A Three-Level Dual-Active-Bridge Converter With BL

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

A Three-level Dual-active-bridge Converter with

Blocking Capacitors for Bidirectional Electric
Vehicle Charger
Yang Xuan1, Student Member, IEEE, Xu Yang1, Member, IEEE, Wenjie Chen1, Member,
IEEE, Tao Liu1, and Xiang Hao2
State key laboratory of electrical insulation and power equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China
TBEA Xinjiang Sunoasis Co., Ltd, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China
Corresponding author: Wenjie Chen (e-mail: [email protected]).
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project 51977175.

ABSTRACT In order to solve the considerable issues of air pollution, climate warming and fossil energy
shortage, many governments around the world have formulated policies to encourage the development of
electric vehicles over the past decade. This paper proposes a three-level dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter
with blocking capacitors for bidirectional electric vehicle charger. In the proposed three-level DAB
converter, two blocking capacitors are placed in series with the two windings of the transformer,
respectively. Both of the two three-level bridges can operate in four modes, and generate square waves with
four kinds of amplitude. Therefore, the proposed three-level DAB converter can adapt to the wide voltage
range of electric vehicle. A working mode selection algorithm is developed to minimize the transformer
RMS current of the three-level DAB converter. The optimal working mode can be selected in real time
according to the voltage ratio and the active power. Finally, experimental results are presented to verify the
feasibility and the advantage of the proposed three-level DAB converter.

INDEX TERMS asymmetric, blocking capacitor, dual-active-bridge, three-level

I. INTRODUCTION which is often composed of a bidirectional Power Factor

Air pollution, global warming, and incremental energy cost Control (PFC) rectifier, and a bidirectional isolated DC-DC
are considerable issues of the present world. All these converter. This paper mainly studies the bidirectional isolated
challenging concerns are directly linked to heavily utilize DC-DC converter. In order to make it applicable to different
fossil fuels. Researchers all around the world spend a lot of types of battery, the output voltage should be wide enough.
time and energy to reduce the reliance on the fossil fuels Usually, the charging voltage is 200V to 500V for light-duty
and replace them with clean solutions [1-4]. Electric vehicle vehicles, and 400V to 750V for heavy-duty vehicles. For 3-
(EV) is a kind of green transportation with lesser emissions phase AC grid connecting system, the DC bus voltage of the
and better fuel economy, and has the potential to replace EV charger is usually as high as 750V.
traditional fuel vehicles in the future [5-7].
In order to popularize EVs, a convenient, high-efficiency
and high-power charging infrastructure is indispensable.
Charger systems are classified into off-board and on-board a
3-Phase Bidirectional
3-Phase b
types with unidirectional or bidirectional power flow. Bidirectional DC-DC
AC Grid c PFC Converter
Bidirectional charging enables the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) DC Bus
Electric Vehicle
capability, allowing EVs to inject energy into the grid. With
the bidirectional charging system, EV can play a role of peak Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charger

shaving and valley filling for a power grid and even provide FIGURE 1. A diagram of a general bidirectional EV charger
electric energy for emergency backup during a power outage
[8-12]. Fig.1 shows a general bidirectional EV charger,

