Drug Lachesis

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The Surukuku is a very poisonous huge and long snake. Its skin is of reddish colour, with dark grey
coloured spots. The homoeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of this snake is called Lachesis. The
venom of this snake has been subjected to homoeopathic proving on a very large scale.

N.O: Ophidia
Family: Crotalidae
Zoological Name: Lachesis mutus, Crotalus mutus
Synonyms: Surukuku or Churukuku, Deadly bushmaster

History and authority:

The first trituration and first dilution in alcohol of the snake-poison Trigonocephalus
lachesis was made by Dr.Hering in July 28, 1828. He got a live specimen from the Amazon
forest. Hering stunned the snake with a blow on the head; then holding its head in a forked
stick, he pressed its venom out of the poison bag, upon sugar of milk. The effect of handling
the venom and preparing the lower attenuations was to throw Hering into a fever with
tossing delirium and mania- much to his wifes dismay. Towards morning he slept, and on
waking, his mind was clear. He drank a little water to moisten his throat and the first
question this indomitable prover asked was: what did I do and say?. His wife
remembered vividly enough. The symptoms were written down, and this was the first
installment of the proving of Lachesis.
Description: Attains a length of up to 3mtrs. Its poisonous fangs are nearly 2.5cm long.
Skin- reddish brown, marked along the back with large spots of blackish brown
Venom- viscious, limpid and green in colour.

Habitat: The Lachesis inhabits the hot countries of South America.

Part used: Venom.

Preparation: Class VIII (Old method)

Pharmacological action
The venoms can be divided into two groups. One group affects the circulatory system, while the other
one affects the nervous system.
The kind that affects the nervous system also influences the blood circulation, although its main
function is on the nervous system. It paralyses the nerves as well as afflicting the heart directly.
The kinds of venoms affecting the circulatory system also affect the heart indirectly. They clot the blood
within the blood vessels and thus affect the functioning of the heart.

(Every physician must remember that whenever he is called upon to see a patient bitten by a snake, he must make
sure that the patient be kept awake under all circumstances, even if he has to be repeatedly slapped on his face.
Once he remains awake or can be made to wake up, the chances of his survival become bright.)

Doctrine of Signature:
Properties of Surukuku snake Signs and Symptoms
The snake always protrudes its tongue. Patients mouth always remains open and
protrudes his tongue.
It is said that the snake is revengeful. Patient is revengeful.
When tongue of snake is out, it is not steady. Trembling of tongue, when protruded & patient
is loquacious.
Snake remains curled and silent in winter. Mainly, all symptoms disappear in winter
The snake starts moving in spring. The symptoms reappear in spring.
The stools of the snake are black and offensive. Usually all discharges are dark and offensive.
Snake moves in zig-zag manner. Patients thinking is never straight, but always
in zig-zag manner.
During summer, snake remains in cold places. Patient likes to have indirect fanning from
longer distance.
Snake does not tolerate anybody to come near. Patient is hyper-sensitive


1) For any such patient who is predisposed to fall sick as a result of moving from the cold to a relatively
warm temperature, due to the change of weather or a geographic change of place, Lachesis must be kept
well in mind for his other ailments also.

2) A peculiar symptom of Lachesis is that its ailments definitely get worse after sleep.
3) In the case of Lachesis, the ailment attacks the left side though it does not remain localised there. It shifts
towards the right side of the body after some time. This is a very clear symptom, which, if associated with
worsening of the condition at night, definitely warrants the use of Lachesis.

4) Intense jealousy, mischief and trouble making in a severe form are found in Lachesis.

5) The patient of Lachesis is very cold especially his feet are ice cold.However, hot water aggravates his
symptoms especially the headache.

6) Another prominent symptom of Lachesis is that purple or darkish spots form on the body, much more
so on the face. Similar spots are exhibited by the patients who experience severe heart attack. Such
patients who have the tendency to develop such spots should be periodically, treated with Lachesis.
Lachesis prevents the clotting of blood in the circulation and potential heart attack. Lachesis is the best
remedy against such happening.

7) Tendency towards the formation of gangrene over the

wounds. Dark blood keeps on oozing from the wounds. The
margins of the wounds become swollen. The surrounding skin
shrinks and becomes dark and wrinkled

8) Varicose Veins (the veins become engorged and tortuous). The

blood clots inside the veins and makes lumps and bumps that may rupture.

9) In the case of Lachesis, the ailment attacks the left side though it does not remain
localised there. It shifts towards the right side of the body after some time. This is a
very clear symptom, which, if associated with worsening of the condition at night,
definitely warrants the use of Lachesis.

10) Another salient symptom of Lachesis is the feeling of tightness around the neck, so much so that the
patient cannot even tolerate a collar.

11) During a headache, the patient cannot rest his head on the pillow because whichever side he lies on, the
head starts throbbing due to excessive rushing of blood.

12) Extreme skin sensitivity, so much so that the patient may not even tolerate touch with a light cloth.

Adjuvants: Lycopodium, Hepar Sulph, Nitric Acid

Antidotes: Arsenic, Mercury

Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Fr.Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
Derelakatte, Mangalore

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