the Edain landed on the newborn island in
the thirty-second year of the Second Age.
14 Valar/History

The Rise of Andor and the Black Years Once again the Valar misunderstood the gravity of Evil. Their guar­
Although the Valar foresaw the rise of Men, the Second and Third dianship, founded on virtually complete non-interference, relied on
Ages were times of transition. The Age of Man began later. Men the Firstborn's strength and diplomacy. But with Dunedain prejudices
learned, prospered, and suffered in the interim, while the Elves forged calling for the Eldar's persecution and defeat, the Elves no longer
new Kingdoms which faded into legend. According to the Eldar, the had any influence in Andor. The Ban was broken as Men lost faith
Second Age counted the Black Years, and the Third Age included in the Powers (and therefore Eru).
the Fading Years. The Downfall of Numenor
The Adan occupation of Numenor harkened the rise of a rich Man­ The Numen6rean armada, the greatest force \:\ c '<;\embled by
nish culture. Close to Tol Eresseii and Eldamar in Aman, Westernesse Men, sailed westward toward Aman in S.A. 3 3 1 9. Ign0ring the war­
was frequented by Elves, who taught the Numen6reans much about nings of the Faithful Edain, the Dunedain sought to conquer t he
the World. Numen6rean ships sailed far afield, exploring most of Elven lands of Tol Eresseii and Eldamar and build a domain on im­
Endor's coasts and touching the cultures of their lesser brethren in mortal ground. But instead o f conquest and immortality, the Great
Middle-earth. Andor's people, the Edain called Dunedain, grew in Armada reaped doom. No Elves contested their landings, for the
knowledge and strength. might of Numenor was great; however, the Elven flight hardly signaled
With power came pitfalls, however, for the taste of success fostered victory for the Men of Westernesse. As they encamped in Aman, a
greater and greater visions and tempted the Numen6reans to embark great cataclysm struck.
on far grander ventures. Eventually, they became enamored of The invasion of the Undying Lands caused the Change of the
themselves, full of pride and hungry for wealth and might. Forget­ World, as the Valar called upon Eru to lay aside their guardianship.
ting much of their heritage, the Dunedain paid less and less heed And, for a brief time, the One took charge of Eii from his servants,
to their Elven tutors. They began to colonize or conquer peoples who remaking Arda and destroying the mighty Dunedain and their
they once ignored or taught, establishing a growing empire in Middle­ precious land. The Army of Men was buried beneath a swell of earth,
earth. as if swallowed by the land, their bodies imprisoned until the Last
The Men of Endor Days. Their fleet was engulfed in a roaring tidal wave and swept
Numenor's glorious evolution contrasted starkly with the develop­ westward, into a gaping, watery chasm that separated the Great Sea
ment of Mannish civilization in Middle-earth. Shying away from the between Numenor and Aman. The island they held dear, fair
Elves that remained after the First Age, the Men of Endor learned Numenor, tumbled into the sea, its fertile lands, grand monuments,
slowly and lived in relative ignorance. Their small, isolated, and often and proud families perishing in the sundering abyss. Save for the
dark realms adopted superstitious norms and looked to each other nine ships of the Faithful - who stayed in Numenor and were borne
with fear and suspicion. eastward to Middle-earth on a divine wind - all who resided in An­
Sauron found these vulnerable Men easy to exploit. Coming out dor died in the stormy tumult.
of hiding five centuries after his master's fall, the evil Maia quickly
consolidated power. By S.A. 1 000, he declared himself Lord of Men
and established his Kingdom in Mordor (S. "Black Land").
Despite the fact that Sauron was a renegade Ainu and one of their
people, the Valar restrained themselves from interfering with his plot­
tings. The Powers had reluctantly intervened against Morgoth, a Vala
who presented a far greater danger, and they had sworn to let the
folk in Endor survive and learn from their own trials. So long as The Valar's Guardianship after the Downfall
they maintained the Balance of Things, the Valar left the Dark Lord The Change in the World marked a new era in Eii. Arda was
to himself. After all, they reasoned, Men were not ruled by Fate in reshaped, its lands and seas bent, and Aman was removed to a place
the same way as the Ainur and Elves. that no one could reach without leave of the Powers. The Valar's
Ban manifested itself as a physical barrier and, from this time on­
The Corruption of Andor and the Failure of Vala Guardianship
ward, the elusive Straight Way was the only route to the Undying
By Second Age 326 1 , Numenor's might had reached such heights
that the Dunedain decided to end Sauron's claim as King of Men.
With the Change, Middle-earth became the focus of life in Arda,
Assembling a huge invasion fleet, King Ar-Pharazon led the Men
just as the Men - destined to inherit its riches - began their rise
of Endor to Middle-earth. They landed at the Havens of Umbar and
out of darkness. Now the straight one-way path, the Elven road to
marched northward toward Mordor.
Aman, no longer brought knowledge and wealth to Endor. The peo­
Sauron had warred on the Elves of northwest Endor since S.A.
ple of the Middle Lands turned their attentions inward.
1693 and his defeat in 1 700 had sapped much of his strength. His
The nature of the Valar's guardianship also changed. Always
rebuilding Kingdom was still on the defensive much of the time and,
remote, the Ainur of Eii no longer sought to shape the World; rather
when the Dunedain assaulted Mordor, he surrendered. His victory
they concerned themselves with maintaining the new Balance of
would come through means other than open combat.
Things. Never again would the Host of Valinor sally forth to do battle,
The Dark Lord methodically manipulated his captors. Quickly
bringing victory and destruction. A new order dawned as the Valar
paroled, he became Ar-Pharazon's advisor, sowing false dreams of
reassumed the mantle of wardship from Eru.
immortality for Men. His smooth deception resulted in Numenor's
near total corruption. The Dunedain questioned the Ban of the Valar, The End of the Second Age
convinced that the Elves had undying life only because of their claims Lessons were learned, of course, for the Downfall taught the Powers
in Aman. Believing that the Valar had been duped by the Eldar or much about the ways of Evil. Yet, the Lords of Aman still preferred
were false "gods" in league with the evil Elves, Ar-Pharazon ordered to let history (and Fate) run its course. When Sauron rose out of
the Great Armament. the disaster that befell Numenor and reestablished his Kingdom in
Mordor, the Valar looked to the Children of Eru to contest the Dark
Lord's might.
Valar/History 15

This they did, for the Faithful Dunedain of the Kingdoms in Ex­
ile (Arnor and Gondor) - led by Elendil the Tall - joined the Noldo
High King Gil-galad in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Their
stalwart army assailed the Black Land and bested the forces of
Darkness on behalf of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Then, after
a protracted seige, they broke into Sauron's Dark Tower and ended
his second reign. Although Gil-galad and Elendil fell, Elendil's son
Isildur cut the One Ring from the Dark Lord's twisted hand. The
spirit of the fallen Maia slipped into temporary oblivion as the Se­
cond Age ended.
The Vala Intervention
When Sauron rose again in T.A . 1000, the Valar resolved to rid
the World of the renegade Ainu. The Dark Lord's spirit had proved
too resilient, and his Evil too persistent. More importantly, many
of the great Elves of the Last Alliance had died or had left Middle­
earth for the fair havens of Aman. Events suggested a dire challenge
to the Balance of Things.
The most significant factor behind the Valar's decision, however,
related to the unfated destiny of the Secondborn. No clue to Men's
Fate existed, for only Eru knew their doom. Thus, concern gripped
the Lords of Aman. The Men of Endor had broken no pact with
the Powers - as had both the Noldor and the Numenoreans. The
Men of the Third Age were not fated to suffer a punishment like
that which burdened the ignominious Noldorin Houses; nor were
they to doomed to die because of false pride, like the Men of sunken
Westernesse. In fact, the Faithful had shunned the Great Armament
and had aided the Elves in the Last Alliance that ended the Second
Age. Their faith deserved reward in this dark hour.
The Valar and the Wizards
The Ainur resolved to match this faith. Understanding the delicate
nature of the Balance, however, they chose an indirect strategy. A fter
all, the onslaught of their Host had twice resulted in the remaking
of Endor's lands. Thus, they relied on the spark in Men's souls and
sought to unite this love of truth and freedom. While the Valar never
held Men to the high standards ascribed to the gifted Firtsborn, they
realized that the Secondborn embraced a different, but very power­
ful, kind of strength. The Wizards' Embassy
A council of the Valar agreed to appoint three ambassadors to go The Istari entered Middle-earth around T.A. 1050, less than fifty
to Middle-earth and join the Free Peoples in a struggle against the years after Sauron's reappearance. Each traveled as an old Man, a
Lord of the Rings. They chose volunteers from the ranks of the Maia form which alluded to wisdom but did not bespeak lordly power or
Order of Wizards, for its members were powerful and wise. Saruman implant fear. Their mission dictated that they would unite the Free
the White (Curumo), their first choice, was the leader of the Peoples in cooperation. Free will, not coercion, would decide the suc­
brotherhood and chief among Aule's people. Orome's servant Alatar cess of their embassy. It was the knowledge and wisdom of the Istari,
also volunteered, but no others came forth. not their power, that gave hope to the Powers that sent them.
Manwe then picked his own servant Olorin (Gandalf), for the Grey The five Maiar who set out to combat the Dark Lord shared, at
Wizard was wisest of the Order, and indeed of all the Maiar. Cer­ least in essence, a great deal with their foe. In fact, Saruman inherited
tainly, Gandalf's wisdom explained his reluctance, since he foresaw the mantle as Aule's chief servant from the fallen Sauron. This com­
the pitfalls that awaited the Valar's ambassadors. Ever loyal, however, mon background provided them with insight about the Lord of Mor­
Gandalf agreed to undertake the embassy. Varda supported this deci­ dor, but it also enabled the Evil One to see into their spirits as well;
sion, suspecting that the Grey Wizard represented the greatest hope, and Sauron possessed far more learning about Endor and the frailties
and the Queen of the Valar made clear that neither Saruman or Alatar of the embodied soul.
would outrank her spouse's choice. Gandalf's quiet fears and predictions proved true. All of his com­
Thus, three Wizards were chosen as planned; but, in the end, five patriots became rooted in their adopted being and lost sight of their
went to Middle-earth. As guardians, the Valar jealously protected appointed method and mission. Yet Varda's confidence in the Grey
their interests, and it was no surprise when Yavanna interceded with was also well-founded. Gandalf's bond to Middle-earth was one of
her own appointment. Because of her concern for the fate of En­ empathy with the faith of Men, and the wisdom he provided far out­
dor's plants and lesser beasts, the Mistress of the Earth elected weighed the gifts offered by his powerful brethren. Just as impor­
Radagast the Brown (Aiwendil) to accompany Saruman. Alatar then tantly, he brought out the strength that Eru had placed in his
requested that his friend Pallando, a servant of Mandos, be allowed Children's spirits. Thus, he nurtured and welded the alliance that van­
to go as his companion. His desire was ratified, and two pairs of quished the Lord of the Rings, the strongest of the Valar's original
Wizards complete, but no more were chosen. Gandalf went alone. Maiar.
16 Valar/ Vala Nature

Afterward Benevolence and cooperation make this Vala society work without
The end of the Third Age marked the beginning of the Age of discord. Eru, of course, is the supreme arbiter, but he is removed
Men, and the waning of the other Free Peoples' presence in Middle­ from Eli and relies on his guardians to function without his direct
earth. It also heralded a new period in the Valar's wardship. involvement. Thus, it is Manwe who, acting through a council (or
Of all of Eru's Children, the Secondborn were closest in spirit to court) composed of all the Powers, maintains unity and continuity.
the One's vision and the least bound to Fate. Men's relationship with A powerful, emotive, and empathetic leader, he coordinates his
Eru was in many ways direct, and only the One knew their destiny. brethren rather than dominating them, although he is quite capable
Unlike Elves, their souls were not affiliated with Aman or the Valar; of proclaiming and enforcing his word as supreme law.
nor were they the offspring of a Vala, as were the Dwarves. The Home of the Valar
With Man's inheritance of Endor, the Powers of Aman finally M anwe's home sits atop the highest mountain in Arda, an ever­
achieved something Eru had desired but, in this, they sadly retreated white holy peak in the Pel6ri Mountains called Taniquetil (Q. "Hig h
from much of the progress of the Middle Land. Turning to their
White Peak"). There, o n the heights which rise above the clouds and
Firstborn Children, who lived among them, they remained farther protect the eastern flank of Valinor, Manwe and Varda reside in the
apart from Endor than they had in Elder Days. The Valar still guarded Halls of Ilmarin (S. "Mansion of High Airs"). His court, however,
Arda and its Heavens, and upheld the Balance. But the Powers' role meets in the Ring of Doom (Q. " Mahanaxar"), near the site of the
in Eli had evolved with time. . . perhaps just as planned. green Hill of Ezollahar, upon which stands the lifeless trunks of the
4. 1 2 VALA NATURE Two Trees.
Ezollahar, the Ring of Doom, and the now-drained Wells of Var­
The Valar are the greatest beings in Eli. Their spirits are closer to da lie just outside the bounds of the Valar's capital, the city of Valmar
Eru than those of the Maiar, for the Valar are higher Ainur. They (Q. "Dwelling of the Powers;" aka "Valimar"). This enchanted place
are Eru's guardians of the World, and the Maiar serve them is graced with high, domed towers and countless bells, and it is filled
accordingly. with song and splendor. Located in the central hills of Valinor, Valmar
Each Vala is a unique spiritual entity who exemplifies one or more serves as the home for many of Arda's Ainur.
of Eru's. thoughts. The Valar are the focus of the themes of crea­ The Valar who dwell outside Valmar abide within the places main­
tion, and they represent generalized concepts which Eru envisioned tained by their spirit. Vlmo inhabits the waters, wandering alone
in the Beginning (e.g., air and earth, fire and water, life and death, wherever they flow. Aule larbors in his Mansions, deep within the
love and sorrow, or freedom and fate). Acting through the Valar, then, heart of the Pel6ri, while Orome hunts in the wild forests of southern
Eru sculpts or elaborates these conceptions into the patterns and Valinor. Namo lives with his wife Vaire on the western coast of Aman,
forms that compose Eli - Arda and the Heavens and all that live where he oversees the Halls of Mandos. His sister Nienna lives near­
within their confines. by. Irmo, his younger brother, stays in the forest LOrien, along with
A Vala oversees his or her specific theme, creating detail on behalf his spouse Este.
of the One and within his framework. For instance, Eru envisioned
The Individual Valar
the solid earth, but it was (and is) his Valar who actually raised the
Originally, there were fifteen Valar, including the virtually coequal
mountains and carved the valleys of Arda. Aule, the Smith, is the
brothers, Manwe and Melkor (Morgoth). With Morgoth's rebellion,
particular focus of this theme, for he is the patron Vala of crafts
however, he became a great Enemy (see Section 7.0). Fourteen Valar
and his title is Master of the Earth.
remained: seven male and seven female. The eight called Aratar (S.
The Valar as Beings "Exalted") are more powerful than the other six, and their influence
Although the Valar were born before Time, at the outset of Crea­ has greater impact on Eli.
tion, they are spirits who s hare thoughts common to all beings sired Although they are described in more detail in Section 5.2, an over­
by Eru. They have male and female aspects, possess emotions, and view of the individual Valar follows.
suffer imperfections. Only Eru is perfect and all-knowing.
The exact nature of the Valar is nevertheless beyond the comprehen­ THE ARATAR (GREATER POWERS)
sion of lesser beings. Except for the Maiar, who are also Ainur, no Manwe (Sulimo) - Association/theme: Air (sky, wind, weather, sight,
other spirits fully understand the depth of Vala feelings or the man­ empathy, wisdom). Status: King of the Valar. Husband of Varda.
ner of their weaknesses. Valar are spirits without material form, and Brother of Melkor (Morgoth)? Color: blue.
form dictates much in the way feelings manifest themselves.
Although the Powers have one or more preferred fanar (Q. "veils;" Varda (Elbereth) - A ssociation/theme: Light (stars, light of Arda,
sing. "fana"), or physical bodies, they assume and shed these cor­ hearing, insight). Status: Queen of the Valar. Chief of Valier. Aka
poreal guises at will. A Vala's fana is a convenient structure which Elentari, Elbereth Gilthoniel, Star-kindler. Wife of Manwe. Color:
enables him to interact in Ea, but it is not essential to his being. The white.
Valar do not permit themselves (as Morgoth did) to be tied to their
temporary bodily trappings, so their characters remain rooted in pure Ulmo - Association/theme: Water (sea, rain, springs). Status: King
spirits. Thus, their essence stays mysterious and elusive, and beyond of the Sea (Ocean Lord; Master of Waters). Spirit of the Veins of
the knowledge of Eru's Children. the Earth. Color: sea green.
Val a Society
While they are materially formless, the Valar still cultivate their Aule (Mahal) - A ssociation/theme: Earth (non-living earth, crafts,
own society: a hierarchy involving power, kinship, and matrimony. materiality). Status: The Smith (Lord of Crafts). Master of the Earth.
Manwe is their King; his wife Varda is their Queen. This structure Maker (of Dwarves). H usband of Yavanna. Color: brown.
underlies all Vala relationships, and provides order for both the Coun­
cil of the Valar and interactions among the sub-societies composed Yavanna (Kementari) - Association/theme: Earth (living earth,
of the lesser Maiar. It is a simple court society, with each Vala serv­ olvar). Status: Mistress of the Earth. Giver of Fruits. Keeper of Plants.
ing as a lord or lady. In turn, all Valar preside over their own Maia Wife of Aule and older sister of Vana. Color: deep green.
Valar/The Valar and Religion 17

Namo (Mandos) - A ssociation/theme: Spirits (death, passing). 4. 1 3 THE VALAR AND RELIGION
Status: Feantur (Spirit-master). Keeper of the Dead. Doomsmaster. Few among the Elves of Third Age Middle-earth have ever seen
Lord of the Halls of Awaiting. Older brother of Nienna and Namo. a Vala, and virtually none of the members of the other Free Peoples
Color: black. actually enjoy that claim. Direct visits from the Powers were rare after
the Great Battle, and they essentially ended following the Change
Nienna - Association/theme: Conscience (grief, pity, suffering). of the World. Only Ulmo and a small collection of Maiar regularly
Status: The Weeper. Sister of Irmo and Namo. Aka Loner, the Suf­ venture out of Aman. In fact, Ulmo sees and hears much that escapes
ferer. Color: red. even Manwe and Varda, for the King and the Queen of the Valar
are far removed from life in Endor.
Orome (Aldaron) - Association/theme: Nature (forests, wild, Nonetheless, the peoples of Middle-earth are aware of legends and
kelvar). Status: The Huntsman. Tamer of Beasts. Master of the Wild. natural manifestations that arose out of the Valar's acts. The forces
Forest Lord. Master of the Wilds. Husband of Vana and older brother and features of nature - such as the waters, the wind, and the stars
of Nessa. Aka Horn-sounder, Trumpet, Tauron, Bema, or Araw. Col­ - are all tied to the Valar, and they are all part of every society's
or: silver. experience. For this reason, some folk even deify the Valar. Those
who live beneath the boughs of the deep woods and worship the God
THE LESSER POWERS of the Forest covet the works of Orome, while those that revere the
Van a - Association/theme' Youth (wild, birth, renewal, fire, flowers, God of the Sky salute Manwe.
song). Status: The Ever-young. Mistress of Flowers and Song. Wife The Valar as (Mistaken) Deities
of Orome and younger sister of Yavanna. Color: spring green. The Valar are not Gods, of course, although they are often mistaken
as such by Men. Countless pantheons include Gods that correspond
Tulkas (sum. Astaldo) - Association/theme: Valor (friendship, loyal­ to some or all of the Powers. Generally, localized labels and trapp­
ty, laughter, hardiness, delight). Status: Champion of the Valar. The ings apply, but the features ascribed to the these so-called deities are
Valiant. Husband of Nessa. Color: red gold. usually the equivalent of those embodied in the Valar.
It is a matter of ignorance combined with local perception. Where
Nessa - Association/theme: Joy (celebration, happiness). Status: the weather is harsh, the God who corresponds to Manwe may be
Dancer. Mistress of Celebration. Wife of Tulkas and younger sister viewed as powerful and brutal; while in locales blessed with a fair
of Orome. Color: orange. climate, this God may be weak and/or gentle. In either case, the dei­
ty is a misconceived version of the Lord of Valinor.
Irmo (LOrien) - A ssociation/theme: Spirits (dreams, desires, love, Certain races recognize only some of the Powers. Coastal peoples
vision, peace). Status: Feantur (Spirit-master). Dream Master. Lord who derive all their wealth from the sea may look to a God-variant
of Visions. Master of the Fountains of Renewal. Husband of Este of Ulmo as a generous and ultimate overlord who has no peers and
and younger brother of Namo and Nienna. Aka Desirer. Color: deep few servants. While their pantheon might include a lesser Lord of
blue. the Stars (some variation of Varda) and a weak God of the Sky (again,
a reconceived Manwe), their woodless land might have little use for
Este - Association/theme: Renewal (healing, rest, peace). Status: any deity resembling Orome.
The Healer. Mistress of the Fountains of Renewal. Wife of Irmo.
Monotheism and the Reverence For Eru
Color: grey.
Eru is the One God, and some enlightened cultures understand
this fact. Most Elves, of course, believe in Eru Iluvatar, for they
Vaire- Association/theme: Time (fate, tales, memory). Status: The
recognize that the Valar arose out of the One's Flame Imperishable
Weaver. Wife of Namo. Color: purple.
(like all lesser spirits). Thus, most Elven groups practise monotheism.
Those that do not are usually ignorant Moriquendi (particular Avari)
or are corrupt.
Melkor (Morgoth) - Association/theme: Fire (cold, crafts, materiali­
Aside from the enlightened Dunedain, Men are less likely to em­
ty, earth). Status: The Mighty. The U nmaker. Aka He Who Arises
brace the worship of one, all-powerful God. Mortals - having short
in Might, the Great Enemy, the Black Enemy, the Nameless. Brother
life spans and relatively little written history - are too far removed
of Manwe? Color: none. (For a complete description of Morgoth,
from the Elder Days to possess the knowledge found among the
see Section 7.1.)
Quendi. Where monotheistic Men reside, the specific form of their
beliefs are rarely accurate; instead, they reflect the culture's unique
experience. These peoples typically view their one God in the same
way Elves might look upon their patron Val a or, more commonly,
THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE VALAR they perceive their one deity as a manifestation of Darkness.

Manwe - Varda Religion and Darkness

Ulmo Darkness has frequently plagued Mannish societies. Both Morgoth
Aule - Yavanna - - -Vana - Orome - - -Nessa - Tulkas and Sauron promoted themselves as the King of Men, and each
Vaire - Namo - - - - - - - Nienna - - - - - ---Irmo - Este fostered ignorance among their potential subjects. Religion became
Marriage bond = - Sibling bond = --
a great tool of conquest. As a result, cults deifying Morgoth and/or
Sauron are commonplace. Either the Black Enemy or the Dark Lord
is venerated as the one God, or as the principal God, among
numerous ethnic groups and within the many secretive cults that
subvert cultures in less shadowy regions.
18 Valar/General Powers


Since the Valar are the greatest of the spirits in Ea, their (3) Vitality of fana (form) - When burdened with an
power is difficult to assess. Their incorporeal nature and uni­ adopted body, the Valar can utilize their forms to their up­
que patterns of thought place them beyond normal com­ permost limits (e.g., a Vala running as a Man, will run as
prehension. In the context of a FRP game, they truly approx­ fast or faster than any other Man). They never age and they
imate the concept of lesser (or demi-) gods. tire extremely slowly. Immune to the elements and disease,
Within this context, it is hard to quantify a Vala's power; their fanar are perfect corporeal vessels. They require no sleep
and complicating matters, of course, is the fact that each Vala per se, although some (e.g., Este and Irmo) desire sleep. Nor­
is unique. We can, however, approximate the scale of a Vala's mally, however, a Vala uses some sort of meditative rest, par­
strength, and we can provide some general powers which ticularly when taking a lesser form (e.g., 2 hrs/day for a Vala
relate to all Valar. in Mannish form, 1 hr/day in Elvish form, 1.5 hrs/day in
The following guidelines cover powers that a GM can use Dwarvish form, 2.5 hrs/day in Hobbitish form, etc.).
when employing Vala characters in a FRP game.
(4) Form and mind -When taking form, a Vala acquires
(1) Critical strikes Unless otherwise noted, critical strikes
- the patterns of thought and emotion associated with the
against a Vala are rolled on the Super Large Creature Critical adopted body. They can, for instance, understand a Man's
Strike Tables. This applies to both physical attacks and spells. loves and concerns (including the fear of death), when they
For MERP, use Tables CT-lO and CT- l l , with a -20 take Mannish form. This has its drawbacks, of course, for
modification to the critical strike roll. the Vala will suffer from the effects of the emotions he feels.
For RM, use A rms Law Table 8.14 and Spell Law Table
10.85. Note that only "E" critical results affect Valar (and (5) Spell-casting - Unless otherwise stated, the ranges, ef­
thereby enable the attacker to roll to determine a critical strike fect radii, and effect diameters of spells cast by Valar are in­
creased tenfold. A spell that normally has a "touch" range
In the case of attacks against the Aratar, the eight Greater has a range of 50' in the hands of a Vala. These rules do
Powers use an additional -20 modification to the critical strike not, however, apply to spells imbedded in an item and cast
roll (e.g., a roll on MERP CT-lO would have a -40 modifica­ by a Vala.
tion versus one of the Aratar). (6) Multiple spells and targets - Unless otherwise stated,
a Vala can utilize a number spells in the same round; however
(2) Death of form - When a Vala is "killed;' only his form
the sum of the spell levels involved may not exceed the Vala's
is slain. In such case, the Vala's soul immediately departs from
Middle-earth and either (i) returns to Aman or, (ii) as in the level. For example, a SOOth lvl Vala could simultaneously
deploy ten 50th level spells, or fifty 10th level spells in the
case of a rebellious Vala (e.g., Morgoth), it passes from Ea
same round.
into the Timeless Void.
A fallen Vala does not enjoy Eru's support, and the Vala's (7) Power Points -References to Vala power points in Sec­
death might signal the permanent departure of their presence tion 4.2 do not include the effect of their spell enhancing
from Middle-earth. Of course, no Vala has ever died - either items (e.g., PP multipliers). These include only inherent
in body or spirit. capabilities based on the Vala's relevant stats, which are
Valar returning to Aman may take a new form at will. This calculated differently than those of the Maiar or lesser be­
process might take some time (say 1-100 days); however, a ings. Where a Vala's stat is 102 or more, the number of PPs
Vala with a specific mission might return very quickly (say per level equals 3 + (stat - 101). For instance, a Val a with
in 1-100 hrs). a PP-related stat of 140 has 42 PPs per level.

Unenlightened or impoverished people relish power and oft times Dunadan and Elda Religion
idolize magical or physical strength. Naturally, since the Great This truth forms the foundation of Elda and Dunadan religion.
Enemies employed unrestrained enchanters and overwhelming armies, Both groups live in the northwest of Middle-earth and practise a non­
Darkness usually represented might. This, in turn, provided Men with ritualistic form of monotheism based on the belief in Eru as the One.
the two-edged symbol of fear and hope and it is not surprising that Having immortality and direct contact with the Powers of Aman,
a considerable number of races turned to Darkness. Some of the resul­ the Eldar know about the realtionships of the Maiar and the Valar,
tant religions converted local Gods to servants of Morgoth or Sauron the Valar and Eru, and Eru and Ea. Disciples of Elda teaching, the
or abandoned the old deities altogether, while others merged their Dunedain inherited this knowledge.
ancient idols into the persona of the conquering spirit. The Eldar and Dunedain utilize a very personal form of religion
The Multiplicity of Religions which involves no formal clergy and little in the way of rituals. Per­
Like any world with myriad races, cultures, and sub-cultures, sonal meditation and communal celebration order their spiritual lives.
Middle-earth has a seemingly inexhaustable collection of deities, pan­ Informality is the norm.
theons, practices, and religions. Rites and rituals, couched in the The Valar serve as patrons of these groups (and of the people they
peculiarities associated with particular places and peoples, follow influence), but they are not misconstrued as Gods. Maiar spirits per­
countless patterns and themes. Thus, the folk of each region typically form lesser roles and are respected as the wise, or revered as spiritual
subscribe to their own standards, borrowing and evolving with need caretakers of the earth. Actual worship, however, is confined to Eru;
and time. and while faith is essential and omnipresent, it is not intrusive. This
In truth, however, there is a standard. Eru is the Creator and God, suits the Valar and their Maia people, since it is in keeping with the
and no other deities exist except in belief. The Valar are merely power­ Balance of Things.
ful servants, guardians of Eru's conception.
ValarlAulii through Este 19

Aule's Principal Items:

Forge and Tools - Aule's mountain smithy is adjacent to
his Mansions. It contains an enchanted forge and tools which
---- AULE ----
enable him to create items at 100x the normal rate for a smith
Lvi: 485. Race: Vala (Exalted). Profession: Mage/A lchemist. Home: or alchemist.
The Mansions of A ule in Valinor. A ka: The Smith; Mahal (Kh. Hammer (Eceru) - (S. "Lord Maker") + 140 war hammer
"Maker"). made of gold inlaid black eog. Its enchanted head is harder
RM Stats: St-l40; Qu-100; Em-I50; In-IOO; Pr-I20; Ag-I40; Co-I45; than any substance, and it yields 1-10 impact criticals (of the
Me-J20; Re-I50; SD-JOO. MERP Stats: St-I40; Ag-I40; Co-I45; Ig-135; same severity) each time it delivers a critical strike.
It-JOO; Pr-I20. Appearance: 100. Aule's Special Powers:
Earth-form - Aule can move and breathe with equal ease
Aule was the master of crafts and material things and the closest on or beneath the land. In order for him to move through
in mind and character to Morgoth. He was the Lord of the Earth a solid inorganic substance, he need only have a gas­
and understood and manipulated its substances. Thus, he built the permeable crack through which to pass.
mountains and carved the valleys, molding the surface of Arda ac­
Earth-weaving - Aule has absolute control of all inorganic
cording to Eru's vision. When Morgoth remade or unmade Aule's
material which is affixed to or part of the earth within a range
works in the struggles before the Battle of the Powers, the Smith toiled
of 485 miles (i.e., 1 mile x Aule's Ivl). He need only concen­
' restore the results of his labor; but in the end this proved impossi­
trate in order to move and mold the earth, although such
ble, and Arda's image ultimately lost its symmetry.
movement must be (i) continuous and (ii) confined to a speed
Aule's creations were legion. Aside from the adornment, weapons,
which does not exceed a Dwarfs walking pace. It also re­
and trappings required by his fellow Ainur, his forges produced the
quires a # of PP equal to # cubic miles of material x 10 x
Two Lamps, IIIuin and Ormal. They illuminated the World in the
distance moved (in miles).
early Elder Days. Erecting peerless peaks to hold them, he crafted
each to hold the enchanted aura devised by Varda. Following their Earth-lore - Aule knows about the origin and properties
destruction and the subsequent death of the Two Trees, the Valar of all inorganic substances.
again called upon him to fashion vessels for the Great Light, so he
Spells - 22,220 PP. Base spell OB is 242; directed spell OB
produced the Sun and the Moon.
is 485 . Aule knows all Mage lists and all Open Essence lists
The greatest of the Smith's works, however, may have been the race
(MERP), and all Alchemist lists, Closed Essence lists, and
of Dwarves (Kh. "Khazad"). Although burdened by his conscience,
Sorcerer lists (RM).
Aule secretly molded the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves beneath the
mountains of Middle-earth, hoping that they might instill special life
into Arda. This conception was his own and was against Eru's
ESTE ----

Lvi: 450. Race: Vala (Valie). Profession: Animist/Healer (Cleric).

thought, but it was not the work of malice and did not lead to his
Home: Valinor. A ka: The Healer; Mistress of the Fountains of
downfall. Confronted by his Lord, Aule submitted and almost
Renewal; Mistress of Peace and Rest.
destroyed his seven offspring, but Eru permitted them to sleep until
an appointed time for their birth (after the awakening of Elves and RM Stats: St-JOO; Qu-I20; Em-llO; In-l40 Pr-llO; Ag-I20; Co-l30;
Men). The One pardoned the Lord of the Earth, who remained loyal Me-l40; Re-lOO; SD-llO. MERP Stats: St-JOO; Ag-I20; Co-l30; Ig-120;
to the Balance of Things. It-l40; Pr-11O. Appearance: 120.
The transgression that led to the birth of the Dwarven race was
in keeping with Aule's character. Like Morgoth, the Smith enjoyed Este was the wife of Irmo and, like her spouse was a caretaker
making physical objects and longed to create life. His greatest joy of the living. Her concerns were with the rest and renewal of the body
was in the fruition of his heartfelt labor. Unlike the Black Enemy, and soul. No Vala had greater powers of healing.
though, Aule's works embodied love and their intended purpose was The placid, grey-veiled Este took care of the Fountains of Renewal
to augment creation - not to replace or be apart from it. in the Forest of L6rien. Both she and her husband resided in the magic
Unfortunately, while Aule's servants shared his drive to create, they woods, although she rested alone by day on an isle in the mere call­
often lacked his love and wisdom. His first high servant, Sauron, ed L6rellin (S. "Lake of the Golden Stars"). Este's quiet, gentle fana
was seduced by the Black Enemy even before entering Eii. Saruman, walked beside Irmo during the peaceful hours of night, the time of
Sauron's successor, suffered a similar (albeit less epic) fate. Both fell rest of peace.
prey to the desire to be the master of the material world and, like Este's Special Powers:
Morgoth, both rebelled. Healing - Este can heal through normal means, or she can
Aule's love can also be attributed to his spouse Yavanna. His transfer injuries from others to her own body (e.g., like a RM
wonderful wife provided the Smith with a balancing affection. She Healer). In the latter case, she can entirely and instantly relieve
tempered his materially-oriented spirit with her knowledge and em­ others of their infirmities by simply touching them (a number
pathy for living things and, together, they presided over the caretak­ whose cumulative levels are less than or equal to Este's hit
ing of earth. total). Then she can heal the absorbed damage at a rate equal
Aule's 7' tall fana was stout and strong. His long, braided hair, to the cumulative number of levels of those she relieved. She
black beard, and red-brown skin gave him the image of a large (7' can raise the lifeless, "lifegiving;' so long as they have died
tall) Dwarf. Indeed, his children resembled their father. within the last 450 hours. In addition, Este can absolve
anyone of any disease or poison that afflicts them.
20 Valar/Este through Manwe

Water-blessing - Este can bless any water source (e.g., a well Irmo's Principal Items:
or spring), providing it with the power to heal any wound, Staff (Stave of Dreams) - Irmo's staff can erase the
disease, or infirmity (short of death) affecting those who in­ dreams/desires of any target within 425' who fails a RR. The
gest its waters. She can affect only one water source at a given staff is usable 3x/day and affects the victim for 3 days x
time. amount of RR failure.

Spells - 1 8,900 PP. Base spell OB is 425; directed spell OB Circlet (Irmire) - (Q. "Jewel of Desire") This gracile mithril
is 450. Este knows all Animist lists and all Open Channeling headband is adorned with a deep blue diamond, which rests
lists (MERP), and all Cleric lists, Lay Healer lists, Healer upon Irmo's brow. A x14 PP multiplying device, it can "cap­
lists, and Closed Channeling lists (RM). ture" any dream/desire taken (erased) by the Stave of Dreams.
Este's Principal Items: It holds only one target's dreams at a given time. Wearer can
Healing Stone A simple, rough hewn stone (7" diameter)
implant the bound dream/desire (duplicating it if Irmo so
composed of enchanted grey adamant. When touched, it wishes) into the spirit of any target with 425' who fails his RR.
cures any disease and purifies any poisonous substances
found in one's body. Holder can touch another and diagnose
any ill, mental or physical, as well as ascertaining the cure.

Cup (Lissi Coire) (Q. "Sweet Stirring ;" S. "Leth Echuir")


Upon command (7x/day), the cup will fill with a sweet wine
of holder's choice. The wine is enchanted and, when con­
sumed, will heal any ill of the mind.

------ IRMO ------ MANWE

Lvi: 425. Race: Vala. Profession: Bard/Illusionist (Seer/Astrologer).
Lvi: 500. Race: Vala. Profession: Mage (Cleric). Home: Va1inor. A ka:
Home: The Forest oj L6rien in Valinor. A ka: (Q. "Desirer"); Dream
(Q. "Blessed"); Slilimo (Q. "Breather''); Lord oj the Breath oj A r­
Master; Lord oj Visions.
da; King oj the Valar; Lord oj the Sky; Lord oj A ir; the Elder King;
RM Stats: St-lOO; Qu-lOO; Em-l30; In-1J6; Pr-140; Ag-105; Co-lOO; Ruler of A rda.
Me-130; Re-120; SD-11O. MERP Stats: St-lOO; Ag-105; Co-lOO; 19-125;
RM Stats: St-120; Qu-120; Em-150; In-150; Pr-145; Ag-125; Co-110;
It-116; Pr-140. Appearance: 115.
Me-140; Re-150; SD-130. MERP Stats: St-120; Ag-125; Co-110; Ig-145;
It-150; Pr-145. Appearance: 145.
Like his older brother Namo, Irmo was one of the Feanturi (Q.
"Spirit-masters"). He was the master of emotions and dreams, the
Manwe was the King of the Valar and was closer to Eru than any
spirit of life; thus his name "Desirer:' Along with his wife Este, he
spirit. Only Morgoth and his spouse Varda rivaled his strength. No
rose at night in his homeland in the Forest of Lorien, journeying
Vala stood above him.
when the dreams of Eru's Children were most active.
Manwe and Varda shared an enduring love that knew no limits,
While his older sister Nienna shouldered grief, and while Este heal­
one which survived the jealousy of Morgoth. Their bond lent each
ed the body, Irmo soothed the spirit. He understood the basic drives
additional power, and together they were far stronger than the sum
of the soul and, while his brother was the caretaker of fate or doom,
of their separate talents. When Manwe sat beside Varda in Ilmaren,
he oversaw the wishes and hopes inherent in all spirits. Because of
he saw anything in Arda above the surface of the land or water simply
wardship, Irmo was generous and always concerned with the hap­
by parting the clouds.
piness of others.
As Sulimo, the "Breather,' Manwe was master of the skies and
Irmo's fana was garbed in a deep forest-blue, like the color of trees
controlled the air and weather over Arda. His breath governed the
in the moonlight. His tall, lithe form and gentle manner suggested
winds, his vision cleared the mists, and his anger spawned the storms
his inner peace, but the fire of desire always kindled a very special
that pounded the earth. With Varda, he determined the course of
spark within his eyes.
the light that crossed the sky.
Irmo's Special Powers: As King of Valinor, Manwe served as the ultimate leader of the
Mist-form At night (including dawn and dusk) Irmo can
Council of the Valar and presided over all the deliberations in the
take the form of mist at will, enabling him to travel with the Ring of Doom. He was the leader, counselor, teacher, and overseer
wind or move in any direction at twice his normal speed. In of his people and, along with his wife Varda, was the patron of the
such form he is invulnerable to most physical attacks. Vanyar who lived on the slopes between his Halls and the fair city
Perfect Illusions -Irmo can simultaneously concentrate of Valmar.
upon and maintain a number of illusions the sum of whose Manwe's chief flaw was tied to his unwavering belief in Eru's
thought. As a result of his proximity to the One, the King of the
levels cannot exceed 425. This concentration only utilizes 25 070
Valar did not understand the nature of and motivations behind Evil.
of Irmo's allowable activity. (Treat the illusions as reality for
Thus, he never comprehended the danger inherent in the Black
all but Irmo and Este.)
Enemy, nor did he realize the gravity of Sauron's machinations. Varda,
Dream-mastery - Irmo can ascertain and visualize the however, acted as his counselor in many such matters, as did Ulmo;
dreams of any individual upon whom he concentrates (and and ultimately Manwe's wardship bore fruit.
who also fails their RR), regardless of range. Manwe's fana was t hat of a wise, bearded, white-haired lord with
clear skin and sky-blue eyes. Robed in rich blue, he appeared every
Spells - 1 5 ,725 PP. Base spell OB is 212; directed spell OB
bit the King. Pure white stars shone from deep within his eyes, giv­
is 425. Irmo knows all Bard lists, all Mage lists, and all Open
ing him a glowing gaze.
Essence lists (MERP), and all Illusionist lists, Astrologer lists
and Closed Essence lists (RM).
Valar/Manwii through Namo 21

Manwe's Principal Items: by the Powers. He was known ever after as Morgoth, the :'Black
Sword (Taramacil) - (Q. "High Sword") Symbol of his lord­ EnemY.' (For more about Melkor see the Morgoth entry under "Great
ship, this + 1 50 holy broadsword strikes as a two-hand sword. Enemies" in Section 7.1.)
Made of enchanted sky-blue steel, it glows upon command,
or near any appointed individual (only one foe can be ap­ ------- NAMO -------
pointed at a time, and wielder must know the foe). When Lvi: 475. Race: Vala (Exalted). Profession: Bard/Seer (Cleric). Home:
seeking a foe, the sword glows within a range in feet equal The Halls of Mandos on the western shores of Valinor. A ka: (Q. "Or­
to the wielder's level, growing brighter as it gets closer to the dainer"); Judge; Mandos; Lord of the Halls of Awaiting; Keeper of
foe. Made by Aule, the sword is endowed with a 50th Ivl en­ the Dead; Lord of Fate; Doomsmaster.
chanted spirit of its own, which serves as Manwe's familiar.
RM Slats: St-105; Qu-IOO; Em-J20; In-I40; Pr-I50; Ag-I20; Co-llO;
It can communicate through visions or silently speak to the
Me-I50; Re-lOO; SD-I50. MERP Slats: St-105; Ag-I20; Co-lIO; Ig-I25;
It-J40; Pr-I50. Appearance: 105.
Spear (Gebir Manwe) - (Q. "Manwe's Stake") A 21' long
enchanted, + 1 50, sky-blue steel spear inlaid with silver and Namo was the older brother of Irmo and Nienna. Like Irmo, the
sapphires. When thrown, it disappears, as if merged with the Ordainer was a Feantur (S. "Spirit-master"; pI. "Feanturi"), a master
air, only to reappear at the point of impact. Therefore, it can­ of inner visions and destinies. Namo, however, did not concern
not be parried. I ts range is 1 000' (without range penalty), himself with the immediacies that occupied his kin; instead he presid­
and it always returns to the wielder instantly after striking. ed over the passing of spirits. His name spoke of his role as the pro­
Any critical strike the thrower delivers is accompanied by claimer of Fate. He was the arbiter of doom, and the caretaker of
three impact criticals of equal level, plus a 50th level Fear souls in the afterli fe.
spell attack. Namo resided in the Halls of Mandos (Q. "Imprisonment"). There,
Manwe's Special Powers: on the western shores of Aman, he overlooked the Encircling Sea
Vision Manwe can see perfectly, at night or day, as far
and guarded the spirits that awaited the End of Time and the climax
as the horizon. He can note every detail, as if he were at the of Eru's vision. No soul could leave the Halls without his consent,
point he upon which he dwells. His gaze parts the clouds, and it was in his ward that the spirits of the Firstborn reposed after
so weather does not affect his view. When he is in Ilmaren their death. Morgoth was imprisoned there, as were the other fallen
with Varda, he can see anything above the surface of the earth Ainur who awaited judgment and repentance.
or water anywhere in Arda. Namo's wif� Vaire lived with the Doomsmaster at their Halls, weav­
ing the record of Time that aided her spouse in his judgments. Aside
Voice - Manwe can speak in any voice he desires, to anyone from the ever-grieving Nienna, she was Namo's only frequent com­
within his sight. panion. An air of twilight colored his setting.
Authority - Manwe can direct his voice or sight upon any Accordingly, Namo's fana frequently wore a guise of gloom. Black
one individual (within a range of 500') in order to dominate robes adorned his chosen form: a tall, angular, pale body without
him. The victim must make a RR versus a 250th level Chan­ hair, punctuated with deep-set black eyes.
neling (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack. Failure results in Namo's PrinCipal Items:
the victim being under Manwe's control until the victim makes Amulet of Fate - Composed of a black diamond nestled
a successful RR. Whenever the victim leaves the 500' radius in a simple silver and grey ithilnaur setting, this amulet was
effect area - or whenever Manwe stops concentrating - the a gift of Irmo (Lorien). It is the companion amulet to the
victim receives one RR per round. one given to Melian. When placed before the eyes of another
(range J ' x wearer's Ivl), the target must make a successful
Air-weaving - Manwe has absolute control over the air (i.e.,
RR, or the wearer may read the target's general doom (e.g.,
wind) throughout Arda.
good or bad, and to what degree). Wearer receives a general
Spells - 26,000 PP. Base spell OB is 250; directed spell OB image (as if it was a dream) of target's general fate (for the
is 500. Manwe knows all Mage lists, all Open Channeling coming period equal to I year x wearer's level).
lists, and all Open Essence lists (MERP), and all Cleric lists,
Gauntlets (Gloves of Passing) - When both are placed upon
and all Closed Essence, Closed Channeling, and Closed Men­
the body of the target, the target realizes and visualizes the
talist lists (RM).
general nature of their fate. Should the target resist his natural
fate (e.g., an undead) or should he physically assail Nmo,
the Ordainer may concentrate on the target's demise. Then,
In the beginning, Melkor (Q. " He Who Arises in Might") was the
should the target fail an RR versus a 100th Ivl attack, the
greatest of the Valar. He shared power with Manwe, but he never target will die, his spirit passing into bondage within the Halls
enjoyed the favor that Eru accorded his brother. Manwe, however,
of Mandos. The gloves cannot, however, affect Men.
was closer to Eru's thought, for Melkor could not work within the
Namo's Special Powers:
scheme prescribed by the One. When the Valar made the Great Music,
Melkor created discord. Voice of Doom - Namo can speak in any voice of anyone
Melkor desired to be omnipotent and create according to his own within a 475' radius, controlling their attentions. Those within
his range must make a RR versus a 47th level Channeling
feelings, and not within the bounds of Eru's vision. Like Aule, Melkor
loved to make things and he revelled in the adoration he received (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack, lest they be controlled
for his conceptions. But he went further than the Smith and, after by Namo so long as he speaks to them. Should Namo recess
entering Eii, he openly rebelled. Abandoning his pledge to Eru, for more than 1 minute, or should the victim leave the 475'
radius effect area, the victim is no longer under the Ordainer's
Melkor became a fallen Vala and his name was never again spoken
22 Valar/Namo through Nienna

Eye of Judgement - Should Namo gaze upon a target and NIENNA

concentrate, the target must make a successful RR versus a Lvi: 4 7S. Race: Vala (Exalted Valie). Profession: Bard/Mentalist.
47th level Channeling (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack, Home: The Last Home on the westernmost shore of Valinor. A ka:
or they will die. (Q. "Mourning"); The Weeper; the Sufferer.
Spells - 22,325 PP. Base spell OB is 237; directed spell OB RM Stats: St-100; Qu-100; Em-1SO; In-1SO; Pr-13S; Ag-120; Co-J20;
is 475. Namo knows all Bard lists and Open Channeling lists Me-llS; Re-lOO; SD-I00. MERP Slats: St-100; Ag-120; Co-l20; Ig-J07;
(MERP) and all Seer lists, Cleric lists, Closed Channeling It-1SO; Pr-13S. Appearance: 140.
lists, and Open and Closed Mentalism lists (RM).
Nienna was the younger sister of Namo (Mandos) and the older
NESSA ------ sister of Irmo (Lorien). A solitary Val a, she resided
Lvi: 400. Race: Vala ( Valie). Profession: Bard. Home: Valmar in at the westernmost point in Aman. There, her lonely tower rose from
Valinor. A ka: Dancer; Mistress of Joy; Mistress of Celebration. the sheer grey cliffs bitten by the twilight waters of the Encircling Sea.
RM Stats: St-100; Qu-140; Em-100; In-130; Pr-140; Ag-140; Co-100; Nienna was the Mourner, the Weeper, and she embodied suffer­
Me-lOO; Re-lOO; SD-JOO. MERP Stats: St-100; A g-140; Co-lOO; Ig-lOO; ing. The very antithesis of Nessa, she did not celebrate; rather, she
It-130; Pr-140. Appearance: l3S. bore the grief of Ea. Her shoulders supported the suffering created
out the errors of all other spirits, for she assumed their sadness. Pity­
Nessa was the rather carefree and beautiful wife of the Vala Tulkas. ing the most rebellious of spirits, the Weeper suffered on behalf of
Of all the Valier, only Vana possessed a wilder spirit. Like her spouse, others. She represented the conscience of Ea. Without her, the pain
Nessa loved to run, play, and laugh, taking delight in the celebra­ of their j ourney through life would have undoubtedly overwhelmed
tion of life. She embodied mirth, j oy, and happiness and never the Children of Eru.
thought to bear arms. Nienna's fana illustrated her role. Pale, red-eyed, and with scarlet
Above all, though, Nessa danced. Cheerfully fluttering on Valmar's cheeks marked by unending tears, she walked slowly. There was
unfading green lawns, she rejoiced in dancing whenever she was at strength in her watery eyes, however, for she was strong enough to
home. In the wilds, she sportily raced the beloved deer that followed pity and forgive virtually any transgression for which repentance was
her on every frolic, knowing that she could always outrun the beasts offered.
that trailed her. Only Tulkas and Orome were more fleet afoot.
Nessa's fana was that of a agile but graceful young woman with
fiery red-orange hair and eyes as green as the carpets upon which
she danced.
Nessa's Principal Item:
Green Rose Crown - Nessa wears a crown made of en­
chanted green roses in her hair. The crown denotes her sta­
tion as Queen of Celebration. Its splendid magical glow pro­
tects her head as well as any normal helm (and it negates
750/0 of head crits; roll 01-75). In addition, the crown's aura Nienna's Special Powers:
confers joy and reaches into the vilest of hearts. While wear­ Conscience -Nienna can see into the conscience of anyone
ing the crown, Nessa is immune to attack from anyone who she looks and concentrates upon (range based on whether
gazes upon her (from any range) and who fails a RR versus she can distinguish them), assuming they consent or they fail
a 40th Ivl Essence attack. Such failure invokes happiness, and a RR versus a 237th level Channeling attack.
prevents the viewer from fighting anyone for 1-100 minutes Grief Transferral -Nienna can assume the emotional pain
(unless struck). and suffering of anyone whom she touches and concentrates
Nessa's Special Powers: upon. In addition, her touch immediately heals any mental
Dance -While dancing, Nessa can leap up to 100' vertical­ and physical side-effect arising out of such suffering.
ly and up to 500' horizontally (or any variation thereof). She
can imitate and improve upon any dance, tumbling maneuver, Spells -2 1 ,375 PP. Base spell OB is 237; directed spell OB
or acrobatic maneuver she has ever seen, and her own is 475. Nienna knows all Bard lists and Open Channeling lists
(MERP) and all Closed Channeling, and Open and Closed
maneuvers are always treated as having a difficulty category
no harder than "Easy" (see MERP Table MT- I or RM/ Mentalism lists (RM).
Character Law Table 1 5 .3 1). Nienna's Principal Item:
Staff of Sorrow -a + 100 quarterstaff made from the fallen
Song-weaving - Nessa can use her voice to create any sound branch of the now-dead Telperion. It is a xlO PP multiply­
within the range of any mammal found in Arda and, while ing device that enables wielder to cast any Healer spell (up
singing, she can communicate with any deer within 4 miles. to 20th Iv!). In addition, the staff resurrects sorrowful im­
Spells -14,800 PP. Base spell OB is 200; directed spell OB ages in the minds of its victims. Whenever wielder concen­
is 400. Nessa knows all Bard lists and Open Channeling lists trates (up to lOx/day), those within a range of l ' x wielder's
(MERP) and all Closed Channeling, and Open and Closed Ivl (47 5 ' in Nienna's case) must make a RR versus a 20th Ivl
Mentalism lists (RM). Channeling attack. RR failure results in victims being in­
capacitated (for I rd x RR failure number) due to uncon­
trollable grief.
Valar/Orome through Tulkas 23

OROME Orome's Special Powers:

Lvi: 480. Race: Vala (Exalted). Profession: Ranger. Home: the wild Speed Orome has a walking pace of 100' per round and

woods of southern Valinor. A ka: (Q. "Horn-sounder"); A raw (S. he runs at a pace of 500' per round.
''Trumpet;'' N. "Bema "); Tauran (S. "Forester"); A ldaran (Q. "Lord Silence Should Orome concentrate, he makes absolutely

of Trees"); Tamer of Beasts; the R ider; Master of the Wild; The no noise when moving outdoors.
Hunter; Huntsman of the Valar.
Befriending and Riding Beasts - Orome can tame and ride
RM Stats: St-I45; Qu-I45; Em-J05; In-l20; Pr-120; Ag-I50; Co-I50; any wild beast as if it was his most loyal friend. The Hunter
Me-JOO; Re-JOo,· SD-JJO. MERP Stats: St-I45; Ag-I50; Co-I50; Ig-IOO; need only see and call to beast (range 1000'). In order to af­
It-l20; Pr-I20. Appearance: 140. fect previously tamed, domesticated, or evil beasts he must
touch the creature (which then receives a RR).
Oro me was the Huntsman of the Valar. A peerless messenger and
tracker, he was the greatest ranger ever to set foot in Arda. His skills Aim - Orome can toss any thrown weapon or missile (e.g.,
in the wild were legendary. As Araw, he was the patron of many Elves a pole) up to 500' without range penalty, using his normal
and, as Bema, he was revered by Men. He was the best known of spear OB; and he can throw his spear up to 1000' without
the Valar in Endor. His extensive travels upon his white horse Nahar range penalty. He may throw missiles or thrown weapons
gave him insight into virtually every region of Middle-earth, and left twice that far with an OB penalty of -100. Orome can throw
a legacy of familiarity for peoples who never saw him. rocks weighing up 30 lbs as far as 500' with a + 1 00 OB,
Orome was the older brother of Nessa and the husband of Vana. yielding a Large Fall/Crush attack.
He shared their passion for life, and their fondness for living things; Tracking Orome can track any wild creature across any

but above all, he loved the wilderness. Forests were his favorite solid surface (including stream beds), so long as he can find
domains. any one of that creature's tracks which has been made within
Unlike his sister, though, Orome could be quick to anger. His the preceding 480 hrs.
temper was fiery and his wrath formidable and, although he was not
as strong as Tulkas, he could be a more deadly foe. Passion could Spells -10,560 PP. Base spell OB is 1 20; directed spell OB
drive the Huntsman to pursue an enemy to the end of the World. is 240. Orome knows all Ranger lists and Open Channeling
In Elder Days, Orome hunted the monsters that came forth out lists (MERP) and all Closed Channeling, and Monk lists
of Morgoth's breeding pits. No challenge was too great, and he rode (RM).
far and wide to clear the land of Evil. Then, forests covered vast ex­
panses of Middle-earth, and Orome seemed at home among the
beasts of the wood. He continued his solitary hunts after the destruc­ TULKAS (ASTALDO)
tion of the Two Lamps, even though the animals went into hiberna­ Lvi: 450. Race: Vala. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Valmar in
tion. Always the warden of the forests, Orome often stood alone Valinor. A ka: Astaldo (Q. "The Valiant "); the Strong; the Champion
against the onslaught of the Black Enemy's minions. of the Valar.
Orome was the first Vala to encounter the newly-born Elves when RM Stats: SI-I50; Qu-I50; Em-120; In-IOO; Pr-JOO; Ag-I50; Co-I50;
they awakened in Cuivienen. There, in the eaves of the Wild Wood Me-99; Re-99; SD-IOO. MERP Stats: SI-I50; Ag-I50; Co-150; Ig-99;
of eastern Endor, he cautiously met the Firstborn of Eru's Children. It-JOO; Pr-lOO. Appearance: 130.
The Huntsman later took the Elda-lords Ingwe, Finwe, and Elwe to
Valinor and, after their return to Middle-earth, he led their peoples Tulkas is the consumate Warrior. He fights without weapons, anger,
on the Great Journey westward. or fear, and knows no equal in strength or speed. Faster and stronger
These acts, together with his struggle on behalf of the Quendi in than any beast, he is a formidable foe and a valuable ally.
the Battle of the Powers, forever endeared him to the Elves. Even though Tulkas was not one of the Aratar, Morgoth feared
Orome's fana is fair and strong of build. Silver-haired and cloak­ him more than any other Vala. Tulkas' complete lack of concern
ed in a flowing white cloak, he looks like a pale whirlwind when regarding threats and dangers presented the Black Enemy with an
he rides through the moon-soaked woods. opponent he could not intimidate. The Valiant One always fought
Orome's Principal Possessions: as if he was at play, laughing at obstacles as if they were games or
Bow (Luvaninque) (Q. "White Bow;" S. "Nimcu") + 200
- playful challenges. Thus, Morgoth could not use the Champion's ire
holy, white mallorn, long bow. It is seven and half feet long as a tool against Tulkas, as he did with other foes.
and requires 500 Ibs of pressure to string. Makes no sound Exceedingly slow to anger, Tulkas was a fast friend who honored
when fired and only fumbles on a roll of 0 1 . Neither the bow a bond of friendship with his very being. No one was more loyal.
or its bowstring will warp or break. His weakness was rooted in his modest intellect, not his compassion.
Indeed, Tulkas' mind made him a poor counselor and reduced his
Horn (Valaromra) (Q. "Horn of the Valar") White kine
stature among the Valar. The last to enter Ea, he was not counted

horn, inlaid with mithril and adamant. It weighs 48 Ibs. I t as one of the Exalted Powers, despite his supreme physical talents
has a range of 4 8 miles and, when blown, all allies of wielder and even though Tulkas subjugated Morgoth during the Battle of
within the range receive a + 50 bonus to all their actions for the Powers.
1-100 rounds (this latter power is usable but l x/day).
Tulkas' fana had gold hair, a gold beard, and a j oyful, ruddy com­
Horse (Nahar) - Beautiful 100th Ivl white stallion whose plexion. His deep, joyous laugh and dancing eyes lend him a gentle
coat glows silver in the moonlight. Nahar leaves no tracks (albeit powerful) visage.
and tirelessly runs at a pace of 1000' per round. It is a Super
Large Creature which will fight to the death for Orome or
his wife Vana. His voice is like a song and he can speak to,
and understand, Orome, Vana, or Nessa.
24 Valar/Tulkas through Vlmo

Tulkas' Special Powers: Ulmo's concern about the welfare of Eru's Children extended
Size -Treat Tulkas as a huge creature. Although he is not beyond the Teleri. The Ocean Lord transported many of the Eldar
one of the Aratar, all critical strike rolls applied against him to Aman and counseled the Free Peoples throughout the struggles
have -40 subtraction (see 4.12 above). during the War of the Great Jewels at the end of the First Age. Know­
ing of the secret places where water ran, Ulmo revealed the hidden
Body - Treat Tulkas's skin as Plate armor (AT 20) with an
caves that provided the Noldor refuge in the later stages of the
inherent DB of 100. His huge hands and inherent solidity
resistance against Morgoth. As a result, although the Pourer's blister­
give him the ability to strike without weapons using a Flail,
ing snows, pounding rains, and roaring seas claimed many lives and
Huge Bash, or a Huge Grapple attack.
sowed considerable fear, many count the Lord of Water as a friend.
Strength -Enables Tulkas to toss any object weighing 450 Ulmo's rarely takes a fana, for he seldom comes to land. Instead,
Ibs or less up to 400' without range penalty, striking with he prefers to shift with his capricious waters. When he rises in form,
a + 200 OB on the Fall/Crush Attack Table. He can throw though, he typically appears as a huge manifestation of the themes
objects up to 100 Ibs up to 1 200', striking with a + 1 00 OB of the sea. His indigo eyes peer from beneath a chain hood and shin­
on the Fall/Crush Attack Table. In any case, he can double ing mail, a coat of ever-washed armor whose color gradually changes
his range and half his OB. to a deep green as it reaches into the depths. Ulmo's black beard also
varies its color, occasionally seeming to be nothing more than tangl­
Laugh - Anyone coming within 1000' of Tulkas' must make ed seaweed. His is a form with the elusive qualities that befit his
a RR versus a 50th level Fear spell. With a RR failure of 01-50, nature.
the victim flees in fear for 1-10 minutes. If the RR failure
Ulmo's Principal Items:
is 5 1-100, the victim is frozen in place (stunned and unable
Horn (Ulumuri) White, sea-shell horns made by the Maia
to move or parry) for 1-10 rounds. Should they fail by 101 + ,
Salmar. Those who hear a tune sounded on this horn never
they die o f fright.
forget the music. The horn's range is 490 miles beneath or
------- ULMO ------- on the surface of open water and 49 miles across land.
Lvi: 490. Race: Vala. Profession: A nimist/Sorcerer. Home: The Sea Armor - + 200 unencumbering chain mail coated with
Oceans or, occasionally, freshwater. A ka: (Q. "Pourer''); Rainer; King an ever-flowing veil of shining water. Its hood (treat as a full
of the Sea; Spirit of the Veins of the Earth; Ocean Lord; Master of helm) and upper areas have a gleaming white-silver hue, while
Waters. the lower areas are deep green in color.
RM Stats: St-125; Qu-J30; Em-150; In-150; Pr-125; Ag-125; Co-100; Ulmo's SpeCial Powers:
Me-150; Re-1OO; SD-J05. MERP Stats: St-125; Ag-125; Co-JOO; Ig-125; Water-form Ulmo can move and breathe with equal ease

It-150; Pr-125. Appearance: J05. on land or water. He can merge with waves and travel as ten
times as fast the currents will carry him or, he can swim at
Aside from Orome, Ulmo was the best known of the Valar, for up to 1000' per round.
his spirit dwelt closest to Endor. Ulmo's essence swirled through each
Water-senses - While in water, Ulmo can concentrate in a
rain, coursed through every stream, and lay in every pool and bay
particular direction and hear or see anything that is (i) within
in Arda; he came with each morning's dew. Ulmo resided in the Ea's
the water inside a range of 490 miles or (ii) adjacent to the
highest snows and her the deepest springs. As water was the "blood"
water within a range of 49'.
of the World, the Pourer was truly the Spirit of the Veins of the Earth.
Ulmo was second among the Val a Kings and third in the heirarchy Water-weaving - Ulmo has absolute control of all water
of the Exalted Powers. Only Manwe and Varda stood above him in within a range of 980 feet (i.e., 2'x Ulmo's Ivl). He can also
Ea's scheme. A loner who rarely took form and only occasionally create waves of up to 980 feet in height across any water sur­
visited Valinor, he was the virtually autonomous master of the deeps. face in which he resides, within a range of 980 miles.
Ulmo saw and heard all that transpired beneath the waves and knew
Song-weaving -Ulmo can use his voice to create any sound
everything that occurred where water flowed. His knowledge of the
within the range of any animal found in any water. Using
Middle Land oft times exceeded even that of Manwe and Varda, for
song, he can communicate with any beast that dwells in water.
things and events could be hidden from the King and Queen which
could elude the Ocean Lord's notice. Isle-moving - Ulmo can move or raise to create any island
Ulmo's unique dominion threatened Morgoth, since the Black with a radius of less than or equal to 490 miles (i.e., 1 mile
Enemy's claim as King of the World did not extend into the sea. x Ulmo's level). When an island is raised it takes Ulmo one
Morgoth hated water and feared the untameable ocean, so he at­ day per radius mile to accomplish the deed and it requires
tempted to supplant Ulmo by offering the Sea-lord's vassal Osse the all of his PP. To move an island, it requires all Ulmo's PP
Kingdom of Water. Ultimately, Osse repudiated the Black Enemy's and a period equal to one day per 100 miles the isle is moved.
advances and, with the intercession of the Maia Uinen (Osse's spouse),
he was pardoned by his lord. Spells - 25,480 PP. Base spell OB is 245; directed spell OB
Ulmo's voice was as deep as the sea. It was the greatest in Ea, and is 490. Ulmo knows all Animist lists, all Mage lists, all Open
his servants proved to be the finest singers ever to grace Arda, save Channeling and all Open Essence lists (MERP), and all
the Vala Vana. Eru conferred more music upon Ulmo than he gave Sorcerer lists and Closed Channeling and Essence lists (RM).
the other Valar, and his command of song-lore was unparalleled. It
was his people who taught the Teleri how to sing. Ulmo also directed
Osse to instruct the Teleri about shipmaking, and these skills were
evident in the wondrous creations of the great Sinda shipwright C ir­
dan. These, combined with Ulmo's mastery of their beloved sea, led
the Teler Elves to acknowledge Ulmo as their patron (alongside
Valar/ Vaire through Varda 25

------ VAIRE --------�--

Vana loved flowers and birds and tended wonderful gardens in both
Lvi: 430. Race: Vala (Valie). Profession: Bard/Seer. Home: The Halls the wilds of southern Valinor and in the stately reaches of fair Valmar.
oj Mandos on the western shores oj A man. A ka: The Weaver; Wherever she passed, however, the birds sang as if to announce her
Mistress oj Time. coming and the flowers peeked forth as if to gaze upon her beautiful
fana. Be it night or day, she only needed to look to a flower in order
RM Stats: St-JOO; Qu-IOO; Em-IlO; In-120; Pr-140; Ag-IJO; Co-JOO; to cause it to bloom.
Me-I50; Re-IOO; SD-I30. MERP Stats: St-JOO; Ag-IlO; Co-JOO; Ig-I25; Vana's fiery essence produced her fondness for powerfully bright
It-120; Pr-I40. Appearance: 125. music and brilliant colors. She cherished the dawn and gold hues,
loves which she shared with her principal servant Arien. A Fire Spirit
Varie was the wife of Namo and she lived with him in the Halls of considerable power, Arien took care of the golden flowers in Vana's
of Mandos on Aman's western sea coast. There, in the remote Place gardens for hundreds of years - until the time she was appointed
of Souls, she wove the record of Time. Namo used her chronicle to to guide the Sun.
judge the doom of spirits. The fana Vana adopted in Valinor was that of a wildly beautiful,
Quiet and serious, Varie served as a fine companion and partner unpredictable woman. Bright and graceful, she shunned material
for the Ordainer. Deep purple garb of somber lines draped her slight things and always remained the Ever-young.
fana, providing her an air of authority suited to her great role.
Vana's Special Powers:
Vaire's Principal Items: Silence -Should Vana concentrate, she makes absolutely
Loom of Time -Can be used with any thread or yarn and no noise when moving outdoors.
permits weaving at 1000x normal speed. Any fabric woven
on the loom will retain the perfect image of the thoughts the Befriending and Riding Beasts -Vana can tame and ride
weaver wishes to implant in its pattern, and it need only be any wild beast as if it was his most loyal friend. She need
touched in order to convey that image (including all senses) only see and call to beast (range 400'). In order to affect
to the person handling it. previously tamed, domesticated, or evil beasts she must touch
the creature (which then receives a RR).
Mace (Iaroma) - (Q. "Old-voice") + 100 mace of black eog,
inlaid with amethyst (purple quartz). It weighs 14 Ibs and Spells -9,350 PP. Base spell OB is 212; directed spell OB
strikes as a flail. Whenever it yields a critical strike, it delivers is 425. Vana knows all Bard lists and all Open Essence lists
a Death's Memory spell (Open Mentalist, Ivl 1 5 ) to the target, (MERP), and all Closed Essence lists, and all Open and
leaving the target with the vision of the death of mace's last Closed Mentalist lists (RM).
victim. (Should victim survive the critical strike, he must make
a RR versus a 20th Fear attack at the outset of the following VARDA
round.) Lvi: 500. Race: Vala (Exalted Valie). Profession: A nimist/Astrologer.
Vairie's Special Powers: Home: Halls oj Ilmaren atop Taniquetil in eastern Valinor. Aka: (Q.
Recall - Vaire can concentrate upon and touch any solid "The Exalted"); Queen oj the Valar; Elbereth (S. "Star Queen;" Q.
tthing (e.g., a creature or an object) and judge its age and "Elentdri"); Elbereth Gilthoniel; Tintalle (Q. "The Kindler"); Fanuilos
point of origin. She can also visualize the real and recallable (Q. "Ever-white"); Chief oj the Valier.
memories of any creature that fails a RR versus a Channel­ RM Stats: St-JOO; Qu-IlO; Em-I25; In-I50; Pr-I50; A g-IlO; Co-J05;
ing (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack. Me-I50; Re-140; SD-I40. MERP Stats: Sf-JOO; Ag-llO; Co-J05; Ig-145;
Spells -1 8 ,060 PP. Base spell OB is 215; directed spell OB It-150; Pr-I50. Appearance: 150.
is 430. Vaire knows all Bard lists, all Open Channeling lists,
and all Open Essence lists (MERP), and all Seer lists, Clos­ Varda was the counterpart of Manwe, and was highest among the
ed Channeling lists, and all Open and Closed Mentalist lists Valier (female Maiar). Compassionate and wise, she was as bright
(RM). as the Light she embodied. Her works were many and great, for she
created the stars, kindled the Two Lamps, illuminated the Two Trees,
----- VANA ----- blessed the Silmarils, and filled the vessels which became the Sun
Lvi: 425. Race: Vala (Valie). Profession: Bard. Home: Valmar in and the Moon. Truly the Queen of the Heavens (Q. "Mene\"), she
Valinor. A ka: The Ever-young; Mistress oj Flowers; Mistress oj Song. was the epitome of noble strength and beauty.
Varda's place in the saga of the Ainur and their guardianship in
RM Stats: St-99; QU-Il8; Em-JOO; In-120; Pr-I20; Ag-IlO; Co-la�; Eli was crucial. A firm opponent of Morgoth (who desired her), she
Me-99; Re-98; SD-IlO. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-Il5; Co-JOO; Ig-98; helped Manwe understand the dangers fomented by the Black
It-120; Pr-120. Appearance: 120. Enemy's Evil at a time when the Vala King seemed incapable of
recognizing the nature of their foe. Her strong and often active sup­
Vana was the younger sister of Yavanna and the wife of Orome. port of the Free Peoples' struggle contrasted with the reluctance of
Utterly youthful and untamed, she was the Mistress of Flowers and most of her brethren to intervene in the affairs of Eru's Children.
Song. Like the embodiment of the Spring of Life, she represented Varda's constant support for the Eldar, coupled with her lordship
birth and renewal among living things. Her fiery nature and pas­ over the stars that the Elves held so dear, made the Vala Queen the
sionate songs stirred the hearts of listeners and caused them rekindle natural patron of the Quendi. Elves often prayed to her out of love,
memories of their younger years. respect, and need, and she frequently answered their entreaties. The
Elven cry "Elbereth Gilthoniel" saved more than one of the Firstborn.
Of course, Varda aided all the Free Folk. Her lamps guided seamen
and travelers of all races, and her enchanted light saved the Hobbit
Sam during his struggle with the Spider Shelob.
26 ValarlGeneral Statistics Table

Varda dwelled in the Halls of Ilmaren with Manwe. Seated beside Varda's Special Powers:
her spouse in their above atop Arda's greatest peak, high above the Hearing - Varda can hear perfectly, regardless of condition,
clouds, she could hear any sound uttered above the surface of the as far as the horizon. She can note every detail of every sound,
land or sea. The union of King and Queen was stronger than the as if she were at the point at which it was made. When she
combination of their separate spirits and, like Manwe, Varda drew is Ilmaren with Manwe, she can hear any sound made above
splendid power from their love. the surface of the earth or water - anywhere in Arda.
Varda's favored fana shone white, like the glittering snow atop
Ward of I1maren - When Varda is in Ilmaren, her presence
starstruck mountains. Stunningly beautiful, it was beyond compare.
is extended out to form a girdle, or presence-wall, with a
diameter equal to 50 miles. This 1000 PP per day to main­
tain; however, it requires none of her concentration. Within
this region, Varda can sense the number and basic nature of
the presences whenever she concentrates. Anyone crossing
the girdle's borders must make a RR versus a 125th Ivl Chan­
neling (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack. Failure of 01-50
results in the victim being unable to cross the barrier for 1-10
days; failure of 5 1-100 results in the victim being unable to
cross the barrier for 1-10 years; and failure of 101 + results
in the victim being unable to cross the barrier for 1-10 decades.