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access

Si-based MOSFETs in this voltage level have large on- windings of isolation transformer, respectively. By
resistance and output capacitance, which leads to large combining the working modes of the two three-level bridges,
conduction loss and switching loss. IGBT can meet this the “voltage-match” can be achieved in many cases.
voltage level, but it reduces the switching frequency and the Therefore, the conversion efficiency of the proposed three-
power density due to the trailing current effect. Therefore, the level DAB converter is improved over a wide output voltage
traditional silicon-based power semiconductors are not range.
suitable for this application. The SiC-based MOSFET is an (2) An optimal mode selection algorithm is proposed
excellent candidate because of lower on-resistance, higher based on the minimum transformer RMS current. With this
withstand voltage, lower switching loss and better thermal algorithm, the optimal working mode can be selected in real
characteristics compared with Si devices. An in-depth and time according to the voltage ratio and the active power.
comprehensive analysis of a SiC devices based bidirectional (3) A prototype was built to verify the feasibility of the
EV charger was reported in [13]. Nevertheless, the cost of three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors. The
SiC MOSFET is very high until now. Therefore, to meet high experimental results proved that the proposed converter can
DC bus voltage with low cost, it is necessary to develop an operate as we expect, and the efficiency of the proposed
improved topology. In [14], a bidirectional input series converter changes little (<5%) over a wide output voltage
output parallel (ISOP) EV charger was presented. However, range.
the EV charger cannot meet the requirement of heavy-duty This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the three-
vehicles because the output voltage is below 500V. An level DAB converter with blocking capacitors is proposed. In
alternative approach to reduce the voltage stress of power Section III, the working mode selection algorithm is
devices is to apply the three-level structure to the introduced in detail. In Section IV, some guidelines about
conventional bidirectional isolated DC-DC topology. Three- selection of the blocking capacitors are presented.
level bidirectional isolated DC-DC converters have been Experimental results obtained from a 3.5kW prototype are
reported by some researchers [15-25]. Literature [15] studied described in Section V. Finally, Section VI provides the
the modulation strategy of the neutral point clamped (NPC) conclusion.
dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter to minimize the loss. In
[16], a control algorithm was developed to ensure that the II. PROPOSED THREE-LEVEL DAB CONVERTER
voltage stress of each switch is half of the port voltage, and A. THREE-LEVEL DAB CONVERTER WITH BLOCKING
the detailed operation principle of the three-level DAB CAPACITORS
converter with DPS control was presented. The soft The proposed three-level DAB converter with blocking
switching range of the three-level DAB converter was capacitors is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of two three-level
analyzed and expanded in [17-19]. Literature [20-21] full bridges, an intermediate frequency transformer, an
investigated the characteristics of the three-level three-phase auxiliary inductor, and two blocking capacitors. L represents
DAB converter. Nevertheless, none of the bidirectional three- the sum of the auxiliary inductance and the transformer
level DC-DC converters mentioned above have an enough leakage inductance. n is the transformer turns ratio. Cb1 and
wide output voltage range for electric vehicles. Cb2 are two blocking capacitors which are used to offset the
Considering the above mentioned problem, this paper DC component produced by the two three-level full bridges.
proposes a three-level DAB converter with blocking In actual use, the V2 DC port is connected to EV, the voltage
capacitors for bidirectional EV charger. The main of which varies over a wide range, such as 200V to 750V.
contribution of the paper lies in 3 points: The V1 DC port is connected to the output port of a PFC
(1) A novel three-level DAB converter is proposed by rectifier, which usually keeps a constant voltage.
placing two blocking capacitors in series with the two

+ S1 S5 Q1 Q5 +
+ +
C1 C3

S2 S6 Q2 Q6
D1 D3 Cb1 C D5 D7
A + -E
L b2
T F - + C C8
+ C5 +
G + C6 C7 + H
V1 B ip is D V2
+ D2 S3 D4 S7
n:1 Q3 D6 Q7 D8 C4 +

S4 S8 Q4 Q8
- N
FIGURE 2. The three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

