Path of The Immortal 3.5
Path of The Immortal 3.5
Path of The Immortal 3.5
While some barbarians find strength in reckless rage or Starting at 6th level, you have turned your mind into a
righteous fury, there are a few who find incredible power fortress through constant meditation. You have advantage on
through discipline and focus. Those who walk the Path of the saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Immortal learn to channel their innate psionic power into You also gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you
already have proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, you
their rage, achieving a heightened mental state that unlocks instead gain proficency in Intelligence saving throws.
their body's true potential and pushes them beyond ordinary
limits. Immortal Body
Barbarians who choose this path often view their rage as a At 10th level, your psionics have enhanced your body far
meditative state of mind, even as they cleave through foes on beyond that of a normal person. As a reaction when you take
the battlefield. The Path of the Immortal is about finding damage, you can immediately enter a rage to reduce the
strength within oneself and harnessing it through disciplined damage by half. If you are already raging, you can use this
training. feature without expending a use of rage. You may use this
Path of the Immortal Features ability a number times equal to your proficiency bonus per
Class Level Feature
long rest.
In addition, you suffer none of the drawbacks of old age,
3rd Fortified Mind, Fortified Body and you can't be aged magically.
6th Immortal Mind
Immortal Will
10th Immortal Body Starting at 14th level, your psionics empower your will to
14th Immortal Will survive, and fuel your attacks. While raging, you deal
additional psychic damage to a creature when you hit with an
Fortified Mind attack. This damage is equal to a third of your barbarian level,
At 3rd level, your focused discipline has reinforced your mind rounded up.
against internal assault. You have resistance to psychic In addition, at the start of your turn while at 0 hit points,
damage. you can immediately enter a rage to regain a number of hit
In addition, you may concentrate on psionic abilities while points equal to your barbarian level + your Constitution
raging, and you have advantage on Constitution saving modifier. Alternatively, you may expend a use of your rage
throws you make to maintain your concentration when you when subjected to an Effect that would kill you outright, such
take damage. as power word: kill, disintegrate, or massive damage. If you
do, you instead drop to 1 hit point and are not killed.
Fortified Body
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your body Psionic Talents
has achieved a heightened state through focused meditation. Path of the Immortal Barbarians learn the verve psionic
You learn the verve psionic talent, as well as the acclimatize talent, as well as the following psionic power augments.
augment, which you can use a number of times equal to half
your barbarian level per long rest, rounded up. Verve
You also learn your choice of either the ablative hide, body psychometabolism cantrip
adjustment, or quick burst augments, which you can use a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short or Casting Time: 1 action
long rest. You can change which of these augments you know Range: Self
each time you finish a long rest, provided you spend at least 1 Components: A, O
hour meditating during your rest. Duration: Focus
At 5th level, you learn the energy adaptation augment, and When you cast this spell, you are energized and briefly glow
at 9th level, you learn the assimilate augment. You can use as you intone a low hum that reverberates through your body.
these augments once per long rest each. Until your focus ends, you don’t need to eat, breathe, or
At 11th level you learn the body rejuvenation augment, at sleep. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend 8
13th level you learn the suspend life augment, at 15th level hours engaged in light activity.
you learn the fusion augment, and at 17th level you learn the
impervious self augment. After using one of these augments, Acclimatize
you cannot use any of them again until you finish a long rest. 1st-level psychometabolism
At 19th level, the number of these augments you can use per
long rest increases to two, although you may not use the Augmenting: verve
same augment more than once. Manifesting Time: 1 action
Your psionic ability modifier for these augments is Range: Self
Constitution. Components: A
Duration: 1 hour
You ignore the effects of high altitude, aquatic pressure, and
extreme heat or cold (but not cold or fire damage) for the
Ablative Hide Assimilate
1st-level psychometabolism 5th-level psychometabolism
Augmenting: verve Augmenting: verve
Manifesting Time: 1 reaction Manifesting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: Touch
Components: O Components: O
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
When you are hit by an attack, you can instantly transmogrify You touch a creature and assimilate their life force and
the outer layer of your skin into a dense metamaterial that matter into your body. The target must make a Constitution
absorbs the impact before flaking away. You gain a +2 bonus saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 7d6 + 20 force
to AC until the start of your next turn. This bonus applies damage, or half as much on a successful one, and you gain
against the triggering attack. temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. If this
Intensify. When you manifest this augment, you may damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is
choose to take psychic damage, which cannot be reduced in completely assimilated.
any way. The bonus to AC increases by 1 for every 2 points of A completely assimilated creature dies and its entire body,
damage you take in this way. including everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic
items, is broken down and absorbed entirely into your body.
Body Adjustment The creature can be restored to life only by means of true
1st-level psychometabolism resurrection, reality revision, or similar magic.
Augmenting: verve When you completely assimilate a creature, your hit point
Manifesting Time: 1 action maximum increases by 2 for every hit die the target creature
Range: Self possessed. Additionally, you gain a semblance of the
Components: A, O creature’s form, granting you advantage on ability checks to
Duration: Instantaneous impersonate it. Both of these effects last until you finish a
long rest.
