(Academic Script) Origin & General Characters of Mammals
(Academic Script) Origin & General Characters of Mammals
(Academic Script) Origin & General Characters of Mammals
Subject: Zoology
Academic Script
1. Origin Types
1. Amphibian ancestry.
2. Reptilian ancestry.
3. Reptiles like mammals.
4. Polyphyletic origin.
5. First true mammals.
6. Monotremes – the first mammals.
2. Ancestry in Detail
1. Amphibian Ancestry:
4. Polyphyletic origin:
6. Monotremes
Respiratory turbinates
Mammalian brain
Mammals are noted for their large brain size relative to body
size, compared to other animal groups. Recent findings suggest
that the first brain area to expand was the brain area involved in
smell. Scientists scanned the skulls of early mammal species
dating back to 190-200 million years ago and compared the brain
case shapes to earlier pre-mammal species and found that the
brain area involved in the sense of smell was the first to
enlarge.This change may have allowed these early mammals to
hunt insects at night when dinosaurs were not active. Out of all the
discussion, we conclude that the mammals have been derived from
the reptiles and completing this discussion. Now we will talk about
the general characters of mammals.