The name of one of your illustrious countrymen, Louis Pasteur, will forever be
remembered as the founder of the science of bacteriology. It was he who first isolated
and identified a specific germ and related it to a definite clinical entity (disease).
Following upon his discoveries, medical science concentrated on the laboratory
technique for the isolation and identification of a specific germ for each known
disease, and the Koch postulates were accepted as the standard for declaring any germ
capable of pathogenesis -of having power to cause disease. The motto of the medical
profession is still Tolle Causam, find the cause, and to-day there are many who
consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are working to discover the
specific germ or virus for well known clinical entities.
It must now be accepted as scientific fact that specific germs, in many cases of disease
can be isolated and identified, but is it a true conclusion that the specific germ is
always the cause of the disease ? The subject is too great to be dealt with in all its
aspects in this short session, but a little time must be given to considering the general
question, namely the role of the Bacterium in Nature because one's opinion on this
must determine the value one places on the use of bacterial products -vaccines or
nosodes- in the treatment of disease. As the subject of this paper deals with the
intestinal flora, I propose to limit my remarks to consideration of the role played by
the B. Coli and coliform organisms found in the intestinal tract.
The role of the intestinal bacteria. B. Coli can be isolated from the intestine of all
warm blooded animals and have been found on grasses outside the body, where there
seemed to be no possibility of faecal contamination. Most workers consider the B.
In 1936 I presented a paper to the British Homœopathic Society, which was published
in their Journal of April 1936, under the title of "The potentized Drug and Its Action
on the Bowel Flora" and it dealt with the clinical and bacteriological observations on
12,000 cases. A brief summary of the findings is as follows :
(A) Non-lactose fermenting bacilli were isolated in 25 per cent. of the stool specimens
(B) The appearance of non-lactose fermenting bacilli often followed and seemed to
bear relationship to the previously administered homœopathic remedy -the choice of
the remedy being made according to "the law of similars" and prepared by
In the laboratory one observed an unexpected phenomenon, that from a patient who
had previously yielded only B. Coli there suddenly appeared a large percentage of
non-lactose fermenting bacilli of a type which. One associated with the pathogenic
group of typhoid and paratyphoid.
If one accepts the view, generally held, that the B. Coli of the intestinal tract is a
harmless saprophyte and is non-pathogenic it must be concluded that, so far as the
intestinal tract was concerned there was no evidence of disease in these patients
during the first series of examinations. Now the patient's stool yielded a large
percentage of presumably pathogenic organisms, and according to the accepted
Pasteur and Koch theory, the patient was suffering from disease. Clinical
investigations, however, revealed that the patient did not feel ill, but had experienced
a sense of well being which he had attributed to the last medicine he had received.
Since the non-lactose fermenting bacilli had appeared after a definite latent period of
10 to '4 days, following the administration of the remedy, it would seem that the
homœopathic potentized remedy had changed the bowel flora, and had caused the
disease. The pathogenic germ in this case was the result of vital action set up in the
patient by the potentized remedy. The germ was not the cause of the disease.
Is the "specific germ" the actual cause of disease, or is it the result of the action of the
vital force (Dynamis) which characterises all living cells, in their resistance to
disease ? That is a question which l must ask you to consider and answer for
yourselves in the light of the observations I have placed before you today. Meantime,
it will be sufficient for the purpose of continuing the subject of this paper, if we agree
that each germ is associated with its own peculiar symptom picture (disease) and that
certain conclusions may be made from these clinical and laboratory observations and
translated into the practice of medicine.
From my observations I have been able to compile a list of bowel organisms with
their related homœopathic remedies and to associate a clinical picture i. e. to offer a
"proving" for each type of bowel organism. In this case the word "proving" is not used
in the strict Hahnemannian sense-experiment on the healthy human -but on clinical
observation of the sick person.
