Beltrame Et Al. 2020 Ceramic
Beltrame Et Al. 2020 Ceramic
Beltrame Et Al. 2020 Ceramic
Combining historical, archaeological and experimental data, traditional and archaeological ceramics, from the Santarém district,
with different chronology and functions have been studied. Our aim is to understand ancient pottery technology and to evaluate
whether ceramic production followed similar principles in the Middle Ages (from the Islamic to the Christian domination) and
Modern times. Moreover, traditional ceramics, knowing the productive process, have been used as a tool to interpret ancient
pottery technology. We considered different utilitarian ceramic groups, namely fire, table and food-liquid container wares.
Through the combination of optical microscopy (OM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
(XRF) with physical and mechanical tests, it has been possible to collect valuable information regarding pottery manufacturing,
considering the age and the object function. Moreover, it is also considered the effect of raw materials mixing and ceramic paste
preparation on ceramics final characteristics. Our results indicate that both during the Middle Ages and in Modern times,
technical expertise played, and still play, a fundamental role in the creation of a specific object. In this specific case, behavioural
and socio-cultural factor drove ceramists’ decision when selecting between different technological solutions, and every decision
or technical choice is/was taken depending on the functional and performance characteristics desired for a specific artefact. This
happened during the Middle Ages, and is still happening nowadays for the production of traditional ceramics in the district of
Santarém, Portugal.
mention environmental restrictions, access to raw material utilized to cook and consequently they were exposed to a heat
sources (fuel, water, clay, temper) and economic or political source; storage ceramics were adopted to store liquid and/or
changes. food.
Several authors suggest that, considering all the possible Traditional ceramics are still produced nowadays in Muge
variables, technology can also be affected by behavioural or (Municipality of Salvaterra de Magos), in three different
socio-cultural factors, such as for example ideology, religious workshops. The owner of one of these workshops (Mr.
or ethnicity. In this case, the ceramist is the major player, and Domingos) learned doing pottery when he was a young boy
every decision or technical choice is taken depending on the in the same village. The most ancient evidence of traditional
functional and performance characteristics desired for a spe- ceramic production go back to the end of the nineteenth cen-
cific artefact (Schiffer and Skibo 1987, 1997). The technical tury (Lepierre 1899; Santos Júnior 1932). The area was al-
expertise plays also a fundamental role in the creation of a ready inhabited since the Iron Age, and there are evidences
specific object and, in this case, socio-cultural factors drive of pottery making since the Roman period, as evidenced by
potter decisions when selecting between different technologi- the recent archaeological excavation of the river harbour
cal options (Sillar 2000; Lemonier 1993; Lindahl and Pikirayi (Arruda et al. 2016). Islamic Medieval ceramics were also
2010). recovered (Lopes 2015). Archaeological medieval ceramics
A different point of view stressed the importance of have been recovered inside the old city of Santarém, located
looking at the various steps of the productive cycle as being at 15–20 km from Muge, during the archaeological excavation
part of an interdependent system. In this case, the previous of the site “Rua 5 de Outubro”. Also in this case, the city has
variables (e.g. raw materials sources) and behavioural and been continuously inhabited since the Iron Age to Modern
socio-cultural factors have the same impact on pottery tech- time (Arruda 1993; Arruda and Viegas 1999; Liberato 2016).
nology (Tite and Sillar 2000; Gosselain 2012). In this frame- Our aim is to understand pottery production technology
work, the concept of “chaîne opératoire”, firstly coined by and function in the district of Santarém between the Middle
Lehroi-Gourhan (1964), gives a systematic description of all Ages and Modern times. The study will be useful to under-
the steps of the productive cycle taking under consideration stand whether or not there was continuity or change in ceramic
the whole interdependent system to understand what really characteristics during the Middle Ages (i.e. from the Islamic to
influences ceramic technology. Therefore, material science the Christians period) and the difference, if any, with Modern
disciplines such as archaeometry can give a valuable contri- ceramics. Previous studies carried out in Santarém has already
bution for the analysis of the “chaîne opératoire” and to eval- discussed the continuity in raw material exploitation during
uate the ceramic technology. In recent years, it has also been the Middle Ages (Beltrame et al. 2019). Conscious of the fact
devised the term ethno-archaeometry (Gosselain 1992). In this that archaeological and traditional ceramics were not pro-
specific case, the different steps of the productive cycle were duced in the same workshop, we consider the analyses of
studied both for the analyses of contemporary pottery making Modern ceramics an interesting ethnographic approach for
communities (Cantin and Mayor 2018; Cau Ontiveros et al. the understanding of ancient pottery technology. The different
2015; Buxeda et al. 2003) and to compare contemporary ce- variables, behavioural and socio-cultural factors that might
ramics with archaeological finds (D’Ercole et al. 2017; have affected ceramic technology in the Middle Ages will
Lindahl and Pikirayi 2010). This approach has several advan- be considered in this work. To do so a multi-analytical proto-
tages. In fact, the interpretation of traditional ceramic, know- col has been developed, which include petrographic (OM),
ing all the steps of the productive cycle and the technology, mineralogical analysis (XRPD), chemical analysis (XRF),
can help in the understanding of archaeological ceramics. raw material sampling and analysis as well as physical-
Moreover, it is also possible to verify results and interpreta- mechanical tests (i.e. density, porosity, vapour permeability,
tions as well as the methodology and the assumptions used in Point Load Test strength index-PLT).
the technological characterization of pottery (Buxeda et al. In particular, the application of physical and mechanical
2003). tests to traditional and archaeological ceramics, according to
The main focus of this work is the study of contemporary/ methods well established in the literature (Columbu et al.
traditional and Medieval ceramics, Islamic to Post Islamic- 2014a, b, 2015a, b) is rarely used in archaeometry. Few au-
Christians (eleventh–sixteenth century), from the village of thors utilized this approach in the past (De Bonis et al. 2014;
Muge (Municipality of Salvaterra de Magos) and the city of Kilikoglou et al. 1998; Müller et al. 2010) mainly for the study
Santarém, district of Santarém, Portugal (Fig. 1; Table 1). of traditional or archaeological ceramics, but never to directly
Precisely, we are going to compare the characteristics of compare ceramics characteristics in the same work. The com-
traditional and archaeological ceramics considering different bination of physical and mechanical data to that obtained by
utilitarian artefacts with a specific function, such as table, fire petrography, mineralogy and chemical methods can be very
and storage wares. Table ceramics were mainly utilized to useful in the understanding the production technologies relat-
serve and consume different type of dishes; fire ceramics were ed to the objects function.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 3 of 31 130
Geology of the area under study Portalegre (Alto Alentejo) and in Spanish territory. It only
contains continental facies. In this area, the valley is very
From the geological point of view, the city Santarém and the narrow and the river excavated its path on igneous (e.g. gran-
small village of Muge (Fig. 1) are located in the middle of the itoids) and metamorphic (e.g. quartzites, slates and
Tagus Valley, a natural depression with orientation NNE- metagreywakes) rocks of the Hercynian massif, formed dur-
SSW in the southwestern region of the Iberian Peninsula, ing the variscan orogeny (Romão et al. 2013).
and it is part of the Lower Tagus Cenozoic Basin The Middle sector includes the district of Santarém
(LTCB).The filling of the basin happened during the (Ribatejo) and part of the Portalegre district (Alentejo), while
Cenozoic (Cunha 2019), thanks to the combination of several the Distal sector includes the estuarine area of the river Tagus
factors such as the erosion proximal rocks of the basin, the and the Lisbon area, close the Atlantic Ocean. These two
evolution of the drainage system (endorheic vs. exorheic), sectors are very similar, but the Distal sector is/was more
climatic changes and different eustatic sea levels during the affected by the tidal sea levels. Both of them were completely
Miocene (Cunha et al. 2005). In the basin, three different covered by different Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary de-
sectors have been distinguished in the Portuguese territory: posits and, afterwards, by Pleistocene fluvial terraces. Since
Proximal, Middle and Distal. the Later-Middle Miocene, the fluvial sedimentation is well
The Proximal sector is located in the North-eastern part of represented and overlay the previous Palaeogene deposits.
the basin between district of Castelo Branco (Beira Baixa) and The presence of oysters on similar sedimentary record in both
Table 1 DMS geographical coordinates of Rua 5 de Outubro of reliability extracted using Google Earth Pro, such as elevation and
archaeological site (Santarém) and of Mr. Domingos’ workshop horizontal accuracy, are discussed on specialized bibliography
(Muge). Data have been obtained using Google Earth Pro. Data degree (Goudarzi and Landry 2017; Pulighe et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017)
Fig. 3 Adapted from Zbyszewsky (1953) and Zbyszewsky and Da Viega map also indicates where the ceramist uses to collect raw materials for the
Ferreira (1968), of the geological maps (1:50,000) of Santarém (map production of traditional ceramics
31A, top right) and Coruche (map 31C, bottom right). The geological
Centre-South, which transformed most of the al-Andalus to the creation of numerous “Mozarab” (Arabized
(Iberian Peninsula during the Islamic domination) in a Christians) communities (Sidarus 2007). At the beginning
province (emirate) of the Umayyad Caliphate from of the tenth century, Santarém was included in the
Damascus. From that moment onwards, Christians kings Umayyad Caliphate of Cordova. This was a period of
will fight for the Reconquista of the ancient Visigoth prosperity and stability in the al-Andalus. When the dy-
kingdom of Toledo, as they considered themselves their nasty crumbled during the first half of the eleventh cen-
legitimate heirs (Alves Conde 2005). Nowadays the term tury, the political degradation led to the creation of small
has a strong political and nationalist meaning, different independent “Taifa” kingdoms, and Santarém was includ-
from that of middle age (García Fitz 2009). ed of the Taifa of Badajoz (1022 AD). By the end of the
The city of Santarém, located in the Garb al-Andalus eleventh century the last king of the Taifa of Badajoz,
(Western Iberia during Islamic time), peacefully submit- Umar al-Mutawakkil, was not able to fully control the
ted to the Muslim at the beginning of the eighth century, territory. Following the continue pressure from the north
maintaining several privileges such as its social, religious and the arrival to the Iberian Peninsula of a fundamental-
and economic autonomy in exchange of paying taxes to ist Berber dynasty from Morocco, the Almoravid, he
the new ruling power (Catarino 1995; Sidarus 2007). The sought protection to Afonso VI of Leão and in exchange
assimilation of the Islamic culture, as well as of the new he delivered the cities of Santarém, Lisbon and Sintra to
politic and economic structure by the local population, led the Christian King of Leão.
