Jig & Sinker Mold Catalogue: Visit For Your Copy of

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Arrowhead Jig 3
Aspirin-Head Jig 3
Bannana Jig 3

Bullet Jig 4
Chub Jig 4
Crappie Jig 4
Egg Head Jig 4
Erie Jig 5
Flat Grub Jig 5
Flat Head Jig 5
Hot Lips Jig 5
Football Jig 6
Style “H” Jig 6
Larva Jig 6
Live Bait Jig 6
Minnow Head Jig 7
Round Head Jigs 4
Popeye Jig 8
Shad Dart Jig 8
Shad Head Jig 8
Style “9” Shad Head Jig 9
Jig & Sinker
Sparkie Jig 9
D Spearhead Jig 9
S P OL N Spire Point Jig 9
M TIO Slide Along Jig 9
ED Stand Up Jig 10

Mold Catalogue Swim Jig

Teardrop Jig
Tip Up Jig
Trolling Lure
Tube Skirt Jig 11
Tapered Tube Jig 11
Tube & Tail Jig 11

www.luremaking.com Walleye Jig

Worm Nose Jig
Arky Style Jig
[email protected] Weedless Ball Jig 12
Weedless Football 13
Weedless Stand Up 13
Bullet Bass Jig 13
Weedless Sparkie Jig 13
Weedless Bannana Jig 14

Flipping Jig 14
Arky Style Jig 14
Bass Jig 14
Style “S” Bass Jig 14
Casting Spoon 15
Diamond Lure 15
Jigging Spoon 15
Hammered Spoon 15
Tail Spinner 16
Buzzbaits 16
Spinnerbaits 17
Horse Head 19
Pony Head 19
Lure Body 20
Weight Forward Heads 20
Slip Jig Lure 21
Bank Sinker 21
Bell Sinker 22
Bass Casting 22
Bottom Bouncer 22
Cannon Ball 23
VISIT Claw Sinker 23
www.luremaking.com Crescent Sinker 23
No Snag Sinker 23
for your copy of Egg Sinker 24
No Roll Sinker 24

Pyramid Sinker 25
COMP River Sinker
Round Flat Sinker
DAA ’’ S
S #
#11 L
E Split Shot Mold 25
In-Line Trolling Sinker 26
Trolling Sinker 26
Keel Trolling Weight 26
Worm Rig Sinker 26
Walking Sinker 26
Page 2 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories


Welcome to Real Pro’s SportFishing’s 2007 Special Real Pro’s SportFishing does not accept custom
Sinker and Lure Mold plus Molding Accessories Cata- work!
logue. With the many questions regarding casting lead Blank Molds are
jigs and other lures we thought it appropriate to create available because of
this dedicated catalogue. This catalogue is dedicated the numerous requests
exclusively to molds and accessories and so will be of for special designs or
special interest to the lure maker who enjoys casting custom work that we
their own lures. You will also want to download your own receive. Real Pro’s
copy of Canada’s Complete Lure Making Catalogue. SportFishing does
not offer custom
Molds and accessories listed in Red are Special Order services nor can we
items. The molds listed in Black are always in-stock. All make special order molds from these blank molds. They
Special Order molds and accessories are available to are offered only as a service to our customers to use as
you. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery to us for the basis of a do-it-yourself project.
any Special Order molds and accessories. We also
require a down payment of atleast 50% of the item(s) Tool and die or machine shops often have the capability
being special ordered. The molds and accessories to do this type of work, and the blank mold serves as a
stocked are popular with Canadian anglers. good basis to start. It is machined and assembled the
same as our other models, the only difference is that it
COLLAR DESIGNS has no cavities.
NO COLLAR Preferred by many who tie flies and other
experienced lure makers. One of the more difficult Custom projects can often be very difficult an expensive.
collars to wrap, it can make the most effective jig using a It would be wise to find a machinist who will accept your
minimum of material. It is tied by first wrapping the project and get a cost estimate before ordering a blank
desired hook with thread, building as thick of a threaded mold. See page 33 for more information on our blank
base as desired. Material is then molds.
added and wrapped. With practice,
tying to the hook is fast and gives MOLD MODELS
more action to the material. We stock three basic models of molds. Each serves a
different purpose for the user.
especially for beginners. The ball on ASSORTED These are very popular because the
the end prevents a loose wrap from assorted sized models enable the user to produce a
slipping off the collar, provides a variety of sizes from on mold. Assorted size models cast
natural stop for the material being tied. one each of the sizes listed.
The ball will also hold plastic grubs.
COMBINATION Combination size models enable the
COLLAR WITH BARB Made to user to obyain faster production of popular sizes. Fea-
secure plastic bodies on the jig. The tures multiple cavities of two fifferent sizes. Combina-
barb is usually positioned on the top tions are popular with fishermen and many manufactur-
side of the collar. Barbs positioned on ers.
the collar opposite the hook are called
reverse barbs. PRODUCTION Production models feature several
cavities of the same size to achieve maximum produc-
HOLDER COLLAR An all purpose collar made to hold tion speed. Popular with manufactures or fishermen
plastic bodies and rubber skirts. It is also easy to tie using large quantities of one particular size.
material on the holder collar.

FLAIR COLLAR A thick collar made to flair bucktail,

crimped nylon or other wrapped and tied material.

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 3

1. Wooden handles provided with 4. The hinges are machined to
every mold. fit and then tightly pinned to
assure a precision line-up.
2. The mold is cast with a hard,
warp resistant aluminum alloy. 5. Each mold is individually
checked for proper hook and
3. The faces are machined smooth insert fit.
and flat, (not just ground or
pressed) then individually hand 6. The style and size of any
fitted together. insert required is listed on
each mold.

ARROWHEAD JIG The resemblance of the flat tapered head to a stone arrowhead
gives this lure its name. The streamlined shape cuts current well and resists snags in rocky
areas. Sleek, flat sided jig heads give more action to paddle tail grubs and shad bodies than do
wider and bulkier head designs.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3046 AHB-4-341 Arrowhead Jig Barb 630,410 4 3/4,1 #630-3/0,4/0 #410-4/0 $39.95
61-3045 AHB-6-3812 Arrowhead Jig Barb 630 6 3/8,1/2 1/0,2/0 $39.95

DARTER JIG The Darter Jig is a popular Bass lure. It is similar to a

Bullet Jig, but uses much larger hook sizes and features a standard balance for
all around use.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3362 DTR-6-1816 Darter Jig Barb 570, 574 6 1/16, 1/8 2/0, 3/0 $39.95
61-3363 DTR-5-1438 Darter Jig Barb 570, 574 5 1/4, 3/8 3/0 or 4/0 $39.95

ASPIRIN-HEAD JIG The flat sides of the Aspirin-Head Jig allow it to

cut current well. These flat sides also permit placement of stick-on decal lures
eyes on the jig head. Size 2.5 Stick-On Lure Eyes fit all weights of Aspirin-Head
Jigs; Size 4 eyes can be used on 3/16 oz. and above; Size 5 eyes will fit on 1/2
oz. and larger. Soft plastics readily attach to the Aspirin-Head Jig’s barb collar.
570-575 Jig Hook

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3337 AJ-7-A Aspirin-Head Jig Barb 570 7 1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,4/0 $40.95

BANANA JIG The design configuration and

placement of the hook eye allows the head to pull over
branches, rocks and other snags. A forward center of
weight gives the Banana Jig a nose diving action. This
snag resistant lure is popular in both fresh and saltwater.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1052 JY-4-A Banana Jig Ball 570 4 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-1055 JYS-1O55L Banana Jig Ball 410,413 4 3/4,1,1-1/2,2 4/0,5/0,6/0,7/0 $39.95
61-3308 JYS-3-X Banana Jig Ball 34184 3 2,2-1/2,3 8/0 $40.95
61-1054 JYS-4-A Banana Jig Ball 630 4 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

Page 4 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

BULLET JIGS The Bullet Jig is a center

balance jig with a tapered head. It has proven effective
on a variety of fish species.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1028 JB-7-48 Bullet Jig Ball 570 7 1/8,1/4 4 or 2,2 or 1 $39.95
61-3361 BHB-8-3216 Buller Jig Barb 570 8 1/32,1/4 6,4 $40.95
61-1059 BHB-1059 Bullet Jig Barb 570 7 1/8,1/4 2 or 1 $39.95
61-3182 BHB-3182 Bullet Jig Barb 570 6 3/8,1/2 2/0 or 3/0 $39.95
61-3299 JBS-6-A Bullet Jig Ball 630,635 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95

BULLET NOSE JIG The Bullet Nose Jig is designed for saltwater use
with Eagle Claw Style 413 Jig Hook. The double barb collar is excellent for holding
plastic shrimp bodies and other thick plastics. Style 410 hooks can be used for
freshwater applications. Model BDB-3-X is designed to use the extra strong Mustad
style 34184 8/0 jig hooks.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3228 BDB-5-A Bullet Nose Jig Double Barb 410 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3229 BDB-6-48 Bullet Nose JigDouble Barb 410 6 1/8,1/4 1,1/0 $40.95
61-3230 BDB-5-3812 Bullet Nose JigDouble Barb 410 5 3/8,1/2 2/0,3/0 $40.95
61-3231 BDB-3-LA Bullet Nose JigDouble Barb 410,413 3 1,1-1/2,2 5/0,6/0,7/0 $40.95
61-3310 BDB-3-X Bullet Nose JigDouble Barb 34184 3 2-1/2,3,4 8/0 $40.95

CHUB JIG This is a stylish center balanced jig with a swollen belly for
added stability. With its baitfish shaped head, the Chub Jig is both an
attractive and effective lure.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3294 JCH-5-A Chub Jig Barb 570 5 1/32,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4 8,4,2,1,1/0 $39.95
61-3311 JCHS-L Chub Jig Barb 630,635 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95

CRAPPIE JIG This is an old standby favorite of ardent crappie fishermen,

though it is used successfully on other game and panfish too! The forward position
of the hook eye lets it slide through brush that would snag other jigs. It makes a nice
ice fishing lure too. The Crappie Jig’s horizontal semi-flat shape helps it to fall slower
and flutter more than most other jig configurations.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3227 JC-6-1632 Crappie Jig None #33903,#200 6 1/32,1/16 10,8 $39.95

EGG HEAD JIG This jig head gets its name

from the shape of its head, although this design can also
be said to be the “thinking man’s” jig because of its
versatility. The tapered egg shape cuts current, resists
snags in rocks, and slides into tube skirts better than the
traditional roundhead jig. The “ring and barb” collar can
be dressed with either tied material or soft plastics. This
shape is also useful inside tube skirts. The Egg Head Jig
packs many features into its simple design.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3330 EGJ-6-A Egg Head Jig Ring & Barb 570 6 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 5

ERIE JIGS A center balanced jig that also will stand

up with the hook at a 45° angle when rested on the bottom.
This jig was based on the Erie Rig lure, a weight forward
spinner popularized in Lake Erie waters. The conversion of
that lure into a jig added new dimensions to the fish catching
abilities of the head configuration. The Erie Jig design itself
originated several decades ago with the first DO-IT ® Erie Jig
mold, Model JE-6-A. The reputation of this lure has grown so
that the basic head design has also been adapted by several
major lure manufacturers. It has been and remains one of the
most versatile jig designs for Walleye fishing. Model JNE-5-A
is designed to accept the “short shank” Style 571 hook to
make popular “Live Bait Erie Jigs”.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3020 EHB-6-A Erie Jig Barb 570 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3021 EHB-7-48 Erie Jig Barb 570 7 1/8,1/4 1,1/0 $39.95
61-3194 EHB-4-1 Erie Jig Barb 570 4 1 4/0 $40.95
61-1032 JE-6-A Erie Jig Ball 570 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-1035 JES-6-A Erie Jig Heavy Hook Ball 630 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95
61-3295 JNE-5-A Live Bait Erie Jig None 570,571 5 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1,1,1/0,1/0,1/0 $40.95

FLAT GRUB JIG The flat sides of this lure increase water flow
along its head. This gives the best wiggle action to paddle type grub or
shad bodies. There are recessed eye sockets for added attractiveness and
easy application of 5/32" stick on lure eyes. Designed around the strong
O’Shaughnessy style jig hooks, Flat Grub Jigs are suitable for both fresh
and saltwater game fish.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3285 JG-6-A Flat Grub Jig Barb 630,635 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95