It is not possible to give a detailed account of each type in one session, so I propose to
give you a brief summary for each, indicating a keynote, the main action. From this,
and your knowledge of the associated homœopathic remedies, you should be able to
formulate a more complete picture of the symptom complex of these bowel
organisms, and later I shall indicate how this knowledge can be put into practice.
B. MORGAN is the type of non lactose organism most frequently found in the stool
and it has the greatest number of associated remedies compared to other types on the
The keynote for the Morgan group is contained in the word "Congestion" and if this is
used in the study of the various parts of the body affected it will afford a good
symptom picture of the pathogenesis of the B. Morgan.
Head. Congestive headaches, with flushed face ; worse from hot atmosphere ;
thundery weather ; excitement ; travelling in bus or train. Vertigo from high blood
Digestive System. Congestion of gastric mucosa and liver ; heart-burn pyrosis, dirty
tongue, bitter taste in mouth in the morning with accumulation of mucus causing
gagging as soon as rises from bed. Congestion of liver ; "bilious attacks" with severe
headache which is finally relieved by vomiting large quantities of bile stained mucus.
(A history of "bilious attacks', especially occurring at the menopause in women should
lead one to consider the use of the nosode, Morgan (Bach).) Cholecystitis, gallstone ;
constipation, hæmorrhoids, pruritus ani.
It is worth noticing, in view of the frequent use of the Sulpha drugs in the treatment of
pneumonia, that Sulphur is outstanding among the remedies associated with Bacillus
Morgan of the intestinal tract.
Fibrous Tissues. Chronic congestion around the joints causes arthritic conditions,
usually affecting the phalangeal or knee joint regions.
Skin. It is here that the outstanding action of the Bacillus Morgan group of organisms
is to be found. Morgan (Bach) is the nosode indicated where there is congestion of the
skin with itching eruption, worse from heat. The type of eruption which characterises
this can be ascertained from a study of the "provings" of well known skin remedies
found among the list of remedies associated with the Bacillus Morgan, e. g. Sulphur,
Graphites, Petroleum and Psorinum. There are few eczemas of the infant at the
teething stage or later life, which do not require a dose of this nosode Morgan (Bach).
It was found possible to isolate two sub-types of Bacillus Morgan and to observe the
clinical indications for the use of the respective nosodes.
The sub-type Morgan-Gaertner (Paterson) has often been found in the stool of
patients suffering from renal colic and where X-ray has demonstrated the presence of
renal calculus. The nosode MorganGaertner (Paterson) should therefore be
considered as a possible remedy in cases of renal colic. It is also likely to be of value
in treatment in any case which has 4-8 p. m. modality which is also a characteristic of
the group prototype remedy-Lycopodium. For its prototype, Morgan-Pure (Paterson)
has Sulphur and within the main group represented by Morgan (Bach) you will find
the well known trio of remedies mentioned by Kent as working in a cycle of Sulphur,
Calcarea Carbonica and Lycopodium.
It is difficult to offer you a single word with which to explain the pathogenesis of the
B. Proteus, but it will be useful at the outset to suggest to you that the nosode Proteus
(Bach) will seldom have any therapeutic action unless there are outstanding symptoms
in the case relative to the central or peripheral nervous systems and symptoms which
appear with degree of suddenness.
Mentals. Mental symptoms are prominent in the clinical proving and "Brain Storm"
might be taken as the keynote to indicate this sudden and violent upset of the nervous
Outburst of violent temper, specially if opposed in any way ; will throw any missile
which is at hand ; kick or strike ; the child objecting to parental control will lie on the
floor and kick and scream.
Emotional hysteria, suggestive of the remedy Ignatia is also found in the proving of
this B. Proteus preparation and convulsive and epileptiform seizures and meningismus
in children during febrile attacks often responds to the action of the nosode Proteus
(Bach). Further indication for the use of this nosode is disturbance of the peripheral
nervous system, evidenced by spasm of the peripheral circulation, e. g. "dead fingers
intermittent claudication in the circulation of the lower limbs ; anginal attacks due to
spasm of the coronary capillaries. There are two well known diseases associated with
capillary spasm where the nosode Proteus (Bach) has been found useful in treatment-
Raynaud's Disease, where there is spasm of the capillary circulation of the extremities,
and Meniere's Disease where spasm of the brain circulation results in vertigo attacks.