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The conflict between Christianity and Islam of the twelfth allows to attest the production of polychromatic total Corda
century assumed a different religious connotation with the Seca glaze ceramics (Beltrame et al. 2019). These data dem-
arrival in the Iberian Peninsula of foreign fighters under the onstrated that Santarém, during the first half of the twelfth
protection and benediction of the Roman Church to support century, was a very dynamic urban centre, synthesizing tech-
the Iberian crusade for the Reconquista of Christian territories nological knowledge, in full and permanent contact with the
(Garcia y Garcia 2007). Nevertheless, the Almoravids took cultural osmosis occurring in the Mediterranean area.
again the control of the Tagus valley defeating the Count For the last moments of the Islamic period and the conquest
Raimundo of Burgundy in Lisbon (1096 AD), and after a of the town by the Portuguese Kingdom, four kilns were ex-
decade (1111 AD) Santarém was under the Islamic control cavated during the intervention in Rua 5 de Outubro, nº. 2 to 8.
again. However, only for one of them a safer chronological proposal
From this moment onward, the Taifa kingdoms disap- can be advanced, due to the stratigraphic superposition with
peared and the remains of the al-Andalus was included in archaeological contexts with thirteenth century coins. The ce-
the Almoravid African Empire. At the beginning of the twelfth ramic fragments recovered in the combustion chamber dem-
century, Afonso Henrique took the control of the new formed onstrate a strong continuity with the Islamic period solutions,
County of Portugal and he moved definitely to Coimbra. In namely by the morphological resemblances, but mostly by the
1139 AD he declared himself King of Portugal (Barroca survival of the most widespread ornamental option, such as
2003). With the aid of the Religious and Military order of the application of white pigment motifs on the external sur-
Solomon’s Temple, he was quickly able take control over faces of the ceramics.
the whole Tagus Valley in 1147 AD, including Lisbon and In fact, the application of white paint until the fourteenth
Santarém. In the subsequent years, another Berber dynasty, century (Liberato 2016) contrasts, for example, with the evo-
the Almohad, substituted the Almoravid but they were never lution of the ceramic record in Lisbon (Liberato 2012), where
able to restore the ancient borders of the Tagus valley and this decorative solution seems to disappear some decades after
especially to takeover back. the Christian conquest of the two towns, occurred in 1147 AD.
In 1179 AD, Santarém received the “Foral”, a royal docu- This somewhat atypical conservation of Islamic characters in
ment that regulates the politic, economic, fiscal and social set the material culture of Santarém, can be complemented by
up of the city, as well as the rights of the King. In this docu- historical written sources, where existence of Moorish potters
ment, it was also granted the protection to all the inhabitants, is attested until the first half of the fifteenth century (V. Rocha
including the Islamic community. Nevertheless, during the Beirante 1980; Barros 2004).
twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the structure of the society
changed radically, passing from urban, trading and tax based
society during the Islamic period to a rural, feudal and strati- Ceramic materials and technology
fied society (Alves Conde 2005) in the Portuguese Kingdom.
Between the end of the twelfth and the sixteenth century, the Traditional ceramics from Muge
city became an important river arbour opened not only to the
Mediterranean, but also to the Atlantic Ocean (Liberato 2016; The first work that summarized the production of ceramics in
Casimiro et al. 2018; V. Rocha Beirante 1980). From the Portugal go back to the nineteenth century (Lepierre 1899).
social point view, during the thirteenth century, the Islamic This book briefly described the regional distribution, location,
population lived freely in the city but with less rights if com- the production typology (industrial or not) and the raw mate-
pared with the Christians. The historical sources attested that rials exploited for Portuguese ceramic, mentioning also the
in the fourteenth century there were several marriages between workshops of Muge. The production cycle of traditional ce-
Christians and Muslims and conversion to Christianism, sug- ramic in Muge, using the local red clay, was described by
gesting a progressive assimilation of the Islamic people in the Santos Júnior (1932) and the ethnographic issues were
Christian society. Nevertheless since the middle of the fif- discussed by Gomes Pinto (2012). The workshops have never
teenth century, the Muslims, as well as the Jewish, were seg- changed their traditions, and the production of utilitarian ce-
regated in specific neighbourhood of the city (V. da Rocha ramics is still the main activity. Nevertheless, there are less
Beirante 1980). people doing this work nowadays, and the study of this activ-
Regarding pottery, until this moment, the archaeological ity pretend to preserve and strengthen the memory of the ter-
record of the town of Santarém did not reveal much informa- ritory and its traditions.
tion about its workshops and the social organization of its Nowadays the ceramic production of Mr. Domingos in
production. For the entire Islamic period, the only archaeolog- Muge is small and mainly for the local markets. The workshop
ical context has been excavated in Rua João Afonso is also small. We can identify four different individual spaces.
(Fernandes et al. 2016), with ceramic waste and kiln rods. In the first room, the ceramist shapes the ceramics. Afterwards
However, these findings assume great relevance, since they there is a storing room, to store and dry ceramics. Backyard,
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 7 of 31 130
there is the kiln area and a big yard where the ceramist stores, clay selection can be also related to other social and cultural
treats and decants the raw clay. phenomena (Livingstone Smith 2000) but, basing on the ce-
Basing on the description of Mr. Domingos, the productive ramist information, it looked like a technical choice. To pre-
cycle can be summarized in three different phases: (1) extrac- pare the ceramic paste, Mr. Domingos firstly decides the pro-
tion and preparation of the raw materials, (2) shaping and portion of the two clays and he roughly powdered them man-
decoration and (3) firing. The ceramist uses two different ually using a hammer or a sledgehammer. Afterward, the mix-
raw materials: the “strong (or fat)” and the “weak (or light/ ture is introduced in a big tank, mixed with water and decanted
slim)” clay (Fig. 4). The raw materials are extracted near the for one to two days. Once most of the sand is extracted, to
village, in a private property, with the consent of the owner. conclude the preparation process the finest part of the mixture
Both are located in the geological layer Q3, which correspond is than removed from the tank and inserted into an extrusion
to Pleistocene fluvial terraces (Fig. 3; Table 2). machine to produce cylinders of homogenized pressed clay.
The strong (fat) clay is more plastic and stickier when Cylinders are than covered by a plastic thin film, in order to
water is added. So, we might infer that the adjective fat refers keep the humidity, and stored.
to the stickiness character of the clay and the adjective strong The ceramic artefacts are usually shaped using a vertical
probably describes the ability of the wet clay to retain the potter wheel moved by a simple mechanical engine.
stress without breaking when the artefact is shaped. On weak Nowadays, Mr. Domingos uses it to add temper when needed
(light/slim) clay, for the ceramist, the amount of inclusions is (fine industrial milled sand). The reason why the ceramist uses
higher. This observation will be discussed in the “Results and fine industrial milled sand is simple. He does not want to cut
discussion” section with the aid of granulometric, mineralogic his finger during shaping. Shaped objects are dried in the
and chemical analysis. The two raw materials are generally storage room, slightly ventilated and far from the sunlight in
empirically mixed by the ceramist, but the proportion changed order to allow a slow evaporation of the absorbed water. The
depending on the artefact to be done. On fire ceramic and drying time varies, depending on the season, being shorter
smaller object, the proportion of weak clay is higher if com- during warmer months.
pared with table and food-liquid containers. So, probably, we Ceramic is fired in a two chambers kiln. The firing chamber
suppose that weak clay expands less and it has better thermal is roughly 2 × 3 m and 2 m height, and it is separated from the
characteristics when exposed to a heat source. Nevertheless, combustion chamber by a perforated bricks floor. Mr.
Table 2 DMS geographical coordinates of weak and strong clay mined using Google Earth Pro, such as elevation and horizontal accuracy, are
by Mr. Domingos for the production of traditional ceramics. Data have discussed on specialized bibliography (Goudarzi and Landry 2017;
been obtained using Google Earth Pro. Data degree of reliability extracted Pulighe et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017)
Domingos knows that the temperature inside the firing cham- [2172] probably formed during the end of the twelfth century—
ber is not homogeneous and that it is controlled empirically beginning of the thirteenth century considering the recovery of
looking at the colour of the flame. He does not really know the first Portuguese Dinasty’s coins. From the transition between
real maximum temperature the kiln can reach. He supposes the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries, just the context
the kiln can reach more than 900 °C. The whole process of [828] was studied. The materials are dominated by coarse
firing may take 12 h. The kiln is heated gradually to the max- wares with some fragments of green-glazed pottery, tradi-
imum temperature. In the meantime, the entrance of the kiln is tionally associated to the workshop of Paris-Rouen, France,
closed with bricks and then is left to cool down gradually. (Liberato 2012). The chronology of the context [2059] was
Usually unglazed ceramic undergoes a single firing process, established thanks to the recovery of some Mudejar frag-
while glazed ceramic are fired twice. To apply the glaze, the ments probably from the Valencia and/or Seville regions,
ceramist utilizes synthetic powdered glass product that follow which appear most frequently in the territory of nowadays
the National and European regulations (National regulations: Portugal, from the fifteenth century onwards.
