Vetiveria Zizanioides A Medicinal Herb
Vetiveria Zizanioides A Medicinal Herb
Vetiveria Zizanioides A Medicinal Herb
About 80% of the worlds population uses folk medicine in traditional medicine states World Health Organisation.
India is one of the richest countries in the world with regard to diversity of medicinal plants.
Herbal medicines are very cheap in comparison with the conventional form of medication. They can be found very
easily from a local drug store. One of the greatest benefit associated with herbal medicine is the non existence of
side effects. the plants are commercial medications used for the treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure,
pain, asthma, and other problems. Vetiveria zizanioides widely used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and
antipyretics and other problem. There are many activity have been done in this plant such as antioxidant,
antimicrobial. Antibacterial, anthalminitic, Antifungal.and more activity of this plant are unknown.such activity is
analgesic and anti inflammatory. The present review article provides an overview on potent pharmacological
properties exhibited by this plant.
KEYWORDS: Herbal, vetiveria zizanioides, Khas khas, essential oil, potent pharmacological properties.
Corresponding author: Satya Prakash Singh | Email: [email protected]
Satya Prakash Singh et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (7) 2013, 80-83
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: Apart from the medicinal uses, the culms along with the
The chemical constituents present in the plant are panicles form a good broom for sweeping. The culms and
Vetiverol, Vetivone, Khusimone, Khusimol, Vetivene, leaves are also extensively used by the tribes and villagers
Khositone, Terpenes, Benzoic acid,Tripene-4-ol, - for thatching their huts, mud walls, etc. Some tribes (in
Humulene, Epizizianal, vetivenyl vetivenate, iso khusimol , Kerala) use the mats of the roots and leaves as bed for a
-vetivone, vetivazulene. In the roots, the main component cooling effect.
was valencene (30.36%), while in the shoots and leaves,
they were 9-octadecenamide (33.50%), 2,6,10,15,19,23- MULTIPLE USES OF KHAS GRASS IN INDIA:
hexamethyl-2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene (27.46%), Traditional medicine
and 1,2-benzendicarboxylic acid, diisooctyl ester(18.29%). Roots as water flavouring agent
The results showed that there were many terpenoids in the Root mats for door, window screens during summer for
volatils. In shoot volatiles, there existed 3 monoterpenes, 2cooling effect
sequiterpenes and 1 triterpene. Most of the volatiles in For desert coolers in summer in North India
roots were sesquiterpenes.(Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao As eco-friendly soil binders
2004 Jan ;15(1) :170 -2.) Roots for preparing Sharbat (sherbet) or soft drink during
summer, especially in North India
MEDICINAL USE OF VETIVERIA ZIZANIOIDES: Socio-economic life of the rural population in India
Various tribes use the different parts of the grass Dried roots for scenting clothes
for many of their ailments such as mouth ulcer, fever, boil, Dried culms as brooms and for thatching
epilepsy, burn, snakebite, scorpion sting, rheumatism, Pulp of the plant for paper and straw board.
fever, headache, etc.
1976) ,kidney problems(Chen F et alDec 2005), gall stones, The test organisms used were Escherichia coli
mosquito repellant (Nuchuchua et al )tonic and NCIM 2118; Bacillus subtilis NCIM 2063, P. aeurogenosa
antioxidant.(V S Ubhradevi et al April 2010),(Luqman S NCIM 2036 and Staphylococcus aureus NCIM 2079.
kumar et al Feb 2009). Vetiveria zizanioides (vetiver) against Staphylococcus
aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli and
TAXONOMICAL POSITION OF VETIVERIA ZIZANIOIDE: Corynebacterium ovis were evaluated. Against S.
aureus, vetiver oil was superior to the other two oils in the
Botanical Name(s): Vetiveria Zizanoides pure state and diluted with dimethyl sulphoxide 1:10,
Family Name: Poaceae 1:100, 1:1000 and 1:10000; inhibition by the pure oil was
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants) 60-70% that by penicillin or streptomycin.
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Superdivision: Spermatophyta Seed plants 3. ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY:
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants) The test organisms used were Asperigulls nigar,
Class: Liliopsida (Monocotyledons) Asperigulls clavatus and Candida albicanus. All the stock
Subclass: Commelinidae cultures were obtained from Microbiology department
Order: Cyperales Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India.
Family: Poaceae (Grass family)
Genus: Vetiveria Bory (vetivergrass) 4. ANTITUBERCULAR ACTIVITY:
Species: Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash Extracts and fractions were evaluated for
(vetivergrass) antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium
Popular Name(s): Khas Khas, Cuscus and Vetiver tuberculosis H(37)Rv and H(37)Ra strains using radiometric
Parts Used: Roots and Essential oil BACTEC 460 TB system. The ethanolic extract of intact as
Habitat: Cultivated in plains and low hills of well as spent root were showed potent antituberculosis
India. activity at a minimum concentration of 500g/mL
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