Light-weaving - Varda has absolute control over all light

within 500' of her person. She also has absolute control over
all the light in the Heavens above (and therefore outside) Ar­
da. She can direct the manner of, and place of, its entry into
Arda. Should she place such light in a vessel (e.g., a jewel),
blessing it, she can subsequently concentrate upon the jewel
(regardless of range or circumstance), giving the jewel-bearer
Varda's Principal Items: a + 50 bonus to all his activity. She can concentrate on only
Circlet (Vardamire) - (Q. "Jewel of Varda") A simple, white one such j ewel at a time.
mithril headband adorned with a single gem of glowing ada­
Healing - Varda can heal through normal means, or she
mant. It gently rests on her noble brow. A x14 PP multiplier,
can transfer injuries from others to her own body (e.g., like
the blessed jewel also serves as Varda's Crown. Its gem can
a RM Healer). In the latter case, she can entirely and instantly
glow to any degree desired by the wearer, even attaining a
relieve others of their infirmities by simply touching them
brightness normally ascribed to stars. In such case all within
(a number whose cumulative levels are less than or equal to
500' must make a RR versus a 250th Essence attack, with
Varda's). Then she can heal the absorbed damage at a rate
failure resulting in blindness. Should Varda concentrate the
equal to the cumulative number of levels of those she relieved.
light in a less ominous manner, the aura will bolster the spirits
of all friends within 5000', providing them a constant + 50 Spells - 26,000 PP. Base spell OB is 250; directed spell O B
bonus for all their actions. i s 500. Varda can use all t h e Animist lists, Bard lists, and
Opening Channeling lists (MERP) , and all Astologer lists,
Ring (Coririel) - (Q. "Lady's Ring") A simple unadorned,
all Closed Channeling lists, all Open and Closed Essence lists,
white mithril band. It is the symbol of Manwe's love for her
and all Lay Healer lists (RM).


Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Auk 485 1 698 No/4 125 + N N 665wh* 525WE 275 Mage/Alchemist, Master of the Eanh, the Smith (Eanh/brown).
Este 450 1238 No/4 200+ N N 2 lOWE 240WE 175 Animist/Healer (Cleric), The Healer (Renewal/grey).
Irmo 425 531 No/4 1 00 + N N 4 1 8WE 440WE 1 00 Bard/Seer (Astrologer), Dream Master (Spirits/deep blue).
Manwe 500 875 No/4 225 + N N 600th* 6 l Osp* 200 Mage/Magician (Cleric), King of the Valar (Air/blue).

Namo 475 83 1 No/4 125 + N N 490WE 5 1 5WE 175 Bard/Seer (Cleric), Doomsmaster (Spirits/black).
Nessa 400 500 No/4 300 + N N 455WE 520WE 275 Bard, Mistress of Celebration (Joy/orange).
Nienna 475 1069 No/4 125 + N N 425qs 360WE 175 Bard/Mentalist, The Weeper (Conscience/red).
Orome 480 1800 No/4 350 + N N 681WE 800b* 325 Ranger, Master of the Wilds, the Huntsman (Nature/silver).

Tulkas 450 1688 PI!20 375 + N N 1 280WE I 280WE 325 Warrior/Fighter, Champion of the Valar (Valor/red gold).
Ulmo 490 612 Ch/16 375 + N N 470WE 470WE 200 Animist/Sorcerer, Master of the Waters (Water/sea green).
Vaire 430 538 No/4 1 00 + N N 355ma* 275WE 125 Bard/Seer, The Weaver (Time/purple).

Vana 425 531 No/4 1 90 + N N 425WE 440WE 125 Bard, Mistress of Flowers and Song, (Youth/spring green).
Varda 500 750 No/4 175 + N N 240WE 255WE 125 Animist/Astrologer, Queen of the Valar (Light/white).
Yavanna 485 728 No/4 115+ N N 4 l OWE 385WE 200 Animist, Mistress of the Living Eanh (Earth/green).
MaiarlOverview & History 27

----- YAVANNA -----

Lvi: 485. Race: Vala (Exalted Valie). Profession: A nimist. Home:
5.0 MAlAR
Mansions of Aule or Valmar in Valinor. A ka: (Q. "Giver of Fruits"); The Maiar composed the vast majority of the Ainur who came
Kementdri (Q. "Queen of the Earth"); Keeper of Plants. to Ea in the beginning. Although servants of the Valar, they share
RM Stats: St-l40; Qu-96; Em-145; In-150; Pr-125; Ag-125; Co-105; the nature of their greater brethren.
Me-JOO; Re-llO; SD-145. MERP Stats: St-l40; Ag-125; Co-105; Ig-J05; Like the Valar - and indeed all the Ainur - the Maiar are im­
Jt-150; Pr-125. Appearance: 145. mortal spirits without need of form. Their corporeal bodies simply
enable them to interact with Eru's Children, and permit them to per­
The second of the Queens of the Valar, Yavanna was the spouse form their primary task, which is the tending of Arda. This role per­
of the Smith Aule. She was the Queen of the Earth, the incarnation mits them to interact with the inhabitants of Middle-earth more
of the spirit that makes living things grow and flourish. Her labors directly than do the Valar, for the Maiar carry their masters' word
gave the World all its plants, including the Two Trees of Valinor. and serve as their intermediaries.
Yavanna was the guardian of all the Olvar (Growing Things that
Do Not Move), for she planted the first seeds and her blessing gave
them life. Accordingly, all peoples who relied on the harvest prayed 5 . 1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE MAlAR
for her endowment. Her sanctification assured plenty. The number of Maiar is unknown; however, these lesser spirits
Of course, Yavanna's own gardens were renowned. There, she tend­ make up the people of the Valar and are numerous enough to nur­
ed her Olva friends and kept her heart on the pulse of the Earth's life. ture their own societies and raise their own great war-host. Their varie­
Yavanna's fana was a beautiful figure covered in a rich, deep, green ty is great and their tale reflects this varied character; and, although
garb, and her aura glowed like newborn fruit in the noonday Sun. the Maiar were born before Existence itself, they share many of the
Occasionally, she favored the veil of a great tree whose bows stretch­ passions and shortcomings of lesser peoples.
ed into the Heavens.
As noted in 4. 1 1 , Eru's thought gave birth to the Ainur, the Holy
Ones, including those who would become the Valar and Maiar.
Through the Great Music conceived by Eru and sung by the Holy
Ones, the pattern and being of all that exists was born. Ea - the
World and the Heavens - grew out of the Song, as did Fate.
The Maiar served the Valar before the latter entered Ea. They were
the lesser Ainur loyal to the fifteen (counting Morgoth) greater Ainur
who accepted wardship over the newborn World. When the Valar
left the Timeless Halls of Eru and ventured into Ea, the Maiar
After the Valar and Maiar came into the World, they set about
shaping Arda. The Maiar's role was, as always, to aid their lords in
completing the scheme envisioned by Eru. H owever, with Morgoth's
Rebellion, many of the Maiar fell away from their appointed path.
Yavanna's Principal Item: Some, like Aule's high servant Sauron, actually entered Arda in the
Staff - A simple fallen bough from the now-dead Goldeeen service of the Black Enemy; others, like the Fire Spirits who would
Tree (Q. "Laurelin"). A + 28 spell adder, it enables the wielder become known as the Balrogs, succumbed to Darkness at a later time.
to communicate with any plant (within a range equal to l ' x Only one Maia who submitted to Morgoth's soothing flattery was
wielder's Ivl). The plant will respond according t o i t s gift of restored to grace. Ulmo's servant Osse was the only fallen Maia to
spirit, but the wielder can always ascertain the exact nature be saved. With the aid of his spouse Uinen, Osse returned to the
of the plant and its feelings. righteous fold and was pardoned.

Yavanna's Special Powers: The Destruction of the Two Lamps and the Rise of Aman
Healing - Yavanna can heal the ills of any plant with 485' The struggle between the Downfallen Morgoth and the other four­
by merely concentrating upon it. teen Valar lasted throughout the First Age. From his holds at Utum­
no and (later) Angband, Morgoth defied his brethren and assailed
Plant-weaving - She can instantly control and modify the their creations. In his first assault, the Black Enemy ruined the two
shape of any one plant within 485'. lamps that lit the World during the Spring of Arda, and the
cataclysmic aftermath forever ruined the conception of a perfect,
Endowment - Yavanna can make all the plants within a 48
symetrical landscape. Almaren, the home of the Valar and Maiar,
radius grow at whatever pace she desires. She can also imb­
perished in the flood.
ed any one of her spells into any one living fruit by touching
The continents that now compose Arda arose out of this destruc­
it. The spell will operate only once and only when the fruit
tion. The Valar and Maiar occupied their current home in Aman.
is eaten.
Morgoth remained in Endor. Seeking his overthrow, the Valar - in
Spells - 25,220 PP. Base spell OB is 442; directed spell OB an act that presaged the mobilization that began the War of Wrath
is 485. Yavanna can use all Animist, Opening Channeling and - assembled the first host of Maiar. This army drove the Black
Ranger lists (MERP), and all Cleric lists, Closed Channel­ Enemy into his refuge at Utumno in the north of Middle-earth, but
ing lists, and Healer lists (RM). they failed to bring about his surrender.
28 Maiar/History

A long period of uneasy peace followed. For a while, Arda was With the last Silver Flower of Telperion and the sole remaining
illuminated only by starlight, but eventually the Two Trees sprouted Golden Fruit of Laurelin, the Valar rescued the essence of the Light
and gave their light to the World. The Count of Time began. The of the Two Trees. Placing them in vessels, they sought to create new
Dwarves were created, and then the Elves awoke and started to ex­ lamps to illuminate the World, and so created the Moon ( lsi!) and
plore the East. Soon thereafter, the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves the Sun (Anar). Two Maiar - Arien, the Queen of Fire-spirits, and
arose. Til ion the Hunter - came forth to guide them into the sky and to
The Battle of Powers ward them in the Heavens. As they rose, daylight once again graced
All the while, Morgoth plotted his conquest. He conceived the race Arda and Morgoth's host was stunned and in disarray.
of Orcs from captured Elves, and created the Trolls in mockery of The Last Days of the First Age
Ents. His armies grew in the breeding pits deep beneath the earth. After the ascension of the Sun and the Moon, none of the Maiar
Eventually, his minions delved a new fortress in Endor's Far North, - save Melian - actively campaigned against Morgoth's forces un­
founding Angband. From this lair, the Black Enemy's lieutenant til the very end of the First Age. Instead, the burden of the wars ver­
Sauron threatened those regions that served as the gateway from sus the Great Evil fell upon the Elves and their allies, the Edain. The
Aman into Middle-earth. Morgoth prepared to enslave the Elves and struggle raged for centuries. With the death of Thingol and the depar­
armed his hordes in Utumno. ture of Melian, however - after five major campaigns - Morgoth
It was at that bleak moment that the army of the Maiar returned was prepared to launch the final blow against the Free Peoples of
to Endor. Led by the Maia Eonwe and the Vala Tulkas, this Host Middle-earth. The Elves appealed to the Valar for aid against the
of Valinor swept across Middle-earth, protecting the Elvenhome and Black Enemy.
driving the Black Enemy into Utumno once again. This time, however, Once again, the Host of Valinor sallied forth from Aman. Led
the Fallen Vala did not escape justice; his hold was broken and razed. by Manwe's Herald Eonwe, the army of the Maiar was the greatest
Captured and chained, Morgoth was imprisoned in Aman. The over­ force ever assembled. Sweeping into Endor from the Northwest, they
whelming army of the Maiar prevailed in its first test of arms. fell upon Angband and decimated Morgoth's seemingly invincible
Settlement in Valinor horde of Orcs, Trolls, Dragons, Fell Beasts, and Men. Maia fought
In the safe years that followed, the Elves began their Great Journey Maia as the servants of the Valar smote the Balrogs in the Great
westward, and many reached Aman. Others settled in the West of Battle.
Endor. It was there, in Beleriand in the early First Age, that the Maia This War of Wrath marked the last time that the Maiar intervened
Melian met and married the Elf-lord Elwe (Elu Thingol). Together, so directly in the affairs of Endor. It was a cataclysmic event, ending
they founded the Kingdom of Doriath. in the complete destruction of northwest Middle-earth. Vast regions
Few of the other Maiar - save those that served the Black Enemy slipped into the sea amidst the engulfing thunder. Morgoth was cap­
- remained in Middle-earth. Those that did were like Goldberry, tured and shackled in his own Iron Crown. His highest Maia ser­
Nature-spirits bound to Endor itself. The majority of Maiar stayed vant, Sauron, humbled himself before the victorious Eonwe.
in Valinor in Aman under the lordship of the Valar. There, they With the War of Wrath, the Black Enemy was cast into the Void
formed the middle strata of a society that included the Vanyar Elves. outside Ea, and the First Age ended. The cause of Darkness was set
back; however, at the same time, the Valars' direct guardianship over
Morgoth's Repentance and the Long Night
Endor ended. A new era began as those of Aman retreated from the
After three ages in imprisonment, Morgoth was pardoned. Peace
affairs of Eru's Children. Still, they remained responsible for the
ended soon thereafter. Not long after his release into Arnan, the Black
Balance of Things, but their methods changed.
Enemy struck against the Ainur once again, this time in conjunc­
tion with the demon Ungoliant. Poisoning the Two Trees and drain­ The Maiar in the Second Age
ing the Wells of Arda, the Evil Vala and his unspeakable companion In return for the Edain's loyalty to the Elves and the cause of
threw the World into Darkness. Thus began the Long Night. Freedom, the Lords of Aman called upon the Maia Osse to raise
Taking Feanor's Silmarils, Morgoth stole away to Angband in a great island continent which would serve as the new home of High
Middle-earth and joined his surviving minions. The Fallen Maia Men. Osse cleared the waters of the central Belegaer and summoned
Sauron and the Balrogs awaited their lord's return. Upon his arrival, the land from beneath the surface, thus creating Numenor.
they strengthened his kingdom, carving new delvings deep into En­ Numenor (S. "Andor;" W. "Westernesse") prospered and gave birth
dor's bowels. With the refuse of their toils, the Black Enemy raised to a flowering of Mannish culture. Its inhabitants developed under
the triad of peaks called Thangorodrim (S. "Mountains of Tyranny"). the guidance of their Elven friends, creating a wonderous Kingdom.
Morgoth's armies quickly multiplied, and soon he made war on Their ships returned to explore the coasts of Endor and to teach their
the Elves of Beleriand. Once again, downfallen Maia lords led his less fortunate kinsmen. In time, though, Numenor's might fostered
hordes to battle. The doom of the Sindar neared as events in Aman hubris. Explorations became colonizations and then conquests. The
laid the foundation for their rescue. gifted became proud.
About thirty-three centuries after its settlement, Numenor reached
The Creation of the Sun and the Moon
the apogee of its power under the rule of Ar-Pharaz6n. His armies
Two events intervened to halt the onslaught of the forces of Evil.
challenged Sauron's dominion in Endor and captured the Dark Lord
First, the greater part of the Noldor began their march back to
of Mordor. But the keepers became captives, as the smooth tongue
Middle-earth in order to reclaim the Silmarils and avenge the slay­
of the Lord of the Rings wove gentle deceptions and preyed upon
ing of their King. Secondly, the Valar chose two Maiar to journey
Numen6rean pride.
into the heavens and restore light to Arda.
Eventually, Sauron's plots corrupted Andor, culminating in the
Great Armament. Believing that mere residence in the Undying Lands
would confer immortality for Men, Ar-Pharaz6n launched an
awesome fleet in hopes of conquering Aman. The High Men of
Numenor defied the age-old Ban of the Valar, which decreed that
Mortals should not set foot in the Immortal homelands.
Maiar/History 29

This breach of faith, this act of defiance, spelled the end of The Maiar and Their Adoption of Form
Numenor. Realizing that their wardship over Arda had failed, the The Mortal Lands exert an even more physically-oriented force than
Valar temporarily laid down their guardianship and called upon Eru Aman. Life in Middle-earth is tied to spirits which are completely
to right the Balance of Things. Eru intervened and, in the Change interwoven with form. After all, Endor was the birthplace of Eru's
of the World, Numenor was swept into the tumultuous maelstrom, Children and remains their home. The land reflects the nature of
perishing beneath the waves of the Belegaer. the Free Peoples, all of whom require bodies. (Even the immortal
Aman was removed from Arda in the Change, and new lands and Elves require form.) Although they are perhaps only transient
seas were formed. Middle-earth was forever sundered from the Un­ residents in Middle-earth, they are Children of Arda.
dying Lands as Arda was reformed. From this time onward, Aman The Maiar are not of Arda; instead, they entered Eii as caretakers
could only be reached by traveling the elusive Straight Way across - servants of the higher guardians, the Valar. Yet Maia spirits, while
the Bent Seas. originally free, can become entombed in form. In every physical act
The Maiar Called Istari of creation outside the scheme conceived by Eru, a part of the creator
With the Change of the World, the Maiar became further removed is tied to the physical world; and this rule holds true for Eru's Children
from life in Endor. Travel between Middle-earth and Aman all but and the Ainur alike. All the Fallen Ainur gradually became tied to
halted, except for those Elves who longed for the Light of the lands their bodies. As they sought to manipulate the World they were en­
undying. Nevertheless, the Valar and their Maia servants remained trusted with guarding and cultivating, they became a part of that
protectors of the Balance of Things. With the rise of Sauron in the world and suffered its weaknesses. Nowhere was the danger greater
Third Age, Darkness once again threatened to enslave all of Middle­ than in Endor. This change occurred in Morgoth himself, as well
earth. as his Maia underlings - notably Sauron and the host of Balrogs.
Manwe chose indirect means to combat the threat posed by the Tom Bombadil and Goldberry also became rooted in form (as well
Evil One. Selecting trusted Maiar from the Order of the Wise - as wedded to a specific area in Middle-earth). Later, it affected the
the Istari - the Val a King hoped to send emissaries to Endor who Istari.
might unite the Free Peoples and spur them to overthrow the Lord
of the Rings. Thus, five Maiar set out to combat the greatest of their
brethren, the fallen Sauron. Disguised as old men, these Wizards
entered Middle-earth around T.A. 1000.
Only one of the five remained true to his quest. Four of the Wise
became tied to Endor through their adopted bodies, eventually faIl­
ing prey to their emotions and sliding away from their appointed mis­
sion. Gandalf (Olorin), wisest of the Maiar, prevailed over tempta­
tion and pride and ultimately fostered the alliance that defeated the
Dark Lord.
Despite the fact that Maia, like all beings, could succumb to the
frailties of the flesh, Gandalf the Grey remained purposeful. He
helped to insure that the Balance of Things was maintained without
intervening beyond the point of employing his power only to com­
bat an equal or greater threat. The Grey Istar fought Sauron and
his minions, and sacrificed his body in the struggle against the Balrog
of Moria, one of the fallen Maia Fire-spirits. In the end, the One
Ring was destroyed and the Dark Lord's spirit, unable to reassume
form, passed from Arda.
With Saruman's death and Gandalf's departure at the end of the
Third Age, three Wizards remained in Middle-earth. Like the Maia
Nature-spirits that inhabited the land, and like the Maia demons
locked deep beneath its soil, these Maiar stayed away from their home
in Aman. As the years passed, they became more tied to their form
and gradually changed, remaining Maia in spirit but losing much
of the strength of their origin. Their fate explains much about the
Maiar's desire to remain apart from Eru's Mortal Children.

5 . 12 MAlA NATURE
As Ainur, the Maiar are essentially immortal spirits, souls that are
originally fully severable from any form they might adopt. Their
bodies, while not required, enable them to interact in Arda, for a
physical being is essential to a complete experience in a physical world. The Immortality of the Maia Soul
Even while at home in Valinor, the Maiar maintain form, walking All Ainur are immortal, of course, and the destruction of their
among their Elven compatriots. form merely serves to sever their spirit from their corporeal bodies.
Without a body, however, a Maia cannot affect the physical world,
except in some cases indirectly. In the time that it takes a Maia to
reassume form, he is effectively apart from Arda and outside the
concerns of Eru's Children.
30 MaiarlMaia Sub-groups

This was the case with Sauron. The Dark Lord's form was destroyed The Maiar's Use of Power
twice in the Second Age, and each time he was unable to bring his Maiar restraint was also exemplified in their selected use of power.
power to bear upon Middle-earth until he could take a new form. Those who adhered to Eru's vision deployed their magic selectively,
With the destruction of the One Ring, his physical link to Arda was in accordance with the Balance of Things. They abided by the scheme
shattered, and he could never again assume a body. Accordingly, the born out of the Song of the Ainur. Their role defined, these Maiar
Lord of the Rings passed out of the World. His soul did not die; executed their goals carefully, always knowing that their great strength
it was simply incapable of affecting or remaining in Arda. harbored the potential for vast abuse. Even a well-meaning enchant­
The Spirit's Affect on Maia Form ment could produce uncontemplated and adverse , . cfects.
When a Maia takes a form, it reflects the nature of his soul. His Other Maiar, of course, did not care to restrain their obviously
metaphysical spirit invariably colors his physical body. Some elemen­ superior talents. The Fallen sought to dominate lesser beings and
tal Maiar become manifestations of their one-dimensional character. create their own visions. The misled or confused - such as the
Fire- and Water-spirits, for instance, take forms which display their wayward Wizards - endeavored to achieve their own goals, often
elemental essence. Arien and the Balrogs - all Fire-spirits - adopted believing they were right. In either case, grim results followed, and
fiery variations of form, the former pure and the latter corrupted. the Balance of Things was upset.
The Water-spirits such as Osse, Uinen, and Goldberry took more gen­ Nowhere was the Balance as precarious as it was in Endor. Ever
tle, "liquid" forms which embodied the character of their watery aware of the dangers of intervening in the affairs of Eru's Children,
association. the Valar were reluctant to send the Maiar into Middle-earth. Such
Evil affects form, just as it perverts the spirit. Thus, the corrupt missions were rare. They j ustified the embassy of the Istari in the
Maiar inevitably find themselves tied to a hideous body. Even Sauron, Third Age on the grounds that their enemy, Sauron, was also a Maia.
strongest of the Maiar, eventually became unable to adopt a beautiful As always, the Lords of Valinor ascribed to the rule that power should
or pleasing form. Weakened by the loss of his Ruling Ring, as well be used only to combat like power.
as the death of his third body in the Downfall of Numenor, the Dark Gandalf maintained his commitment to the unwritten law gover­
Lord never again assumed a fair-seeming guise. Throughout the Third ning a Maia's use of power in Endor. His displays of magical strength
Age, his body was an unveiled manifestation of his inner self - his were tempered with restraint and never involved any enchantments
soul - just as the Balrogs' bodies reflected their character. beyond those minimally appropriate for the given situation. The other
Saruman the Wizard experienced a similar slide. As he fell from Wizards, particularly Saruman and Alatar, proved less reluctant to
grace, he became tied to his body, a form which declined as his essence exercise their skills overtly.
was debased. With the diminishing of his power, his body aged rapidly
until it became enfeebled. When he was murdered by Grima Worm­ GM NOTE: See 7.2 for more information regarding the use
tongue, his form was a pale shadow of its earlier incarnation. This of magical power in Middle-earth. Generally, the rule of
decline mirrored the weakening of his spirit which, by the time of thumb for playing with Maia characters in Endor is simple:
his body's death, was too weak to reassume form. Saruman, like a Maia loyal to the Valar who sent him or condoned his visit
Sauron, passed from Arda. will always employ the minimum ofpower necessary to com­
plete his mission. Subtlety is at a premium. Of course,
The Maia Spirit's Ties to Physical Creation
renegade Maiar like Sauron or the Balrags rarely concerned
When Eru gave the Valar guardianship over Arda, the Maiar
themselves with the Balance of Things, and they did as they
assumed the role of executing his vision. It was their job to imple­
pleased. Their only concern was being discovered before they
ment the details of the scheme for the World, assisting the Valar in
were assured absolute success.
the process of creation. This mandate defined the Maiar's presence
in Ea.
Creations outside this scheme, however, were not contemplated or
condoned. Thus, Maiar who sought to make things on their own
required more effort and, in a sense, were forced to put more energy
into their labors. In each creative act, a part of their spirit was im­
parted to their legacy. Maiar like Sauron, who sought to craft powerful
things of their own vision, instilled much of their inherent essence
and strength into their creations. The One Ring, for example, em­
bodied a tremendous part of the Dark Lord's soul. While it preserved
and accentuated the Evil One's strength, he was crippled without it;
and the further the Ring and its master were apart, the weaker the
Lord of Mordor became.
Fallen Maiar - those acting independently of Eru's scheme and
the Valar's guidance - gradually diminished in spirit. Just as they
slowly became tied to their adopted form, their creative acts sapped
their inner strength. This process was accelerated in areas outside 5 . 1 3 MAlA SUB-GROUPS
Aman, where the Light of the Valar lent power to all around them. Eru conceived of the Maiar as a varied lot, as diverse as the spirits
With the fall of Morgoth, the dimunition of the corrupt Maiar was found in any race. Their souls manifested themselves in many ways.
further hastened, since they could no longer draw on the awesome Some were embodiments of aspects of the World they helped shape
spirit of the Black Enemy. and tend, the spiritual essence of the elements which compose the
Saruman's tale illustrates this decline. As he deviated from his given foundation of Arda. Others were akin to less tangible aspects of Eru's
mission, he enjoyed less help from above. Then, as he utterly aban­ conception, such as manifestations of feelings or other features of
doned the quest and decided to create his own host, his decline began. character or mind. Many represented general themes found in nature.
The more effort he expended, the weaker his spirit became.
MaiarlGeneral Powers 31


With the exception of the Valar, the Maiar are the greatest (3) Vitality of form - The Maiar, despite being saddled with
living powers in Eii. Their strength reflects their Ainu origin. an adopted body, can utilize their form to its uppermost
While each Maia is unique, of course, certain common limits. For instance, even though the five Wizards shrouded
elements bind the Maiar. They are all naturally incorporeal themselves as old Men, their vigor and physical aptitude
spirits with enchanted qualities, beings with awesome in­ rivaled those of the stoutest and most youthful Warriors of
dividual power. As shown in the tale of the Balrog of Moria, the Mannish races. Maiar do not suffer from penalties
even a lesser Maia is considerably stronger than an individual associated with age, nor do they weary easily. They require
from the ranks of Middle-earth's Free Peoples. Sauron, one no sleep per se, only a minimum amount of meditative rest
of the greatest Maiar, nearly dominated the whole of Endor. (e.g., 4 hrs for Maia in Mannish form, 2 hrs in Elvish form,
The following are guidelines which provide a breakdown 3 hrs in Dwarvish form, 5 hrs in Hobbitish form, etc.).
of general powers or attributes common to all Maiar. We sug­
gest that a OM use them when employing Maia characters (4) Form and mind - With the adoption of form, a Maia
in a FRP game. also takes on the thoughts and emotions associated with the
body. The Wizards, for instance, suffered from the desires
(1) Critical strikes - Unless otherwise noted, critical strikes and fears of Men, for they guised themselves as Men. They
against a Maia are rolled on the Large Creature Critical Strike also understood the concept of mortality and the emotions
Tables. This applies to both physical attacks and spells. (Use associated with aging, even though they themselves were im­
MERP CT-IO and CT- l l or A rms Law 8.14 and Spell Law mortal. A Maia taking Dwarvish form, then, might suffer
10.85.) from a more materialistic and more conservative outlook.

(2) Death of form - When a Maia is "killed:' only his form (5) Spell-casting - Unless otherwise stated, the ranges, ef­
is slain. In such case, the Maia's soul immediately departs fect radii, and effect diameters of spells cast by Maiar are
from Middle-earth and either (i) returns to Aman or, (ii) as doubled. A spell that normally has a "touch" range has a
in the case of Fallen Maiar (e.g., Balrogs), dissipates. Maiar range of 5' in the hands of a Maia. These rules do not,
returning to Aman may take a new form, but they will not however, apply to spells imbedded in an item and cast by a
return to Endor without specific leave of the Valar. I f granted, Maia.
this might take some time (say 1-1000 years); however, a Maia
with a specific mission (e.g., Oandalf) might return very (6) Power Points - References to Maia power points in Sec­
quickly (say in 1-10 days). Fallen Maiar do not enjoy Eru's tion 5.2 do not include the effect of their spell enhancing
support, and their death might signal the permanent depar­ items (e.g., PP multipliers). These include only inherent
ture of their presence from Middle-earth. Saruman suffered capabilities based on the Maia's relevant stats, which are
this fate. Sauron's Ruling Ring tied him to Endor and enabl­ calculated differently than those of Eru's Children. Where
ed the Dark Lord to reassume form despite his status as a the Maia's stat is 102 or more, the PPs per level equal 3 +
renegade Maia (see 7.2). (stat-101). For instance, a Maia with a relevant stat of 107
would have 9 PPs/lvl, while an Elf or Man with a 107 stat
would only have 6 PPs/lvl.

The Elemental Maiar The other Maiar are associated with similarly general themes col­
The elemental Maiar incarnated fire, water, earth, light, and air. ored by their fealty. Orome's vassals - particularly Tilion - ex­
Arien and the Balrogs were the most famous of the Fire-spirits, while emplify their master's essence and concern themselves with the rela­
Osse, Uinen, the River-woman, and Ooldberry were the best known tionship between Eru's Children and the other Kelvar (living things
of the Water-spirits. Ilmare embodied light and Iarwain Ben-adar that move). Their concerns revolve around herding, hunting, and
- Tom Bombadil - was an Earth-spirit tied to the heart of Middle­ animal-taming, as well as forestry.
earth. The servants of Orome's spouse, Vana the Ever-young, deal with
Like all Maiar, each Elemental Maia served a Vala of like spirit. the affairs of youth and renewal - the spring of life. The Maiar pledg­
Those of the air owed allegiance to Manwe, just as those of light ed to Mandos dwell on death and the twilight of life. Those Maiar
looked to Varda as their patron and high mistress. Water-spirits paid who follow Orome's sister, Nessa the Dancer, are incarnations of
homage to Ulmo, the Earth-spirits to Yavanna or Auie, and the Fire­ wildness. Nessa's husband, Tulkas, rules over a group of Maiar
spirits to Varda or Morgoth. associated with the strength of body and spirit, and most notably
The Thematic Maiar the bonds between individuals, such as loyalty. Este's gentle people
A less clear association holds true for most of the Maiar, since heal things, while the Maiar of Vaire (wife of Mandos) maintain the
the elements are better defined and easier to distinguish than the more fabric of Fate. Pity, hope, and forgiveness, and the related emotions
elusive natural themes. Maiar like Sauron and Saruman represented of despair and suffering are the province of Nienna's Maiar.
crafts and often focused on the development of inanimate objects. Sub-groups of the Maiar societies lie within, or cross, the boun­
The incarnation of the servants of the Smith Aule (who embodied daries of these exalted groupings. Of these orders, the most renowned
the non-living earth) are intertwined in the relationship between is that of the Heren Istarion, the Order of Wizards. Except for the
material objects and the living. Those who serve Aule's wife Yavan­ enemies, members of this Maia sub-society had the most direct in­
na tend the Olvar: the flora, the living earth. fluence on the events that shaped the later history of Middle-earth.
32 Maiarl Wizards (Istari)

5 . 14 WIZARDS (ISTARI) The Goal of the Wizards' Embassy

The five Istari chosen for the embassy to Middle-earth had one
The Order of Wizards (Q. "Heren lstarion") is a select group of
goal: to combat Sauron and his Shadow. In assigning these Maiar
Maiar drawn from the ranks of various Maia peoples. Thematic
to intervene, the Valar relied on their rarely-exercised right to correct
spirits, the Wizards produced teachers and diplomats whose power
imbalances in Endor that had been brought on by acts of those who
was more generalized than that of their elemental brethren. Their
were not indigenous to that continent. Middle-earth was, as the
numbers are unknown, although the five that came to Endor were
scheme dictated, the province of the Free Peoples. An Ainu such as
all counted as "Chiefs" among the Order. Saruman the White
the Dark Lord was an intrusion outside the conception prescribed
Messenger was the master of the lstari (S. " lthryn"), as well as be­
by Eru.
ing the foremost of those sent to contest Sauron's might.
Since Sauron was a Maia, then, the Valar felt justified in contesting
The Five Emissaries of the Valar his might. Nonetheless, they instructed the Wizards to work as subtly
The five chiefs sent to Middle-earth were as varied as their as possible. The Istari's goal was to unite and work with the Free
background. Saruman - the first to be chosen and first to enter Peoples, not to dominate them. It was an embassy aimed at counsel­
Endor - was a master craftsman and the leader of Aule's people. ing and providing support to Eru's Children. The Valar required
His position and skills mirrored those of the foe he was chosen to restraint and precluded the tools of force and fear. Power, they dic­
combat, for Sauron had served the Smith o the Valar in the same tated, could only be used in this context, and only as absolutely
capacity before their entry into Ea. Saruman's appointment was, in necessary. Overt enchantments and unbridled actions, no matter how
part, based on the fact that the White Wizard shared enough of the well-meaning, were forbidden. Such a rule was in keeping with the
Dark Lord's background to enable him to understand his enemy. In Holy Ones' belief that the Ainur should remain physically apart from
addition, Saruman's cleverness was legend. It was hardly surprising the Middle Land.
that the Chief of the Order was chosen to lead an embassy compos­
ed of five of its members.
Within this hierarchy, Gandalf enjoyed a lesser status than
Saruman, despite the fact that among the whole of the Maiar, the
Grey Wizard was the wisest. Quiet and humble, sympathetic and
forgiving, Gandalf's nature hardly resembled that of the White
Messenger. He was, instead, an able representative of Manwe's peo­
ple, one who bore the backing of the King of the Valar. The Grey A Note on Using Istari in Your Fantasy Game
Messenger embodied the special qualities which endeared him to the Should you use an Istar character in your FRP game, keep
Free Peoples among whom he worked, and enabled him to rise above in mind the original goals of their mission. The rules govern­
the flaws of the flesh. When he commanded Gandalf to go to Middle­ ing the Wizards' embassy to Middle-earth serve as guidelines
earth, Manwe understood a great deal about the trials the lstari would for an Istar, and even the fallen Istari pay some attention
face. to the Valars' edicts. A fallen Wizard will still act SUbtly,
Varda also perceived the Grey Wizard's gifts. When Gandalf was gathering power and utilizing force quietly - at least until
selected as the third o f the five emissaries, she stated to all present he feels he is unassailable.
- most notably Saruman - that, although the Grey was chosen A lso pay particular attention to Section 5.12, especially the
after two others (Saruman and Alatar), he would not go to Endor comments on the development of a Maia's ties to an adopted
as "the third:' In a sense then, Gandalf was accorded a somewhat form and the effects of a Maia 's use of power outside his
independent position. mandate. As noted, these effects are magnified (accentuated
The fact that he was not paired with another Istar emphasized this and accelerated) the further a Maia travels away from A man.
role. Yavanna persuaded Saruman to take Radagast as a companion, The Guises of the Emissaries
despite the Valars' initial plan to send only three of the Wise. Alatar In order to accomplish their mission, the Wizards adopted forms
took Pallando along as the fifth of their number. Gandalf, on the consistent with their purpose. They sought to gain the trust of the
other hand, went alone. As Fate would have it, his destiny remained Free Peoples by dealing with them as equals. Trust and persuasion
apart from those of his four brothers. were their methods of influence, not dictates or coercion. Despite
The Wizards' Roots the dangers tied to corporeal form, the lstari had to risk weakening
Just as the character of Saruman and Gandalf differed, so too did their strength in order to succeed. The guises they chose, then,
the other three Istari who accompanied them. This diversity lent them reflected their goals. As slightly worn old Men they projected a gen­
strength. Alatar, the second lstar chosen, served Orome, and he knew tle, unassuming image which had nothing to do with force or terror.
much of Endor's eastern lands. He was also endowed with Orome's Their forms promoted feelings of peace and a belief that they were
wild qualities, as well as his patron's fondness for beasts. Pallando both experienced and wise.
followed Mandos, and he was imbued with a seer's gifts. Radagast Since the Wizards were cloaked as Men, aging only very slowly,
the Brown served Yavanna, and cared little for speaking folk. their form eventually created a problem. With each passing genera­
An overview of the five messengers' associations follows: tion, it became apparent - at least among those they dealt with fre­
quently - that they were not mortal. Their bodies aged too slowly
Name Color Patron Vala Val a's Association to be those of mortal Men. Thus, after a time, Men perceived the
emissaries as Elves. Yet , even this view created questions, and the
Saruman White Aule Non-living earth (crafts) Wizards' presence often confused and disturbed those they were sent
Gandalf Grey Manwe Air (sky, wisdom, empathy) to aid. In the end, j ust as it took a special spirit to restrain the use
Alatar Blue (Lt)* Orome Nature (Kelvar, forests) of Maia power, it took gifted Men, Dwarves, and Elves to under­
Pallando Blue (Dk)* Mandos Earth (passing, souls) stand the help offered.
Radagast Brown Yavanna Living earth (Olvar)
*Alatar and Pallando both wore sea-blue, although Pallando's garb had a darker shade.
Maiar/Aiwendil through Arien 33

A Note on Istari Experience Levels 5.2 MAlA CHARACTER GLOSSARY

The experience levels assigned to the Istari are based on
their form and the setting in which they operated. To begin
with, their quest involved use of only a modest amount power, ----- AIWENDIL·-----
for they had but one real foe and their prescribed methods Aiwendil was a servant of Yavanna who went to Middle-earth as
involved only persuasion. In addition, Endor in the Third one of the Istari. He never returned. A lover of plants and lesser
Age counted relatively few mighty lords when compared to beasts - particularly birds - he cared little for politics or societal
the Middle-earth of the Elder Days. The level ofstrength they norms and was considered rather odd by his fellow Maiar. (For more
required reflected a balance based on this lessened level of about Aiwendil see the Radagast entry under "Wizards:')
Of course, their role as Men reinforced this restraint, since ALATAR
Men were individually weaker in body and magic than the Alatar was the greatest of Orome's people. He knew much about
other Free Peoples. The Istari were intended to communicate enchantments and the wilds and learned a great deal about the East
with Middle-earth's peoples, and their correspondingly low of Middle-earth from his mentor the Huntsman of the Valar. After
experience levels insured that they would not inadvertently his departure from Valinor as one of the Istari, Alatar settled in
cast fear into the hearts of their intended allies. Middle-earth and never returned to Aman. (For more on Alatar see
More importantly, the Wizards were not "rooted" in his entry under "Wizards:')
Middle-earth like the Children ofEru. As Maiar, their power
diminished the further they traveled from A man and, unlike ---- ARIEN ----
Sauron, they had no item of power which tied them to the Lvi: 325. Race: Maia (Fire Spirit). Profession: Ranger/Astrologer.
Middle Land. Home: Menel, the Heavens of Ed. A ka: The Golden Fire; Mistress
Accordingly, we have assigned each Istar a dual experience of the Sun; Sun Guide; Sky Fire.
level, the higher part of which is only one third the intrinsic
RM Stats: St-99; Qu-1l8; Em-lOO; In-l20; Pr-120; Ag-llO; Co-JOO;
level of his spirit. Their form and level in A man, then, follows
Me-99; Re-98; SD-llO. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-1l5; Co-lOO; Ig-98;
this pattern:
It-l20; Pr-120. Appearance: 120.
(star Level in Level in Aman
Arien was a servant of Vana, a Fire Spirit of considerable power.
Endor* (Actual Level)
Unlike most of her peers (i.e., those who would become the Balrogs),
she resisted Morgoth's deception and remained true to Eru and her
Alatar 40(80) 240
Gandalf (Grey) 40(80) 240
In the earliest days Arien tended the golden flowers in Vana's
Gandalf (White) 50(120) 360
1 80 gardens. She was fascinated by their golden color - a hue which
Pallando 40(60)
seemed to exemplify her own essence - and she carefully watered
Radagast 40(60) 1 80
them with the nourishing dew from the great tree Laurelin (Golden
Saruman 50(100) 300
Tree). Arien's devotion to the Tree of Gold and Vana's precious flowers
*For dual level notations, the first number indicates
channeled her inner wildness, her burning passions.
the Istar's attack level. The second (parenthetical)
With the death of the Golden Tree at the hands of Morgoth and
number indicates the Istar's base level, which is used
Ungoliant, Arien grieved for a long time. Sorrow wounded her, but
for calculating all other capabilities (e.g., RRs).
she stayed with her task, knowing that her care was critical lest the
(For more on the Wizards' capabilities, see the material on
garden wither, and not realizing that her greatest mission lay ahead.
General Powers of the Maia Characters following section
The last fruit of the Golden Tree was saved by Yavanna and the
5 . 12.)
Smith Aule constructed a vessel to hold its light. Blessed by Manwe
and given power by Varda, the vessel became Anar - the Sun -
the golden lamp which the Noldor called Vasa (Q. "Consumer").
Anar was the younger counterpart of Isil, the vessel which held the
silvery light of the last flower of Telperion (Silver Tree).
The Valar selected Arien to guide Anar across the sky. Her strength
was such that she could withstand the trials of the unending mis­
sion, and her fiery essence provided her with immunity from the great
heat. Arien could brave any fire. So, she abandoned her bright form
and took to the sky to guide the Day Star.
The form Arien adopted in Valinor was that of a beautiful, but
tempestuous woman, one whose eyes glowed so brightly as to hurt
those of the Elves who gazed upon them.
Arien's Special Form:
Like Tilion, Arien shed her corporeal form and committed
herself to the heavens. She remains there, guiding the Sun's
seemingly endless journey.
34 Maiar/Balrog of Moria

Durin's Bane instilled dread in the heart of anything that stood

before him, which was befitting a Demon whose might exceeded that
of a Dragon. His presence always commanded fear. Ensconced in
a changing shadow, enshrouded in magic fire, the Balrog of Moria
was typical of the Demons of Might; but he was far more powerful
than anyone in Endor, save only his fellow Maiar and the highest
of the Firstborns' Lords.
The Balrog enjoyed formidable powers, although he was forever
tied to his ugly, 1 8' tall form. He could fly, albeit clumsily, as he
did from Thangorodrim at the end the First Age. His terror could
stay those before him, and he was a master of thoughts and an en­
chanter of souls. Bearing his fiery sword and whip - enruned
weapons too large for lesser beings - he could strike virtually
simultaneously, and with the vengeance of two lordly warriors. Im­
mune to heat and one with fire, he reveled in the steaming, infernal
places deep below Endor's surface.
The Balrog's Principal Items:
Whip (Awakening Death) -(S. "Cuivigurth") + 30 giant,
flaming Whip of black ogamur; range 36 feet; weighs 24
pounds. Whip is on fire only when held by the Balrog, and
only when the Demon is also on fire.

Sword (Light Cleaver) - (S. "Calris") + 30 giant, flaming

Sword (treat as 2-hander) of black eog; weighs 18 Ibs. Sword
is on fire only when held by the Balrog, and only when
Demon is also on fire.
The Balrog's Special Powers:
Size- Treat the Balrog as a huge creature. Attacks against
him which yield a critical strike roll require use of (Super)
Large Creature Critical Strike Table (Arms Law at 8 . 1 5 ;
MERP a t CT-lO).
Lvi: 36 (60). Race: Maia (Balrog). Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Body -Treat the Demon's skin as Plate armor (AT 20) with
A ngband in northern Middle-earth; later the Underdeepsfar beneath an inherent DB of + 30. His huge hands and fiery shroud
the Misty Mountains; still later, Moria. A ka: Durin 's Bane; the Ter­ give him the ability to strike without weapons using a + 1 80
ror; the Balrog; the Evil Lord in Moria. OB Huge Bash or a + 1 20 OB Huge Grapple. (All regular
crits accompanied by Heat criticals of same severity Ivl.)
RM Stats: St-120; Qu-lOl; Em- 72; In-loa; Pr-120; Ag-99; Co-102;
Me-97,' Re-96; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-120; Ag-99; Co-l02; Ig-97; Strength -Enables the Balrog to toss any pole arm up to
It-lOO; Pr-120. Appearance: 04. 100' without range penalty, striking with a + 1 20 OB. He can
throw rocks (up to 100 Ibs) up to 200' with a + 120 OB,
The Balrog of Moria was truly a fitting legacy of Morgoth's great yielding a Large Fall/Crush attack.
Evil. A fallen Maia, he was a Fire Spirit recruited into the fold of
Darkness long before history began. He served in Morgoth's armies Flight - The Fire Demon can fly up to 240 feet per round,
but he takes 1-5 rounds to develop lift and take to the air.
during the wars of the First Age and, with the fall of Thangorodrim
in the Great Battle, he was one of the few Balrogs to escape He is also a cumbersome flyer. The first round of flight he
destruction. can move up to 60'; during the second round he can move
Living in the Underdeeps below the Misty Mountains throughout up to 120'; the third round he can move up to 1 80'; and the
the Second Age and for nearly two millenia of the Third Age, this fourth and following rounds he can move up to his maximum
of 240'.
heinous creature bided its time as a prisoner of the earth. Moria's
Dwarves uncovered him in T.A. 1 980 during their search for mithril. Immolation -As a Fire Spirit, the Balrog is immune to fire
The Balrog quickly slew two Dwarven Kings - Durin VI and his and can immolate at will, even in mid-round. When com­
son and successor Nain I - and gathered an army of Orcs and other pletely immersed (not doused) in water, however, his flames
dark denizens, which drove Durin's Folk from their precious city (T.A. go out, leaving his slimy surface exposed. When he is not
1981). Later (T.A. 2989-94), when Balin's Company attempted to re­ on fire, his Presence drops to 102, his Constitution drops to
found Khazad-dGm, they encountered the Balrog and his host. The 100, and he does not deliver any Heat criticals.
Dwarves were once again vanquished.
Their deaths were not avenged until the Fellowship of the Ring Presence - Anyone coming within sight of the Balrog makes
entered Moria in early T.A. 3019. There, the Balrog confronted the a RR versus an 18th level Fear spell. With a RR failure of
party of the Ring-bearer and was challenged by Gandalf the Grey 01-50, the victim flees in fear for 1-10 minutes. I f the RR
Wizard. After ten days of personal combat, Gandalf slew the Balrog, failure is 5 1-100, the victim is frozen in place (stunned and
but the Wizard himself perished (only to be resurrected as Gandalf unable to move or parry) for 1-10 rounds. Should they fail
the White). by 101 + , they die of fright. Note that victims get a + 10 bonus
if the Demon is not in flames.
MaiarlBalrog of Moria through Curumo 35

Domination - The Balrog can direct his gaze upon any one Short, stout, red-faced, and buoyant, Master Tom was a merry
individual (within 300') in order to dominate the poor fool. fellow who favored bright clothes and joyous celebration. Always
If the Balrog is not aflame, or if the victim covers his eyes active, his hopping strides and simple poems colored life in all the
and head, the attack is as an 1 8th level directed spell. Other­ quarters of the otherwise grim forest, almost as if Old Tom retained
wise, the victim must make a RR versus the Demon's 36th all the youth lost by the trees over the long years. He had a long
level attack. A RR failure of 01-50 leaves the victim in the brown beard and sparkling eyes and looked much like a large, hap­
Balrog's control until he makes a successful RR. The victim py Dwarf; but even the Hobbits knew better. His battered, pointed
gets a RR each round the Balrog does not concentrate on hat with its blue feather, his blue coat, and his large, ever-clean yellow
him or command him. A RR failure of 5 1-75 leaves the vic­ boots betrayed his friendly personality and shattered any illusions
tim in a coma for 1-10 days, while a failure of 76+ kills the regarding his association with normal folk. Good of heart and
prey by shattering his mind and soul. hospitable, he was the consummate host, although few dared visit
him in the haunted wood.
Spells -300PP. Base spell OB is 36; Directed spell OB is
72. The Demon can cast spells within a 300' radius. He Tom Bombadil's Principal Item:
possesses the ability to use any up to 100th level off the Fire Staff (Old Stave) A simple, grey, willow staff. A + 100 tool,

Law (RM or MERP Mage), Detection Mastery (MERP Open it is also a + 18 spell adder. Staff enables the wielder to com­
Channeling), Dark Contacts (RM Evil Magician), or Detec­ municate with any plant (within a range equal to I'x wielder's
ting Ways (RM Open Essence) lists. Ivl). The plant will respond according to its gift of spirit, but
the wielder can always ascertain the exact nature of the plant
and its feelings.
---- TOM BOMBADIL ----

Tom Bombadil's Special Powers:

Lvi: 360. Race: Maia (Earth Spirit). Profession: Animist. Home: Old
Healing Tom Bombadil can heal the ills of any plant within

Forest of Eriador. A ka: Iarwain Ben-adar (S. "Oldest (Fatherless)

360' by merely concentrating upon it, and he can heal the
Father"); Orald (N. "Very Old"); Forn (Kh. "The Ancient''); The First;
ills of any animal by placing his hands upon the target and
Master Tom; Old Tom.
RM Stats: St-90; Qu-120; Em-1I0; In-l20; Pr-98; Ag-120; Co-1I0;
Strength of Form Within the confines of the Old Forest,

Me-l20; Re-90; SD-98. MERP Stats: St-90; Ag-120; Co-1I0; Ig-I05;

treat Tom Bombadil as a Super Large Creature (see MERP
It-l20; Pr-98. Appearance: 85.
Tables CT-IO and CT- l l or RMIA rms Law Table 8 . 1 5 and
RMISpel/ Law Table 10.85). Outside the Old Forest, treat him
The oldest of the Maiar in Endor, Tom Bombadil was the first
as a Large Creature (like normal Maiar).
Maia to enter Ea. Originally the chief of Yavanna's people, he was
a powerful Earth Spirit. Yavanna made him the caretaker of the Wild Strength of Spirit Within the confines of the Old Forest,

Wood that once covered most of Middle-earth, but his wardship even­ Tom cannot be affected by spells.
tually took on an unplanned character.
Wind-running - If he concentrates, Tom can merge with the
As the years passed, Master Tom became increasingly rooted to
air and run on the wind at a rate up to (i) 360 miles per hour
the land, and his spirit became tied to the ever-shrinking Forest. Thus,
with the wind, or (ii) 1 80 miles per hour against the wind.
much of his original Ainu character gradually disappeared. His con­
This power can only be used within 36 miles of the edge of
tacts to Yavanna waned and he saw less and less of his friend Orome.
the Old Forest.
He married the Water Spirit Goldberry, however, and enjoyed strong
relations with the Ents (S. "Onodrim") and Elves of the woods. Merging -Tom can concentrate and merge with any tree
By the late Third Age, little remained of Tom's once-glorious forest in the Old Forest, becoming virtually invulnerable and
domain. Only the small enclave in central Eriador reflected the undetectable.
original nature of its essence. In a sense, this evolution paralleled
the maturation of Middle-earth and the waning of the old ways Lore - Tom can look at any plant or touch any rock and
associated with the Elder Days. Tom Bombadil, the very embodi­ ascertain its nature and origin.
ment of ancient Endor, retreated from the world accordingly, his spirit Ward of the Old Forest -Within the confines of the Old
following the path of his beloved wood. Forest bounds (regardless of the wood's size), Tom Bombadil
Within the confines of the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil's power was can simultaneously sense any Presence. When concentrating,
absolute. His soul, married to the land, was as strong as the earth he can hear and smell anything in the wood in the direction
he represented. No spells could harm; no charms could seduce him. he faces (within a 90° arc).
Master Tom went his own way, singing and dancing according to the
ageless rhythm of the Wild Wood. Innocent, he knew little of the Spells - 7,920 PP. Base spell OB is 1 80; directed spell OB
nature of Evil, and cared less about events outside his ward. Tom is 360. Tom Bombadil can use all Animist, Opening Chan­
did not suffer malice or injustice well, however, and he was never neling and Ranger lists (MERP), and all Cleric lists and Clos­
above intervening in order to aid a creature in need. ed Channeling lists (RM).
The Oldest One lived in a quaint cottage nestled in the upper Dingle
Valley, not far from where River Withywindle tumbled into the eastern -----
CURUMO -----
reaches of the Old Forest Valley. There, he resided with Goldberry,
Curumo was a servant of Aule and was one of the most intelligent
the beautiful daughter of the River Woman.
and resourceful Maiar. Chosen as chief of the order of Istari, he was
Tom's spirit became tied to its fana and, like the Balrogs and fallen
the first of the five Wizards to enter Middle-earth. Unfortunately,
Wizards, he eventually lost the ability to shun his form. Although he never returned. (For more on Curumo see the Saruman entry under
he could merge with the wind or trees, his powers were but a faint
"Wizards." )
suggestion of his original incarnation.
36 MaiarlEonwe through Gothmog

EON WE ----- G OLDBERRY -----

Lvi: 350. Race: Maia. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Va/in or. Lvi: 150. Race: Maia. Profession: Animist (Bard). Home: The Old
Aka: The Herald of the Valar; Captain oj the Host; Squire ojManwe. Forest in Eriador, in Middle-earth. A ka: the River-daughter; the Water
Spirit; Lady oj the Old Forest.
RM Stats: St-1J8; Qu-1J9; Em-97; In-lOl Pr-llO; Ag-120; Co-lOS;
Me-96; Re-99; SD-lOO. MERP Stats: St-1J8; Ag-120; Co-lOS; Ig-97; RM Stats: St-98; Qu-103; Em-JOO; In-JOO; Pr-J02; Ag-1JO; Co-100;
It-J01; Pr-1JO. Appearance: 113. Me-99; Re-99; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-110; Co-JOO; Ig-lOl;
It-JOO; Pr-J02. Appearance: J09.
Ebnwe was the herald of the Valar, their messenger and standard
bearer. He was also the great commander who was traditionally Goldberry was a Water Spirit, and therefore a servant of Ulmo.
chosen as warlord of the Host of the Valar (the greatest army in Ar­ The enchanted daughter of the River-woman, she was of the essence
da). His generalship in the attack on Morgoth's citadel in akin to (albeit lesser than) the Maia Uinen. Her golden hair, gently
Thangorodrim helped the allied army of Men, Elves, and Maiar musical voice, free spirit, and lithe form endowed her with an aura
destroy the greatest horde ever to serve the cause of Darkness. of beautiful innocence. Flowers adorned her misty, translucent rain­
No one in Arda, even among the Valar, was mightier in arms than ment, belying her inner power. The only clues to her strength and
Ebnwe. Tulkas was far stronger and Orome a better bowman, but origin were subtle or beyond notice: the way she ran like the wind,
the Herald was the consummate warrior. I t was he who taught the or danced on the water, or slept in hollows beneath cold pools.
Edain how to use weaponry. Goldberry's presence in Middle-earth is tied to the extremely an­
Ebnwe was more than a mere fighter, however. He served as Judge cient woodland of the Old Forest, a remnant of the woods that
of the Eldar in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age. The covered most of Eriador and Rhovanion as early as the beginning
Herald was also a leader, a counselor, a teacher, and most of all of history. Her spouse - Tom Bombadil - was the first (and
Manwe's trusted aide - the Maia entrusted with the keeping of the therefore oldest) resident of Middle-earth; her mother - the
two Silmarils wrested from Morgoth's Iron Crown. No Maia stood mysterious River-woman - was the very essence of the River
above him. Withywindle, the ageless stream that knifed through the dark reaches
Eonwe's Special Powers: of the Old Forest. In a sense, then, Goldberry was a daughter of
Armsmanship - Ebnwe is a master of weaponry and melee Uinen, and she was a fitting wife for Master Tom.
combat. To him, all weapons are similar. Additionally, at­ Goldberry's Special Powers:
tacks against his rear are treated as flank attacks, while those Water-form - Goldberry can breathe with equal ease in water
against his flanks yield no bonus for the attacking foe. "Stun" or in air. Freshwater animals will not attack her and, when
results against Ebnwe are halved (rounding up), and "stun she is immersed in running water, she will heal 2-20 hits per
no parry" results against him are reduced to mere "stun" round.
Spells - 450PP. Base spell OB is 75; directed spell OB is
Voice - E6nwe can speak or sing with a virtually unparalleled 1 50. Goldberry knows all the spells on the Water Law list,
range. His calls can reach as far away as a hundred miles, as well as all Open Channeling, Bard, and Animist spells
with a clarity akin to a cry from a hundred feet. (MERP); and (for RM) she knows all Closed Channeling and
Eonwe's Principal Items: Closed Mentalist lists.
Sword (Quettamacil) - (Q. "Word-sword") + 70 holy
broadsword which strikes as a two-hand sword. Made of en­ GOTHMO G
chanted white steel, it glows upon command, or near any Lvi: 100 (160). Race: Maia (Balrog). Profession: Warrior/Fighter.
appointed individual (only one foe can be appointed at a time, Home: A ngband in northern Middle-earth. A ka: Hatejul Enemy (Sin­
and wielder must know the foe). When seeking a foe, the darin); Kosomoko or Kosomot (Quenya); King oj the Valaraukar
sword glows within a range in feet equal to the wielder's level, (Balrag King); Chief oj the Demons oj Might; Warlord oj A ngband;
growing brighter as it gets closer to the foe. Once a day the Son oj Morgoth; Scion oj Fluithuin; Feanor's Bane; Fingon 's Bane;
wielder can speak a one-word command and a Quenya sym­ Fire Lord.
bol of the word will appear on the blade. The symbol will
remain on the blade until the same wielder speaks, at which RM Stats: St-118; Qu-103; Em-90; In-102; Pr-120; Ag-116; Co-110;
time the sword will perform the one-word command - but Me-98; Re-100; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-118; Ag-109; Co-110; /g-99;
only for a period up to a number of rounds equal to the Jt-J02; Pr-120. Appearance: 02.
wielder's level. For example, if the symbol is a one-word label
for a given spell, the wielder can employ the spell instantly Gothmog, the Hateful Enemy, was the most powerful of the Fire
upon command. Only one symbol can occupy the blade at Spirits seduced by Morgoth. Of Morgoth's servants, only Sauron
a given time. stood higher in the fold of Evil. Gothmog was Chief of the Balrogs
and the Warlord of the Host of Angband. Through his cohort of
Manwe's Standard - A 14' long enchanted, + 50, blue steel Balrogs, he directed Morgoth's battle armies during the dramatic cam­
spear which, when thrown, becomes encased in lightning. Any paigns at the end of the Third Age.
critical strike the thrower delivers is accompanied by an elec­ Cruel beyond measure and forever tied to Darkness, Gothmog
tricity critical of equal level. The standard has three times became eternally rooted in a hideous form. Truly a Demon of Might,
the range of a normal spear (with appropriately scaled range he stood almost twenty feet tall. Fire encased his strongly-muscled
penalties), and it returns to the wielder one round after be­ frame whenever he called himself to flame, and a shadowy, wing­
ing thrown. When held in hand, a pennant bearing the sym­ like umbra surrounded his upper body. A changing mist swelled about
bol of Manwe magically appears. This 7' long twin-tailed flag him, providing a steaming shroud which occasionally cleared to reveal
flutters in the lightest of breezes. A single white star Gothmog's awful visage.
dominates its pure, sky-blue field.
MaiarlGothmog through [lmare 37

Gothmog's power matched the terror invoked by his form. As a Presence -Anyone coming within sight of Gothmog makes
Maia of considerable strength, he was capable of manipulating lesser a RR versus a 25th level Fear spell. With a RR failure of 01-50,
spirits: instilling fear, commanding minds, and the like. The strongest the victim flees in fear for 1-10 minutes. If the RR failure
of the Fire Spirits excepting Arien, he relished flames and could is 5 1-100, the victim is frozen in place (stunned and unable
pervert them to his bidding. His fire spells were renowned. to move or parry) for 1-10 rounds. Should they fail by 101 + ,
Gothmog's reputation as a warrior, though, exceeded his image they die o f fright. Note that victims get a + 1 0 bonus if the
as an enchanter. He was, like all Balrogs, a brutal, physical Demon Demon is not in flames.
who thought nothing of challenging the greatest of foes. Gothmog
Domination Gothmog can direct his gaze upon any one
mortally wounded Feanor, slew the High King Fingon, and killed
individual (within 300') in order to dominate the poor fool.
the Elf-lord Ecthelion of the Fountain, but the Lord of the Balrogs
If the Balrog King is not aflame, or if the victim covers his
himself perished at the hands of Ecthelion.
eyes and head, the attack is as a 25th level directed spell.
Gothmog's Principal Items: Otherwise, the victim must make a RR versus the Demon's
Whip (Fire-speaker) (S. "Pedonor") + 40 giant, flaming
50th level attack. A RR failure of 01-50 leaves the victim in
Whip of black ogamur; range 42 feet; weighs 30 pounds. the Balrog's control until he makes a successful RR. The vic­
Whip is on fire only when held by Gothmog, and only when tim gets a RR each round Gothmog does not concentrate
Gothmog is also on fire. on him or command him. A RR failure of 5 1-75 leaves the
Sword (Sudden Doom) - (S. "Bragolamarth") + 40 giant, victim in a coma for 1-10 days, while a failure of 76+ kills
flaming Sword (treat as 2-hander) of black eog; weighs 1 8 the prey by shattering his mind and soul.
Ibs. Sword i s o n fire only when held b y Gothmog, and only Spells -300PP. Base spell OB is 50; directed spell OB is
when Gothmog is also on fire. 100. Gothmog can cast spells within a 300' radius. He
Mace (Commander of Spirits) - (S. " O rgon;" Q. "Feagon") possesses the ability to use any spells up to 100th level off
Symbol of Balrog overlordship. + 30 Mace; weighs 18 Ibs; the Fire Law (RM or MERP Mage), Detection Mastery
strikes as Battle-axe (all crits=concussion). Mace can be (MERP Open Channeling), Dark Contacts (RM Evil Magi­
thrown up to 100' without OB penalty and will return to cian), or Detecting Ways (RM Open Essence) lists.
wielder's hand t he following round.
Gothmog's Special Powers:
Lvi: 350. Race: Maia. Profession: Ranger (Lay Healer). Home:
Size -Treat Gothmog as a huge creature. Attacks against
Valinor. A ka: Handmaid of Varda; Chief of the Maier.
him which yield a critical strike roll require use of (Super)
Large Creature Critical Strike Table (Arms Law at 8 . 1 5 ; RM Stats: St-95; Qu-96; Em-102; In-lOO; Pr-119; Ag-lOO; Co-119;
MERP a t CT-IO). Me-lOO; Re-97; SD-1J9. MERP Stats: St-95; Ag-lOO; Co-119; Ig-98;
It-lOo,· Pr-119. Appearance: 113.
Body Treat Gothmog's skin as Plate armor (AT 20) with

an inherent DB of 75 . His huge hands and fiery shroud give

Ilmare was the counterpart of Eonwe, and was highest among the
him the ability to strike without weapons using a + 200 OB
Maier (female Maiar). As Varda's handmaid, she was the greatest
Huge Bash or a + 1 80 OB Huge Grapple. (All regular crits
of the Vala Queen's people. Thus, she embodied her Mistress' com­
accompanied by Heat criticals of same severity Ivl.)
passion, discipline, and presence. She could hear things beyond the
Strength Enables Gothmog to toss any pole arm up to
- reach of the keenest ears and her healing powers rivaled those of
100' without range penalty, striking with a + 150 OB. He can anyone in Arda. Like Varda, she loved all creatures, even those cap­
throw rocks (up to 100 Ibs) up to 300' with a + 1 20 OB, tured by Evil.
yielding a Large Fall/Crush attack. Ilmare's Special Powers:

Flight -Gothmog can fly up to 240 feet per round, but he Healing - Ilmare can heal through normal means, or she
takes 1-5 rounds to develop lift and take to the air. He is also can transfer injuries from others to her own body (e.g., like
a cumbersome flyer. The first round of flight he can move a RM Healer). In the latter case, she can entirely and instantly
up to 60'; during the second round he can move up to 1 20'; relieve others of their infirmities by simply touching them
the third round he can move up to 1 80'; and the fourth and (a number whose cumulative levels are less than or equal to
following rounds he can move up to his maximum of 240'. Ilmare's). Then she can heal the absorbed damage at a rate
equal to the cumulative number of levels of those she relieved.
Immolation As a Fire Spirit, Gothmog is immune to fire
- She can raise the lifeless, "Iifegiving;' so long as they have
and can immolate at will, even in mid-round. When com­ died within 350 rounds (58 minutes, 20 seconds).
pletely immersed (not doused) in water, however, his flames
go out, leaving his slimy surface exposed. When he is not Spells 7700PP. Base spell OB is 175; directed spell OB is

on fire, his Presence drops to 1 10, his Constitution drops to 175. Ilmare can use all Opening Channeling and Ranger lists
103, and he does not deliver any Heat criticals. (MERP), and all Closed Channeling, Open and Closed Men­
talism, and Lay Healer lists (RM).
Fire-wielding Gothmog can concentrate on any fire within
Ilmare's Principal Item:
300', causing it to move or spread in any desired direction
Healing Stone A simple, 7" diameter, rough hewn stone

up to 100' per round (within his range).

composed of enchanted adamant. When touched, it cures
any disease and purifies any poisonous substances found in
one's body. Holder can touch another and diagnose any ill,
mental or physical, as well as ascertaining the cure.
38 Maiar/Lungorthin through Luthien

Flight - Lungorthin can fly up to 240 feet per round, but
Lvi: 90 (120). Race: Maia (8alrag). Profession: Warrior/Fighter. he takes 1-5 rounds to develop li ft and take to the air. He
Home: A ngband in northern Middle-earth. A ka: White-demon; is also a cumbersome flyer. The first round of flight he can
White-fire; Morgoth's Thane; Lord of Morgoth's Guard. move up to 60'; during the second round he can move up
to 120'; the third round he can move up to 1 80'; and the fourth
RM Stats: 51-117; Qu-J02; Em-90; In-JOO; Pr-Il8; Ag-Il5; Co-J09; and following rounds he can move up to his maximum of
Me-97; Re-99; SD-JOO. MERP Stats: St-Il7; Ag-I08; Co-I09; Ig-98; 240'.
[t-JOO; Pr-Il8. Appearance: 03.
Immolation - As a Fire Spirit, Lungorthin is immune to
Like Gothmog, Lungorthin is a Balrog - a Demon of Might - fire and can immolate at will, even in mid-round. When com­
a Spirit of Fire seduced by Morgoth in the Beginning Days. He is pletely immersed (not doused) in water, however, his flames
a renegade Maia forever tied to his hideous body. Unlike his awful go out, leaving his slimy surface exposed. When he is not
brethren, however, Lungorthin's slimy, fire-encased form was whitish, on fire, his Presence drops to 1 06, his Constitution drops to
and the flames that shrouded him had a colorless, almost pure quality. 102, and he does not deliver any Heat criticals.
His presence was the most disarming of any of the Valaraukar save Presence - Anyone coming within sight of Lungorthin
that of Gothmog. makes a RR versus a 22nd level Fear spell. With a RR failure
Morgoth entrusted Lungorthin with the infamous position of of 01-50, the victim flees in fear for 1-10 minutes. If the RR
Master of his Guard in the citadel beneath Thangorodrim (S. "Moun­ failure is 5 1-100, the victim is frozen in place (stunned and
tains of Tyranny"), making him answerable only to Sauron, Gothmog, unable to move or parry) for 1-10 rounds. Should they fail
and (of course) the Black Enemy himself. The White Balrog's ac­ by 101 + , they die of fright. Note that victims get a + 10 bonus
t ual home was deep in the seemingly endless tunnelings, but he spent if the Demon is not in flames.
most of his time beside his master, in Morgoth's hellish throne room.
Lungorthin's flaming sword, the size of a two-hand blade, glowed Domination - Lungorthin can direct his gaze upon any one
with a pure white fire that transformed mist to steam and cut armor individual (within 300') in order to dominate the poor fool.
as if it were rude fabric. His 30' long white ogamur whip produced If he is not aflame, or if the victim covers his eyes and head,
a similar fire. With it, the Balrog could reach foes hiding around the attack is as a 22nd level directed spell. Otherwise, the vic­
corners or tucked into nooks with stunning skill, tearing the unfor­ tim must make a RR versus the Demon's 45th level attack.
tunate victims apart with wide, fiery sweeps or dissecting them in A RR failure of 01-50 leaves the victim in the Balrog's con­
short, stinging snaps. trol until he makes a successful RR. The victim gets a RR
each round Lungorthin does not concentrate on him or com­
Lungorthin's Principal Items
mand him. A RR failure of 5 1-75 leaves the victim in a coma
Whip (Fire-loop) - (S. "Lognor") + 35 giant, flaming Whip
for 1-10 days, while a f? Olure of 76+ kills the prey by shat­
of white ogamur; range 40 feet; weighs 28 pounds. Whip is
tering his mind and soul.
on fire only when held by Lungorthin, and only when
Lungorthin is also on fire. Spells -270PP. Base spell OB is 45; directed spell OB is
90. Lungorthin can cast spells within a 300' radius. He
Sword (White-cleaver) - (S. "Nimrist") + 35 giant, flaming
possesses the ability to use any spells up to 90th level off the
Sword (treat as 2-hander) of white eog; weighs 18 lbs. Sword
Fire Law (RM or MERP Mage), Detection Mastery (MERP
emits a "colorless" fire, but only when held by Lungorthin,
Open Channeling), Dark Contacts (RM Evil Magician), or
and only when Lungorthin is also on fire.
Detecting Ways (RM Open Essence) lists.
Mace (Descending Doom) - (S. "Undamarth") Symbol of
Lungorthin's position as Guard Lord. + 20 white eog Mace;
weighs 16 lbs; strikes as Battle-axe (all crits
= concussion).
Lungorthin's Special Powers:
Size -Treat Lungorthin as a huge creature. Attacks against
him which yield a critical strike roll require use of (Super)
Large Creature Critical Strike Table (Arms Law at 8 . 1 5 ;
MERP a t CT- IO).

