Contractors Manual 2021 Index
Contractors Manual 2021 Index
Contractors Manual 2021 Index
Dissolution 1-21
General 1-10 Ratios 3-89, 4-17
Limited 1-10 Recordkeeping
Type of Business 1-9 Davis-Bacon 3-125, 3-140
Penalties Fair Labor Standards (FLSA) 5-30
Age Discrimination Act 5-38 Fire Reports 5-232
AIDS 5-45 Hazardous Waste 10-95
Child Labor Law 5-32 Immigration Reform (IRCA) 5-58
Civil Rights - 1866 5-37 IRS, Taxes 3-158
Civil Rights - Florida 5-36 Licensing, Construction 2-17, 2-78
Civil Rights - Title VII 5-34 Material Safety Datasheet 10-95
Clean Indoor Air Act 5-49 OSHA Forms 7-16
Consumer Credit Protection 5-47 Payroll (Wages) 5-30
Davis-Bacon Act 5-33 Unemployment 5-53, 5-293
DOD Drug-Free Workplace 5-50 Williams Steiger Act 7-16
Drug-Free Workplace 5-50 Worker's Comp 6-12
Employee Polygraph Protection 5-51 Reemployment See Unemployment
Equal Employment Commission 5-34 Regular Rate of Pay 5-20
Equal Pay Act 5-39 Retainage 8-11
Fair Labor Standards (FLSA) 5-30, 5-119 Risk Management 4-5
Family & Medical Leave 5-40 Ropes & Rigging 7-47
Federal Bankruptcy 5-60 Blocks 7-80
Federal Rehabilitation Act 5-40 Care and Handling 7-58
Fire Marshal 5-260 Chains 7-88
FL Right to Work 5-15 Crane Hand Signals 7-91
Garnishment 5-47 Fiber Ropes 7-50
Health Care (COBRA) 5-57 Hooks 7-78
Housing & Urban Development 3-140 Inspections 7-64
Knots 7-62 Small Business Admin. 1-30
Pulleys 7-83 Sole Proprietorship 1-8
Safe Working Load 7-53, 7-68 Starting a Business 3-10
Sling Angles 7-90 State Sales Tax 1-15
Slings 7-84 Statutes of Limitation 8-22
Splicing 7-58 Subcontractors 10-54
Wire Rope 7-66 Suretyship 4-12
Wire Rope Fittings 7-71
Wire Rope Lays 7-70
S Taxes
Payroll See Circular E Taxes
S Corporation 1-11 Reemployment See Unemployment (SUTA)
Safe Working Load 7-53, 7-68 State Sales Tax 1-15, 3-63
Safety & Health (OSHA) Tangible Property 3-97
Annual Survey 7-27 Unemployment (FUTA) See Circular E Taxes
Civil Penalties 7-31 Unemployment (SUTA) See Unemployment (SUTA)
Employer Responsibilities 7-6 Testing & Certification 10-69
Excavations 7-41 Tetanus Shot 7-25
Exempt Employers 7-7 Three C's of Underwriting 4-15
Fatalities 7-26, 7-28 Trust Funds
First Aid 7-23 Federal Grants 2-34
Injury Incident (OSHA 301) 7-14 Professional Regulation 2-88
Injury Log (OSHA 300) 7-13 Special Disability 6-145
Injury Summary (OSHA 300A) 7-12 Worker's Comp Admininstrative 6-151
Location of Records 7-15 Types of
Medical Treatment 7-22 Bonds 4-13
Recordkeeping 7-16 Business 1-8, 3-42
Ropes/Rigging See Ropes/Rigging Capital 3-71
Safety Program 7-36 Contracts 3-78, 8-7, 10-34
Tetanus Shot 7-25 Estimates 10-12
Work Relationship 7-19
Salary 5-22
Guidelines 10-63
Joining Connectors 10-62 Unemployment (SUTA) 3-56, 5-275
Network Analysis 10-57 Appeal 5-279, 5-303
Network Construction 10-59 Benefits 5-279, 5-295, 5-301
Parallel Activities 10-61 Cafeteria Plan 5-297
Project Logic Table 10-64 Casual Labor 5-276, 5-297
Project Planning 10-58 Classification of Workers 5-282
Splitting Connectors 10-61 Compliance Checklist 5-296, 5-303
Septic/Sewage Treatment Disqualification 5-300
Abandonment of System 2-250 Employment Not Covered 5-277, 5-284
Aerobic Treatment Units 2-251 Recordkeeping 5-53, 5-293
Alternative Systems 2-236 Reporting 5-278, 5-286
Cesspit 2-274 Tax Rate 5-279, 5-293, 5-304
Construction Materials 2-255 Taxable Wage Base 5-288, 5-298
Definitions 2-218, 2-271, 2-282 Wages 5-277
Drainfield Systems 2-262 Who is Liable 5-275
Fees 2-291 US Army Corps of Engineers 10-98
Innovative System 2-285, 2-291
Location 2-272, 2-288
Monitoring 2-289
Permits 2-222, 2-265, 2-285
Portable Restrooms 2-246 Veterinarian 2-53
Registration of System 2-277
Repairs 2-274
Site Evaluation 2-229
Sludge, Food/Septage 2-242
System Size 2-230 Wages
Service Corps Retired Execs 1-30 Bonuses 5-26
Shop Drawings 10-69 Calculation of 5-21
Simple Interest 3-73 Commissions 5-24
Wages (continued)
Daily Overtime 5-25
Deductions 3-51
Employer's Expenses 3-55
Exemptions 5-15
Fluctuating Hours 5-23
Holidays 5-27
Minimum Rate 5-15
On-call Pay 5-28
Overtime Issues 5-29
Overtime Rate 5-21
Penalties 5-30
Piece Worker 5-22
Recordkeeping 5-30
Regular Rate of Pay 5-20
Reimbursement 5-27
Salary 5-22
Two Rates 5-24
Types of 3-49
Wetlands 10-98
Worker's Compensation
After the Accident 6-11
Anti-Fraud Reward 6-56
Before an Accident 6-10
Benefit Disputes 6-115
Casual Labor 6-67
Compensation for Death 6-111
Compensation for Disability 6-105
Department of State 1-26, 1-31
Determination of Pay 6-104
Drug-Free Workplace 6-79
Exemptions 6-6
Failure to Obtain 6-10
Fatality Reporting 6-60
Financial Impact 6-15
First Aid Cases 6-12
Frequent Questions 6-23, 6-31, 6-64
Insurance 6-7, 6-140
Light/Altered Duty 6-13
Mediation 6-121
Notice of Injury/Death 6-112
Occupational Diseases 6-110
Penalties 6-85, 6-112
Recordkeeping 6-12
Reemployment of Workers 6-146
Return to Work 6-13
Safety Program 6-84
Self Insurers 6-140, 6-150
Subsequent Injury Limits 6-143
Third Party Injuries 6-138
Time Limit of Benefits 6-114
Time of Commencement 6-91
To Be Exempt 6-17, 6-43, 6-73
When Needed 6-5
X-Rays 7-22
Y, Z