Altruism, Kin Selection, and Cooperative Breeding
Altruism, Kin Selection, and Cooperative Breeding
Altruism, Kin Selection, and Cooperative Breeding
Kin Selection,
and Cooperative
• Natural selection acts on individuals.
• Traits like behavior do not evolve to benefit the species.
• Traits that are beneficial to individual fitness are favored and spread
through populations and species over time.
Effect on Fitness of
Interaction Actor Recipient
Mutualism + +
Selfish behavior + -
Spiteful behavior - -
Altruism - +
Mutualism: behavior has positive effect on fitness
of actor and recipient
Bluegill sunfish males care
for eggs
An evolutionary puzzle
Is this altruism?
Most biologists agree: giving aid to offspring is parental care and not
altruism, while giving aid to other relatives is altruism
To generate a definition of altruism that includes non-offspring relatives, we need
to make some distinctions between categories of fitness
Recall fitness:
FITNESS = reproductive success of an individual, relative to other members of
the species
.5 of .5 of offspring
Parent & kid 1/2
genes genes related by
0.5 Sibs 1/2
Identical twins 1
Full siblings related by 0.5
Male turkeys often court females in
coalitions (2-4 males)
Display jointly, cooperatively ward
off other males
The helper that did the most baby-sitting was not more related
to young than the helper that did the least
Full siblings did not help more than others
In this system, relatedness does not explain variation in
helping behavior
Direct benefit of helping behavior in meerkats: predator detection
-Each year about half of all Florida Scrub-Jay territories are occupied by a
mated pair and 1 - 6 “helpers,”— usually comprised of offspring from previous
-The longer a pair is together, the more helpers they have.
Individual selection
-some aspects of cooperative
breeding have positive effects
on direct fitness of actor
-can be considered mutualism
Kin selection
-some aspects of cooperative breeding
can be explained by relatedness and
inclusive fitness of the actor