Decreto-Lei no. 190/2007). Regarding archaeological ceramics shaping method the ob-
After our visit to the workshop of Mr. Domingos, we select- jects could be shaped manually, in the case of artefacts with
ed 14 different utilitarian ceramics (Fig. 5; Table 3). In total, we thicker walls (big earthen pots), or using the ceramist wheel
selected 5 fire ceramics with 2 lids, 5 table ceramics and 4 (jugs, bowls, lids, pots, pans). Objects surfaces could be treat-
liquid-food containers (liquid) with 2 lids. Most of fire and table ed, especially bowls and pans, with the application of a slip or
ceramics were partially covered by glaze. Usually, just the sur- by surface polishing.
faces in contact with the food or liquid were covered by glaze. As already mentioned in the “Santarém area during the
On the contrary liquid-food containers were not glazed at all. Middle Ages” section, the archaeological excavation in Rua
5 de Outubro were also identified four different kilns, which
Archaeological ceramics from Santarém date back to the last moments of the Islamic period and just
after the Reconquista of the city, twelfth–thirteenth century.
Archaeological samples were recovered in the excavation of During the fifteenth century, the archaeological site became a
Rua 5 de Outubro, nº 2 to 8,in the old of Santarém. In total, residential area and all the productive activities were probably
we selected 27 samples (Fig. 6; Table 3) with a chronology moved to the neighbourhood of the city. The kiln typology is
comprised between the eleventh and the sixteenth century. Fire very similar to that excavated in Lisbon (Bugalhão and
ceramics, table ceramics and food and liquid containers were Folgado 2001) and also comparable with several other struc-
included in the collection. With the exception of the archaeolog- tures discovered in the Iberian peninsula during the Islamic-
ical context [520], apparently related to a metallurgical activity, Post Islamic period (Coll Conesa and Porras García 2010).
all the other contexts correspond to silos filled in a short period. The kilns of Santarém (fornos a grelha) were circular in shape
Therefore, they constitute very reliable samples from a chrono- and mainly composed by two different compartments with a
logical point of view. The archaeological contexts [520], [583], separated access, the fuel combustion corridor with a circular
and [1667] correspond to the period between the eleventh cen- end, and the firing compartment for the ceramic, with an apse
tury and the first half of the twelfth century. In fact, typical late circular shape (Liberato 2012). The compartments were sepa-
Islamic materials were recovered. In the case of the archaeolog- rated by a perforated floor supported by several pillars. From
ical context [476], the presence of northern ornamental solu- the technological point of view, previous studies (Beltrame
tions, such as cooking pots with punctured handles, in combi- et al. 2019) analysed some ceramic shards recovered inside
nation with southern pottery, appears to testify a chronology of the firing chamber of different kilns. Results determined that
deposition close to the integration of the city in the Portuguese ceramics were produced locally and fired in a temperature
kingdom, in 1147 AD. The fillings of the contexts [2466] and range between 750 and 1000 °C.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 9 of 31 130
Table 3 Samples list of archaeological, from Rua 5 de Outubro on square brackets report the stratigraphic unit where the archaeological
archaeological site (RCO), and traditional ceramics, from Muge (MG), materials have been recovered
analysed in this study. In the column “Arch. Context/S.U.”, the numbers
Physical and mechanical properties were determined on with and without glaze). Permeability to water vapour was
archaeological and traditional samples (untreated samples) also determined on some archaeological and in most tradition-
sized 1 × 1 × 1 cm roughly. On traditional ceramics, when al ceramics, with different functions, on samples sized 5 × 5 ×
glaze was present, we prepared two different samples (i.e. 1 cm roughly.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 11 of 31 130
Fig. 6 Archaeological materials from Rua 5 de Outubro archaeological site analysed in this study
Firing experiments were performed just on traditional ce- minerals were identified by XRPD oriented aggregates.
ramics to evaluate the variations of mineralogical, physical and Moreover, mineralogical analyses were performed on raw
mechanical properties at different firing temperatures (750– clay samples and on the < 63-μm fractions. The < 63-μm
1000 °C). This test was performed to ascertain the real firing fractions were afterwards fired at 400–500–600–700–800–
temperature in Mr. Domingos’s workshop. The experiment 900–1000 °C following the same firing cycle previously de-
was conducted on different sub-samples (1 × 1 × 1 cm) with a scribed. XRPD analyses were performed just after each firing
total firing cycle of 12 h (similar to that adopted by the ceramist) step. This experiment was developed to evaluate the mineral-
using a muffle furnace under oxidized atmosphere. The muffle ogical modification during firing on raw clay materials and to
furnace took 2 h to reach the desired temperature, the maximum support experimental firing test developed on traditional ce-
temperature was maintained for 5 h and cooling time was 5 h. ramics described in the previous paragraph. Considering that
Before this experiment, physical, mechanical characteristics were the firing behaviour of clays is closely related with the original
determined. Mineralogical (XRPD) analyses were performed in raw materials (clays) and the forming and firing process,
a second moment. chemical analyses by XRF spectroscopy were also developed,
This study also includes the sampling as well as the in particular on raw clay samples and on the < 63-μm
granulometric, mineralogical and chemical analyses of the fractions.
raw clay materials utilized by Mr. Domingos: the strong and
the weak clay. Granulometric analyses were performed to Optical microscopy applied to ceramic thin sections
evaluate sand and silt plus clay content, and the perception
of the raw materials by the ceramist basing on his description. Each sample was visually analysed using a transmitted light
To do so, approximately 400 g of both raw materials was dry petrographic microscope Leica DM-2500P equipped with an
sieved using 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.063 mm sieves. For acquisition camera Leica MC-170-HD. The mineralogy, pres-
grain size description, the criteria utilized for the characteriza- ence of rock fragments, characteristic of the matrix, porosity,
tion of sedimentary rocks (Adams et al. 1984) was used. Clay sorting and packing were described following the scheme
130 Page 12 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
proposed by Quinn (2013). The degree of sphericity and grain Physical and mechanical properties
size were described following the terminology utilized for the
sedimentary rocks (Adams et al. 1984). Texture analysis, in- Physical and mechanical tests were performed on archaeolog-
cluding temper percentage and modal analysis (through the ical and traditional ceramic samples. Moreover, just in the
estimations of the different granulometric classes) has been case of traditional ceramic samples covered by glaze, we
performed using ImageJ software 1.51k, starting from images analysed samples with and without the glaze. The goal was
obtained under crossed Nicols (XPL) and converted into bi- to understand to which extent the glaze might influence phys-
nary images. This method have been already utilized to esti- ical and mechanical properties. The tests were also developed
mate matrix-inclusion ration on mortars (Columbu et al. on different sub-samples of traditional ceramic fired at 750
2017b) and ceramics (Beltrame et al. 2019). and 1000 °C. Fragments with dimension of roughly 1 × 1 ×
1 cm were cut, washed and dried at 105 ± 5 °C for one day
prior to determine the dry masses (mD) using an analytical
X-ray powder diffraction and oriented samples balance model Sartorius R9. The real volume (VR), on the
undisturbed specimens, and the solid volume (VS), on the
X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis was used to identify powered specimens, were determined by helium pycnometer
crystalline phases. A da Vinci design Bruker AXS D8 Discover using an Ultra-pycnometer 1000 model of Quantachrome
diffractometer with a Cu Kα source, operating at 40 kV and Instruments. Subsequently, the wet mass (mW) of undisturbed
40 mA with a Lynxeye 1-dimensional detector was used. specimens was determined after water absorption by immer-
Scans were performed from 3 to 75° 2θ, with 0.05 2θ step and sion for 10 days. Afterwards the bulk volume VB was calcu-
1 s/step measuring time by point. XRPD were carried out on lated as:
archaeological ceramics, on traditional ceramics, on sub-
samples of traditional ceramic fired at different temperature (i.e. V B ¼ ½ðmW −mHY Þ ρTWX 100 ð1Þ
750 and 1000 °C), on strong and weak raw clay materials (ori-
ented aggregates, raw samples, < 63-μm fractions, < 63-μm frac- In formula (1), mHY is the hydrostatic mass of the wet
tions fired at different temperatures). Diffract-Eva Bruker soft- specimen and ρTWX is the water density (0.9970 g/cm3) at
ware with PDF-2 mineralogical database (The International 25 °C. Open porosity to water and helium (ΦOH2O, ΦOHe),
Centre for Diffraction Data—ICDD) was utilized to closed porosity helium (ΦCHe), total porosity (ΦT), bulk den-
interpret all XRD patterns. XRPD semi-quantitative results and sity (ρB), real density (ρR) and solid density (ρS) were com-
reference intensity ratio (RIR) analyses (Hubbard et al. 1976) are puted as:
presented for archaeological and traditional ceramics, as well as
for strong and weak clay (raw and < 63-μm fractions), in differ- ΦO H2 O ð%Þ ¼ f½ðmW −mD Þ ρTW°25C V B g 100 ð2Þ
ent tables along the manuscript.
