The Genes Eye View of Evolution
The Genes Eye View of Evolution
The Genes Eye View of Evolution
Wenner-Gren Fellow
Department of Organismic and
Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6dp,
United Kingdom
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© J. Arvid Ågren 2021
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my father, the biologist
my mother, the cultural historian
x Pr e face
that I for the first time came in close contact with students from
North America. One thing that struck me about my new colleagues
was that they often had a very different perspective on theoretical
issues in evolutionary biology than I did. To exaggerate and overgen-
eralize a bit: if when I was a teenager and expressed an interest in the
big questions of evolutionary biology I was handed a book authored
by Richard Dawkins, they had been given one of Stephen Jay Gould’s.
I learned a tremendous amount discussing these issues in the lecture
halls, seminar rooms, and, especially, in the Graduate Student Union
pub located right next to the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology of the University of Toronto. The genesis of this book owes
a lot to those intellectual sparring sessions.
More concretely, several people were instrumental in making this
book a reality. In particular, David Haig, and his Fundamental
Interconnectedness of All Things discussion group, provided an environ-
ment that encouraged tackling the foundational questions of our field.
Few have thought more about the gene’s-eye view than David and he
has been reliable source of advice and support throughout this project.
I am grateful a large number of colleagues who took the time to read
and provide comments on my writing. For help with individual chap-
ters, I thank Alan Grafen, Alister McGrath, Andrew Bourke, Anthony
Edwards, Cédric Paternotte, Charles Goodnight, Dan Dennett, Dan
Hartl, Denis Noble, Ellen Clarke, Erik Svensson, Jack Werren, Jim
Mallett, John Durant, Jonathan Birch, Kevin Foster, Lutz Fromhage,
Megan Frederickson, Michael Bentley, Michael Rodgers, Stephen
Wright, Stu West, and Tim Lewens. Others, including David Barash,
Brian and Deborah Charlesworth, Andy Clark, James Marshall, and
Martin Nowak, answered questions and pointed me to resources that
have been tremendously helpful. For reading the entire manuscript, at
one point or another, I am indebted to Chinmay Sonawane, Cody
McCoy, David Haig, Jon Ågren, Manus Patten, Richard Dawkins, Samir
Okasha, Steve Stearns, and Tobias Uller.
Their comments greatly improved the text, clarified my thinking,
and offered much needed encouragement. On occasion, they also saved
Pr e face xi
xiv Con t e n ts
References 195
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0001
heritable traits, and if any of them make the individual more likely to
survive and reproduce, these traits will become more common in the
population as the generations go by. T he gene’s-eye view represents a
subtle but radical shift in perspective. Building on the insight from
population genetics that evolutionary change can be described as the
increase or decrease of certain genetic variants, it argues that evolu-
tion is best thought of from the perspective of genes. By this reason-
ing, organisms are nothing but temporary occurrences—present in
one generation, gone in the next. And, as a consequence, organisms
cannot be the ultimate beneficiary in evolutionary explanations.
Instead, this role is filled by the gene. Genes are considered immor-
tal and they pass on their intact structure from generation to gener
ation. This way of thinking is also called selfish gene thinking, because
natural selection is conceptualized as a struggle between genes, usually
through the effects they have on organisms, for replication and trans-
mission to the next generation. Here, ‘genes’ is used in a somewhat lax
way. The evolutionary struggle is not between different genes within
the same organism (though, as will become clear, the gene’s-eye view
offers a powerful way to think about such genetic conflicts) but
between different alleles of the same gene within a population.
The origin of the gene’s-eye view involved many people, but two
stand above the rest: the American George C. Williams (1926–2010)
and the Brit Richard Dawkins (1941–). The idea was first explicitly
laid out by Williams in Adaptation and Natural Selection (Williams 1966),
and then 10 years later more forcefully by Dawkins in The Selfish Gene
(Dawkins 1976). Few phrases in science have caught the imagination
of laypeople and professionals alike the way that ‘selfish gene’ has
done, and it changed how both groups thought about evolution and
natural selection. Among both groups, the gene’s-eye view, has subse-
quently amassed both strong supporters and fierce critics.
The debate over the value of the gene’s-eye view has raged for over
half a century. It has pitted 20th century Darwinian aristocrats such as
John Maynard Smith and W.D. Hamilton against Richard Lewontin
and Stephen Jay Gould in the pages of Nature as well as those of The
New York Review of Books. Even today, commentators cannot agree. For
example, in 2015 when the science historian Nathaniel Comfort
reviewed the second volume of Dawkins’s autobiography for Nature he
referred to the gene’s-eye view as ‘looking increasingly like a twentieth-
century construct’ (Comfort 2015). In contrast, writing for the same
journal only a few months later, the biologist turned journalist and
businessman Matt Ridley concluded that ‘no other explanation [for
evolution] makes sense’ (Ridley 2016). Professional biologists remain
equally divided. Simon Conway Morris dismissed it as ‘an exploded
concept that was almost past its sell-by date as soon as it was popular-
ized’ (Conway Morris 2008, p. ix). Similarly, a senior colleague of mine
who I showed an early draft of this manuscript wondered if he really
would be a suitable person to provide feedback as he disagreed with
‘virtually every aspect of the field’ and as a result he has ‘trouble separat-
ing their bad science from good faith attempts to describe it’. Yet,
Andy Gardner called The Selfish Gene ‘unequivocally the most
important popular book on evolutionary biology of the 20th century’
(Gardner 2016), a view shared by the Royal Society who in July 2017
announced that, after a public poll, The Selfish Gene had been voted
‘the most inspiring science book of all time’.
Much of the discomfort over the gene’s-eye view comes from its sur-
rounding vocabulary. Genes are ‘selfish’, organisms mere ‘survival
machines’, and bodies nothing but ‘lumbering robots’. T he philosopher
Roger Scruton complained that these ideas made ‘cynicism respectable
and degeneracy chic’ (Scruton 2017, p. 49). Along these lines, a com-
monly told story (meaning it is seemingly impossible to track down
the original source) is that The Selfish Gene was the favourite book of
the disgraced Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, and that he used the book
to justify the exploitative cutthroat culture of the company.
But the debate over the gene’s-eye view is about so much more.
It overthrows our conception of familiar biological terms like gene,
fitness, and organism. It brings to the forefront evolutionary biologists’
peculiar habit of speaking of biological entities as having intentions,
deploying strategies, and pursuing goals. It drills to the core of what
argues—as do Sterelny (2001, pp. 4–6), Ruse (2003, p. 164), and Noble
(2006, p. 11)—that this philosophical approach to evolution is more
common among British biologists than among their colleagues from
other countries. This may at first seem strange, as it has been said of
the British that they do not do philosophy. For example, Ernst Mayr
complained about ‘illiterate Anglo-Saxons’ who had not read enough
Hegel (Kohn 2004, p. 329), and Iris Murdoch described the picture of
the world painted by English philosophers as one in ‘in which people
play cricket, cook cakes, make simple decisions, remember their child-
hood and go to the circus’ (Murdoch 1953, p. 35). T he debate over the
gene’s-eye view shows why Mayr and Murdoch were being unfair.
Disagreements over the value of the ideas in Adaptation and Natural
Selection and The Selfish Gene raised the bar for conceptual discussions
of biological phenomena considerably and were instrumental in the
emergence of the philosophy of biology as a distinct field of study.
This book is about how to think like a selfish gene. Darwin once
described the term ‘natural selection’ as ‘in some respects a bad one, as it
seems to imply conscious choice; but this will be disregarded after a little
familiarity’ (Darwin 1868, p. 6; my emphasis). My goal is to provide a little
familiarity to the gene’s-eye view: what it is, where it came from, how it
changed, and why it still evokes such strong emotions. In so doing, I will
argue that the gene’s-eye view is one of the most powerful heuristics
or thinking tools there is in biology. Like all tools, however, to get the
most out of it you must understand what task it what designed to solve.
I have written the book I wish already existed. There was no book-
length treatment of the history and current state of the gene’s-eye
view. Instead, anyone looking for a systematic summary of the topic
has typically had to scramble together papers and chapters from m
sources. Furthermore, much of the debate about the value of the
gene’s-eye view and its role in modern evolutionary theory has been
this debate is the most recent instantiation of the old conflict over
whether teleological explanations have a place in biology. Next, I outline
the criticisms that came from mathematical population geneticists.
I revisit the classic cases of epistasis and heterozygous advantage to
evaluate how the gene’s-eye view handles interactions between genes,
and whether it is bound to commit the so-called averaging fallacy.
I also discuss the charge from developmental biologists that the gene’s-
eye view affords unwarranted amounts of causal power to genes in the
process of development and in so doing ignores too many other inter-
esting biological processes. Lastly in this chapter I deal with how the
gene’s-eye view fits into evolutionary biology’s troubled relationship
with the concept of human nature and morality. This is a debate that
raged intensely in the early days of the gene’s-eye view but which has
by now largely calmed down. Nevertheless, I show how a close read-
ing of the views of Williams and Dawkins on these issues reveals
interesting parallels with those of T.H. Huxley.
Chapter 4 examines the long and intimate association between the
gene’s-eye view and the work of W.D. Hamilton. Hamilton was cru-
cial to the emergence of the gene’s-eye view, especially through his
work on inclusive fitness and what is now known as Hamilton’s Rule.
Hamilton’s key insight was that individual organisms can affect the
transmission of their genes not only through personal reproductive
success but also through the success of close relatives. Inclusive fitness
provides a way to view this process from the perspective of the indi-
vidual organism, but it can also be seen from a gene’s-eye view.
Dawkins and others have repeatedly emphasized the formal equiva-
lence of the two perspectives.Yet, as I will argue in this chapter, there
is an under-appreciated potential tension between the two. I demon-
strate how this tension shows up in both the disagreements over the
value of inclusive fitness theory stemming from Nowak et al. (2010)
and in Alan Grafen’s ongoing Formal Darwinism Project. I end the
chapter by discussing two recent attempts to resolve this tension.
