Battles of The Ancient World: System Rules

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System Rules
A variant developed from Decision Games’ rules.

2.1 Game Map 11.1 Brush Aside
2.2 Game Charts and Tables 11.2 Disengagement
2.3 Playing Pieces 11.3 Retreat Before Combat MARATHON
2.4 How to Read the Units
2.5 Game Scale
15.1 Demoralization
5.1 Movement Prohibitions METAURUS
15.2 Disintegration
5.2 Effects of Terrain
5.3 Effects of Friendly Units 16.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS CANNAE


7.1 Missile Fire Attacks PHARSALUS
7.2 Line of Sight
7.3 Adjacent Attacks MUNDA
8.1 Which Units Attack
8.2 Multiple Unit and Multi-Hex BOUDICCA
8.3 Combat Strength Unity
8.4 Effects of Terrain
8.5 Diversionary and High Odds
8.6 Explanation of Combat
8.7 Retreating and Advancing
After Combat
8.8 Displacement
9.0 CHARGES VERSION – 34 – 11 Dec 2018
1.0 INTRODUCTION Players may also find it useful to combat unit represents between 100
supply charge and disorder (where and 1,000 men. Each game turn
The Ancient Battles game system is not provided) and stand/leader shift represents 30-90 minutes.
a tactical simulation of battles (numerical) markers.
fought prior to about AD 500. Each
game in the system represents one 2.4 How to Read the Units
Each unit has certain information 3.0 SETTING UP
of the great battles of the ancient
world. The playing pieces represent printed on it. Units are identified by The players decide who will
the actual units that participated in numerals and/or nationality and command each of the opposing
the battles, and the map represents contain information about their forces. They then set up their units
the terrain over which those units combat and movement capabilities. simultaneously (unless indicated
fought. otherwise in the Exclusive Rules) in
their proper positions on the map as
The rules in the series are presented
indicated by the scenario
in two sections: Standard Rules and
Exclusive Rules. The Standard
Rules are common to all the games Once the units are set up, players are
in the series. The Exclusive Rules ready to begin game turn one. Place
are different for each game and give the game turn marker in the first
scenario instructions and rules that position on the Game Turn Track.
apply only to the battle represented. Consult the Exclusive Rules to
determine which side plays first.
Play proceeds according to the
2.0 GAME EQUIPMENT sequence of play (see section 4.0)
through to the final game turn or an
2.1 Game Map automatic victory is achieved.
Each map portrays the area in which Combat strength is the relative
a battle was fought and the strength of a unit when attacking
significant terrain affecting the and defending, expressed in terms
battle. The map also contains a of strength points (SP). If a unit’s
Terrain Key and a Turn Record SP is in parentheses, that unit may The game is played in successive
Track. A hexagonal grid is not charge, is not forced to attack, game turns composed of alternating
superimposed over the terrain and its SP is halved if it does so. player turns. During each player
features printed on the map to turn, the player whose turn is in
LOS – line of sight is an intervening
regulate movement and the progress moves his units and
hex (if any) between a firing unit
positioning of the playing pieces. resolves combat in sequence
and its target.
All numbered hexagons (hexes) are according to the following outline,
playable, although some types of MA - movement allowance is the and within the limits described by
terrain are prohibited to entry. maximum number of clear hexes a the rules that follow. If an
unit may be moved through or into automatic victory has not already
2.2 Game Charts & Tables
in a single movement phase, occurred, at the end of the final
Various visual aids are provided on
expressed as movement points game turn, the players consult the
the Player Aid Card to simplify and
(MP). victory conditions (see section 16.0)
illustrate certain game functions:
and a winner is determined.
the Terrain Effects Chart, the Missile capability is the type of
Combat Results Table, the Missile missile weapon (if any) a unit First Player Turn
Fire Table, and the Rally, possesses.
A. Movement Phase: the first player
Demoralization & Disintegration
Strength additive is the ability of a may move all, some or none of his
leader to add SP to a combat, and to units as he desires within the
2.3 Playing Pieces generate combat odds column limits and restrictions of the rules
The cardboard pieces represent the shifts. of movement, zones of control and
actual military units that took part in the Exclusive Rules of the game.
the original battle. The numbers VP – victory points are awarded for
The first player may bring
and symbols on the pieces represent eliminating enemy units and
reinforcements onto the map as
the combat strength, movement achieving certain objectives.
allowed by the reinforcement
capability and type of unit ZOC - zones of control are exerted rules. The second player’s units
represented by that piece. These by most units; a dot signifies a may not move. See section 5.0,
playing pieces will hereafter be restriction of this capability. movement.
referred to as units. There are
2.5 Game Scale B. Missile Fire Phase: the first
combat units and leader units.
Each hex on the map represents player may now use his units
100-200 metres across. Each with missile capability to fire at
enemy units. See section 7.0, movement phase nor during any 5.23 Units may enter river hexes by
missile combat. player’s combat phase, except when paying three MP. No additional
advancing or retreating because of movement costs are assessed to
C. Combat Phase: the first player
brush aside or combat. leave a river hex.
conducts his melee attacks. See
section 8.0, melee combat. 5.14 A unit may never enter a hex 5.24 Units may cross a stream hex
containing an enemy unit. side by paying one additional MP.
D. Rally Phase: the first player rolls
For example, if a unit moves
a die and consults the Rally 5.15 A unit may not exit a hex in an
through a stream hex side into a
column of the Rally, enemy ZOC (see section 6.0 and
woods hex, the cost is four MP.
Demoralization & Disintegration case 8.7) during a movement
Table to determine if any of his phase. An enemy ZOC hex may be 5.25 A unit may cross a ridge hex
eliminated units are rallied. exited only during a retreat or side by paying two additional MP.
Place those rallied units advance resulting from brush aside
5.26 If a scenario allows units to
according to the rally rules. See or combat. Exception: see section
exit the map, a unit must expend
section 14.0, rally, and the 11.0, skirmishers.
one MP to do so.
scenario Exclusive Rules.
5.16 No combat takes place during
5.3 Effects of Friendly Units
Second Player Turn the movement phase. Once a player
The second player now follows the has begun to resolve combat and has 5.31 A friendly unit may move
sequence of play in the manner rolled the die, he has irreversibly through hexes occupied by other
described above. In each phase, the initiated the missile fire phase or the friendly units. There is no
second player carries out the same combat phase, whichever is relevant additional cost for entering a
actions as the first player. to his current attack. friendly occupied hex.
Game Turn Record Inter-phase 5.17 The number of MP expended 5.32 A friendly unit may not end
The game turn marker should be by a unit during a single movement any phase stacked in the same hex
advanced one space on the Game phase may not exceed that unit’s with another friendly or enemy unit.
Turn Record Track to indicate the MA. A unit may expend any In general, there may never be more
end of one game turn and signal the portion of its MA, but unused MP than a single unit in a hex at the end
start of the next game turn. may not be accumulated from game of any phase. Exceptions: section
turn to game turn or transferred to 13, leaders, and any special
another unit. exemption units listed in the
5.0 MOVEMENT 5.18 Movement from hex to hex
Exclusive Rules.
During the movement phase, the must be consecutive. 5.33 There is no limit to the number
current player may move as many or of friendly units that may pass
5.19 Once a unit has been moved,
as few of his units as he chooses. through a single hex during a
and the player has begun moving
They may be moved in any movement phase.
another piece, the unit may not be
direction or combination of moved any farther that phase, nor 5.34 Friendly ZOC hexes never
directions. Units are moved one at may it change its move without the inhibit the movement of friendly
a time, tracing a path of contiguous consent of the opposing player. units, but units may never move
hexes through the hex grid. As a directly from one enemy ZOC to
unit enters each hex, it must pay one 5.2 Effects of Terrain
another enemy ZOC, regardless of
or more MP from its MA, The movement cost (indicated as
the presence of friendly units (see
depending on the type of terrain in an MP number) of each hex or hex
case 6.1).
each hex entered. side is indicated on the Terrain
Effects Chart (TEC); terrain types
5.1 Movement Prohibitions are printed on the map and/or the
5.11 Movement may never take TEC.
place out of sequence. A player’s
units may voluntarily be moved 5.21 A unit must expend one MP to
only during his own movement enter a clear hex. To enter other
phase. Exception: see case 11.1, types of terrain, a unit must often
brush aside. expend more than one MP. Some
hexes are entirely prohibited to
5.12 During the combat phase, a 6.0 ZONES OF CONTROL
unit that is attacking or defending
may be called upon to advance or 5.22 A unit that moves from one The six hexes immediately
retreat before or after its combat is trail hex directly into an adjacent surrounding a hex constitute the
resolved. trail hex through a trail hex side ZOC of a unit in that hex. Hexes
5.13 Friendly units may not move expends only one MP regardless of into which a unit exerts a ZOC
during the enemy player’s other terrain in the hex. inhibit the movement of enemy
units. All units must cease
movement when they enter any Missile units have a symbol printed 7.12 Missile units are never forced
enemy ZOC hex. in the upper right of their counter to to make a missile attack.
indicate their exact capability: bow,
6.1 All units except those printed 7.13 Missile units may both missile
javelin, sling and pila.
with a black dot exert a ZOC fire and engage in melee combat
throughout the game turn, Missile units may attack a unit from during a player turn. If they do so,
regardless of the phase or player one or two hexes distance, as set out they need not missile attack and
turn (exceptions: see cases 6.2 and on the Missile Fire Table. melee attack the same unit.
6.3). The presence of ZOC is never Typically, bows and slings have a
7.14 Range from the firing missile
negated by enemy or friendly units range of up to two hexes, whereas
unit to the target hex is determined
or by other ZOC. javelins and pila have a range of
by including in the count the target
only one hex. Missile attacks affect
6.2 Units printed with a black dot do hex but not the firing unit’s hex.
the defender only, never the
not exert a ZOC during a combat
attacker. 7.15 When attacking in the missile
fire phase, missile units suffer no
Missile units are permitted an
6.3 Leader units never exert a ZOC. combat results; they are never
unlimited number of missile fire
affected by their own attacks.
6.4 Units do not pay additional MP attacks throughout the game.
to enter an enemy ZOC. Exception: Roman legionary units 7.16 The Missile Fire Table is
have a one-time capability; once printed on the game map or Player
6.5 There are generally only two
used, legionary units are flipped to Aid Card.
ways for a unit to exit a hex in an
their reverse sides to indicate their
enemy ZOC: either by the unit 7.17 A lone leader may never be
missiles have been used.
itself retreating or advancing after targeted for a missile attack.
combat, or by either eliminating or 7.1 Missile Attacks
7.18 A chariot unit may also be
retreating the enemy unit projecting Units with missile fire capability
disrupted by terrain (see Megiddo)
the ZOC. Exceptions: see sections may launch one missile attack per
or by charging (see Arbela); in both
11.0, skirmishers, 12.0, elephants, game turn during their side’s missile
cases the unit’s SP is halved for
and 13.0, leaders. fire phase. Firing missile units must
attack. The disruption marker is
be designated one at a time to fire at
6.5 If a ZOC-exerting unit is in an removed at the end of the ensuing
any one enemy unit within range; it
enemy ZOC, the enemy unit is also combat phase.
must be the closest enemy unit, at
within that unit’s ZOC. The two
the firing player’s choice. The 7.19 Elephant units are never
units are equally and mutually
missile unit must have a clear LOS disrupted; instead they are made
affected. to the enemy unit, see case 7.2. The berserk by disruption results (see
6.6 If enemy and friendly ZOC are firing player then rolls a die and case 12.6).
exerted into the same hex at the finds the corresponding result on the
Missile Fire Table. The result, if 7.2 Line of Sight (LOS)
same time, those ZOC co-exist and
that hex is mutually affected by any, is applied immediately. 7.21 To determine if a missile unit
both ZOC. There is no additional may fire at a two-hex range, the
Place a ‘disrupted’ or ‘D(½)’
effect from having more than one marker on a defending unit that intervening hex between the missile
unit exerting ZOC into a single hex. receives a disrupted result. That unit and its target hex must be clear.
unit defends at half SP (retain If the intervening hex contains a
6.7 ZOC generally extend into all
fractions) during the immediately blocking terrain feature, the target
hexes adjacent to the projecting
following combat phase (but see hex may not be attacked by that
unit’s hex. Exception: a unit never
also case 7.18). missile unit. Woods and slope
projects a ZOC into any terrain
hexes are blocking terrain features
prohibited to that unit. A disrupted unit projects a ZOC (but see case 7.23); others may be
normally. After the combat phase, defined in the Exclusive Rules.
the disrupted marker is removed,
7.0 MISSILE COMBAT and the unit suffers no other effect; 7.22 If the LOS is congruent to a
it functions normally until disrupted hex side, that is, falls exactly
In addition to melee combat, missile between two connected hexes, it is
type units may also attack by firing again. Additional disrupted results
against a unit that is already blocked only if hexes on both sides
at a defending unit. This occurs in of that hex side include a blocking
the owning player’s missile fire disrupted have no further effect.
terrain feature.
phase, which precedes melee 7.11 Missile attacks are carried out
combat conducted during the one attacking unit at a time; it is not
combat phase. Different missile necessary to pre-designate these
units have different ranges, attacks. A unit may be missile
depending on their weapon type. attacked more than once in a missile
fire phase.
Procedure: The attacker totals the enemy unit in their ZOC
SP of all the units attacking a hex participate in an attack. Exception:
and compares that total to the SP of see case 8.18. A unit may attack
the defending unit in the hex under more than one enemy unit.
attack (the target hex). That
8.14 An enemy occupied hex may
comparison is expressed as an odds
be attacked by as many units as can
ratio of attacking to defending SP
be brought to bear from the six
(that is, attacking SP divided by
adjacent hexes.
defending SP), and it is simplified
by rounding down to one of the 8.15 No unit may attack more than
odds ratios printed on the Combat once per combat phase. The same
Results Table (CRT). For enemy unit may be attacked during
7.23 Slope hexes are considered example, if 13 SP are attacking 4 the missile fire phase and the
clear hexes except when intersected SP, the combat odds ratio is 3.25:1, combat phase of the same player
by a ridge symbol between the rounded off (always in favour of turn.
firing unit and the target. the defender) to 3:1.
8.16 Units may only attack adjacent
7.24 The terrain in the target hex Having determined the combat enemy units during the combat
and the hex of the firing unit does odds, the attacker then rolls a die. phase using melee combat. That is,
not block LOS. The roll indicates a result on the missile attacks are not permitted
7.25 Missile units may fire through CRT that is cross-indexed under during the combat phase. Similarly,
other units, enemy or friendly. the column heading corresponding melee attacks are not permitted
to the calculated combat odds. during the missile fire phase.
7.3 Adjacent Attacks That intersection of line and
column yields a combat result. 8.17 Units not exerting a ZOC
7.31 A missile unit in an enemy adjacent only to enemy units also
ZOC may fire during its side’s Separate melee combats may be not exerting a ZOC are not forced to
missile fire phase but it is limited to resolved in any order the attacker attack, although they may do so
firing at an enemy unit to which it is wishes. All melee combats are voluntarily. They may choose to
adjacent. resolved during the combat phase attack some enemy units, and not
7.32 When in an enemy ZOC during and no new combat is begun until others.
the combat phase, missile units the preceding one has been entirely
resolved. 8.18 Units with parenthesised SP
must participate normally in an are not obliged to attack under any
attack against adjacent enemy 8.1 Which Units Attack circumstances, although they may
unit(s). In such cases, the missile do so at half SP.
unit attacks using its SP on the CRT. 8.11 All friendly units in an enemy
Exception: see case 8.17. ZOC must attack and all enemy 8.2 Multiple Unit and Multi-Hex
units in friendly ZOC must be Combat
7.4 Defence attacked in a friendly combat
phase. Exception: see case 8.18. 8.21 If a player’s unit is in the ZOC
7.41 Missile units may never fire of more than one enemy unit, it must
during the enemy’s missile fire The player may resolve those
attacks in any order desired, attack all those adjacent enemy
phase; they may only fire during the units not engaged by some other
friendly missile fire phase. ensuring all adjacent enemy units
are attacked within the attacking unit (see case 8.23). In
7.42 When missile units are requirements of case 8.2. such cases, the SP of all those
themselves attacked, they suffer defending units are totalled into one
combat results in the same manner 8.12 All units that begin their combined combat strength that is
as any other unit. side’s combat phase in an enemy then compared to the attacking
ZOC must attack at least one units’ total combat strength when
adjacent enemy unit during that determining the combat odds ratio.
phase. All units that begin their
8.0 MELEE COMBAT Note: Lone leaders are never
side’s combat phase with an enemy
Melee combat occurs between unit in their ZOC must attack at required to (and cannot) attack an
adjacent opposing units. It is least one adjacent enemy unit enemy unit.
usually mandatory and takes place during that phase. Exception: see 8.22 Attacking units in two or more
in the combat phase. The player case 8.18. hexes may combine their SP and
whose turn is currently occurring is attack a single enemy occupied hex
8.13 The attacking player may
termed the attacker; the other provided all the attacking units are
choose which of his attacking units
player is the defender, regardless of adjacent to that enemy occupied
will attack each defending unit,
the overall situation. hex. The SP of those attacking
insofar as all adjacent friendly
units are totalled into a combined
units in an enemy ZOC or with an
combat strength, and they are then directions, one across a hex side involved unit of their own
compared to the SP of the terrain feature (such as a ridge) and choice; alternatively, the
defending unit to determine the another not across that feature, attacker may attempt to
combat odds. those units attacking across the substitute an AR result at his
feature are affected, and those that option. A die roll of ‘1-3’ is
8.23 Where possible, multiple
are not attacking in that way are not required; on a die roll of ‘4-
attacking units may only attack one
affected. 6’ the result remains EX;
defending unit; for example, two
attacking units may not voluntarily 8.43 If an attacking unit’s SP is DR - Defender Retreat - all
attack two defending units in one halved by terrain against any involved defending units
combat. defending unit, it is halved against must retreat one hex (see case
all defending units. 8.7);
8.3 Combat Strength Unity
Each unit’s SP is unitary; it may 8.44 Any halving of SP by terrain is DL - Defender Loss - defender
not divide its SP among different not cumulative with any other must eliminate one involved
combats whether attacking or halving effects on SP such as defending unit of his choice;
defending. skirmishers attacking or cavalry
- - No Effect - nothing happens
attacking elephant units.
8.4 Effects of Terrain to any involved unit on either
The effect of terrain on melee 8.45 Units on slopes have their SP side.
combat is indicated on the TEC. doubled on defence only if the
8.7 Retreating and Advancing
Terrain types are printed on the attackers are farther from a ridge
After Combat
game map and/or the TEC. hex side or hill hex than the
defenders. If the attackers include a 8.71 When the combat result
8.41 Units defending in certain
unit that is the same distance or requires a player’s units involved
types of terrain may have their SP
closer to the ridge hex side or hill in that battle to be retreated, the
affected. That effect is expressed
hex, the defender’s SP is not owning player must immediately