Body - Treat Lungorthin's skin as Plate armor (AT 20) with

----- LUTHIEN -----
an inherent DB of 65 . His huge hands and fiery shroud give Llithien was the stunning daughter of the Sindar King Elwe
him the ability to strike without weapons using a + 1 90 OB (Thingol) and the Maia Melian. Although half Maia, she was reared
Huge Bash or a + 1 50 OB Huge Grapple. (All regular crits as one of the Eldar and died a mortal alongside her Adan lover Beren.
accompanied by Heat criticals of same severity Iv!.) She was an accomplished enchantress and the most beautiful of Eru's
Strength -Enables Lungorthin to toss any pole arm up to Children, a powerful bardic singer who bested Sauron and fooled
100' without range penalty, striking with a + 130 08. He can almighty Morgoth. Called Twilight-maiden (S. "Tinuviel") by Beren,
throw rocks (up to 1 00 lbs) up to 300' with a + 1 20 OB, Luthien was the mother of Dior and ancestor of the Lords of
yielding a Large Fall/Crush attack. Numenor. (Since Luthien died a mortal, details of her character and
stats are also included in Lords of Middle-earth, vol. 2, "Men.")
Maiar/Melian through Osse 39

MELIAN MeHan's Principal Items:

Amulet of Dreams - Composed of a grey diamond nestled
Lvi: 2 75. Race: Maia. Profession: Bard. Home: Originally Valinor;
in a simple silver and black ithilnaur setting, the amulet was
later Beleriand in northwestern Endor; after FA. Valinor again. Aka:
a gift of L6rien. When placed upon the forehead of another,
Melyanna (Quenya); Gift oj Love; Dear Gift; Queen oj Doriath.
it enables the wearer to read (and visualize) the other's last
RM Stats: St-97; Qu-102; Em-119; In-lOO; Pr-120; Ag-103; Co-97; thoughts (the visions for a number of minutes equal to
Me-118; Re-98; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-97; Ag-103; Co-97,· Ig-108; wearer's level) - even if the other person is dead.
It-JOO; Pr-120. Appearance: 119.
Wood Ring - A gracefully carved, grey wood ring. Wearer
may touch any plant and see from that plant's vantage point
Melian was unique among the Maier, for she wed one of the Eldar.
everything that has occurred in the most recent past within
As wife of the Sinda Elwe (Elu Thingol), King of Doriath in First
the area (for a period equal to one minute x wearer's level).
Age Beleriand, Melian was tied to an exceptionally beautiful "human"

form. She responded to the great dangers to the north by weaving
a girdle of enchantment within which Elwe could found a kingdom
016rin was the wisest of the Maiar and the only Istar to return
(Doriath) protected from the onslaughts of Morgoth's armies. Despite
from the quest to Middle-earth. A servant of Manwe, he knew much
her efforts, however, Doriath succumbed to less obvious dangers: pas­
about many things. Most of all, he understood compassion, for he
sion and greed. Elwe was not felled by the Black Enemy's minions;
spent much of his time in the House of Nienna, the Vala best versed
rather, he was killed by Dwarves in the struggle for a Silmaril.
in ways of pity, healing, and most of all hope. (For more about Dlorin
After Elwe's death, Melian returned to the gardens of L6rien
see the Gandalf entry under "Wizards" below.)
(Dream-land) in Valinor, abandoning her Endorin form. There, she
tended the flowers of her Mistress Vana and the pools of Este, wife
of Irmo (Lord of L6rien). Her bloodlines forever touched Middle­
OSSE ------

Lvi: 325. Race: Maia (Water Spirit). Profession: Animist/Sorcerer.

earth, however, for Melian was the mother of Luthien and the ancestor
Home: Valinor, the coastal seas, or river estuaries. A ka: Gaerys (S.
of Elrond and Elros.
"Breaking Sea "); The Singer; Once Dark; the Unpredictable; Lord
Melian's considerable powers enabled her to protect a huge area
oj Coastal Waters.
against a host of dangerous foes. She was a master of protective en­
chantments and blessings and was undoubtedly one of the greatest
RM Stats: St- 112; Qu- 103; Em- 118; In- 118; Pr- 115; Ag- JOO; Co-
singers ever to walk in Endor. Melian even taught Nightingales to
90; Me- 90; Re- 90; SD- 19. MERP Stats: St- 112; Ag- JOO; Co- 90;
sing, as evidenced by the flocks that followed her wherever she went.
Ig- 90; It- 118; Pr- 115. Appearance: 104.
A lover of nature and enamored of beauty and emotion, she was
the empathetic protectress of Men and lesser beasts.
Osse and his spouse Uinen were the greatest servants of Ulmo and,
MeHan's Special Powers: among the Children of Eru, the best known of the Maiar. Their spirits
Girdling - Melian has the power to extend her presence, ran through the waters that wash the shores of Endor.
creating a girdle, or presence-wall, with a diameter equal to Osse was the greatest singer ever to grace Middle-earth, and it was
as much as I mile per level (i .e., 275 miles). This girdle re­ he who taught the Teleri how to sing. He also instructed them in the
quires a number of power points equal to 20x the girdle'S skills of shipmaking, a legacy embraced by the great Cirdan.
diameter (e.g., an area with a diameter of 150 miles requires Osse's fondness for the Teleri was strong, as was all his deep pas­
3000 PP/day). Within this region, Melian can sense the sion. Loyal and fiery, he was the most capricious of the M aiar. His
number and basic nature of the presences whenever she con­ loves and hates were strong; he was always moody and often violent.
centrates. Anyone crossing the girdle's borders must make The coastal seas that formed his domain reflected Osse's changing
a RR versus a 68th Ivl Channeling (MERP) or Mentalism character, for they were consistent only in their untrustworthiness.
(RM) attack. Failure of 01-50 results in the victim being It was not surprising then, that Morgoth sought to sway Osse in
unable to cross the barrier for 1-10 days; failure of 5 1-100 the early days of Ea. By offering Osse Ulmo's lordship over all the
results in the victim being unable to cross the barrier for 1-10 waters, the Black Enemy hoped to find an ally capable of ridding
years; and failure of 101 + results in the victim being unable Arda of the seas. Morgoth hated and feared the sea and labored long
to cross the barrier for 1-10 decades. to seduce Ulmo's vassal; but Osse's beloved, Uinen, intervened and
Song-weaving - Melian can use her voice to create any sound foiled the fallen Vala's plot. Although Osse had flirted with Evil and
within the range of any animal found in Middle-earth and, fallen from grace, Uinen convinced the Valar to pardon him, and
while singing, she can communicate with any creature. her spouse returned to Ulmo's fold.
Osse learned his lesson, of course, but he could never remake his
Domination - Melian can direct her gaze upon any one in­ character. He remained fickle, and the waters that strike Endor's
dividual (within a range of 275') in order to dominate him. coasts retained their ever-threatening nature. However the seas seem­
The victim must make a RR versus a 68th level Channeling ed, they could change in the blink of an eye, bringing doom and steal­
(MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack. Failure results in the ing lives and property.
victim being under Melian's control until the victim makes Osse's most notable deed took place in the early Second Age. With
a successful RR. Whenever the victim leaves Melian's Girdle the war against Morgoth over, the Valar sought to reward the Edain
(see above) or the 275' radius effect area - whichever is - the noble Men who had aided the Elven cause. The Lords of Aman
greater - or whenever Melian stops concentrating, the vic­ resolved to give the Edain a home, and they called upon Osse to raise
tim receives one RR per round. a blessed island from the deeps of the Great Sea. This he did, and
so Numenor arose, to be established by Aule, and blessed by the folk
Spells - 6050PP. Base spell OB is 137; directed spell OB is
of Aman. It was tragic that this grand creation returned to the sea
275 . Melian knows all Bard lists and Open Channeling lists
only thirty-three centuries later.
(MERP) and all Open and Closed Mentalism lists (RM).
40 Maiar/Osse through Tilion

Osse's Special Powers: Spells - 2400PP. Base spell O B is 100; directed spell OB is
Water-form - Osse can move and breathe with equal ease 200. Salmar knows all Bard lists, all Mage lists, and all Open
on land or water. He can merge with waves and travel as fast Essence lists (MERP), and all Alchemist lists and Closed
as the currents will carry him. Essence lists (RM).
Song-weaving -Like Melian, Osse can use his voice to create Salmar's Principal Items:
any sound within the range of any animal found in Middle­ Forge and Tools - Salmar's submarine smithy contains an
earth and, while singing, he can communicate with any enchanted forge and tools which enable him to create items
creature. at 20x the normal rate for a smith or alchemist.

Isle-moving - With the consent of Ulmo, Osse can move

or raise to create any island with a radius of less than or equal
to 325 miles (i.e., I mile x Osse's level). When an island is SAURON -----
raised it takes Osse one day per radius mile to accomplish Sauron was originally chief among Aule's people. Before entering
the deed and it requires all of his PP. To move an island, it Ea, however, Morgoth seduced him, and his name became infamous
requires all Osse's PP and a period equal to one day per 100 among the Maiar. His downfall at the end of the Third Age of
miles the isle is moved. Middle-earth is described in the saga entitled The Lord of the Rings.
(Since Sauron is classified as a fallen Maia of particular note, he is
Water-weaving - Osse has absolute control of all water
described in the Section entitled 'The Great Enemies:' See his entry
within a range of 325 feet (i.e., I'x Osse's lvl). He can also
at Section 7.2.)
create waves of up to 325 feet in height across any water sur­
face in which he resides, within a range of 325 miles.

Spells - 6825PP. Base spell OB is 1 62; directed spell OB is TILION

325. Osse knows all Bard lists, all Mage lists, Open Chan­ Lvi: 315. Race: Maia. Profession: Ranger/Astrologer. Home: Menel
neling and Open Essence lists (MERP), and all Sorcerer lists (the Heavens of Ed). A ka: (Q. "Horned"); Moon-steer; Silver Fire;
and Closed Channeling and Essence lists (RM). Night-jire;

SALMAR -----
RM Stats: St-IOI; Qu-116; Em-107; In-119; Pr-114; Ag-108; Co-99;
Lvi: 200. Race: Maia ( Water Spirit). Profession: Bard/A lchemist. Me-98; Re-97; SD-39. MERP Stats: St-101; Ag-108; Co-99; Ig-97;
Home: Valinor or the open seas. A ka: (Q. "Dwelling of the Spreading It-119; Pr-114. Appearance: 117.
Light?"); The Horn-maker.
Tilion is the Moon's guide. Like his fiery (and mightier) counter­
RM Stats: St-101; Qu-90; Em-116; In-90; Pr-l0I; Ag-I03; Co-100; part Arien, he is a permanent resident of the heavens.
Me-110; Re-108; SD-95. MERP Stats: St-101; Ag-103; Co-lOO; Ig-109; Originally, however, Tilion was a huntsman - a servant of the
It-90; Pr-10l. Appearance: 104. Vala Hunter Orome. His love for things silver was legend and he car­
ried Telpeluva (Q. "Silver Bow"; S. "Cuceleb"), the silvery bow which
Salmar came to Arda with the Vala Ulmo and dwelled in or by was second only to Orome's own Coirehwesta (Q. "Awakening
the seas. Like Osse and Uinen, Salmar served Ulmo, albeit in a dif­ Breeze"; S. "Echuiwest"). Few among the Ainur were surprised when,
ferent manner. He was not a guardian of waters; rather he was a maker following the poisoning of the White Tree Telperion by Ungoliant,
of things. As one of Ulmo's people, Salmar was gifted in song and Tilion petitioned the Valar to give him wardship of the vessel that
made great music, and so he applied his craft-skills to the creation contained the tree's last silver flower. Constructed by Aule, this
of enchanted instruments. precious, silvery vessel, or lamp, was called lsi! - the Moon - and
Salmar's greatest triumph was undoubtedly the Ulumuri, the Horns was the companion to the golden Anar, the Sun.
of Ulmo - the most wonderous musical instruments ever produced. The Vala Varda granted Tition his wish. He forsook his body and
Those who heard a song produced by the Ulumuri never forgot the carried the silver lamp into the sky. So, the Moon became the older
sound. of the two lamps of the sky; and, for a time, the world was lit only
Gentle and always smiling, Salmar was a fast friend of the valiant by Isil's then-powerful moonlight. Then, it was joined by the Sun
and mighty Vala, Tulkas. Some legends even say that he fought beside Anar.
Tulkas at the (mythical) Battle of the Valley of Willows (S. "Dagor Varda planned for lsi! to rise in the West as Anar rose in the East.
Nan-tathren") by the Sirion in Beleriand, although later tales say Each day, the two would always be aloft. They would pass, never
Tulkas fought alone. Whatever the case, Salmar was both a friend joining, at midday. Their first passing marked the beginning of time.
of the Eldar and a powerful ally in any struggle. Tilion, however, proved unsuited to this unwavering discipline. His
Salmar's Special Powers: course wandered, his speed eratic, and he became enamored of Anar's
Water-form - Like Osse and Uinen, Salmar can move and beautiful fires. Ultimately, he attempted to join with Arien, but the
breathe with equal ease on land or water. He can merge with heat of the Sun was too much for Tition. He turned away, but not
waves and travel as fast as the currents will carry him. before the vessel of the Moon was scorched. From that point on­
ward, Isil shone with but half its original brightness. The Elves gave
Water-weaving - Salmar has absolute control of all water
it the name Rana, the Wanderer.
within a range of 200 feet (i.e., I'x Salmar's lvl).
MaiarlGeneral Statistics Table 41

Yet , fortune came of Tilion's misstep. Where no night had existed, Uinen's most notable deed occurred in the early days, before
where the light of the stars had been obscurred by the brilliance of history. When Osse succumbed to the soothing temptations and
the twin lamps, there had been no appointed time of rest. Tilion's awesome power of Morgoth, Uinen restrained him. Aided and spur­
calamity foreshadowed a call for change by the Valar LOrien and Este, red onward by the prayers of the Smith Aule, she overcame the Black
who prayed that Varda reconceive the ways of the heavens. Varda Enemy's seduction. Uinen rescued her spouse and successfully ob­
concurred and so she created night, the time of the Moon's chang­ tained his pardon from the Valar. Few acts of love and fait h ever
ing half-light. Nighttime and daytime divided the day ever after. To matched this sacrifice.
this day, Tilion guides the lamp that lights the night. Uinen's Special Powers:
Tilion's Special Nature: Form Although Uinen can take an exceptionally fair form,

Like Arien, Tilion has abandoned his corporeal form, and it has an ellusive, liquid quality. While extreme heat and cold
now he never leaves the Moon. affect her body, as do magic weapons, she is immune to nor­
Tilion's Principal Item: mal solid objects and obstacles. She can breathe in water or
Silver Bow - (Q. "Telpeluva;" S. "CuceIeb:') A + 70 holy air with equal ease.
Long Bow with three times the normal range (calculate Water-weaving - Uinen has absolute control over all water
penalties accordingly). It can be fired every round without within 300'. She can manipulate it to create, among other
penalty, twice in a round at -35 per firing, or three times in things, the effects of any spell on the M age's Water Law list.
a round at -70 per firing (i.e., as a + 0 bow). Seven feet long, So long as she concentrates, she can utilize and maintain any
made of silvery wood, wrapped in silver fiIagree, and inlaid and all spells, although she can only initially employ one spell
in mithril, it is priceless. per round.

UINEN------ Lordship among Water-beasts - Uinen will not be attacked
Lvi: 325. Race: Maia (Water Spirit). Profession: A nimist/Sorcerer. by beasts who live in water.
Home: Valinor or wherever fresh water lies. A ka: (S. "Everwater"); Spells 6825PP. Base spell OB is 1 62; directed spell OB is

The Calm; Mistress of Still Waters; Thirst Slaker; Osse's Saviour. 325. Uinen knows the Water Law spell list, all Animist lists,
RM Stats: St-103; Qu-100; Em-l20; In-1l7; Pr-1l4; Ag-1l2; Co-92; all Open Essence lists, and all Open Channeling lists (MERP),
Me-90; Re-90; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-103; Ag-1l2; Co-92; Ig-90; and all Sorcerer lists, and Closed Channeling and Essence
It-l1 7,' Pr-1l4. Appearance: 105. lists (RM).
Uinen's Principal Items:
Uinen, or "Everwater;' is one of the two high servants of the Vala Uinen's Cup - Composed of transluscent milky-white laen
Ulmo. She is the spouse of Osse and, save him, she is the best known and inlaid with adamant, this small ( 1 2"xI2"x9") chalice
of the Maiar. Calm and quiet, Uinen is the spirit of friendly waters. weighs fifty pounds. When set upon a surface, it will - upon
Her restraint and inner peace stand in stark contrast to Osse's command - produce an endless stream of pure freshwater
capricious ways. (cool or lukewarm). Thus, it serves as a sort of mobile spring,
Uinen resides in fresh water, but her power, like Osse's, extends its waters unparalled for their taste and clarity.
whenever water stands or flows - even deep below the earth. She
Uinen's Ring - When worn and waved over a liquid (volume
is the protectress and shepherd of this precious gift.
= to 1 gallon x wearer's level), the ring purifies the liquid
- ridding it of all poisons or disease. The ring is usable a
number times per day equal to wearer's level.


Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Arien 325 406 No/4 1 65 N N 285WE fire* 85 Maia(Fire Spirit) Ranger/Astrologer, servant of Vana.
Balrog 36(66) 420 PlI20 90 N (AIL) 275th&wh* 1 20pa/ro 50 Maia(Fire Spirit) Warrior/Fighter, Balrog of Moria.
Eiinwe 350 875 PlI20 295 Y50 A/L 995bs* 800sp* 1 35 Maia Warrior/Fighter, herald of the Valar, Captain of the
Goldberry 1 50 188 No/4 1 10 + N N 1 55WE 1 85 W E 85 Maia(Water Spirit) Animist(Bard), servant o f Ulmo.

GOlhmog 100( 1 60) 666 PlI20 1 15 N (AIL) 455th&wh* 405ma* 95 Maia(Fire Spirit) Warrior/Fighter, Chief o f the Balrogs.
IImare 350 665 No/4 85 + N N 225WE 230WE 55 Maia Ranger(Lay Healer), highest female Maia, servant of
Lungorthin 90( 1 20) 566 PlI20 100 N (AIL) 4 1 5th&wh* 325pa/ro 80 Maia(Fire Spirit) Warrior/Fighter, Lord of Morgoth's Guard.

Melian 275 288 No/4 1 05 + N N 235WE 245WE 70 Maia Bard, servant o f Vana, wife o f Elwe.
Osse 325 358 No/4 1 10 + N N 325WE 325WE 55 Maia Animist (Sorcerer), servant o f Ulmo, husband o f Uinen.
Salmar 200 250 No/4 95 + N N 2 1 5WE 2 1 5WE 70 Maia Bard(Alchemist), servant o f Ulmo, friend o f Tulkas.

Tilion 315 378 No/4 155 N N 330WE 5351b* 95 Maia Ranger(Astrologer), servant o f Orome, Moon-steer.
Tom Bombadil 360 630 No/4 1 75 + N N 385qs 335WE 155 Maia(Earth Spirit) Animist, guardian o f the Old Forest.
Uinen 325 358 No/4 1 25 + N N 295WE 295WE 1 15 Maia Animist(Sorcerer), servant of Ulrno, wife of Osseo
42 Maiar/Alatar

Alatar stood 6'7" and presented an image of grace. His long, hood­
ed blue robes shone in the moonlight, while their dark green lining
ALATAR suggested the comfort of a cool moss bed on a warm summer day.
Lvi: 40 (80). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: A nimist/Ranger. Home: Of course, in keeping with his Order's chosen guise, Alatar appeared
Originally Valinor; now in eastern Endor. A ka: The (Greater) Blue; as an old man; but the fire in his eye, the strength of his voice, and
Radiant Garland (A latar = Quenya); Bearer of the Root; the Old the easy boldness of his movements betrayed his Maia agelessness.
Hunter; Lord of Trees; Ntondo Colindo (Quenya); Thondocolin or Unlike Gandalf, he walked erect, for he shirked the burdens of the
Helaman (Sindarin). world in favor of his own designs.
RM Slats: St-98; Qu-J03; Em-JOO; In-IOO; Pr-I02; Ag-llO; Co-JOO; Alatar's fate in Middle-earth paralleled those of all his brethren,
Me-99; Re-99; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-lJO; Co-IOO; Ig-JOI; save only Gandalf. Bound to the land by his assumed body, he suc­
It-JOO; Pr-J02. Appearance: J03. cumbed to the weaknesses of the flesh: desire and fear, exhiliration
and weariness, pride and jealousy. His tale was familiar; his goals
Senior of the two "Blue Wizards" (lthryn Luin), Alatar was a gradually changed and he became enamored of power. No longer
brilliant and aggressive emissary from Valinor. (Pallando, once his bound by his Oath to forego might except to combat might and right
friend and companion, is a lesser Istar.) The Vala Orome chose Alatar the Balance of Things, Alatar embarked on his own mission. His
to j ourney to the original homelands of Elves and Men, just as the kingdom in the East grew as Sauron's waned; his quiet machinations
Huntsman did in the First Age. Thus, his interests rooted in the East threatened the very Balance he was entrusted to protect.
of Middle-earth but, like Saruman, he had grander visions. Alatar's Principal Items:
Alatar's inherent power was considerable, for his peers were mighty. Robes of Aman - Aka: Robes of Loil. Blue outside; green
He was third in the hierarchy of the Istari (beneath Saruman and inside. Fashioned in Valinor, they provide him protection as
Gandalf) and, like his slightly more senior brethren, Alatar was a AT 12 (-30) but do not encumber his movements. Hood acts
peer of Sauron. No Maia stood higher in the eyes of Orome's people. as helm. When worn normally (blue side out), he has a + 50
Alatar's character was in keeping with his origin as a servant of bonus when hiding in rain, water, or simply against the sky.
the Huntsman. He was agile and rode exceptionally well, always en­ The robes will reverse 1 round following command, show­
joying the ways of nature. No Istar rivaled his physical skills. The ing the green side, which gives him a + 50 hiding bonus when
cool hues of the sky and rich landscape - blues and greens - col­ he attempts to conceal himself in foilage.
ored his garb and the Elven long bow was his favored weapon. He
Boots of Tracelessness - Blue, they leave no boot prints and
was outgoing, but he preferred the quiet of the forest and the com­
make no noise.
pany of trees.
Blue Bow - + 50 magic Long Bow, it cannot break in nor­
mal usage. Fumbles only on unmodified attack roll of 01 .
Ancient Root - (E Thrond.) x5 PP enhancer. + 25 to holder's
DB and RR. + 25 to all spell rolls. This slightly gnarled, 5 '
long, magic white staff is actually a living tree root which,
when planted in the ground, will become a 100' tall tree beside
or around its holder. Tree becomes staff upon command.
Alatar's Special Powers:
Denial of Vision - An enchanted blue-green tatoo, shaped
as a tree, adorns the middle of Alatar's left palm. Normally
invisible, this magic symbol appears when Alatar waves his
hand. All who face the symbol within 100' must make an
RR or turn away for 1-10 rounds. Victims failing their RR
only remember seeing an old man; they hold no recollections
of detail.

Spells - 240PP. Base spell OB is 40; directed spell OB is

80. Alatar knows all Ranger and Animist lists, and all Open
Channeling lists (MERP), and all Cleric lists to 5th lvi, and
all Closed Channeling lists (RM).
Maiar/Gandalf 43

GANDALF Although practical, insightful, and versatile, Gandalf still exhibited

a bit of Manwe's naivete regarding Evil. Just as Morgoth fooled
The Grey
Manwe, Saruman's acts stunned Gandalf. The sheer magnitude of
Lvi: 35 (70); later 40 (80). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: Magi­
Saruman's transformation surprised the Grey Wanderer, despite Gan­
cian/Mage. Home: Originally Valinor; now in northwestern Endor.
daif's cool suspicions. Nonetheless, Gandalf dealt with Evil better
A ka: Elf of the Wand (Gandalj = Eriadoran Northman); Mithran­
than his compatriots, for he never turned away from it altogether,
dir (Sindarin); The Grey Wanderer, Dreamer, or Grey Pilgrim
nor did he delve into its meaning or its dark ways.
(Westron); TharkCtn (Khuzdu/); Icdnus or Olorin (Quenya).
The Grey
RM Stats: St-96; Qu-100; Em-102; In-101; Pr-100; Ag-99; Co-102; It is a tribute to Manwe that, despite Gandalf being the sole l star
Me-lOO; Re-99; SD-103. MERP Stats: St-96; Ag-99; Co-102; Ig-100; to carry through on his quest, the mission of the Wizards was fulfilled.
It-101; Pr-100. Appearance: 100. It is an even greater testimony to Gandalfs unique qualities. He never
ran from his responsibility and always remained a friend of the Free
The White Peoples, even when doom was at hand.
Lvi: 50 (120). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: Magician/Mage. Home: The Elves loved him so much as to entrust him with one of the
Originally Valinor; now in northwestern Endor. A ka: The White; Three Elven Rings - Narya, the Red Ring of Fire. Cirdan conferred
Glosrandir; etc. the great ring upon him soon after the Grey Wizard's arrival in Endor.
The Elves' fait h in Gandalf was rewarded, of course, but not
RM Stats: St-96; Qu-100; Em-llO; In-108; Pr-105; Ag-99; Co-102;
without sacrifice. Gandalf the Grey's adopted body was as vulnerable
Me-99; Re-101; SD-103. MERP Stats: St-96; Ag-99; Co-102; Ig-llO;
as those of "other Men;' and the Wizard perished in the struggle
1(-101; Pr-1OS. Appearance: 108.
against the Balrog at Moria. Yet, his spirit, his true self, survived.
Of all the five lstari, Gandalf had the greatest feeling for the The White
dangers and burdens of their mission. Manwe chose the Grey Wizard The hand of the Valar intervened after the "death" of the Grey
despite Gandalf's misgivings about his own ability. It was not sur­ Wizard. Following his return as the White, Gandalf's "body" was
prising then that, unlike Saruman and Alatar, Gandalf chose to go intrinsically resistant to all normal elements or attacks (e.g., weather
to Middle-earth without taking a lesser companion. (Saruman chose and normal weapons). His spirit resided in a unique, white-haired
Radagast, while Alatar selected Pallando). Gandalf came last and incarnation. He defended as AT 20 (-60) and used the " Large
walked alone. Creature" critical strike table.
Gandaif's purposeful independence and tremendous self-discipline Gandalf the Grey's Principal Items:
led him to journey tirelessly and without want of accolades or reward. Robes of Aman - Grey outside and inside. Fashioned in
He never settled in any one place, nor did he accumulate wealth; thus Valinor, thcy provide him protection as AT 1 2 (-30) but do
the label "Grey Pilgrim:' His possessions remained few. Gandalf not encumber his movements. Blue-grey hat acts as helm.
always remained an emissary of the Valar and never permitted worldly
ways to sway his actions. Despite the urges inherent in his adopted Glamdring (Foe-hammer) - + 30 magic Elven Broadsword

form, he resisted pride and avoided the hunger for power. The Grey made of the mithril alloy l thilnaur (Moon-fire). It is an Orc­
Wizard exhibited emotions, and his posture and gait spoke of his slaying holy weapon which glows cold blue around Orcs (dim
burden, but his true fire always burned deep. within 1000; and very bright within 100'). Fumbles only on
Gandalf labored through his allies, but he never relied on servants unmodified attack roll of 0 1 .
or minions. Rather than using others, he worked with those he Narya (Red Ring o f Fire) - One of t h e Three Elven Rings
befriended, imposing on them only what was necessary to save them of Power created by Celebrimbor and the Smiths of Eregion.
and accomplish his appointed mission. His alliances were strong, his Composed of a large, orb-like ruby placed in a seemingly
friendships intensely powerful, for others reciprocated. The Eldar, delicate, red-gold setting. The ruby "glows" like fire, but the
in particular, accorded him great love and paramount respect. ring is invisible to all but Sauron and the Bearer of the One
Gandalf enjoyed tremendous inherent power, that befitting a ser­ Ring. Narya's specific powers:
vant of Manwe and Varda. Although the shortest of the five Wizards
(at 6'4"), outwardly the oldest (he always had grey hair), and second ( I ) wearer can cast an unlimited number of Fire Law (fire­
(behind Saruman) in the hierarchy of the l stari, Cirdan the Ship­ based) spells (up to 50th Ivl);

wright believed Olorin to be the strongest; and this may be true for, (2) wearer can cast an unlimited number of Closed Channel­
unlike Saruman, Gandalf never aspired to lead as master and so may ing Lore spells (up to 50th Ivl);
have yielded to the White Messenger's desire to lead their Order. (3) wearer can deploy continuous Unpresence and Nondelect
Whatever the case, Gandalf's inner strength - his self control - was spells from the Mystic Base Hiding list;
greater than that of his brethren, and he was counted by the Valar (4) wearer can deploy continuous Mentalist Base Inner Wall
as the wisest of their servants. spells;
Like the other Wizards, Gandalf's character reflected that of his (5) wearer's R R is doubled when resisting detection by the
master. Manwe's humility, flexibility, and tremendous restraint were Dark Lord;
evident in Gandalf. Compassionate and aware of others' needs, he (6) wearer can deploy a continuous Prayer spell which adds
adapted to - rather than dominated - situations. The Grey Pilgrim + 30 to any RRs (including morale-related rolls) and maneuver
favored persuasion over power. rolls made by friends within 30' of, or within sight of
(whichever is greater), the wearer.
(7) wearer has continuous Firearmor;
(8) regenerates 3 hits/rd for wearer or anyone wearer touches;
(9) wearer cannot be stunned; and
( 1 0) wearer has a + 30 bonus to DB.
44 Maiar/Gandalf through Pallando

Generally, Narya has the power to rekindle the fire of Men's Pallando stood 6'6" and walked with a powerful and tireless stride.
hearts, for it embodies the Secret Fire. In a sense, it is the He had indigo eyes and black hair. Like Gandalf, Pallando travelled
incarnation of the passion for life and freedom - the an­ far and wide; but unlike the Grey Pilgrim, the lesser Blue Wizard
tithesis of the darkness that subdued Men in the grim days eventually fell away from his mission and settled among those who
of the War of the Ring. Narya, then, was the ideal tool for would follow his word.
Gandalf. (With the destruction of the One and the end of Pallando's word eventually became quite terrifying for, as in keeping
his quest, Narya loses its power and becomes visible.) with Namo's people, Pallando was capable of dealing with death and
darkness. This lent strength to his selection as one of the lstari, but
Staff - x9 PP enhancer. + 30 to holder's DB and spell rolls. it eventually became his downfall. As Sauron's dominion over the
A small crystal globe nestles in the tip of this slightly gnarled, East shrank away, Pallando's presence grew. Strangely, it was Alatar
6' long, magic oak staff. Gandalfs attack spells (e.g., his fire who became his chief rival.
balls) spring forth from this recessed orb. The globe glows
any brightness or color on mental command (as a 10 mile
Beacon or a 300' Utterlight spell).
Gandalf the Grey's Special Powers:
Empathy - Gandalf has the ability to understand the feel­
ings of others with whom he converses, just as if he were
raised one of their kind.

Spells -05PP; later 2 IOPP. Base spell OB is 40; directed

spell OB is 80. Gandalf knows all Mage lists, and all Open
Essence lists to 20th Ivl (MERP), and all Closed Essence lists
to 20th lvi, and the Mentalist Mind Speech and Seer Mind Pallando
Vision lists (RM).
Gandalf the White's Principal Items:
As above except for the Robes of Aman.
White Robes -White outside; silver-white inside. Fashion­
ed by the Lady Galadriel, they are beautiful and durable, but
Gandalf the White's Special Powers:
As above, except for the following.
Spells - 360PP. Base spell OB is 60; directed spell OB is
120. In addition to the Grey's spells, Gandalf the White knows
the Mentalist Brilliance list and the Astrologer Way of the
Voice list to 20th Ivl (RM). His Hand of Fire True spell has
a range of 3000'; his Firebolt OB is + 90.

See ICE's Rangers of the North 36-38.

Read Hob 17-20,26,29,100, 184,258,265,280-86;

LotRI 32,45,47- 72, 75-102,289-429, 432-521;
LotRII 46,86, 125- 70,183,188-262,353;
LotRIII 19-52,86,100,125-26,259,2 77-88,303-04,308-10,317-41,368,38

Lvi: 40 (60). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: A nimist/Ranger. Home:
Originally Valinor; now in eastern Endor. A ka: The (Lesser) Blue;
Lianis; Pal/anir (Sindarin); Doom-seer; Soul-keeper.

RM Stats: St-100; Qu-100; Em-99; In-108; Pr-101; Ag-100; Co-99;

Me-98; Re-98; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-IOO; Ag-100; Co-99; Ig-98;
It-108; Pr-lOl. Appearance: 102.

Pallando, the lesser of the two "Blue Wizards" ( lthryn Luin), was
sent to Endor upon the request of Alatar. A servant of Namo (Man­
dos) and Nienna, he knew much of the ways of grief and dying and
understood the troubles of the soul. Alatar took him as a compan­
ion because Pallando was known as a great traveller and he was
originally Alatar's friend but, over t ime, the two became sundered.
MaiarlPaliando through Radagast 45

Pallando's Principal Items: Saruman reluctantly took Radagast as his companion upon Yavan­
Robes of Aman Sea-blue outside; dark blue inside. Made
- na's request. This boded poorly; from the outset, the chief Istar never
in Valinor, they provide wearer with protection as Chain/AT respected his compatriot. The White Wizard was the first Istar to
12 (-30), but they do not encumber his movements. His hood set foot in Endor and, although Radagast soon joined him, Saruman
serves as a helm; his sleeves act as greaves. never mentioned the Brown Wizard's landing. Later, as Saruman
himself fell from grace and abandoned his embassy, he began to use
Black Staff This 6' long black, yew staff is a xS PP device.
Radagast as a dupe. Radagast played the part well.
Provides + 20 bonus to holder's DB and RR. + 20 to all spell
Although apparently unconcerned with politics and the ways of
speaking folk, Radagast remained faithful to his heritage. His fai lure
Earring of Souls - Earring made of a deep black laen orb was never rooted in pride or a thirst for power; rather, well-meaning
stores the souls taken by his Ring of Soul-taking (see below). passions born out of his adopted form spurred him to seek, and even­
Stores up to six souls (limit 40 total levels). Souls (spirits) tually embrace, Endor's "lesser creatures:' As his love for the Olvar
are released upon command and, if Pallando touches a and lesser Kelvar grew, the Brown Wizard retreated from the drama
spiritless object or body with his hand, they can be united and complexities unfolding around him, spending more and more
with a form. If they are released without taking a form (i.e., time tied to Rhosgobel. He appeared increasingly naive.
Pallando touches nothing with his hand), the spirit dissipates Radagast nonetheless served a purpose. His stewardship in western
at a rate of 1 rd/lvl of spirit. Mirkwood helped stay the spread of Evil out of Dol Guldur, and
his call to his friends (the beasts) spread word of the impending War
Ring of Soul-taking - Ring made of iron and set with a black of the Ring and led to Gandalf's release from imprisonment at
laen orb. When wearer points ring at victim and concentrates, Orthanc.
victim must make RR vs. Channeling. (Target of 41st level Radagast had fine, brown hair and stood 6'S", but he walked with
or higher is immune.) Failure results in victim's spirit (soul)
a curious gait and often slouched. His joviality, apparent simplicity,
being separated from his body. If wearer also wears Earring
and unhurried homebound ways belied his true strength. As a Wizard,
of Souls, the spirit is immediately conveyed to the Earring;
he was a master of shapes and hues, and knew much about
however, if the Earring has no room for the spirit (i.e., it is
manipulating plants and beasts. Radagast could be a formidable foe,
"full"), the spirit simply dissipates. (See Earring above.) The
whatever his relative shortcomings.
Ring of Soul-taking can be used offensively in conjunction
Radagast's Principal Items:
with Earring. When wearer concentrates and the spirit fails
Robes of Aman -Brown outside and inside. Fashioned in
an RR vs. Channeling, wearer can burn the spirit as a L ightn­
ing Bolt (Range + OB = spirit's lvl x S), thereby consum­ Valinor, they provide him protection as AT 12 (-30) but do
ing the spirit. not encumber his movements. Brown hood acts as helm.

Pallando's Special Powers: Staff - 6'S" hickory staff is a x8 PP multiplier. + 20 to

Doom-seeing -Pallando can touch any creature and, assum­ wielder's DB, RRs, and all spell rolls.
ing it fails its RR, read its future for the next sixty days (i.e.,
Wood-sword - (S. "Erivagil") + 30 Holy Sword made of
I day x his Ivl). The images are as clear as the target's men­
enchanted, silvery wood. It is hard as steel. "Slays" Orcs and
tal state.
Men, but cannot be used against living plants or non­
Spells - 360PP. Base spell OB is + 40; directed spell OB is speaking animals (e.g., it will harm a Troll but it will not hurt
+ 60. Pallando knows all Ranger and Animist spell lists and a Cat).
all Open Channeling lists (MERP), and all Closed Channel­ Radagast's Special Powers:
ing and Seer lists (RM). Bird-speech -Radagast can understand or communicate
with any bird, and he can ascertain the bird's deepest feel­
RADAGAST ings and mental images as if the bird were an extension of
LvI: 40 (60). Race: Maia (lstar). Profession: Animist. Home: Original­ himself. In other words, the visions Radagast sees through
ly Valinor; now in western Mirkwood in Rhovanion. Aka: The Brown; the bird's mind are not limited by the bird's mental short­
The joyful Guest (Radagast = Rhovanion Northman); Bird Lover; comings; rather, they are dependent on the Brown Wizard's
Aiwendil (Quenya); Bird Tamer, the Fool, or the Simple (by Saruman). mind.
RM Stats: St-100; Qu-IOO; Em-I02; In-104; Pr-IOI; Ag-100; Co-103; Spells -240PP. Base spell O B is + 40; directed spell O B is
Me-97,· Re-96; SD-80. MERP Stats: St-100; Ag-100; Co-103; 19-96; + 60. Radagast knows all Ranger and Animist spell lists and
It-I04; Pr-IOI. Appearance: 101. all Open Channeling lists (MERP), and all Closed Channel­
ing and Cleric lists (RM).
The last to be chosen for the j ourney to Endor, Radagast the Brown
was the weakest of the five Istari. Yavanna chose him as a guardian See ICE's Southern Mirk wood 2 7-28, 55.
of the Olvar (plants), counting on the Brown Wizard to look after
interests which might escape the attention of the other Istari. Read Hob 121; LatRl 336-3 7, 339-42.
Unfortunately, Radagast became so committed to this trust that
he became too concerned with the Olvar. His thirst for plant and
animal lore drove him further and further away from his intended
path. Enamored of the wilds of Middle-earth, he eventually lost sight
of his quest. He simply settled down at his home at Rhosgobel, tend­
ing to flowers, looking after the trees and beasts of the Anduin Valley
and the neighboring forest, and keeping birds. Radagast looked to
birds as his favored companions.
46 Maiar/Radagast through Saruman

6'7" tall and strong of build, Saruman was undoubtedly the most
imposing of the Istari. He was slightly bigger than the lithe Alatar
The White (before T.A. 2953) and carried himself in a self-assured and rather lordly manner. Con­
Lvi: 50 (l00). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: A lchemist/Astrologer. fident, he was always at ease among the most powerful of figures,
Home: Originally Valinor; now in Endor, usually in the Northwest. although he initially betrayed no real arrogance or false pride. He
Aka: Curumo (Quenya); Curun[r (Sindarin); Um; Man of Skill; the was rather aloof, however, and others confided in him because of
White; the Wise; the R ing-expert; the Chief Wizard. his great knowledge and skill and not because of any emotional bond.
RM Stats: St-90; Qu-l00; Em-102; In-110; Pr-115; Ag-98; Co-lOI; The Many-colored
Me-lOl; Re-lOO; SD-85. MERP Stats: St-90; Ag-98; Co-l0I; Ig-109; Saruman renounced his guardianship over Orthanc in T.A. 2953,
It-110; Pr-IOI. Appearance: 109. claiming the fortress and the surrounding valley as his own. He began
gathering an army of Orcs, Wolves, Wargs, and evil Men, and
The Many-colored (T.A. 2953-3018)
transformed the once-placid Wizard's Vale (Nan Curunir) into a for­
Lvi: 50 (l00). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: A lchemist/Astrologer.
tified realm of mines and factories.
Home: Originally Valinor; now at Orthanc in Isengard (Angrenost),
at the southern end of the Misty Mountains. A ka: Curumo (Quenya);
Curun[r (Sindarin); Man of Skill,· the Many-colored; the White Hand;
the Ring-maker (by himself); Sharkey (by his minions).

RM Stats: St-90; Qu-lOO; Em-102; In-lOI; Pr-103; Ag-98; Co-lOI;

Me-lOI; Re-lOO; SD- 75. MERP Stats: St-90; Ag-98; Co-lOI; Ig-IOI;
It-lOl; Pr-I03. Appearance: 110.
Sharkey (T.A. 3019-20)
Lvi: 12 (50). Race: Maia (Istar). Profession: A lchemist/Astrologer.
Home: Originally Valinor; now in the Shire in Eriador. Aka: Curumo
(Quenya); Curun[r (Sindarin); Old Man; the Downfallen Wizard;
Sharkey (by his minions and the Shire-folk).

RM Stats: St-89; Qu-9I; Em-99; In-lOO; Pr-99; Ag-90; Co-90; Me-99;

Re-99; SD-25. MERP Stats: St-89; Ag-90; Co-90; Ig-99; It-lOO; Pr-99.
Appearance: 89.
Saruman (Curumo) was the Chief of the Order of Wizards (S.
"Heren Ithryn"), and the greatest of the Maiar who served the Vala
Aule. (Sauron, who was once one of Aule's People, was no longer
a servant of the Smith). Sable-haired and smooth-tongued, he was
a master of diplomacy; cunning and wise, he was a brilliant scholar
who quickly mastered mechanical devices and the ways of alchemy.
The White Wizard aptly suited his title as "the Man of Skill:'
Saruman traveled extensively his first 1400 years in Endor, study­
ing his enemies and researching their tools and methods. In T.A. 2463
the White Council rewarded his expertise by appointing him head
of their group. Following this time, Saruman's transformation slow­
ly surfaced. His decline accelerated when he settled at Orthanc in
the vale renamed the Nan Curunir in T.A . 2759. Tempted by the
Seeing-stone (Palantir) that resided in the tower, he assured his own
doom for, although Saruman was a master of minds, he proved no
match for Sauron of Mordor. The Lord of the Rings took hold of
the White Wizard's mind.
Saruman's encounters with the Palant ir confused and twisted the
White Wizard, leading him to believe that, by serving the Dark Lord,
Saruman could stave off his own inevitable defeat. In helping bring
about a new order based on Men to the world, Saruman believed
he could gain Sauron's favor. Then, by finding the One Ring,
Saruman hoped to supplant the Dark Lord as master of Middle-earth.
Saruman's connection to Aule proved significant. As a servant of
the Smith of the Valar, he inherited the characteristic fascination
about creating things and fashioning unique objects. He shared this
trait with Sauron, as well as Aule's Children - the Dwarves. Unfor­
tunately, those having such a predilection often succumbed to in­
tense materialism, losing sight of the spiritual side of the Balance.
Others' cares and needs retreat from their minds. Saruman fell into
this trap and gradually became more concerned about making and
gathering things than he was about ful filling his quest.
Maiarl Wizards Statistics Table 47

At this time Saruman's hair gradually turned white, but his robes Spells 50PP; later 300PP. Base spell OB is + 40; directed

- which he had rewoven - took on a subtle, many-colored aura, spell OB is + 80. After T.A. 2500, his base spell OB is + 50;
the hues of fine, multi-colored thread. The symbolic transformation directed spell OB is + 100. Saruman the White knows the
accompanied a very real change, for Saruman the Many Colored Light Law and Fire Law spell lists, all Bard lists, and all Open
dedicated himself to nothing less than dominion over Middle-earth. Essence and Channeling lists (MER?), and all Closed Chan­
Sharkey neling and Essence, and all Alchemist and Astrologer lists
Saruman's minions in Orthanc called him Sharkey. During the (RM).
struggle against Rohan and the Ents of Fangorn (at the time of the
Saruman the Many-colored's and Sharkey's Principal Items:
War of the Ring), virtually all of them perished; but some, the chief
being Grima Wormtongue, fled northwestward with the Wizard after As Saruman the White, except for the following.
the fall of Isengard. The majority of Saruman's creations perished Multi-colored Robes Appear white, outside and inside,

during the debacle and the Istar was drained. Weakened by the loss, until they move; then they glisten with many colors. Rewoven
he aged quickly during the last days of the Dark Lord. The Chief and colored Robes of Aman, they provide him protection as
Wizard was little more than a pale and sickly image of his former self. AT 1 2 (-50) but do not encumber his movements. Multi­
After a brief reign of terror in the Shire, Sharkey met an inglorious colored hood acts as helm. Those who gaze upon the Robes
end at the hand of Wormtongue. His spirit worn and tied to his must make an initial RR versus 5th level Essence; failure
adopted form, his body slain, Saruman passed from Endor altogether. results in a fixation upon the colors for 1-20 rounds.
(He was the first Istar to "leave:') Ring of Angrenost A + 5 Alchemist's spell adder. Iron,

Saruman the White's Principal Items: inlaid with gold and silver, it enables wearer to produce results
Robes of Aman - White outside and inside. Fashioned in from Base Alchemist spells in 10070 of the normally required
Valinor, they provide him protection as AT 12 (-30) but do time. Objects produced with aid if the Ring have an inherent
not encumber his movements. White hood acts as helm. + 10 bonus.

Staff - 6'6" white, mallorn staff is a xlO PP multiplier. + 30 Saruman the Many-Colored's Special Powers:
to wielder's DB, RRs, and Base Alchemist spell rolls; + 20 As above except for the following.
to all other spell rolls. Continuous Protections True spell for Spells - 300PP. Base spell OB is + 50; directed spell OB is
holder. + 100. Saruman the Many Colored knows the Light Law and
Ring - Mithril. Stores 10 spells/day. Provides immunity from
Fire Law spell lists, all Bard lists, and all Open Essence and
fire and cold and gives wearer a + 20 DB. Doubles damage Channeling lists (MERP), and all Closed Channeling and
of fire spells cast through it, and allows wearer to detect il­ Essence, Evil Magician lists, and all Alchemist and Astrologer
lusions (e.g., gives wearer an RR). Wearer has + 20 RR ver­ lists (RM).
sus detection spells. Sharkey's Special Powers:
As above except for the following.
White-sword - (S. "Glosovagil") + 30 Holy Sword made of
Spells - 2PP. Base spell OB is + 6; directed spell OB is + 12.
enchanted mithril alloy. The symbols on its blade are only
Sharkey knows the Light La w and Fire La w spell lists, all
visible under moonlight. Sword will not harm Dwarves.
Bard lists, and all Open Essence and Channeling lists
Saruman the White's Special Powers: (MERP), and all Closed Channeling and Essence, and all
Craft and Item Lore - Saruman the White can examine any Alchemist and Astrologer lists (RM).
non-organic solid object and discern its basic composition,
probable origin, worth, and approximate power, as well as See ICE's Isengard 2 7,46,47; Riders oj Rohan 35,61; Rangers oj the
the techniques involved in shaping the object. North 32-33, 55.

Read LotRI 78,33 7-44; LotRII 21-242,297-300,322-25,340,367;

LotRIII 351- 74; etc.


l'iame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Alatar 4O(SO) 1 90 RLl I 2 1 15 N (AIL) 195qs 240lb 95 Maia(!star) Ranger (Animist), senior of the two "Blue" Wizards.
Gandalf 35(70) 200 RLl I 2 120 + N (AIL) 140bs' 1 5sp/da 45 Maia(!star) Mage/Magician, upon arrival in Middle-earth.
4O(SO) 200 RLlI2 1 20 + N (AIL) I SObs' 1 5sp/da 45 Gandalf the Grey during the beginning of the War of the Rings.
50(120) 300 PI!20 1 50 + N (AIL) 220bs' 1 5 sp/da 55 Gandalf the White, after his battle with the Balrog.

Pallando 40(60) I SO RLlI2 90 N (AIL) I S5qs I SOIb 45 Maia(lstar) Ranger (Animist), lesser of the two "Blue" Wizards.
Radagast 40(60) 210 RLl I 2 90 N (AIL) 1 50qs/bs' l OOda 45 Maia(lstar) Animist, the "Brown" Wizard, guardian of plants.

Saruman 50(100) 200 RLl I 2 1 10 + N (AIL) lOObs 25sp 45 Maia(lstar) MagelAlchemist(Astrologer), the "White" Wizard.
50(100) 200 RLlI2 1 30 + N (AIL) lOObs 25sp 45 The "Many-colored", after his fall from grace, T.A. 2953-301S.
50(12) 90 No!2 40 N N lOObs 25sp 20 Sharkey, Saruman after his fall from power, T.A. 3019·3020.
48 Elves/Overview and History

6.0 ELV ES The Great Journey of the Eldar

The Eldar were those who made the great journey to live in the
Blessed land of Aman. There were three Kindreds: the Vanyar; Noldor
The Elves, or Firstborn, were the first of Eru's Children to awaken.
and Teleri. The Eldar came to the Uttermost West via an unusual
Born under the stars before the ascension of the Moon and the Sun,
mode of transportation: the Island Tal Eressea, which, moved by
they retain a special love for light and an inner spirit endowed with
the power of the sea-Vala Ulmo, made two trips from Middle-earth
unique gifts. They call themselves the Quendi, or "Speakers;' for they
to the Undying Lands. The first trip carried the Vanyar and Noldor;
were the first to utter words; and, even now, no race understands
the second carried the Teleri ("hindmost") who had lingered on the
language and song like the Firstborn. Fair and fine featured, brilliant
long road and missed the first island voyage.
and proud, immortal and strong, tall and agile, they are the most
The Teleri were also divided, however. There were three groups,
blessed of the Free Peoples. Yet, despite their gifts, they a cursed race
led by the brothers Olwe and Elwe, and another Teleri, Lenwe. When
- one burdened by the Hand of Fate.
they reached the vales of Anduin, Lenwe and his people turned away
from the j ourney and remained in Middle-earth. They became the
Nandor and vanished for many years. Also on the trip Elwe (who
6.1 AN OVERVIEW OF ELVES had been an original ambassador to the Undying Lands) met Melian
Like the other Free Peoples, such as Men and Dwarves, the Elves the Maia and fell into a trance of love. While he was lost, most of
have many branches and many figures of note. Their tale is one of his group went over the sea on the isle with Olwe's people. Elwe at
long migrations, prideful wars, and grand achievements. It includes last awoke, and eventually set up a realm in Beleriand with his Maiar
many players. wife Melian. As ruler of this land he went by the name Elu Thingol
(King Greycioak). The rest of the Teleri, however, went westward,
6 . 1 1 ELVEN HISTORY living on the isle of Tol Eressea, in sight of Valinor. The Maia Osse
taught them the art of shipbuilding and they were ever-after the
The divisions and sub-divisions of the various Elven kindreds are
greatest shipwrights and sailors in all Middle-earth . They sailed to
complex, and at times even i:onvoluted. In this section the basi� migra­
the coast of Aman where they built the beautiful city and wharves
tions and divisions will be described, as well as the actual kmdreds
of Alqualonde.
as they existed in the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth.
The Teleri were also considered the fairest singers in all Middle­
The Awakening of the Firstborn earth (rivalling the Vanyar) and called themselves the Lindar. This
In the early years of the world, before the Sun and the Moon first name related later to one of the titles of the "Golden Wood",
rose, the Elves, the "First-born", awoke under the stars on the shores Laurelind6renan.
of Cuivienen, a large bay in the inland sea of Helcar in eastern The Nandor ("Those who turn back"), though technically of the
Middle-earth. They lived in the twilight world, far from the light of Teleri and so the Eldar, are an exception, since they never travelled
Valinor for many years before one of the Valar - Orome the Hunt­ to the Undying Lands, and so did not see the light of the Trees.
sman � discovered them. The Valar loved Eru's newborn creations Therefore, they were referred to as Moriquendi ("Dark Elves"). Some
and wished to bring them to the light of Aman, the Undying Lands eventually went on to settle in Ossiriand, but most remained east
to save them from Morgoth and the evil that he was already bring­ of the Misty Mountains, spreading through the forested lands there.
ing into Middle-earth . Morgoth, the greatest of the Valar who had These later came under the rulership of the Sindarin King Thran­
turned away from his bretheren before the beginning of creation, now duil in Mirkwood and of course Galadriel in Lorien.
hated the Elves because they were cherished by the others. He sent
The Vanyar's Settlement
out his shadowy servents and captured many of them in the darkness.
Fairest of the Eldar, and known as the Fair Elves, the Vanyar were
Unable to create life himself, he tortured and perverted the Elves he
the most beloved of the Valar. They were the first of the three kin­
imprisoned, and from this corrupt stock bred Orcs.
dreds to set forth on the Great Journey and the first to arrive in the
The First Sundering Undying Lands (Aman), led by their king, Ingwe. Together with the
It was at the summons of the Valar that the Elves first divided. Noldor, they built and lived for a long time in the fair city of Tirion.
At first, the Elves were afraid to leave their home under the stars, Some time later, however, they moved further westward through the
but three of their kind j ourneyed to Valinor with Orome to see for gap in the Pel6ri (Q. "Mountains of Defense"), and there they made
themselves the glory of the Undying Lands. These were Ingwe, Finwe, their permanent home.
and Elwe, who later became kings. When they returned, filled with Only once did the Vanyar ever leave Valinor, and that was to aid
the light of Aman, many of the Elves heeded their stirring words the Ainur in battle against the Black Enemy. When the evil Vala was
and followed the Valar west. at last . defeated, the Fair Elves marched back to their home in vic­
But not all the Elves wished to leave their native land. Some had tory. There is no record of a Vanya ever again leaving the Blessed
come to love the starlight of Middle-earth and chose to stay behind. Land of Aman.
Those Elves who declined to follow the Valar became known as the
The Noldor's Settlement
Avari ("Unwilling"), and they became the lesser Silvan Elves. They
The Second Kindred of the Calaquendi, both in size and in order
were by far the most plentiful of the Elves, and, despite harassment
of arrival in Arnan, the Noldor were also called the Deep Elves. Finwe
by the Black Enemy, spread through eastern as well as much of
was their king. They were the most skilled in crafts and lore of the
western Middle-earth.
Immortals, the most fiery of spirit, proud and curious. It was Feanor
Those who followed the summons of the Valar and undertook the
the Noldo who made the Silmarils, and because of his unwillingness
Great Journey westward to Aman became known as the Eldar. And
to surrender them, doomed his kindred to a hopeless war against
yet, still some lingered along the road or turned back, or were lost.
Morgoth to recover t he stolen gems, and later to exile from Aman.
But those Elves who completed the long and difficult journey were
When the Black Enemy made away with the Silmarils and fled with
made greater by their stay in the U ndying Lands, and forever after
them to Endor, the Noldor attempted to pursue him over the water
their descendants held that pure light in their eyes.
ElveslElven Nature 49

by stealing the great boats of the Teleri. The Teleri resisted, and the The Calaquendi ("Light Elves") travelled to the Undying Lands
Noldor, in their desperation, slew a great many of the defending ship­ and saw the Light of Aman, the light of the Two Trees. This classifica­
builders to win the boats. But great was the anger of the Valar that tion includes all descendants, for the Light permeated the very be­
Elf would slay Elf. A storm swallowed many of those stolen boats ing of the Firstborn and left with them an internal light which they
and the surviving Noldor landed on the shores of Endor only to be carried with them forever. Sometimes, a visible aura shone about a
met by one of the Valar who doomed them to exile from Aman forever Light Elf.
for their hideous crime, the Kinslaying. The Noldor had seen the The Moriquendi ("Dark Elves") never made the journey to Aman,
light of the two trees, b'ut lived out their days in Middle-earth as exiles. or stopped along the way, failing to achieve their destination. There
It is perhaps doubly sad and ironic that Feanor's grandson is also a third division, the Sindar ("Grey Ones"), who travelled as
Celebrimbor was seduced by Morgoth's servant Sauron even as Feanor far as the western shores of Middle-earth and stopped there. However,
was corrupted by the evil Vala's deceptive words. Twice did the Noldor they lived in Doriath under King Thingol (Elwe) and the Maia Melian.
put all of Middle-earth in peril because of their insatiable desire for Thus they achieved greater wisdom and understanding than the Mori­
knowledge. quendi, yet did not personally witness the Light as did the Calaquen­
di. They were in between; the Elves of twilight.
The Sindar and the Second Sundering
Paralleling this geographic distinction is that of race. All of the
The original Sindar are believed to be those Teleri who waited for
Vanyar, Noldor and Teleri were considered the Eldar ("People of the
their leader Elwe (Thingol), and the Nandor who travelled as far west
Stars") even though some Teleri groups did not complete the journey
as Beleriand. The two groups mixed together and became the Sin­
(specifically the Sindar and Nandor). Those Elves who were not Eldar
dar, and although they were perhaps more noble than the original
were, by definition, Silvan.
Avari ("The Unwilling"), the Sindar were still Moriquendi, for they
never reached the shores of Aman. Their homeland was the realm Language
of Doriath in Beleriand, ruled by Thingol and Melian. Although When the Firstborn awoke on the shores of Cuivienen, with them
merely Moriquendi, the Sindar gained great wisdom under the awoke language in Middle-earth. It is the Elves - or, appropriately,
tutelage of Melian the Maia and her husband, who was Calaquen­ the Quendi ("Speakers") as they called themselves - who taught all
di, having once been to Valinor, and so they became known as the other races and creatures language, each after its fashion. When the
Grey Elves. The Sindar spoke Sindarin, and originated the written Eldar went West, however, they encountered the Valinorean Tongue
script Cirth. With the fall of Beleriand, the surviving Sin dar migrated of Aman, and adopted it for their own. Indeed, this may have oc­
eastward, some remaining in Lindon, while others travelled to live curred as early as the return of Ingwe, Elwe and Finwe from Aman
with the Noldor in Eregion, or, east of the Misty Mountains, in L6rien with Orome the Vala. This became the pure tongue Quenya. The
and Mirkwood. many Silvan tribes still in Middle-earth, though influenced by Quenya
initially, diverged and changed with the flows of the world, and the
original Elven speech became fractured and rusticated by myriad
dialects. By the Second and Third Ages, The Silvan and Eldarin
tongues had become so divergent that the two had no common
ground. When Silvan Elves lived with Sin dar or Noldor, they in­
variably learned Sindarin and used it except when exclusively among
their own kind. The Silvan Elves of L6rien, for example, spoke Sin­
darin, but with an accent, harkening to their Greenwood Silvan
The Sindar knew Quenya, but adapted it for their own use, creating
6. 12 EL VEN NATURE a language less formal and more practical for everyday writing and
Before going into the details of Elven physiology, it is perhaps conversation, a language that became known as Sindarin. Thingol,
worthwhile to comment on the sociology of this powerful race and their king, banned the use of Quenya among his people after the
how they are sometimes erroneously perceived. Kinslaying, and with the passing of the years, even the Noldor came
Though the mists of time may eventually blur understanding o f to use Sindarin as their common tongue, reserving Quenya as a for­
the nature of the Firstborn, i t remains clear during this period that mal, ritualistic language.
they were not simply a collection of ethereal beings who lived in uto­ The Tengwar were the first written letters ever devised, invented
pian societies where there were no laws, no social structures or other by the Noldorin poet Rumil of Tirion. The pure version of the
such mundane organizational boundaries. Indeed, it seems that on­ Tengwar was known and used only in the Undying Lands. Feanor
ly the Silvan Elves (and to a lesser extent, a number of the Mori­ later adapted and revised this alphabet, and the Feanorean Tengwar
quendi Teleri) even desired this sort of existence, who in fact generally attained much more widespread use, both in the Undying Lands and
lived in realms ruled by Sindar or Eldar kings, as was typical of Elven in Middle-earth. Both of these written alphabets were cursive, mean­
hierarchies. The Sindar lived in kingdoms as well, but it was the ing that they were designed to be joined, written in flowing strokes
Noldor more than any other kindred who sought order and design as with a pen. They were somewhat impractical for engraving, but
in all facets of their lives. They had governments (usually monar­ the Great Smiths in Eregion - and Sauron himself - were up to
chies) and frequently elaborate guilds and brotherhoods. Families the task. Sauron's inscription inside the One Ring was engraved in
tended to rule not only realms but the guilds within them in a dynastic cursive Tengwar.
fashion. Much later the Sindarin Bard Daeron invented the runes called
the Certhas Daeron ("Cirth" or " Letters" of Daeron). These were
"-amilial and Geographic Divisions
much more angular and suited to stonework. The Dwarves of Moria
There were two different heirarchies among the Elven peoples: that
particularly loved this writing style and adopted it as their own.
of geographical location, and that of family or kindred. The accom­
panying chart should help to clarify the distinctions of the divisions.
50 Elves/Elven Nature

Religion Perhaps most remarkable was the fact that Elves did not age or
Religion in any organized sense was unknown to the Elves, especial­ grow old, and their bodies were immune to all disease and infection.
ly the Eldar, who knew the Valar more as esteemed and revered They were virtually immortal, unless slain in battle. Should an Elf
teachers than actual deities. Virtually all Elves worshiped Eru Iluvatar be killed, his soul was transported to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor
("The One") as the creator of all things: the earth, the Valar, Elves where, after a period of waiting his body was reincarnated and he
and Men. (Dwarves, created by Aule, are thought of differently.) I n was free to live in the Undying Lands - though forbidden to return
this way they saw themselves o n equal, though perhaps different, stan­ to Middle-earth until the end of the world.
ding with all other beings. Worship of Eru was very informal, however, Elves healed quickly and they showed no scars, although they could
involving no specific temple or other structure more elaborate than not regenerate severely damaged organs or body parts. Their bodies
an open garden. The Elves worshipped Eru for the beauty of his crea­ matured through a slightly longer adolescence than mortals, and at
tion. They celebrated the light of the stars or the sound of falling full maturity the aging process stopped. Only in the depths of their
water, the sweetness of fruit or the luminescence of gems from deep eyes could one perhaps feel a glimmering of the true age of the greater
within the earth. With song they rejoiced in the magnificence of Ea, Elves, and only those Elves upon whom the weight of Middle-earth
for music was the Essence of Arda. lay heavy. The lesser kindreds, even after thousands of years, looked
This is not to say that the Elven societies were devoid of ritual. like beautiful, carefree youths.
In a world where oaths were not empty promises but calls to the Valar The most subtle of all the characteristics of the Elves was the aura
themselves, ritual played an important role. With song and chant that bathed each of the Calaquendi. Those who had seen the light
the Elves wielded the Essence, weaving spells of great power and of the Two Trees in Aman carried with them a reflection of that splen­
subtlety. Within the guilds and other groups there was a great deal dor, like an afterglow of that first illumination, now forever darken­
of ceremony, and among the Noldor social formalities were often ed through the evil of Morgoth. This aura was not necessarily ob­
observed with an impassioned zeal. vious, but the lesser beings of Middle-earth could sense it, a shim­
Elven communities, like any community, required economic sup­ mer dancing on the edge of their vision.
port; again, they were not idyllic communities where there was no
need for work. Elves gardened, mined, built, cooked, and generally
labored even as did mortals in their society. It is true, though, that 6 . 1 3 ELVEN SUB-GROUPS
the Elves had different mental capabilities, and even the most odious
labor did not weigh on them at all. Perhaps it was because of their The Vanyar
ability to "walk as if in a waking dream" which gave them a reputa­ The Vanyar had golden hair and fair skin, with eyes of clear blue
tion of being free of care and responsibility. or violet. They were the tallest and most beautiful of the Elves, belov­
Physical Characteristics ed of the Valar. Ingwe was their king, and as such he was King of
Although basically similar in appearance to mortal men in many all the Elves. Their musical skills were unsurpassed, except perhaps
ways, Elves had several important, if subtle, differences. by the Lindar (Teleri) who learned the art of song from the Maia
As a race, they were taller than most humans (save the high Edain) Osseo The Vanyar spoke pure Quenya, the original tongue of the Eldar,
though in general tended to be less heavy of build. The males generally which was in fact the Elvish version of Valinorean, the mental
ranged in height from 6' to 6'10", and in weight from 1 60 to 250 language of the Valar.
pounds, respectively. The women of the Elves were usually between The Noldor
5'6" and 6'2", and were also slim. Although to some this race might In appearance the Noldor had hair of dark brown to raven-black,
have appeared fragile, Elves were generally j ust as strong as any fair skin, and dark brown or grey eyes - with one exception: the
human warrior. The Eldarin Lords, in fact, were muscular of build children of Finwe, King of the Noldor, and Indis of the Vanyar. Their
and unquestionably the most physically powerful individuals in sons, Fingolfin and Finarfin, both had hair of gold like their mother,
Middle-earth. and the trait was passed to their offspring as well. This included,
Elves had less body hair than humans, and Elven men had no facial of course, Galadriel, the daughter of Finarfin.
hair, as a rule. Highly resistant to extremes of natural heat and cold, The Noldor were a noble and couragous race, who behaved with
their clothing was worn for decoration, camouflage, or, perhaps, dignity and heroism, even under their Doom. Most of this kindred
modesty. With their fine features and perfect, unmarred skin, Elves were of substantial build. Some of the greatest warriors of the First
were invariably more handsome in appearance than their mortal Age were Noldor Lords, some of whom were able to hold their own
brethren. in single combat with a Valaraukar (Balrog), a great demon of
Their senses were extremely keen, especially sight and hearing. Elves Morgoth. Fingolfin, son of Finwe and Indis, was accounted the
were able to see on a clear starlit night as well as if it were full daylight. greatest warrior in all of Endor, surpassing all the other Elves and
I n what a man would have called "pitch blackness", an Elf could Men.
still see a few feet. Some of the Elves, the Eldar, could hear into each Another one of the great Noldor warriors was Glorfindel, of the
other's minds, without the necessity of speech, and all Elves could house of Finarfin, who lived in Elrond's House in the Third Age.
hear sounds that humans could not. Below is an excerpt from LotR where Gandalf, in Rivendell, is ex­
Elves did not need sleep to rest their bodies as did Men and plaining to Frodo what happened at the Ford when the Hobbit briefly
Dwarves; instead, for a few hours each night, they entered a sort of put on the One Ring, and Glorfindel stood against the Riders:
trance, a waking dream during which they meditated upon the beauty ':.. those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once
of Ea or in which they recalled happy times earlier in their long lives. in both worlds, and against both the Seen and Unseen they
Gimli the Dwarf made this observation as the Fellowship left Lorien. have great power. "
': .. Elves may see things otherwise. Indeed I have heard that
"I thought that I saw a white figure that shone and did
for them memory is more like to the waking world than to
not grow dim like the others. Was that Glorfindel then? "
a dream. Not so for Dwarves." (LotRI 490).
Elves/Classifications 51


The Elves

There are two ways to classify the noble Quendi, for their
history states that they were twice sundered. The first separa­ ELDAR AVARI
tion of their people produced the Eldar and Avari: the "Peo­ Elves o f the Great " T h e U n w i l l i n g" ,
Journey from E l ves w h o Refused
ple of the Stars" who made the Great Journey toward the Cuivienen the Great Journey
Light of Aman, and the "Refusers" who remained in the East I i I
of Middle-earth . From the Avari, came the Silvan Elves of VANY AR N O LDOR TELERI
lore, who constitute most of Middle-earth's Elven peoples. All went A l l went
to A m a n to Aman Who went , W ho stayed Who left the
The Eldar produced the three great kindreds of the Vanyar, i n Beleriand march o f the
to Aman
Noldor, and Teleri, many of whom now reside in the Undy­
Teleri east o f

ing Lands. t h e Misty M t n s .


It was the Eldar who produced the second sundering.


Dividing before they left the shores of Middle-earth, the Teleri N A N DO R
produced three sub-groups that never emmigrated to Aman Some afterwards
entered Beleriand:
and never saw the enchanted light of the Valar's Blessed
Realm. They, like the Avari, are called Moriquendi, "Dark LA IQUENDI
Elves:' Their brothers who went west into Aman are called "Green·Elves"
of Ossiriand
the Calaquendi, or "Light Elves:'
The Calaquendi includes the Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri T h e E l d a r w h o were
' n o t of A m a n '
of the Undying Lands - together with the Noldor who
returned to Endor - while the Sindar and Avari of Middle­
earth are counted as Moriquendi. Thus, as noted, there are
two ways to classify the Quendi: (\) the Avari versus the Eldar;
and (2) the Moriquendi versus the Calaquendi. The follow­
ing tree illustrates their relationship: CALAQUENDI MORIQUENDI
" Light·Elves" "Dark·Elves"

of Aman (They never saw the

Light o f the Trees)

"Yes, you saw him jor a moment as he is upon the other The Sindar and Nandor
side: one oj the mighty oj the First-born. He is an Elf-lord Less tall and lordly than the Eldarin kindreds, these Elves were
oj a house of princes." (LoIR!) nevertheless more noble than the Avari. All tended to be slender,
possessing a wiry strength and great agility. Physically they resembl­
The Noldor spoke Quenya amongst themselves and with the Vanyar ed the Teleri, being an offshoot of that group, though they lacked
in Aman, but the vast majority in Middle-earth adopted Sindarin the aura of the Calaquendi, having not seen the Light of Aman. Most,
as their every day tongue, preserving Quenya as much as possible because of their preference for spending extended periods of time
as a ritual language for specific occasions. Most were also able to outdoors, had darker, lightly tanned skin. Not surprisingly, this group
communicate in most of the western Silvan dialects. spoke Sindarin almost exclusively.
The Teleri The Avari Moriquendi
The third group of the Calaquendi had sandy, blond or light brown These were the Silvan Elves, most rustic of the Kindreds, and most
hair and grey or hazel eyes. In general they were more of a mix of plentiful. They were similar in appearance to the Sindar groups, but
types than the Noldor or Vanyar. They were also of course a larger slightly lesser in stature, with darker hair (generally chestnut to dark
kindred, with greater opportunity for diversity. The true Calaquen­ brown) and eyes. Spread throughout Middle-earth, they spoke their
di Teleri, who lived on Eressea, tended to be taller and stronger, with own tongues amongst themselves, but when living with the higher
the distinctive High-Elven bearing and aura. kindreds invariably adopted Sindarin. The Silvan Elves were also
known as the Wood-Elves, for they lived in the woods, forests, and
mountains of Middle-earth.
52 Elves/Aegnor I through Amarie


Lvi: 30. Race: Noldor. Profession: Mage/Alchemist (Fighter). Home:
Beleriand; Ost-in-Edhil. A ka: (5. "Fell-fire"); Lord Smith oj
----- AEGN OR (1) -----
Lvi: 90. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Slopes of
Dorthonion. A ka: (5. "Fell-fire"; Q. "A ikandro"). RM Stats: St-10l; Qu-98; Em-97; In- 72; Pr-99; Ag-99; Co-100; Me-87;
Re-84; SD-67. MERP Stats: St-101; Ag-99; Co-lOO; 19-86; It- 72; Pr-99.
RM Stats: Co-102; SD-90; Ag-104; Me-9J,' Re-IOO; St-103; Qu-104; Appearance: 96.
Pr-lOO; In-94; Em-96. MERP Stats: Ag-I04,' Co-102; Ig-96; In-94;
Pr-lOO; St-103. Appearance: 91. Aegnor was an associate of Celebrimbor since their years together
in Nargothrond, and though not the most adept at delicate opera­
Aegnor was the fourth of the five children of Finarfin and Earwen, tions, he is a master of fires and furnaces. A Lord Forger, he super­
the others being Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, and Galadriel. Despite vised all smelting operations at the Mirdaithrond ("Halls of the lewel­
their father's return to Valinor following the Prophecy of the North, smiths") in Ost-in-Edhil. In fact, he designed most of the forges and
he and his brothers remained caught up in Doom of the Noldor and smelting facilities. Although generally a good-natured and patient
continued on to Middle-earth in pursuit of Morgoth and the Silmarils. man, he had no time for Annatar, the " Lord of Gifts", and never
Aegnor's friendship for the sons of Fingolfin tied him to this sad shared his most powerful forging secrets.
quest, during which he perished. Although less reckless and aggressive An impressive figure, Aegnor was 6'10" tall, and very strong of
than the sons of Feanor or Fingolfin, he nevertheless embodied the build. His hair was dark brown, and his eyes so dark blue as to be
Noldo qualities of pride, bravery, and curiosity. almost violet.
Upon returning to Endor, Aegnor settled on the slopes of Dor­
Aegnor's PrinCipal Items:
thonion with Angrod. This they held in fife from Finrod, to whom
Broadsword (Morgurth) -(So "Black Death"), a galvorn
they swore allegiance. Because these grassy, windswept hills lay along
the northernmost point of the line of defense against Morgoth, the broadsword + 40, it cannot be fumbled, and should Aegnor's
brothers lived amidst an omnipresent danger. It was hardly surpris­ opponent try to parry, there is a 50070 chance their weapon
ing that they were among the first to fall in the Fourth Battle (Battle is cut in half (magical items may receive a bonus).
of Sudden Flame; S. "Dagor Bragollach") against the Black Enemy. Bracelets -Of amber laen, one is +3 PP, the other x3. They
Aegnor was a prince o f the Noldor. Extremely tall (TO"), he en­ can both be used simultaneously, and both must be worn for
joyed a warrior's build and the fair features of the House of Finar­ either to work. They also confer complete protection from
fin. His blond hair sparkled in the moonlight and his blue eyes all heat, electricity and cold to the hands and lower arms.
gleamed in the heat of battle.
Aegnor's Special Powers:
Aegnor's Principal Items: Spells - 60 ( + 3) PP. + 3/x3 items. Knows all Base Alchemist
High Elven Sword (Terecris) - (S. "Troll-cleaver") A + 50 lists to 30th level, also Mentalist Solid, Liquid, Gas Manipula­
galvorn broadsword, it strikes as two-handed sword which tion list to 20th level, Magician Base Fire Law list to 20th .
delivers twice the normal concussion hits. It is uses the
Aegnor's Lesser Items o f Note:
broadsword's fumble range, and is a Holy Sword which yields
Armor mithril chain; + 30 longbow; Complete set of forg­
an Impact critical in addition to any other critical strike result.
ing Tools which double speed of all work; collar continuous
Bearer receives a constant Haste or A lkar (lv1 30, off Light's
Fire/Ice Armor; ring gold with blue diamond, which casts
Way list) spell for up to 10 minutes (60 rds) a day.
Invisibility True 3xday.
Aegnor's Special Powers:
Spells - 270 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Open Men­ See ICE's Lorien 23,33, 56.
talist lists to 30th Iv!.
Aegnor's Lesser Items of Note: AMAR1E
Helmet is a x6 PP multiplier which allows wearer to cast Men­ Lvi: 105. Race: Vanya. Profession: A nimist/Cleric (Astrologel;
talist spells and negates 50070 head Cfits (roll of 01-50); + 40 Healer). Home: A man (the Undying Lands).
full shield.
RM Stats: Co-97; SD-lOO; Ag-lOO; Me-103; Re-101; St-94; Qu-99;
Read Sil 61,84,120,150-1,305-6,314,362. Pr-105; In-104; Em-104. MERP Stats: Ag-lOO; Co-97; 19-102; In-104;
Pr-105; St-94. Appearance: 108.


