Tribal Medicinal Plants of Chittoor: S. Vedavathy, A. Sudhakar and V.Mrdula
Tribal Medicinal Plants of Chittoor: S. Vedavathy, A. Sudhakar and V.Mrdula
Tribal Medicinal Plants of Chittoor: S. Vedavathy, A. Sudhakar and V.Mrdula
Department of Botany, Sri Venkateswara Arts college, Tirupati – 517 502, Andhra Pradesh
Chittoor district is the eighth largest district Tribal medicine is considered as mother of
in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India having indigenous systems of medicine it is of
1, 30,000 tribal population. The district area atmost improtance to explore the medicinal
lies between 12o37” to 14o 8” of North flora of this district to procure authentic
latitude and 78o33” to 79o 55” of the Eastern drugs for research purpose as well as for
longitude and with a geographical area of pharmaceutical industry. The notable
15,512 Sq kms with a for=east area of contributions of ethnobotanical interest in
4513.440 Sq Kms the district is divided into Andhra Pradesh are jain et al., ( 1973),
two divisions viz East and west divisions, Hemadri et al., (1987, 87a, 87b) Prakasa
the eastern ghats are predominant in the Rao, K and Hara sriramulu S, (1985),
mountainous part of the district is 2,500 feet Seshagiri Rao & Hemadri (1984), Venkanna
above sea level, the climate is tropical and (1990).
receives rainfall form both monsoons. The
average rainfall is about 320 mm which is The present paper deals with the commonly
mostly from north east monsoon. used medicinal plants of chittoor district
used in tribal medicine. This work may
The area is inhabited by large number of point to the possibility of drug development
tribes like yanadis, Nakkalas, irulas, and scope for further detailed chemical and
yerukalas, sugalis or lambadis and chenchus. biological screening on herbal drugs under
By enumeration studies it is known that multidisciplinary approach for development
known that this region is a rich source of of new chemotherapeutic agents, for various
medicinal plants Ethnobotanically this ailments.
region remain under explored and no
comprehensive account especially on th MATERIALS AND METHODS:
folklore survey is available, the attitude of
the tribals towards disease treatment include The information on the tribal medicine
both physical and psychological, physical practices and the medicinal plants used were
treatment includes herbal therapies for the collected through in depth interviews and
symptoms, psychological treatment is informal discussions with people having
mostly by magico-religious practices. high degree of herbal knowledge. The work
was undertaken during the years 1994-1996.
pages 307-331
One hundred tribal villages in and around enumerated in alphabetical order according
east and west divisions of chittoor district to their botanical name and voucher
was surveyed. As the survey is mostly based herbarium specimen numbers) are noted
on personal contact, the survey party has against each species, followed by their
spent about one and half years conducting family, local names, part used and their
field investigation through observation and medicinal use along with the name of the
group discussions. The plants are tribe.
R Night blindness
2 Abutilon indicum (L) St. Tutturabenda I L Dysentery,
Tutturabenda Leucorrhoea, Piles.
(Malvaceae) SV (57) Psoriosis
R Galactogogue
3 Acacia sinuate (Lour) Mr Sikaya Y L Bone- fracture
(Mimosaceae) SV (72)
Fr Eczema
4 Acalypha indica L Muripinda/Kuppintaku Y L Anthelmintic,
(Euphorbiaceae) SV Dysmenorrhoea
(301) scorpion sting snake
bite, Toothache.
5 Achy ranthes aspera L. Utareni Y WP Asthma with cough
(Amaranthaceae) SV Conjuctivities custs
(55) L and wounds, corns,
deafness, piles.
Dogbite, post-
partum treatment ,
R Leprosy
Urinary troubles.
