Accessible Goods Only Lifts (AGOLS) : The Law & Levels of Safety
Accessible Goods Only Lifts (AGOLS) : The Law & Levels of Safety
Accessible Goods Only Lifts (AGOLS) : The Law & Levels of Safety
Abstract. When a person enters a lift - whether to load it, unload it or just to travel in it - the
question is whether they are entitled to believe that it offers an acceptable level of safety. Given that
the function of the lift, whether manufactured to The Lift Directive or The Machinery Directive, is
the same (i.e. to move goods from one level to another), would it not be reasonable to expect that
the levels of safety would be the same? This paper will look at the different requirements against
uncontrolled movement in the downward direction and will discuss the risks with reduced levels of
protection, as well as the implications for persons in the car, including those who have to enter the
car to maintain the said lift.
An AGOL is an “Accessible Goods Only Lift”. This means that it was intended to transport goods
only and was not intended to have passengers travel in it.
Following the introduction of the Supply of machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 [2] , which enacted
the 1992 Machinery Directive [3], the Essential Health & Safety Requirements (EHSR’s) of these
Regulations set out a clause (, which required machinery such as lifts to be designed and
constructed so that loads could not creep dangerously, fall freely or fall unexpectedly.
In December 2009, the Supply of machinery (safety) Regulations 2008 [4] replaced the 1992 version.
Clause remained similar but clause required “that where persons have access to the
carrier, the machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to ensure that the carrier
remains stationary during access, in particular whilst being loaded and unloaded”.
In 2010, a harmonised standard was published for AGOL’s (BS EN 81-31 [5]). This standard, whilst
not law in itself, presumes conformity to the EHSR’s of the Machinery Directive. This standard
requires rope and chain suspended lifts to be fitted with means to prevent free fall and uncontrolled
During the process of maintaining an AGOL the maintenance operative will be protected by the
Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) [6].
This, amongst other things, requires that the employer conduct a risk assessment to identify the
hazards and determine what the risks associated with the equipment and its use are. It is anticipated
that such a risk assessment would identify the obvious risk of free fall on some designs.
For many years, our industry was cautious about older designs of lifts that had no safety gear. These
were generally goods only lifts with no car operating station but often had a call and send arrangement
on the landings, to allow the operative to send the consignment of goods to wherever it was required.
Then they would go to that floor and perform the unloading task.
The issue that was identified by the industry many years ago was that there was a risk to a person
crossing the landing and car thresholds to load or unload the car, (described as a carrier in LOLER).
The industry reacted in a number of ways, including removing car operating stations where they
existed on a lift with no safety gear, placing signs on the car roof advising operatives not to ride on
the car roof, (where there would be no car top control anyway) and in some cases reduced height cars
were introduced such that it was uncomfortable for an operative to enter the car and therefore the
goods were loaded and unloaded by pushing them in from a distance on pallet trucks etc.
The issue arises when the passenger is across the threshold and there is uncontrolled movement.
Another issue that has arisen is that maintenance operatives have to travel in the lift and plug in a
pendant in some cases to operate it.
The industry does not allow car top controls on lifts with no safety gear so why would should lifts
with no safety gear be allowed to have a pendant?
The answer is very simple. They should not as the operative is a passenger being lifted, by definition.
Additional risks arise as a result of some designs not having a car door and some having a car door
but not a car door contact, allowing it to travel with the door open.
The HSE issued guidance on lifts with no car doors many years ago and it must therefore be
considered a step backwards to allow cars to not have a car door or one with no means of proving
that it is closed and locked. Given that these lifts are designed to move goods only and in an
unaccompanied manner, the risk of the goods moving during travel need to be considered.
Uncontrolled movement whilst boarding or alighting is a risk on any lift with or without a safety gear.
EN81-1 [7] & EN81-2 [8] amendment 3 (known in the industry as A3), dealt with uncontrolled
movement and was intended to prevent the risk of shearing between the car and landing in the event
of uncontrolled movement.
In the UK such incidents have occurred causing death including incidents in Woodford, Essex and in
Broadgate in the City of London.
It is clearly a well-known risk which should to be eliminated by sound engineering design such as the
addition of a safety gear.
The above example of a lift (although not an AGOL), moving with its doors open creating a shearing
affect as a passenger was across the threshold, is a real example of what could happen.
A potential issue arises with maintenance operatives, as a result of having to travel in the lift car and
on some designs having to remove panels for the car walls to access the guides, ropes or chains and
limit switches. In the event of uncontrolled movement whilst a limb is through the window there is
an obvious risk of entrapment which would potentially result in serious injury.
Even with a safety gear installed it is not considered safe to put limbs through a window to access
components due to the obvious risk of shear, even in the distance dropped by the car until the safety
gear engages.
2-4 10th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technologies
It is concluded that all AGOL’s designed to either the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations,
Machinery Directive, Lift Directive [9] or the harmonised standard EN81-31 should be fitted with
means of protection against uncontrolled movement.
It is concluded that LOLER requires that protection against free fall be fitted to any lifting installation.
It is also concluded that an operative undertaking maintenance on an AGOL would be protected by
PUWER and a risk assessment required by this statutory instrument should identify the risk of free
fall and to seek the prevention of such an occurrence.