An Elda maiden of the Vanyar, Amarie was Finrod's beloved.
Nonetheless, she remained in the Undying Lands when Finrod went
Sections 6.2 and 6.3 describe Elves covered in ICE's Middle­ into exile in Middle-earth, awaiting his return from the wars against
earth role playing game products. Most entries are based Morgoth.
directly on the characters created by 1.R.R. Tolkien. Those Amarie was breathtakingly beautiful, and possessed long, rich
character names marked with an *, however, indicate entries blonde hair and unusual deep emerald green eyes.
based on characters developed by ICE for game use. These Amarie's PrinCipal Items:
characters were not invented by, or used by, Professor Tolkien. Staff (Cameste) - (S. "Estes Hand") A xlOPP multiplier
Nonetheless, they provide variety and should help you unders­ suited to all realms and professions, it provides wielder with
tand some of the elements required when developing your continuous Protections True, Bladeturn V, and DeJlect V
own high level characters. spells and eliminates recovery time for all healing, lifegiv­
ing, and restoration spells.
Elves/A marie through A ngrod 53

Robes of Light - Protect as RL (AT 12) with + 60 DB, negate ----- AMROTH -----
50070 of criticals to the body (roll 01-50), and provide a cons­ Lvi: 35. Race: Silvan. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Dol
tant Alkar spel!. A mroth, Lorien on Cerin A mroth.
Amarie's Special Powers:
RM Stats: Co-102; SD-84; Ag-IOO; Me-99; Re-87; St-101; QU-lOI;
Spells -525 PP. xlO PP item. Knows all base Astrologer,
Pr-97; In-94; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-JOI; Co-I02; Ig-90; In-94; Pr-97;
Healer, and Cleric lists to 50th lvi, and all Open and Closed
St-lOl. Appearance:91.
Channeling lists to 50th Iv!. Knows Mentalism Cloaking,
Damage Resistence, and Self-Healing to 50th Iv!.
Amroth, son of Amdir, was a Silvan Elf-king noted for the found­
Amarie's Lesser Items of Note: ing of the port of Dol Amroth on the western shores of Belfalas (in
+ 50 dagger has lOx normal range and enables wielder to cast Gondor). A great seaman and architect, he was a brilliant engineer
A bsolution Pure spell when it delivers a critical strike; ring and scholar with an emotional character. His passionate, compulsive
enables wielder to cast up to 300 PP/day of spells from Healer love for the Elf-maiden Nimrodel led to his unfortunate death in T.A.
lists; headband protects as full helm, negates 50070 of head 1 98 1 .
crits (roll 01-50), and enables wearer to cast Commune True Amroth ruled the Kingdom o f Ulrien, following his father's death
spell 3x/day. at the end of the Second Age. His long reign was generally peaceful
but, in T.A. 198 1 , it abruptly ended. The appearance of a Balrog in
Read Sit 130. Moria caused his beloved Nimrodel to flee the Kingdom and,
although torn by his loyalty to his people, Amroth followed her flight.
AMRAS When Amroth found her beneath the eaves of Fangorn Forest, she
Lvi: 70. Race: Noldo. Profession: Ranger. Home: East Beleriand. refused to return to the Golden Wood. Instead, the two decided to
RM Stats: Co-105; SD-84; Ag-I04; Me-89; Re-lOO; St-102; Qu-lOl; depart for Aman, where they hoped to marry. They elected to leave
Pr-94; In-105; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-I04; Co-105; Ig-lOO; In-105; from Edhellond near Dol Amroth. Tragically, Nimrodel went ahead
Pr-94; St-102. Appearance: 97. but was delayed and, when Amroth arrived at the Haven, he saw
but one ship. The Elf-king waited for his love until the autumn winds
A Noldorin Elf of the House of Feanor, Amras was virtually a rose and the weather worsened. Then, one stormy night - while
mirror image of his twin brother Amrod. Together, they were the Amroth slept on the ship - the vessel came untied in the high waves.
youngest of Feanor's seven sons. Like their brothers, they both swore Sundered from the shore, Amroth leaped into the roaring sea and
the awful Oath of Feanor and both fell prey to its Doom. tried to swim back to land, only to perish in the maelstrom. His vain
Amras was a superb hunter who, like Amrod, possessed a milder attempt became legend, but nothing is known of the fate of the
temperament than was normal for his line. Unfortunately, however, maiden for whom he died.
his Feanorian passions and pride still ran very deep. When his A warrior and a noble, Amroth was taller than his Silvan kin (6'6"),
brothers Maedhros and Maglor attacked the Sindar in Falsas in hope although his sandy hair and blue eyes were characteristic of his line.
of recovering Beren's Silmaril, Amras joined them in the assault on Amroth's Special Powers:
the Havens of Sirion. There, he died beside his twin. Spells - 35 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows Earth Law list to
The brothers were unusually tall (TO") as was normally the case 20th Ivl and Nature's Ways list to 10th Iv!.
of the great Noldorin princes, and were nobly handsome with blonde Amroth's Lesser Items of Note:
hair and blue eyes, looking much like the Vanyar. Crystal drawing table provides + 50 bonus when drawing or
Amras' Principal Items: designing; intelligent mithril trowel permits wielderto use
Long Bow (Aracu) - (S. "Noble Bow") + 60 long bow o f Earth Law list to 20th Ivl; armband permits use of Nature's
Orc- and Troll-slaying which fumbles only on roll of 0 1 and Ways list to 10th Ivl; ring is a x5 PP mUltiplier; holy
has 2x the normal range. Wielder can fire 2 arrows/round broadsword provides + 30 OB; full shield provides + 30 DB
with no OB penalty. and enables wielder to cast up 60PP/day worth of spells from
Amras' Special Powers: Light 's Way list (up to 30th Ivl); long bow is + 30; plate ar­
Spells - 350 PP. x7 PP multiplier. Knows all Ranger lists mor is AT PII20 ( + 30 DB) and reduces armor maneuver
to 50th Ivl; knows Detection Mastery list to 25th lvi, Con­ penalties by 25; lute provides + 25 bonus for all seduction
cussion's Ways list to 25th lvi, Blood Law list to 20th lvi, attempts accompanied by song.
and Lore list to 20th Iv!.
See ICE's LOrien 25,5 7.
Amras's Lesser Items of Note:
Medallion which is a x7 PP multiplier for Ranger spells (may
Read LotRI 441-42,454; LotRIIl 181,506.
also cast 50 PP/day from Herb Mastery); cloak which casts
Alkar and No Sense spells up 3x/day; Boots which provide
------ ANG ROD ------

+ 40 maneuver bonus and permit wearer to cast spells from

Lvi: 95. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Dortho­
Lofty Movement list (up to 10th level) up to lOx/day.
nion. A ka: (S. "Iron Champion "; Q. ''Angardto'').

Read Sit 60,83,124,142,153,247,305.

RM Stats: Co-J03; SD-94; Ag-104,· Me-99; Re-lOO; St-105; QU-J03;
Pr-lOl; In-90; Em-90. MERP Stats: Ag-104,· Co-103; Ig-96; In-90;
AMROD Pr-IOI; St-105. Appearance: 90.
Amrod was a Noldorin Elf of the House of Feanor. The twin
brother of Amras, he was one of Feanor's youngest and most even­
tempered sons. (See "Amras" description above for more details.)
54 Elves/A ngrod through Ardana

Angrod was the third of the five children of Finarfin and Earwen, Annael's Special Powers:
the others being Finrod, Orodreth, Aegnor, and Galadrie!. Because Spells - 200 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows all Monk base
of his friendship with Fingon, he returned to Middle-earth with his lists to 30th Iv!. Knows Essence Hand, Unbarring Ways,
brother Aegnor. There, they joined with Fingon and the hosts of Essence's Perceptions, Physical Enhancement, Lesser Illu­
Feanor in the pursuit of Morgoth and the Silmarils. sions, Detecting Ways, and Elemental Shields lists to 10th Iv!.
Although somewhat reckless and aggressive like Aegnor, Angrod
was truthful, and provided King Elwe (the Lord of Doriath) the full Dodging -Annael's DB is normally + 1 7 5 (includes + 75
story of the Noldorin Rebellion. This act endeared him to the other­ Adrenal Defense), but it is + 225 when he uses Dodging spells.
wise embittered Sinda monarch, and the two maintained a distant Annael's Lesser Items of Note:
relationship despite Elwe's disdain for the Noldor. Bracers provide + 40 OB to Martial Arts attacks, maneuvers,
Angrod later settled on the slopes of Dorthonion with his brother spell attack resistence rolls; + 25 kynac strikes as + 40 rapier,
Aegnor. Together they ruled their frontier fief as vassals of Finrod and can be thrown 500' with no OB penalty (it returns to
and provided a bulwark against invasions out of Angband. Caught thrower's hand following rd); headband is x5 Essence PP
in the slaughter of the Fourth Battle with the Black Enemy, he fell multiplier which protects as a full helm and negates IOOJo of
alongside his brother amidst the flame and carnage that engulfed head critical (rollOl-IO); belt provides wearer with use of Lan­
their land. ding True spell 5x/day.
A great warrior and a descendant of Finarfin, Angrod was quite
tall (7'2") and noble in bearing. His physical attributes were typical Read Sit 238.
of his lineage and, like all of Finarfin's line, he had blue eyes and
blond hair and resembled a Vanya. ----- ARANvVE -----

Angrod's Principal Items: Lvi: 40. Race: Naldo. Profession: Mage/Magician. Home: Gondolin.
War-flail (Beleg Camangren) - (S. "Mighty Hands of Iron")
RM Stats:; Co- 74; SD-101; Ag-89; Me-102; Re-104; St-59; Qu-94;
This + 50, twin-chained, red eog flail is a holy weapon that
Pr-84; In-102; Em-104. MERP Stats: Ag-89; Co- 74; Ig-104; In-102;
can be wielded in one hand. It fumbles only on a roll of 0 1 ,
Pr-84; St-59. Appearance: 86.
and delivers 2 x normal hits, a s well a s yielding a n additional
I mpact critical (same severity) whenever it delivers a critical The father of Voronwe and a friend of Tuor, Aranwe was a devoted
servant of the Vala Vlmo. He was a skilled mage, who was well­
Angrod's Special Powers: studied in the Laws of Water.
Spells 1 95 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Open Men­
Aranwe's Special Powers:
talist lists to 30th Iv!.
Spells -200 PP. + 7 spell adder. Knows Wind Law and
Angrod's Lesser Items of Note: Water Law lists to 50t�. lvI, all other Mage lists to 30th lvi,
Helmet is x6 PP multiplier which allows wearer to cast Men­ and all Open and Closed Essence lists to 20th Iv!.
talist spells, and negates 50OJo head crits (roll 01-50); armor
Aranwe's Lesser Items of Note:
is AT Ch/ 1 5 (+ 50 DB) and provides continuous A lkar spell
Belt is weather proof, is a + 7 Essence spell adder, and pro­
upon concentration; + 50 long bow permits 2 attacks/rd
vide + 30 bonus to DB and RRs; short sword + 45 OB; Staff
without OB penalty.
of Storms permits wielder to cast up to 100 PP/day of spells
from Water Law, Wind Law, or Light Law lists (up to 20th
Read Sil 61,84,llJ-I2, 120, 128-29,150,15I,305-6,356.
Ivl); Boots of Waterrunning permit wearer to run on water
for 5 minutes (30 rds) per day; Amulet of Water Breathing
permits wearer to breathe under water up to 1 hr/day.
------ ANNAEL ------

Lvi: 50. Race: Sinda. Profession: Bard/Monk. Home: Mithrill1. Read Sit 239.

RM Stats: Co-94; SD-103; Ag-99; Me-89; Re-97; St-99; Qu-102; Pr- 74;
In-94; EII1-103. MERP Stats: Ag-99; Co-94; Ig-103; 1n-94; Pr- 74; St-99.
Appearance: 78. ------ ARDANA * ------
Lvi: 40. Race: Naldo. Profession: Mage/Astrologer. Home:
Annael was a Sindarin Elf who hid with others o f his kind in An­ MClInakan. A ka: (5. "Noble Taker"?); Aradana (5. "Lady of the
droth, the caves of Mithrim. He became the foster father of Tuor. Land"); The Lady.
Subt le, compassionate, and above all rugged, Annael lived an ascetic
life, being a fugitive in a relatively desolate area. RM Stats: St-81; Qu-99; Em-69; In-lOO; Pr-lOl; Ag-100; Co-96; Me-97;
Annael was a classic Sinda and had sandy hair and grey eyes. Re-98; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-81; Ag-lOO; Co-96; Ig-90; It-lOO; Pr-101.
However, in keeping with his storied destiny, he stood taller (6'7") Appearance: 99.
than the average Grey Elf.
A beautiful Eldarin woman, and former follower of Varda, Ar­
Annael's Principal Item:
dana left Aman with her Noldo kindred, ostensibly to recover the
Monk's Tunic Enchanted tunic serves as AT RL/12 ( + 40
Silmarils. But Ardana wished only to go to Middle-earth and rule
DB) and provides wearer the ability to change his skin and
a land of her own under the stars. She did not mourn the passing
clothing color to suit surroundings, and gives a + 50 bonus
of the Two Trees, for they obscured Varda's lights. It was not long
for stalking and hiding maneuvers.
before the Black Enemy's servants discovered her and twisted her
mind to a dark path. When the Sun and Moon arose - clearly
Elves/Ardana through Aredhel 55

machinations of the Valar to blot out the stars - her allegiance to ArduvaI's Lesser Items of Note:
Melkor was complete. Morgoth sent her out to discover a way to bring Belt creates a defensive barrier which adds 40 to DB; a ring
down the Lights when he himself failed. South she travelled, where which allows Arduval to teleport instantly to Menelcarca from
she met Morthaur and a plan was forged, along with a dark alliance anywhere; headband which protects the head as a full helm;
to rival any in Middle-earth in later ages. bracelet, creates a shield adding 30 to DB vs attack spells;
Ardana's Principal Items: dagger which is + 25 and can be thrown as far as 100' with
Sceptre Three foot long with an ebony handle and mithril
no subtraction, delivering an electricity critical in addition
head, strikes as a + 30 mace. Unholy weapon, casts Darkness to any other, and returns to Arduval instantly; cloak casts
500' radius at will, fires Shockbolt + 20, 4x a day with 2x invisibility at will, and will change color, adds 50 to hiding.
concussion hits.
See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 22, 42-43.
Circlet - Of mithril, it creates a continuous Mirrormind,
acts as a x6 Astrologer PP enhancer, protects the head as
a full helm.
----- AREDHEL,-----
Enchanted Card Deck - Master Ardan Deck, containing im­
Lvi: 70. Race: Noldo. Profession: Ranger. Home: Nevrast, Gondolin,
ages of all the members of the Court. Usable as communica­
and then in Nan Elmoth. A ka: (S. "Noble EI/"); A redhel the White;
tion devices. With her Master deck, Ardana can cut in (or
Ar-Feiniel (S. "White Lady").
listen in) on all other interactions (except the Male Hatur's
illicit use).
RM Stats:; Co-lOl; SD-87; Ag-I00; Me-lOl; Re-98; St-99; Qu-lOO;
Ardana's Special Powers: Pr-l03; In-l05; Em-lOl. MERP Stats: Ag-I00; Co-lOl; Ig- lOO; In-105;
Spells - 1 20 PP. x6 PP item. All Base Astrologer lists to 30th Pr-l03; St-99. Appearance: 108.
level, Channeling Weather Ways list to 30th and Barrier Law
list to 10th; Mentalist Solid Manipulation, Cloaking to 30th, Aredhel was the sister of Turgon. The Noldo daughter of Fingolfin,
Liquid Manipulation, Gas Manipulation to 20th. she was the Elf-king's youngest child and only daughter. Hers was
Ardana's Lesser Items of Note: an unsettled life.
Surcoat which is + 60 to DB, black gossamer sewn with tiny She lived in the hidden city of Gondolin during her youth, but
diamonds like a starfield; a black cloak which casts invisibility loved to ride and hunt in the wild. Adventure stirred her sou!. Her
at will; ring, mithril with a black diamond, allows use of the restless spirit prompted her journey afield, where she met and fell
Dark Channels list to 30th level. in love with the smith Eo!. Beautiful and possessed of a haunting
charm, Aredhel captured Eol's fiery heart and they married. Their
See ICE's Court of Ardor 11, 16-17, etc. union produced the traitorous Maeglin, the jealous heir of Turgon.
Unfortunately, it also resulted in Aredhel's early death.
ARDUVAL * Eol proved to be crazed and, as Maeglin grew, Aredhel became
Lvi: 34. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Astrologer. Home: Menelcar­ closer to her son. When she fled from Eol and tried to establish her
ca, Mumakan. A ka: (S. "Lord of the Heights" ?); The Astrologer; son's claim to the throne of Gondolin, Edl followed her. Quarreling
A rael (S. "Lord of the Stars"). before Turgon's royal seat, the incensed Eol fired a poisoned dart
at Maeglin, but Aredhel interposed herself in the missile's path. She
RM Stats: St-86; Qu-99; Em-89; In-lOa; Pr-102; Ag-97,' Co-98; Me-97;
died from the wound, and fell before her kin in the halls of youth.
Re-98; SD-95. MERP Stats: St-86; Ag-97,' Co-98; Ig-98; It-lOa; Pr-102.
Aredhel was tall (6'5 "), had dark hair, and possessed a pale,
Appearance: 104.
transluscent complexion. She wore only silver or white, earning the
name Ar-Feiniel, the White Lady.
Charming and yet somewhat reclusive, Arduval was solitary master
Aredhel's Special Powers:
of the lofty Ardan observatory Menelcarca (S. "Fang of the
Spells - 350 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Ranger base
Heavens"). He served faithfully the Dark cause, his accomplishments
including the corruption of the Starseer Conclave. Legends tell that lists to 50th lvi, five Open Channeling lists to 10th Iv!.
the Menelcarca, situated upon a lone, sheer mountain, was so high Aredhel's Lesser Items of Note:
that Arduval could actually talk to Morgoth in the Void. There is Locket is X6 (Channeling) PP multiplier; long bow + 60 OB,
no basis for such ideas, however. can be fired 2x/rd without penalty and each arrow delivers
In appearance, Arduval was 6'6" tall, slender, with curly brown 2x usual hits; short sword + 45 green laen blade yields 3x
hair and pale blue eyes. usual hits and slays canines; armor is AT RLlI2 ( + 50 DB);
cloak provides + 30 bonus for hiding and swimming
Arduval's Principal Items:
Pendant -A I" diameter crystal orb with a tiny pentagram
maneuvers; boots enable wearer to use either Limbrunning,
etched within. It is a x4 Astrologer PP enhancer, allows free Sandrunning, or Stonerunning spell for up to 1 0 minutes (60
rds) per day; hood provides + 30 bonus to perception rolls
use of Mentalist Brilliance to 30th level, and creates an en hac­
and protects wearer's head as a full helm.
ed A ura at a thought, providing + 30 to DB.

Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for Read Sil 60-61, 131-38, 305, 358.
Arduval's Special Powers:
Spells - 102 PP. x4 item. All Base Astrologer lists to 30th
Iv I; Channeling Barrier law list to 10th; Mentalist Telekinesis,
Movement, Mind's Door, and Cloaking lists to 10th Ivl.
56 Elves!A rminas through Arwen

Arwen was known for her glowingly dark beauty, which was
reminiscent of her ancestor Luthien. Because of this exquisite
Lvi: 35. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Dortho­
countenance and her sublime nature (and the waning of the Elves'
nion; later Falas. A ka: (S. "Royal Tower").
presence in Endor), she was known as the Evening Star of her people.
RM Stats:; Co-104; SD-98; Ag-I02; Me-lOl; Re- 70; Sf-105; Qu-lOl; Arwen's Principal Item:
Pr-94; In-45; Em-97. MERP Stats: Ag-102; Co-I04; Ig- 70; In-4S; Elven Cloak (ImladagoUo) - (S. "Cloak of the Deep Valley")
Pr-94; St-105. Appearance: 93. This hooded, grey-green cloak provides wearer with a + 50
bonus for hiding and stalking maneuvers and enables wearer
Arminas was a Noldo warrior who followed Angrod before the a + 1 00 bonus for climbing, acrobatics, or landing maneuvers.
latter's death in the Battle of Sudden Flame (the Fourth Battle against
Morgoth). He later dwelt with the Sinda shipwright Cirdan in the Crown of Arwen - This delicate, mithril symbol is shaped
Havens of Sirion in Falas. From there, Arminas (accompanied by like a leafy wreath. It is a x6 (Mentalism/Channeling) PP
Gelmir) carried a vital warning from the Vala Ulmo to the Noldor multiplier which negates 60070 of head criticals (roll 01-60)
at Nargothrond. This dispatch was unfortunately unheeded by Turin, and acts as a full helm (without impeding spell-casting).
leading to the disaster at the Battle of Tumhalad. Arwen's Special Powers:
As suggested by his name, Arminas was a stalwart fighter whose Spells - 45 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Bard base lists
tremendous strength enabled him to hold his ground against most to 1 0th lvl; knows five Open Mentalism lists to 10th Iv!.
foes. His loyalty, dependability, and determination made him a fine Arwen's Lesser Items of Note:
herald and a superb messenger. He was also a great rider who, while Long-knife acts as a + 45 Holy rapier which yields a 20th
not particularly brilliant, possessed an excellent memory. level Sleep spell whenever it delivers a critical strike (1 rd per
Arminas' Special Powers: 10 RR failure); royal gowns are non-encumbering and serve
Spells -70 PP. x2 PP multiplier. Knows Essence's Percep­ as AT RLl12 ( + 35 DB) and provide wearer with + 25 bonus
tions, Physical Enhancement, and Elemental Shields lists to for all moving maneuvers).
5th Iv!.
Arminas' Lesser Items of Note: Read LotRI 299-300,303,307,313,486;
War Hammer + 35, glows faint blue within 1000' (and bright LotRIII 56,150,300,310,312,421-428,456.
blue within 100') of Orcs, delivers 2x usual hits, and yields
an Impact crit (of same severity) in addition to any critical
strike; armor is AT PII20 ( + 35 DB) and has a minimum Arwen
maneuver penalty of -0; full shield + 35; saddle provides + 20
to riding maneuvers; long bow + 30, fires silently.

Read Sit 212.

Lvi: IS. Race: Half-elf. Profession: Bard. Home: jor nearly 3000 years
in Imladris, then Gondol; jinally Ldrien. Aka: (S. "Royal Maiden "),
Evenstar (Q. "Undomiel"); Daughter oj Twilight.

RM Stats:; Co-90; SD-94; Ag-99; Me-lOl; Re-97; St-84; Qu-102;

Pr-105; In-lOO; Em-lOO. MERP Stats: Ag-99; Co-90; Ig-lOO; In-lOO;
Pr-l05; St-84. Appearance: 104.

Arwen was the beautiful Eldarin daughter of Elrond and Celebrian.

Born in T.A. 241, she lived with her family in Rivendell (S. "Imladris")
throughout her early life, until after the War of the Ring. When she
married Aragorn in T.A. 3019 (after a 39 year engagement), she was
over twenty-seven hundred years old.
Arwen moved to Minas Tirith in Gondor following her wedding,
and she lived there as Queen until her husband's death in F.A. 1 20.
She then retreated to Lorien, where she spent her last months. Upon
her passing in the winter of F.A. 1 2 1 , she was buried on the Cerin
Amroth, where she and Aragorn had pledged their love some 1 62
years before.
Like her father Elrond and her uncle Elros, Arwen had the choice
of life accorded to all Half-elves (S. "Peredhil"). She could live and
die as a mortal human or she could select the course of the immor­
tal Firstborn. A fter marrying Aragorn, she chose his fate, and thus
became morta!. Arwen gave Aragorn a number of children, including
one son, and together they enjoyed many golden years before shar­
ing the "gift of death:'
Elves/Beleg through Berzithiel 57


C'iame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov !';otes


Aegnor ( I ) 90 225 PI!20 1 50 Y40 A/L 380th* 3501b* 50 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, son o f Finarfin.
Aegnor ( I I ) 30 175 Ch/20 90 Y20 AIL 200bs* 1 601b 40 Noldo Mage/Alchemist a master smith of Ost-in-Edhil.
Amarie 1 05 200 R Ll I 2 1 50 + N A/L 1 50da* 1 60da* 50 Vanya Animist/Cleric (Healer, Astrologer).
Amras 70 215 RLl I 2 95 N AIL 260th 3 1 01b* 60 Noldo Ranger, Hanor's son and Amrod's twi n .

Amrod 70 215 RLl I 2 95 N A/L 260th 3 1 01b* 60 Noldo Ranger, Hanor's son and Amras' twi n .
Amroth 32 155 Ch/ 1 7 1 00 Y20 A/L 1 90bs/th 1 301b 35 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, King o f L6rien (early reign).
40 1 65 PII20 1 30 Y30 AIL 245bs 200lb 45 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, King o f L6rien (late reign).
Angrod 95 235 Ch/ 1 5 130 N A/L 395f1* 3601b* 50 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, son o f Finarfin.

Annael 50 155 RLl I 2 175 + N A/L 225 H M A * 250ky* 80 Sinda Bard/Monk, foster father of Tuor.
Aranwe 40 100 No/I 55 N N 1 2055 50da 30 Noldo Mage/Magician, servant of Ulmo, father of Voronwe.
Ardana 40 1 00 No/ I l iS + N N 1 20ma* 601b 50 Noldo Mage/Astrologer o f the Court o f Ardor.
Arduval 34 1 20 Nol l 1 20 + N N 1 20da* 1 00da* 40 Noldo Mage/Astrologer of the Court of Ardor.

Aredhel 70 205 RLl I 2 1 05 N A/L 200ss* 2551b* 60 Noldo Ranger, daughter of Fingolfin, wife of Eol .
Arminas 35 1 70 PII20 140 Y35 A/L 255wh* 2451b 50 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, herald and messanger.
Arwen 15 90 R Ll I 2 95+ N AIL 1 60rp' 1 35ky 50 Half-elf Bard, daughter of Elrond, wife o f Aragorn.

------ BELEG ------

Lvi: 75. Race: Sinda. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Doriath. Although the sword is intelligent, it is mute. Its subtle,
Aka: (S. "Mighty "), Be/eg Cutha/ion (5. "Mighty Strongbow"), the malicious evil can be tied to the hate its maker's hate. The
Bow. sword will attempt to cast a 40th Ivl Friends/ayer Curse spell
RM Stats:; Co-J04; SD-90; Ag-J08; Me-84; Re-87; St-104; Qu-J06; (Curses list, Iv1 25) on its owner/wielder lx/day. It is the mate
Pr-103; In-92; EII1-89. MEI?P Stats: Ag-108; Co-J04,' Ig-89; 1n-92; of Anguirel, stolen by maeglin from his own father.
Pr-103; St-J04. Appearance: 89. Bow (Belthronding) - Beleg's great black yew bow. A + 88
holy weapon, it may fire 2 arrows/rd without penalty and
Beleg was a Sindarin warrior and woodsman, and chief of the has lOx normal long bow range. It only fumbles on a 01, and
marchwardens of Doriath. He was, perhaps, the finest Elvish archer neither its stock or string will break. Only a person with a
to ever draw a bow. + 40 or more strength bonus can string it, however. Yields
His deeds befitted this legend. He fought alongside the Edain in 3x normal hits and delivers an Impact critical (of two less
their early struggles against Morgoth's Orcs, and later he helped the severity Ivls) whenever it yields a critical strike result.
Western Army in the futile struggle at the Fifth Battle against the
Beleg's Lesser Items of Note:
Black Enemy (Battle of Unnumbered Tears). When the Demon-wolf
Sword + 50 Orc- and Troll-slaying sword, used prior to ob­
Carcharoth ravaged Doriath, he aided his lord Elwe and stood beside
taining Anglachel; armor is AT PlI20 ( + 50 DB) which wears
the dying Beren.
as if wearer had no armor; cloak provides + 50 bonus for
Beleg was a fast friend of the Adan bandit Turin Turambar, who
all hiding maneuvers.
shared Beleg's love for adventure. Together, they campaigned along
the northern frontier, clearing much of the region of marauding Orcs.
Read Sil 190,225-6,230,243-8,251- 7,2 78.
However, when Turin was captured by Orcs, Beleg met his end. The
mighty bowman sought to rescue his Mannish friend, but Turin -
mistaking his ally for an Orc hiding in the darkness - cut down
Lvi: 2 7. Race: Sinda. Profession: Mage/Sorcerer. Home: Osgiliath.
Beleg with the Elven warrior's own weapon (the great sword
A ka: (S. "Maiden Queen"); Witch of Osgiliath; Cat-mistress;
Daughter of the Queen; B/ack Queen; the Exiled Queen.
Beleg's Principal Items:
Sword (Anglachel) - (S. " Iron-flame") The great, black RM Stats:; Co-66; SD-93; Ag-96; Me-JOO; Re-100; St-58; Qu-JOO;
Galvorn two-handed sword made by Eol. The spiteful smith Pr-J02; In-J01; Em-J01. MERP Stats: Ag-96; Co-66; Ig-J01; In-J01;
gave it to Elwe in return for a land grant, but Elwe's wife Pr-J02; Sf-58. Appearance: J03.
Melian claimed that the blade was cursed with its maker's
malice. Beleg later acquired it from the arms stores at Beruthiel was the Sinda queen of Tarannon, the 1 2th King of Gon­
Menegroth. Anglachel is a + 90 two-handed weapon that per­ dor (T.A. 830-913). Notorious for her bitter, self-imposed isolation
forms like a bastard sword. It may be wielded with I hand in the royal tower at Osgiliath, she was a unfortunate choice for
with a -20 OB penalty. The galvorn blade treats a foe's ar­ Queen.
mor (but galvorn and ithilnaur) as if he had none (i.e., AT Tarannon was initially infatuated by her strange beauty, but he
I ). An Unholy weapon, it also delivers an extra Heat and later grew to hate her presence. Increasingly unloved, she shied away
an extra Slash critical (of one less severity Ivl) in addition from her spouse and began to pursue sinister forms of magic. Only
to any critical strike it yields. Hit results are 2x normal. her brood of foul but faithful Cats (nine black; one white) enjoyed
her trust.
58 ElveslBerzithiel through Cambragol

Beruthiel's subjects reviled her so much that they consciously ---- BLADORTHIN ----
destroyed virtually every record referring to her rule. She was accus­
Lvi: 26. Race: Sinda. Profession: Scout/Rogue. Home: Dol A mroth;
ed of being a Witch in the service of Darkness, and Gondor's ills
later Edhellond.
were frequently tied to her supposed enchantments.
As the years passed, tales of Beruthiel's hate multiplied. Gon­ RM Stats:; Co-97,' SD-65; Ag-100; Me-80; Re-99; Sf-103; Qu-JOJ;
dorians spoke of how she hated the sounds and smell of the sea, Pr-89; In-95; Em- 78. MERP Stats: Ag-JOO; Co-97; Jg-99; In-95; Pr-89;
as well as the home Tarannon built for her. Ascetic, she abhorred Sf-103. Appearance: 83.
color and adornment, preferring to wear only simple black and silver
garb. Her bare chambers followed a similar color scheme, which sug­ King called "The Great" because of his ominous size and great
gested the image of a mausoleum. Her only decor, a host of strength, and the great weapons and armor he commissioned for his
tormented sculptures, filled the private gardens of the palace she soldiers. However, he was an overly cunning king, seldom speaking
despised. or acting without ulterior motives. Some denied his lineage claim­
Beruthiel was also rather frightening, for she conversed with her ing various sorts of nefarious falsification or substitution. His ac­
cats, and read their minds and perceptions. Using them as eyes and tions and obsessions with the thieving arts did little to allay this
ears, the Queen terrorized her numerous enemies. Eventually, no one perception. His assassination is generally thought to have come from
in Gondor dared touch one of the little beasts, and they frequently within his own realm, possibly his own bodyguards who were pro­
cursed whenever t hey happened to see one. bably more noble than he.
It was not surprising that Tarannon died as Gondor's first childless Bladorthin was a lover of the spear, having spent overmuch time
King; nor was it considered extreme when he placed his wife and in training both for combat and throwing, and also designing and
her heinous pets alone upon a ship, setting the adrift in the Bay of commissioning especially well made or magical spears. The last spears
Belfalas. The end seemed oddly fitting, as Beruthiel was last seen commissioned were from the Dwarves of Erebor, "each had a thrice­
sailing south past Umbar "under a sickle moon, with a cat at the forged head and their shafts were inlaid with cunning gold, but they
masthead and another as a figure-head on the prow.' were never delivered or paid for.'
Beruthiel's Principal Items: B1adorthin's Special Powers:
Robes of the Black Moon AT No/ I , they give wearer a
- Spells- 26 PP. x2 PP multiplier. Knows Cloaking, Attack
+ 33 bonus to his DB and all RR's. Avoidance, Brilliance, and Illusions to 5th Iv!.
Bladorthin's Lesser Items of Note:
Cat-skull Necklace -+ 33 DB. x6 (Sorcerer) PP multiplier
which multiplies ranges for familiars by x66. Enables wearer Galvorn Tipped Spear + 45 (triple concussion hits, 5x ranges,
to simultaneously maintain nine cat familiars. does additional Cold crits, user can also make a second at­
tack each round with the butt of the spear against the same
Dagger (Little Claw) - Strikes as a + 33 Short Sword which target as a quarter staff), armor (AT:PI!19 DB: + 30, silenc­
yields 2x usual hits (and 4x bleeding hits). Tied to an en­ ed, encumbers as AT:Ch/14), Cloak of Stealth ( + 30DB,
chanted and demonic Cat-creature, any hits the dagger yields S/H + 30), Boots of Litheness ( + 20 on moving and adrenal
increase the beast's hit allowance by a like amount. Wielder maneuvers, silenced, + I S S/H), + 25 lock picks.
can summon the Cat-demon with 1-10 rds concentration, but
the 10th Ivl Demon must fail its RR in order for summoner Read Hob 220
to control it. (Failure to control it means Demon will attack
summoner on roll of 01-50.) If summoned, it fights as a Tiger

for 2-20 rds.

Panther Boots - + 33 bonus to all maneuvers, and allows Lvi: 35. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Monk. Home: Valinor, later
wearer to fast sprint on all non-glassy solid surfaces at any Beleriand, then finally Mirisgroth, in the Mumakan. Aka: (S. "Sud­
angle up to verticle. Imbedded Landing spell canm be cast den Hand"); Karol Dekdarion; The Monk.
RM Stats: Sf-100; Qu-lOJ; Em-99; In-89; Pr-JOJ; Ag-100; Co-99; Me-9J,'
The Cat's Cloak -invisibility 3x daily, doubles hearing, + 33 Re-88; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-100; Ag-100; Co-99; Ig-95; It-89; Pr-lOl.
to perception attempts, wearer may dialogue with all feline Appearance: 102.
beasts, + 33 hiding maneuvers.
Beruthiel's Special Powers: One of the most cruel Elves to ever live, Cambragol went with his
Spells - I PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Sorcerer base lists Noldo brethren to recover the Silmarils, but Endor only awakened
to 20th Iv!. Knows Gate Mastery, Spirit Mastery, Lofty his lust for power. He was quickly seduced by Morgoth and became
Movements, Nature' La w, and Nature's Guises lists to 20thlv!' one of Sauron's lieutenants.
Knows five evil Channeling and/or Essence lists to 10th lvi, There can be little doubt that Cambragol assassinated Drul
six Open Essence or Open Channeling lists to 10th level, and Chaurka, his predecessor ruler of Mirisgroth. The Monk consolidated
three Closed Essence or Closed Channeling to 10th Iv!. his position in a manner which would have made the Black Enemy
proud. One of the most physically powerful of the Noldor, Cam­
Read LotR! 405; UT 40J-2. bragol utilized and corrupted the unarmed combat skills he originally
learned from Tulkas. He turned killing into a brutal art.
The Monk, being of the house of Finrod, had golden-blond curly
hair and blue eyes. Tall and muscular of build, Cambragol was a truly
imposing presence.
Elves/Cambragol through Caranthir 59

CambragoI's Principal Items: CARANTHIR ----

Bracers - (of Dekdarion), four (2 ankle, 2 wrist) bands of Lvi: 65. Race: Naldo. Profession: Scout/Rogue. Home: Thargelion
gold, which add + 30 to the following: all Strikes, Sweeps (the easternmost part of Beleriand), then to the region of Beleriand
and Throws, , maneuvers, DB, RR's vs spells. They allow the of A mras and A mrad, after Nirnaeth Arnoediad in Ossiriand. A ka:
wearer to parry melee and missile attacks with equal ease. The Dark.
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for RM Stats: Co-I04,' SD-60; Ag-I07; Me-72; Re-90; St-106; Qu-107;
details. Pr-lOO; In-98; Em-88 MERP Stats: Ag-107; Co-J04,' Ig-90; In-98;
CambragoI's Special Powers: Pr-lOO; St-106. Appearance: 96.
Spells 70 PP. x3 item. Cambragol knows all the Monk

Base lists to 30th Ivl; Essence Essence Hand, Essence Percep­ A Noldorin prince, the fourth son of Feanor. Of all the sons of
tions, and Unbarring Ways lists to 1 0th. Feanor he was the quickest to anger, the most harsh in retaliation
Cambragol's Lesser Items of Note: of real or supposed affronts, a poor judge of character, and one prone
Kynac which is + 25 (strikes as a + 40 rapier) and can be to misunderstandings and missed opportunities. Exemplary in this
thrown up to 200' without distance penalty, returns instant­ regard is his underrating of the valor of the Edain and so indirectly
ly; headband which protects as a helm and is a x3 pp increasing the losses of the Haladin; or his unreasoned hatred of the
enhancer; robes, nonencumbering, will cast Invisibility sons of Finarfin thus causing much discord between the Noldor and
Ix/rnd; belt casts Fly 3x/day, Landing True as needed. King Thingo!. Naturally, he had quickly taken the awful Oath of
See ICE's Court of A rdor 1 7, 23, 44-45. Caranthir was the first Elf to encounter the Dwarves, who at that
time were beyond the Ered Luin in the cities of Nogrod and Belegost.
CAMRING * As a result of this early encounter, all future trade between the
Lvi: 34. Race: Noldo. Profession: A nimist/Healer. Home: Beleriand; Dwarves and Elves passed through Caranthir's hands, making him
then Aurax-Dur in Mumakan. A ka: (S. "Chill Hand"). and his people very wealthy.
Caranthir was responsible for guarding the difficult eastern front
RM Stats: St-95; Qu-99; Em-99; In-lOI; Pr-97; Ag-98; Co-lOI; Me-98; against Morgoth. A fter the collapse of the front in the Dagor
Re-67; SD-56. MERP Stats: St-95; Ag-98; Co-lOl; Ig-65; It-l0l; Pr-97. Bragolloach, Caranthir then dwelt with his brothers Amras and
Appearance: 94. Amrod. He fought valiantly in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and was
wounded; however, it was Caranthir's allies under Vidor the Accursed,
A reluctant member of the Court of Ardor, Cam ring was a Healer the non-Edain Men of the East, who betrayed the Eldar that day
bound by Ardana's charisma and a hopeless love for Morelen, her and caused the terrible defeat.
daughter. He remained almost exclusively at Auraxdur, healing the Afterwards, Caranthir with his other most unwise brethren
wounded. (Curufin and Celegorm) lived a restless, homeless, and destructive
Camring was of average height and powerfully built -though he life in Beleriand. All three were killed when they assaulted the
fought only when absolutely necesary to defend himself. He had dark Menegroth in an attempt to steal the Silmaril fighting against
brown eyes and short black hair. Thingol's heir Dior.

Camring's Principal Items: Caranthir's Principal Items:

Pendant (of Lirana) a 2" diameter flat topaz in gold setting, Sword (Caranlhach) - (S. "red leaping flame") + 50 red laen
it allowed the casting of Lifekeeping, also allows channel­ broadsword, does additional heat crits, Firebolt 5x hits + 50
ing of healing spells as far away as 1 00'. 5x/daily, Haste X 3/day.

Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see Ardor p. 25 for Crossbow (Cubeleg) - (S. "sudden bow") + 30 light
details. crossbow, reloads itself (fires every round with no penalty),
may be held and fired with one hand, does double concus­
Ring -Yellow sapphire in gold, it is a x5 PP enhancer, allows sion hits.
wearer to administer any herb without the usual preparation; Caranthir's Special Powers:
also serves as locator for other Court members to Teleport
Spells- 1 95 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows Item Lore, Cloak­
to Camring in an emergency.
ing, Brilliance, Self-Healing, Sense Mastery, and Movement
Camring's Special Powers: lists to 5th Iv!.
Spells - 102 PP. x5 PP item. Knows all Base Healer lists
Caranthir's Lesser Items of Note:
to 30th Ivl; Channeling Concussion's Ways, Calm Spirits lists
Armor (AT:PI!20 DB: + 45, silent, and unencumbering),
to 20th; Nerve Law, Muscle Law, Organ Law, Bone Law,
Cloak ( + 30DB, + 30 hiding, constant Landing True, Leap­
Blood Law lists to 25th, Purification to 10th.
ing 5x/daily), Full shield + 30 (unencumbering), Helmet (x5
Camring's Lesser Items of Note: PP Mentalism, permits casting of Mentalism spells, negates
Sword of defense, adds 30 to DB, will "dance" to defend him 50070 of head crits).
should he be stunned (or worse); headband acts as a helm
and allows underwater breathing; shield which casts either Read: Si/ 60, 83, 112-13, 124, 145-46, 153, 15 7, 192-93, 195, 236, 305
Bladeturn or Deflection I x/rnd, and + 20 vs directed spells;
cloak which casts Invisibility I x/rnd, and 300' Long Door
3x/day; sandals of Water Running.

See ICE's Court of A rdor 17, 20, 3 7.

60 Elves/Celebrian through Celebrimbor

CELEBRIAN Galadriel, dissapointed but no doubt un surprised by this turn of

events, led a contingent of her followers east, passing through Moria
Lvi: 35. Race: Sinda/Noldo. Profession: Bard/Seer. Home: Lorien,
into L6rinand.
Although Celeborn's history is not as illustrious as Galadriel's, he
RM Stats: Co-80; SD-J02; Ag-97; Me-J01; Re-98; St- 78; Qu-88; Pr-J02; is accounted wise, even among the Eldar, having lived for many
In-JOO; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-97; Co-80; Ig-100; In-99; Pr-102; thousands of years and seen many things both good and evil.
St- 78. Appearance: J02. Celeborn's Special Items:
Long Sword - Ithilnaur alloy, + 45 , Of Slaying Orcs.
A true Eldarin lady, Celebrian is the only child (apparently) of
Celeborn and Galadriel, the wife of Elrond, and the mother of Mithril Plate Ithilnaur alloy protects as full plate: AT 20

Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen Evenstar. (-30) but wears as AT 1 3 .

Tragically, Celebrian's travelling party was ambushed on a trip from Longbow -+ 30 to hit, fires every round without penalty,
Imladris to L6rien and overwhelmed by Orcs of the Misty Moun­ strung with Elf-hair (will not break), 2x normal range.
tains. Though she was rescued fairly soon by her sons and healed
of poisoned wounds by Elrond, she suffered so that she became weary Ring - gold, set with an emerald, + 30 to DB.
of Middle-earth and sailed over the Sea within a year.
Celebrian was gentle, peacful, kind and quiet. Naturally, from her Read LotR I 457, etc., 458-62, etc. LotR II 54-55, 88. LotR III 309-25.
lineage she is noble in bearing, tall (6'5") and blonde. But she does
See ICE's LOrien, 2 7-28, 56.
not care for things of violence: weapons or armor or war. Nor does
she carry herself with the arrogance or pride of so many in her family.

Rather she is meek and unobtrusive. She delights in children, hearth
and home, family, gardens, and things of quiet beauty. Often, in the
Lvi: 50(65). Race: High Noldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist (Fighter).
evenings, she delights in taking walks or swimming in the ponds and
Home: Originally Beleriand, Nargothrond, then Eregion until his
streams of blessed Imladris.
death in s.A. 1697. A ka: (5. "Silver Fist ':' Q. "Telperinquar':
Celebrian's Special Powers:
Spells - 70 PP. x7 PP multiplier. Knows all Seer base lists RM Stats: St-99; Qu-JOO; Em-J01; In-90; Pr-JOO; Ag-101; Co-98;
to 30th lvi, all Open and Closed Mentalism to 20th Iv!. Me-99; Re-94; SD- 76. MERP Slats: St-99; Ag-101; Co-98; Ig-85; It-97;
Pr-100. Appearance: JOO
Celebrian's Lesser Items of Note:
Silver or white gowns ( + 30db, + 20 moving maneuvers, + 25
Among the greatest of the Noldorin Elves, Celebrimbor (S. "Hand
S/H), + 30 silver laen dagger, x7 PP Mentalism golden rod
of Silver") the Smith was born and lived his early life in Nargothrond,
(non-attack spells do not fumble, store 3 spells up to 20th
and studied the ways of his grandfather, Hanor ("Spirit of Fire").
level, Seer spells ranges mUltiplied x5, Displacement III
When the War of the Jewels ended, he, with many of his fellows,
went eastward over the Blue Mountains. There they founded the realm
of Eregion, and he established the Gwaith-i-Mirdain.
Important Dates: T.A. 100 marries Elrond, T.A. 2509 captured and
Celebrimbor is arguably the second-greatest smith in the history
tormented by Orcs, T.A . 2510 leaves for the Undying Lands.
of Middle-earth, surpassed only by Feanor, who created the silmarils
and the palant{ri. Although Celebrimbor never lived himself in the
Read: LotR 300, 486; LotRIII 401, 456, 459
Undying Lands, he spent many years in Beleriand working with the
most illustrious Eldarin smiths, honing his skills. He also has Feanor's
fiery spirit.
CELEBORN A tall Noldo (6'8"), Celebrimbor is also very strong with a large
Lvi: 40. Race: Teleri (Sinda). Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: bone structure, giving him a commanding presence. His hair is dark
Doriath in Beleriand; Lorien. brown; his eyes are a dark, silvery grey. His glance can be as sharp
as knives, but often his eyes hold a distant softness, an almost wistful
RM Stats: St-JOO; Qu-J01; Em-82; In-96; Pr-JOO; Ag-99; Co-J01; look. It is a poorly kept secret that he loves the lady Galadriel. As
Me-96; Re-97; SD-95. MERP Stats: St-100; Ag-99; Co-101; Ig-96; It-96; a token of his affection, Celebrimbor forged for her a second Elessar
Pr-JOO. Appearance: 100. ("Elf-stone"), a powerful item which has the power to stay the weary­
ing effects of time.
A kinsman of Elu Thingol ("Greyc!oak"), Celeborn was a Sindar In manner the master Smith is soft-spoken, but he has a deserved
of royal blood. He met Galadriel when she came to Doriath in the reputation for impatience with others. Few pupils are bright enough
First Age to learn from Melian the Maia. There they lived together to follow his instruction, and those who are not he has no time to
until that land was overrun, and they fled eastward over the Blue coddle. Celebrimbor is also a basically secretive person; he only shared
Mountains. his techniques of ringmaking with Annatar grudgingly and in return
After the fall of Beleriand, he and Galadriel went east of the Blue for considerable knowledge from the Lord of Gifts. Unfortunately
Mountains and established the realm of Eregion. With his wife he for the Smith, Sauron the Maia probably learned more from his mind
ruled Eregion until Celebrimbor led a bloodless uprising against them. than Celebrimbor might have guessed. Neither could have achieved
But when Galadriel went to L6rinand, Celeborn remained behind as much without the other, but Sauron's efforts - though effective
in Eregion, refusing to pass through the Dwarven-city. He remained - lacked the subltety of the Elven works. In the end Celebrimbor
there for many years, living in a fortified country house, taking no was taken by Sauron while desperately defending the gates of his
part in the affairs of Ost-in-Edhi!. beloved Guild-hall. The Dark Lord tortured him to death trying
without success to learn the hiding places of the Three Elven Rings.
Elves/Celebrimbor through Celegorm 61

Celebrimbor's Principal Items CELEGORM

Lesser Elven Ring of mithril with a clear gem, + 33 to

Lvi: 65. Race: Noldo. Profession: Scout/Rogue (Ranger, A nimist).

DB, Invisibility once/round, adds 33 to RR's against all
Home: Aglon and Himlad, Nargothrond, Ossiriand. Aka: the Fair,
realms of Power, acts as a x9 PP enhancer (both may be us­
the Huntsman of the Noldor.
ed), will Haste the wearer at will.
RM Stats: CoI06; Sd70; AgI07; Me80; Re90; StI06; QuI06; PrI03;
Broadsword (Stilhelka) (Q. " Icy Wind") A clear laen (en­

InI06; Em 78. MERP Stats: AgI07; CoI06; 1988; In106; PrI03; StI06.
chanted glass) broadsword with an edge of Eog, + 45, it is
Appearance: 104.
highly intelligent and empathic, acts as a Holy weapon. It
is able to Long Door, instantly appearing in Celebrimbor's
Celegorm was a Noldorin prince, the third son of Feanor. He was
hand from as far as 100 miles away. Of Cold, it gives off a
very fair to behold. He was accounted among the close followers of
chilling mist and delivers a Cold Critical equal in severity
the Vala Orome and became the most wood-crafty of all the Noldorin
to any other critcal given. It gives 3x damage to creatures
Elves. He was also - initially at least - valiant, for he played a
of fire. The wielder is immune to all cold. Sulhelka is also
heroic part in the first battle against Angband. Additionally,
capable of summoning 3x per day the Uttercold, which ap­
Celegorm was the master of the great hound Huan.
pears as a stream of blue-white energy, firing from the tip
However, it was Celegorm and his closest friend and ally Curufin
of the sword. It is considered Channeling because of the
who were most severely affected by the Oath of Feanor. They became
unusual nature of the power. Items which normally protect
cunning and evil, greedy and proud. Both became unable to tell friend
the wearer from cold have no effect. The Uttercold may take
from foe. Huan left Celegorm to aid Beren and Luthien, twice even
one of three forms:
frustrating Celegorm's attempts to abduct Luthien, and helping her
to escape when the twisted Celegorm finally suceeded. Celegorm's
(I) Transform up to 10,000 cubic feet of water to ice in one
greatest evil was done when he attempted to steal the Nauglamir
Silmaril in Menegroth. There Celegorm was slain by Dior, Thingol's
(2) Deliver a 100' radius Cold Bali, centered up to 300' away heir.
with no range subtraction and a base + 30, x6 concussion hits.
Celegorm's Principal Items:
(3) Fire the ley Wind, the concentrated power of the sword Bow (Aracu) - (S. "noble bow") + 60, fumbles only on a
aimed at a single target up to 600' away. Using the Ice Bolt I , can fire 2 arrows/rnd with no penalty, ranges 2x normal,
table, it has no range subtraction, a base + 90, and delivers arrows fired are "of slaying" Trolls and Orcs.
,9 damage.
Celegorm's Special Powers:
Mithril Chain: improved Ithilnaur alloy protects as full plate Spells - 390 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Ranger base
(AT 20, + 30 to DB) but wears as AT 1 3 . lists to 50th lvi, knows all Animist base lists to 20th lvl.
Celegorm's Lesser Items of Note:
Amulet - Highly intelligent, it can analyze any material or
Talisman (x6 PP Channeling; + 30 to DB, hiding, and mov­
alloy within 30 feet, stores (and can cast) up to three lOth­
ing maneuvers), armor (AT:RL/12 DB: + 50, unencumbering,
level Essence spells/day, and adds + 33 to all forging
no penalties), gloves: + 40 (acrobatics, tumbling, climbing,
and swimming maneuvers); boots (constant Limbrunning,
Celebrimbor's Special Powers: Sandrunning, Stonerunning); cloak & hood + 30 (perception
Spells - 3 50 PP. x9 PP item. Celebrimbor knows all Base rolls, hiding, negate 50070 head crits, protect head as full
Alchemist lists to 50th lvi, as well as the Base Magician Light helm); broadsword + 45 (green laen, triple concussion hits,
Law, Wind La w, Ice Law, and Fire Law lists, to 20th . He has of slaying carnivores, Orcs, and Trolls); full shield + 35 (green
all Open and Closed Essence lists to 20th, except Invisibili­ laen, floats in water, unencumbering).
ty, Delving Ways, Unbarring Ways, and Elemental Shields,
which he has to 50th lvl. Celebrimbor also possesses many Read Sil 60, 62, 83, 107, 123, 152, 169- 70, 1 72- 73, 1 76- 77, 192-93, 195,
researched Alchemy spells beyond the scope of the usual lists. 236, 305
Celebrimbor's Lesser Items of Note:
Composite Bow of Dir-wood and shaalk, + 45 to hit, fires
every round without penalty, strung with elf-hair (will not
break); bowguard of fine leather and shaalk, + 20 to all
bowfire, -2 to chance of fumble; Gloves of Eog and Shaalk
which confer total protection of hands and arms from heat,
electricity and cold, natural or magical, and allow wearer to
work as if not wearing gloves (non-encumbering); face shield
of laen, shaalk and other elements, provides total protection
of face and neck from heat, light, electricity and cold, natural
or magical (will darken to protect eyes from bright light);
circlet of mithril and adamant, protects as a full helm, and
also has a 50070 chance of negating any head or neck critical.

Read UT 235-8, 224, 250-2, 254; Sil 214, 355, 357; LotR 318, 332, 398.

See ICE's LOrien 15, 21-22, 31, 56.

62 ElveslCfrdan through Curubor

CIRDAN Bracers (Ossanna) - (S. "gift of Osse"), white eog and mithril
Lvi: 60. Race: Sinda. Profession: A nimistlCleric. Home: Falas, the bracers, A lkar at will, x8 PP all realms, + 30 on all ship and
Isle of Balar, Grey Havens, the Undying Lands. A ka: (5. "ship water maneuvers, allows use of Water Law to 50th and Li­
maker"). quid A lteration (Mystic base spell list) to 30th Iv!.

RM Stats:; Co-96; SD-103; Ag-99; Me-106; Re-103; St-96; Qu-l02; Sphere (Gaergil) - (S. "sea star") clear laen sphere (1'
Pr-lOl; In-108; Em-98. MERP Stats: Ag-99; Co-96; Ig-103; In-l08; diameter), + 50 Navigation rolls, casts Weather Mastery at
Pr-lOl; St-96. Appearance: 96. 100th level using the caster's PP).

Ring (Sfilrostur) -(S. "master of wind and foam"), mithril

One of the wisest and most heroic in spirit of all the Elves. Cir­ ring with a large star sapphire: may independently control
dan was an Elf of the Teleri, of the family of the Sindar. He stayed the "wind in the sails" of up to 1 mph/lvl for up to 1 ship/Iv!.
in Middle-earth on the shores of the Falas at the urging of the Maia Ships must be visibly seen.
Osseo Cirdan and his people were thus called the Falathrim ("coast
dwellers"). Cirdan was both a great mariner and shipwright. Ring (Narya the Great) -the Elven Ring of Fire, through
Cirdan avoided all of the terrible quarrels between the Noldor and the Second Age until T.A. 1000. For stats see the Article on
Sindar. He was close to Elwe and Finrod. Most often he guarded Gandalf.
the coasts from any naval assault issued from Angband. He was on Cirdan's Special Powers:
the field of battle at least once when he led a seaborne force to relieve Spells 420 PP. x8 PP multiplier. Knows all Cleric and

Fingon dangerously beleagured in Hithlum. He was entrusted with Animist base lists to 50th lvi, all Open and Closed Channel­
the Elvish ring of power Narya the Great, the Ring of Fire (later given ing lists to 20th Iv!.
by him to Gandalf). Cirdan was in the host with Gil-galad at the Cirdan's Lesser Items of Note:
side of the last King of Lindon, and sorrowed as Gil-galad fell to Full shield + 35 (unencumbers, floats in water); War Ham­
Sauron. mer + 45 (ithilnaur, floats in water, does additional Impact
In the First Age, Cirdan dwelt in the Falas until it was overun. and Unbalancing crits, if used to parry and the parry strikes
Then he remained hidden with his people on the Isle of Balar. Dur­ casts a 30th level Weapon Slayer); heavy crossbow + 35 (floats
ing the Second and Third Ages Cirdan was Lord of the Grey Havens, in water, may be fired every round without penalty).
where he supervised the construction of many great ships. At the
end he sailed west himself on the last ship to leave Endor. Read Sit 58, 92, 96, 120, 128, 196, 212, 244, 246, 247, 254, 298, 299,
300, 304; LotRI 315, 320; LotRIII 383-84, 396, 397

Lvi: 24. Race: Noldo. Profession: Scout/Rogue. Home: Mirisgroth.
Aka: (5. "Clever Hands"); Persuvious.

RM Stats: St-lOl; Qu-lOl; Em- 78; In-64; Pr-96; Ag-IOO; Co-99; Me-89;
Re-85; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-lOl; Ag-lOl; Co-99; Ig-90; It-64; Pr-96.
Appearance: 93.

Serving The Monk in Mirisgroth, Curubor's position in the Court

of Ardor was primarily as a consultant on various devices and in­
stallations. Second only to Morthaur in his understanding of
mechanical contrivances such as elaborate traps and locks, he was
constantly in demand.
Curubor stood 6'5 " tall, with the classic Noldorin black hair and
brown eyes.
Curubor's Principal Items:
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
Cirdan was tall (7'4"). He has a most unusual physical trait for details.
an Elf in that by the end of the Third Age he began to look old and Curubor's Lesser Items of Note:
grew a long white beard. He was a member of the White Council Long Kynac + 30, mithrilleog alloy; main gauche, + 30, can
and was revered for his legendary wisdom. His ships were among parry up to three foes simultaneously; kynac + 30, 1 50' throw­
the finest ever built, white in color. ing range without penalty; longbow compact, + 25 .
Cirdan's Principal Items:
Armor (Gaerennon) (S. "sea armor" or "sea cloak")
See ICE's Court of A rdor 1 7, 23.
AT:Ch/16 DB: + 45, mithril and blue laen, no maneuver
penalties, unencumbering, floats in water).
Elves/Curufin through Daeron 63

CURUFIN ----- Curufin's Special Powers:
Lvi: 75. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist (Rogue). Home: Spells - 525 PP. x9 PP multiplier. Knows all Alchemist base
born in Valinor, then went to Middle-earth: dwelt in Himlad with lists to 50th (and some beyond), knows all open and closed
Celegorm before the Dagor Bragollach, then Nargothrond, then Essence to 50th lvi, knows Fire Law and Wind Law to 50th
Menegroth. A ka: the Crafty. Ivl.

RM Stats:; Co-lOO; SD-50; Ag-104; Me-lOO; Re-107; St-103; Qu-105; Read Sil 60, 83, 123, 1 52, 1 69-70, 172-73, 1 76-77, 192-93, 195, 236, 305.
Pr-101; In-94; Em-108. MERP Stats: Ag-104,' Co-lOO; Ig-108; In-94;
Pr-101; St-103. Appearance: 100.

Curufin was the fifth son of Feanor and most like him in skill Curufin
and disposition. Next to his father, he was the greatest craftsman
of all the Noldor and could have been a great help to his kin. He
was also known as a wonderful rider. H owever, he was the most evil
of the Noldor, being overwhelmed with ruthlessness, arrogance, pride,
and the terrible Oath of Feanor. The extent of his crimes was great:
with Celegorm he twice attempted to abduct and imprison Luthien
herself; they dominated the councils of Nargothrond and drove out
the rightful king Finrod; they finally succeeded in capturing Luthien
but Huan the hound of Valinor set her free and the two went to aid
Beren. In their most foul act they attacked Menegroth to take the
Silmaril committing more murders in the process. They were both
slain by Dior.
Curufin's Principal Items:
Knife (Angrist) - (S. "Iron Cutter") + 75 Black Eog dag­
ger made by Telchar of Nogrod, cuts iron easily, 4x concus­
sion hits, raise criticals one degree (A becomes B, B becomes
C, etc., E becomes E plus A), bleeding hits are doubled in
severity. This dagger was eventually taken from Curufin by

Longknife (Durcarak) - (S. "Dark Fang") + 45 black eog

dagger, hits as a broadsword (2x concussion hits), Slaying ----- DAERON -----
vs Elves, casts Speed 3x/daily. Curufin uses this dagger after Lvi: 90. Race: Sinda. Profession: Bard/Mystic (Bard). Home: Doriath,
he loses Angrist. eastern Middle-earth. A ka: (S. "Shadowed").
Lesser Elven Ring - + 33 DB, invisibility once/rnd, + 33 RM Stats:; Co-87; SD-96; Ag-104; Me-103; Re-101; St-88; Qu-102;
levels to RR's vs all realms of power, x9 PP enhancer. Pr-109; In-97,' Em-107. MERP Stats: Ag-104; Co-87; Ig-102; In-97;
Tabard (Naramba) - (Q. "Fire-shield") a sleeveless tunic for Pr-109; St-88. Appearance: 103.
alchemy and other exercises identical to Feanor's. Naramba
is cunningly woven of fine cloth as well as shalk and laen Daeron was a Sindarin Elf and is considered to have been the
filaments. The garb acts as AT:PII20 DB: + 66 and gives total greatest of all Elvish minstrels. He was the loremaster and bard of
protection from heat, electricity, or cold, magical or non­ King Thingol. Daeron fell deeply in love with Llithien, and twice
magical. The tunic also allows free use of the Fire Law list betrayed her to Thingol in the matter of Beren. When Luthien final­
to 50th Ivl. Its natural color is a soft, shimmering grey, but ly escaped Hirilorn, Daeron wandered off in despair to seek her. Even­
when defending against attack (it does so automatically) it tually he came to Eastern Middle-earth where for many, many years
becomes a brilliant reflective silvery field enveloping Curufin's he sang his love and loss of Luthien. Daeron finally disappeared in
entire body (treat as A lkar). The tunic does not encumber the knowledge and history of the Elves and his fate is entirely
at all. unknown. Perhaps he later dwelt for a time at Lond Daer, the ruins
at the mouth of the Greyflood river, marked on some maps of Middle­
Bracelets Also identical to Feanor's, they are matched wrist
guards of mithril, shalk and laen, protecting the hands and Daeron may be assumed to have been an extremely passionate, deft,
arms from the elements in the same manner as the Naramba. and skillful individual as no one compares with him musically in
Alchemy Tools - + 50; forge, bellows, etc. Middle-earth. His melodies were inspired by Luthien's beauty. Fur­
ther to his credit is his reworking of the ancient Grey-elven runic
Amulet - blood ruby set in mithrilliaen, highly intelligent, alphabet. This writing, the Cirth, is probably the oldest form of com­
can analyze any material or alloy within 33 feet, + 33 to all mon writing in Middle-earth as it was widely used by the other races.
forging operations, can store (and cast) up to 6 20th-level
Essence spells, if the wearer concentrates the amulet may at­
tempt to absorb any spell attack thrown at the wearer (50th
level to resist) and pass the power points of the spell to the
wearer and let him know what spell was thrown.
64 Elves/Daeron through Dior

Daeron's Principal Items: ------- DIOR -------

Harp (Tinculin) - (S. "Dream Harp" or "Dream Lute" x9 Lvi: 100. Race: Half-elf Profession: Bard/Magician (Fighter). Home:
pp for Mentalism, + I 1lvl to Bard base spell attack rolls ,
Tal Galen, Doriath lvi, Menegroth. A ka: Aranel (5. "The Beautiju/, ),
(maximum of 40), Bard spells with duration of concentra­ Eluchil (S. "Thingo/'s Heir").
tion last I rnd/lvl, Bard spell ranges increased xlO.
RM Stats:; Co-105; SD-88,' Ag-106; Me-95; Re-99; St-l07; Qu-107;
Cloak (Daecollo) - (S. "Shadow Cloak"), + 50 to DB, S/H, Pr-105; In-90; Em-104. MERP Stats: Ag-106; Co-107; Ig-104; In-90;
moving maneuvers. Pr-105; St-107. Appearance: 106.
Daeron's Special Powers:
Spells 540 PP. x9 PP multiplier. Knows all Bard base lists
- The son of Beren and Luthien, Dior was extremely beautiful, having
to 50th lvi, 3 Mystic Base lists (Confusing Ways, Hiding, the blood of three great races within him: Maiar, Edain, and Eldar.
Mystical Change) to 50th lvi, 5 Open or Closed Mentalism He was Thingol's heir. After Luthien died the second time, the
or Essence lists. Nauglamlr came to Dior. Inevitably, he was unable to resist its beauty,
Daeron's Lesser Items of Note: and wore it with the Silmari!. With the Nauglamlr and Silmaril about
Rapier + 45 (mithril, when it inflicts a critical result it casts him he was the most beautiful of all the children of Eru. Those who
Sleep spell at level 30, sleep for 1 rnd/ 1007o failure, double coveted the Silmaril who dared not to take it from Luthien now moved
bleeding results); armor (AT:PI/17 DB: + 50, encumbers as against Menegroth. Thus came no less than three sons of Feanor:
AT: RL/9, silent); kynac + 25 (hits as + 40 rapier, 3x normal Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir. Dior's great might in combat and
concussion hits, returns to thrower the following round). in magic is demonstrated in the outcome of the tragic battle for he
slew all three Noldorin princes but was also slain himself.
Read Sil 95, 113, 166, 172, 183, 357; LotRlII 493. Dior had married a kinswoman of Thingol named Nimloth and
conceived three children by her: Elurect, Elurln, and Elwing the White.
Dior himself was tall (7'8") and had the fair complexion and silver
hair of his father.
Dior's Special Powers:
Spells -500 PP. x8 PP multiplier. Knows all Magician base
lists to 50th lvi, all Open and Closed Essence to 20th Iv!.
Dior's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor (AT:PI120 DB: + 60, unencumbering, constant Alkar,
permits Essence casting with no penalties); full Shield + 45
(mithril and laen, floats and dances to defend wielder); two
handed sword + 60 (may be wielded with one hand, triple
DENETHOR concussion hits, Holy, additional Impact and Unbalancing
Lvi: 45. Race: Sinda. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Ossiriand. criticals, when wielded with two hands does 5x concussion
damage and slays weapons or shields at 30th level); three dag­
RM Stats:; Co-lOl; SD-98; Ag-I03; Me-90; Re-92; St-104; Qu-l04; gers + 45 (mithril and laen, hit as swords, use long bow
Pr-l02; In-93; Em-88. MERP Stats: Ag-103; Co-lOl; Ig-92; In-93; ranges, may Long Door back to wielder's hand within 5000',
Pr-102; St-104. Appearance: 93. causes additional Cold and Unbalancing criticals); ring
(emerald adamant and gold laen, x8 PP any realm, point of
Denethor was a Sindarin Elf-lord, of the Laiquendi of the Nan­ return for daggers, gives control of shield, store 3 spells/day
dor. He was the son of Lenwe who forsook the main Teleri host and simultaneously of any level).
left with his following into parts unknown. As the Eastern Lands
became more perilous, Denethor led the remaining Elves across the Important Dates: Born in the late 5th Century l .A., died very early
Ered Luin into Beleriand. He was reaquainted with the Sindar and in the 6th Century l .A.
was given Ossiriand to dwell in, the Land of Seven Rivers.
Denethor and the Laiquendi provided some desparately needed Read Sit 188, 234, 235-36; LatRI 261.
help for their allies in the First Battle of Beleriand, but he and his
people died in battle in a legendarily heroic stand. Such was ineviti­
ble in view of the Laiquendi's lightness of armor and weaponry, the
iron weapons of the Orcs, and the vast numbers of the enemy which
assailed them on Amon Ereb.
Denethor's Special Powers:
Spells -45 PP. x3 PP mUltiplier. Knows Nature 's Law to
10th lvi, Lofty Movements and Weather Ways to 5th Iv!.
Denethor's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor (AT:SL/8 DB: + 30, does not encumber, no penalties);
3 javelins + 25 (mallorn, Haste X 3/day, double concussion
damage); short bow + 25 (mallorn, fires 2 arrows/rnd with
no penalty); normal shield + 20.