6 Adhatoda vasica nees Addasarapaku I L&R Asthma with cough,
(Acanthaceae) SV (64) Cold & Asthma,
L Antepartum
pages 307-331
7 Aegle marmelos (L) Maredu N L Jaundice, Leprosy,
(rutaceae) SV (310) Leucoderma,
Fr Hiccups, Joint
pains, piles
R Dysentery, High
blood pressure
8 Aerva lanata (L) Juss Kndapindi/Pindipoolu Y&N WP Leucorrhoea
amaranthaceae SV (2) Nephroacalcinosis
and Ureteral stones
9 Agave cantula Roxb Kittanara Y L Sexual diseases,
(Agavaceae) SV (315) Bruises
10 Ailanthusu excelsa Roxb Peddamanu Y Sb Contraceptive
simaroubaceae SV (67)
L Post-partum
11 Alangium salvifolium Ooduga N L Dogbite, fissures in
(L.F) Warg. the feet,
(Alangiaceae) SV (93) inflammations and
Fr Conjuctivities
pages 307-331
DC (Fabaceae) SV (39)
18 Amaranthus Chirikoora Ye R Abortion
roxburghianus Nevski
(Amrathaceae) SV (39)
19 Amaranthus spinosus L. Mullatotakura N L Laxative,
(Amrathaceae) SV (369) Toothache
20 Ammania baccifera L. Agivendra Y L Cancerous ulcers
(Lythraceae) SV (267)
21 Andrographis paniculata Nelavemu Ye WP Cough, Cold and
(Bf.) Wlex Ns Asthma, Fever
(Acanthaceae) SV (91) Jaundice.
R Stomach ulcers
pages 307-331
stomach ulcers, to
get back virility or
30 Azadirachta indica A. Vepachetty Y Cot Abortion
Juss (Meliaceae) SV
(37). I L Allergies,
earache, eye
diseases, fevers,
piles, post-partum
FL Jaundice
Sb Leucorrhoea,
Gum Nephroprotector
Se Rat bite.
pages 307-331
SV (105) Leucoderma
I L Fertility
FL Nephrocalcinosis &
Ureteral stones
pages 307-331
48 Carica papayaL. Boppayi Y Fr Abortion
(Caricaceae) SV (356)
L Inflammations
49 Carissa carandasL. Kalimi Y L Intermittent fevers
(Apocynaceae) SV (247)
C Se Toothache
50 Cassia auriculata L. SV Tangedu I L Bone fracture,
(299) C Se Inflamations,
Diarrhoea, Fertility
fever, Migraine,
scopion sting,
Ulcers & fissures in
the mouth
Y Rb Stomach-ache
C S Nephroprotector
51 Cassia fistula L. Relachettu I Sb Leprosy, Skin
(Caesalpiniaceae) SV
(366) Y L Diseases scorpion
Tr Sting Constipation
due to indigestion
52 Cassia occidentalis L. Kasintha Y L Boils, Leucoderma
(caesalpiniaceae) SV Rb Filariasis,
(25) Ye Se Urinary troubles
53 Catunaragam spinosa Manga N Sb Abortion
(Thumb) tirven
(Rubiaeae) SV (362) Fr Fever
54 Catharanthus roseus (L) Billganneru Y Lt Leucoderma
G Dpn (Apocynaceae)
SV (59) L Menorrhagia,
Allergic skin
55 Celastrus paniculatus Wd Jyotismati I Sb Abortion
(Celastraceae) SV (49)
Se Beri-beri
56 Centella assiatica (L) Ub Sarswathiaku Y WP Brain tonic, leprosy
in Mt (Apiaceaeae) SV
(69) I L Clear voice,
constipation due to
pages 307-331
57 Chkirixylon swetenia DC Billu I L Headache, Inflam
(Flindersiaceae) SV Chetty mation, Mosquito
(147) repellent.
