The document provides an overview of topics that may be covered in a digital design or Verilog/VHDL interview. Some key points include:
1) Digital design topics such as number systems, logic gates, multiplexers, adders, decoders, counters, finite state machines, hazards, and timing analysis.
2) The difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments, transport and inertial delays, and tasks vs functions in Verilog/VHDL.
3) Coding guidelines for register transfer level design and differences between Verilog and VHDL such as data types.
4) Modeling techniques in VHDL and features of Verilog like timescales and default parameters.
The document provides an overview of topics that may be covered in a digital design or Verilog/VHDL interview. Some key points include:
1) Digital design topics such as number systems, logic gates, multiplexers, adders, decoders, counters, finite state machines, hazards, and timing analysis.
2) The difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments, transport and inertial delays, and tasks vs functions in Verilog/VHDL.
3) Coding guidelines for register transfer level design and differences between Verilog and VHDL such as data types.
4) Modeling techniques in VHDL and features of Verilog like timescales and default parameters.
The document provides an overview of topics that may be covered in a digital design or Verilog/VHDL interview. Some key points include:
1) Digital design topics such as number systems, logic gates, multiplexers, adders, decoders, counters, finite state machines, hazards, and timing analysis.
2) The difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments, transport and inertial delays, and tasks vs functions in Verilog/VHDL.
3) Coding guidelines for register transfer level design and differences between Verilog and VHDL such as data types.
4) Modeling techniques in VHDL and features of Verilog like timescales and default parameters.
The document provides an overview of topics that may be covered in a digital design or Verilog/VHDL interview. Some key points include:
1) Digital design topics such as number systems, logic gates, multiplexers, adders, decoders, counters, finite state machines, hazards, and timing analysis.
2) The difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments, transport and inertial delays, and tasks vs functions in Verilog/VHDL.
3) Coding guidelines for register transfer level design and differences between Verilog and VHDL such as data types.
4) Modeling techniques in VHDL and features of Verilog like timescales and default parameters.
● Question on one's and 2’s complement and XS-3 code,Binary to Gray converter and vice versa. ● Why NAND and NOR are called as universal gates and implement each one of them ● A function is given in either pos or sop and you can be asked to impllement in either NAND or NOR. ● Questions on Full adder and full subtractor and Look ahead carry adder(Many questions could be asked so it's better to understood the concepts) ● A Boolean function is given and you could be asked to minimize it using either K-map or Tabulation method. ● Conceptually understood all the laws and Theorems related to Digital logic ● Implement all the basic gates using 2:1 Mux ● A function in the form like f(a,b,c) = sum(1,3,4,6) is given and can ask you to implement using 8:1 Mux and 4:1 Mux.(You need to muster the concept of Mux tree very well as many twisted question can be asked) ● Implement 4:1Mux using 2:1 Mux without using any additional gates. ● Implement a full adder using two 4:1 Mux ● Design a 16:1 Mux using 2:1 Mux ● Implement a 2:1 Mux using Tristate buffers ● Implement the following function using 2:1 Mux ● Design a full adder using 3:8 Decoder(Both active high and low) ● Questions on priority encoder and it's implementation. ● Difference between latch and flip flop ● Conversion of one flip to another like JK to SR,T to D etc ● SISO and PIPO implementation ● Different number of cycles required to implement Johnson Counter,Ring Counter,Ripple counter. ● Decade counter and up/down counter implementation ● Mod counter with specified duty cycle implementation. ● Sequence Detector like 10101 is given and you are asked to implement this FSM depending on overlapping and non overlapping method(High Priority) ● Difference between Mealy and Moore. ● Different types of Hazards and their usage. ● Difference between Setup time and Hold time and explain with waveform. ● Propagation delay and contamination delay. ● Questions on Clock skew,Slack and Slew. ● Hold slack calculation ● A given circuit is given and you could be asked to find the frequency of that.
● Divide by 2 counter implementation
● Complete understanding of the ASIC and the FPGA flow. ● What are CLB,IOB and LUT,s in FPGA ● Asynchronous and Synchronous FIFO with special focus on FIFO depth calculation ● Reset strategies and Reset Recovery time. ● Memory Controller and it's implementation in Verilog.
● Different gates using Mux
● gray code application ● Tri-state buffer ● depth of fifo ● fan-in vs fan-out ● Clock-gating ● What are the different types of skews used in VLSI ● Explain what is Slack? ● Design a clock divider circuit which divides the clock by an odd number and has 50% duty cycle. (o/p clk = i/p clk/N, where N is an odd number). ● What is meant by race condition ● What is one hot encoding ● Explain the difference between binary and gray encoding and the benefits of each? ● universal gates ● Implement 2:1 Mux using Tristate buffers. ● Design 4:16 Decoder using 3:8 Decoder. ● Design Full adder using 3:8 Decoder. ● Implement a counter with Mux ● Design a MOD 10 counter with 50%/33% duty cycle.
● What are synchonisers and when to use them
● Between Binary and G ray C ounter,which one to use and why? ● For an input clk of f frequency generate an output of 2*f frequency ● Output should be high for only odd +ve edge transition ● No. of 2*4 decoders needed to implement 4*16 Decoder ● what is synchronous and asynchronous counter? ● XOR vs XNOR –special characteristics. ● Edge detection circuitry. ● Noise In digital Cirguits. ● Noise Margin.
● Difference between Blocking and Nonblocking statements.
● Difference between Intra and Inter assignment delay ● Difference between Task and Function. ● Difference between reg and wire ● A code could be given on blocking and Nonblocking and you might be asked to provide the output. ● Difference between Transport and Inertial delay. ● Different types of wait statements in VHDL and explain each of them. ● Write a verilog code for asynchronous and Synchronous D flip flop ● Why latches are not inferred in RTL Design ● Different Coding guidelines for RTL Design(Refer Sunburst Design Papers) ● Difference between Verilog Full case and Parallel case ● Can a task called a function?If so then how it is possible. ● Verilog code to swap the content of register,with and without using a temporary variable. ● Difference between $monitor and $strobe. ● Difference between Verilog and VHDL. ● What does if else statements synthesized to and what does c ase statements synthesized into? ● Difference between Case equality and case inequality. ● Explain the stratified Event Queue in Verilog. ● Difference between signal and variable in VHDL. ● What is Delta Delay in VHDL? ● Different kinds of modelling technique in VHDL and explain each one of them ● In Verilog code what does “timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps” signifies? ● Explain what is the use of defpararm? ● How Verilog is different to normal programming language? ●