as a multiple or division of the
doubled. move those units one hex such that
original SP; that is, it is halved,
they are no longer in an enemy
doubled or tripled. When a unit’s 8.5 Diversionary and High Odds
ZOC. The owning player generally
SP is halved, retain fractions. The Attacks
decides the direction each of his
Terrain Key printed on the game
8.51 A unit may attack at poor odds retreating units moves.
map or the TEC will indicate
in order that other attacks against
either: 8.72 A retreating unit may not
other defending units may be made
retreat into a prohibited hex, cross
NE - No Effect - neither the at higher odds.
a prohibited hex side, retreat off the
attacking nor defending unit’s SP
8.52 Units may never voluntarily map, or enter an enemy ZOC.
is affected);
attack at odds of less than 1:4. If a
8.73 A retreating unit may enter any
AH - Attacker Halved - all attacking unit is forced to attack at odds of
adjacent vacant hex within the
units attacking that hex do so at less than 1:4, it is automatically
restrictions of case 8.72. If there is
half SP; eliminated (AL). A player is not
no such vacant hex, that unit is
required to try to save a unit in such
DD - Defender Doubled - the eliminated unless it can displace
a situation.
defending unit’s SP in that hex is (see case 8.8).
doubled; or 8.53 Ignore the 5:1 odds column on
the CRT. Attacks at odds greater
DT - Defender Tripled - the
than 4:1 attract a ‘-1’ modifier to the
defending unit’s SP in that hex is
die roll for every additional odds
ratio. Example: an attack of 6:1 is
for each type of terrain. resolved on the 4:1 column of the
CRT, but with ‘-2’ to the die roll.
Alternatively, the odds column
used to resolve the combat may be 8.6 Explanation of Combat Results
shifted left, that is, combat is
AR - Attacker Retreat - all attacking
resolved on the odds column to the
units must retreat one hex (see
left of the actual odds. 8.74 More than one unit cannot
case 8.7);
8.42 Units attacking across certain retreat into the same hex.
AL - Attacker Loss - attacker
types of terrain features may have 8.75 Whenever a hex is vacated
must eliminate one involved
their SP reduced. For example, because of melee combat, one
attacking unit of his choice;
units attacking across a stream or a victorious unit that participated in
ridge have their SP halved (AH). EX - Exchange – attacker and that melee combat may advance into
When units are attacking from two defender eliminate one the vacated hex. That advance may
be made regardless of enemy ZOC. eliminated, the original retreating A charging unit may begin its
The option to advance must be unit is eliminated instead. move in any terrain, but may not
exercised immediately, before any move or attack across a river, ford,
8.85 A unit may not displace
other combat resolution. A unit is stream, ridge or obstacle hex side.
adjacent to an enemy unit, even if
never forced to advance
that hex is not in an enemy ZOC, 9.6 Charging and non-charging
(exceptions: see cases 9.7 and 9.8).
and/or occupied by a friendly unit. units may combine their SP in an
An advancing unit may never
advance more than one hex because 8.86 Retreats are considered
of a melee combat, and an simultaneous; therefore, one 9.7 One charging elephant unit
advancing unit may not attack again retreating unit cannot displace must always advance after combat
during that melee combat phase another retreating unit. if an enemy occupied hex is
after advancing. vacated.
8.76 In general, only one victorious 9.8 Charging cavalry units may be
unit may advance into a vacated 9.0 CHARGES forced to advance after combat. If
hex. If two or more hexes are Cavalry and elephants utilize the an enemy hex is vacated because
vacated because of a single melee element of shock during battle; they of combat involving one or more
combat, the victorious player may may charge and thereby double charging cavalry units, a die is
still advance a unit into only one of their SP when attacking. rolled for each charging cavalry
those vacated hexes. unit: on a die roll of ‘1 – 4’ the
Procedure: Cavalry and elephant cavalry unit must advance after
8.77 Leaders may advance after units that do not start their move combat. Exception: If the
combat with the unit with which adjacent to any enemy unit may charging cavalry unit is a
they are stacked. charge. Exceptions: cavalry units skirmisher, on a die roll of ‘1 – 2’
8.8 Displacement with parenthesized SP may not the cavalry unit must advance after
charge, and cavalry units may not combat.
8.81 Displacement is always charge elephant units (see case
available unless denied in the 12.3). Once one charging elephant or
Exclusive Rules of the game. cavalry unit has been forced to
Exception: see case 12.5. 9.1 A charge is a normal move, advance, no more die rolls are
followed by an attack during the required. If no cavalry unit is
8.82 Procedure: if the only hex ensuing combat phase. Exception: forced to advance, the attacking
available to a retreating unit is one elephant units may double their MA player may advance any one
that is not in an enemy ZOC but if charging (see case 12.1). attacking unit, including any
already occupied by another
9.2 The charging unit’s SP is charging cavalry unit.
friendly unit that is not involved in
that same melee combat, that doubled during the attack. 9.9 After a charge is complete, a
uninvolved unit is displaced 9.3 An AR result (including an charging unit’s SP is immediately
(pushed out of its hex) by the optional AR converted from an EX) normal again.
retreating unit. The displaced unit in an attack involving a charge
is moved by the owning player as automatically converts to an AL,
if it were retreating because of with one of the charging units being 10.0 REINFORCEMENTS
melee combat, and its hex is then eliminated. Note that no retreat is
occupied by the original retreating Some scenarios call for
necessary (or allowed).
unit. reinforcements for one or both
9.4 Leaders may add their strength sides to appear after the game has
8.83 Displaced units can additives to a charging unit, but begun. Follow the directions in the
themselves displace other friendly leader strength additives are not Exclusive Rules for their starting
units in a chain reaction of doubled when accompanying locations and game turn(s) of
displacement, if that is the only charging units, arrival. Upon arriving,
path open to them. A unit may be reinforcements are treated like any
displaced more than once per 9.5 To receive the charge SP other unit.
combat phase, if that is the only doubling:
alternative. Units may not displace a) the charging unit must only
other friendly units if they have move through and end its 11.0 SKIRMISHERS
other paths of retreat open to them, movement in a clear or slope
and they must displace the terrain hex; and Skirmishers are identified with a
minimum number of units black dot symbol. They may be
necessary. The owning player may b) the defending target of the brushed aside by non-skirmisher
choose between equal situations. charge must be in an adjacent enemy units. They do not exert a
clear or slope terrain hex. ZOC during combat phases and
8.84 If displacement would cause may be eligible to leave an enemy
any displaced unit(s) to be
ZOC during their side’s movement all adjacent enemy combat (not 11.34 After a retreat before
phase or immediately before a leader) units. combat, the attacking units may not
melee combat. They may thus be attack again in that combat phase.
11.21 The first hex entered may not
able to avoid combat, depending on
contain an enemy ZOC; after the 11.35 If a unit cannot retreat two
the type of adjacent enemy unit(s),
first hex, disengaging units may hexes it may not retreat before
either by disengagement or retreat
potentially enter other enemy ZOC combat. Units retreating before
before combat.
and may engage in combat combat may not displace friendly
11.1 Brush Aside normally. Exception: case 11.22. units.
During its movement phase a non-
11.22 Cavalry units using 11.36 Disrupted units may never
skirmisher unit may ignore a
disengagement may not charge retreat before combat.
skirmisher unit’s ZOC and attempt
during the same movement phase.
to brush it aside.
11.3 Retreat Before Melee Combat
11.11 A non-skirmisher unit 12.0 ELEPHANTS
Skirmishers may retreat before
adjacent to an enemy skirmisher,
melee combat if their MA is equal Elephant units are subject to the
that could otherwise enter the hex
to or greater than that of each of following additional cases.
occupied by the enemy skirmisher,
their attackers. Any unit meeting
may attempt to brush it aside. Note 12.1 Elephant units double their
that criterion may, before its combat
that the ZOCs of other enemy units, MA when charging. This doubling
is resolved, refuse combat and
including enemy skirmishers, may does not count when assessing the
attempt to retreat.
therefore prevent a brush aside. eligibility of enemy units to retreat
11.31 Immediately before the before combat.
11.12 The enemy player determines
combat die roll, after odds
whether his unit will stand, in which 12.2 The SP of cavalry units is
(including leader shifts) have been
case the brush aside has failed, and halved attacking elephant units.
calculated, a unit may attempt to
the friendly unit must cease
retreat. 12.3 Cavalry units may not charge
11.32 If the skirmisher’s MA is elephant units.
11.13 If the enemy skirmisher does
greater than each of its attackers and 12.4 Leader shifts (see case 13.4)
not stand, it is retreated two hexes.
it has not stood in the previous may not be used in any combat
Units unable to retreat two hexes
movement phase (see case 11.17), it including elephant units.
must stand. Units retreating from
retreats two hexes automatically.
brush aside may not displace 12.5 Elephant units may never
Otherwise a die is rolled by the
friendly units. displace or be displaced.
owning player:
11.14 The moving unit enters the 12.6 Under the following
‘1’ - the skirmisher is eliminated;
hex formerly occupied by the conditions, elephant units go
enemy skirmisher and then may ‘2-6’ - the skirmisher retreats two berserk:
continue its movement if it has hexes.
enough movement points to do so. a) If they receive any combat result
11.32 For each time a unit stands in calling for them to retreat; or
11.15 A unit may attempt only one the previous movement phase, one
brush aside during its movement is deducted from the retreat die roll. b) If they receive a disruption result
phase. from enemy missile fire.
11.33 One of the attacking units
11.16 An enemy skirmisher may be may advance into the first hex 12.7 Berserk Elephant Procedure
brushed aside more than once in a vacated by the retreating unit. As soon as an elephant unit goes
movement phase by different berserk, normal play is suspended
enemy units. Example: Cavalry skirmishers with whilst players resolve the following
a 6 MA may retreat before melee procedure:
11.17 Each time a skirmisher stands combat from attacking cavalry
during a movement phase it should with a 5 MA. The defending a) The player controlling the
be marked as doing so; a numerical cavalry would thus retreat two elephant unit rolls the die to
marker is helpful for this purpose. hexes, thereby allowing the determine the direction the
Standing reduces a skirmisher’s attacking cavalry to advance one elephant moves: ‘1’ means a hex
ability to retreat before combat in hex. Had the cavalry skirmishers towards the friendly map edge,
the ensuing combat phase. stood in the previous movement ‘2’ means one hex side
phase, an adjusted die-roll of ‘1-2’ clockwise, and so forth.
11.2 Disengagement
would eliminate the cavalry b) The player then attempts to
Skirmishers may leave an enemy
skirmishers, again allowing the move the elephant unit one hex
ZOC during their side’s movement
attacking cavalry to advance. in that direction. Berserk
phase provided their printed MA is
equal to or greater than the MA of elephant units ignore ZOCs but
may not enter a hex occupied by phase, both players roll a die and combat odds may be used in a game
a combat unit. add to that result the printed MA of equal to his strength additive;
his involved unit. If the leader’s players should indicate usage with a
c) If there is a combat unit in the
result is equal or higher, that leader numerical marker.
hex the elephant unit is about to
must immediately be moved, up to
enter, the elephant unit 13.6 Enemy units may melee attack
the limit of his unmodified MA,
immediately attacks it, whether a lone leader, but that leader then
toward the nearest friendly unit
that unit is enemy or friendly. automatically performs a retreat
with which it can stack using
This is resolved as follows: before combat, permitting the
normal movement rules. If the
attacker to advance into the target
Die roll of ‘1-2’: DL - Defender leader’s result is lower, or if the
hex. A lone leader may never
Loss - defending unit is leader cannot move toward a
attack; if adjacent to any enemy
eliminated; friendly unit by being surrounded
unit, a lone leader is not required to
by enemy units, enemy ZOC or
Die roll of ‘3-4’: EX - Exchange (and may not) attack.
obstructed by prohibited terrain,
- both elephant and defending that leader is eliminated in place 13.7 Leaders are never affected by
units are eliminated; instead. He is not eligible for rally. missile attack, though any unit
Die roll of ‘5-6’: AL - Attacker In either case, the moving enemy stacked with a leader is subject to
Loss - elephant unit is unit that caused the retreat may missile attack normally.
eliminated. continue its movement normally.
13.8 Leaders are marked with a
d) If the elephant unit has not 13.2 Leaders are unique units that black dot and may perform
attacked, after entering the may stack with friendly combat disengagement and retreat before
adjacent hex the owning player units. Leaders may not stack with melee combat (see section 11.0,
again rolls a die and the leaders. If stacked with any friendly skirmishers). They never require a
procedure is repeated. combat unit during the combat die roll to retreat before combat.
phase, a leader may add its strength
e) If the elephant unit completes its 13.9 Leaders can rally units (see
additive to the SP of that unit
berserk move of two hexes section 14.0, rally).
(whether attacking or defending). If
without attacking, the elephant that friendly unit is eliminated, the
unit may return to normal or leader simply remains in the hex,
rampage off the battlefield: although if any enemy unit then 14.0 RALLY
Die roll of ‘1-3’: Elephant unit advances into the hex after that Each scenario indicates a rally
returns to normal; combat, case 13.1 applies. A leader capability for each side.
may not use its strength additive
Die roll of ‘4-6’: Elephant unit more than once in a combat phase. Procedure: During each rally phase
runs amok and is eliminated. a player may designate a leader and
Owning player loses ½ VP 13.3 A leader’s strength additive is attempt to rally one unit. The player
(only) per elephant unit SP. never affected by terrain, disruption simply rolls the die and refers to the
or charging. Rally column on the Rally,
12.8 If a berserk elephant unit
13.4 A leader may be used to shift Demoralization & Disintegration
attacks another elephant unit then
the odds of any attack or defence Table to determine if an eliminated
the second elephant unit may also
involving the unit it is stacked with. unit is returned to play.
go berserk. This is resolved after
the first elephant unit’s berserk Immediately prior to the combat If the rally is successful, a randomly
move is completed. die-roll, the owning player may chosen eliminated unit is returned to
state that he is using his leader shift. play by being placed adjacent to the
12.9 Elephant units may go berserk If a player uses a leader shift in the rallying friendly leader.
in either the friendly or enemy attack, the combat is assessed at one
player turn. odds ratio higher than normal, and if 14.1 One is added to the rally die-
on the defence one odds ratio lower roll if the rallying leader is in an
than normal. A leader shift may be enemy ZOC.
13.0 LEADERS used in reaction to an enemy leader 14.2 One is subtracted from the rally
Leaders are not considered combat shift; leaders can therefore cancel die roll if the rallying leader:
units; they do not exert ZOC, and out one another’s effect. No more
than one leader shift per side may be a) is a primary leader (highest
they may leave enemy ZOC using
applied to any one combat. strength additive) on that side;
the disengagement and retreat
Exception: leader shifts can never and
before combat procedures (see
section 11.0, skirmishers). be applied to a combat involving b) did not move or attack during that
elephant units. player turn.
13.1 If any enemy unit moves into
a hex occupied by a lone leader 13.5 A leader is limited in the There may be more than one
during the movement or combat number of times his ability to shift primary leader per side.
14.3 If there are no friendly leaders phase. A side cannot recover from A ratio of 1.5:1 or greater is a
on the map or placing a rallied unit demoralization. If both sides are substantial victory; and
adjacent to a friendly leader would demoralized, the effect cancels out.
A ratio of 2:1 or greater is a
also place the rallied unit in an
15.2 Disintegration decisive victory.
enemy ZOC, no rally is possible.
When the number of VP lost by a
14.4 If there are no eliminated units side is equal to or greater than the
to rally, the player may not rally. disintegration level, that side 17.0 DEVELOPER’S
Rally ability may not be disintegrates, and the opposing NOTES
accumulated from game turn to side achieves an automatic decisive
game turn. victory; the game is over. If both The changes in these rules are quite
sides disintegrate at the same time extensive; they are enough to
14.5 Roman legionaries lose their change the character of the game
(through an EX combat result), the
missile weapon capability when somewhat. Any increase in
game is a draw.
rallied; they are returned to play on complexity is marginal.
their reverse side even if they had 15.3 Demoralization and
not used their missiles prior to disintegration levels are printed on The scenarios are not particularly
elimination. the map sheet, in the Exclusive balanced in their original form.
Rules or on the Player Aid Card. Many changes have been made to
14.6 Units with a reduced SP are the scenarios in this revision, but
returned to play at their reduced SP. 15.4 End of game VP awards do again, balance has not been the
not affect demoralization or highest priority. Scenarios and
14.7 Once a unit has been rallied, it
disintegration. components have, in principle, not
no longer counts as having been
eliminated for purposes of victory been radically re-designed,
conditions or points accumulated although Megiddo and Qadesh
toward disintegration and 16.0 VICTORY needed additional work due to my
demoralization (see case 15.1). CONDITIONS disagreement on the use of
Exception: units rallied with a chariots, the primary weapons
If neither side disintegrates (see
reduced SP; these SP remain lost. system of the day, and Granicus
case 15.2) by the final game turn,
requires additional counters.
14.8 Leaders and elephant units victory is awarded to the player
may never be rallied. who has amassed the greatest The CRT has been abbreviated,
number of VP. Players receive VP and the attrition rate of desultory
for eliminating enemy units and 1:1 and 2:1 combat has been
15.0 ARMY MORALE leaders. In addition, the Exclusive reduced due to the optional retreat
Rules of each scenario may contain instead of an Exchange.
The demoralization and additional conditions or objectives Skirmishers are now more flexible
disintegration levels for both sides that potentially award victory or but are vulnerable if they try to
in each battle represent the moment VP to one or both sides. hold ground. Players may
when fatigue and attrition affect temporarily lose control of
each army’s overall morale. 16.1 Victory Point Schedule
charging units, and berserk
16.11 Each player receives 1 VP for elephants remain a menace, if not
15.1 Demoralization
each enemy SP removed from play; mainly to themselves.
When the number of VP lost by a
side is equal to or greater than that rallied units do not count.
Note that the first edition facing
side’s demoralization level, that Exception: see case 12.7 (e). Units
rules have not been adopted in this
side becomes demoralized. All the that are reduced count their lost SP
revision in pursuance of a ‘folio
attack odds of a demoralized side for VP.
level’ feel and complexity. The
are shifted one column left on the 16.12 Each player receives 5 VP per rationale, as always, is that the
CRT for the remainder of that leader strength additive for individual unit commanders are
game. For example, a demoralized eliminating an enemy leader. responsible for adopting the most
unit conducting what would appropriate tactical disposition;
otherwise be a 2:1 attack has those 16.13 Each scenario may have
their success or otherwise is
odds shifted left one column on the unique conditions which may affect
subsumed into the generality of the
CRT to become a 1:1 attack VP or otherwise determine or affect
simple combat system.
instead. victory.
For historical and players’ notes,
Demoralization occurs the instant 16.2 Levels of Victory please refer to the original
the demoralization level is reached, Victory is awarded according to the
and the effects of demoralization margin of victory, expressed as a
apply to all melee combats ratio of winner’s VP to loser’s VP: Further development: Tim
occurring thereafter, even if Alanthwaite
A ratio of greater than 1:1 is a
starting in the middle of a combat marginal victory;