FLAT HEAD JIG A saltwater favorite, the thin flat shape of this
jig excels at cutting through currents. Freshwater fishermen can also take
advantage of this lure. River fishermen find the Flat Head Jig best solves
the problem of getting lures down to the fish below lock and dams. This
jig overcomes the upswell of current better than other designs. Lighter
weights can be used to reach the same depths. Complete Flat Head Jigs
with bucktail or similar material to minimize buoyancy.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1038 JF-5-A Flat Head Jig Ball 570 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-1039 JFS-5-A Flat Head Jig Ball 630,635 5 3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4,1 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3306 JFS-3-LA Flat Head Jig Ball 413,635 3 1-1/2,2,2-1/2 6/0,7/0,7/0 $40.95
61-3315 JFS-2-43 Flat Head Jig Ball 34184 2 3,4 8/0 $40.95

HOT LIPS JIG This is a variation of a bullet style jig with a head that simulates a
wide-open mouth. The lips or mouth portion of the jig can be painted “red” to give the appear-
ance of an open mouth or to simulate an injured fish. Hot Lips Jigs are renown lures for
saltwater gamefish. Features include protruding eyes, “flair collars” for tying bucktail, and
strong O’Shaughnessy style hooks.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3041 JLS-6-A Hot Lips Jig Flair 630,635,410,413 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95
61-1044 JLS-3-A1 Hot Lips Jig Flair 630,410,413 3 3/4,1,1-1/2 5/0,6/0,7/0 $39.95
61-3273 JLS-3-XL Hot Lips Jig Flair 34184 3 2,2-1/2,3 8/0 $40.95
61-3342 JLS-2-45 Hot Lips Jig Flair 91715 2 4, 5 9/0 $40.95

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Page 6 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

FOOTBALL JIG The Football jig is a favorite bottom fishing and probing tool. The
wideshape of this head style prevents the lure from tipping to the side. It can be dragged along the
bottom and the hook always remains upright. Line pressure will cause the jig to stand up, poised for
a strike. Its broad face helps transmit signals up the line about changes in bottom features. Origi-
nally popularized as a useful bass fishing tool, walleye fishermen have also discovered the advan-
tages of the football head. The smaller sizes dressed with craw type plastics are great for trout.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3055 FBB-7-A Football Jig Barb 570 7 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 4,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3210 FBB-18 Football Jig Barb 570 7 1/8 1 or 1/0 $44.95
61-3211 FBB-14 Football Jig Barb 570 7 1/4 1/0 or 2/0 $44.95
61-3212 FBB-38 Football Jig Barb 570 7 3/8 1/0 or 2/0 $44.95
61-3213 FBB-12 Football Jig Barb 570 5 1/2 3/0 $44.95
61-3214 FBB-34 Football Jig Barb 570 5 3/4 4/0 $44.95
61-3215 FBB-1 Football Jig Barb 570 5 1 4/0 $44.95

STYLE “H” JIGS These are very attractive jigs, each with
a swollen, pregnant belly to stabilize the lure. Style H Jigs are designed
with recessed eye sockets to accommodate stick-on decal eyes. The
enter balanced design and use of strong hooks make this lure effective
for both fresh and saltwater game fish. STYLE “H” BUCKTAIL JIGS
feature a Ball Collar and are designed to be tied with bucktail or other
material. STYLE “H” PLASTIC GRUB JIGS feature a barb collar to
permit easy and secure attachment of plastic tails, grubs or bodies.
The huge 3 & 4 ounce sizes have a special long Ring and Barb Collar
which allows use of both tied material and plastic bodies.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3335 BTH-5-A Style”H”Bucktail Jig Ball 630,410 4 3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4,1 2/0,3/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95
61-3305 BTH-3-L Style”H”Bucktail Jig Ball 635,410,413 3 1-1/2,2,2-1/2 5/0,6/0,7/0 $39.95
61-3319 PGH-5-A Style”H” Grub Jig Barb 630,635,410,413 5 3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4,1 2/0,3/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3320 PGH-3-L Style”H” Grub Jig Barb 635,410,413 3 1-1/2,2,3 5/0,6/0,7/0 $40.95
61-3321 PGH-2-43 Style”H” Grub JigRing & Barb 34184 2 3,4 8/0 $40.95

ULTRA MINNOW JIG Start with our center balanced

"Style H" design and add a holder collar, gill plates, fins, lips, scales,
and recessed eyes with pronounced brow and you have the ultimate in

Model SHR-4-M (Item 61-3384) will also accept the following Eagle
Claw Jig hooks: 410, 413, 630, and 635

1/2 oz. 3/4 oz. 1 oz. 1-1/2 oz.

2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0

Model SHR-5-A (Item 61-3389) may also accept

the following Eagle Claw Jig Hooks: 570, 574, 575, and 5570

1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 3/8 oz. 1/2 oz. 5/8 oz.
1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3384 SHR-4-M Ultra Minnow Jig Holder 32786BLN 4 1/2,3/4,1, 1-1/2 2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $44.95
61-3389 SHR-5-A Ultra Minnow Jig Holder Gamakatsu 604 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/05/0 $44.95
61-3417 SHR-3-L Ultra Minnow Jig Holder Mustad 34184 3 2, 3, 4 8/0 $44.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 7

LARVA JIG Larva Jigs can be finished with feathers or

inserted into hollow plastic tubular jig skirts. The forward position of
the hook eye makes the Larva Jig more snag resistant than other
designs and gives the lure a unique jigging action. This is an
excellent lure for crappie and panfish and even makes a good ice
fishing jig.
Item Model Head Tube Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Skirt Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3216 TUBE-L Larva Jig 1-1/2" Small #33903 5 1/32,1/16,3/32,1/8 8,6,6,4 $39.95

LIVE BAIT JIG This jig is designed to be tipped with live

bait rather than dressed with plastics or feathers. A special style 571
short shank hook is used to keep the bait close in for unique action NEW
and hooking ability. The middle sides of the Live Bait Jig head are
flat to aid in applying stick-on lure eyes. Tip this lure with a minnow, Live Bait Jig
leech or other live bait and get ready for action! with stinger
* requires figure 8 #462. Code: 58-59-20.....100 Pack ...... $2.95
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3245 LBJ-5-A Live Bait Jig Tapered 571 5 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1,1,1/0,1/0,1/0 $39.95
61-3433 LBS-5-A* Live Bait Jig Tapered 571 6 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 1,1,1/0,1/0,1/0,1/0 $44.95

MINNOW HEAD JIGS The slim tapered head and

protruding eyes give the Minnow Head Jig its special appearance.
Ideal for use with small shad bodies and other plastics, the Minnow W!
Head Jig is as productive as it is attractive. NE

Item #61-3421 & #61-3422 have recessed eyes for

stick-on lure eyes for a more life-like appearance.
Use the eye sizes shown below:
1/48oz - 3/32” 3/16oz - 5/32”
1/32oz - 3/32” 1/4oz - 5/32”
Item #61-1084, #61-1085 & 61-1086 produce 3/8oz - 5/32” & 3/16”
1/16oz - 1/8”
jigs like the ones shown above.
1/8oz - 1/8”

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1084 JM-7-A Minnow Head Jig Barb 570 7 1/48,1/32,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8 6,4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0 $40.95
61-1085 JM-8-1632 Minnow Head Jig Barb 570 8 1/32,1/16 4,2 $40.95
61-1086 JM-7-48 Minnow Head Jig Barb 570 7 1/8,1/4 1,2/0 $40.95
61-3421 JME-7-A1 Minnow Head Jig Barb 570 7 1/48,1/32,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8 6,4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0 $39.95
61-3422 JME-8-1632A Minnow Head Jig Barb 570 8 1/32,1/16 4,2 $39.95

ROUND HEAD — GAMAKATSU HOOK We went and took the most

popular jig head design known to man and fit around one of the sharpest and strongest jig hooks man
can build. By special request, we increased the hook size for the cavity weight so you can have all the
lip-gripping power you will ever need. We also added a special double holder collar designed to better
hold the new softer plastics.

Model GRC-7-A (Item 61-3388) will also accept following Eagle Claw Jig Hooks: 570, 574, 575, and

1/32 oz. 1/16 oz. 1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 3/8 oz. 1/2 oz. 5/8 oz.
2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 4/0

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3388 GRC-7-A Round Head Double HolderGama 604 7 1/32,1/16,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6/0 $39.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

Page 8 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

ROUND HEAD JIGS The most popular all-around head style used in all Canadian waters, the Round Head Jig has
probably taken more variety of fish than any other lure. In addition to being a good casting jig and a fairly rapid sinker, Round Head Jigs
are among the easiest to tie.


Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1019 RBH-7-A Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 7 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,5/16,3/8,1/2 6,4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0 $37.95
61-1020 RHB-8-1632 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/32, 1/16 6, 4 $37.95
61-1060 RHB-1060 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/16, 1/8 2, 1 $37.95
61-3350 RHB-6-1816 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 1/16, 1/8 2/0, 3/0 $37.95
61-1021 RHB-8-48 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/8, 1/4 2,1, or 1/0 $37.95
61-1022 RHB-6-3812 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 3/8, 1/2 2/0 or 3/0 $37.95


Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3101 RHB-8-32 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/32 6 $37.95
61-3102 RHB-8-16 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/16 4 or 2 $37.95
61-3116 RHB-8-332 Round Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 3/32 4 or 2 $37.95
61-3103 RHB-8-18 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 1/8 1 or 1/0 $37.95
61-3117 RHB-8-316 Round Head Jig Barb 570/574 8 3/16 1 or 1/0 $37.95
61-3104 RHB-7-14 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 7 1/4 1 or 1/0 $37.95
61-3118 RHB-6-516 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 5/16 1/0 $37.95
61-3105 RHB-6-38 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 3/8 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 $37.95
61-3106 RHB-6-12 Rnd Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 1/2 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 $37.95
61-3107 RHB-6-58 Round Head Jig Barb 570/574 6 5/8 2/0,3/0 or 4/0 $37.95


Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3119 RVB-6-SA Round Head Reverse Barb 570 6 1/80,1/64,1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4 10,8,6,4 or 2,1,1/0 $39.95
61-3120 RVB-3120A Round Head Reverse Barb 570 6 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3121 RVB-SM2 Round Head Reverse Barb 570 10 1/64,1/32 8,6 $39.95
61-3109 RVB-5-1 Round Head Reverse Barb 570 5 1 3/0 or 4/0 $39.95
61-3108 RVB-5-34 Round Head Reverse Barb 570 5 3/4 3/0 or 4/0 $39.95


Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1015 JNR-6-A Round Head Jig None 570 6 1/80,1/64,1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4 10,8,6,4,1,1/0 $39.95
61-1016 JNR-8-1632 Round Head Jig None 570 8 1/32,1/16 6,4 $39.95
61-1062 JNR-1062 Round Head Jig None 570 8 1/16,1/8 4,2 $39.95
61-1017 JNR-7-48 Round Head Jig None 570 7 1/8,1/4 1,2/0 $39.95
61-1018 JNR-6-3812 Round Head Jig None 570 6 3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0 $39.95

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2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 9


Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1001 JR-7-A Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 7 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,5/16,3/8,1/2 6,4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0 $37.95
61-1002 JR-8-1632 Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 8 1/32,1/16 6,4 $37.95
61-1061 JR-1061 Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 8 1/16,1/8 4,2 $37.95
61-1003 JR-8-48 Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 8 1/8,1/4 1,1/0 $37.95
61-1004 JR-6-3812 Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 6 3/8,1/2 2/0,3/0 $37.95
61-1005 JR-5-5834 Round Head Jig Ball 570/574 5 5/8,3/4 4/0 $37.95


A popular jig for pan fish. This double-barb collar is designed to tightly secure the small 1.5” and 2” hollow
plastic tube skirts. The upper barb is short, wide and blunt to hold the small hollow skirts tightly to the head
or to add gripping power to solid soft plastic tails.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3351 RDB-8-1632 Round Head Barb 570/574 8 1/32,1/16 6 or 4, 4 or 2 $40.95
61-3352 RDB-8-M2 Round Head Barb 570/574 8 3/32,3/16 4 or 2, 1 or 1/0 $40.95
61-3353 RDB-4-48 Round Head Barb 570/574 8 1/8,1/4 1, 1/0, or 2/0 $40.95


Our Pro-Series is designed to meet the volume production requirements of commercial tackle manufacturers. Pro-Series models will save
considerable production time when hundreds or thousands of a single size must be cast. Each model in this series features multiple
identical cavities. The pouring gates of the Pro-Series are minimal sized which requires more ideal pouring conditions (lead alloy, tempera-
ture, pouring method) than the standard gating used on other models, but has the advantage of very quick and clean spruce (gate) removal.
PRO 100 Series PRO 101 Series
Round Head Jig ~ Ball Collar Round Head Jig ~ No Collar
570, 574, 575, 5570 Hooks 570, 574, 575, 5570 Hooks