58 Cissampelos Pareira L. Adavi bankateega I R Fever with body
(Menispermaceae) SV pains
59 Cissus Quadrangularis L. Nalleru Y Wp Asthma
Vitaceae) SV (205)
S Dog bite, insect bite
60 Citrullus Colocynthis (L) Verripuccha N R Abortion, Ante-
Schr (Cucurbitaceae) SV partum treatment
(48) I Fr Anthelmintic
Wp Leprosy (early
Su L Eczema
61 Cleome gynandra L. Vominta Y L Anthelmintic,
(Capparidaceae) SV Earache High blood
(358) pressure
62 Cleome viscose L. Kukka Vominta Y L Cuts & wounds
(Capparidaceae) SV deafness, Earache,
(365) Headache, tooth
63 Clerodendurm phlomidis Takkillaku I R Gonorrhoea
L.F (Verbenaceae) SV
64 Clerodendrum serrati (L) Barangi I R Asthma &
moon (Verbenaceae) SV Bronchitis
65 Clitoria ternatea L. Sankupushpam Y R Bronchitis
(fabaceae) SV (83)
Se Constipation
66 Coccinia grandis (L) Vt Dondateega I L Conjuctivitis
(Cucurbitaceae) SV Galactogogue
(353) Jaundice
Ye R Fertility
67 Cocculus hirsutus (L) Disaroteega I L Corns, Diabetes,
Diels. (Menispermaceae) Leucorrhoea,
SV (15) Menorrhagia
Su Wp Snake bite
pages 307-331
70 Commiphora caudate Nettamamidi Ye Wp Magico religious
(Wt & Arn) Engl practices
(Burseraceae) SV (364)
71 Corallocarpus epigaeus Akashagaruda N R Rheumatism,
(Root) C.B Clarke Venerial complaints
(Cucuribitaceae) SV
(364) Debility, Snake bite
72 Coriandrum sativum L. Kotimiri Y WP Indigestion, Piles
(Apiaceae) SV (370) throat pain
73 Costus speciosus (Koen)j Kevukinna Y Rh Sterilization
(Costaceae) SV (370)
74 Crotalaria verrucosa L. Gilligiccha Y Se Abortion
75 Curculigo or chioides Nelatadi R Aphrodisiac, For
gaertn (Zingeberaceae) hard & large breast
SV (359)
76 Curcuma longa L. Pasupu Y Rh Cold,
(Zingeberaceae) SV(359) inflammations skin
77 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb Savarapukada I WP Broken bones
(Cuscutaceae) SV (529) gastric troubles cuts
& wounds
78 Cyperus rotundus L. Tungamusti Y Tuber Fevers, for alcohol
(Cyperaceae) SV (375) addicts
79 Dalbergia latifolia Roxb Jittegi Y Sb Leucoderma
(Fabaceae) SV (302)
Se Sneezes
80 Datra fastuosa L. Ummetta I L Hair loss due to lice
(Solanaceae) SV (19) infection
Su R Asthma
81 Decalepis hamiltonii Wt Maredu kommulu Ye R Constipation
& Arn (Asclepiadaceae)
SV (180)
82 Delonix elata (L) Gamb Sinkiresi Y L Inflammations &
(caesalpiniaceae) SV swellings Laxative
83 Delonix regia (Hook) Raf Erraturai Y F Dysmenorrhoea
(Caesalpiniaceae) SV
84 Dichrostachys cinerea Veluturuchettu N Ureteral stones,
(L) Wight & Arn Paralysis, stones in
(Mimosaceae) SV (313) the kidney, virility
for men
I Sp Joint pains.