Megiddo is a simulation of the 3.1 Chariots 5.1 Map
battle between the Egyptians under Chariot units: North is hex row xx00.
Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, and a
a) are skirmishers; Treat Kina Brook as a river for
coalition of Asiatic armies from
b) have missile capability (arrows chariot units and as a ford for
Qadesh, the Mitanni and the
and spears with one hex range); infantry and leader units.
Hittites, under the command of the
c) when using missile fire a die
King of Qadesh. The battle took The ‘2-5’ notation in hex 4722 is an
roll of ‘1’ eliminates the target
place north of modern Mount error; that hex should be blank.
unit; and
Carmel, within sight of the fortress
d) are disrupted attacking across a 5.2 Counters
of Megiddo.
Kina Hill slope hex side (those Replace the 5 × Egyptian 2-4
hex sides immediately chariots with 5 × Coalition 2-4
surrounding the hill top). chariots.
DEPLOYMENT 3.2 Displacement Replace the 4 × Coalition 1-5
No unit may use displacement in cavalry archers with 4 × Egyptian 3-
2.1 Each player sets up his units in Megiddo. 4 chariots.
the hex designated on the map sheet.
A chariot unit sets up in each hex Replace the 2 × Coalition 3-4
indicating cavalry (see section 5.0). cavalry archers with 2 × Coalition
4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS 3-4 chariots (these are Mitanni).
2.2 The Egyptian player moves first 4.1 If either primary (highest
on each of the ten game turns. Replace 2 × Coalition 3-4 cavalry
strength additive) leader is archers with 2 × Coalition 1-9
2.3 Scale eliminated or forced off the map, the leaders.
Each hex in Megiddo is 100 metres other side wins an automatic
across. decisive victory. Replace all remaining Coalition
cavalry with Coalition 2-4 chariots.
Each game turn represents 4.2 Each enemy camp is worth 25
approximately one-half hour. VP at the end of the game. The Replace all remaining Egyptian
opposing player must simply pass cavalry with Egyptian 3-4 chariots.
The playing pieces represent the through the camp hex at any time to
chariot forces and other military Mark all chariot units with
gain the VP.
formations of the time. Each SP parenthesised SP, a skirmisher dot
represents about 125 men. and an arrow icon.
Mark all leaders with a skirmisher