Read Sit 54, 94, 96.

Elves/Eiirendil through Eiirwen 65


"'arne Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Beleg 75 225 PII20 1 25 N AIL 4 1 5th* 4 1 51b* 85 Sinda Warrior IFighter, chief of the marchwardens of
Benlthiel 27 1 20 Nol l 101 + N N 1 05ss* 40da 68 Sinda M age/Sorcerer, wife of Tarannon ( 1 2th King o f
Bladorthin 26 150 PI/ 1 9 90 N AIL 235sp* 225sp* 35 Sinda Scout/Rogue, Lord at Dol Amroth and Edhellond.

Cambragol 35 1 50 Noll 155 + N N 1 60HMA 220ky* 50 Noldo Warrior IMonk of the Court o f Ardor.
Camring 34 1 60 Noll 85 + Y20 N 1 40bs - 45 Noldo Animist/Healer o f the Court of Ardor.
Caranthir 65 1 90 PII20 195 Y30 AIL 300bs* 280lcb* 75 Noldo Scout/Rogue, fourth son of Feanor.
Celebrian 35 130 Noll 60 + N N 105da 60da 35 Sinda Bard/Seer, wife o f Elrond, mother of Arwen.

Celeborn 40 155 PII20 1 35 YI5 AIL 24 1 bs* 200lb 30 Sinda(Teleri} Warrior/Fighter, Galadriel' s husband.
Celebrimbor 50(65} 1 80 PII20 153+ Y30 AIL 2 l Obs* I 6Ocb* 55 Noldo Magel Alchemist(Fighter}, a master smith of Ost-in-
Celegorm 65 1 85 PII 1 2 210 Y35 AIL 265bs* 3 1 01b* 85 Noldo Scout/Rogue (Ranger), third son of Hanor.

Cirdan 60 1 20 Nol l 100 Y20 N 1 20sp 901b 35 Sinda Animist, Lord o f the Grey H avens (early reign).
70 1 60 Ch/ 1 6 1 60 Y35 AIL 1 90wh* 1 85hcb 40 Sinda Animist/Cleric, Lord of the Grey Havens (late reign).
Curubor 24 150 Ch/ 1 5 50 N AIL 1 801k/mg* 200ky* 40 Noldo Scout/Rogue of the Court of Ardor.
Curufin 75 145 PU20 1 70 + N AIL 225da* 1 00da* 60 Noldo MagelAnimist, fifth son o f Hanor.

Dearon 90 1 90 Pl/ 1 7 145 + N N 225rp* 220ky* 50 Sinda Bard/Mystic (Bard), loremaster and bard o f Elwe.
Denethor 45 1 60 SLl8 1 20 Y20 AIL 265ja* 275sb* 60 Sinda Warrior IFighter of the Laiquendi of the Nandor.
Dior 1 00 255 PII20 225 + Y45 AIL 425th* 4 l Oda* 70 Half-elf (Maiar/Eldar/Edain) Bard/Magician (Fighter).

. .

EARENDIL---- ------- EARWEN -------

Lvi: 100. Race: Noldo/Adan. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Lvi: 115. Race: Teler. Profession: Animist (Astrologer). Home: Tirion.
Gondolin, finally the Heavens. A ka. (Q. "Lover of the Sea "). A ka: (Q. "Sea-lady'').

RM Stats: St-102; Qu-101; Em-105; In-105; Pr-104; Ag-102; Co-103; RM Stats:; Co-96; SD-101; Ag-102; Me-100; Re-99; St-98; Qu-103;
Me-IOO; Re-IOO; SD-105. MERP Slats: St-102; Ag-102; Co-103; Ig-lOO; Pr-104; In-105; Em-103. MERP Stats: Ag-102; Co-96; Ig-103; In-105;
1t-105; Pr-104. Appearance: 105. Pr-104; St-98. Appearance: 103.

Earendil, the son of Tuor and Idril (daughter of Turgon), escaped An Elda of the Teleri, she was the daughter of Olwe and wife to
the sack of Gondolin to marry Elwing (daughter of Dior, who was Finarfin (a Noldo). She bore Finarfin five children: Finrod, Orodreth,
the son of Beren and Luthien). With the aid of one of the Silmarils Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel. Earwen was the niece of Elwe
given to him by Elwing, he sailed to Aman to plead with the Valar Thingol and so through her the children could claim kinship with
for aid against Morgoth. Manwe found sympathy, and gathered the Thingol Greycloak.
Ainur for a last march into Endor to cast down the Black Enemy. Earwen's Principal Items:
In the end, Eiirendil, was destined to ride in a great ship forever across Robes of Aman naturally silvery-white in color, protect

the sky, the Silmaril bound on his brow. For the War of Wrath he as AT:PII20 DB: + 30, Cast Mystic Base spell Displacement
came down to do battle with the dragons of Thangorodrim and slew V at a thought, add 100 to hiding (chameleon properties),
Ancalagon, lord of the Winged Drakes. His line continued in the makes wearer impervious to all heat or cold.
persons of Elrond and Elros.
Staff of Light (mallorn, golden mithril, and an adamant
Earendil's Principal Items:
ruby), x12 PP any profession, acts as a spear + 88 (Holy, ad­
Bow (Cuthalion) ("Strong Bow") + 90 Elven Longbow,

ditional Heat, Electric, and Unbalancing criticals), casts

it was the instrument of Ancalagon's demise. Holy, it had
Lightning Bolt 1 8x/day ( + 88, 8x concussion hits).
triple the normal range and no distance subtractions. It was
reputedly fashioned of mallom wood. Crown (Alquanna) (Q. "Swan's Gift"), wreath crown made

of twigs from the Two trees and swan plumes, wearer may
Silmaril - When borne by Earendil the Silmaril was absolved
take the form of a giant swan for 88 hours/week, + 45DB,
of its injurious qualities (perhaps by the grace of Varda). All
constant Alkar, protects head as a full helm, negates 50D7o
of the powers of the Channeling Light's Way list, Mentalist
of head criticals, casts Swimming True (Lvi 1 1 Moving Ways)
Brilliance list, Astrologer Starlights, and Essence L ight Law
for 8 hours/day.
(and beyond) are at the disposal of this wielder of the
Silmaril. I t burned away the mists whic h guarded the Undy­ Earwen's Special Powers:
ing Lands, allowing Earendil to find Aman. Spells 575 PP. x 1 2 PP multiplier. Knows all Astrologer

base lists to 50th lvi, all Open and Closed Channeling and
Read Sil 122, 1 77, 298-300, 302, 304-9, 312, 315, 319-22, 325, 334, Mentalism lists to 20th level.
341, 345, 348, 354.
Read Sil 60, lll, 305, 306.
66 Elves/Ecthelion through Elenwe

ECTHELION (OF THE FOUNTAIN) ty away. Then he and ten others accompanied Finrod as he went with
Lvi: 50. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Gondolin. Beren and Luthien on the quest of the Silmaril. Of his later fate
nothing is known except that he probably perished with Finrod in
RM Stats:; Co-107; SD-106; Ag-104,' Me-94; Re-93; St-109; Qu-104; the pits of Sauron, Tol-in-Gaurhoth.
Pr-102; 1n-99; Em-90. MERP Stats: Ag-104; Co-107; 19-93; In-99; Edrahil's Lesser Items of Note:
Pr-103; St-109. Appearance: 101. Armor (AT:PII20 DB: + 45 , minimum penalty only 20); war
hammer + 45; full shield + 30; light cross-bow (may fire every
Ecthelion was tremendously strong and stalwart, outdone only by round without penalty).
the greatest kings and princes among the Elves. Likewise his courage
and strength of will were such that he could stand before Gothmog. Read Sit 170, 172, 174.
He was tall (7'3") but was most distinguished by a herculean physi­ , ..
que uncommon among the Elves. ELEMMIRE
A mighty warrior, Ecthelion was a captain of Gondolin, the guar­ Lvi: 90. Race: Vanya. Profession: Bard (Seer). Home: A man. A ka:
dian of the innermost gate, and one of Turgon's two chief lieutenants. (Q. "Star-jewel'').
However he is best remembered for the remarkable feat of slaying
Gothmog, the Lord of the Balrogs, in single combat. In that contest
RM Stats:; Co-SS; SD-106; Ag-9S; Me-107; Re-106; St-S4; Qu-S9;
Ecthelion also died.
Pr-107; In-106; Em-102. MERP Stats: Ag-9S; Co-SS; Ig-107; 1n-106;
Ecthelion's Principal Items: Pr-107; St-S4. Appearance: 106.
Helm (Elmirthol) -(S. "Helm of the Star Jewel"), a mithril
full helm with an adamant diamond set upon a silver spike, An Elda of the Vanyar, this minstrel wrote the Aldudenie known
mithril, constant A lkar, negates 500/0 of head crits, wearer to all the Eldar. The song laments the grievous tale of the destruc­
cannot be stunned, transparent blue laen faceplate, casts tion of the Two Trees by Morgoth and Ungoliant.
Commune True x/day.
Elemmire's Special Powers:
Armor (Rilennon) - (S. "Brilliant Armor"), AT: PII20 Spells - 540 PP. xl2 PP multiplier. Knows all Seer and Bard
DB: + 88, unencumbering, all shining mithril, constant Ut­ base lists to 50th level, all Open and Closed Mentalism lists
terlight V, wearer cannot fumble maneuvers, acts as True A r­ to 50th level.
mor (Elemental Shields Ivl 50). Elemmire's Lesser Items of Note:
Robes of Aman (AT:PII20 DB: + 30, hiding + 100, Displace­
Cloak (Celebcollo) (S. "Silver Cloak"), + 44 to DB and

ment V); Cloak of Mists ( + 33 DB, maneuvers, silence at

maneuvers, constant Displacement III, Haste X 3x/day.
will),;dagger + 35 (casts 50th level Sleep spell when it delivers
Battle Axe (Kirrauko) (S. "Demon Cleaver"), + 50
- a critical, for I rnd/l0% failure); harp (x12 PP Mentalism,
2-handed Battle Axe, of slaying minions of Morgoth Cast Shifting, Mind's Door, and Movement lists to 50th level
(demons, Orcs, Trolls, dragons, undead), Holy, additional using the wielder's power points).
Electric and Unbalancing criticals.
Read Sit 76.
Shield (Tinmirthalion) - (S. "Shield of Sparkling Jewels"),

full shield + 45, floats before wielder to protect, weapon strik­
ing shield must save vs a 20th level weapon slaying, casts Spell
Lvi: 65. Race: Vanya. Profession: A nimist/Astrologer. Home: Tirion,
Bending True 5x/day.
Ecthelion's Special Powers:
Spells - 100 PP. x3 PP multiplier. Knows Detection Mastery, RM Stats:; Co-SO; SD-103; Ag-90; Me-104,' Re-9S; St- 7S; Qu-SS;
Light 's Way, Purification, and Concussion's Ways to 10th Ivl. Pr-106; In-106; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-90; Co-SO; Ig-9S; In-106;
Pr-106; St- 7S. Appearance: 105.
Ecthelion's Lesser Item of Note:
Dagger + 30 (5x/ranges).
An Elda of the Vanyar, Elenwe was the wife of Turgon and the
mother of Idril. She perished during the terrible Crossing of the
Read Sit 194, 239, 242; UT 46, 50-51, 55-56.
Elenwe's Special Powers:
Spells- 390 PP. x7 PP multiplier. Knows all Astrologer base
------ EDRAHIL ------ lists to 50th lvi, all Open Channeling and Mentalism lists to
10th lvi, all Open Channeling and Mentalism lists to 20th Ivl.
Lvi: 70. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home:
Nargothrond. Elenwe's Lesser Items of Note:
Robes of Meditation (x7 PP any realm, + 30DB, either
RM Stats:; Co-103; SD-95; Ag-102; Me-90; Re-103; St-104; Qu-101; + 50S/H or A lkar at will); Jeweled Headband (mithril and
Pr-100; In-9S; Em-96. MERP Stats: Ag-102; Co-103; Ig-103; In-9S; star-jewels, + 30 DB, x7 ranges on Astrologer information
Pr-100; St-104. Appearance: 99. and communication spells, wearer heals 3 pts/min outside
under a star-lit night sky); Bright Staff ( + 50 OB, allows free
An Elf of Nargothrond, Edrahil was the leader of the loyalists who use of Light 's Way and Repulsions lists to 50th using wielder's
refused to forsake their allegiance to King Finrod Felagund. Edrahil power points).
very perceptively persuaded Finrod to turn his crown and throne over
to Orodreth (his own brother) instead of simply casting the authori- Read Sil 90, 136.
ElveslElladan through Elrond 67

Elladan and Elrohir's Special Powers:

Spells -100 PP. x4 PP multiplier. Knows all Ranger base
lists to 20th and 4 Open Channeling to 10th Iv!.
Elladan and Elrohir's Lesser Items of Note:
Plate armor of deep blue steel and mithril (AT:20 DB: + 20,
has only a 20 minimum maneuver penalty); ring (x4 PP. can
move without leaving footprints or sounds continuously).

Read LotR 1 39, 300; LotRIII 60, 389, 456, 468.

------ ELROHIR ------

(S. "Star-rider") Twin brother of Elladan. Same stats and


------ ELLADAN ------

Lvi: 25. Race: Half-elf Profession: Ranger. Home: Imladris, and away ------ ELROND
on many campaigns. A ka: (5. "Elf-man"). Lvi: 65(85). Race: EldalAdanlMaia. Profession: AnimistlCleric
RM Stats:; Co-98; SD-IOO; Ag-102; Me-97,· Re-lOO; St-lOI; Qu-I02; (Bard, Lay Healer, Fighter). Home: Originally Beleriand, then L in­
Pr-98; In-103; Em-94. MERP Stats: Ag-102; Co-98; Ig-98; In-103; don in the Second Age until around 1693-97, when he established
Pr-98; St-lOI. Appearance: 99. Imladris ("Rivendell"). A ka: (5. "Star Dome").

RM Stats: St-98; Qu-lOO; Em-lOO; In-lOI; Pr-102; Ag-99; Co-102;

Elladan was one of the twin sons of Elrond and Celebrian (the Me-102; Re-lOI; SD-93. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-99; Co-102; Ig-lOI;
other being Elrohir). Like his brother, he swore vengeance against It-IOI; Pr-I02. Appearance: 105
all Orcs when Celerbrian was captured and held. The brothers suc­
ceeded in rescuing their mother but never forgot her suffering and Elrond and his brother Elros were the first of the Peredhil ("Half­
hunted Orcs relentlessly thenceforth. elven"), the sons of Earendil the mariner and Elwing the White.
Elladan and Elrohir demonstrated their thoroughly heroic and Technically, however, they were a mixture of Maia, Eldarin, and High
wise characters often in the War of the Ring. They rode to the north Edain, being descended from Melian and Thingol, Beren and Luthien.
with the Dunedain to aid Aragorn; they accompanied him through Because of their mixed immortal and mortal lineage, the Valar gave
the Paths of the Dead, and fought their way to Pelargir. They sailed Elrond and Elros the choice: to be immortal as the Elves, or to even­
from there with the host of Lebennin and Langstrand and arrived tually die as men do, the soul departing to a place only Mandos
at a critical time during the battle of the Pelennor Fields. knows. Elrond chose to live as the Firstborn, the endless, ageless life
In addition to these mighty exploits, both were permitted to sit of the Elves.
in on the councils of the Lords of the West and may have even been Elrond served as Gil-galad's herald, both in Beleriand and in the
considered lords themselves. early days of the Second Age, when the latter became King of lin­
The brothers were Half-elves and so had the same choice as that don. Soon after the beginning of the War of the Elves and Sauron,
of Elros and Elrond: human life and mortality, or Elvish life with Gil-galad sent Elrond with a force to aid Celebrimbor. The Dark Lord,
immortality. They eventually chose to remain with the Dunedain in­ enraged that the Noldor were not enslaved by the One Ring, assaulted
to the Fourth Age after Elrond had departed over the sea, choosing Eregion and laid seige to Ost-in-Edhil, planning to recover the rings
mortality along with their sister Arwen. by force. Elrond was not able to save Eregion, but retreated with a
Elladan and Elrohir's Principal Items: number of survivors to a narrow valley along the western side of the
Swords - Gurthdur (S. "Death of the Dark;' Elladan's) and Misty Mountains. It was at that time (c. SA 1 697) that he founded
Gordur (S. "Dread of the Dark;' Elrohir's), sister swords, + 20 Imladris, the Last Homely House. This refuge, though not a for­
mithril, of slaying Orcs and Trolls, glows cold blue in vicini­ tress, became a safe haven for Elves and Edain alike for the rest of
ty of Orcs (dim within 100'; very bright within 1 00'); casts the Second and the Third Age.
Haste X on wielder 3x/day. In the War of the Last Alliance, Elrond again went to war by Gil­
galad's side, and saw him fall (along with Anarion and Elendil of
Bows - Cubragol (S. "Sudden Bow", Elladan's) and Cucaran
the Edain) before Sauron. The Alliance was victorious, however, and
(S. "Red Bow;' Elrohir's), sister bows, tasarung and ogamur
Elrond was able to rescue the Mightiest of the Three Elven Rings:
+ 25 bows, fire every round with no penalty, all ranges are
Vilya, ring of the Firmament. This conflict brought to a close the
tripled, concussion hits are doubled, silent.
Second Age.
Cloaks (Menelcollo) - (S. "Cloaks of the Sky") add 30 to The Third Age brought much joy and sorrow to Elrond personal­
DB, continuous Landing True, Great Leap 5x/daily, normally ly, for it saw the birth of his daughter Arwen and twin sons Elladan
sky blue but change color to that of surroundings if desired and Elrohir. But in 2509 his wife Celebrian was ambushed and struck
( + 50 hiding), cloaks allow gliding from heights (drop by a poison dart by orcs in the Misty Mountains. Her sons quickly
100'/rnd and sail l00'/rnd) as often as desired (requires a high rescued her and Elrond healed her wounds, but she lost the desire
point to drop from). to live in Middle-earth. Soon afterwards she took ship to the West.
68 Elves/Elrond

It was at Rivendell that Aragorn was raised, learning from the (4) + 33 to Constitution Bonus and to Defensive Bonus.
greatest Loremaster alive. Elrond could be demanding, however: (5) Allows wearer free use of the Mentalist lists Gas Manipula­
though he loved Aragorn, he would not allow his daughter to marry tion, Solid Manipulation , and L iquid Manipulation to 60th
any man less than the King of both Arnor and Gondor. level. Ranges variable but usually 1O-1 00x normal range listed.
Elrond's influence was also felt at the end of the Age, of course, For example, Elrond could control the river in Rivendell, and
when he sheltered Frodo. He also presided over the Council where the weather in the entire valley.
the fate of the One Ring was decided, his wisdom being sorely need­ (6) All healing done by wearer has one third normal recovery
ed at that time of crisis. time, and recovery is always complete (with a few exceptions).
Elrond's Principal Items:
(7) Wearer (or whomever he touches) regenerates at the rate
Vilya (Ring of Air) - Mightiest of the Three Elven Rings
of 10 hits/rnd.
of Power, it was given to him by Gil-galad j ust before his
departure as co-general of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves (8) Wearer cannot be stunned.
against Sauron. As long as Sauron did not possess the One, (9) Vilya acts as a x9 PP Enhancer (any profession).
the holders of the Elven Rings were left free to utilize them
to the fullest. Perhaps more than the other two rings, Vilya is of healing
It certainly seems that, despite Rivendell's location in a and strengthening. Nenya shielded a land of complete repose
narrow valley with a concealed entry, it is amazing that the - almost retreat; Narya kindled hearts to action. It was in
place remained hidden for so long. Sauron's servants were Rivendell where Vilya abode that decisions were made, ac­
scouring the countryside and yet seemed unable to penetrate tions planned. In appearance Vilya is a ring of pure gold set
the veil about Imladris. Indeed, Rivendell and Lorien held with a large, clear blue sapphire.
a special, elusive status in Sauron's mind. Surely he must have
Sword (Helkaluine) -( Q "Shining Blue Ice") + 50
been aware of them - and perhaps even suspected that an .

Elven Ring was at work, yet the Three were so powerful that broadsword forged in Beleriand, of ithilnaur with a gleam­
the Dark Lord was unable to act upon his suspicions. Vilya's ing edge of clear blue laen (enchanted glass). It - like many
specific powers: of the weapons made at this time - glimmers with a chill
blue light when near Orcs (dimly along the edges within 1000 ' ;
( I ) Continuous Mystic Base Unpresence; Nondetect spells;
bright within 100'). It is also a Holy weapon, Of Slaying Orcs
:vIentalist Inner Wall. These spells can also be enacted with and all creatures of Fire. Helkaluine is also a weapon of col­
a radius to shield an entire area. dfire, giving off an intense cold when desired by its wielder,
delivering a Cold Critical whenever another Crit is indicated.
(2) Doubles Resistan�e level of wearer when resisting the Dark
The sword cannot be fumbled when used by an Elf, and will
Lord's detection powers.
Haste its wielder at a thought.
(3) User may employ a continuous Prayer spell (RR and
maneuver bonus) adding + 30 to all friends within 30' or in
Mantle of Doriath - Woven by his ancestress Melian, it is
sight. a great cloak of grey cloth which confers the following powers
to the wearer at will: Displacement V, Invisbi/ity True, Deflec­
tions V, and Blur.

Circlet - Acts as a full helm, also has a 50070 chance of simp­

ly annulling any head critical. Wearer has continuous

Armor - Fine ithilnaur chain armor which provided pro­

tection equal to AT 18 (-30) but was virtually unencumbering.
Elrond Elrond's Special Powers:
Healing - The Master of Rivendell had powers which trans­
cend some of the concepts and restrictions in the spell lists.
Utilizing the unique combination of Lay Healer and Clerical
Healing skills, Elrond was able to perform feats of restora­
tion without equal in Middle-earth.

Spells - 2340 PP. x9 PP item. Elrond knows all Open and

Closed Channeling and Mentalism lists to 50th level; he also
has at his disposal the Base Bard and Cleric lists to 50th level.
Elrond's Lesser Items of Note:
Silver Harp which adds + 30 to all Bardic Songs, is always
in tune; Elven Longbow which is + 35 and has triple the nor­
mal range.

Read LotR I 100, 231, etc., 289-520; LotR 11 53, etc. LotR 111 5 7,
etc., 325-330, 381-83.
Elves/Elured through Elwe 69

ELDRED Suspicion developed between the Noldor and Elwe when the
Lvi: 5. Race: Half-elf Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Menegroth. Noldor did not recognize Elwe's high kingship - and so his order
Aka: (S. HElu 's heir"). not to interfere in the affairs of the Teleri. Elwe would have nothing
to do with the House of Feanor after the kinslaying, forbade the
RM Stats:; Co-103; SD-90; Ag-104; Me-90; Re-96; St-105; Qu-105; use of Quenya in his realm, and would not permit any Edain to enter
Pr-103; In-92; Em-102. MERP Stats: Ag-104; Co-103; 19-96; 1n-92; the kingdom. Thus, his domain prospered for many years.
Pr-103; St-105. Appearance: 101. Elwe's doom came about because he attempted to prevent the mar­
riage of Luthien to the heroic Adan Beren by demanding a Silmaril
Eldarin boy-child of Dior and Nimloth. Following the assault of as the bride-price. However, after great and terrible adventure, Beren
the sons of Feanor on Menegroth he was abandoned with his brother remarkably obtained a Silmaril and brought it to Elwe. Thus Elwe's
Elurin by the servants of Celegorm. Neither child was heard from doom was sealed. He managed to hold off the hosts of Feanor but
again. he could not hold off the beauty of the jewel which entrapped him.
Elured's Lesser Items of Note: When he set the Silmaril in the Nauglamir (a Dwarvish present re­
+ 15 short sword, short bow, target shield, and breastplate ceived from Hurin) and displayed it before those with less resistence
(AT:PII17). to its beauty than he, the Dwarves coveting the Silmaril slew him.
Elwe was considered a Calaquendi because he was the only Sinda
Read Sil 234, 236-23 7 to have seen the two trees. He was the tallest of Eru's children, stret­
ching to an unprecedented 8'2". He had beautiful silver hair. He was
ELURIN usually cautious and wise, but he could be very proud and angry
Lvi: 3. Race: Half-elf Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Menegroth. when he encountered injustice.
Aka: (S. HElu 's remembrance").

RM Stats:; Co-101; SD-96; Ag-106; Me-90; Re-98; St-103; Qu-106;

Pr-101; 1n-95; Em-JOO. MERP Slats: Ag-106; Co-101; Ig-98; 1n-95;
Pr-101; St-103. Appearance: .

Younger Eldarin boy-child of Dior and Nimloth. Following the

assault of the sons of Feanor on Menegroth he was abandoned with
his brother Elured by the servants of Celegorm. Neither child was
heard from again.
Elurin's Lesser Items of Note:
+ 5 short sword and short bow. Also uses target shield and
breastplate (AT:PII1 7).

Read Sit 234, 236-3 7

---- EL\tVE SINGOLLO ----

Lvi: 50(120) Race: Sinda. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: first Elwe's Principal Items:
Doriath in Beleriand, then the cave palace Menegroth by the en­ Sword (Aranruth) - (Q. "King's Wrath") the great
chanted river Esgalduin. Aka: originally Sindacollo, Thingol (5. broadsword of Elwe in Doriath and later of the Kings Of
HGreycloak "). Numenor. It was perhaps of Dwarvish manufacture by the
smiths of Nogrod. It is red eog; OB + 77; does additional
RM Slats:; Co-103; SD-104; Ag-107; Me-lOO; Re-103; St-107; Qu-107;
Heat criticals; slaying vs Balrogs, Trolls, goblins, wargs,
Pr-105; 1n-102; Em-105. MERP Stats: Ag-107; Co-103; 19-105; 1n-102;
undead, and dragons; it is highly intelligent; speaks all Elvish
Pr-105; St-107. Appearance: 101.
and Dwarvish tongues; does triple concussion hits; any ar­
mor it strikes is treated as ATl (skin).
Elwe was the King of the Teleri, the third and last yet most populous
of the families of Elves. He was also considered the High King of Necklace (Nauglamir) - (S. "Dwarf Necklace") is in­
the Elves east of the sea. Though he loved Valinor his fate became estimably costly, set with many precious and heavy gems.
inextricably bound to Middle-earth for he became enchanted with However, it is enchanted, does not encumber, wears lightly
love for Melian the Maia. While he wandered love-struck through and comfortably, and raises the wearer's Pr mod by 50, and
the forests of Middle-earth, his brother Olwe led the Teleri over the gives constant Alkar. When burdened with the Silmaril, the
sea. A few who did not think Elwe dead remained. When he found wearer's Pr mod increases by + 125. However, Noldor and
these he remained with them and renounced ever returning to the Dwarves who see it must also resist a 400th level PASSION
Undying Lands. aura or strive to obtain it even at the risk of near certain
Melian took human form, married Elwe, and bore him the lovely death.
daughter Luthien Tinuviel. For many years he ruled Doriath by his
Crown (The Gift of Melian) - Elwe's crown, + \0 Essence
own great wisdom and the tremendous guidance and foresight of
spell adder, may cast Essence spells while wearing armor with
no penalty, and gives him the ability to cast the base Magi­
cian lists and the open and closed Essence lists to 50th level
(using his own Essence Power Points), protects head as a full
helm, negates 50070 of head criticals.
70 Elves/Elwe through Eol

Elwe's Special Powers: EOL

Spells 600 PP. + 10 spells item, all Open, Closed, and Base
Lvi: 65. Race: Teler. Profession: Mage/A lchemist (Rogue). Home:
Magician Essence lists to 50th Iv!. the woods of Nan Elmoth. A ka: the Dark Elf
Elwe's Lesser Items of Note:
RM Stats:; Co-100; SD-45; Ag-103; Me-105; Re-106; St-101; Qu-90;
Armor (AT:PII20 DB: + 50, un encumbering), long bow + 50
Pr- 70; In-106; Em-lOB. MERP Stats: A g-103; Co-100; Ig-108; In-J06;
(2 arrows/rnd with no penalty), full shield + 50.
Pr- 70; St-lOl. Appearance: 99.
Important Dates: died circa 1 .A. 505.
Eol is accounted the most skilled of all the Sindarin smiths, and
the greatest Elven smith of all time with the exception of Feanor and
Read Sit 52-53, 55-56, 58, 91-97, llJ, 121, 127-29, 143-44, 15 7, 166-68,
Celebrimbor. Eol is best known for his creation of the superlative
1 72, 183-86, 188, 189, 190, 199, 201-02, 227, 231-33; LotRI 260, 261;
metal Galvorn and the forging of the black swords Anglachel and
LotRIII 388.
Anguirel (see articles on Beleg and Maeglin for descriptions and stats
of the swords).
Eol's personal history is grim and tragic, and likewise the fruit
which he brought upon the world. He was gloomy and aloof, scarcely
caring for his own people, and having no fondness at all for any other
Elves. He also created the cursed swords, conceived his traitorous
son Maeglin, and he murdered his wife Aredhel in the culmination
of a long fit of madness. For this crime he was hurled off the cliff
CaragdCtr to his death.
He was tall (7'6") and exceptionally skilled in learning. He was
ELWING closest of all the Elves to the Dwarves - from whom - he learned
Lvi: 50. Race: Half-elf Profession: A nimist. Home: Menegroth in his incomparable skill at his craft.
Doriath, A rvernien, A man, the White Tower on Belegaer. A ka: (S. Etil's Principal Items:
"Star-spray"), Elwing the White. Sword (Fuinrauko) - (Q. "gloomy demon"), + 75 two­
handed sword; black eog with edges, hilt-guard, and decor
RM Stats:; Co-87; SD-104; Ag-96; Me-103; Re-103; St-84; Qu-99;
of galvorn; Holy (actually unholy); may be thrown using
Pr-103; 1n-105; Em-JOO. MERP Stats: Ag-96; Co-87; Ig-103; In-105;
javelin ranges; triple concussion damage (does 5x concus­
Pr-103; St-84. Appearance: 113.
sion hits when thrown); "Dances" - will fight for up to 1 3
rounds by itself (or until i t receives a "knocked down" result)
The daughter of Dior and Nimloth, Elwing remarkably escaped
using the OB of its w elder with the sword, treat sword as
during the attack on Menegroth by the sons of Feanor (unlike her
AT:PI120 DB: + 100, can Long Door to Eol's hand at his men­
brothers Elured and Elurin who were both lost). She got away with
tal command up to 666 miles away.
the Nauglamir and its Silmaril, and eventually married Eiirendil and
bore him the two sons Elrond and Elros. The Smith's Ring -xlO PP en chancer for Essence; cons­
When the sons of Feanor came after the Silmaril at Elwing's home tant True A rmor (Elemental Shields IvI 50); skin is AT:No/4
in Arvernien, she cast herself with the Silmaril into the sea, being DB: + 44; wearer may work in heat, cold, or electric forges
willing to sacrifice herself rather than let the stone come into evil without bodily protection.
hands. Ulmo saved her, however, turning her into a bird. Reunited
Complete smithy and tools all of galvorn, laen, mithril,
with Eiirendil, they won through the Shadowy Seas, and while Eiiren­
eog, or tipped with adamant (+ 50 to all smithing or craf­
dil spoke to the Valar, Elwing persuaded the Teleri to sail the ships
ting maneuvers).
of the Host of Valinor.
Elwing was the first to make the choice of the Half-elven, and Helm (Thinthol) - (Q. "The Grey Helmet"), made of galvorn
decided to remain with the Firstborn. She apparently could speak with a grey laen face-shield (instantly tints to protect eyes
with birds and was considered their patron, especially the birds of from any bright light), makes head, neck and face immune
the Sea. to any elemental damages, weapons which strike the protected
Elwing's Special Powers: areas must save vs a 50th level Weapon Slaying or be
Spells 250 PP. x7 PP multiplier. Knows all Base Animist
- destroyed, does not interfere with spell casting.
to 30th lvI, all Open and Closed Channeling to 20th lvI, all
Shield (Gfilthalion) - (Q. "mageshield"), wall shield + 50,
Ranger base lists to 1 0th Iv!.
of galvorn, floats to defend wielder, may be ridden as a boat
Elwing's Lesser Items of Note: by 1 person (250'/rnd), may be flown (600'/rnd) up to 3x/day.
Robes of Foam (AT:RLlI2 DB: + 60, + 30 all moving
Etil's Special Powers:
maneuvers, + 50 S/H maneuvers), Staff x7PP for Channel­
- 455 PP. xlO PP multiplier. Knows all base Alchemy
ing ( + 450B, may be wielded with one hand, calm or sleep
lists to 65th; knows Rune Mastery, Unbarring Ways, Detec­
given at will on a critical result), Wreath of Plumes (made
ting Ways, Elemental Shields, Delving Ways, Spell Enhance­
of the feathers of sea-birds, protects wearer's head like a full
ment, Gate Mastery, Dark Contacts, and Dark Summons to
helm, Alkar at will, negates 50070 of all head crits, wearer
50th; knows all other Open and Closed Essence lists to 20th
may take the form of a giant sea-bird and fly at 350'/rnd for
8 hrs/day).
Important Dates: executed sometime in 1 .A. 4th century.
Read: Sit 122, 1 78, 291-3, 302, 304-10, 315.
Read Sil 92, 132-38, 201-02.
Elves/Erestor through Feanor 71


l'iame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov !'Iotes


Earendil 1 00 245 PII20 140 Y30 AIL 395bs 4401b' 50 Half-elf Warrior/Fighter, son of Tuor and Idril.
Earwen 1 15 200 PII20 150+ N A/L 240sp* 1 20sp* 45 Sinda Animist (Astrologer), wife of Finarfin.
Ecthelion 50 225 PI/20 280 Y45 AIL 3 1 5ba* 265da 70 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, captain of Gondilin, slayer of
Edrahil 70 225 PII20 1 40 Y30 AIL 335wh 320lcb 30 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, Lord at Nargothrond.

Elemmire 90 1 90 PII20 !O3 + N AIL 1 75da* 70da* 45 Vanya Bard (Seer), author o f the Alductenie.
Elenwe 65 135 No/2 90 N N 140qs -
30 Vanya Animist! Astrologer, w i fe of Turgon, mother of Idril.
Elladan 25 1 50 PII20 1 20 YI5 A/L 1 70bs 1 651b* 25 Half-elf Ranger, son of Elrond and Elrohir's twin.
Elrohir 25 1 50 PII20 1 20 YI5 A/L 1 70bs 1 651b* 25 Half-elf Ranger, son o f Elrond and Elladan's twin.

Elrond 65(85) 230 PII 1 8 1 43 + Y25 AIL 268bs* 250lb' 35 Half-elf Animist/Cieric(Bard, Lay Healer, Fighter) of
Elured 5 70 PII 1 7 1 15 Y N 140ss I I 0sb 50 Half-elf Warrior/Fighter, son of Dior, brother o f Elurin.
Elurin 3 50 Pl1 l 7 80 Y N 99ss ! 09sb 60 Half-elf Warrior/Fighter, son of Dior, brother of Elured.
Elwe 50( 1 20) 340 PII20 1 95 + Y50 AIL 350bs' 320lb' 80 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, King of the Teleri, husband o f

Elwing 50 175 R Ll I 2 105 N AIL 145qs* SOda 65 Half-elf Animist, daughter of Dior, mother of Elrond.
Ebl 65 l IS No/4 144 + Y50 N 300th* 225th* 50 Sinda Mage/Alchemist (Rogue), greatest Sindarin smith.
Erestor 40 95 Chl l 4 85 + Y20 A/L 1 1 5bs - !O Noldo Animist/Seer, Elrond's chief counselor.

----- ERESTOR ----- FEANOR

Lvi: 40. Race: Naldo. Profession: A nimist/Seer. Home: Rivendell Lvi: 130. Race: Naldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist (Magician,
(Imladris). Fighter). Home: A man, in Middle-earth on many campaigns. A ka:
(5. "Spirit of Fire"); birthname is Curufinwe.
RM Stats:; Co- n,o SD-102; Ag-80; Me-WI; Re-103; St- 70; Qu-82;
Pr-102; In-99; Em-98. MERP Stats: Ag-80; Co- 77; Ig-103; In-99; RM Stats:; Co-lOl; SD-66; Ag-llO; Me-1l0; Re-1l0; St-I03; Qu-105;
Pr-102; St- 70. Appearance: 100. Pr-108; In-88; Em-IJ2. MERP Stats: Ag-11O; Co-WI; Ig-IJ2; In-88;
Pr-107; St-103. Appearance: 105.
A Noldo of Rivendell; Elrond's chief counselor.
Erestor's Special Powers: A great and terrible Noldorin prince, Feanor was the eldest son
Spells 80 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows all base Seer lists
of Finwe and the only son of Finwe's first wife Miriel. Feanor was
to 30th lvi, all Open and Closed Mentalism to 20th lvl. the mightiest and most accomplished of the Noldor, and in some
ways the greatest of the Children of Eru. From the beginning he was
Note: If given the opportunity, Erestor usually casts True a prodigy of unprecedented skill and formidable intellect, having
Aura and Displacement III before combat. phenomenal innate gifts of mind and hand, and the passion for an
Erestor's Lesser Items of Note: active and aggressive development of those gifts.
Staff (mallorn and crystal sphere, x5 PP enchancer for Men­ In terms of his creations, none could rival him, for he was the
talism, allows caster to cast Open or Closed Mentalist spells greatest smith, craftsman, and alchemist in history. He was first in­
at 1/3rnd normal cost), broadsword + 25 (grey laen, casts structed by his father-in-law Mahtan and then by AuIe himself. To
Paralyze I 5x/day), full shield + 20. his credit is the creation of the Feanorian lamps, the Palantiri, the
adapted Tengwar alphabet, and the art of fabricating gems and
Read LotR I 315. crystals. His greatest creation was the crystalline substance silima
which could capture and then continually radiate energy. From that
he created the priceless jewels, the Silmarils, which preserved the only
remaining radiance of the Two Trees.
h is difficult to fully express Hanor's influence on the history of
Ea. When Morgoth killed the Two Trees, stole the Silmarils, and then
slew Feanor's father Finwe, against the command of the Valar Feanor
resolved to return to Middle-earth in revenge of Morgoth and the
recovery of the Silmarils. This he vowed to do by the terrible Oath
of Feanor which he swore by his own life and the existence of the
greatest of the Valar. All of his seven sons swore the Oath with him
and a great number of other Noldor as well. And so most of the
Noldor returned to Middle-earth because of Feanor and his wrath.
Hanor was not known for his wisdom, for in his excessive pride
and anger he instigated the Kinslaying at Alqualonde and the deser­
tion of Fingolfin in Araman, and many other terrible crimes.
72 Elves/Fianor through Featur

Feanor was finally mortally wounded in Dor Daedeloth when he Lab - (in Aman) full of priceless jewels, metal, chemical,
was overwhelmed by Balrogs after his reckless pursuit of an Orcish etc. working tools, vessels, forges, etc. of enchanted materials
army. (adds + 6S to all smithing and crafting work).
Feanor was tall (7'6"), with coal black hair, piercing eyes, and an Feanor's Special Powers:
aggressive demeanor. He had married Nerdanel who bore him seven Perception - With his incredible Empathy, Feanor could in­
sons: Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amras, and nately sense the existence and realm of a spell, the category
Amrod. Nerdanel restrained to some degree the excesses of Feanor's of spell used, the presence of a magical item, or a magic­
great passion, his spirit of fire. using being or person to 1 00'.
Feanor's Principal Items:
Spells - 1 170 PP. xl2 PP multiplier. Knows all base Magi­
Sword (Ancaruin) - (S. "Jaws of Red Flame"), + 88 two­
cian and Alchemist base lists to SOth (Fire Law, Light Law,
handed sword, hilts of golden mithril and adamant ruby;
Enchanting Ways, Imbedding, and Inorganic Skills to 100th),
blade of mithril, and red eog. Holy, highly intelligent,
knows all Essence base lists to 20th lvi, all Open and Closed
telepathic, able to Long Door 333 miles to Feanor at his men­
Essence lists to SOth Ivl.
tal call, Haste at Will, may be thrown 1000' with no penalties.
Caster may immolate at will: cannot be stunned or stunned
Read Sil 60- 72, 75, 78- 79, 82-90, 98, 106-07, 305, 355; LotRII 258,
unable to parry, acts as Fire A rmor and Lightening Armor,
260; LotRIII 388, 493; UT 23, 76, 229-33, 235-36, 248, 146, 251, 22,
anyone within S' takes a C class Heat critical. Of Heat: the
51, 154.
sword flames when wielded, does an additional Heat critical,
and triple concussion hits.

Tabard (Naramba) - (Q. "Fire-shield") a sleeveless tunic for

alchemy and other exercises. Naramba is cunningly woven
of fine cloth as well as shalk and laen filaments. The garb
acts as AT:PII20 DB: + 66 and gives total protection from heat,
electricity, or cold, magical or non-magical. The tunic also
allows free use of the Fire Law list to SOth Ivl. Its natural ----
color is a soft, shimmering grey, but when defending against
Lvi: 36. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Mentalist. Home: Valinor;
attack (it does so automatically) it becomes a brilliant reflec­
Beleriand; Angband; A ngkirya in the Mumakan. A ka: (S. "Lord
tive silvery field enveloping Feanor's entire body (treat as
Spirit "!"Lord of Spirits" ?); Heruthule (Q. "Spirit Master''); The
A lkar). The tunic does not encumber at all.
Bracelets -They are matched wrist guards of mithril, shalk
RM Stats: St-100; Qu-101; Em-99; In-86; Pr-101; Ag-IOO; Co-99;
and laen, protecting the hands and arms from the elements
Me-99; Re-96; SD-87. MERP Stats: St-100; Ag-100; Co-99; Ig-97;
in the same manner as the Naramba. Curufin has an iden­
It-86; Pr-lOl. Appearance: 103.
tical garb.

Clothes (Silimacollo) - (S. "Cloak of Silima"), sshimmer­ By his name alone one can guess that Featur was close to the Fean­
ing silvery-whe hood robe worn at all times when Feanor is turi, the Valar Namo (Mandos) and Irmo (Lorien). For many years
not doing craft work. It protects as AT:PII20 DB: + 88, con­ he (and his sister, see below) were pupils of these two, and gained
stant Alkar, Utterlight X at will, any spell cast at wearer must great insights into the ways of Spirits. Born of the House of Finrod,
save vs a 100th level Dispel or it has no effect and the power both were graced with golden-blond hair, and unusual amber eyes.
points are added to wearer's own (may not exceed his nor­ It was not long, however, before the fair twins were lured by the
mal maximum). guile of Morgoth. They, along with many others, fell to his charms
- as did many of the Maiar. Feanor was the greatest to listen to
Ring of Fire - Gold mithril and clear laen with a large ada­
Melkor, but he was so strong-willed and proud that, while he was
mant ruby, x l 2 PP any realm, caster may use any spell on corrupted, he did not become a truly evil slave of the Black Enemy.
the Self Healing list using his own power points (this trait Featur fled to Angband with Morgoth and the Silmarils, but soon
causes the caster to glow with a deep orange aura when it regretted his decision. He slipped away and took the Helcaraxe cross­
is used), all fire spells cast by the wielder are xS hits, xS range, ing alone. But the way was closed. Lost on the grinding ice of the
and Sx area or volume (for area effect spells only). far north he prayed to Manwe for forgiveness. The Lord of the Valar
Boots (Talruin) (S. "Feet of Flame"), winged boots, made
allowed Featur to enter, and forgave him for his evil deeds. Mandos
of wonderfully worked golden mithril plate and chain: Lan­ suggested that Featur might yet have a mission to fulfill in Endor,
ding True 6000', Wallrunning, Limbrunning, Waterrunning, and the Male twin was sent back to try to undo his wrongs.
Windrunning, Flip I at will. All Fly spells are at double speed. Featur's Principal Items:
Negate S0070 of leg and foot crits. Pendant -Crystal orb on a gold chain, allows free use on
Menatlist Brilliance to 30th lvi, xS mentalist PP enhancer,
Circlet - Of mithril and ruby adamant. Protects as a full
creates enhanced Blur effect ( + 30 to DB).
helm, negates SO% of head crits, Displacement V Sx/day,
continuous Presence spell. Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 2S for
Amulet -Constant Resistance True, store S spells any level,
completely analyze any material within SO feet. Ring - Made by AuIe, invisible while worn, it protects
Featur's mind, and allows him to manipulate the Enchanted
Ardan Cards.
Elves/Fiiatur through Finarfin 73

Featur's Special Powers: ----- FINARFIN -----

Spells 108 PP. x5 item. Knows all Base Mystic to 30th Ivl;
Lvi: 125. Race: Naldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter (Paladin). Home:
Mentalist Mind Mastery, Telekinesis, Damage Resistance to Araman, Eldamar. A ka: Finarphir.
20th; Mind's Door to 30th; Cloaking, Movement lists to 25th
Iv!. RM Stats:; Co-107; SD-103; Ag-107; Me-94; Re-96; St-107; Qu-106;
Featur's Lesser Items of Note: Pr-109; In-102; Em-92. MERP Stats: Ag-107; Co-107; Ig-96; In-102;
Kynac ( + 25; + 40 rapier); headband protects as a helm and Pr-109; St-107. Appearance: 108.
continuous Mirrormind.
Finarfin was a Noldorin prince, the youngest son of Finwe. His
See ICE's Court of A rdor 1 7, 29-30. mother was the Vanyar maiden Indis, therefore Finarfin was brother
to Fingolfin and half-brother to Feanor. He was the wisest and fairest
---- FEATUR (II) * ---- of Finwe's children. He tried to remain apart from the disputes of
(See Featur I for stats and references; the Female twin is a the Noldor and only reluctantly j oined in the pursuit of Morgoth.
Bard/Mystic, while her brother is a Bard/Mentalist). He was deterred by the Kinslaying and the Doom of Mandos. Finarfin
Identical in almost every way to her brother, Featur differed only forsook Feanor's march into exile and repented of rebellion against
in that her service of evil never wavered. As Morgoth's page she dwelt the Valar, leading many of his people back to dwell with the Valar.
within the very halls of Thangorodrim, and became an integral He was forgiven and allowed to dwell in Tirion forever afterwards.
member of the Ardan Council when the Black Enemy charged his Finarfin was the commander of his people in the Great Battle.
most trusted servants with the destruction of the Sun and Moon. Finarfin married Earwen and produced five children, all notewor­
Featur's Principal Items: thy: Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadrie!.
Pendant Crystal orb on a gold chain, allows free use on
Because Finarfin's mother was of the Vanyar, and because Finar­
Mentalist Brilliance to 30th lvi, x5 mentalist PP enhancer, fin dwelt often with the Vanyar, both he and his descendents were
creates enhanced Blur effect ( + 30 to DB). blonde and fair, being more like Vanyar than Noldor. Naturally, Finar­
fin was very tall (7'5").
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
Finarfin's Principal Items:
Sword (Ainacrist) - (S. "Holy Sword"), + 75 broadsword,
Featur's Special Powers: white eog, hits as a two-handed sword doing triple concus­
Spells Knows all Base Mystic to 30th Ivl; Mentalist
sion hits, Haste X 5x/day, wielder does not fumble and can­
Telekinesis, Sense Mastery, Lofty Bridge, Unbarring Ways, not be stunned.
Rapid Ways to 20th ; Evil Mentalist Mind Death, Mind
Disease to 20th. Helm (Tholthoron) -(S. "Eagle Helm"), golden mithril
helm with a flying eagle as a crest, light blue laen faceplate:
See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 21, 40-41. + 50 to visual perception rolls, wearer may transform into
a giant eagle lx/day, negates 50070 of head crits, + 50 on mov­
FENDOME * ing maneuvers, Landing True 1 0,000'.
Lvi: 35. Race: Naldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist. Home: Valinor, Armor (Arennon) - (S. "High Armor"), AT:PII20 DB: + 75,
Beleriand, Ost-in-Edhil. A ka: (5. "Dusk's Door''). all of white eog plates, wearer resists all spells at + 75, acts
RM Stats: St-94; Qu-99; Em-96; In-82; Pr-98; Ag-100; Co-98; Me- 79; as True A rmor (Lvi 50 Elemental Shields), maneuver penalties
Re-81; SD-87. MERP Stats: St-94; Ag-100; Co-98; Ig-85; It-82; Pr-98. reduced to 0, constant A lkar.
Appearance: 96. Shield (SuIthalion) - (S. "Shield of the Wind"), full shield
+ 50, of clear laen, mithril, and white eog. May deflect
The Warden and one o f the Lords o f Mirdaithrond, Fendome was directed spells 3x/rnd (attacking spell must save vs a 50th
a master smith during the heyday of Eregion. Quiet and methodical, level spell or be effected as Spell Bending True), Cast 100
he lacks the burning passion of many of his kindred - perhaps ex­ PP/day from Wind Law (to Ivl 25), may be thrown as a + 75
tinguished by gUilt over his rash acts as a youth. He was one of the battle axe 1 500', flies back to wielder in one round.
most vocal proponents of the pursuit of Morgoth. In Ost-in-Edhil
Finarfin's Special Powers:
he befriended Galadriel and shared her suspicion of Annatar. Their
Spells - 500 PP. x6 PP mUltiplier. Knows Purification, Con­
warnings fell, unfortunately, on deaf ears.
cussion's Ways, Blood Law, Bone Law, Organ Law, Muscle
Fendome in many ways exemplifies the Noldo appearance: grey
Law, Nerve Law, L ife Mastery, and Calm Spirits lists to 10th
eyes, coal black hair, and a strong build.
Fendome's Special Powers:
Finarfin's Lesser Item of Note:
Spells 70 PP. x5 item. Knows all base Alchemist lists to
Ring (x6 PP for Channeling, triples rate of healing spells,
30th Ivl; Closed Essence to 10th Iv!.
summons a giant eagle to 100 miles).
Fendome's Lesser Items of Note:
Sword , Ithilnaur, + 30; earring, x5 Alchemist PP; boots of Read Sit 60, 83, 84, 85, 88, 1 76, 251, 305, 306.
water/mistrunning; javelin, + 30 and can be thrown 300' with
no range penalty.

See ICE's LOden 22, 56.

74 Elves/Finculin through Fingolfin

FINCULIN * Finduilas's Lesser Items of Note:

Lvi: 20. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist. Home: Ost-in­ Harp (small and played with a bow, x5 PP enchancer for
Edhil. A ka: (S. ("Hair of Golden-red"). Bards); short sword + 35 (grey laen, casts a 20th Ivl Sleep
spell when a critical is inflicted for I rnd/ 1007o failure);
RM Stats: St-99; Qu-l00; Em-89; In-88; Pr-JOO; Ag-99; Co-98; Me- 75; dancer's garb and cape (AT:No/3 DB: + 33, casts True A ura
Re-81; SD-60. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-99; Co-98; Ig-80; /t-88; Pr-l00. 3x/day).
Appearance: JOI.
Read Sil 209, 2JO-11, 213, 214, 216, 225, 305.
Curious, passionate, impatient and prideful, Finculin shared many
traits with his ancestor Hanor. A youthful member of the Gwaith-i­
Mirdain, the Smith proved himself to be very skilled, attracting the
praise of his uncle Celebrimbor -and the Lord of Lists, Annatar.
Eager to learn, Finculin swifty fell into Annatar's trap and became
a useful (if unwitting) tool of the disguised Dark Lord. Although FINGOLFIN
Finculin was not "corrupted", he abandoned all interests except Lvi: 135. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: A raman,
Smithing, obsessed with his craft. Helcaraxe, Hithlum. A ka: King of the North.
Finculin's Principal Items: RM Stats:; Co-110; SD-I00; Ag-I09; Me-96; Re-99; St-lll; Qu-lJO;
Sword (Dagnirdraug) -(S. "Wolfs Bane") An ithilnaur short Pr-l07; In-l04; Em-94. MERP Stats: Ag-J09; Co-110; Ig-99; In-l04;
sword, + 30, which glows near Wolves and Wargs; Of Slay­ Pr-l07; St-110. Appearance: J07.
ing those creatures.
A great Noldorin prince, Fingolfin was the second son of Finwe;
Ring - Mithril and topaz, it is a x5 PP enhancer, casts A lkar
his mother was Indis. He was the strongest, most valiant of all the
3x/day, heals wearer 3 hits/rnd, adds 30 to all RR's vs Essence.
Noldo warriors. He was perceptive, wise and forgiving, as shown by
Finculin's Special Powers: his temperate response to an insult and attack by Hanor.
Spells -20 PP. x5 item. Knows all Alchemist Base lists to He was given the high kingship by Maedhros after the death of
20th Ivl; Essence Lofty Bridge, Unbarring Ways, Essence Feanor. Fingolfin was a great tactician, perceiving the infinite strength
Hand to 10th. of Angband against assault, and laid the foundation for the defen­
Finculin's Lesser Items of Note: sive Elvish siege line.
Mithril Chain; bow + 25 composite; tools + 20 set of forg­ His finish is the stuff of legends and song, for he died in single
ing tools. combat, the greatest champion of good against the greatest force of
evil. It came about after the Dagor Bragollach forced the retreat of
See ICE's LOden 23, 53-54, 56. Fingolfin and all his forces. Fingolfin perceived the defeat of the
Noldor on every front and understood the irresistible and unbreakable
might of Morgoth's hordes. Finally in a rage of despair Fingolfin
charged alone across the burning plains of Ard-galen all the way to
the very gate of Angband. There he called out Morgoth to single
combat. Though there could only be one result from such a battle
FINDUILAS (his own death), he avoided the earthshaking assaults of the deadly
Lvi: 20. Race: No/do. Profession: Bard. Home: Nargothrond. Aka: mace Grond long enough to wound the Vala Morgoth no less than
7 times.
RM Stats:; Co- 76; SD-80; Ag-96,' Me-98; Re-90; St-60; Qu-89; Pr-J05; Fingolfin had the look of eagles, a natural mighty hero among
In-JOO; Em-JOI. MERP Stats: Ag-96; Co- 76; Ig-JOl; In-JOO; Pr-J05; heroes with a shrewd tactical mind and natural gifts o f leadership.
St-60. Appearance: 102. He was blonde like the Vanyar, extremely tall (7'7"), and with an
almost herculean physique.
Finduilas was a Noldorin princess and daughter of Orodreth who Fingolfin's Principal Items:
was the brother of Finrod and the son of Finarfin. She was the belov­ Sword (Ringil) - (S. "Chill Star"), + 88 two-handed sword,
ed of Gwindor but Finduilas fell in love with Turin when he came made of white eog, mithril, clear laen, and adamant sap­
to Nargothrond. Gwindor lovingly released her from her commit­ phires. It is Holy and "of Cold", doing additional Cold
ment to him but bound Turin to be Finduilas' protector. Turin failed criticals and quadruple concussion damage. It is also "of
in this due to the deception of Glaurung. He was off to Dor-16min Will": the wielder cannot be stunned, stunned unable to
after Morwen and Nienor when Finduilas was captured by Orcs dur­ parry, made afraid, charmed, or possessed, and will never
ing the assault on Nargothrond. She was murdered by her captors fumble. It "Slays" armor and shields at lvl 100 (enchanted
when the Haladin ambushed them at the Crossings of Teiglin. Fin­ items get a RR based on their level of enchantment). It casts
duilas was buried at Haudh-en-Elleth. constant Haste when drawn from the scabbard as well as a
Finduilas's Special Powers: constant Utterlight V. It may cast up to 200PP/day from Ice
Spells - 60 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows all Bard lists to Law (up to level 20) with all spells having ranges, radii, and
20th lvi, knows 5 Open Mentalist lists to 5th Ivl. hits multiplied x5.

Note: Finduilas will cast a True Aura spell if she has the Armor (Belegennon) - (S. "Armor of Might"), AT:PII20
opportunity. DB: + 88, all white eog and mithril, constant Displacement
III, negates 50% of all criticals to the wearer, unencumber­
ing, constant A lkar.
Elves/Fingolfin through Finrod 75

Cloak (Collothalion) - (S. "Cloak of Shields"), great FIN ROD

animated cloak with woven filaments of shalk and ogamur, Lvi: 115. Race: Noldo. Profession: Bard (Fighter). Home: Eldamar,
highly intelligent. It continually whips and blows around the Tol Sirion, Minas Tirith, Nargothrond. A ka: (S. "Golden-haired
wearer during combat able to defend him as a wall shield Champion ',); (S. "Hair-eminent one''), Felagund (S. "Cave Hewer'');
+ 50. Lord of the Caves; Master of Caves, Nom, the Faithful, Friend of
Fingolfin's Special Powers: Men, Findardto.
Spells 675 PP. x4 PP multiplier. Knows all Open and Clos­
RM Stats:; Co-107; SD-102; Ag-I06; Me-108; Re-108; St-105; Qu-104;
ed Channeling lists to 1 0th Iv!.
Pr-105; In-102; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-106; Co-107; Ig-108; In-102;
Fingolfin's Lesser Items of Note: Pr-105; St-105. Appearance: 106.
Long Bow + 75 (triple concussion damage, fire 2 arrows/rnd
with no penalty, requires strength of 104 to draw or string). Great Noldorin prince Finrod was the eldest offspring and son
of Finarfin. His brothers were Orodreth, Angror, and Aegnor. His
Read Sil 60, 69- 71, 75, 83-90, 100, 108-09, 1l1, 113, 115, 119, 121, 143, sister was Galadrie!' He is known as the great friend of Beren.
147, 150, 152, 154, 305. Finrod was reknowned for not only his great strength and power,
but also for his wisdom, justice, loyalty, and for his unmatched
brilliance as an architect.
Finrod joined the quest for the Silmarils only reluctantly and suf­
fered the separation of his beloved Amarie of the Vanyar, who re­
mained behind in Aman. He was one of the leaders of the host of
He first settled in Beleriand and built the remarkable fortress city
FINGON of Minas Tirith. Then he was guided by Ulmo to find the Caverns
Lvi: 120. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Eldamar, of Narog and there built the legendary Elven cave palaces of
Dor-Iomin, Mithrim. A ka: (S. "Golden-haired Commander''); the Nargothrond, capitol of the largest Noldorin realm in Beleriand.
Valiant; Findakdno. Finrod was the first of the Eldar to encounter the Edain and he
taught them in Beleriand. He was rescued from Orcs in the Dagor
RM Stats:; Co-108; SD-92; Ag-110; Me-90; Re-94; St-109; Qu-108; Bragollach by Beren to whom Finrod gave the Ring of Barahir as
Pr-106; 1n-96; Em-99. MERP Stats: Ag-110; Co-108; 19-94; In-96; a pledge of aid to his house.
Pr-106; St-109. Appearance: 105. Beren later requested Finrod's help in the Silmaril quest. So Finrod
died and repayed the debt battling Sauron in songs of power. He was
A Noldorin prince, Fingon was the eldest son of Fingolfin, father imprisoned in his own Minas Tirith dungeons and was slain by a
of Gil-galad, and High King of the Noldor from 1 .A. 455-473. In Werewolf.
Eldamar he was very close to Maedhros, Angrod, and Aegnor, and Finrod was tall (7'4"), blonde as was common for his house. He
he was one of the ones who favored the pursuit of Morgoth and the was truly one of the most noble of the Noldor and so carried himself.
Silmarils (even though his relationship with Feanor was not strong).
Finrod's Special Powers:
Fingon led the hosts of Fingolfin in the Kinslaying.
Spells - 460 PP. x6 PP multiplier. Knows all Bard lists to
Fingon took it upon himself to end the division between the House
50th lvi, knows all Open and Closed Mentalism to 20th Iv!.
of Feanor and the others of the Noldor. So he summoned Thoron­
dor and together they flew to the cliff of Thangorodrim and rescued Finrod's Lesser Items of Note:
Maedhros from his bondage there. For this act especially, but also Broadsword + 60 (laen with white eog edges, double con­
for his strength and courage Fingon was called the Valiant. cussion hits, of light: on a critical target receives a point blank
Fingon was unfortunately slain by Balrogs in the Nirnaeth Ar­ + 50 lightening bolt, 5x/daily can throw Lightening Bolt + 50
noediad. He was succeeded as High King by his brother Turgon. x5 hits to 500'; may throw 100PP/day up to 20th from Light's
Fingon was blonde after the nature of his family, tall (7'4"), strongly Way, Light Law, or Light Molding); full shield + 50 (clear
built and a powerful fighter. laen and mithril rim, does not encumber, may be ridden on
water or air 200'/rnd), armor (AT:PII20 DB: + 60, unen­
Fingon's Special Powers:
cumbering, no penalites, Displacement III constant); head­
Spells -720 PP. x4 PP multiplier. Knows all Open and Clos­
band, of galvorn and mithril (x6 PP Mentalism, constant
ed Mentalism lists to 10th Iv!.
Alkar, allows Mentalism casting, negates 50070 head crits, may
Fingon's Lesser Items of Note: become an ornate mithril full helm at a thought); laen draw­
Broadsword + 75 (of cold or fire: doing either an additional ing table & tools ( + 50 math and architecture maneuvers);
Heat or Cold critical, x5 concussion hits, constant Haste, hammer dulcimer w/hammers (Mallorn and Tasarang with
Firebolt or lcebolt + 50 x5 hits range 500' 5x/day); armor golden mithril fittings, Songs lists attacks at + 30, durations
(AT:PII20 DB: + 75, unencumbering, repairs itself in 24 hrs, and ranges are doubled).
throws 50PP day from Self Healing); long bow + 60 (triple
concussion damager, fire 2 arrows/rnd no penalty, of slay­ Read Sil 61, 73, 85, 90, 109, 1I4, 120-21, 124, 128-30, 140-43, 151-52,
ing Orcs, Trolls, and Iycanthropes); full shield + 50 (repairs 169- 72, 1 74, 175- 76, 305, 306, 356, 358; LotRIll 453, 506.
itself, flies 500' to hand of wielder at a thought,

Read Sil 60, 84, 85, 87, 109-11, 116, 119, 121, 152, 154, 160, 164, 189,
191, 192, 193-94, 205, 358, 360.
76 ElveslFinwe


!'lame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Feanor 130 250 PII20 1 80 + N AIL 5 1 0th* 5 1 0th* 95 Noldo Mage/Alchemist (Fighter), eldest son o f Finwe.
Featur ( I ) 36 1 30 No/ I 1 20 + N N 1 30HMA 1 20ky 50 Noldo Mage/Mentalist of the Guild o f Elements.
Featur ( I I ) 35 1 00 Noll 105 + N N 1 3 51k 1 1 5ky 50 Noldo Mage/Mystic of the COUrt of Ardor.
Fendome 35 1 70 Ch/ 1 7 90 + Y20 N 1 50bs 1 50ja* 40 Noldo Mage/Alchemist, a master smith of Ost-in-Edhil.

Finarfin 1 25 275 PII20 240 + Y50 A/L 490th* 490ba* 85 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, youngest son of Finwe.
Finculin 20 1 60 Chl l 7 60 + N N 1 70ss* 1 80cb 35 Noldo Mage/Alchemist, a master smith o f Ost-in-Edhil.
Finduilas 20 85 No/3 68 + N N 145ss* 1 30ss* 40 Noldo Bard, daughter of Orodreth.
Fingolfin 1 35 300 PII20 303 Y50 AIL 565th* 5451b* 95 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, second son o f Finwe.

Fingon 1 20 275 PII20 250 Y50 A/L 495bs* 4851b* 90 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, eldest Son of Fingolfin.
Finrod 1 15 250 PII20 215 Y50 A/L 450bs* 4401b* 80 Noldo Bard (Fighter), eldest son of Finarfin.
Finwe 140 370 PI120 220 + N A/L 350qs* -
100 Noldo Animist/Cleric (Astrologer), High King of the Noldor.

------- FIN vVE------- Crown (Aglarthol) (Q. "Crown of Glory"), crown of


Lvi: 140. Race: Noldo. Profession: A nimistlCleric (A nimist, golden mithril, laen, precious stones. The center prominent
Astrologer). Home: Aman, Tirion, Formenos. stone is a sapphire Feanorian lamp which shines on its own
( + IODB). Wearer is immune to fear, stun, charm, control,
RM Stats:; Co-106; SD-106; Ag-IIO; Me-llO; Re-l08; St-106; Qu-106;
or possession. Crown negates 50070 of head crits. On any head
Pr-llO; In-llO; Em-108. MERP Stats: Ag-IIO; Co-I06; Ig-108; In-llO;
strike the weapon must save vs a 50th level Weapon Slayer
Pr-llO; St-106. Appearance: 109.
Finwe was the first High King of the Noldor and one of the four Boots (Nimril Palandal) (Q. " Brilliant White Boots of

greatest Elves who led the Eldar on the Great Journey out of Middle­ Travel"), beautiful white boots which come to mid-thigh, they
earth in the beginning (the others were Ingwe, Olwe, and Elwe). He are studded with 88 large diamonds. They may cast any Run­
was the father of Hanor by Miriel of the Noldor, and after her death ning spell off the Lofty Movements list at will. All maneuvers
the father of Fingolfin and Finarfin by Indis of the Vanyar. Hanor are + 50.
opposed the second marriage and there was strife because of it for
Finwe's Special Powers:
many years, yet Finwe loved Feanor more than any of his other kin. Spells J 1 20 PP. x 1 2 PP multiplier. Knows base Cleric lists

When Feanor was exiled and went to his fortress Formenos, Finwe to 100th lvi, knows Animist and Astologer base lists to 50th
himself accompanied him. So it was that when Morgoth stole the
lvi, knows all Open and Closed Channeling lists to 50th Ivl.
Silmarils from Feanor's armory, Finwe was slain by Morgoth defen­
ding the home and treasury of his son. Even though Finwe was un­
Read Sit 52-53, 60-62, 63-65, 69- 72, 75, 79, 305.
touched by the shame that was to come upon his house in years ahead,
he perished for the same cause as two of his sons: Feanor and
Fingolfin. Like them he was slain by Morgoth for reason of the
Silmarils. Following Finwe's death, his heart was taken by Orcs but
was later recaptured by Turgon (his grandson) and encased in gold
by him. This relic was called the Scarlet Heart and is the emblem
of the king's folk in Gondolin.
Finwe was majestic in appearance, very tall (7'8"), having long black
hair and grey eyes soft with wisdom and love. He was known for
his unsurpassed wisdom, concern for good, and his calming influence
on the rash Noldor.
Finwe's Principal Items:
Staff (Aldatar) -(Q. "Father of Staves"), x12 PP for any
realm, formed of braided limbs of the Two Trees, wielder pro­
tected by constant Resistance True and Protections True,
+ 100 in melee, hits as a mounted lance 5x damage giving
Crush, Impact, and Unbalancing Criticals. At will the wielder
may desire a target that has been struck to suffer the attack
of a + 50 point blank fireball (only the target and his gear Fiowe
suffers this blast).

Robes (Collatar) - (Q. "Father's Robe"), gleaming white,

AT:PI120 DB: + 88, Aura Blaze and Displacement V at will,
all spells cast by wearer cost half the normal amount of power
Elves/Galadriel 77

GALADRIEL Like all true artifacts, Nenya's power is a function of its

wielder. The Elven Rings were made to aid their wearer in
Lvi: 60(90). Race: High Naldo. Profession: Mage/Seer (Mystic).
learning, healing and understanding, not only for him or her,
Home: Undying Lands; Beleriand (in Doriath); Eregion; Imladris;
but those around them. They had the power to hold off the
Lorien; Lebennin. Aka: A latariel, A rtanis, Nerwen; also called Lady
Shadow, and in fact keep at bay the decays of Time itself.
of the Noldor, Lady of the Golden Wood, and the White Lady.
Each ring was the center of an Elven haven where the passage
RM Stats: St-95; Qu-J01; Em-J01; In-JOO; Pr-J02; Ag-JOO; Co-JOO; of days is not felt, Time flows in strange ways. This was
Me-94; Re-96; SD-98. MERP Stats: St-95; Ag-JOO; Co-JOO; Ig-97; especially true in Loden, where Galadriel held sway.
It-JOO; Pr-J02. Appearance: 105.
The Mirror of Galadriel - A Seer focus device, it enhances
the range and scope of the Seer spells in the Future Visions,
The daughter of Finarfin, Galadriel was generally considered to
be the equal of Feanor, superior to him in many ways. Born in the Past Visions, and True Perception lists, often combining them
into a series of visions. Manipulated with caution and skill,
Undying Lands, the daughter of Finarfin and Earwen of Alqualonde,
it is a very powerful aid, with virtually unlimited range in
she grew to be very tall (6'4"), in height comparable to her brothers.
She was also strong-willed, and competitive. The Eldar enjoyed time and distance. H owever, as with all items of such power,
it is perilous, especially when used by someone unfamiliar
ahtletic games as well as mental exercise, and Galadriel proved again
with it. In such cases, the Mirror will show swift, fleeting
and again that she was the equal of any of the Noldor Lords in depth
of thought as well as athletic ability. visions, of past present and future, often far away. The im­
ages often are drawn from the viewer's subconscious, and can
One of the leaders of the Noldor living in Tirion in the Undying
be misleading if taken too literally.
Lands, she went with her brethren to fight in the hopeless war against
Morgoth. It was in Beleriand, in the guarded realm of Doriath, that The Elessar -(given in the Second Age by Galadriel to
she met her future husband Celeborn. Although she took no oaths, Celebrlan, then to Arwen, then entrusted to Galadriel to be
she - like the rest of the Deep Elves - suffered the Ban of the Valar given to Aragorn in mid TA 3019). In appearance the Elessar
and was forbidden to return to Aman after the war. At that time, is a brooch in the form of an eagle with spread wings, set
however, Galadriel had no desire to return, having become enamored with a large oval emerald. Specific Powers:
with the wide lands of Middle-earth, and she desired a realm of her
own to rule. ( I ) Continuous Clerical Base: Prayer
So it was for many ages of the world that Galadriel remained in
(2) x6 PP Enhancer (any profession)
Middle-earth, and the land was bettered by her presence. Finally,
however, by the end of the Third Age she grew weary of the world. (3) Preservation True: a power beyond the norm; i t is similar
Because of her deeds against Sauron, and most especially her refusal in nature and effect to the power of the Three Elven Rings
to accept the One Ring when it was freely offered, the Ban was lifted (though not nearly as powerful): Time seems to pass slowly
and she sailed into the Uttermost West with the other Ringbearers. within the area under the influence of the Elessar; living things
do not die, and age at a very reduced rate. This power, like
Galadriel's Principal Items:
that of the Three, is highly the function of the intrinsic might
Nenya ( White Ring of Water) of the weilder.
Of all the twenty Rings of power only the Three Elven
Rings, forged by Celebrimbor alone, are unsullied by the evil Long Knife (Tintelpe) - (Q. "Silver Spark"), + 33, uses the
hand of the Dark Lord. In appearance Nenya was an elegant, broadsword table. It glows with a blue light near Servants
delicate band of mithril holding a clear, multifaceted gem of Morgoth/Sauron, is Of Slaying Orcs, Evil Clerics Magi­
of adamant, a crystalline material of great beauty and harder cians and Sorcerers, delivers a Cold critical (of same severi­
than diamond. Nenya's specific powers: ty as any other given), will cast Lightning Bolt 300' 3x/day,
and is a Holy weapon.
( I ) Continuous Mystic Base Hiding Unpresence; Nondetect; Galadriel's Special Powers:
Mentalist Inner Wall. Doubles RR level of wearer when Spells - Galadriel possesses all Seer and Mystic Base Lists
resisting the Dark Lord's detection powers. These spells can to 50th level. She also has the Mentalist Base list Mind Speech
also be enacted with a radius to shield an entire area.
to 20th level, the following Open and Closed Mentalist lists
(2) Continuous Aura of Misfeel and Confusion. This power
to 50th: Brilliance, Awareness, Illusions, Spell Resistance,
is most effective when the ring has been in one place for an
extended period of t ime, and the wielder is associated with
Mind Mastery, Telekinesis, Mind's Door, Movement, and the
that place. Radius is a function of the wearer's level and in­ following Lay Healer Base lists to 20th: Muscle mastery, Con­
trinsic power. In Nenya's case, Galadriel was able to bring cussion Mastery, Bone Mastery, Blood Mastery, Nerve and
all of central LOrien within the protective borders. Organ Mastery.