You send a reverberating surge of vitalizing energy This power has no effect on undead or constructs.
throughout your body. You regain a number of hit points
equal to 5 + your psionic ability modifier + half your Body Rejuvination
barbarian level (rounded down). 6th-level psychometabolism
Quick Burst
Augmenting: verve
1st-level psychometabolism Manifesting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Augmenting: verve Components: A, O
Manifesting Time: 1 bonus action Duration: 1 minute
Range: Self You induce a supernaturally effective healing state in your
Components: O
Duration: Instantaneous body. You regain 20 hit points. For the duration of the power,
you regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns (10 hit
You rapidly but briefly increase your mobility and reflexes. points for 1 minute).
Until the end of your current turn, your movement speed Your severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on),
increases by 10 feet, and you don’t provoke opportunity if any, are restored after the effect ends. If you have the
attacks. severed part and hold it to the stump, the power instantly
causes the limb to knit to the stump.
Energy Adaptation
3rd-level psychometabolism
Augmenting: verve
Manifesting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You gain resistance to cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage
(your choice) for the duration.
Intensify. When manifesting this augment, you can choose
to take psychic damage equal to your barbarian level. This
damage cannot be reduced in any way. If you take this
damage, you manifest the augment as a 5th-level power, and
you instead gain immunity to cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
damage (your choice) for the duration.
Suspend Life When the fused creature comes into being, you decide
7th-level psychometabolism what equipment you and the other creature are wearing is
subsumed into the fused creature’s form, and what
Augmenting: verve equipment remains usable. The fused creature has a regular
Manifesting Time: 1 minute humanoid body plan, so it can only accommodate as much
Range: Self gear as a normal humanoid could (one set of armor, two
Components: A hands to hold or wield items, etc.)
Duration: Until dispelled or dismissed When the power ends, the fused creature separates back
You descend into a meditative trance so deep your body into you and the original creature you touched. The other
enters suspended animation. While in this trance you are creature appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to yours. If
paralyzed, but are resistant to all damage and immune to no unoccupied space is available, the creature is immediately
poison and disease (although a poison or disease already in shunted to the nearest space that it can occupy and takes
your system is suspended, not neutralized), and you cease to force damage equal to twice the number of feet it is moved.
age. Additionally, while you meditate, divination and When you and the original creature separate, you share the
clairsentience effects do not recognize that you exist, and are amount of damage inflicted to the fused being between you,
unable to target you. as well as expended resources, such as psi points spent or
For the duration of this power, you are aware of your spell slots used (subtracting evenly from both creatures if
surroundings, but perceive time differently. Events rapidly they share the same resources, or completely from one
progress around you, such that every actual year passing creature if it is the only one with such a resource).
feels like a day to you. This makes it next to impossible to If a fused creature is killed, it separates back into you and
communicate with you, even telepathically, without the original creature, both of whom are at 0 hit points, but
extraordinary measures. alive and stable.
If you attempt to rouse yourself from your mediation and
dismiss this power, it takes you 1 minute to do so. If you have Impervious Self
taken damage, you can attempt to instantly rouse yourself by 9th-level psychometabolism
making a Constitution saving throw against your own power Augmenting: verve
save DC. On a success, you dismiss this power at the end of Manifesting Time: 1 reaction
your next turn after having taken damage. Range: Self
If your verve talent is dispelled, you rouse instantly but are Components: A, O
dazed until the end of your next turn. While dazed, you have Duration: 1 round
disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and Strength You instantly affix the perfect version of yourself in your mind
and Dexterity saving throws, and your speed is halved.
and deny all deviations from that self. You may manifest this
Fusion power in response to any action, and it manifests quickly
8th-level psychometabolism enough to apply its effects to you before the triggering action.
When you manifest this power, your hit point total returns to
Augmenting: verve its maximum. Additionally, until the end of your next turn, you
Manifesting Time: 1 action are immune to all damage, conditions, and effects other
Range: Touch creatures try to inflict or impose upon you.
Components: A, O
Duration: 1 minute
You and one willing Medium or smaller humanoid you touch
fuse together into one creature (you cannot fuse with an
already fused creature). The fused creature is a Medium
humanoid that replaces you in your space. It has two actions
each round, but one action can only involve purely mental
activity, such as casting a spell with no components or
manifesting a psionic power. You control all of the fused
creature’s actions, but you can relinquish control to the other
creature comprising the fused being at any time without
using an action. If you relinquish control of the fused being,
you cannot regain it until the other creature relinquishes it
back to you.
The fused creature’s current and maximum hit point total
is equal to the sum of both creature’s respective hit point
totals. It has access to all racial and class features of both
creatures (including proficiencies, spell slots available, psi
point reserves, spells prepared, cantrips, spells and augments
known, etc.). The fused creature uses the higher of either
creature’s bonuses for any given attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw, and has the higher of either creature’s score in
every ability score.