formations of the time. Each SP

1.0 INTRODUCTION represents about 100-125 men.
4.2 Each Egyptian camp hex is
worth 2 VP to the Hittites at the end
The battle of Qadesh was one of the of the game. A Hittite unit must
most important battles in ancient simply pass through the camp hex at
history. It was the largest clash 3.0 SPECIAL RULES any time to gain the VP.
between the expanding Hittites
3.1 Chariots
under Muwatalli II and the
Chariot units:
Egyptians; the outcome determined
the fate of what is today Syria, a) are skirmishers;
northern Iraq and Turkey. A b) have missile capability (arrows 5.1 Egyptian Awareness
brilliant Hittite ambush handed the and spears with one hex range); Assume the Egyptians discovered
Egyptians under Rameses II one of and the ambush before it was sprung;
their most crushing defeats and c) when using missile fire a die the Egyptian player moves first each
limited the extent of Egypt’s roll of ‘1’ eliminates the target game turn.
northern expansion. unit.
3.2 Rallied Units
Only the Egyptian player may rally 6.0 ERRATA
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT units. Rallied units do not appear 6.1 Map
2.1 Each player sets up his units in next to the leader but anywhere in North is towards the lake.
the hex designated on the map sheet. the Egyptian camp. If they cannot
be placed there, they appear on the Add names to Orontes River and
2.2 The Hittite player moves first on northern edge of the map. Ignore Shabtuna Forest.
each of the ten game turns. cases 14.1 and 14.2. Hittite 4-5 #30 sets up in hex 2020.
The Hittites east of the Orontes 3.3 Displacement 6.2 Counters
River may not move until game turn No unit may use displacement in Mark all chariot units with
four. Qadesh. parenthesised SP, a skirmisher dot
2.3 Scale and an arrow icon.
Each hex in Qadesh is 200 metres
across. 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS Mark all archer units with a
skirmisher dot.
Each game turn represents 4.1 If either leader is eliminated or
Mark all leaders with a skirmisher
approximately one hour. forced off the map, the other side
wins an automatic decisive victory.
The playing pieces represent the
chariot forces and other military

1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.4 Army Morale and Rally 3.4 Displacement

Greek demoralization - 60 No unit may use displacement in
Marathon is a simulation of the Greek disintegration – 75 Marathon.
battle between invading Persian Greek rally die-roll – ‘1’
forces and the Greek forces that
occurred near Athens. Persian demoralization - 60
Persian disintegration – 75 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
Persian rally die roll – ‘1’ 4.1 Each Persian camp hex is worth
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT 1 VP to the Greeks at the end of the
2.1 Each player sets up his units in game. A Greek unit must simply
3.0 SPECIAL RULES pass through the camp hex at any
the hexes designated on the map
sheet. 3.1 Persian Deployment time to gain the VP.
The Persian army was still
2.2 The Persian player moves first
assembling when the Greeks
on each of the ten game turns.
attacked. No Persian unit may 5.0 ERRATA
2.3 Scale move on game turn one.
5.1 Map
Each hex in Marathon is 150 metres Persian cavalry may not move until The watercourse is a stream, not a
across. game turn four. If attacked on river.
Game Turns one to three, they
Each game turn represents Roads have no effect other than
defend at half SP and if forced to
approximately 30 minutes. negating the MP cost of a stream
retreat are eliminated. hex side.
The playing pieces represent the
3.2 Greek Run to Battle Swamp hexes are prohibited.
military formations of the time; the
On game turn one all Greek units
Greek units are not the ‘two-sided’ Camp hexes count as 2MP for
have an MA of nine. Consequently,
phalanxes (represented in later movement; there is no effect on
Persian archers will be unable to
scenarios) as they were assembled combat.
retreat before combat if attacked.
from city militia rather than
3.3 Leading from the Front 5.2 Counters
professional soldiers; the counters
Persian cavalry combat strengths
have only one side. Case 14.1 does not apply to the
should be parenthesised (each unit
Greek leader.
represents only around 80 riders).