The gene’s-eye view initially earned its stripes by helping the field
make crucial strides in the study of old problems in evolutionary biology,
Historical Origins
1.1 Introduction
S everal books and papers were crucial for the emergence of the
gene’s-eye view, but it culminated with the arrival of The Selfish
Gene in the fall of 1976. The exact timing of the book’s publication
owes much to two defining conflicts of modern British history. T he
first was the industrial conflict between the UK National Union of
Mineworkers and Edward Heath’s Conservative government. In the
1970s, coal burning was responsible for the majority of British elec-
tricity production, and strike action by coal miners had led to serious
power shortages. The situation climaxed on New Year’s Day 1974
when the government introduced the so- called ‘three-
day week’.
One consequence of the lack of power was that Richard Dawkins,
then a young lecturer who had recently returned to Oxford after a
stint as Assistant Professor at the University of California at Berkeley,
stopped his research on cricket behaviour and turned to writing.
When the conflict was over, and power returned to normal, one
chapter was complete. It lay forgotten in a drawer until a sabbatical in
1975, which Dawkins spent at home in Oxford writing the next chap-
ters of the book in a ‘frenzy of creative energy’ (Dawkins 2016, p. xiii).
The other was the Battle of Trafalgar. Michael Rodgers, the Oxford
University Press editor who would eventually acquire the book, was
first told about the project by the physicist Roger Elliott, one of
Dawkins’s colleagues at New College, Oxford, and then later came
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0002
This tradition has been especially important in British biology and its
through that intellectual milieu that the gene’s-eye view emerged.
The gene’s-eye view treats adaptation as a special kind of problem that
deserves a special kind of explanation. Key advocates of the gene’s-eye
view have often invoked the writings of the theologian William Paley,
the author of Natural Theology (Paley 1802), to make this point and
I therefore begin the chapter by outlining the strong standing of natural
theology in the country and how that legacy transitioned into an
adaptationism that remains to this day.
The population genetics of the modern synthesis in the 1930s put
genes at the centre of evolutionary explanations. T he new mathemat
ical approach of population genetics had brought together the
particulate inheritance of Mendel with the gradualism of Darwin.
J.B.S. Haldane, Sewall Wright, and R.A. Fisher in their own ways for-
mally characterized the process of evolution as one of changes in the
frequency of allelic variants. They did not use the agential language of
the modern gene’s-eye view, but their work provided the foundations
on which this approach was built. I will argue that this was especially
true of the work of Fisher and that his definition of the environment
only really makes sense from a gene’s-eye view.
The last area was the levels of selection debate and specifically the
rejection of group selection as an explanation for social behaviour.
Both Williams and Dawkins pointed directly at the popularity of
group selection arguments as the stimulus to write their own books.
Furthermore, Williams’s insistence on parsimony, that biologists
should not appeal to selection at higher levels than necessary, com-
bined with W.D. Hamilton’s theory of inclusive fitness, led to a rapid
change in opinion regarding how to think about adaptation.
a distraction from the strict emphasis on the direct access to God for
ordinary people, not just philosophers and other learned people.
Rejecting natural theology did not mean Kant was sceptical of modern
science. In contrast, he was deeply impressed by Newtonian physics;
to him it just had nothing to contribute to matters of faith.
He then points out that a human eye is far more complicated than a
telescope and the eye therefore requires a more sophisticated designer.
This world was only the first rough attempt of some infant god, who
afterwards abandoned it, ashamed of his poor performance; it is the
work of some dependent, inferior god, whose superiors hold it up for
ridicule; it was produced by some god in his old age and near-senility,
and ever since his death the world has continued without further
guidance, activated by the first shove he gave to it and the active force
that he built into it. (Hume 1779, p. 26)
P (Q + R )(i - j ) + R(P + Q )( j - k )
P (Q + R ) + R(P + Q )
(P + R )a 2 - (Pa - Ra )2
Fisher contrasts this additive genetic part with a residue part ‘which
acts in much the same way as an arbitrary error introduced into the
measurements’. This, then, is the crux: any variation not included in
the variance captured by the linear regression should not be considered
genetic but instead be thought of as random environmental noise.
This may seem like a subtle point, but here Fisher introduces a
radically expanded notion of the environment. The expanded notion
of environment is awkward from the perspective of individual organism
but makes sense under a gene’s-eye view.
From a gene’s-eye view, or more precisely from the perspective of
an allele, Fisher’s notion has the consequence that in a diploid
organism, the other allele present at the same location in the genome
should be considered part of the environment. And so should all other
genes in the genome, as well as all the other genes in the population
(the gene pool). This idea of the genomic environment is key to
appreciating the deep connection between Fisher’s Fundamental
Theorem and the gene’s-eye view. It also highlights how the gene’s-
eye view could more accurately be called the allele’s-eye view.
Fisher expanded on these ideas in his 1922 paper ‘On the dominance
ratio’, also in a journal run by the Royal Society of Edinburgh
(Fisher 1922). This paper included, among other things, the first
demonstration of the consequences of heterozygote advantage, a
phenomenon that later would be used by Elliott Sober and Richard
Lewontin as an argument against the gene’s-eye view. I will return to
this topic in Chapter 3. In the succeeding years, Fisher focused on
applying his theoretical models to empirical data and worked on
issues like genetic variation in British moths (Fisher and Ford 1926)
and mimicry (Fisher 1927). In 1930, he synthesized his ideas his
most famous publication, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
(Fisher 1930).
Var åa j xij .
concerned with was not the total change in average fitness of a popu-
lation, but the part of the total change that is due to natural selection
changing gene frequencies in a constant environment.
Price’s insight about the constant environment is key. Recall that
Fisher introduced a radically broad definition of environment that
included all the genes in the genome, as well as the population’s gene
pool, when he developed the regression method to determine an
allele’s average effect. Fisher’s idea of a constant environment meant
that the average effect of all alleles stays the same from one generation
to the next. Thus, if the average effect of one allele has changed, the
environment is considered to have changed. Price’s insight about
the constant environment also reveals the deep connection between
the Fundamental Theorem and the gene’s-eye view. Grouping biotic
environmental effects (what biologists usually mean by the word)
with non-additive genetic effects, such as dominance and epistasis as
parts of the environment, only really makes sense under a gene’s-eye
view (but see Sober 2020 for a pushback against this conclusion).
The importance of this conception of the environment runs
through most Dawkins’s writings. For example, in the foreword to the
30th anniversary edition of The Selfish Gene he writes:
Each gene [is] pursuing its own self-interested agenda against the
background of the other genes in the gene pool—the set of candidates
for sexual shuffling within species. Those other genes are part of the
environment in which each survives, in the same way was the weather,
predators and prey, supporting vegetation and soil bacteria are part of
the environment. From each gene’s point of view, the ‘background’
genes are those with which it shares bodies in its journey down the
generation. In the short term, that means the other members of the
genome. In the long term, it means the other genes in the gene pool of
the species. Natural selection therefore sees to it that gangs of mutually
compatible—which is almost to say cooperating—genes are favoured
in the presence of each other. (Dawkins 2006a, pp. xii–xiii)
In other words, a herd of fleet deer is not the same as a fleet herd of deer.
Just because a trait is good for the group, it does not mean it evolved by
group selection. Selection on each individual deer for its running speed
may lead to the fortuitous benefit of a fast running group. In general,
Williams argued that, in the name of parsimony, biologists should not
appeal to selection at higher levels than necessary.
Williams had an incredible influence on biologists’ attitudes towards
group selection. He noted that while he was confident that his views
would eventually be considered orthodox, he was surprised how
quickly they became so. Indeed, the shift in attitude among evolu-
tionary biologists towards group selection turned out to be u nusually
rapid. Geoffrey Parker would later say that in order to get published
This is where the idea of ‘selfish genes’ is born. Despite being pub-
lished in the same year as Dawkins was preparing his lectures, he
would not read Adaptation and Natural Selection until a few years later.
He immediately recognized the intellectual bond between their world
views. Many of the ideas in The Selfish Gene are present in Adaptation
and Natural Selection, but to Dawkins, the way Williams expressed ideas
was ‘too laconic, not full throated enough’ (Dawkins 2016, p. xxiii).
As will be become clear in the next few chapters, however, calling
genes selfish is in equal parts helping and harming in communicating
that point. The term ‘gene’s-eye view’, which I have used throughout
this book, would not, to the best of my knowledge, appear until in
1980 in a paper by David P. Barash on evolutionary approaches to
1.5 Summary
Defining and Refining
Selfish Genes
2.1 Introduction
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0003
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 47
long review in The Quarterly Review of Biology ‘The light and the way
in evolution’ (Slobodkin 1966). The Selfish Gene amassed over 100
reviews, both in the popular press and scientific journals, most of
which were positive (Dawkins 2013a, p. 281). The New York Times, for
example, described it as ‘the sort of popular science-writing that
makes the reader feel like a genius’ (Anonymous 1977).
In contrast to Adaptation and Natural Selection, The Selfish Gene
also attracted some very strong and contrasting views.W.D. Hamilton
wrote an enthusiastic review for Science (Hamilton 1977a) saying
that the book ‘should be read, can be read, by almost everyone’.
Charles Langley, on the other hand, wrote a scathing review for
Bioscience, calling it ‘shallow and untrue to the science of evolution-
ary biology’ and ‘a nuisance to the knowledgeable reader and mis-
leading to the layman’ (Langley 1977). Along the same lines, Richard
Lewontin’s review for Nature (Lewontin 1977a) was entitled
‘Caricature of Darwinism’ and called Dawkins’s adaptationist thesis
‘Panglossian’ (2 years before the Spandrels of San Marco paper with
Stephen Jay Gould), and also singled out the journal the American
Naturalist as an especially egregious home of this habit. The tone of
Lewontin’s writing led Hamilton to pen a letter of protest to the
editor, where he called the review a ‘disgrace and compared it to
Bishop Wilberforce’s attack on Darwin and Huxley at the British
Association meeting in 1860 (Hamilton 1977b). Lewontin shot
back equally pugnaciously, arguing that Hamilton himself was
responsible for his ‘fair share of vulgar Darwinism’ (Lewontin 1977b).
Hamilton, Lewontin suggested, was no Darwin and Dawkins was
no Huxley.