Item Lure Hook Item Lure Hook

Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price
61-1240 1/32 7 6 $45.95 61-1249 1/32 7 8 or 6 $44.95
61-1241 1/16 7 6 or 4 $45.95 61-1250 1/16 7 6 or 4 $44.95
61-1242 1/8 7 1 or 2 $45.95 61-1251 1/8 7 1/0 or 2/0 $44.95
61-1243 1/4 7 1/0 $45.95 61-1252 1/4 7 2/0 $44.95

PRO 102 Series PRO 103 Series

Round Head Jig ~ Tapered Barb Round Head Jig ~ Ball Collar
570, 574, 575, 5570 Hooks 630, 635 - Heavy Hooks

Item Lure Hook Item Lure Hook

Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price
61-1256 1/32 7 6 $44.95 61-1265 1/8 7 1 or 1/0 $45.95
61-1257 1/16 7 4 $44.95 61-1266 1/4 6 1/0 or 2/0 $45.95
61-1258 1/8 7 1 or 1/0 $44.95 61-1268 3/8 5 3/0 $45.95
61-1259 1/4 7 2/0 $44.95

PRO 104 Series PRO 106 Series

Round Head Jig ~ Barb Collar Round Head Jig ~ Ring & Barb Collar
630, 635 - Heavy Hooks 630, 635 - Heavy Hooks

Item Lure Hook Item Lure Hook

Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price Code Size (oz.) Cavities Sizes Price
61-1271 1/8 7 1 or 1/0 $45.95 61-1261 1/8 7 1/0 or 2/0 $44.95
61-1272 1/4 6 1/0 or 2/0 $45.95 61-1262 1/4 6 2/0 or 3/0 $44.95
61-1274 3/8 5 3/0 $45.95 61-1263 3/8 5 4/0 $44.95

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Page 10 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

made with heavy O’Shaughnessy style hooks. O’Shaughnessy style hooks are longer and stronger than
various Aberdeen styles used in our other Round Head Jig molds. The tinned finish style (635) are the best
choice for corrosion resistance in salt water applications.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1023 JRS-5-A Round Head Jig Barb 630,635 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95
61-1063 JRS-1063 Round Head Jig Barb 630, 635 8 1/16,1/8 4,2 $39.95
61-1024 JRS-7-48 Round Head Jig Barb 630, 635 7 1/8,1/4 1,1/0 $39.95
61-1025 JRS-5-3812 Round Head Jig Barb 630, 635 5 3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0 $39.95


BARB COLLAR These jigs are made with heavy O’Shaughnessy style hooks.
O’Shaughnessy style hooks are longer and stronger than various Aberdeen styles used in our
other Round Head Jig molds. The tinned finish style (413) are the best choice for corrosion
resistance in salt water applications.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3326 RHO-5-A Round Head Ring & Barb 410, 413 5 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 1 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3327 RHO-4-LA Round Head Ring & Barb 410, 413 4 1, 1-1/2, 2, 3 5/0, 6/0, 7/0, 7/0 $40.95
61-3376 RHO-3XL Round Head Ring & Barb 34184 3 4, 5, 6 8/0 $40.95


your most serious equipment. No whimpy hooks will do. These jigs use the no-nonesense O’Shaughnessy
style hooks that have the length and strenth to bring in the largest west coast steelhead and salmon. The
tinned finish style (635) are the best choice for corrosion resistance in salt water applications.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3424 STL-6A Round Head Jig None 630,635 6 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95

POPEYE JIGS The Popeye Jig derives its name from the protruding eyes on each side of its
head. These “eyes” are often painted to give the lure a more life-like appearance. Popeye Jigs are
usually dressed with bucktail and are very popular with saltwater fishermen along many parts of the
eastern coast.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1042 JIS-5-A Popeye Ball 630 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6/0 $39.95
61-1082 JIS-4-L Popeye Ball 635 4 1-1/2,2,2-1/2,3 7/0 $39.95
61-3333 JIS-4-38X Popeye Ball 91715 4 3/8 7/0 $45.95

SHAD DART JIGS A slant-faced, tapered jig that originally earned its name on
migrating mid-Atlantic shad. The slanted head gives it a rising, “darting” action when the
rod tip is raised. The Shad Dart is usually tied with hair or feathers. It is an effective lure on
many types of species.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3031 JD-7-A Shad Dart None 570 7 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 6,4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0 $39.95
61-3032 JD-8-3264 Shad Dart None 570 8 1/64,1/32 8 & 10, 6 & 8 $39.95
61-1031 JD-7-48 Shad Dart None 570 7 1/8,1/4 2,2/0 $39.95
61-3360 JD-8-1618 Shad Dart None 570 8 1/16, 1/8 6 & 4, 2 &1 $40.95

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2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 11

ROUND SOCKET EYE JIG This jig head has

protected recessed sockets to allow you to apply optional molded 3-D
lure eyes or standard prism tape eyes. With 3-D eyes in place, the jig
looks like a roundhead jig with realistic life-like eyes. The ring and
See Page 7
barb collar will enable you to attach either soft plastics or tie on Round Socket Eye Jig
for 3-D Eyes
dressings. 570 Jig Hooks
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3340 RSE-6-A Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 6 1/8,1/4,5/16,3/8,1/2,5/8 1/0,2/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3344 RSE-7-18 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 7 1/8 (5/32" eye) 1/0 $39.95
61-3345 RSE-6-14 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 6 1/4 (5/32" eye) 2/0 $39.95
61-3346 RSE-6-56 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 6 5/16 (5/32" eye) 2/0 $39.95
61-3347 RSE-5-38 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 6 3/8 (1/4" eye) 3/0 $39.95
61-3348 RSE-5-12 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 5 1/2 (1/4” eye) 4/0 $40.95
61-3349 RSE-5-58 Socket Eye Ring & Barb 570 5 5/8 (1/4” eye) 4/0 $40.95

GRAVE DIGGER JIG This is one of the most unique jigs

you will ever fish. With its unique shovel-head design, the head portion
dives down bumping the bottom (aka Grave Digging), thereby mimicking NE
the action of a feeding minnow. Note also that this same action makes the
jig resistant to snags.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3423 CGD-4 Grave Digger Barb 570,571 4 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1, 1/0,2/0,3/0 $40.95

SHAD HEAD JIG This streamlined jig head is perfect for plastic shad
bodies. The slim shape of the Shad Head Jig cuts water well and makes it a top
choice for fishing areas with strong currents. Soft plastics are well secured to the
“Ring & Barb” collar, but this jig can also be finished with tied material.
Item Model Shad Body Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Size Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3115 SHB-5-A 3”-4” Ring & Barb 630,635 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95
61-3328 SHB-3-L 6” Ring & Barb 635 3 1,1-1/2,2 5/0,6/0,7/0 $39.95
61-3329 SHB-2-43 6”-9” Ring & Barb 91715 2 3,4 8/0,9/0 $39.95

STYLE “9” SHAD HEAD JIG This triangular jig

head is designed with a staggered barb collar to really secure plastic
shad and other thick plastic bodies.
Item Model Shad Body Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Size Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3235 SH9-6-1438 3” Barb 630 3 1/4,3/8 2/0,2/0 $39.95
61-3236 SH9-4-1234 4” Barb 630 4 1/2,3/4 4/0,4/0 $40.95
61-3237 SH9-4-115 6” Barb 635 4 1,1-1/2 7/0,7/0 $40.95
61-3354 SH9-3-LA 6”-9” Barb 91715 2 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2 7/0 $40.95
61-3355 SH9-2-43 6”-9” Barb 91715 2 3, 4 8/0 $40.95

SPARKIE JIGS A special forward balance design allows the

Sparkie Jig to pull over many snags. The wide head shape will not let the
jig tip to the side when it rests on the bottom. This enables the lure to be
used with a slider method as well as regular jigging action. Sparkie jigs
are made with the strong style 410 (bronze) or style 413 (Seaguard) jig

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1080 JKS-1080A Sparkie Jig Ball 410,413 7 1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95
61-1081 JKS-1081L Sparkie Jig Ball 410,413 3 3/4,1,1-1/2 4/0,5/0,6/0 $40.95
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Page 12 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

SPEARHEAD JIGS The shape of the Spearhead Jig

gives it a low water resistance. An excellent design for use below
dams and other turbulent areas.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3017 JSP-5-A Spearhead Jig Ball 630 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1,1/0,1/0,2/0,3/0 $40.95
61-3018 JSP-3-L Spearhead Jig Ball 630,635 3 1,1-1/2,2 2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0,6/0 $39.95
61-3019 JSP-2-43 Spearhead Jig Ball 635 2 3, 4 6/0,7/0 $40.95

SPIRE POINT JIG With a head shaped like a modern rifle bullet,
the Spire Point Jig is designed for trolling, casting and jigging. Eye sockets are
recessed which will allow use of decal stick-on lure eyes in 1 oz. and larger
sizes. Note: Very large sizes (8 oz. and up) require both a straight big
gamefish hook (Style 34081) and a wire sinker eye to serve as a line
attachment point.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3279 SPI-5-A Spire Point Jig Flair 410 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 2,1/0,2/0,3/0,4,0 $39.95
61-3280 SPI-3-L Spire Point Jig Flair 410,413 3 1,1-1/2,2 5/0,6/0,7/0 $39.95
61-3281 SPI-2-43 Spire Point Jig Flair 34184 2 3,4 8/0 $39.95
61-3282 SPI-2-56 Spire Point Jig Flair 34184 2 5,6 8/0 $39.95
61-3283 SPI-1-8B Spire Point Jig Flair 34081 1 8 10/0 plus No.3 Brass Eye $39.95
61-3284 SPI-1-12B Spire Point Jig Flair 34081 1 12 12/0 plus No.3 Brass Eye $39.95
61-3381 SPI-1-16B Spire Point Jig Flair 34081 1 16 12/0 plus No.3 Brass Eye $39.95
61-3382 SPI-1-20B Spire Point Jig Flair 34081 1 20 12/0 plus No.3 Brass Eye $39.95

STAND UP JIGS Stand Up Jigs live up to their name.

When dropped to the bottom, the lure will stand up with its hook
poised for a strike. The wide flat foot that is the under side of this
lure also slows the jigs fall. That can keep the lure in the strike zone
of suspended walleye longer than faster falling jigs. A specialty
hook, Style 1623, is required. 1623 hooks have an extra long shank
and are tempered like 570 jig hooks. Designed to be a top walleye
producer, the Stand Up Jig is effective on many other game fish as
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3093 SUJ-5-A Stand Up Jig Ball 1623 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 1/0,1/0,3/0,3/0,3/0 $39.95
61-3095 SUB-6-48 Stand Up Jig Barb 1623 5 1/8,1/4 1/0,1/0 $39.95
61-3096 SUB-3096 Stand Up Jig Barb 1623 5 1/4,3/8 3/0,3/0 $39.95
61-3098 SUB-5-A Stand Up Jig Barb 1623 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 1/0,1/0,3/0,3/0,3/0 $39.95

STAND UP HD JIG The HD version of the Stand Up Jig

is made to accept the Strong O’Shaughnessy Styles 413 and 410
hooks. Saltwater fishermen favor the slow falling design of the flat
footed Stand Up Jig, but require a strong corrosion resistant hook like
the Style 413. Freshwater fishermen requiring strong hooks will also
find the HD version to be an excellent choice.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3297 SUHD-5-A Stand Up Hd Jig Barb 410, 413 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 1,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3341 SUHD-3-LA Stand Up Hd Jig Barb 413 3 1, 1-1/2, 2 5/0, 6/0, 7/0 $40.95

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2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 13

SHAKE-IT JIG Whether you call it an “Alabama Rig”,

“Finesse Rig” or “Shakey Rig” this simple system has been lighting up
the tournament trail. This mold design allows you to incorporate either
the Flat Eye 60° Mustad 32798 or the Gamakatsu 604. Pick your
favorite plastic, rig it Texas-style with the hook hid in the plastic, and
finesse the big boy in.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Collar Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3430 SRH-6-A Shake It Jig Ring & Barb 604 /32798BLN 6 1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8 2/0,2/0,3/0,3/0,4/0,4/0 $44.95

SWM JIG The SWM Jig is a swimming type jig whose wobble
action is especially successful in attracting fish. Style 2190B hooks
have been specially developed for use with SWM jigs made with DO-
IT ® Molds. These jigs may be painted and fished without dressing or
can be tipped with live bait to make an even more effective lure.
Cast, troll, or jig vertically with this versatile bait.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3242 SWM-3-A SWM Jig None 2190B 3 1/8,1/4,3/8 4,1/0,2/0 $39.95

TEARDROP JIG Taking its name from the shape it resem-

bles, the design places most of this jig’s weight in a far forward position.
The weight distribution gives the lure a good tracking or swimming
action on retrieve and a “bombing,” nose first type fall when jigged. A
small recess is designed in each side of the jig head so that a drop of
paint can make its eye. Tie bucktail, feathers or your favorite lure
dressing to the versatile “holder” type collar, or simply attach plastic tails
to complete the lure.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3287 JT-6-A Teardrop Jig Holder 570, 574 6 1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95
61-3301 JTS-5-A Teardrop Jig Holder 630. 635 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0,5/0 $39.95

TIP UP JIG Intended for Walleye fishing, the name of the lure is
descriptive of its action. This special stand up design will rotate to an upright
position even if the jig lands on its side. A flat base with barb collar permits
plastic grubs to fit up tight. Tip Up Jigs more closely approximate the familiar
round head jig performance characteristics than do other stand up jig designs.
For best tip up rotation, use the hook sizes and styles recommended for each
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3267 TUJ-6-A Tip Up Jig Reverse Barb 570, 574 6 1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8,7/16 6,4,1,1/0,1/0,2/0 $39.95

TROLLING LURE Similar to a Slip Jig, the trolling weight

lure is popular for saltwater fishing. Leader or fishing line is threaded
through the 3/32" dia. hole in a completed lure and the hook is
attached separately. The weighted portion of this bait slides freely like
a slip sinker. A flair collar on the Trolling Lure blouses bucktail or
synthetic lure dressing to give a full look without the use of extra
material. Trolling Lure PEG-332 Pull Pin (included)
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3255 TL-4-A Trolling Lure Flair Optional 4 1/2,5/8,3/4,1 Optional $40.95


Molds and accessories listed in Red are Special Order items. The molds listed in Black are always in-stock. All Special
Order molds and accessories are available to you. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery to us for any Special Order
molds and accessories.