Compared with the SiC-based two-level DAB converter, states, as shown in TABLE I and Fig.3. For instance, the
the three-level structure of the proposed converter increases positive voltage level could be achieved by turning on S1
hardware complexity and reduces reliability. Nevertheless, and S2 and turning off S3 and S4. If the voltage of the flying
this disadvantage can be overcome by optimizing capacitor C5 is lower than that of the DC-link capacitor C1,
component selection and PCB design. In terms of cost, the the capacitor C1 will charge the capacitor C5 via the switch
proposed converter has a great advantage because the price S1 and the diode D2, as Fig.3 (b) shows. Otherwise, the
of SiC-based MOSFET is very high. diode D1 is off, and the voltage of C5 remain unchanged, as
B. THE WORKING MODES OF THE THREE-LEVEL Fig.3 (a) illustrates. For the other three switching states,
FULL BRIDGES there are also two cases.
Unlike the conventional three-level DAB converter, the two For State P and State N, the output current ip has no effect
three-level full bridges of the proposed converter may on the voltage of the flying capacitor C5. For State O1 and
generate voltage waveforms with nonzero mean value. State O2, ip has different effects on the voltage of the flying
Taking as an example the primary full bridge, the blocking capacitor. For example, if ip is positive, C5 will be charged in
capacitor Cb1 is used to offset the DC component of vAB. State O1 and discharged in State O2. Therefore, the two
Obviously, the average voltage of the capacitor Cb1 is equal zero-level switching states should be selected alternately in
to the mean value of vAB in steady state. In practical use, the order to keep the flying capacitor voltage equal to 0.5V1.
voltage fluctuation of the capacitor is usually negligible TABLE I
because the capacitance is large enough. Therefore, we SWITCHING STATES OF A THREE-LEVEL LEG
assume that the capacitor voltage is constant in the steady State S1 S2 S3 S4 vAG
state. P On On Off Off 0.5V1
For convenience of discussion, all diodes and switches O1 On Off On Off 0
are considered ideal devices. In steady state, the DC-link O2 Off On Off On 0
capacitors, and the flying capacitors, have the same voltage, N Off Off On On -0.5V1
0.5V1. The three-level leg can operate in four switching

+ S1 + S1 + S1 + S1
+ + + +
C1 C1 C1 C1

D1 S2 D1 S2 D1 S2 D1 S2
+ + + +
G C5 A ip G C5 A ip G C5 A ip G C5 A ip
V1 V1 V1 V1
D2 S3 +
D2 S3 +
D2 S3 +
D2 S3

S4 S4 S4 S4
- N - N - N - N

(a) State P,vC5 vC1 (b) State P ,vC5<vC1 (c) State O1,vC5 vC1 (d) State O1,vC5<vC1


+ S1 + S1 + S1 + S1
+ + + +
C1 C1 C1 C1

D1 S2 D1 S2 D1 S2 D1 S2
+ + + +
G C5 A ip G C5 A ip G C5 A ip G C5 A ip
V1 V1 V1 V1
D2 S3 +
D2 S3 +
D2 S3 +
D2 S3

S4 S4 S4 S4
- N - N - N - N

(e) State O2,vC5 vC2 (f) State O2,vC5<vC2 (g) State N,vC5 vC2 (h) State N,vC5<vC2

FIGURE 3. Four switching states of a three-level leg

2 VOLUME XX, 2017

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

Through freedom combinations of the two three-level legs, the proposed three-level DAB converter. To facilitate the
there are 16 possible switching states for the three-level full discussion below, we define the working mode of the three-
bridge. As Fig.4 presents, by selecting appropriate switching level DAB converter is Mode x-y, where x is the working
states, the three-level full bridge can operate in four working mode of the primary full bridge and y is that of the secondary
modes. The blocking capacitor voltage vCb1 is equal to 0 in full bridge.
Mode A and Mode C, and equal to 0.25V1 in Mode B and
Mode D. vEB is the difference between vAB and vCb1. As a vEB
consequence, vEB is a symmetric square wave with the 0.75V1
amplitude equal to V1, 0.75V1, 0.5V1 and 0.25V1. Fig.4 shows
the details clearly. 0 t
Just like other three-level flying-capacitor converters, it is -0.75V1
necessary to control the flying capacitor voltage. The
deviation of the flying capacitor is harm to the converter nV2
performance in some aspects. It increases the voltage stress
of the switches, which may cause permanent damage. 0
Furthermore, the deviation will disturb the transformer t
current and lead to significant increase of circulating power. -nV2
Therefore, the two zero-level switching states, O1 and O2, are ip
used in turn in order to keep the flying capacitor voltage
equal to 0.5V1, as shown in Fig.4. 0 t

