Lucanus Cervus: 1 Description

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Lucanus cervus

Lucanus cervus is the best-known species of stag beetle ogist Charlie Morgan during the late 1970s discovered
in the West (family Lucanidae), and is sometimes referred that the pupae of the stag beetle live in the soil for about
to simply as the stag beetle. In the UK it is associated with 3 months, then emerge in summer to awkwardly fly off
urban gardens, but is more commonly found in forests in to mate. Adults only live for a few weeks, feeding on
the rest of Europe. Forest management, in eliminating nectar and tree sap. Their slow, lumbering flight, usually
old trees and dead wood, eliminates at the same time the at dusk, makes a distinctive low-pitched buzzing sound.
habitat and food of this species. Once quite common, the The males fly more readily than the females. The modern
population of the Lucanus cervus, along with that of other Italian word for a toy kite cervo volante (and hence both
species of beetles which feed on dead wood, is in de- the French cerf-volant and Spanish ciervo volante) may
cline, and is now listed as a globally threatened/declining derive from the ancient amusement of flying the beetles
species. on a length of thread.
The natural reaction of the beetle to an approaching large
object is to remain motionless, making them a good pho-
1 Description tographic subject. Sexually dimorphic, the males have
enlarged mandibles and are larger than the females. Al-
though the male’s mandibles seem threatening, they are
too weak to be harmful. Nevertheless, females can in-
flict a painful bite. It is the resemblance of the male’s
mandibles to the horns of a stag, and their use in combat
between males, much like with deer, that gives the species
its scientific and common names.

2 Protection
Lucanus cervus is registered in the second appendix of
the Habitats Directive of the European Union from 1992,
which requires that member states set aside Special Ar-
eas of Conservation. The species is also registered in the
third appendix of the Convention on the Conservation of
European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Berne conven-
tion) of 1982 and Schedule 5 of the UK’s Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981.

Sexual dimorphism - male and female

3 List of subspecies
Adults appear during late May to the beginning of August
being most active in the evenings. Females lay their eggs
in a piece of decaying wood deep in the soil. Stag bee- The best-known subspecies are:
tle larvae, which are blind and shaped like a letter “C”,
feed on rotting wood in a variety of places, tree stumps, • Lucanus cervus cervus – Males: 35–92 mm, Fe-
old trees and shrubs, rotting fence posts, compost heaps males: 35–45 mm; origin: West, Central, East Eu-
and leaf mould. The larvae have a cream-coloured soft rope
transparent body with six orange legs, and an orange head
which is very distinct from the very sharp brown pincers. • Lucanus cervus akbesianus – Males: 50–100 mm,
They have combs in their legs which they use for com- Females: 40–45 mm; origin: Syria, Turkey
munication (stridulation) with other larvae. The larvae
go through several developmental stages (instars), taking • Lucanus cervus judaicus – Males: 50–100 mm, Fe-
4 to 6 years to become pupae. The work of entomol- males: 40–50 mm; origin: Syria, Turkey


• Lucanus cervus turcicus – Males: 35–75 mm, Fe-

males: 35–40 mm; origin: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey

4 See also
• Fungiculture

5 Further reading
Harvey, D.J., Gange, A.C., et al. (2011). Bionomics and
distribution of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus (L.) across
Europe. Insect Conservation & Diversity 4, 23-38.

• Bernhard Klausnitzer: Die Hirschkäfer (Lu-

canidae). [Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei Bd. 551].
Westarp & Spektrum, Magdeburg, Heidelberg,
Berlin und Oxford 1995, ISBN 3-89432-451-1

6 External links
• Research site of Royal Holloway,
University of London containing lots of informa-
tion on the stag beetle as well as a monitoring form
and information on current conservation schemes.

• Biology of the Stag Beetle, translated from the Span-

ish article “de lo poco conocido y lo mucho por

• Brief illustrated look at the stag beetle

• 3D model of Lucanus cervus

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
• Lucanus cervus Source: Contributors: Andres, Arthur Holland,
Stephen G. Brown, BlueCanoe, Stemonitis, Bobrayner, Mtloweman, Rjwilmsi, Kugamazog, Eubot, Dysmorodrepanis, Sarefo, Krsont,
Rigadoun, Doczilla, Drinibot, LivingShadow, JAnDbot, Hydro, Aledubr, Paracel63, Svetovid, Idioma-bot, Edsova, MamaJohnny, TXiKi-
BoT, Rei-bot, Viridiflavus, Seb az86556, SieBot, Tiddly Tom, BotMultichill, Menschenfresser, Yerpo, Oculi, Czarkoff, Addbot, Download,
Fryed-peach, Amirobot, KamikazeBot, AnomieBOT, Xqbot, Simuliid, Archaeodontosaurus, Gouerouz, AstaBOTh15, Simple Bob, Emaus-
Bot, RolaPL, Wikitürkçe, ChuispastonBot, ClueBot NG, BendelacBOT, SprinterBot, Dexbot, Alan Gange, Ghostsax and Anonymous: 27

7.2 Images
• File:Cerf-volant_MHNT_male_et_femelle.jpg Source:
male_et_femelle.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Didier Descouens
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
• File:Wikispecies-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Image:Wikispecies-logo.jpg Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi-

7.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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