ΦO He ð%Þ ¼ ½ðV B −V R Þ V B Þ 100 ð3Þ
ΦC He ð%Þ ¼ ½ðV R −V S Þ V S Þ 100 ð4Þ
Bulk chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy ΦT ¼ ΦC He þ ΦO He ð5Þ
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy allowed the quantifi- ρS ¼ mD V S ð6Þ
cation of major oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O, CaO, g
MgO, MnO, FeO, P2O5). Analyses were performed operating ρR ¼ mD V R ð7Þ
an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS-XRF) S2 g
Puma, Bruker, using a methodology similar to that adopted ρB ¼ mD V B ð8Þ
by Georgiou et al. (2015). Description of the calibration meth-
od can be found elsewhere (Beltrame et al. 2019). Samples Weight imbibition coefficient (ICW) and the saturation in-
were fused on a Claisse LeNeo using a flux (Li-tetraborate) to dex (SI) were computed as:
prepare fused beads (ratio sample/flux = 1/10). The software
ICW ð%Þ ¼ ½ðmW −mD Þ mD 100 ð9Þ
utilized for acquisition and data processing was Spectra
Elements 2.0, which reported the final oxides/elements con- SI ð%Þ ¼ ðΦO H2 O ΦO HeÞ 100 ð10Þ
centration and the instrumental statistical error associated to
the measurement. All results, for archaeological and tradition- Point Load strength index (Is50) was determined with a
al ceramics as well as for strong and weak clay (raw and < Controls D550 Instrument, in accordance with the ASTM
63-μm fractions), are presented in a separate file annexed to recommendations (Conshohocken 2005). The vapour perme-
the manuscript (annex 3). ability was determined according to Recommendations 21/85
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 13 of 31 130
of the Italian research council (Normal 1985) on samples sized with quartz and feldspar intraclasts, while biomicrite consists
5 × 5 × 1 cm roughly. The technique measure the amount of of microcrystalline carbonate cement with bioclasts as forami-
vapour diffused through a circular surface area of the sample, nifera (Fig. 7F). Dispersed in the ceramic paste, in most cases,
in static condition and at regular intervals of time (24 h) until there were also unmixed clay pellets (Fig. 7G). Secondary
the steady state is reached. The steady state is achieved if the calcite, in the form of a reaction rim, usually surrounds ther-
average value of the weight variation (ΔM), between two mally altered or almost completely absorbed limestone frag-
successive measures (considering a minimum of four values), ments. In other cases, post-depositional calcite was dispersed
shows an oscillation of − 5% maximum. The vapour perme- in the ceramic paste or inside the porosity indicating contam-
ability is calculated as: ination from the soils. The identification of thermally altered
limestone fragments suggests a firing temperature, at least,
Perm ¼ ½ðΔM i þ ΔM i−1 Þ 2 πr2 ð11Þ comprised between 750 and 800 °C (Fig. 7C, D) or short
firing time at higher temperature (Fabbri et al. 2014).
The first part of the equation represents the media of two
Conversely, some pieces of traditional ceramic are not
values recorded on steady state, while πr2 represent the circu-
completely oxidized, suggesting incomplete firing (Fig. 7H).
lar surface area crossed by the vapour. The permeability to
It is important to notice that secondary calcite, thermally al-
vapour is then expressed in g/m2 × 24 h (according to ANSI-
tered micritic limestone fragments, biomicrite, intramicrite
ASTM C355-64) and normalized to 20 °C. It was not possible
and clay pellets were never observed in traditional ceramics.
to perform this analysis in all archaeological samples due to
These first observations suggest that the raw material was
sampling restriction. Nevertheless, it was possible to analyse 4
different and it was treated differently. Traditional ceramics
tables, 2 liquid/food containers and 7 fire ceramics. On tradi-
show a more accurate homogenization of the clay.
tional ceramic we were able to perform analyses in most sam-
Porosity further differentiates the two assemblages, being
ples. Nowadays, permeability to vapour is usually applied in
smaller and highly aligned to the vessel wall in the case of
the field of conservation of cultural heritage and on the build-
traditional ceramics. This is the result of the throwing shaping
ing materials (Columbu et al. 2017a; Dondi et al. 2003; Silva
method adopted by Mr. Domingos, and a different pressure
et al. 2009) using standardized samples. In our case, it was not
applied to the object during shaping.
possible. Traditional and archaeological ceramics had not flat
Grain size distribution is generally unimodal in all
and straight walls and the thickness is variable. So permeabil-
cases. Grain shape varies from angular to sub-rounded.
ity was also normalized to the fragment thickness as:
The most rounded and abundant fraction is mainly concen-
Perm norm: ¼ Perm d ð12Þ trated in the silty fraction, suggesting transport. The only
exception is represented by silty sized micas crystals, gen-
where d is the sample thickness and the normalized value is erally angular and elongated. Bigger inclusions are gener-
expressed as (g/m2 × 24 h)/mm. Considering that the firing pro- ally sub-angular/angular in shape, indicating that temper
cess might influences the vitrification of the ceramic paste, and was added to the ceramic paste depending on the object
consequently its porosity (open and closed porosity), we believe to be prepared. This is especially evident for some specific
that permeability to vapour can give valuable indication on ce- category of archaeological artefact, like liquid and food
ramic technology. container with thicker walls (big jug-big earthen pot), such
as samples [504]-4660, [475]-4467, [91]-1979 and [2096]-
14374. In these cases, more temper was added if compared
Results and discussion with jugs with thinner walls. So temper could be added
depending on the thickness of the object wall in order to
Optical microscope mitigate volume loss when the piece was dried and fired.
The effect of tempering is also visible on traditional ce-
Archaeological and traditional ceramics are similar in temper ramics, and it was also described by Mr. Domingos. The
mineralogical composition and texture. The single character- ceramist used to add commercial milled sand to the ceram-
istic of each samples are reported in two specific files annexed ic paste. Nevertheless, if compared with archaeological ce-
to this article (annex 1; annex 2). Inclusions are mainly com- ramics, temper characteristics on traditional ceramics are
posed by quartz, K-feldspar, rare plagioclase, muscovite, rare uniform, and sorting is very similar between different func-
biotite, green brown tourmaline, secondary and post- tional classes.
depositional calcite. Among rock fragments were identified OM allowed the subdivision of the shards into three differ-
quartzite, sandstone, granitoids and, in some cases, relics of ent fabrics-groups (Fig. 7A–E). Fabrics 1 and 2 are from the
thermally altered micritic limestone. Sometimes biomicrite archaeological assemblage, and fabric 3 from the traditional
and intramicrite fragments were also identified (Folk 1959). ceramic assemblage. In the case of fabric 3, there are no dif-
Intramicrite consists of microcrystalline carbonate cement ferences between objects with different function, and the
130 Page 14 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
effect of mixing different clays adopted by the ceramist (i.e. and food-liquid container ceramics (in two cases for fire ce-
strong and weak clays) is not visible. ramics also), while sub-fabric 1B was exclusively utilized for
Fabric 1 is characterized by an iron-rich ceramic matrix, the production of fire ceramic. Fabric 2 appears sporadically
with inclusion size up to 2.3 mm. A slip was observed in most in the archaeological assemblage being utilized to create fire
table ceramics. The bigger inclusions were mainly observed (2), table (1) and container (1) ceramics. Considering the char-
on food-liquid containers such as big jug and on big earthen acteristics observed, especially on ceramic paste and temper
pots. The ceramic paste of fabric 2 is enriched of thermally the raw material was probably extracted in the vicinity of the
altered or almost completely absorbed limestone fragments archaeological site. OM observations also reflect the hetero-
inclusions up to 0.9 mm. Fabric 3 has an iron-rich ceramic geneity of the sedimentary deposits of Santarém, as explained
paste with inclusion up to 1.3 mm. Fabrics 1 and 2 present an in the “Geology of the area under study” section. Clayey raw
internal variability, especially in the colour of the ceramic material was roughly purified and temper could be added in a
paste and the amount of inclusion. Sub-fabric 1A has a red second moment. Moreover, also the identification of unmixed
ceramic paste with inclusion concentration ranging from 4.7 clay pellet is another clue, suggesting that the preparation and
to 20.25%. On sub-fabric 1A are also included big food-liquid homogenization of the clay was not that accurate.
containers (big jug-big earthen pot). In sub-fabric 1B the ce- The technology of production is very similar between the
ramic paste is red-brown and inclusion concentration range eleventh and the sixteenth centuries. Even if the kilns in the
from 8.72 to 16.87%. Regarding sub-fabrics of fabric 2, A archaeological site ceased to work before the fifteenth century
and B, the ceramic paste is light brown\grey-brown and inclu- (the site became a residential area), the processes of making
sion concentration decrease progressively from A (14.66 to pottery (for each functional class) seems very similar on dif-
20.60%) to B (9.46%) sub-fabric. In the case of traditional ferent chronological periods, indicating specialization in ce-
ceramic samples, fabric 3, the ceramic paste is red and inclu- ramic production (Arnold 2000). Our observations suggest
sion concentration range between 6.54 and 14.02%. that ceramics were not imported, they were all produced in
Results indicate that fabric 1 was widely utilized for the the city. This suggests that the same raw material was widely
production of archaeological ceramics in all periods. In par- available in different chronological periods without any re-
ticular, sub-fabric 1A was utilized for the production of table striction. Conversely, the production of traditional ceramics,
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 15 of 31 130
fabric 3, is quite similar in all cases, as evidenced by ceramic usually decomposes between 750 and 800 °C (Fabbri et al.
paste and temper characteristics (annex 1 and 2). There is not a 2014). Illite-muscovite peaks are always present. Usually it is
clear distinction between objects with a different function supposed to disappear at a temperature higher than 950–1000 °C
(fire, table and container ceramics). At this stage, the effect (Cultrone et al. 2001; Rodriguez-Navarro et al. 2003; Cultrone
of mixing different clays (strong and weak clay) adopted by et al. 2004; Maritan et al. 2006). On three archaeological samples
Mr. Domingos is not significant. It is also not possible to from the eleventh–twelfth and twelfth–thirteenth centuries
appreciate specialization on traditional ceramic production be- ([504]-4660, [504]-4666, [91]-1983) mullite formed at the ex-
cause more workshops should be considered. pense of illite-muscovite (Cultrone et al. 2004; Rodriguez-
Comparing archaeological samples and traditional ce- Navarro et al. 2003; Riccardi et al. 1999; Jordán et al. 1999),
ramics as two distinct homogeneous groups, there is a clear suggesting higher firing temperature (about 1000 °C).
