Rolemaster 2 - Optional Spell Risk Table ST12
Rolemaster 2 - Optional Spell Risk Table ST12
Rolemaster 2 - Optional Spell Risk Table ST12
If the modified roll is 100 or more, some sort of Shadow servant has noticed the casting
of the spell. A 2nd open-ended roll must be made on the Spell Use Risk Table ST-12,
p.264. Otherwise, nothing unusual happens.
Whenever a spell failure occurs there is a chance that the spell caster will be partially
corrupted and drawn towards the darkness. Certain results from Spell Failure Table FT-
3, p. 240, indicate that the spell caster receives Corruption Points (CPs). When this
happens, the spell caster is allowed to make a RR v. Essence (the attack level is the
level of the spell being cast). If this RR is successful only ½ of the CPs are received,
rounded down; otherwise, all of the CPs are received. When using an evil magic item,
the character must make a RR v. Essence or receive one CP or more, depending on the
magic item.
A GM may also want to assign CPs for particularly evil acts by players. A GM may
wish to allow certain rituals at certain places to cleanse, i.e. remove, CPs from
characters. In general a character’s CPs reflect his tendency towards evil. On this scale,
a total of zero reflects an innocent character, and a 100+ indicates a totally evil being.
For the commands of evil beings where the character is faced with temptation, he must
make a contest of skills using Leadership or Intimidation (Arms companion) subtracting
his Corruption Points and the Interaction & Influence Table; where both contestants
succeed I’d use the RR table as to Rolemaster Companion 7,
A RR should be made for each such Influence attempt. During a given day, each RR is
modified by an additional +5 for every such RR already made that day, e.g. the 6th RR
against evil commands made on a given day would have a +25 RR modification.
Interaction & Influence Table, MERP – Collector’s edition, 2nd Ed., p.243.