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Page 14 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

TUBE SKIRT JIG Just slip these jig heads inside hollow
plastic tube skirts and go fishing. No painting or finishing necessary.
Tube skirt jigs are designed for a friction fit inside the designated
skirt sizes. The model Tube-M (item code 61-3071) is often refered
to as the chiclet jig mold and very popular with tube jig bass
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3070 TUBE-S Tube Jig 1-1/2" Small Dia. 570 8 1/32,1/16 6 or 4 $39.95
61-3071 TUBE-M Tube Jig 2-1/2"-4” Med Dia. 570 6 1/8,1/4,3/8 1/0,2/0 or 3/0 $39.95


head is designed for speed loading into hollow plastic tube jig
skirts. Speed loading permits skirt collar changes without untying
the jig from the line. These lures are easy to make and require no
painting or finishing work. Production models are now avail-
able for sizes 1/8oz, 1/4oz and 3/8oz sizes. If you require an 570 Hook 570 Hook 410 Heavy Hook
extra long shank use the Eagle Claw 574 hook.

Item Model Tube Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Size Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3217 TUBE-TA 1-1/2" Small Dia. 570 8 1/32,1/16 6,4 $39.95
61-3218 TUBE-TC 2-1/2-4" Med Dia. 570 5 1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8 2/0 or 3/0 $39.95
61-3219 TUBE-TX 2-1/2-4" Med Dia. 410 (heavy hook) 5 1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8 2/0 or 3/0 $39.95
61-3232 TUBE-TT32 1-1/2" Small Dia. 570 8 1/32 6 or 4 $40.95
61-3233 TUBE-TT16 1-1/2" Small Dia. 570 8 1/16 6 or 4 $40.95
61-3364 TUBE-TC18 2-1/2-4" Med Dia. 570 6 1/8 2/0 or 3/0 $40.95
61-3365 TUBE-TC14 2-1/2-4" Med Dia. 570 6 1/4 2/0 or 3/0 $40.95
61-3366 TUBE-TC38 2-1/2-4" Med Dia. 570 5 3/8 2/0 or 3/0 $40.95

TUBE & TAIL JIG This is a versatile bass and gamefish

lure with a special design for rigging in many ways. It can be inserted
inside tube skirts or a plastic tail can be attached to the back. Both
plastic bodies can be combined to make a truly soft and doubly
effective bait. The model TUBE-G uses 570-575 Aberdeen style hooks
and is designed with a “holder” collar that will also accept rubber skirts
and tie on dressings. Model TUBE-U uses the long and strong 630 or
635 O’Shaughnessy style jig hooks and is designed with a “barb
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3268 TUBE-G Tube & Tail Holder,Med Dia. 570 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 4/0 $39.95
61-3072 TUBE-U Tube & Tail Barb,Med Dia. 630 6 1/8,1/4 1/0,2/0 $39.95

WALLEYE JIG This jig head is designed to resist snags on rocky bottoms. The tapered wedge shaped Walleye
Jig slips between stones that would hang up a similar round head jig. The Walleye Jig head can be a big advantage for
walleye fishing and equally effective for other species too.

Item Code 61-3418 accepts 3D

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1065 WHB-7-A Walleye Jig Barb 570 7 1/16,3/32,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-1067 WHB-48C Walleye Jig Barb 570 8 1/8,1/4 2 or 1, 1 or 1/0 $39.95
61-1071 JW-7-A2 Walleye Jig Ball 570 7 1/16,3/32,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3418 WHB-7-AR Walleye Jig Ring & Barb 570 7 1/16,3/32,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 4,2,1,1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95
Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]
2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 15

WORM NOSE JIG Rigging a plastic worm to a jig can make

a very effective lure. The Worm Nose Jig is designed to fit nicely at the
nose of a plastic worm. Small and sharp aberdeen style hooks are used
in this lure. These hooks are usually undetected by the fish as it inhales
the worm. The fish can actually hook itself when it tries to spit this lure
out. The double barb collar on the Worm Nose Jigs anchor plastic worms
especially well. Other plastics can be used with this jig too.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3183 WORM-A Worm Nose Jig Double Barb 570 5 3/32,1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16 2,1,1/0,2/0,2/0 $39.95

Y-Guard stiffness is necessary.

WEEDGUARDS FG-30 is a series of fiberguard with 1/8" size base diameters.
Y-Guards - Plastic Y-Guards are available in various sizes and This is the most popular size of fiberguard and several strand
colors. Y-Guards are simple and effective weed and brush guards diameters are offered for a variety of stiffness ratings. FG-30 type
made of nylon plastic. fiberguards also share the 1/8" base diameter with YG-1series of
FIBERGUARDS - Fiberguard weed and brush guards are Y-Guards. It is possible to use FG-30 size fiberguards or YG-1 Y-
made of individual nylon strands fused together at the base. Guards with the same molds.
Unlike Y-Guards, the fiberguard length can be adjusted to fit an FG-12 fiberguard have a 5/64" base diameter and are used for
individual lure or hook by trimming the end with sharp scissors. In lighter applications.
fact, fiberguards are made for the longest length hook that will FG-9 fiberguards are light duty 1/16" diameter weedguards that
likely be used, so most guards will require trimming before use.
are made for small crappie jigs. All weedguards can be molded
Fiberguards are made with several base diameters to vary the
directly into the lure. Direct molding is fast and easy, and by far
stiffness of the guard. Strand diameter also affects the stiffness of
the most popular method of attaching weedguards. Some tackle
the fiberguard. Each mold model specifies the type of fiberguard
makers instead prefer to epoxy the weedguards in place. In some
required (base diameter), and only those fiberguards with the
models, a steel base hole pin can be molded in place of
same base diameter will fit in that model. Still, different degrees of
weedguard. A hole is formed when the pin is removed. Note: Only
stiffness can often be obtained through a choice
Brush Guardof strand
1/8" (FG-30) and 5/32" (FG-40) weedguard models have provi-
sions for base hole pins. One reusable base hole pin per cavity is
FG-40 fiberguard have a large 5/32" base. These guards are supplied with qualified models. Extra base hole pins can be
very stiff and are usually used with heavy jigs or when maximum purchased if greater speed of production is required.
POISON TAIL JIG Like the venomous scorpion, this highly evolved jig sits poised
to deliver a toxic strike at its prey. The wide protrusion of the head with a flat bottom provides
extreme stability and balance to this design. The pronounced brow and recessed eyes serve
to anger and entice its prey. And when he bites, the Poison Tail Jig bites back with the Mustad
Modified Wide-Gap Impact Hook, digging in with stinging hooksets-faster and more powerful
than other jigs you have tried. Add the Poison Tail to your jig arsenal, and get ready to latch
onto the big catch.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3419 PTJ-3-AFM Poison Tail YG-1,FG-30 91768BLN 3 1/2,3/4,1 3/0,4/05/0 $44.95
61-3420 PTJ-3-AFS Poison Tail YG-1,FG-30 91768BLN 3 1/8,1/4,3/8 1/0,2/0,3/0 $44.95

ARKY STYLE JIG This jig in 1 /8 oz. uses the sharp 570 or 575 style
aberdeen jig hooks. Mold in YG-1 Y-Guard or FG-30 Fiberguard. Base hole pins are
provided for those who prefer to glue the weedguard in place.
Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3199 ARK-18Y Arky Style Jig YG-1,FG-30 570 4 1/8 4/0 $40.95


designed to accept fiberguard weed and brush guards. Weedless jigs enable fishermen to
spend more time fishing brush piles and weedbeds instead of freeing snags. Fiberguards in the
designated sizes are easily molded into each lure. Please Note: These models will not accept Y-
Guards or base hole pins.
Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3317 RVB-5-AF Weedless Ball FG-9,FG-12 570 5 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8 6,4,1,1/0,2/0 $39.95
61-3241 RVB-6-1632F Weedless Ball Fiberguard 570 6 1/32,1/16 6,4 $40.95
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Page 16 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories


has gained popularity as a bottom probing jig. The wide shape of this
head style prevents it from tipping to the side, so the hook can always
remain upright. Line pressure will cause the jig to stand up, poised for a
strike. Its broad face helps transmit signals up the line about changes in
bottom features. The addition of a fiberguard helps prevent snags in
brush and weeds. Different stiffness of fiberguard are available.
fishermen will favor the light rated FG-12 fiberguard. Bass fishermen
will like the medium stiffness of the FG-12HB. The “Ring and Barb”
collar is designed to hold rubber skirts or soft plastics, or even both
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3318 FBW-4-AF Weedless Footbal FG-12HB 570 4 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4, 3/0 or 4/0 $40.95
61-3431 FBB-3H-AF Weedless Football FG-30 32786BLN 3 3/4,1,1-1/2 4/0,5/0,6/0 $44.95

WEEDLESS STAND UP JIG This lure is designed to stand up on the bottom

with its hook poised for a strike. The weedguard permits this productive lure to be fished in heavy
cover. Often, a plastic crawdad is rigged back end first on the Stand Up Jig. Let the lure settle on
the bottom with the crawdad’s arms waving in the current and prepare for some terrific strikes.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3099 SUB-3-AY Stand Up FG-30,YG-1 1623 3 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 1/0,3/0,3/0 $43.95

BULLET BASS JIG A Point tapered bullet type head with

a hook eye in a far forward position. Because of these features, this jig
tends to slip through weed clogged areas like no other weedless jig.
Requires special heavy duty Laser Sharp Style L2221 hook and
designated weedguard. Can also use the Mustad Ultra Point
91786BLN Hook.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3248 BBJ-3-AY Bullet Bass FG30, YG-1 L2221 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 5/0 $39.95
61-3251 BBJ-3-LF Bullet Bass FG30, YG-1 L2221 3 5/8,3/4,7/8 5/0 $39.95

WEEDLESS SPARKIE JIGS A very snag resistant design incorporating

the Sparkie head with a weedguard. The combination of the 410 jig hook and weedguard
make the Weedless Sparkie a great lure for for taking tough fish in heavy cover.

The designated weedguard can be simply cast in the lure, or optionally, epoxied in later. The
epoxy option requires base holes to be formed in the jig when it is poured. One base hole pin
per cavity is furnished with each mold. Pins are simply placed into position before the cavity
is cast. Base hole pins are reusable and additional pins are available for faster production.
Note: Fiberguard size FG-30 can be epoxied into castings made from model JKS-1090Y.
Only FG-40 size Fiberguard can be molded or epoxied into castings from model JKS-1091F.
Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1090 JKS-1090Y Sparkie YG-1, Y-Guard 410 4 1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95


Molds and accessories listed in Red are Special Order items. The molds listed in Black are always in-stock. All Special
Order molds and accessories are available to you. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery to us for any Special Order
molds and accessories.