difference in the ceramic paste, in the inclusions characteris- The overall mineralogical composition of archaeological ce-
tics, in porosity size and alignment. The ceramic paste of ramics is quite uniform, suggesting the exploitation of same sed-
traditional ceramics is highly homogenous, clay pellets are imentary deposit and, with some exception, most of the archae-
almost absent, inclusions are well sorted, temper concentra- ological samples were fired in a temperature below 1000 °C
tion is very similar between different artefacts and porosity is (Table 4). On traditional ceramics (Table 5), in some cases, goe-
usually smaller and parallel to the vessel wall. thite and vermiculite were identified. In other cases, haematite
We can say that the production cycle of traditional ceramic was not identified. So, traditional ceramics were probably fired at
is very similar in all cases, without significant differences lower temperature, maximum 750 °C, if compared with the ar-
between objects with different function. On the contrary, on chaeological ones. We can also extract one important methodo-
archaeological samples it is not, and it is specialized along logical consideration. In both cases, XRPD patterns are not able
time. If compared with nowadays, traditional ceramics objects to distinguish ceramic samples basing on its function. This result
with different function were prepared in different way, like stresses the importance of OM observations in ceramic studies.
food-liquid containers (i.e. jugs-big jugs-big earthen pots)
and fire ceramics (pots, lids, pans). All of these factors indicate XRPD of firing experiments on traditional ceramics
a clear difference in ceramic productive cycle.
The firing experiment carried out on different sub-samples of
X-ray powder diffraction and raw materials traditional ceramics (Table 5, Fig. 8) showed that illite-
granulometric analysis muscovite peaks disappeared progressively, haematite in-
creased its intensity, and mullite, and in some cases (samples
In this section, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) is presented Trd-1, Trd-4 and Trd-6) portlandite appeared at 1000 °C.
and discussed for archaeological and traditional ceramics Portlandite forms through the reaction between the free lime
(Tables 4 and 5; Fig. 8) and for raw materials (Tables 7 and 8). and the environmental humidity (Cultrone et al. 2001) and,
usually, it transforms to calcite due to carbonation. In fact,
XRPD of archaeological and traditional ceramics small amounts of calcite were detected on some untreated tra-
ditional ceramic samples, namely Trd-4 and Trd-6. In general,
On archaeological and traditional ceramic, quartz is confirmed haematite is the most important mineralogical phase in order to
as the main mineralogical phase (Tables 4 and 5). Potassium- infer the firing temperature in Mr. Domingos’s workshop. In 8
rich feldspars and illite-muscovite are the second most abun- cases out of 14, haematite was not identified on the untreated
dant mineralogical phases identified, while sodium-rich pla- samples, but it was clearly identified on sub-samples fired at
gioclases are less abundant. Haematite was identified almost 750 °C. This indicates a firing temperature lower than 750 °C
in all samples. Its formation usually starts approximately at in many cases. So, the firing test further confirmed that the
750 °C (Maniatis et al. 1981; Nodari et al. 2007; Cultrone maximum firing temperature in Mr. Domingos’s workshop is
et al. 2004) under oxidized condition. Calcite was identified actually lower if compared with archaeological ceramics.
quite often on XRPD patterns, mainly in archaeological ce-
ramics and few times on traditional ones. On archaeological XRPD and granulometric analysis of raw clay materials
ceramics, after OM, it was related to thermally altered lime-
stone fragments with secondary calcite in the border or, in Granulometric analysis of raw clay materials The
other cases, to post-depositional contamination mainly identi- granulometric analysis of raw clay materials (strong and weak
fied in the porosity system. On traditional ceramics calcite was clays) evidenced that sand content is higher than silt and clay
not detected by OM. Its identification in very low amount in amount (Table 6). So, on both cases after the decantation
some XRPD patterns (Trd-3, Trd-4, Trd-6) can be associated process, the ceramist extracts less than the 20% of clay.
to carbonation of some free lime after thermal decomposition Basing on the ceramist description of the raw materials, weak
of calcium carbonate present in the raw material. Calcite clay was supposed to be more enriched in sand content.
130 Page 16 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
Table 4 Semi-quantitative XRPD results, expressed in percentage (%), muscovite-illite; Kao, kaolinite; Hem, haematite; Cal, calcite; Mu, mull-
of archaeological ceramics from Rua 5 de Outubro archaeological site. Q, ite; Tr, traces
quartz; Kf, potassium-rich feldspars; Pla, plagioclase feldspars; Mus/Ill,
Results show that the strong clay is actually more enriched in Nevertheless, some differences were observed (Table 7). On
sand (considering the different granulometric classes) if com- both cases, quartz, potassium-rich feldspars, sodium-rich pla-
pared with the weak clay (82.03% against 78.51%). gioclase and rutile were identified. Strong clay is generally
Nevertheless, weak clay is more enriched in very coarse sand more enriched in quartz, while weak clay is more enriched
(12.64%), in very fine sand (11.51%) and in silt plus clay in feldspars. If tectosilicates and oxides (i.e. rutile) are consid-
(20.92%). So, the enrichment in sand content described by ered, on weak clay they represent the 65% on the raw sample
Mr. Domingos regarding weak clay can be the result of two and the 64% on the < 63-μm fraction while, in the case of
different factors. In the first case, when clays are mined, for strong clay they represent the 64% in the raw sample and
Mr. Domingos weak clay might looks rougher and conse- the 57% of the < 63-μm fraction. Among clay minerals on
quently more enriched in sand. In the second case, as evi- strong clay, muscovite-illite, kaolinite and smectite were iden-
denced by the ceramist, the raw materials were treated first tified, while on weak clay muscovite-illite, vermiculite, kao-
in order to get rid of the bigger inclusions. Only in a second linite and traces of smectites were detected (Table 4). Illite-
moment industrial milled sand was added. Thus, the ceramist muscovite is the most represented among phyllosilicate on
probably referred to the enrichment of very fine sand/silt par- both raw materials, being more abundant in the strong clay.
ticles on treated weak clay if compared with strong clay. Smectite, vermiculite and kaolinite are less abundant.
Smectite was identified by the 001 diffraction line positioned
XRPD analysis of raw clay materials Strong and weak clays are at 15.2 Å (very broad peak), while vermiculite by the 001 peak
very similar in term of mineralogical composition. at 14.3 Å.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 17 of 31 130
Table 5 Semi-quantitative XRPD results, expressed in percentage (%), feldspars; Mus/Ill, muscovite-illite; Kao, kaolinite; Hem, haematite; Cal,
of traditional ceramic samples (untreated sample, fired at 750 °C and calcite; Ver, vermiculite; Leu, leucite; Mu, mullite; Rut, rutile; Por,
1000 °C). Q, quartz; Kf, potassium-rich feldspars; Pla, plagioclase portlandite; Goe, goethite; Tr, traces
Function Sample/typology Temp (°C) Q Kf Na- Mus/ Hem Cal Ver Leu Mu Rut Por Goe
Pla Ill
The analysis of the oriented aggregate on strong clay re- 12.04 Å and 11.3 Å, respectively, indicating that dioctahedral
vealed that the peak at 15.4 Å moved to 17.6 Å after solvation vermiculite was present (Douglass 1989). In the weak clay, the
with ethylene glycol. This confirms the presence of smectite main peak identified at 14.3 Å did not expand after solvation
minerals (Moore and Reynolds 1997). In addition, when fired with ethylene glycol, but a peak appeared at 17.4 Å. So, smec-
at 400 and 550 °C for 30 min, the smectite peak collapses tite was present in small amount if compared with vermiculite.
close to 10 Å. In this case, we also recognized two peaks at The 060 diffraction lines of both weak and strong clays further
130 Page 18 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
Table 7 Semi-quantitative XRPD results, expressed in percentage (%), of strong and weak clays: raw and < 63-μm fractions. Q, quartz; Kf, potassium-
rich feldspars; Pla, plagioclase feldspars; Mus/Ill, muscovite-illite; Kao, kaolinite; Rut, rutile; Smc, smectite; Ver, vermiculite; Tr, traces
phases. The concentration of Al2O3 and of SiO2 is very similar XRPD, in this case, XRF results are able to differentiate dif-
for all samples. The first ranges between 16.6 and 22.9 wt%, ferent fabrics but not ceramics with different function. In any
and the second between 65.20 and 73.20 wt%. Nevertheless, case, the results collected for archaeological ceramics, point to
some differences were evident. Generally, on archaeological the exploitation of the same raw material as suggested by
samples CaO concentration is between 0.51 and 3.57 wt%, XRPD and OM results, and small difference in chemical com-
while traditional ceramics do not contain more than 0.5 wt% position can be the result of the heterogeneity of the sedimen-
of CaO. The MgO/Fe2O3 ratio is generally lower on archaeo- tary deposits of the town of Santarém as explained in the
logical ceramics (MgO/Fe2O3 < 0.2), with the exception of “Geology of the area under study” section. Chemical analyses,
sample [829]-6947 (MgO/Fe2O3 = 0.31). The absolute con- even if small differences are evident between traditional and
centration of MgO and Na2O (Fig. 9C) is higher on traditional archaeological ceramics, show that the overall chemical com-
ceramics. Nevertheless, some archaeological ceramics, from position is very similar. Actually, raw materials were extracted
the 13th–14th and 15th–16th century, are slightly enriched in in different places but they pertain to the same sedimentary
Na2O ([829]-6952, [829]-6962, [2058]-14124) and they part- basin. So, this result further support XRPD results and the
ly overlap the traditional ceramic group. Three of them, ex- identification of similar mineralogical phases in archaeologi-
cluding the sample [829]-6962, are included on fabric 2 and cal and traditional (i.e. untreated samples, fired at 750 and
they pertain to fire and table ceramics. Differently from 1000 °C) is justified.