the Macedonians the initiative, and

Alexander made full use of it. To
The battle of Granicus was 3.1 Elite Leader simulate Alexander's
Alexander’s first battle in his Alexander may use his ability to aggressiveness, the Macedonians
attempt to conquer Asia. The shift combat odds during the game receive a one odds column shift to
Macedonians encountered a Persian equal to twice his strength additive; the right on the CRT for each of
army drawn up in a defensive players should indicate usage with a their game turn one melee attacks.
position along the Granicus River. numerical marker. In addition,
Alexander may apply up to two 3.4 Displacement
shifts per combat. Case 14.1 does No unit may use displacement in
2.0 INITIAL not apply to Alexander.
3.2 Elite Units
2.1 Each player sets up his units in The Macedonian phalanxes and 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
the hexes designated on the map Companion cavalry have a reduced
side. A full SP unit can satisfy a 4.1 Additional Victory Condition
loss, or a retreat result when it If either leader is killed or forced off
2.2 The Macedonian player moves cannot otherwise retreat due to the map, the other side wins an
first on each of the ten game turns. automatic victory.
enemy ZOC or prohibited terrain,
2.3 Scale by flipping to its reduced side
Each hex in Granicus is 150 metres Whenever a full SP phalanx or
across. 5.0 ERRATA
Companion cavalry unit is subject
Each game turn represents to an AL, EX or DL combat result, 5.1 Map
approximately one-half hour. it is flipped to its reverse side. An Icons in hexes 3707 & 3808 are
already reduced SP phalanx or wrong, but unit values are correct.
Each SP equals 250 men. Companion cavalry unit is Add name to Granicus River.
2.4 Army Morale and Rally eliminated as normal.
Macedonian demoralization - 60 5.2 Counters
An eliminated phalanx or The following additional
Macedonian disintegration – 75 Companion cavalry unit may be
Macedonian rally die roll – ‘1-3’ Macedonian cavalry counters are
rallied and returned to play at required (players may use the
Persian demoralization - 60 reduced SP. appropriate counters from Issus):
Persian disintegration – 75 The SP lost by a reduced unit are
Persian rally die roll – ‘1’ Unit Starting hex
counted for Persian VP and for
Macedonian demoralization and 7-5/3-5 5925
disintegration. 2-6 skirmisher 5204
3.3 Macedonian Initiative 2-5 skirmisher 5205
The Persians placed their army in a
strong defensive position behind the 2-5 skirmisher 5820
Granicus River, but this stance gave 1-6 skirmisher 5922
ISSUS, November 333 BC

including into another river or ford

Issus is a simulation of a battle 3.1 Elite Leader 3.4 Displacement
between the Macedonian forces led Alexander may use his ability to No unit may use displacement in
by Alexander and the Persian shift combat odds during the game Issus.
forces lead by Darius. Alexander equal to twice his strength additive;
had moved down the Eastern players should indicate usage with a
Mediterranean coast to capture the numerical marker. In addition, 4.0 VICTORY
ports which supported the Persian
Alexander may apply up to two CONDITIONS
fleet. Darius then moved to the
shifts per combat. Case 14.1 does
coast behind Alexander's march 4.1 Additional Victory Point
route and cut off the Macedonian’s not apply to Alexander.
lines of communication. The battle 3.2 Elite Units
became decisive because a 4.11 The Macedonian player
The Macedonian phalanxes and
Macedonian defeat would have receives one-half VP for each SP
Companion cavalry have a reduced
ended Alexander's campaign. As it north of the river at the end of the
side. A full SP unit can satisfy a
was, Issus was the closest game.
loss, or a retreat result when it
Alexander came to defeat, even cannot otherwise retreat due to 4.12 The Persian player receives
though he would go on to face a re- enemy ZOC or prohibited terrain, one-half VP for each SP south of the
equipped and larger Persian army by flipping to its reduced side river at the end of the game.
at Arbela.
Whenever a full SP phalanx or
Companion cavalry unit is subject
to an AL, EX or DL combat result, 5.0 ERRATA
it is flipped to its reverse side. An 5.1 Counters
already reduced SP phalanx or Remove all information on the rear
2.1 Each player sets up his units in Companion cavalry unit is side of the Persian units.
the hexes designated on the map eliminated as normal.
sheet. Remove all information on the rear
An eliminated phalanx or side of 7 × Macedonian 3-4 infantry
2.2 The Macedonian player moves Companion cavalry unit may be (units #4 - #10).
first on each of the ten game turns. rallied and returned to play at
reduced SP. Add ‘3-3’ to rear side of 3 ×
2.3 Scale Macedonian 6-3 phalanx (units #4 -
Each hex in Issus is 150 metres The SP lost by a reduced unit are #6).
across. counted for Persian VP and for
Macedonian demoralization and Add ‘2-3’ to rear side of 4 ×
Each SP equals 333 men, with a disintegration. Macedonian 5-3 phalanx (units #7 -
bonus SP added to superior units. #10).
3.3 Rivers and Fords
All units’ SP on attack when
attacking out of a river or ford hex,
ARBELA, 1 October 331 BC

to an AL, EX or DL combat result, relative VPs at the end of the game.

1.0 INTRODUCTION it is flipped to its reverse side. An Players receive VP for destroying
Arbela is a simulation of the already reduced SP phalanx or enemy units and for securing certain
climactic battle between the Companion cavalry unit is territorial objectives during play;
Macedonian army under Alexander eliminated as normal. see the VP Schedule for the specific
and the armies of the Persian VP awards.
An eliminated phalanx or
Empire under their God-King Companion cavalry unit may be Procedure: At the end of the game,
Darius. rallied and returned to play at the number of VP is totalled for
reduced SP. each player; the player with the
higher number of VP totalling 75 or
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT The SP lost by a reduced unit are
more is awarded a victory.
counted for Persian VP and for
2.1 Each player sets up his units Macedonian demoralization and 4.2 Additional Victory Point
according to the hex numbers disintegration. Schedule
printed on the back of each counter.
3.3 Persian Movement Restrictions 4.21 The Macedonian player
2.2 The Macedonian player moves Darius may not move outside a two- receives immediately 10 VP for
first on each game turn. hex range of hex 3112. occupying hex 3112 at any time
2.3 Scale during the game. This hex
On game turn one the Persian player
Each hex in Arbela is 200 metres contained the Persian royal chariot,
may move only twelve of his units.
across. banners, and headquarters.
3.4 Scythed Chariots
The unit scale is 1 SP equals 333 4.22 The Persian player receives
Persian chariot units must charge if
men, with 1 or 2 bonus SP to elite immediately 20 VP for eliminating
they enter an enemy ZOC. Their SP
troops. the Macedonian baggage train. The
is tripled when charging. If they
baggage train has a defence of 1 SP.
survive a charge attack they are
It may never attack or retreat; if
disordered until the end of the next
3.0 SPECIAL RULES forced to retreat it is eliminated.
enemy melee combat phase.
One Macedonian combat unit may
3.1 Elite Leader 3.5 Displacement stack with the Macedonian baggage
Alexander may use his ability to No unit may use displacement in train; if attacked while stacked with
shift combat odds during the game Arbela. a combat unit, the baggage train’s 1
equal to twice his strength additive; SP is added to the combat unit’s
players should indicate usage with a defence strength. If a DL is
numerical marker. In addition, 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS obtained against them, both units
Alexander may apply up to two are eliminated (i.e. this is an
4.1 The game ends immediately exception to the normal DL result).
shifts per combat. Case 14.1 does either:
not apply to Alexander. 4.3 Victory Levels
a) when one or both armies In the battle of Arbela both sides
3.2 Elite Units disintegrate; had the burden of attacking. Either
The Macedonian phalanxes and side must accumulate at least 75 VP
Companion cavalry have reduced b) when a royal leader (Alexander
or Darius) is eliminated or forced to to achieve a victory; any less and the
values as follows: battle is a draw. Exception: if
retreat off the map; or
Initial values Reduced values neither side achieves at least 50 VP,
c) if any complete player turn after it is a Persian marginal victory.
9-3 4-3 game turn ten passes without a
7-3 3-3 melee combat taking place. Brush
9-5 4-5 aside and missile fire do not count. 5.0 ERRATA
A full SP unit can satisfy a loss, or In cases a) and b) the game ends in 5.1 Counters
a retreat result when it cannot an immediate decisive victory for Change Persian leader ‘Bessue’ to
otherwise retreat due to enemy the side not disintegrating nor Bessus; leave his setup in hex 3023
ZOC or prohibited terrain, by being having its royal leader eliminated or (not 2904 per the replacement
identified with a ‘reduced’ marker. retreated off the map. counter).
Whenever a full SP phalanx or Otherwise the game is over, and the
Companion cavalry unit is subject level of victory is determined by the
Change Persian 3-5 Med cavalry Change Macedonian (2)-4 Cretan Change (2)-4 horse archer in hex
setup from hex 2903 to hex 3003 foot archer in hex 2105 to (3)-4. 1617 to a (2)-4 foot archer.
and remove its skirmisher dot.

1.0 INTRODUCTION The playing pieces represent the 5.2 Earthquake

military formations of the time. A huge earthquake occurred during
Lake Trasimene was one of Each infantry SP represents 250 the battle, but the armies were so
Hannibal’s greatest victories. After men. fiercely engaged that no one
defeating the Roman general noticed. Had this been seen as an
Sempronius at Trebbia in 218, omen, morale could have been
Hannibal was caught between two 3.0 SPECIAL RULES affected. Starting with game turn
Roman armies, one commanded by six the Roman player rolls one die at
3.1 Carthaginian Surprise Attack the beginning of his turn:
Flaminius and the other under
Hannibal put his forces in a strong
Servilius. If the Roman armies tactical position on the heights ‘1-3’ - the earthquake occurs;
combined, the Carthaginians could overlooking the lake where they ‘4-6’ - no effect, roll again on the
be doomed. Hannibal decided to could sweep down on the Romans. next game turn.
destroy each enemy army in detail. To simulate that advantage, all
He lured Flaminius and his army to Carthaginian units have their SP and If the earthquake occurs, both
a position near Lake Trasimene by MA doubled during game turn one. players immediately roll two dice to
pillaging the countryside. Once Carthaginian cavalry units do not represent their losses through panic;
receive a charge bonus on game turn each player removes SP equal to or
Flaminius was near, Hannibal
one. greater than their respective dice
positioned his forces on the heights
roll, owning player's choice. These
of a narrow defile which followed 3.2 Displacement losses count for demoralization and
the shore of the lake. Flaminius Carthaginian units may not use disintegration. Note the earthquake
advanced without proper displacement in Lake Trasimene. can happen only once per game.
reconnaissance, trying to catch
Hannibal, but was himself caught in
an ambush in the defile. The Roman 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS 6.0 ERRATA
army was slaughtered. Flaminius' 4.1 Roman Desperation 6.1 Map
defeat caused the Romans to change If either side reaches their Change Hannibal leader in hex 3543
their strategy, placing Quintus disintegration level, they have lost to ‘3-9’. Unit in hex 1442 should be
Fabius in charge, who emphasized a the battle. However, the Romans 6-6 cavalry (not 6-4 infantry).
strategy of delay. have no option but to fight on, with
an adverse two column shift in The road negates the +1 MP cost
combat. The Romans win a moral when crossing streams; cavalry units
(only) victory if any of their units still cannot charge across streams,
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT remain on the map at the end of ten even via the road.
2.1 Each player sets up his units in game turns. 6.2 Counters
the hexes designated on the map Change the colour of 5 × Carthaginian
sheet. cavalry to purple. Errata counters
5.0 OPTIONAL RULES were provided for this, but they make
2.2 The Carthaginian player moves
first on each of the 10 game turns. 5.1 Assume the Romans discovered the unit in hex 1442 an 8-6 cavalry,
the ambush before it was sprung; which is probably an error.
2.3 Scale the Romans move and fight first Mark Roman leaders with a
Each hex in Lake Trasimene is 200 each game turn, and the skirmisher dot.
metres across. Carthaginians do not receive their
Each game turn represents game turn one advantages.
approximately one hour.
METAURUS, 22 June 207 BC