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 17

SNOOTIE JIG Just like that girl in high school, this wedged
bottom jig has a turned up nose and beautiful eyes. This head design
fishes well in heavy cover and creates a unique fall action. Be wary of
being hooked by this vixen, because it has Mustad 32786BLN a 60°
bend, wide gap, needle point, black nickel hook — an unforgiving hook
sure to break a fish's heart.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3371 SNT-3-AYS Snootie FG-30, YG1 32786 BLN 3 1/8, 3/16, 1/4 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 $40.95
61-3372 SNT-3-AYM Snootie FG-30,YG1 32786 BLN 3 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 4/0, 5/0, 6/0 $40.95

ARKY STYLE JIG A very useful all-purpose bass jig using the 730
flipping hook. Mold in Y-Guards or glue them in later by substituting base hole
pins (included) when the lures are molded.
The new ARK-3-AFC (item 61-3387) has the all new Double Holder Collar
and uses the new Mustad Ultra Point 32798 Jig Hook.

Item Model Collar Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3064 ARK-3-AY Ball FG-30,YG-1 730 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3387 ARK-3-AFC Double Holder FG-30,YG-1 32798 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95


are somewhat slimmer and narrower than similar bass jigs. This can be
advantageous in situations where enhanced snag resistance is important.
The improved design in Model BAN-4-AY uniquely permits optional use of
several popular Bass jig hooks, including styles 630, 410 and 730. Only
the specific hook style and size specified can be used for the designated
jig size. The 630 styles specify a smaller hook size than the 410 or 730
styles. Use either Fiberguard or Y-Guard to make an effective bass lure.
Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3312 BAN-4-AY Banana Jig FG-30 or YG-1 630 4 3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2 2/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95

FLIPPING JIG A snag resistant design using the special wide

throat super strong 730 style hooks and YG-1 size Y-Guard. The 730 hooks
are designed to maximize hooking power and are greatly superior to other
hooks when pork rind is added to the jig. Flipping jigs are super bass lures.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3060 FLIP-3-AY Flipping Jig FG-30,YG-1 730 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $43.95

BASS JIG This weedless jig offers streamlined

snag resistance in a highly stable design. Use Eagle Claw style
730 hooks or Mustad Ultra Point 32786BLN Flipping Jig Hooks and
mold in or glue in FG-30 size Fiberguards or
YG-1 size Y-Guards.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3066 BASS-3-AY Bass Jig FG-30,YG-1,YG-1F 730 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $43.95

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Page 18 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

WEEDLESS ROUND JIG Dad loves the Round Head Jig.

Never in his wildest imagination did he think the design could be improved. It
has. We added a Mustad 60° flat eye, wide gap, needle point, black nickel
hook. The point will remain upright rather than rotating to the side. Attach
anything on the ring and barb collar, and you've made it into the 21st century
and quite possible the winner's circle.
Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3373 RWR-3-AYS Weedless Rnd FG-30,YG-1 32798 BLN 3 1/8, 3/16, 1/4 3/0 $39.95
61-3374 RWR-3-AYM Weedless Rnd FG-30,YG-1 32798 BLN 3 5/16, 3/8, 7/16 4/0 $39.95
61-3375 RWR-3-AYL Weedless Rnd FG-30,YG-1 32798 BLN 3 1/2, 9/16, 5/8 5/0 $39.95

FLIPPING JIG A snag resistant design using the special wide

throat super strong 730 style hooks and YG-1 size Y-Guard. The 730 hooks
are designed to maximize hooking power and are greatly superior to other
hooks when pork rind is added to the jig. Flipping jigs are super bass lures.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3060 FLIP-3-AY Flipping Jig FG-30,YG-1 730 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $43.95

BASS JIG This weedless jig offers streamlined snag

resistance in a highly stable design. Use style 730 hooks
and mold in or glue in FG-30 size Fiberguards or YG-1 size

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3066 BASS-3-AY Bass Jig FG-30,YG-1,YG-1F 730 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 3/0,4/0,5/0 $43.95

POISON TAIL JIG Like the venomous scorpion, this highly evolved jig sits poised
to deliver a toxic strike at its prey. The wide protrusion of the head with a flat bottom provides
extreme stability and balance to this design. The pronounced brow and recessed eyes serve
to anger and entice its prey. And when he bites, the Poison Tail Jig bites back with the Mustad
Modified Wide-Gap Impact Hook, digging in with stinging hooksets-faster and more powerful
than other jigs you have tried. Add the Poison Tail to your jig arsenal, and get ready to latch
onto the big catch.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3419 PTJ-3-AFM Poison Tail YG-1,FG-30 91768BLN 3 1/2,3/4,1 3/0,4/05/0 $44.95
61-3420 PTJ-3-AFS Poison Tail YG-1,FG-30 91768BLN 3 1/8,1/4,3/8 1/0,2/0,3/0 $44.95

STYLE “S” BASS JIG - 730 Hooks Style “S” is

an improved Sparkie Jig design. It is adapted to the wide throat 730
style Bass jig hooks with brushguards for flipping and bass fishing in
heavy cover. Weights are in the popular “16th” increments.

Item Model Head Weed Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Guard Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3316 JKS-3-AY Style “S” Jig FG-30,YG-1 730 3 5/16,7/16,9/16 3/0,4/0,5/0 $43.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 19

CASTING SPOON LURE Long and thin, the casting spoon works well for
casting and vertical jigging. The smooth flat sides allow for the optional attachment of
reflective tape for extra glitter. Mold in the appropriate size wire CC-FORM, paint, add
treble hook, and you are ready to go fishing. Add a style 374 or 954 treble hook with a split

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3177 CC-4-A Casting SpoonCC-14,12,34,100Treble 4 1/4,1/2,3/4,1 8,6,4 or 2 $39.95
61-3178 CC-2-L Casting Spoon CC-150,200 Treble 2 1-1/2,2 4 or 2 $39.95
61-3264 CC-1-3 Casting Spoon CC-300 Treble 1 3oz 2 $40.95
61-3265 CC-1-4 Casting Spoon CC-Forms Treble 1 4oz 2/0 $40.95
61-3266 CC-1-6 Casting Spoon CC-600 Treble 1 6oz 2/0 or 4/0 $40.95

DIAMOND LURE The Diamond Lure derives its name from the shape
of the lure as viewed head on. It is a versatile jigging, casting, and trolling lure for
use in both fresh and salt water. Mold in appropriate CC wire form, clip gates, file
spruce nubs flat, paint, attach your choice of treble hook and the Diamond Lure is
ready to catch fish.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3204 DJ-4-A Diamond LureCC-14,12,34,100Treble 4 1/4,1/2,3/4,1 8,6,4 or 2 $39.95
61-3205 DJ-2-L Diamond Lure CC-150,200 Treble 2 1-1/2,2 4 or 2 $39.95
61-3206 DJ-1-3 Diamond Lure CC-300 Treble 1 3oz 2/0 $40.95
61-3207 DJ-1-4 Diamond Lure CC-400 Treble 1 4oz 2/0 $40.95
61-3208 DJ-1-6 Diamond Lure CC-600 Treble 1 6oz 4/0 $40.95

JIGGING SPOON The lead spoon used with a jigging action is

particularly effective on certain species, notably Striped Bass.

The spoons are designed with one flat side and one tapered “keel” shaped side.
This gives the lure a wiggling action irresistible to fish. The weight and design of
the jigging spoon make it possible to fish the bottom in deep water.

It’s a most effective retriever when an in-line swivel is added. On a fast retrieve
the lure will have an extreme wiggling, spinning action simulating a frightened
minnow. It attracts attention and often produces vicious strikes.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1203 JS-3-A Jigging Spoon1-JSF,2-JSF,3-JSFTreble 3 5/8,1-1/8,1-3/8 4 or 2 $39.95

HAMMERED SPOON An attractive hammered pattern to

simulate fish scales and gill plates on a proven shad bait fish profile give
the Hammered Spoon an illusion of being something that fish recognize
as safe to eat. An inexpensive wire HS-Form must be molded inside the
lure to give it the necessary fish fighting strength. The lead hammered
spoon can optionally be bent to alter its dropping speed and action. We
recommend painting with Vinyl Jig and Lure Finish since this finish is
flexible. A vinyl finish will not crack or chip if you want to bend the lure
after it is painted. Complete the Hammered Spoon by attaching a treble
hook with a size No. 7 split ring. Note: This lure must be molded by
“ladle pouring” with SOFT LEAD ONLY!

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3286 HS-3-1 Hammered Spoon HS-100 Treble 3 1 2 or 4 $39.95
61-3291 HS-3-34 Hammered Spoon HS-34 Treble 3 3/4 2 or 4 $39.95

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Page 20 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories


Spinner lures are game fish baits enjoying an
excellent reputation as effective producers of
Largemouth Bass and schooling fish. The
vibrations of the spinner blade are transferred to
the lure itself providing terrific action.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1205 TS-4-A1 Tail Spinner WTS-28 Treble 4 3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 8,6,4 or 2 $40.95
61-3246 TSH-4-A Tail Spinner WTS-28 Treble 4 1/2,5/8,3/4,7/8 6 or 8, 4 or 2 $40.95
61-1213 TSM-5-38 Cut Face Spinner WTS-28 Treble 5 3/8 8,6, or 4 $40.95
Item Code 25 100 1000
SHAD BLADE A vibrating lure
style designed with a wide flat head, 61-23-60 ZBS - Brass $9.95 $32.94 $249.90
which together with the metal blade, 61-23-61 ZBS - Nickel $13.95 $46.96 $349.90
provides erratic action when the lure is 61-23-62 ZBM - Brass $9.95 $32.94 $249.90
Blade Bait Bank
jerked sharply or allowed to drop in free 61-23-63 ZBM - Nickel $13.95 $46.96 $349.90
fall. This erratic action, vibratiion, and fish
like appearance of the Shad Blade can trigger predatory strikes from game fish. The
lure has been designed with recessed eye sockets to accept 5/32" decal stick-on lure
eyes. This is an easy lure to attractively finish and assemble.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3277 ZS-4-S Shad Blade ZB-S Treble 4 1/4,3/8 8,6 or 4 $40.95
61-3278 ZS-4-M Shad Blade ZB-M Treble 4 1/2,3/4 6,4 or 2 $40.95

VIBRATING LURE Styel ZV vibrating lures are versatile jigging, casting,

and trolling lures. This erratic action, vibratiion, and fish like appearance of the Shad
Blade can trigger predatory strikes from game fish. The lure has been designed with
recessed eye sockets to accept 5/32" decal stick-on lure eyes. This is an easy lure to
attractively finish and assemble.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3331 ZV-5-A Vibrating Lure ZB-S, ZB-M Treble 4 1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 8,6 or 4 $39.95
61-3332 ZS-4-24 Vibrating Lure ZB-S, ZB-M Treble 4 1/4,1/2 6,4 or 2 $39.95

BUZZ-SPIN LURES The Buzz-Spin Lure features a flat, heart shaped

body designed to keep the lure at the surface when used in conjunction with a delta
blade. The retrieve is started as soon as the lure hits the water. The delta blade
churns the water at the surface creating a commotion that is a super fish attraction. It
is very effective on game fish such as bass, northern pike and muskies.

CASTING & ASSEMBLING Buzz-Spin Lures: Use the required wire form in each
cavity. Buzz bait form #76-01-38 should be used in 3 /8 and 1 /2 oz. sizes. Form #76-01-
14 in 1 /4 oz. and Form 76-01-18 in 1 /8 oz. sizes. There is some flexibility regarding hook
sizes, but best results will normally be obtained with the size recommended. Place the
eye of the hook over the end loop of the wire form. With pliers, pinch the end loop
tightly on the hook. Insert the form in the mold and cast. Ladle pouring is recom-
mended because the wires protrude from the top of the mold, however, some types of
bottom pour furnaces can be used to cast these lures.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1216 BSJ-2-48 Buzz-Spin 0.045” Form 253 2 1/8,1/4 1/0,2/0 $39.95
61-1217 BSJ-2-3812 Buzz-Spin 0.051” Form 253 2 3/8,1/2 3/0 or 4/0 $39.95
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loaded and poured individually. Spinnerbait molds are made multi-cavity to offer value
with two or more sizes, not to increase production rates. It is critical to good
molding results that the union of the hook eye and wire form is positioned
approximately in the center of the cavity. This is important because lead
hardens first around the bulge formed by this union. If the union is positioned
too close to the collar, lead flow is obstructed and the collars may not fill completely.
It is not hard to position the union in one cavity and mold perfectly, but it is difficult to insure
proper position if multiple cavities are attempted. Use only the wire diameter specified because
the mold must close completely and tightly grip the wire to hold it and the hook in position.

We recommend that spinner jigs be molded using a “ladle” and a “dip out” method. Our Multi-cavity spinner jig molds
are by necessity designed to let the wire form project from the top of the mold. Ladle pouring is the simplest and
quickest way to mold spinner jigs. The two cavity spinner jig molds work well with most bottom pour furnaces as long
as each cavity is poured singly. The three and four cavity models are made to offer additional sizes and more value,
but all wire forms extend completely externally in these designs. There is no problem when ladle pouring, but with
wire in the way, proper positioning beneath a bottom pour furnace may be difficult. Bottom pour advocates will be
best served with two cavity spinner jig molds. Ladle pourers have their choice of all the spinner jig models.


