Ieee Powereng 2013 Khoucha
Ieee Powereng 2013 Khoucha
Ieee Powereng 2013 Khoucha
Abstract—An interleaved boost dc/dc converter is regulation particularly for a common dc bus. The advantages
developed featuring smaller input/output filters, faster and disadvantages of several topologies of dc/dc converters,
dynamic response and lower device stress than based on their component are presented and compared in [4].
conventional designs, for solar electric vehicle (SEV)
applications. The converter is connected between the PV DC Link
photovoltaic power generation and dc bus in a multisource
energy storage system of a SEV. Typically, interleaved
converters require a current control loop to reduce the IM
input current ripples, the output voltage ripples, and the
size of passive components with high efficiency. A
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller for a
Photovoltaic (PV) solar system associated to backup source
(Battery) guarantees an uninterrupted power supply and DC-AC
assist the propulsion of the vehicle during transients and
recover energy during regenerative braking. The design, Battery
construction, and testing of an experimental hardware DC-DC
prototype is presented, with the test results included.
Figure 1. Block diagram multisource energy storage system of a SEV
Keywords-component: Interleaved dc-dc converter; Solar
electric vehicle; MPPT; Energy storage system. Furthermore, for high-power applications, interleaved
converters have been proposed for use in electric vehicle
I. INTRODUCTION applications [5].
The solar electric vehicle (SEV), as shown in Fig. 1, utilizes
Photovoltaic power generation technologies are expected to
a PV panel as the main power source and the ESS (e.g.,
become an attractive power source for automotive applications
batteries) as the auxiliary power source to assist the propulsion
because of their cleanness, high efficiency, and high
of the vehicle during transients and to recuperate energy
reliability. Although PV systems exhibit good power
during regenerative braking. In this configuration, the PV is
capability during steady-state operation, the dynamic response
connected to the dc bus through an interleaved boost
of PV during transient and instantaneous peak power demands
converter, whereas the ESS is connected to the dc bus via a
is relatively slow. Therefore, the PV system can be hybridized
bidirectional dc/dc converter.
with energy storage systems (ESS) (e.g., batteries and/or
The dc/dc converter is one of the most important
supercapacitors) to improve the performance of the PV system
components in a PV powered system. It allows a desired level
during transient and instantaneous peak power demands of an
of dc voltage to be obtained without having to increase the
electric vehicle (EV) and to recover energy through
primary source size. As a result, this paper will focus on a
regenerative braking [1]–[2].
dc/dc converter that interfaces the PV with the powertrain of
For these applications, a high-power dc/dc converter is a
SEVs. In high-power boost converters, the major design
key element that interfaces the PV or ESS with the dc bus in
aspect is the selection of the boost inductor and the output
the powertrain of the SEV. Therefore, the dc system with
capacitor. The major concern is the size, cost, and weight of
multiple dc/dc converters may play an important role in the
such a high-power inductor that is the single heaviest
future powertrain system. The topology design of dc/dc
component in the entire dc/dc converter. To reduce the
converters has been explained in many pieces of literature [3].
inductor size and weight, a small inductance value is required.
In addition, the design of high-power dc/dc converters and
their controller play an important role to control power
In addition, the dc/dc converter performance directly ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLAR ARRAY BP SOLAR
influences the characteristics of the PV or the ESS. BP SX 50.
Indeed, the ripple and harmonic content of the current is
one of the various phenomena influencing PV efficiency as Maximum power (Pmax) 50W
well as battery lifetime [6]. So the main objective of this Operating Voltage (Vmpp) 16.8 V
Operating Current (Impp) 2.97 A
research is to minimize inductor size, capacitor,
Short-circuit Current (Isc) 3.23 A
current/voltage ripples, and harmonic content. Open circuit voltage (VOC) 21 V
In this paper, a special structure called interleaved boost Temperature coefficient of ISC (0.065±0.015)%/°C
converter has been studied and analyzed to reduce the size and Temperature coefficient of VOC -(80±10) mV/°C
weight of the passive components, such as the inductor, Temperature coefficient of the power -(0.5±0.05)%/°C
capacitor, and input/output electromagnetic interference (EMI)
filter. Dual-loop control strategy based on TMS320F2812
DSP environment has been developed to implement the whole
control strategy multisource energy storage system with
vehicle dynamic. Simulation and experimental results are
A. PV Model
The mathematical model associated with a cell is deduced
from that of a diode PN junction. It consists on the addition the
photovoltaic current Iph (which is proportional to the
illumination), and a term modeling the internal phenomena [7]. Figure 3. I-V family curves with proposed model for different irradiation
The electrical equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.2.The cell
output current I, is then written:
1 25
Illuminationt (W / m )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)
Figure 8. Illumination Profile
Figure 11. Dc bus regulation
P V Po w e r
40 70
B atte ry Po w er
Power (W)
R e q ui r ed Po w er
Power (W)
10 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0
0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3 .5 4 4.5 5
Figure 9. MPPT response on the interval [3, 8] s Time (s)
PV Power
50 Battery Power 35
40 Required Power
Power (W)
20 25
-10 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)
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Figure 21. Variation of the illumination from 500W/m2 to 1000W/m2