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Organon & Philosophy

Miasms Understanding and

Classifying Miasmatic Symptoms
Gina Tyler | Hpathy Ezine, April, 2005 | Print This Post
Miasms Understanding and Classifying Miasmatic Symptoms
The symbol < means worse from
The symbol > means better from

In Hahnemanns words,the true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a
chronic miasm, when left to themselves, improper treatment, go on to increase, growing
worse and torment the patient to the end of his life. 78 Organon of Medicine
Hahnemann spent 12 years investigating miasms and collecting proof of his findings,
the results of which can be found in his work, THE CHRONIC DISEASES. He named 3
miasms Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. Later a fourth miasm was added (by J. H. Allen),
called Pseudo Psora or Tubercular Miasm.
The conditions that would modify a miasm in a persons body would be things like:
climate, and peculiar characteristic reactions of the person to it; mental delays;
excesses, or abuses in life; dietary passions; habits and various customs. The medical
profession (allopathic doctors) have put names on various diseases such as, jaundice,
dropsy, leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids, eczema, asthma, hysteria, rheumatism, herpes,
mania to name a few. Hahnemann considered all these were based on the same
beginnings. The conventional medical profession treats each one of these diseases on
an individual basis with seperate medical treatment for each one of them. But as far as
homeopathy is concerned, all these names have no use and no influence on the
practice of the true homeopathic physician, who believes in the theory of miasms.

In Homeopathy, only the totality of the symptoms of the individual state of each
particular patient is used to cure the disease. So no real cure of miasms can take place
without a strict particular treatment (individualization) of each case of disease. Chronic
miasms are much hidden and the symptoms are much more difficult to be ascertained.
Lot of questions need to be asked to trace the picture of disease, i.e., questions about
the medical history of ones family, mental delusions, dreams and peculiar symptoms.

Physical expressions of the miasms

The mind and body work together as a unit and the disturbances are expressed in both

A Psoric Miasm: The reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli, to ones

surroundings, like noise, light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like
headache, nausea, and discomfort.
B Sycotic Miasm: Hypersensitive (hypertrophic) response to something specific, arising
from a deficiency of the normal response like tumors, allergies, keloids. Deficient feeling
gives rise to an increased attempt to repair the fault.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Not manageable, tissue destruction like gangrene, ulceration. Body
and mind destroy itself, give-up.
D Tubercular Miasm: Respiratory imbalance, weak lungs, offensive discharges, head
sweating, worse from exposure to cold, reccourring epistaxis, bleeding gums, long
eyelashes, craving for salt, enuresis, bloody stools, milk disagrees causing diarrhea,
anemic, weakness, ringworm, acne, white spots on nails, nightmares.

Personality types
A Psoric Miasm: Highs and lows, struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at
times of stress, lack of confidence, constant anxiety feeling, fear, like he cant do it,
insecurity, anxiety about the future but always having hope, mentally alert.
B Sycotic Miasm: Secretiveness, hides his weakness, tense, constantly covering up
situations, fixed habits, suspicious, jealous, forgetful.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Strong, pessimistic view on life, cannot modify what is wrong, gives-
up, destroy, no point in trying to adjust, sudden impulsive violence directed at himself
or others, distorted rigid ideas. Mental paralysis, mentally dull, suicidal, stupid,
stubborn, and homicidal.
D Tubercular Miasm: Dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance, changes everything, does
harmful thing to ones self.

General Nature of the Miasm

A Psoric Miasm: Itching, burning, inflammation leading to congestion philosopher,
selfish, restless, weak, fears.
B Sycotic Miasm: Over production, growth like warts, condylomata, fibrous tissue,
attacks internal organs, pelvis, and sexual organs.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Destructive, disorder everywhere, ulceration, fissures, deformities,
ignorance, suicidal, depressed, memory diminished.
D Tubercular Miasm: Changing symptomology, vague, weakness, shifting in location,
depletion, dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance, careless, problem child, cravings that are
not good for them.