pages 307-331
85 Diplocyclos palmatus Lingadonda Y L Scorpon sting
(Cucurbitaceae) SV (6)
86 Dodonaea viscose (L) Banderu I L Broken bones
Jacq (sapindaceae) SV
87 Dolichos biflorus Lour Ulavalu N Se Post partum
(Fabaceae) SV (365) treatment
88 Eclipta prostrate (L) Guntegalijeru Y L Cough, Cold &
Mout (Asteraceae) SV Asthma, Cuts &
(365) Wounds Dandruff,
Eczema, Epilepsy,
seasonal allergies,
hair tonic head
ache, migraine
N R Cataract
89 Enicostemma axillare Nelagurugudu N Wp Diabetes, Fevers
(Lam) Royal
(Gentianaceae) SV (68)
90 Enteda rheedi Spgl Gilateega N L Rat bite
(Mimosaceae) SV (319)
C Se Rheumatic pains &
91 Erythirna variegate L Badisa Y L Joint pains,
(Fabaceae) SV (351) whooping Couch
92 Euphorbia hirta L. Pacchaku Y Wp Boils
(Euphorbiaceae) SV
(308) N Lt Warts
C Sb Nephroprotector
97 Ficus racemosa L. Atti I Sb Diabetes, Fertility
pages 307-331
(Moraceae) SV (320)
Al Diarrhoea
98 Ficus relilgiosa L. Ravi Y Sb Black patches on
(Moraceae) SV (309) the face, for drug
C L Cordiac tonic
99 Gloriosa superba L. SV Nabhi / Deyyapaku Y R Abortion, (Liliaceae
(75) Gonorrhoea,
100 Gmelina arborea Roxb Errinaruva Y L Lice eradication
(Verbenaceae) SV (135)
Sn R Galctogogue
L Scorpion sting
L Alopecia
107 Holorrhena pubscens Kolamukhi Y L Joint pains, piles
(Buch Ham) Wdl ex Don
(Apocynaceae) SV (138) Sb Dysentery
pages 307-331
(L) R (Apcynaceae) SV
111 Indigofera mysorensis - N L Leucoderma
Rohl ex DC (Fabaceae)
112 Jasminum angustifolium Adavimalle Y F Contraceptive
Adavimalle (Oleaceae)
SV (125) R Ring worm
113 Jatropha curcas L Peddanepalamu I Lt Blisters, Earache
L Eczema,
114 Justicia tranquabariensis Redamandalamu I L Wounds and
L.f (acanthaceae) SV cancerous ulcers
115 Kalanchoe pinnata (L) Ranapala I L Wounds, boils,
pers (Crassulaceae) insect bites
116 Lawsonia inermis L. Gorintaku Y L Headache,
(Lythraceae) SV (348) Gonorrhoea,
Debility, Hair tonic,
117 Leonotis nepatiifolia Renabheri Y Fl Burns
(L)R,Br. (Lamiaceae) SV
L Diarrhoea
118 Leptadenia reticulate Mukkutummudu Y L Cold, Earache
(Retz. Wt & Arn Galactogogue
(Asclepiadaceae) SV
119 Leucas aspera (Willd) Tummi I L Cold & Cough Ring
Link (Lamiaceae) SV Worms
120 Limonia acidissima L. Velegachettu Ye Sb Syphilis
(Rutaceae) SV (222)
L Vomitings
Fr Constipatin
121 Madhuca indica Gmel Ippa Y Sb Skin Diseases
(Sapotaceae) SV (528)
Fl Cough, piles
pages 307-331
(Lam) Muell shoot
(Euphorbiaceae) SV
123 Mangifera indica L Mamidi Y Sb Contraceptive,
(Anacardiaceous) Menorrhagia,
I Resin Black patches on
the face, scorpion
Su Ct Headache due to
stress. Leucorrhoea.
I L Hiccups, Jaundice.