Digestive System. It is important to note that any of the symptoms manifest in the
digestive system are secondary to the action of the central nervous system. It is now
being realised that prolonged nerve strain is a factor in the production of duodenal
ulcer, and in the' Proteus proving, this is also to be found. The type of case is that
where there are no prodromal symptoms in the digestive system and the first sign is
that of a hæmatemesis or melæna. These ulcers have a tendency to perforate, probably
due to the enervation and interference with capillary circulation in that area.
As part of the scientific discussion at this meeting, a study is to be made of the remedy
Natrum muriaticum and you will note that this is given in my list as the outstanding
member of the list of remedies I associate with the Proteus nosode, and I may have
the opportunity of further discussing with you the significance of the disturbed
chloride metabolism associated with this intestinal organism.
Neuromuscular System. As one might expect from the foregoing indications, cramp
of muscles is a characteristic symptom and Cuprum metallicum is also found among
the list of remedies.
Skin. Angio-neurotic œdema, which one associates with the remedy Apis mellifica is
found in the proving of the B. Proteus preparation and also a tendency for the
production of herpetic eruption at the mucocutaneous margins.
Before leaving this "proving" of Proteus (Bach), it may be of interest to you to know
that in Great Britain since the war years, there has been a marked increase in the
frequency with which one has been able to isolate B. Proteus, and this I associate with
long continued "nerve strain"-a factor of considerable importance of the pathogenesis
of this type of bowel organism.
BACILLUS No. "7" (Paterson)
This is so named because it was the 7th non-lactose fermenting type of bacillus to be
observed in the laboratory, and as it did not conform to any of the previously known
groups, it was given the numeral "7".
As a keynote for the use of this nosode I suggest "Mental and Physical Fatigue". The
"proving" of Bacillus No. "7" is not unlike that of Proteus (Bach) as it has similar
relationship ; Proteus (Bach) is related to Chlorine whereas Bacillus No. "7" seems to
have a closer relationship to the two halogens, Bromine and iodine, often in
combination with Potassium.
Mentals. The outstanding symptom is mental fatigue, a feeling of unfitness for any
mental effort, which produces a sense of extreme physical exhaustion.
Digestive System. All the symptoms can be related to general lack of nerve and
muscle tone ; a sense of fullness after food ; flatulence and distension of the stomach ;
(Compare the symptom picture of Kali carb., which is one of the associated
Circulation. Slow pulse rate, often with lowered blood pressure ; myocardial
Skin. Nothing outstanding ; sensitive to cold, to draughts and cold damp air.
The keynote for this nosode is "malnutrition" and as this would imply, it is the nosode
applicable to the treatment of many diseases of childhood, but it is also found to be of
value in the other extreme of life associated with malignancy. Marked emaciation may
be taken as an indication for the use of the Gaertner nosode.
Digestion. It is in the digestive tract that the B. Gaertner has its greatest action, and
this often manifests itself about the age of 6 months at the time when the infant is put
on to artificial feeding.
The inability to digest fat -cœliac disease ; ketosis ; "intestinal infantilism"- are all
disease complexes found under the "proving" of the B. Gaertner preparations ; also
chronic gastro-enteritis ; tabes mesenterica ; threadworms. The clearing of
threadworms is difficult and usually requires prolonged treatment.
If you combine the clinical picture of three well known remedies with which you are
familiar, Phosphorus, Silicea, Merc. viv., you will have before you a very good
clinical picture of the "proving" of Gaertner (Bach).