Dermatological Symptoms of the Miasms

A Psoric Miasm: Dirty, dry, itching without pus or discharge, burning, scaly eruptions,
eczema, cracks in hands and feet, sweat profuse < during sleep, offensive.
B Sycotic Miasm: Warts, moles, unnatural thickening of skin, herpes, scars, nails are
thick, irregular & corrugated, oily skin with oozing, disturbed pigment in patches.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Ulcers, boils, discharge of fluids and pus, offensive, slow to heal,
leprosy, copper colored eruptions < by heat of bed, spoon shaped thin nails that tear
easily, gangrene putrid.
D Tubercular Miasm: Ringworm, eczema, urticaria, herpes, recurring boils with pus
and fever. Does not heal fast. Leprosy < by warmth of bed > by cold; nails, white spots.

Pains of Miasms
A Psoric Miasm: Neurological type, sore, bruised, >rest <motion.
B Sycotic Miasm: Joint pains, rheumatic pains are < cold, damp > motion, stitching,
pulsating, wandering.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Bone Pains, tearing, bursting, burning.
D Tubercular Miasm: Great exhaustion, never enough rest, sun ameliorates, gives

Miasmatic Clinical Diseases

A Psoric Miasm: Acidity, burning, cancer, sarcomas, constipation, epilepsy, flatulence,
hoarseness, itching of skin, leprosy, burning of spinal cord, watery discharge from nose
and eyes with burning.
B Sycotic Miasm: Abortion, acne without pus, angina pectoris, anemia, appendicitis,
cough (whooping), colic, pelvic disease + sexual organs, piles, prostatitus, nephritis
(kidney), gout, arthritis, asthma, dysmenorrhoea, herpes, rheumatism, warts, urinary
ailments, swellings without any cause, overgrowth of tissue anywhere in the body,
benign enlargements.
C Syphilitic Miasm: Discharges putrified, blindness, ulcerations in veins and bones,
carcinomas, fistulas, gangrene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity
due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, skin disease with ooze +
pus, ulcerated sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, immature death, ischemic heart
disease, suicidal deaths, insanity, destructive/last stage of cancer, disseminated
tuberculosis, ulcers of ear, nose, urinary organs, mouth.
D Tubercular Miasm: Aching pain in knees, swelling, bedwetting, cancer, carious teeth,
destruction of bone marrow, diabetes, dry cough (barking), eczema, emaciation,
epilepsy, extreme fatigue, weakness, glands enlarged, tonsils, influenza, insanity,
obstruction of intestines, malaria, insomnia, nocturnal perspiration, palpitation, profuse
hemorrhage of any orifice, pneumonia, ring worm, short temper, nasal coryza, worms.
Why is it necessary for a homeopath to know the chronic miasms? Some might say as
long as one prescribes according to the law of simillimum, he cures his cases. The
important factor here is so long as he selects the most similar remedy as possible. The
fact is, we cannot select the most similar remedy possible unless we understand the
phenomena of the acting miasm.
The true simillimum is always based on the existing miasm. It makes the difference
between fighting the disease in the dark and in bright light when one knows the
underlying principle that fathers the phenomena. If one has no knowledge of the laws
of action and reaction, how can we watch the progress of a case without a definite
knowledge of the disease forces (miasms) with their mysterious and persistent
progressions. So, if we know nothing about the traits and characteristics of our enemy,
its impossible to wage a war against the disease.

Hahnemann wrote about these things in his theory of Chronic Disease: The physician
skilled in anti-miasmatic prescribing dips deeper into the case and applies an agent that
has a deeper and closer relationship with the perverted life force. The results are always
A knowledge of all miasmatic phenomena would be a complete knowledge of all that is
known as disease. Hahnemann discovered the miasms due to the fact these ailments
kept coming back, year after year. Even when the correct remedy was given, there was
no permanent cure. Hahnemanns proof of the existence of miasms was the persistency
of these chronic diseases even after taking care of other disease causing factors like
diet, hygiene etc. They seem to come from within the organism, from some peculiar
dynamis within, from something that was deranged within the life-force itself, inherent,
internal, pre-existing within the dynamis.

Organon 5th and 6th edition Samuel Hahnemann
The Substance of Homeopathy Rajan Sankaran
Miasmatic Diagnosis S. K. Banerjea
The Chronic Miasms and Pseudo Psora J. H. Allen

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