Table 8 Semi-quantitative XRPD results, expressed in percentage (%), feldspars; Pla, plagioclase feldspars; Mus/Ill, muscovite-illite; Kao, kao-
of the mineralogical phase evolution during firing of strong and weak linite; Rut, rutile; Smc, smectite; Ver, vermiculite; Hem, haematite; Mul,
clays (with grain size < 63-μm fraction). Q, quartz; Kf, potassium-rich mullite; Tr, traces
Typology Fraction Firing T. Q Kf Pla Mus/ Kao Rut Smc Ver Hem Mul
Fig. 9 (A, B) SiO2, Al2O3, [CaO+MgO] ternary diagram of the strong 2016). (C) Binary graph of MgO and Na2O of archaeological and tradi-
and weak clay (raw and < 63-μm fractions) and of the ceramic samples tional ceramic samples
(i.e. archaeological and traditional) after Heimann and Maggetti (2014,
In the case of strong and weak clay (raw and < 63-μm Physical and mechanical properties and correlation
fractions), they generally follow the same pattern identi- with compositional features
fied for traditional ceramics. The main differences reside
in the SiO2 and Al2O3 content. In the strong clay, SiO2 Physical (i.e. density, porosity, permeability) and mechanical
concentration drops from 65.9 to 56.6 wt% and, at the (i.e. punching strength index) ceramic characteristics are quite
same time, Al 2O 3 concentration increase from 15.2 to heterogeneous, especially between different functional clas-
19.9 wt% in the < 63-μm fraction. At the same time, also ses. Considering ceramic samples like two different homoge-
MgO, Fe2O3 and K2O concentration increase. These re- neous groups (i.e. archaeological and modern), total porosity
sults point to a strong increase in clay content in the finer (ΦT) made the first difference. The mean values (Table 9,
fraction of the sediment. On the contrary, on weak clay Fig. 10A) of all functional classes from different periods
SiO2 concentration increases from 60.5 to 61.6 wt% while showed that traditional ceramics are more porous than archae-
Al2O3 remain quite stable, being 17.2 in the raw sample ological ceramics. Normally ceramic porosity can be influ-
and 17.1 wt% in the < 63-μm fraction. Thus, the ratio enced by temper amount and size, by firing temperature and
between sand and clay seems to remain the same. These also by the pressure made by the potter when modelling the
results further support granulometric and XRPD analysis pot and kneading the paste. One would expect higher porosity
carried out on strong and weak clays suggesting that, in the on ceramic with bigger inclusion and more temper (archaeo-
finer fraction, the content of silty sized grains is higher on logical ceramics), because of structural discontinuities be-
the weak clay. tween temper grains and the ceramic paste (Allegretta et al.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci
Table 9 Mean values for physical and mechanical properties of archaeological ceramics (from the eleventh–sixteenth century range), traditional-modern ceramics (untreated samples) and traditional-
modern ceramic sub-samples fired at 750 °C and 1000 °C
(2020) 12:130
Century Apparent density Real density Solid density Total porosity Open porosity Open porosity Closed porosity Weight imbibition Saturation index PLT strength
to water to helium to helium coefficient index
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 % % % % % % (MPa)
ρB ρR ρS ΦT ΦΟH2O ΦOHe ΦcHe ICw SI Is(50)
11th–12th Average 1.93 2.61 2.72 30.0 22.8 26.0 4.0 11.9 87.6 2.47 0.05 0.05 0.09 2.8 2.9 2.5 3.0 1.9 7.1 0.78
12th–13th Average 1.91 2.61 2.71 30.4 24.0 26.8 3.6 12.6 89.7 4.07 0.04 0.04 0.06 3.4 1.8 2.2 2.3 1.2 5.4 1.42
13th–14th Average 1.91 2.59 2.72 31.0 22.5 26.1 4.9 11.8 86.9 3.57 0.04 0.11 0.05 2.3 3.1 3.9 3.0 1.8 5.5 1.25
15th–16th Average 1.93 2.64 2.69 29.0 24.4 27.0 2.0 12.8 90.3 2.71 0.06 0.05 0.03 2.4 2.9 2.6 1.3 1.6 5.9 0.93
Modern, untreated Average 1.85 2.64 2.73 33.3 26.9 29.9 3.4 14.5 90.1 2.48 0.02 0.06 0.06 1.9 1.1 1.4 1.8 0.6 5.0 0.76
Modern 750 °C Average 1.87 2.68 2.76 32.9 26.1 29.9 3.0 13.9 87.6 2.66 0.04 0.07 0.07 2.6 1.3 2.3 1.8 0.8 6.3 1.01
Modern, 1000 °C Average 1.94 2.61 2.74 30.3 21.3 25.7 4.7 11.0 83.5 3.95 0.03 0.05 0.08 2.4 1.1 1.5 2.3 0.7 6.4 2.25
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Fig. 10 Physical properties of archaeological and traditional ceramic with glaze and without glaze; (C) ΦOHe, ΦOH2O and S.I. values of raw
samples: (A) ΦT medium values with standard deviation of archaeologi- traditional ceramic samples, fired at 750 °C and fired at 1000 °C; (D) ΦT,
cal, traditional and firing experiment on traditional ceramic samples; (B) ΦOHe and ΦCHe of archaeological food-liquid container ceramic samples
ΦT, ΦOHe and ΦCHe medium values of traditional table ceramic samples
2014; De Bonis et al. 2014; Müller et al. 2010). In any case, sample value, medium values for functional class and chrono-
after OM observation, a clear difference in porosity size and logical period of physical and mechanical properties can be
alignment was evident, but it was not possible to establish the found in a specific file annexed to this article (annex 4).
exact amount on traditional and archaeological ceramics. The
effect of the firing temperature is widely discussed in the bib- Traditional ceramics
liography, and when firing temperature increase porosity de-
creases consistently due to the vitrification of the ceramic The results obtained by OM, XRD and XRF analyses showed
paste (Kam et al. 2009; De Bonis et al. 2014). In particular, that traditional ceramics apparently represent a homogeneous
ceramics with similar mineralogical and chemical composi- group. The difference between different functional classes
tion should follow the same transformation during firing. In (fire ceramics, food/liquid containers, and table ceramics) re-
this case, considering XRPD results, physical and mechanical sided in the clay mixture prepared by the ceramist (i.e. strong/
characteristics suggest that ancient Middle Ages kilns in weak clays ratio) and it is not appreciable by OM, XRPD and
Santarém worked at higher temperature if compared with XRF analyses. Instead, the comparison of ceramics’ physical
Mr. Domingos’s kiln. Nevertheless, even if traditional and and mechanical property results shows specific characteristics
archaeological ceramics were fired at different temperature, depending on the sample. Considering the mean values for
in both cases, specific criteria were adopted for the production each functional class (Table 10) the results show that (i) table
of fire, food-liquid container and table ceramics. All singular ceramics have an intermediate value of total porosity (ΦT),
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 23 of 31 130
Table 10 Mean values with standard deviation for physical and mechanical properties of untreated modern ceramic samples (without glaze when
present), and traditional-modern ceramic sub-samples fired at 750 °C and 1000 °C from different functional classes
Function Firing temperature Apparent Real Solid Total Open Open Closed Weight Saturation PLT
density density density porosity porosity porosity porosity imbibition index strength
to water to helium to helium coefficient index
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 % % % % % % (MPa)
ρB ρR ρS ΦΤ ΦH2O ΦoHe ΦcHe ICw SI Is(50)
Fire ceramics Un.samples Average 1.85 2.62 2.70 32.3 26.1 29.2 3.1 14.1 89.5 2.98
St. dev. 0.01 0.06 0.04 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.7 0.9 6.9 0.93
Food, liquid Un.samples Average 1.84 2.66 2.75 34.1 27.0 31.0 3.1 14.6 87.0 2.06
containers St. dev. 0.03 0.06 0.08 2.1 1.2 1.7 1.6 0.7 4.6 0.58
Table ceramics Un.samples Average 1.86 2.64 2.74 33.5 27.7 29.5 4 14.9 93.9 2.4
St. dev. 0.02 0.06 0.07 2 0.5 1.2 2.1 0.4 3.5 0.77
Fire ceramics 750 °C Average 1.87 2.64 2.72 32.0 25.8 29.1 2.9 13.7 89.0 3.01
St. dev. 0.05 0.07 0.07 2.8 1.1 2.0 2.4 0.7 5.6 0.90
Food, liquid 750 °C Average 1.90 2.65 2.75 32.0 25.6 28.3 3.7 13.5 91.0 2.97
containers St. dev. 0.05 0.07 0.05 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.1 0.7 7.5 0.68
Table ceramics 750 °C Average 1.85 2.73 2.80 34.6 26.8 32.1 2.5 14.4 83.5 2.05
St. dev. 0.02 0.04 0.06 2.1 1.2 1.4 1.2 0.8 2.8 1.05
Fire ceramics 1000 °C Average 1.93 2.59 2.71 30.0 21.3 25.3 4.7 11.0 84.5 4.74
St. dev. 0.02 0.05 0.08 2.7 1.5 1.3 2.4 0.9 8.1 3.31
Food, liquid 1000 °C Average 1.97 2.62 2.75 30.0 21.6 24.8 5.2 10.9 87.0 3.37
containers St. dev. 0.03 0.04 0.09 2.8 0.8 0.9 2.7 0.4 3.8 0.69
Table ceramics 1000 °C Average 1.93 2.64 2.75 30.8 21.2 26.7 4.1 10.9 79.5 3.66
St. dev. 0.04 0.03 0.04 1.6 0.7 1.4 1.7 0.6 3.2 1.41
34.1%, the highest values of closed helium porosity (ΦcHe), sub-samples. So, glaze application decreases the porosity and
3.1%, and weight imbibition coefficient (ICw), 14.6%; (ii) fire consequently the absorbed water. Thus, for the ceramist, it is
ceramics have the lowest values of total porosity (ΦT), 32.3%, not important the porosity, the ceramic paste can be more or
the highest values of strength index (Is(50)), 2.98 MPa, and the less porous, because the surface of the object is sealed and
lowest weight imbibition coefficient (ICw), 14.1%; (iii) food impermeabilized by glaze application.