each. Each elephant unit represents They may enter a Carthaginian

1.0 INTRODUCTION two elephants. ZOC.
Metaurus is a simulation of the Each Roman legion and ally velite 3.3 Roman Units
battle between the armies of Rome unit is about 1,000-1,200 men, and
under their consuls and the 3.31 Roman 3-6 cavalry may not
each Roman cavalry unit is about
Carthaginian forces under charge, disengage or retreat before
300-400 mounted men.
Hasdrubal (Hannibal's brother) in combat (they fought dismounted).
207 BC. The Carthaginians were
3.32 Roman velites (4-4s) have
surprised at dawn while
3.0 SPECIAL RULES unlimited javelins.
endeavouring to find a ford in the
Metaurus River. A hastily drawn up 3.1 Gallic Inactivity 3.4 Metaurus River
line of battle, with the Gauls on the Hasdrubal posted the unreliable The Metaurus River may not be
left behind a nearly impassable Gauls (4-4s) on his strongest entered or crossed. Treat all river
ravine set the stage for Nero's wide defensive terrain and ordered them hexes as prohibited except for the ford
flanking manoeuvre. This caught to hold. No Gallic unit may move hex.
the Carthaginians in the rear, until game turn six. If any Gallic
routing them, and giving Rome unit is attacked prior to game turn
ascendancy over Carthage. six, all Gallic units may move and 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
attack normally.
4.1 Additional Victory Point
3.2 Nero’s Flank Attack Schedule
2.0 INITIAL All infantry units of Nero's The Carthaginian player receives
DEPLOYMENT command are eligible to make a one-half VP for each SP of non-
2.1 Each player sets up his units in special flanking manoeuvre; Gallic Carthaginian units north of
the hexes designated on the map Nero's cavalry remained on the the Metaurus River at the end of
sheet. Note that Nero’s forces are right flank to screen that side. To the game.
marked with ‘N’s. simulate this, on game turn one,
the Roman player may declare the
2.2 The Carthaginian player moves flanking move in effect and 5.0 ERRATA
first on each of the ten game turns. remove any or all of Nero's three
8-3 infantry units from the map 5.1 Map
2.3 Scale
(those which start on hexes 3825 - The leader who sets up in hex 3712 is
Each hex is 150 metres across.
3827). Nero may accompany the Livius, and the leader who sets up in
Each Carthaginian (African, move but is not required to do so. hex 3315 is Licinus.
Spanish and Gallic) unit is about On game turn three, these forces 5.2 Counters
1,000 men. Slinger and African may re-enter the map anywhere The ‘Hannibal’ leader should be
cavalry units are about 500 men along the eastern or southern map ‘Hasdrubal’.
edge, paying one MP to enter.
CANNAE, 2 August 216 BC

1.0 INTRODUCTION Procedure: At the beginning of the 4.2 Displacement

Carthaginian player turn two, place Due to the semi-trained state of the
Cannae is simulation of the battle one 4-8 Numidian cavalry on any newly raised legions, and to
which took place between the hex on the 70xx hex row. Varro’s decision to close intervals,
armies of Rome under the Consul there was little available room for
Varro and the Carthaginian army Roman manoeuvre. Roman units
under Hannibal in 216 BC.
4.0 SPECIAL RULES may not use displacement in
4.1 Movement Restrictions
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Due to its unwieldy size and large
number of recruits in his army,
2.1 Each player sets up his units 5.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
Varro was determined to drive
according to the hex numbers straight for the Carthaginian At the end of game turn ten, victory
printed on the back of each counter. centre. The weaker Roman cavalry is awarded to the player who has
2.2 The Roman player moves first was to protect the flanks. amassed the greatest number of VP.
on each of the ten game turns. Players receive VP for eliminating
4.11 To represent this initial Roman
enemy units and for securing certain
2.3 Scale drive, all Roman and Allied infantry
territorial objectives either during
Each hex in Cannae is 150 metres must move north within the shaded
play or at the end of the game.
across. Movement Zone marked on the map
for their full MA unless blocked by Procedure: At the end of the game,
The unit scale is: another unit or stopped by enemy the number of VP is totalled for
UNIT TYPE NO. OF MEN ZOC, on the first four game turns. each player, and the player with the
higher number of VP is awarded a
6-3 Roman Ally 1,400 The northernmost line of Roman units
victory. In the actual battle of
moves first, then the next
8-3 Roman Legion 1,400 Cannae, both sides had the burden
northernmost, etc. Roman units must
of attacking. Either side must
4-6 Roman Ally Cavalry 1,600 move into the shaded area if they are
therefore accumulate at least 100
not already in it by moving laterally
3-6 Roman Cavalry 1,600 VP to achieve a victory; any less
and then northwest or northeast once
and the battle is a draw.
8-3 African 1,000 they are lined up with the shaded area.
Once in the shaded area, they must 5.1 Additional Victory Point
6-4 Spanish 1,000 move either northwest or northeast Schedule
4-4 Gauls 2,000 unless blocked by other Roman or
5.11 The Roman player receives 20
enemy units; if blocked by Roman
2-4 Balearic Slingers 500 VP at the instant a friendly unit
units, they must move laterally toward
enters the northernmost line of river
8-6 African Cavalry 500 the centre of the shaded hex row they
hexes (between hexes 4803 and
are in.
6-6 Spanish Cavalry 500 hexes 4817, inclusive).
Roman and Roman Allied cavalry
6-6 Gallic Cavalry 1,000 5.12 The Carthaginian player
may move freely but are always
receives 20 VP at the instant the
4-8 Numidian Cavalry 500 moved after Roman and Allied
Roman player cannot trace a path of
infantry until after game turn four.
Note: The Roman Allied infantry hexes free of enemy units or ZOC
are not labelled with any legion 4.12 If any Roman or Roman from one of his units to the north,
numbers, and the slingers on the Allied Infantry unit is attacked by south, or east map edge. This path
Carthaginian side are Balearic. any Carthaginian unit during any can enter a river hex but may not
Combat Phase during game turns cross it.
one to four, all Roman and Roman
Allied units are free from the
restrictions of case 4.11. 6.0 OPTIONAL RULES
Before the battle, one unit of 500 Otherwise, the restrictions are
Numidians rode over to the Roman lifted at the start of the Roman 6.1 Roman Free Movement
lines and pretended to desert. Once player turn five. The two Roman consuls alternated
the fighting started, they drew command of the army on alternate
hidden weapons and attacked the days. Paullus was a much more
Roman rear. cautious man than Varro and not
committed to a total attack. For this 6.2 Free Deployment and 7.0 ERRATA
scenario, the armies are deployed as Movement
in the regular game, but no Roman Both armies may deploy and move 7.1 Counters
movement is mandated. Roman freely from game turn one. Deploy Two Carthaginian African infantry
units may move and attack freely on or behind row 66XX for the set up in hexes 5808 and 5809 are
from game turn one. Roman Romans and row 59XX for the incorrectly labelled as 6-4s; they
displacement is not allowed. Use Carthaginians. Roman should be 8-3s.
the Varro leader counter for Paullus; displacement is not allowed. Add one Roman 3-6 cavalry to setup
the leader values are the same for in hex 6603. Change one Roman 6-
both commanders. 3 infantry setup from hex 6803 to
ZAMA, October 202 BC

citizen legionary units are given a

1.0 INTRODUCTION Players desiring to recreate these
bonus SP for superior discipline.
conditions of the battle should use
Zama is a simulation of the
climactic battle of the Second Punic the following:
War; a struggle for control of the 3.0 SPECIAL RULES 4.11 All Carthaginian elephant units
western Mediterranean world must enter a Roman ZOC during the
between the Roman Republic and 3.1 Roman Sub-Commands:
Citizen Legions (no stripe); Carthaginian movement phase of
Carthage. The battle saw the
Italian Allied Legions (white game turn one. Any elephant unit
confrontation of two great military
geniuses: Hannibal of Carthage and stripe); which fails to do so is considered to
Scipio Africanus of Rome. Zama Roman Cavalry (green stripe); have run amok and is eliminated.
was their first and only military Numidians (orange stripe); Elephants move normally after
engagement. The Roman victory at Scipio and Laelius are set up with game turn one.
Zama ensured military and political
the Roman Cavalry; and 4.12 Each group of Carthaginian
supremacy for the Republic and
Masinissa is set up with the infantry may not move until it is
cleared the path to Empire.
Numidians. released. Whenever any of the
3.2 Carthaginian Sub-Commands: listed events for each group occurs,
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Elephants (white stripe); all units of that group arc
Mago’s Troops (orange stripe); immediately released and may
2.1 The Carthaginians set up first.
Carthaginian Levies (red stripe); move freely for the remainder of the
Each side’s initial deployment
Hannibal’s Veterans (no stripe); game. Carthaginian cavalry units
hexes are indicated on the map by
tinted hexes. Each Sub-Command Cavalry (green stripe); and leaders are not restricted.
has its own set-up hexes. Players Hannibal sets up with the Veterans; 4.13 Mago’s Troops are released:
may set up their units from each and both Hanno and Hasdrubal set When any Roman unit enters any
Sub-Command as they wish, but all up with the Cavalry. The hex on or north of hex row 22XX;
units of a Sub-Command must be Carthaginian units may not stack on
placed on the proper set-up hexes. set-up. When any unit of this group is
Sub-Commands are indicated by the attacked; or
coloured stripe on the units (see 3.3 Elephants
The elephants were not fully On game turn three.
trained; their SP are not doubled 4.14 Carthaginian Levies are
2.2 The Carthaginian player moves when charging. Eliminated released:
first on each of the ten game turns.
elephant SP count as one-half VP
The Carthaginian player may only When any Roman unit enters any
only (not cumulative with case 12.7
move his elephant units on game hex on or north of hex row 25XX;
turn one. e).
When any unit of this group is
2.3 Scale 3.4 Displacement
Neither the Numidian Sub- attacked; or
Each hex in Zama is 100 metres
across. Command nor any units on the On game turn five.
Carthaginian side may use
Each Carthaginian and Numidian displacement. 4.15 Hannibal’s Veterans are
cavalry unit is composed of 500- released:
1,000 men and horses. Their
When any Roman unit enters any
infantry units are 1,000 men each. 4.0 OPTIONAL RULES
hex on or north of hex row 26XX;
Elephants are ten elephants per unit.
4.1 Movement Restrictions
When any unit of this group is
Carthaginian javelin units are Hannibal’s plan was to disrupt the
attacked; or
notated with a ‘J’, slinger units with Romans with an elephant charge
an ‘S’ and archer units with an ‘A’. and then commit his three lines of On game turn seven.
troops one at a time, reserving his
Roman and Roman Allied legions
veterans for the final blow. This
and cavalry are 100 men per SP,
plan failed badly.
velites are 300 men per SP. Roman
5.0 ERRATA 5.2 Counters Masinissa should be marked with a
Carthaginian Levies are the 12 × 5- skirmisher dot.
5.1 Map 3 infantry, plus the Sacred Band and
The four legion set-up areas each Greek Phalanx. All other units with
include one of the unlabelled front- a red stripe are Mago’s Troops.
line areas in row 18xx.
CARRHAE, 6 May 53 BC