It also says something about the character of the two books that
early on they attracted the attention not only of biologists, but also
that of philosophers. Up until this point, the philosophy of science
was very much centred around the philosophy of physics (see
Mayr 1969 for an early version of this complaint). Anyone going
through the defining texts of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn looking
for insights into the nature of biological theories would be left wanting
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 49
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 51
All that we mean when we speak of a gene for pink eyes is, a gene
which differentiates a pink eyed fly from a normal one—not a gene
which produces pink eyes per se, for the character pink eyes is
dependent on the action of many other genes. (Sturtevant 1915)
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 53
an gene’s-eye view it includes that plus the other alleles at the same
locus, the rest of the genome, and the gene pool in the population: in
essence, ‘all parts of the world that is shared by the alternatives being
compared’ (Haig 2012; see also Sterelny and Kitchner 1988).
One benefit of transferring ownership of the phenotype from the
individual organism to the gene is that it allows one to consider
phenotypes beyond the body of the organism, such as extended
phenotypes (see Chapter 5).
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 55
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 57
What was to be the fate of the ancient replicators? They did not die
out, for they are past masters of the survival arts. But do not look for
them floating loose in the sea; they gave up that cavalier freedom long
ago. Now they swarm in huge colonies, safe inside gigantic lumbering
robots, sealed off from the outside world, communicating with it by
tortuous indirect routes, manipulating it by remote control. T hey are
in you and in me; they created us, body and mind; and their preserva-
tion is the ultimate rationale for our existence. T
hey have come a long
way, those replicators. Now they go by the name of genes, and we are
their survival machines. (Dawkins 1976, p. 25).
The central message in both passages is that replicators and vehicles play
separate roles in the evolutionary process. Replicators are any entities
whose structure and information are copied and faithfully transmitted
from parent to offspring, forming lineages across generations. A suc-
cessful replicator has three properties: longevity, fecundity, and copy-
fidelity (Dawkins 1978). In organic evolution, the role of replicator is
usually played by genes.
Vehicles, on the other hand, what Dawkins referred to above as survival
machines, are the entities in which genes are bundled together and that
interact directly with the external environment. T his role is typically filled
by individual organisms but may also be carried out by cells and, more
rarely, by groups. Under this formulation, then, natural selection is a process
in which some vehicles are more successful than others, leading to the
survival and proliferation of their replicators. T
o Hull and Dawkins, repli-
cator survival and vehicle/interactor selection are two sides of the same coin.
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 59
the (messy) truth and therefore does not merit a helpfully decisive
burial’ (Dawkins 1994b). In contrast, Hull preferred interactor as it
was more balanced in its relation to replicators (Hull 1980, 1981).
Rather than being mere ‘survival machines’ and ‘lumbering robots’ for
replicators, interactors play an active role in their environment.Vehicles
and interactors, though related, are thus not equivalent.
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 61
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 63
Genes are also not the only biological entity that have lifespans in
the millions of years, so do two others: species and traits. A crucial dif-
ference between species and replicators is that replicators affect what
vehicles survive and reproduce and therefore can be said to have agency
in the evolutionary process. Species cannot be said to play such a causal
role (Hampe and Morgan 1988; Lloyd 2017). Instead, they passively
benefit from the process of natural selection.
The trait challenge rejects the premise that cumulative selection
requires something to form lineages. By this argument, selection only
requires that something is persistently present across multiple generation,
a requirement satisfied by many phenotypic traits. T ake, for example, a
plant trait like the density of trichomes that prevents a leaf from being
eaten by caterpillars. T
he trait ‘trichomes’ may be present in a population,
though manifested on different individuals, for multiple generations, and
so satisfies the persistence requirement as outlined by Williams and
Dawkins. Indeed, studying traits across phylogenetic trees is at the heart of
the comparative method in evolutionary biology (Harvey and Pagel 1991).
Evolutionary longevity is thus not unique to replicators.
In response, proponents of the gene’s- eye view have therefore
emphasized another aspect that distinguishes genes from other
biological entities: information. Replicators are the only entities that
survive in the evolutionary process because they should be thought of
not as physical objects, but as units of information. As Dawkins put it
in The Blind Watchmaker:
It is raining DNA outside. On the bank of the Oxford canal at the
bottom of my garden is a large willow tree, and it is pumping downy
seeds into the air. (…) [spreading] DNA whose coded characters spell
out specific instructions for building willow trees that will shed a new
generation of downy seeds. (…) It is raining instructions out there; it’s
raining programs; it’s raining tree-growing, fluff-spreading, algorithms.
That is not a metaphor, it is the plain truth. It couldn’t be any plainer
if it were raining floppy discs. (Dawkins 1986a, p. 111)
This again shows why the type, rather than token, concept of genes
makes more sense for the gene’s-eye view. A gene token is no more
immortal than an individual organism.
2.4 Memes
James was writing in the context of a debate about ‘great men’ in his-
tory spurred by Herbert Spencer. Since then, many others tried to
develop more general accounts of cultural evolution. Early modern
attempts came from population geneticists like Cavalli-Sforza and
Feldman (1981), anthropologists like Boyd, and biologists like
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 65
We need a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea
of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. ‘Mimeme’
comes from a suitable Greek root, but I want a monosyllable that
sounds a bit like ‘gene’. (Dawkins 1976, p. 192)
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 67
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 69
argued in favour of the weaker claim that the gene’s-eye view is but
one way of viewing the facts of evolution, no more true than an
organism-centred perspective.
Below, I tackle the issue of abstract formulations of evolution by
natural selection and I will return to the process versus perspective
issue in Chapter 3.
It was quickly realized, however, that the abstract nature of the prin-
ciples of selection meant that it could operate at multiple levels and
even within organisms (see e.g. Huxley 1878). T he classic articulation
of this point was made by Lewontin (1970) and is now sometimes
referred to as Lewontin’s Principles (Brandon 2019). Lewontin stated
that evolution by natural selection requires three things:
1. Phenotypic variation. For a population to evolve, individuals
must vary in phenotype, such as morphology, physiology, or
2. Phenotypes must differ in fitness. Variation in phenotypic traits
must be associated with a difference in ability to survive and
3. Fitness is heritable. The fitness of parents must be causally correl
ated with that of their offspring.
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 71
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 73
1999; Piel 2019). The definition of the term has changed slightly over
the years. Maynard Smith and Szathmáry (1995, pp. 3–4) defined them
as transitions ‘in the way in which genetic information is transmitted
between generations’ such that ‘entities that were capable of
independent replication before the transition can replicate only as
part of a larger whole after it’ (Maynard Smith and Szathmáry 1995,
pp. 3–4). This definition resulted in eight transitions:
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 75
One of the sadistic pleasures to be had from the defunct age of selfish-
genery was to witness the mental loops of its proponents as they tried
to extricate themselves from the illogical cul-de-sacs of their own
devising. In his writings, Richard Dawkins pseudo-‘paradox of the
organism’ was the climactic apotheosis of a belief in his own rhetorical
devices which forced him to suspend all scientific rationale and
modesty. (Dover 1999)
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 77
To Dawkins and Williams, genes really are special. Again, this conclu-
sion ties back to the type versus token distinction. T he gene token is
clearly at the bottom of the hierarchy and the only way to have the
gene be on the side is to adopt the type perspective where genes are
packages of information. Gould would later endorse Lloyd’s resolution
to the levels of selection question (Ketcham 2018), but the role of the
gene’s-eye-view’s replicator in major transitions remains contentious.
Some authors have argued that the major transitions are best approached
using multilevel selection analysis (Buss 1987; Michod 1999). This has
led the hierarchy to be compared to Russian matryoshka dolls with
layers of conflict and cooperation nested one within another (Wilson
and Wilson 2008). An alternative to multilevel selection models is
inclusive fitness analysis (Bourke 2011, 2014; West et al. 2015). What
all approaches have in common is a commitment to search for
common principles to answer the question that unifies all levels
(Ågren et al. 2019a): why does natural selection favour cooperation
rather than selfish behaviour that would undermine the integrity of
higher levels?
The problem with the Russian doll image is that in a matryoshka
doll there are dolls all the way down. Under the gene’s-eye view, this
2.6 Summary
De f i n i ng a n d r e f i n i ng se lf ish ge n es 79
Difficulties of The Theory
3.1 Introduction
T he gene’s-eye view has been under intense scrutiny ever since its
conception. For one, the publication of The Selfish Gene only a
year after E.O. Wilson’s Sociobiology meant that it was immediately
caught up in the sociobiology debate. Public scrimmages included the
strange Isadore Nabi affair in the pages of Nature where a group of
biologists (believed to have been Richard Lewontin, Richard Levins,
Leigh van Valen, and Robert MacArthur) wrote under a pen name to
criticize sociobiology, including the gene’s-eye view (Nabi 1981a,
1981b; Lester 1981; Lewontin 1981; van Valen 1981; Wilson 1981; see
Segerstrale 2000, pp. 184–188).
Over in The New York Review of Books, Stephen Jay Gould and
Daniel Dennett had an ill- tempered exchange over the former’s
review of Helena Cronin’s The Ant and the Peacock in 1993. T he core
thesis of Cronin’s book was that the field of evolutionary biology had
collectively settled that the gene’s-eye view provided the key to two
long-standing problems: the evolution of altruism and sexual selection,
illustrated by the ant and the peacock respectively. Gould vehemently
rejected this conclusion. Titling his review ‘The confusion over
evolution’, he relegated gene selectionism to a ‘marginal position
among evolutionists’ (Gould 1992). Maynard Smith, who had written
the preface of Cronin’s book, was surprised by Gould’s tone and wrote
in to say so (Maynard Smith 1993). So too did Dennett, though he
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0004
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 81
Disagreements over the gene’s-eye view have often been heated. Not all
critiques, however, were aired in such public venues and with such bel-
licose rhetoric. Many of the criticisms were fair and reflected interesting
disagreements over how to think about evolution and natural selection.
Others were less so. In this chapter, I focus on some ‘difficulties of the
theory’, to borrow Darwin’s phrase, that have received much attention.
The first concerns an old sin of biology: anthropomorphizing. The
intentionality and personification involved in calling genes selfish has
grated critics inside and outside of biology since day one.While calling
genes selfish may seem innocent—‘because no sane person thinks
DNA molecules have conscious personalities’, as Dawkins (2016,
p. viii) put it—it does reflect a long-standing division within biology
about the role of teleology (explanations in terms of purpose and final
causes) and intentional language. Such language is common in evolu-
tionary biology but is viewed with deep scepticism by other biolo-
gists. I discuss this disagreement and argue that despite its weaknesses,
intentional language has an important role to play in biology.