( 3 ) Continuous Prayer ( R R and maneuver bonus): + 30 to Galadriels' Other Items of Note:

all friends within a 30' radius. Robes of Aman - Woven in the Light of the Trees, these
robes are naturally silvery-white in color, but can change to
(4) + 3 3 to Constitution Bonus and Defensive Bonus.
any color or mottling at the wearer's thought, adding 1 00
(5) Allows wearer to freely employ all Mentalist Brilliance, to hiding. They also cast Mystic Base Displacement V at a
Gas Manipulation, and Liquid Manipulation Lists to user's thought, provide wearer with AT 20, additional -30 to DB,
level. Ranges variable but usually 1O-IOOx normal range listed. and wearer is impervious to all heat and cold.
(6) User Regenerates 3 hits/rnd upon themself or anyone they Longbow -, + 33, double normal range, can be fired twice
touch . per round without penalty, and all arrows fired from the bow
(7) Wearer cannot be stunned. are Holy.

(8) Acts as a x9 PP E nhancer (any profession).

78 Elves/Galdor through Git-galad

----- GALDO R ----- GELMIR

Lvi: 2S. Race: Sinda. Profession: A nimist. Home: Grey Havens. Lvi: 55. Race: Noldo. Profession: Ranger. Home: Nargothrond.

RM Stats:; Co-92; SD-IOI; Ag-90; Me-99; Re-JOO; St-S4; Qu-94; Pr-97;

RM Stats:; Co-99; SD-96; Ag-J01; Me-94; Re-92; St-J02; Qu-J01; Pr-9S;
In-J01; Em-9S. MERP Stats: Ag-90; Co-92,' Ig-100; In-J01; Pr-97;
In-J01; Em-9S. MERP Stats: Ag-l0l; Co-99; Ig-9S; In-l0l; Pr-9S;
St-S4. Appearance: 9S.
St-J02. Appearance: 99.

Galdor was the messenger from Cirdan to the Council of Elrond.

A noble Noldo from Nargothrond, Gelmir was the son of Guilin
Thus it may be assumed that he was a Sindarin Elf. It was he who
and the brother of Gwindor. He was captured by Morgoth during
asked for proofs of the identity of the One Ring and also requested
the Dagor Bragollach and blinded. Later he was tortured, mutilated,
news of any advice from Saruman. At that point he was informed
and slain before the walls of Barad Eithe!. This terrible fate motived
by Gandalf that Saruman had misled them.
the mad charge of his brother against Angband.
It may be assumed that Cirdan chose Galdor for the errand because
of Galdor's astute mental faculties and wisdom, his knowledge of Gelmir's Special Powers:
the people of the Grey Havens, and a good relationship with Cirdan Spells - 165 PP. x3 PP multiplier. Knows all Ranger base
personally. lists to 25th Iv!. All Open Channeling lists to 20th Iv!.

Galdor's Special Powers:

Important Dates: died I .A. 473.
Spells -84 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows all Animist base
lists to 25th lvi, 12 Open and Closed lists to 20th Iv!.
Read Sit iSS, 191.
Galdor's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor (AT:RL/12 DB: + 30, seadrakeskin, wearer may swim
as fast as he may run, may breathe underwater); Glaive (large
mithril blade on a mallorn staff, x5 PP Channeling, polearm
+ 25, acts as a normal shield, casts Sudden Light 4x/day);
Elven cloak ( + 50 to S/H maneuvers); Elven boots (silent step,
Lvi: 100. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter (Astrologer).
+ 30 to moving maneuvers, may cast 20PP/daily from Lofty
Home: Born in Hithlum, then living in the Havens, then as a fugitive
Movements to level 10).
to the Isle of Balar, then serving as lord of Lindon. A ka: (S. "Star
of Radiance"), originally Ereinion (5. "Son of Kings"), then Gil-galad
Important Dates: Attended the Council of Elrond in T.A. 301 8 .
Read LotR I 315, 327-2S. RM Stats:; Co-JOO; SD-104; Ag-103; Me-l05; Re-J06; St-102; Qu-l04;
Pr-J05; In-J07; Em-l05. MERP Stats: Ag-l03; Co-JOO; Ig-J05; In-l07;
Pr-l05; St-l02. Appearance: J05.

Gil-galad was a great and wise leader, the last of the Noldorin high
kings. He was from a line of poweful rulers: the son of Fingon, who
was the son of Fingolfin, who was the son of Finwe.
Though he was born before the Dagor Bragollach, he was saved
GALION by his father by being sent to dwell with Cirdan the shipwright in
Lvi: 14. Race: Silvan. Profession: Bard. Home: Mirkwood (the the Havens of Falas. He escaped also the sack of the Havens to the
Woodland Realm). Isle of Balar. Following the deaths of Fingon and Turgon he became
High King of the Noldor. When Celeborn departed Harlindon the
RM Stats:; Co-SO; SD-63; Ag-94; Me-97; Re-Sl; St-S6; Qu-90; Pr-9S; remaining Grey-elves also joined themselves to Gil-galad.
In- 79; Em-S7. MERP Stats: Ag-94; Co-SO; Ig-Sl; In- 79; Pr-9S; St-S6. Only Gil-galad and his people were undeceived by Sauron's mask
Appearance: 97. of friendship in the 6th century S.A .. He foresaw Sauron's deceiving
the Elven-smiths of Eregion. When Sauron openly assaulted Eregion
Galion was the long time Silvan butler of King Thrandui!. A Gig-galad sent reinforcements which allowed the defenders to hold
dedicated under-achiever, Galion's notorious wine-bibbing and his out longer. With the aid of Tar-Minastir, eleventh king of Numenor
careless partying with Thranduil's chief guard permitted Bilbo and Sauron was defeated and driven out of the west. When Sauron again
his company to escape. rose to power, Gil-galad renewed the alliance with the surviving
Galion's Special Powers: Numenoreans and defeated Sauron again in the Wars of the Last
Spells - 14 PP. x3 PP multiplier. Knows all Bard base lists Alliance. Gil-galad, however, also passed away in the final battle fall­
to 10th lvi, knows 5 Open lists to 5th Iv!. ing in single combat with Sauron. Had it not been for the survival
of the One Ring because of the short-sightedness of Isildur, the vic­
Galion's Lesser Items of Note:
tory over Sauron would have been complete.
Armor (AT:Ch/1 3 DB: + 20); target Shield + 20; short sword
Gil-galad is one of Middle-earth's history's greatest, noblest, most
+ 25 (additional Electrical crits one degree less); two 2 dag­
honorable, and most consistent leaders. His realm of Lindon was
gers + 15 (casts 1 5th level Sleep when delivers a crit 3x/dai­
the longest lasting Elven kingdom in Middle-earth. He was extremely
Iy); lute x3PP Bard ( + 10 on Bard base attack spell rolls, dura­
wise, perceptive, and a faultless judge of character and intent.
tions of spells cast with lute are doubled).
Physically he had the remarkable physique of the greatest Noldorin
princes (7'6"), the fair golden hair found in his august lineage, and
Read H 1 73-76.
the penetrating blue eyes of the Vanyar.
Elves/Gil-galad through Glorfindel II 79

Gil-galad's Principal Items: GLORFINDEL (I)

The Great Spear (Aeglos) - (S. "Snow Point" or " I cicle"), Lvi: 50. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: A man, later
made of pure white eog, + 88 OB, Holy, triple concussion Gondolin. A ka. (Q. "Golden-haired one").
criticals, additional Cold and Impact criticals. Protects the
wielder vs any cold and the draining power of undead. It can RM Stats: St-I03; Qu-102; Em-98; In-99; Pr-I03; Ag-1OO; Co-1OI;
cast the following spells 3x/daily each, 2/rnd, at 50th level Me-99 Re-IOO; SD-I04. MERP Stats: St-I03; Ag-1OO; Co-1OI; Ig-99;
of ability: Bladeturn I, lee Bolt (5x hits), Regeneration V, It-99; Pr-I03. Appearance: 104.
Unpain 50% , and Resistance True. Aeglos with Gil-galad was
destroyed by Sauron's Gauntlet of Slaying on the slopes of A valiant captain of the guard in Gondolin, Glorfindel escaped
Orodruin. But Gil-galad's fatal contest with Sauron permit­ the sack of the city and aided in Tuor and Idril's flight. The party
ted Elendil to strike Sauron down. was attacked by an evil force led by a Balrog, however, and Glor­
findel engaged the demon in single combat while the others escaped.
The Ring of Air (Vilya) - (see article on Elrond). Both the Elf-lord and the Balrog fell to their death. Glorfindel was
Robes of Aman - naturally silver-white, they change to any of the house of Finarfin, and lord of the House of the Golden Flower.
desired coloring and/or mottling, adding 1 00 to hiding, cast Glorfindel's Principal Items:
Displacement V at a thought, AT:PII20 OB: + 88. Sword (Calninque) - (Q. "White Cleaving") A two-handed
sword, + 60, it was of clear laen with an edge of white eog.
The White Crown - woven from sprigs of the White Tree,
Calninque was Holy and OJ Slaying demons. The wielder
xlO PP all professions, maintain concentration spells without
is Hasted whenever he draws the weapon, and immune to
concentration for I rnd/lvl, protects as a full helm, negates
all heat and cold.
50070 of head criticals.
Surcoat - a sleeveless overgarment of white cloth, it pro­
The Veil of Lindon - a cape with the same coloring pro­
tected as AT 20 (OB + 30) while not encumbering.
perties as Gil-galad's Robes of Aman, can cast A lkar at will,
swirls to defend its wearer like a full shield + 50. Glorfindel's Lesser Items of Note:
Shield: + 30, of steel and white eog; bow of power, with a
3x range and 2x normal concussion hits.

Read Sil 23 7, 301-2.


---- GLORFINDEL (II) ----

Lvi: 50. Race: Noldo (House oj Finarjin). Profession: Warrior

(Bard)/Fighter (Mentalist). Home: A man; Beleriand; Eregion; Im­
ladris. A ka: (S. "Golden-haired").

RM Stats: St-102; Qu-102; Em-94; In-9I; Pr-102; Ag-IOI; Co-IOI;

Me-92; Re-89; SD-98. MERP Slats: St-102; Ag-JO/; Co-1OI; Ig- 91;
It-9I; Pr-I02. Appearance: 104.

Though not to be confused with another Glorfindel - a Lieute­

nant of Turgon in Gondolin, head of the House of the Golden Flower
- this Glorfindel is a Noldorin Prince of great strength and lineage,
chief of the Guardians of Rivendel!. He may indeed be an descen­
dant of that other Glorfinde!. Not least among his accomplishments
was no doubt instructing Aragorn in the ways of combat. He departed
the Undying lands with his brethren (though somewhat reluctantly)
Gil-galad's Special Powers: fought valiantly against Morgoth, and survived the downfall of
Spells- 600 PP. xlO PP multiplier. Knows all base Astrologer Eregion and the War of the Elves and Sauron. He led a force in the
lists to 50th lvi, all Open and Closed Channeling and Men­ Last Alliance of Men and Elves, as well as commanding the Elven
talism lists to 20th Iv!. army which defeated Angmar in the Battle of Fornost (TA 1975).
Few of his kind remained in Middle-earth by the end of the Third Age.
Note: DB includes A lkar from Veil of Lindon. DB rises to Not only strong, Glorfindel was accounted one of the Wise, and
340 with Bladeturn or Deflect. was a member of the Council of Elrond. He sailed into the West
with the Ringbearers at the end of the Third Age.
Important Dates: S.A. 3434 defeated Sauron in the Battle of In appearance Glorfindel was tall (6'10") and strong, with clear,
Oagorlad. S.A. 3441 with Elendil overthrew Sauron but was burned bright blue eyes and golden hair.
to death by Sauron's heat.

Read Sil I54, 196, 244, 247, 254, 267, 286, 287, 290, 292, 293-94, 305;
LotRI 83, 250, 257, 319-320, 332; LotRIII 389, 452, 453-55; R 65.
80 Elves/Glorfindel II through Gorthaur

Glorfindel's Principal Items: Glorfindel's Special Powers:

Sword (Macilromen) -(Sunrise Sword) A lightweight two­ Healing -Like many of the greater Elves who lived in Aman,
handed sword, Macilr6men has a blade of golden alloy with Glorfindel possessed some limited intrinsic healing powers,
a huge topaz orb in the pommel. It is a + 45 weapon which, as if he knew the Channeling Purifications and Concussion's
when drawn, acts as the Astrologer spell Aura Blaze, except Ways lists to 10th level.
Blinding attack is to all within 30', and the 25 penalty to all
Spells - 1200 PP. x6 PP item. Glorfindel knows Mentalist
attackers is continuous as long as the sword is drawn. Orcs
base Mind Speech and Presence lists to 1 0th lvi, Brilliance
suffer a -30 penalty to their RR's and are at -50 when at­
to 20th lvi, Mind Mastery, and Cloaking to 10th Ivl.
tacking Glorfindel. Glorfindel's comrades within 30' gain
Glorfindel's Lesser Items of Note:
+ 30 to all RR's (including morale). The sword also confers
CLoak which adds 50 to hiding bonuses; circlet which acts
Firearmor to its wielder, cannot be fumbled if held by an
Elf, is a Holy weapon, and delivers 3x normal concussion as a full helm; bracelets which protect the lower arms as
hits. Wielder is also Hasted at will, and is able to parry even greaves and prevent wrist/forearm criticals 60070 of the time.
missile weapons.
Read LotR I 280-286, 293-99, 315, 348-61; LotR III, 309.
Boots - Elven boots which confer all of the Ranger Runn­
ing spells upon the wearer, as well as silent movement,
Traceless Passing and + 50 to climbing.

Tabard White, with the emblem of his house on the breast.


The tunic provides protection as AT 17 (-30) but does not

Lvi: 35. Race: Noldo. Profession: A nimist/Evil Cleric. Home:
Beleriand; Aurax-Dur, in the Mumakan. Aka: (S. "The Abominable':·
"Dread A bomination " (not to be confused with the Maia Sauron);
Morlin (S. "Quiet Darkness"); The High Priest; Amaru, god of

RM Stats: St-98; Qu-lOO; Em-89; In-lOl; Pr-JOO; Ag-IOO; Co-99;

Glorfindel Me-88; Re-82; SD-89. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-JOO; Co-99; Ig-86; It-JOl;
Pr-lOO. Appearance: 89.

A shadowy figure in the Court of Ardor, Gorthaur spend much

of his time either in his dark cavern or abroad acting as Amaru. He
never wavered from his dedication to the Mission; although perhaps
he was at times less than wholly enthusiastic.
Of average build, Gorthaur was fairly tall (6'8") with brown hair
and hazel eyes.
Gorthaur's Principal Items:
Scepter (Rod of Umaran) -3' long rod of ebony with gold
head and fittings; strikes as a mace + 30; is Of Slaying nonevil
users of Channeling, also Unholy and delivers additional
Electricity critical. Multiplies range of Weather Ways spells
xlO and all Lightning Call strikes are x5 concussion hits.

Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for

Gorthaur's Special Powers:
Spells - 105 PP. x6 Evil Clericism item. Knows Base Clerical
Summons, Communal Ways, Life Mastery, Protections lists
to 30th; Evil Base Channeling Dark Channels, Dark Lore,
Curses lists to 30th; Weather Ways, Light's Way, Barrier Law,
Lofty Movements, Locating Ways lists to 20th.
Gorthaur's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor blue leather, protects as AT 1 5 (-20); encumbers as
AT 6; shield blue laen, weightless, + 25 to frontal DB, Spell
Lorgl in (Gold-gleam) - A lesser Elven ring made by Shield True; collar casts Returning, Rereturning lx/day each;
Celebrimbor before the great Rings were made with Annatar's ring x6 PP enhancer.
"help", it is gold with a yellow topaz. Lorgl in grants the
wearer + 30 to his D B, Regenerates him at the rate of 3 See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 20.
hits/rnd, is a x6 Mentalism PP enhancer, and will cast In­
visibility 6x a day.
Elves/Gorthaur through Ingwe 81

------ HUINEN * ------ Idril lived with Tuor for many years i n Arvernien, until the man
LvI: 33. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Seer. Home: Ceber Fanuin, grew old, and they sailed together into the West. Whether they ar­
in Southern Mirkwood. Aka: S. "Eyes of Gloom': rived at last in Aman is not known. Her son went on to play a crucial
role in the history of Ea.
RM Stats: St-76; Qu-9S; Em-S7; In-S9; Pr-JOJ; Ag-l00; Co-S9; Me-9S;
Idril's Principal Items:
Re-97; SD-96. MERP Stats: St- 76; Ag-I00; Co-S9; Ig-9S; It-S9; Pr-JOI.
Tiara x8 PP enhancer, it was a delicate item of mithril
Appearance: JOO (though usually lower).
and diamonds. It also provided Irdil with a permanent Mir­
rormind spell vs all mental attacks and intrusions.
A resident of Southern Mirkwood in the Third Age, Huinen at­
tempted to hold back the Shadow, at least in his part of the forest. Idril's Special Powers:
His origins are mysterious, though it is likely that he is descended Spells - 200 PP. x8 PP enhancer. Knows all Mentalist Bae
from the Exiles of Aman, doomed to remain in Middle-earth until lists to 30th Ivl; all Open and Closed Lists to 20th Ivl.
he has paid for the oath of his fathers. Idril's Lesser Items of Note:
Huinen's nature is also rather strange, to the point that most of Cloak which casts a misty aura, providing wearer with a + 50
his associates (few though there were) figured him to be insane. to DB; tunic which protects as AT 17 ( + 30 to DB) but does
Radical personality shifts accompanied bizarre disguises and journeys, not encumber.
although this may have just been a ruse to lull servants of the Dark
Lord into complacency. Read Sil 151, 160, 163, 165-66, 296-300, 303-4, 3 OS, 315, 322.
In appearance the master of Ceber Fanuin was 6' 1 0" tall, slender
of build, with black curly hair, shot with white streaks. His hazel
eyes seemed to change color randomly.
Huinen's Principal Items:
Ring ( Paurnen) - (S. "Water Fist") A ring of blue laen
unadorned except for a delicate inscription on the inside
which reads, in Sindarin: "The wrath of water". The ring will
fire waterbolts, 100' range, as often as 3x per day. It also
allows the wearer to walk on water and mists as if on dry
land. The ring can create a mist about the wearer, adding
30 to his DB.

Orb of Seeing -A one-foot diameter orb set in a small table,

it rests in a high tower in Ceber Fanuin. In addition to being
a x6 PP enhancer, it allows a Seer to cast spells (in any list
he already knows) 20 levels higher than he normally would.
Huinen's Special Powers:
LvI: 150 Race: Vanya. Profession: Bard (Fighter, Cleric, A nimist,
Spells -99 PP. x6 PP item. Knows 3 Seer lists to 30th level,
Astrologer, Magician, Illusionist, Mentalist, Seer, Lay Healer, Mystic).
3 to 20th level, 10 Mentalists Open and Closed lists to 10th.
Home: the Halls of Man we and Varda on the mountain of Taniquetil
Huinen's Lesser Items of Note: (Oiolosse) in A man.
Headband protects as a full helm; cloak of protection, adds
30 to DB, and 60 to all Stalking/Hiding maneuvers; dagger RM Stats:; Co-J05; SD-105; Ag-J09; Me-J07; Re-J07; St-110; Qu-109;
of ithilnaur alloy, acts as a short sword + 20. Pr-120; In-110; Em-107. MERP Stats: Ag-J09; Co-J05; Ig-107; In-110;
Pr-120; St-110. Appearance: 120.
Read ICE's Southern Mirkwood 4S-50, 55.
Ingwe is the greatest of Elves, being king of the Vanyar, and High
King of the Eldar. He is revered for his awesome power, his immi­
nent wisdom, and the glory to be forever in the light of Manwe, closest
to Eru. As such he has transcended in knowledge and power any
of the Elves and is in some ways greater than the Maiar. Ingwe led
LvI: 40. Race: Noldo. Profession: Bard/Mentalist. Home: Gondolin the first of the Eldar, i.e., the Vanyar, to Aman following their awaken­
until its fall, then A rvernien. Aka: S. "Sparkling Brilliant Silver-foot': ing. He was therefore the leader of the first company, and unlike
so many of his fellows, did not tarry for any reason on the way. Thus
RM Stats: St-96; Qu-l04; Em-JOJ; In-JOO; Pr-104; Ag-JJO; Co-IOO; Ingwe was the first Elf to ever set foot on Aman. The High King
Me-JOO; Re-9S; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-96; Ag-1JO; Co-JOO; Ig-99; never returned again to Middle-earth except for the single occasion
It-IOO; Pr-J04. Appearance: J05. when he commanded the army of the Vanyar who, along with the
Valar themselves, drove Morgoth out forever, destroyed almost all
Idril was the daughter of Turgon, King of Gondolin, and she suf­ of his foul armies, and ruined both Thangorodrim and Angband.
fered the unwelcome attentions of Maeglin until his bitter fall with Ingwe far exceeds normal and natural limitations. Having dwelt
the downfall of Gondolin. With the help of Glorfindel, she escaped in the music and wisdom of Aman for all the ages, he is among the
with her husband - the lordly Adan Tuor - and her son by him: Elves greatest in wisdom and master of almost every profession and
Earendil the Mariner. skill.
Ingwe is tall (7'4") and has long golden-blond hair and golden
amber eyes. His skin is a rich golden hue.
82 ElveslIngwe

The Gift of Este a ring of mithril and multi-colored laen


---,,"""'- - '''-\ jewels which gives instant Lifekeeping and return to Aman
at the feet of Varda on any fatal injury.
Ingwe �-�
The Gift of Tulkas a beautiful clear white adamant two­

handed sword, + 88, allows the wielder to make up to 8 full

attacks and 8 full parries each round. On a critical result the
wielder may choose to give either 8x normal concussion
damage, slaying criticals, or a value of 88 on the critical hit
roll (50070 chance). The sword does not encumber and will
return to Ingwe's hand instantly on mental command from
up to 888 miles away. Wielder (or wearer) is naturally
AT:PII20 DB: + 88 and takes criticals on the large creature

The Gift of Friends (from Orome, Nessa, Vaire, and Vana):


a wreath crown woven from the twigs of the Two Trees:

Telperion and Laurelin. The radiance of the crown acts as
a Bless V spell to all allies within 888'. It also permits friend­
ship, healing, command, and summons of all natural animals
Ingwe's Principal Items and Powers: within 888'.
The Gift of Manwe a brilliant cloak of white and gold.
- Ingwe's Special Powers:
Allows flight at 888'/rnd for 1 6 hours each day; summons Presence Sitting in the light of Manwe, Ingwe radiates the

and commands up to 8 great eagles within a range of 88 miles; absorbed Glory and so has a super-natural presence of 1 20.
allows unlimited use of Light Law, Wind Law, and Water This presence causes a constant AWE effect to a radius of
Law to 50th level. 8000', and the more modest constant power of Alkar. All
within the AWE radius and in line of sight must save versus
The Gift of Varda - a beautiful suspended medallion, x l 6
a 50th level spell attack or either Panic (if evil) or kneel in
P P for a l l professions, wearer cannot be stunned, possessed
obedient submission (if good) unless Ingwe intentionally
or controlled, and is immune to Fear.
represses the Light Within. (Some extremely powerful evil
The Gift of Yavanna beautiful white, green, and gold boots
- beings may be able to protect their troops from Ingwe's AWE.)
which cause 1 plant to spring fully mature in each footstep Ingwe has never returned to Middle-earth except for the Great
according to the wearer's desire: fruit trees, nut trees, Ul-Naza, Battle, so it is incredibly unlikely that he would ever do so
Culkas, Hugburtun, Mirenna, Oiolosse, Vulcurax, Ankii, or again - at least without the direct encouragement of Manwe
Splayfoot. Usually the beautiful little white or yellow flowers or Varda. However, if he did, after a period of 888 days, his
called Simbelmyne (or alfirin or uilos or evermind) fill In­ Presence would drop to its "mere" natural value of 1 10 and
gwe's steps. the innate abilities would be lost until another 888 days had
been spent in the Presence of Manwe.
The Gift of Namo - beautiful white and gold gloves. They
allow free use of the Repulsions list up to 2 spells per round Resistance I ngwe is immune to spell attacks by anyone

to level 50. Additionally, the wearer may magically bury all except the Valar (unless he wills otherwise).
the bodies of the goodly dead within 888' by waving both
Spells 1 3 50 PP. x16 PP multiplier. Knows all base lists of
hands and singing.
Cleric, Animist, Astrologer, Magician, Illusionist, Mentalist,
The Gift of Nienna innate ability to touch the "mind"
- Seer, Lay Healer, Mystic to 50th level. Has all Open and Clos­
of an Elf by touching his/her face. Any Elf afflicted with ed Spell lists to 50th Iv!.
mental disease, control, or great sorrow may be instantly heal­ Criticals: Resolve criticals on Ingwe on the "Large Creature"
ed to well-being, health, and peace. tables.


Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Galadriel 60(90) 185 PII20 1 50 Y N 1 70bs 1 901b 55 Noldo Bard/Mystic (Seer), Queen of L6rien.
Galdor 28 100 RLl I 2 75 Y A/L 1 1 5pa 601b 30 Sinda Animist, Cirdan's messenger to Council o f Elrond_
Galion 14 85 Ch/ 1 3 70 + Y20 N I l Oss* 105da* 15 Silvan Bard, Thranduil's butler.
Gelmir 55 1 95 PII20 1 70 Y30 A/L 275th 2401b 45 Noldo Ranger o f Nargothron d , brother of Gwindor.

Gil-galad 100 225 PII20 240 + Y50 A/L 430sp* 340sp* 65 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, last off the High Kings o f the
Glorfindel (I) 50 220 PII20 1 35 Y30 L 306th* 2561b* 50 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, Captain o f the Guard i n Gondolin.
Glorfindel ( I I ) 50 225 PII 1 7 1 10+ N A 29 l th * 2651b* 45 Noldo Warrior/Figh ter(Mentalist), chief guardian of
Gorthaur 35 1 25 Ch/ 1 5 1 00 Y25 AIL 1 30ma* -
40 Noldo Animist/Evil Cleric o f the Court of Ardor.

Huinen 33 1 12 No/ l 1 00 + N N 100da* - 45 Noldo M age/Seer, Master of Ceber Fanuin in Mirkwood_

Idril 40 135 PII 1 7 1 40 + N N 140da 1 651b 100 Noldo Bard/Mentalist, Turgo n ' s daughter, wife o f Tuor_
Ingwe 1 50 500 P1I20* 1 73 + N A/L 570th* 455th* 95 Noldo Bard (see text), High King o f all the Elves_
Elves/Khelekar through Legolas 83

----- KHELEKAR * -----

Guild of Elements, crystal sphere in chain, allows contact
Lvi: 33. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Seer. Home: Taurang. A ka: with any of the other four orbs of the Guild.
(Q.lSi. "Hard as Ice "); The Scholar.
See ICE's Court of Ardor 28-29.
RM Stats: St-86; Qu-IOO; Em-67; In-89; Pr-lOO; Ag-96; Co-90; Me-98;
Re-lOl; SD-97. MERP Stats: St-86; Ag-96; Co-90; Ig-97; It-89; Pr-lOO.
Appearance: 90. -- LAURRE MENELRANA * --

Lvi: 33. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Beleriand,

Khelekar is as cold as his name implies, with biting dry wit and then Tumlinde, in the Mumakan. A ka: S. "Golden Wanderer of the
no patience for ignorance. The Scholar of the Court is ever in Heavens':
Taurclax's shadow, serving him and the Court faithfully until its
RM Stats: St-lOl; Qu-lOO; Em-85; In-98; Pr-IOO; Ag-99; Co-lOO;
Me-82; Re-94; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-IOI; Ag-99; Co-IDa; Ig-93; It-98;
Striking and bizarre in appearance, Khelekar is 6'8" tall and very
Pr-lOO. Appearance: 101.
slender, with snow-white hair and pale grey eyes. He regularly wears
voluminous black robes.
Descended from the line of Finrod, Laurre inherited leadership
Khelekar's Special Powers: of the Guild from his father, who founded it early in the Years of
Spells -99 PP. x5 item. Knows all Base Seer to 30th lvl; Men­ the Sun. Chrys Menelrana founded the Guild of Elements to thwart
talist Mind Mastery, Mind's Door, Sense Mastery, Brilliance, any minions of darkness which might spring up in the south. He
Cloaking, Attack Avoidance, Movement to 20th; Evil Base created many artifacts - strange and powerful items which were made
Mentalist Mind Death to 20th Ivl. utilizing skills long lost to Middle-earth. Laurre took over the Guild
Khelekar's Lesser Items of Note: when Chrys departed for the Undying lands in S.A. 500, and super­
Sword a short sword, + 30, black alloy, Of Slaying Elves. vised it until it completed its usefulness. The Noldo Prince poses sed
a certain naivete which on more than one occasion nearly cost him
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
his life. He was never able to clearly predict the actions of the Court
- an organization of evil. Only with the help of Featur was he able
to act effectively.
See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 20.
Laurre was somewhat short in stature (6'4") but lacked nothing
in skill and strength as a warrior. His gold hair and blue eyes harkened
KLAEN * more to the Vanyar than Noldor.
Lvi: 22. Race: Noldo/Sinda. Profession: Bard. Home: Aurax-dur (as
a youth); Tumlinde in the Mumakan. A ka: (Q.lSi. "Shining Still Laurre's Principal Items:
Lake"). Sword (Kirlhach) -(So "Cleaving Leaping-flame") a sword
of changing (could become a dagger/broadswordl2-handed
RM Stats: St-99; Qu-IOI; Em-84; In-96; Pr-102; Ag-IOO; Co-99; Me-99; sword at a thought) and + 30 laen blade, it was Holy and
Re-89; SD-8J. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-lOO; Co-99; Ig-96; It-96; Pr-102. was not only a flaming sword, but also fired a st�eam of flame
Appearance: 102. as a x5 Firebolt; provides heat/cold immunity, intelligent, cats
Haste X, Stun Relief Ill.
A member of the Guild of Elements (an organization in southern
Laurre's Special Powers:
Middle-earth whose purpose was to combat the evil Court of Ar­
Spells - 98 PP. x3 item. Knows Channeling Ligh t 's Way,
dor) Klaen travelled the region seeking information with which to
Purifications, Barrier Law, Concussion 's Ways Lists to 5th lvl.
combat the Ardan Court. He was actually the illegitimate son of Gor­
thaur, his mother a prisoner in Auraxdfir. Klaen swore to avenge the Laurre's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor mithril scales, light but strong: AT 1 7(-40); Orb of
crime against his mother and slay Gorthaur.
Reputedly an extremely handsome and charming individual, Klaen the Guild of Elements, crystal sphere in chain, allows con­
was frequently able to elicit information from otherwise unwilling tact with any of the other four orbs of the Guild; circlet, pro­
tects as helm, adds + 30 to RR's vs Mentalism.
targets. He was of average height (6'6"), slender build, had the san­
dy hair of his Sindarin ancestors and almost hypnotic blue eyes.
See ICE's Court of Ardor 26-28.
Klaen's Principal Items:
Broadsword (Blade of Inaril) mithril broadsword + 30,

Of Slaying Orcs and Dark Priests, glows near either; very

intelligent. ------ LEGOLAS ------

Lvi: 8. Race: Sinda. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Northern

Collar of Vallir creates defensive field over wearer as if
- Mirk wood.
he were wearing full plate (AT 20) with no encumbrance.
RM Stats: St-98; Qu-99; Em-92; In-94; Pr-81; Ag-lOO; Co-9J,· Me-92;
Klaen's Special Powers:
Re-95; SD- 72. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-IOO; Co-91; Ig-90; It-94; Pr-81.
Spells - 440 PP. x5 PP enhancer. Knows all Bardic Base
Appearance: 93.
lists to 20th Ivl; Mentalist Mind Mastery, Mind's Door, Self­
healing, Brilliance, Cloaking, A nticipations, Damage
Legolas was the son of Thranduil, the Elven-king of Northern
Resistance, Delving lists to 10th.
Mirkwood. He was Thranduil's emissary to the Council of Elrond,
Klaen's Lesser Items of Note: and was one of the Nine Walkers on the Quest to destroy the One
Ring casts Haste X lx/day, also x5 Bardic PP enhancer, Ring. He retired to the shores of Lebennin, and eventually sailed in­
allows access to Closed Mentalist lists by Bards; Orb of the to the West.
84 ElveslLegolas through Luthien

Legolas' Principal Items: Linsfil's Principal Items:

Bow - Of quickness, it fires 3x every two rounds, and is Harp - x4PP enhancer, allows use of Slaying Song lx/day;
+ 30 to hit. allows silent casting of Bardic spells.

Shield of Concealment, it gives off a shadowy aura ad­

- Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
ding + 25 to hiding attempts. details.
Legolas' Lesser Items of Note: Linsfil's Special Powers:
Boots: Of silence; long Knife + 20 to hit, strikes as a short Spells - 324 PP. x4 item. Knows all Bard lists to 25th, Men­
sword. talist Brilliance, Cloaking, A ttack Avoidance, Delving, Illu­
sions to 10th.
Read LotR 1 315, 335-56, 361, 366, etc. Linsfil's Lesser Items of Note:
Long Kynac, + 25, flames, casts Firebolt 3x/day; Earrings,
See ICE's Northern Mirkwood, 43. one of wich is highly intelligent and able to translat any
language; ring provides immunity from all heat and flame.

See ICE's Court of Ardor 19-20.

Lvi: 75. Race: Nando. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Cuivienen,
later Wilderland east of the Misty Mountains.
----- LUTHIEN -----

RM Stats: St-105; Qu-104; Em-102; In-lOl; Pr-I03; Ag-105; Co-102; LvI: 150. Race: Sinda-Maia. Profession: Bard (Illusionist, Lay Healer,
Me-IOI; Re-100; SD-9S. MERP Stats: St-I05; Ag-105; Co-102; Ig-100; Mystic). Home: Originally in Thingo/'s kingdom of Doriath, then
It-IOI; Pr-I03. Appearance: 103. with Beren in Tal Galen. A ka: Timiviel.

RM Stats:; Co-99; SD-105; A g-106; Me-105; Re-109; St-99; Qu-106;

One of the first generation, Lenwe led a group of the Teleri later
Pr-1J5; In-106; Em-109. MERP Stats: Ag-106; Co-99; Ig-109; In-106;
known as the Nandor. Therefore, although he was of the Eldar (those
Pr-1J5; St-99. Appearance: 125.
who embarked on the Great Journey) he was a Moriquendi ("Dark
Elves") who never saw the light of the Trees. Lenwe's people tarried
Luthien was the most beautiful o f all of the children of Eru, and
east of the Misty Mountains, and it is their people who later formed
with the Nauglamir (see article on Thingol) was considered the most
the base populations of the Greenwood and L6rien. Lenwe's final
beautiful sight outside of Yalinor. But her might is also truly
fate is not known.
astonishing. For in her veins ran the blood of Yalar, Maiar, and the
Lenwe's Principal Items: Elven High-king Thingol. Her lineage was, quite simply, the most
Bow - An elven longbow, + 45, double normal range, with noble in all of Middle-earth history. In addition, from both her
all arrows fired from it considered Holy. ancestral gifts and her long training under her Maia mother Melian,
Luthien achieved power in magic second to none: her singing charmed
Sword -A broadsword of wood with an edge of green laen,
no less than Morgoth and Mandos, and enchanted both Sauron and
+ 20, Hastes wielder at will. The sword will not harm plants,
Morgoth. It was she who made Beren's aquisition of a Silmaril from
trees or animals (unless such are under the power of Evil).
the Iron Crown of Morgoth possible. And it was she who healed
Lenwe's Lesser Items of Note: Beren's wounds. She overcame Sauron and freed her beloved Beren.
Cloak which is + 60 to hiding; boots which allow traceless Her name Tinuviel comes from the beauty of her singing.
passing, all Ranger Running spells. Luthien can be presumed to be tall (6'6"), having the beauty of
angels, fair haired, with sparkling blue eyes, and the flowing gossamer
Read Sit 56, lOS. garb of a quintessential dancer.
Luthien's Principal Items:
Mother's Gift -a wreath of ever-beautiful flowers about
----- LINSUL * Luthien's head, x l O PP multiplier for all professions, main­
LvI: 27. Race: Sinda. Profession: Bard. Home: Naurlindol. A ka: (5. tain concentration spells without concentration for I rnd/lvl,
"Wind-Song"); The Harper. protects the head as a full helm, negates 50070 of head criticals.

RM Stats: St-S6; Qu-100; Em- 7S; In-93; Pr-IOI; Ag-99; Co-9S; Me-9S; The Sash of Yavanna - constant Displacement Y, DB + 88,
Re-S2; SD-90. MERP Stats: St-S6; A g-99; Co-9S; Ig-94; /t-93; Pr-IOI. wearer can become translucent (subtract 50 from all Percep­
Appearance: 101. tion rolls trying to find her).

The Veil of Daeron - a lightweight dancer's garb, deflects

LinsUi and Klaen (q.v.), both Bards, had a mutual respect/attrac­
attacks as AT20 and adds + 100 to spell resistance rolls.
tion, perhaps because of their allegience to opposing sides in the
scheme of southern Middle-earth. LinsUi herself was a powerful The Dagger of the Dancer - blue mithril, + 88, hits as a
spellcaster, more than a match for most of her targets. She served battle axe doing double concussion hits, throw 8000' with
Rilia at Naurlindol, but was most frequently abroad, gathering in­ no penalty, instant Long Door return to hand, does addi­
formation for the Court. tional Impact and Puncture criticals. If used to full parry,
LinsUi had red-blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Standing a statues­ may also cast Deflections Vor Bladeturn V.
que 6'0" tall, she attracted attention wherever she went (when she
wanted to, that is).
Elves/Llithien through Maedhros 85

Luthien's Special Powers: Though fully given to the foolish pursuit of Morgoth and the
Spells - 1 3 50 PP. xlO pp\ multiplier. Knows all base Illu­ Silmarils, Maedhros constantly opposed or regretted the great acts
sionist, Mystic, Bard, and Lay Healer lists to 50th level, knows of violence committed against others of Eru's children. Maedhros
all Open and Closed Essence and Mentalist lists to 50th level. was a patient ruler, guarding the March of Maedhros for many years,
and also striving to curb the arrogance of his brothers.
Note: Luthien's DB will increase to 230 with the Nauglamir One of the most significant events in his life was his capture by
and to 280 with the Silmaril (but with the Silmaril opponent's Balrogs (in an emissary company from Morgoth). He was then shackl­
also get a + 40 OB due to lust). This may be further increas­ ed by his right wrist to the sheer face of Thangorodrim by a hell­
ed by some spells. wrought and unbreakable band of iron. He was rescued by Thoron­
dor the greatest of eagles and Fingon ("the Valiant") but suffered
Read Sit 91, 123, 148, 165-88, 198, 234-36, 306, 307; LotR 1 258-61; the severance of his right hand. Ever after this, his spirit burned with
LotR III 388. greater fierceness, and he wielded his great sword with his left hand
even more deadly than before.
Maedhros finally did steal a Silmaril, but finding that it burned
LYRIN * his hand because of his many sins and the great flow of blood he
Lvi: 35. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Monk. Home: Geshaan. had shed, he cast himself in despair and regret with the Silmaril into
a deep chasm and found there, it is supposed, an unknown grave.
RM Stats: St-lOO; Qu-lOO; Em-lOO; In-87; Pr-lOO; Ag-101; Co-lOO;
Maedhros would have been simple to recognize, being accounted
Me- 73; Re-84; SD-89. MERP Stats: St-lOO; Ag-101; Co-lOO; Ig-82;
tall even among the Noldorin princes (7'8"), perhaps surpassed on­
It-87; Pr-lOO. Appearance: 100.
ly by Elwe. He had the fair hair and sapphire eyes so striking in his
family. The absence of his right hand, the skill of his mighty sword,
The only member of the "Three" of Ty-Ar-Rana to survive into
and the Alkar of his grim but noble visage marked him as one of
the Second Age, Lyrin was apparently a Noldo, but may have in fact
the truly notable figures in Middle-earth.
been (at least partially) of the Nando race which founded the an­
cient Order. A consummate unarmed warrior, he was the least in­
tellectual of the Three and wandered for many years without guidance
before meeting Laurre and rejoining the Guild.
6'7" tall with dark skin, emerald green eyes and unusual red-brown
hair, Lyrin bore the same familial signs as his brethren of Ty-Ar-Rana,
� . ....... .
but little resemblence to the Noldor.
Lyrin's Principal Items:
Earrings of Lyrin - x6 PP enhancers (for Monks), create
an aura providing a 30 bonus to DB, and will Haste the wearer
at will.
Lyrin's Special Powers:
Spells - 630 PP. x6 item. Knows all Monk lists to 30th Ivl.
Lyrin's Lesser Items of Note:
Bracers, + 30 to all Martial Arts attacks; Orb of the Guild
of Elements, crystal sphere in chain, allows contact with any
of the other four orbs of the Guild; cloak, will turn wearer
invisible at will.

See ICE's Court of Ardor 26-28. Maedhros' Principal Items:

Sword (Silmaruth) - (S. "Fury of the Silmarils") his sword,
probably made by Hanor. The broadsword is red laen with
MAEDHROS an eog edge, + 75, does triple concussion hits, does additional
Heat and Slash criticals, casts continuous Haste on its bearer
Lvi: 105. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: born and
when wielded.
reared in Eldamar, he then went to Middle-earth: he first battled in
many regions, then he was shackled to the face of Thangorodrim, A Hand (Camaedhros) - (S. " Hand of Maedhros") a pro­

then built and dwelt in the great fortress Himring guarding the March sthetic eog right hand. It is initially white but mystically
of Maedhros, and finally with Himring taken he wandered homeless. begins to be stained by the blood of his battles. While
Aka: the Tall. Maedhros is not comfortable to wear the hand all the time
or to wield his sword with it, it is mighty in battle: acts as
RM Stats:; Co-108; SD-90; Ag-llO; Me-95; Re-lOO; St-108; Qu-11O;
a + 50 normal shield, intelligent, can cast Deflect I or
Pr-104; 1n-95; Em-98. MERP Stats: Ag-llO; Co-108; Ig-98; In-95;
Bladeturn I each round (each spell cast 16 times daily), and
Pr-104; St-108. Appearance: 104.
may attempt to crush anything in its grasp: either a LGr at­
tack (OB + 1 50), or a 30th level attack on an inanimate item
The eldest son of Hanor, Maedhros the Tall was one of the greatest
(e.g., swords, etc).
of all the Elven warriors. He was from the very first passionately
given to the terrible Oath of his father and thereby committed many Armor (Heruannon) - ("Prince's Armor") AT:PII20
terrible and grievous acts. He was however the best and most DB: + 75, Displacement III, continuous A lkar, negates 300/0
temperate of all Feanor's sons, with the single exception of Maglor. of body crits, cast Stun Relief III (Body Renewal Lvi 9) at will.
86 Elves/Maedhros through Maglor

Maedhros' Special Powers: Armor - Also made by Eol, Maeglin's armor is of the
Spells - 525 PP. x5 PP multiplier. Knows all Open Men­ strange metal galvom . It protects as AT 20 (DB + 60) yet
talist lists to 10th Iv!. encumbers as AT 13.
Note: Displacement Ill, DB becomes 250 when using Deflect
Shield - A full shield + 30, it is of smoky laen with an edge
or Bladetum.
of galvorn, and hovers to protect the wielder.
Maedhros' Lesser Items of Note :
Maeglin's Special Powers:
Long bow ( + 50, double concussion hits, additional Impact
Sight - Maeglin was extremely perceptive and was able to
crits); golden mithril crown (x5 PP Mentalism, protects head
read the thoughts of unguarded minds in his sight as if he
as full helm, negates 50070 head cnts., adds 50 to spell
were using the Seer Mind Visions list to 20th Iv!.
resistence rolls).
Voice - Maeglin's voice was renowned for its power and his
Read Si/ 60, 83, 90, 108, 110-11, 112, 115, 116, 119, 122, J24, 152-53, persuasiveness. Treat this power as if he were utilizing the
157, 188-90, 192-93, 195, 236-3 7, 246-47, 250, 252-54, 3(;5,. Astrologer list Way of the Voice to 1 5th Iv!.

Spells - 120 PP. 6x PP item. Knows all Alchemist base lists

to 50th Iv!.
----- MAEGLIN ----- Maeglin's Lesser Items of Note:
Lvi: 40. Race: Noldo/Teler. Profession: Bard/A lchemist (Fighter). Composite Bow which is + 45 , of an unusual laminate of
Home: Nan Elmoth, later Gondolin. A ka: S. "Sharp Glance':' Lo­ ogamur, shalk, galvorn and wood; Ring + 30 to DB and a
mion (Q. "Son of Twilight'; the name his mother gave him). x6 PP -enhancer; Cloak + 30 to DB, + 90 to hiding.

RM Stats: St-lOl; Qu-l02; Em-lOO; In-98; Pr-103; Ag-101; Co-101;

Read Si/ 104, 159-66, 1 92, 237, 247, 297-9.
Me-100; Re-99; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-101; Ag-101; Co-101; Ig-98;
1t-98; Pr-l03. Appearance: 100.

The son and only child of Eol the Smith and Aredhel, Maeglin ----� MAGLOR -----
was a secretive Elf who lusted for power - more power even than Lvi: 85. Race: Noldo. Profession: Bard (Fighter). Home: A man, later
the Princedom of Gondolin. His father was an evil, jealous and Beleriand. A ka: (5. "Golden Hand'').
spiteful Grey Elf, and these "qualities" were apparently carried on RM Stats: St-106; Qu-110; Em�99; In-96; Pr-110; Ag-lll; Co-107;
to his son. Maeglin's mother Aredhel, sister of Turgon the King of Me-96; Re-102; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-106; Ag-lll; Co-107; Ig-99;
Gondolin, was a willful woman. She defied her brother by depar­ If-96; Pr-llO. Appearance: 108.
ting the secret valley of Gondolin, and eventually marrying the
reclusive Eo!. She remained with him for many years, bearing their The Oath of Feanor bound Maglor throughout his life anef even­
child, but at last she could no longer bear Eol's company, fleeing tually brought about a bitter death. Feanor's second son and one
with Maeglin to Gondolin. Eol followed. In an ensuing argument of the first to swear the Oath, Maglor went with his brothers and
in Gondolin Eol murdered his wife accidentally - the attack intended father to recover the Silmarils. His realm in Beleriand was one of
for his ungrateful son. Eol was slain and the orphaned Maeglin the first to fall to Morgoth's forces (through no fault of his own)
adopted by Turgon. He prospered for many years, but when he was and afterwards he travelled with his closest sibling, Maedhros.
captured in battle by Morgoth's minions, he proved unworthy. Realiz­ Although not an evil or violent being by nature, the oath drove
ing that he would never become King of Gondolin (his adopted father Maglor. With his brother he captured the young Elrond and Elros
Turgon never having named him true heir), he betrayed the location (though they did not mistreat their prisoners), but the two proved
of the secret valley to Morgoth's forces. He was slain in the sack of unable to ransom a Silmaril from Elwing their mother. In the end,
the city. The Noldor curse his name. desperate, they stole the other two from the Host of the Valar (who
Maeglin's Principal Items: recently wrested them from Morgoth). But Maglor was unable to bear
Sword (Anguirel) - (S. "Living Star-iron") One of two the pain of the gem and the crimes it had driven him to commit,
fabulous blades made by Eol (the other being Anglachel), and cast his Silmaril into the ocean. He was never heard from again,
Anguirel was stolen from its maker by Maeglin. Of the shiny although it is said that he wanders the hidden shores of Middle-earth,
black meteoric iron galvom, it was + 1 00, and cleaves nor­ singing laments for the lost glory of the Noldor.
mal metals with ease. All armor but ithilnaur, eog and galvorn Maglor was a great Bard, composer of some of the greatest songs
(or other powerful enchanted armor) is useless: target is AT in history - including the Noldolante, the basis for the Silmarillion.
1 . Anguirel was an intelligent blade and has many other Maglor's Principal Items:
powers as well - though it does not "speak" as such. Sword (Silmanainie) - (Q. "Lament of the Silmarils") + 75
Whenever it is drawn, all in sight are affected by a 30th level broadsword, identical in design to Maedhros' sword, also
spell of Loathing. Those who fail a RR wish to slay the made by Fea!1or. Silmanainie differed in that it was made
wielder. For Eol, it could not be fumbled - though in of blue eog, delivered additional Cold and Impact criticals.
Maeglin's hands there was an additional + 1 chance of fumbl­ It also hasted the wielder and delivered triple concussion hits.
ing. It was essentially a bastard sword, and so could be used
one-handed at -20. In any case its effect is that of a two­ Armor - Truly unusual armor consisting of many layers of
handed blade, and it will Haste the user at a thought. All shalk and white eog, it protects as 20 (-75 ) and encumbers
spells directed at the wielder must resist versus 60th level or as At 1 3 . It also protects Maglor from all Evil spells.
fail (wielder's spells are unaffected). The sword also delivers Lute - Triples range of all Bardic Controlling Songs and
a Slash critical in addition to any other indicated. Sound Control spells; allows silent casting of Bardic spells.
Elves/Maglor through Nimrodel 87


Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov :-.Iotes


Khelekar 33 80 No/ I 85 + N N I l Oss * 70ky 40 Sinda Mage/Seer of the Court o f Ardor.

Klaen 22 1 00 PII20 55 + N AIL 1 20bs* 1 301b 50 Noldo-Sinda Bard o f the Guild of Elements.

Laurre 33 150 PI/ 1 7 1 10 Y20 N 220bs/th* 1 901b 35 Noldo Warrior/Fighter o f the Guild of Elements.
Legolas 8 94 Ch/ 1 3 50 YIO N 90bs 1251b 35 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, a young Legolas around T . A . 1 640.
28 1 48 Ch/ 1 3 70 YIO N 205bs 2401b* 45 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, at the time of L O TR.
Lenwe 75 315 Ch/ 1 3 1 20 Y20 N 33 1 bs 3561b 70 Nando Warrior/Fighter, leader of the Nandor.

LinsUl 27 1 00 No/I 80 N N I I 00k 1 201b 40 Sinda Bard of the Court of Ardor.

Ltithien 1 50 400 PII20 1 80 + N AIL 390da* 4 l Oda* 1 00 Sinda-Maia Bard (see text), daughter of Elwe and Melian.
Lyrin 35 1 50 No/I 1 50 + N N 1 50HMA 200ik 55 Noldo Warrior/Monk o f t h e Guild o f Elements.

Maedhros 105 240 PII20 240 + Y50 A/L 460bs* 4401b* 95 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, eldest son of Feanor.
Maeglin 40 1 65 PI120 225 + Y30 A/L 266bs* 1 951b 55 Noldo Bard/ Alchemist(Fighter), s o n o f Eo!.
Maglor 85 205 PII20 250 + Y30 A/L 3 3 1 bs* 2861b 1 05 Naldo Bard(Fighter), second son of Feanor.
Morthaur 40 1 20 Nol2 95 + N N 140bs 701b 45 Noldo Mage/Magician o f the Court o f Ardor.

Maglor's Special Powers: NIMRODEL

Spells 680 PP. x9 PP item. Knows all Bard base lists to
Lvi: 25. Race: Taurdhel (Silvan). Profession: Bard/Mystic. Home:
50th lvI, all Mentalist Open and Closed lists to 30th Iv!. L6rien (eaSl of the Misty Mountains). Aka. (S. "Lady of the White
Maglor's Lesser Items of Note: Cave").
Cloak + 30 to DB, + 60 to hiding, protects from heat and
RM Stats: St-93; Qu-100; Em- 73; In-90; Pr-101; Ag-97,' Co-89; Me-81;
cold; earring of mithril and ruby, x9 PP enhancer.
Re-80; SD-67. MERP Stats: St-93; A g-97,' Co-89; Ig-85; It-90 ; Pr-101.
Appearance: 104.
Read Sil 63, 93, 98, 133, 135, 138, 148, 167, 184, 222, 236, 305-6, 310,
One of the saddest legends in Middle-earth surrounds the parting
of the lovers Amroth and Nimrode!' Though a Silvan Elf, Nimrodel
was accounted more beautiful than many of the Eldar. Amroth lov­
ed her dearly, but she would not marry him, instead living alone near
----- MORTHAUR * ----- the river in L6rien, to which she gave her name. Then came the Ter­
ror from Khaziid-diim in T.A. 1 98 1 , and, unable to bear the horrible
Lvi: 40. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Magician. Home: Beleriand,
wrath of the Balrog in Moria, she fled southwards to the eaves of
then A rdinaak. A ka: (S. "Black Bondage"); The Lord; Vornocollo
Fangorn. Amroth was loath to depart his realm and leave it without
(Q. "Cloak of Darkness").
a king (he had no heir) in a time of crisis, but his love for Nimrodel
RM Stats: St-94; Qu-100; Em-IOO; In-89; Pr-99; Ag-99; Co-93; Me-99; drove him. He found her there, barred from entering Fangorn by the
Re-101; SD-96. MERP Stats: St-94; Ag-99; Co-93; Ig-99; It-89; Pr-99. Huorns. Amroth begged her to return, but she refused. At last she
Appearance: 95. agreed to marry him if he would take her to a place of peace - the
Uttermost West .
Chief engineer of the plan to bring down the Sun and Moon, Mor­ He somehow came to t h e bay ahead of her, a n d there found that
thaur was more of a planner than implementer. He rarely left the all but one ship had set sail for the West. That last ship was about
Citadel of Ardor, preferring to lurk in the certain safety it provided. to depart, for the autumn winds were coming, and storms in the bay
An original Noldo rebel, he almost immediately fell to Morgoth's were sometimes too much even for Elven-ships. But Amroth con­
offers of power and realms in the south. vinced the captain to wait, hoping that Nimrodel would come. A
Of average height with black hair, he invariably chose black for month passed, and the weather grew steadily worse. There was no
his garments. sign or word from Nimrodei. At last, one stormy night the ship tore
Morthaur's Principal Items: loose from its moorings and headed out to sea. Amroth, who had
Special Ardan Amulet (see Ardor, pgl 8) been living on the ship, awoke in a panic, and rushed out onto the
deck. The shore was fast receding. Unable to bear leaving his love,
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for he dove into the sea, determined to swim back to shore. He was never
details. seen again. Of the final fate of Nimrodel nothing is known.
Morthaur's Special Powers: Nimrodel's Principal Items:
Spells 600 PP. x5 PP item. Knows all Magician Base lists
Longbow - + 20, it has triple the normal range and cannot
to 30th; virtually all other Essence lists to 30th. be fumbled.

See ICE's Court of A rdor 1 7-18. Necklace - x5 PP enhancer, it provides a misty aura, ad­
ding 60 to Nimrodel's DB.
88 Elves/Nimrodel through Rana

Nimrodel's Special Powers: Orrere's Principal Items:

Spells - 75 PP. x5 PP item. Knows all Mystic Base lists Dagger - I thilnaur. + 30, throw and return 100' with no
to 25th Ivl; all Mentalist Open and Closed lists to 10th Ivl. range subtraction, strikes as a short sword, Of Slaying Orcs.
Orrere's Special Powers:
Read UT 240-3, 246, 248, 255, 25 7, 261, 316; LotR 1 439-42, LotR Spells - 170 PP. x5 item. Knows all Alchemist Base lists to
III JI9, 181. 20th lvI, also Unbarring Ways, Lofty Bridge, Invisibility to
10th Ivl.
See ICE's wrien 25, 5 7.
Orrere's Lesser Items of Note:
Robes, non-encumbering, which add 60 to DB and Hiding
maneuvers; earring of black saphirre which is a x5 PP
------ OLvVE ------ enhancer; ring, black opal set in mithril, which allows Or­
Lvi: 135. Race: Teleri. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Cuivienen,
rere to Merge True 3x/day.
the coast of Beleriand, Tol Eressea, and finally A lqualonde on the
shores of Eldamar.
See ICE's LOrien .32, 51-53, 56.
RM Stats: St-104; Qu-106; Em-105; In-103; Pr-106; Ag-108; Co-103;
Me-103; Re-103; SD-103. MERP Stats: St-104; Ag-108; Co-103; 19-103;
It-l03; Pr-106. Appearance: 105.

Olwe was the younger brother of Elwe (Thingol Greycloak), and

leader of the second Host of the Teleri. When Elwe vanished in
Beleriand during the Great Journey, Olwe became King of the Teleri,
and led nearly all of his people to Aman in the second crossing. The
Teleri settled on Tol Eressea - learning the art of shipbuilding from
the Maia Osse - before settling on the shores of Eldamar and RANA *
building the fair port of Alqualonde. Lvi: 36. Race: Sinda. Profession: A nimist/Healer. Home: Tumlinde.
Olwe's people suffered the cruel attack of the Noldor and the theft Aka: (S. "Wanderer"). Note: not to be confused with the Sun,
of their ships, and never forgot the heinous crimes of Feanor's peo­ sometimes referred to as Rana.
ple. When the Valar sailed to overthrow Morgoth for the last time,
the Teleri reluctantly agreed to transport the Vala Host, but they re­ RM Stats: St-99; Qu-100; Em-97; In-JOO; Pr-96; Ag-98; Co-J01; Me-92;
mained with their ships, aloof from battle. Olwe himself never return­ Re- 79; SD-65. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-98; Co-J01; Ig-90; It-JOO; Pr-96.
ed to Middle-earth. Appearance: 94.

Olwe's Principal Items:

A Healer serving the Guild of Elements in southern Middle-earth,
Crown of the Teleri - clear laen and mithril crown, protects
Rana's job was crucial and frequently an almost overwhelming one.
as a full helm and negates all head/neck criticals; adds + 50
His attitude was invariably positive, however - to the point where
to DB, allows wearer use of the Channeling list Weather Ways
some wondered if he was indeed sane. He was apparently somewhat
to 50th Ivl.
naive (or perhaps dull-witted). Healing seemed to come naturally to
Scepter - Strikes as a mace + 50, it delivers an additional him, and perhaps it reinforces the idea that those of simple mind
Lightning critical. are closest to the Valar.
Olwe's Lesser Items of Note: Of Sindarin descent, Rana was unusually tall (6'8") with dark curly
Cloak, + 30 to DB, it also adds + 90 to hiding; boots which hair and eyes.
insure solid footing on any wood surface (such as the deck Rana's Principal Items:
of a ship), + 40 to climbing. Bracelet - mithril with wood and green laen inlay; x5 PP
enhancer, heals I hit/rnd, heals 1 hit/rnd bleeding.
Read UT 229, 232-4; Sil 54-8, 60-1, 63-5, 97-100, J07, 130, 152.
Broadsword - + 25 mithril with green laen edge; glows
within 300' of Orcs, trolls, Evil priests, Of Slaying Orcs.
------ ORRERE * ------ Rana's Special Powers:
Lvi: 17. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/A lchemist. Home: Ost-in­ Spells - 108 PP. x5 PP item. Knows all Healer Base lists
Edhil. A ka: (s. "Lonely Heart''). to 30th; Channeling Blood, Bone, Organ, Muscle, Nerve
Laws, Purification, Spell Defense to 20th Ivl; Concussion 's
RM Stats: St-85; Qu-100; Em-99; In- 76; Pr-97; Ag-98; Co-89; Me-87;
Ways, Weather Ways, Lofty Movements to 30th; Light's Way
Re-90; SD-67. MERP Stats: St-85; Ag-98; Co-89; Ig-85; It- 76; Pr-97.
to 25th.
Appearance: 93.
Rana's Lesser Items of Note:
A friend of Finculin's (q.v.) in the Gwaith-i-Mirdain, Onere and Armor, Green dragons kin protects as AT 1 5 (-20); Elven
the other smith grew apart when Annatar began to monopolize Fin­ longbow + 25; cloak, casts Invisibility 5x/day; orb of the
culin's time. Onere, a brilliant smith himself, began to turn inward Guild of Elements, crystal sphere in chain, allows contact
and create items of a disturbing, almost tortured beauty. He was most with any of the other four orbs of the Guild.
likely killed in the attack on Ost-in-Edhil, but his final fate is not
known for certain. See ICE's Court of A rdor 28-29.
Onere was of average height, with short brown hair and grey eyes.
Elves/Rilia through Thranduil 89

RILlA * ----- TAURC LAX * -----

Lvi: 33. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Sorceress. Home: Naurlin­ Lvi: 31. Race: Teleri. Profession: A nimist. Home: Taurang. Aka: (5.
dol. A ka: 5. "Brillian t Void"; The Sorceress. "Fang of the Wood").

RM Stats: St-68; Qu-IOO; Em-99; In-99; Pr-94; Ag-JOO; Co-8 7; Me-95;

RM Stats: St-80; Qu-J01; Em-95; In-IOO; Pr-98; Ag-99; Co-95; Me-96;
Re-98; SD-85. MERP Stats: St-68; Ag-IOO; Co-87; Ig-96; It-99; Pr-94.
Re-83; SD-94. MERP Stats: St-80; Ag-99; Co-95; Ig-90; It-JOO ; Pr-98.
Appearance: 99.
Appearance: 90.

As fiery of temper as her realm might imply, Rilia was both deman­
Mysterious and shadowy, Taurclax managed to keep abreast of the
ding and impatient. She ruled Naurlindol with confidence, daring
Court of Ardor's affairs without revealing his identity as a spy for
even to send Sauron of Mordor away. Rilia served the Court of Ar­
Sauron of Mordor. Residing in the cruel fortress of Taurang ("Iron
dor well throughout its long existence.
Tree") Taurclax held an entire forest region in terror. He escaped the
Rilia had a wild mane of dark red hair (rare among the Noldor)
eventual downfall of the Court and his final fate remains unknown.
and tawny eyes.
Taurclax was of average height and build, with brown hair and
RiIia's Principal Items: green eyes.
Staff - grey wood, + 30 to all fire attack spells, x5 PP
Taurclax's Principal Items:
enhancer, Absorbs all enemies' Essence spells when held forth
Ring - Of treeform, allows wearer to become a large tree
aflame (will flame on command, also rendering wielder im­
instantly, and live off the soil for an indefinite period. Wearer
mune to heat and cold), allows free use of Fire Law, becomes
remains fully aware of events around him as if he stilI posses­
a + 25 broadsword on command.
ed his human senses.
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
Sceptre - Of Windmastery, this item is a + 20 mace also
allows the holder free use of the Windmastery spell.
RiIia's Special Powers:
Spells - 66 PP. x5 PP item. Knows all base Sorcerer to 30th Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
lvI, (Fire Law to 30th), Essence Invisible Ways, Rapid Ways, details.
Unbarring Ways to 10th, Lofty Bridge, Shield mastery, Spirit Taurclax's Special Powers:
Mastery to 20th Iv!. Spells - 93 PP. x5 item.
Taurclax's Lesser Items of Note:
See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 19, 26, 36, 49. Helm, of mithril, acts as x5 PP enhancer for Animists, allows
wearer to breathe water or any (even poisonous) gas without
----- SULHEROK * ----- harm, and see underwater as if through clear air; bracer,
Lvi: 26. Race: Teleri. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home: Tirgoroth. Organic Turning True, all (primarily) organic weapons (e.g.
A ka: (5. "Lord of Steeds of the Wind"); The Messenger. arrows, clubs) used against caster are at -100.

RM Stats: St-99; Qu-J01; Em-46; In-87; Pr-99; Ag-J01; Co-JOO; Me-94; See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 21, 38.
Re-92; SD-89. MERP Stats: St-99; Ag-J01; Co-100; Ig-93; 1t-87; Pr-99.
Appearance: 98.

Valkrist's aide at Tirgoroth and the Messenger of the Ardan Court, Lvi: 33. Race: Sinda. Profession: Warrior/Fighter (A nimist, Magi­
SUIherok distinguished himself most by managing to stay out of the cian). Home: South Lindon until the mid-Second Age; Northern
squabbles which continually rent the organization. Constantly forc­ Mirkwood. A ka. (5. "Halls of Star-shadow").
ed to be the bearer of bad tidings, he somehow managed to avoid
RM Stats: St-98; Qu-99; Em-97; In-95; Pr-96; Ag-JOO; Co-96; Me-93;
Re-91; SD-84. MERP Stats: St-98; Ag-lOO; Co-96; Ig-92; It-95; Pr-96.
Of Sindarin descent, SiiIherok was also a master rider of the great
Appearance: 98.
birds of Tirgoroth. He had long, sandy hair and hazel eyes.
Sfilherok's Principal Items: A kinsman of Celeborn, Thranduil travelled with him eastward
Broadsword - mithril + 20, it delivers an Electricity critical, out of Lindon in the early Second Age, helping to found Hollin.
also gives an 'W' Elec. crit to opponent who parries with The animosity of the Dwarves of Moria was too much for him,
a metal weapon; chance weapon is destroyed. however (the Naugrim especially hating the Sindar - remembering
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for details. Doriath). He and many of his kin went east over the Misty Moun­
tains and founded a realm in Greenwood the Great. Many of the
Sfilherok's Lesser Items of Note:
rustic Silvan tribes gathered under his guidance, and he became the
Crossbow, + 20, auto-reload every round, 2x heavy crossbow
Elven-king of the wood. Great mansions were delved, and Thran­
range, 2x concussion hits; ring, casts Haste V lx/day. duil made the place secure.
After the first thousand years of the Third Age an evil power grew
See ICE's Court of Ardor 18, 22, 43.
in the southern reaches of the forest and slowly grew to overtake near­
ly the entire wood. Greenwood became Mirkwood, and it was all
Thranduil and his people could do to maintain their own borders
in the far northern areas. The tale of Thranduil's encounter with
Dwarves in the late Third Age is told elsewhere, but in the end the
meeting proved enriching for him.
90 Elves/Thranduit through Valkrist

Thranduil sent his son Legolas to the Council of Elrond, and in Turgon's Lesser Items of Note:
this way contributed to the Fellowship. His Elves also aided the men Ring of stone which is a x4 PP enhancer; cloak which adds
of Dale in repelling Sauronic forces during the War of the Ring. 30 to DB and allows wearer to Fly 3x/day; bow + 45 , any
Thranduil's Principal Items: arrows fired from which are Flaming (if desired); full shield
Sword -Broadsword, + 45 , Of Slaying Trolls and Great + 30.
Spiders. Fumbles only on an unmodified I .
Read UT 18, 22, 24, 26-30, 32, 33-40, 42-3, 45, 47, 49-56, 63, 66, 146,
Bow - Elven Longbow + 45 ; fires at twice normal speed; 160-1, 235, 249, 400; Sit 64, 93, 100-2, 133, 135, 140-1 149-51 155-7
all arrows shot from it are Of Slaying Orcs. 160, 163-5, 186, 191-3, 221, 231-2, 234- 7, 240, 247, 281-2, 294-300, 302,
Thranduil's Special Powers: 308, 315.
Spells 66 PP. x3 multiplier. Knows Animist Base Nature's

Protection, Plant Mastery, and Nature's Movement lists to

10th Ivl; Illusionist Base Guises, Illusion Mastery, and Light
Molding lists to 10th Ivl; Essence Lofty Bridge, Invisible Ways ---- VALGL1N (I) * ----
lists to 10th Iv!. Lvi: 23. Race: Avari Moriquendi. Profession: Scout/Thief Home:
Thranduil's Lesser Items of Note: Naurlindol. A ka: . (S. "Gleam of Power'').
Ring x3 PP enhancer, adds + 20 to all bow attacks, reduces
RM Stats: St-89; Qu-lOO; Em-81; In-96; Pr- 79; Ag-101; Co-93; Me-95;
chance of fumble by 2; Boots of Limbrunning; Helm which
Re-99; SD-94. MERP Stats: St-89; Ag-101; Co-93; Ig-97,' It-96; Pr- 79.
adds 50 to all hdidng attempts by creating shadows all
Appearance: 89.

A quiet, even-tempered Elf, Valgin served the Court of Ardor from

Read UT 243-4, 252, 256-60, 2 72, 2 76, 279-83, 338, 342-4, 353; Sit
Naurlindol, often cooling the Sorceress' outbursts. She frequently
3 71; Hob 152, 165-66, 167-69, LotR 1 315, etc.
went of espionage missions, utilizing her skills to infiltrate strongholds
of the Court's enemies.
See ICE's Northern Mirkwood, 43.
Unusually small, even for a Silvan Elf, (5'2"), Valglin had brown
hair and eyes. Her size and unobtrusive appearance often worked
to her advantage.
----- TURGON ----- Valglin's Principal Items:
Lvi: 85. Race: Noldo. Profession: Warrior/Fighter (Bard). Home: Spectacles wearer has the ability to to see through up to

A man, later Gondolin. Aka. (S. "Stone Master"). 2' of stone or wood, l' of metal; ideal for examining lock
or trap mechanisms. Spectacles add at least + 50 to most lock
RM Stats: St-103; Qu-104; Em-102; In-99; Pr-101; Ag-102; Co-lOO;
or trap devices.
Me-101; Re-99; SD-98. MERP Stats: St-103; Ag-102; Co-lOO; Ig-99;
1t-99; Pr-lOl. Appearance: 103. Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
Turgon was the younger of Fingolfin's two sons, and left the Un­ Valglin's Special Powers:
dying Lands with the rebellion. Turgon was one of the most farsighted Spells 23 PP. Knows Unbarring Ways, Physical Enhance­

of the Noldor, however, and soon after his arrival in Middle-earth ment Lists to 5th Ivl.
he divorced himself from the suicidal assaults of Hanor.
Valglin's Lesser Items of Note:
A brilliant architect, Turgon dreamed of creating a city to remind
Belt, casts Blur, Shadow, contains pockets, + 30 lockpick kit;
him of Tirion, the fairest of all the Elven cities in Aman. Ulmo the
boots, add + 30 to climbing; Long Kynac, + 25; Kynacs, four
Vala came to him and showed Turgon a hidden valley, and so the
+ 10 for throwing.
idea of Gondolin in the vale of Tumladen was born. I n the end
Turgon's secret city was betrayed by his sister's evil son Maeglin, and
See ICE's Court of Ardor 17, 19.
Turgon himself was killed in the sacking. Fortunately, his daughter
Idril (q.v.) and her son Eiirendil escaped, however.
Turgon's Principal Items:
Sword (Ondomacil) (Q. "Sword of Stone") + 60 sword

of pale blue marble with an edge of clear laen (enchanted

Lvi: 35. Race: Noldo/A dan. Profession: Warrior/Fighter. Home:
glass). It will haste the wielder at will, and allows holder to
Tirgoroth. A ka: (S. "Powerful Cleaver''); The Lord of A rms.
Merge True with any stone.
RM Stats: St-102; Qu-100; Em-89; In-83; Pr-96; Ag-101; Co-100;
Sword (Glamdring) (Q. "Foe-hammer") see Gandalj, page 43.
Me-64; Re- 78; SD-85. MERP Stats: St-102; Ag-101; Co-lOO; Ig-83;

It-83; Pr-96. Appearance: 95.