DYS. CO. (Bach)
This is the nosode prepared from B. Dysenteriæ and the keynote for its use is nervous
tension of a peculiar type and best described as "anticipatory", since it is that sense of
nerve tension which a student might feel immediately before facing his examiners, or
a business man before attending an important engagement.
Digestive System. B. Dysenteriæ has been shown to have selective action on the
pylorus causing spasm and retention of digested contents ; dilatation of stomach ;
wakened at 12 midnight to I a. m. with acute pain in stomach, relieved by vomiting of
a large quantity of mucous material.
Duodenal ulcer often calls for the use of the nosode Dys. Co. (Bach) but there must
always be present also evidence of nervous tension, which always precedes the
physical symptom and which the patient feels and refers to his "stomach and heart
area". This is in contrast to the type of duodenal ulcer found associated with the B.
Proteus, where the nerve tension is insidious in action, unperceived by the patient, and
the physical condition-the ulcer-tends to come on as a "crisis" without previous
These are the outstanding symptoms found in the clinical proving of the nosode Dys.
Co. (Bach), and you will find in them something of each of the associated remedies,
Arsen. Alb. ; Argent. Nit. ; Kalmia.
SYCOTIC CO. (Paterson)
This organism is not of bacillary form but is a non-lactose fermenting coccus found in
the intestinal tract. The details of this organism and the manner in which it was
identified) is to be found in the original work published in the British Homœopathic
Journal of April, 1933.
The keynote for the nosode Sycotic Co. (Paterson) is "irritability" and this has
special reference to mucous and synovial membrane.
Mentals. Nervous irritability ; tempery (cf. Lycopodium) ; fear of dark ; of being left
alone ; twitching of facial muscles, blinking of eyelids.
Head. Irritation of meninges, sub-acute or chronic ; headache from infection of
sinuses ; persistent headache-particularly in a child-which may be the prodromal sign
of a tubercular meningitis (cf. Hellebore). Sweating of head at night, profuse.
(The Sycotic patient is always anæmic looking, never carries much colour in the face.)
Skin. Sallow complexion, oily skill) vesicular or varicellar type of eruption on face or
body : (After administration of Sycotic Co. (Paterson) to children, a rash varicellar in
type, resembling, and often mistaken for chicken-pox may appear.) Warts on
mucocutaneous surfaces.
Genito-urinary System. Sycotic Co. (Paterson) has marked action of the whole of the
genito-urinary tract causing irritation of mucous membranes from the kidney to the
urethral tract ; albuminuria ; pyelitis ; cystitis ; urethritis ; vulvo-vaginitis ; balanitis.
Female. Pain in left ovary at menstrual period ; tic ovaries ; tubal infection (tubercular
or gonococcal) ; profuse leucorrhœa.
It will be evident that this coccal organism of the intestinal tract is related
morphologically and clinically to the Gonococcus. Hahnemann related what he called
"The Sycotic Miasm" to the disease, Gonorrhœa, but this disease is only one form of
catarrhal infection of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. There are many other
non-gonorrhœal organisms associated with the symptom picture of "catarrh" and I
suggest that the miasm "Sycosis" may be considered synonymous with "Catarrh".
Gonorrhœa is an infection of mucous membrane (i. e. it is a sycotic manifestation) but
catarrhal manifestations (Sycotic) are not all due to gonorrhœal infection.
These are the nosodes prepared from the non-lactose fermenting organisms of the
bowel which are most generally called for in practice, but there are two other
members which are found occasionally in the stool and which are not well proved and
seldom used.
This bacillus is so named because it mutates almost as soon as it is sub-cultured from
a non-lactose to a lactose fermenter and is of interest mainly from a bacteriological
point of view as the Bacillus Mutabile is an intermediary form between the B. Coli
and the true non-lactose fermenting type. Its associated remedy is Pulsatilla and the
nosode Mutabile (Bach) is likely to be of value in treatment where there is alteration
of symptoms, e. g. where skin eruption alternates with asthmatic symptoms.