The second concerns how the gene’s-eye view handles interactions
between genes. In The Selfish Gene, Dawkins develops an analogy
3.2 Anthropomorphizing
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 83
keep the idea alive), the habit of ascribing goals, aims, and strategies to
individual genes tends to annoy certain kinds of biologists and
philosophers alike. For example, Rosenberg, who otherwise has been
very supportive of the gene’s-eye view, describes biologists using this
kind of language as ‘conspiracy theorists’ (Rosenberg 2011, pp. 13–14)
and Francis (2004, p. 8) and Godfrey-Smith (2009, p. 10) as suffering
from ‘Darwinian paranoia’. T he plant scientist David Hanke diag-
nosed the state of biology as follows:
Biology is sick. Fundamentally unscientific modes of thought are
increasingly accepted, and dominate the way the subject is explained
to the next generation. T he heart of the problem is that we persist in
making (literally) sense of a world that we now know to be senseless
by attributing subjective values to the objectives in it, values that have
no basis in reality. (Hanke 2004)
Hanke contrasts his own scientific training, which taught him ‘to
reason critically and objectively (. . .) and to regard the subjective as
untrustworthy and deceiving, potentially corrupting the truth’ with
the ‘tragedy’ that his undergraduate students have read nothing but
Dawkins before showing up in his classroom (Hanke 2004). The
students were all apparent victims of what Lucy Sullivan (1995) called
the ‘Oxford school of biological science fiction’. To Hanke and
Sullivan, the most egregious fault of anthropomorphizing, and inten-
tional language more broadly, is not just that it is ‘lazy and wrong’
(Hanke 2004) and whose ‘hegemony [is] quite out of proportion to its
intellectual finesse’ (Sullivan 1995), but that it leads us astray when
confronted with biological problems.
Disagreements about the role of anthropomorphizing, teleology,
and intentional language did not start with The Selfish Gene (Ruse 1989).
Instead, Hanke’s and Sullivan’s critique echoes a general argument
that such language is an embarrassment that makes biology look like
an immature science next to the likes of physics and chemistry. In
those subjects, they argue, theories are strictly physical and mechanical,
with all talk of purpose, goals, and intentions banished. Why should
biology be different?
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 85
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 87
What does ‘respectable terms’ mean? John Maynard Smith, when pressed
on this point in a Q&A-session following one of his talks, answered:
I am prepared to think as loosely as necessary to give me an idea when
I’m confronted with a new biological problem. If it helps me think to
say, ‘If I was a gene, I would do so-and-so’, then I think that is OK. But
when I’ve got an idea, I want to be able to write down the equations
and show that the idea works. (. . .) I’m all for loose thinking. We all
need ideas. (Maynard Smith 1998)
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 89
One of the most famous analogies in The Selfish Gene is that of the
genome as a rowing boat and genes as oarsmen. The analogy starts
with the Boat Race that takes place annually between Putney and
Mortlake along the River Thames in London between the universities of
Oxford and Cambridge. Each team is made up of nine individuals, eight
rowers, and one cox who steers the boat. Winning requires oarsmen
who are not only individually accomplished but also capable of mesh-
ing as a team. How, then, should the coach select the team to balance
individual and team skills? Dawkins suggests the following strategy:
Every day [the coach] puts together three new trial crews, by random
shuffling of the candidates, for each position, and he makes the three
crews race against each other. After some weeks of this it will start to
emerge that the winning boat often tends to contain the same indi-
vidual men. These are marked up as good oarsmen. Other individuals
seem consistently to be found in slower crews, and these are eventually
rejected. But even an outstandingly good oarsman might sometimes
be a member of a slow crew, either because of the inferiority of the
other members, or because of bad luck—say a strong adverse wind. It
is only on average that the best men tend to be in the winning boat.
(Dawkins 1976, p. 40)
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 91
Wright reiterated this view many times throughout his career, includ-
ing near the very end when, in his nineties, he used The Selfish Gene
to introduce a paper in Evolution (Wright 1980). Wright, as opposed
to Fisher and Haldane, was thus the only one of the three founders of
population genetics who lived long enough to comment directly
on the gene’s-eye view debate. While the paper primarily presents
Wright’s general views on the state of population genetics and his
contribution to the field, the paper was also intended to be a rejection
of the gene’s-eye view, which is how it has usually been read.Yet, the
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 93
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 95
selection coefficients for individual genes, those are not actually real;
they are statistical artifacts.
To illustrate this point, they developed an example of heterozygote
advantage. Heterozygote advantage arises when the heterozygous
genotype (say, Aa) has a higher fitness than either of homozygous
genotype (AA or aa). The textbook example of heterozygote advan-
tage is the balancing selection acting on the gene involved in sickle-
cell anaemia and malaria resistance. Individuals homozygous for the
recessive allele develop sickle-cell, whereas heterozygotes are resistant
to malaria, resulting in both alleles being retained in populations with
high prevalence of malaria.
Sober and Lewontin used a simple one-locus two-allele model to
present their case. Consider the two alleles, A and a with no domi-
nance, that have frequencies p and q respectively (such that p + q = 1).
The population is assumed to be at Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
prior to selection, and the fitnesses of AA, Aa, and aa are given by wAA,
wAa, and waa. The genotype frequencies after selection can be calcu-
lated by multiplying the initial genotype frequencies with their fitness
and then dividing by the population mean fitness, w (Table 3.1).
So far, fitness is a property of the diploid genotype, not of individual
alleles. Deriving the fitnesses of individual alleles (A and a), however,
is not particularly complicated. For example, if the fitness of A is
defined as WA, it can be calculated by averaging the fitness of A across
all genotypes in which it is found. Recall that A can occur with a
frequency of 1, 1/2, and 0 in AA, Aa, and aa respectively. Then, using
the frequencies and fitnesses defined above, and given that: the
Genotype AA Aa aa
Frequency before selection p 2pq q2
Fitness w AA w Aa w aa
Frequency after selection p 2w AA 2 pqw Aa q 2w aa
w w w
w a = w aa q + w Aa p.
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 97
In 2002, the year that he passed away, Stephen Jay Gould published
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. A majestic book (it clocks in at
close to 1,500 pages) its vast scope touches on practically every aspects
of evolutionary biology, its history, and its philosophy. Joe Felsenstein
once remarked that ‘if you’re holding Gould’s book in your lap, stasis
is very real: you couldn’t possibly stand up under the weight of all that
verbiage’ (Felsenstein 2012). In a similar vein, Stephen Stearns recalls
bringing the book on a flight only to be asked by an air stewardess to
store the book in the overhead compartment so not to risk hurting
other passengers should he lose control of it during take-off and
landing (Stearns 2002).
As expected, a significant chunk of the book is dedicated to
explaining the perceived short-comings of the gene’s-eye view. In a
characteristically long-winded section, Gould writes that ‘the error
and the incoherence of gene selectionism (. . .) can be summarized in
a single statement (. . .) proponents of gene selectionism have confused
bookkeeping with causality’ (Gould 2002, p. 632; original emphasis). The
bookkeeping objection to the gene’s- eye view states that while
Di f f icu lt i es of t h e t h eory 99
without having an effect on the species level (i.e. on the rate of speci
ation or extinction). Genes are thus the only level that can be said to
capture selection at all levels.
But, and to Gould this is the crucial but, this does not mean that
genes are the causal agents. Gould has argued Williams and Dawkins
both realized this, but that they refused to admit it (Gould 2002,
pp. 632–644). T ake, for example, Williams in Natural Selection:
Of course genes are not directly visible to selection. Obviously they are
selected by virtue of their phenotypic effects, and certainly they can
only be said to have phenotypic effects in concert with hundreds of
other genes. (Dawkins 1982a, p. 117; original emphasis).
Such reasoning Gould takes as evidence that even the most ardent
advocates for the gene’s-eye view actually agree with him: causality
belongs at the level of the interactors. Gould also cites the shift in
focus between The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype as a case
in point. Early on, Dawkins clearly presents gene-level selection as a
(superior) alternative to group selection. For example, two years after
The Selfish Gene Dawkins wrote: ‘Evolutionary models, whether they
call themselves group-selectionists or individual-selectionists, are fun-
damentally gene-selectionists’ (Dawkins 1978). T
his is also the message
in Adaptation and Natural Selection (Williams 1966, pp. 123–124). In this
formulation, the gene’s-eye view is meant to be a uniquely true
description of how the world works.
The argument in The Extended Phenotype is different. In the first
chapter of the book, Dawkins introduces the Necker cube illusion.
Under this illusion, the human mind can see two images of a two-
dimensional line drawing of a cube, each equally ‘true’. The gene’s-
eye view and the traditional individual-centred view are thus different,
but equally valid, perspectives of evolution, just like the orientations
of the Necker cube. To Gould, this sounds like George Aiken, the
Republication senator from Vermont, who in the middle of the
American war in Vietnam, suggested that the US should just declare
victory and go home (Gould 2002, p. 638). Gould argues that Dawkins
admits defeat, the gene is not the one true unit of selection, but that
he still declares victory for the gene’s-eye view.
The disagreement over the bookkeeping objection reflects a
common confusion over whether gene selection is best regarded as a
process or a perspective. This is a confusion for which admittedly
Williams and Dawkins bear some responsibility. Dawkins argues that
the group versus individual selection debate is simply an empirical
disagreement over at what level selection is most effective in natural
populations (Dawkins 1982b). T he replicator versus vehicle distinc-
tion, on the other hand, is not. It is a question of perspective:
I am not saying that the selfish organism view is necessarily wrong, but
my argument, in its strong form, is that it is looking at the matter the
wrong way up. (. . .) I am pretty confident that to look at life in terms
of genetic replicators preserving themselves by means of their extended
phenotypes is at least as satisfactory as to look at it in terms of selfish
organisms maximizing their inclusive fitness. In many cases the two
ways of looking at life will, indeed, be equivalent.
