Elementary Unit 7 DVD Script: PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015
Elementary Unit 7 DVD Script: PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015
Elementary Unit 7 DVD Script: PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015
C: It’s a city of seven million people in just over eleven hundred square
kilometres. This is one of the most densely populated areas in the
entire world. We’re in Hong Kong. I’m Carmen Roberts and my job as a
travel journalist is to ditch the skyscrapers and the shopping centres
and get to the heart of Hong Kong and find out what makes this city
tick. So my editor will text me a series of challenges. The only rules: no
tourists and no guide books. We are going local.
First challenge: Where to find the best milk tea in Hong Kong?
Gong yingman? Gong yingman?
M1: What?
CR: I’m looking for the best milk tea place in Hong Kong.
M1: What?
W1: Do you know the Lan Fong Yuen in Gage street? The milk flavour is so
elegant and so smooth.
C: Okay. Milk tea. Ah, Lan Fong Yuen. Gong Laai cha. The tea is really
really strong but it’s also very sweet. It’s quite refreshing actually when
it’s a hot day here in Hong Kong. Mmm.
Okay. Next challenge: find a shop where I can buy locally made goods.
Hello, hello, hi there. Come on. I need some help. Just really quickly,
really quickly. Surely this girl’s local.
Where can I find a shop that sells locally made goods? Made in Hong
M3: The steamer. You can buy in Sai Ying Pun area. You can take the
C: Thank you. This is a bit harder than I thought it would be. I found a
place to go but how do I get there? There’s some mini-buses,
mini-buses, taxis… Hugo, where’s the tram? Oh.
C: Half hour, that’s all. Wow! You’re fast. I’ve always wanted a bamboo
steamer. Might make a present for my mum.
Final challenge: Where do locals go to have fun? What do you do for
M5: I break now. I go to lunch. I go dancing. Dancing. Hip hop. Yes. Oh.
C: Hi there.
W3: Hi.
M6: Karaoke.
W3: There’s a place like right next door actually called Red Mister or
something. It’s good to make fun of yourself once in a while, right?
C: Something easy.