Carrhae is a simulation of the 3.1 Parthian Mobility 3.2 Parthian Camel Train
battle between the legions of Rome The camel train may ignore slope
3.11 All Parthian cavalry and the hex side movement costs.
under Crassus and the Parthian
leader unit may exit any map edge
forces under Surena in 53 BC. The 3.3 Displacement
by expending one MP to exit from a
Parthians, consisting entirely of Parthian units may not use
map edge hex. On the next game
cavalry, adopted their usual tactics displacement in Carrhae.
turn, any such exited unit may re-
of retiring and drawing their foes
enter any hex on that map edge not
in pursuit. As the heavily armed
in a Roman ZOC. Note that units
legionaries became strung out, the
Parthians turned upon them and
may neither retreat before combat 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
nor displace off the map. ZOC do
cut them down. 4.1 Additional Victory Point
not extend off the map.
3.12 All Parthian cavalry units (not
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT the camel train unit) may disengage 4.11 The Roman player receives 10
and retreat before combat. VP at the end of the game for each
2.1 Each player sets up his units in game turn they occupy hex 2111.
the hexes designated on the map 3.13 Parthian light cavalry (4-8s)
4.12 The Roman player
sheet. may conduct missile fire during
immediately receives 20 VP for
movement. They may move,
2.2 The Parthian player moves first eliminating the Parthian camel train.
interrupt movement to conduct one
on each of the ten game turns.
missile fire, and then continue
2.3 Scale moving up to their MA. They may
Each hex is 150 metres across. still only missile fire once during 5.0 OPTIONAL RULE
their player turn. 5.1 Free Deployment
Each Parthian unit is about 1,000
mounted men. 3.14 Parthians use the following Both armies may deploy freely. The
modified missile table: Romans set up first on or behind hex
Each Roman legion unit is one or row xx17, except for their slingers
two cohorts. Each Gallic and Die roll Result and archers which must be on or
skirmish unit represents about 500 behind hex row xx15. The
1 Defender eliminated
men. Parthians then set-up on or behind
2 Defender disrupted
3 Defender disrupted hex row xx13. The Parthians still
4 No effect move first.
5 No effect
6 No effect
PHARSALUS, 9 August 48 BC

east of hex 7011 (i.e. 7012 - 7015) at

1.0 INTRODUCTION 3.2 Movement Restrictions
the end of the game.
Pompey had ordered his legions to
Pharsalus is a simulation of the stand fast and await Caesar’s attack. 4.13 If either leader is eliminated or
battle for mastery of the Roman To simulate this, Pompeian legions forced off the map, the other side
world between the legions of and missile troops cannot move wins an automatic victory.
Julius Caesar and his rival, until game turn three. If any
Pompey the Great, in Illyria. Pompeian legions or missile troops
are attacked by missile fire or 5.0 OPTIONAL RULES
regular combat sooner, all
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Pompeian forces are immediately 5.1 Pompey may have decided to
released. attack. Ignore case 3.1; Pompey
2.1 Each player sets up his units may move and attack freely from
according to the hex numbers Pompey’s cavalry and all of game turn one.
printed on the back of each Caesar’s troops may move and fight
counter. normally from game turn one. 5.2 Which army would attack first is
open to question. Ignore case 3.1.
2.2 Pompey moves first on each of 3.3 The X Legion Roll a die:
the ten game turns. These were Caesar’s elite troops;
veterans of the Gallic Wars, they ‘1-3’ - Caesar moves first;
2.3 Scale
Each hex in Pharsalus is 200 were the best troops on the field. ‘4-6’ - Pompey moves first.
metres across. The Caesarean player shifts his
combat attacks one odds column to
Each game tum represents the right for each unit from the X 6.0 ERRATA
approximately one hour. Legion that is attacking, whether
alone or with any other units. These 6.1 Counters
The standard legion unit is a
units are signified by an orange The Pompeian (2)-4 archer that sets
double cohort, with some units
stripe. up in hex 6027 should have a
containing three understrength
skirmisher dot.
cohorts. Each legion SP equals
125 men, each auxiliary SP equals The Pompeian ‘2Br’ 6-4 legion unit
250 men, and each cavalry SP 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS that sets up in hex 6008 should be
equals 500 men. 4.1 Additional Victory Point ‘2Gr’.
Schedule The Caesarean (4)-4 archer in hex
4.11 Caesar receives 20 VP if he has 5224 should not have a skirmisher
any units behind the ramparts (hexes
3.1 Elite Leader 6601 - 6603, 6701 - 6703, 6801 - The ‘Caeser’ leader should be Caesar
Caesar may use his ability to shift 6808, 6901 - 6909 & 7001 - 7010) at ‘4-9’.
combat odds during the game equal the end of the game.
to twice his strength additive; The five units of the X Legion (1 ×
players should indicate usage with a 4.12 Caesar receives an additional 10-4 & 4 × 8-4) should have an
numerical marker. 20 VP if he has a unit in Pompey’s orange stripe on their under-side as
camp (the smaller area delineated well as their front.
by ramparts and the map edge and
MUNDA, 17 March, 45 BC

on defending units within ten hexes

1.0 INTRODUCTION 3.2 Caesar’s Initial Attack
of a flanking cavalry unit are shifted
On game tum one, all Pompeian
Munda is a simulation of the last one column to the right. All
units in hex row 20xx must be
battle of the Roman Civil War in Pompeian attacks during that game
attacked by Caesarean units. All
Spain. At Munda, Julius Caesar turn are shifted one column to the
attacks receive a one column shift to
fought and defeated his rivals, left.
the right. This represents Caesar’s
Gnaeus Pompey (son of Pompey the strategy to bring the rebels to battle, 3.5 Pompeian Camp
Great) and Labienus, thereby and the momentum of his attack. Beginning with game turn six, if any
removing the final obstacle to his Caesarean unit occupies any hex of
assumption of total power in Rome. 3.3 The X Legion
2714-2718 or 2814-2818 at the
These were Caesar’s elite troops;
beginning of a Pompeian combat
veterans of the Gallic Wars, they
phase, all Pompeian attacks are
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT were the best troops on the field.
shifted one column to the left. This
The Caesarean player shifts his
2.1 Each player sets up his units in is cumulative with any other
combat attacks one odds column to
the hexes designated on the map applicable shift.
the right for each unit from the X
sheet. Leaders may be placed with Legion that is attacking, whether 3.6 Terrain
any unit. alone or with any other units. These The slope hex sides in Munda
2.2 Caesar moves first on each of units are signified by an orange portray a lesser slope than in other
the ten game turns. stripe. battles. Attacks which are entirely
from one level to the next are shifted
2.3 Scale 3.4 Caesarean Flanking Cavalry
one column to the left; the defenders
Each hex in Munda is 200 metres The Caesarean player may move up
are not doubled.
across. to three cavalry units (3-6) off the
map on game turn one. These units
Each game tum represents remain off the map until they are
approximately one hour. eligible to return. Beginning on 4.0 VICTORY CONDITIONS
The playing pieces represent the game turn four, the Caesarean 4.1 If either leader is eliminated or
legion and other military formations player begins his turn by rolling a forced off the map, the other side
of the time. Each legion SP die; on a ‘1-3’ one cavalry unit is wins an automatic decisive victory.
represents about 150 men, an eligible to re-enter on any map edge
hex that is not occupied by an 4.2 Caesar must win a decisive
auxiliary SP represents about 250 victory, or he is considered to have
men, and a cavalry SP represents enemy unit or an enemy ZOC.
lost the battle (and Spain to the
about 500 men. The Caesarean player may continue rebels).
rolling a die at the beginning of each
game turn until all exited units have
3.0 SPECIAL RULES become eligible to re-enter. 5.0 ERRATA
3.1 Elite Leader He may enter eligible units 5.1 Counters
Caesar may use his ability to shift immediately or may delay one or Replace Caesarean (2)-4 archer #3
combat odds during the game equal more units as desired. with Caesarean 8-4 legion #31.
to twice his strength additive;
The first game turn that a Caesarean Change 8 × Pompeian 6-4 legions
players should indicate usage with a
cavalry unit re-enters the map (#31-38) from an underside strength
numerical marker.
behind Pompeian lines (as sensibly of 5-4 to 6-4.
determined), all Caesarean attacks