(Dawkins 1982a, pp. 6–7)
Just because two abstract mathematical models yield the same predic-
tion does not mean they are causally equivalent. Regardless of your
views on the matter, Maynard Smith’s attitude is exactly the kind of
honest philosophical transparency that we need more of in evolution-
ary theory.
One of the most thoughtful critics of the gene’s-eye view over the
years was Patrick Bateson. Bateson, whose grandfather’s cousin
William Bateson gave science the word ‘genetics’, was an English
behavioural ecologist with a special interest in the developmental
biology of animal behaviour. Ever since he wrote a critical review of
The Selfish Gene (Bateson 1978), Bateson has been a reliable sparring
partner of Dawkins. When he contributed to the festschrift Richard
Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think (Grafen and
Ridley 2006), he was grouped under heading ‘Antiphonal voices’
(Bateson 2006a). The main message of Bateson’s critique was that too
much focus on genes over other factors contributing to the formation
of an animal obfuscates the true causes of development and so results
in a poorer account of evolution.
One of Bateson’s concerns was that the intentional language of the
gene’s-eye view may result in confusion regarding genetic determin-
ism, the idea that genes and only genes matter in determining pheno-
types. ‘Dawkinsspeak leads to Dawkinspractice’, as Gray (1992) once
put it. It’s not that gene-selectionists are committed to genetic deter-
minism, Bateson argued, but that sloppy terms like ‘gene for’, ‘blue-
print’, ‘genetic program’, and ‘hardwiring’ mean that one can be
forgiven for thinking that they are (Bateson 1981, 1999, 2001; Curley
et al. 2009; see also Noble 2015). It is worth remembering that these
terms were, and continue to be, widely used also by critics of the
gene’s-eye view. For example, the ‘genetic program’ metaphor is
thought to have been independently coined in two papers, one by
François Jacob and Jacques Monod and one by Ernst Mayr (Peluffo
2015). It should also be noted that Bateson described Chapter 2 of
Extended Phenotype as the best rebuttal of genetic determinism he had
ever come across (Bateson 1986; even arch- critic Mary Midgley
described it as ‘admirable’, Midgley 1983). Even so, Bateson argues
that ‘gene-for’-language is slippery. For example, Bateson (1986) criti-
cizes Brian Charlesworth (1978) for referring to a gene ‘coding’ for
altruism. Bateson contends that this implies that there is a one-to-one
correspondence between gene and behaviour. Thus, even the most
careful of population geneticists may appear as if they forgot that they
are dealing with a shorthand.
In general, Bateson thought that gene selectionists’ focus on how
replicators use bodies to produce copies of themselves gives too much
credit to genes in the developmental process. In a classic paragraph in
his review of The Selfish Gene he wrote:
machine makes a nest for its offspring. Indeed, using Dawkins’ own
style of teleological argument one could claim that the bird is the nest’s
way of making another nest. (Bateson 1978; my emphasis)
In a letter to his good friend, the botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker, written
15 years before the publication of The Origin of Species, Darwin described
his feelings concerning his theory of evolution like ‘confessing a murder’
(Darwin Correspondence Project 2020c). T he implications of Darwin’s
theory for science, philosophy, and religion were huge (Ruse 1986;
Dennett 1995; Sober 2011).As Darwin jotted down in a notebook in 1838:
‘Origin of man now proved. Metaphysic must flourish. He who under-
stands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke’
(Darwin 1838).
A few years earlier, in the winter of 1981, Rose had written to Nature
to alert readers of an article in New Nation, a magazine associated with
the UK far-right organization National Front, titled ‘Nationalism,
racialism: products of our selfish genes’ (Rose 1981). The article
included a photo of Dawkins and cited the works of Dawkins,
E.O. Wilson, Maynard Smith, and one ‘Travers’ (which, Rose points
out, presumably was meant to be Trivers) as bolstering their white
supremacy position. Rose’s letter ended with the following appeal:
‘May I suggest that it would be in the public interest that John
Maynard Smith and Richard Dawkins should clearly dissociate
themselves from the use of their names in support of this neo-Nazi
balderdash’ (Rose 1981). Dawkins (1981b) and Maynard Smith (1981)
both promptly, and without hesitation, did just that, saying that ‘there
is nothing in modern evolutionary biology which leads to that
conclusion [that our genetic constitution makes it impossible for us to
live in a racially integrated society]’ (Maynard Smith 1981). T his was
not the first time that Rose had made Maynard Smith publicly distance
himself from the misrepresentations of his work. A year and a half
earlier, in June 1979, Maynard Smith had typed a letter to New Scientist
that the editors gave the title ‘Thatcher’s biology’:
When, in 1964, I wrote a largely mathematical paper in Nature on
‘Group and kin selection’ I did not know that I was starting a chain of
events that would lead to the election of Mrs Thatcher’s government.
Indeed, I only realised it when I read Steven Rose’s ‘The Thatcher view
of human nature’ (Forum, 18 May, p 575). I yield to no one, not even
to Rose, in my dislike of Mrs Thatcher’s declared policies, but what
would he have me do? Fiddle the algebra? (Maynard Smith 1979)
With what other than condemnation is a person with any moral sense
supposed to respond to a system in which the ultimate purpose in life
is to be better than your neighbor at getting genes into future gener
ations, in which those successful genes provide the message that instructs
the development of the next generation, in which that message is
Someone who did not care much for Huxley’s message was the
Russian aristocrat, anarchist, and scientist Peter Kropotkin. Outraged
by Huxley’s ‘The struggle for existence in human society’ quoted
above (Huxley 1888), Kropotkin developed his argument in eight
essays during the 1890s, eventually jointly published in Mutual Aid: A
Factor of Evolution (Kropotkin 1902). Relying primarily on his own
fieldwork in the remote parts of Siberia, Kropotkin’s central thesis was
that relationships among organisms were best characterized, not by a
struggle for existence, but by mutual solidarity. Making sense of
Huxley and Kropotkin and the broader connection between evolu-
tionary theory and ethics is far from trivial (see extensive treatments
by, e.g., Rachels 1991; Nitecki and Nitecki 1993; James 2010).
Like Kropotkin, several modern writers have also sought to state
the case that the world is not fundamentally selfish. Books making this
argument have often used variations on the title of The Selfish Gene to
make the point. Examples include Joachim Bauer’s Das kooperative
Gen: Abschied vom Darwinismus (The Cooperative Gene: Farewell
to Darwinism; Bauer 2008), Joan Roughgarden’s The Genial Gene
(Roughgarden 2009), Fern Elsdon-Baker’s The Selfish Genius (Elsdon-
Baker 2009), and Göran Greider’s Den solidariska genen (The Loyal
Gene; Greider 2014). In fairness, books supportive of a gene’s-eye
view have had similar titles. One example is Dawkins’s former student,
Mark Ridley’s Mendel’s Demon: Gene Justice and the Complexity of Life
(Ridley 2000), which was renamed The Cooperative Gene: How Mendel’s
Demon Explains the Evolution of Complex Beings for the American
Others have also worried about the association between selfish
genes and selfish humans. Andrew Briggs, Hans Halvorson, and
Andrew Steane suggest replacing ‘selfish genes’ with ‘eager genes’
simply because the latter is ‘morally neutral’ (Briggs et al. 2018,
Indeed, Dawkins ends the first edition of The Selfish Gene with:
We have the power to defy the selfish genes of our birth and, if neces-
sary, the selfish memes of our indoctrination. (. . .) We are built as gene
machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to
turn against our creators. We, alone on earth, can rebel against the
tyranny of the selfish replicators. (Dawkins 1976, p. 215)
The way we talk about evolution has ramifications for how we view
ourselves.Yet, just as there is no contradiction in the physician scientist
devoting her career to both describing and eradicating cancer, our
commitment to the science of evolution says nothing about our moral
outlook. Selfish genes do not necessarily make selfish people.
3.7 Summary
Inclusive Fitness and
Hamilton’s Rule
4.1 Introduction
the difference between Bill and most other people was that he had a
total of over one hundred ideas, with the result that at least ten of them
were brilliant, whereas the rest of us have only four or five ideas as long
as we live, with the result that none of them are. (Zuk 2000)
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0005
draft of The Selfish Gene was based on a series of lecture notes Dawkins
developed to communicate Hamilton’s ideas to his undergraduate
students (Dawkins 2013a, p. 201). One of these former students, Jim
Mallett, now a professor at Harvard University and University College
London, recalls the name of the course to have been ‘Gene Machines’
( J. Mallet, personal communication). T he course title later inspired
the name of Chapter 4 of The Selfish Gene (The gene machine).
If Dawkins clearly cherished teaching, especially within the Oxford
tutorial system (Dawkins 2008a), Hamilton had a different reputation.
He was a notoriously bad lecturer, at least as far as large undergraduate
courses went. During his time as a junior faculty member at Imperial
College, Silwood Park, undergraduates used to urge the departmental
administrators not to count their results in Hamilton’s course towards
their degree marks (Segerstrale 2013, p. 392). Robert Trivers also recalls
Hamilton coming to give a talk at Harvard only to deliver ‘one of the
worst lectures [Trivers] had ever seen in [his] life’ (Trivers 2015, p. 188).
Many biologists therefore seem to have learned about Hamilton’s
work from secondary sources. T he fact that Hamilton’s two-part
landmark paper from 1964 (Hamilton 1964a, 1964b) has often been
cited incorrectly has been taken as evidence of this. The correct title
is ‘The genetical evolution of social behaviour’ but, as Seger and
Harvey (1980) showed, out of 200 papers published between 1965 and
1979 some 20% cited it as ‘The genetical theory of social behaviour’
instead. The paper was miscited by all sorts of authors, critics and sup-
porters alike, and among graduate students as well as luminaries
including Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Lewontin, E.O. Wilson, and
John Maynard Smith. Seger and Harvey noted that among the sixty-
three papers published before 1975 only one contained the incorrect
citation, leading them to suggest that many had used the erroneous
version found in the first edition of E.O. Wilson’s Sociobiology
(Wilson 1975). T he first edition of The Selfish Gene also contains this
mistake, and whether the error came from either book or not is
unclear. In the endnotes added to the second edition of The Selfish
Gene published in 1989, Dawkins devotes quite a bit of space to
evolution of altruistic behavior’ later the same year. T owards the end
of his career, Hamilton would refer to the paper as his ‘little-read first
paper’ (Hamilton 1996, p. 5). He had actually completed ‘the real man-
ifesto’ prior to penning his letter, but a reviewer (who we now know
was John Maynard Smith) had suggested extensive rewrites, including
splitting the paper into two (hence, Hamilton 1964a, 1964b). Feeling
the pressure from his graduate advisors, he decided to submit a short
précis of his key ideas. After a rapid desk rejection from Nature—
which was accompanied with the advice to try a ’psychological or
socialogical [sic] journal’ (Hamilton 1996, p. 3)—he decided to send
the ‘letter’ to the American Naturalist.
