Spheres of Guile - Body Control Sphere
Spheres of Guile - Body Control Sphere
Spheres of Guile - Body Control Sphere
Operatives of the Body Control sphere are skilled at meditation and unlocking the limits of
internal physiology. They can make their bodies do extraordinary things otherwise thought
possible only with magic.
You gain the following benefits when you gain the Body Control sphere.
Associated Skill: Escape Artist. When you gain the Body Control sphere, you gain 5
ranks in Escape Artist, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Body Control sphere
(maximum ranks equal to your Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in Escape Artist, you may
immediately retrain them. You don’t gain or retrain ranks when you temporarily gain a talent.
Skill Leverage: You unlock skill leverage with the Acrobatics and Escape Artist skills.
Meditation [approach]
Adopting this approach is a swift action. While you maintain this approach, you gain some
conscious control over your physiological processes and your emotional responses. You can
attempt an Escape Artist check as an immediate action to oppose any Intimidate or Perform
check that would succeed against you. The DC of the opponent’s check increases by 3, which
can cause it to fail. You can also attempt an Escape Artist check as an immediate action if you
would fail a saving throw against one of the following effects: a charm effect, an emotion effect,
a fear effect, or an effect that gives the nauseated, paralyzed, or sickened conditions. If your
skill check succeeds against the save DC, you get a +3 insight bonus on the saving throw,
which can cause it to succeed instead of fail. When you meditate, you may add a talent with the
(control) tag to your meditation, or two talents if at least one has the [utility] tag. Some (control)
talents add to the list of effects you can make an Escape Artist check against using this
Clarity Talents
Some talents are marked (clarity), allowing you to trigger an effect whenever you abandon a
meditation that has lasted at least 1 round. You may only apply one (clarity) talent at a time. You
can apply the clarity talent even if the meditation was ended by something outside your control
(such as you losing consciousness).
Body Control Talents
Intense Meditation
As a move action, you can concentrate on your current meditation to add an additional (control)
talent to the current meditation until the end of your next turn. For every 7 ranks in Escape Artist
you possess, you can increase the number of (control) talents added by 1.
Optimal Recovery
You heal twice the usual amount of hit points and ability damage from rest and from the treat
deadly wounds use of the Heal skill. You can also use your Escape Artist modifier in place of
your Heal modifier to heal yourself and you take no penalty for lacking a healer’s kit when
healing yourself.
If you possess at least 5 ranks in Escape Artist, you can also recover from 2 points of
ability drain or 1 temporary negative level each day.
If you possess at least 10 ranks in Escape Artist, you can recover from 1 permanent
negative level each week.
Perfect Parallel
You can share the space of any creature who considers you an ally. While you are in an ally’s
space and neither of you is helpless, you and your ally each occupy one corner of your shared
space for the purpose of determining soft cover (if either of you is large enough to provide the
other with cover). You can change which part of the space you’re in as part of any movement or
as a swift action. Flanking provides no bonus to hit either of you (although it does permit sneak
attacks). You can use soft cover from an ally in your space to hide if your ally is no smaller than
you, but while you are hidden only you gain cover.
Reflexive Meditation
You may meditate as an immediate action to preempt the action of another creature. If you do
so, the meditation only lasts until the end of your next turn (it does not last long enough to use a
(clarity) talent).
Featherweight (Su)
Prerequisites: Body Control (Decrease Mass), Escape Artist or Fly 5 ranks.
When you Decrease Mass, you can further reduce your weight to a tiny fraction, which adds the
following additional effects.
● Wind effects and location-based traps treat you as if you were an additional size
category smaller (two total smaller).
● You fall no more than 60 feet per round, never take falling damage.
● Increase each of your speeds by 10 feet (this gives you a +6 bonus to Acrobatics
checks to jump as normal). When you high jump, you can clear a distance equal
to your Acrobatics result. When you long jump, you can clear a distance equal to
triple your Acrobatics result. You can end your movement in mid-jump, in which
case you continue your movement on your next turn.
● You don’t sink in any liquid or break any fragile surface due to your weight
(although you aren’t protected from any harm that you might take for simply
standing on the substance). If you were already under the surface of a liquid, you
float 30 feet upward at the end of each of your turns, up until your whole body
breaks the surface (allowing you to stand on it).
● By holding a cloak, tarp, blanket, or other loose article and flapping or angling it
with two hands, you can gain a fly speed of 15 feet with clumsy maneuverability.
You lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while flying this way.
● Changed Subjective Gravity to use the subjective gravity planar trait rules rather than the
Climb skill
● Renamed Stony Solidity to Iron Solidity
● Removed [Utility] tag from Iron Concentration
● Increase Mass now forces a reroll of an enemy’s combat maneuver check if the opposed
Escape Artist check wins (rather than causing the maneuver to simply fail)
● Revised Controlled Sleepwalking
● Changed meditation to grant a bonus to the saving throw if your Escape Artist check
succeeds, rather than allowing a reroll
● Added Perfect Parallel talent
● Made Decrease Mass and Increase Mass exceptional talents available at 1st level
● Improved jump distance for Decrease Mass and Featherweight
● Added +10 feet speed bonus to Featherweight
● Clarified restrictions on Impossible Escape and shortened teleport distance to 5 + natural