Armor - Ithilnaur alloy, protects as AT PII20 (DB + 70).
Turgon's Special Powers: One of the greatest warriors in Middle-earth (save the great Princes
Spells - 340 PP. x4 PP item. Because of Turgon's affinity of the Noldor and Vanyar, Valkrist ruled Tirgoroth in southern
for stone, he knows the Mentalist Solid Manipulation list to Middle-earth, serving on the Ardan Council. Valkrist was consistent
30th lvI, as well as the Bard lists Sound Control and Item in his allegience, if nothing else.
Lore list to 20th Ivl. Hugely built, 6' 1 0" tall, Valkrist was a truly dominating presence.
He inherited the Noldorin features, dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Elves/ Valkrist through Yavekamba 91

Valkrist's Principal Items: Valmorgfil's Special Powers:

Sword (I1kiran) - + 30 laen blade of changing, of Cold, fires Spells -!O8 PP. x6 Sorcerer PP item. Knows all Base
Cold Bolt + 50 3x/day, 4x concussion hits. Sorcerer to 30th lvI, Evil Base Essence Matter Disruption to
25th lvI, Evil Channeling Dark Channels to 30th lvI, Essence
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
Lofty Bridge, Spirit Mastery, Unbarring Ways, to 20th lvI,
Channeling Barrier Law, Lofty Movements to 20th Ivl.
Valkrist's Lesser Items of Note:
Valmorgfil's Lesser Items of Note:
Armor, mithril plate, At 20(-30), encumbers as 1 5 ; surcoat,
Ring, gold with ruby, x6 PP for Sorcerer.
continuous Fire, Lightning, Ice A rmor; Shield, clear laen,
weightless, + 20, mentally controlled, allowing owner to use
See ICE's Court of Ardor 1 7, 18, 32-33.
a 2-handed weapon and still shield parry.
See ICE's Court of A rdor 17, 22-23, 43.
Lvi: 27. Race: Noldo. Profession: Lay Healer. Home: A ngkirya. Aka:
(Q. "Fruitful Hand").
Lvi: 36. Race: Noldo. Profession: Mage/Sorcerer. Home: A rdinaak.
RM Stats: St-82; Qu-JOO; Em-94; In-93; Pr-100; Ag-JOO; Co-98; Me-94;
Aka: (S. "Lord of Black Sorcery"); The Magician; The Sage of Tan­
Re-87; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-82; Ag-JOO; Co-98; Ig-91; It-93; Pr-JOO.
turak; The Warden of the Citadel.
Appearance: 90.
RM Stats: St-96; Qu-J01; Em-JOO; In-JOO; Pr-100; Ag-99; Co-98;
Me-88; Re-86; SD-85. MERP Stats: St-96; Ag-99; Co-98; Ig-88; It-JOO; Shy and quiet, Yavekamba rarely left Angkirya where she served
Pr-JOO. Appearance: 86. Featur. She was a traitor to the Court, being loyal only to the male
Featur (q.v.) and aware of his conversion.
As Warden of the Citadel of Ardor, Valmorgill was responsible Darkly beautiful, Yavekamba had long, straight black hair and
for security in the Tower. He was also a member of the Ardan Council, brown eyes.
and often dominated that group by sheer force of will. Valmorgul Yavekamba's Special Powers:
held Morthaur in contempt, and made it clear that he felt he should Spells 81 PP. x5 PP item. Knows All Base Lay Healer to

rule the organization. It was the Magician who was often responsi­ 25th lvi, Mentalist Damage Resistance, Self-Healing, Mind's
ble for the internal schisms. A fter the First Age Valmorgul wore an Door, Movement, Mind Mastery, Solid Manipulation, Gas
artificial laen (enchanted glass) arm - his real arm was lost in com­ Manipulation, Liquid Manipulation, Speed to 20th lvl.
bat with the Elf-lord Chrys Menelrana.
Yavckamba's Lesser Items of Note:
The Magician stood 6'8" tall, with blond hair and flashing blue
Enchanted Card Deck, Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
details; Cloak, very full and hooded, allows wearer to cast
Valmorgfil's Principal Items: Invisibility over herself and a patient; surgical kit very
Arm of red laen and fully operational, the arm makes the
sophisticated halves recovery time and guarantees complete
user immue to heat and fire, allows him to cast Firebolts 300' recovery (in the hands of a skilled Lay Healer); cup which,
up to 6x a day, flames on command, strikes as a mace + 30. when filled with water can "brew" any herb instantly
Master Octagon Amulet - See A rdor p 18 for details. (eliminating preparation); pendant, x5 PP enhancer, free use
of Brilliance list to 25th Ivl.
Enchanted Card Deck - Ardan Deck, see A rdor p. 25 for
details. See ICE's Court of Ardor.


:'II ame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov :-.Iotes


Nimrodel 25 1 10 No/ I 35 + N N 80da 140lb 35 Silvan(Taurdhel) Bard/Mystic, betrothed of Amroth.

Ol\\,(; 1 35 395 PII20 1 80 + N AIL 353ma* 3281b 95 Teleri Warrior/Fighter, King of the Teleri.
Orrere 17 150 Nol l 1 00 + N N 1 50da* 1 80da* 45 Noldo Magel Alchemist. a master smith of Ost-in-Edhil.

Rima 36 150 Ch/ 1 5 90 Y20 AIL 120bs* 1000b 30 Sinda Animist/Healer o f the Guild of Elements.
Rilia 33 1 10 Nol l 1 10 + N N 1 00ky 60ky 50 Noldo Mage/Sorcerer o f the Court of Ardor.

SQlherok 26 1 50 PII20 1 00 Y20 A/L 2 1 0bs 200hcb 40 Sinda W a r r i o r / Fi g h t e r of the Court of Ardor .
Taurclax 31 1 30 Noll 80 + N N 1 20ma 1 40cb 40 Sinda Animist of the Court of Ardor.
Thranduil 33 175 PII 1 8 95 Y20 AIL 242bs* 2471b* 45 Sinda W a r r i o r IFighter( A n i m i s t , M ag i c i a n ) , K i ng of
Turgon 85 245 PII20 215 + Y30 AIL 380bs* 3651b* 60 Noldo Warrior/Fighter(Bard), second son of Fingolfin.

Valglin (1) 23 1 00 No/I 1 00 N N 1 50lk l l Oky 50 Silvan Scout/Thief of the Court o f Ardor.
Valkrist 35 1 80 PI!20 1 15 Y20 AIL 260bs/th 200cb 35 Half-elf Warrior/Fighter of t h e Court o f Ardor.
Valmorgul 36 1 20 Noll 120 + N N 1 80lk -
45 Naldo Mage/Sorcerer of the Court o f Ardor.
Yavekamba 27 80 Nol l 1 05 Y25 N 1000k -
50 Naldo Animist/Lay Healer of the Court of Ardor.
92 Elves/Short Descriptions A-D

6.3 ELVEN SHORT DESCRIPTION Arvaire - Lvi: 1 5 . (S. "High Weaver"). Mistress of the Weaver's
Glade in Lorien, Arvaire was a Sind a Scout/Thief. See LOrien 5 7. *
Brethil Lvi: 16. (S. "Silver Birch"). A Noldo Animist, Brethil

- Lvi: 1 8 . (S. "Tree-wright"). A Sinda Warrior/Fighter,

lived in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See LOrien 3 7, 56. *
Aldan was master of the Craftsmen's Glade in Lorien. See LOrien
5 7. *
Camthalion - Lvi: 1 7 . (S. "Hand of Strength"). A Tauredhel
(Silvan) Warrior/Fighter, Camthalion lived in the Wood-elves' realm
Amdir - Lvi: 35 Aka. Malgalad (S. "Radiant Gold") A Sindarin
and was assistant to Ohtar (q.v.), lord of the town of Celebannon.
Elf, Father of Amroth. Amdir ruled Lorien from SA 1 780 until the
See Northern Mirkwood 35-36, 42. *
end of the Second age, when he was killed in the Battle of DagorJad.
Read UT 240, 243-44, 258; See Lorien 23, 5 7.
Carihir - Lvi: 1 8. (S. "Red River"). A Sind a Warrior/Rogue

Ardaron - Lvi: 20. (S. "Forest Lord"); Lord of the Suit of Orbs.
Carihir was the head of the Boatmen's Glade in Lorien. See LOrie �
5 7. *
Ardaron was a Noldo Mentalist in the Court of Ardor; his home
was in Angkirya, in the Mumakan region. See Ardor 24. *
C arnil - Lvi: 20. (S. "Red Point;' the name of a "star"). A Noldo
Animist, Carnil made some of the finest wines in Middle-earth. His
Arduin -Lvi: 9. (S. "River Lord"); Herald of the Suit of Orbs).
Vineyards were j ust north of Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See
Arduin was a Tauredhel (Silvan) Seer of the Court of Ardor. He resid­
LOrien 40-42, 56. *
ed in Menelcarca. See Ardor 24. *
C e l e dhring Lvi: 40. (S. "Chilling Silver"). A Noldo
Ari el

- Lvi: 1 5 . (S. "Maiden of the Stars"). Ariel was a Noldo

Animist/Lay Healer who lived in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age.
�age/Alchemist seduced to evil. He served the Necromancer (Sauron)
In Dol Guldur. See Southern Mirkwood 41-42, 55. *
See LOrien 37, 56. *
Da� iros Lvi: 12. (S. "Man of Foam"). A Noldo Scout/Rogue,

- Lvi: 1 7 . (S. "Maiden of Sunlight"). A Tauredhel (Silvan)

Damros was a famous brewer in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See
Mage/Seer, Arien served Huinen in Southerm Mirkwood, though
LOrien 3 7, 56. *
she was actually a spy for the Necromancer. See LOrien 48-50, 5 7. *
Elves/Short Descriptions Statistics Table 93


�ame Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Aldan 18 1 25 No/ I 30 N N 1 00ss 1 201b 45 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Master of the Lorien Craftsmen.
Amdtr 35 1 60 Ch/ 1 7 80 Y A/L 1 80th 1 401b 30 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, King o f Lorien S . A . 1 780 - 344 1 .
Ardaron 20 80 No/I 90 + N N I IO H M A 501b 40 Noldo Mage/Mentalist, Lord of Orbs (Court of Ardor).
Arouin 9 50 No/2 50 + N N 50da -
35 Silvan Mage/Seer, Herald of Orbs (Court o f Ardor).

Ariel 15 90 No/ I 30 + N N - 90lb 35 Noldo Animist/Lay Healer o f Ost-in-Edhil i n S . A .

Arien 17 80 No/I 70 + N N 80da -
40 Silvan Mage/Seer, assistant to Huinen.
Arvaire 15 1 20 Nol l 35 N N 80da 1 201b 35 S i n d a Scout/Thief, Mistress of t h e Lorien Weavers.
Brethil 16 1 25 No/ I 35 + N N 80da 901b 35 Noldo Animist (Herbalist) of Ost-in-Edhil i n S . A .

Camthalion 17 1 20 PII 1 7 60 YIO AIL 1 40bs 1 551b 30 Silvan Warrior/Fighter, Ohtar's second in command.
Carihir 18 1 50 No/ I 60 Y N 1 20ss 1 50hcb 40 Sinda Warrior/Rogue, Master of the Lorien Boatmen.
Carnil 20 1 60 Ch/ 1 7 75 Y IO N 1 50ss 1 20cb 25 Noldo Animist, a Vintner/Brewer o f Ost-in-Edhil.
Celedhring 40 1 20 No/ I 50 + N N 75ma - 40 Noldo Mage/Alchemist, a master smith of Dol Guldur.

Dana 15 90 No/4 80 + N N 1 20ma" 90ma* 30 Half-elf Mage/Magician, Lord o f Dawn-water's Edge.

Daniro� 12 1 30 Ch/ 1 7 65 Y N 1 1 5bs 901b 30 Noldo Scout/Rogue, famous brewer of Ost-in-Edhil in S . A .
Darien 13 + 65 + PI/20 50 + N (AIL) I OOda + 5 0da + 25 Half-elf Mage/Illusionist, Dragonlord (eastern Middle-earth).
E!endor 16 125 PI1 I 7 70 YIO N 1 60bs 1 60cb 35 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, Lady of Swords (Court o f Ardor).

Elor 15 1 00 PII I 7 80 + Y IO N 1 60sp' 1 501b 30 Half-elf Bard (the Once Dark), scribe and loremaster.
Fanar 20 1 80 No/ I 1 00 N N 1 90bs 200lb 45 Nando Warrior/Fighter, Master of the the Lorien Guardians.
Fanari 15 1 10 No/ I 30+ N N 90da 80lb 40 Noldo Mage/Alchemist, an herbalist of Ost-in-Edhil.
Hatur ( I I I ) 8 70 Nol l 70 + N N 75da - 35 Half-elf Mage/Mystic, a highwayman i n Eriador i n T . A .

Galador 20 1 45 PI/ 1 7 105 Y20 N 1 9 1 ss 1 801b 35 Half-elf Warrior /Fighter, first Lord of Dol Amroth.
Gilmith 18 95 No/ I 55 + N N 96" 1 061b 35 Half-elf Bard, sister of Galador.
Gildor I nglorion 30 1 85 PII 1 7 1 20 Y20 N 1 80bs 1 901b 45 Noldo Ranger of the House o f Finrod, resident o f Rivendell.
Haldir 10 1 24 Nol l 40 N N 1 20ss 1 701b 40 Silvan(Taurdhel) Warrior/Fighter, Guardian of Lorien in
T . A.

Heladil 8 91 Ch/ 1 3 50 YIO N 95bs 1 20lb 35 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, nephew o f Thranduil.

H i radul IS 125 R Ll I 2 40 Y N 1 20b, 1 00hcb 35 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, shipwright in Ost-in-Edhil in S . A .
Ivren 9 96 Nol l 25 + N N 60da 80sb 25 Taurdhel (Silvan) Animist, Mistress o f the Lorien Bakers.
Jaixe 19 1 10 PI1 I 7 130 + N N 1 80bs 220cb 45 Silvan Scout/Thief, master thief and assassin .

Khelgin 17 1 50 PII20 95 + Y20 AIL 1 60bs 1 20cb 25 Noldo Mage/Alchemist, jewelsmith/glassworker, Ost-in-
Edhil S.A.
Mablung 60 1 95 PI/20 1 30 Y30 A iL 335bs 300lb 55 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Captain of Elwe's Guard in Doriath.
Miriel 80 1 60 No/ I 95 + N N 1 55da 851b 65 Noldo Bard/Seer,Finwe's 1 st wife, Hanor' s mother.
Mornaur 19 70 No/2 1 10 + N N 80da 40da 45 Noldo Mage/Magician, Lord of Swords (Court of Ardor).

Nerdanel 65 1 25 Nol l 1 20 N N 1 40da I I00b 75 Noldo Animist/Cleric ( H ealer), Hanor's wife.

Ohtar 21 1 30 PI/ 1 7 65 YIO A/L 1 45bs 1 60lb 35 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Master of Celebannon in Mirkwood.
Orophin ( I ) 17 1 23 No/2 90 + N N 90da" - 40 Naldo Bard/Seer of Ost-in-Edhil in S.A., Annatar's
Orophin ( I I ) 6 85 No/I 20 N N 85ss 1 20lb 45 Silvan(Taurdhel) Warrior/Fighter, Guardian o f Lorien in

Palandor 8 65 No/2 100+ N N 30da - 40 Sinda Mage/Magician, Herald of Swords (Court of Ardor).
Ragnor 12 1 20 Nol l 30 N N 80ma - 30 Naldo Warrior/Rogue, a baker in Ost-in-Edhil in S . A .
Ringlin 20 1 20 No/ I 90 + N N l OOda 40da 50 Noldo Mage/Mystic, assistant to Huinen.
Rilmil ( I ) 90 1 75 PII 1 7 1 00 + N N 2 1 0bs 2 1 0Ib 65 Noldo Bard, composed the Ainulindale, created the Tengwar.

Rumil ( I I ) 13 1 02 No/ I 20 + N N 80da 1 000b 35 Silvan Animist ( H erbalist) o f Ost-in-Edhil in S . A .

Rilill il ( I I I ) 7 96 No/I 30 N N 90" I I 00b 45 Silvan(Taurdhel) Warrior/Fighter, Guardian of Lorien in
Saerm 40 140 No/ I 75 + N N 1 2 5 da I I00b 55 Nando Bard/Seer, Elwe's counsellor in Doriath.
Sarkarxe 8 80 No/ I 70 YIO N 100ma 901cb 35 Sinda Ranger, Herald o f H e l m s (Court of Ardor).

Silion 15 1 00 No/2 70 YIO N 80m a 50leb 30 Noldo Animist/Evil Cleric, Lady of Helms (Court of Ardor).
Sirnaur 15 65 No/2 1 00 + N N 60da 1 5da 35 Noldo Mage/Magician, Lady of Swords (Court of Ardor).
Suldun 20 1 50 PII 1 7 75 YIO N 1 80bs 1 60cb 40 Noldo Warrior/Fighter, Lord of Swords (Court of Ardor).
Taurion 19 l iD No!2 70 YIO N 1 00ma 80lcb 30 Silvan Animist/Evil Cleric, Lord of Helms (Court of Ardor).

Taurnil 20 115 No/I 40 + N N I I 0ma 1 30lb 45 Sinda Animist/Ranger, Master o f the Lorien Woodsmen.
rhalos 16 1 30 Nol l 30 + N N 1 00ma - 40 Noldo Animist/Healer (Cleric) of Ost-In·Edhil in S . A .
Tirial 16 l Oa No/ I 1 20 N N 1 20HMA 1 60ik 45 Noldo Warrior/Warrior M o n k , Lady o f Orbs (Court o f
Turlindc 16 112 Nol l 60 .,. N N 90b, I l 0da' 45 Nando Bard, Master of the L6rien Minstrels.

Vairesul 10 1 10 PII 1 7 70 YIO N 1 20bs J OOcb 35 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Herald o f Swords (Court o f Ardor).
Valandor II 1 00 Nol l 1 00 N N 1 00H\1A 1 20ik 45 Sinda Warrior/Warrior M o n k , Knight of Orbs (Court o f
Valglin ( I I ) 20 1 10 No/2 115 + Y N 80da -
40 Noldo Bard/Astrologer of Ost-in-Edhil.
Vallin 13 1 40 Ch/ 1 4 80 YIO AIL 1 60ma 140lcb 20 Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Knight of Helms (Court of Ardor) .

Valnaur II 1 00 Nol l 70 N N 1 20b, 1 00cb 40 Silvan Warrior/Fighter, Knight of Sword s(Court of Ardor).
VahLil 12 1 20 PI/ 1 7 70 YIO N 1 40b, 1 00cb 30 Silvan Warrior/Fighter, Knight of Swords (Court o f Ardor).
Voronwc 40 1 95 PI/20 155 Y35 A/I. 295bs 2551b 50 Noldo Warrior/Fighter o f Gondolin, messenger to the Valar.
94 Elves/Short Descriptions E-S

Elendor �Lvi: 16. (S. " Lady of Stars"); Lady of the Suit of M ornaur - Lvi: 1 9. (S. "Black Fire"); Lord of the Suit of Staves.
Swords, Elendor was a Naldo Warrior/Fighter in the Court of Ar­ Mornaur, a Naldo Mage in the Court of Ardor in southern Middle­
dor who made her home in Tirgoroth. See Ardor 24. * earth, spent his time in Ithilkir. See Ardor 24. *

Fanar - Lvi: 20. (S. "Cloudy"). A Nando Warrior/Fighter, Fanar N erdanel - Lvi: 65. A Noldorin woman, Nerdanel was the wife
served as the master of the Guardian's glade in Lorien. See LOden of Feanor. Her strong and stable character served for a time to
5 7. * moderate Feanor's behavior, but in the end she left him. She refused
to join the Rebellion of the Noldor, remaining in Aman. Nerdanel
Fanari � Lvi: 1 5 A Naldo of Ost-in-Edhil, Fanari was a bore seven sons: Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Curufin, Caranthir,
Mage/Alchemist associated with the Gwaith-i-Mirdain, though he Amrod and Amras. Read Sit 69, 71, 75.
primarily functioned as an herbalist. See LOden 23, 56. *
Ohtar - Lvi: 2 1 . (S. "Warrior"). A Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Ohtar
Featur (III) - Lvi: 8. (S. "Master of Spirits"); Arevorn (S. "Lord was lord of the town of Celebannon along the River Running. See
Black-heart"); Trevor Arain. A Peredhil (Dunadan/Noldo) Northern Mirkwood 35-36, 42. *
Mage/Mystic, Featur was a highwayman in Eriador in the Third Age.
He was said to have been a bully. Rumours that he was in fact the male Orophin (1) - Lvi: 17. (S. "Mountain ?"). A Naldo Bard/Seer

Featur twin from Ardor (in some sort of reincarnation) have no basis in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age, he was early seduced to Annatar's
in fact. * side, becoming his apprentice in many things. See LOden 3 7, 56. *

Galador - Lvi: 20. (S. "Lord of Trees"). Galador was the first Orophin (II) �Lvi: 6. (S. "Mountain ? "). Orophin is a Guar­

Prince and Lord of Dol Amroth. As the son of Mithrellas (an Elf) dian of Lorien in the Third Age, a Tauredhel (Silvan) Elf War­
and the Numenorean Imraz6r, he was of the Peredhil. rior/Fighter. Read LotR 1 445, 448; See LOrien 36, 56.

Gilmith - Lvi: 18. Sister of Galador (q.v.). She was of the Pal and or - Lvi: 8. Aka: "Far Lord"; Herald of the Suit of Staves.
Peredhil, daughter of the Elven-maid Mithrellas and the Numenorean A Teleri Mentalist, Palandor remained primarily at Ithilkir as part
Imraz6r. of the Court of Ardor. See Ardor 24. *

Gildor Ingl ori on - Lvi: 30. (S. "Starlord") A Naldo of the Ragnor - Lvi: 12. Ragnor, a Naldo Warrior/Rogue, was a Baker
House of Finrod, Gildor was a resident of Rivendell until the sail­ in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See LOden 36, 56. *
ing of the Ringbearers, with whom he went over the Sea.
Ringlin - Lvi: 20. (S. "Chilling Glance"). Huinen's assistant (q.v.),
Haldir - Lvi: 10. (S. "Tall Watcher"). A Tauredhel (Silvan) War­ Ringlin is a Naldo Mage/Mystic living in Southern Mirkwood dur­
rior/Fighter, a Guardian on Lorien's borders. He guided the ing much of the Third Age. See LOrien 48-50, 5 7. *
Fellowship to Caras Galadhon. Read LotRI 445-64, 479-81, 496;
LotR II, 2 73; See LOden 5 7. Rumil (I) - Lvi: 90. A Naldo of Tirion in Aman, Rumil was
a well-known Bard who not only composed the Ainulindale, but
Hel adil - Lvi: 8. (S. "Pointed Glass"). A Sinda Warrior/Fighter, created the Tengwar ("letters") - the earliest known system of
Heladil lived in Northern Mirkwood. He was a nephew of Thran­ writing. Read Sil 67-8.
duil. See Northern Mirkwood 35-36, 42. *
Rumil (II) - Lvi: 1 3 . A Tauredhel (Silvan) Animist, Rumil lived
Hiradur -Lvi: 1 5 . A shipwright in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See LOrien 3 7, 56. *
Age, Hiradur was a Naldo Warrior/Fighter. See LOden 3 7, 56. *
Rumil (Ill) - Lvi: 7. A Guardian of Lorien in the Third Age,
Ivren - Lvi: 9. (S. "Waterfall"). Specifically a river and water­ Rumil was a Warrior/Fighter and brother of Haldir. Read LotR 1
fall near the river Narog. Ivren was a Tauredhel (Silvan) Animist and 445; See LOden 56.
mistress of the Baker's Glade in Lorien. See LOden 5 7. *
Sa eros � Lvi: 40. A Nando, Saeros was a Seer and counsellor
Khe glin - Lvi: 17. (S. "Glass-gleam" from Kheled - glin). A to Thingol in Doriath. His most notable deed, unfortunately, was
Naldo Mage/Alchemist in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age, he was to antagonize Turin (of whom he was jealous) at a dinner until Turin
a jewelsmith and glassblower by profession. See LOden 36, 56. * hurled a goblet at him and injured the Seer. The next day Turin
defeated him in combat and Saeros fell off a cliff and died. Turin,
M ablung � Lvi: 60 (S. "Heavy Hand"). A Sindarin Elf, Mablung fearing retribution from Thingol, fled. See Sit 244.
lived in Doriath and served King Thingol (Elwe) as Captain of the
Guard there. He was a powerful warrior who died defending Sarkarxe - Lvi: 8. (S. "Stone Jaws"); Herald of the Suit of
Menegroth against the Dwarves. Read Sil 133, 224-6, 230, 244, 267-9, Helms. Sarkarxe, a Sinda Ranger, lived originally in Beleriand, but
277-8, 284, 289-90. was lured away by Taurclax (q.v.), and spent the remainder of his
life in Taurang in the Mfimakan. He was a lesser member of the Court
Miriel - Lvi: 80. Aka: Serinde (because of her embroidery) First of Ardor. See Ardor 24. *
wife of Finwe (q.v.), Miriel was a Queen of the Noldor in the Undy­
ing Lands. She bore but one child: Feanor, and the effort so drained Silion - Lvi: 1 5 . (S. "Offspring of the Moon"); Lady of the Suit
her that she grew weary of life soon afterwards. Miriel went to Lorien of Helms. Silion, a Noldo Cleric serving the Court of Ardor, lives
in Aman and her soul departed. Read Sit 63, 67-8, 75. in Taurang, in the Mfimakan region. See Ardor 24. *
The Great Enemies/Morgoth 95

Sirnaur - LvI: 1 5 . Aka: "Fire Flows"; Lady of the Suit of Staves.

Sirnaur makes her home in the volcanic fortress of Naurlindol, a
citadel of the Court of Ardor. She is a Noldo Mage. See Ardor 24. *
Three figures in the history of Middle-earth stand out as the most
powerful of the Enemies who plagued the peace of Eru's Children.
SuI dun - LvI: 20. (S. "Valley of Winds"); Lord of the Suit of
Swords. A Noldo Warrior/Fighter, SGldun serves the Court of Ar­
dor from Trigoroth. See Ardor 24. *
Taurion -LvI: 19. (S. "Son of the Forest"); Lord of the Suit Lvi: 500. Race: Vala (Exalted but Fallen). Profession: Mage/A lchemist
of Helms. Taurion, a Tauredhel (Silvan) Cleric, lives in Aurax-dGr, (Sorcerer). Home: Utumno in northern Endor; later Thangorodrim
an Ardan Citadel. See A rdor 24. * in A ngband (in northwest Endor); still later the Timeless Void. A ka:
(S. "Black Enemy" or "Dark Enemy;" Q. "Mornagado"); Melkar
Taurnil -LvI: 20. (S. " Lover of Trees"). Taurnil was a Sindarin (Q. "He Who A rises in Might;" S. "Belegar"); Great Death (S.
Animist/Ranger, and master of the Woodsmen's Glade in Lorien. * "Belegurth "); Bauglir (S. "Constrainer"); Umahal (Kh. "Unmaker")

RM Stats: St- 135; Qu- 120; Em- 150; In- 150; Pr- 150; Ag- 140; Co-
Thalos - LvI: 16. (S. "Strong Fortress"). A Noldo Cleric/Healer,
135; Me- 125; Re- 150; SD- 99. MERP Stats: St- 135; Ag- 140; Co-
Thalos lived in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. See LOden 56. *
135; Ig- 137; It- 150; Pr- 150. Appearance: 01.
No enemy was greater than Morgoth, the rebellious Vala. An Ainu,
Thingol Greycloak - See Elwe Sindacollo.
he originated before the creation of Ea, and his talents were more
formidable than those accorded any other being. Out of his revolt
Tirial - Lvi: 16. (S. "Watch-woman"); Lady of the Suit of Orbs.
came the desire that gave birth to Evil, and indeed Morgoth was Evil
A Noldo woman, Tirial is a Warrior Monk, and serves the Court incarnate.
of Ardor. Her home is Angkirya. See Ardor 24. *
Originally, Morgoth was Melkor, "He Who Arises in Might:' The
greatest of the Ainur, his power was beyond measure. But even in
Turlinde -Lvi: 16. (S. "Song Master"). A Nando Bard, Turlinde
the beginning, he was not King, for he was never close to (his Maker)
was master of the Minstrel's Glade in L6rien. See LOden 5 7. *
Eru's thought. Instead, he shared power with the less powerful but
more disciplined Manwe; and thus began the rebellion.
Vairesul -LvI: 10. (S. "Wind Weaver"); Herald of the Suit of
The Desire that Began Evil
Swords. A Sindar Warrior/Fighter, VairesGl was lured away from
Beleriand by Valkrist to serve the Court of Ardor. She now lives at Eru's vision gave the Ainur the themes that would combine to form
Tirgoroth. See A rdor 24. * the Great Music of Creation. I n turn, the Ainur sang and eventually
melded their themes into the harmonious music that produced Ea.
Val andor - LvI: 1 1 . (S. "Strong Man"); Knight of the Suit of
Only one voice created discord, that of Melkor, for the high Ainu
sought his own way, his own creations. Never able to submit to the
Orbs. Valandor, a Nando Warrior Monk, Serves Hatur in Angkirya,
a hold of the Ardan Court. See A rdor 24. * One's conception - and thus create within the prescribed scheme
- Melkor forged his own theme. This was the origin of Evil.
Valglin (II) -LvI: 20. (S. "Gleam (as of the eyes) of Power").
Whether Eru ever conceived of Evil or not is beyond knowledge.
Valglin lived in Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. He was a Noldo Only the One knows. His renegade, however, was truly unique and
Bard/Astrologer, reputedly driven insane by Annatar. See LOden 36, clearly offered the possibility for dissonance. Unlike the other Ainur
who would compose the Valar, his myriad power, were quite general
53, 56. *
and no focus came out of his being until he renounced his birthright.
Vallin - Lvi: 1 3 . (S. "Powerful Song"); Knight of the Suit of
Melkor was also one of fifteen Valar, the other fourteen comprising
Helms. A Sinda Warrior/Fighter, Vallin serves the Court of Ardor a balance of seven males and seven females. This strange role,
and lives at Aurax-dilr. See A rdor 24. * whatever its destiny was to be, proved unstable.
It was desire, though, that bore the seeds of Melkor's revolt. The
Valnaur - Lvi: 1 1 . (S. "Flame of Power"); Knight of the Suit
Exalted Ainu burned with a passion to control his own Fate and
of Staves. A Tauredhel (Silvan) Warrior/Fighter, Valnaur is captain desired to make things according to his own thought. He hoped to
of the guard at Naurlindol, a citadel of Ardor. See Ardor 24. * tap the Fires Eternal; he wished to be the one Lord. Thus, his fall
was inevitable, for only a single vision could rule Existence; and
Valsul - Lvi: 12. (S. "Strong Wind"); Knight of the Suit of Melkor, for all his might, was not the One.
Swords. ValsGl is a Tauredhel (Silvan) Elf serving the Court of Ar­ The Rebellion
dor. He lives at Mirisgroth. See Ardor 24. * Like the Smith Aule, Melkor above all wanted to make things. He
basked in the glory surrounding creation and loved his thought above
Voronwe - Lvi: 40. (Q. "Steadfast"). Voronwe, a great Noldo all others. Unlike Aule, however, Morgoth openly broke from Eru's
of Gondolin, rode on the last ship sent by Turgon to seek aid from plan. Upon entering Ea as a Vala, he embarked upon his own course,
the Valar. Their mission failed, and, on the return trip the ship was and the Powers were sundered.
wrecked. Ulmo rescued Voronwe and brought him ashore - to meet The other Valar worked to shape the World and the Heavens ac­
Tuor. cording to the symmetry ordered by Eru, but Melkor opposed their
labors. Renouncing his loyalty to his Maker, he sought to be Maker
of the new creation. As his brethren built, he destroyed, and the Battle
of the Powers began. It was a terrible war which doomed Eru's vi­
sion for all time. Melkor brought down the Two Lamps that lit Arda
96 The Great EnemieslMorgoth

and obliterated the Vala home in the fair lake of Almaren. The World Still, Morgoth held the power to pervert that which was, and his
was remade amidst chaos and destruction. In the end, though, t he breeding pits produced the races of Orcs, Trolls, Wargs, and Dragons,
Valar prevailed. Melkor was imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos for as well as a host of foul denizens which still haunt the depths of
many ages. the Earth. He seduced the Fire Spirits and twisted their souls, yielding
Even incarcerated, however, Melkor's unrelenting might manifested the awful Demons of Might - the Balrogs. On a still grander scale,
itself. His constant and clever pretensions persuaded his captors of he implanted the seeds of pride and despair that changed the very
his repentance and Manwe, forever forgiving, pardoned his awful outlook of life.
brother. This unfortunate act, however inevitable, initiated the saga Morgoth's Works
of the War of the Great Jewels. Morgoth was a master of many aspects of Ea, but above all he
Released from the Halls of Mandos, Morgoth returned to Valinor. enjoyed a command of crafts and material things. He was, after all,
There he encountered Feanor's Silmarils, and he began plotting their closest in mind and character to AuIe. Like the Lord of the Earth,
seizu e. Feanor resisted his plan, revealing the Might One's veil of he understood and manipulated Arda's substances. He erected the
deceit, so the Enemy fled into the shadowy wilds of southern Aman. Iron Mountains to guard his Kingdom, and he raised the Misty Moun­
Although the Valar placed a great watch around the bounds of tains in hope of stopping Orome's attempt to rescue the Elves of Cui­
the Blessed Realm, Melkor returned to exact his revenge and take vienen. Morgoth delved the endless Halls of Utumno and Angband
the Great Jewels. Accompanied by Ungoliant - the unspeakable and carved the hideous citadel of Thangorodrim. And, just as Aule
Spirit of the Void - he crossed into Valinor unnoticed and assailed molded the surface of Arda according to Eru's vision, Morgoth
the Two Trees that gave light to the land. He and the spidery Ungoliant remade it to suit his own desires.
killed the Trees and despoiled the green upon which they grew. Morgoth's trangressions are too great to mention, although a few
Ungoliant then extracted the dews from Varda's wells. Once again, are most notable. His wars cost countless lives and incalculable
Melkor cast the World into darkness. From this time onward, he was damage and twice ended in utter cataclysm. He hated Light and thus
known as Morgoth, the "Black EnemY.' brought down Illuin and Ormal, the Two Lamps that lit the World
As he and his frightening ally fled northward within a shroud of in the early First Age. Toppling the peaks that supported them, he
impenetrable darkness, Morgoth slew Finwe, the High King of the felled the greatest mountains ever to grace Endor. Later, he smote
Noldor, and stole the Silmarils the Noldo Lord fought so hard to the Two Trees and contrived, along with Ungoliant, the draining of
protect. The Black Enemy escaped to Endor with his prize, and with the Wells of Varda. He even assailed the Moon, failing only because
the vengeance he had longed for during the ages he languished in his strength betrayed him as he rose into the Heavens.
Morgoth's Legacy
After breaking with Ungoliant over the possession of the Jewels,
His most heinous crime, however, was the legacy of Evil. Morgoth's
Morgoth reestablished himself in Angband in northwestern Endor.
incarnation left a bequest that included a legion of wars, numerous
There, he implanted the Silmarils in his Iron Crown and set about
twisted races, and a host of monsters. All the ills borne by such figures
the building of a new Kingdom. He embarked upon the breeding
as the Balrog of Moria and Sauron of Mordor can be traced to his
of creatures to serve his horrible needs and spread his domination
ire. Worst of all, though, he left the World with the painful sin that
east and southward. Soon thereafter, the Black Enemy began the long
shall vex Ea until the end of the Count of Time.
struggle with the Elves of Beleriand that decided the fate of the
Silmarils and, ultimately, the destiny of Middle-earth. The Black Enemy's Form
Morgoth nearly prevailed, but quest of Earendil succeeded in Morgoth's huge fana was dark and excedingly strong. Contrived
unleashing the wrath of of the Valar. Confronted by the Host of to invoke fear, it burned with a visible and undying rage which
Valinor, Morgoth was once again vanquished and captured. His crown betrayed his bottomless ire. No image before or since has ever been
was reworked into the shackles that bound him when he was cast so terrible.
into the Timeless Void. Unable to return on his own, Morgoth's spirit
finally passed from Ea.
Morgoth's Nature
Morgoth's passions were many and mighty, and they conjured all
that would be Evil. His unending and insatiable want was never stayed
while he remained in Arda. With each triumph, each acquisition,
he strived for more. Eventually, however, he became tied to the World,
weakening with each creation as labored over the course of time. His Morgoth's Principal Items:
Iron Crown embodied much of this might - and it would have enabl­ Mace (Grond) - (Q. "Excavator") + 250 Hammer of the
ed him to stay in Ea despite the destruction of his body - but after Underworld. A huge black eog mace. 10' long, it weighs 200
his rebellion, Morgoth never gained any inherent power. Ibs and strikes as a flail. Each critical strike is accompanied
Morgoth's Minions by 1-10 impact criticals of equal severity, plus a Cracks Call
The Black Enemy's most fundamental desire, of course, was to spell (Mage, Earth Law list).
create life. Yet, he never could, for the Imperishable Flame burns
Spear (Gebir Melkor) - (Q. "Melkor's Stake") A 21' long
only within Eru, and life abides only with the leave of the One. Even
enchanted, + 200 black steel spear inlaid with red ithilnaur.
the birth of Aule's Dwarves can be traced to Eru's forgiving thought.
I t s range is 2000' (without range penalty), and it always
Morgoth was always frustrated in his endeavor to find and wield the
returns to the wielder instantly after striking. Any critical
fire that kindles the spirit and sparks life.
strike the thrower delivers is accompanied by a 25th level A b­
solution Pure spell attack (Evil Cieric, Dark Channels list
at 20th). RR failure results in target's spirit being torn from
his body. (It can only be returned by Lifegiving.)
The Great EnemieslMorgoth 97

The Iron Crown of Morgoth A simple, black iron crown

- Morgoth's Special Powers:
inlaid with black ithilnaur (which gleams white by moonlight Vision - Morgoth can see perfectly, at night or day, as far
or firelight), and adorned with the three Silmarils (later simply as the horizon. He can note every detail, as if he were at the
two). The symbol of his lordship over Arda, the Crown is point he upon which he dwells, and his gaze penetrates the
Morgoth's greatest creation. Its properties include: darkest of clouds, excepting that which is a void (e.g., one
of Ungoliant's shrouds).
( I ) its Jewels can glow to any degree desired by the wearer,
even attaining a brightness normally ascribed to stars. In such Voice - Morgoth can speak in any voice he desires, to anyone
case all within 500' must make a RR versus a 250th Essence within his sight.
attack, with failure resulting in blindness;
Hearing and Smelling - Morgoth can hear and smell perfect­
(2) the Jewels' i nherent aura is so beautiful that all who come ly, regardless of condition, as far as the horizon.
with 500' of the Crown must make a RR versus a 1 30th Ivl
(Fi'anor's Ivl) attack. RR failure results in victim being stunned Ward of Iron - When Morgoth is in Utumno or Thangoro­
and unable to parry for a number rounds equal to RR failure. drim, his presence is extended out to form a ward with a
diameter equal to 50 miles. Within this region, Morgoth can
(3) anyone touching a Jewel receives a "D" Heat critical each
sense the number and basic nature of the presences whenever
round he maintains contact, all results of which are applicable
he concentrates.
to that part of the body that touches the Jewel (e.g., a back
burn might be applied to the victim's hand or lips); Authority - Morgoth can direct his voice or sight upon any
(4) wearer receives a + 50 bonus for all activity; one individual (within a range of 500') in order to dominate
him. The victim must make a RR versus a 250th level Chan­
(5) x20 PP multiplier that enables wearer to simultaneously
neling (MERP) or Mentalism (RM) attack. Failure results in
concentrate on twenty different spells (their cumulative Ivl
not to exceed 1000);
the victim being under Morgoth's control until the victim
makes a successful RR. Whenever the victim leaves the 500'
(6) crown will magically adjust to the wearer's head size; radius effect area - or whenever Morgoth stops concen­
(7) intelligent and inherently 75th lvI, the crown will expand trating - the victim receives one RR per round.
to fall from the wearer's head whenever it feels the wearer
Earth-weaving - Morgoth has absolute control of all in­
is unsuitable;
organic material which is affixed to or part of the earth within
(8) irresistibly Evil, it enhances any desire the wearer might a range of 500 miles (i.e., 1 mile x Morgoth's Ivl). He need
have and, in time, anyone will succumb to their own inner only concentrate in order to move and mold the earth,
feelings; although such movement must be (i) continuous and (ii) con­
(9) strong, the crown cannot broken unless it is heated in the fined to a speed which does not exceed 1 mile per hour. It
fires in which it was made (see forge below); also requires a # of PP equal to # cubic miles of material
x 10 x distance moved (in miles).
(10) of fire, the wearer can immolate at will, becoming engulf­
ed in a flame which strikes all within 5' with the equivalent Earth-lore - Morgoth knows about the origin and proper­
of a + 50 Fireball each round. ties of all inorganic substances.
( I I ) of darkness, the wearer can become a "shadow" at will, Cloud-weaving - Morgoth has absolute control over all light
operating with a + 50 hiding bonus at night or in darkness;
within 500' of his person, as well as all the light within the
confines of his ward (see the Ward of Iron above).
( 1 2) wearer's spells, physical attacks, and maneuvers cannot
Breeding - Morgoth can alter, through the process of
domination and breeding, the physical structure of any race.
Ring (Coromorna) -(Q. "Black Ring") A simple unadorned, The victim receives a RR versus a 25th Ivl Essence attack,
black mithril band. Ring can can change the dreams/desires with failure resulting in a change to the victim's offspring
of any target within 500' who fails a RR. The ring is usable (before their birth). The prospective offspring will normally
5x/day and affects the victim for 5 days x amount of RR change to suit the victim's own inner fears, but Morgoth's
failure. needs will inevitably affect the result.

Armor (Red-black Plate) - Unencumbering enchanted black Spells - 26,000 PP. Base spell OB is 250; directed spell OB
ithilnaur scale armor. It glows red with a continuous Aura is 500. Morgoth knows all spell lists.
spell (Open Channeling, Light 's Way list, 3rd Ivl). Treat as
plate (AT 20) with a DB of + 50.

Forge and Tools - Morgoth's mountain smithy is adjacent

to his Mansions. It contains an enchanted forge and tools
which enable him to create items at SOx the normal rate for
a smith or alchemist.

98 The Great Enemies/Sauron

7.2 SAURON Annatar's help enabled the great Smiths, led by Celebrimbor, to
devise the Rings of Power. Actual forging began around S.A. 1 500
- under the ever-watchful eye of the Dark Lord. Eighty years later,
Lvi: 180 (240); 360 with the One Ring. Race: Maia (Fallen). Profes­
Annatar slipped back into Mordor and started forging the One Rul­
sion: Mage/Sorcerer/A lchemist. Home: Originally Angband in nor­
ing Ring in the fires of Mount Doom (S. "Orodruin"). His plot
thern Endor; later Mordor. A ka: Thauron (Q. "the Abhorred"); Gor­
against the Elves neared completion when Celebrimbor completed
thaur (S. "the Cruel"); A nnatar (S. "Lord of Gifts"); A rtano (Q.
the Three Rings between S.A. 1 5 80 and 1 5 90. Only ten more years
"High Smith"); A ulendil (Q. "Servant of A ule"); the Deceiver; the
passed before he finished the One Ring, a device designed to con­
A bominable; the Lord of Mordor; the Lord of the Dark Tower; the
trol all the other Rings of Power.
Dark Lord; the Black One; the Black Master; the Black Hand; the
In S.A. 1 600, the Dark Lord believed that victory was at hand,
Shadow; the Unnamed; the Eye; the Red Eye; the Evil Eye; the Eye
but Celembrimbor and his compatriots realized their folly before it
of Barad-dur; the Lidless Eye; the Nameless Eye; the Nameless One;
was too late. Instead of using the Three Rings, the Elves secluded
the Evil One; the Ring-lord; the Ring-maker; Lord of the Rings; etc.
them. Sauron grew furious and demanded that they be handed over;
RM Stats: St-lOO; Qu-lOO; Em-90; In-lOO; Pr-120 (200); Ag-lOl; Co-lJO; however, his pleas fell on deaf ears. Celebrimbor sought out Galadriel
Me-l02; Re-lOl; SD-99. MERP Stats: St-llO; Ag-lOl; Co-llO; Ig-l02; in Lorien and gave her Nenya, one of the Three Rings, that same year.
It-lOO; Pr-120. Appearance: 02. With the Elven refusal, Sauron resolved to destroy his foes using
overt and overwhelming force. In S.A. 1 693 the War Against the Elves
Sauron, "the Abhorred;' was seduced by Morgoth before the mak­ began. The armies of Mordor took Calenardhon (later Rohan), mar­
ing of Arda. He was the greatest of AuH." s People and the most power­ ched into southern Eriador, and assaulted Eregion by 1 697. The
ful of the Maiar, save (perhaps) Eonwe and Ilmare. Skilled in all crafts Dwarves closed Moria. Sauron's minions slew Celebrimbor and Ost­
and a master of diplomacy, he proved a formidable servant of the in-Edhil fell, the survivors fleeing to Lorien, Lindon, or Rivendell.
Black Enemy. Until Morgoth's fall, Sauron was his only lieutenant. Gil-galad, King of Lindon and High King of the Noldor, prepared
his land in defense as all of Eriador fell under the yoke of the Lord
Sauron's Tale
Sauron held t he realm of Angband during the Black Enemy's stay of the Rings (S.A. 1699).
in the hellish hold of Utumno. Later, during the wars against Sauron's forces reached the River Lhiln by 1 700, but a surprise
Beleriand, he directed the forces of Evil whenever Morgoth was other­ awaited him. A Dunadan army from Numenor stood beside the Elven
wise preoccupied. With the breaking of the seige of Angband, the host defending Lindon. Led by Gil-galad, the Elves and Dunedain
Host of Darkness took the offensive against their Elven enemies, crushed the Dark Lord's warriors, driving the survivors eastward.
and it was Sauron who guided the army that ravaged West Beleriand. Eriador was reclaimed, forcing Sauron to fortify the Gap of Isen
He imprisoned and slew Finrod and his Elves and dueled Luthien (later Rohan). So the Evil One turned his attentions eastward, in
and the Vala wolfhound Huan. Nonetheless, he could not match search of new recruit s for his host.
strength with the Host of the Valar. With the fall of Morgoth at the During t he long stalemate that followed the Battle of Lindon
end of the First Age, he surrendered to Eonwe to stand trial in Valinor. Sauron looked to the Dwarves and the Men of the East as allies. Hav�
Sauron repented, but his pride betrayed him. Before facing the ing possession of the sixteen remaining Rings of Power, he gave them
Valar in Aman, he fled and hid in the far reaches of Endor. Five to the Kings of the seven Dwarven Houses and to nine Mannish lords.
centuries passed before he reappeared. He arose as heir to Morgoth's His ploy to enslave the two races worked, but only in part, since the
claim as King of Men and began to seduce selected Mannish groups Dwarves (S. "Naugrim") were unlike any other folk.
soon thereafter. By S.A. 1000 he acquired enough strength to take As creations of Aule (whom Sauron once served), the Dwarves
and fortify Mordor. The Black Land became his home, the place to reacted differently than the Dark Lord had expected. The Seven Rings
which he always returned. magnified the already-considerable Dwarven pride and greed;
Sauron traveled to Eregion around S.A. 1 200. Disguised as An­ however, they failed to confer immortality on the Naugrim, nor did
natar, the " Lord of Gifts;' he befriended the Noldor smiths of Ost­ they enable Sauron to control the ring-wearers. While the Dwarf­
in-Edhil. His ploy worked, for Annatar's smooth manner and fair­ lords used the Seven Rings to uncover new caches of wealth, the Evil
seeming incarnation swayed his hosts. Only Galadriel remained un­ One realized his failure and condemned their race.
touched by his diplomacy. Nonetheless, a similar journey to Lindon The Nine Rings worked better, and around S.A. 2251 the nine
failed when the Noldor King Gil-galad turned him away, wisely Ringwraiths (BS. "Nazgill"; S. " U lairi") first appeared. Enslaved by
mistrusting the pretender. their rings and controlled by the One Ring, they proved to be loyal
During the next three hundred and eighty-one years (S.A. servants of the Lord of Mordor. Three were Black Numenoreans
1200-1 580), Annatar instructed Jewel-smiths of Eregion in the ways others corrupted Kings from elsewhere in Endor.
of Ring-making. Annatar's aid proved great, for with the knowledge The appearance of the Nazgill coincided with a social rebellion
that Aule and Morgoth bestowed upon Sauron, the Lord of Gifts in Numenor. Sauron's carefully deployed diplomacy preyed upon the
taught the Elves new methods of forging metals and jewels. weaknesses of Men, and the Numenoreans, although strong, proved
In keeping with his subtle plan, Sauron sought to manipulate his no exception. Dunadan pride began to show as King Tar-Atanamir
hosts during his stay. Dissent in Eregion accompanied Annatar's took the throne. Respect for the Valar waned as suspicions and
presence, growing with the passing decades. By 1 3 50, the Smiths open­ jealousies directed toward the immortal Elves rose. Nationalism and
ly rebelled against the rule of the Noldo Galadriel and the Teler racism gradually replaced respect for others, the Eldar in particular.
Celeborn. Twenty-five years later the two lords renounced their ward­ During the centuries after S.A. 2200, the Numenoreans began to col­
ship over Ost-in-Edhil. onize and exploit Middle-earth. Dunadan fleets brought warriors and
regents rather than teachers and envoys.
The Great EnemieslSauron 99

The now-haughty Dunedain began to openly dispute Sauron's claim Nonetheless, Sauron survived and rearose in Mordor within a few
as King of Men. Their coastal holdings along the shores of Endor years. The Evil One marshalled his forces and eradicated the vestiges
began to take on a new character; the Men of Numenor fortified of the Numenorean vigil. By S.A. 3429, he was able to wage war
their havens and prepared to challenge the Dark Lord militarily. Then, again, and in that year his armies struck westward at the young
in S.A. 326 1 , the inevitable occurred; the Numenorean army under Dunadan Kingdom of Gondor. His host took Minas lthil and
King Ar-Pharazon landed at Umbar, intending to invade Mordor and destroyed the White Tree, symbol of the Dunedain; but Sauron was
put an end to Sauron's pretensions. ultimately vanquished. The army of the Last Alliance of Elves and
The wily Dark Lord preempted these plans, however. Surrender­ Men defeated him at the Battle of Dagorlad five years later and then
ing without a fight, Sauron was taken to Numenor as a prisoner the beseiged the Dark Lord in Barad-dilr. The Dark Tower fell in S.A.
next year. His imprisonment sealed the Numerorean doom. Between 344 1 , and in the ensuing combat Sauron slew both the Elven High
S.A. 3262 and 33 10, the Evil One successfully convinced his captors King Gil-galad and the Dunadan King Elendil. As his father fell,
of his worth as an advisor and, playing upon their pride, convinced though, Elendil's son Isildur deftly sliced off Sauron's ring finger.
them of their invincibility and misplaced destiny. The Dark Lord's spirit retreated, overthrown and without the One
Sauron's counsel quickly corrupted Numenor. Elements of the out­ Ring that lay before the victorious Isildur.
wardly unreligious society began to worship Darkness, sacrificing
to Morgoth and building temples in honor of the Black Enemy. Peo­
ple abandoned things considered Elven and persecutions against the
Faithful - those who remained respectful of the Eldar and Valar
- reached a feverish level. Ar-Pharazon eventually concluded that
the immortality and apparent superiority of Elves was not inherent
to the race; rather, it was their residence in Aman that conferred un­
ending life.
In 3 3 1 0 the Numenorean King ordered the Great Armament. Nine Sauron never again wore the Ruling Ring. Although Isildur died
years later, the greatest fleet ever seen in Arda assailed the eastern at the hands of Orcs but two years later, the Dark Lord's minions
shore of Aman. Defying the Ban of the Valar - the law against mor­ failed to recover the prize. As he struggled through the brambles and
tal Men setting foot in the Undying Lands - Ar-Pharazon sought rushes in hope of escape, the Dunedain King lost the Ring in the
to defeat the Elves and establish dominion over Aman. Numenorean fens by the confluence of the rivers. Gladden and Anduin. The One
hubris, spawned by success and fed by Sauron's soothing words, in­ Ring rested at the bottom of a muddy pool until recovered by the
vited the destruction of the proud Dunedain. Hobbit Deagol in T.A. 2463.
Swift and tragic retribution accompanied the Numenorean fleet's Soon after his discovery, Deagol was murdered by his cousin
arrival in Aman. Laying down their guardianship, the Valar called Smeagol (Gollum). Smeagol sought the Ring and, in killing his kin,
upon Eru to right the wrong and enforce the Ban. Eru responded began a saga that saw the One in the hands of Hobbits until it
by opening a chasm in the Great Sea between Aman and Numenor. perished. Smeagol, then Bilbo, and then Frodo bore Sauron's great
Ar-Pharzon's fleet was swept eastward into the cataclysmic tumult, prize before its doom.
to be swallowed. Their great island home sank beneath the unyielding Without the One Ring, which embodied much of his essence,
waves. The Downfall of Numenor was complete. Sauron regained his strength very slowly. It took him one thousand
Only the small collection of the Faithful who heeded the warn­ years to recompose his spirit, take a new form, and manifest himself
ings of doom survived the Downfall; the rest of the Dunedain in again in Middle-earth.
Numenor perished. The Dunedain of Endor no longer had a In the winter of T.A. 1050, Sauron entered Dol Guldur and took
homeland. Those of Umbar and other southern and eastern havens, up residence as "the Necromancer.' This volcanic cinder cone, called
the so-called Black Numenoreans, turned away from their heritage. Amon Lanc (S. "Naked Hill") by the Elves of nearby Lorien, rose
Others invited the Faithful survivors to rebuild the glory of old out of the hilly landscape of southern Mirkwood. A secluded height
Numenor. In response, Elendil the Tall ied the fleet of the surviving rife with delvings that reached into the Underdeeps below the earth,
Faithful to Middle-earth to join their isolated brethren. Gathering it was an ideal refuge. The NazgilI prepared this hold for their master's
with the Faithful of Lindon and Pelargir (on the Anduin), they began return. There, he remained secluded and invisible for well over a
to carve out a new life, founding the Kingdoms in Exile: Arnor and millenium. All the ills that plagued Southern Rhovanion during his
Gondor. stay could be traced to the hold in the Naked Hill, but no one -
Sauron also survived the Downfall, but his handsome body was not even the Wise - realized the gravity of the peril.
destroyed in the wake of the flood. Still, the Evil One's power en­ Even the Wizards believed the Necromancer to be an insidious
abled him to 'take shape" again, an act crucial to his involvement legacy of the downfallen Lord of the Rings. Their fears and suspi­
with those of Endor. As a Maia he always remained a spirit without cions yielded a number of disturbing answers, but no one perceived
need of a form; but like Morgoth, Sauron sought to rule Middle­ that Sauron of Mordor had indeed rearisen from the ashes of his
earth, and in order to interact on a physical level he needed a body. defeat at the hands of the Last Alliance. The Dark Lord's guise as
Physical tools, including a corporeal form and all its trappings, were the "Necromancer" served to hide his nature and true purpose for
prerequisites to his dominion. At first, he could assume his necessary many lifetimes, for his subtle mastery of E vil brought destruction
form by taking any shape he desired. With his envelopment in the without openly tying him to the sources. His hand, his Eye, was
Downfall of Numenor in S.A. 3 3 1 9, however, he lost the strength to everywhere, and yet always unseen.
take a fair-seeming form. Sauron required a certain sturdiness of spirit While at Dol Guldur, Sauron slowly reconstituted his awesome
to complete this transition and after his "death" in the crushing power, constantly restraining himself from any obvious outbursts of
Downfall, he was never the same. Part of the Dark Lord perished irresistible horror. Adopting the One, red Lidless Eye as his symbol
with Numenor. and focus of form, Sauron bided his time. He acted solely through
his agents, notably the wicked Ringwraiths.
100 The Great EnemieslSauron

Soon after taking his place in Dol Guldur, Sauron empowered the its location, but to no avail. Frustrated, the White Wizard turned
greatest o f t he Nazgul to go further north and establish a realm to to Isengard's Seeing-stone in T.A. 3000 in hopes that he could wrest
contest and ultimately destroy the Dunedain's North Kingdom of precious knowledge from the Dark Lord. Sauron proved too great
Arnor. The Lord of the nine Nazgt1l became the Witch-king of a match for Saruman, however, and ensnared the Wizard's probing
Angmar, while six of the other eight Ringwraiths went to the East mind. Thus, the Evil One's principal rival fell under the spell of
or South to do the Dark Lord's bidding. Two Nazgt1l remained by Darkness.
Sauron's side in Dol Guldur as aides - messengers and envoys who Sauron never suspected that the bearer of the One Ring would
spread his word. Of that pair, Sauron named Khamt1l the Easter­ choose to destroy it rather than wield it for himself. The Dark Lord
ling, the second of the Nine, to stand as Keeper of Dol Guldur. believed that even the good-hearted would attempt to use it, if for
Sauron's plan to crush Arnor succeeded. Sundered into three suc­ no other purpose then to defeat him. In doing so, the Ring would
cessor states (Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur) in T.A. 861, the reveal them and enslave them, giving Sauron - its master - a chance
Dunadan North Kingdom was disunified and vulnerable when the to overcome the danger. This assumption doomed him.
Witch-king established Angmar in T.A. 1 300. The Lord of the Nazgt1l The War of the Ring raged as the Fellowship made its way toward
overran Rhudaur and Cardolan by 1 409, reducing both states and Mordor in late 301 8 and early 3019. One of Sauron's armies began
isolating the Dunedain of Arthedain. Then, after nearly six hundred the awesome assault on Gondor by assailing Osgiliath, the virtually­
more years of fighting, the Witch-king achieved his goal. His host abandoned capital that commanded the Anduin crossing between
of Angmarim swept across Arthedain in 1 974-75. the Black Land and Minas Tirith. While the Company relaxed in
As Arvedui - Arthedain's last King - fled northward and perish­ Rivendell, the Ringwraiths returned from their hunt for the One Ring,
ed in the icy waters of the Bay of Forochel, a fleet from Gondor led rejoined their Master, and prepared for the final thrust against the
by Earnur landed in Lindon. Although too late to rescue Arvedui, West.
the Gondorians joined with the remnants of the Arthadan army and Khamt1l the Easterling directed the two armies that struck from
decimated the Angmarim at the Battle of Fornost. The victors chased Dol Guldur, and the Witch-king led the frontal assault against the
the Witch-king into the Ettenmoors, where he vanished. Both Angmar gates of Minas Tirith. Overwhelming as these hosts seemed, however,
and Arthedain passed into history as lost kingdoms. the main body of Sauron's minions remained in Mordor. No array
Sauron succeeded in his quest to destroy the North Kingdom, fielded by the West could match its might.
enabling him to turn all his attentions on the South Kingdom of Gon­ However, the War of the Ring was not decided on the field of bat­
dor. The Witch-king returned to Mordor and, after twenty years of tle. The victory over Darkness at Pelennor Fields bought time, but
preparation, gathered the other Ringwraiths for an attack on Gon­ it did not end the danger. Only the destruction of the One Ring could
dor's easternmost city, Minas Ithil. Two years later (T.A. 2002), the stay Sauron's triumph. This was an act the Dark Lord never con­
beseiging army forced their way into the city. I t fell together with templated. Despite all his power, and his talents as a master of minds
its Seeing-stone (Palantir) and was renamed Minas Morgul. In the and a manipulator of emotion, the Dark Lord did not understand
year T.A. 2050, the Witch-king slew Eanur in a challenge duel out­ the nature of innocent and unwavering good. He directed his atten­
side the gates of Minas Morgul, ending the line of Gondor's Kings. tions outward, never looking in his own Black Land for the Hobbit
Sauron still directed his forces in secret from his lair in Dol Guldur. that bore his doom.
Searching for the lost One Ring, he preferred not to reveal himself When Frodo and Gollum returned the One Ring to the fires of
until his power was unmatchable. The Dark Lord kept the guise of the Crack of Doom - where the Ring was made and could be un­
the Necromancer until Gandalf threatened to uncover his ruse in T.A. made - Sauron's empire collapsed. All that Sauron built with the
2063. Slyly, the Dark Lord fled to the East. Quiet settled in the West One was destroyed. The other Rings of Power lost all strength, leav­
as the Watchful Peace began. During this era, the Ringwraiths re­ ing the Ringwraiths lifeless; and fear and dread settled in the hearts
mained in silent repose at Minas Morgul while their master marshall­ of the Evil One's minions. Leaderless and broken, the armies of
ed his strength among the Easterlings. Darkness fled or were quickly vanquished. Barad-dur perished, for
With the return of the strengthened Sauron to Dol Guldur in T.A. its seemingly indestructible foundation had been enchanted by the
2460, the Watchful Peace ended. Orcs multiplied and wars followed, Ring.
all fostered by the Evil One. The ensuing years saw Sauron's power Sauron, of course, passed from Arda, unable to maintain any form.
grow. By the time Gandalf confirmed his identity as the Necromancer Too much of his essence died with the One Ring. In every act of crea­
(2850), he was nearly ready to unleash his final onslaught. Confi­ tion a part of the maker is left in his work, and this was true of the
dent of his might, despite the absence of his Ruling Ring, Sauron Ruling Ring as well; thus the downfall of the Lord of the Rings.
returned to Mordor in T.A. 294 1 . Ten years later he revealed his The Nature of the Lord of the Rings
presence and declared himself the Lord of Middle-earth . Sauron was of both this and the "shadow world" and is therefore
T h e Dark Lord rebuilt Barad-dur and renewed h i s search for the wholly in neither. He appeared as an inexplicably elusive image, with
One Ring upon returning to the Black Land, but he hastened the a black and mottled "surface" which burned with an intense but often
course of armament. Knowing of its recovery, he fought time. invisible fire. The flaming Eye, however, was ever-present, either in
Although he sent out his greatest servants - the Ringwraiths - in mind or in the viewers's clear, unbelieving vision.
search of his prize, he was unsure of its fate. The Dark Lord realized �
The Abhorrent One remaine a servant of the Darkness that is
that as long as the One Ring existed and was not employed by another, the gift of his master Morgoth!. Although he worshipped himself,
he was unassailable; but, in the hands of a foe, the Ruling Ring en­ Sauron was the embodiment of the Black Enemy's legacy. Morgoth
dangered his dominion. remained the Dark Lord's mentor and master, for Morgoth was Evil
Still, few had the strength to control the incredible power embodied incarnate. Even imprisoned in the Void outside Ea, the Black Enemy
in the Ring. After all, part of Sauron himself coursed through the survived in the Evil he invented. Sauron and his followers, and those
One. It was also utterly Evil and unsuited to the nature of many of l
they dominated, worshipped this Evil in myriad ways. Fear of the
his foes. The greatest threat was the fallen White Wizard Saruman,
who was then lord of Isengard. Like Sauron, he knew of the Ring's
reappearence. Saruman's servants scoured the land far and wide for
The Great EnemieslSauron 101

power of Darkness, of course, stood as the ultimate incentive, spawn­ Sauron's Special Powers:
ing a reverence of Evil and its incarnations. Sauron promulgated over­ Domination -With his One Eye, Sauron can dominate any
whelming terror, and his thralls saw no other choice. Sheer strength number of individuals, the sum of whose levels are less than
and cunning deception enabled the Lord of the Rings to prey on the or equal to the Dark Lord's level. He can assert this power
souls of Free Peoples and remold whole societies. even through a Seeing-stone. All whom he effectively gazes
In building his kingdom of awful ire, Sauron carefully selected upon must make a RR versus a 120th level attack, lest they
capable instruments of terror. His armies included countless Men, fall under the Lord of the Ring's absolute control. Whenever
Orcs, and Trolls. H owever, just as Morgoth once molded peoples in­ Sauron breaks his concentration, victims get a RR; however,
to mockeries of Eru's children, Sauron sought to develop new war­ this domination lasts until the victim makes a successful RR,
rior stock. Like his master the Black Enemy, he could not create life; and so the effect may be indefinite.
but through breeding, the manipulation of minds and souls, and selec­
Presence - Anyone coming within actual (as opposed to aid­
tive spawning the Dark Lord forged three new subject races: the Uruk­
ed) sight of the Dark Lord must make a RR versus a 60th
hai (BS. "Orc-people"), the Olog-hai (BS. "Troll-people"), and the
Fear spell. With a RR failure of 01-50, the victim flees in fear
Furolog-hai (BS. " Half-troll People"). These creatures could reason
for 1-10 minutes. I f the RR failure is 5 1-100, the victim is
and operate in daylight, overcoming the principal flaws of their
frozen in place (stunned and unable to move or parry) for
01-10 rounds. Should they fail by 101 + , they die of fright.
The Evil One fed on misery and the unbridled anticipations of
(Note victims use their Presence stat bonus and get a posi­
pain and suffering which gripped his countless victims. His agents
tion bonus like that given in melee combat: e.g., + 35 from
used sheer force and silvery ploys to achieve Sauron's goals in many
ways; although the ends are one and the same, the overseer was rare­
ly revealed. Through his minions, he strangled nations and crippled Form Sauron cannot be touched by normal weapons. Treat

cultures all over Middle-earth: in the East and South his whip was him as a " Large" creature for purposes of critical strikes. At­
greatest, but the Dark Lord plagued the West as well. There, the legacy tacks against him which yield a critical strike roll require use
of his most-hated foes remained intact, and there he planned his final, of the Large Creature Critical Strike Table (Arms Law at 8.14;
climactic gesture. MERP at CT-IO).

Sauron's Nine Ringwraiths Spirit Unless the One Ring is destroyed, Sauron's spirit

The nine NazgUl acted as extensions of Sauron's vile will; they serv­ - his soul or essence - remains in Eii even upon the death
ed as his "hands:' The Nine did the Dark Lord's bidding, fearing of his body. In other words, as long as the One Ring exists,
only him, for it was Sauron who enslaved them with the Nine Rings only his form can be slain. With the death of his body,
of Power, and it was he who gave them "life" immortal. Without however, Sauron cannot take another form for 2-2000 years.
Sauron, the Ringwraiths had no focus, and without the power born
NOTE: Roll two sets three of dice and add them
by the Nine Rings Sauron held, they could not live.
together to get the sum of years his spirit needs to
The NazgUl's power, even before their corruption, was considerable.
regain form. For each roll, use three percentile dice:
With their enslavement it grew. Their roots reached back to the Sec­
one die represen ting the hundreds, one die represen­
ond Age, when they reigned as mighty Kings of Men, enabling them
ting the tens, and [he third representing the ones digits.
to draw on experience beyond the reach of other Men. With their
The result is a number between 2 and 2000.
submission to the Dark Lord, they became immortal, acquiring their
skills over centuries. Yet, like Sauron, they existed in both this world Spells -T.A. 1-2459: 1 200 PP; T.A. 2460 onward 4800 PP.
and the realm of the shadows, but wholly in neither. Sauron can use all spell lists up to his level. In addition, he
Whatever the NazgUl gained, they possessed because of some loss. can simultaneously concentrate on a number of targets or
The Ringwraiths were immortal and undying, and yet they spoke as spells equal to his level (total of spell lvls not to exceed
those who saw death and perpetually suffered through their last throes Sauron's lvl).
of life. Their tone caused the hardiest men to cringe or flee, but it Sauron's Principal Items:
was as much the shrill call of suffering as it was the cry of warning. The One Ring -Aka "the Ruling Ring;" the "One;" the
The Nine enjoyed "dark-sight" and their sense of smell empowered "Ring:' A seemingly normal gold band, the One Ring will
them to find things which would be invisible to others; however, they adjust to the wearer's ring size or, if it so desires, it will ex­
were virtually blind. Great and terrible beasts followed their call, but pand to fall from the wearer's finger whenever the ring feels
they trusted nothing and counted no one as a friend. Armies of men the wearer is unsuitable (see below). The One's hidden in­
died for them, but they never stepped without Sauron's favor. Nor­ scription glows when the Ring is placed in a fire. In Black
mal weapons or spells could not e ffect the Ringwraiths; yet at the Speech it reads:
same time, they turned away from the commonplace: water, natural
fires, and the name of the Vala Varda (Elbereth). ':4sh nazg durbabatulUk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg
Of course, the NazgUl's ties to the One Ring provided their greatest thrakatulCtk agh burzum ishi krimpatul. "
vulnerability. All the Rings of Power lost strength when the One was The translation reads:
destroyed at the end of the Third Age, making the Nine Rings of
Men mere jewels. This change removed the enchantment that gave "One R ing to rule the all, One Ring to find them,
continuing life to the Ringwraiths; and so, with Sauron's fall, the One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind
Nine passed into oblivion. (See Lords of Middle-earth, Volume 2, them."
"Men," for more on the nine Nazgfil.)
102 The Great Enemies! Ungoliant

The One is a x I S PP spell multiplier which requires training 7.3 UNGOLIANT

equal to 600 days minus wearer's level, lest the effects of its
Lvi: 450 (500 after draining the Wells of Varda). Race: Spirit of the
use be random or at the whim of the Ring. In addition, unless
Void. Profession: Sorcerer. Home: Originally Avathar in southeastern
the wearer exerts control over the One, the Ruling Ring will
act according to its own bidding - for it views a weaker A man; later the mountain wilds of northwest Middle-earth. A ka:
wearer as unsuitable. Only Sauron, its maker, has absolute (S. "Great Spider"); favarauko (Q. "Demon of the Void"); the Ever­
hungry; Queen of the Unlight (Q. "Vealatdri"); the Unlight (Q.
control; the One resists others as if it were 60th level. Since
it is a part of Sauron's essence, it is irrevocably and irresistably
Evil. It enhances any desire the wearer might have - par­ Before Draining the Wells of Varda
ticularly the want for power. In time, anyone will succumb RM Stats: St- 130; Qu- 130; Em- 140; In- 140; Pr- 140; Ag- 140; Co-
to their own inner feelings. 130; Me- 99; Re- 99; SD- 20. MERP Stats: St- 130; Ag- 140; Co- 130;
A Ring-wearer is invisible, although Sauron can be visible 19- 99; It- 140; Pr- 140. Appearance: 02.
at will. The One also allows wearer to control or resist any After Draining the Wells of Varda
device made with the Ring's aid (e.g., the traps of Barad-dGr), RM Stats: St- 140; Qu- 140; Em- 150; In- 150; Pr- 150; Ag- 150; Co­
with mere concentration on the wearer's part. Ring controls � � � � � � m �p � � � � � � �
all wearers of the Nine Rings of Power regardless of range, 19- 99; It- 150; Pr- 150. Appearance: 01.
etc., although this power requires complete mastery of the
One. Ring permits wearer to cast spells at three times nor­ Ungoliant was a Spirit of the Void, the incarnation of Darkness,
mal range or against any target wearer can see (even when and the embodiment of Destruction. Her relationship to the Ainur
the sighting is aided by some device), whichever is greater. was unknown, although her origin was outside Ea. Ever-hungry and
Ring-wearer's spells, physical attacks, and maneuvers can­ consumed with a thirst for light and the fire that sparks spirits,
not fail. Ungoliant fed on any life she could capture or subdue. In fact, legends
The Ruling Ring cannot be destroyed except in the fires say that in the end, for want of other prey, she devoured herself.
of Orodruin (S. "Mount Doom"), where it was made. Morgoth first encountered Ungoliant in the dark wilderness of
Avathar, within the shadow of the Pel6ri Mountains of southeastern
The Shadow Mace - + 60 black, ithilnaur mace which glows
Aman. She was a unique spirit whose form resembled that of an ever­
red when within 300' of an Elf. In the hands of anyone but
changing, spider-shaped cloud. Utterly black and featureless, she
Sauron, the mace is -30. The mace becomes instantly invisi­
moved like a swiftly gliding void passing across the land.
ble whenever the wielder concentrates this desire.
Joining with the Unlight in an uneasy alliance, the Black Enemy
The Black Sword (S. "Mormegil;" Q. "Mormacil") - Not convinced the Demon to accompany him into Valinor, and there at­
to be confused with Turin's nickname Mormegil or his sword tack the Two Trees. Hungry for the spirit of the Great Light of the
Gurthang, this is a + 45 black, ithilnaur, Elf-slaying Trees - which saturateu the dews that filled the Wells of Varda -
broadsword. Enchanted and unbreakable (except against eog), Ungoliant gladly aided Morgoth's attack. She spun enchanted webs,
it cannot be fumbled. If a critical strike is yielded and wielder creating a bridge over the high mountain wall that guarded the
so desires, it also delivers a Heat or Cold critical strike of Kingdom of the Valar. Silently, the two Enemies entered the Realm
equal severity. of the Powers.
Morgoth and his spidery companion climbed the Green Mound
The Gauntlet of Slaying - Aka's "Narsil's Bane:' A black
upon which stood the precious trees called Telperion and Laurelin.
steel and dragonskin glove. Treat as a + 15 mace or as a + 10
Using his spear, the Black Enemy struck into the heart of each trunk,
shield. Should Sauroll successfully parry a foe's weapon (i.e.,
puncturing the glistening bark of the light-giving Trees. Their sap
the foe delivers no damage), the Dark Lord may attempt to
spilled upon the grassy carpet. Ungoliant quickly sucked the splen­
grab the weapon. In such case, the weapon must resist ver­
did fluid off the ground, and turned upon the wounded Trees. Ex­
sus a 50th level attack or it is destroyed. Weapons resist at
tracting the last drops of their essence, the Spirit of the Void poisoned
the level of their wielder (+ 1 Ivl! + 5 bonus); however, magical
the Two Trees with her black Venom of Death. She blackened the
weapons resist at a level equal to 20th Ivl plus their wielder's
green hill with a cloud of befouling waste. Crowning her perverse
crime, Ungoliant then drained the dew from the Wells of Varda.
The Black Scale - Unencumbering black dragonskin and Increased in might by the Light she consumed, the demon-spider
black ithilnaur scale armor. Treat as plate (AT 20) with a DB spun a Web of Un light which guarded her journey northward with
of + SO. Morgoth. The two Great Enemies used the impenetrable cloud to
reach the Noldo Treasury at Formenos unscathed. There, Morgoth
slew the Noldorin King (Finwe) and stole the wealth of his kindred.
Pursued by Tulkas and the Host of Orome, the evil thieves slipped
away, again using Ungoliant's enchanted Web to cover their
movements. The Valar were unable to close, and Ungoliant and
Morgoth crossed the grinding ice of the northern seas unscathed,
entering Endor beneath the starry skies of the Long Night.
Never satiated, the demon's increased power merely multiplied her
greed. She confronted her erstwhile ally upon reaching Middle-earth
65. and demanded the treasure Morgoth had wrested from the Noldor.
The Black Enemy attempted to appease her restless hunger by feeding
her gems, but this only served to make her stronger and thirstier.
The Great Enemies/General Statistics Table 103


Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov Notes


Morgoth 500 1 5 00 PII20 285 + N AIL 666f1* 666sp* 175 Vala(Fallen) MagelAlchemist (Sorcerer). The Great Enemy.