and liquid containers have the highest total porosity (ΦT), Fire ceramics are normally used to cook or to heat food
34.1%, open porosity (ΦOHe), 31%, and the lowest mechan- (they are exposed to fire or to a heat source) and for this reason
ical strength (Is(50)), 2.06 MPa. Mr. Domingos used a different clay mixture, more enriched in
Table ceramics are generally temporarily used to consume weak clay for their production. As a result, fire ceramics have
food, so no specific properties are required. In all table ce- the lowest total porosity (ΦT), weight imbibition coefficient
ramics, Mr. Domingos used to prepare a clay mixture enriched (ICw) and the highest PLT strength index if compared with
in strong clay and in all cases a glaze cover is added to the food and liquid containers and table ceramics. If the specific
objects surface. Just in one case (painted plate), it was not function of these objects is considered (i.e. cooking food), the
added. In order to understand the technological choice of thermal conductivity must be as high as possible in order to
Mr. Domingos (glaze application), we evaluated the effect of transmit heat. As explained on different experimental test
glaze on physical properties. The physical analyses (Fig. 10B) (Hein et al. 2008; Allegretta et al. 2014; Allegretta et al.
carried out on different sub-samples of table ceramics without 2017), total porosity (ΦT) has a negative correlation with this
and with glaze (also, in this case, we considered mean values property. Thus, fire ceramics must have low porosity in order
for table ceramic with glaze and without glaze) show that the to increase heat transfer (Roux 2019). If open porosity (ΦOHe)
total porosity (ΦT), the closed porosity to helium (ΦCHe) and and closed porosity (ΦCHe) to helium are considered separate-
the open porosity to helium (ΦOHe) are lower on sub-samples ly, they also behave differently to heat transfer. In particular, a
with glaze. Moreover, also weight imbibition coefficient (ICw) certain degree of closed porosity favours heat transfer because
is lower on the glazed sub-samples. If we consider thickness it usually forms as a consequence of the densification of the
normalized water vapour permeability (Table 11), it is lower ceramic paste, increasing thermal conductivity. In addition,
on sub-samples with glaze if compared with the only unglazed ceramic with glazed (pot, tacho) and without glaze (pot lid,
130 Page 24 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
Table 11 Permeability to water vapour results obtained for archaeological and traditional ceramic samples for different functional classes
chestnut roaster) have similar thickness normalized perme- called hydro-ceramics, which are prepared in order to favour
ability (Table 11), much lower than table and food-liquid con- high porosity (in particular open porosity) and permeability.
tainer ceramics, suggesting that glaze application does not In fact, the ceramic paste must allow a thermal exchange
influence significantly this property. This result indicates that (favoured by open porosity) by phase changing in order to
the clay mix enriched in weak clay is definitely more suitable ensure continuous condensation in the outer surface of ceram-
for the manufacture of fire ceramics and, in this particular ic artefact (Roux 2019). It is important to note that food-liquid
case, vermiculite clay mineral favour the densification of the containers were not covered by glaze.
ceramic paste and the development of these specific charac- Due to different porosities, and consequently also to the
teristics (Sutcu 2015). apparent density, the PLT strength index shows the different
Food-liquid containers are normally used to store food and behaviour of the three functional subgroups, showing higher
liquids and Mr. Domingos used a clay mixture, more enriched values on fire ceramics. A different trend of fire ceramics was
in strong clay for their production. As a consequence, like on also observed in lower real density and solid density values if
table ceramics, food-liquid containers have the highest total compared with other functional subgroups.
(ΦT) and open porosity (ΦOHe) and the lowest mechanical The firing tests (Table 10, Fig. 10A) carried out on different
strength (Is(50)). Permeability is also very high for this func- sub-samples of traditional ceramics (at 750 and 1000 °C)
tional class (Table 11). This reflects the production of the so- showed that physical and mechanical characteristics changed.
Table 12 Medium values with standard deviation of physical and mechanical properties of archaeological ceramic samples (from different functional classes and chronology). When standard deviation is
not reported, it means that just one sample was analysed
Archaeol Anthropol Sci
Century Function Apparent Real Solid Total Open porosity to Open porosity to Closed porosity to Weight imbibition Saturation PLT strength
density density density Porosity water helium helium coefficient index index
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 % % % % % % (MPa)
ρB ρR ρS ΦT ΦoH2O ΦoHe ΦcHe ICw S.I. Is(50)
11th–12th Fire ceramics Average 1.94 2.56 2.62 26.7 21.9 24.2 2.5 11.3 90.8 2.14
(2020) 12:130 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.8 0.4 1.6 0.8 0.4 4.9 0.66
Food, liquid Average 1.95 2.62 2.70 28.6 21.6 25.7 2.8 11.2 83.6 2.35
containers 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.2 3.7 1.9 1.7 2.3 9.0 0.83
Table ceramics Average 1.89 2.67 2.79 33.5 26.0 29.3 4.2 13.9 89.0 3.13 0.01 0.01 0.02 1.0 0.4 0.0 1.1 0.3 1.2 0.39
12th–13th Fire ceramics Average 1.92 2.64 2.68 29.0 23.9 27.3 1.7 12.5 87.6 4.77 0.03 0.03 0.05 2.3 2.2 1.3 1.0 1.4 5.2 1.79
Food, liquid Average 1.93 2.59 2.71 30.2 23.3 25.4 4.8 12.3 92.2 3.23
containers 0.03 0.04 0.05 3.3 0.9 2.1 2.3 0.8 5.5 0.51
Table ceramics Average 1.85 2.63 2.77 35.2 26.3 29.6 5.6 14.2 88.8 4.50
13th–14th Fire ceramics Average 1.95 2.61 2.72 29.4 21.8 25.4 4.0 11.2 86.4 4.07 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.4 0.8 1.9 1.9 0.4 3.6 0.96
Food, liquid Average 1.87 2.73 2.77 32.8 28.7 31.5 1.3 15.3 91.2 4.17
Table ceramics Average 1.88 2.50 2.70 32.5 20.5 24.4 8.1 11.0 85.5 2.54 0.04 0.10 0.06 2.8 2.1 4.6 1.8 1.2 7.7 1.29
15th–16th Fire ceramics Average 1.95 2.64 2.70 28.3 23.9 26.3 2.0 13.3 91.2 3.31 0.07 0.01 0.02 3.0 2.1 2.8 0.9 0.4 6.2 0.67
Food, liquid Average 1.91 2.68 2.68 28.8 26.3 28.8 0.0 13.8 91.6 1.08
Table ceramics Average 1.90 2.62 2.70 30.2 24.2 27.3 2.9 12.8 88.2 2.63 0.01 0.07 0.04 1.3 4.0 2.5 1.2 2.0 6.5 0.16
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Page 26 of 31
Table 13 Physical and mechanical properties of archaeological food and liquid containers from all periods
Century Function Samples Typology Apparent Real Solid Total Open porosity to Open porosity to Closed Weight imbibition Saturation PLT strength
density density density porosity water helium porosity coefficient index index
to helium
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 % % % % % % (MPa)
ρB ρR ρS ΦΤ Φo H2O ΦoHe ΦcHE ICw S.I. Is(50)
11th–12th Food, liquid [504]-4660 Big jug 2.00 2.64 2.75 28.5 17.3 24.3 4.2 8.7 71.3 2.13
containers [504]-4666 Jug 1.99 2.64 2.74 28.3 21.2 24.4 3.9 10.6 86.8 3.46
[475]-4467 Big 1.85 2.59 2.60 28.8 26.3 28.4 0.4 14.2 92.6 1.48
12th–13th Food, liquid [2244]-15029 Big jug 1.98 2.57 2.63 25.5 22.1 22.9 2.6 11.1 96.4 3.67
containers [91]-1981 Jug 1.91 2.55 2.76 33.2 24.2 25.3 7.9 13.2 95.6 2.51
[91]-1979 Big 1.90 2.64 2.74 31.8 23.6 28.0 3.9 12.4 84.5 3.50
13th–14th Food, liquid [829]-6966 Jug 1.87 2.73 2.77 32.8 28.7 31.5 1.3 15.3 91.2 4.16
15th–16th Food, liquid [2096]-14374 Big 1.91 2.68 2.68 28.8 26.3 28.8 0.0 13.8 91.6 1.07
containers earthen
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(2020) 12:130
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 27 of 31 130
In particular, total porosity (ΦT), open porosity to helium chronological period; (iii) food and liquid container gave het-
(ΦOHe), open porosity to water (ΦOH2O), saturation index erogeneous results, which will be explained in detail.