Minnpw Spinner Jig has a long and narrow head resembling a bait fish with a
swollen belly. Both models feature recessed eye sockets to accept 5/32 size stick
on lure eyes.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3405 SJU-3-SA Ultra Minnow Holder 253,255, 3608N 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 $44.95
61-3406 SJU-3MA Ultra Minnow Holder 253,255, 3608N 3 5/8,3/4,1 4/0 or 5/0 $44.95

STYLE “H” SPINNER JIG The Style “H” Spinner Jig has a long
and narrow head resembling a bait fish with a swollen belly. Model SJ-3H-SA
features small protruding eyes. Model SJ-3H-L in the larger sizes feature
recessed eye sockets to accept 5/32 size stick on lure eyes. Use 9/32” eyes on
the Extra Large model SJ-3H-X.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3240 SJ-3H-SA Style “H” Spinner Jig Ball 253,255 3 1/4,3/8,1/2 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 $39.95
61-3221 SJ-3H-L Style “H” Spinner Jig Ball 253,255 3 5/8,3/4,1 4/0, 5/0 $39.95
61-3368 SJ-3H-X Style “H” Spinner Jig Ball 253,255 3 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2 5/0, 6/0 $39.95


Spinner Jig models are designed to use prebent wire forms.
They can be easily molded using a ladle or from most bottom
pour melters. A special “Ring and Barb” collar is designed to
secure EITHER rubber skirts or plastic grubs. The weighted
banana belly helps stabilize the lure when used with plastic
twisting tails.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3323 SJY-2-M Banana Spinner 0.040” Form 253, 255 2 1/2,5/8 4/0,5/0 $39.95
61-3322 SJY-2-Y Banana Spinner 0.035” Form 253, 255 2 1/4,3/8 4/0,4/0 $39.95

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Page 22 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

BULLET SPINNER JIG This is the most popular style for all around use. Use
.035 wire in 1/8 and 1/4 oz. sizes and .040-.041 in the larger sizes. *Designed for ladle
pouring — not intended for use with bottom pour lead furnaces.

Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1214 SJ-4B-A Bullet Spinner Jig Ball 253, 255 4 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2 1/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $39.95
61-3226 SJ-3B-L Bullet Spinner Jig Ball 253, 255 3 3/4,1,1-1/8 4/0,5/0 $39.95

BULLET SPINNER JIG - SJB SERIES Bullet Spinner Jigs in the SJB series
are designed to be made with prebent wire forms. The two cavity arrangement makes molding faster
and easier than with the three and four cavity models making the same parts. The SJB series also
adapts readily to most bottom pour furnaces.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3324 SJB-2-B Bullet Spinner 0.035”/0.040” 253, 255 2 1/4,3/8 2/0 or 3/0 & 3/0 or 4/0 $39.95
61-3325 SJB-2-M Bullet Spinner 0.040” Forms 253, 255 2 1/2,5/8 4/0 or 5/0 $39.95

STYLE “C” SPINNER JIG Mold models in the

Style “C” series are designed to use prebent wire forms. Mold
cavities individually or together. Ball type tying collars secure
rubber skirts or tie on lure dressing. Style “C” Spinners are
available in a wide range of weights to meet a variety of fishing
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3302 SJ-C1-S Style C 0.029” Form 455 2 1/16,1/8 4 or 6, 2 or 1 $40.95
61-1226 SJ-2-C Style C1,C2 0.035”/0.040” 253 2 1/4,3/8 3/0,4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3303 SJ-C2-M Style C2 0.040” Form 253 2 1/2,5/8 4/0,5/0 $40.95
61-3304 SJ-C2-L Style C2 0.040” Form 253 2 3/4,1 4/0,5/0 $40.95

CRAPPIE SPINNER Small spinner jigs catch big

crappies. This lure features a slim head design with a swollen belly
for stability. It is built with a .029 wire form for increased vibrations
and a small but strong Style 455 hook. The wire and hook combina-
tion are light enough for a proper Crappie bait yet strong enough to
handle a good size Bass too! The “holder” collar design secures tie
on lure dressings and also plastic tails and bodies.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook

Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3288 SJ-CRP Crappie Spinner 0.029” Form 455 2 1/16,1/8 4 or 6, 2 or 1 $39.95

EAR BALL LURE This little ball provides so many possibilities. It happens to be one of
the most popular jig heads in Eastern Europe. Rigged with a split ring, this bait has a swinging hook
with tons of action. Tip with floating plastic or even live bait to get more movement than any other NE
jig can provide. Another popular option is to attach a bucktail dressed treble hook. You can also use
it as a sinker as a weighted 3-way rig. Requires 2 stainless or brass figure 8 eye inserts.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3410 EBL-7-A Ball Lure 462 Assorted 7 9/16, 1/2, 7/16, 3/8, 1/4, 3/16, 1/8 Assorted $40.95
61-3411 EBL-5-MA Ball Lure 462 Assorted 5 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16 Assorted $40.95
61-3412 EBL-4-LA Ball Lure #1 Sinker Eye Assort. 4 1,1-1/8,1-1/4,1-1/2 Assorted $41.95
61-3413 EBL-4-XL Ball Lure #1 SinkerEye Assort. 4 1-1/2,1-11/16,1-7/8,2 Assorted $41.95

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Special Notice to Commercial Lure Manufacturers: On January 16, 1990, the Blakemore
Sales Company obtained a U.S. Trademark registration for the shape of a lure resembling those made from our Horse Head and Pony
Head lure molds. Lures of this shape have been made and marketed by many different companies, both large and small, for many
decades prior to and continuing through the date of registration. They have long been known generically as “horse head jigs” or “pony
head jigs.” We thus do not believe the shape can now be a valid trademark belonging to a single company. The validity of this
trademark registration has not been tested in court, so the commercial sales of these lures could involve claims against you. As with
castings made from any model, the right to use these molds to make tackle for commercial use is left for you to determine, and we
make no warranty or other representations of any kind with respect to your right to do so.

HORSE HEAD - PONY HEAD JIGS The names are typically

generically interchangeable for the same lure, but we designate lures without
the tying collar as Horse Head Jigs. Styles with collars are called Pony Head
Jigs. This type of lure is an efficient combination of spinner and jig. The lure’s
head with its long and drooping nose resembles a horse’s head, hence the
name. The shape of the head also has a general larval like appearance that
makes it attractive to fish. The nose portion of the Horse Head Jig serves as
both an attachment point for the spinner’s swivel and as a rudder to stabilize
the lure against the torque of the free turning spinner blade. Fish often strike at
the flashing blade which strategically trails near the hook of this great lure. The
slim shape of the jig’s head design minimizes the chance of snags in rocks and
brush, yet maximizes the flow of water around the lure to turn the spinner
blade. The Horse Head Jig is a very efficient spinner design which has proven
effective for many types of fish including Crappies, Walleye, and Bass. It is not
difficult to make. Just mold in a swivel, dress it like a standard jig and attach a
spinner blade to the swivel with a split ring. Sizes 0 and 1 split rings work fine
for most blade sizes. You can save a lot of money by making your own Horse
Head Jigs.

TIP: Your lures will be more effective if the swivels turn freely and this means keeping them free of paint. A painted
swivel may not rotate and thereby reduce the blade action to that of only a flutter. Carefully paint the jigs with a small
brush and avoid getting paint on the swivel. If you spray paint the lures, be sure to cover the swivel. A small diameter
plastic straw (often used in mixed drinks) can be cut to length and temporarily slipped over the swivel to protect it
from paint.
Item Model Head Insert Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Crane Swivel Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1220 JH-6-A Horse Head Jig 12 570 6 1/48,1/32,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4 8,6,4,1,1/0,2/0 $39.95
61-1221 JH-8-1632 Horse Head Jig 12 570 8 1/32,1/16 6,4 $39.95
61-1224 PHB-5-A Pony Head Jig 12 570 5 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8 6,4,1/0,1/0,2/0 $39.95
61-3201 PHB-16 Pony Head Jig 12 570 6 1/16 4 $41.95
61-3202 PHB-18 Pony Head Jig 12 570 5 1/8 1 or 2 $41.95
61-3203 PHB-14 Pony Head Jig 12 570 5 1/4 1,1/0,2/0 $41.95

SEA HORSE JIG The Sea Horse Jig is a larger

version of the popular Horse Head Jig. It is made using strong
hooks for Striped Bass and other large game fish. The bent
down portion of the head serves as both an attachment point
for the spinner blade and a stabilizing rudder to keep the
torque of the rotating blade from turning this jig to its’ side.
The “Ring and Barb” collar design makes it possible to dress
these lures with either tied material or plastic tails. Use the
crane swivel size specified for each Sea Horse Jig mold.
Item Model Head Collar Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Style Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1228 PHC-3-L Sea Horse Jig Ring & Barb 630,635 3 3/4,1,1-1/2 4/0,5/0,6/0 $40.95
61-1227 PHC-4-A Sea Horse Jig Ring & Barb 630 4 1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 2/0,2/0,3/0,4/0 $40.95

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Page 24 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

STAND UP SPIN JIG This is the flat footed Stand Up Jig,

so popular with walleye fishermen, featuring the fish attracting addition of
a spinner blade. The flat foot shape of the lure slows its rate of descent
as well as positions the hook upright for a strike as it settles on the
bottom. While not as efficient of a spinner lure as the Horse Head Jig, the
Stand Up Spin Jig adds the flash and vibration of a spinner blade to the
proven snag resistant Stand Up Jig design.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3296 SUS-5-A Stand Up Spin #10 Crane 1623 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4 1/0,3/0 $40.95

LURE BODY Lead lure bodies are used to make weighted spinners or they
can be used alone as streamlined slip sinkers. The lure body is first molded onto a
reusable steel .040 core shaft (part No. S-040) to form the hollow core. The core shaft
can be stripped away immediately in the mold or later from the extracted parts after
they have cooled. One core shaft per cavity is included with each mold. Extra S-040
parts are available to increase molding speed. A twisted eye wire shaft of .024 - .031
diameter is used to assemble the lure. Typically a weighted spinner is made with a
clevis and swing blade mounted on the wire shaft, followed by a small bead or two to
provide a smooth bearing surface. The lure body mounts behind the bead. A safety pin
snap or twisted eye is then formed on the end of the wire shaft to keep everything in
place. The type and size of hook is optional, but often a small treble hook is attached.
The hook can be used plain or material can be attached to dress the lure.
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Style Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3225 LB-5-A Lure Body S-040 Core Shaft Treble 5 1/32,1/16,1/8,1/4,3/8 Optional $39.95

SLIP JIG LURE This lure is basically a sliding

worm weight with a tying collar to add a skirt or reel
rubber. Finish the Slip Jig like a bass jig and fish it Texas
style with a plastic worm. This lure is great for heavy
cover and has more fish appeal than a standard Texas
Item Model Head Hook No. of Lure Hook
Code No. Stye Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3196 SLIP-6-A Slip Jig PWR-16 Pull Pin None 6 1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2,9/16 None $39.95

SHAD BAIT LURE Whether it’s the unique wobble action when you are trolling, the style of the drop and the flutter when
you are jigging or the turned wiggle upon a retrieved cast, this lure has all of the versatility you could hope for. The details of a
swollen belly, lips, gill plates, fins, recessed eyes and a lateral line make this gem appear to come to life in the water. Try tweaking
the tail a bit to change the action when you want to trigger your next pole bender. Item 61-3392 produces the same casting as 61-
3383 but without the #1 brass sinker eye.