Despite being less than three pages long, the paper is remarkably
full of novel insights (Gardner 2015; Marshall 2015, pp. 11–13). For
instance, the paper contains one of the clearest and earliest articula-
tions of the gene’s-eye view. Discussing a locus where the G allele
causes its carrier to perform some sort of altruistic behaviour, whereas
g has no such effect, he writes:
(Continued )
assumptions (garbage in, garbage out, to be crass), and one can argue
that because the assumptions of the general version of Hamilton’s Rule
are so minimal, so are the scientific insights that can be gained from it.
These criticisms are all fair and not to be dismissed lightly. T he
general version of Hamilton’s Rule is in fact of little help in predicting
evolutionary change in a given ecological situation. Even so, rb > c
also offers a really simple framework for empirical workers to use as
starting point, without the need for more sophisticated and specific
models. More exact predictions require further assumptions motiv
ated by the particular biological system modelled. Moreover, because
regression coefficients are used to define the parameters, it can only
ever identify correlations, not actual causations.
There is a sense, however, in which these criticisms measure the
value of the general version of Hamilton’s Rule against the wrong
yardstick. The point of the general version is not to provide exact
fine-grained causal explanations of particular scenarios, but to instead
offer a way to classify, compare, and contrast more detailed causally
appropriate models (the kind that biologists have been making for
decades; Gardner et al. 2007, 2011; Marshall 2015). As an organizing
framework, the general version also offers a way to identify common
mechanisms in the origin of social behaviours. It provides a classifica-
tory scheme and common vocabulary to translate among models,
which allows more detailed theoretical models to be interpreted,
compared, and contrasted in a unified way. Having mathematical
frameworks that themselves make no predictions but facilitate com-
parisons among more specific models is in no way unique to social
evolution. For example, this also is the case in physics, as recently
expressed by Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg:‘Our most import
ant theories, like Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics, are
not falsifiable, because they do not make predictions by themselves,
but provide general frameworks for more specific theories, which do
make predictions’ (quoted in Horgan 2015). By this yardstick,
Hamilton’s Rule can be said to be doing rather well. For example, while
the mathematical details of Axelrod and Hamilton’s game theoretical
models (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981) and Taylor and
Frank’s kin selection differential equations (Taylor and Frank 1996)
are quite different, they can both be can be translated into the general
framework and shown to satisfy the rb > c inequality.
The price of this generality is that in such comparisons r, b, and c,
are no longer meaningful separate entities. Rather, what matters is c
and the compound entity rb. Should this be called Hamilton’s Rule?
Both Williams and Dawkins saw a great deal of value in the concept
of inclusive fitness and both repeatedly stressed its equivalence with
the gene’s-eye view. Williams even came tantalizingly close to dis
covering kin selection in 1957 in a paper with his wife Doris (Williams
and Williams 1957). In Adaptation and Natural Selection, published only
a few years after Hamilton’s key papers, Williams wrote:
Genic selection should be assumed to imply the current conception of
natural selection often termed neo-Darwinian. An organic adaptation
would be a mechanism designed to promote the success of an individual
conceded that Nowak and colleagues are correct that inclusive fitness
is often very difficult to calculate in practice (Dawkins 2014). At the
same time, he insisted that inclusive fitness follows deductively from
population genetics and that the way to prove it is not through
experiment, but logically, just as one would not prove Pythagoras’s
Theorem by measuring angles with a ruler in nature. Dawkins con-
cludes his reasoning by saying that he would prefer to ‘forget about
inclusive fitness and go straight to the level of the gene’. Nowak and
colleagues are in this way joining a longstanding critique of inclusive
Part of the problem could be that there appears to be some confu-
sion among the authors of Nowak et al. (2010) about whether or not
their model is actually a critique of the gene’s-eye view. T he main
paper is largely a group-selection flavoured verbal model, whereas the
meaty appendix relies on a gene- centric mathematical approach.
Following the paper’s publication, the authors have also given some-
what contradictory statements. For example, in an interview with The
Guardian, a British broadsheet, E.O. Wilson said of selfish gene think-
ing: ‘I have abandoned it and I think most serious scientists working
on it have abandoned it. Some defenders may be out there, but they
have been relatively or completely silenced since our major paper
[Nowak et al. 2010] came out’ (Johnston 2014). At the same time,
Nowak, Tarnita, and Wilson write in the 2010 paper: ‘A “gene-
centered” approach for the evolution of eusociality makes inclusive
fitness theory unnecessary’ (Nowak et al. 2010). A similar point is
reiterated in a statement signed by all three authors on website of
Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, where Nowak is the
director: ‘our model for the evolution of eusociality is not a group
selection model; instead it describes selection operating at the level of
genes’ (Nowak et al. 2011). T hus, critics of Hamilton’s work like,
at least some of the time, to frame their argument in terms of gene
selectionism. T his kind of rhetoric is also evident in Nowak’s contri-
bution on inclusive fitness to the edited volume This Idea Must Die
(Nowak 2015). Demonstrating the difficulty (some would say futility)
in trying to sort opinions under clear labels, Nowak himself resists the
term ‘gene’s-eye view’ preferring ‘population genetics’ or ‘evolution-
ary dynamics’ (M.A. Nowak, personal communication).
gene’s-eye view fits in. The derivation shows why the general version
of Hamilton’s Rule works best under a genic view of the environ
ment. Focusing on Cov(wi,pi) allows the natural selection part of evo-
lutionary change to be captured, but only in a constant environment.
Making such an assumption requires us to think, as Fisher did, of the
environment of a given allele to include not just the external envir
onment, but also the rest of the genome (Fisher 1918). From the per-
spective of an individual organism, conceptualizing any changes in the
genomic context (other genes in the genome and in the gene pool)
that an allele may find itself in as environmental makes little sense.
From the gene’s-eye view it is straightforward. The only way that
Cov(wi,pi) can be taken to capture natural selection in a constant envir
onment is if this gene’s-eye view of the environment is adopted. T he
connection between inclusive fitness theory and the gene’s-eye view
may appear to be a subtle point in the derivation of the general ver-
sion of Hamilton’s Rule, but it demonstrates that the intimate rela-
tionship is not just a historical accident.
Examining the general version of Hamilton’s Rule also opens an
interesting door to some potential tensions with the gene’s-eye view.
Recall that a key step in Queller’s derivation of the general version of
Hamilton’s Rule is that the transmission term, E ( w i Dpi ), of the Price
equation is assumed to be 0. T his means that genetic drift, among
other things, is ignored, which is usually acceptable if the primary
concern is adaptation. From a gene’s-eye view, a more important con-
sequence is that it forces us to ignore within-organism selection due
to, for example, meiotic drive or other forms of genomic conflict. T his
is a rather high price to pay. That all genes work together for the same
purpose is a crucial assumption of many inclusive fitness models. T he
gene’s-eye view, however, stresses that such unity of purpose cannot
just be taken for granted. It is there and it must be explained.
To see whether this potential tension actually manifests, I next
examine the tradition in evolutionary biology that has sought to use
inclusive fitness as the answer to the question of what is it that organ-
isms should appear designed to be trying to maximize. I therefore
The Formal Darwinism Project takes as its starting point what it con-
siders to be Darwin’s central insight: that evolution by natural selec-
tion provides a way by which a purely mechanistic process (inheritance
and reproduction) can give rise to the appearance of design in the
living world (see also Dennett 1995 and Haig 2020). Its goal is to for-
malize this insight. T
he chief architect of this unification effort is Alan
Grafen, who received his undergraduate degree in experimental
psychology and a master’s degree in economics before doing his doc-
torate in evolutionary biology under Dawkins’s supervision. T ogether
with Andy Gardner, he is probably the best representative of the con-
temporary neo-Paleyan tradition in British biology introduced in
Chapter 1.
Grafen seeks to construct a mathematical bridge between the
dynamic models of population genetics that capture changes in gene
frequencies and the optimality models that describe fitness maximiza-
tion. By doing so, he wants to mathematically justify the ‘individual-
as-maximizing-agent analogy’, which he argues is an analogy taken
for granted by many empirical biologists, especially behavioural
ecologists, but is one that lacks formal grounding. Grafen’s bridge-
building attempt began with Grafen (1999) and now spans several
papers, many abstract and technical even for biologists with a serious
theoretical bent. Grafen (2007) and Grafen (2008) offer non-
mathematical overviews and the 2014 special issue of Biology and
Philosophy provides an introduction to the many conceptual issues of
the project (see the opening paper by the editors Okasha and
Paternotte 2014 and Grafen’s outline and response to the eleven com-
menting papers; Grafen 2014a; 2014b).
frequency of the rare mutation, and the mutant’s fitness can be cap-
tured by a linear model. T his fact allows wIF to be linked to invasion
fitness so that the rate at which the mutation is spreading is the inclu-
sive fitness of that mutation lineage. In other words:
g = w IF = 1 - c + br
Since a rare mutation will invade when g > 1, the above expression
can be rearranged to that say that the rare mutation will spread when
the inequality rb > c is satisfied. Akçay and Van Cleve thus recover
Hamilton’s Rule while connecting the simple theoretical concept of
invasion fitness, g, to a more practical concept of individual fitness, w.