L Boils,
Eye diseases
(burning sensation),
joint pains, pain &
inflammation to
pages 307-331
132 Mucuna pruriens (L) DC Dulagondi Y R Nervine tonic,
Ye L Paralysis Scorpion
133 Murraya Koenigii (L) Karivepaku Y&N L Belching, Hair tonic
Sprang (Rutaceae) SV stomach-ache
134 Nerium oleander L. Aratichettu Y S Diabetes
(Apocynaceae) Rh Kidney and Bladder
Ye R Sterilization
I Fr Boils, vaginal
cleaning to bear
pages 307-331
143 Passiflora foetida L. Tellajumiki I L Asthma, Headache
144 Pedalium murex L. Enugupalleru Y L Dysmenorrhoea
(Pedaliaceae) Menorrhagia
Su Fr Virility, Hydrocoel,
Ye WP Snake bite, Nephro
C Se Joint Pains
pages 307-331
sterilization, Stones
in the bladder
Se Diarrhoea
L Leucorrhoea
153 Plumeria rubra L. Deva ganneru I Fl Itches
(Apocynaceae) SV (322)
154 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Kanuga Y Rb Arthritis, Earache
Pierree (Fabaceae) SV Sb Fertility
(11) Fl Nephroprotector
Fr Whooping cough
155 Portulaca oleracea L. Pappukuraku I WP Jaundice
(Portulaceae) SV (527)
156 Psidium gujava L Jamachetty Y L For alcohol addicts,
(Myrtaceae) SV (257) Throat pain
157 Pterocarpus santalinus L. Errachandnam Y&I WP Stomach ulcers
158 Pueraria tuberose Vidari Kandha I Tuber Contraceptive
(Roxb.ex.wills) DC
(Fabaceae) SV (54)
159 Punica granatum L. Dhanimma Y L Dysentry, Nasal
(Punicaceae) SV (28) bleeding
Fr Toothache, for large
and Hard breast
160 Raphanus sativus L. Mullangi N Se Contraceptive
161 Ricinus Communis L. Amudamu Y L Abortion, Jaundice,
(Euphorbiaceae) SV (99) Paralysis, Stomach-
162 Rubia Communis L. Manjistateega Y L Blood purifier
(Euphorbiaceae) SV (99) Ulcers in the mouth
163 Salvadora persica L Peddagogu Ye Sb Contraceptive
(Salvadoraceae) SV
164 Sansevieria roxburghiana Chaga I L Earache
Schult (Agavaceae) SV
165 Santalum album L Srigandhamu I Wood Contraceptive,
(Santalaceae) SV (42) Headache,
166 Sapindus emargeinatus Kunkudu Y Fr Earache,
Vahl. (Sapindaceae) SV Antepartum
(85) treatment, Snake
bite Dandruff
pages 307-331
167 Sarcostemma acidum Pandiri Jamudu Y R Dog bite
(Roxb.) Voigt.
(Asclepiadaceae) SV
168 Secamone emetica Palateega I Fr Dental caries
(Retz.) R Br. ex. Skht.
(Asclepiadaceae) SV
169 Semicarpus anacardium Nallajeedi I Se Corns, Leucoderma
L. Nallajeedi
(Anacardiaceae) SV (43)
170 Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Avise Y Fl Cataract,
(l). Poiret. (Fabaceae) SV Conjuctivitis
(21) Kidney & Bladder
Stones, Alopecia
171 Shorea tumbuggaia Thambajalari I Sb Peptic ulcers
Roxb. Y Se Aphrodisiac
(Dipterocarpaceae) SV N Resin Magico religious
(216) practices
172 Sida cordifolia L. Chirubenda Y WP Gonorrhoea
(Malvaceae) SV (123) Se Aphrodisiac
R Intermittent fever
173 Solanum nigrum L. Kachi Y L Constipation,
(Solanaceae) SV (1) Jaundice, Piles,
Ulcers and Fissures
in the mouth
R Whooping cough
174 Solanum surratense Ramamulaga Y Fr Asthma
Burm. f. (Solanaceae) SV R Sore throat
(339) Se Toothache
175 Solanum torvum Swetz Usti I Fr Cough, Liver
(Solanaceae) SV (32) disorders
176 Soymida febrifuga Somi I FI Earache, Headache
(Roxb) A Juss.