Item 61-3391 and 61-3392

Item 61-3383 and 61-3407

Item Model Head Stick on No. of Lure Treble Hook

Code No. Style Insert Eye Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3383 SBL-2-46B Shad Bait CC-600, #1 Eye 9/32” 2 4, 6 6 to 4/0 $44.95
61-3391 SBL-3M Shad Bait CC-34, 100, 150 5/32” 3 3/4, 1, 1-1/2 8 to 4 $44.95
61-3392 SBL-2-46 Shad Bait CC-600 9/32” 2 4, 6 6 to 4/0 $44.95
61-3407 SBL-3MB Shad Bait CC-34, 100, 150, #402 Eye 5/32” 3 3/4, 1, 1-1/2 8 to 4 $44.95

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can make your own drop shot weights and save up to
DROP SHOT SWIVELS Enlarged View of
95% of the cost over buying over priced name brand Drop Shot Swivel
ones. Drop Shotting has taking the fishing world by
storm and is the hottest technique in the professional Item Code 100 500 1000
anglers circuit, drop shotting is a light-line, finesse 61-2427 Drop Shot Swivels #7 $11.99 $49.90 $89.90
presentation that keeps your bait in place for ex-
tended lengths of time. Great for fishing under or in FDS-8-A
structure. Use Do-It’s Line Grip Swivel Size 7. Finesse DSS-8-M4
Drop Shot Round Drop
Weight Shot

Item Model Swivel No. of Sinker

Code No. Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3367 DSS-8-M4 #7 Line Grip 8 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 $39.95
61-3377 FDS-8-A #7 Line Grip 8 1/32,1/16,1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 $39.95

BANK SINKER Bank Sinkers are one of the most popular sinker designs and enjoy great
popularity with both fresh and saltwater fishermen. Bank Sinkers feature hexagon sides to resist
rolling in current and a tapered shape for fewer snags in rocks.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Sinker

Code No. Stye Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1101 BK-8-A Bank Sinker None None 8 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,7/8,1,1-1/2
61-1102 BK-4-L Bank Sinker None None 4 2,3,4,5 $36.95
61-1103 BK-2-X Bank Sinker None None 2 6,8 $36.95
61-1165 BK-1-10 Bank Sinker None None 1 10 $40.95
61-1166 BK-1-12 Bank Sinker None None 1 12 $40.95
61-1104 BK-1-14 Bank Sinker None None 1 14 $40.95
61-1167 BK-1-16 Bank Sinker None None 1 16 $40.95
61-3269 BK-1-18 Bank Sinker None None 1 18 $40.95
61-3271 BK-1-20 Bank Sinker None None 1 20 $40.95
61-3272 BK-1-24 Bank Sinker None None 1 24 $40.95
61-1191 BK-9-38 Bank Sinker None None 9 3/8 $40.95
61-1192 BK-B-12 Bank Sinker None None 8 1/2 $40.95
61-1193 BK-7-34 Bank Sinker None None 7 3/4 $40.95
61-1105 BK-6-1 Bank Sinker None None 6 1 $40.95
61-1194 BK-6-112 Bank Sinker None None 6 1-1/2 $40.95
61-1106 BK-4-2 Bank Sinker None None 4 2 $40.95
61-3173 BK-3173 Bank Sinker None None 4 2-1/2 $40.95
61-1107 BK-4-3Z Bank Sinker None None 4 3 $40.95
61-1108 BK-3-4 Bank Sinker None None 3 4 $40.95
61-1109 BK-3-5 Bank Sinker None None 3 5 $40.95

BELL SINKERS The Bell Sinker is a teardrop shaped sinker that casts well and resists snags
on the retrieve. Bell Sinkers have a lead molded eye and require no insert. They can be produced quickly
and inexpensively.

Item Model Head Hook No. of Sinker Hook

Code No. Stye Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1114 BE-8-A Bell Sinker None None 8 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,1,1-1/2,2 None $40.95
61-1116 BE-9-S2 Bell Sinker None None 8 3/8,5/8, None $40.95
61-1117 BE-8-M2 Bell Sinker None None 9 1,1-1/2 None $40.95

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Page 26 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories


The Bass Casting, or Swivel Bell as it is called in larger sizes, is a popular all
around sinker. The teardrop shape casts well and resists snags on the retrieve,
while the molded in swivel deters line twisting.

Item Model No. of Sinker Hook

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1110 BC-8-A Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 8 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,1,1-1/2,2 None $37.95
61-1112 BC-9-S2 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 9 3/8,5/8 None $37.95
61-1113 BC-8-M2 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 8 1,1-1/2 None $37.95
61-3256 BC-9-12 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 9 1/2 None $37.95
61-3257 BC-9-34 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 9 3/4 None $37.95
61-3258 BC-8-1 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 8 1 None $37.95
61-3259 BC-3-345 Bass Casting Sinker No.3 Barrel Swivel 3 3,4,5 None $37.95
61-3260 BC-2-68 Bass Casting Sinker No.3 Barrel Swivel 2 6,8 None $37.95
61-3261 BC-2-1012 Bass Casting Sinker No.1/0 Barrel Swivel 2 10,12 None $40.95
61-3262 BC-2-1416 Bass Casting Sinker No.1/0 Barrel Swivel 2 14,16 None $40.95
61-3263 BC-1-20 Bass Casting Sinker No.1/0 Barrel Swivel 1 20 None $40.95
61-3314 BC-5-2 Bass Casting Sinker No.7 Barrel Swivel 5 2 None $40.95


Bell Sinker with the tough and smooth brass wire eyelet. A strengthened sinker,
reduction of line abrasion, and ability to attach a snap or a snap swivel are added
Item Model Head Hook No. of Sinker Hook
Code No. Stye Insert Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1169 BL-9-AB Bell Sinker No. 1 Eye None 9 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4,1,1-1/2,2 None $36.95
61-3338 BL-3-345B Bell Sinker No. 2 Eye None 3 3,4,5 None $36.95
61-3339 BL-2-68B Bell Sinker No. 2 Eye None 2 6,8 None $36.95

BOTTOM BOUNCER SINKERS The Bottom Bouncer Sinker is a

modern snagless type sinker. The slender shape of the lead body and wire extending
through it permits the Bottom Bouncer to bump and bounce over obstructions that
would snag other sinkers. The bait and hook trail safely above and behind. Wire
forms can be made from stainless steel leader wire and connector sleeves or pre-
made forms are available. Put a slight “kink” in the wire where it is molded inside the
lead to keep the body secure on the wire shaft. Recommended wire diameters are
noted on each model.


is often insufficient clearance beneath bottom pour furnaces to place both mold and Walleye
wire form. Award
Real Pro’s SportFishing stocks both bulk bottom bouncer wire for making
you own wire bottom bouncer forms and pre-made stainless steel
“L” shaped and Quick Change style bottom bouncer forms.

Item Model Hook No. of Sinker Hook

Code No. Wire or Wire Form Style Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3223 BTM-5-SA .035 Wire None 5 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8 None $39.95
61-3307 BTM-5-M .035 or 0.040” Wire None 5 1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2 None $39.95
61-3224 BTM-3-L .040 Wire None 3 2,2-1/2,3 None $39.95

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CANNON BALL SINKER These round ball sinkers with brass wire
eyes resemble small cannon balls in the larger sizes, hence the name Cannon Ball
Sinker. Because of their dense round shape, Cannon Ball Sinkers drop faster and
straighter than many other type sinkers.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3184 CB-10-S2B Cannon Ball No 1 Brass Eye 10 1/2,3/4 $39.95
61-3185 CB-4-AB Cannon Ball No 1 Brass Eye 4 1,2,3,4 $39.95
61-3186 CB-3-456B Cannon Ball No 2 Brass Eye 3 4,5,6 $39.95
61-3187 CB-2-810B Cannon Ball No 2 Brass Eye 2 8,10 $39.95
61-3188 CB-2-1216B Cannon Ball No 2 Brass Eye 2 12,16 $39.95

CANNON BALL LARGE FRAME These round ball sinkers with

brass wire eye. Because of their dense round shape, Cannon Ball Sinkers drop faster W!
and straighter than many other type sinkers. New larger sizes! NE

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (lbs.) Price
61-3414 CB-2-23LF Cannon Ball No 3 Brass Eye 2 3lb, 4lb $74.95
61-3415 CB-2-45LF Cannon Ball No 3 Brass Eye 2 4lb, 5lb $74.95


engineered, this 2 piece mold is designed to give you a straight running ball. You will

need your bench vise to stabilize the mold as well as heavier casting equipment. If you
are looking to protect the finish on your downrigger balls you can spray our Heat & Dip NE
Powder Paint for a hard high gloss finish using our Powder Paint Spary Gun.

Requires 2 Downrigger
Wire Eyes per ball
Code 50 100 500
61-3425 $8.99 $16.99 $79.99

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (lbs.) Price
61-3425 DRB-1-8 Downrigger DR Eye 1 8lbs (3.6Kg) $74.95
61-3426 DRB-1-10 Downrigger DR Eye 1 10lbs (4.5Kg) $74.95
61-3427 DRB-1-12 Downrigger No DR Eye 1 12lbs (5.5Kg) $74.95

CRESCENT SINKERS Designed to be used

as an in-line sinker, the crescent shape acts as a keel on
the sinker to prevent rotation and line twist. Brass wire
eyelets are solidly anchored on each end. Optional swivels
may be added to each wire eye to further improve perform-
Item Model No. of Sinker Optional
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Insert Price
61-1180 CR-4-AB Crescent Sinker No. 1 Brass Eyes 4 1,1-1/2,2,3 No 2 B-Chain $38.95
61-1181 CR-45B Crescent Sinker No. 2 Brass Eyes 2 4,5 No 3 B-Chain $38.95
61-1182 CR-6B Crescent Sinker No. 2 Brass Eyes 1 6 No 3 B-Chain $38.95

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Page 28 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

FLAT BANK SINKERS Low profile Flat Bank

Sinkers are good choices in areas where currents are strong.
Other sinkers styles might be pushed or roll with the current,
but Flat Bank Sinkers tend to stay put. They can also be pulled
through many tough areas without snagging

Item Model No. of Sinker Size

Code No. Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) on Sinkers Price
61-3379 FLB-5-A Flat Bank Sinker 5 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2, 2 Yes $40.95
61-3356 FLB-3-L Flat Bank Sinker 3 3, 4, 5 Yes $40.95
61-3357 FLB-2-68 Flat Bank Sinker 2 6, 8 Yes $40.95
61-3358 FLB-1-10 Flat Bank Sinker 1 10 Yes $40.95
61-3359 FLB-1-12 Flat Bank Sinker 1 12 Yes $40.95

EGG SINKERS The Egg Sinker or Slip Sinker as it is sometimes called has
numerous advantages over conventional sinkers. The line will slip through the sinker,
thus the fish will not feel the weight of the sinker when it picks up the bait and setting
the hook will be quicker without the sinker’s resistance. In addition, the fish cannot use
the sinker’s weight to help throw the hook when breaking water.

Item Model No. of Sinker Size on

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sinkers Price
61-1170 EG-9-A Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 9 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2,3 Yes $39.95
61-1173 EG-5-LA Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 5 1,2,3,4,5 Yes $39.95
61-1174 EG-2-68 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 2 6,8 Yes $39.95
61-1171 EG-14-48 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 14 1/8,1/4 Yes $39.95
61-1172 EG-11-1412 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 11 1/4,1/2 Yes $39.95
61-1121 EG-9-M2 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 9 3/8,3/4 Yes $39.95
61-1122 EG-6-L2 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 6 1,1-1/2 Yes $39.95
61-3252 EG-3-2 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 3 2 Yes $40.95
61-3253 EG-3-3 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 3 3 Yes $40.95
61-3254 EG-3-4 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 3 4 Yes $40.95
61-3378 EG-2-1012 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 2 10, 12 Yes $40.95
61-3380 EG-2-1416 Egg Sinker PEG-332 Pull Pin 2 14, 16 Yes $40.95

NO ROLL SINKER This flat sliding sinker is designed for use

in areas where heavy currents would roll sliding egg type sinkers. The flat,
low profile shape does not drift with the current so the sinker stays in place.
A CP332 Core Pin for each cavity is included. Core pins can be stripped
away immediately in the mold or later after the extracted parts have cooled.
Extra CP332 parts are available to increase molding speed.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3244 NR-4-A No Roll Sinker CP332 Core Pin 4 1,1-1/2,2,3 $41.95
61-3385 NR-3-345 No Roll Sinker CP332 Core Pin 3 3, 4, 5 $41.95
61-3386 NR-2-68 No Roll Sinker CP332 Core Pin 2 6, 8 $41.95

PENCIL SINKERS with Brass Wire Eyes. Can be used either as an

inline sinker with double brass wire eyes or as a bottom bumper type sinker using
only one eye.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1164 P-3-AB Pencil Sinker with Brass Eye No 1 Brass Eye 3 1-1/4,1-3/4,2-1/2 $39.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 29

PINCH-ON SINKERS Pinch-On Sinkers are very easy to

attach and remove from the line. The ears of the sinker are simply folded over
the line, which gives the Pinch-On a streamlined shape when attached. It is
important to use only soft lead when casting Pinch-On Sinkers to ensure that
the ears will bend easily.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3313 PO-4-L Pinch-On Sinker B-40 Blade 4 3/4,1/1-1/4,1-1/2 $40.95
61-1126 PO-7-A Pinch-On Sinker B-40 Blade 7 1/16,3/32,1/8,3/16,3/8,1/2,5/8 $39.95