t t
vAB vAB 2
vCb1 0.25V1
0 t 0 t T T
-V1 2 2

vEB vEB t0 t1 t2 t3 t4

0 t 0 t FIGURE 5. The main waveforms of the proposed three-level DAB

-0.75V1 converter in Mode B-A. The phase-shift angle between the two bridges
is used to control the power flow of the converter.
(a) Mode A (b) Mode B Obviously, the optimal operating point occurs when the
amplitude of vEB is equal to that of v'FD,, which is usually
PO1 O1P PO2 O2P PO1 O1O1 PO2 O2O2 called “voltage-match”. Low circulating power and
t t theoretical full load ZVS for all the power switches can be
achieved under the optimal operating point condition. For the
vAB 0.5V1
vAB vCb1
vCb1 0.25V1 sake of discussion, the voltage ratio, K, is defined as the
0 t 0 t
-0.5V1 follow equation.
K (1)
vEB vEB V1
0 t -0.25V1 t
-0.5V1 Because the amplitudes of vEB and v'FD both have four
possible values, the “voltage-match” can be achieved in
(c) Mode C (d) Mode D
many cases. Fig.6 shows all “voltage-match” points and
FIGURE 4. Four working modes of each three-level full bridge. vEB is a corresponding working modes. It can be observed that the
symmetric square wave with the amplitude equal to V1, 0.75V1, 0.5V1 and
0.25V1. “voltage-match” points range from 0.25 to 4. This means that
the three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors is
C. PHASE SHIFT MODULATION suitable for wide output voltage range applications.
With the method described in Part B, two symmetric square D-D
waves, vEB and vFD can be generated by the two three-level D-C B-B C-D
full bridges. Similar to the conventional DAB converter,
1 1 1 2 3 4 3 K
phase shift modulation (PSM) is applied to the three-level 4 3 2 3 4
3 2
2 3 4

DAB converter with blocking capacitors, as Fig.5 shows. v'FD FIGURE 6. “Voltage-match” points and corresponding working modes
is the primary-referred voltage of vFD. The phase-shift angle for the three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors

between the two bridges is used to control the power flow of

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

D. VOLTAGE CONTROL OF THE FLYING CAPACITORS discharges) C5 through S1 and S3. Since the voltage of C5 is
AND THE DC-LINK CAPACITORS still higher than that of C11, C11 will not charge C5.
When the converter operates, it is necessary to keep the Therefore, voltages of the two DC-link capacitors remain
voltages of flying capacitors (C5 C6 C7 and C8) and DC-link unchanged in this time interval. Beginning at tα, the voltage
capacitors (C1 C2 C3 and C4) equal to half of the DC-link of C5 is lower than that of C11, and C11 charges C5 through
voltage. To achieve that, two zero-level switching states, O1 diode D2. Therefore, vC11 decreases and vC21 increases.
and O2, are used in turn. Since the operation principles of During the time interval [t4, t6], the switching state is P, ip
the two full bridges are identical, the balance principle of has no effect on the flying capacitor voltage. C11 continues
the capacitance voltage will be discussed with the primary charging C5 until vC11 equals to vC5. Then, the three
full bridge as an example. To facilitate the analysis of capacitor voltages all remain unchanged. During the time
voltage balance principle, the two DC-link capacitors C1 interval [t6, t8], the switching state is O2, ip charges (or
and C2 are split into two three-level legs. As Fig. 7 shows, discharges) C5 through S2 and S4. Meanwhile, because the
C1 is split into C11 and C12, and C2 is split into C21 and C22. voltage of C5 is lower than that of C21, C21 charges C5
Then, there are two DC-link capacitors and a flying through diode D1. Therefore, vC12 decreases and vC11
capacitor in each three-level leg. According to the four increases. After the voltage of C5 is higher than that of C21,
working modes of the primary bridge described in Section the two DC-link capacitors remain unchanged.
II B, there are three kinds of switching sequence for each
three-level leg.(a) Only positive-level and negative-level
switching states, no zero-level switching state, such as P-N- P N P N
P-N. (b) Combine positive-level switching state (or
negative-level switching state) with zero-level switching ip i2
states, such as P-O1-P-O2. (c) Only zero-level switching i1
states, such as O1-O1-O2-O2. For these three cases, the 0
i0 i3 t
principle of voltage balance will be analyzed in detail in the i4
following paragraphs. To facilitate discussion and analysis, vC4
it is assumed that in two consecutive switching cycles, the
waveforms of the primary transformer current ip are 0
P 0.5V1