(Meliaceae) SV (22)
177 Sphaeranthus inducus L Bodatharamu N Fr Chicken pox &
(Asteraceae) SV (77)
WP Mumps Ante –
Partum treatment
178 Strychnos nux – vomica Musti Y Se Corns, Menorrhagia
(Loganiaceae) to regain the lost
Inflammation &
N S Swellings
179 Strychnos potatorum L.f. Chilla chettu I Sb Leprosy, Snake bite
(Loganiaceae) SV (298) Conjuctivitis,
pages 307-331
Se Diarrhoea bogbite
180 Syzygium alternifolium Mogi I Se & Diabetes,
(Wt) wall (Myrtaceae) W
SV (159)
Fr Stomach ulcers
181 Syzygium cumini (L) Neredu Y L Dysentery,
Skeels (Myrtaceae) SV
(342) Se Leucorrhoea Ear
ache, To get soft
clear voice
Sb Dysentery
Fr Urinary Troubles
W Diabetes
182 Tamarindus indica L Chintha Y Sb Diarrhoea,
(caesalpiniaceae) SV Fl Gonorrhoea, Jaun
(341) Se -dice scorpion sting
Sprains dysentery
183 Tephrosia purpurea (L) Vempali N R Earache, Fertility,
pers (Fabaceae) SV (8) post-partum treat
ment tumour in the
184 Terminalia alata heyne Nallamaddi Y Gum Black spots
ex roth (combretaceae)
SV (337)
185 Terminalia arjuna Tellamaddi Y L Earache
(combretaceae) SV (101)
Sb High blood pres
sure, scorpion sting
186 Terminalia bellerica Tandra N Fr Constipation due to
(Gaertn) roxb indigestion,
(combretaceae) SV (148) contraceptive, to
prevent rats,
scorpions and
187 Terminalia chebula retz. Nallakaraka Y Fr Dysentery, piles
(combretaceae) SV (340)
188 Terminalia pallida Tellakaraka I Sb Swellings
brandis (combretaceae)
SV (160) Fr Ulcers
189 Terminalia paniculata Pudimaddi I Fl Cholera
(combretaceae) SV (198)
pages 307-331
190 Thespesia populnea (L) Gangaravi I Sb Arthritis
Sol ex. Corr (Malvaceae) L Swellings
SV (343)
191 Tinospora cordifolia Tippateega I,Y S Brain tonic, Cough
(Wild) Miers ex Hook f. & cold, cuts &
thoms (Menispermaceae) wounds, Diabetes
SV (76) fevers, Hair tonic
obesity paralysis,
vaginal infection.
Snake bite,
Wp Frequency of
urination due to
192 Toddalia asiatica(L) Lam Konda N Sb Menorrhagia
(Rutaceae) SV (110) Kasinta/Mirapagandra
193 Tragia involucrate L Nosantaku I L Sterilization
(Euphorbiaceae) SV (3)
R Skin diseases
194 Tribulus terrestrisL Palleru I Wp Cystitis, Jaundice
(Zygophyllaceae) SV stomach-ache
(324) Fr Hiccups, Urinary
195 Tridax procumbensL Balapaku/Gayapaku I L Wounds, Cuts &
(Asteraceae) bruises
196 Typhora indica durm. D Kukka palateega Y L Astha with cough
Merr. (Asclepiadaceae) Epilepsy (Children)
snake bite
Whooping couch
197 Vernonia cinerea (L) Sahadevi Y R Filariasis
Se Leucoderma
198 Viscum articulatum Kattabadanika Y Wp Fever
Burm Fl (Loranthaceae)
SV (280)
199 Vitex negundo L Nallavavili I L Chronic fevers,
(Verbenaceae ) SV (113) epilepsy headache,
joint pains,
200 Waltheria indica L. nallabenda Y R Inflammations
(sterculiaceae) SV (52)
Wp Ulcers
201 Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb) Reppala/palavareni Ye R Epilepsy
R.Br (Apocynaceae) SV
(148) Lt Cuts & Wounds
pages 307-331
L Sore throat & cough
202 Xanthium indicum Marula/Matangi N WP Leucorrhoea
Koenig ex Roxb Ye Fr Fertility, Malarial
(Asteraceae) SV (208) fever.
The authors are grateful to the rural and tribal people of Chittor District, who whole-heartedly
co-operated in sharing their knowledge and in the collection of the plant material for the study.
The authors are also grateful to the International Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Medicinal Plants Research Network, New Delhi for rendering assistance to the Herbal
Folklore Research Centre, Medicinal plants research unit, department of botany,
Srivenkateswary Arts College, Tirupati Andhra Pradesh, India.
Abbreviations used:
I : Irula
N: Nakkala
Su : Sugali or Lambadi
Y : Yanadi
Ye : Yerukala
FL Flower
Fr: Fruit
L : Leaf
Lt : Latex
R : Root
Rb : Root bark
Rh : Rhizome
S: Stem
Sb: Stembark
Se: Seed
Wp: Whole plant
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