PYRAMID SINKERS The Pyramid Sinker is popular when fishing

in areas with strong currents. On soft bottoms the pyramid tends to bury itself
and on hard bottoms the flat sides of the sinker will prevent it from rolling with
the current.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3165 PM-5-AB Pyramid Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 5 1,1-1/2,2,2-1/2,3 $39.95
61-3166 PM-4-1B Pyramid Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 4 1 $40.95
61-3167 PM-3-2B Pyramid Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 3 2 $40.95
61-3168 PM-3-3B Pyramid Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 3 $40.95
61-3169 PM-3-4B Pyramid Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 4 $40.95
61-3369 PM-2-56B Pyramid Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 5, 6 $40.95
61-3370 PM-2-810B Pyramid Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 8, 10 $40.95

RIVER SINKER These large donut shaped sinkers are used in rivers,
tidal flats, coastal areas and anywhere with strong currents or surf. The low profile
and raised outer edges of the River Sinker prevents the rolling or tumbling that can
affect other sinker types under these conditions.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3276 RS-6-S2 River Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 6 1,1-1/2 $40.95
61-3179 RS-3-234 River Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 2,3,4 $39.95
61-3180 RS-2-56 River Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 2 5,6 $39.95
61-3181 RS-2-810 River Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 2 8,10 $40.95

NO SNAG SINKERS No Snag Sinkers derive their name from their

tendency to rise above the bottom and glide over snags then retrieved.
Item Model No. of Sinker Hook
Code No. Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1124 NS-3-A No Snag Sinker 3 1,1-1/2,2 Yes $40.95
61-1123 NS-5-A No Snag Sinker 5 3/8,1/2,5/8,7/8,1 Yes $40.95
61-3343 NS-2-43 No Snag Sinker 2 3, 4 Yes $41.95


flat sinkers will not roll with the current. Brass eyes reduce line abrasion and make it easy
to attach the sinker to a snap or a snap swivel.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3174 RF-5-AB Round Flat No 1 Brass Eye 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1 $40.95
61-3175 RF-4-LB Round Flat No 1 Brass Eye 4 1-1/4,1-1/2,1-3/4,2 $40.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

Page 30 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories

REMOVABLE SPLIT SHOT This Split Shot has “ears” on it. Crimp the
sinker on your line and just pinch the “ears” together to remove it. Use pure or soft lead to mold
these bendable sinkers.
Item Model No. of Sinker Hook
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3170 RM-1438 Removable Split Shot None 15 1/4,3/8 None $39.95
61-3171 RM-1618 Removable Split Shot None 20 1/16,1/8 None $39.95
61-3172 RM-20-S4 Removable Split Shot None 20 1/32,1/16,3/32,1/8 None $39.95

STORM SINKER The Storm Sinker is a “surf casting” sinker with extra
teeth for a much better hold.

Item Model No. of Sinker Hook

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-3408 STM-3-234B Storm Sinker #2 Brass Wire Eye 3 2, 3, 4 None $40.95
61-3409 STM-2-56B Storm Sinker #2 Brass Wire Eye 2 5, 6 None $40.95

SPLIT SHOT - Round Version The Split Shot is one Canada’s most used
sinkers because of the ease in which it can be attached to the line. Some refer to round split
shot as “non-removable type,” but they come off quickly and easily once you know the
secret. To remove round split shot, just grip the sinker with pliers from behind the split and
squeeze the two ends of the slot in toward each other. The Split Shot will spread apart and
release the line without damage.
Item Model No. of Sinker Hook
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Sizes Price
61-1128 SS-15-L2 Split Shot B-40 Blade 15 1/4,1/3 None $39.95
61-1127 SS-20-M2 Split Shot B-40 Blade 20 1/16,1/8 None $39.95


sinker features a streamlined shape to slip through the water
with minimal resistance. Requires tough and inexpensive
Brass Wire Eyelets on each end. The INT in-line sinker mold
series permits optional swivels to be added at either end to
improve performance. Weight sizes are molded on castings.
Item Model No. of Sinker Optional
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Insert Price
61-3138 INT-4-AB In-Line Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 4 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2 No 1 B-Chain $39.95
61-3139 INT-3-234B In-Line Sinker No 1 Brass Eye 3 2,3,4, No 2 B-Chain $39.95
61-3334 INT-345B In-Line Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 3 3,4,5 No 2 B-Chain $39.95
61-3140 INT-2-68B In-Line Sinker No 2 Brass Eye 2 6,8 No 3 B-Chain $39.95
61-3141 INT-12B In-Line Sinker No 3 Brass Eye 1 12 No 3 B-Chain $39.95
61-3142 INT-16B In-Line Sinker No 3 Brass Eye 1 16 No 3 B-Chain $39.95

TROLLING SINKER - Crane Swivels A crane swivel molded in at each end

of this streamlined in-line type sinker eliminates twisted or kinked lines. Sinkers molded with
swivels can be made much faster than those using brass wire eyes.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3149 STR-5-A Trolling Sinker No 7Crane Swivel 5 1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4 $39.95
61-3150 STR-4-MED Trolling Sinker No 7 Crane Swivel 4 3/4,1,1-1/2,2 $39.95

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 31

KEEL TROLLING WEIGHT A keel is added to the B-Chain

trolling sinker to even further increase the sinker’s stability. Requires two “B-
Chain” swivels per sinker.
Item Model No. of Sinker
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3128 KWC-4-A Keel Weight No 1 B-Chain 4 3/8,1/2,5/8,1 $39.95
61-3129 KWC-2-MA Keel Weight No 2 B-Chain 2 1-1/2,2 $39.95

WORM RIG SINKERS This sliding sinker has a small hole

through it for use with monofilament line. It has the advantages of an egg sinker
plus a more streamlined shape to aid in retrieving. The Worm Rig is often used
in weed beds, where it prevents the plastic worm from snagging or tearing.

Item Model No. of Sinker

Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3222 WR-9-A Worm Rig Sinker PWR-16 Pull Pin 9 3/32,1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8,7/16,1/2,5/8 $39.95
61-1140 WR-10-M2 Worm Rig Sinker PWR-16 Pull Pin 10 1/4,3/16 $39.95

WALKING SINKER The Walking Sinker is an outstanding example of modern sinker

design. It is widely used in live bait fishing for Walleye, a species whose legendary fickleness has
spawned many advances in tackle design and presentation. The Walking Sinker is often used as a
slip sinker. Its shape is streamlined and rock and snag resistant. It will not roll in current like rounded
slip sinkers. The sinker is designed and balanced to pivot to its heel and let the line slide through its
eye so smoothly that a fish will feel no unnatural sinker drag when it picks up the bait.
Item Model No. of Sinker
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1175 WS-10-A Walking Sinker None 10 1/8,1/4,5/16,3/8,1/2 $39.95
61-1177 WS-9-14 Walking Sinker None 9 1/4 $39.95
61-1141 WS-8-38 Walking Sinker None 8 3/8 $39.95
61-1178 WS-8-12 Walking Sinker None 8 1/2 $39.95
61-1142 WS-7-34 Walking Sinker None 7 3/4 $39.95

CLAW SINKER This design is useful to hold the sinker in place under very
strong currents. The wires extending from the claw sinker are opened to form a type
of grappling hook. Pre-made wire forms are not available, but self-made forms can
be built using galvanized wire available at many hardware stores. Make forms from
two lengths of wire. Bend a loop in the center of the first length to serve as an eyelet
and fold the two legs together. Do the same with the second length of wire. Join the
two lengths together with the shafts all pointing in the same direction. Position the
bend of the second wire about two inches below the first eyelet. This second loop or
eyelet will be molded inside the lead while the first loop protrudes from the
sinker to serve as a line attachment point. Tape the four wire shafts together
at the end to aid with inserting the form into the mold. The tape can be removed and
wire shafts extended when the sinker is ready for use.
Item Model No. of Sinker
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3275 CLAW-3-234 Claw Sinker 20 Galv. Wire 3 2,3,4 $41.95
61-3243 CLAW-2-X Claw Sinker 16 Galv. Wire 2 5-1/2,8 $41.95
61-3274 CLAW-2-910 Claw Sinker 16 Galv. Wire 2 9,10 $41.95

SNAG WEIGHTS A weighted treble hook, or a Snag Weight, is used to retrieve objects
from the bottom. Where legal it is also used to catch fish by snagging. The weight directly on the hook
provides good casting characteristics and holds it in the water. Check local fishing regulations for
Item Model No. of Lure
Code No. Type Insert Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1145 SNAG 2/0 Snag Weight 974 4 1/2 $41.95
61-1146 SNAG 4/0 Snag Weight 974 3 1 $41.95
61-1156 SNAG 5/0 Snag Weight 974 3 1 $41.95
Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]
Page 32 Real Pro's SportFishing 2007 Molds and Accessories


(Note: Real Pro’s SportFishing cannot accept custom work!)
Blank molds are made available because of the numerous requests for special designs or
custom work that we have received. Real Pro’s SportFishing does not offer custom services
nor can we make special order molds from these blanks. They are offered only as a service
to our customers to use as the basis of a do-it-yourself project.

Tool and die or machine shops often have the capability to do this type of work, and the
blank mold serves as a good basis to start. It is machined and assembled the same as our
other models, the only difference is that it has no cavities. Custom projects can often be
very difficult and expensive. It would be wise to find a machinist who will accept your project
and get a cost estimate before ordering a blank mold.
Item Model
Code No. Mold Face Dimensions DepthClosed Depth open Price
61-1155 Blank Mold 4-5/8” long x 2-1/8” wide 1-1/8” Closed 9/16” each side $37.95
61-3416 LF Blank Mold 7” long x 3” wide 2” Closed 1” each side $74.95

DECOY ANCHOR WEIGHTS These anchor weights have been an

old standard of duck hunters everywhere for years. The mushroom shape is best in
soft bottom areas. The pyramid shape is favored in hard bottom locations where it has
less tendency to roll with a current.
Item Model No. of
Code No. Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3309 MDA-3-456 Mushroom Decoy Anchor 3 4,5,6 $40.95
61-1198 MDA-2-8 Mushroom Decoy Anchor 2 8 $40.95
61-1199 DAP-2-6 Pyramid Decoy Anchor 2 6 $40.95

SLING SHOT PELLET MOLDS Make inexpensive ammo for your Sling Shot quickly and
easily with these molds. Many shotgun reloaders use the smaller sizes as buckshot.
Item Model No. of
Code No. Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1153 BB-15-L2 Sling Shot Pellet 15 .44,.50 Dia - 1/4, 3/8 oz $39.95
61-1152 BB-20-M2 Sling Shot Pellet 20 .31,.38 Dia - 1/10,1/6 oz $39.95

WRAP-AROUND DECOY ANCHOR This is the answer to the problem of moving

decoys between different depths of water. Line is wrapped around the body of the anchor. It can be easily
set for any depth by tightly wrapping the line off around one of the ears. A weight of this type eliminates
retying the line during a change in water depths.
Item Model No. of
Code No. Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1154 DAW-1-7 Wrap Around Decoy Anchor 1 7 $39.95

STRAP DECOY ANCHOR - INGOT MOLD This one piece, three

cavity mold will make either strap type duck decoy anchors or lead ingots. There are two
different levels of fill in each cavity. When making duck decoy anchors, use soft lead and fill
the cavity only to the first (lower) level to make six ounce flexible strap anchors. You can fill up
to the second (top) level to make lead ingots weighing up to sixteen ounces. A melter and a
ladle with capacity to hold a minimum six ounces of lead are required. An electric melter/ladle
also works well. This mold is not intended to be used with bottom pour furnaces.
Item No. of
Code Type Cavities Sizes (oz.) Price
61-1885 Strap Decoy Anchor 3 6 to 16 $24.95


Molds and accessories listed in Red are Special Order items. The molds listed in Black are always in-stock. All Special
Order molds and accessories are available to you. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery to us for any Special Order
molds and accessories.

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

2007 Lure & Sinker Mold Edition http://www.luremaking.com Page 33

Please see our 2007 LureMaking catalogue for complete listing of hooks, powder paints and
other jig/sinker finishing equipment and supplies.

Order Line: (800) 203-8427 • Fax: (519) 371-3754 • Email: [email protected]

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(519) 371-3766
Large Volume Orders
Real Pro's SportFishing offers large volume pricing on CANADA SHIPPING & HANDLING FEES
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** International Orders please see our web site for current shipping rates.
Small Item Counts
All bulk items are counted by weight and guaranteed
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Volume Discount Program
Real Pro's SportFishing offers additional Volume Volume Discounts are extended based on yearly purchases from January 1 to
discounts to all customers who purchase over $500.00 December 31. Yearly purchases will be evaluated and adjusted on the date your
per year. See table for discount levels. purchases reach a new volume discount level. You will begin to receive volume
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