(SI) and weight imbibition coefficient (ICw) (Fig. 10C) de- This suggests that ancient ceramists used a specific ceramic
crease, while closed porosity to helium (ΦCHe) and PLT paste to obtain specific technological characteristics along
strength index (Is(50)) increase. time. In any case, it is not possible to understand whether
From the results of the firing tests, we can take an important different raw materials (i.e. temper and/or clay) were mixed.
general consideration. In ceramics with similar mineralogical and Regarding table ceramics, the high total (ΦT) and closed
chemical composition, when the firing temperature of the ceram- porosity to helium (ΦCHe) is the result of a specific techno-
ic product increases (see results in Tables 9 and 10), the original logical choice. Considering that firing temperature and total
matrix porosity constantly decreases. This leads to a direct and porosity are inversely correlated (Kam et al. 2009; De Bonis
constant negative correlation between the total porosity, ΦT, and et al. 2014; Cultrone et al. 2004), the identification of illite/
the firing temperature. Thus, the apparent density, ρB, inversely muscovite, but not mullite (Table 4), suggests low degree of
correlated to the total porosity, shows a clear positive correlation vitrification of the ceramic paste. At the same time firing tem-
with the firing temperature of the ceramic product. perature and closed porosity to helium (ΦCHe) are linearly
From these evidences, in the case of the untreated modern correlated. This correlation was also evident during the firing
ceramics (Table 9), the total porosity (ΦT) values of 33.3% test carried out on traditional ceramics. In the case of archae-
indicate a firing temperature probably lower than 750 °C. A ological table ceramics, it was the result of a slip application,
porosity reduction is observed starting from the first firing step as highlighted during OM observations. Slip is usually applied
at 750 °C (32.9%), with a further reduction at 1000 °C to increase waterproof characteristics of the outer ceramic sur-
(30.3%). face (Roux 2019) before firing. This hypothesis was tested by
Therefore, open porosity to helium (ΦOHe) and water permeability tests (Table 11). Results for table ceramics, es-
(ΦOH2O), as well as the hydraulic properties (weight imbibi- pecially thickness normalized permeability values, apparently
tion coefficients, ICw, saturation index, SI), follow a negative show heterogeneous results. This can be the consequence of
correlation with the firing temperature (similar to the total several factors such as ceramist expertise, shaping technique,
porosity, ΦT). This is generally followed by a positive corre- surface treatments (slip, glaze layer) and chemical-physical
lation with the firing temperature of the closed porosity to alteration degree of the artefact surface. Consequently, in
helium, ΦCHe, which after firing at 1000 °C reaches values some cases permeability is low (8.51, 11.12 g/m2 × 24 h/
between 4.1 and 5.2% (Table 10). This is the result of the mm), similar to those observed on modern traditional ce-
progressive increase in shrinkage and compactness of the ce- ramics covered by glaze (8.25, 9.41 g/m2 × 24 h/mm). Just
ramic paste due to the thermal dehydroxylation of the clay in one case (sample [2058]-14122 from the fifteenth–
minerals and the progressive vitrification of the ceramic paste, sixteenth century) permeability was very high (26.28 41 g/
as evidenced by the identification of mullite on XRPD m2 × 24 h/mm) suggesting, in this case, surface alteration
patterns. and/or a bad surface treatment. From these observations, also
archaeological table ceramics could be more or less porous
Archaeological ceramics and surface treatments (i.e. slip application) were supposed
to impermeabilize the object surface.
In the case of archaeological samples, the results obtained Fire ceramics have the lowest total porosity (ΦT). Also,
after XRPD and XRF analyses showed that ceramics are quite permeability is low, similar and even smaller to that obtained
homogeneous in term of mineralogical and chemical compo- for traditional ceramics. These results are significant to under-
sition. Conversely OM observations showed that, depending stand the manufacturing technologies, indicating that similar
on the functional class, ceramics were manufactured in a dif- criteria were adopted for the production of fire ceramics both
ferent way. In particular (see optical microscopy section), ta- in ancient time and in modern traditional ceramics.
ble and food-liquid containers were mainly produced using Regarding archaeological food and liquid containers
fabric 1–sub-fabric 1A, while in the case of fire ceramics, (Table 13), they have a slightly different function, namely to
fabric 1–sub-fabric 1B was utilized. These observations have store liquid (jug, big jug) and food (big earthen pot). Usually
been further supported by physical and mechanical properties. total porosity (ΦT), open porosity to helium (ΦOHe) and open
Actually, they are quite heterogeneous but, considering mean porosity to water (ΦOH2O) are higher on big earthen pots,
values for different chronological period (Table 12), each while closed porosity to helium (ΦCHe) is higher on jug and
functional class have specific characteristics, similar to that big jugs (Fig. 10D). The only exception is the jug [829]-6966
observed for traditional ceramics such as (i) table ceramics from the thirteenth–fourteenth century (Table 13), which is
from each period have highest total (ΦT), 30.2–35.2%, and similar to big earthen pots. This difference is also shown by
closed porosities (ΦCHe), 2.9–8.1%; (ii) fire ceramics have OM, especially in the amount of temper, grain size and poros-
the lowest total porosity (Φ T ), 26.7–29.4%, in every ity, higher on big earthen pots. Regarding permeability it was
130 Page 28 of 31 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130
possible to perform analyses just on two samples of big jugs considerations. Both ceramic groups were produced with local
from the eleventh–twelfth and twelfth–thirteenth century raw materials, extracted in different area, in Santarém and
(samples [504]-4660, [2244]-15029). Normalized permeabili- Muge, respectively, but geologically similar. Physical and
ty results (Table 11) shows medium-low values, especially if mechanical tests were essential in order to establish the char-
compared with modern traditional ceramics with the same acteristics of different functional objects. In fact, archaeolog-
function (jug and water costrel). So, if we consider that a good ical and traditional ceramics were produced following specific
liquid container needs high total porosity (ΦT), open porosity technological criteria, mainly linked to the final object func-
to helium (ΦOHe) and water (ΦOH2O) in order to favour liquid tion and ceramic behaviour. However, this goal was achieved
coolness (Roux 2019), archaeological ceramics were less effi- by two different approaches, which differs in the preparation
cient than traditional ones. In the case of big earthen pots and of the ceramic paste and on the firing temperature:
jug [829]-6966, porosity was probably important, because it
could act as insulating barrier against the external environment. – For archaeological samples, the ceramic paste was pre-
In the case of PLT strength index (Is(50)), it was not possi- pared differently for different functions of the objects.
ble to establish a correlation with the firing temperature, as Actually, as evidenced by OM, kitchen and food/liquid
established for modern traditional ceramics, due to sampling container ceramics are different from fire ceramics. These
restriction. Generally, in the case of archaeological ceramics differences mainly reside on temper characteristics and
of all periods, Is(50) decrease when the amount of temper they were not evident neither after XRD nor chemical
increases and when temper grain size is bigger. Similar analyses. Only MO shows significant differences. At this
results were obtained and discussed by De Bonis et al. stage, it is not possible to assess if distinct clays were
(2014) and Müller et al. (2010). mixed. The ceramic production is specialized along time;
By a comparison of mean physical data (Table 9) between – In the case of traditional samples, the ceramic paste was
archaeological and traditional ceramics, some general consid- prepared similarly in every case, with similar amount and
erations can be made, especially about the relationship be- temper characteristics, changing the proportion of strong
tween firing temperature and physical properties on archaeo- and weak clay. Nevertheless, the effect of mixing differ-
logical ceramics. As explained above, total porosity (ΦT) ent raw materials (clay) is not identifiable neither by OM,
varies according to the firing temperature (Kam et al. 2009) chemical and XRD analyses;
and, a significant porosity decrease usually happens above – Regarding firing temperature, archaeological ceramics
900–950 °C accompanied by the complete dehydroxylation were fired at higher temperature if compared with tradi-
of clay minerals and the formation of high temperature min- tional ones. This was evidenced by the linear correlation
eralogical phases (De Bonis et al. 2014; Cultrone et al. 2004). between firing temperature and total porosity established
These results were also highlighted by the experimental firing by different firing test on traditional ceramics.
test carried out on traditional ceramics sub-samples.
Considering that archaeological ceramics have values of total Considering OM, XRPD and XRF results, archaeolog-
porosity, (ΦT), between 29 and 31% vol., therefore similar to ical ceramics raw material sources, in particular clay and
the modern ceramics fired at 1000 °C (which have values of temper, were widely available in every chronological pe-
the same property around 30%), it is probable that the firing riod indicating ceramic production continuity using the
temperature of archaeological ceramics varies between 800 sedimentary deposits close of the city of Santarém.
and 1000 °C. Those belonging to the eleventh–twelfth and Consequently, we suppose that fuel and water were also
fifteenth–sixteenth century were probably fired around easily available for ceramic production in the Middle
950 °C, while those of the twelfth–thirteenth and thirteenth– Ages. Regarding ceramic with the same function, results
fourteenth century were fired at lower temperature, probably did not detect any significant difference in pottery char-
around 800–850 °C. These observations are in agreement with acteristics. Also, historical sources and archaeological da-
XRPD data. ta attest pottery production continuity in the town along
time. These observations suggest that the ceramic cycle
and technology of production were not affected by polit-
Conclusion ical and economic modification, occurred between the
eleventh and sixteenth century. In particular as discussed
In this work, two different groups of artefacts, archaeological along the manuscript, ceramic production during the
and traditional ceramics, with different functions and chronol- Middle Ages was quite specialized suggesting, another
ogy, have been analysed. Our results showed that the method- time, expertise continuity. We can also sustain that, in
ology applied was effective to compare pottery technology the case of both Middle Ages ceramics from Santarém
between the Middle Ages and Modern times. Moreover, it and the traditional ceramics from Muge, the ceramic char-
was also possible to extract some important methodological acteristics and technology were mainly determined by
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:130 Page 29 of 31 130
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