NPR 5 (5) 382-388
NPR 5 (5) 382-388
NPR 5 (5) 382-388
a b
c d e
f g h i
j k
Fig. 1(a-k) : Some ethnomedicinal plants in Marudhamalai hills
a. Sarcostemma acidum; b. Jatropha glandulifera; c. Catharanthus roseus; d. Martynia annua; e. Pergularia daemia;
f. Toddalia asiatica var. floribunda; g. Pongamia pinnata; h. Clitoria ternatea; i. Boerhaavia diffusa;
j. Asparagus racemosus; k. Abrus precatorius
3. Acalypha alnifolia Klein ex ex Nees; Family-Acanthaceae; LN- 17. Bidens pilosa Linn.; Family-
Willd.; Family- Euphorbiaceae Nelavembu Asteraceae
Crushed leaves are used in dysentery Leaf decoction is given to cure The warm juice of the fresh plant
(VSN- MS 89). diabetes (VSN- MS 418). is used to treat earache and conjunctivitis,
and as a styptic on wounds (VSN- MS 275).
4. Acalypha fruticosa Forsk.; 11. Annona squamosa Linn.; Family-
Family-Euphorbiaceae; LN-Sinni Annonaceae; LN-Sitapalam 18. Blepharis repens (Vahl) Roth.;
Roots and leaves are used to cure Fruit juice is taken orally to Family-Acanthaceae
stomachache, dyspepsia and given as control dysentery. Seed paste is applied Leaves crushed and the paste is
antidote (VSN- MS 334). on the forehead for relief from headache applied on the forehead in headache (VSN-
(VSN- MS 89). MS 400).
5. Acalypha indica Linn.; Family-
Euphorbiaceae 12. Argemone mexicana Linn.; 19. Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.; Family-
Whole plant is crushed and the Family-Papaveraceae; LN-Kudiyoetti Nyctaginaceae; LN-Mukurattai
juice is given to cure bronchitis in children The seed powder is used to treat Leaf paste is applied on the cuts
(VSN- MS 274). colic pain and dysentery (VSN- MS 5). and wounds to stop bleeding (VSN-
MS 75).
6. Aerva lanata Juss. ex Schult.; 13. Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Boj.;
Family-Amaranthaceae; LN-Sirupulai Family-Convolvulaceae; LN-Samuthra 20. Buchanania lanzan Spreng.;
Leaves are macerated and few pachai Family-Anacardiaceae; LN-Mudaima,
drops are given orally to the asthmatic Leaves are used as abortifacient; Moral
child at the time of wheezing (VSN- and applied as poultice on wounds and The roots and leaves are pounded,
MS 55). skin diseases (VSN- MS 247). mixed with buttermilk and given in
diarrhoea (VSN- MS 177).
7. Albizia lebbek Benth.; Family- 14. Aristolochia indica Linn.;
Mimosaceae; LN-Katuvagai Family-Aristolochiaceae; LN-Isramuli, 21. Capparis sepiaria Linn.; Family-
Flowers are used to cure skin Adgam Capparidaceae; LN-Karunjurai
eruptions, swellings and antidote to poison Root tonic is used as stimulant Decoction of leaf is used in
(VSN- MS 300). and to treat menstrual problems. In cough and skin diseases (VSN- MS 90).
powdered form it is given in honey for
8. Aloe vera (Linn.) Burm. f.; Family- leucoderma (VSN- MS 270). 22. Carissa carandas Linn.; Family-
Liliaceae; LN-Chotthukatalai Apocynaceae; LN- Kalakkay
Fresh juice is used as 15. Asparagus racemosus Willd.; Decoction of the leaves is given
cathartic and cooling. It is also used in Family-Liliaceae; LN-Thannervittan, for fever (VSN- MS 146).
treating fever and eye diseases (VSN- MS Kizhay, Ammaikodi
112). Root extract is used in diarrhoea, 23. Cassia angustifolia Vahl; Family-
dysentery and general debility (VSN- Caesalpiniaceae; LN-Nilavirai
9. Amaranthus viridis Linn.; Family- MS 08). Leaves and fruits are used as
Amaranthaceae; LN-Nelavemu laxative and purgative (VSN- MS 48).