XX Legion to assist him, the five

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 x +1-9
units of the XX Legion arrive on
Teutoburger Wald is a simulation of 2 x 3-6 game turn two along the western
the battle which took place between edge of the map in any of hexes
4 x 2-5
the legions of Imperial Rome under 1012 - 1021.
the Roman governor Publius 14 x 4-4.
German units may not move or
Quinticulus Varus, and a advance after combat into any hex
2.22 Chaucii set up within 6 hexes
confederation of the Germanic in the westernmost two hex rows
of 2103, and at least 3 hexes
Cheruscii, Chaucii, and Marsii until game turn three.
(inclusive) from any Roman unit:
tribes under their war leader,
Arminius. Lured into an ambush in 1 x +1-9
the rugged terrain of Germania, the
4 x 3-6 4.0 SPECIAL RULES
Romans fought a desperate battle
for survival in 9 AD. 2 x 2-5 4.1 German First Turn Surprise
(Historical Scenario only)
14 x 4-4.
To reflect the initial surprise of the
2.0 INITIAL The 2-5s and 3-6s may be deployed German ambush, all German
DEPLOYMENT in the forest hexes that run from attacks are resolved with a one
hexes 2901 to 3605 (inclusive). column shift to the right for the
2.1 Roman Set-Up German player turn of game turn
The Roman player sets up first. 2.23 Marsii set up within 2 hexes
one only. German units that
Each legion sets up within two of 1413:
remain stacked with a leader
hexes of its designated hex. Each 1 x +1-9 receive a 2 MP bonus on the first
eagle and baggage unit must set up game turn only.
on the designated hex and the 8 x 4-4.
remaining units must set up within 4.2 Roman Eagles
Marsii warbands must occupy The Roman eagles counters
two hexes. At least three of the five hexes 1511, 1512, 1613 and 1614.
legion units (the 8-4 and 6-4 units) represent both the standard itself
must set up on trail hexes. Varus 2.3 Player Sequence and the leadership of a legion.
and his Guard unit set up together In the Historical scenario, the These units function as leaders for
on any trail hex within two hexes of German player’s turn is first each their own legion only, with a
any eagle. game turn. In the Relief scenario, strength additive of two. If an
the Roman player’s turn is the first eagle is alone in a hex and a
Historical Relief each game turn. German unit moves into the hex, it
Scenario Scenario captures the eagle, and it is
2.4 Scale eliminated.
XVII 1811 2011 Each hex in Teutoburger Wald is
200 metres across. 4.3 Roman Fighting Withdrawal
To reflect the Roman battle stance,
XVIII 2309 2508 Each game turn represents one hour. the Roman player may elect in his
Roman and auxiliary units are two combat phase to convert any
XIX 2807 3007 Roman combat results (other than
cohorts (approximately 200 men per
2.2 German Set-Up SP). AL) to AR by declaring a fighting
In the historical scenario, the withdrawal before a melee combat
Germans warbands are is resolved. This may be declared
German tribes set up according to approximately 200 men per SP.
the following directions. In the prior to some melee combats and
relief scenario, they set up not for others at the discretion of
according to the hexes listed on the Roman player. The melee
3.0 REINFORCEMENTS combat is calculated normally, and
their backs. In both scenarios, each
chief and Arminius must be 3.1 None in the historical scenario. the die is rolled; all results other
deployed on the designated hex with than AL are converted to AR.
3.2 Roman Relief Legion (Relief
one warband. 4.4 Baggage Units
Scenario only)
2.21 Cheruscii set up within 5 To reflect the possibility that Varus Baggage units represent camp
hexes of 2416, and at least 3 hexes realized the seriousness of the followers, servants, etc. with a
(inclusive) from any Roman unit: situation and sent word to bring the limited capacity to defend
themselves. They do not count considered to have successfully following conditions at the end of
against stacking; however, only one escaped while those which receive a the game. The scenario lasts twelve
baggage unit may be in a hex at the normal combat AR will be game turns.
end of each phase. Thus, the considered eliminated for VP
5.21 The German player receives
maximum stack would include one purposes.
the following VP for eliminating
combat unit, Varus, three eagles,
Roman units suffering a DR as the units:
and one baggage unit. A baggage
result of a German attack will be
unit adds its 2SP to both attack and 1 VP for each Roman SP;
considered to have successfully
escaped. Cavalry and leader units 10 VP for each of the eagles;
Baggage units must conduct a will be considered to have
10 VP for Varus; and
fighting withdrawal if adjacent to successfully escaped in any case.
enemy units and not stacked with a 5 VP each for the three baggage
4.6 Displacement
Roman combat unit. If a friendly train units.
German units may not use
combat unit is also present in the
displacement in Teutoburger Wald. 5.22 The Roman player receives the
baggage unit’s hex, the baggage
unit may automatically retreat one following VP for units exited off the
hex without rolling for combat west edge of the map between hexes
while the combat unit attacks 5.0 VICTORY 1014 and 1018:
normally (i.e. covers the baggage CONDITIONS 1 VP for each Roman SP;
unit’s retreat). A baggage unit may 5.1 Historical Scenario
be removed as the result of an AL, 10 VP for each of the eagles;
The Germans win by eliminating
EX or BL melee combat result. every Roman unit before the end of 10 VP for Varus; and
4.5 Retreat off the Map game turn six. 5 VP each for the three baggage
4.51 In the Historical scenario, any The Romans win by having at least train units.
Roman unit which retreats off the one unit left on the map at the end The Roman player also receives 1 VP
west map edge under any of game turn six. In addition, if the for each German unit eliminated.
circumstances will be considered to Romans can exit a unit off the west
have met the condition of case 5.1 edge of the map by game turn six,
and result in a Roman victory. they also win.
4.52 In the Relief scenario, Roman 5.2 Relief Scenario
6.1 Map
legion units retreating off the west The VP awards set out in section
The trail passing through the obstacle
edge of the map between hexes 16.0 are used to determine
hex sides does not negate the
1012 and 1021 as the result of a demoralisation and disintegration
obstacle’s effects on movement.
fighting withdrawal will be but are otherwise ignored. Each
side totals its VP according to the

1.0 INTRODUCTION Each game turn represents one 4.0 VICTORY

Idivisto (Idistaviso) is a simulation
of the battle between the armies of Roman and auxiliary units are two 4.1 Additional Victory Point
Imperial Rome under Germanicus cohorts (about 200 men per SP). Schedule
and the confederation of Germanic German warbands are The German player receives at the
tribes under Arminius. After losing approximately 200 men per SP. end of the game one-half VP for
three legions and their eagles to every SP exited off the east or north
Arminius at Teutoberger Wald, the map edge. Any German unit may
Romans eventually put together a exit by paying the movement cost
force to recover the eagles and
of the map edge hex they occupy to
exact revenge. While the final 3.1 Ferocious German Attack move off the map. The total
battle that recovered the eagles was All German attacks on game turn German VP earned by this rule may
anticlimactic, Idivisto was the one are shifted one column to the not exceed the number of VP
decisive battle of the campaign. right on the CRT. earned for Roman SP eliminated.
The two armies fought over a
mountain and around it for nearly 3.2 Roman Praetorian Guard
the entire day, with the Germans The unit with a gold stripe was
comprised of elite troops. It 5.0 ERRATA
finally retiring after a hard-fought
struggle. receives a one column shift to the 5.1 Map
right when it attacks and a one The slope graphic has been omitted
column shift to the left on the CRT and should be assumed at the level
when it defends. 3/4 hex sides.
DEPLOYMENT 3.3 Death of Arminius The ‘3-4’ unit iconography in hex
If Arminius is eliminated or moved 0215 is in error and should be
2.1 Each player sets up his units on off the map, the Germans are ignored.
the hexes designated on the map automatically demoralized, even if
sheet. they have not reached their 5.2 Counters
demoralization level. Continue to The Praetorian Guard unit should be
2.2 The German player moves first
count VP towards disintegration. back-printed.
on each of the ten game turns.
2.3 Scale 3.4 Displacement
Each hex is 150 metres across. German units may not use
displacement in Idivisto.

time. Each SP represents 100+

Boudicca was queen of the Iceni
tribe in Britain, who led a revolt 4.1 The Romans secure an
against the Romans which 3.0 SPECIAL RULES automatic decisive victory if a
ultimately failed. The battle Roman unit exits off the east edge
3.1 Ferocious Briton Attack
represented here was the climactic of the map or enters a hex in the
All Briton attacks on game turn two
battle during which the Britons unplayable area (see case 3.3).
are shifted one column to the right.
were slaughtered.
3.2 Chariot Units 4.2 Otherwise, there are no VP for
Chariot units: eliminating units, and no
demoralization or disintegration.
2.0 INITIAL DEPLOYMENT a) are skirmishers; and At the end of the game, if the
2.1 Each player sets up his units in b) have missile capability (arrows Romans have units left on the map
the hexes designated on the map and spears with one hex range). they win a marginal victory,
sheet. otherwise the Briton player wins a
3.3 Briton Tribal Followers
decisive victory.
2.2 The Romans move first in each of The Briton tribes were following
the ten game turns. behind their combat forces. To
represent this, the east edge of the
The Britons must form up their host playable area moves westward one 5.0 ERRATA
on game turn one, and their units hex row at the end of each game
may move only to other starting 5.1 Map
turn beginning on game turn three. North is towards hex row XX17/18.
hexes. The Britons are free to move Any Briton unit in a row that is no
normally on game turn two and longer in play is removed from the Most of the map area, including the
thereafter. map. Any Roman unit in such a Briton set-up area, is Level 0. The
2.3 Scale row would secure a Roman hill to the west is Level 1, rising to
Each hex in Boudicca is 200 metres automatic decisive victory. Level 2.
across. 3.4 Displacement 5.2 Counters
Each game turn represents Briton units may not use Mark each Briton chariot with
approximately one-half hour. displacement in Boudicca. parenthesised SP, a skirmisher dot
and a javelin icon (one hex range).
The playing pieces represent the
standard military formations of the
ADRIANOPLE, 9 August 378 AD

1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 x 6-6;

12 x 5-6;
Adrianople is a simulation of the
battle between Romans and Goths 4 x 4-6; and 6.1 Map
in which the Emperor Valens and The leader in hex 7021 is 3-9.
his army were annihilated. The 1 x 3-9
The ‘3-9’ notation in hex 7009
battle was a clash between the
and place each set in one of the two should be under the leader icon in
combined arms Roman field armies
reinforcement boxes. hex 7010.
and the Gothic mass of cavalry and
is frequently cited as one of the The cavalry army of Saphrax
milestones on the road to the fall of begins arriving on game turn two.
Rome. The cavalry army of Alatheus
begins arriving on game turn three.
Procedure: Units enter the map by
2.0 INITIAL placing them in the unnumbered
DEPLOYMENT hexes next to their respective
2.1 Each player sets up his units in boxes. Once all boxes are
the hexes designated on the map occupied, units may then move into
sheet or in the separate boxes (see the adjacent hexes as per the
section 3.0). regular rules, deducting 2 MP from
their MA. Further units arrive
2.2 The Romans move first on each similarly on subsequent game
of the ten game turns. turns. Units may be held back in
2.3 Scale the boxes.
Each hex in Adrianople is 200 Units may not retreat off the map
metres across. into the boxes. Roman units may
Each game turn represents not move, advance or retreat before
approximately one hour. or after combat into the
unnumbered hex row (what would
The playing pieces represent the be hex row 50xx).
mobile field army of the Romans,
and the barbarian war bands of the
time. Each of the two Roman 4.0 SPECIAL RULES
armies represents approximately
17,300 men and is broken down 4.1 Scorched Earth
into individual legions wherein The dried grass of the battlefield
each SP represents about 250 men, was set afire during the battle. All
each auxiliary SP represents about MA are halved during game turns
150 men and each cavalry SP about two and three.
300 men. 4.2 Goth Baggage
The barbarian scale is slightly The Goth baggage starts in hex
different with each cavalry SP 6017. Any Goth unit plus a leader
representing 100 horsemen and may stack with it.
each infantry unit representing
about 500 men.
5.1 Additional Victory Point
The Goths receive reinforcements Schedule
during the game. After setting up If the Romans eliminate the Goth
the initial Goth forces, divide the baggage, they receive 20 VPs at the
remaining forces into two equal end of the game.

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