+ S1 S5 t
+ +
C11 C12 vC21
D1 S2 D3 S6 0.5V1
A ip 0
io1 io2 C6 t0t1 t2 t3 t 4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t
V1 O2
B ip
FIGURE 8. The voltage waveforms of the DC-link capacitors and the
+ D2 S3 + D4 S7 flying capacitor when the switching sequence is P-N-P-N.
C21 C22

S4 S8 vEB
- N P O1 P O2

FIGURE 7. Two DC-link capacitors C1 and C2 are split into two three- t
level legs. ip i2
When the switching sequence is P-N-P-N, the voltage
waveforms of DC-link capacitors and flying capacitor are i0 i3 t
shown in Fig. 8. Since zero-level switching state is not vC4
included in the switching sequence, the output current of 0.5V1
bridge ip has no effect on the voltages of flying capacitor
and DC-link capacitors. The voltages of the three capacitors t
are all equal to 0.5V1. vC11
When the switching sequence is P-O1-P-O2, the voltage
waveforms are shown in Fig. 9. During the time interval [t0, 0
t2], the switching state is P, ip has no effect on flying
capacitor voltage. Since the voltage of flying capacitor C5 is vC21
higher than that of the DC-link capacitor C11, C11 will not 0.5V1
charge C5. Therefore, the voltages of the three capacitors 0
t0 t1 t2 t3 tα t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t
remain unchanged in this time interval. During the time
interval [t2, tα], the switching state is O1, ip charges (or FIGURE 9. The voltage waveforms of the DC-link capacitors and the
flying capacitor when the switching sequence is P-O1-P-O2.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

When the switching sequence is O1-O1-O2-O2, the Fig.5. shows the detailed current and voltage waveforms
voltage waveforms are shown in Fig. 10. During the time of Mode B-A, where T is the switching period and φ is the
interval [t0, t4], the switching state is O1, ip charges (or phase shift ratio. The differential equation to illustrate the
discharges) C5 through S1 and S3. At the beginning and dynamics of ip(t) is
ending of this time interval, the voltage of C5 is lower than
 di p (t )
that of C11, and C11 charges C5 through diode D2. Therefore,
 L  0.75V1  nV2 (t0  t  t1 )
vC11 decreases and vC21 increases. In the middle of the time dt
interval, voltage of C5 is higher than that of C11, and the two  (2)
DC-link capacitor voltages remain unchanged. During the  L di p (t )  0.75V  nV (t1  t  t2 ).
time interval [t4, t8], the switching state is O2, ip charges (or
 dt
1 2

discharges) C5 through S2 and S4. In the middle of the time Due to the symmetry of the switch sequence, the inductor
interval, the voltage of C5 is lower than that of C21, and C21 current is also symmetrical.
charges C5 through diode D1. Therefore, vC21 decreases and i p (t0 )  i p (t2 ) (3)
vC11 increases. At the beginning and ending of this time
From (2) and (3), the inductor current can be represented as
interval, the two DC-link capacitor voltages remain
 0.75V1  nV2 (2nV2  nV2  0.75V1 )T
unchanged.  (t  t0 )  (t0  t  t1 )
 L 4L
To sum up, for these three switching sequences, the i p (t )   (4)
voltages of flying capacitor and two DC-link capacitors can  0.75V1  nV2 (t  t )  (2nV2  nV2  0.75V1 )T (t  t  t ).

 L
1 2

be restored to the initial value after two switching cycles.