Leaves are used as emollient in 16. Asystasia gangetica T. Anders.;
scorpion sting (VSN- MS 57). Family-Acanthaceae; LN-Palagai 24. Cassia auriculata Linn.; Family-
Root paste is applied to cure skin Caesalpiniaceae; LN-Aavarai
10. Andrographis paniculata Wall. allergies (VSN- MS 97). Seeds are ground and the paste
384 Natural Product Radiance
Explorer: Research Article
is applied to cure skin diseases (VSN- MS Powdered leaves or fresh leaves Roxb.; Family- Erythroxylaceae; LN-
92). are taken in treating diabetes (VSN- Sempulichan
MS 2). An infusion of the wood bark is
25. Cassia occidentalis Linn.; administered as stomachic, diaphoretic
F a m i l y - C a e s a l p i n i a c e a e ; L N - 32. Commelina benghalensis Linn.; and diuretic (VSN- MS 107).
Thagarai Family-Commelinaceae; LN-
Seeds and leaves are used Kanavazhi 39. Eucalyptus globulus Labil.;
externally in skin troubles. Leaves are also Whole plant is used to treat Family-Myrtaceae; LN-Karpuramaram
used in foot and mouth disease of cattle leprosy (VSN- MS 792). Dried leaves in the form of
(VSN- MS 123). tincture are used in asthma and chronic
33. Corchorus trilocularis Linn.; bronchitis (VSN- MS 111).
26. Catharanthus roseus G. Don; Family-Tiliaceae; LN-Peratti,
Family- Apocynaceae; LN- Talakkaippoondu 40. Euphorbia thymifolia Linn.;
Nithyakalyani Plant macerated with water Family-Euphorbiaceae; LN-
The root decoction is given orally yields, mucilage, prescribed as a Sittrapaladai
as an abortifacient (VSN- MS 1405). demulcent. Seeds are used in fever and Dried leaves and seeds are
for cleaning bowls (VSN- MS 35). aromatic, astringent and stimulant, they
27. Celosia argentea Linn.; Family- are used as laxative (VSN- MS 280).
Amaranthaceae; LN-Alarapoo 34. Crotalaria retusa Linn.; Family-
The leaves are crushed and the juice Fabaceae 41. Euphorbia tirucalli Linn.;
is taken orally twice daily to ease Plant is used in scabies and Family-Euphorbiaceae; LN-Tirukalli,
childbirth (VSN- MS 648). impetigo (VSN- MS 57). Kalli
Decoction of the tender branch
28. Cleome icosandra Linn. syn. C. 35. Crotalaria verrucosa Linn.; or the root is given to treat colic and
viscosa Linn.; Family- Capparidaceae; Family-Fabaceae; LN- Kilukiluppai gastralgia (VSN- MS 201).
LN-Naykadughu The leaf decoction is given orally
Seeds are given internally as a to cure jaundice (VSN- MS 3). 42. Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.;
vermifuge (VSN- MS 507). Family- Convolvulaceae; LN-
36. Dodonaea viscosa Linn.; Family- Vishnukarandai
29. Cleome monophylla Linn.; Sapindaceae; LN-Virali Leaves are smoked in chronic
Family- Capparidaceae Crushed stems are tied on the bronchitis and asthma (VSN- MS 260).
Pounded root is used to restore fractured part to hasten the fractured
consciousness from fainting (VSN- MS 69). bone setting. Leaf paste is applied on 43. Ficus benghalensis Linn.;
swelling in cattle until cured (VSN- Family-Moraceae; LN- Aalamarram
30. Clitoria ternatea Linn.; Family- MS 138). Infusion of the bark is used
Fabaceae; LN-Sanguchedi as astringent, tonic and in dysentery,
Seeds are crushed with water to 37. Emilia sonchifolia DC.; Family- diarrhoea and the bark is used in
form a paste, which is slightly warmed Asteraceae diabetes. Latex is used to relieve toothache,
and applied on testis to cure swellings due Leaf juice is useful in treating eye cough and genital diseases (VSN- MS
to syphilis (VSN- MS 159). inflammation. Root is used in diarrhoea 182).
(VSN- MS 271).
31. Coccinia indica Wight & Arn.; 44. Gisekia pharnaceoides Linn.;
Family- Cucurbitaceae; LN-Kovai 38. Erythroxylum monogynum Family-Aizoaceae; LN-Manalikkirai
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