RTL - Interview - Questions

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Digital Design:- 

● Conversion of one number system into another. 

● Question on one's and 2’s complement and XS-3 code,Binary to Gray 
converter and vice versa. 
● Why NAND and NOR are called as universal gates and implement each one 
of them 
● A function is given in either pos or sop and you can be asked to impllement 
in either NAND or NOR. 
● Questions on Full adder and full subtractor and Look ahead carry 
adder(Many questions could be asked so it's better to understood the 
● A Boolean function is given and you could be asked to minimize it using 
either K-map or Tabulation method. 
● Conceptually understood all the laws and Theorems related to Digital logic 
● Implement all the basic gates using 2:1 Mux 
● A function in the form like f(a,b,c) = sum(1,3,4,6) is given and can ask you to 
implement using 8:1 Mux and 4:1 Mux.(You need to muster the concept of 
Mux tree very well as many twisted question can be asked) 
● Implement 4:1Mux using 2:1 Mux without using any additional gates. 
● Implement a full adder using two 4:1 Mux 
● Design a 16:1 Mux using 2:1 Mux 
● Implement a 2:1 Mux using Tristate buffers 
● Implement the following function using 2:1 Mux 
● Design a full adder using 3:8 Decoder(Both active high and low) 
● Questions on priority encoder and it's implementation. 
● Difference between latch and flip flop 
● Conversion of one flip to another like JK to SR,T to D etc 
● SISO and PIPO implementation 
● Different number of cycles required to implement Johnson Counter,Ring 
Counter,Ripple counter. 
● Decade counter and up/down counter implementation 
● Mod counter with specified duty cycle implementation. 
● Sequence Detector like 10101 is given and you are asked to implement this 
FSM depending on overlapping and non overlapping method(High Priority) 
● Difference between Mealy and Moore. 
● Different types of Hazards and their usage. 
● Difference between Setup time and Hold time and explain with waveform. 
● Propagation delay and contamination delay. 
● Questions on Clock skew,Slack and Slew. 
● Hold slack calculation 
● A given circuit is given and you could be asked to find the frequency of that. 

● Divide by 2 counter implementation 

● Complete understanding of the ASIC and the FPGA flow. 
● What are CLB,IOB and LUT,s in FPGA 
● Asynchronous and Synchronous FIFO with special focus on FIFO depth 
● Reset strategies and Reset Recovery time. 
● Memory Controller and it's implementation in Verilog. 

● Different gates using Mux 

● gray code application 
● Tri-state buffer 
● depth of fifo 
● fan-in vs fan-out 
● Clock-gating 
● What are the different types of skews used in VLSI 
● Explain what is Slack? 
● Design a clock divider circuit which divides the clock by an odd
number and has 50% duty cycle. (o/p clk = i/p clk/N, where N is
an odd number).
● What is meant by race condition
● What is one hot encoding
● Explain the difference between binary and gray encoding and the benefits
of each?
● universal gates 
● Implement 2:1 Mux using Tristate buffers. 
● Design 4:16 Decoder using 3:8 Decoder. 
● Design Full adder using 3:8 Decoder. 
● Implement a counter with Mux 
● Design a MOD 10 counter with 50%/33% duty cycle. 

● What are ​synchonisers​ and when to use them 

● Between Binary and G ​ ray​ C
​ ounter​,which one to use and why? 
● For an input clk of f frequency generate an output of 2*f frequency 
● Output should be high for only odd +ve edge transition 
● No. of 2*4 decoders needed to implement 4*16 Decoder 
● what is synchronous and asynchronous counter? 
● XOR vs XNOR –special characteristics. 
● Edge detection circuitry. 
● Noise In digital Cirguits. 
● Noise Margin. 


● Difference between Blocking and Nonblocking statements. 

● Difference between Intra and Inter assignment delay 
● Difference between Task and Function. 
● Difference between reg and wire 
● A code could be given on blocking and Nonblocking and you might be 
asked to provide the output. 
● Difference between Transport and Inertial delay. 
● Different types of wait statements in VHDL and explain each of them. 
● Write a verilog code for asynchronous and Synchronous D flip flop 
● Why latches are not inferred in RTL Design 
● Different Coding guidelines for RTL Design(Refer Sunburst Design Papers) 
● Difference between Verilog Full case and Parallel case 
● Can a task called a function?If so then how it is possible. 
● Verilog code to swap the content of register,with and without using a 
temporary variable. 
● Difference between $monitor and $strobe. 
● Difference between Verilog and VHDL. 
● What does ​if else​ statements synthesized to and what does c​ ase 
statements synthesized into? 
● Difference between Case equality and case inequality. 
● Explain the stratified Event Queue in Verilog. 
● Difference between signal and variable in VHDL. 
● What is Delta Delay in VHDL? 
● Different kinds of modelling technique in VHDL and explain each one of 
● In Verilog code what does “timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps” signifies? 
● Explain what is the use of defpararm? 
● How Verilog is different to normal programming language? 

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