Sauron Maia(Fallen) Mage/Sorcerer (All Lists).

1 240 500 PII20 1 50 + N N 200bs/ma 1 80\b 60 Sauron before the One Ring was made (approx. before S.A.
1 600) .
II 1 20(240) 600 PII20 200+ N AIL 250bs/ma 2001b 60 Sauron in hiding without the One Ring (approx. T.A. 1 -2941).
1II 1 80(240) 600 PII20 200 + N AIL 250bs/ma 200ib 60 Sauron revealed without the One Ring (approx. T.A. 2941-3019).
IV 360 600 PII20 200+ N AIL 3 1 0bs/ma 2601b 60 Sauron with the One Ring (approx. S.A. 1 600-344 1 ) .

Ungoliant . A Spirit of the Void. the incarnation of Darkness.

450 1238 PII20 275 + N (AIL) 450HPi* - 235 Ungoliam before she drained the Wells of Varda.
500 1625 PII20 325 + N (AIL) 520HPi* -
285 Ungoliant after she drained the Wells of Varda.

Appalled, the rebellious Vala realized his plight and summoned his Tables (MERP Tables CT-IO and CT- l l or RM/Arms Law
Balrog servants in hope of dissuading any further demands. Ungoliant Table 8 . 1 5 and RM/Spell Law Table 10.85).
was unimpressed and assailed the Black Enemy when he refused to
Spells 1 8,900 PP. Base spell OB is 225; directed spell OB
relinquish the three stolen Silmarils.
is 450. Ungoliant can use all t he Mage lists and all Open
Together with the aid provided by his fiery Balrogs, Morgoth's
Channeling and Open Essence lists (MERP), and all Sorcerer
might prevailed. Ungoliant retreated into the wilds of Middle-earth.
lists, and all Closed Channeling and Closed Essence lists
She made her home in the Valley of Dreadful Death (S. "Nan Dungor­
( R M) .
theb") on the northern edge of Beleriand, eating all that lived in the
vale and the surrounding hills. Mating with some of her monsterous Ungoliant's Special Powers After Draining the Wells of Varda:
prey, she gave birth to the race of demon-spiders that would haunt As above, except the following.
Endor for ages to come. (One of her descendants, Shelob the Great,
Attacks and Effects Her 45th Ivl attacks become 50th Ivl;

played a special part in the saga of Sauron's fall.)

her 450' ranges become 500'; her + 450 OB becomes a + 520
Ungoliant later migrated southward in search of more sustenance.
OB; her 45 mile ranges become 50 mile ranges; etc.
She passed from history's view soon thereafter, but her hideous legend
and heinous legacy still stir fear. Spells 26,000 PP. Base spell OB is 250; directed spell OB

Ungoliant's Special Powers: is 500. Ungoliant can use all the Mage lists and all Open
Smell Ungoliant can smell perfectly, regardless of condi­
Channeling and Open Essence lists (MERP), and all Sorcerer
tion, as far as the horizon. She can sense every detail of every lists, and all Closed Channeling and Closed Essence lists
scent, as if she were at the point at which it was made. (RM).

Web of Unlight - When Ungoliant spins a cloud or Web

of Unlight, no light of any kind can penetrate its bounds.
The web's range/radius can be as large as 45 miles. Within
its con fines, everything is utterly dark, although Ungoliant
can sense the number and basic nature of the presences
whenever she concentrates. Creatures who rely on sight,
operate at -100 inside the cloud.

Dark-weaving Ungoliant has absolute control over all


darkness (absence of light) within a range of l ' x her level.

She can use these weavings as pathways to swing upon or
move across (like the threads of a spider's silk).

Black Beak - Ungoliant can drain the Fire of Life from any
spirit she touches. Using a shadowy, beak-like form, she can
strike with a + 450 Huge Beak Attack (see MERP Tables
CST-2 and AT-5 or RM/Claw Law Table 1 1 . 11). Then she can
employ her proboscis-like tongue to reduce all of the victim's
stats at a rate of 10 pts per round. In such case, the victim
receives a RR versus a 45th level Essence attack each round.
Success enables victim to resist draining and attempt a

Strength of Form Ungoliant's shadowy spider-like fana


(form) gives her inherent plate armor; it serves as AT Pll20

(-100). For resolving Critical Strikes, treat her as a Super Large
Creature and subtract 20 from rolls on the Critical Strike
1 04 Using High Level Characters

8.0 USING HIGH LEVEL (4) As time passes, there are fewer Elves in Endor - There
are many reasons for the slow but steady Elven exodus from

CHARACTERS Middle-earth. Many Elves long "for the sea;' or for the glories
of Aman. Others weary of Endor (or even Arda) and either
depart for the Undying Lands or die. Still others seek their
Just as Eru prescribed a Balance of Things in Arda, most
loved ones across the Great Sea.
Gamemasters attempt to instill a balance of play in their role play­
ing games. There is undoubtedly more drama, and more fun, in a (5) More conspicuous individuals attract attention and often
situation where the outcome is frequently in doubt. Poor play balance danger -A certain percentage of powerful individuals in­
inevitably produces foregone conclusions, leaving players with an un­ variably die at the hands of rivals. The ranks of the power­
fulfilling sense of futility. ful are pruned from within, and often at a faster rate than
Few things upset play balance like the improper use of high level the influx of new powers can adequately replace.
characters - individuals who dominate the course of action, leav­ Keep these factors in mind when determining the type, number,
ing the players with few alternatives and too much or too little hope. and strength of the powerful characters in your game.
This is particularly true for role playing games set in Third and Fourth
Age Middle-earth, a land where relatively few high level individuals
The following two sections will help a Gamemaster decide when
and how to use powerful characters in a Middle-earth role playing POWERFUL CHARACTERS
adventure or campaign. Middle-earth is a rich and varied place in which to adventure; but,
like any well-developed world, it has been carefully crafted. It is also
a modest setting, with relatively few extremely potent inhabitants.
8.1 SELECTING HIGH LEVEL The vast majority of its peoples and creatures are low level, and on­
CHARACTERS ly a few gifted and lucky figures ever reach 1 1th level. Fewer still ex­
ceed 20th level. Therefore, a Gamemaster must exercise prudent plan­
As its title states, LOME describes "lords;' individuals of substan­
ning and a good deal of restraint when adding any of the characters
tial power and/or impact in Middle-earth's history. These characters
found in LOME.
are provided in order to give the Gamemaster some thorough
The following tips will help a Gamemaster maintain play balance
background information, but they also serve as a framework for judg­
while utilizing high level characters in his game.
ing the appropriate level of power for characters of various races,
numerous locations, and different temporal settings. ( 1 ) Those who serve Eru, serve his Balance - The powerful
You may, of course, wish to use the characters from LOME as par­ servants of Eru subscribe to a code similar to that of the
ticipants. This can be a rather delicate endeavor. In such case, take Order of Wizards (see Section 5 .14). Overt power is used on­
into account the following guidelines: ly in defiance of the Balance, for even well-meaning force
can disrupt the Nature of Things. Thus, the loyal and Maiar
(1) The later the setting, the less powerful the actors- ICE's
who come to Endor deliberately restrain themselves. They
Middle-earth products are designed for games set in the Third
attempt to work with, rather than dominate, lesser folk. Most
and Fourth Ages of Endor, eras in which the number and
of all, they avoid drawing attention to themselves out of con­
strength of the continent's powerful individuals were con­
cern for inflicting fear upon others and out of need to avoid
siderably lower than they were in the First and Second Ages.
the watchful eye of any opposition. (Note how the Istari's
The further one goes back in the history of Middle-earth,
levels are characterized according to a dual scheme, with their
the stronger the characters.
offensive powers only about half to two thirds of their defen­
Select high level characters accordingly. For instance, a
sive capabilities.)
Fourth Age setting in a given locale might be dominated by
a few 1 1th level figures, while the same place in the Second (2) Even the most powerful of Elves is bound by Fate - Fate
Age might have been ruled by a dozen or more 20th level grips the lives of the immortals to a much greater degree than
characters. The reasons for this situation are many, but the it affects Men. The Elves of Middle-earth, for instance, fre­
primary factor is that the original fathers of the various Free quently find themselves drawn to some unswerving doom.
Peoples were exceedingly strong. The further the line evolves Thus, even a powerful Errs life may run its course toward
away from these individuals, the weaker the average member a particular end, regardless of the Elf's attempts to divert
of the population. This is particularly the case with races Fate. The details of his destiny may not be dictated, but the
other than Men (although this rule holds very true for the result might be unavoidable. A Gamemaster can use this fac­
Dunedain). tor to preordain certain "balancing" results for Elves of great
power, especially in the case of Elven Non-player Characters.
(2) The Valar rarely come to Middle-earth - The Powers of
Aman make few visits to Endor and, after the Change of (3) Even when they do come to Middle-earth, Vala and Maia
the World near the end of the Second Age, this rule becomes characters adopt form (i.e., their fana) When entering the

stronger. Vala characters prefer to manifest themselves in­ very "material" setting of the world of Eru's Children, the
directly, either through Maia emissaries (e.g., the Wizards), otherwise incorporeal Ainur take forms. This means that they
via natural forces (e.g., freak storms), or through dreams (e.g., must suffer from some of the weaknesses inherent in their
Elbereth's "visitations" to Elves). adopted bodies (e.g., emotions like greed and jealousy). As
a result, the Ainur who operate in Middle-earth act at a reduc­
(3) The Vanyar confine themselves to Aman The line of
ed level of effectiveness. (See Section 5 . 1 2 and note how the
the Vanyar Elves historically stayed out of Middle-earth once
Istari's levels were reduced when the Wizards took forms and
they settled in the Undying Lands.
entered Endor.)
Generating High Level Characters/Equipment 105

(4) Strength deteriorates over time - Even among the im­ 9.2 BACKGROUND AND
mortals, the use of power can drain an individual over time.
This is particularly true of renegade Maia and Val a characters
who use massive amounts of power outside the context of A character's background colors his outlook and provides "depth"
Eru's thought. Unsanctioned and unrestrained, these out­ to his personality. For Player Characters, a background facilitates
bursts of energy sap strength, making the character more and both role playing and the adoption of clear goals.
more dependent on outer means of support (e.g., items of High level characters, of course, tend to have a long and/or ex­
his own creation). The loss of power may be enough to pre­ citing past which demands some sort of documentation. The most
vent an otherwise incorporeal spirit from changing form. So, important points to consider when designing a background are (a)
a powerful figure who has been around for a long time may race; (b) culture; (c) place, environment, and circumstances of birth;
well be weakened during his long stay. (d) childhood and adolescent experiences; (e) family orientation; and
(f) adult experiences.
(5) Power attracts power -Powerful individuals tend to con­ Once a character's background has been outlined, address his per­
centrate, either to unite their strength, or to combat one sonality, keeping in mind that the background should have some bear­
another for control. This means that high level characters
ing on your choices, Get a general picture first, determining certain
often impact only indirectly in most areas. In addition, a pertinent features of the character's makeup. For example, note
display of power may attract opposition from other well­ whether he is surly or jovial, optimistic or pessimistic, generous or
endowed figures and can be unwise. For instance, Sauron no mean, withdrawn or outgoing, stable or unstable, bold or full of
doubt enslaved or eliminated most of his significant opposi­ doubt, cautious or incautious, etc. Then, play with the specifics, such
tion in many areas of Middle-earth. Thus, the powerful often as preferences and prejudices, loves and fears, strange mannerisms,
hide their strengths. and so on.
These hints provide the Gamemaster with some reasons why high
level characters might not operate at their peak of power. This means
that there are some built-in checks implicit in any Middle-earth set­ 9.3 EQUIPMENT AND MAGIC ITEMS
ting. A Gamemaster need not feel compelled to avoid powerful
One of the key elements in creating a character is determining the
characters simply because of their potential impact.
character's equipment and magic items. This becomes especially im­
portant for high level characters because they normally have had the
time and opportunity to accumulate quite a few items. In most cases,

9.0 GENERATING HIGH the GM can assume that the character has access to most normal,
non-magic equipment.

LEVEL CHARACTERS The best and often the easiest way to generate a character's
magic items is for the GM to create and assign the items based upon
the nature of the specific character. There is no substitute for a GM's
High level characters invariably produce a significant affect on the
creative mind and his feel for play balance in his game. In this sec­
game's setting and situation, so it is important to make sure that they
tion, we provide several options to aid a GM in generating a high
are reasonably well detailed. At the very least, the Gamemaster should
level character's magic items.
develop the character's ( 1 ) stats; (2) background and personality; (3)
skill and level bonuses; and (4) equipment.
Option 1: Use existing tables for generating magic items:
MERP Table CGT-2; RM/ChL& CaL Table 15. 73; and
RM/Creatures & Treasures Sections 3.0.
High level characters are bound by normal stat generation Option 2: Assign existing items from your or someone else's
guidelines (see MERP Section 3 . 1 or RM/ChL Section 2.0), although game or items described in commercial products: MERP Part
two other considerations should be taken into account. First, high Ill, RM/C&T Section 3.0, any oj ICE's Middle-earth

level characters generally have better-than-average stats, since high Modules, etc.
stats give an adventurer a much higher probability of surviving for Option 3: Use the Equipment Generation Chart provided
a long time. Second, characters sometimes attain high levels because below to determine the base characteristics of a character's
of their racial makeup, as in the case of Vala and Maia characters. items.
These groups may have some inherent stat bonuses (e.g. , Elves) or
they may h ave across the board additions to the stats themselves.
This chart provides a tool and guidelines for aiding a GM in assign·
For instance, we suggest that vala characters receive a + 50 addition
ing magic items to a high level character. Remember that all magic
to some or all of their stats (as we have done in LOME). Maia stats
items in a game must be allocated with care: it is very easy for magic
should be increased by + 25 .
items to become over-rare or over-abundant. One way to maintain
EXAMPLE: Where a Man 's stat is 97, a Maia would receive
this balance in magic items is to use this chart to make sure that the
a 122. A Vala character would then have a stat oj 147. (See
quantity and quality of the character's items do not fall below or
Section 3.4 Jor bonuses based on stats, including stats above
rise above a certain level.
For use with this chart, the GM may modify a character's level
due for special factors such as: + 5 to + 10 for the Eldar, Maiar, Istari,
etc.; -5 to -10 for Orcs, primitive men, etc.; + 5 to + 20 for special
rank or position (e.g., kings, generals, rich characters, shamans, etc.).
106 Generating High Level Characters/Bonuses

Additionally, the GM may wish to make a roll (1-100) and then add 6-8 Powerful for Hobbits; a couple of + 10 items; slight chance
the following to the character's level to be used on this chart: (roll of a single item of great value, power or danger.
- 50) / 5, rounding down. 3-5 One or two + 5 items; slight chance of a single item of
Once a character's level for this chart has been determined, the great value, power or danger.
0-2 Perhaps one + 5 item; slight chance of a single item of
GM should refer to the the section of the chart corresponding to
great value, power or danger.
the character's race. The item characteristics given in the chart are
Trolls, Half-Orcs, and Orcs (well equipped or rare individuals)
very general and should be fleshed out by the GM based upon the
PR Characteristics
character's nature.
12-20 + 10 to + 20 bonuses.
EQUIPMENT GENERATION CHART 9-1 1 + 1 0 t o + 1 5 bonuses.
Common Men
7-8 + 5 to + 10 bonuses.
5-6 + 5 bonuses.
PR Item Characteristics
0-4 +0 bonuses.
41-50 + 30 bonuses; x6-x8 spell item; special traits; an artifact. Orcs (Regular Tribe)
30-40 + 20 armor/shield; + 25 other bonuses; x5-x6 spell items; PR Characteristics
special traits.
20-29 + 15/ + 20 bonuses; + 5 or +6 (with special traits) or x3-x5 14-16 + 10 to + 15 bonuses; almost always the major leader; will

spell items; other items with special traits/spells; might usually have one favorite item and then a number of items
have a single + 30 item but few others. of lesser power; Sometimes the favored item is a + 10 item
13-19 + 10/ + 1 5 bonuses; x2-x4 or +4 or + 5 spell items; + 10 of great power.
item of slaying; spell casting items should be appropriate 10- 1 3 + 10 bonuses; often have several lesser items.
to level. 6-9 + 5 bonuses; Orc spell casters are very rare but will often
6-12 + 5/ + 10 bonuses; x2-x3 or + 3 or +4 spell items; might have some special item (e.g., x3 spell item, protective
have a single item of great ability (e.g., + 15/ + 20 item, devices, etc.).
an Orc- slaying weapon, etc.). 0-6 + 0 bonuses; very rare spell casters might possess a spell
4·5 + 5 bonuses; x2 or + 2 or + 3 spell items; if spell casting adder.
or special items are owned their powers/durations should
be reduced.
0-3 +0 bonuses; x2 or + l or + 2 spell items; perhaps a single
+ 5 / + 10 item.
Elves and Special (like Istari)
PR Characteristics

61·70 + 30 to + 50 bonuses; x8 to x9 spell items; artifacts.

51-60 + 25 to + 45 bonuses; x7 to x8 spell items; artifacts; may
possess a great number of very potent items.
36-50 + 20 to + 40 bonuses; x5 to x7 spell items; items may
possess potent special traits.
21-35 + 15 to + 35 bonuses; x4 to x6 or + 7 to + 8 spell items;
some items may possess potent special traits.
17-20 + 15 to + 30; x3-x5 or + 6 or + 7 spell items; items may
possess special traits (e.g., slaying Orcs, returning, etc.).
12-16 + 10 to + 25 bonuses; x3-x4 or + 4 to + 5 spell items (with 9.4 SKILL AND LEVEL BONUSES
special traits); may possess a single very powerful item and
very few others. Since high level characters necessarily take a great deal of effort
7-1 1 + 5 to + 20 bonuses; x2-x4 or + 3 to + 5 spell items; may to generate, we provide the following chart covering typical skill and
possess 2 or 3 special items. level bonuses.
0-6 +0 to + 10 bonuses; x2-x3 or + 1 to +4 spell items.
This chart provides level bonuses based upon the amount of a
PR Characteristics
character's level bonus: + O/lvl, + I Ilvl, + 2/lvl or + 3/lvl (see MERP
30-50 + 20 to + 30 bonuses; special traits certain; several po· Section 2.4 and Table BT-6, and RM/ChL&CaL Section 4.0, Section
tent items. 5.21, Section 14.22 and Table 1 5 .72). After 20th level this chart
21-29 + 15 to + 30 bonuses; some special traits; if many items assumes that the "+ l /lvl" bonuses only increase at a rate of + .25/lvl,
are held they usually will be in the + 15 to + 20 range. the " + 2/lvl" bonuses increase at a rate of + .5/lvl, and the " + 3/lvl"
16-20 + 10 to + 20 bonuses; one or two item with special traits. bonuses increase at a rate of + IIlv!. These increases may vary depen­
11-15 + 10 to + 15 bonuses; one item with special traits. ding upon the optional rules used by a specific GM (e.g., + O/lvl above
7-10 + 5 to + 15 bonuses; mostly weapons and armor. 20th level for " + I Ilvl" and " + 2Ilvl" bonuses).
0-6 + 0 to + 10 bonuses; mostly weapons and armor.
This chart also provides skill rank bonuses based upon the average
Hobbits number of "ranks/lvl" developed by a character: "2 ranks/IvI", " 1
PR Characteristics
rank/lvl", o r a rank evey two levels (i.e., ".5 rank/lvl"). These bonuses
assume a + 5/rank bonus for ranks 1-10, + 2/rank for ranks 1 1-20,
9-12 Rare individuals; + 15 to +20 bonuses; some potent items;
+ I Irank for ranks 2 1-30, and + . 5/rank for every rank over 30. See
slight chance of a single item of great value, power or
danger. MERP Section 2.31 and Table BT-4, and RM/ChL&CaL Section 3 . 1
a n d Table 1 5.22.
Generating High Level Characters/Bonuses 107


Level 3flvl 2I1v1 1I1v1 2 ranks 1 rank .5 rank Level 3flvl 2I1v1 1I1vl 2 ranks 1 rank .5 rank
flvl flvl flvl flvl flvl flvl

0 0 0 0 10 5 0 31 71 45 22 97 81 62
I 3 2 I 20 10 5 32 72 46 23 98 81 62
2 6 4 2 30 15 5 33 73 46 23 99 82 64
3 9 6 3 40 20 10 34 74 47 23 100 82 64
4 12 8 4 50 25 10 35 75 47 23 101 83 66
5 15 10 5 54 30 15
36 76 48 24 102 83 66
6 18 12 6 58 35 15 37 77 48 24 103 84 68
7 21 14 7 62 40 20 38 78 49 24 104 84 68
8 24 16 8 66 45 20 39 79 49 24 105 85 70
9 27 18 9 70 50 25 40 80 50 25 106 85 70
10 30 20 10 72 52 25
41 81 50 25 107 86 71
II 33 22 II 74 54 30 42 82 51 25 108 86 71
12 36 24 12 76 56 30 43 83 51 25 109 87 72
13 39 26 13 78 58 35 44 84 52 26 110 87 72
14 42 28 14 80 60 35 45 85 52 26 III 88 73
15 45 30 15 81 62 40
46 86 53 26 112 88 73
16 48 32 16 82 64 40 47 87 53 26 113 89 74
17 51 34 17 83 66 45 48 88 54 27 1 14 89 74
18 54 36 18 84 68 45 49 89 54 27 115 90 75
19 57 38 19 85 70 50 50 90 55 27 1 16 90 75
20 60 40 20 86 71 50
51 91 55 27 117 91 76
21 61 40 20 87 72 52 52 92 56 28 118 91 76
22 62 41 20 88 73 52 53 93 56 28 1 19 92 77
23 63 41 20 89 74 54 54 94 57 28 120 92 77
24 64 42 21 90 75 54 55 95 57 28 121 93 78
25 65 42 21 91 76 56
56 96 58 29 122 93 78
26 66 43 21 92 77 56 57 97 58 29 123 94 79
27 67 43 21 93 78 58 58 98 59 29 124 94 79
28 68 44 22 94 79 58 59 99 59 29 125 95 80
29 69 44 22 95 80 60 60 100 60 30 126 95 80
30 70 45 22 96 80 60
60 + +1 + .5 + .25 +1 + .5 + .25
flvl flvl flvl flvl flvl flvl


MERP/RM system uses percentile values ( 1 - 1 00) to describe a
Fantasy Hero (FlI) from Hero Games is part of the Hero System character's stats (characteristics).FH uses an open- ended system
family of role playing products. It uses a significantly different com­ with most values falling in the 5-20 range. We suggest the following
bat and spell system from those found in MERP and Rolemaster. conversion guideline:
The conversion of characters and creatures from one system to the MERP stat FH stat x 5

other requires some mathematics but, i f you play MERP or Fantasy FH stat MERP stat / 5
= (with a minimum value of 8)
Hero, the task should not present a great obstacle.
Thus, a MERP character with a stat value from 01 to 42 would have
an 8 Fantasy Hero charactersistic. The following con­
value for his
version table shows how MERP/RM stats and Fantasy Hero stats
MERP skills can be translated to Fantasy Hero skills by simply
comparing the name of the skill. Bonuses may be converted by using MERP/RM Fantasy Hero
the following conversion guideline: ST (Strength) STR (Strength)
+ 10 MERP bonus = + 1 FH bonus AG (Agility) DEX (Dexterity)
CO (Constitution) CON (Constitution),BODY
IG (Intelligence) INT (Intelligence)
IT (Intuition) EGO (Ego)
PR (Presence) PRE (Presence)
AP (Appearance) COM (Comeliness)
QU (Quickness) DEX (Dexterity)
RE (Reasoning) INT (Intelligence)
ME (Memory) INT (Intelligence)
EM (Empathy) EGO (Ego)
108 Miscellaneous/Character Skills Table

When two MERP/RM stats correspond to one FH stat (i .e. , DEX, CREATU RE CONVERSION
INT, and EGO), use the highest stat. Average FH STR and BODY to Use following equivalences as guidelines for creature conversion:
obtain the equivalent MERP/RM CO.
MERP/RM Fantasy Hero
Offensive Bonus (OB)/ 1 5 OCV
SPELL CONVERSION Offensive Bonus (OB) / I O Damage Class
There is no room here to list each of the spell lists and the myriad Defensive Bonus (DB)17 DCV
spell descriptions found in MERP/RM, nor is there space to Armor Type (AT)/2 resistant ED and P D
demonstrate how to construct Fantasy Hero spells which correspond Armor Type (AT) x2 total E D and P D
to them. The easiest approach is to use the following guideline to Base Movement Rate/ I O Move in inches per phase
relate MERP/RM spell lists "learned/picked" to FH spell-caster Hits/ I O BODY (min. 10)
Character Points spent on spell construction: When two FH stats are given for one relation (e.g. , ED and PD for
1 MERP/RM spell list "learned/picked" =
Armor Type), average them before converting to MERP/RM. When
10 to 1 5 PH Character Points there are two relations given for one MERP/RM characteristic (e.g. ,
OB and AT), calculate both resulting values and then average them
Note the common themes of the character's spell lists and spells (e.g.,
for the final value.
"fire" in the Fire Law list) should be retained when converting.


Alatar 1 50 90 1 1 8 65 - 106 122 1 36 1 36 122 80 -
25' - - - - -
84 62 102 10 25 -
68 124 - 88 104 - 70 -

Gandalf (G) 101 72 97 80 80 100 III 96 96 120 80 -

20' - - - - -
61 40 - - - -
65 90 - - - -
86 -

(W ) 101 72 97 80 80 1 00 126 I I I 1 1 1 1 50 120 -

20' - - - - - 76 55 - - - -
80 105 - - - -
101 -

Pallando 105 91 86 76 91 146 III 95 85 90 60 15 1 8' - - - - 71 86 96 81 -

45 - -
86 -
56 61 - 91 -

Radagast 61 66 76 - - 91 94 50 76 70 60 - 22' - - - - - - -
1 26 - - -
89 65 - 88 51 - - -

Saruman (W) 46 30 7 1 100 91 89 105 1 1 5 1 1 5 90 1 00 -

25' - - - - -
95 1 10 - 15 56 - - 1 10 - 91 106 -
1 16 -

(C) 46 30 7 1 1 10 101 99 105 1 1 5 1 1 5 90 1 00 15 25' - - - - -

95 1 15 - 30 56 - - 1 15 - 91 126 -
121 -

Arien - - - - - -
150 - - 200 1 50 -
10' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 125
Balrog 102 93 - - - -
83 46 56 - 72 -
5' - - - - - - - - - - 120 - - - - - -
E6nwe 200 200 200 - - -
225 - - - - - **
100 200 400 400 300 - - - - -
200 - -
100 -
- - 1 50
Go1dberry 150 250 - - - 1 50 1 50 100 100 100 150 -
30' 100 50 - - 100 - - - - - - - -
100 150 100 200 00 100
Gothmog 205 145 - - - -
165 85 96 - 100 -
10' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ilmare - 100 - - - - 175 175 175 250 175 -
40' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 100 -

Lungorthin 190 1 1 5 - - - -
140 - - -
90 -
8' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Melian 1 25 125 100 - - 200 200 225 225 150 275 -

35' - - - - - 100 1 25 80 - - - - - - -
125 150 200 -
Osse 100 500 - - -
300 250 - -
200 325 -
50' - - - - 1 00 100 - - - - 200 - - - -
200 1 75 150 325
Sa1mar 100 350 - - -
200 150 200 200 1 50 200 -
35' 100 - 100 100 150 - - -
100 1 00 50 100 -
200 100 200
Tilion - -
200 - - 100 150 - - - - -
I S' - - - - - - - - -
150 - - - - - - 100 - 75
Tom Bombadi1 180 1 80 1 80 - - 360 360 -
1 80 180 360 90 '*
90 90 90 90 1 80 1 80 -
1 80 1 35 90 1 80 90 90 1 80 90 1 80 1 80 90 90
Uinen 100 500 - - - 250 275 165 165 200 325 -
30' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180 1 80 325


Morgoth 250 - - - - 250 250 250 250 500 500 - 50' - - - - -
125 250 - -
250 -
250 250 - -
250 -
500 -

Sauron It 120 -
90 1 20 120 240 120 240 240 240 240 30 * * - -
90 90 -
240 120 - -
120 - -
120 - 90 1 80 -
1 80 -

11 120 - - - - 1 20 120 120 120 120 120 - * * - - - - -

120 1 20 - -
1 80 - - 1 20 - 90 1 80 -
120 -

1II 120 - - - - -
1 80 1 80 1 80 180 1 80 - * * - - 120 120 -
120 240 - -
240 - -
1 80 - 90 1 80 -
90 -

IV 120 - - - - 360 360 360 360 360 360 90 ' * - -

1 80 180 -
240 1 80 - -
1 80 - - 120 - 90 1 80 -
1 20 -

Ungoliam (450) 450 - - - - 450 225 - - 225 450 100 - - - - - - - - - - - -

225 - 225 - - - - -

(500) 500 - - - - 500 250 - - 250 500 1 00 - - - - - - - - - - - -

250 - 250 - - - - -

Aule 485 242 - 485 485 -
242 242 242 485 485 - ** - - - - 242 - - - 485 485 - 485 242 - - 485 242 - -
Este - 225 - - - -
225 225 225 450 450 - ** - - - - - - - - - - - -
450 - 450 - 225 450 -
Irma - - - - - 425 425 212 212 425 425 - '* - - - - -
212 - - - - - - - - - - 212 425 -
Manwe - - - - - 500 500 500 500 500 500 - ** -
250 - - - - 250 - - - - - - - - - 250 500 -
N amo - - - - - 237 475 475 475 475 475 - '* - - - - -
237 237 - - - - - - - - - - 237 -
Nessa 200 200 - - -
1 00 200 200 200 400 400 - *'
400 200 - - 400 - - - - - 200 - -
400 - - 400 - 100
Nienna - - - - - -
237 237 237 475 475 - '* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
237 -
Orome 240 240 480 - - 240 240 120 120 240 240 - '*
240 240 - - 120 120 -
480 - -
120 240 - - - - 120 240 -
Tulkas 450 225 225 - - -
225 - -
225 - 450 **
450 300 450 450 450 - - - - - 225 - - 450 - -
225 - 225
Ulmo -
490 - - - 490 245 245 245 490 490 - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vaire - - - - - -
215 430 430 430 430 - .. - - - - -
2 1 5 107 - 215 - - - - - - 215 - - -
vana - 212 425 - - 212 212 212 212 425 425 - .. - - - - 106 - -
430 - - 106 - -
212 - -
212 -
Varda - - - - - 250 500 500 500 500 500 - •• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 500 -
Yavanna 242 242 1 2 1 - - 121 242 242 242 485 485 - '* - - - - -
121 - - 121 121 -
242 1 2 1 - - 242 242 242 -
Miscellaneous/Character Skills Table 109


Dashes (-) under an individual's skill indicate that he/she has chosen no actual "picks" in that area. It is entirely possible, however, that the individual's
stat and/or level bonuse would still give that individual a bonus for that skill.

Skill abbreviations are as follows: C L Climb; SW Swim; R I Ride; Dl Disarm Trap; P L Pick Lock ; S/H Stalk /Hide; PE Perception; RU Runes; SW
Staves/Wands; CH Channeling; DS Directed Spells; AM Ambush; L I Linguistics; AM Adrenal Moves; AD Adrenal Defense; MAT Martial Arts Stk;
MA W Martial Arts SIT; AB Acrobatics; AC Acting; A D Administration; AT Animal Training; AP Appraisal; AR Architecture; AG Athletic Games;
CV Caving; CH Chemistry; CN Contortions; CO Cookery; CR Crafting; DA Dance; DP Diplomacy; DV Diving; F S Falsification; FA First Aid; FL
Fletching; FO Foraging; F R Frenzy; GA Gambling; H E Herding; LE Leadership; L W Leather-working; MA Mathematics; MD Meditation; M U Music;
N V Navigation; PS Public-speaking; RM Rope Mastery; SA Sailing; SE Seduction; SG Signaling; S l Singing; SK Skiing; S H Smithing; SM Spell-mastery;
SG Star-gazing; SC Stone-carving; ST Strategy/Tactics; SU Subduing; TK Tracking; TD Trading; TP Trap-building; TY Trickery; TM Tumbling; WW
Weather-watching; WC Wood-carving.

Directed Spells are calculated (for the Elves) based on the assumption of using the Level Bonus Table, Character Campaign Law pg 65.

* under "Linguistics" indicates not a specific proficiency, but the number of languages known.
** under " Linguistics" indicates that the individual knows aI/ languages i n Eii.

t refers to the four incarnations of Sauron : I: before the One Ring was made (previous to SA 1 600) ; I I : Sauron after the One Ring was taken from him,
and while as the "Necromancer" (TA 1 - 294 1 ) ; III: Still without the One Ring, but revealed as Lord of Mordor (TA 294 1 -3019): I V : Sauron while
in possession of the One Ring (SA 1 600 - 344 1 ) .

Skill Name

80 -
90 - - - 1 10 - 86 1 24 - 100 1 30 - -
100 92 - - -
1 14 97 -
81 89 66 - -
68 -
122 -
- lOS - 111 - - - 1 06 - 71 95 51 85 1 14 45 69 45 81 51 31 62 106 81 -
1 16 -
57 - - - -
81 35 Gandalf (G)
105 -
111 - - - 126 - 71 1 15 51 85 134 45 69 55 81 51 41 62 126 91 -
136 -
57 - - - -
81 35 (W)
81 61 75 96 - -
71 85 58 64 1 16 63 78 65 55 73 82 70 65 81 71 92 75 -
83 78 88 -
65 50 -
76 50 Pallando
51 65 1 16 - -
95 35 72 - 84 71 48 41 86 - - 85 45 37 -
85 68 - - -
105 - - - -
86 74 Radagas!
105 - - - - - 96 - 85 101 - -
135 - -
131 89 46 87 1 16 111 1 15 56 100 - - - -
96 -
95 40 Saruman (W)
1 15 - - - - - - 106 -
95 106 - -
145 - -
1 36 89 46 87 120 1 14 1 15 56 1 00 - - - -
101 -
97 43 (e)
- - - - - - - - -
100 150 200 - - 100 - -
150 - -
1 50 200 - - - - - - -
200 -
- - - - 102 - - 93 36 - - - -
40 - - - - - -
61 45 - -
84 40 - - - - - -
200 225 -
300 - - 400 - -
300 200 300 400 - 200 225 250 300 200 1 50 -
200 -
400 400 250 - - -
300 200 -
1 50 200 250 - -
1 50 -
1 50 - 1 50 200 1 50 100 100 200 150 -
200 - -
100 150 - - -
150 - - - 100 1 50 50 Goldberry
- - - -
1 54 - - 164 76 - - - -
90 - - - - - - 91 81 - -
1 12 80 - - - - - -
300 - 1 50 - - - - - -
200 1 50 - - - -
150 100 200 1 00 -
200 200 - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
130 - - 83 50 - - - - - - - - - - -
76 65 - -
94 70 - - - - - - -
225 - - - - -
200 1 50 1 50 275 1 50 -
1 75 1 50 -
250 100 250 125 -
1 50 175 - - - - - - - -
1 75 -
- - - -
200 - - 225 - -
200 400 325 325 - 325 275 150 500 - -
1 75 - -
200 1 75 - - - - -
325 -
- - - -
1 00 - - - - - 100 1 50 1 50 100 - 100 1 00 -
120 -
125 - - - 1 50 - - - - 1 50 1 00 -
Sal mar
- - 150 -
150 - - 1 00 - - 1 50 1 00 285 - - -
1 50 1 50 100 - - -
175 - - 150 - - - - -
1 75 -
1 80 -
360 - -
360 120 1 80 - 120 1 80 -
90 90 -
1 80 -
240 1 20 -
1 80 120 - - -
1 80 - -
1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 Tom Bombadil
225 - - - -
250 200 - -
200 225 325 225 -
225 325 100 225 - -
250 275 - - 200 - - - - -
225 -

500 - - - - - - 250 -
250 -
250 250 250 - - - - - -
500 500 -
250 500 250 - -
250 500 - - -
1 80 - - - - - - 1 80 -
120 1 20 120 90 240 - -
240 90 90 90 240 1 80 -
I SO 1 80 180 - - -
240 -
1 20 120 Sauron It
1 80 - - - - - - 120 -
120 1 20 -
90 1 80 - -
90 -
240 120 -
180 240 210 - - -
1 80 -
120 120 II
1 80 - - - - - - 1 80 - 145 110 -
90 1 80 - - - 90 - - 240 1 80 -
1 80 240 210 - - -
1 80 -
1 50 120 111
240 - - - - - - 360 -
1 80 240 -
90 360 - -
360 90 90 90 360 360 -
1 80 240 240 - - -
360 -
1 80 1 20 IV
- - -
225 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
225 1 00 - - -
450 - -
450 - - -
Ungoliam (450)
- - -
250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
300 1 00 - - -
500 - -
500 - - -

242 - 242 - 242 - - 242 485 242 485 242 -
242 485 -
242 242 242 - 485 242 121 485 - - - -
485 - - - 485 Aule
450 - - - -
225 - -
450 225 -
225 - -
225 -
225 - -
225 225 - - - - - - - - - -
212 - - - -
212 212 - -
425 212 -
212 -
106 425 -
212 106 -
212 212 - - - - - - - -
106 -
- - - - - -
400 500 - -
500 250 -
750 - -
250 250 350 250 -
500 400 - - - - - - - -
750 -
- - - - - -
375 237 - -
475 237 -
475 - - - -
337 - -
337 337 - -
237 - - - - -
237 -
200 -
200 - -
200 - - -
400 200 -
200 - -
200 200 375 - -
200 200 - - - - - - -
200 200 -
- - - - - - - - - -
475 237 - - - - - -
237 - -
237 237 - - - - - - - - - -
- - 480 240 240 -
360 360 - -
480 240 240 360 - -
240 240 240 240 -
240 240 -
480 480 480 - - - -
360 -
Ora me
- - - - 450 - - 225 - -
450 225 -
225 - -
225 225 225 225 -
225 225 - 450 450 450 - - - 450 - -
- - - - - -
390 300 - -
490 245 490 490 - 490 -
245 245 - -
245 245 - - -
245 - - - -
490 -
- -
215 - - - - -
215 -
430 215 - -
215 -
215 215 215 - -
215 215 - - - - - - - - - -
- 212 -
425 - -
325 212 - -
425 232 -
212 - -
212 212 312 - -
212 212 - - -
212 - - - -
212 -
200 - - - -
200 500 - -
500 350 500 500 -
500 500 500 350 250 -
500 750 - - - - - - - -
500 -
242 -
485 - -
485 242 - -
485 242 242 242 - 242 242 242 242 - -
242 242 - - -
445 - - - -
445 -

Aegnor (I) 120 81 67 - - 1 12 121 - - - - 20 IS' 80 30 - - 60 80 50 - - - 60 - - - - - - - -
Aegnor (II) 60 60 40 30 50 90 90 60 80 - 50 - 12' - - - - 45 50 - 65 1 10 - - 60 - - 1 16 - 38 -
Amarie 81 91 91 - - - 127 127 132 102 88 - 3' - - - - - - - - - - 91 - - - - 81 127 87 52
Amras 145 115 95 83 83 135 145 - 63 68 - 22 II' 100 50 80 80 95 78 - - - - 125 - - - - - 90 - 80
Amrod 135 105 105 93 93 145 145 - 73 - - 30 14' 90 50 90 70 85 83 - - - - 115 55 - 78 - - 105 - -
Amroth 35 50 - - - - 65 - - - 50 3 IS' - - - - 40 - 65 - - 101 65 - - - - - 45 - -
Angrod 157 107 92 80 96 1 32 130 - - - 45 30 1 8' 100 60 80 80 1 12 87 - - - - 85 - - - - - 55 48 57
Annael 96 76 - 81 80 1 10 97 - - - 40 24 15' 85 50 65 75 92 43 - - - - 60 75 - 65 75 - - - -
Aranwe 76 85 95 - - 95 95 101 - 95 - 1 8' - - - - - 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ardana - - - - - 80 95 85 85 70 95 - 14' - 20 - - - 60 45 - - - - - - - - 72 - 82 -
Arduval 45 30 - - - 80 92 82 87 70 70 - 16' - 30 - - - 72 45 - 37 57 - - 35 - - - - 92 -
Aredhel 125 115 105 - - 125 1 10 40 65 - - 10 19' 80 50 90 75 83 78 - 35 - - - - - - - - 68 - -
Armi nas 101 91 1 16 86 71 106 93 - - - - 10 8' 60 50 50 - 45 - - 45 - 93 - - - - - 50 - -
Arwen 60 75 60 - - 1 10 96 85 76 - 15 - 16' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45 90 - -
Beleg 168 123 148 - - 1 13 IOJ - - - - 15 12' 90 90 113 93 88 47 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Benithiel - 20 - - - 45 95 87 92 - 82 - 8' - - - - - - 45 103 - - - - - - - - - - -
Bladorthin 45 65 30 - - - - - - - - 15 8' 60 - - - - 82 78 - - - - - - - - - - 92 -
Cambragol 80 66 - 45 51 100 40 - - - - 15 II' 100 80 130 130 82 42 57 - - 41 82 - 30 67 - - - - 35
Camring - 65 - - - - 92 52 62 45 - - 9' - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 - 72 - - - -
Caranthir 1 16 98 108 88 83 121 101 - - - - 20 16' 80 40 - - 50 - - - 81 - - - - - - - - -
Celebrian 56 71 81 - - 61 91 1 06 8 5 - 45 - 21' - - - - - 60 30 68 - - - - - 98 101 98 83 -
Celeborn 60 71 89 - - III 96 - - - - - 14' - - - - - - 80 - - - 50 - - - - - - 45 -
Celebrimbor 65 70 42 1 36 1 2 1 8 5 106 90 96 - 80 - 25' - - - - - - 1 10 - 100 120 - - 80 - - 146 - 80 -
Celegor m 98 88 103 - - 118 131 45 55 - - 16 1 3' 90 40 - - 50 - 70 - - - - - - - - 45 - - -
Cirdan 80 1 36 101 - - 86 106 91 80 - 60 - 29' 60 - - - 80 86 105 - 90 115 - - - - - 136 - 100 1 05
Curubor 1 50 60 - 105 120 120 80 - - - - 35 7' 55 50 - - 75 54 - - - - - 35 - 64 35 - - - -
Curufin 83 73 183 2 1 8 233 1 1 8 113 198 208 - 92 10 18' - - - - - 94 1 18 - 141 136 - - 98 88 - 186 - - -
Daeron 86 80 - - - 180 165 1 50 175 - 90 - .. - - - - 60 185 - - 170 - - - - - - - 145 1 18 -
Denet ho r 115 94 98 - - 1 10 95 - - - - 10 8' 90 60 - - 45 - - - - - 90 35 - - - - - 69 -
D io r 100 1 15 90 - - 120 145 160 1 5 5 - 195 - 18' 50 - - - 30 125 98 - - 78 - 100 - - - 80 1 10 106 -
Eiirendit 85 1 10 68 - - 130 110 - - - - 20 17' 90 - - - 90 78 - - - 70 - - - - - 75 100 80
Earwen - 122 92 - - 180 180 140 1 30 - 1 10 - 26' - - - - 130 - - 125 - - - - - - - 140 120 -
Ecthelion 90 80 95 - - 1 10 1 20 - - - - 19 10' 65 - 60 45 60 60 75 - - - 95 - - - - - 40 - -
Edrahil 120 1 10 96 - - 1 50 145 - - - - 24 15' 60 - 80 80 76 45 80 - - - 80 95 - 70 - - - 125 -
Elemmire - 100 100 - - 200 225 150 150 - 125 - 40' - - - - 120 200 100 - 180 80 145 1 00 - 1 70 124 1 70 260 210 1 50
Elenwe - - 98 - - 131 126 88 98 - 20 - 30' - - - - - 165 - - - - - - - - - - 145 - -
Elladan 91 86 101 86 42 1 1 1 96 - 65 - - 12 16' 80 - 65 - 40 35 - 30 - - 80 68 - - - - - -
Elrohir 81 91 35 91 106 105 45 - - - 16 13' 60 - - 60 60 67 - - - - 70 50 - - - - - - -
Elrond 98 1 08 103 68 73 1 30 1 5 1 1 2 6 1 1 6 - 125 20 45' 80 50 90 90 60 131 126 - 1 16 101 81 - - - - 95 85 130 -
Elu red 70 70 65 - - 55 - - - - - 2 3' - - - - - - - - - - 40 25 - - - - - - -
Elurin 45 60 50 - - 45 - - - - - I 4' - - - - - - - - - - 35 20 - - - - - - -
Elwe 165 100 100 - - 1 3 5 126 - - - - 2, 13' - - - - - 96 121 - III 125 - 135 - - - 88 56 60 -
Elwing 150 1 7 5 2 00 - - 185 190 135 120 - 50 - 25' - - - - 90 100 - 1 35 - - - 80 - - - - 115 140 126
E ol 80 40 60 1 1 0 125 160 180 98 98 - - 22 6' - - - - - - - - 145 70 - - - - 190 - -
Erest or 40 50 80 - - 85 1 12 88 85 - - - 21' - - - - - 85 75 - 60 - - - - - - - - 96 -
Feanor 180 1 00 1 8 0 245 255 190 205 285 285 - 200 35 3�' 150 50 120 1 30 155 90 85 - 300 280 160 160 200 - - 400 - 60 -
Featur (I) 80 67 - - - 100 1 10 83 83 28 95 10 16' 70 30 50 - 45 122 67 - - - - - - 45 - - 30 66 -
Featur (II) - 30 - - - 100 90 66 66 - 95 20 14' - 30 - - - 72 45 - - - - - - - 40 - - 30 -
Fendome - 40 - 50 90 80 80 70 80 - 50 - 12' - - - - - - 60 - 78 80 - - - - - III - -
Finarfin 240 240 1 50 - - 200 2 1 5 1 2 5 1 35 - - 20 21' - - - 90 130 90 1 00 - - - 120 80 - - - - 65 1 10 90
Finculin - 20 - - 70 60 80 90 80 - 40 - 7' - - - - 60 50 - - 47 60 45 - - - - 70 - - -
Finduilas 50 65 100 - - 95 1 10 120 90 - 50 12 9' - - - - - - - - 98 - 45 75 - - - - 135 60 7,
Fingolfin 240 190 2 1 0 - - 175 200 145 145 - - 36 16' 140 - 145 130 160 100 1 50 - 90 - 120 - - - - - 140 190 75
Fingon 2 1 5 2 1 5 225 - - 185 140 1 1 5 1 15 - - 30 20' 150 - - - 220 140 120 - - - 160 - - 100 - - - - 1 15
Finrod 200 200 180 - - 195 210 165 165 - - 30 21' 150 - - - 1 80 120 100 - - 245 150 205 - - - - 185 130 105
Finwe 265 265 190 - - - 240 225 240 - 210 - 40' 1 60 50 150 150 180 - 200 - - - 200 - - - - 200 175 200 170
Galadriel 96 1 02 80 - - 120 156 I I I 1 2 1 90 90 - 35' - 50 - - - 70 100 - - 60 1 30 - - - 60 81 76 132 60
Galdor 120 120 65 - - 150 1 35 100 100 - 70 - 26' - - - - - 80 60 - - - - - - - - - - 80 85
Galion 60 80 65 - - 70 80 65 65 - - - 5' - - - - - - - - - - - 50 - - - - - - 35
Gelmir 120 90 100 85 80 130 1 1 0 70 70 - - 20 16' 80 - - - 80 95 - - - - 90 50 - 80 - - 40 - 60
Gil-galad 200 180 170 - - 200 2 1 0 1 70 1 5 0 - 1 10 - 30' 100 50 1 50 150 1 10 100 180 - - 165 1 50 - - - - 140 165 120
Glorfindel (I ) J lO 1 00 1 06 76 1 2 1 1 1 6 8 6 56 - - - 14' 100 - 90 70 70 100 90 - - - 1 10 50 - - - - 70 60 80
Glorfiodel (II) 120 90 136 56 76 1 3 1 1 2 6 76 56 - - - 23' 100 - 80 80 80 80 70 - - - 91 50 - - - - 86 III 81
Gorthaur 46 66 - - - 89 70 80 82 96 95 - 14' - - - - - 56 76 - - - - - - - - - - 70 -
Huinen 52 67 - - - 1 19 1 2 1 83 72 - 98 - 24' 50 - - - - 1 10 53 - - 73 - - - - - - 45 43 16
Idril 80 76 96 - - 1 12 126 88 76 - 80 - 12' - - - - - 90 - - - - 60 - - - - - 80 91 66
Ingwe 300 300 300 - - - 300 300 300 300 300 - ., 300 - 300 300 300 300 300 - - - 300 - - 300 - - 300 300 300
Khelekar - 20 - - - 60 50 72 62 - 85 10 22' - - - - - 62 67 - - - - - - - - 52 -
Klaen 90 65 - 60 60 90 50 45 45 - 85 5 25' 50 - - - 40 107 - 25 60 50 - - 40 - - 82 77 65
Lau rre 100 45 50 - - 120 90 - - - 85 12 16' 70 - - - 45 60 - - - - 40 - - - - - - - -
Legolas 50 35 60 - - 86 76 - - - - - 8' - - - - 25 - - - - - 20 - - - - - 40 - -
Lenwe 94 84 104 - - 1 2 1 1 1 6 84 94 - - - II' 80 - - - 90 - - - - - 54 - - 40 - - 1 14 - -
Linsiil 1 00 40 30 35 50 1 00 60 58 58 - 80 8 21' 50 - - - 35 88 - - 78 - - - - 67 - - 48 - -
Lyrin 75 50 - - - 1 00 60 - - - 20 10 20' 1 00 80 150 150 110 - - - - - 1 20 - - 90 - - 95 - 60
Maedhros 195 187 175 - - 160 187 91 9 1 - - - 16' 140 - 120 120 100 150 70 - - - 120 - - - - I37 94 147 -
Maeglin 1 1 6 85 76 I I I 1 1 6 126 146 81 76 - - 24 9' 71 - - - 45 86 - - 136 - - - - - - 1 36 - - -
Maglor 140 126 I I I - - 120 1 3 1 96 93 - 97 12 21' 89 - 90 70 65 121 - - 127 65 55 - - - - - 12J 162 -
Morthaur - - - - - 80 85 96 106 81 70 - 8' - - - - - 45 87 - - 60 - - - - - 65 - - -
Nimrodel 60 45 50 - - 5 8 70 40 35 - 50 - 12' - - - - - 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Olwe 190 235 210 - - 2 3 7 241 186 182 - - - ]7' 1 10 - - - 60 190 1 56 - - 1 70 140 - - - 145 120 181 210
Orrere 60 70 50 - 70 80 90 75 60 - 6() - 9' - - - - 60 70 - - 47 87 35 - - - - 61 25 - -
Rana 50 45 30 - - 25 50 58 68 73 - - 9' - - - - - - - 30 - - 35 - 60 - 45 - 25 - -
Rilia - - - - - - 60 82 72 - 125 - 7' - - - - - 37 67 - - 45 - - - - - - - 50 -
SUlherok 60 35 80 - - 45 60 - - - - 12 6' 60 - - - 60 - - 20 - - - - - - - - - 92 -
Taurclax 45 40 30 - - 70 7 1 8 1 8 1 - 90 - IQ' - - - - - 67 71 - - - - - - - 56 - - - -
Thranduit 119 82 96 - - 105 95 87 87 - 40 - 13' 50 - - - - 90 1 10 - - 93 - 96 - - - - - 65 -
Turgon 1 40 125 123 - - 1 3 8 164 120 120 - - - 21' 80 - - - 60 - 160 - 87 170 - 50 - - �- 84 78 90 59
Valglin (I) 130 45 - 140 1 70 130 90 15 20 - - 45 5' 60 - - - 51 - - - 60 - - 30 - - 45 - - - 40
Valkrist 65 40 90 - - 70 50 - - - - - 8' 80 - - - 45 30 61 50 - - 65 - - - - - - 56 87
Valmorgul 68 35 - - - 90 85 92 102 87 100 - 28' - - - - - 67 57 - - - - - - - - 60 - 10 -
Yavekamba - 40 - - - - 82 58 68 - 85 - II' - - - - - 78 - - - - - - 36 - 61 - - - -
Skill Name

- - - - - 77 84 91 - 42 85 31 86 34 - - 60 - 68 1 12 87 - - - - 64 - Aegnor (1)
- -
- - - -
- - -
- -
- - -
- - - - - 42 40 71 100 35 64 86 Aegnor (Ii)
- - - - - -
67 81
- - - - - - -
40 21 58
- - - - - - - - - 90 1 15 80 88 75 70 Amarie
112 120
- - - - - - -
- - - - - 85 45 - - - 60 84 99 65 48 121 1 10 136 89 Amras
- - - -
1 16 96 50
- - -
1 10 80
- III - - - - 95 39 - - - 60 71 86 90 60 III 130 134 85 Amrod
- -
- - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - 95 - - 45 39 - 60 - - 84 85 - 43 28 Amroth
- - - - - - 112 105 95 - - 77 - 82 - - - 30 - 130 125 110 - - - - - - Angrod
117 91
- - - -
130 24
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1- % 86 80 73 55 60 92 Annael
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - 84 70 - - - - - 50 60 - - 101 67 - - 81 Aranwe
- - - - - - - 95 - - 80 65 - 68 - - 80 - 65 - - 85 96 - - - - - - 64 68 - Ardana
- - - - - - - - - - - - 102 - 32 - - 43 91 - - - - - - 45 - 49 - Arduval
84 62
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - 120 40 91 78 45 81 43 Aredhel
49 93
- - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - 34 - 64 - 82 65 82 56 42 85 102 95 Arminas
- -
- -
- - - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - 73 - - - - 95 101 79 89 ATwen
- - - - - - - -
- - - - 1 40 80 - 95 83 88 135 - 1 12 1 30 126 101 85 96 100 95 85 Beleg
- - -
125 140
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - 42 41 - - - - - - - 90 - - 92 65 86 69 Beruthiel
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - 49 - 25 - - 65 72 - 78 - - 50 20 64 60 - 80 Bladorthin
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - 55 - 80 91 46 74 85 - 77 102 98 54 35 - 1 16 121 Cambragol
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - 85 45 - - - 62 - 50 - Camring
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - 101 - - 80 - - 121 100 94 94 Caranthir
- - - - - - - - - -
1 16 80
- - -
- -
- - - - - - - 102 106 - 80 101 85 75 94 83 Celebrian
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - 84 100 85 81 106 50 89 45 60 78 91 85 72 45 Celeborn
85 75
- - -
- - - - III 106 95 87 - 95 1 16 - 95 - 50 84 146 85 58 131 1 14 95 101 106 139 Celebrimbor
- - - - -
35 121
80 - - - - - - - 85 67 89 99 54 66 131 95 85 50 - - 124 125 1 18 104 Ceiegorm
- - - - 85 91 105 100 136 113 95 143 101 III 95 80 - 105 108 - 118 - - - - 129 1 19 Cirdan
- - -
65 136
- - -
- - - - - - - - - 85 95 68 - 67 86 75 80 % 50 86 91 98 120 103 Curubor
- -
1 10
- - - - - - - 1 60 1 55 - - - - 121 - - 115 - - 176 1 12 - 150 % 90 - 125 145 1 18 144 Curufin
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - 95 184 - 145 - - 153 192 87 75 1 10 Daeron
- - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - 105 - 64 - - 60 85 94 43 80 95 94 54 Denethor
96 87 94
- - - - -
- - -
1 18
- 120 - 130 - - 145 - 80 142 167 - 150 - - 170 131 129 95 101 125 85 Dior
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - 130 175 % 154 180 120 141 120 - 120 - 120 165 Eiirendil
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - 1 80 175 - - - - 150 180 - 150 165 - Eiirwen
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - 105 - - - 80 - 84 - - - 54 95 102 Eothelion
1 10
- - - - - - 1 24 - - - 95 - 92 - - 90 95 84 - - - - - 103 112 - - - - - - Edrahil
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - 200 - - - - 185 - 210 - - 163 151 - - - - - - - - Elemmire
- - - - - - - - - - 121 135 - 97 - - 98 - 141 - - 1 15 122 - - - - - - - - 96 - Elenwe
- - 68 50 90 1 12 65 - 45 30 82 90 1 10 75 - - 55 - 80 95 100 - - - - 60 35 Elladan
- - -
65 12
- -
65 92
- - 15 80 71 65 89 105 55 - 55 40 76 90 105 83 45 74 95 76 55 40 Elrohir
96 55
- - - - -
75 75
- - - - - 145 80 95 135 142 65 130 - - 1 00 115 120 95 - 140 138 125 130 126 EIrond
- - -
- - - 25 - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - 30 - - - - - - 20 - - - Elured
- - - -
- - - - 30 - - - - - 10 30 - - - - - - 25 - - - - - - 30 - - - Elurin
- - - - 1 30 - - 1 50 - - 1 25 1 10 - 145 - - 1 10 - 120 - - 100 125 - 121 1 30 - - - - - - - Elwe
- - - - 80 - - - 75 120 135 125 80 95 145 150 160 - - 80 1 10 - - - - - - - - 1 10 - Elwing
- -
- - -
- 120 - - - 160 125 - - - - 100 - 125 - - - 180 170 90 150 145 132 - 160 E61
- -
95 125
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - III - 105 100 95 - 85 - - - 68 - - 98 103 65 86 Erestor
- - 1 50 - 261 260 230 - 250 - 210 195 286 236 - - - 275
100 265 280 245 95 310 206 1 58 232 250 250 285 Hanor
- - - -
225 190
- -
- - - - - - 84 - 66 70 55 - 42 - - 1 12 92 86 35 - 70 81 - 75 80 - Featur (1)
- - - - -
80 - - - - - - 65 - 45 70 - - 65 - - 1 12 80 - 45 - 81 60 - 80 75 67 - Featur (Ii)
- - - - - - 45 70 61 50 64 - 40 - 35 30 70 64 - 101 45 62 - - - - - - - - - - Fendome
- - - 190 - - 205 - - 181 175 - 1 75 - - 165 - 160 120 - - - - 180 200 170 - - - - - - Finarfin
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - 62 45 80 35 60 - 52 - - 85 45 - 60 25 - - 30 25 Finculin
- - - - - - - - - - 65 96 - 81 - - 91 - 86 - - 35 25 - - - - - - - - - - Finduilas
- - 152 - 200 - - 235 - - 195 180 85 175 - 80 150 145 135 140 - - 121 - 200 220 1 86 - - - 190 150 - Fingolfin
- 145 210 - - 200 - - 165 - 141 - - III - - - - - -
205 1 72 180 90 160 73 1 30 123 1 12 190 205 155 90 Fingon
- - - 170 1 13 150 90 145 125 145 140 80 - - 80 - 148 190 1 50 - - - - - - Finrod
195 182 1 10 95 125
- - - - - - - -
145 110
- -
- 195 240 - 100 281 85 90 145 241 250 - 160 250 90 169 180 120 230 200 finwe
- - -
- 120 - - 100 131 45 85 121 126 97 1 14 68 - 106 - 1 16 45 - 92 109 - 96 85 65 88 46 Galadriel
- - - -
- -
- - 65 - - - - 82 45 84 82 77 96 80 - 1 16 - 91 67 - - - 98 - - - 102 Galdar
- - - - - 42 - - 52 - - 41 - - - - - - 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Galion
- 65 - 1 10 - - 90 - - 50 65 - - - - - - 70 - - - - - 88 - - - - - - - - Gelmir
- - - -
- - 160 - - 200 - - 165 140 120 152 - 98 112 146 125 97 1- 85 112 - 185 180 130 - 122 Gil-galad
1 10
- - 100 - - 92 - - - 1 04 - 81 - - 74 - 80 54 - 93 - 102 1 12 94 - - 74 82 Glarfindel (I)
90 65
- 70 80 - - 84 - - - 91 - 72 - 85 - - 65 - - 88 - 108 1 15 92 - - 85 106 35 Glorfindel (II)
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - 103 - 80 - - 68 91 - 75 55 - - - 60 - 85 76 80 Gorthaur
- - -
II! 86 - - - - - 97 - 82 91 33 - - - - 89 - 45 20 - 54 - 62 102 115 - 85 92 26 Huinen
- - - - - - - - - 126 - - - 1 12 - - - - - - - - - 69 -
60 90 89 95 131 65 90 83 Idril
- 300 300 - 300 300 300 - 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 - 300 300 - 300 300 300 300 - - 300 300 - Ingwe
- - -
- - - - - - - 94 96 - - - - - - 84 - - 68 91 - 97 85 - - 102 84 Khelekar
- 80 81 - - 32 40 55 104 - 85 - - 102 68 105 45 - 35 25 - - 70 - - - 42 - - Klaen
- - - -
58 74
- -
- - - 105 - - 85 - - 45 62 - - - - 58 51 32 21 - 50 - 80 94 - 35 Laurre
- - 58 61 - - - - - - - 65 - - 50 - - - 62 - - 35 - - 40 61 - - - - 48 - Legolas
- 86 - - 90 103 68 - 92 145 - 96 - - 98 - 150 - - - 106 - - 108 92 - - - - 106 - Lenwe
- - - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - 123 - - - - 108 54 127 25 45 - % 82 Linst1l
80 56
- - 1 00 - - - - - 90 85 - - - - 80 92 95 - - - - - - 105 - - - 90 85 - Lyrin
1 10
- 105 145 - - 180 70 - 140 90 76 120 - - 120 86 1 12 68 - - 90 - 130 180 163 - - 84 - Maedhros
- - - - -
90 80
- 104 - - - - - 130 94 - - - - - - 125 95 - - 135 12 1 93 104 98 105 45 120 Maeglin
- - -
- 80 45 96 125 - - 140 - - 120 1 70 - 130 - 60 165 86 172 74 - 98 102 - - 1 00 - 85 - - Maglor
1 10 - - - - - - 90 - 115 - - - 94 - - - - - - - 105 - - 95 - - - - - - - - Morthaur
- - - 70 - - - - 45 - 72 108 - - - - 81 - 1 16 - 90 60 - - - - - - - - 45 - Nimrodel
- - - - 180 - - 235 - 105 118 1 75 240 - 105 230 192 - 241 - - - 150 - 158 152 - - - - - 195 120 Olwe
- - - - - - 76 55 70 30 - - - 35 45 - 30 25 103 - 45 - - - - - - - - - - Orrere
- - -
- - 80 - - - - - - 92 45 - - - - - 35 25 - 60 75 - - 90 40 - - 90 Rana
- - - - -
- - - - - - - 105 - 56 - - - - - - 1 10 65 - - - 85 45 - 72 - 64 35 Rilia
- - - - 75 - - - - - - 53 72 - - - 50 - 45 - - - 71 - - 90 - - - - - 65 - SUlherok
80 - - 90 - - - 85 - - - - - - - - - 90 - - - 75 62 - 92 - - - - 65 - 86 - Taurelax
- 1 02 80 - - 105 68 - 90 95 - 80 - - - 80 102 - - - 74 - 104 100 98 110 - - - 90 - Thranduil
45 90
- - 145 - - 161 - 100 1 12 120 86 1 14 - - 125 III - - 45 90 45 130 100 104 - - - 83 - Turgon
125 1 10
45 - - 68 - - - - 35 60 - - 35 - 68 - - 82 - - - - - - 90 85 - 143 74 60 - - Valglin (I)
- 45 - - - - - - - 85 - - - 85 90 - 65 - - 55 - 94 125 68 - - - - 90 - Valkrist
125 102
- - - - - -
91 - - - 104 - - 77 - 80 - - 45 59 - - 102 - - 50 92 75 - 105 1 10 - Valmorgtil
- - - - - - - - - 85 60 - - - - - - 86 - - - 82 - - - - - - - - 45 - Yavekamba
1 12 Miscellaneous/Credits an d Selected Reading


Authors: Peter C. Fenlon, Terry K. Amthor, R. Mark Colborn
Fonstad, Karen Wynn. The A tlas of Middle-earth. Boston: Houghton
M i fflin Co. , 1 98 1 . Copyright© 1 98 1 by Karen Wynn Fonstad.
Design: Pete Fenlon, Terry Amthor, Mark Colborn, S. Coleman
Foster, Robert. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth. New York: Ballan­
tine Books, 1 97 8 . Copyright© 1 97 1 , 1 978 by Robert Foster.
Tol kien, J . R . R . The Fello wship of the Ring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Editing and Development: Pete Fenlon, Terry Amthor, Coleman
Co. , 1 965. Copyright<D 1 965 by J . R . R . Tolk ien.
_____ . The Hobbit. Revised Edition . New York : Ballantine Books,
1 966. Copyright(i) 1 93 7 , 1 93 8 , 1 966 by J . R . R . Tolkien.
Editorial Contributions: Chris Christensen, Olivia H . Johnston,
_____ . The Return of the King. Boston: Houghton M i fflin Co. ,
Jessica M. Ney, John David Ruemmler
1 965. Copyright<D 1 965 by J . R . R . Tolk ien.
_____ . The Silmarillion . Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1 97 7 .
Cover Art: Angus McBride Copyright<D 1 97 7 by George Allen & U nwin Ltd.
_____ . The Two To wers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1 965 .
Interior Art: Liz Danforth, James Holloway, Stephan Peregrine Copyright<D 1 965 by J . R . R . Tol kien.
_____ . Unfinished Tales. Boston: Copyright<D Houghton M i fflin
Cover Graphics: Richard H . Britton Co. , 1 980. Copyright(0 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd .
Tyler, J .E . A . The New Tolkien Companion. New York : Avon Books,
Production: John David Ruemmler, Jessica Ney, Terry Amthor, Rick
1 97 8 . Copyright© 1 976, 1 97 8 by J . E . A . Tyler.
Britton, Coleman Charlton, Pete Fenlon
This work is based on The Hobbit and The L ord of the Rings, particu­
Special Contributions: Deane Begiebing, Kathleen Connor, Bill
larly the appendices from The Return of the King, the third volume of the
trilogy. Great pains have been taken to assure no connict with any other
Covert, Bill Downs, Kurt Fischer, Bruce Neidlinger, Kurt Rasmussen,
primary source material. Since the material in ICE's series is derived from
Larry Simms, Stirling Williams, Karl Borg and the traitorous Herring­
the histories of the Third Age, The L ord of the Rings stands as t he most i n ­
lappers (Q. Svenskies).
strumental resource.
The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales may provide crucial data for cam­
Typesetting: Sylvie Bellamy and Co. of the Design Group, Lynchburg,
paigns set in the First or Second Ages of Middle-earth . The former is cer­
VA. tainly key to any in-depth cosmological overview.



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