Then the transmission power is calculated by averaging in
Therefore, the voltages of two DC-link capacitors and two
half switching cycle.
flying capacitors in the primary three-level bridge are
1 t2 1.5V1 t2
balanced. For the same reason, the voltages of two DC-link
capacitors and two flying capacitors in the secondary three-
PB  A  
T / 2 t0
vEB (t )i p (t )dt 
T t0
i p (t )dt (5)
level bridge can also be controlled as 0.5V2. Substituting (1), (4) into (5), we have
1 2T
vEB PB  A   (1   ). (6)
O1 O1 O2 O2 8L
For the sake of discussion, the normalized power is defined
ip as the following equation
i1 PB  A
0 PB* A   3 (1   ), (7)
i0 i3 i4
t Pbase
vC4 where
1 2T
0 Pbase  . (8)
vC11 t 8L
Obviously, P*B-A is a quadratic function of φ. P*B-A reaches the
0.5V1 maximum value when φ is 0.5. We have
P*B  A,max  (9)
vC21 4
With the same method, we obtain the P* and P*max for the
0 other modes, as the following equations
t0t1 t2 t3 tα t4 t5 tβ t6 t7 t8 t
Px* y  4k x k y (1   ), (10)
FIGURE 10. The voltage waveforms of the DC-link capacitors and the
flying capacitor when the switching sequence is O1-O1-O2-O2. P *
x  y ,max  kxk y , (11)
where kx is the ratio of the amplitude of vEB to V1, and ky is the
There are 16 working modes for the three-level DAB
ratio of the amplitude of vFD to V2. According to Section II B,
converter with blocking capacitors. The conduction and
the values of kx and ky are listed in TABLE II.
copper losses generated in the converters are proportional to TABLE II
the square of the transformer RMS current [26]. Therefore, in THE VALUES OF KX AND KY FOR DIFFERENT WORKING MODES
order to decrease the loss, we choose the working mode Mode kx ky
which possesses the smallest transformer RMS current as the A 1 1
optimal working mode. B 0.75 0.75
In the following paragraphs, we deduce the expressions of C 0.5 0.5
the primary transformer current ip, the active power P and the D 0.25 0.25
RMS value of ip, taking Mode B-A as an example.

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

The RMS value of ip can be calculated by the following Fig.11 illustrates the result of the working mode selection.
equation. For ease of understanding, log coordinate is used for K axis.
1 t2 2 A total of 11 working modes appear in the result. The other
T / 2 t0
I p2  i p (t )dt (12) five working modes are B-B, C-C, D-D, C-D and D-C. They
are eliminated because of higher transformer RMS current.
Substituting (4) into (12), we have For example, the transformer RMS current of Mode B-B is
T2 always higher than that of Mode A-A. In practical
I p2  [6nVV1 2  9nVV 1 2  (0.75V1  nV2 ) ]. (13)
3 2 2
2 application, a look-up table method can be used to reduce the
For the sake of discussion, the normalized square of IP is computational load of the controller.
defined as the following equation,
I p 2*   [6 3  9 2  ], (14) The blocking capacitors are important components of the
I base 2 3 K proposed three-level DAB topology. To select appropriate
where blocking capacitors, the following three points should be
considered. Since the operation principles of the two full
1 2T
I base  . (15) bridges are identical, the selection of the blocking capacitors
4L will be discussed with the primary full bridge as an example.
With the same method, we obtain the Ip* for the other A) The rated voltage of the capacitor should be higher than
working modes, as the following equation. 0.25V1, because the maximum of the capacitor voltage is
0.25V1. However, the capacitor voltage may be as high as V1
1 (k x  k y K ) 2
if the drive signals of power devices are incorrect. Therefore,
I *p ,x y  [8k x k y 3  12k x k y 2  ] (16)
3 K a capacitor with rated voltage higher than V1 is suggested in
Using equation (10), (11) and (16), the working mode which the early stage of prototype development. After the
possesses the smallest transformer RMS current can be found correctness of the drive signals is validated, a capacitor with
out easily. The detailed algorithm is as follows. rated voltage higher than 0.25V1 can be used.
Step 1. According to the actual working condition, figure B) The capacitor is charged when iP is positive and
out the normalized active power P* and the voltage ratio, K. discharged when iP is negative. The capacitance should be
Step 2. Comparing P* with the max active power of each large enough to keep the capacitor voltage in a certain range,
working mode (according to (11)), determine the set of such as 0.05V1. Otherwise, the primary current waveform
feasible working modes, S. will no longer be piecewise linear, and the converter will not
operate as we expect.
S  {( x, y ) | P*  Px* y ,max } (17) C) Electrolytic capacitor is not recommended. The
Step 3. For each working mode in S, calculate the phase equivalent series resistance will lead to a significant loss.
shift ratio φ, using (10) What’s more, negative voltage may destroy the electrolytic
Step 4. For each working mode in S, figure out the capacitor. Film capacitance and multilayer ceramic capacitor
normalized transformer current Ip*, using (16) and φ obtained are recommended.
in Step 3. Obviously, the blocking capacitors lead to an increase in
Step 5. Find out the minimum of Ip*, and determine the the volume of the circuit. However, compared with the power
working mode which possesses the smallest transformer semiconductor devices (16 MOSFETs and 8 diodes), the
RMS current. additional blocking capacitors do not take up a lot of volume.
1 The power density of the proposed converter is close to that
Normalized active power P* (p.u.)