Akçay and Van Cleve’s definition of the inclusive fitness of a gene
comes with two key implications. The first is that it no longer makes
sense to think of inclusive fitness as a generalization of classical fitness,
as Hamilton originally did. Inclusive fitness is simply the fitness of a
genetic lineage averaged across all possible states the lineage may find
itself in, including genetic backgrounds, population structures, and
biotic and abiotic environments. The second implication is that it
transfers inclusive fitness from the individual organism to the genetic
lineage. As discussed, the fact that inclusive fitness is under the full
control of the individual organism is often cited as a key advantage of
inclusive fitness theory. Relinquishing this may therefore be a big pill
to swallow. Whereas Dawkins and Williams never used these exact
terms, this move from organism to genetic lineage should be easier to
accept for proponents of the gene’s-eye view.
even if meiotic drivers, or any other genes that can promote their own
transmission at the expense of other genes, are initially favoured, their
spread will be counteracted by selection at other unlinked loci, and
because there will be more such loci, they will serve the ‘majority
interest’ (see also Scott and West 2019). According to Fromhage and
Jennions, the ‘majority interest’ of the genome is best served by pro-
ducing organisms with high ‘vehicle quality’, as measured by the abil-
ity to produce copies of the organism’s genes. More specifically, high
vehicle quality is measured by counting copies of a hypothetical gene
with idealized properties, a ‘reference gene’, which represents the
genome’s majority interest.
The reference gene (as is often the case with the gene’s-eye view,
the ‘gene’ in question is actually an allele) has four key properties:
These four properties serve two main functions: allowing the number
of reference genes to be counted (properties 1 and 2) and to guarantee
that a reference gene is a good stand-in for the genome’s majority
interest (properties 3 and 4).
Estimating vehicle quality by the number of reference gene copies
that a focal individual is causally responsible for means that it can be
quantified as follows. Under sexual reproduction, the probability of a
reference gene being transmitted from parent to offspring is given by
s. Assuming outbreeding, s = 0.5. Pedigree relatedness is given by r,
and the number of propagated reference gene copies is captured by
the expression s × Σ(r × Δr), where Δr is the additional offspring pro-
duced by relatives with relatedness r, as caused by the focal
This way of doing the sums counts all the offspring of the focal
individual, and thus it does not include the ‘stripping’ part of
4.6 Summary
Empirical Implications
5.1 Introduction
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0006
that difference here. Papers in the Biology and Philosophy special issue
mentioned above (Dawkins 2004b; Laland 2004; Turner 2004;
Jablonka 2004) and the more recent exchange in The Journal of Genetics
(Gupta et al. 2017a, 2017b; Feldman et al. 2017) provide some flavour
of the kind of emotions that that debate elicits.
Even within the stricter definition of extended phenotypes, there
are plenty of examples of animal architecture. Mike Hansell documents
several of them and show that they typically fulfil one of three
functions: providing a secure home to live in, capturing prey, and
communicating with members of the same species (Hansell 2005).
Hansell’s comprehensive review demonstrate just how much is known
about how and why animals build. Yet, Dawkins (2004b) lamented
that twenty years after The Extended Phenotype, nobody had studied
the genetics of animal architecture.
A decade later, such a study finally appeared. Weber et al. (2013)
showed that the shape and size of the escape tunnels used by oldfield
mice (Peromyscus polionotus) are associated with a surprisingly small
number of genes. Using a quantitative trait locus mapping approach,
they identified four independent regions of the genome, each on a
different chromosome, that varies with variation in the tunnel
phenotype. One genomic region correlates with whether an individual
builds a tunnel at all, and three control the size of the tunnel, each
responsible for about 3 centimetres of length. The study beautifully
illustrates how the gene’s-eye view re-imagines the boundary between
organism and environment. Just as the environment is not restricted
to the outside of the organism, the phenotypic effects of a gene are
not limited to the organism itself.
Dawkins’s second kind of extended phenotype, action at a distance,
refers the manipulation of behaviour by another individual, of the
same or different species. T o Dawkins, the theoretical underpinnings
of action at distance can be traced to a paper he co-authored with
John Krebs on animal signals (Dawkins and Krebs 1978; see also Krebs
and Dawkins 1984). In it, they reject the field’s previous interpretation
of animal signals as always being cooperative, where cooperation is
5.3 Greenbeards
traits from being broken up, ensuring that beards and behaviour
stay linked.
The detection argument holds that even if greenbeards do evolve,
they will be difficult for researchers to notice in nature. T he reason for
this is that greenbeard genes are expected to evolve under strong
selection and so will rapidly spread to fixation in the population
(Biernaskie et al. 2013). At that point, the greenbeard would lose its
effect. There seem to be biological reasons for why this does not
always happen. T ake, for example, the Gp-9 greenbeard gene in the
red fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), the first example of a greenbeard found
in nature (Keller and Ross 1998; Ross and Keller 2002). Gp-9 is
involved in the production of an odour-binding protein and comes in
two alleles (B and b). The recessive allele (b) acts as a greenbeard by
causing workers to use the odour to detect queens that lack the allele
and kill them. Queen-killing can happen because the queens in pop-
ulations with multiple queens are heterozygous (Bb) at the Gp-9 locus.
These Bb queens produce BB and Bb offspring (bb offspring die
young). BB queens would give rise to mongyne colonies (i.e. with
only one queen), were they not killed by Bb workers. The homozy-
gous lethality means that b will not spread to fixation, and the result-
ing polymorphism is what allows the greenbeard to be detected.
Another reason that greenbeards may be difficult to detect is that
they may be in conflict with the rest of the genome (Alexander and
Borgia 1978). Such a situation arises when the relatedness coefficient
between two individuals at the greenbeard locus is different from the
genome-wide average. Whereas it is in the interest of the greenbeard
locus to favour another greenbeard individual, this interest may not be
shared by other genes in the genome. For some time confusion existed
in the literature about the generality of this situation. For example,
Ridley and Grafen (1981) demonstrated that a suppressor mutation
that prevents the greenbeard from being expressed will generally be
favoured only when the greenbeard itself is under positive selection.
While suppressing the greenbeard saves the individual the cost of
behaving favourably towards other greenbeards, the suppression also
given the severity of the syndrome. The way to make sense of this is
that the disease-causing mutation is located in the mitochondria and
that the disease affects males more than females (Milot et al. 2017). In
an extra twist to the story, the authors were able to demonstrate that
the mutation was introduced to the Quebec population by one of the
so-called Filles du roi (King’s Daughters) who were sent there in the
17th century by the French King Louis XIV in an attempt to help
populate the colony of New France.
Another way that selfish genetic elements can manipulate the
transmission to their own advantage is to interfere directly with the
process of meiosis. Because sexual reproduction results in a zygote
that is the product of the mixing of genes from two individuals, an
opportunity for competition between nuclear genes in each parent
arises over who makes it into the zygote. T his potential conflict is
mainly avoided by the imposition of fair meiosis (Leigh 1971; Haig
and Grafen 1991; Frank 2003). Still, there are several ways genes can
cause unfair meiosis and end up being overrepresented in gametes
(Lindholm et al. 2016). One example from female meiosis involves
genes that ensure that they are preferentially transmitted to the egg
cell, as opposed to one of the two polar bodies. Because polar bodies
are not fertilized, genes with this ability are guaranteed to be
transmitted to the next generation. Another example are so-called
sperm killers, where genes damage the development of sperms in
which they are absent. Two of the best studied examples of this selfish
strategy are the Segregation Distorter in Drosophila melanogaster
(Larracuente and Presgraves 2012) and the t-haplotype of the domestic
mouse Mus musculus (Herrmann and Bauer 2012).
A closely related example is B chromosomes. T hese are chromo-
somes that are not required for the viability or fertility of the organ-
ism but exist in addition to the normal set (the so-called A set;
Jones 1991; Douglas and Birchler 2017; Benetta et al. 2019). B chro-
mosomes persist in the population and accumulate because they have
the ability to propagate themselves faster than the A chromosomes.
Though typically smaller than other chromosomes, their gene poor,
How to make sense of Gould’s critique? One way is to recall the dis-
cussion of pluralistic gene selectionism in Chapter 3 and note several
versions of the gene’s-eye view can be said to exist. The strongest ver-
sion argues that the gene level is the only level of selection, and talking
about other levels is misleading. This is how much of The Selfish Gene
is written. Other, weaker, versions emphasize that the Necker cube
approach to genic and individual selection and/or suggest that all
instances of evolution can at least be represented as changes in allele
frequency. The least controversial version simply states that in some
cases, for example selfish genetic elements, the gene is the level of
Above Gould is attacking the strongest version of the gene’s-eye
view, the argument that only the gene level perspective truly represents
evolution by natural selection. Although he never warmed to the
term ‘selfish DNA’ (as selfish genetic elements were often called
during Gould’s active years), as he thought it privileged the individual
organism in an inappropriate way, he did consider selfish genetic
elements to be strong evidence for a hierarchical view of evolutionary
biology (Gould 1977, 1983a). The link between within- genome
selection and hierarchy was later been picked up and expanded
by several others (Vrba and Eldredge 1984; Doolittle 1989;
Gregory 2004, 2013; Gregory et al. 2016). The main argument of
these authors is that evolutionary explanations of selfish genetic ele-
ments must involve selection at both the level of the selfish genetic
element and at the level of the individual organism. Like proponents
of a gene’s-eye view, Gould and his intellectual allies strive to demote
the individual from a central position in evolutionary theory. T he two
groups part ways in that Gould and friends want to add additional
levels to the hierarchy, whereas gene selectionists insist on focusing on
one level, that of the gene.
Given Gould’s aversion for adaptationism, it is surprising that he
did not pick up on how the gene’s-eye view and the study of selfish
genetic elements can act to counter naive adaptationist thinking.
Instead, this message was deliver by two representatives of evolutionary
psychology, often considered the worst offenders of uncritical
adaptationism, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby. The pair made the
point in a sharply worded letter to the editor of The New York Review
of Books responding to two of Gould’s essays that touched on
selfish genetic elements in the first place, but how it can be main-
tained once it is there.
5.5 Summary
The Gene’s-Eye View of Evolution. J. Arvid Ågren, Oxford University Press. © J. Arvid Ågren 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862260.003.0007
written. Someone who was straddling that tricky balance was Ernst
Mayr, who has had an enormous influence on the way in which we
evolutionary biologists view our field, its history, and its philosophy.