I have never found this nosode made from the B. Faecalis of much value in treatment,
but where I have found the organism in the stool, the clinical symptoms have led me
to choose Sepia as the indicated remedy.
B. MORGAN (Bach)
In this group two elements are outstanding, i. e., Sulphur and Carbon. In this group
also there are complex remedies from the plant world, e. g. Lycopodium and from the
venom of a snake, i. e. Lachesis.
B. Proteus (Bach)
From this list it will be evident that each organism is associated with remedies which
have a central element with which other elements may combine to form remedies of
varying chemical complexity. The practice of Homeopathy is founded on the
hypothesis That the true simillimum (the homœopathic remedy) is related to the
disturbed metabolism (the disease) and now it can be demonstrated that the non -
lactose fermenting organism of the bowel is biochemically related to the disease and
the homœopathic remedy.
The potentized vaccine -the nosode- prepared from culture of the organism can be
considered to be a complex biochemical substance having the characteristic of the
disturbed metabolism, and thus to be similar to the disease and according to the law of
similars, to have specific therapeutic power to restore balance, a condition of ease -i.
e. health.
The individual members of each group may have some therapeutic action in a specific
disease, but the action of the simpler elements may be incomplete and require the
assistance of the more, Complex remedies, and on this hypothesis one can formulate a
series of working rules for the use of the remedies and the nosodes and in actual
practice demonstrate how one may complement the action of the other.
My remarks will be addressed, on this occasion, to those doctors ho have no means of
obtaining bacteriological reports on stool culture, but who may wish to try out the use
of these nosodes in their practice.
I suggest that we divide the cases to be considered into two groups :
(1) New Case. A patient who has not received homœopathic treatment.
(2) Old Case. A patient who has been under homœopathic treatment but who may not
be responding to the treatment given.
In using the bowel nosodes it must always be remembered that they are deep acting
remedies and cover the totality of symptoms from the highest level, the "mentals", to
the lowest level of gross pathology" and that they also cover the life history of a
patient from earliest childhood to adult life or old age.
The "taking of the case history" is therefore of great importance in the choice of the
nosode for a particular case, and attention must be given to the "past" as well as the
"present" symptom
New Case. Where this is a definite symptom picture which points to a remedy, this
should be given, and not a nosode. In many cases, how-ever, the choice may lie within
a number of possible remedies and it is in this difficulty that one may use the list of
remedies and the associated bowel nosodes. If ; for example, Sulphur, Calcarea
Carbonica, Graphites were among the list of possible remedies, reference to the table
would show that the nosode Morgan-pure (Paterson) was related to each of these arid
could be considered to cover the totality of the symptoms. In practice this is found to
be so and proves the bowel nosodes to be deep and broad acting remedies.
As another example, the choice might lie within the group of remedies Merc. viv.,
Phosphorus, Silicea, in which case the nosode Gaertner (Bach) would be indicated.
In this way it is possible to choose the nosode from the list of possible remedies for a
given case, but the next question to decide is that of potency and repetition of dose.
As in general homœopathic practice the more obvious the "mentals" the higher the
potency, but if there are marked pathological symptoms the general rule is to employ
the lower potencies.
The number and frequency of the doses of the chosen nosode can be determined only
by clinical observation and experience.
The higher the potency chosen the less frequent the repetition and number of doses, is
a good working rule for the use of the nosodes, but it has been found a useful practice
to complement the action of a nosode in single high potency dose, with repeated doses
of the low potency of an associated remedy. As example, a case of skin eruption may
call for a single dose of Morgan-pure (Paterson) 1M but the intolerable itch may also
call for Sulphur in the 3X to the 6c potency in repeated doss. Also in chronic arthritis,
alter a dose of the appropriate nosode for the case, considerable benefit to the patient
may follow the use of a low potency remedy, chosen from the list of associated
remedies, and given over a considerable period of time.