0.9 of the traditional three-level DAB converter.

0.7 A 3.5kW hardware prototype was built to validate the
0.6 proposed converter. The input voltage is 750V DC. Output
B-A A-B DC voltage is from 200V to 700V. The switching frequency
0.5 is 50kHz. The transformer turns ratio is 5:3. The two
0.4 blocking capacitors are 200F. Fig. 12 is a photo of the
0.3 C-A A-C hardware prototype. A DC power supply is connected to the
V1 DC port of the converter. A DC electronic load is
D-A A-D connected to the V2 DC port of the converter. The main
0.1 waveforms were measured by a Tektronix Oscilloscope
0 DPO4034.
0.25 0.5 1 2 4
Voltage ratio K (p.u.)
FIGURE 11. The result of the working mode selection for the proposed
three-level DAB converter

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

When the output voltage V2 varied from 200V to 700V,

Primary bridge
and the output current was set as 5A, the working mode
Secondary bridge
selection results are shown in TABLE III. Fig.15 illustrates
the main waveforms of the three-level DAB converter with
blocking capacitors. It is observed that the two three-level
bridges generated bridge voltages as described in Section II,
Blocking capacitors and the phase-shift modulation was applied to control the
Transformer Blocking capacitors active power. All the waveforms above proved that the
proposed three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors
can work steadily in a wide output voltage range as we
FIGURE 12. A 3.5kW prototype of the proposed three-level DAB
converter with blocking capacitors expect.
CAPACITORS V2 200V 300V 400V 500V 600V 700V
Fig. 13 shows the four working modes of the primary full
Mode C-A B-A A-A A-A A-B A-B
bridge in the three-level DAB converter. It is observed that
Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div
vEB had the same AC component as vAB, and the DC vAB vAB
500V/div 500V/div
component of vEB was zero. This means that the blocking vCD vCD
500V/div 500V/div
capacitor compensated the DC component of vAB as we
ip ip
expect. As a result, vEB was a symmetric square wave with 5A/div 5A/div

V2 V2
the amplitude equal to V1, 0.75V1, 0.5V1 and 0.25V1. The 200V/div 200V/div

voltages of the flying capacitors of the primary three-level (a) V2=200V (b) V2=300V
Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div
bridge are presented in Fig.14. It can be seen that the two vAB vAB
500V/div 500V/div
flying-capacitor voltages were both close to 0.5V1, as we vCD vCD
expected. The waveforms of the secondary bridge are similar 500V/div 500V/div