Robert Trivers once described him as having ‘the strongest phenotype of
any organism [he had] ever met, man or beast’ (Trivers 2009) and books
like The Growth of Biological Thought (Mayr 1982), One Long Argument
(Mayr 1991), and This is Biology (Mayr 1998) have been read by many
aspiring evolutionary biologists. Readers of Mayr’s books, however,
receive one version of the history of biology. In particular, it quickly
becomes clear that the ideas that Mayr himself held dear (most notable
the biological species concept) fare rather well in his version of events.
This book is not a history book, but history plays an important role
and so does philosophy. I, like Mayr, am a biologist by training and
temperament, not a historian or a philosopher of science, and the
book should be read with that in mind.
Another issue with scientists writing their own history is the ques-
tion of who the intended audience is. Here, Mayr’s Harvard colleague
Stephen Jay Gould serves as a good example. Gould featured exten-
sively in some chapters of this book, as one of the most articulate and
public critics of the gene’s-eye view. In many ways, he filled the role
of critic-in-chief admirably (see, e.g., Dawkins’s tribute ‘Unfinished
correspondence with a Darwinian heavy weight’ published following
Gould’s death; Dawkins 2003, pp. 218–222). Gould was a fierce opponent
of what he considered the ‘hardening’ of the modern synthesis with
its increased focus on selection and gene-level explanations, as well as
a tireless advocate of hierarchy, constraints, punctuated rates of change,
and non-adaptive evolution (see, e.g., Gould 1980, 1983b; Brown 1999
and Sterelny 2007 provide readable overviews).
Gould often published his criticisms in popular magazines, rather
than scientific journals. Such public disagreements over the state of
contemporary evolutionary biology put his professional colleagues in
an awkward spot. For example, in his review of Daniel Dennett’s
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Dennett 1995)—a book that was very critical
of Gould—John Maynard Smith wrote:
The gene’s-eye view was more radical than that. But through their
appeal to orthodoxy Williams and Dawkins were able introduce
comprehensive reform and dethrone the individual organism from
the centre of evolutionary explanations and install the gene in its
Thinking about the role of individual scientists in history also
raises the question of what to do when our scientific heroes disap-
point us. I would not have written this book if I did not think
Dawkins had made a foundational contribution to our theoretical
understanding of evolution. On top of his technical work early in his
career, he spent most of his working life introducing evolutionary
biology to beginners, as a lecturer at the University of Oxford and to
a large global audience through his numerous best-selling books.
Lately, he has ruffled many feathers through his advocacy of atheism
and he has also been embroiled in various befuddling controversies
surrounding race and gender, typically originating on Twitter. In a
long, and overall very favourable, article in The Guardian titled ‘Is
Richard Dawkins destroying his reputation?’ his friend and intellec-
tual ally Daniel Dennett is quoted worrying that Dawkins was
‘seriously damaging his long-term legacy’ (Elmhirst 2015). I hope
Dawkins’s legacy will be the gene’s-eye view, but that is a subject for
future historians of biology.
For other thinkers featured in this book, it is possible to tell already.
I have extensively discussed the ideas of R.A. Fisher, including those
first put forward in papers like ‘Some hopes of a eugenicist’
(Fisher 1914). Recent years have seen increased scrutiny of Fisher’s
philosophical views, which have prompted several institutions to re-
evaluate their affiliation with him. In the span of a few weeks in the
spring of 2020, The Society for the Study of Evolution decided to
remove his name from the annual award given to the best paper
published by a graduate student in the journal Evolution and his former
Cambridge college debated taking down the stained window
commemorating him from its dining hall. Fisher’s scientific work
Biologists should never lose sight of animals (or other kinds of organ-
isms, from Archaea to orchids). The gene’s-eye view is not the only
way to think about evolution and natural selection, and for some
questions it is not the best. But the odds of getting the most out of it
will increase if one understands what biological aspects it tends to
favour and why.
I personally find the story told by the gene’s-eye view both dramatic
and inspiring. It is my experience, however, that whether this picture
is shared by others depend both on what biological questions that
they are interested in, and how the gene’s-eye view fits into the
general intellectual environment where they received their scientific
or philosophical training.
Final thoughts
Throughout this book I have tried to guide the reader through the
many-times quite intricate and sprawling literature that surrounds the
gene’s-eye view. Regardless of whether we consider it a Pareto error
or the primus inter pares of all ways to think about evolution, I believe
that by understanding its origin, logic, and implications will help us
realize its full potential.
I have often been frustrated by debates over the value of the gene’s-
eye view, both among scientific colleagues and in the public arena,
and equally so by its supporters and its critics. It is my hope that this
book can contribute some nuance to this discourse and that, after
having made it this far, the reader will leave with a little bit familiarity
with this special way to read nature.
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r e f e r e nces 233
Tables and boxes are indicated by an italic t and b following the page number.
acquired characteristics, inheritance B chromosomes 165, 169–70, 172, 174
of 62 ‘balance of nature’ concept 21
action at a distance 156–7 Barash, David P. 44–5
active germ-line replicators 62 Barkow, Jereme 177
Adaptation and Natural Selection Barlow, Nora 21
(Williams) 2, 12, 24, 38–40, 41–2, Bateson, Patrick 103–6
44, 46–9, 51, 90, 99, 129–30, 175, Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller
183, 185 incompatibilities 173
adaptationism 12–25, 137–43, 176 Batty, Charles 139
Aeon 188 beanbag genetics 25–6, 185
agential thinking 57, 86–8, 103–4 beaver dams 155
Aiken, George 100 behavioural ecology 87, 192–3
Akçay, Erol 144–6, 149 beneficiary of selection question 4–5,
Allee, W.C. 37–8, 39 60, 61–2, 76, 77, 78, 101
Allen, Benjamin 133, 138 Bentley, Michael 40
altruism 36, 43, 80 Biernaskie, Jay M. 162
see also inclusive fitness and biological hierarchy 35–6, 72–8, 98–9, 176
Hamilton’s Rule; kin selection biology
American Naturalist 47, 120–1, 132, 174 philosophy of 6, 47–8, 54–5
American Society of Naturalists 50 uniqueness of 85–6
Ancestor’s Tale,The (Dawkins) 58 Biology and Philosophy 137, 154, 156
Anglican Church 14, 15, 17, 191 Bioscience 47, 132
animal architecture 155–6 Blackmore, Susan 66
Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social blending inheritance 71, 135
Behaviour (Wynne-Edwards) 37–8, Blind Watchmaker,The (Dawkins) 23, 63
40 Bonner, John Tyler 74
Ant and the Peacock,The (Cronin) 80–1 bookkeeping objection 82, 97–103
anthropomorphism 81, 82–9, 103–4 Bourke, Andrew 78, 143
licensed 89 Boyle Lectures 15
ants Brandon, Robert 48, 59
carpenter 158 Bridgewater Treatises 18
red fire 161, 163 Brief Candle in the Dark (Dawkins) 132
Ardrey, Robert 40 Briggs, Andrew 113
armpit effect 160 brood parasitism 157
atheism 14, 15, 17, 18, 22–3, 184 Burt, Austin 167, 174
averaging fallacy 94–6 Buss, Leo 72, 74, 76
236 I n de x
I n de x 237
238 I n de x
I n de x 239
240 I n de x
I n de x 241
replicators and vehicles 48–9, 57–64, rowing analogy 35, 81–2, 89–91, 93
68, 70–2, 100–1 title of 61, 93
restorer genes 168 selfish genes
retrotransposons 170–1 as beneficiaries of natural
Richards, Robert 191 selection 4–5, 61–2, 77, 78, 101
Ridley, Mark 75, 113, 161–2 definitions 48–53, 94
Ridley, Matt 3 as information 63–4, 107
River Out of Eden (Dawkins) 111 length of 53–5
RNA replicator concept 48–9, 57–64, 68,
genomic cooperation 178 70–2, 100–1
retrotransposons 170–1 as types or tokens 55–7, 63
Rodgers, Michael 11–12, 46, 58, 93 selfish genetic elements 124, 140–2,
Rose, Steven 109–10 152–3, 164–78
Rosenberg, Alex 54–5, 84 B chromosomes 165, 169–70, 172, 174
Rosenblueth, Arturo 186 co-evolution with suppressors 173
Roughgarden, Joan 114 early work on 164–7
rowing analogy 35, 81–2, 89–91, 93 gene’s-eye view and 174–8
Royal Society of Edinburgh 27, 29 homing endonucleases 170
Royal Society of London 3, 22, 27 hybridization and 172–3
Royal Swedish Academy of importance of sex for 171–2
Sciences 39 meiosis and 169
Ruse, Michael 6, 18, 20, 183, 191 mitochondrial genomes 141–2, 165,
Russian doll analogy 77–8 167–9, 175
restorer genes 168
Saccharomyces sp. 162–3 segregation distorters 126, 140, 169
Sagan, Carl 18 sperm killers 169
Sahlins, Marshall 109, 118 suppressors 173
Sakura, Osamu 192, 193 t-haplotype of mice 169, 175
Sapienza, Carmen 166 transposable elements 165, 166,
Schrödinger, Erwin 85 170–1, 172, 173
Science 46, 47, 130–1 selfish nucleotide theory 54–5
Scott, Thomas W. 177–8 sex ratios 130–1, 165
Scruton, Roger 3 sexual selection 80, 114
Seger, J. 117 shifting balance theory 37
Segerstrale, Ullica 5–6, 91, 110, 174 sickle-cell anaemia 95
selection coefficients 94–6, 95t Simpsons, George Gaylord 109
Selfish Gene,The (Dawkins) 2, 3, 4, 5, 44, Skilling, Jeffrey 3
185, 186 Slatkin, Montgomery 54
criticisms of 47, 82–3, 103, 104–5 Slobodkin, Lawrence 46–7
definition of gene 48–9, 51 Smart, J.J.C. 185
expanded definition of Smith, Adam 191
environment 34, 35 Sober, Elliot 29, 48, 60–1, 76, 94–6, 95t,
greenbeards 159 98, 102
group selection 76 social behaviours
Hamilton’s work 116–18 greenbeards and 152, 159–64
human nature and morality 109, group selection and 13, 35–43
110–11, 114 kin selection 37, 40–1, 71, 118, 123,
philosophy of biology and 47–8 129, 135, 162
publication of 11–12, 46 see also inclusive fitness and
replicators and vehicles 57–8, 59, 61 Hamilton’s Rule
242 I n de x