Old Case. This is where the patient may have had homœopathic treatment over a
period and received a considerable number of remedies with a varying degree of
success or failure. These are difficult cases, even from the nosode point of view ;
when there is no evidence available from stool culture to give a clue to the group of
remedies likely to be useful, or as to the phase in which the patient is at the moment. It
must he remembered that the potentized remedy can alter the bowel flora and that in
an "old case" the remedies already given may have caused a positive phase, i. e.
changed the B. Coli to non-lactose fermenting bacilli, and consideration must be given
to the extent of this change. If I find a percentage of non-lactose fermenting organisms
in a stool greater than 50 per cent., I at once determine that the administration of a
bowel nosode is contraindicated, and experience has shown that a nosode given at
such a time produces a negative phase with a corresponding period of vital depression
in the patient.
With this uncertainty in an old case, which has had potentized remedies within one
month, it is wiser to use a nosode in the & potency in the first instance, and so avoid
the chance of a violent negative reaction.
The choice of a nosode for any case can be determined by a study of the clinical
history and noting the remedies which have given the greatest, although not sustained,
effect. Tabulate this list of remedies and compare it with the Nosode list and the
associated remedies and choose the nosode which has the greatest number within its
group. In many cases there may not be much apparent effect from the nosode, but it
would seem that the giving of the nosode had in some manner readjusted the case,
because thereafter considerable benefit follows the remedy previously given without
much effect. If there seems no apparent benefit from the nosode, do not be
disappointed but repeat the remedy which has given the evidence of partial reaction
before, and this time you can expect more permanent action.
One last remark, and that of warning, do not repeat a bowel nosode within three
months ; but if it is necessary to prescribe, select a remedy within the group, and give
the remedy in high or low potency as you find indicated from the symptoms present.
Finally, do not expect too much from these bowel nosodes, and then be disappointed
in their use. They are valuable therapeutic agents when properly used, and their great
value is in the treatment of chronic disease, in cases which are generally considered to
be very resistant to any form of treatment.
Note on Nomenclature.
6c = 6 centesimal Hahnemannian
(A) Morgan-Pure Alumina Graphites
(Paterson) Baryta carb. Kali. carb.
Calc. carb. Mag carb.
Calc. sulph. Nat. carb.
Carbo veg. Petroleum
Carbo sulph. Psorinum
Digitalis Sepia
Ferrum carb. SULPHUR
Medorrhinum Tuberc. bov.
(B) Morgan-Gaertner Chelidonium LYCOPODIUM
(Paterson) Chenopodium Merc. sulph.
Hellebor. nig. Sanguinaria
Hepar. sulph. Taraxacum
PROTEUS Ac. mur. Calc. mur.
(Bach) Amon. mur. Ferr. mur.
Aurum mur. Ignatia
Apis Kali. mur.
Baryta mur. Mag. mur.
Conium Secale
Cuprum met.
MUTABILE Ferrum phos.
(Bach) Kali phos.
Kali. sulph.
BACILLUS No. "7" Arsen. iod. Kali. brom.
(Paterson) Bromium KALI. CARB.
Calc iod. Kali. nit.
Ferrum iod.
IODUM Merc. iod.
Kali. bich. Nat. iod.
GAERTNER Calc. fluor. Nat. Sil. Fluor.
(Bach) Calc. hypophos. PHOSPHORUS
Calc. phos. Phytolacca
Calc. sil. Pulsatilla
Kali. phos. SILICEA
MERC. VIV. Syphilinum
Nat. phos. Zinc. phos.
Dys. Co. Anacardium Kalmia
(Bach) Argentum nit. Veratrum album
ARSENICUM ALB. Veratrum viride
Cadmium met.
SYCOTIC Co. Ac. nit. Natrum sulph.
(Paterson) Antim. tart. Rhus. tox.
Bacillinum Thuja
Calc. metal.
Ferrum met.