ip ip
to those of the primary bridge, and are not shown here. 5A/div 5A/div

Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div V2 V2
200V/div 200V/div
100V/div 100V/div (c) V2=400V (d) V2=500V
vEB vEB Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div
100V/div 100V/div vAB vAB
500V/div 500V/div
V1 V1
100V/div 100V/div vCD vCD
500V/div 500V/div
ip ip
5A/div 5A/div ip ip
5A/div 5A/div
(a) Mode A (b) Mode B
V2 V2
200V/div 200V/div
Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div
vAB vAB (e) V2=600V (f) V2=700V
100V/div 100V/div
FIGURE 15. The main waveforms of the three-level DAB converter with
100V/div 100V/div blocking capacitors when the output voltage V2 varied from 200V to
V1 V1 700V and the output current was set as 5A
100V/div 100V/div

(c) Mode C (d) Mode D
FIGURE 13. Four working modes of the primary bridge in the three-level 97
DAB converter with blocking capacitors
Time:10μs/div Time:10μs/div
Efficiency (%)

vC5 vC5
25V/div 25V/div

vC6 vC6 95
25V/div 25V/div

ip ip
5A/div 5A/div
(a) Mode A (b) Mode B

100V/div 100V/div

vC5 vC5
25V/div 25V/div
200 300 400 500 600 700
ip ip V2 (V)
5A/div 5A/div FIGURE 16. Experimental curves of efficiency with respect to V2 for the
(c) Mode C (d) Mode D three-level DAB converter with blocking capacitors when the output
FIGURE 14. The voltage balance of the flying capacitors for the four current was 5A
working modes of the primary full bridge

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

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VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957022, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)

[26] F. Krismer and J. W. Kolar, "Closed Form Solution for Xiang Hao was born in Shaanxi, China, in 1987.
Minimum Conduction Loss Modulation of DAB Converters," IEEE He received B.S. degree in electrical engineering
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 27, no.1, pp. 174-188, January in 2009 from Harbin Institute of Technology,
2012, 10.1109/TPEL.2011.2157976. Harbin, China. He received M.S and Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering in 2011 and 2014
seperatly from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an,
Yang Xuan was born in Liaoning, China, in China.
1990. He received the B.S. degree in electrical From 2014 to 2015, he was with Ohio state
engineering in 2013 from Xi'an Jiaotong university as visiting scholar. He is now with
University, Xi'an, China. He is currently working TBEA Xinjiang Sunoasis CO.,LTD as technical
toward PHD in electrical engineering in Xi'an director. His current research interests include
Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China. His current VSC-HVDC and micro-grid system.
research interests include VSC-HVDC,
bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter.

Xu Yang (M’02) received the B.S. and Ph.D.

degrees in electrical engineering from Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 1994 and
1999, respectively.
Since 1999, he has been a member of the
faculty of School of Electrical Engineering,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, where he is presently
a Professor. From November 2004 to November
2005, he was with the Center of Power
Electronics Systems (CPES), Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA, as a Visiting Scholar. He then came back to Xi’an
Jiaotong University, and engaged in the teaching and researches in power
electronics and industrial automation area. His research interests include
soft switching topologies, PWM control techniques and power electronic
integration, and packaging technologies.

Wenjie Chen (S’06–M’08) received the B.S.,

M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in
1996, 2002 and 2006, respectively.
Since 2002, she has been a member of the
faculty of School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an
Jiaotong University, where she is currently a
Professor. From January 2012 to January 2013,
she was with the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, as a Visiting Scholar.
She then came back to Xi’an Jiaotong University, and engaged in the
teaching and researches in power electronics. Her main research interests
include electromagnetic interference, active filters and power electronic

Tao Liu was born in Chongqing, China, in 1989.

He received the B.S. and M.S. degree in electrical
engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an, China, in 2010 and 2013. He is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University.
From 2013 to 2015, he was with Center of
Power Electronics Systems (CPES), Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA, as research assistant. From 2015
till now, he is working at TBEA Xinjiang
Sunoasis CO.,LTD as project manager. His main research interests include
wide band-gap devices, grid-connected converter and micro-grid.

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

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